Eshucolization terry. Secrets of growing seed esthem

Engineering systems 14.05.2019
Engineering systems

Often, I want to decorate the garden with bright colors to come to the site and rejoice. Many gardeners, in addition to edible crops, are breeding flowers, smashed flower beds. But it's not enough - what flowers to choose? So wide variety that eyes are running out. If you do not want lush, large, but at the same time looking for bright accents - then Eshcholce for you. This is a flower of the poppy family, which is the same bright and concise, as well as his relatives. In this article, we will talk about the cultivation of the echolence from seeds, when it is better to plant and how to care for the "golden bowl".

Cultivation of seed estriction

Often the cultivation of plants from seeds allows you to get a large number of seedlings, which can be fill in the flower. Eshcholce - no exception. She is also the flower that you can sow immediately into the open soil.

Sowing Eshcholving to Unprotected Soil

Regardless of the sowing, you need to choose the right thing to choose so that future floral bushes take root. Eshcholce loves light sandy soil rich in humus. The solar place is also selected, in which there is no melting water (not lowlands). It is easy to determine it - there the very first snow comes down and starts to peel the soil in the spring. Before sowing the land, it is recommended to move, make a little sand (3-5 kg \u200b\u200bper m²) and peat (2-3 kg per m²), mix with the added components. Also, for the normalization of the acid-alkaline balance of the soil, ash is sometimes added, dolomite flour, since the plant loves the weakly acidic or neutral soil.

After preparing the soil you can start sowing:

  1. In the ground, the grooves are made of a depth of 2-3 cm.
  2. In the grooves, seeds are covered, pre-mixed with the sand of the same size of the grains, so as not to thicken sowing (it is possible to do it in dry and in a slightly wet soil).
  3. The grooves are alternate, sprinkled with peat, with spring landing Water, fall in the dry ground.
  4. In the autumn sowing, the soil is mounted with crushed crust, wood sawdust, cheese, rush, or fallen leaves.
The mulch layer should be thick enough so that during the winter the seeds are not frozen.

After autumn planting, with the arrival of spring, you may have to dispel shoots. The plants planted in the fall are faster than the inflorescences, they can be seen in early June, while spring - a month later.

Growing seedlings Eshcholiya

As mentioned above, the flower can not only plant the seeds directly into the open ground, but also the finished seedliness. Dates of landing The timing of seedlings are varied from the location of your region: far in cold Siberia or in the south. This is usually April-May. It is important to plant at a time when the threat of late frosts was guaranteed. However, hardened plants are able to overestimate the temperature to -5 ° C.

Earth preparation and seeds It is advisable to prepare the soil so that the seedlings grow well. W. this flower The main body is a rod root, without it the plant will die. Therefore, it is better to skip the dive stage and plant seeds in peat pills. Seeds in front of any sowing (and seedlings, and open soil) It is recommended to strategy, i.e. Place in low temperatures (+1 ... + 5 ° C) and humidity. They must be cleaned from soft tissues (pulp, peel, leaves). I don't need a solid part. The medium should be sterile to prevent pathogenic fungi damage. Soak planting material in cold water 6-12 hours before placing in the refrigerator.

During the period of stratification, the seeds check every 10-15 days, remove the drowned. The procedure continues until the advent of roots appeared. Then the tanks are left in a very cold place to save the material to spring sowing.

Sowing seeds Space best in peat pills. Seeds before this can be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or disapproved by fungicides. Sometimes growth stimulants are used:

  • the tablets are unfolded in the container, in which seedlings will be placed, and poured the desired amount of water (according to the instructions) to swelling, after which the excess moisture is drained. To do this, you may need some time;
  • after each tablet, 1-2 seeds are placed, it is preferable to make it with a tweezers or toothpick;
  • from above, all the recesses are sprinkled with a thin layer of the soil, splash on seedlings with water;
  • capacities are covered with glass or film.

Survey care The first shoots appear after 2 weeks - then you can remove the shelter, and seedlings put in a well-lit room with a temperature not exceeding + 20 ° C. Perfect place For the estbution will be on the balcony or veranda. The care is very simple - quite a timely watering, but do not overdo it with it. After 2 weeks you can feed the liquid complex of mineral fertilizers, reduce the proportions twice.

Hardening seedlings Through the seedlings begin to spend 20 days before disembarking on the flowerbed. For this, the container with the already developed seedlings is transferred to the cool room once a day for several hours. After such a procedure, the plant calmly move the drop in temperature to -5 ° C, and will also survive the winter.

Landing in the primer As for the seeds, they pick up a sunny place with a dry light soil, slightly acidic or neutral. Landing is better to spend in May, do not worry because of the late frosts - they will not affect the hardened esthem. The soil is drunk in advance, approximately 3 weeks before disembarking. In the soil, small recesses are made of 30 cm from each other. Then the flower will be enough space for food, and the bushes will become more magnificent and spread. The raptber together with a peat tablet is placed in the well, fall asleep the earth and watered. The soil is not mulched.

