How to care for ivy geraniums. Video - Spring pruning of ivy geranium and planting cuttings. Ivy Pelargonium Care

Encyclopedia of Plants 15.11.2018
Encyclopedia of Plants

It is not at all difficult to breed and maintain geraniums in a room. This is not a capricious plant, decorative and attractive, thinning out a healing aroma into the surrounding space. Ivy pelargonium enjoys special honor among amateur flower growers: growing from seeds, caring for which at home and other useful questions will be considered for the readers of "Popular about Health" in this article.

Pelargonium ivy in the home collection

This flower attracts decorative appearance and beautiful falling down shoots. Even growing to a length of 60-70 cm, they do not break and therefore allow you to create original compositions. It is also called ampelous pelargonium, it is distinguished by smooth shiny leaves and very bright flowers. The plant is capable of producing dozens of different shades, each of which looks attractive and very impressive.

Features of care

Ivy pelargonium prefers bright solar lighting and adequate watering. An important feature of this plant is that it needs to form a bush. As soon as the first shoots appear, they must be carefully directed down, carefully fixed on the walls of the pots. Pelargonium grows quickly, because of this it is recommended to pinch the apical part every month.

Yellowing and dry leaves, faded buds, broken branches should be removed regularly. When root system Grows well and needs to be transplanted into a larger pot. The optimal composition of the substrate for planting can be bought at a specialized store or prepared independently. It includes turf land, river sand and always a little peat. It is recommended to ignite the prepared soil by placing it in a preheated oven for 3-4 minutes. Such a procedure will destroy pathogenic microflora and possible pests, but at the same time all useful and nutrients.

Planting from seeds

For growing at home, you can take small trays - up to 3 cm deep. They are half filled with prepared substrate, which is moistened with warm water. All containers must be left for a day in the sun or in another warm place (near the battery). The soil should warm up well and be warm (22-23 degrees).

In the substrate, you need to make small indentations with your finger at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other in one tray. Seeds are placed in the pits, covered with soil no more than 1 cm thick. After that, the soil is moistened again, the containers are covered with a film, in which there should be several holes for air to enter.

In the first days after planting the seeds, do not put trays on sunny windowsills. You need to choose a bright place, but not under the open sun. As soon as the first young shoots appear, the film can be removed, and only now put on the window. In the absence of sufficient light, pelargonium ivy will grow 3 times slower. The soil should always be loosened - this way the root system is better strengthened. At the same time, the stems become strong and able to hold the fleshy leaves.

When the pelargonium grows to at least two leaves, it must be dived. For each small bush, a separate pot is selected (preferably tall and narrow). Seedlings constantly need to be pinched, otherwise it will not be a branched bush, but an elongated and not at all decorative stem. This is how the ivy-leaved pelargonium is grown from seeds in a simple way.

When fully grown and overgrown plants form on the window, they need to be provided proper care. What does ivy-leaved pelargonium love, what kind of care?

The optimum temperature regime is from 20 to 24 degrees, but the flower is able to tolerate a drop to +17 degrees. Able - does not mean that such a temperature should be often.

A separate issue in plant care is watering and maintaining sufficient moisture. Unlike many other plants, pelargonium does not like dampness. Its leaves do not need to be sprayed and often washed. It is enough to water the soil when the top layer dries up. Experts correlate this flower with a number of succulents (aloe, cacti), which prefer drought rather than humidity.

If the leaves are covered with yellowish spots or brown dots, then there is too much fluid for the plant.

Collection of seeds for propagation

If you want to grow young flowers from seeds, they need to be collected immediately after the pelargonium ripens. You can notice this by the appearance of a seed box with a slight shade of yellowness. They must be carefully collected, avoiding falling into the soil. Seeds can germinate, but in this state they cannot be preserved.

Experienced flower growers recommend using the cutting propagation method if it is necessary to preserve the derived shade of flowers. Ivy pelargonium splits the varieties that were used for crossing, resulting in noticeable external changes.

Growing pelargonium, you can get great pleasure and benefit. She, like other representatives of the geranium family, has medicinal properties. The aroma that the leaves emit when touched kills germs in the air. The essential oil obtained from this plant is a valuable cosmetic product.

