The mouth of the imperial when it blooms. The division of the bulbs of the Emperorsky Ryabik. Growing on-bugs in the garden

Encyclopedia plants 10.09.2018
Encyclopedia plants

Not the last place in the garden is occupied by the Ryabchik Imperial. Among daffodils and tulips this amazing flower will be spectacular decorative decoration, attracting a lot of attention. The imperial rim, also known as the royal crown, is not capricious plant. And, if the landing of it and care for it will occur during the necessary dates in accordance with the features of the flower, there will be no problems with a ripple.

general description

Ryabik - bulb flowering perennialrelating to the Lily Family. On a row with the other representatives of Ryabchikov, it is this variety (imperial) presents a special value due to large thoughts that resemble bells. Ryabik flowers are located on high, reaching 1.5 meters in height, stems.

Beginner growth with the arrival of spring, blooms a row one of the first. Therefore, it is used, often, landing in stony gardens, rockers and alpine Gorki.

Selecting planting material

To landing gave the desired results, preparation for it should be carried out in advance. In particular, the planting material in the form of bulbs must be prepared since the beginning of summer. It is also worth conducting an inspection of bulbs from which, in principle, the plant care begins.

The bulb of the Ryabik is a slightly shredded ball with a pass-through hole (see the photo below) and can weigh from 500 gr. up to 1 kg. High-quality planting material must be an absolutely healthy bulb. In other words, external signs of diseases (rot, mold, cracks, softness of some sites, etc.) should not be. But the presence of roots is allowed. Founding in the center of escape from last year (as a rule, it is not necessary to delete it.

The variety of the varieties of the Royal Plant and the color of the flowers will allow you to choose exactly what you need. However, when buying bulbs it is worth being attentive, since some grade colored simply does not exist.

Therefore, if in the photo attached to the bulb, depicted blue, black, purple or pink imperial pacchik, most likely, are false pictures. Gamma plants are mainly limited to red-yellow-orange shades.

How and when the flowers should land

The landing of the imperial packer begins with the selection of space for growing it in the future. It should be calculated which method will occur plant landing. This condition will also influence the flower care as it is growth and development. Methods for which landing can be made, only two:

  • Seed, the most optimal for cultivation on the scale of the industry, in which you can get a lot planting material (young bulbs). However, among the gardeners, this method is not relevant, since blooming at such landings occurs after 7 years;
  • Vegetative, providing for disembarking bulbs and children. Adult root once a year can be divided by half to produce reproduction. Babes in bulbs appear much less often - they are small, but quite viable.

Terms of disembodies

If you are already the happy owner of the freethylene (imperial row), then in this case the landing should begin with digging the bulbs of the glazed plants. The period when the flower barrel is gradually dries and begins to slightly tear to the ground, it is usually from the middle to the end of June. The right moment for the extraction of bulbs is coming even after 1-1.5 weeks. It is important to dig up the future planting material on time so that the roots do not begin to refuse. With such a landing, it is not necessary to stratify the bulbs, you can immediately transplanses them into new wells.

When buying a planting material, the bulbs should be purchased by the end of August and immediately plan them into open ground.

Landing of bought bulbs can be carried out in early September, but this is already deadlines when the imperial flower needs to be planted.

How to put on the bulb

So that the planting process is successful, and as a result, a beautiful "palm-shaped" plant has grown with large bells, preparation must be carried out in advance. So, for example, the well itself is prepared for about 2 weeks before the planned landing date. A hole should be a depth of 30 cm. In width optimal size The wells - 40x40 cm. Between the pits (in case the landing is group), it is necessary to leave about 25-30 cm to ensure the full development of the bulbs and comfortable soil care. In this form, the pits remain for another 2 weeks.

After 14 days in the hole, it is necessary to pour a small amount of sand in the form of a hollochka, and in the center of the hole you need to stick the peg so that it remains over 50 minutes over the ground level. How it should look like, can be seen in the photo.

Then, the bulbs of the row should be decomposed on the sand near the tricky knife and you can fall asleep their land. It will be appropriate to note that the land dug out from the wells is desirable to help preliminarily. To do this, you can use a small amount of compost or horny chips.

How to care for planted bulbs

Care behind the onion of the imperial rim can take quite a lot of time, however, it all depends on the correctness of the landing and climatic conditions. So, for example, a plot where the landing of the royal flower is located, it will be necessary to water if the autumn is given to low-grade. Watering is recommended before frosts.