Occasionally there is an ampel excolce. The planning technique is the same, but the kashpo or pots are placed on the veranda or balcony. You can fasten them on the walls of the houses at the windows to add bright paints to the structure. Due to the small size of the bushes of some varieties, the plants do not occupy a lot of space, but at the same time they please others.

Care for Eshcholce

Just sow seeds or disembark seedlings - it is still half. Despite unpretentiousness, Eshcholce, like any other flower, requires care.


To the great happiness of lazy gardeners, the plant does not require abundant irrigation. Eshcholce has long roots, due to which it can absorb the necessary moisture from the deep layers of the soil.

If the summer is rainy, you will not need to water the flower, but in the drought it is possible to periodically moisten the soil.

Usually no more than two times a month. Watering is better in the evening and do not overdo it, since with the abundance of moisture roots will begin to rotate.


If you still landed the flower into a scarce unfurred place, the feeding will help your bush lush and breaking long. It is best to add fertilizers before planting, mixing with the soil. Mineral should contain a full range of the necessary macroelements: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, as well as trace elements: Bor, sulfur, manganese, etc. The fertilizer can be mixed in a glass of ash or dolomite flour per 1 m² to normalize acid-alkaline balance.

Fresh organic fertilizers are not suitable for feeding the esthem. The overabundance of nitrogen is likely to destroy the plant. It's not until the end, the irrigation will burn the roots, hitting them.

You can feed the second time in 3-4 weeks after disembarking. When buds appear, fertilizers usually refuse.


The plant does not carry out weeds, so it is important to regularly conduct a weeding. This is done manually, as the plant is quenching. It is also necessary to loosen so that the roots receive a sufficient amount of oxygen. Floored soil will not pass the air, and the plant may die. Many N. experienced gardeners It is believed that the plant dried out due to insufficient irrigationBut the Eshcholce is difficult to "nause". Most often it happens due to the restriction of oxygen access to roots.

Removal of flowers

The bush will be much more lush and long bloom, if you delete faded flowerswithout waiting for education seed boxes. This is explained by the fact that the plant spends vitality not only on the development of new shoots, but also on the formation of seeds. You can leave a small number of first inflorescences if you are going to breed a bush seeds.

Pests and diseases

Like any garden plant, the esthemium may suffer from fungi, viruses, bacteria, as well as various pests. A huge plus is that the flower is resistant to many types of diseases. Fighting with them does not take a lot of time and effort due to existing chemicals. At the very beginning of flowering, the faster plants can attack a beans, especially in violation of the conditions of agrotechnology and care. Small bugs of thephids are set on stems and leaves.

If you notice them, the drug "Commander" will help to fight insects. Process your bushes according to the instructions. In the arid summer, the flower may be attacked by a paouth tick. The plant becomes sluggish, slow down color formation and growth. It is immediately noticeable that the flowers and the leaves came up with a thin cobweb, on which these insects live. To bring an unpleasant neighbor, it is recommended to use the preparation "Aktellik".

In infection muced dew On the plant, especially on the stems, light gray raids, similar to dust may appear. The injured bushes advise gray. It is possible to avoid the use of chemistry, spraying them with infusion of ash, whey or soda solution.

Collection of seeds Eshcholiya

The long-term esthemation is classically multiplied by self-sowing. But usually it leads to thickening. If you want to see the gold field on your site - do not hinder the process. Before frosts, as usual, the site is scrap, remove all organic residues. In the spring, with the first shoots, you can only proper flowers and make fertilizers. Seeds are harvested from boxes in the form of pods that appear about a month after a bunch. Potamy pods are easy to crack, brown small seeds are poured out of them. Timely removal of these boxes contributes to longer blossoms. Seeds to collect just:

  • on the very first faded stems that gave large beautiful flowers, put on the bags of fine gauze;
  • in this form, they remain at the Klumba for about a month, so that the seeds have managed to grow;
  • at the end of the deadline, the stems together with the bags are cut off, the boxes are revealed;
  • seeds pour out and leave to sleep on fresh air, then fold in bags of loose paper.
Store them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. With the right execution of all items, they will remain viable for 3 years.

Grade Eshcholiya

There are many types of esholsolization with various form Leaf, bush dimensions. A variety of colors amazing imagination! From bright orange and red to cream, combining transitions of these shades. Below we will tell about the three most common species.

Eschscholzia Californica Eschscholzia

California Eshololization is one of the most common species, blossoming very similar to the wild poppy, for which the name "California Mac" was called. This is a flutter branching perennial, capable of reaching 40 cm in height, some flowers - up to 9 cm in diameter. At the length of the entire stem in large numbers, thin, gray-green shoots are placed, which are covered with light gray leaves.