Growing at home, pelargonium ivy disinfects the air, relieves stress, has a calming effect and helps to cope with colds. Plant this plant in your window!

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How to grow ivy geranium?

  • Growing and care conditions
  • Diseases and pests
  • Pelargonium in the house

Geranium is a plant familiar to each of us since childhood. But ivy-leaved geranium can surprise even an experienced grower with its beauty. It is also called ampelous: geranium shoots of this species reach 50-80 cm in length and are able to cascade down without breaking. AT hanging planters, on "green walls" and in vertical indoor gardens blooming ivy pelargonium, as this flower is called in the scientific literature, looks impressive and very unusual. Its leaves are smooth and shiny, and bright flowers They come in a variety of colors, so choosing the right one for your interior is not difficult.

Geranium (pelargonium) ivy is unpretentious in care. It requires moderate watering, diffused sunlight and temperatures above 20 degrees.

Growing and care conditions

Pelargonium care at home is simple. This plant is propagated by cuttings, root division and seeds.

A quick way to grow geraniums is with cuttings that can be cut from an adult plant.

  1. Propagation by cuttings. The upper part of the shoot with 2 leaves is cut off, stepping back 1-2 cm from the node, the stalk is lowered into the water, where Kornevin can be added. Roots appear in 1-2 weeks. The plant can be planted in the ground. You can immediately place a freshly cut branch in wet sand and cover glass jar to create greenhouse conditions. But in this case, do not forget to ventilate the cutting daily, removing the jar for 5-7 minutes. It is possible to plant a rooted plant in a container intended for it in 3-4 weeks.
  2. Root division. When transplanting pelargonium in spring or autumn, the overgrown root is carefully divided into 2-3 parts, it is desirable that each of them has an escape. Parts of the plant are placed in containers with a drainage mixture and light soil, which must include peat and sand. Water, preventing the soil from drying out, you need 1 time in 2-3 days.
  3. Seeds. Buy planting material in specialized stores is now very easy. This method of propagation of pelargonium is most common among flower growers who grow certain varieties of ivy geranium, because only seeds purchased from trusted sellers guarantee full compliance with the varietal characteristics of the pelargonium you have chosen. Seeds are sown in containers with moistened and disinfected peat mixture, sprinkled with a thin, no more than 1 cm, layer of earth and covered with glass. Geranium is thermophilic, the temperature in the seedling boxes should not fall below 21 ° C. For successful germination of seeds, once every 3-4 days, lift the film or glass, remove condensate. The first sprouts will appear in 7-14 days. Do not expose containers with seedlings directly to the sun, the light should be diffused. And observe the temperature regime, remember that even a small draft can destroy seedlings. Pelargonium is planted in separate pots when 2-3 leaves appear.

Nitrogen fertilizers are used to feed geraniums.

Home care for ampelous pelargonium has one more feature: in the period after transplantation, it needs nitrogen fertilizers, but mature plant it is better to feed once every 2-3 weeks with fertilizers, which contain phosphorus and potassium - this is necessary for lush flowering. The soil is also important, which should include peat, humus and sand in equal quantities.

Pelargoniums need sunlight, moderate watering, a temperature of at least 21 ° C and room for good shoot growth. During the flowering period, inflorescences of red, white, pink or other flowers with a slightly spicy strong smell will appear on each of them.

Among the features of caring for pelargonium, there is one more nuance: this ampelous plant needs to form a bush.

The first shoots are carefully directed down along the walls of the pots, sometimes even attached to the edges. AT favorable conditions ivy pelargonium grows very quickly, so pinching the tops, removing yellowed leaves or wilted inflorescences may be required once a month. The plant is transplanted when the root system becomes short of space in the container intended for it.

If you want to grow pelargonium garden plant, it needs to be planted in containers in February. In 2-3 months, she will be able to take root well and better tolerate climate change. You can decorate balconies and loggias with flowers, decorate gazebos, place planters on the terrace. AT summer period pelargonium can be planted in open ground like a carpet plant.