Also, departure for the bulbs should include the preparation of the site for winter. In principle, the emperor's mouthpiece is a frost-resistant plant. However, that the cold does not harm the young roots of plants, it is worth taking care of the shelter for landings. Therefore, in the winter, it is possible to cover the area with a pavement, foliage or other material.

How to care for shoots

From the first spring appearance of young rod shoots should begin care. It should be started with the cleaning of the material, which the plot was hidden in the winter. This should be extremely careful not to damage fragile sprouts. Free segregations need because for active and good growth they need sunlight. The latter frosts (up to -5) young shoots are no longer afraid.

When cleaning the winter layer of shelter, it does not need to touch the soil itself, avoiding damage to the root system, since, despite the deep planting of bulbs, their roots for the winter can significantly climb the surface.

When the threat of frosts and stabilized the spring weather, you can spend the first feeding. For ripples it is a solution:

  • 10 liters humus;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon nitrophosphate;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of complex fertilizer for flowering plants.

The mixture of this solution should be distributed over the entire surface of the land area on which the royal flowers will be grown, a layer not exceeding 3 cm. The following feeding should be carried out at the beginning of the flowering stage. For this procedure, you can use potash fertilizers. In addition, it will not hurt to make a universal fertilizer in the form of wood ash, scattering it with a small layer. The care of the soil, in order to avoid breathing, implies an additional shelter of its peat layer or humus.

Conclusive feeding, which is included in the departure of the plant after completing the stage of its flowering, will ensure the formation of a healthy planting material for the landing next year. For this feeding it is customary to use potassium sulfate and superphosphate.

Carrying out feeding in accordance with the required plants for timing, you can get very beautiful decorative plant. But there are cases when correct conditions And feeding, the row does not bloom. What to do in such cases, you can find out, watching video.

The emperor's mouthcoon, which is an exotic culture (which can be seen by the photo illustrating adult plant), the flower is not very capricious. But still, only when complying with the required rules, which include landing and care, Palmid-shaped Ryabchik will delight lush and healthy color.

Initially, it is worth taking care of the place of "stay" of the flower. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the imperial rim loves light and negatively refers to drafts. Therefore, the place on the plot should be well lit by the sun, but at the same time slightly shaded. There should be no drafts in this place, like the northern winds, so as not to harm the plant.

For soil - it must be loose and fertile soils. With good drainage, in which the plant's care was easier for the natural tap of water and the saturation of the bulbs with oxygen. If the ground on the plot is heavy and with a dense composition, then making large river sand, you can dilute it.

Loose the soil is not recommended, since there is a chance of damage to the flower roots. But on the mulching, the emperor spoke is very good. Such care implies constant soil moisturizing, as well as good aeration.

it royal Plant. Looks very beautiful in group landings. It combines such a flower with tulips, late blooming daffodils, as well as Hayrantus. Interested in the plant, you can find on the Internet video and schemes for using it in landscape design. At the same time, if you provide ductal care, it will become a unique addition of compositions in your garden.

Flowers Ryabchiki are perennial bulbous plants that have gained widespread in the gardens middle strip. Great amount Species and varieties of Ryabchikov makes it possible to choose those flowers that will be perfectly fit into the composition of your flower beds. In addition, there is a fairly frequent transplant of plants to a new place, which means that you can admire these colors in different parts of your garden every year.

Types and varieties of flowers Rowers with photos

Some of the most beloved gardeners of spring primroses - freillyard(FritiLaria), or a ripper, from the Lily family. With a ripple, this flower was nicknamed for a motley color:
Rarely encountered monophonic, "boring" copies. Species of Ryabchikov about 150, cultivated races of the Ryabchik less, but they all are adorable in their own way.

Ryabikov -, separate varieties bloom among the first - in mid-April. The flowering period is usually about 2 weeks.

If you put on a site of a variety with different starts of the period of bootonization, these flowers will delight the eye until June. The sprouts of all types of flowers are sprouts from under the snow long before flowering, and at the end of March the garden decorate green shoots - harbingers of the awakening of nature.

Rye, like most spring-blooming bulbs, die on the summer, the bulb winters in the soil, and then sprouts again appear. Rockies should be replant with a new place quite often - once every 2-4 years.