The latter have triple dissection. The flowering of this species is very magnificent and long. You can observe the most beautiful Asholzoli's cupid inflorescences from June to the first frost. Such a long season is guaranteed with proper care and regular removal of faded cups. Flowers have a different color: white, carmine, yellow or orange.

Most popular varieties:

  • Peach Sorbet - terry Esholiolization with gentle cream (peach) color;
  • Strawberry Fields - Flowers are striking by beauty: The yellow shade of petals in the center, to the edge goes into the bright-scarlet;
  • "Mikado" - a flower is an orange middle with bright yellow edges. The diameter of the cup - about 6 cm, the mouth can stretch to 40 cm;
  • "Apple color" - terry, dense flowers having a cream color similar to the apple bodies;
  • Ballerina Mix "- diameter of colors - 7-8 cm, the bush grows up to 40 cm. Sheets covers wax raids. This variety is a combination of terry and straight colors of pink, orange and yellow shades;
  • "Chiffon" - a mixture of various shades, from red and bright pink to white and yellow. Petals have wavy edges, which gives the inflorescences "terrain". Blossom usually continues from May to the first frost. Busting in length reach 40 cm.

Eschscholzia Caespitosa Enscholzia

Little grade, just 15 cm in height. Stems are peeling, half, thin. It is recommended to separate borders, paths, to use for creating living partitions. This species is very similar to the California Esholilation, the socket leaves have triple dissection, thin and carved, gray-green color, with wax coating. Clauded flowers - up to 3 cm in diameter, with proper leaving the lush bloom, usually from June to frosts.

Eschscholzia Lobbi Eschscholzia

The variety named after the English botany and collector of Plant William Lobba. For a long time was considered local for California (endemic), where it flows in the valleys and meadows, open area. Currently, it is rare in other places. Flowers are yellowish, reach 2 cm in diameter. The bush in height grows not more than 15-18 cm. Perfect solution For live borders, flower. In the wild environment, the Eshcholce of Lobba blooms late spring - from March to May.

You met with another one bright flower For a garden, which will certainly become a decoration of any site. A diverse species of Eshcholovation will not leave indifferent even picky gardener, and unpretentiousness will allow not to spend a bunch of time, causing behind the flower.

Eshololization - the genus of decorative plants from the poppy family. She has long acquired popularity among flower water due to unpretentiousness to the conditions of cultivation, the attractiveness of the appearance and brightness of the paints. Her homeland is North America, where you can see entire fields of these colors.

Eshcholce is low, abundantly branched bushes that all summer are covered with bright gentle inflorescences. The plant is well expressed by the main stem, from which there are many additional shoots. The leaves are openwork, a little resemble a wormal, thanks to which the flower in the people was called a hollow. Single inflorescences, most often simple, similar to butterflies and poppy flowers. All green parts are covered with a thin white rode, because of what they look to the Size.

Common types and varieties of flower Eshcholce

The gerus of Eshcholtia consists of only 12 species. However, most of them have many cultivars, different forms and varieties.

California Eshololization, she is the same California Mac.

Typical variety, the most common among the lovers of garden plants. This escent is the emblem and symbol of California. Herbaceous plant with partially fluttering shoots. The height of the shrub does not exceed 43-46 cm.

The species is different large quantity varieties with a variety of color flowers.

  • Mikado. The inflorescences are simple, out of 4 petals, painted into a saturated bright red shade, the middle is a bit darker.
  • Flowers apple trees. Large simple or terry inflorescences have a gentle pink color. This variety easily tolerates small freezes.

Photo. California Eshcholce Variety Apple Flowers

  • Strawberry fields (Strawberry Fields). Bright yellow core smoothly goes into red on the edges of petals. Inflorescences are semi-world, the number of petals is 6-9.
  • Golden Glory (Golden Glory). The inflorescences are simple, painted in a very bright yellow shade, in the middle becoming orange.
  • Pearl ice cream (pearh sorbet). Lush terry inflorescences have a gentle pinkish-cream color.
  • Karminkoenig. Simple inflorescences of large sizes are painted into a rich pomegranate with a white middle.
  • Orange King (Orange King). Inflorescences may be simple, semi-grade and terry. Coloring bright, orange-golden.
  • Apricot chiffon (Aprot Shiffon).Original, recently derived variety. The leaves and shoots are painted in a blue-green shade, and inflorescences in a mixture of orange, golden and pink. Petals corrugated and slightly wrinkled, collected in terry flowers.
  • Fruit explosion (Fruit Crash). Large mixture of semi-world inflorescences with corrugated petals. Coloring can be red, pink, yellow, burgundy and raspberry.

Photo. California Eshcholce Variety Fruit Explosion

Herbal miniature bushes that reach a height of only 1-1.5 DM. Loaded leaflets, covered with whitic bloom. Inflorescences are simple, consist of 4 petals, painting is always yellow.

