What dreams swimming in icy water. Place Bathing - River

Landscape design and layout 23.09.2019
Landscape design and layout

It is known that pure water is a fairly favorable symbol. Such a dream can foreshadow joyful and pleasant meetings, events. And, on the contrary, dirty water is a symbol of negative. And why dream of water ice?

If the dreams in a dream observe how water turns into ice, then this may mean that any problems and obstacles may occur in the work or in relationships, to overcome which it is necessary to show ingenuity. A dream in which a man from the water makes ice, means that the dream need to be less selfish and selfless, so as not to lose respect and love of loved ones.

If in a dream, the man drinks cool, clean and pleasant to the taste of water, then it foreshadows good health and establishing relations with business partners and with a close person.

What is the dream of ice ice: other values. If the water is gloomy, dark or dirty - it is a bad feature denoting that in real life The dream is not at all joyful events. Swim in it - to the disease or serious problems in affairs. If such a dream has dreamed, it means that it is worth up with the adoption of serious solutions and postpone important trips and affairs at a later date.

Sleep: swim in ice water - for what? If such a dream was hardened, then we should expect success in affairs and luck, as well as good luck in love relationships. Nevertheless, if the water is a bit muddy, then there is a short difficult period, when you have to make every effort to solve the problems that have appeared. What does a dream mean, in which a person is engaged in water sports? This means that soon in real life it will overtake a very strong and mutual romantic passion.

Walking in calm water promises successful business. If the water is dreaming, in which there is ice or simply ice as such, then such a dream is quite negative. It means that a person expects a lot of problems because of his enemies and ill-wishers. If the ice is floating in the stream of crystal water, this is a symbol of what soon calm and measured life will end, the reason for which will be whose envy will be.

If the dreams tries in a dream to go ice and it succeeds successfully, it means that he will easily overcome all life situations and solve all the problems, even the most difficult. But if the ice breaks - this is to trouble. Specify such a dream can and some health problems - it is necessary to pay attention to it. If a person in a dream takes carefully on a thin and slippery ice, fear suddenly stupid, then it means that surrounded by a dream there are people who can always rely.

Dream Cold Water

The age of technocratic progress becomes harder to understand why cold water is dreaming. After all, even recently, the interpretation of such sleep, which has given almost every dream book, was unchanged: to a good crop.

Dreams with cold water come true much more often, along with other dream symbols. This night Greek will prophes it to update, cleansing and getting rid of ailments and problems, if in a dream it was clean. Feel the frost on the skin from the drinking glasses of water with ice - to be in a difficult situation.

Cold water multifaceted symbol. It may concern human health as a coherent organism, relations - as part of the psycho-emotional sphere or important events The nearest future as an impact on the possible deeds of a person.

Depending on which value it was a reservoir with cold water in a dream, we can talk about the extensiveness of the upcoming changes or events.

A glass with ice is a personal event, a cold bath - a serious shock, which will affect a personal life, the river - the long life of the dream, and the frozen sea is global events, almost at the country level.

How do this symbol interrupt different dreams

If dreamed of cold water

Almost every dream book speaks of any kind of water, nor the water to interpret it on the basis of its quality. Pure transparent is health and positive changes in life. If it is too cold, then reach the condition of the soul to be ready to take these changes, it will be difficult, and sometimes, even painfully. But, like among people, every dream book has an important opinion regarding the details that can be very important.

Wellez's dream book - what ancient Slavs say

The symbol of water in the ancient Slavs means the purity of thoughts and the possibility of the flow of life, says the ancient dream book Veles. If in a dream the water is clean - the soul of the dream is ready to take new knowledge and qualitatively develop life in this body. Muddy or dark - dream of a disease that can not always manifest itself at the physical level.

It is very important to pay attention to the amount of cold or frozen water in a dream. Swim in a cold river or swim in the sea with ice floes - may have a little different meaning.

Swim in the river - look for yourself throughout life

Ancient Slavs have a lot of believes connected with bathing in the river. And even in a dream, clean water in the river means life strength, good health and the possibility of creation. If it is very cold - be prepared for the fact that for further follows for fate, you will need to experience some painful situation.

  • Swim in the river when the water is very cold - feel at the same time fresh and cheerful - excellent health and longevity. Feeling that the cold shines the body - the inability to soberly think from the fact that some problem oppressed for a long time.
  • Fly along the river on a boat among the ice floes - be careful, a person from your environment only pretends in a good attitude towards you.
  • Dive into the hole - you will be fearlessly to protect those who are weaker than you.

Ice sea - Credit useful difficulties

if floated among the ice floes

If you dream that you have to sail in the cold sea - be prepared that the tests will fall on your head one after another. But these peripetia will not experience your patience, they quickly mobilize the forces and help advance to a qualitatively new moral level.

  • Decisively swim in the sea among the ice floes, without fearing to dive and with his head to dip in ice water - you can quickly deal with all the misadventures.
  • Jump into the icy sea from the boat to help a thin person - you are ready to risk your stability and honest name only to protect the truth.
  • The cold gray sea, clearly hear the noise - a man from your relative environment sloeping on you, creating many difficulties.

Miller Dream - Cleansing

Family dream book - Happiness

This interpretation came from a long time and is considered basic for family people. Pure student water dreams of happiness. Wash the ice water - to overlook (in the sense of the relationship of people and their own worldview).

  • Swim in Obelned Lake or River - Meet with a misunderstanding of the second half. If you are going to swim in ice water together - nothing will be able to place your family happiness and soul harmony.
  • Swim on the boat among the ice floes or during the ice drift - if the water was clean and you saw the bottom - it means the case that demanded decisiveness and resistance of the spirit will be completed in your favor. In the case when it was muddy or black - give up any undertakings.
  • By chance, fall into the frozen river and lose the opportunity from the cold the opportunity to swim, wait for the rescue - an unexpected turn of events will come. The one from whom you were waiting for responsiveness will be cold to you.

Analysis of personal sensations

Dreams with water are pretty hard to interpret without a personality of a dream. Because this important archetype character cannot be universal due to its meaningfulness. So, for some people, water in reality is a pleasant element, which they are ready to give almost all free time. And for others it is a frightening paddle.

In any case, clean cold water is a positive sign. For people who have long hurt this symbol of recovery. And for those who have long been looking for an answer to a serious question - important information will be given.

If a person is used to swimming in a slightly cool water and dreams to plunge into the hole, a dream in which he had to swim among the ice floes, can simply reflect his desires. Therefore, you should not look for additional interpretations if you often think about it.

Very frightened cold reservoir, get to the bones - to experience a shock in the usual life. The feeling that the cold came right in the heart, and it squeezed, means that personal life will be threatened. Where you hoped to get love and understanding - I will be completely different feelings.

Drink cold water From a glass or from a row - find a solution to an important problem. But this is only if you enjoy the feeling of coolness, which blooms throughout the body. If the feelings are unpleasant - it means that they stumble upon an obstacle in solving an important case.

Your mark:

    Dream "Sonnik-Enigma"

    If a in snow lucky enough to swim in clean waterIn fact, also nothing overshadows your everyday life. You soon have nothing to worry about. Even if something is disturbing you, know that your excitements are bothering. What dreamed in snowWeather in the reservoir. When circumstances force you to swim in ice water, dream book Calls for collens. Try to mobilize all the forces, they will soon need you in the near future. Ahead of unexpected obstacles, unforeseen difficulties. Total

    Dream "Sonnik-Enigma"

    Icy water by dream InterT. If we saw in snow, what Wash crystally transparent ice water, you can not worry about your health status. Pain in the cold icy waterSo, to ruin the relationship for a long time. So that this does not happen, be attentive to the requests of relatives and make sure that they are saying and what they do in relation to them. If a dreamed, what you floor in dirty ice waterthen I will come across all sorts of difficulties, trouble. Total

  • Dream "Astralomir"

    For what dream water icy: Interpretation. It is known that clean water - This is a fairly favorable symbol. Such sleep May bend joyful and pleasant meetings, events. And, on the contrary, dirty water - symbol negative. In addition, a person who dreamed such sleepmay be accused of problems at work. Sleep: bathe in ice water - What? Read completely

    Dream "GRC-EKA"

    2. And such sleepin which you happened to swim in very cold ice water, for example, in the winter sea, or dive into a hole - it promises a patient or a disathless person a quick complete recovery. And healthy - just a tide of strength, energy, strong health and life to old age. What dreamed bathe in snow?Read completely

    Dream "Dreams"

    For what dream to swim in water? Dnah It is often referred to as the soul mirror, reflection of our unrest and experiences. In snow The subconsciousness sends us different signs that are sometimes just a set of abstract symbols, and sometimes make it think about what awaits us in the near future. It turns out that in almost all interpreters of dreams to swim in water in snow means change in the real life of the person who dreamed the sleep.Read completely

    Dream "Dreams"

    Don't everyone know what dream water icy - Pure or dirty. The article tells about what is worth do if dreamed.Sleepwhere transparent is present icy water, It has good value. Swimming in such water Slute the owner dreaming strong health. After all, and blowing swimming in clean coolness water leads to hardening the body and gives excellent health. Total

    Dream "Magickum"

    Swim in the snow in snow - Enjoyment of well-being and sufficiency, if the snow was clean and fluffy, beautiful. Swim in the cold ice water Or in winter means an insensitivity that appears due to strong emotional shocks. Very anxiously in the soul after what he saw. To me dreamed what I and the long-standing friends of my parents ( married couple Alla and Andrei, they were with grandson or granddaughter, which in real life they do not have) plate in pool. Alla stands on the side with a child, her husband and I am in water, we ... read completely

    Dream Interpretation "Felomena"

    dreamed floating in ice water, Winter, Drub, Paintil water, I baptized three times and dived three times, then left out of water And he felt that I was warm and very easy to me. In snow to me dreamed what I floating in clean pool with blue water, I floating there with his native sister, her boyfriend and his acquaintances, already difficult to say what exactly.

