Royal geranium: care and reproduction (photo). Using a peat tablet

Landscaping and planning 13.06.2019
Landscaping and planning

Royal pelargonium is a beautifully flowering houseplant. The flower is often called geranium, but this is an erroneous name. With a general similarity, these are 2 different plants.

Royal Pelargonium belongs to the genus Pelargonium, which has 250 plant species. Most members of the genus are undemanding plants, which develop well in rooms, open ground and on balconies.

Pelargonium royal, or large-flowered, is often grown in a flowerpot in room conditions. This is due to the capriciousness of culture. The flowering time of Pelargonium grandiflorum is much shorter than that of geraniums, and improper care leads to its complete absence.

Neat bushes with large flowers serve as a decoration for any room. Pelargonium flower resembles viola flowers. Viola is called pansies. The upper petals of the flower are larger and have spots and strokes of dark color. The lower 3 petals, arranged in a fan, may be a lighter shade and without dark spots. Color range: pink, purple, white, burgundy and red. The diameter of the flowers is 7-8 cm, and in some species it reaches 15-16 cm. They are simple or double. The edge of the petal can be wavy or corrugated.

The plant is a compact shrub 50-70 cm high. Pelargonium branches well, but the branches are rather fragile, they should be handled carefully so as not to damage them.

Pelargonium grandiflorum has serrated and rough leaves. They are shaped like maple leaves, the colors are solid green. The royal pelargonium lacks the smell characteristic of geraniums.

Pelargonium is planted in balcony containers, but it feels better in cramped pots. Therefore, it is better to plant it in hanging planters. One of the varieties of the flower, royal geranium is called angelic pelargonium, it is not higher than 30 cm.

Home Care

Royal Pelargonium blooms less than other types of geraniums, 2-4 months. At the same time, the plant is so capricious that if the conditions for its wintering are not met, then it will not bloom. On winter days, pelargonium should organize additional lighting and temperature. environment+15 °С. This culture does not like rainy and windy weather. Therefore, it is better to grow it on a balcony, veranda or terrace, where there is no wind and a lot of fresh air.

Pelargonium royal loves lighting, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. Any bright places and windows will suit her, except for the north side.

In winter, the culture needs to rest, the pots are set in a bright and cool place, they make additional lighting. Otherwise, the shoots will stretch and the plant will not give buds.

To ensure the flower grows normally, it should be regularly and properly watered. The culture does not tolerate waterlogging. In summer, the soil in the pot should be moist. Watered, focusing on the top layer of soil. If it is dry, then the plant can be watered. In winter, water 2 times a month. The water is defended, its temperature should be room temperature or higher. Pelargonium is watered through the pan, she will take it herself right amount water. Before the appearance of buds, the leaves are sprayed 1-2 times a week.

All species of the genus Pelargonium do not like spacious pots. New planting dishes are chosen only 1.5 cm larger in diameter than the old one.

The soil mixture for planting royal pelargoniums consists of sod land, peat and sand. Fertilize the flower with a special fertilizer for pelargoniums. During the growing season, top dressing is applied 2 times a month, the rest of the time - 1 time per month.

Pruning Pelargonium grandiflorum

You can get a lush flowering bush with correct pruning. The main mistake of many beginner flower growers is pruning in the spring. Most best time for the formation of the crown of room pelargonium - late autumn and early winter.

Incorrect pruning leads to the growth of very long stems, due to which the bush loses its decorative effect.

For correct formation crowns must follow these rules:

  • pruning is done as close as possible to the place where the branch begins to grow;
  • shorten the branches with a pruner or a sharp disinfected knife at the level of the leaf node;
  • pinch the bushes with clean hands;
  • slices and places of pinching are treated with ground cinnamon or charcoal;
  • the stems growing inside the bush are cut off completely; cuttings can be made from them for planting pelargonium.

The plant should rest for at least 2-3 months. During this period, it can not be cut and pinched.

Reproduction and transplant

The plant does not like frequent transplants, because of them flowering becomes not plentiful and its period is reduced. Experienced flower growers recommend replanting the crop every 2-3 years. Transplantation is best done in the spring, after a dormant period.

You can propagate a flower in 2 ways:

  • stem cuttings;
  • seeds.