Low plants (up to 17 cm height), most often used for the design of the Alpine slides. Inflorescences are small, their diameter does not exceed 3 cm, painting fawn or yellow.

Growing Eshcholce of Seeds in Open Ground

Eshcholce can be seen in spring and autumn, but it is necessary to carry it right in the fall

Fatherland can be sown in spring and under winter. In any case, you will get a whole polar of beautiful bright "butterflies".

Autumn Sowing

It is preferable to the fact that the estbollection is imitated natural conditions. During the winter, the seeds undergo natural stratification, which gives almost one hundred percent germination. Another plus is an earlier start of flowering. Eshcholce, planted in autumn, blooms already in May.

Seeds are sown in the prepared grooves and are slightly pressed into the soil. From above, crops are recommended to cover a layer of mulch, which will not give the soil to harden and interfere with the germination of seeds. Sowing should be carried out in October, after it grows. Otherwise, seeds can germinate in the fall. And shoots naturally die with the onset of frosts.

Seeds are better to air immediately at a permanent place, as the Eshtolization is very bad to transplant.

So that the seeds are not extincting during severe frosts, they need to be covered with a special material or just a thick layer of fallen leaves.

Spring Sowing Eshcholzia

If you decide to plant flowers in the spring, prepare the seating material. For this, the seeds must be placed in the bag and put in the refrigerator - on the lowest shelf. Here they must be stored before sowing to the ground.

Usually seed seed in April, when heat and the ground comes a little hot. The planting material is placed in the grooves at a permanent habitat and slightly sues sand. After that, the landing must be poured and inspired by peat. Shoots appear within 11-16 days.

Growing seedlings

Although Eshcholtia does not tolerate the transplantation, some gardeners grow it

Despite the fact that the Eshtolization is very poorly tolerates a transplant, some flower growers grow it that is ever-shaped. In order not to damage the stripped root system, the seeds are sown in peat pills.

Each tablet must be placed in a separate plastic cup and pour water. Leave for a while so that the fluid absorbed into peat, then pour residues. In each tablet, put 1-2 seeds using a match or toothpick. From above, sprinkle with peat soil and sprinkle from the sprayer.

When sprouts appear (about 11-13 days), glass or film must be removed immediately. Shoots must be kept in cool (up to 19-21 °) with bright light. Water seedlings are moderately, only after dried up the top layer of peat. After 12-15 days after the appearance of seedlings, they are fed by a special complex of minerals for seedlings.

Operating seedlings begin for 18-20 days before transplanting to the street. You need to transplant shootouts with a tablet, not alarming roots.

Landing Esholilation in Open Soil

The hollow withstands freezing to -5 °, so it can be planted on the street in April. The plant does not like dense and with poor composition soil, poorly tolerates the acidic medium. Reduce soil acidity by adding wood ash or dolomite flour (180-240 g per square meter land).

Plants are placed according to a diagram of 30 × 40 cm, as they are quite empty. So that the flowers of Eshcholiya show themselves in complete glory, they need to plant them on a very sunny section.

Inflorescences are revealed only on the bright sun. When in the shadow or on a cloudy day, the flowers remain closed.

The seedlings of the Eshcholovation are planted into the ground along with a peat tablet in the pre-prepared wells, cheer them and slightly tamper the plot around.

Plant Care Eshcholce in Open Ground

Before flowering, the esthemology can be filtered with a mixture of phosphorus

Unpretentious Eshcholce requires minimal attention and care. It is necessary to water it exclusively during drought, water to pour under the root, trying not to get on inflorescences. Watering should be made in the evening, shortly before the sunset.

Before flowering, the plant can be filtered with a mixture of phosphorus and potassium with nitrogen. This will increase the period of flowering and stimulates plenty of inflorescences. Organic feeding It is impossible to use, as it can destroy the esthet.

To improve the access of oxygen to the roots, you can periodically loosen the soil around the plants. Trimming dry flowers and the removal of seed boxes will extend the flowering time and improve the external appearance of the estiments.

Pests, disease and plant care during this period

The hollow is surprisingly resistant to various diseases. Only root rotting can be hit when constant soil dampness. The plant loses the tour, remains sluggish after irrigation. If it is digging, you can see a gray raid on the roots and brown spots rot. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to get rid of the most affected bushes, and the rest to reduce watering and carry out the processing of the soil of fungicides (Roughlembra, Prejorate, Bordeado mixture, Fundazole, Sultious, Copper Cumor).

The ubiquitous wave also does not bypass the Eshcholce. On plants can attack the beet variety, which has a black, green or brown color. Most of the modern insecticides can be used against it, for example, a spark, karate, FAS, Biotline, Hostavki, Aktellik.