Look in the photo: All kinds of rows are bells, lowered down, coloring can be different - from snow-white to bright orange and purple.

Stem - high enough, meaty. Leaves are long, narrow, lanceal. Ryabchik respectfully called "Tsarist Crown" For the similarity of his colors with a royal headdress.

The most popular view of Ryabchikov - ryabik Imperial. This amazing flower is also called the "paradise tree". The height of the bush reaches up to 1m.

As can be seen in the photo of the row, the flowers of this variety are similar to a small palm tree.

On the bare stem, the leaves are growing, the leaves are growing, the foliage forms a kind of crown at the top, which "attached" drooping bright flowers. Their painting can be in yellow, red or orange gamma, other shades are not found. Typically, petals are covered with vests more rich color, anthers are white, longer than petals. The bloom in the emperor's ray begins earlier than many primroses.

The emperor's mouthpiece prefers halftime, warm and lack of drafts. These flowers are well tolerated freezing. At the time of decrease in temperature (up to -6 ° C), the stems are frozen, and during thaws again come to life. The emperor's mouthcake requires a transplant once every 2-3 years.

Most often in the gardens you can find a variety SulperinoHe is unpretentious and very decorative.

Low bushes at variety Aurora, tallest varieties of Lutea and Lutea Maxim.

W. Lyutay Maxima The stalks reach 1,2m in height.

Ryabik Sorta "Chess" The height reaches 40 cm, single flowers are located each on a separate dynamic stem. There are less often a varieties that have two flooded flower on one stem. Coloring of petals Interesting - small alternating specks of purple and white shades resemble a chessboard.

Most unpretentious varieties Chess pinking:




Especially pay attention to the photo of the groove of the "Jupiter" variety: these flowers are highlighted by rich-red large colors.

Ryabchik Russian is distinguished by saturated burgundy colors. Flowers on the stem are located in the brush of 2-5 pieces. This flower is often found on city flower beds and parks.

Landing and torn-barker in spring

For successful care And the reproduction of Ryabchikov choose the open solar sections, but it is possible to grow colors and in a half. Therefore, they are suitable for landing under deciduous shrubs and trees, about dacha house, terraces and arbors, as well as on Western and southwestern slopes.

The soil for these plants requires fertile, well-drained. If you are used to drain the humus, then fertilizers can be made in smaller quantities, since the overwhelming mass of itself is an excellent feeding.

Undercalinking in the spring is produced by a mixture of humus with peat in proportion 1: 3, as well as mineral fertilizers, such as superphosphate and urea. When leaving and growing rippers, the first feeding was produced at the end of April, during the formation of buds. The next time the plants fertilize after a solution with a solution of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

Caring for ripples and color reproduction

Spanking spreads most often on the division of bulbs. The bulbs in the children need to dig up at the end of June - early July, until the foliage is completely dried. As a rule, one or two subsidiaries are formed on the maternal luk. Dug-in bulbs are divided into children and disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Keeping bulbs can not be stored for 2-3 weeks in a dry, ventilated room at air temperature not higher than 30 C. During the storage, roots and sprouts begin to grow. With bulbs should be treated extremely careful, since they do not have a protective scales. For the same reason, it is necessary to plant bulbs immediately after buying in the store or on the market. Watch the bulbs not to be risen, such copies are unlikely to power.

In the spring, the rivets do not require abundant irrigation. Watering plants only in case of arid weather. Ryabokchiki may die due to regular overvoltage. Flowers need to be cleaned from weeds and loosen the soil.

When landing and leaving the ripples in open soil Swimming up Caution, because the roots of the plant can be near the surface itself. The cultivation of colors Rybokchiki in the arid summer involves frequent watering even after moving the above-ground part so that the bulbs in the ground do not swam. Watering is enough to produce 1-2 times a month.

Growing and caring for ripples in open ground

Sizza and transplant the bulbs of Ryabchikov in the open ground in late August - September. The depth of planting is from 6 to 20 cm depending on their value. The largest bulbs of Ryabchiki are sometimes plugged at 30 cm, while plants develop better. Between the wells leave a distance of 20-30 cm, since the bushes are rather large. At the bottom of the wells pumped up humus, and if the soil is heavy, the coarse sand or a moist peat is added. Since Ryabchiki prefer neutral soil, it is possible to make lime or add wood ash before planting.