In autumn, before the onset of frost, geraniums need to be dug up and transplanted into pots and planters, cutting long shoots. The plant overwinters at home. Ideal for flower growers is the option when pelargonium is grown in containers, which are placed at home in the fall, and re-installed and fixed on your site or balcony in the spring.

Geranium or pelargonium is a flower that has always been and will be held in high esteem by many gardeners. It's decorative flowering plant family Geraniaceae with ornamental and healing properties. In nature, this plant grows in southern Africa. To date, there are many varieties of pelargonium. Pelargonium ivy Tornado is considered the most popular.

The difference between Pelargonium ivy and Geranium

Unlike ordinary geranium, it is an ampelous annual crop. Its leaves are shaped like ivy leaves. They are quite dense and look like artificial. Many flower growers do not know what this decorative flower actually looks like. It is often confused with ordinary geranium.

There are several features by which ivy-leaved pelargonium can be distinguished from ordinary geraniums:

  • First of all, this is the name of the flower.
  • This plant belongs to the group of ampelous flowers with large hanging stems. Ordinary geranium is an upright plant of low stature.
  • Ampelous pelargonium is overgrown with numerous flexible and curly shoots, due to which the flower looks very impressive and beautiful. On adult specimens, the stems reach a meter height.
  • Geranium has soft and very delicate leaves, and ivy pelargonium has leaves that are smooth, five-lobed and with a glossy surface. Their width is from three to six centimeters.
  • Pelargonium flowers are highly decorative.

At home, care for these plants is almost the same.

All varieties of ivy-leaved pelargonium have a long peduncle - from twelve to eighteen centimeters long. On each peduncle are decorative flowers collected in umbrella inflorescences of six to eight pieces.

Pelargonium ivy Tornado, like geranium, is valued for its unpretentious care, duration and brightness of flowering. Not only flowers, but also the leaves of the plant have decorative qualities.

How to care for ampelous pelargonium for lush flowering?

Despite the fact that the care of this flower is simple, there are some features that should be taken into account in the process of growing it.

To achieve long and lush flowering, ivy-leaved pelargonium must be planted in good soil. The full development of this flower will depend on the quality and composition of the soil. He needs nutrient soil and a small capacity for planting. Pelargonium ivy, like geranium, belongs to indoor flowers who like to grow in close quarters. The diameter of the pot should be a couple of centimeters larger than the diameter of the root system.

The nutrient mixture for planting pelargonium can be prepared at home. To do this, you need sand, humus, leaf, peat and sod land in equal parts. All components are thoroughly mixed.

In addition, you need to know other requirements in the care of this flower:


This flower is very easy to propagate at home. Reproduction of pelargonium, like geraniums, occurs in two ways: with the help of seeds and cuttings.


reproduction seed way is a very painstaking and time-consuming process that requires knowledge and skills. Planting seeds is carried out in the period from late winter to mid-spring. Additional lighting is the most important condition for the full development of seeds and the germination of seedlings. Seeds are planted to a depth of one centimeter. After that, the seedlings are abundantly moistened with a spray bottle and placed in a warm place.

The subsequent care of plantings is to ensure a stable temperature regime within twenty-two to twenty-five degrees and a long daylight hours. Under such conditions, the seedlings will germinate very quickly - in seven to ten days. Sprouted seedlings should be watered moderately, avoiding overflows and stagnant water, as well as drying out of the soil. After about three to four weeks, when the ivy-leaved pelargoniums grow and get stronger, they are transplanted. After transplanting, the seedlings are given time to adapt, then they are fertilized for the first time using complex mineral fertilizers. Growing pelargoniums from seeds is a fascinating process that requires attention and patience.


Propagation by cuttings is carried out in early spring. To do this, you need healthy and large cuttings. They are cut off, then left to dry for a day. Places of cuts are treated with coal powder. After that, the shoots are planted in pre-disinfected soil, compacting well. The distance between the cuttings should be at least two centimeters.

Reproduction of pelargoniums in this way is almost always successful. A month after planting, the cuttings should take root. Then they are planted in the ground. If young plants are transplanted in the spring, then already in the middle of summer you can get lush blooming geraniums in your garden.