Seeds are best sown in spring. Seeds are purchased in specialized stores. They are sown in peat. Shoots appear within 7 days. After the appearance of the first leaves, the seedlings are transplanted into pots of a suitable diameter. So that the plant does not damage the roots and takes root faster, it is transplanted with a clod of earth.

Flower cuttings can be propagated throughout the year. The material is the cuttings obtained by pinching the royal pelargonium. The cutting for planting should have a length of 5-7 cm and 2-3 leaves. The cut of the cutting is treated with charcoal or ground cinnamon. planting material pre-dry in the open air for 2-12 hours. The pot for planting the cutting should be small so that the plant does not grow a large root system, but forms a bush.

Since Pelargonium grandiflorum does not tolerate high humidity, cuttings should not be soaked in water to grow roots. In the water they turn black and disappear. Plants planted by cuttings bloom the following year.

Growing problems

The main problems that flower growers may face when breeding a crop:

  • stretching of the stems, the bush becomes unattractive, weakened, growth and budding stop;
  • high soil moisture leads to yellow leaves and their fall, to the black leg, as a result, the pelargonium disappears;
  • overdrying the earthy coma leads to yellowing of the leaves and the cessation of flowering;
  • the appearance of rust spots on the leaves is the first sign of an aphid or whitefly infestation, or sunburn, so the plant should be protected from direct sun rays.

Before planting the royal pelargonium, the pots should be washed with laundry soap, the used containers should be washed especially carefully. Pots should have one or more drainage holes. Clay containers are more suitable for pelargoniums.

A layer of drainage from clay shards is poured at the bottom of the pot. Cuttings are rooted in a substrate consisting of peat and sand or a mixture of peat and perlite in equal amounts. You can use peat tablets. Plants are transplanted into permanent pots in a mixture of soddy and leafy soil, peat and sand.

The capriciousness of royal pelargonium is not a reason to refuse to grow it. By following the rules of care, you can enjoy up to 4 months of its flowering.

Royal Pelargonium blooms only with proper care. AT adverse conditions the flower will not die, but the buds will not form. The efforts made will not be in vain - the flowering is very beautiful.

Description and features

This is a powerful bushy plant up to half a meter high. Shoots branched, strong. The leaves are wide, with serrated edges. The surface is rough to the touch. The flowers are very large compared to other types of geraniums. Their diameter can reach 7 cm. The colors are dominated by purple, white, dark pink, burgundy colors. Petals are usually fringed, corrugated. Monochromatic flowers are very rare, more often two shades are harmoniously combined in color.

Growing royal pelargonium at home is not an easy task. It grows quickly, rarely dies, but it is quite difficult to keep its decorative effect and make it bloom. The flowering period is shorter than that of "ordinary" pelargoniums, it is only three to four months. For laying flower buds, it is imperative to observe a cold wintering at a temperature not exceeding 12 ° C. Royal pelargonium blooms in spring.

If the bush has grown excessively, stretched out, lost part lower leaves, it can be rejuvenated. To obtain young plants, cut and root apical cuttings. If you root them in the fall, then by spring you can already get full-fledged flowering pelargonium bushes.

Caring for royal pelargonium: what to consider

How to care for royal pelargonium in a pot? It is important to provide it with full coverage, favorable temperature conditions, and find the optimal irrigation schedule in accordance with the conditions of detention. Experienced flower growers recommend adhering to the following rules.

  • Temperature . In spring and summer optimum temperature is about 23-24°C. In winter, royal pelargonium definitely needs a dormant period at 10-14 ° C. Cool wintering contributes to the abundant laying of flower buds in spring. Keeping warm not only prevents flowering, but also weakens the plant.
  • Lighting. The need for lighting is high not only in summer, but also in winter. In summer, the plant receives the right amount of light from the sun, in winter it is advisable to use fluorescent lamps. Without illumination, flower buds will not be laid.
  • Watering. It is necessary to water the royal pelargonium taking into account the conditions of detention. In spring and summer, when it is warm, it is watered moderately, but often - in small portions twice a day. In winter, they simply maintain soil moisture, preventing it from completely drying out. Only the top layer of soil should dry out. For a single watering take about 50 ml of water. Experienced flower growers advise replacing top watering with bottom watering to avoid soil compaction.
  • Humidity . It grows and blooms normally in dry air conditions. Spraying harms pelargonium, leaves marks on its velvety leaves. Bathing in the shower is contraindicated for a flower.
  • Top dressing. Mineral fertilizers are applied with weekly breaks. Before flowering, around the end of March, potash and phosphorus fertilizers are additionally applied. Pelargonium does not like organic matter. In winter, feeding is stopped.
  • Ground. Preference is given to soils with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. good composition- a mixture of an equal amount of sand, peat, turf, humus and leafy soil. It is useful to add ash - it reduces acidity, provides additional nutrients.
  • Pot. Use ceramic pots. With each transplant, the size of the pot is taken a little more - literally a couple of centimeters. Young, small plants are not planted in spacious pots - this is fraught with souring of the substrate, rotting of the roots.
  • Transplant. The interval between transplants of adult pelargonium is two to three years. More often it is not necessary to replant - a capricious variety is hard to tolerate transplants, flowering is delayed. The frequency of transplants depends on the intensity of growth. When thin roots begin to break through the drainage holes, it's time to repot.