Rockies can not be planted in cool, rainy weather. Soil during the landing should not be cold and humid, otherwise the bulbs and the roots will quickly begin to rot.

Lukovitsa Ryabchikov have unusual feature - They scare the moles and rodents. For this reason, these flowers are often planted in defensive purposes around flower beds and fruit trees. Perfect option - distribute groups of rims throughout the garden.

If you choose for such landings of varieties of different shades and shapes, the garden in the spring will always have an elegant look and at the same time have additional protection against pests.

Garden flower Imperial Ryabechik is charming perennial, so let's get acquainted with its landing, leaving and reproduction.

Drawberry Imperial: Description

The imperial rim is an absolutely not a capricious plant, and if the care for it will be made on time and correctly, there will be no problems with it. The plant belongs to the family of Lily, but it is this variety that has large diluting flowers that are very similar to the bells. Ryabik flowers grow on the stems whose height reaches 1.5 meters. Plant the rod in rockers, on the Alpine slides and in the gardens of stones.

The feature of the stem of the row is that even if the flower itself bends, the stem will retire to the end. The Ryabchik has 6 flowers, their painting brown-orange. Flowers Rybolchik not long, only 20 days.

Did you know? In Europe, Ryabchik is known as "Tears Mary" and "Tsarist Crown".

Reproduction of Ryabik

There are 2 methods of reproduction of a row. Everyone has its own features and disadvantages. Choose the best for yourself and for the vital activity of the plant.

Seed method

The first way is to grow a ripper imperial of seeds. Seeds can be taken from the seed box when it will completely dry. Before planting seeds, you must enrich the soil with nutrients, because the rivets will grow on it for several years. Every year, new shoots need to feed. Seeds are planted at 1 cm. Between the rows and in the furrows should be a width of approximately 10 cm.

After sowing seeds, they should be filled with a peat. Seed shoots will be next spring. For the summer, two-year-old bulbs need to dig and store in a dry place. This is done to protect them from moisture, which accumulates in the soil. The reproduction of a ripper by cultivation of seeds is a long process that will be required from 7 to 10 years. In practice, it is used by professionals on an industrial scale.

Important! This process is complex in performance, and part of the bulb may not survive.

Vegetative ways

The second way is vegetative reproduction Ryabikov. The main bulb, or as it is also called - the maternal, grows and can be divided into bulbs-kids. It is them then you need to fight for several years until they bloom. For the lung branch of children from mom, you can dig bulbs once every 2 years.

For artificial separation of the bulbs, it is necessary to break it out and dry the divided parts. Divine onbolk bulbs require landing in open ground before than the whole.

Landing on the autumn

Immediately after shopping seed material The emperor's mouth should go to the landing, it is better to do this in the fall. This plant is convenient because it does not need to transplant it every year, it is multiplied by underground bulbs.

When planting rams

Most better time For landing of Ryabchikov - this is September-October. If you decide to put them in November, then mulch the soil and after landing, close the leaves. Later on November it is impossible to plant, because then the flowers will not grow and do not bloom. Before planting the bulbs, disinfect them with a solution of manganese and sprinkle with charcoal.

Important! There are no protective scales in the bulbs, and because of this they quickly dry out. Therefore, do not buy them in the fall, at that time they are already overpowered and will not be able to germinate next season.

How to plant rams

How to plant a ripper imperial autumn?

  1. To begin with, choose a place. It must be sunny or from a half.
  2. The soil should not be too wet and cold, otherwise the bulbs will immediately begin to rotate.
  3. The prepared area for disembarking should be reheated, with the addition of sand. And how good the soil would not be, they still need to wash the peat or humus.
  4. The landing depth is determined by multiplying the length of the bulbs by 3.
  5. I smell the sand onto the bottom of the wells, put the bulb in the Donette down, we are putting the roots and fall asleep the earth.

Choosing a bulb

Rye to land and care for it in the open ground ended with a positive result, you should prepare in advance. Therefore, the planting material, which are bulbs, should be purchased at the beginning of summer. After purchase it is worth inspection of the bulbs.It looks like a flat ball and has a through hole. The weight of the bulbs is from 500 g. Up to 1 kg. External signs Diseases should not be observed either. Pay attention to the color of the row, which is depicted on the package. The Ryabchik can only have a red-yellow-orange color, there can be no other colors. Did you know? The Ryabchik scares harmful insects, moles and mice.