    Dream "Astroscope"

    Dreamed icy water, Bathe in ice water - supercooling; disease; good health. Sleep He has several interpretations carrying the opposite forecast. The final forecast can be made only on the basis of the analysis of tested in snow emotions. Dreamed what in water floating bed on the bed slept her husband and son they were in ice I came running took a hammer frightened as under ice Son breathes and broke ice pulled her son's husband, they woke up. What it is.

    Dreamnov Domsnov

    Dream book icy water in snow.Icy water The dream has several alternative interpretations. if you dream, what You are drowning in it, pay attention to the kidneys. Perhaps you have a disease that needs to be treated urgently. If you drink clean, icy waterthen in reality you will be surrounded good and reliable friends and buddies. Total

    Dream "Owoman"

    Nibble in snow ice In any form, it may be a warning of an impending disease, but to swim in water, wherein swims iceBut not to experience cold, indicates that you will be revered, respectable and you can even get fame. Dreamed, what Doing ice- Using your egoism, otherwise you cannot avoid failure in matters. Bathing in ice water promises pleasure that will be interrupted by a certain event. Total

    Dream "Astromeridian"

    Dream book: To swim in snow. To swimIN clean water - Life without alarm; in muddy water - obstacles; sink - misfortune; in raging water - You will be more active; see floating - Your aspirations will be fulfilled; in running water - Hard way in life. dream, what I floating With my former classmates, people are present there, and people are also present, although I communicate with them, as with old friends, and they also communicate with me. I can not to swim, I. in snow I understand it well, but despite this, I swim. Total

    Dream "Prisnilos"

    For what dream to swim in water in snow. If you floor in clean water in snow, Your life will in the near future will leak without problems and anxiety, but if in a muddy, most likely, barriers and obstacles await you. In the event that your swimming in snow It is not quite safe and you start sinking, it means that you will actually comprehend the misfortune. Total

    Dream "Sonnik-Enigma"

    In snow to swim in transparent wateris also interpreted as a symbol good health And success. In addition, transparent water It is spiritual purity and well-being. Such sleep Speaks about the creative nature of sleeping, about his self-improvement. dreamed, as if floating in snow In the pure transparent blue lake with a guy, which I like we dive together, plate, in general bathe the fact is that the second night in a row to me dream Pure lake. Total fully

    Dream Interpretation "Felomena"

    Dreamed, what plaby in ice water - Enjoy that you have to interrupt because of unexpected event. Do not forget that no matter how pleasant your pastime is, you should constantly be alert. Our experts will help you find out what dream To swim in ice water in snow in snow seen this symbol. Total

    Dream Interpretation "Felomena"

    Dreamed Cold Waterbut the necessary interpretation sleep no in dream Interpret? Our experts will help you find out what dream Cold Water in snow, just write a dream in the form below and you are plundered what it means if in snow Seen this symbol. Try! Hello! To me dreamed two boys floating in Clothes in ice Pond S. ice in the courtyard, and I looked with my son, I wanted to pull them out, but I saw what they like there. Total

    Dream "Magickum"

    Cold icy water dream in snow By moral cold waterYou yourself will desire to stop the relationship, cancel the transactions, breaking connections. On the river icewho gradually melts. The river on the right has already been fixed and there float clarification, everything else while ice. In general, the landscape is magical. Total fully

    Dream "MySonnic"

    everything sonniki " Search by keyword. Today dreamed. Head / search interpretation sleep. Upon request " to swim in ice water»Found 8 words. Total

    Dream "Magickum"

    Cold icy water dream For stagnation in affairs, stopping, possibly cooling relations. if you in snow By moral cold waterYou yourself will desire to stop the relationship, cancel the transactions, breaking connections. To swim or swim with fish in snow - Health and well-being sign. If one or two fish - you will soon have the opportunity to make an important thing that you have been thinking about. If you plaby With Fishes Vmor - the value of the upcoming event is very important for you in life. Total fully

    Dream "Sonnik"

    If you dreamed ice, then you should be ready for adversities and fear of impact in the most unprotected place. If you dreamed ice floes in pure stream water, Introduce your serene happiness can be overshadowed with envious friends. If in snow You bathe in ice water, then you should not particularly count on planned rest, as it can be interrupted by unforeseen circumstances. Total

    Dream Interpretation "Felomena"

    « Dream book to swim in clean Water dreamed, for what dream in snow to swim in clean Water». icy water.Dreamed, what floating in Pool with a good acquaintance. Around a lot of people, but they do not interfere with us to swim pretty fast forward. Total

    Dream Interpretation "Ladyelena"

    Success, joy and good news expect those who in snow bought in a calm, not burrowing water Pleasant temperature. If a dreamed, what You have bathed in the bathroom, then soon you are in something or somehow will be seriously disappointed. If a young girl dream Swimming with a girlfriend in a lake that is better swimsthen its disadvantages will not bind in ice water in winter The time foreshadows the pleasure that will be in the most inopportune moment is interrupted. Swim in milk - a sign of success and wealth, which will soon happen to you. Total

    Dream "FB"

    For what dream to swim in ice water? Such dreams talk about insensitivity, which covers due to a severe emotional shock. Also on emotional deadlock indicates swimming in the corruption. Why dream to swim in clean water fully broken? There is nothing to fear, night dreams promise health and pleasure. Immerse yourself in snow In the dirty water, naked - soon get sick or injured. Total

    Dream Interpretation "Felomena"

    Oriental dream book. For what dream Ice in snow by dream InterT? Dreamed ice - Whether it is ready for adversity and fear a blow to the most vulnerable place. There was a lot of people, the bride is not familiar to me in the center of the celebration, suddenly all the guests including the novel itself turned out to be in ice water ,wherein float Medium size Glyba ice, the people are frightened, and the bride on the face of anxiety. Total

    Dream "Sonnik-Mira"

    Bathing B. water SO ice in snow foreshadows danger. Ice - symbol of cold, cooling, it symbolizes and sleep SO ice. Watch with fish in snow - Eightly good and strong health. To swim in snow With fish in the open sea, it means that it is worth paying attention to your actions - how you do in the nearest controversial situation will be decisive for you, so it is very important to consider what is happening from all sides and make a right decision. Take a complete

    Dream "Sunhome"

    Dream book Dreamed what I floating dreamed, for what dream in snow Dreamed what I floating? Sometimes such sleep foreshadows an accident or even death to someone who sailed. To swim naked in clean water in snow - Sign of pleasures, pleasures, pleasant meetings. if you dream, what you floor in snow Together with your sweetheart, then soon you will have to part because of the circumstances that do not depend on you. Total

    Dream "Sunhome"

    Dream book Go to ice water dreamed, for what dream in snow Go to ice water? To select interpretation sleep Enter keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter characterizing sleep Image (if you want to get online interpretation snov The letter for the alphabet for free). Watch interpretation: Also chapters: Brod, River, Fountain, Sea, Ocean, Source, Drinks, Thirst, Well, Waterfall, water mill, to swim, boiling water, plumbing.

Would you like to deal with problems in different life situations, Rate it emotional condition? We offer to read the selected interpretations of dreams about ice in dreambooks. famous authors. Perhaps in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to your question.

What dreams of ice in a dream

Dream Pastor Loffe

What dreams and what does ice mean?

Ice symbolizes cooling. Expression "walk on thin ice"Speaks about insidious danger. All this reflects our dreams with the presence of ice as a dream symbol.

If you are gracious in a dream of ice blocks or ice sculptures, then this is a cooling sign to you from the outside or slowing down the course of affairs. In some cases, this dream tells you: it is necessary to hurry slowly, hurry - they mumble people. If you see the ice on a river or any other reservoir, then this dream indicates the danger of your position and that you lead the too risky game.