Especially important is the care of royal pelargonium after purchase. For two weeks, the plant is quarantined, creating favorable conditions for adaptation. Watering is minimized, they are not fed, they carefully monitor the condition of the flower. They don’t put it in bright light - they shade it from the sun. After two weeks, gradually transfer to normal care.

Trimming Rules

You need to trim the royal pelargonium to maintain beautiful shape bush and full bloom. Common mistake - spring pruning. If you cut the pelargonium in the spring, it will postpone flowering for a year. Therefore, it is necessary to form a bush only after the end of flowering. Usually it ends in the middle of summer, sometimes a little later.

Pruning is carried out twice with a monthly interval. After the first pruning, pelargonium will actively produce new shoots. To stimulate further branching, pinch them after the fifth young leaf. Pinching is repeated up to five times to achieve a neat bush shape and active bud formation. The time of the last pinching is no later than the end of January.

If the pelargonium has grown strongly during the winter, instead of pinching, the shoots can be cut a little.

Why are there no buds

Royal pelargonium does not bloom different reasons. In most cases, common mistakes in care affect.

  • Temperature . Incorrectly selected temperature regime, warm wintering. To form flower buds in winter, pelargonium is kept cool.
  • Lighting. Lack of lighting, especially in winter.
  • Big pot. In a spacious pot, pelargonium sprouts new shoots, grows leaves, but does not bloom.
  • Lack of nutrition. Two trace elements are needed for flowering - potassium and phosphorus. If there are not enough of them, the buds will not form. Excess nitrogen has the same effect.
  • Incorrect cropping. Spring pruning delays flowering for a year. You need to wait until the end of flowering and only then prune.

To make pelargonium bloom, they create coolness in winter; in early spring, potash and phosphorus fertilizers are applied. Be sure to carry out regular pruning at the right time. If pelargonium grows in a spacious container, it is transplanted into a smaller pot.

Reproduction methods

The reproduction of royal pelargonium by cuttings is mainly used. Seeds are used only store. The seeds collected from your plant will sprout, but the flowers will be smaller and lose their characteristic bright color.


Description . To once again do not injure the plant; cuttings are combined with pruning. Use cut tops with three pairs of leaves. Rooting royal pelargonium in water will not work - the base of the cutting will rot. Therefore, they are planted directly in the ground.


  1. Before planting, the base of the cuttings is dipped in coal powder, dried for several hours.
  2. Deepen into a loose substrate. A mixture of equal amounts of sand and perlite or peat with sand will do. In order not to disturb the roots once again, it is better to immediately take separate cups. According to some flower growers, it is convenient to use peat tablets.
  3. After rooting, the cuttings are carefully transplanted into larger pots with nutrient soil. It is better not to rush, to carry out the first transplant in a couple of months.
  4. Pinching over the third pair of leaves, Pinching is repeated as it grows.

Seedlings are watered twice a month with complex fertilizers with a minimum content of nitrogenous substances. Its concentration in the composition should not exceed 10-11%. The first flowering after rooting of the cutting occurs in six to nine months.


Description . Growing from seeds is used as a way to simultaneously obtain a large number young plants. Use only store-bought seeds.


  1. Sowing begins towards the end of winter. Seeds are sown in a light, loose substrate under cover.
  2. Keep in good light, if necessary, illuminate with fluorescent lamps.
  3. Daily check the humidity of the substrate, remove condensate from the film or glass.