Special care for these flowers is required in winter period. With good and prolonged lighting, the aerial part of the plants is not cut off.

If this condition is not provided, then the ivy-leaved pelargoniums are cut off completely, leaving small stumps. Then they are placed in a cool place with a temperature not exceeding ten degrees Celsius.

Diseases and pests

growing in room conditions that geranium, that pelargonium ivy Tornado, are prone to disease and pest invasion.

Slugs and caterpillars love to eat these plants. You can get rid of harmful insects with the help of systemic insecticides.

In addition, these flowers are affected by flower mold, rust, viruses and blackleg. The main reason - improper care and conditions of detention. Diseased plants are treated with chemicals.

Ampelous pelargonium is one of the most favorite plants of flower growers; it usually adorns parks, balconies, terraces, open areas and spacious rooms. She is valued for what she has beautiful flowers and leaves, and it blooms brightly and for a long time. Ivy pelargonium is loved not only by experienced flower growers, but even by those who are poorly versed in the intricacies of caring for this fragrant plant.

Varieties of ampelous pelargonium

Today, in stores and markets, you can buy geraniums of various varieties, including ampelous pelargonium. decorative leaves and flowers of bright and unusual shades on the window or balcony will delight not only the owners of the apartment, but also the neighbors. And passers-by are unlikely to remain indifferent.

There are many species and varieties, the most common of which are zonal pelargoniums, the varieties of which number several tens of thousands. This species got its name because of the so-called zones on leaves that have a different color. At the same time, in winter, when there is little light, they disappear, and in the spring they appear again.

There are rosaceous pelargoniums with buds similar to pink and tulip-shaped, whose flowers resemble tulip buds - they were bred by American amateur breeders in the middle of the last century. Star pelargonium is a rare species. It is characterized by twisted flower petals. Carnation varieties look like garden carnations.

Royal geranium is large in size and flowers with a corrugated edge. The peculiarity of its color is that it does not have monochromatic shades of white, burgundy, purple and pink. Variety "Angel" resembles outwardly astermeria. It was obtained by selection in the 30s of the last century. This variety also belongs to the group of royal. A photo ampelous pelargonium this variety can be found on the Internet resources.

Fragrant geranium exudes a strong aroma and usually has many small flowers in the inflorescence. When grown at home, it forms a small bush, the height of which can reach one meter.

Planting ampelous pelargonium and subsequent care for it

For planting an ampelous pelargonium flower, hanging baskets, planters, flowerpots, window and balcony boxes are used. Most often, these light-loving plants adorn the sunny facades of houses, where they look both organically and beautifully. Pelargonium ivy, or ampelous, differ from other species in that they have hanging or creeping shoots from twenty centimeters to one meter long. It is this type that is widely used for decorating windows, loggias or balconies. Landing can be done in spring or early autumn.

Subsequent care for it consists in timely watering and the application of mineral fertilizers. It is easy to care for pelargonium at home, it grows normally under certain conditions. It is necessary to monitor fluctuations in temperature, illumination, the amount of moisture in the soil. The temperature in the room where pelargonium grows in the warm season should be on average 22-23 degrees, and in the cold season it should not be lower than 12-15 degrees.

For planting, it is necessary to prepare soil acceptable for it: an approximately equal amount of sand, humus soil is taken, there should be a large number of potassium, but nitrogen should not be much. The fact is that with an excess of nitrogen, the rate of flowering slows down, and the leaves, on the contrary, become larger.

Seedlings are planted in a window box in one row, at a distance of about fifteen centimeters from each other. At the end of spring frosts, they can already be put outside, and in April-May and summer, pelargonium should be watered regularly, fertilizing with small doses of mineral fertilizers.

Watering a plant also requires certain conditions: the soil in a pot or box should be moderately moist. If it is more than normal, it will stagnate in the container and mold may eventually appear. Excess moisture can be removed by draining through small holes in the bottom of the container. In summer, water more often, in winter - less often, once every one and a half to two weeks. At the same time, ampelous geraniums do not need to be sprayed, since moisture on the leaves can give rise to foci of decay on them.