Fucking on ice suggests that you risks your calm and respect for others because of fleeting joys. If you are gracious icicles hanging from the roof, this is a sign of changing your life to the worst, reducing comfort, both moral and physical.

Glading ice in a dream in any kind of his form can be a warning of an impending disease, but to swim in the water in which ice floats, but do not feel cold, indicates that you will be revered, respectable and you can even get fame More details if the ice is dreaming, look next.

Dream of Gypsy Serafima

Cool feeling or relationship; inability to feel and love; insensitivity to truth and law; Cold areas of consciousness. It may be associated with fear, so this dream is interpreted, in which the ice is dreaming.

Dream Interpretation Healer Evdokia

What dreams of ice in a dream?

Disasters, damage, failure, loss, malice. The ice floating on clean water (ice-frequency) is a threat to lose happiness because of someone's envy. Walking on ice - to a risky case, danger to stain the reputation; For a young woman - a risky love adventure.

To trouble, suffering, melting - to inaction, cooling relationships with loved ones. There is, gnawing ice, suck the icicle - to the disease (the same, if you drink icy water). Swim in ice water - to pleasure that will be suddenly interrupted, it means a dream that you have dreamed.

To the danger associated with water, such as bathing in the lake, the river, more details, why the ice is dreaming, look next.

Dream interpretation housewife

What dreams of ice for a woman:

Foreshadows material damage, loss of a friend, failure in love. The ice on the river means a delay in the case due to the tracks of enemies, seeking to harm you by any paths. Walk on snow-covered ice - We will check the company that will bring the desired income.

Ride on ice on skates - you threaten the loss of work or any values \u200b\u200bthat you value very much. Fall under the ice - you risk well-being of loved ones. Spring Iceshop - your luck comes end, and the failure strip comes

Psychoanalytic dream book Freud.

What dreams and what does ice mean in a dream?

If you see in a dream ice block, it means that yours sexual relations Literally breathe on incense. You tried everything, but nothing can return interest in each other. The only thing you can advise is to part in order to check the strength of the relationship, it is said in the dream interpretation about this sleep, details, if the ice is dreaming, look next.

Psychological dream book

What dreams of ice in a dream?

The ice was dreamed of - be ready for adversity and fear a blow to the most vulnerable place. The dream in which you see the ice in the stream of clean water means: your serene existence can be overshadowed with envious friends.

If you go on the ice - it is possible that you will break up with your usual comfortable life. A young woman's sleep in which she goes on ice, warns: She should be more careful in his actions, for her behavior she can attract too much attention to others.

Ice on houses dream of poverty and disadvantage of comfort. It is also possible to deteriorate health. The ice on the fence foreshadows the possible suffering of the soul and body. Icicles on the trees mean that your prospects will become more gloomy. The ice on the coniferous trees is questioned by your brilliant future.

The dream in which you do ice, warns: You risk failed because of your selfishness and self-addiction. Suck ice to disease. Sleep, in which you drink water with ice, warns: Your frivolity can lead to serious consequences and diseases. If you bathe in an ice water - you should not particularly count on planned rest, it can be interrupted by unforeseen circumstances

Modern dream book

What dreams of ice in dreams?

Ice dreams of disasters. For example, ill-waders will harm in an important thing for you. The ice floating in the stream of pure water says that someone else's envy will put an end to your happiness. I looked in a dream on ice - you will have to risk your calm and respect for others because of fleeting joys. Dreamed that you are doing ice, - dump your egoism, otherwise you cannot avoid failure in matters. Bathing in ice water promises pleasure that will be interrupted by a certain event, more, if you dream, look next.

Dream of Gypsy Serafima

What dreams of ice, sleep interpretation:

A large cluster of "frozen" ("frozen") regions of consciousness or feelings that cannot be "melt" or "dissolve" (see the ice symbol),

Psychological dream book

What dreams of ice in a dream?

If you experience joyful feelings, watching ice-frequency, it means that in your life finally comes the long-awaited period of joy and good luck. Dreamed that during the ice drift, someone was taken on ice - show maritime care, so as not to fall into the trap, delivered by cunning ill-wishers

Summer snorker

The glacier is dreaming in a dream as a glacier comes from the mountains - to a natural disaster.

To see in this flole flooding with people - to a catastrophe.

Autumn snorker

Seeing a glacier coming from the mountains - Love is ascended.

Seeing ice floating in water - to loneliness.

Spring snorker

Be in the glacier (in the cellar) - to the burial.

Ice and a person on it - to the bankruptcy of your ally and unfavorable in his affairs.

Fall under the ice - get sick incurable severe disease.

Dream Miller

Ice in a dream - foreshadows a lot of disasters. Evil people will seek the case to harm you in the most expensive business for you.

It means that your happiness has come to an end, which is a stranger of the envy.

See that you are taking on ice - Means you risk your calm and respect for others because of fleeting joys.

For a young woman in a dream - Means that only a thin veil hides it from shame.

Dream lovers

If you dream of ice in a stream of clean water - It promises the end of the married happiness due to the envy and intrigues of rivals.

Girl walking on ice - In real life, the shame and betrayal will experience.

Dmitry Dream and Winter Dream

Ice in a dream - It is a reflection of your restraint and coldness.

If the ice looks beautiful, overflowing in the rays of the sun - Sleep means that, showing restraint in some question, you have every chance of achieving success.

Mountains of simple, inexpressible ice - Often foreshadow interest in any business or cooling relationship with someone from people close to you. Sleep suggests that the reason for this is most likely lies in you.

Melting ice in a dream - highly good sign. In the near future, your affairs or relationships with others can begin to significantly improve.

Dream interpretation for bitch

Ice - sadness, sadness.

Go on ice - Do not risk your well-being and respect from surrounding people due to dubious and fleeting hobbies.

New family dream book

Ice - dream of disasters. For example, ill-waders will harm in an important thing for you.

Ice floating in pure water stream - He says that someone else's envy will put an end to your happiness.

Potted in a dream on ice - You will have to take a chance for your calm and respect for others because of fleeting joys.

Dreamed that you are doing ice - Pull your egoism, otherwise you cannot avoid failure in matters.

Bathing in ice water - promises pleasure that will be interrupted by a certain event.

See in sleep ice - forever big misfortunes, and evil people Will strive to apply you at the most sore place.

If you dream of ice floes in the stream of clean water - In real life, your happiness will be overshadowed with envious friends.

Go on ice in a dream - a sign that in reality you will venture a comfortable life and universal than the sake of fleeting pleasures

If a young woman dreams that she goes on ice - Sleep warns her that only a thin veil hides her from shame.

Icicles on the cornices of houses - Shot to poverty and disadvantage of comfort. It is also possible to deteriorate health.

See icicles on the fence - sign of the sufferings of the flesh and spirit.

To see icicles on trees - Means that your prospects will be even more gloomy.

Icicles on coniferous trees - foreshadow that the brilliant future will be hidden under the shadow of doubt.

If in a dream you make ice - In real life, you fail because of your selfishness and arrogance.

Sucking ice - To the disease.

Drink in a dream water with ice - Warning: Fake in real life to lose health due to a frivolous lifestyle.

See yourself bathing in ice water - A omnation that anticipating pleasures will be interrupted by unexpected events.

Ice - means that information about what kind of peace is still for you in the "frozen" form.

Eastern female dream book

Dreamed ice - Be ready for adversity and fear a blow to the most vulnerable place.

Sleep in which you see the ice floes in the stream of pure water - Means: Your serene existence can be overshadowed with envious friends.

If you go on ice - It is possible that you will break up with your usual comfortable life.

Young woman sleep in which she goes on ice - Warns: She should be more careful in his actions, for her behavior she can attract too much attention to others.

Sleep in which you do ice- Warns: You risk failed because of your selfishness and self-addiction.

Sucking ice - To the disease.

Sleep in which you drink water with ice - Warns: Your frivolity can lead to serious consequences and diseases.

If you bathe in ice water - You should not particularly count on planned rest, it can be interrupted by unforeseen circumstances.

Newest dream book G.Ivanova

Ice - You will be adamant during the explanation to you in love.

Drift on ice - find yourself in isolation; To a serious grinding with people you hoped.

Full dream of a new era

Ice - Reflection of some "slippery" circumstances ..

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Ice - foreshadows failure in matters due to excessive stubbornness and self-love.

See in sleep ice - foreshadows material damage, loss of a friend, failure in love.

Ice on the river - Means the delay in the case due to the tracks of enemies, seeking to harm you by any paths.

Walk - We will check the company that will bring the desired income.

Ride ice - Means that you threaten the loss of work or any values \u200b\u200bthat you really value.

Fall into the icy worm - Risk well-being of loved ones from egoism and thirst for profit.

See the hole in ice - means in vain efforts to implement illusory hopes.

Mock - Incidentally experience strong fright.

Do in sleep fallen fish fish - The danger that you can notice is approaching.

See spring ice freight - Means that your luck comes an end and the failure strip comes.