Shoots appear quite quickly - in about two weeks. The germination rate depends on the level of lighting, temperature, time of collection of seeds. Fresh seeds germinate much faster. Seedlings can be planted after the appearance of three or four true leaves.

Common diseases

Diseases for royal pelargoniums are more dangerous than other species. The table shows the most common ailments and how to treat them.

Table - Diseases of royal pelargoniums

Disease nameSigns of infectionTreatment Methods
Gray rot- Brown spots on the leaves;
- gray fluffy coating
- Transplantation into a new sterile soil;
- trimming of the affected parts;
- treatment with fungicides "Vitaros", "Fundazol"
Stem and root rot- Blackening of the root neck;
- pallor, yellowness, lethargy of leaves
Processing with Fitolavin, Biporam
late blight- growth retardation;
- pallor of leaves;
- sunken spots on stems
- Cutting to healthy tissue;
- treatment with any fungicides;
- transplantation into a sterile substrate
Edema (tissue swelling)Bumps and growths on leaves- Pruning diseased leaves;
- reduced watering
verticillium wiltLeaves wither, but remain hanging on the stem- Destruction of affected plants;
- at the initial stages - treatment with the preparations "Fundazol", "Topsin"

The main pests are spider mites, aphids,. To combat them, insecticides and acaricides are used. With a slight lesion, a single treatment is enough. With a strong one, you have to process it again.

Main growing problems

Not less problems arises due to proper care or inappropriate conditions. The most common growth defects and their causes are shown in the table.

Table - Problems of growing royal pelargonium

ProblemPossible reason
Leaves turn yellow- Lack of moisture;
- excessive watering;
- excess fertilizer;
- lack of light
The leaves turn redCold
The lower part of the stem is exposedFlaw sunlight
The soil dries out quickly, and the leaves withercramped pot
Mold appears on the surface of the soildense soil
No flowering- Incorrect cropping;
- a spacious pot;
- warm winter
Falling buds- drafts;
- heat;
- complete drying of the soil

Knowing how to care for royal pelargonium, you can achieve stable and long flowering. Beautiful, large double flowers will please even those who have not really loved pelargonium before.

Royal - originating from South America. It was brought to Europe in the 18th century, and since then many varieties have been bred by breeders. In this article we will talk about royal pelargonium, about caring for a flower at home, and you can also see a photo.

Short description

This flower small, can reach up to 60 cm in height. The plant has erect and stems. The bush is completely covered with emerald-colored leaves, which have a rough surface and a light fluff. Pelargonium inflorescences are large, and with proper care they can reach 25 cm in diameter.

On average, the diameter of inflorescences is 15 cm. Peduncles have different length: 5 to 10 cm. The flower itself grows up to 7 cm in diameter. Shapes and colors can be very different: purple, orange and purple, red and pink. Buds can be plain or with contrasting inclusions. Flowers may have wavy, ruffled, or smooth edges.

The royal plant blooms, unlike the usual one, for a short time, about 4 months. Flowers look great on window sills, balconies and suspended in.

Popular varieties

Consider the popular varieties of royal pelargonium with a photo:

Did you know? Geranium essential oil, which is obtained from the green part of the plant, is a very valuable medicinal product. It is also used in aromatherapy to calm the mind and uplift the mood.

What to look for when buying

It is best to buy a flower in proven places. When buying pelargonium, pay attention to the condition of the inflorescences and the bush. They shouldn't be wilted. There should be no damage on the leaves - this may indicate the presence of diseases.

Do I need to repot the plant after purchase

Most flowers are sold in disposable containers and with an unsuitable substrate. Therefore, after buying a flower, it is recommended to transplant.

Important!Transplant the plant only if it does not bloom.

To prepare a substrate for pelargonium, 1 part of sand and 2 parts each of leaf and sod land are used. If it is not possible to prepare the mixture yourself, then you can purchase a regular nutrient substrate for flowers at the store. The pot should match the size of the root system. You should not take a large container, since in it the pelargonium will go green, and you can not wait for flowering.

Follow-up home care

Pelargonium (geranium) royal requires some care at home.

Location and lighting

In order for the royal plant to bloom densely, it needs good lighting. If you place the royal flower in, then it will grow, but will not give buds or flowering will be short-lived.

