Do I need to dig an amaryllis for the winter. Amarillis Care in the fall

Gardening 25.05.2019

Modern flower flowers do not be afraid of difficulties, because lovers of garden bulbies are taken to grow not only traditional tulips, lilies or daffodils. They are not afraid to breed such truly exotic flowers as Amarillies or Hippeastauram, which are attracted by luxurious, incredibly bright colors of large flowers of amazing form. However, you need to immediately clarify: almost all the beautiful flowers that we grow or buy called Amarillis are in fact the hypiperstamas or hybrids of the hypipestrum and amaryllis.

These flowers, unlike most bulbous, bloom in August-September, but flowerflowers attracts the possibility of distillation and flowering of these colors and at another time of the year.

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Amarillis Belladonna

The only representative of the genius of amarylline is amarillis Belladonna (Amaryllis Belladonna), unusual flower Right from South Africa, from the Cape of Good Hope, so the cultivation of it in the open ground is possible only in zones with a mild climate. If Amarillis develops in its natural scheme, it must bloom in the fall, and for this you need to plant the bulbs in the soil in June. How to plant Amarillis.

For amaryllis lined in open ground, very important conditions There are light, constant heat and the required level of humidity, so they will fit the plot from the south side of the buildings.

The Bulb of Amarillis has a pear-shaped or prehelovoid shape, it is quite large. The largest bulbs can even give two floral arrows. Each of them blooms from 6 to 12 flowers. Amarillices, as a rule, they are red, pink or white color.

The average diameter of the amaryllis bulbs is about 6cm. However, there are breeding specimens, the size of which reaches 20cm.

The bulb of the amaryllis is covered with dry gray scales. In the sinuses of external scales, it is formed annually from 1 to 4 kids. They are planting material For the reproduction of Amarillis: during the transplantation of an adult plant, the kids are separated along with the roots, then they are planted into the rase for growing. Such a bulb is a babe, as a rule, blooms for 3-4 years of growth.

Lukovitsa Hippeastrum (Amarillis)

If Amarillis is represented by just one species, then his relative is hypadastrum, on the contrary, is presented very widely. All hybrid forms of both amaryllis and hypadastrums are customary to belong to hypipestruks.

Hippeastrum It comes from subtropics and tropics of America, therefore, unlike Amarillis, it is more adapted to growing in the open ground.

This flower is distinguished by a large variety of colors, and the flowers themselves are much larger and brighter than the flowers of the amaryllis. There are varieties of original two-color coloring.

Lukovitsa Hippeastrum differ from the bulbs of Amarillis: they are round and slightly shoved. But the unprofessional will be difficult to distinguish them, so if you're important to buy either Amarillis, or Hippeastrum, contact specialized stores, where sellers will help you, or on special Internet sites.

Pay attention to the manufacturer's packaging: it should be indicated that the flower will grow out of the bulbs.

Do not worry if you did not get too large onion, because some varieties of hypadastastrums of the bulbs in principle are small, so the bulbs from 5cm to 11cm are considered normal in diameter.

Storage of Amarillis Lukovits (Hippeastrum)

Bulbs both amaryllis and gipers are stored for quite a long time if you put them in cool, dry, dark place.

After flowering, the pots with plants are kept in a warm, light room.

At this time, the bulb accumulates nutrientsTherefore, it will not be superfluous after the end of the flowering of Amarillis to feed the plant and water until the foliage will dry, through which the bulb received the substances necessary for laying a full-fledged flower kidney.

For the period of rest The bulb can be left in a pot, not transplancing, 3-4 years in a row, but in order for the plant to resist fully, it needs to be transferred to the cool room.

If the luxury of the hypipestrum was extracted from the soil for the period of rest, before planting at the beginning of the new season of the growing season, it should be cleaned of the old scales and fallen roots. The locations of damage on the bulb itself, if any, it is discovered, you need to clean up, leaving only healthy fabrics, and all sections need to be treated with a crowded activated carbon.

The bulbs of Amaryllis and Hippeastrumov in June are planted in June, then in August-September there is hope to see the magnificent flowering of Amarillis, well, or hypipers, respectively. If the bulb rested in the pot, then in the end of spring from the coolness and dusk, move the plant into a warm light place to distill.

Amarillis is a popular indoor plant, which is found in the flower collections of many flower flower. In demand due to its beautiful flowers and simple care. So that Amaryllis felt comfortably in the face of the apartment, it is not necessary to try particularly. This task will be by force and beginners. If you want to start a plant at home with beautiful flowersBut you do not want to do it particularly, choose Amarillis because it is best suited for these purposes.

Conditions of growing Amarillis

Amaryllis, growing conditions differ depending on the vegetation phase. So, at a certain time, the plant is actively growing, and the time of peace comes to another. Flowers need to be aware of the inability of Amarillis survive in very cold conditions, when the temperature varies near the zero. The opposite situation when the air is very hot and wet, as in the tropics, will also be destructive for the plant.

Ideal conditions for the growing of Amarillis in different phases of development.

1. Location:

  • In the growth phase, this window is in the south-east or southwest. You can put the plant and on the south window, if it is pre-sharing it from the scorching day rays of the sun. Otherwise, the leaves will burn from intensive lighting.
  • During peace, the plant is placed in a darkened place where the air is slightly cool and well ventilated.

2. Lighting conditions:

  • In the growth phase on the plant 14-16 hours every day should fall a powerful scattered sunlight. And the leaves, and the flowers are usually drawn to the Sun, which means that the pot is constantly being rotated so that they grow strictly vertically. You can also equip the plant with special backups.
  • During rest, respectively, no additional requirements The lighting is not extended.

3. Humidity:

The plant loves moisture very much, so it is recommended to water regularly stretched water temperature, it is possible through the pallet, the excess water from which is drained after 6-8 hours. They monitor the eaves to be wet, but no need to bring the amount of moisture to an excess. While flowering water needs even more. If it is stagnation, it will begin rotting the roots, fading the leaves, loss of flowers. You can also spray the leaves - it does not hurt flowes. Moreover, buds before flowering are recommended to moisturize. Optimal humidity should be 60-80%.

During the period, watering plants at this time is prohibited. The soil is only periodically sprayed. It is possible to resume watering only when a new bloomer appears and germinates up to 10 cm. In the place where the pot will stand during the rest, humidity should be 60-70%.

4. Carrying

Amarillis need to ensure regular ventilation of the room, but without drafts.

5. Optimal temperature in the room:

  • In the period of active vegetation - 22-24ºС during the daytime and 18ºС at night. It is necessary to ensure that the plant does not suffer from constant temperatures.
  • In the period of rest and day and night the temperature should be 10-12ºС.

How to plant Amarillis

Choosing a pot

Before making the landing of Amarillis, choose the most successful pot. It should be a heavy and stable vessel. The flower will try to build a powerful and high bloomout, as well as a large number of Leaves, which means that he can overturn himself. In addition, during the care, a light pot is most likely to hurt than massive.

The size of the vessel is chosen based on the bulbs. Ideally, it should be the main object in the pot. This means that it should be up to 3-5 cm from it to all the walls. As for the depth of the pot, it must be maximum, since the plant develops a large root system. You can choose a vessel that is wide at the bottom and gradually narrows up.

Preparation of soil

Very fashionable to plant several bulbs in one pot so that their simultaneous flowering is even more spectacular. In this case, the distance between them should be made at least 2-3 cm.

Next, go to the selection of soil. The easiest option is to go to a specialized store and buy a ready-made soil for bulbous. But any experienced flower dawns will refuse this venture and will prepare the substrate himself. Do not forget to sterilize the soil: for this, it is punished with strong boiling water or kept over a hot ferry about half an hour. You can also freeze it in the freezer.

The composition of the substrate, which can be prepared by itself, looks more likely as one of the following options:

  • cherry, garden land and river sand in equal parts and half part of humus;
  • cherry, garden land, humid, river sand and peat in equal parts;
  • humidiation, stern land and sand in a ratio of 1: 1: 2.

At the bottom it is necessary to fall asleep drainage with a thickness of 2-3 cm. To do this, you can take pebbles, gravel, clay, affordable brick crumb, small chips of ceramics. A piece of drainage is mixed with the substrate and distribute pots on the surface. Also in it do big hole For removal of water.

The drainage on top of sand is also 2-3 cm to be 2-3 cm in order to further reinstate the root rotting due to the accumulation of water.

Landing Amarillis Stepgovoye

To plant a new plant, you need to choose the most beautiful and with smooth surfacewho have good roots fairly. It is necessary to ensure that the bulbs do not have cracks, dents, scratches, places of rotting and defeat mold, spots. If the bulb has an unpleasant sweet smell, it is also not necessary to choose.

Amarillis Transplantation

How to transplant Amarillis at home

The transfer of Amarillis is carried out after he blews, waiting for a complete withering of the bloody.

Every year it is not necessary to transplant the plant, but they carry out the operation no more than once every three years. If Amarillis grows too rapidly, you can make a transplant before.

To update the soil and give the plant more nutrients, each year replaces the upper 3-4 centimeters of soil in the pot on new ones.

  1. Before the transplantation for 4 days, the plant is watered.
  2. On the day of the transplant, Amarillis must be carefully taken together with the ground and carefully clean from it to inspect the state of the roots. Raughty roots are removed with a sharp knife, and all sections are treated with powder activated coal or ordinary ash.
  3. Then the bulbs remove all bad scales and separate subsidiaries. They are used to put in new pots. If you understand that kids are too small for separation (sometimes they make up only a few millimeters), you can not do this. But it should be borne in mind that in such cases Amarillis can cease to bloom to increase the children.

Before adult plant To put in another pot, it needs to be filtered. Under the roots make several sticks of agrics or other mineral fertilizers.

The reproduction of Amarillis

Breeders and flower products use all three possible methods of reproduction of Amarillis - the division of bulbs, kids and seeds.

Amarillis from seeds at home

This is the longest way of reproduction and the least successful. If the seeds are assembled with hybrid plants, the varietal characteristics are not saved, and the flowering appears only after 8 years. The only advantage is slow aging of bulbs.

For seeds, two amaryllis are needed. Tassel from one take pollen and applied to the pestle of another. As a result, a box is formed, in which the seeds will mature. Ripening takes at least a month.

  • Seeds are immediately planted, as the germination over time drops sharply.
  • Before boarding, the soil is well moisturized.
  • Chopping depth 1-1.5 cm.
  • Distance between seeds 3-5 cm
  • Pot with seeds put in a warm privacy.
  • For about a month, the appearance of shoots is expected, and 3 months after that, the seedlings are picked in different pots.