Move from the shore to the shore, jumping off with ice floes - In reality, make a crazy deed, which will bring you bad fame.

Ice-melting - Means that the case that gives you a lot of trouble, will soon bring you joy and wealth.

Outland branches and wires to be treated with huge icicles - foreshadow temporary difficulties and the disease that takes on the legs.

Suck or nibble ice or drink water with ice - To bad Wests from distant relatives.

Be in a dream in ice water - You will experience annoyance in a conversation with a person who is not able to listen to you and interrupts the interlocutor on each word.

Ice, converting from a freezer refrigerator when defrosting - This is the sign of your failure because of an impatient desire to get ahead of the events.

Suffer a dream from ice - So, meet with a woman-naughty, whose heart will overtake when meeting you.

Sticking on Ice Machine - foreshadows and deprivation, after overcoming whom annoying little things will stop withdrawing you out of themselves, you will simply stop taking from seriously.

Alcohol - marks the turning point in the course of the judicial process deciding for you.

Seen in a dream iceberg - to anything meaningless in life.

Sonner Simon Kananita

Ice - Damage, loss.

Ice and snow see - obstacles of all sorts; walk along - a good obstacle; crash - learn a lot of fear; see in the forest - in vain efforts, illusory hopes.

Female dream book

Ice in a dream - foreshadowed a lot of disasters due to ill-wishers.

See ice floating in pure water stream - means the end of a quiet life, which will be a stranger.

Walk on the ice in a dream - Means that you risk losing respect for other people because of fleeting joys.

Nibbut or suck in a dream ice drinking ice with ice - may impose a disease.

Total dream book

If you dreamed of ice - Soon you have to thoroughly help someone from relatives or acquaintances.

You dreamed that you were basting ice - In the near future, you will have to solve some important family problem.

Sleep in which you watched how someone rolling ice - means that someone from your relatives will decide important problem your family.

If you dreamed that you melted ice - Soon you will have troubles, and you will extract considerable profit.

You watched someone melts ice - Some of your friends will have to so much, and you will extract considerable profit from it.

If you dreamed that you sucked ice - You are deceived.

Dance Deniz Lynn

Ice - It may be a symbol of frozen emotions. Express yourself and all your emotions. Speak from the bottom of my heart open and freely.

Flock - It means to risk or be in doubtful circumstances. Explore your life, whether there is an area in it, only seeming reliable, but in fact questionable.

Slide on ice

Dream of the XXI century

See ice and go to him - a sign that everything will be safely, and if it breaks - To trouble. This dream indicates primarily on health.

If you go on thin ice - This is the forever, that you can be in a dangerous situation, bring the trouble with a rapid act.

Go in a dream on slipping ice, fearing to stupid - Means in reality to be surrounded by people who do not inspire confidence. Such a dream may be a warning: Do not take care of your reputation, you can lose much more than it seems at first glance.

If in a dream you see yourself surrounded by huge ice floes - So you will meet with obstacles requiring energetic measures.

See the ice in the house - To trouble.

Drub to see - To the danger.

In the hole fail - Means that you are threatened with danger to life, your impulse feelings will be incomprehensible and you will meet deception and insult.

If you sleep, what are you going on ice, and stands summer - There will be a change in life.

Sleep, in which you see spring ice river - marks a successful enterprise associated with fishing or trading fish.

See in a dream iceberg - Sign of a sudden, albeit little, disorder of digestion, which can happen to you in the coming days.

Dream - A omnation that you are in vain to squander your strength and energy, now you have stagnant.

Dream Morozova

Get out of ice - To improve affairs.

Fish - Do risky, but favorable business.

English Dream

See in sleep ice - Always bad. He foreshadows a decline in trade, an unsuccessful game on the stock exchange, failure in business. It also indicates that your current passionate lover will soon cool down to you and leaves you. Seafarers this dream - threatens unfortunately at sea. This dream is bad and for a farmer - who will have to survive a terrible lack of town year.

Italian dream book

Ice - Rigidity, sexy frigidity symbol of death. The greatest load has the role of this image in a dream and the action that unfolds around it.

Dream lovers

If you see in a dream Icelub - This means that your sexual relationship literally breathe on incense. You tried everything, but nothing can return interest in each other. The only thing you can advise is to part in order to check the strength of the relationship.

Dream of Yellow Emperor

Prick ice, pull and drink water - This is a symbol of commencement of a psychological impasse: manifestation of domestic forces, restoring a balance between heat and cold, resumption of proper blood circulation in heart channels (heat) and kidneys (cold).

Water from melted snow and ice - It is considered the most useful for health (live water), so the recovery is forested in the disease. Sleep is favorable and after even heavy winter promises a good spring for a dream.

Suck ice and snow to satisfy the need for water - A weakened organism lacks strength to break the pathological pathological and psychologically the situation. The body is trying to get the influx of fresh energy at all costs and loses the last heat. A dream foreshadows failures or a disease and advises that this does not happen, relax, gain strength and check the choice of goals and means of achieving it.

Dream Interpretation Martina Zadaee

Ice - misfortune.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Ice - Symbol of oblivion, rigidity and frigidity.

Sonnik Interpretation of dreams

Ice - Winter does not mean anything, and in an unusual time marks the change of weather.

Dream Stranger

Ice - coldness in relationships; Incomplication of the favorite person.

Dream of Gypsy

Ice - symbolizes unjustified trust. The secrets you shared with someone else no longer exist.

Noble dream book N.Grishina

Ice see - Care about family / trouble in affairs / bad adviser.

His in the house has - trouble.

Go on a thin and fear - Life, fate or soul on the verge of something dark and unclear.

Ice cracked under you, but you jumped out - Nolescence will pass the party.

Skolzku go - We will have to balance between people, difficult to relate to each other / false tone in the relationship / selected invalid path / risk.

Takeing to go - late warming in relations with people who offended you.

Small Velezov Sonnik

Ice - to good / failure, loss, death, trouble, difficulties; former time - loss, weather change or in life; in the House - misfortune; go on ice - to homelands / to death; ice - loyal love / danger; ice go - Everything will be fine, health; combine under you - Loose, to failure; smash - benefit; taket. - Mad soon; clean - Health; dirty - disease; ice - Danger, grave work.

Ice in the house - misfortune.

Esoteric dream book

Ice - cooling.

there is - cool. You will stop worrying; Hate, jealousy will let you go.

Ice field - Calm, soulful rest.

Cutting ice, ice - Your end came the end, you will be thrown out emotions.

Someone keeps, eats someone - In whom you are interested, will cool down to you, it will become indifferent.

Dream of flowers

Ice - trouble; Many difficulties.

Collection of Sonnikov

Flock - It means to risk or be in a suspicious situation.

Slide on ice - So not to be confident, not to feel the solid soil under your feet.

Ice - trouble, many difficulties.

Ice - failures, frozen situation, intractable problems.

Ice - foreshadows disasters: evil people will seek the case to harm you; if you go on ice in a dream - This means that you will venture to lose the calm and respect others because of fleeting joys.

Ice - symbol of coldness, lack of feelings or ending with some kind of relationship. But this image itself has the greatest meaning, but the action that is associated with it or unfolds around it.

Ice - Empty hopes.

See in sleep ice - Good sign that is a happy meeting.

What dreams of ice, dream interpretation ice to see in a dream what means?

Dream Pastor Loffe

What dreams of ice in a dream?

By dreams See ice - ice symbolizes cooling. The expression "walk on thin ice" speaks of insidious danger. All this reflects our dreams with the presence of ice as a dream symbol. If you are gracious in a dream of ice blocks or ice sculptures, then this is a cooling sign to you from the outside or slowing down the course of affairs. In some cases, this dream tells you: it is necessary to hurry slowly, hurry - they mumble people. If you see the ice on a river or any other reservoir, then this dream indicates the danger of your position and that you lead the too risky game. Fucking on ice suggests that you risks your calm and respect for others because of fleeting joys. If you are gracious icicles hanging from the roof, this is a sign of changing your life to the worst, reducing comfort, both moral and physical. Glading ice in a dream in any kind of his form can be a warning of an impending disease, but to swim in the water in which ice floats, but do not feel cold, indicates that you will be revered, respectable and you can even get fame .

Dream of Gypsy Serafima

What dreams of ice in a dream?

Interpretation of Dream Interpretation: Ice - Salted feelings or relationships; inability to feel and love; insensitivity to truth and law; Cold areas of consciousness. May be associated with fear, according to the dream book - the predictor.

Dream Interpretation Healer Evdokia

Why dream of ice in a dream?

To see in a dream ice means - ice - disasters, damage, failure, loss, malice. The ice floating on clean water (ice-frequency) is a threat to lose happiness because of someone's envy. Walking on ice - to a risky case, danger to stain the reputation; For a young woman - a risky love adventure. Icicles - to trouble, suffering, melting - to inaction, cooling relationships with loved ones. There is, gnawing ice, suck the icicle - to the disease (the same, if you drink icy water). Swim in ice water - to pleasure that will be suddenly interrupted, many dreams so pushing such a dream.