To provide required amount light flower must be placed on the south. But you need to make sure that bright rays do not fall on the plant, otherwise they can burn the leaves. In winter, the royal flower needs an auxiliary one, because due to a lack of light, the stems are pulled out.

Temperature regime

In the hot season, the optimum temperature for pelargonium should not exceed 24 ° C. In winter, the flower will feel good at 12-15 ° C. If the plant overheats or stands in a draft, then flowering can not be expected.


Royal Pelargonium loves moisture, so you need a plentiful one. But stagnant water must not be allowed. On hot days, the flower is necessary 2 times a day. Reduce in winter. Pelargonium does not like when water gets on the leaves, so the flower is not recommended. And the plant needs to be rooted.

top dressing

The royal plant should be fertilized regularly - in spring and summer this is done once every 2 weeks. It is necessary to feed the flower, which includes 3 components: magnesium,. Ready-made complexes with additional additives can be bought. If fertilizers are made independently, then you need to take equal parts. And before flowering, increase the composition of potassium and reduce nitrogen.

To increase the number of buds, flower growers recommend adding: 1 drop of iodine is diluted in 1 liter of warm water. This solution should be watered along the wall of the pot so that there are no burns. For one plant use 50 ml of solution.

Important!The main thing is not to overdo it with top dressing, this will lead to yellowing of the leaves.


Pruning of royal pelargonium (geranium) is carried out for lush flowering and in order to make the flower shape compact. This should be done after flowering. Basically, this is done at the end and at the beginning. The second wave of pruning is carried out after 1.5 months, so as not to injure the pelargonium.
Pruning rules:

  • it is necessary to cut, taking into account the characteristics of the plant - the flower should be small and have the shape of a bush;
  • the procedure is carried out with a sharp disinfected knife or at the level of the leaf node;
  • slices should be processed;
  • stems growing inward must be completely removed.
Trimming order:
  • you need to remove wilted stems and inflorescences that have faded;
  • it is worth trimming the dried leaves;
  • you need to carefully examine the pelargonium and determine which shoots are best cut to get a beautiful crown;
  • bare and long stems are removed;
  • in a flower that is preparing for wintering, it is necessary to cut off the third part of the main stem.

Features of care in the winter

In October, the royal pelargonium begins a period of rest, which lasts until March. Flower care at this time is almost not required. The main thing is to prevent the coma from drying out. Feeding stops. To be in winter time the flower should be at a temperature of 12-15 ° C. Also, with the help of additional lighting, it is necessary to extend the daylight hours for geraniums so that the stems do not stretch much from lack of light.

How often to transplant

Many are interested in the question of why the royal geranium does not bloom. One solution to this problem can be a timely plant transplant. This must be done at least once every 2-3 years. It is also not recommended to carry out the procedure more often - flowering may slow down in pelargonium.

The flower should be transplanted into a small pot so that the roots are placed just in it. The container must have drainage holes. Special attention you need to give yourself, which will not allow water to stagnate. Broken brick, sea pebbles or expanded clay can be used as drainage.

Diseases and pests: prevention and treatment

Pelargonium diseases include:

  1. Gray rot. This disease develops due to excess moisture in and a high nitrogen content in it. Brown spots appear on leaves and stems. A gray coating appears on all parts of the plant. The flower needs to be transplanted into new ground and process, such as, "Rovral", "Vitaros".
  2. Root and stem rot. This disease is evidenced by a black root neck, which begins to rot. The leaves become pale, and later they turn yellow and wither. The cause of such a disease is increased moisture and reduced moisture. It is recommended to fight rot with the preparations "Biporam", "Fitolavin".
  3. Late blight. The flower is affected by the fungus and quickly withers and rots. The fungus is mainly transmitted from, but can be transferred from another plant by a draft. The disease develops due to high humidity. Pelargonium leaves turn pale, the plant slows down in growth. You can also notice a white fluff in the focus of rot. The plant is treated with. Damaged parts of the plant must be removed, and the sections treated with charcoal. A transplant into a sterile pot and substrate is required.
  4. Eden. Tubercles and growths form on the leaves. This disease appears due to waterlogging.

The royal geranium, which is otherwise called pelargonium, has received such a majestic name for a reason. This plant is distinguished by its amazing beauty, elegance and grace. However, it also requires royal care. Unlike fellows of other varieties, this representative of the flora needs specific care and constant attention. If you do not give the flower the required, lush buds can never wait.