Plant care

Rybchik, or as it is also called - freethylene requires landing and care, but this process is not completely difficult, although it takes a lot of time. The main thing is to take patience and grow wonderful flower with your efforts.

Care of the planted bulb

Looking onion, calculate that care for her will take a lot of free time. However, it all depends on the right landing and climatic conditions. If autumn is little rainy, then you ourselves should water the ripper before the onset of frosts. The "tsarist crown" is a frost-resistant flower, but for its further cultivation for the winter, the plot will need to be covered with mulch or other underfloor materials (film, agrofiber).

Caring for a sprouted ripper

To the flower of a rod, as soon as he is a sprinkle after planting, careful care should be applied. First you need to remove the material that closes it from winter cold. This is done in order for the sprouted rippers began to receive sunlight. You don't need to touch the soil, the roots could rise in winter, and with careless handling you can damage them.

Fertilizer and subordinate

Undercalinking Ryabchik is also important as its landing and care for it. The first feeding should be carried out when the spring weather has improved, and all frosts passed. For the solution you will need:

  • 10 liters of water dissolved in water;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon nitrophosphate;
  • 1 tbsp. Spoon of complex fertilizer for flowering plants.
Mix and distribute on the ground, which grows with a row. The period of the next feeding will come when freethillaries will bloom. So that the soil does not swam, you need to protect it with a layer of humus or peat. For the latest feeding, the superphosphate and potassium sulfate will suit. It should be done after the end of the flowering of the row. Following the advice and sticking to the docks of the feeding, you can grow garden flowers Ryabiki beautiful and healthy.

Diseases and pests

If not to follow the right agrotechnical care, then even such a plant, as a row can suffer from various diseases and pests. He can be subjected to rotting if the bulbs will be carried out wrong care Or will be disturbed by their storage. In this case, all the affected areas should be removed and transplant the bulb to a new place. The location of the removal must be disinfected by mangartee and sprinkle with twisted coal or ash. Even if the row is healthy, it still needs to be transplanted every 2-4 years to reduce the risk of disease. It is also important to not allow freezing, otherwise the row will die. Do not bother with row flowers when landing and leaving big amount nutrients. And it is necessary to fear such pests as:

  • Lily's beetle.He has a red taurus, and the head is black.
  • Loop cracking.This beetle is completely red.
Indirectable harm is applied precisely the larvae of these beetles. Larisa can be found at the bottom of the foliage. To get rid of pests, the plant needs to be treated with a fungicide or to remove them from the leaves with a wet sponge with soap foam.

Now, knowing all the features of choice sowing material Rybikchik and the right landing, methods of breeding, leaving the plant and what pests and diseases he is exposed, you can grow without the difficult difficulties of the Imperial Ryabik.

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The emperor's mouthfish will decorate any fabric. After all, its high trunks crowned with swaying bright orange colors attract attention from afar. But in order for this flower to please you in the spring, you need to know the rules of the falling down Ryabchik in the fall. This requires certain cultivation knowledge.

In this article, we consider how to put it right in the fall and what a care is needed later.

The entire planting process of the Ryabchik consists of the following steps:

  • training;
  • landing;
  • care and wintering.

Let's tell about each of them in more detail.

Stage 1 - Preparation.

The flowerflower should be very responsible to refer to the selection of landing material and the soil preparation for the flower planting. The bulbs of the row must be absolutely healthy, it is allowed to have even small roots. It is very important to check the integrity of their upper scales. Usually in the middle there is a pass-through hole, but if last year's escape remained, then it is not necessary to delete it.

Under the landing of the draftsman imperial autumn is very important to choose right place: without drafts, with a small shadow, with loose fertile soil. 2 weeks before landing, it is necessary to prepare square holes with sides of 40 cm and a depth of 30 cm. Experienced flowers recommended them to do three times more than the volume of the bulb itself, and the same height. From each other, it is necessary to retreat about 30-35 cm. If the bulbs you have small, then the distance between the wells can be less - 15-20 cm. The soil you dig out of the recess should be mixed with a compost or horny chips. The resulting mixture will be used later when the fox is falling asleep.