Drub - to the danger associated with water, such as bathing in the lake, river.

Dream interpretation housewife

Ice What dreams in a dream:

By dream of ice to see what means - ice - foreshadows material damage, loss of a friend, failure in love. The ice on the river means a delay in the case due to the tracks of enemies, seeking to harm you by any paths. Walking along the snow-covered ice - the company will be adopted that the desired income will bring. Ride on ice on skates - you threaten the loss of work or any values \u200b\u200bthat you value very much. Fall under the ice - you risk well-being of loved ones. Spring Iceshop - your luck comes end, and the failure strip comes

Dream of Freud.

What dreams of ice in dreams?

In a dream to see the ice - if you see in a dream Icelock, it means that your sexual relationship literally breathe on incense. You tried everything, but nothing can return interest in each other. The only thing you can advise is to part in order to check the strength of the relationship, it is said in the dream book about this sleep.

Psychological dream book

What dreams of ice in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Ice - I have dreamed of ice - be ready for adversity and fear a blow to the most vulnerable place. The dream in which you see the ice floes in the stream of pure water means: your serene existence can be overshadowed with envious friends. If you go on ice - it is possible that you will break up with your usual comfortable life. A young woman's sleep in which she goes on ice, warns: She should be more careful in his actions, for her behavior she can attract too much attention to others. Icicles at homes will dream of poverty and lack of comfort. It is also possible to deteriorate health. Sossels on the fence foreshadow the possible suffering of the soul and body. Icicles on the trees mean that your prospects will become more gloomy. Sossels on coniferous trees question your brilliant future. The dream in which you do ice, warns: You risk failed because of your selfishness and self-addiction. Suck ice to disease. Sleep, in which you drink water with ice, warns: Your frivolity can lead to serious consequences and diseases. If you bathe in an ice water - you should not particularly count on planned rest, it can be interrupted by unforeseen circumstances

Modern dream book

By dream of ice what a dream means:

Seeing ice - ice dreams to disasters. For example, ill-waders will harm in an important thing for you. The ice floating in the stream of pure water says that someone else's envy will put an end to your happiness. I looked in a dream on ice - you will have to risk your calm and respect for others because of fleeting joys. Dreamed that you are doing ice, - dump your egoism, otherwise you cannot avoid failure in matters. Swimming in icy water promises pleasure that will be interrupted by a certain event.

Dream of Gypsy Serafima

What dreams of ice in a dream?

Interpretation of Dream Interpretation: The Glacier is a large cluster of "frozen" ("frozen") areas of consciousness or feelings that cannot be "melt" or "dissolve" (see the ice symbol),

Psychological dream book

What dreams of ice in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Iceshop - If you experience joyful feelings, watching ice-frequency, it means that in your life finally comes the long-awaited period of joy and good luck. He dreamed that during the ice plant someone was taken on the ice - show maritime care, so as not to fall into the trap, delivered by cunning ill-wishers

Summer Dream

What to see ice in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep: the glacier is to see in a dream, as the glacier comes from the mountains - to a natural disaster.

Ltin - to see in this flole flooding over water with people - to a catastrophe.

Autumn dream book

What to see in a dream ice?

What dreams of a glacier is to see the glacier coming from the mountains - love is descended.

Ice - to see the ice floe floating in water - to loneliness.

Spring dream book

What to see ice in a dream?

By dream of ice what means in a dream - a glacier - to be in the glacier (in the cellar) - to the burial.

Ice and a man on her - to the bankruptcy of your ally and unfavorable in his affairs.

Fall under the ice - get sick incurable severe disease.

Dream interpretation swim in ice water

What dreams to swim in ice water in a dream by dream book?

He dreamed that they were swam in ice water - enjoy that you have to interrupt because of an unexpected event.

Do not forget that no matter how pleasant your pastime is, you should constantly be alert.

Dream Cold Water

What dreams of cold water in a dream in dreams?

Seen cold water in a dream - your senses to the partner are gradually weakened, some disagreements appear.

Listen to each other, you lack former mutual understanding if you want to return everything, you will need sincere participation in the second half.


Dmitry Dream and Winter Dream

Seen in a dream - Usually calls you to restraint in communicating with someone. Sleep suggests that, yielding to surpassed feelings, you risks inadequately "melting" and please in a dangerous position.

At the same time, if in a dream you catch fish and see no danger for yourself - Such a dream, on the contrary, suggests that you should "melt the ice" in a relationship with someone from your acquaintances, and this will help you get some profits.

A good sleep is also the one in which you from a safe distance are observing how the hole is growing and the river is gradually released from ice - such a dream foreshadows you reconciliation with someone and improving your position.

Dream interpretation for bitch

Drub - Be careful during swimming, do not swim too far or beat health, you have weakened physically.

Modern visible dream book

Dreamed Drub

Fall into the hole in a dream - To loss of money, swim in ne - Strengthen your health, pay relationships with friends after a long breaking.

Drink ice water - Danger to catch a cold.

Go with buckets to drub water - To a profitable acquisition.


Newest dream book G.Ivanova

Drub - Critical mentally psychological state.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dreamed Drub - warns about the danger that you can not notice on time.

Fall into the hole - To loss of money, swim in ne - Strengthen your health, spread relationships with each other after a long breaking.

Drink ice water - Danger to catch a cold. Go with buckets to rod water - To a profitable acquisition.

Fish - Means that you will be deceived in your expectations of happy love.

Sonner Simon Kananita

Drub - Danger during swimming.

Dream of the XXI century

See in a dream - to significant obstacles fall into it - to major material damage, fish - The sign that you will find yourself in an indecent society.

Dream Morozova

See the hole in the ice river, pond or the sea - Learn about some danger that lies you, but notice not immediately.

Lunar dream book

Drub - trouble.

Dream Interpretation Martina Zadaee

Drub - Danger.

Dream interpretation of dreams

Drove in a dream to see - There is a sign of a great danger.

Dream Stranger

Drub - Danger.

Noble dream book N.Grishina

Drub to see - Danger.

In the hole fail - Danger for life / your impulse feelings will not be understood / meet deception and insult.

Small Velezov Sonnik

Drub - danger; frozen - I hear the good truth about yourself.

Collection of Sonnikov

Drub - Danger, be careful.


Dream interpretation sail in ice water Dreamed, why dream in a dream to sail in icy water? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream to sail in ice water, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Swear

Swear by boat, ship.

Tip of the day: you are waiting for difficulties and troubles, but they will pay off.

Continue what has begun.

Swim yourself.

Tip of the day: you are awaiting joy and anxiety.

If you refuse a certain opportunity, you will lose both of the other.

Today you have to make a decision.

Floating in calm waters - a symbol of improvement.

Stormy water and wind personify problems.

Start sinking - a serious obstacle.

Slow by the same time - to give up feelings, emotions, circumstances.

Fly against the current is to manage circumstances yourself, overcome them.

Dream Interpretation - Swear

If in a dream you float on the raft or boat for the flow of the river - this means that soon choosing a different direction of affairs, a new way in life. To see in a dream floating on the water surface of geese, ducks or swans foreshadows that luck will return to you, changing the lane of failures in your destiny.

If you see floating in transparent water big fish - It foreshadows excellent perspectives in business, entrepreneurship and trade. Ice floating on the spring river means that envious rivals threaten your happiness.

Swang in a boat with your chosen one in a clear sunny day - this is an ambulance foregoing and happy life In marriage, and if your swimming was interrupted suddenly flewing thunderstorms - wait for disappointments in your fan. Fly in the ocean away from their native shores - unfortunately in loved ones and a stormy scandal in the family circle.

Dream Interpretation - Swear

To see the coffin, which floats through the water - the great wealth is promulit.

Swear in the boat to the sun or moon - wealth.

Swear in a boat under the sail in the wind - great happiness and benefit.

Dream Interpretation - Swear

Dream Interpretation - Swear

Slow - it's good, beautiful - your way is pretty, ahead of the favorable period for the development of a quarry. Hard against the flow; Fighting with the waves - the road is difficult, but quite passing. You have to make a lot of effort. Legs forward - you think that you are moving forward, but in fact it's standing in place, you are conservative and happily. With someone chant - your ambition will destroy you. Someone nearby, in the group - dispatch and help will be supported and help.

Dream - Water

Dream - Water

Easy water flows - marriage.

A large river with clean and transparent water is a harbinger of great happiness.

In the well, the water will dry, the family will soon disintegrate, the genus will die, fad.

Bucket without water - foreshadows misfortune.

Bucket, full of water - foreshadows great happiness.

To see the coffin, which floats through the water - the great wealth is promulit.

Water in the house - the death of loved ones.

Water in the well hits the fountain, overflowing through the edge - foreshadows material profit, wealth.