The beautiful royal is a native of South America, where a humid and hot climate reigns. That is why she feels great in warm rooms with high humidity. An amazing flower was brought to Europe only in late XVIII century. In the shortest possible time, he gained immense popularity among gardeners. From that moment on, breeders have been continuously working, as a result of which more and more new varieties of royal pelargonium are born. It is difficult to name the exact number of species known today.

At home, a noble representative of the flora grows to a height of 60-80 cm. Growing taller bushes is not considered appropriate, since flowers appear only at the highest points of growth. If a geranium reaches 1 m in height, it completely loses its decorative qualities. However, if you are a fan of the experiment, you can try to grow a 1.5 m high bush in the open ground. It will be an excellent backdrop for undersized garden dwellers.

Description of the royal plant

home distinguishing feature royal geranium - chic inflorescences. In width, they can reach 25 cm. But in order to achieve such magnificence, it is necessary to ensure proper care of the plant. The more fertilizer with potassium and phosphorus you make during the preparation for flowering, the larger the buds will be. Usually there are inflorescences of medium size - about 15 cm.

All royals have oval spots in the central part of the petal. They are darker and more saturated than the rest of the areas. There are both classic and terry royal pelargoniums. The latter look more advantageous. Shades of buds amaze with their diversity. There are instances of yellow, dazzling white, purple, red, pink and even orange flowers.

The petals of plants are both flat concave and slightly wavy. Varieties of corrugated flowers of the royal plant are rare. The leaves are toothed, oval or rounded. Their surface is usually rough, quite pleasant to the touch. The shade of the leaves depends on the general condition of the royal. If the flower is healthy and provided with everything necessary, its foliage has a rich emerald color. The central trunk and all shoots are tightly covered. And if the plant feels bad, the foliage fades, and parts of the bush are exposed.

Unlike other geranium varieties, the royal individual has a rather short flowering period. As a rule, it does not exceed six months. A houseplant blooms in early spring.

Royal Pelargonium (video)

What conditions does the flower need?

Like all representatives of the nobility, the royal geranium makes high demands on the conditions of detention. To make your pet feel comfortable, you should follow 4 basic rules.

  1. Royal geranium absolutely does not tolerate both waterlogging and overdrying of the soil. In addition, it suffers from direct sunlight and winds. Therefore, experienced gardeners strongly do not recommend summer period plant this flower open ground. Unlike relatives, he will not be happy with such hardening. The only thing that can be done in the summer is to take out the pelargonium right in the pot on the balcony or garden. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the plant is in partial shade and does not stand in a draft. Geranium living on the windowsill needs shading in summer. If this is not done, sunburn may form on the leaves.
  2. Another rule that the gardener should write down in his diary: the royal individual should not experience a shortage of light throughout the year. Unlike zonal geraniums, which during the summer accumulate sunlight for the entire coming year and winter well even in rooms with low light, the royal plant cannot live in the dark. With a lack of lighting, it stretches up, and also does not have the strength to lay buds for the next flowering. Therefore, for the lush flowering of a fastidious beauty, flower growers are advised to purchase special fluorescent lamps.
  3. In order for the geranium to begin to bloom, care must be taken to maintain a special temperature regime. In winter, the plant feels great at 12-15°C. In such conditions, it lays buds for flowering in the next season. If the temperature is elevated and exceeds 24 ° C, the flower begins to experience discomfort. At best, it stops blooming, at worst, it stops growth completely.
  4. Particular attention in the care of the royal specimen must be given to watering. It is necessary to choose the intensity of soil moisture taking into account the temperature regime. In summer, watering should be moderate and regular, in winter - sparing and rather rare. Experienced gardeners it is recommended not to pour the liquid from above, but to pour it into the pan. This is due to the fact that royal geranium does not tolerate soil compaction quite well. For irrigation, it is better to take rainwater, or a clean settled liquid.

When and how to transplant a plant?

Unlike their counterparts, who endure the annual transplant to and from the garden, the royal specimen is not a fan of such movements. It is better not to disturb him with a transplant once again. You need to change the pot only if the overgrown root system no longer fits into the old one. Up to this point, you can limit yourself to only periodically adding fresh earth to the container.

It is recommended to transplant pelargonium once every 2 years. If this procedure is not performed in time, the plant may not bloom or there will be very few flowers on the bush. It is better to transplant as soon as possible. The optimal time is the beginning of February. After the flower buds begin to form, and it blooms.