Therapeutic properties of Eshcholiya

Eshcholce not only beautiful plant but applied in Medezin

Indians living in America knew well about the useful qualities of the Eshcholiya and actively used it against various diseases. To remove the dental pain, they used all the ground parts, the decoction of petals helped get rid of lice. The pollen collected by women helped them support the freshness and elasticity of the skin.

Still anxolving extract is used in traditional medicine and is part of some drugs. The anesthetic and soothing effect of the flower on the background of complete safety allows you to use it even in pediatrics as a sedative tool with soft properties.

When to start the seed collection

If you plan to grow the estuary for the next year in the old place, the seeds can not be assembled at all, because the plant is perfectly multiplied by self-sow. You still have to pull the landing, removing a bunch of unnecessary shoots.

Seeds should be assembled only to move the esthemia to another area. Operation can be carried out during the entire period of flowering. The easiest way to hang on the dried inflorescences of small linen bags and wait for the fruit to ripen, will open, and the seeds are wake-up. The finished planting material is recommended to decompose on the fabric and dry a little. Store seeds need to be at the bottom of the refrigerator until spring. Dividing time - up to 3 years.

We will also become more familiar with the video material about the plant Eshcholzia, we wish you pleasant viewing.

Preparation for winter

Eshcholce is not able to survive winter frosts, Therefore, it is grown as annual. When autumn cold occurs, the plant is dying. All you need to do is trim the ground parts and dispose of them.

In an incredibly gentle Eshcholce, I fell in love with first glance, about 5 years ago. And since then, its beautiful sophisticated flowers decorate my flowerbeds every year.

Every flower of Eshcholiya lives only 3 days, but on the bush they are incredibly a lot. It is the abundance of flowers that makes the plant very bright and elegant. It is upsetting me only one thing - to contemplate the beauty of these amazing butterfly colors, "fluttering" over a bush, can be possible in the afternoon, and even then only in sunny weather.

Eshcholce - amazing beauty plant that fell into Europe from North America. In the distant 1795, they brought them to Scottish botanist and surgeon Archibald Mencisez. But, to the vast regret, the seeds collected by him did not give germs, and the plant until 1816 remained unexplored. And only in the fall of 1816, the Russian expedition, headed by the young lieutenant Otto Kotcebo, visited San Francisco Bay. It was there that two naturalists, participants in the expedition - the poet and botany Adebert von Chamizo and the naturalist Johann Friedrich, Eshcholtz, were collected and brought to Europe the seeds of Esholiya. As you already, probably guessed, it was in honor of the second naturalist plant and got its name.

The spectacular openwork leaflets of the Eshololization, the SIZY from the wax fly, are a bit like the leaves of wormwood, which is why it is not called the people in the people, but at home, in the United States, California Mac. Eshololization flowers decorate California state coat of arms.

Growing Eshcholiya

The cultivation of the Eshcholiya is the process of exciting and, to the joy of gardeners, absolutely not difficult. This heat and light-affilome plant can make not only long-term drought, but also light autumn frosts. And this flower is appreciated for prolonged flowering, which is rated from June until the beginning of the autumn. Fruits are small boxes that resemble a pod shape - appear approximately a month after a bunch.

It is possible to grow anxulusion in almost any (even sandy) soils with good drainage properties. But it is not worth putting a plant on acidic, fastened with fresh manure or very raw soils, otherwise it will die.

Reproduction of Eshcholiya

Seeds of Eshcholiya, who are able to maintain a germination of no more than 3 years, I sow straight into the ground, in the middle of October or rather early in the spring - in April. For spring sowing, the seeds are better to keep in a rather cool place (you can on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator). By the way, some gardeners practice seeding seeds directly through the snow, when he is already a little resolved, followed by the shelter of mulch sowing.

Considering that the seeds of the Eshcholtia are very small, when they are sowing, they need to gentle to the ground and, otherwise, if upper layer The lands harden, shoots may not appear.

I admit honestly, I love the autumn sowing more, it imitates the most natural conditions of growing plants, contributing to the earlier (beginning of May) and abundant blossom. I will reveal you and your secret to growing Eshcholce - In order not to destroy the early shoots, I am covering autumnal crops Thick layer of foliage.

Shoots that appear after 2 weeks after formation 5 of the present leaves, leaving sprouts at a distance of about 20 cm from each other. Moreover, it is not worth it to delay this process, otherwise the plants will be too chilly.

After having sewing once, you will be able to admire the beauty of this plant for several years in a row - when ripening her seeds, it is very easy to fall out, so it is perfectly multiplied by self-sowing. The only thing that will be required of you is to switch shoots in time.

Unlike many garden colors, the Eshcholce does not multiply the seedl. Its root system is maximally adapted for cultivation in dry places: quickly develops, leaving deep into the ground. To transplant seedlings with the root system of this type is extremely difficult. As an option: grow seedlings in separate containers and transplanted into an open primer gentleman -.