Water in the well is about to dry - the family will soon dispense, the genus will fill.

Water in a well dries up to the last drop - there will be no material wealth in the family, poverty.

Water in the boat, in the vessel, foreshadows the acquisition of wealth.

Water muddy - unfortunately.

Wife gives her husband water - happiness.

The snake moves under water, enters the water - resettlement in new house or enhanced service.

You go on the water - foreshadows great happiness.

The sword falls into the water - the death of the spouse.

Fire appears on the surface of the water - great happiness.

You gain water in the well, and take only IL or mud - foreshadows improved material well-being.

Continuous water flows surround the body - a service business.

Knives or sword fall into the water - foreshadows the death of the spouse.

The fire appears on the surface of the water - great happiness.

Drinking water - foreshadows great benefits.

Drink water non-stop - great wealth.

On the water floats the cant of fish - foreshadows wealth, profit.

Immersed in the water sitting on the dragon - take a high position, will become noble.

We sweep the house splashing the water - the person will come from afar.

Water flows under the hearth, flowing the stream - speaks of wealth, which is hurt with a dishonest way.

Sport in water - happiness and benefit.

You swoop well and you see the water - there will be a letter from afar.

Fish flies above the water - all things will be solved.

Catching fish on the fishing rod in the water - great happiness and good luck, the benefit.

You fall into the water yourself - no troubles happen.

Sitting on the dragon, immerse yourself in the water - you will do a high position, you will become noble.

Sleeping dragon in water is to achieve what they want.

Stand on the surface of the water - foreshadows trouble.

Dry fish is immersed in the water - again will be luck.

A person gives you a big bucket - the benefit.

Draw water from the well - if the water is clean to happiness.

Write water from the well clean - fortunately, muddy - unfortunately.

Dream interpretation - Swim by boat

If in a dream you are singing yourself on the boat - to quarrels with friends.

If you float together with your wife or mistress - to well-being.

If you float with friends on a sunny day - to overcome all difficulties and success.

Swear in a boat in a rainy, cloudy day - to difficulties.

If you dreamed that someone sails in the boat, - to the loss of friends.

See how he prepares, - to the approach of the family celebration.

Dream - Water

According to Indians, people who often dream are that they are in water, for the most part of the phlegmatics, exposed to cold tumors and Qatars.

See in a dream river waterwhich is clean and calm, a good sign.

Especially for travelers, judges and people associated with litigation.

To see in a dream, the worried water means to fear anger of any important person or the disjitives of your boss.

If a person is sued at this time, the dream this promises an unfair trial and the thin end of the case.

If someone dreamed that he floats in the rapid flow of the river and could not get out of it, he threatens danger, illness or a big duration of the trial.

Swang in a dream along a large river predicts the upcoming danger.

A person who dreams is that at his room there is a calm bright river, should expect some important and generous guest to himself.

His visit will bring much benefit.

If it is hardened that the river is worried and spoils room furniture, it means a quarrel and trouble from ill-wishers for living in the house.

When a rich man sees in a dream that a light stream flows near his house, this dream promises to him a profitable, prominent position, which, he will be a support for the unfortunate.

A worried stream means loss and harm from fire, court costs or enemies.

If you dream the well in the field with clean, transparent water is a good sign.

Seek such a dream will make a useful acquisition.

If he is a single, then he will soon marry and will have good and obedient children.

To see the water that spoke from the well, foreshadows the loss of property or a big misfortune for some of the close.

A woman such a dream threatens the loss of a significant part of her condition.

Young man who dreamed little pond Will love beautiful.

If a woman saw such a dream, he promises her fulfillment of desires.

Riding in a boat on a boat along the river, a pond or a lake, where the water is transparent and calm, means joy, well-being and good luck in business.

When the patient sees in a dream the streams and fountains with clean and quietly flowing water, it foreshadows him recovery.

If water is dangerous and hits the key, this is a sign that the recovery will go slowly.

If a young man dreamed that he draws light water from the well, it promises him that he would soon marry a pretty girl who would bring him happiness.

When the water ached is restless and spills, it means that his love will be anxious.

If he gave himself that he would like others with clean well water, he would reject these people.

When water is mutt, it means not wealth, but the troubles that caused the dream to people alien to them.

A man who seen in a dream that his stream or fountain was dried, soon awaits loss, failure or some grief.

To see in a dream that water flows from such a place where it was impossible to take, meaning care, anxiety, unpleasant Ti, Mount.

If you dream that you draw this water - the grief will be long, depending on the number of damaged water.

When you see that the water is dried and stopped leaky - the trouble will stop.

Drinking in a dream hot water foreshadows misfortune or some chagrin, depending on the water temperature.

Cold water promises happiness, and hot and boiling water - the opposite.

Bath in a dream means troubles and suffering.

If someone dreamed that he, by entering the bath, found it too hot with a funeral, pecked displeasure and grief from their relatives (depending on the degree of heat).

If a person dreamed that he was undressed, but he was not part of the bath, it predicts him that someone would grumble him, but not long.

Sleep, in which the water will seem very cold on it, has the same meaning with all dreams of hot water.

Water moderate temperature is a good sign.

To see in a dream that you carry water in a cracked or broken dish, from which water can easily spill - to loss, trouble.

Having seen such a dream will be robbed by anyone or deceived by a person who has confessed all his rich state.

If the water was not shed, it predicts that sleeping with great difficulty will save its wealth.

When part of the water spilled, he would lose some part of his condition.

Hide the vessel with water with water in the ground threatens sleeping any sensitive loss.

When someone sees in a dream that he filed a full glass of water, it foreshadows him that he will soon marry and will have children from his wife.

Every glass refers to a woman, and the water to the symbol of abundance.

If the full glass turns out to be broken, then this dream means the loss of many friends.

Spring in a dream water in his house foreshadows losses and disadvantages depending on the number of spilled water.

A man who saw a dream in which he really wanted to drink, and he sat down his thirst for clean fresh and delicious water, expects happy life and wealth.

When the water dreameded was a turbid, warm, unclean and with a bad smell, this dream foreshadows that the sleeping graduates from his days in illness and chagrins.

Dream - Water

Water is one of the basic symbols, as it is associated with the conception and birth of children and orgasm, both male and female.

Flow or water jet symbolizes seeds.

Pour water - strive for sexual contact, wish to meet someone.

Save the woman out of the water - strive for sex contact with her.

Save a man out of the water - want a child from him.

It look into the water - to attach too much attention to its appearance and their health; manifestation of narcissism.

If you swim in the water, then you experience pleasant, sweet feelings from the caress of a loved one (come from people who have suffered in childhood Enurpeco; in this case, such dreams are not related to sex).

For women, swimming in the water also foreshadows an ambulance pregnancy.

Splashing water - unclear sexual fantasies yourself; The desire for ejaculation.

Drink water - problems in the activities of the genitals.

Jump or enter the water - you want to have a child or become a mother.

Get out of the water is the same.


Dream Interpretation Walking Clean Ice Water Dreamed, why dream in a dream to bathe clean icy water? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream to swim with clean ice water, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream houses at the Sun!

Dream interpretation - swim in muddy water

Disease and failure.

Dream Interpretation - Water swim in clean

Health and success.

Dream Interpretation - Swim in Clean Water

Health and success.

Dream Interpretation - Kupe

See yourself in a dream in a wagon coupe - forever separation from loved ones and friends. If in a compartment, besides you, no one goes - this is a sign of sad events that caress you on the way. Go to the coupe where a rather variety of and funny company, foreshadow good solution business Sleep in the coupe on the top shelf - get into an awkward position.

Dream Interpretation - Water, Clean and Cold

Health; muddy.

Trouble; Water wash.

Joy, health.

Dream interpretation - swim

To joy or hiking.

Swim in a marble bath - to a joyful surprise.

Take a shower in a zinc bath - you will soon have the opportunity to get rid of constantly interfering circumstances.

Swim in clean water - to a carefree life.

Swim in the pond - to the troubles.

Children swimming in dirty muddy water, To see - to the joy of parents, dive.

Dream Interpretation - Water swim in muddy

Disease and failure.

Dream - Water

Water plays a huge role in the history of mankind. Regardless of whether it is a deep fresh lake, a river, carrying life, or the ocean, absorbing people, the water is both a friend and the enemy. If the dream contains this significant symbol to any form, it is extremely important to understand its role.

Water in dreams is a strong symbol, because very often its appearance coincides with the highest point of feelings. If other objects are relaxing, then the murdering stream flowing through the meadow increases this action. If some symbols give rise to a sense of fear or anxiety, the stormy ocean enhances it. Water has a symbolic, primary value, according to which it either provides the existence of life, or keeps the secret, hazard. This is a reflection of human experience with water.