The soil for the royal is no different from the soil that suits other members of the species. It can be prepared independently by mixing in equal proportions:

  • sod land;
  • peat;
  • deciduous land;
  • river sand.

Be sure to take care of creating a drainage layer. Otherwise, the plant risks dying due to stagnant water at the roots. Expanded clay, crushed stone, crushed sand can be used as drainage. Ceramic pots are best for growing hydrangeas. They provide an even distribution of air and maintain a suitable temperature of the earthen coma. After transplantation, attention to the flower should be increased.

What fertilizer does geranium need?

The need for fertilizers royal geranium is experiencing during the period of active growth, bud formation, flowering. Nutrients need to be applied every 2 weeks from late March to mid-November. It is better to use liquid top dressings, for example, a good remedy is a solution of iodine. To prepare it, 1 drop of the substance is added to 1 liter of water. About 50 ml of the prepared composition is carefully poured over the walls of the pot. When demolishing a larger amount of top dressing, there is a risk of damage to the root system.

Purchased mineral fertilizers can also be used to feed the plant. However, it is important to ensure that nitrogen does not predominate in their composition. Otherwise, the stems and leaves will grow actively, but the buds will become noticeably smaller. It is better to choose mixtures with a high content of phosphorus and potassium. They will provide long and abundant flowering.

It is not recommended to use fresh organics as fertilizers for geraniums. royal plant he just doesn't get that kind of support.

When and how is pruning done?

Incorrect pruning is one of the most common beginner mistakes when growing royal geraniums at home. Most flower growers believe that the optimal time for this procedure is the beginning of spring. However, this opinion is erroneous. It is better if pruning is carried out immediately after flowering is completed, that is, in late August or early September. If you process the bush in the spring, next season it is unlikely to bloom.

It is optimal if pruning is carried out in 2 doses with an interval between sessions of 1-1.5 months. In this case, the royal person will experience less stress and endure the procedure more easily. After removing the excess parts of the plant, be sure to pamper the geranium with fertilizers.

If pruning is carried out correctly and on time, young shoots will begin to appear on the geranium in the fall. They must be pinched over 4-5 pairs of leaves. In this case, new stems will grow even more actively. Professional flower growers who form excellent exhibition specimens spend an average of 3-4 pinching per season. As a result, by spring, the decorative bush acquires a compact shape and blooms profusely. The number of pinches from amateur gardeners largely depends on the conditions of the plant. At the same time, do not forget: in any case, the last procedure must be carried out no later than at the beginning of February. If, within winter period the bush is very stretched out, it will be better if, instead of the final pinching, pruning of the overgrown shoots is carried out.

Proper care of geraniums (video)

Plant propagation methods

Cuttings are the simplest, most effective and common method of propagating royal geraniums. For it, you can use tops with 3-4 pairs of leaves obtained during pruning. It is necessary to know that the cuttings of this plant cannot be rooted in water. In conditions of high humidity, they do not grow roots, but only rot.

To propagate the bush, it is necessary to form cut points with charcoal, dry it a little and immediately plant the cuttings in the ground. Optimal composition soil: a mixture of equal parts of perlite and peat. It is recommended to immediately plant young plants in separate pots; peat cups can also be used. This will eliminate the mass death of green pets in the event that care and reproduction were carried out incorrectly.

After about 1-2 months, the plants will take root completely, after which they can be transplanted into a nutrient mixture consisting of sod and hardwood, sand and peat, mixed in equal proportions. It is not necessary to cover the cuttings with banks or polyethylene, it is enough to keep them in a warm room with moderate lighting, ensuring timely watering.

For lush flowering and full growth during the growing season, young bushes must be periodically fed. It is better to use mineral fertilizers with a low nitrogen content. During flowering, which in case of proper care occurs approximately 6-9 months after rooting, it is recommended to use fertilizers for flowering houseplants. You can buy them at any specialized store.

The royal individual, unlike other types of pelargonium, does not like to propagate by seeds. Usually, when using this method, the signs of doubleness and semi-doubleness of the finest mother varieties are not transmitted. However, if you are a fan of experiments, be sure to try growing marvelous geraniums from seeds. You may be able to create a new view.

Why doesn't the royal geranium bloom?