For good growth, a plant needs Fresh air, therefore, ventilation of the room is mandatory, but drafts must be avoided. In winter, it is desirable to place pelargonium in such a way that it has additional lighting, while the ground part can not be cut off. But in the spring, pruning will give the pelargonium a downright chic splendor.

At room temperature, plant pots should be kept as far away from heating appliances as possible. In winter, pelargonium should not be watered too often - once every one and a half to two weeks is enough. By the way, it is more difficult to “please” pelargonium in winter, because it needs more light.

It is important to feed the pelargonium in time. When caring for ampelous pelargonium, it should be remembered that from March to August, during the flowering period, it is necessary to feed the plant weekly. Mineral fertilizers, as already mentioned, should be used in small concentrations. Flower growers have long noticed that milk diluted with water is very useful for pelargonium.

But some believe that geraniums do not need to be fertilized. It grows well in fresh fertilized soil, so in the spring it is better to transplant it into new pot with fresh soil, moderately fertilized. Such land can be purchased at specialized stores, or you can prepare the soil yourself. Recommendations on how and in what proportions to do this can be obtained from any specialist or experienced amateur.

Miracle fertilizer for pelargonium:

After a while you will not recognize your flower!

You will need:
1. Settled water
2. hydrogen peroxide
3. iodine.

Mix 1 ml of peroxide with 1 liter of water. Add 0.6 ml of iodine. Mix everything well.

Make sure the soil is completely dry before watering the geranium. Water the geranium.

Watch a video on how to prepare and use vitamin fertilizer for geraniums. Take care of your flowers. Let your plant bloom luxuriantly.

Reproduction of ampelous pelargonium

Flower growers sometimes practice growing ampelous pelargonium from seeds, but rightly consider this to be too troublesome, since many nuances must be taken into account. Therefore, it is preferable to propagate ampelous pelargonium with cuttings, previously dried for about a day.

For reproduction, dry sections, having previously been dipped in coal powder, which acts as a growth stimulator, are planted in disinfected soil. Disinfection can be carried out with boiling water or held in a hot oven for about ten minutes, and then cooled to room temperature. The distance between the cuttings is not more than two centimeters. The soil around them must be compacted. If all this is done in the spring, then in the summer the pelargonium will definitely bloom.

But if there are no cuttings, then it can be grown from seeds, especially since they are sold completely freely. The most favorable time for sowing is the beginning of winter. Florists recommend sowing them to a depth of about five millimeters. Optimum temperature soil for propagation of ampelous pelargonium by seeds - up to 25 degrees. After a few days, the seeds can sprout, but, as the experience of professional flower growers and amateurs shows, it is rarely possible to get a full-fledged flower from seeds.

If a plant has a bare stem during the winter months, there is no need to rush to rejuvenate it by cutting it into cuttings. In this case, you just need to pinch the top. After that, new shoots appear from the buds, and the plant blooms faster and more magnificently.


Geranium has a very similar analogue, which is called pelargonium ivy. Almost every house grows or once grew geraniums. It can also be planted in open ground. But in this case, it should be carefully looked after.

These flowers are known to many gardeners and that is why they are so often planted on summer cottages. Most often, ivy geranium is used to decorate window sills, balconies, terraces, verandas, etc. This plant can climb and fill free holes in fences and even small fences. Also, experts recommend using this indoor climbing flower for decorating flat surfaces. What should be the proper care of this plant?

General information

Outwardly, ivy-shaped pelargonium resembles the most common ivy. Main Feature this plant are unique smooth five-lobed leaves. In nature, climbing stems can grow in mountainous areas and even climb steep rocky slopes. At home, cultivated varieties have stems 70 cm long, which hang from the flowerpot in a beautiful cascade.

The flowers of this plant are collected in fairly large and fluffy inflorescences. On one of them you can count up to 15 flowers. Pelargonium blooms very brightly and colorfully. Experts say that spectacular terry flowers of completely different shades are quite common.