At the dawn of mankind hunters-collectors quickly realized that water is a central component of the life component. (From thirst die much faster than from hunger.) It was even more important to know where water is located, because it gave to understand where food is located. However, with the spread of trade, the water has become inevitable evil, which thawed unknown dangers. The journey around the water was dangerous and mysterious, as marine creatures, storms and stormy seas took the lives of many travelers; Polluted water hit livestock and distributed disease.

Stressing a positive view of the water, it should be noted that it is often a symbol of a new life, restoration of forces and energy. Water in controlled quantities or in a managed atmosphere almost always causes a sleeping feeling. Controlled water is the key to solving problems.

If a lake is present in a dream, is the entire coastline is within visibility and probable reach?

If you dream of a river or stream, if they did not come out of the banks, and is it possible, in your opinion, to overcome in conventional ways? These are all examples of controlled water.

The water presented in this way often testifies to the update. For example, traveling and tired, cut suddenly running on the stream. The place where you can refresh yourself and gain strength to continue the trip, close, at hand. Perhaps the flowing sails on the boat, slowly gliding on the surface of the water. It must be sleeping anticipating the time of the respite from everyday worries or tries to specifically create a similar opportunity.

Unmanaged water generates a feeling of anxiety. The raging rivers, thresholds and boundless lakes reflect the uncontrollability of the circumstances in which there is a bit. Quiet deep water, apparent refreshing, can also generate a feeling of anxiety. The reason for this is the danger and unexplodiance in the darkness that is in depth.

The exception of the generally listed statements is water taps. In a dream, it is important to determine, controlled by a crane by a coloring or other person and for what purpose it is done. If the flowing is inefficiently controls the crane, then it can be assumed: it feels that it does not control and is not able to cope with simple circumstances (or, even worse, there is no water in the crane). If the crane is controlled by another person, then it can be concluded that the cutting feels that its position, no matter well or bad, is determined by the whim of another, this whim may cause significant discomfort or comfort, depending on whether it comes from an unpredictable chief , lover or other people meaningful for you.

Dream - Water

Water - Water - trouble. - Garnish, muddy water - weakness, clean - health. How to dream of water, then bad sign - What is some failure, and maybe the disease. Clean water, bіzhchach - kind; joy, profit; Muddy - Nolescence, Quarrel. Great water dreams - some adventure will be. Flood - Clean water - temporary obstacles; muddy - miracle; Water surrounds you - you will be in luxury. Clean water is life; Water with science - trouble, and how to fall into this scale, then - death. How water is flowing clean, something is kindly sailing, and as a turbid - unkind. Swim - well. Drops of water - for money. Water spilled - trouble; pour water - shame, error; Water with water something - on loss. How to drink cold water - on health, clean - fortunately, muddy - for illness. Boiling water - quarrel, enmity; It dreams that water rope from under the floor is heavy secret enemies, unexpected obstacles; From the walls - defenselessness, someone encroaches you. If clean water and can be seen, the sand is trouble. Dark, black water - death. Dive into the water - to enter the twist, engage in a tempted, but risky business; Slow - complication in life. How to dream that water comes, then someone will arrive in the house. Drinking spring water - on health. Swing water from the well - before misfortune. Stand in water - to death. Fall into the water - beware of prisons or other troubles.

Dream - Water

Clean water in a dream - to joy, prosperous outcome Causes, happiness. Any vessel or reservoir with clean water promises well-being and wealth in the near future. Clean water in the river is a favorable sign that promises success and joy. Clean river flowing into your bedroom, foreshadows the rapid arrival of a rich overseas guest, which will do a lot for your well-being; If water is worried, then your guest can come with bad intentions and disrupt peace in your home. See interpretation: dishes, drinks, drunk.

The stream of clean water flowing alongside your home means that soon your financial situation will be strengthened and you will get a good position, which will give you the opportunity to help people in trouble. If a glass was served in a dream with clean water, then you are waiting for success in matters or marriage, which will be happy. If the glass cracked, and the water was not shed, then your wife can die at childbirth, and the child will remain alive. Women such a dream predicts a missing column of the spouse. The priest see in a dream that he distributes clean water to people - a sign that he honestly fulfills his duty and bears good and comfort. Muddy water in such a dream is a warning that the priest is overly fond of doctrines and heretical teachings. If a young man sees in a dream that he dials clean and transparent water from the well, he will soon marry a charming girl; If water is muddy or lounches, then his happiness will be short-lived and a lot of disappointments are waiting for him. Clean water from the well and treat it someone - the sign that people you treat with water will be enriched with your help. If water is likely, then you bring the misfortune to this person. Water draw from the well foreshadows success in affairs or purchase. Muddy water always foreshadows the confusion of feelings. Carry water in clothes, broken vessel or something else that is not quite suitable for this, means that you are waiting for damages or deception of people you have trusted your condition. If the water did not shed at the same time, then you miraculously avoid big losses and save your condition. To get buried such water in the ground - the foresight of big trouble, the loss of the good name and shameful death. To see a pond with a calm water - a sign that your life will leak calmly and happily. Pond with clean water in a dream, if it is located in the middle of the field, promises you that soon you will be able to scat enough money so that you can afford to make a family and children. If the water in the pond pours the coast, then you can lose my wife, children or money. If your wife also saw such a dream, then she can lose her money or she is waiting for an ambulance. Men see a small picturesque pond in a dream - foresight romantic Love beautiful woman. The booming flow is the foresight of the fire, trial and revenge of enemies. Water flowing on stones means that your enemies or bosses will be inexorab, and the trial you lose. Standing in water among the waves and not able to get out of there means that soon you will need all the courage and the power of the Spirit to worry the impending misfortune. To see in a dream, as someone sinks in a raging and dirty stream, means that the scandal is waiting for you, separation from the beloved, longing, hopelessness and failure in business. See interpretation: sink.

Restless water in the river - the foresight of the threat coming from the powerful and powerful opponent. Fly along the river with pure water on the boat - the foresight of all the best - success, wealth, the fulfillment of desire. See interpretation: boat, oars.

Swim on a big river - a warning about the danger, hanging over you. To be in a dream in the rapid flow of the river and not able to get out of it - a sign of dangerous illness, danger, long trial. A worried stream means a danger of fire, trial and goats of enemies. Swallow on a boat along a pure and transparent water - to a kind name, to wealth and happiness. But sailing in the dark means that you will be disturbed. To see the streams and fountains with a quietly flowing water foreshadowed good news, the patient is such a dream predicts recovery. Seeing its reflection in water - to death for sleeping or someone from close relatives. The dried or dried source of water in a dream does not foreshadow anything good. Perhaps your life is threatened with danger, one of your loved ones or friends can die. Sleep also predicts large financial difficulties. If water in your dream flows from such a place where it should not flow, then you will find a lot of grief and problems. Scroll through this water in a dream - a bad omen. The more water you will crouch, the worst value will have this dream and the longer your misfortunes will continue. It's good to see in such a dream that the water suddenly disappeared or dried, because then the unfavorable period will end quickly and everything will be fine. See interpretation: Pipe.

If in a dream you hear the noise of water or water flow, then soon the person will come back to you, whom you have not seen for a long time and no longer thought to see. Drink water in a dream - to troubles, failures, treason in love, divorce. Water warm drinks - the foresight of the fact that a certain person offended by you will want to take revenge on you. Drink dirty water - a sign of large experiences or illness. Shed water at home - to concerns and troubles. How much water is spelled, so much burning bread. Even worse if she spoil furniture or carpets. Rush into the water in a dream - a sign of danger; Dive into the water - to trouble. See yourself in water - to unhealthy, colds, tumors, melancholy. See interpretation: Flood, wet.

Swim in water means that you can justify and remove any suspicions. See how others bathe, foreshadows reconciliation with enemies. Sound in water is a sign of obstacles, failures, disappointments in love. To be wet - a sign of trouble, experiences, homemade grain, wrecking hopes. Legs noise in a dream - to losses, illness and obstacles. Cold and student water in your dream - health sign; Hot water means a disease, muddy - sadness and gossip, clean promises well-being and success in affairs, and dark - insults, resentment, quarrels, failures. Have fun games on the water - a sign of an innocent and pleasant pastime. See Interpretation: Play, Ball.

Wash in water in a dream - bad for patients. The rest of the dream foreshadows that they will refuse to participate in some kind of business. Omes for someone's legs with water - a sign of consolation of loved ones in sorrow. Wash the water to joyful Wests. See bubbles on the water - a sign of good news and health. See Interpretation: Bubbles.

See splashes - to the news. Spray someone with water - to an unexpected turn in affairs. If the water in a dream splashed on his head, then an unexpected passion awaits you. If the splashes fell not at you, but somewhere nearby, then you will be waiting for an unexpected meeting or an unexpected turn of events. See interpretation: splashes.

A splash of water to see in a dream means an increase in your chances for success.

