How does a witch feel on a full moon. What time of day did your period start? Witch remembers her past life

landscaping 28.06.2020

Why does a witch wake up in a woman on a full moon?

On a full moon, a witch wakes up in every woman. Known rituals for the full moon only confirm the truth.

In Natural Magic, Ann Moura writes:
« Witchcraft - it is a religion that honors the life force represented in a dual deity[those. Goddess and God] as a conscious unity. This reverence can be expressed through ceremonies and rituals dedicated to the cycles of fertility, sowing and harvesting, and the phases of the sun and moon.”
The phases of the moon are marked by rituals dedicated to the new moon and full moon, and they are called esbats. This is the time when we communicate with the Goddess, receive knowledge from her and have the opportunity to use the energy that is at this particular time for our magical practice.
I will stop at the full moon esbat.

A full moon in the sky is magic.
If you were able to watch the full moon rise - when the Queen of Heaven in all her strength and beauty begins to rise above the horizon, you remember what awe seizes you from head to toe. You are overwhelmed with delight and a feeling of great happiness. Every cell in your body reacts to the ascension of the Goddess to heaven. Yes, that's right, because the full moon is a symbol of the Goddess in all her beautiful splendor.
The full moon in the sky always catches the eye, makes you stop on the way, turn your face to it and smile.
The full moon draws us in, and even if you don’t do anything else as a witch, on a full moon you want to do something special. And you do it. Whether it's a complex ritual, with a lot of attributes, a simple lighting of candles and charging crystals, meditation or, as Deborah Blake writes in the book "Magic from A to Z": “... make a fire and dance in your garden under the stars with a cat, friends or fairies. But if at the same time you are “dressed in the sky” (in other words, naked), be sure that none of those are watching you. Who shouldn’t see your ritual or your cellulite…”
So, why does a witch wake up in every woman on a full moon?
Remember the phases of the moon: new moon, waxing moon, full moon, waning moon.
The moon affects the earth, nature and you and me, since we are part of this world and nature. The moon sends us energy. And if you follow the lunar rhythms or listen to the world around you, then you know that on the new moon the energy sleeps. Energy in the whole wide world is almost not felt. There is a sense of slowness, silence.
As the moon grows, the energy begins to grow, it seems to be gaining momentum, there is more and more of it, and the peak is the full moon. Enormous energy splashes everywhere, overflowing both the world and yourself. And this huge amount of energy is so desirable to use!
Magic - the magic ritual of the full moon - helps to direct this huge amount of energy in the direction the witch needs.
If we turn to tarot decks, then the most interesting, in my opinion, the magic of the full moon is shown in two decks: in "Tarot of White and Black Magic" (Pagan Tarot) - lasso I Magician, and in "Tarot Gaia" (Gaian Tarot) - lasso XVIII Moon.

The cards depict a woman absorbing the energy of the full moon.
In my opinion, both cards show a variant of the ritual "Bringing down the moon" . This is a ritual where a witch invites the Goddess into her body. It is therefore recommended to read "Order of the Goddess" - the one that begins with the words: "Listen to the words of the Great Mother, who in ancient times was called Artemis, Astarte, Dione, Melusina, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Diana, Arionrod, Brigid, and many other names."
In the Pagan tarot - the witch reads the text from the book, i.e. it is quite possible that she is reading the “Mandate of the Goddess”, in the “Tarot of Gaia” the woman holds out her hands and looks at the Goddess. Unlike the young witch of the pagan tarot, this witch is of advanced age. She already knows the text by heart, therefore, she does not need hints.

Full moon rituals

Now it is clear why every woman becomes a witch on the full moon. But what can you do on a full moon? Rituals, something simple that each of us can do.
In fact, there are many options for where to direct the overflowing energy. The main thing -

your desire and your belief in what you are doing.

On a full moon you can charge your tarot deck, oracle, stones and crystals, with which you work (moonstone, selenite, quartz, crystal). They need to be placed so that the moonlight falls on them. If you like, you can hold them in your hands and then you will feel how the moonlight energizes your tools of divination.

Traditionally, full moon rituals use white and silver candles, but I really like it. ritual with a purple candle. I found it in L. Malevin's book "Magic of the West".
This is a ritual to strengthen faith in yourself, your strength, i.e. for certainty.
For the ritual, you will need a dark purple candle of a cold shade.
We put a candle in the moonlight, sit opposite and light it. The purpose of the ritual is to see the moonlight, not the flames of fire.
We look at the fire. At first, the moonlight is almost invisible. The light from the fire burns brighter. You need to force yourself to focus on the moonlight so that for your eyes it becomes brighter than the light of a candle.
Candle fire is our human beginning, uncertain, doubting. And the moonlight is our inner "I", our spirit, the magic that lives in us.
Nothing can happen at once, therefore, this practice can be repeated on the next full moon.