Decision of Lukovitsa

This is the most risky method, as you can remain with anything.

  • Choose the most healthy bulb and share it for 4-8 pieces, not coming to the end. They follow that each of them had 1-2 scales and part of the Donette. Mandatory sections need to be treated with activated carbon or ash powder.
  • The bulb is planted in the usual way and grown at 25-27 ºС.
  • On the decenes first grows first leaf. They are waiting for the second, and plant plants are already sitting in an adult soil for bulbous, which is mixed with an equal amount of sand.

How to cut the bulb of Amarillis, tells the video:

Many flower products successfully use the division of the bulbs for the reproduction of Amarillis, it is important to just do everything right and not be afraid to risk.

Reproduction kids

The most successful amaryllis. After 2-3 years after landing, the bulb will bloom. The daughter of the bulbs fell in the same way as new stores, but choose a little larger pot. This is due to the rapid growth of children.

  1. Find small bulbs on maternal amaryllis and separate them from an adult plant. The next step is the landing of them in a pot with drainage and soil, placing a dont down and slightly pressed into the ground. Only part of the bulbs leave above the surface.
  2. Then slightly tamper the soil and wipe it well. Place new amaryllis in a bright and warm place.
  3. Do not need to organize rest. The feeding and watering is not reduced, and the rest organize flowers only after flowering.

Amarillis - although an exotic plant, but quite real in the house of everyone. If you follow the rules for its care, you can often enjoy it with flowers.

Amarillis Care at home

Watering and subordinate

During the growth of Amarillis watered carefully. This is done when the colorhouse has a height of at least 10 cm. This flower likes to get a lot of water, but not in a congestive form. Sometimes it is better to abandon irrigation, rather than pour the plant. It is best to add water to a pot every four days, following the water, the water does not fall on the bulb during watering. It should fall purely on the soil around.

In winter, so much water should not flow so much. No more than more times a week to spend spraying.

  • Fertilize Amarillis every 12-14 days, starting this process when buds are formed.
  • With intensive flowering, the interval is reduced twice. No need to choose fertilizer. For this, any finished products for indoor blooming - Kemira Suite, Emerald, Bona Forte, ideal, Ava, Rainbow, Florist, Master Color, Agrikola, Live Peace, Resille, Bud, Power of life and others.
  • It is preferable to fertilizer with a large number of potassium and phosphorus than nitrogen.

Possible application and natural organic fertilizers - Fresh manure is bred from a ratio of 1.5 glasses in 10 liters of water, and a bird litter is a third of a glass of 10 liters.

With full elimination of leaves, feeding stops. It is not held in the phase of rest.

Flowering Amaryllis at home

Amarillis in a wild form goes to the flowering phase at the beginning of autumn. IN indoor flower growing There are tricks how to change this period. The simplest thing is to plant bulbs at another time. So, when choosing healthy copies, they begin to immediately grow after planting, giving mature flowers for 7-8 weeks. Here you need to observe - if the flowers are more than two, they are removed, so as not to load abundantly blossom bulb.

When the first flower appeared and dismissed, the blooming some are cut and put in a vase. Upon the condition of everyday water update, it can hold out to three weeks. It is possible to cut a flowerclosure, but it will just like the same, and the bulb will delete much stronger. To increase the flowering time to a maximum, a vase or a pot with flowers are placed in a colder and dark place.

How to make Amarillis blossom why amaryllis does not bloom

You must understand what the reason for the listed is present with you. It needs to be eliminated and expect a result.

Amarillis after flowering

  1. When fading flowers sharply reduce the amount of incoming water and fertilizer. Fully stop watering and feeding the Amaryllis, when neither the blooming, no leaves remain.
  2. Clean all dead leaves, but it is not worth it to do it. If a partially live sheet is left, it will still feed the plant.
  3. When the rest phase finally started, the pot is transferred to the darkness. Remember that the roots are still alive, so the soil once a week need to irrigate from the pulverizer.

Another departure option (but it is risky) - digging the bulbs, their cleaning and folding in carton boxes For storage. But you can break some kind of process and cause drying the roots.

Experienced flowers know the tricks, because of which their Amarillies twice a year - at the beginning of autumn and at the beginning of spring. For this, strictly organize the rest period for resting the bulbs and the accumulation of the necessary useful substances. In January, there are pots with amaryllis from the place of rest, they put them on a bright and insulated place, watered. Follow the humidity of the soil. All this stimulates the rapid growth phase.

Amarillis Diseases and Pest

1. Stomporosis (Red Burn)

  • The bulb covers small red spots, the edges of the scales have the same kaima.
  • Amarillis soaked for 2 hours in a strong manganese purple color, after which the largest foci is cut and treated with green. Withstand the plant in the air week, then produce landing.

2. Mold and rot

  • The surface of the bulb is covered with red-gray spots. Next, it becomes softer, feels the smell of sweet type. Leaves are covered with red-brown stripes and stains.
  • The affected leaves are completely cut, and the bulb itself spray 0.05% burglar liquid. You can choose Fundazole and HOW in the dilution specified by the manufacturer.

3. Web tick

  • It feels that the leaves are covered with web. This leads to their fading and drying.
  • Processing Amarillis Oberon, tickprove, Nisoran, Floromayt, Union.

4. Low tick

  • The insect amazes the bulb itself, which leads to the braking of the development of the plant and the absence of flowering. Even if there are flowers - they are deformed. And the leaves are covered with yellow and disappear.
  • The bulbs from the pots are removed and placed in water at 35-40ºС for 5 minutes. After that, they are treated with Celtan and Rogor. There is a more aggressive method - the bulb is closed in a hermetic container with a sulfuric checker, which is settled. Waiting for 2 hours, after which get it back. To achieve finally effect, hold Amaryllis on fresh air Another day.

5. Trips

  • There are many small brown dots on the leaves.
  • They try to remove from the leaves of all pests, wash the plant and make a transplant into a sterile pot and soil. Then treated with amaryllis in agveretin and phytodeterm.

6. Mute Cherver

  • From the bottom of the leaves there are tight scales. They can be almost white and even dark brown. Around them there are allocations of sticky character, by type similar to syrup.
  • The sponge impregnate with economic soap and foam. She is actively wiped with leaves.

9. TLL

  • Yellow leaves.
  • All pests are collected manually, after which the leaves are wiping with soapy solution.

10. Nyohvostka

Neh-hotstock on Amarillis Photo

  • On the surface of the soil, small white insects are noticeable.
  • Reduce the flow of moisture, the upper layer of the soil is replaced by a new, carry out processing insecticides.

Amarillis Varieties and Selection Tasks

Modern hybrid grades of Amarillix are sold in stores, which are derived by selective path. The real Amarillis Belladonna is extremely rare and valued by avid flower.

IN this moment Breeders seek the following tasks:

  • Bringing large terry and conventional flowers. The most beautiful hybrids of terry type are The Snow Queen, Makarena, Selik, Pink Nymph, happy Christmas, promise. From neachless varieties is Benfica, Moonlight, Matterhorn, Black Pearl, Exotic, Lemon Lime, Rosalie.
  • Search for unique shades and their combinations. In this sense, the clown, Charisma, Estella, Prelude, Santa Cruz, Neon and other varieties.
  • Work with new forms of flowers. The trend of recent time in the selection is the removal of amaryllis with narrow partially corrugated petals along the edges. It can be traced in evergreen varieties, night star, Lima, La Paz, Santana.

This does not mean that Amarillis classic is not in demand in the market. Such standard varieties like Durban (Flowers of the carmine shade with a white fortitude in the middle), pink magnificent (petals of pink and white), Parker (yellow middle and purple-pink edges), Maxim (bright-pink flowers with a strong aroma), Hator (Yellow Middle and White Petals) are not less popular.

Hippeastrum and Amarillis Differences Photos Plants

Amarillis and Hippeastrum from the Amarillix family. Only in the first kind of significantly more plants. Only 90 species grow in a wild form, and with breeding varieties, the Hippeastrumov family has up to 2000 varieties. They have a lot of common with Amarillis, so even experienced sellers can confuse these plants.

Differences of Amarillix and Hippeastrum

In order not to repeat, below each first item - refers to an amaryllis, the second - to the hypipestructor.

1. Flowering time:

  • amarillis flowers at the end of the summer - early autumn;
  • hippeastrum - at the end of winter or early spring.

2. Place of origin:

  • Africa;
  • South America, respectively.

3. Fragrance saturation:

  • bright;
  • hardly ever.

4. Flower size:

  • amarillis has 10-12 cm;
  • hippeastrum has 6-8 cm.

5. The number of flowers in one plant:

  • 4-6, can reach 12 pieces;
  • 2-4, can be 6 flowers.

6. Natural coloring of wild plants:

  • almost white, pink in different shades, red;
  • red, pink, white, yellow, orange, purple, green and combinations of these colors.

7. The presence of leaves during flowering:

  • no - they germinate only after the flowerpiece has grown;
  • present during flowering.

8. Floweros characteristic:

  • a dense tube without voids, the color of which is a little given by the bugger;
  • hollow tube that is easy to crush when you press, has green color With a grayish brown tint.

9. Floweros length:

  • amarillis 40-60 cm;
  • hippeastrum 60-70 cm.

10. The characteristic of the bulbs in the form:

  • pear-shaped;
  • slightly elongated or round, a little flattened on the side.

11. Characteristics of scales:

  • ash-gray, have a small fringe from the top edge;
  • very similar look at the classic edible onion, but have white or green surface.

Amarillis description

Amarillis (Lat. Amaryllis) is the most common genus of the amarylline family (Lat. Amaryllidaceae). Initially, Botany attributed to it. One type of plant is AMARYLLIS BELLADONNA (or Amarillis Belladonna). Over time, approaches to the systematics have changed, and there are two more types of Amarillis - Amaryllis Sarniensis and Amaryllis Paradisicola.

Amarillis Belladonna comes from the southern part of Africa. Researchers argue that the plant has spread from the Valley of the Oliphants River from the Kapens of South Africa. As for other species, the geography is wider here - South Africa, Japan, Australia, some Islands of the Strait of La Mans - they can be considered the birthplace of plants.

For the first time, Amarillis described the famous Swedish scientist Karl Linney in 1753, which was engaged in systematics. It owns the merit of the name of this flower. Before his work, the opinion was that Amarillis is only one of the subspecies of Lily. He was called Lilionarcissa. Linno realized that this was a separate plant, but made a significant error in the systematics, including a number of hypadastrum varieties in the genus. And today many confuse these plants.