Stage 2 - landing.

At the bottom of the prepared deepening, we embarked in large sand. Then in the center of the pit sticks a smooth stick about 80 cm. If you made a depth of not 30 cm, then the length of the stick is calculated so that 50 cm be broken over the ground. The next layer is made from the prepared nutrient mixture of the Earth and humus. In a circle, lay the bulbs. We put them definitely even to prevent the water stagnation between its scales, carefully straighten the ones the ones and sprinkle with sand. Now you can fill out the pit remaining substrate.

3 Stage - care and wintering.

In the future, the ripple is only needed:

  • water - 1 time every 2 weeks;
  • loosen upper layer Soil, just not deep, since the roots of the flower grow close to the surface;
  • finger - only dry feeders are used, 2 times per season.

If in your area is a snowy winter, then special preparation planted with rims for winter is not required. In cases where snow is practically no, it is better to climb young bushes. Even if the trunk of the flower has been blackened, it does not mean that it is completely frozen. When establishing warm weather in the spring, the ripper will definitely go away.

Landing dates in autumn

In order for the flower well to suffer the winter cold, it is very important that he manage to root before their offensive. Therefore, the most optimal period of autumn planting The mouth of the imperial is the whole September and the beginning of October. If the bulbs you planted later, it will be necessary to climb the leaves or straw soil at the landing site.

If you grow the planting material yourself, then the signal of that, the bulbs are ready for disembarkation, the appearance of roots on them. Botties purchased in the store, you need to plant right away, so as not to cut them.

With its unearthly beauty and grace admires grown on many garden sites Amazing flower with a ripper imperial. Gardeners The plant attracts with its extraordinary inflorescences and early and long blossoms. Many use it to scare away moles and pests living in soil. Ryabchik Imperial Ply proper landing And the care of your first buds is dissolved in mid-May. It is possible to grow not only in southern regions, but also in the Urals, Siberia and in the northern regions of the country.

Markchik Imperial: general description, varieties, photos

The bulbous plant of the family of Lilyna represents value due to their similar on the bells of drooping amazingly beautiful flowers. They are formed in the sinuses of the leaves located along the high barrel of the plant. There are buds with a group of five to seven pieces. From above the stem, sheet weight continues to grow over the most buds.

Extracted leaves Ryabik different with glossy surface and a rich emerald tint. Some varieties are located in two rows. Flowers most often have yellow or bright orange petals, but there are varieties with red, pink and white buton.

The breeders were derived more than ten varieties of the emperor. For regions with a complex climate The following varieties of the draft of the imperial are suitable:

Features of the landing of the emperor

To get beautiful and long flowering The imperial rim, to the landing should be prepared in advance.

Selecting planting material

Currently, buying bulbs is not much labor. At a similar price, they are offered in specialized stores and in flower exhibitions. The color of the emperor row flowers is mainly limited to orange, yellow and red shades. Therefore, you should not believe the pictures with pink, purple, black or pigeons attached to the bulbs.

When choosing a planting material follows pay attention to its size and quality:

  1. In the diameter of the bulbs should be at least 4 cm, otherwise the flowering will be difficult to wait.
  2. The lows of the row can weigh from 500 g to 1 kg.
  3. The planting material is a shrouded ball having a through hole.
  4. The bulbs should not be soft and have cracks, mold and rot.
  5. The planting material is allowed on the presence of roots. The dried last year's escape is not deleted.

Selection of place and dates

For the successful cultivation and reproduction of Ryabchikov in the open ground, landing should be made on open solar plots. The mouths of the imperial and fellowship will grow well. Therefore, they can be planted on the southwestern and western slopes, near the arbor, the terrace and the country house, under deciduous shrubs.

The site must be protected from the wind, which is capable of breaking the high stalks of the plant. If you find such a plot of capabilities, you can use special backups.

Landing on bulbs in open ground can be carried out in two ways:

  1. If the planting material was stored in sawdust layer in basementIn the first half of March, the plant is planted in large capacity in room conditions. As soon as the last frosts will be held, seedlings with developed stems can be planted in open ground.
  2. In areas with a soft winter climate, landing of Ryabchikov is made in autumn at the end of September - mid-October. In the future, they will need a shelter from frosts, which is ensured by film, compost, sawdust. A minus such a planting method is that with a protracted spring, partial rotting and sampling of planting material occurs.