Simple ritual to attract love with pink candles.
On the full moon, anoint rose candles with rose oil and light them in the moonlight. Ask the Goddess to send love into your life.
By the way, if you can’t find pink candles, white ones will do too. White candles are universal.
If the full moon falls on Friday - a day under the auspices of the Goddess of Love Venus, then this will give additional strength to your rite.

And another rite that helped me a lot. It is described by Ellen Hawk in her book The Influence of the Moon. It's called "Chakra Water"
Many of us have done and are doing chakra alignment for ourselves and others. Our life is not simple. A lot of problems, stress, failures, problems of relatives and loved ones - all this unsettles us. The chakras malfunction in their work, they do not work at full strength or idle, disrupting the smooth and harmonious flow of energy in our body. Hence, illnesses, ailments, mood swings, breakdowns, which ... again have a negative impact on the energy of our body and chakras. And it turns out a vicious circle.
Of course, there are special practices on how to set up the work of the chakras, what to do for this. But sometimes there is not enough time, sometimes there is no opportunity, sometimes there is some other reason. The energy of the full moon gives us a great opportunity to use it to improve the functioning of our body.
So, if you feel (or found out through the alignment) that a certain chakra of your body is blocked or out of balance in it, then

  • find a bottle or glass (jar, container) that has the color of the chakra.
  • pour spring water (or good mineral water) into this container.
  • On the full moon, leave the container near the window for the night. It is wonderful if direct moonbeams fall on it. If this is not possible, do not worry, because the energy of the moon will still charge the water.
  • Before going to sleep the next night, wash the chakra with water (the place on the body where the chakra is located) and drink some water. At the same time, it is important to imagine the color of the chakra and the fact that the water is charged with this particular color.
  • You need to do this three nights in a row.
This simple ritual gives amazing results.
The only thing is that you do not need to use it if you want to enhance the work of a particular chakra, which is already working fine. This can lead to an imbalance in the work of the chakra.
These activities are best performed before going to bed, as the lunar energy is very powerful and can cause some disorientation in you.
During the day, this can lead to problems, but at night - the opposite. You may have amazing dreams, so it's best to prepare ahead of time and write them down.

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The moon is a very important planet in astrology, it is used to evaluate the human psyche, its perception of the world. The moon also correlates with the feminine principle (yin, shakti). If the Sun is light, day, heat, then the Moon is darkness, night, cold. Lunar energy is initially manifested in a woman stronger than in a man.

moon woman

Every woman is closely connected with the Moon and its cycles. The moon has passive energy, it reflects the light of the sun. Similarly, a woman has a receptive nature. If a man is an initiator and achievement-oriented, then a woman is adaptive and focused on a sense of comfort. Women are by nature more emotional, unstable and intuitive - these are the qualities of lunar energy.

It is known that thanks to the Moon we have comfortable conditions for life on Earth: it affects the climate and the surface of the oceans. Thanks to the lunar energy, plants and organisms receive nutritional power. So in astrology, the Moon represents the mother principle, nourishing and nourishing the energy necessary for life. A man gives a seed, a woman receives it and cultivates it within herself.

Lunar and female cycles

Another close connection of a woman with the Moon is expressed in her menstrual cycle, which lasts an average of 28 days. The cycle of the Moon has the same duration: it makes a full revolution around the Zodiac in 27.3 days and goes through a cycle of phases in 29.5 days.

If we look at the very process of a woman's menstrual cycle, we will see an exact analogy with the phases of the moon:

1) Follicular phase (7-10 days): the formation of a follicle from which an egg will be released for fertilization. It correlates with the growing phase of the moon. During this period, a woman experiences the energy of recovery in life, she wants to express herself and prove herself in society. This is a period of new beginnings, projects and acquaintances. It is the easiest time to create new neural connections in the brain, so this is the best time for learning and development.

2) Ovulation (3-4 days): the release of a mature egg, ready for fertilization, to the uterus. This corresponds to the phase of the full moon, when the female energy reaches its maximum. It is at this time that a woman becomes very attractive, she is able to win over, to win attention. At the same time, she gains emotional depth, feels a sense of connection with people. This is the best time for pleasant communication with others and the creation of close bonds, as well as the conclusion of beneficial social agreements.

3) Luteal phase (10-14 days): the formation of a corpus luteum in the ovary at the site of the released egg. This corresponds to the waning moon. Here, the emotional upsurge and strength gradually leave the woman, she begins to want to spend more and more time in the inner space than in public. The mind becomes more practical, aimed at solving administrative problems. This is the time of cleaning around the house, optimizing life processes. The qualities of observation and calmness come to the fore. This phase for many women ends with PMS, when the woman becomes unhappy and irritable. A similar thing happens to people in the killing phase of the moon, close to the new moon.