The name of the plant first meets in the work of Vergil. In his poetic works, you can meet the heroine - the shepherd Amarillis or Amarilloud. This name in Greek means "sparkling".

Amarillis - bulb many years of flower With dark green smooth leaves. Green plants are so narrow and long, which looks like a belt. Leaves are located in two rows.

The commemoration of the beginning of the flowering of the amaryllis is the growing of a long hollow tube at 40-60 cm - this is a bloomon. The plant produces up to three blooms. Following the leaves grow. In the wild conditions, this is happening at the end of the summer - early autumn. Each bloomer carries 2-12 flowers, depending on the variety. By type of inflorescence - umbrella.

Amarillices growing in wildlife can have flowers with white, pink and red petals of various shades. Breeders brought artificially hybrid varieties Yellow, purple, orange, green. Separate flower Amarillis looks like a lily and - pottefone, constituting in diameter 10-12 centimeters.

Despite the seeming presence of the plant, Amarillis has poisonous parts. In the bulb found alkaloid lycarin. If he falls on the skin, irritation will appear on it. All planting operations with a plant should be carried out exclusively in rubber gloves, then wash your hands with soap. It is necessary to keep the flower at a distance from pets and children.

Amarillis (amaryllis) is a bulbous plant - related guippeastrum (Hippeastrum). According to the nature of flowering, landing and care, both plants are not much different from each other.

In nature, Amarillices are represented by only one type: "Belladonna" means "beautiful lady". It blooms once a year, usually flowers appear at the end of summer, in the fall. Unlike the hypadastrum, it has a pleasant subtle aroma.

Annually the selection industry displays the most incredible varieties of amaryllis with magnificent large loyal flowers of various shades. White, lilac, red, pink flowers with different intersions or without them - Luxury Belladonny Lilies will greatly decorate our interior.

Often, the most common "hypadastrum" is sold under the name "Amarillis".

The article describes several options. homemade cultivation Amarillis, care and reproduction, recommendations for choosing feeding and soil, landing and blossom.

The first, and the most popular, this is a potte of cultivation.

Amarillies, as well as hypipers, belong to the best pastying colors. The plant is planted in a pot of 2 cm with a diameter greater than the bulb itself. Do it better in mid-May. The bulb is gaining strength and by August gives flowers. Flowering lasts an average of 2-3 weeks.

After that, the sworded arrows need to trim, wait until the leaves fade on their own and put a pot with a bulb into a cool place. Amarillis is no need to water.

You can, after drying the ground part of the plant, dug the bulb and store in the refrigerator until spring. The next season is planted again, put home care to Amarillis and wait for the appearance of another flowering.

The second process of cultivation is available to those who have the opportunity to plant an amaryllis flower into an open ground.

In the spring, the bulbs are planted on the flower bed in a place with a bright scattered light. It is better to do this in the first half of May. After they root almost immediately give flowers. Moreover, flowering in the open ground is usually much more abundant.

In early September, the Bulb of Amarillis dumps, dried and put it on storing into a cool room.

You can get the color of Amarillis at any time of the year.

The main thing is to create a condition for which the bulb rests. To leaving the state of resting, pots with bulbs put in a warm place with a temperature above 25 ° C, starting to care for it. Gradually increase the amount of irrigation and fertilize.

With proper care and storage at home, one amaryllis bulb is grown for more than ten years, in one pot grows up to three years. There can be only a warm-made bulb that has reached normal large sizes.

Amarillis is easily distinguished in water, but unfortunately, after flowering, the bulb becomes unsuitable for reuse.

The bulbs prepared properly land not in the soil, but in a suitable vessel. Water should not touch the diagram of the bulbs. The vessel put in a warm and bright place. The bulbs quickly begin to grow root, then a flower point appears.

- Fertilizer and growth stimulation.

To accelerate the process of formation formation, the wondrous plant is watered by phosphoric fertilizers. For these purposes, potassium or superphosphate monophosphate is superbly suitable. In addition, it is necessary to feed with mineral or organic fertilizers at intervals 1 time per week. During the preparation for peace, all feeding stops.

- Moderate watering.

This aspect of care requires special attention, Amarillis bulbs extremely not tolerate so that water fell on them. It is better to ride a plant through the pallet or carefully watering from above. When overshooting may form rot, the rot and the bully will die.

- Soil for Amarillis.

Earth must choose a lightweight, breathable. In a dense soil, oxygen access is stopped and they begin to die. Accordingly, the supply of nutrients to the bulb ceases and it may die.

Reproduction of amaryllis kids and seeds

Adult bulbs give side kids that can be separated and planted in an individual pot. As a rule, the blooming of a young plant occurs in the second year and is not characterized by the abundance of flowers.

Amarillis can be multiplied by seeds. This is quite problematic since most varieties are hybrids and grown out of seeds, the color of the parent material is not repeated. If there is still a desire to try, collect mature seeds from the flowers and sit in the greenhouse container. In the summer you can plant seedlings to the street. Amarillix plant, obtained from seed, with appropriate care, blooms for 3-4 years.

Hello everyone! Amarillis Flower care at home with photos and video in this material. Amarillis - with whom everyone experienced flower water is familiar. Popularity is very popular beautiful flowers. In addition, the plant is unpretentious, despite its origin.

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Amarillis care at home with photos and video

In the care of Amarillis at home there is nothing complicated. Even beginners will cope with this. Therefore, if you want to regularly admire a blooming plant, not spending a lot of time and effort to care, Amarillis is the most suitable option.

History and flower description

Amaryllis (Amaryllis) is one of the births in the Amaryllis family (Amaryllidaceae). For a long time it was believed that the genus has only one representative - Amaryllis Belladonna (Amarillis Belladonna). But at present, botany allocate several more representatives, such as Amaryllis Paradisicola and Amaryllis Sarniensis and.

Motherland Amarillis Belladonna - African South, or rather the valley of the river Oliphants Cape South Africa. The geography of the spread of new species is very extensive - South Africa, Australia, Japan and even Jersey Island in the La Mans Strait.

The name was first highlighted by the Swedish systematizer Carl Linneem in 1753. He gave the flower name. Up to this point was believed that Amarillis is a variety of lily. He was famous called Lilionarcissa. But Lynnia made a mistake taken to the amaryllis and all sorts of gippeastrums. Confusion continues to this day.

With its name flower owes creativity Vergil. In his poems there is a beauty-shepherd named Amarillid or Amarillis. Translated from Greek this name means "sparkling."

Amarillis is often called Martov or Jersey Lilia

Amarillis is a perennial bulbous plant. The leaves are dark green, smooth, long and narrow, somehow resemble the belt. Placed in two rows.

Before flowering, the plant throws a special color sector - a hollow "tube" with a height of 40-60 cm (maximum 2-3 pieces). Only then leaves appear. In nature, this happens at the end of the summer or at the beginning of autumn. Flowers, depending on the variety, comes from 2 to 12 pieces on each blur. All inflorescence is like an umbrella.

For wild amaryllis, all shades of pink and reddish are characteristic, as well as white. Purple, orange, yellow, greenish flowers and combined options are derived by selection by selection. By appearance The amaryllis flower is something average between the lily and the patefone fools with a diameter of 10-12 cm.

The bulb of Amarillis Poison - it contains alkaloid lycarin.On sensitive skin, irritation may occur even from a simple touch to the bulb. Therefore, before planting and transplanting, do not forget to wear rubber gloves, and at the end of the procedure, thoroughly wash your hands. In addition, take care to remove the flower from the area of \u200b\u200bchildren and domestic animals.

Amarillis varieties

Modern varieties of amaryllis, which can be freely purchased in stores, are the result of selection. The bulb of Amarillis Belladonna is a real rarity, the dream of all experienced flowerflowers.

Breeding efforts are directed to the following:

  • Loading as far as possible terry and non-none flowers. The most beautiful terry hybrids include Selik, the Snow Queen, the Pink Nymph, Makarena, promise, happy Christmas. No less effective neachy varieties are black pearl, bench, exotic, moonlight, lemon-lime, Matterhorn, Rosalie.
  • Find new shades and combinations thereof. Harisma, Clown, Prelude, Neon, Estella, Santa Cruz and many others look amazingly.
  • Creating flowers of new forms. The latest trend is Amarillis with very narrow petals, the edges of which are slightly corrugated. Such varieties include Lima, Night Star, La Paz, Evergreen, Santana.

But classic Amarillix varieties are no less popular than fashionable new items. You can highlight Durban (carmine flowers with a white middle), Parker (purple-pink with a yellow middle), pink magnificent (pink-white petals), huts (snow-white with a yellowish middle), Maxim (bright pink, with a magnificent aroma).

Classic varieties of amaryllis in the photo

Durban - extremely common variety

Maxim is characterized by amazing aroma

Parker has an unusually beautiful pink color

Almost snowballs of the Hator will fit into any interior

Amarillis and Hippeastrum - Eternal Confusion

Hippeastrum, like Amarillis, is part of the amarylline family. But the genus of hypipestruoms is much more numerous - only in nature there are about 90 species. And if you add breeding varieties, it will turn out about two thousand. Often, even sellers of specialized stores are confused in these plants.

Amarillix and Hippeastrum Differences - Table

Flowering period
The end of August and the beginning of September.
The end of February and the beginning of March.
South America.
Greatly expressed.
Practically absent.
Diameter of flower
10-12 cm.
6-8 cm.
Number of flowers
Up to 12 pieces. In most cases 4-6.
Maximum 6 flowers. Most often 2-4.
Coloring natural varieties
Shades of pink - from almost white to almost red.
Red, orange, pink, white, yellow, greenish, purple and their various combinations.
Leaves in the flowering process
No missing. Appear after the bloomon.
Stay in place.
Pretty dense and without voids. Slightly drops the bug.
Hollow tube. When pressed, it is easy to crack. A grayish-brown shade is noticed to green.
Length of floweros
40-60 cm.
60-70 cm.
Form of Lukovitsa
Round or slightly elongated by the Donette, slightly flashed on the sides.
Ash-gray, with light "fringe" at the top edge.
Very reminiscent of ordinary onions, only white or greenish color.

Optimal conditions for growing flower

Suitable conditions for the cultivation of Amarillis House are noticeably different depending on whether the plant is in the phase of active growth or has occurred at rest.

Immediately it should be noted that the Amaryllis does not transfer the temperature close to zero, and even more so - the minus one. Do not fit the conditions, imitating tropics and subtropics - constant wet heat.