Care for Eshcholce

Eshtolization practically does not need care. So, in the period of blooming, it is desirable to prevent prolonged drying of the soil. For this, the plant must occasionally water - in the evening, when the flowers are already closed.

To maximize the flowering period of the Eshcholiya, try to delete the shockflowers in a timely manner and appearing fruit boxes. Stimulate blossom will help and feeding fertilizers. It is necessary to produce it once - before the start of flowering, dissolving in 10 liters of water for 1 t. A spoon of universal flower fertilizer, nitroposki and natural organic fertilizerwhich is manufactured based on, for example, "Vermisol". It is necessary to use the solution at the rate of 2 liters under 1 plant.

Pests and escholving diseases

At the very beginning of the summer, the delicate leaves of the Eshcholiya are often attacked by legume phosphorus, to combat which I make a spraying of the affected colors with the preparation of "Commander". When for a long time It is worth drying weather, it provokes the appearance of a spider tick, and excessive irrigation can cause the planting of the plant parts, consider it, growing anxolusion. In the first case, it is necessary to remove the bushes affected by the web tick, and when driving, it is watering as much as possible.

Species and varieties of Eshcholiya

Eschscholzia belongs to the family of the poppy family (Papaveraceae), which includes 12 species of plants most common in the western part of North America. In Europe, only 2 types are most often cultivated: Eschscholzia Californica (Eschscholzia Californica) and Eschscholzia Caespitosa.

Typically, these species are only bright yellow and orange, but breeders tried to fame, bringing a lot of ordinary and terry hybrids and varieties with a variety of colors: bright pink, cream, white, carmine-red, mixed colors.

Eschscholzia Californica Eschscholzia

Very similar to the wild poppy, it is for this similarity to her "California Mac".

This is the most well-known species - quite high (ok 40 cm) a perennial herbaceous plant, forming branching splashing shrubs. The stem, on which there are many ribbed green-gray shoots, straight and thin. The leaves are dissected three times, and single flowers of the cupid shape, reaching 9 cm in diameter, can be white, yellow, orange, cream and even carminic. The estsholce of California is extremely abundant and long - from the beginning of summer to October.

Eschscholzia Caespitosa)

Embasholce twins - a small, very elegant annual herbaceous plant with a height of about 15 cm.

Its gentle delicate green leaves are assembled into an openwork outlet, directly over which many bright yellow flower flowers rise in diameter up to 3 cm. Flowers Eschscholzia Caespitosa from early June to the first.

Embassion "Apple Blossom"

Beautiful variety with bright pink terry flowers, corrugated petals.

Eshcholce" Apple color"

Blooming abundant and long (from June to October).

In the distant 1890, this plant was chosen by a symbol of distant California. Every year on April 6, the Americans celebrate Mac Day. Stock Foto Eshcholovation only partly pass the charm of these bright flowers. California Mac: varieties, landing and care, cultivation in open soilreproduction.

Estimation: varieties and varieties

Eshcholce refers to the Papaveraceae family (poppy), which includes up to 10 species of annual and perennial plants. Often perennial grades In Russia, they are grown as annuals. The natural range of Ensuring Esholovation is North America.

California Mac - the most beautiful plant, which is increasingly can be seen on the flower beds

The height of the esthemolization reaches the maximum of 0.5 m, while the central stem is pronounced brightly, crowned with flowers. The leaves are complicated-disseated, sideways, with a wax raid, - partly resemble steppe wormwood.

Flowers Californian poppy single simple or terry colors, the diameter of which reaches 7 cm. The esthemium opens its flowers only on the bright sun. In cloudy weather, bright petals fall very quickly. The diversity of the color of the esthemal colors is striking, which repeat the unthinkable combinations of the yellow-orange spectrum. There are varieties with white and pink flowers.

Recently, breeders are derived hybrid varieties Plants with contrast strokes and stripes on the petals for growing in the open ground. Blossom continues from June to October.

Embassolyce twins

  • Embasholce Dernomy (E. Caespitosa), - A plant at height reaches only 15 cm. Neurizuctural bright yellow flowers with a diameter of up to 3 cm. Low-spirited bushes with a flowing foliage and bright colors are very decorative.
  • Embassolyce of Lobba (E. Lobbi) - a low plant, reaching a height of only 18 cm. Light yellow flowers up to 2 cm in diameter. The cultivation of this variety in mixed mixboders and inconsisions in the open ground allows you to perfectly expand the Viola or Lobelia blue and blue-violet tones. Landing little varieties Emsholes with silvery leaves in the mountaineering helps to diversify monotonous greens.

Emsholzia Lobba

Planting Esholovation

Planting a culture in the open soil is necessary on the bright sunny place. It is impossible to plant a California poppy into a wet, blind and ridiculous soil. Need to add to the ground to land enough quartz sand. With a high level of groundwater, it is required to perform a preliminary drainage on the beds where the esthemal landing is planned.