Amateur flower growers who have become owners of a beautiful royal geranium are looking forward to the moment when a beautiful green pet will bloom. However, they often have to experience disappointment: instead of the most beautiful large inflorescences, the fastidious royal geranium gives only abundant foliage, and the rapidly growing shoots stretch out and spoil the whole look. Why is this happening? Most likely, when caring for the plant, the basic rules were violated:

  • the bush suffers from a lack of lighting or due to an incorrectly selected temperature regime;
  • the flower lives in a too large pot;
  • applied fertilizers have an unbalanced composition;
  • the transplant was not made on time;
  • pruning was performed in violation of the basic rules or was completely absent.

All reasons for the lack of flowering can be eliminated quite easily. After this is done, marvelous royalty will please your lush flowering.

What diseases and pests are dangerous for geraniums?

Like any other houseplants, royal pelargonium is susceptible to diseases and pests. Usually, ailments attack a green pet due to violations of the conditions of detention. However, if you constantly monitor the plant and take action in time, the dangerous consequences of the invasion can be avoided.

  1. If the leaves of a room beauty turn yellow, she may suffer from a lack of moisture or a deficiency. nutrients. The same symptom indicates too tight a pot and even overfeeding fertilizers with nitrogen.
  2. Have the leaves become limp and drooping, have mold or brown spots formed on them? Look for the cause in excessive watering. Excessive moisture can also provoke the appearance of depressed dark spots on the stems.
  3. The fall of the lower foliage, the exposure of the stem and the extension of the top of the bush are clear signs that the green pet is suffering from a lack of lighting. If an incorrectly selected temperature regime is added to this, you can not expect lush flowering of geraniums.

Sick and oppressed plants become easy prey for pests. Royal pelargonium can be attacked by whiteflies, aphids,. Action must be taken immediately after uninvited guests are discovered. It is necessary to isolate the affected plant from other pets and treat its leaves with soapy water. If this does not help, spraying with insecticides is required.

Care royal geranium lies in proper watering, timely pruning, ensuring winter holiday, transplant as needed.

How to water geraniums

Watering royal geraniums is best done through a pallet, while the plant itself will adjust the amount of moisture needed. Water should be settled, at room temperature, boiled water is allowed. Until the plant blooms, the leaves should be sprayed periodically. The signal for watering is the appearance of a dry crust on top layer earth. Excess water leads to plant disease, and a lack of moisture leads to the absence of flowers.

Pruning geraniums for lush blooms

Winter pruning is integral part caring for royal geraniums. Short days and lack of sunlight cause the plant to stretch. During this period, geraniums need to be pinched, and the long shoots that have appeared should be cut off. In April, the royal geranium will begin to bloom, so pruning should be stopped in March. To maintain the shape of the bush, it is also carried out in the summer after flowering.

With the onset of winter, the plant hibernates. All that is needed is minimal watering and a well-lit, cool (with a temperature not higher than 15 degrees) place. At this time, the geranium is resting, gaining strength for the upcoming flowering.

Geranium transplant

Caring for royal geraniums involves a transplant. This procedure should be carried out in the spring, when the roots become crowded and they find a hole in the drainage system. The new flowerpot should not differ much in size from the old one, since geraniums are reluctant to bloom in large voluminous pots. At the bottom of the tank you need to put drainage. The soil can be purchased or prepared independently from sand, peat and earth. The planting mix should not be overly tamped.

Why does geranium turn yellow

At good care for royal geraniums, she practically does not get sick. However, with poor watering or under prolonged exposure to sunlight, the lower leaves may turn yellow. Diseases characteristic of royal pelargonium: nematode, dropsy, rust, black stem rot.

For the geranium to bloom

To stimulate the appearance of flowers, you need to choose the right place for the plant. Royal geranium loves light, so the brightest places in the house are ideal for her. In addition, wintering in a bright, cool place, monthly top dressing and spring pruning will ensure the appearance of large inflorescences.

How to propagate geranium

The result of proper care of royal geraniums will be healthy, flowering plant that you want to reproduce. Geranium propagation method - cuttings. At the end of summer, it is necessary to cut cuttings of 7-9 cm, hold them in the air for several hours, then plant them in a peat-sand mixture. Using a plastic bag, create a greenhouse effect and make sure that the soil is always moist. Prepare the soil from sand, leaf and sod land and plant rooted cuttings.

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