Suitable conditions for the plant depending on the development phase - Table

Phase heost
Period of rest
Location Torch
Window overlooking the southwest or southeast. Southern window is suitable, but you will have to cover the plant from direct sunlight in the afternoon so that the leaves are not pale and did not fade.
Dark and cool place with permanent temperature and good ventilation.
Ideally, for 14-16 hours a day, bright, but scattered light is needed. The leaves and especially the shooter arrow have a property to reach the sun, so it will be possible to return them to the vertical position, turning the pot. Or you can make backups for the plant.
Not required.
Plant moisture. For irrigation, use the room temperature standing for 6-8 hours. The land should not dispel, but also overly fill the flower. More water is required only during flowering. Stagnation moisture leads to the fact that the leaves are withering and losing the color, the roots are puments. Spraying the leaves on the flower almost does not affect. But before flowering, you can slightly moisturize buds. Support humidity at 60-80%.
Watering is completely excluded. Only spraying soil is carried out. Watering again begins only when the new bloomer grows up to 10-12 cm. The optimal humidity in the storage location is 60-70%, without sudden drops.
The room should be well ventilated, but avoid severe drafts.
Approximately 22-24ºС during the day and about 18ºС at night. The plant really does not like sharp temperature drops.
Permanent temperature 10-12ºС.

Flower landing at home

Choosing a pot

Amarillis requires a small but steady pot

The landing of Amarillis begins with the choice of pot - it should be sufficiently massive and stable. Flower due to widespread rosette of leaves and high blurry rather unstable. It is easily overthooted by one careless movement, and sometimes quite a sharp impust of the wind.

Diameter Pot depends on the size of the bulbs. It should take almost all the inner space. There are no more than 3-5 cm between the walls and the bulb. However, the deeper the pot, the better because the amaryllis is characterized by a rather highly developed root system. The optimal option is a wide bottom and tapering up the pot.

As for the material from which the pot is made, the best choice is a stlaced ceramics. Such a container provides ventilation and oxygen flow to roots.

Selection of soil

If you put a few amaryllis in one large container, the distance between the bulbs is at least 10 cm.

The next important question is soil. It is possible in a specialized store to purchase any soil intended for bulbies, but experienced flowers prefer to prepare a mixture on their own. Any soil is pre-sterilized by pouring steep boiling water or placing in a freezer.

Alone prepared may look like this:

Missile drainage layer at least 2-3 cm thick. Use clay, pebbles, gravel, brick crumb or small ceramic shards. They, in a slightly smaller quantity, scatter on the surface of the soil after planting. Well, if a large drainage hole has been done in the bottom.

Drainage layer Push the same sand layer. This is an additional protection against water stagnation and the subsequent rotor rot.

Step-by-step process

Select only healthy copies for landing

For landings, strong, smooth bulbs with developed roots are taken. There should be no dents, cracks, scratches, stains, signs of defeat mold and rot. Also do not put on the bulbs, spreading an unpleasant sweet smell.

Master class on landing - video

Transplantation Plants

Replanted plants at the end of the flowering period when the flower sound is completely dry. Annual transplant is not needed - abouton the interval at 3-4 years. Or before, if you see that the pot of the bulb has become clearly small.

However, it is advisable to remove the soil layer 3-4 cm each year and pour fresh soil to the previous level.

  • 4-5 days before the planned transplant is carried out daily abundant irrigation.
  • Then the plant is removed from the pot together with the land, gently shake and inspect the roots. All rotten and dried cut off with a sharp knife, the cut sprinkle with ash or crowded activated carbon.
  • The bulb is cleaned from the grooved scales, carefully separate the daughters of the bulbs and also clean. They should then be searched into separate pots. Very small child bulbs (several mm in diameter) can be left if you wish to breed this particular variety. But it is likely that Amarillis does not bloom - all food will go to the embryos.

Before planting an old bulb in new pot, Adjust the plant, stuck in the ground under the roots of 2-3 wands of the mineral fertilizer of a long-term action (the most common variant - agricults).

Plant care

Watering and subordinate

Watering Amarillis in the growth phase you need moderately. Watering begins when the blooming will grow up to 10 cm high. The plant loves moisture, but it categorically does not tolerate water stagnation. It is better to forget about watering than to overdo it. The optimal option is abundant watering every 3-4 days. Another important moment - Water should not fall directly on the bulb. Water only the surrounding soil.

During wintering, the plant is much less needed water. Spray the soil once every 7-10 days.

Fucking Amarillis is carried out every 12-14 days, starting from the moment of the formation of buds. During flowering, the interval between the feeders is reduced to 5-7 days. Any fertilizer for flowering indoor plants is suitable - Emerald, Bio Vita, Bona Forte, Kemira Suite, Ideal, Agrikola, Ava, Live World, Rainbow, Reaseller, Florist, Bud, Master Color, Lifestyle. Give preference to the means where phosphorus and potassium are more than nitrogen.

Natural organic fertilizers can be used - a solution of fresh manure (1.5 glasses per 10 liters of water) or a bird's litter (1/3 cup per 10 liters).

Stop feeding when the leaves are completely covered. In the state of rest, the plant does not feed.

Amaryllis Care - Video

Flowering period

In Nature, Amarillis flowers at the end of summer or at the beginning of autumn. But it can be done so that the flowers appear to a certain point, for this you need to change the deadline for planting bulbs. If they are healthy and well developed, intensive growth begins immediately after disembarking. After 7-8 weeks, bloomons are formed. If there are more than two, it is better to cut extra at the base. Abundant blossom is too strongly depleted with a bulb.

After the first flower blooms, the blooming can be safely put in the vase. If the water changes in it daily, the flowers will last 16-20 days. Approximately the same than the same blooms and unrevented floweros, but in the first case the bulb is depleted much less. The color period will be maximal, if there is a vase and a pot of remove into a cool place, protecting against sunlight.

How to make Amarillis blossom

Only the right plant care will allow you to enjoy his beautiful flowers.

Why doesn't Amarillice blossom? Most often, by one of the following reasons:

  • Too spacious pot. The bulb spends all the forces on the formation of "kids." Therefore, she rightly believes that there is no need to multiply by seeds.
  • Too much bulbs in the ground. This prevents the normal development of flowers.
  • Lack of nutrients. The bulb during flowering is strongly depleted. If sufficiently necessary microelements are not accumulated over the previous growth phase, do not wait for the colors.
  • Lack of lighting and heat. Amarillis is extremely warm and light. This is logical, given where his homeland. Partially overcome the problem of daylight lamps.
  • Many roots started or dried. In this case, the root system is not able to provide the bulb of proper nutrition even if there are necessary substances in the soil.
  • Missed rest period. After the flowers and flowers are dried, the plant was not allowed to relax.
  • Too young bulbs. Do not expect that only transplanted babes will immediately become blossom. This will happen in 3-4 years. And if you planted seeds, the flowers will appear in 7-8 years.
  • The lesion of the bulb pests.

Identify which negative factor Binds your plant, eliminate it.

People period - how to "wake up" a plant after wintering

The rest period begins only after the last sheet will yellow, and the minimum of 8-10 weeks lasts.It is better to give plants to relax for about three months.

  • When the flowers begin to wither, watering and feeding reduce. By the time the floweros is completely dried (in late October or early November), they are reduced to zero.
  • The dried leaves are cleaned. But forcibly cropping the whole "crown" is not worth - nutrients from the leaves will move to the bulb.
  • Then the pot put in a cool dry dark place. Since the roots persist, once every 1.5 weeks, the soil is sprayed with water from the spray.

A less common option - the bulbs dig up, clean and remove to store in cardboard boxes or wooden boxes. In this case, there is a risk of cut the roots.

Using a small trick, you can force Amarillis to bloom twice a year - on the last time, as well as at the end of winter or at the beginning of spring. But it is important to withstand resting period so that the bulbs accumulated enough forces for future flowering. Give her to relax at least before January.

Approximately 2.5 months before the desired deadline, take the pots with bulbs located in the period of rest, move them into a bright and warm room and a bit. Support the soil slightly moistened. This is enough to start the phase of active growth.

Diseases and pests

With proper care and sufficiently prolonged period, Amarillis rarely suffers from diseases and pests. But if it still happened, you need to be able to recognize the symptoms in time and deal with the problem.

Amarillis Diseases and Pests - Table

Disease or pest
Red Burn (Stomporosis)
Small red spots on a bulb or a border of the same color on the top edge of the scales.
Hold the bulb of 1.5-2 hours in a strong potassium permanganate solution. The biggest spots are smeared with green. After 5-7 days, you can plant again.
Rotary and mold
Red-gray stains on the surface of the bulbs. It becomes soft to the touch, spreads unpleasant sweet smell. On the leaves there are reddish-brown specks and stripes.
Cut the affected leaves at the base. The bulb is treated from a pulverizer with a 0.05% burglar liquid solution (5 ml per liter of water) or HOM and Fundazole preparations divorced according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Cobed tick
The leaves seemed to be covered with a web. Then they fad and dry.
Spray acaricides, such as Floromite, Neon, Nisoran.
Onion tick
Eats bulb fabric. The plant is poorly developing, practically does not bloom. If the flowers appear, then deformed. The leaves are yellow and quickly die away.
Remove the bulbs from the pot and omit for 5-7 minutes into a heated to a temperature of 35-40ºС water. Then to process Celttan and Rogor preparations. Radical option - Place the bulb into a hermetically closed container and set fire to a tiny piece of sulfur checkers in it. Wait 2 hours, open the container. Leave a bulb outdoors for a day.
Tiny brown dots on the leaves in large quantities.
Collect all visible pests, planting the plant, transplant into a disinfected pot with sterilized soil. Conduct treatment with drugs Agrantin ,.
Deposits on the leaves and the roots resembling small battleships watts, as well as a solid layer of a fluff glued with whiten mucus, under the leaves.
Wipe the leaves with a sponge moistened with clean water. If it does not help, apply insecticides (admiral, spark, phytodeterm).
Amarillix Cherver
Under the scales, its feces damaging the bulb appear. They resemble South.
Apply the above insecticides.
Tight scales on inner side Leaves. Color varies from light beige to chocolate brown. Next to them - sticky discharge, similar to sugar syrup.
Wipe the leaves of foam obtained from the chipped in the warm water chips of the household soap.
Leaves yellow.
Collect visible pests manually. The leaves wipe the green potash soap foam or 20% ethyl alcohol.
Small translucent worms are noticeable on the surface of the soil.
Reduce watering. Remove the soil layer with a thickness of 3-4 cm and replace the new one.

The most common pests and symptoms of diseases - photo gallery

So manifests rot on the leaves

Affected by Stagnosorosis of the Lukovitsa

The onion tick is extremely difficult to detect while a bulb is not significant damage caused.