Tip! When landing, do not use nitrogen fertilizers.

Plants are poorly transferred to transplant, so it is easier to sow culture for permanent seeds in the spring. Despite the fact that Eshcholce - perennial, it does not make cold winters. The temperature below -5C is destructively affecting the wintering plants. That is why culture is grown as annual.

Solar California Mac loves open areas

Eshcholce, sown in the spring, fully blooms in June. Pickup seeds Mac California in the fall is allowed. Summy seed seeds makes it possible in early spring Get strong, hardened seedlings of floral culture.

Plant care

Eshcholce: landing and care, - Culture does not require constant care. When providing a regular, but gentle watering and solar location, the plant will delight with blossom all the warm months of the year. Caring for seedlings Eshcholzi includes mulching and loosening of the soil between young seedlings. Current care is not difficult, forces even completely inexperienced flower.

For better well-being culture, you need to quickly explode the soil under it

Fertilizer and feeding Eshcholving

Nitrogen fertilizers culture does not tolerate. To improve the development of the plant and increasing the timing of blossom, it is allowed to make mineral fertilizers: phosphoric and potash. Double superphosphate in granules is brought into the soil in the fall during the suspension seed crops.

Reproduction of Eshcholiya

California poppy is perfectly multiplied by seeds, including self-sowing. This Eshcholce is reminiscent of a real poppy, which, in reproduction, the seeds dissipates on huge areas. Vegetative reproduction of plants by the division of the bush is possible, but in climatic conditions Russia is difficult.

Seeds Eshcholiya

Diseases and pests

In the roast dry summer on the plant can settle a web tinger. This pest is capable of spoiling in a short time. appearance Cultures and even destroy the esthemia. Page control measures - spraying infected plants with ticks against ticks. Repeat processing should be repeated in 7-10 days, when a new offspring of ticks will be displayed from eggs.

Pliers are attached from the bottom of the leaves, so they necessarily perform splashing drugs under the leaves of plants.

In addition to the web tick, the pest of the Eshcholce is a bean word, destroy the pests will help special preparations Against the tri.

Cobed tick

Overflow of the soil can cause the rotor of the eshsholce roots. Damaged plants should be removed from the beds and flower.

Eshcholce: Combination with other plants

California Mac is the perfect plant for the Moorish lawn. The plant is perfectly combined with lawn herbs, clover, cornflowers, flax, cloves and other cultures that make up the turbulent carpet.

On the Alpine Gorky, the esthemolization complements the compositions from flowering plants. Especially decorative esthemolization looks with low-grades: Iberis, Lobelia, Portulak.

The plant is ideal for leaving the flower and chalk.

Eshcholce in landscape design

Landscape architects often include the esthetization in the composition. Registration of summer gardens in the style of "Country", which is very in demand in landscape design, implies the widespread use of the escholition of various varieties and paintings.

Growing Eshcholving: Video

Eshcholving varieties: photo

Description and features of the Eshcholiya

it decorative plant Any garden will decorate and please the owner with its long-lasting flowering in the graceful summer months. Eshcholce It is a magnificent herbously fluttering shrub with thin and smooth branches growing into a height of half the meter and more.

Small leaflets of culture (as it demonstrates photo Eshcholiya) They have a delicate light green color with a characteristic squeaky tinge, made by fine waxing, protecting tissues from burns in the days of exhausting drought. The leaves and stalks of the plants are similar to wormwood, for which the people are called "worm".

Such a representative of the Flora, attributable to the poppy family, as can be seen on photo of colors Eshcholzia, perfectly complements the appearance of fragrant flower beds.

And his terry cupid flowers, similar to the wings of bright butterflies, although small in size (up to 8 cm), but pleasantly surprise the variety of paints and shades, which makes fascinating and reverent mood to the surrounding design, opening the work of gardener to the fancy when creating on flowerbah original combinations From flowering varieties.

The flowering of this plant continues from mid-June until September day. Saturated cream, orange, red and yellow gamuts dress gardens in bright, full of life, outfits.

And it is not surprising, because the birthplace of most varieties of the plant is hot and careless California. It is this state whose symbol is a flower, we are obliged to such a beautiful plant and the indescribable rareness of its blooming paints, from which it is impossible to take a delighted look.

Such a sight is like an unforgettable flash of light. Feeling the fertile rays of the generous sun, flowers Eshcholiya Reveal to meet the shining of their buds. But if there comes a series of gloomy and cloudy days, cloud or windy weather, they, as if longing for the live warmth, closes and fall. Such is the essence of this plant.

Eshcholving landing and reproduction

On domestic expanses, California Mac, as a different culture, it was quite aimed, and feels great, standing even quite strong freezing.