4) Menstruation (3-7 days). In fact, it belongs to the first stage, but we will talk about it separately. This is a female new moon when she loses her female energy through the blood. This time is accompanied by weakness, malaise, when she needs emotional and physical support. However, it is also a time of purification and renewal. During the period of menstruation, the most active connection occurs between the left and right hemispheres of the brain (by analogy with the combination of solar and lunar energies on a new moon). This is a time of introspection and correction of the life path. A woman can be visited by insights, she is ready to make effective planning for the cycle ahead, which corresponds to the first days of the growing moon.

Inner and outer lunar cycles

We can notice that the inner lunar cycle of a woman very rarely coincides with the outer cycle of the moon in the sky. So a woman has to experience ovulation not only on the full moon, but, for example, on the new moon, or her menstruation can fall on the growth of the moon, corresponding to the energy rise in the surrounding world. This has an important meaning for a woman, as she lives her inner cycle each time in new external circumstances. This gives variety, and hence development. It is also necessary for the harmonious state of the energy of the space in which we exist. Imagine what would happen if all the women of the world had the same cycle, coinciding with the phases of the moon. Then the world would sink into exhaustion and gloom at every new moon and experience a hyper-rise at the full moon. Such a state of affairs would create strong energy surges, and men have difficulty adapting to this, because they do not have an internal cycle. Therefore, in the diversity of women's cycles there is a sacred meaning for maintaining balance in the world.

Of course, this complicates the task for a woman to synchronize with these two cycles, but she should try to do this for her harmony and emotional comfort. So, according to her internal cycle, a woman knows her state when she is ready to go into society and initiate communication, and when she enters the mode of passivity and isolation. By superimposing this inner cycle on the outer one, we can give a general description of the current moment. So, if a woman is at the peak of her energy (ovulation), she has an increased need for communication and connections, but at this time the Moon is waning and close to the new moon, then it turns out that the external characteristic of the energy is not conducive to such actions. As a result, a woman is able to find a balance: perhaps this will no longer be a public performance and the embodiment of a large-scale project of her life, but will become a moment of pleasant intimacy in the circle of loved ones, where she will be able to support those around her who have a decline in energy due to the phase of the Moon, with her inner upsurge lunar energy.

You can also consider the premenstrual period, when the internal energy of a woman is very low, but it falls on the phase of the growing moon, close to the full moon. This will give her support and additional strength, she will not feel so exhausted if the Moon was also waning and dark at this time.

Thus, noting her internal cycles and the phases of the moon, a woman can find harmony at every moment of her changing state, choose the best actions for herself and not demand from herself what she cannot give. After all, variability is an integral female trait that belongs to her by right.

(c) Valeria Zhelamskaya

Incredible Facts

Who is a witch?

And how to recognize it among the crowd of people?

A curse to be her, or a reward from above?

As a rule, the word witch is pronounced in a whisper.

You, in turn, give them advice or prepared herbal tinctures and various drugs(because she is well acquainted with the properties of plants). People leave you with hearts full of hope for happiness and healing.

How to know if I'm a witch

3. Intimacy with nature

Do you live in a forest or near a body of water? If not, do you spend a lot of time in such places, preferring them to urban areas?

Witches, being inextricably linked with nature, try to be as close as possible to nature and spend as much time as possible with it. Her natural beauty and energy feed the witches, give them strength.

Many perform their rituals by the water or in the forest. If you are a witch, you feel at home in the bosom of nature.

Signs of a Witch

4. You are not afraid of storms and storms

You do not feel fear, even when nature is raging so that it seems that the apocalypse has come. Moreover, you enjoy storms and storms, and sometimes you wonder if your own energy may have caused such a blow of the elements.

The witch revels in the power of nature in all its manifestations. She rejoices in the showers and the wind.

5. Love for animals

You love the animal world and empathize with all living beings on our planet. You are able to feel their pain and cry with him.

In some strange natural way, you know the entire animal race, you are able to understand it, and you also see the signs that animals give you.

Often, lost dogs enter your house or birds fly into your windows. And it also happens that in the field an unfamiliar horse will come close and bow its head on your shoulder.

Do you know how to talk with animals, understand their requests and heal them from diseases?

Witches and animals are so dependent on nature that they can speak a similar energy language and easily recognize each other.

How to spot a witch

6. Influence of the Moon

Does your activity and mood depend on the lunar phases? The energy of the moon affects you. As a little girl, standing by a moonlit window, did you talk to the moon? Are you adjusting to her phases now?

For example, do you start any new projects or relationships when the moon is exceptionally waxing? Have you noticed that when the moon is full, things around you begin to behave somehow strangely, and when it is waning, all undertakings or relationships weaken and decline?