How to put on the bulbs?

Lunka must be prepared two weeks before landing of Ryabchikov. Its sizes must be 40x40 cm long and widthAnd the depth of the well depends on the size of the bulbs and is an average of 30 cm. If a group planting of plants is planned, the distance between the fumes is about 25-30 cm.

Two weeks later, sand is poured into the holes, and the peg is inserted into the center, so that it is tightened by a 50 cm above the ground level. Near the stuck peel on the sand, the bulb is put on the bulb and is poured by a fertilous compost.

Markchik Imperial: Care in Open Ground

Plant care begins after snow cover comes. It is necessary to immediately remove the winter shelter, otherwise due to the lack of oxygen the bulbs can start rot. After removal of shelter, the ground is fried and spilled by a solution of mangalls and mineral fertilizers. I should not be afraid of the last spring frosts, since the flower does not suffer from them.

Watering and subordinate

When leaving for bulbous plants Watering is carried out only during arid weather. Otherwise, due to regular overwhelming, the bulbs will begin to rot, and the plant will perish. So that the soil does not drive, it can be covered with mulch.

In the arid summer, the bushes are necessary even after moving the stems. In order for the bulbs in the ground did not move, it will be enough to water twice a month.

As soon as the frost threat passes, the rumbers are fed by a special mixture of fertilizers, which is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • humbering - 10 liters;
  • complex fertilizer for flowering plants - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • nitrophosphate - 1 tbsp. the spoon.

The prepared mixture of a layer of 3 cm is declined over the surface of the site where the rivets grow. In the initial stage of flowering plants fertilize potash fertilizers and wood ash.

After the completion of flowering, to ensure a healthy planting material, the superphosphate and potassium sulfate are made.

When careing with ripples, it is necessary to regularly remove weeds and gently loosen the soil so as not to damage the lows. When cutting colors on the stem necessarily left some of the leaves. Otherwise, the bulbs will stop growing.

Methods of breeding Ryabchik

The plant can be multiplied in two ways:

  1. Vegetative or division of bulbs.
  2. Seeds.

Division of Lukovitz

The planting material on the kids is digging at the end of June, while the foliage of the plant has not yet been completely dry. Most often for the season, the maternal bulb grow and forms one or two lows-kids. They will need to be separated and moving for two years.

Daughters are separated easily. After that, they are disinfected in a weak solution of manganese And within two to three weeks, it is stored in a well-ventilated dry room with air temperature not higher + 30s. During this time, kids will give roots and processes. Since they have no protective scales, you need to handle them extremely carefully. It is necessary to trace that the bulbs do not dry out, otherwise they will not sprout.

To help the flower to form a baby, the bulbs are digging after flowering and the healthiest is selected. On them a sharp sterile knife is made with a diameter of 2 cm. After the wound will dry, planting material placed in dry sand And stored in a dry room. By the end of the summer, the bulb with the thrust roots is treated with a fungicidal solution and places in open ground. In order for all the flower forces to be spent on the formation of babies that appear on it, the wounds are removed.

Reproduction of seeds

Ripened in a dried box of plants seeds immediately after the collection are sown in open ground. Since growing and developing seedlings of Ryabchikov will be for two years, the soil must be nutritious for them. The landing depth must be approximately one centimeter. For better drainage, the distance between plants should be 10x10 cm. Top of the soil sprinkled with a peat layer in two centimeters.

The first seedlings will appear only for the next year. The bulbs at the age of two are digging and during the summer are stored in a dry room. Such storage is a rather time consuming process, since part of the planting material can be contracted. Resistant moisture varieties of rows in the open ground can be grown up to four years. During this time, the plant will strengthen and start blossoming.

Flowers Rye against Medvedok and Mole

Experienced gardeners were noticed that when landing on the plots of imperial rinks disappeared mink minks, there were fewer bear and other pests. Therefore, the plant began to plant in potato rows, where it scares the colorado beetle and a wireboat. There is no scientific explanation for this, but it is believed that the bulbs of Ryabchikov have a certain odor and distinguish between substances destructive for pests.

Why do not flowers bloom?

Bulbous perennials refuse to bloom under the following circumstances:

Very nice, the emperor's painter looks in group landings. Plant combines well with Hayrantus, late blooming daffodils and tulips

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