In the natural medium, the plant can multiply and grow independently. It happens during flowering when falling seeds EshcholiyaThereby contributing to the emergence and dissemination of new germs. The fruits of the plant are similar to the boxes of up to 9 cm, and the seed material matures in them.

This culture is very unpretentious than attracts gardeners. And if on panstone At least once sow these flowers, during the subsequent series of years, they will inevitably germinate in the spring again, growing numerous thin shoots.

For planting Eshcholiya It is necessary to choose a permanent place for its growth: the solar plot is sufficiently dry, with the sandy structure of the soil. Sowing seeds can be made in the period as soon as, after winter cold, it will finally come down by the snow, retaining the seed material in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.

But experienced gardeners prefer to sow autumn, better in October, then it will be already early in the spring, it will be possible to rejoice with strong inputs and fresh off.

Common way to breed culture is cultivation eshcholovia at seedlingsthat it is not difficult to do it yourself. At the same time, the seeds are placed in peat tablets, and then in a comfortable plastic container, the soil in which is pre-irrigated by a sprayer.

You can also simply pour water into the container, and then putting a tablet there, wait when they are impregnated with moisture. And then put in each of them one seedly, sprinkled with a slightly handful of land.

Peat tablets It is necessary that in the future do not damage the rod-shaped roots of culture when transplanting seedlings on the flower. For the successful germination of shoots, the lighting should be sufficient, and the temperature is at a not lower than 15 ° C. The container from above is usually covered with glass or transparent film.

Watering the tablets should be carried out as needed, but excess of moisture can damage the proceeding spons. Mineral feeders are also not placed.

And after two or three weeks, when shoots and gentle leaves appear, the film should be removed and remove weak sprouts. Sleeping helps to grow normally and grow normally.

When disembarking seedlings into the ground, a distance of about 20 cm should be held between the seedlings. In the process of growth, the plant will first turn into a shrub, and then the most bizarre will be shaved along the ground.

Care for Eshcholce

This culture is unpretentious and especially undemanding to the concerns of the gardener. But the rules growing Eshcholiya Still, there are and better abide by them. Excessive moisture The plant does not tolerate, so when landing is better than the soil in which culture will grow, it is plentiful to pour in advance.

Next, use water only as much necessarily, otherwise the roots will be installed. However, during flowering the amount of moisture that feeds the tissue of the plant should be significantly increased. The most correct time for watering are evening hours.

Creation is an important element care, eshcholce Weeds do not tolerate. But the struggle with the harmful representatives of flora produce qualitatively not easy if the culture in need of protection is a fluttering shrub. Therefore, it is necessary manually.

An important stage In the care of the plant is the period of flowering. It is at this time that the feeding should be made, especially if the soil on which culture grows is already exhausted.

To rejoice in beauty, with stems, it is better to remove brute inflorescences in time. But doing this, you must not forget that several copies, in case of need, it is desirable to leave on seed material.

He is going at the time when the pods where the seeds ripen, they will rush. Gauze bags are used to collect material, which are put on faded flowers. And in a month, when the boxes are matured, they are cut, and the contents of the bags shake into a paper bag.

At the beginning of the summer season, the plant can hit the bean trouble, with which the drug "Commander" should be struggling. In the disturbing time of trouble can be delivered by a web tick, there will be a solution of an insecticide accuters. And the gray plant is processed in case it is sick of pulse dew.

Types of Eshcholiya

The name of the plant is consonant with the surname of the Russian traveler and Zoo Johann Friedrich von Eshcholz, first described it, from which the name went. In total there are about 12 species of this representative of the flora, of which everything is sufficiently understood.

Most of them are migrants from the United States. But she gave them not only sunny California, as well as Washington, Nevada, Utah and Oregon. Some types came to us from Mexico and from Guadeloupe Island.

Eshcholce California (This is the name of one of the species) is an excellent flower, whose petals are vividly highlighted with a rich orange tint, such an impressive that once become the impetus to the creation of legends about the transformation of flower petals in gold filling the land.

Eshcholtia Mahova - Another variety, so unpretentious culture that experienced flowerflowers in a joke called it a plant for lazy. Such flora survives in almost any, even the most adverse and extreme conditions.

This resistant flower does not lie down long drought and early autumn frosts. Each bud of this plant is revealed only for a day, but even with the minimum care itself, this flora thanks its owner, balusa appearance of new colors throughout almost two year old months.

Often gardeners prefer to use for landing mix of Eshcholiya Of the seeds of several varieties of a wide variety of sizes and colors, which later betrays the chic species of garden lawns and flowerbams.

It is also very useful to know about medicinal properties of Esholovation. The American Indians appreciated these plants using its ground parts as a means to get rid of dental pain.

Such a disease, as pediculosis is treated with a decoction from his colors. And pharmacists are used by a similar ingredient for the manufacture of painkillers. But the main thing is that its chemical composition is famous for the absence of side effects.

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