Mute Cherver - one of the most common pests

The housework is quite easy to see, but it is difficult to get rid of it

Putting tick swears leaves

The reproduction of Amarillis

There are three possible methods of reproduction of Amarillix - seeds, fission of the bulbs and children (subsidiaries).

Use of seeds

Results will have to wait quite a long time. The plants thus obtained do not preserve the varietal signs and bloom 7-8 years after the landing, but such bulbs are growing slower. With proper care, they will grow with you more than 20 years.

  • In order to get seeds, the pestle pollinate pollen from the stamens of another Amarillis, using a softer with a soft pile. "Box" is formed on the flowers. When she crashes, the seeds are completely ripe. Usually the whole process takes about a month.
  • Seeds planted almost immediately. With each lost day, the germination falls. The soil in the pot must be well moistened.
  • Then the containers with seeds are cleaned into a warm place, covering it from direct sunlight.
  • Shoots will appear in about 25-30 days. After another 2-3 months they are seated into separate pots.

Video: Amarillis Seed Landing

Decision of Lukovitsa

The method is extremely risky - the likely to destroy the plant is very high.

  • A healthy bulb sharp knife is cut on 4-8 parts. The main thing is that each of them is preserved part of the Donets and 1-2 scales. Sections sprinkle ash or crushed activated carbon.
  • Then the pieces are planted in the sand and for a month they keep warm at a temperature of 25-27 ºС.
  • After this time, the first sheet should appear. When another one grows, the plants are cleared into the ground for bulb, mixed with sand in the proportion of 1: 1.

Reproduction by subsidiaries

The easiest and safest way. And the colors do not have to wait long - the amaryllis is quite fixed in 2-3 years. The process of disembarking subsidiaries is almost no different from landing a new bulb purchased in the store. The only difference is the pot must be a little more. The daughter of the bulbs grow rapidly and reach the size of the maternal for only 2 years.

  • The bulbs should be carefully separated from the parent plant, put in a prepared pot with a dredged with the soil with the Donette down, slightly pressed into the ground and shove the soil in such a way that the bulb is half topped over the surface.
  • Next, the soil is rambling and pouring abundantly. New plants necessarily need light and heat.
  • But in the period of rest they do not need. Therefore, watering and feeding are carried out regularly. The first time Amarillis will rest only after flowering.

Amarillis is an exotic that you can have at home. When complying with uncomplicated rules for care, it will constantly delight you with beautiful colors.

Amarillis is a popular indoor plant, which is found in the flower collections of many flower flower. In demand due to its beautiful flowers and simple care. So that Amaryllis felt comfortably in the face of the apartment, it is not necessary to try particularly. This task will be by force and beginners. If you want to make a house at home with beautiful flowers, but you do not want to do it, choose Amarillis, because it is best suited for these purposes.

Conditions of growing Amarillis

Amaryllis, growing conditions differ depending on the vegetation phase. So, at a certain time, the plant is actively growing, and the time of peace comes to another. Flowers need to be aware of the inability of Amarillis survive in very cold conditions, when the temperature varies near the zero. The opposite situation when the air is very hot and wet, as in the tropics, will also be destructive for the plant.

Ideal conditions for the growing of Amarillis in different phases of development.

1. Location:

  • In the growth phase, this window is in the south-east or southwest. You can put the plant and on the south window, if it is pre-sharing it from the scorching day rays of the sun. Otherwise, the leaves will burn from intensive lighting.
  • During peace, the plant is placed in a darkened place where the air is slightly cool and well ventilated.

2. Lighting conditions:

  • In the growth phase on the plant 14-16 hours every day should fall a powerful scattered sunlight. And the leaves, and the flowers are usually drawn to the Sun, which means that the pot is constantly being rotated so that they grow strictly vertically. You can also equip the plant with special backups.
  • During the period of rest, accordingly, no additional requirements for lighting are extended.

3. Humidity:

The plant loves moisture very much, so it is recommended to water regularly stretched water temperature, it is possible through the pallet, the excess water from which is drained after 6-8 hours. They monitor the eaves to be wet, but no need to bring the amount of moisture to an excess. While flowering water needs even more. If it is stagnation, it will begin rotting the roots, fading the leaves, loss of flowers. You can also spray the leaves - it does not hurt flowes. Moreover, buds before flowering are recommended to moisturize. Optimal humidity should be 60-80%.

During the period, watering plants at this time is prohibited. The soil is only periodically sprayed. It is possible to resume watering only when a new bloomer appears and germinates up to 10 cm. In the place where the pot will stand during the rest, humidity should be 60-70%.

4. Carrying

Amarillis need to ensure regular ventilation of the room, but without drafts.

5. Optimal temperature in the room:

  • In the period of active vegetation - 22-24ºС during the daytime and 18ºС at night. It is necessary to ensure that the plant does not suffer from constant temperatures.
  • In the period of rest and day and night the temperature should be 10-12ºС.

How to plant Amarillis

Landing Amarillis at home photo

Choosing a pot

Before making the landing of Amarillis, choose the most successful pot. It should be a heavy and stable vessel. The flower will try to build a powerful and high bloom, as well as a large number of leaves, which means that he can overturn himself. In addition, during the care, a light pot is most likely to hurt than massive.

The size of the vessel is chosen based on the bulbs. Ideally, it should be the main object in the pot. This means that it should be up to 3-5 cm from it to all the walls. As for the depth of the pot, it must be maximum, since the plant develops a large root system. You can choose a vessel that is wide at the bottom and gradually narrows up.

Preparation of soil

Very fashionable to plant several bulbs in one pot so that their simultaneous flowering is even more spectacular. In this case, the distance between them should be made at least 2-3 cm.

Next, go to the selection of soil. The easiest option is to go to a specialized store and buy a ready-made soil for bulbous. But any experienced flower dawns will refuse this venture and will prepare the substrate himself. Do not forget to sterilize the soil: for this, it is punished with strong boiling water or kept over a hot ferry about half an hour. You can also freeze it in the freezer.

The composition of the substrate, which can be prepared by itself, looks more likely as one of the following options:

  • cherry, garden land and river sand in equal parts and half part of humus;
  • cherry, garden land, humid, river sand and peat in equal parts;
  • humidiation, stern land and sand in a ratio of 1: 1: 2.

At the bottom it is necessary to fall asleep drainage with a thickness of 2-3 cm. To do this, you can take pebbles, gravel, clay, affordable brick crumb, small chips of ceramics. A piece of drainage is mixed with the substrate and distribute pots on the surface. Also, it is done a large hole for water removal.

The drainage on top of sand is also 2-3 cm to be 2-3 cm in order to further reinstate the root rotting due to the accumulation of water.

Landing Amarillis Stepgovoye

Landing room amaryllis photo

To plant a new plant, you need to choose the most beautiful and strong bulbs with a smooth surface that have enough good roots. It is necessary to ensure that the bulbs do not have cracks, dents, scratches, places of rotting and defeat mold, spots. If the bulb has an unpleasant sweet smell, it is also not necessary to choose.

Amarillis Transplantation

How to transplant Amarillis at home

The transfer of Amarillis is carried out after he blews, waiting for a complete withering of the bloody.

Every year it is not necessary to transplant the plant, but they carry out the operation no more than once every three years. If Amarillis grows too rapidly, you can make a transplant before.

To update the soil and give the plant more nutrients, each year replaces the upper 3-4 centimeters of soil in the pot on new ones.

  1. Before the transplantation for 4 days, the plant is watered.
  2. On the day of the transplant, Amarillis must be carefully taken together with the ground and carefully clean from it to inspect the state of the roots. The fallen roots are removed with a sharp knife, and all sections are treated with activated carbon powder or conventional ash.
  3. Then the bulbs remove all bad scales and separate subsidiaries. They are used to put in new pots. If you understand that kids are too small for separation (sometimes they make up only a few millimeters), you can not do this. But it should be borne in mind that in such cases Amarillis can cease to bloom to increase the children.

Before an adult plant to plant in another pot, it needs to be filtered. Under the roots make several sticks of agrics or other mineral fertilizers.

The reproduction of Amarillis

Breeders and flower products use all three possible methods of reproduction of Amarillis - the division of bulbs, kids and seeds.

Amaryllis seeds photo how to get amaryllis seeds

This is the longest way of reproduction and the least successful. If the seeds are assembled with hybrid plants, the varietal characteristics are not saved, and the flowering appears only after 8 years. The only advantage is slow aging of bulbs.

Amaryllis seeds at home

For seeds, two amaryllis are needed. Tassel from one take pollen and applied to the pestle of another. As a result, a box is formed, in which the seeds will mature. Ripening takes at least a month.

Amarillis from seed seeds seedlings

  • Seeds are immediately planted, as the germination over time drops sharply.
  • Before boarding, the soil is well moisturized.
  • Chopping depth 1-1.5 cm.
  • Distance between seeds 3-5 cm
  • Pot with seeds put in a warm privacy.
  • For about a month, the appearance of shoots is expected, and 3 months after that, the seedlings are picked in different pots.

Decision of Lukovitsa

How to cut the bulbs of amaryllis photo

This is the most risky method, as you can remain with anything.

  • Choose the most healthy bulb and share it for 4-8 pieces, not coming to the end. They follow that each of them had 1-2 scales and part of the Donette. Mandatory sections need to be treated with activated carbon or ash powder.
  • The bulb is planted in the usual way and grown at 25-27 ºС.
  • On the decenes first grows first leaf. They are waiting for the second, and plant plants are already sitting in an adult soil for bulbous, which is mixed with an equal amount of sand.

How to cut the bulb of Amarillis, tells the video:

Many flower products successfully use the division of the bulbs for the reproduction of Amarillis, it is important to just do everything right and not be afraid to risk.

Reproduction kids

The most successful way of reproduction of Amarillis. After 2-3 years after landing, the bulb will bloom. The daughter of the bulbs fell in the same way as new stores, but choose a little larger pot. This is due to the rapid growth of children.

  1. Find small bulbs on maternal amaryllis and separate them from an adult plant. The next step is the landing of them in a pot with drainage and soil, placing a dont down and slightly pressed into the ground. Only part of the bulbs leave above the surface.
  2. Then slightly tamper the soil and wipe it well. Place new amaryllis in a bright and warm place.
  3. Do not need to organize rest. The feeding and watering is not reduced, and the rest organize flowers only after flowering.

Amarillis - although an exotic plant, but quite real in the house of everyone. If you follow the rules for its care, you can often enjoy it with flowers.