Pour water - the forever of empty conversations, the sign that your hopes are not justified. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you say more than you do. Water something with water - to losses. If the water is dirty, then a shameful proceeding is waiting for you. Immerse yourself in the water on the throat in a dream will mean that you will be filled with your life on your throat and your life will be confused. Water carry - useless work. Walking on the water and not to soak the legs - overcoming obstacles and good luck in difficult times. Hear the noise of water in a dream is a sign of what gossip is being blossomed about you. Spank boiling water in a dream - a sign that you lose money because of your own carelessness. Watching the water in a dream means your bad premonitions are justified. If in a dream you are afraid of water, you will be expected shame, losses or illness that you feared. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you can become a victim of robbers, if you do not take care of it to precisely straighten your values. To see in a dream that the water carrion is moving towards you, - the foresight of the soon obtaining wealth or inheritance. Such a dream also predicts good luck in enterprises and large profits. The whirlpool in a dream symbolizes problems and difficulties. Get into it - a sign that soon you will find yourself in a difficult position and you will not know how to get out of it. Sometimes such a dream predicts the receipt of inheritance, because of which you will have a lot of trouble. See interpretation: Also chapters: Brod, River, Fountain, Sea, Ocean, Source, Drinks, Thirst, Well, Waterfall, water Mill, swim, boiling water, plumbing.


Dream - Water

Water - this dream usually means a lot. If you dream of pure transparent water, it means your spiritual purity, health, success and excellent well-being. If the water is dirty and muddy, you are waiting for the disease, trouble, major failures. If you are under water, it means that something will happen in your life, which will save you from some kind of trouble that lies you.

Dream - Water

Pure - good sign. Muddy water - complications.

Enter the water - to enter intimate relationships. Enter the sea water or in the ocean - experience unusual sensations. Log in to the mountain river with clean water - surprised by the behavior of his partner.

Round a mountain stream - a love romance, which is not so easy to get rid. Immerse yourself in the water with your head - to be in a difficult position.

Dream - Water

First of all, reflects the emotional sleep state, its mood: quiet or calm, fluid or standing (stagnant), worrying, muddy, foaming or transparent, clean water, waterfall, fountain such signs report literally a dream about which energies will manage to manage Future. What is hidden under water can mean the past (which "pops up"), unconscious man. Water reflects the physiological state (health or illness). In addition, the specifics of the conditions, situations in a dream of a plot with water (sinking, scorching, flowing downstream, break in muddy water ...) indicates the nature of the present situation, the prospect of developing events or its absence.

Dream - Water

Water is the unconscious powers of the soul and, above all, the world of feelings; It can be an impersonation of animals or unconscious return to childish naive worldview, but also a symbol of inertness, passivity, and therefore interference and disease.

Hence the main division: Clean water means joy, something good.

Muddy, dirty, gloomy - all unfavorable and primarily sadness.

Water drinking clean and well - health.

Swim in clean water - carefree life, recovery.

In the pond swim - the troubles.

In the dirty and muddy water to swim - the disease, the accusation.

In the dress swim - a strong disease.

Children swimming see - the joy of parents.

Duck - misfortune / dangerous self-knowledge.

Water drink muddy or warm - sadness.

Boiling water - happiness.

Dream - Water

Personifies the energy of feelings, emotions, sexuality.

To see muddy water - illness, trouble.

Clean, transparent water - joy, love.

Dark, standing water - invisible danger.

The main element. She personifies female nature, feelings, revival to a new life. This quality is reflected in such a Christian ritual as baptism.

In dreams, water dreams in the form of different reservoirs.

It is clean and muddy, the flowing abundant flow or drying, running away from us.

Consider separately different cases The appearance of water.

Dream - Water

Transparent, water, blue water - joyful meetings.

Water, combined from under the floor or from the walls - secret enemies, unexpected obstacles that you will find yourself defenseless.

Water, ending with ice - trouble a lot of obstacles in the beginnation.

Dream - Water

Symbolizes the interaction of various aspects ambient as a fundamental element human Development and life. If the subject feels comfortable or dominates over it, it means that it is able to make personal contribution in the development of the medium (and it is positive, despite the fact that a person is aware of big problems). If the subject is sinking or feeling awkward in water, it indicates the lack of equilibrium, or an unfavorable situation for it. It should be paid to the condition of water (clean, dirty, flowing, standing), as it also characterizes the situation under consideration.

Dream - Water

If someone sees in a dream that dries the water of the land (Zezem, the sacred well in Mecca, as if the very one who was on the command of Angela Agari to Ismail. Drinking water from Zezemond (O-I-Zhyzema) is one of the necessary rites when committing Pilgrimage. The water of the land in special banks is covered by the pilgrims home and is considered a healing agent from any diseases), he will give him a sacred science.

Dream - Water

If you saw standing water in a dream, know that you are threatened with danger. On the contrary, clean and fresh spring water promises a happy beginning and coming success in your business. In addition, transparent and fresh water dream of recovery.

Dream - Water

Water clean, transparent - to joy.

Dirty and muddy water - unfortunately, tears.

Pour water - to shame, shame, trim, gossip.

what dreams to swim in cold water


Gala Galina

Sleep to getting rid of doubts, suspicion, ambiguities, anxiety and heavy premonitions. Clarity in relationships and accelerated solving problems of life.

Swimming hedgehog

Dream Bashing Hedgehog Dreamed, why dream of a bathing of the hedgehog? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream bathing of the hedgehog, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - bathing (ritual), washing

a sign of repentance in his sins and fulfill its debt before Allah. If he reaches winter time Cold water, then this is a sign of worries and misfortunes, and if it takes over in winter with hot water, then this is a sign of profits, benefits and healing from diseases. If he commit a ritual bathing for haja (Igor) or entering Mecca, then this indicates joy, babysitting, meeting with those who have absent for a long time, and debt payment. If the patient is reached and dressing in new clothesAllah will heal him, if he is a debtor, then Allah will help him pay his duty, if he is in prison, he will delete it from her if he is concerned and alarmed, Allah will save him from worries and anxiety, if he is still I did not make a hajj, I will make it, and if he is poor, then the Most High enriches him. And if he put the old clothes after bathing, then his anxiety and sadness will disappear, but he will decide. To wash among people at first to achieve good and success, and then be robbed. Start and not finish swimming in a dream, it means that there is no goal in life.

Dream interpretation - bathing

Swim in clean water - to health and success.

In muddy - to failures and illness.

Swimming is a symbol of relationship with others.

To enjoy swimming - to peace and harmony.

Testing discomfort - to dissatisfaction with themselves and others.

Swim, swim in the river, in the sea - the same meaning.

Swim in the bath - to disappointments and small troubles.

Wash in the river - to the troubles, payment of debts.

Dream interpretation - bathing

Swimming - swim in the bath - getting rid of disease and anxiety - to see in the room - take a rich wife (rich husband) - in the room - the power and decoratedness - in muddy water - a small change, illness, failure - in clean water- health - in warm - Benefit - in clothes - inheritance views - wash your legs - good farm.

Dream interpretation - bathing

Swimming - swim in clean water - happiness, cold - health, warm - close person recovers; swim in the bath - disease, in muddy water - troubles; See how someone bathes, - loss. Swim in dirty water - Dirty business. If you dream that you bathe in hot water, you will endure the operation.

Dream interpretation - bathing

If in a dream you bathe in the pool - Introduces it foreshadows getting rid of disease and alarms. To swim in the sea - you will be happy to the success of your husband, and for a young girl such a dream foreshadows the wealthy groom. Swimming in the river - will experience strong pressure from the head, manifesting the courage and exposure, do not change its principles and interests. Swim in the lake foreshadows minor changes in the material situation and in relations with the chosen one.

If in a dream you bathe in ice water in winter - in real life, you will experience with nothing with any comparable pleasure that will be unexpectedly interrupted in the most peak moment. Swim in warm summer water promises material benefits and heart attitude of the lover.

Swim in a dream in milk means wealth and success that I expect you ahead. If you swim nude in your dream - it means that you will give a person with all passion, much superior to you by age. To see naked swimming men means that you will have full fans and adorable; If you see bathing naked women - unfriendly people will try to draw you into a scandal or some non-deposition.

To see in a dream, as a newborn bathe, foreshadows the happy way out of their difficult position.

Dream Interpretation - Hedgehog

Dream Interpretation - Hedgehog

Catch in a dream of hedgehog and turn on his needles - to deal with a dangerous person.

Dream Interpretation - Hedgehog

To see the snocking hedgehog means that someone is very angry with you.

Dream Interpretation - Hedgehog

You are safely afraid of danger and achieve success.

Imagine that hedge drinks milk. It will be fine if you have to imagine that it is you treating the hedgehog, for example, pour it into a savory milk.

Dream interpretation - bathing

Swim in the bath - getting rid of the disease and alarms; see in the room - take a good rich wife (husband); in the river - power and despusting; In muddy water - a small change in position; warm - benefits; swim in clothes - inheritance views; wash your legs - have a good farm

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