The author of the famous lines of swamps and swamps. Analysis of the poem by Sergei Yesenin “Swamps and swamps

The buildings 24.09.2019

The most insightful and light poetic works were written by Sergei Yesenin in the early period of his work, when the poet devoted most of his poems to describing the landscapes of his native land and village. At that time, the author did not yet know about another existence, he did not have the slightest idea about secular life, about the city, about the capital. Therefore, the nice places seemed to him the most beautiful.

By the period early creativity Yesenin's poetic work "Swamps and swamps" belongs. A bright, juicy description of autumn appears before the reader, which triumphed at that time in the author's native village.

The poem is filled with serenity. We are watching the latest harvesting work being carried out in the fields. The creak of a convoy is heard. He completes the autumn harvest.

Reading the lines of the poem, I feel how Yesenin skillfully conveys to the reader all the events he has seen. In addition, the poet tries to tell each of us about the smells that prevail in the air. The sultry aroma of the sun is gradually intertwined with the dampness of only mowed fields and meadows. Closing his eyes, the author instantly plunged into the sweetest and most tender memories associated with childhood, with the most best time in the life of each of us.

However, Yesenin realizes that with the beginning of a different, urban life, all these wonderful moments remain only in memory, are forgotten and dissolved in the daily turmoil. Sadness and melancholy embraces the poet. The author is at odds with himself. He doubts what he did right choice, becoming a city dweller and abandoning his native places. After all, the poet's heart has forever remained in that impenetrable wilderness, where the aroma of berries and mushrooms is felt. Only now it is unlikely that it will be possible to return there, because the choice has been made!

As if saying goodbye to his favorite edges in the lines of his landscape works. And there is no rest for his soul, because in bright and bright Moscow he cannot find peace. He's a stranger there!

S.A. Yesenin called himself "the last poet of the village." He loved the Russian countryside, rural labor, nature. Nature was a stimulus for creativity for the poet, so most of the lyrical works of Sergei Alexandrovich are devoted to native land, beautiful Russian open spaces.

The main theme of S. Yesenin's poem "Swamps and Swamps" is love for the native land. The poet called his small homeland the village of Konstantinovo, where he was born and raised, where he spent his youthful years, where the future poet of Russia grew up and formed. The key words of the analyzed lyrical work are the last lines, which in a way summarized the artistic picture created by Yesenin:

You are my forgotten edge,
You are my native land!

The poet describes nature middle lane Russia: swamps and swamps, blue sky, coniferous green forest. Nature is full of life, harmonious, and the lyrical hero revels in the landscape that opens before him. To convey the delight of the lyrical hero, the author uses metaphors, personifications: “the blue board of heaven”, “coniferous gilding”, “between forest curls”, “dark firs dream”, “wind whistling”. The poem is rich in figurative folk expressions that make the lyrical work as clear as possible to the reader: “clothes of heaven”, “tit tit”, “the hubbub of mowers”, “listening to the willows”. The reader hears how “a forest is ringing with coniferous gilding”, “a convoy stretches across the meadow with a creak”, “a wind whistle”; sees swamps, swamps, blue sky overhead, a small convoy; smells of pine needles, as “the smell of dry linden from the wheels.” The native side is beautiful, and although the poet does not have here a description of the endless expanses, vast seas, impenetrable forests, but there is the most precious thing - signs of the native land.

Determine the main theme of the poem by S.A. Yesenin, (description of the forgotten, native land)

What neologisms does the poet use in this poem? (“the forest is ringing”, “the tit is tinkling”, “the willows are listening”, “the wind whistle”) How do they help to convey the experiences of the lyrical hero?

What artistic and expressive means are used by S.A. Yesenin in this poem? (epithets, metaphors, personifications, etc.) Give concrete examples from the text of the poem.

S.A. Yesenin called himself "the last poet of the village." He loved the Russian countryside, rural labor, nature. Nature was a stimulus for creativity for the poet, so most of the lyrical works of Sergei Alexandrovich are dedicated to his native land, beautiful Russian expanses.

The main theme of S. Yesenin's poem "Swamps and Swamps" is love for the native land. The poet called his small homeland the village of Konstantinovo, where he was born and raised, where he spent his youthful years, where the future poet of Russia grew up and formed. The key words of the analyzed lyrical work are the last lines, which in a way summarized the artistic picture created by Yesenin:

You are my forgotten edge,
You are my native land!

The poet describes the nature of central Russia: swamps and swamps, blue skies, green coniferous forests. Nature is full of life, harmonious, and the lyrical hero revels in the landscape that opens before him. To convey the delight of the lyrical hero, the author uses metaphors, personifications: “the blue board of heaven”, “coniferous gilding”, “between forest curls”, “dark firs dream”, “wind whistling”. The poem is rich in figurative folk expressions that make the lyrical work as clear as possible to the reader: “clothes of heaven”, “tit tit”, “the hubbub of mowers”, “listening to the willows”. The reader hears how “a forest is ringing with coniferous gilding”, “a convoy stretches across the meadow with a creak”, “a wind whistle”; sees swamps, swamps, blue sky overhead, a small convoy; smells of pine needles, as “the smell of dry linden from the wheels.” The native side is beautiful, and although the poet does not have here a description of the endless expanses, vast seas, impenetrable forests, but there is the most precious thing - signs of the native land.