Amarillis Care at home

Amarillis landing and care at home photo

Watering and subordinate

During the growth of Amarillis watered carefully. This is done when the colorhouse has a height of at least 10 cm. This flower likes to get a lot of water, but not in a congestive form. Sometimes it is better to abandon irrigation, rather than pour the plant. It is best to add water to a pot every four days, following the water, the water does not fall on the bulb during watering. It should fall purely on the soil around.

In winter, so much water should not flow so much. No more than more times a week to spend spraying.

  • Fertilize Amarillis every 12-14 days, starting this process when buds are formed.
  • With intensive flowering, the interval is reduced twice. No need to choose fertilizer. For this, any finished products for indoor blooming - Kemira Suite, Emerald, Bona Forte, ideal, Ava, Rainbow, Florist, Master Color, Agrikola, Live Peace, Resille, Bud, Power of life and others.
  • It is preferable to fertilizer with a large number of potassium and phosphorus than nitrogen.

It is possible to use and natural organic fertilizers - fresh manure is bred from the ratio of 1.5 glasses in 10 liters of water, and the bird litter is a third of a glass of 10 liters.

With full elimination of leaves, feeding stops. It is not held in the phase of rest.

Flowering Amaryllis at home

Amarillis in a wild form goes to the flowering phase at the beginning of autumn. In detailed flower growing, there are tricks how to change this period. The simplest thing is to plant bulbs at another time. So, when choosing healthy copies, they begin to immediately grow after planting, giving mature flowers for 7-8 weeks. Here you need to observe - if the flowers are more than two, they are removed, so as not to load abundantly blossom bulb.

When the first flower appeared and dismissed, the blooming some are cut and put in a vase. Upon the condition of everyday water update, it can hold out to three weeks. It is possible to cut a flowerclosure, but it will just like the same, and the bulb will delete much stronger. To increase the flowering time to a maximum, a vase or a pot with flowers are placed in a colder and dark place.

How to make Amarillis blossom why amaryllis does not bloom

Why amarillis does not bloom how to make Amarillis bloom

You must understand what the reason for the listed is present with you. It needs to be eliminated and expect a result.

Amarillis after flowering

  1. When fading flowers sharply reduce the amount of incoming water and fertilizer. Fully stop watering and feeding the Amaryllis, when neither the blooming, no leaves remain.
  2. Clean all dead leaves, but it is not worth it to do it. If a partially live sheet is left, it will still feed the plant.
  3. When the rest phase finally started, the pot is transferred to the darkness. Remember that the roots are still alive, so the soil once a week need to irrigate from the pulverizer.

Another departure option (but it is risky) - digging the bulbs, their cleaning and folding in cardboard boxes for storage. But you can break some kind of process and cause drying the roots.

Experienced flowers know the tricks, because of which their Amarillies bloom twice a year - at the beginning of autumn and at the beginning of spring. For this, strictly organize the rest period for resting the bulbs and the accumulation of the necessary useful substances. In January, there are pots with amaryllis from the place of rest, they put them on a bright and insulated place, watered. Follow the humidity of the soil. All this stimulates the rapid growth phase.

Amarillis Diseases and Pest

1. Stomporosis (Red Burn)

ocarogue Amarillis photo

  • The bulb covers small red spots, the edges of the scales have the same kaima.
  • Amarillis is soaked for 2 hours in a strong manganese of purple color, after which the largest foci is cut and treated with green. Withstand the plant in the air week, then produce landing.

2. Mold and rot

Rota on Amarillis Photo

  • The surface of the bulb is covered with red-gray spots. Next, it becomes softer, feels the smell of sweet type. Leaves are covered with red-brown stripes and stains.
  • The affected leaves are completely cut, and the bulb itself spray 0.05% burglar liquid. You can choose Fundazole and HOW in the dilution specified by the manufacturer.

3. Web tick

  • It feels that the leaves are covered with web. This leads to their fading and drying.
  • Processing Amarillis Oberon, tickprove, Nisoran, Floromayt, Union.

4. Low tick

The defeat of the amaryllis onion mice photo

  • The insect amazes the bulb itself, which leads to the braking of the development of the plant and the absence of flowering. Even if there are flowers - they are deformed. And the leaves are covered with yellow and disappear.
  • The bulbs from the pots are removed and placed in water at 35-40ºС for 5 minutes. After that, they are treated with Celtan and Rogor. There is a more aggressive method - the bulb is closed in a hermetic container with a sulfuric checker, which is settled. Waiting for 2 hours, after which get it back. To achieve a finally effect, hold the Amaryllis in the fresh air is still a day.

5. Trips

The defeat of Amaryllis TRIPS photos

  • There are many small brown dots on the leaves.
  • They try to remove from the leaves of all pests, wash the plant and make a transplant into a sterile pot and soil. Then treated with amaryllis in agveretin and phytodeterm.

6. Mute Cherver

Mute Cherver on Amaryllis photo

Piece on Amaryllis Photo

  • From the bottom of the leaves there are tight scales. They can be almost white and even dark brown. Around them there are allocations of sticky character, by type similar to syrup.
  • The sponge impregnate with economic soap and foam. She is actively wiped with leaves.

9. TLL

TLA on Amarillis photo

  • Yellow leaves.
  • All pests are collected manually, after which the leaves are wiping with soapy solution.

10. Nyohvostka

Neh-hotstock on Amarillis Photo

  • On the surface of the soil, small white insects are noticeable.
  • Reduce the flow of moisture, the upper layer of the soil is replaced by a new, carry out processing insecticides.

Amarillis Varieties and Selection Tasks

Modern hybrid grades of Amarillix are sold in stores, which are derived by selective path. The real Amarillis Belladonna is extremely rare and valued by avid flower.

At the moment, breeders seek the following tasks:

  • Bringing large terry and conventional flowers. The most beautiful hybrids of the terry type are the Snow Queen, Macarena, Selik, Pink Nymph, happy Christmas, promise. From neachless varieties is Benfica, Moonlight, Matterhorn, Black Pearl, Exotic, Lemon Lime, Rosalie.
  • Search for unique shades and their combinations. In this sense, the clown, Charisma, Estella, Prelude, Santa Cruz, Neon and other varieties.
  • Work with new forms of flowers. The trend of recent time in the selection is the removal of amaryllis with narrow partially corrugated petals along the edges. It can be traced in evergreen varieties, night star, Lima, La Paz, Santana.

This does not mean that Amarillis classic varieties are not in demand in the market. Such standard varieties like Durban (Flowers of the carmine shade with a white fortitude in the middle), pink magnificent (petals of pink and white), Parker (yellow middle and purple-pink edges), Maxim (bright-pink flowers with a strong aroma), Hator (Yellow Middle and White Petals) are not less popular.

Hippeastrum and Amarillis Differences Photos Plants

Hippeastrum and Amaryllis Differences Pictures in Photo Amarillis

Amarillis and Hippeastrum from the Amarillix family. Only in the first clan significantly more plants. Only 90 species grow in a wild form, and with breeding varieties, the Hippeastrumov family has up to 2000 varieties. They have a lot of common with Amarillis, so even experienced sellers can confuse these plants.

Differences of Amarillix and Hippeastrum

Hippeastrum and Amarillis Differences in the photo of Hippeastrum

In order not to repeat, below each first item - refers to an amaryllis, the second - to the hypipestructor.

1. Flowering time:

  • amarillis flowers at the end of the summer - early autumn;
  • hippeastrum - at the end of winter or early spring.

2. Place of origin:

  • Africa;
  • South America, respectively.

3. Fragrance saturation:

  • bright;
  • hardly ever.

4. Flower size:

  • amarillis has 10-12 cm;
  • hippeastrum has 6-8 cm.

5. The number of flowers in one plant:

  • 4-6, can reach 12 pieces;
  • 2-4, can be 6 flowers.

6. Natural coloring of wild plants:

  • almost white, pink in different shades, red;
  • red, pink, white, yellow, orange, purple, green and combinations of these colors.

7. The presence of leaves during flowering:

  • no - they germinate only after the flowerpiece has grown;
  • present during flowering.

8. Floweros characteristic:

  • a dense tube without voids, the color of which is a little given by the bugger;
  • the hollow tube, which is easy to crush when pressed, has a green color with a grayish-brown tint.

9. Floweros length:

  • amarillis 40-60 cm;
  • hippeastrum 60-70 cm.

10. The characteristic of the bulbs in the form:

  • pear-shaped;
  • slightly elongated or round, a little flattened on the side.

11. Characteristics of scales:

  • ash-gray, have a small fringe from the top edge;
  • very similar look at the classic edible onion, but have white or green surface.

Amarillis description

Landing and flowering Amarillis Amarillis breeding and care at home

Amarillis (Lat. Amaryllis) is the most common genus of the amarylline family (Lat. Amaryllidaceae). Initially, Botany attributed to it. One type of plant is AMARYLLIS BELLADONNA (or Amarillis Belladonna). Over time, approaches to the systematics have changed, and there are two more types of Amarillis - Amaryllis Sarniensis and Amaryllis Paradisicola.

Amarillis Belladonna comes from the southern part of Africa. Researchers argue that the plant has spread from the Valley of the Oliphants River from the Kapens of South Africa. As for other species, here geography is wider - South Africa, Japan, Australia, some Islands of the La Mans Strait - they can be considered the birthplace of plants.

For the first time, Amarillis described the famous Swedish scientist Karl Linney in 1753, which was engaged in systematics. It owns the merit of the name of this flower. Before his work, the opinion was that Amarillis is only one of the subspecies of Lily. He was called Lilionarcissa. Linno realized that this was a separate plant, but made a significant error in the systematics, including a number of hypadastrum varieties in the genus. And today many confuse these plants.

The name of the plant first meets in the work of Vergil. In his poetic works, you can meet the heroine - the shepherd Amarillis or Amarilloud. This name in Greek means "sparkling".

Amaryllis Flowers Care Flower Amaryllis Photo

Amarillis is a bulky long-term flower with dark green smooth leaves. Green plants are so narrow and long, which looks like a belt. Leaves are located in two rows.

The commemoration of the beginning of the flowering of the amaryllis is the growing of a long hollow tube at 40-60 cm - this is a bloomon. The plant produces up to three blooms. Following the leaves grow. In the wild conditions, this is happening at the end of the summer - early autumn. Each bloomer carries 2-12 flowers, depending on the variety. By type of inflorescence - umbrella.

Amarillices growing in wildlife can have flowers with white, pink and red petals of various shades. Breeders brought artificially by many hybrid varieties of yellow, purple, orange, green. A separate amaryllis flower is similar to Lily and - Patefone, constituting in diameter 10-12 centimeters.