Like other related varieties, ampelous geranium loves the sun and grows well only when it gets direct sun rays. The main advantage of geranium is its resistance to very high temperatures. In winter, ampelous pelargonium feels great indoors. The optimum temperature for its cultivation is 20-25ºС. If average temperature slightly higher, then regular watering of plants should be carried out. This is how they survive and continue to grow and develop properly.

Sometimes the owners try to harden the plant and even at temperatures below these, they try not to hide it in warm rooms. Naturally, geranium in this case begins to gradually adapt to new conditions. But still there is a limit. At sub-zero temperature ampelous geranium simply will not survive.

Before planting a plant, you should pick up the soil. The soil should be sufficiently moisture-intensive, loose and contain all the necessary trace elements. But waterlogged soil should also not be, since indoor flower may deteriorate.

The most active plant growth begins in early March and ends in late autumn. If geranium ivy is transplanted into a pot and placed in a warm room, it can bloom until about mid-winter.

Well, of course, experienced gardeners recommend carefully choosing mineral fertilizers applied to the soil. If you feed a geranium with nitrogen, it will definitely begin to grow and bloom rapidly. If the nature of feeding is not changed in time, the plant will stop forming new buds. Especially necessary in this case are phosphorus and potash fertilizers.

reproduction symptoms

Growing specialists various plants claim that in two ways: cuttings and the method of sowing finished seeds.

Most often, the first method of reproduction is used to obtain offspring. Why this happens, no one knows, because the seeds usually also grow very quickly and give a sufficient number of young bushes for further planting.

Seeds are sown, as a rule, from November to early March. Naturally, the procedure is carried out at home. It is very important to pay attention to lighting. Ivy geranium requires at least 12 hours of intense light, so very often the owners connect additional light sources. In order for pelargonium to be well fixed in the substrate and acquire a powerful root system, you should prepare the soil for it yourself. To prepare the soil, you need to take 1 part of peat, sand and pre-prepared soddy soil. When mixing all of the above components, an ideal environment is obtained for.

Seeds are planted in pots. The seed is immersed in the soil by a maximum of 5 mm. Then the container is covered with cling film, which creates the so-called Greenhouse effect and provides the necessary heat for geranium geraniums to germinate. Watering is done very carefully. It is best to use a spray bottle.

Properly caring for the planted plant, after 7-10 days you will receive the first shoots. When they have grown enough, ivy pelargoniums can be transplanted into separate pots or into open soil.

Cutting is also a simple process. Cuttings can be taken as early as March or August. For getting required material should be cut upper part escape. It is best to pick up shoots 7-10 centimeters long. It is very important that it has at least 2 strong leaves. Shoots should be deepened by no more than 3 cm, otherwise the flower will not grow. Within a month, the root system of the ivy geranium will be strengthened. After that, you can transplant the plant into larger pots and other containers. The first flowering will be only after the first wintering.

How should a flower be cared for?

To ensure proper care, first of all, you need to choose the right soil. It depends on her whether the plant will continue to bloom and bear the desired fruits.

Ivy geranium is not very picky about the soil, but it is still necessary to provide it with certain conditions. First of all, geraniums can only function successfully in fertile soil. For its manufacture, you should take the same amount of peat, simple sod land and humus. Pelargonium does not feel very comfortable in a container that is too spacious, so professionals recommend planting the plant in small pots. The distance between the roots and the walls of the pot should be no more than 2 cm.

Caring for geraniums is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Since the plant is native to Africa, it loves the sun's heat and light very much. It should be placed on well-lit window sills. If there are none, then it is better not to start pelargonium at all, since it will not live even a month without a heat source, and will simply suffer.

Despite the fact that the geranium comes from Africa, it also does not tolerate excessive heat. The air temperature should fluctuate between 20 and 25ºС. In the winter season, however, its decrease by several degrees is permissible.

In too dry weather, it is necessary to water the plant abundantly. But stagnant water should not be. With excessive moisture, mold can form, which has a detrimental effect on the plant. In order to prevent this from happening, a so-called drainage should be done, it will help to remove excess water. In cool weather, reduce the number of waterings to 1 time in 14 days.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the care and cultivation of pelargonium ivy is a simple process. As a reward, you will receive a perfect plant with lush branches and bright flowers.

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