Determine the main theme of the poem by S.A. Yesenin, (description of the forgotten, native land)

What neologisms does the poet use in this poem? (“the forest is ringing”, “the tit is tinkling”, “the willows are listening”, “the wind whistle”) How do they help to convey the experiences of the lyrical hero?

What artistic and expressive means are used by S.A. Yesenin in this poem? (epithets, metaphors, personifications, etc.) Give specific examples from the text of the poem.

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landscape lyrics Sergei Yesenin can be divided into two stages. The first of them falls on 1914 - 1920, when the young poet is trying to find his own style of presentation and understands that his native nature is the source of his inspiration. However, in later poems, Yesenin more and more often criticizes the village, which, after living in the capital, seems to him dirty, dull, joyless and devoid of its former charm. Therefore, it is not surprising that Yesenin writes the most penetrating, pure and exciting poems dedicated to his native places precisely in the first years of his stay in Moscow. He yearns for the village of Konstantinovo, where he spent his childhood, and fondly remembers all those little things that warm his soul in a foreign land.

The early period of the poet's work also includes a poem written in 1914 and dedicated to autumn in his native village, which the author depicts very brightly, colorfully and without prejudice. The "blue layer of heaven" in this idyllic landscape is adjacent to the "coniferous gilding" of the autumn forest, "the tinkling of tits" and "the hubbub of mowers". This is a period of calm and tranquility, when field work has already been completed in the villages, and “a convoy stretches creakingly across the meadow”, which is carrying the last harvest to the threshing floor.

Yesenin manages to convey not only the creak of the linden cart wheels, but also the smells hovering in the cool autumn air, when dampness mixes with the aroma of mowed meadows scorched by the hot summer sun, lingonberries and the first mushrooms ripening in the forest. All these smells are so dear and close to the poet that he only needs to close his eyes to mentally transport himself to a world that is so dear, close and understandable to him from childhood. However, he understands that now he has a completely different life, in which there is no place for rural fun and entertainment. Therefore, with some sadness and longing, the author exclaims: "You are my forgotten land, you are my native land."

Having become a city dweller, Yesenin still remains a rural guy in his soul, for whom there is no more exciting activity than walking along a forest path or inhaling the scent of wild flowers. But the poet understands that past life it is unlikely that he will be able to return, since he has made his life choice. But, saying goodbye to his native places in verse and keeping in mind their amazing beauty, Yesenin is not completely sure whether he really did the right thing, exchanging the rural wilderness, where he left his heart forever, for the brilliance and bustle of noisy Moscow, in which he feels alienated and restless.

If this material there is no information about the author or source, which means that it was simply copied on the Internet from other sites and presented in the collection for information purposes only. AT this case the lack of authorship suggests accepting what is written as just someone's opinion, and not as the ultimate truth. People write a lot, make a lot of mistakes - this is natural.

Sergei Yesenin Swamps and swamps, Blue boards of heaven. Coniferous gilding Rings the forest. A tit is slithering Between forest curls, Dark fir trees dream of the hubbub of mowers. Through the meadow with a creak A convoy stretches - A dryish linden Smells from the wheels. Willows are listening Wind whistling... You are my forgotten land, You are my native land. Analysis of Yesenin's poem "Swamps and swamps" Sergey Yesenin's landscape lyrics can be divided into two stages. The first of them falls on 1914-1920, when the young poet is trying to find his own style of presentation and understands that his native nature is the source of his inspiration.

However, in later poems, Yesenin more and more often criticizes the village, which, after living in the capital, seems to him dirty, dull, joyless and devoid of its former charm. Therefore, it is not surprising that Yesenin writes the most penetrating, pure and exciting poems dedicated to his native places precisely in the first years of his stay in Moscow. He yearns for the village of Konstantinovo, where he spent his childhood, and fondly remembers all those little things that warm his soul in a foreign land. The poem “Swamps and swamps”, written in 1914 and dedicated to autumn in his native village, which the author depicts very brightly, colorfully and impartially, also belongs to the early period of the poet’s work. The “blue layer of heaven” in this idyllic landscape is adjacent to the “coniferous gilding” of the autumn forest, “the tinkling of tits” and “the hubbub of mowers”.

This is a period of calm and peace, when ... field work has already been completed in the villages, and “a convoy is creaking across the meadow”, which is carrying the last harvest to the threshing floor. Yesenin manages to convey not only the creak of the lime wheels of the cart, but also the smells hovering in the cool autumn air. when dampness mixes with the aroma of mowed meadows, scorched by the hot summer sun, lingonberries and the first mushrooms ripening in the forest. All these smells are so dear and close to the poet that he only needs to close his eyes to mentally transport himself to a world that is so dear, close and understandable to him from childhood. However, Yesenin understands that now he has a completely different life, in which there is no place for rural fun and entertainment. Therefore, with some sadness and longing, the author exclaims: "You are my forgotten land, you are my native land."

Having become a city dweller, Yesenin still remains a rural guy in his soul, for whom there is no more exciting activity than walking along a forest path or inhaling the scent of wild flowers. But the poet understands that he is unlikely to be able to return to his past life, since he has made his life choice. But, saying goodbye to his native places in verse and keeping in mind their amazing beauty, Yesenin is not completely sure whether he really did the right thing, exchanging the rural wilderness, where he left his heart forever, for the brilliance and bustle of noisy Moscow, in which he feels alienated and restless.

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