Amaryllis BelaDonna AMARYLLIS BELLADONNA Landing and care at home Photos

Despite the seeming presence of the plant, Amarillis has poisonous parts. In the bulb found alkaloid lycarin. If he falls on the skin, irritation will appear on it. All planting operations with a plant should be carried out exclusively in rubber gloves, after which wash hands with soap. It is necessary to keep the flower at a distance from pets and children.

Amarillis, which is enough to be easy to follow the simple rules, is a bulky plant from the eponymous family. South Africa's leaving was taken to the territory of Europe in the XVIII century, where he quickly took one of the leading positions among beautiful decorative cultures.

Types and varieties of plants

The genus is represented by the only species that is known under the two names - Amarillis Belladonna or Amarillis is beautiful. A long-term plant with a bulb root system has a sword-shaped root leaves in two rows, framing meaty blooming up to 60 cm high. When flowering at the end of the arrow, an umbrella inflorescence is formed, consisting of flowers with a diameter of 5-8 cm with a variety of colors, depending on the variety.

After the appearance of Amarillis in the gardens and the windowsill from Europeans, breeders do not stop working on the removal of new varieties, among which are allocated:

  • Durban.large-flowered gradeMixed with carmine-red flowers of the bell-shaped shape with a white zev.
  • Parker - Typical representative of the type of pink color with a yellow base of petals.
  • Ice Queen - Grade S. large flowersconsisting of glossy white petals with cream raid at the edges.
  • flowers This variety has a distinctive feature in the form of pearl raids.
  • Red Lion. - Beautiful view representative with large flowers painted in intensively red.
  • La Paz. - Original variety with flowers consisting of narrowed green petals with edging in the form of a red spraying.

Amarillis: Growing Features

A plant that differs in high decorativeness in combination with inconspicuous, has a number of features associated with the natural environment that need to be considered when cultivating the flower at home:

  • sufficient amount of light;
  • moderation of irrigation;
  • proper selection of pot;
  • regularity of feeding.

Home care

Successful cultivation of Amarillis provides compliance with the main care activities.

Lighting and location

Amarillis needs a stream of soft light, which is possible to provide a flower when placing a pot on the windowsill, southeast and south-west directions with additional protection against direct sunlight during the greatest solar activity. Curtains can be used as protection.

Important! In the summer season, the duration of the daylight should be at least 16 hours.


Temperature regime for the full development of the amaryllis depends on the phase of development:

  • In the phase of active growth optimal temperature varies from 18 to 25 ° C depending on the time of day.
  • During rest, temperature regime is provided in the range from 10 to 16 ° C.

Caution! It cannot be allowed when growing a culture of strong temperature differences, which negatively affect the plant.

Requirement for soil and pot

To obtain a flowering plant, it is necessary to pick up a small capacity. Soil for filling the pot is required with a weakly acidic reaction in the range of 6.0-6.5 points and a loose structure. The nutritious substrate prepared from the delicate and leaf lands, sand and humoring in the proportion 2: 2: 2: 1, before use, it is calcined in the oven for the destruction of pathogens.

Watering flower and air humidity

When watering the flower, which should be carried out after dried up the earth coma, is used lower moisture method: the pot is placed in the pallet with water for 20-30 minutes, which makes it possible to prevent the undesirable water from the bulb, which takes place at the top of irrigation. Amarillis easily adapts to dry air in the apartment, so it does not require additional spraying.

Tip! To facilitate the flower breathing through the sheet plates, you should systematically wipe them from dust.

Fertilizing and fertilizer

Amarillis needs regular feeding during active growth:

  • a bird miserable, diluted in water in the proportion of 10 g per bucket of liquid;
  • a cowboy from the calculation of 250 g on the water bucket;
  • solution of mineral fertilizers with a slight nitrogen content prepared from water bucket and 3 g of agrochemical.

Attention! The oversight of nitrogen in the ground can cause a red flower burn.

Blooming and cropping

With the advent of autumn there is a flowering of culture, which occurs, in contrast to the hypapeastrum after the development of the green mass. In the natural environment, this period at which white and pink flowers bloom falls on autumn. A lot of varieties with a variety of colors are derived in the culture. After flowering, the shoots die naturally, and pruning is not required.


Amarillis flower is transplanted every 3-4 years after the completion of flowering.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. A new container is selected in such a way that the distance between the pot of the pot and the edge of the bulbs was 2-3 cm.
  2. At the bottom, the pot is placed drainage from the ceramzit.
  3. The bulb is inspected for the presence of disease and is placed in a pot, after which it is poured by a new substrate so that the part remains above the ground level.
  4. The substrate is compacted and slightly moistened.

Period of rest

After the flowering phase is completed, the plant begins to prepare for the rest period, which lasts 2 months on average: watering and feeding are reduced. Reset foliage signals the beginning of the active growth of the bulbs. At this time, the pot moves to dark roomwhere the temperature should not exceed 16 ° C. Moisturizing is carried out as needed when the earthen car dries.

Fighting diseases and pests

The flower is amazed by diseases in the form of rotes in violation of the rules of content - excess watering, high concentration of nitrogen-containing fertilizers in the substrate. With the intensive development of the disease, the plant may die. To prevent this, it is necessary to strictly comply with agrotechnical requirements. Among the pests noted on Amarillis, the web mite, milder cherberry and the lamps, are distinguished, which should be struggling with a spraying of the plant insecticidal action according to the instructions specified on the package.

The reproduction of Amarillis

Amarillis is divorced in two ways: gesturing and vegetative.


Due to the time consideration of the method and the inability to keep the varietal qualities seed reproduction At home is extremely rare.

If still a flower breeder decided then:

  1. Artificial pollination of the tassel is carried out.
  2. Two months later, when the seed boxes begin to crack, the sowing material is collected.
  3. The dried seeds are distributed over the surface of the lung moistened soil in January-February, and the layer of Earth is 0.5 cm.
  4. Capacity is contained at a temperature of 22-25 ° C under glass until shoots appear.
  5. After the formation of the seedlings, 1 pair of real leaves seedlings are cleared on separate pots.

Attention! New plants obtained in this way will delight first bloom only after a seven-year growth period.


With another transplantation, reproduction can be carried out by separation of children:

  1. From the maternal bulb with a sharp tool is separated by a babe with roots.
  2. The sections are disinfected by an antiseptic in the form of an insolent activated carbon or a solution of a fungicide.
  3. The small bulb is planted in a separate pot with a prepared substrate for Amarillix and moves to a warm room for rooting. After 1-3 years, mature bulbs will grow, capable of blooming.

The division of Lukovitsa

The most popular reception at which:

  1. The large bulb is selected, the scales are released, after which it is divided into 4 parts.
  2. Dellets are immersed in a fluungicide solution for disinfection.
  3. After half an hour, the parts are plunged on ⅓ into a special substrate and are contained at a temperature of 22 ° C to rooting.

Why does Amarillis do not bloom, flowers and leaves pale?

Despite the unpretentiousness of the culture, non-compliance with the main agrotechnical requirements can lead to a loss of decorative flower or a complete absence of inflorescences.

The main reasons are:

  • lighting shortage;
  • lack of macro and trace elements;
  • lack of peace phase;
  • non-payment of transplant;
  • deep sealing of the bulbs;
  • constant overflows that led to the development of diseases;
  • incorrectly selected pot;
  • the presence of pests.

Important! If after planting the bulbs passed less than three years, the absence of the flowering phase is a normal physiological process.

How to distinguish Amarillis from Hippeastrum?

Often hypadastrama from the tropical zones of South America, the generation of which has more than 85 varieties, take for amaryllis, represented by only one type.

There are a number of parameters that will help the flower, not to be mistaken:

  • lukovitsa - Amaryllis the bulb has a pear shape, while a tropical flower is rounded;
  • inflorescence - Amaryllis umbrellas consist of 6-12 flowers, while hypadastrum - out of 6 pieces;
  • flowering - Amaryllis, flowers are blown in autumn, and Hippeastrum has in the spring-summer period;
  • coloros - Hippeastrum has a hollow arrow.

So, the amaryllis flower represents a failed blooming plant, which requires the minimum, but the correct care. The fulfillment of all requirements for the content of culture at home will allow the flower to get a healthy plant with beautiful large inflorescences of wondrous beauty.

Plant care memo

Once every 2-3 years During active growth 18-22, during the rest period - about 15 During flowering - when the upper layer of the soil gets dry, do not water at rest Only buds if the air is too dry Bright diffused light, southwestern and southeastern windows Poisonous juice, compliance with periods of growth and peace


During growth, the plant prefers bright diffused light, in summer, the straight rays of the sun are allowed only from 11:00 to 15:00.

For normal development, Amarillis requires a 16-hour daylight. During the rest of the Lukovitsa Amarillis, the light is not needed.

The best plants will be windows overlooking the southwest and southeast. On the southern window, Amarillis will have to be dialed from the midday sun.

During the growth of flowers and leaves, the plant needs to be constantly turning so that the floweros is not curved.


Temperature regime during active growth:

  • During the day 20-22 ° C;
  • At night, at least 18 ° C.

During the rest of the Bulb of Amarillix must be in a cool place. The optimal temperature is about 15 ° C, the minimum 10 ° C, and the maximum 18 ° C. At low temperature, the bulb may die, and with high - too fast to germinate, without giving the plant to fully relax.

In the summer, it is not desirable to carry a flower out of the room, since the difference in day and night temperature in middle lane There are significant. This plant does not like a sharp decline or increase in temperature, which can lead to a lack of flowering.

For this flower, resting period is necessary. But it is not always possible to contain a flower in a cold room. In order for Amarillis to successfully overlook and spring released a blossom, it can be kept at room temperature 20-22ºС, but in relative dryness. In this case, the flower will not grow in winter.


During flowering, Amarillis needs a rich watering - the soil should be wet, but not overcoiled. The frequency of irrigation - the upper layer of the soil between the irrigation should light up slightly. Watering the plant needs to be spacious water temperature. At the same time, it is important that the water does not get on the bulbs.

When flowering is over, watering is reduced, and after 2 months they completely stop.

During this time, Amarillis loses the leaves, and the rest period begins, during which the plant does not need to water.

After the end of the rest period, when the blooming will reach a height of 10 cm (but not earlier!), Go to normal watering mode, taking into account the temperature and dryness of air indoors.

If the air to the room is too dry, it is allowed a little bit of buds. Flowers, leaves, as well as bulbs during rest spraying is strictly prohibited.

The soil

For Amarillis suited primerconsisting of a delicate land (2 parts), peat (1 part), humus (1 part) and sand (1 part). The soil acidity indicator should be pH 6.0-6.5.

You can also use another type of soil for disembarking this plant. Here is its ingredients:

  • Cherry earth - 2 parts;
  • Sheet land - 2 parts;
  • Humid - 1 part;
  • Peat - 1 part;
  • Washed river sand - 1 part.

Sand can be replaced by such bars as perlite or vermiculite. This composition of the soil will provide an outflow of excess water into the pallet during watering.

Also, to prevent the water stagnation in the soil, the pots are laid on the bottom of the drain layer. Good drainage is needed to prevent the roots and bulbs.

For Amarillis, light and loose soil, weakness or neutral acidity suitable. Such soil mixtures for decorative-flowering bulbous plants are always on sale. They are easiest to buy in flower stores or garden centers.


During active growth and blossoms, feeding is carried out 1 time in 10 days. This uses complex liquid fertilizer suitable for flowering plants.

At the end of flowering, the feeding is reduced, and after fading the leaves stop at all. Fertilizers will be renewed only with the advent of flowers from the bulbs.

Fertilize the soil for Amarillis begin with the appearance of spring flowers from the bulbs. Use liquid complex fertilizers for flowering plants or special compositions for bulbous plants.

It is important not to reconcile plants after the formation of leaves and the end of flowering. This species is increasing the leaves after the formation of a bloody. The plant is fed only by fertilizers for flowering plants, never using formulations for deciduous species. This allows you to maximize the flowering and reduce the growth rate of the leaves.


Amarillis is undemanding to humidity, so it is not necessary to spray it.

The main thing is that the humidity is not too high - 80% and higher, otherwise it can lead to fungal diseases.

For hygiene and preventing pests, it is recommended to regularly wipe the leaves Or wash their shower.


For normal development and abundant flowering Amarillis requires special rules for leaving the growth and peace. Also Amarillis is poisonous plant And it is necessary to work with it only in gloves.

Do not forget that Amarillis refers to poisoned houseplants. It is impossible to make the juice on the skin or eating. But do not hurry to get rid of the plant - when it is cultivated, it is enough to observe precautions.

Growth and rest periods

Consider how to care for Amarillis at home in different phases. At home, Amarillis is grown as an ordinary room plant to late autumn. At this time it is regularly watered and feeding.

After flowering Amarillis, you need to remove the patterns. The leaves do not need to touch - they will be the source of nutrients for the bulbs.

To Amarillis bloomed in winter, the bulbs need to provide a period of rest. For this, since August, it is necessary to reduce watering and stop feeding. After three weeks, watering should also be stopped. The leaves should be independently yellowed and start, after which they need to be cut off to a height of 5 cm from the bulbs.

In September-early October, the bulbs planted in a pot and remove into the dark, dry and cool (13-15 ° C) place. The rest period will begin when there will be no green leaf on the plant, and will last 6-8 weeks.

Approximately in November, the pot with a plant put in the illuminated place and begin to water regularly. From this point on, the period of growth begins.

Before and after flowering, maintain the soil in the wet state and constantly turn the plant for uniform growth. In this period, the optimal temperature will be 13-18 ° C. After 4-8 weeks after the resumption of watering, the Amarillis should bloom.

Flowering Amarillis

Period of flowering Amarillis falls at the end of autumn or the beginning of winter. A blooming plant throws a powerful bloomon, at the end of which is the inflorescence. Usually, during flowering leaves, the plant is missing. Sometimes 1 pair of leaves grows together with the flowers.

With optimal caring, Amarillis blooms 1 time per year. However, you can get flowers and twice a year without damage to the plant. For this, adult copies are suitable, with a diameter of bulbs at least 5 cm. They will bloom in summer, subject to regular feeding in spring.

To cause the natural flowering of amaryllis in summer timeYou need to create an additional rest period. To do this, you must transfer it from the illuminated place in the shaded, away from the window.

Watering is reduced by 2-3 weeks. After a 2-week stay in the shade of his leaves, the leaves gradually die, and a bloomon grows from the top of the bulb.

After the formation of a color, the plant begins to water in normal mode. Now it can be transferred to the windowsill, where he will soon bloom.


Amarillis may be affected by fungal infections, for example, gray rot. Signs of infection: brown spots or stripes on flowers, stems or bulbs, or a grayish velvety raid on the leaves.

As a rule, too moist air and the mooring of the soil lead to the disease.

The pathogens of this disease live in the soil, so the patient plant must necessarily transplant. In addition, processing special drugs - fungicides.

Plant can become infected with trips or tool. Signs: The leaves are yellow and deformed.

Small reddish specks may appear when the ticks are infected. In the struggle with pests will help insecticide processing, which must be carried out several times.


  • Flowers pale. Cause: Straight sun rays;
  • Flowers are darling or even black. Cause: crude air and low room temperature;
  • The leaves become pale, and flowers dock. Cause: insufficient watering;
  • Leaves yellow. Causes: TRIPS or TLI defeat, soil moistening;
  • Floss the bulbs. Causes: A large number of children, lack of lighting, abundant bloom;
  • Plant does not bloom. The reasons: wrong care, Too short period of rest or its absence, deep planting of the bulbs, damage to the root system. The bulb does not have enough strength to release a bloomon with a lack of heat, light, fertile soil, drainage and sufficient watering. During the rest of the bulb accumulates strength for flowering.


Amarillis can be multiplied by children separated from the maternal bulbs, and seeds. Before transplanting Amarillis, you need to choose a suitable way.

Department of subsidiaries

This is the easiest and most common way. Different children are separated from the parent plant during the spring transplantation.

First, they are struck in small tanks with a sandy-perlitic mixture or sphagnum, and then transplanted.

At the same time, the composition of the soil, the height of the plantation of the bulb, the pot capacity should be the same as in the transplantation of an adult plant. Young bulbs grow rapidly and bloom for 2-3 years.

Amarillis from seeds at home

The cultivation of Amarillis at home is quite a long, time consuming and unreliable way. To obtain seeds, the tassel is transferred to pollen from one plant to another. The Seeds of Amaryllis ripen about a month, after which they are planted in the soil and pour themselves.

Shoots should appear in a month. Grown young plants are seeded in some small pots of small. Amarillies grown from seeds bloom only for 7 years.


Amarillis refers to K. perennial plantsTherefore, there is no need for its annual transplant. It will only be enough to replace the upper layer of soil. It is necessary to do it very carefully not to damage the root system. In addition, the bulb can not be filled with the previous level of soil.

Usually Amarillis transplanted once in 2-4 years, or when you need to separate the babies from the mother's bulb for breeding.

The best time to transplant Amarillis at home - after 3-5 weeks after the end of flowering.

This is explained by the fact that the bulb during flowering is strongly reduced in size due to the nutrient consumption contained in it.

When transplanting the pot is selected with a diameter equal to a bulb plus 1.5-2.0 cm from all sides - In close containers, Amarillis begin to bloom faster and more abundant.

From the outflower Amarillis, dried and faded outdoor scales are removed, and from the bulbs they remove bad roots and separate children with roots.

If the bulb does not have no roots at all, you can still replant - For 4-6 weeks, the roots will grow. The drainage layer is placed on the bottom - clamzit, broken shards, gravel, and it is desirable to pour a little sand under the bulb. Soil take the same composition (see above). The bulb is plugged into the ground half or on 2/3 of its heights.

Plant Description and Types

Amarillis is a bulbous flowering plant, whose homeland is South Africa. It has a large pear-shaped bulb, the diameter of which can reach 10 cm.

Plant leaves are narrow and long, reach 30 cm long. Flowers Amaryllis at the end of autumn or at the beginning of winter. Flowers are large, on one blooming there are up to 12 pieces. Plant color, long, up to 40 cm, juicy and meaty.

More recently, the appearance of Amarillis Belladonna was considered the only one in his family. Today we found another type of this kind - Amarillis Paradisicola.

Amarillis Belladonna - Very popular plant in bedroom flowering. Thanks to the compact size and flowers of amazing beauty, this species is distributed in the collections of fans of flowering plants almost everywhere. Wild species flowers have pink, red and even purple shade.

This species gave the beginning of a variety of varieties distinguished by the unusual color, the size of flowers and the form of petals. There are large-flowered, motley varieties and varieties with narrow petals. Here are some popular Amarillix varieties:

  • "Exotic" - large-flowered grade;
  • "Minerva" - a variety of other striped petals;
  • "Exotic Star" is a narrow-footed variety.

Amarillis Paradisicola. It differs from the previous species with a large number of flowers in inflorescence. They can be until 21. All flowers of the species have a uniform pink shade and a pleasant fragrance. In detailed flower growing is not common.

Now you know everything about caring for Amarillis at home.

When and should I cut the leaves and the roots of the bulbs? What are the conditions of storage and when will it be ready for flowering again? Who knows?

After flowering, remove only the flowerons. Leaves must be left, adpend with a couple of times, because the bulb spent a lot of strength on flowering. Then start cutting watering to leave the leaves. But not everyone has a rest period. My Amarillis, bought by last winter, was greatly flourished last year, giving out three arrows, all summer tried to put it on, did not want. Born three children and now again stands in two arrows with flowers.

Tell me what to do with Amarillis in the fall.

Pay attention to the bulb if it is exhausted after flowering, it will become loose, try all the same to make her relax. And yet, do not put the bulb in a big pot, in this case she will definitely not bloom. Good luck.

Do not cut root. Yes, and the leaves ideally have to cease themselves. While they are green, nutrients enter the bulb. Stop watering and put it in a cool place. Digging out of pot

People's period: the stem is cut, only when it is completely dried. Gradually, watering is reduced, then stop watering at all. A pot with a bulb put in a dark cool place indoors. People must last 6-8 weeks from February. Then the bulb can be taken out of the pot, separated the "children" and transplanted the parent plant.

after the plowing must first be a good bottle, as mines 4 pairs of leaves, before on the rest, send-otherwise, do not see you a footprint, roots are not cut off healthy, but on the contrary

You hardly have Amaryllis. Most likely, it is hybrid hypadastrum. After flowering, he has a growth period. You need to transplant the plant into a larger pot, regularly water and feed. For the summer it is better to land in an open ground. The rest period begins in September-October.

If you forcibly send the bulb on peace, you can forget about bloom for several years

water up the leaves will begin to die into the spring, zoom watering and adopt

it is not necessary to cut the leaves ... Now the bulb is required feeding - the strength on flowering is spent ... let the leaves grow up, and put it in the fall ...

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