If you have the traits of a witch in you, you will not miss the opportunity to sit in complete silence alone on the new moon. At night, you like to dream and make plans for the future.

So on the new moon you adjust to the phases of the moon, drawing on its energy.

Witch Abilities

7. Powerful power to grant wishes

Do you have suspicions that your wishes have the ability to come true? Be careful with them, because both good and bad wishes can come true.

Witches are as old as the world. If you are a witch, in your eyes you can see ancient stories and secrets of the earth, myths and mysteries, answers to many questions.

8. The ability to heal people

Most likely, you have the traits of a witch if you have a craving and the ability to heal people.

You have a gift for choosing medicinal herbs, natural energy remedies for yourself and loved ones. You are undoubtedly a witch if you simply put your hand on someone's sore back or bruised area, and tomorrow the pain disappears and the wound heals.

This planet controls both the atmosphere in the team and the mood of the crowd, the subconscious and emotions, habits and reflexes, learning and protection.

But most importantly, she is considered the personification of the maternal and feminine principles. It is believed that according to the Moon, you can calculate your "dangerous" and "safe" days, plan conception and correct menstrual irregularities.

Women's lunar calendar

Although experts consider a normal menstrual cycle lasting from 24 to 36 days, ideally it coincides with the lunar cycle and is 28 days, that is, a lunar month.

Moreover, each phase of the female cycle is in harmony with a certain lunar exposure.

New moon

This time corresponds to the first phase of the menstrual cycle (from the 1st to the 4th day). According to experts, it is during this period that seven out of ten patients of maternity hospitals have menstruation.

No wonder!, according to popular belief, it is on the new moon that one should get rid of everything old, cut one's hair to make new acquisitions. Apparently, on the new moon, he also conducts a “general cleaning”.

Growing moon and full moon

This is the second phase of the cycle: from the 5th to the 14th day. At this time, the maturation of the egg occurs. On the full moon, she leaves the follicle, the moment of ovulation comes. At this time, the level of the sex hormone estrogen (it is called the hormone of beauty) rises in the female body, which adds energy, attractiveness, and improves mood.

During ovulation (two days a month), estrogen levels approach the maximum, and the woman becomes especially energetic and sexual. The full moon acts in the same direction - activates all processes in the body, awakens sexual desire. This is the perfect moment to conceive.

By the way, long before the invention of the condom, women were protected, guided by the moon. It was noticed that in those days when waning moon, the probability of getting pregnant is practically equal to zero, but on the full moon and the period of the growing moon, the chances of becoming a mother in the near future are very high.

Can you imagine how easy birth control would be if it were that simple? However, modern scientists confirm the observations of past years. So, according to the University of Illinois, fertilization directly depends on the phase of the moon: conception most often occurs on the days of the full moon, and there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of on the new moon.

It was noticed that in those days when the waning moon, the probability of getting pregnant is practically equal to zero.

In addition, in ancient times, a connection was discovered between the phase of the moon at the moment when a woman is born and her ability to conceive. The lunar day on which a woman was born (it can be determined by lunar calendars) indicates the time most favorable for conception (plus or minus two days).

This is the day when the night luminary is in the same phase as at her birth - a similar coincidence occurs once a month. This simple principle is the basis of the method of Dr. Jonas, a Czech gynecologist, confirmed by many years of research and statistics. It is argued that even conditionally call "infertile women" are capable of conception on a lunar day which coincides with their birthday.

Waning moon

This is the final phase of the menstrual cycle, lasting from the 15th to the 28th day. Time of violent "flourishing" (fortunately, not for everyone), premenstrual syndrome. These days, the level of estrogen drops, but the amount of another female hormone, progesterone, increases, which leads to some apathy, lethargy and drowsiness.

A sharp hormonal surge often causes the notorious PMS, when fatigue suddenly sets in, there is a breakdown, irritability and tearfulness. Psychologists say that with a waning moon, unlike a growing one, pressure drops and almost all processes in the body slow down.

The melting moon has a depressing effect on people, at least statistics show that it is during this period that more frequent visits to specialists about depression and exacerbation of mental problems. If premenstrual syndrome falls on a waning moon, it has a much more pronounced form than in any other lunar phase.

Even if a woman has no idea what PMS is, she has every chance to get acquainted with its symptoms. Irritability, nervousness, tearfulness and headaches most often visit us at this time.

space doctor

It turns out that the Moon not only moves “in step” with the menstrual cycle, but is also able to disrupt it. Basically, the danger lies in wait for women with increased intracranial pressure. What does this have to do with the monthly cycle and the moon? The most immediate.

On the full moon, intracranial pressure rises, since the moon activates the circulation of fluids in the body (by the way, on the full moon, hypertension suffers from drops in blood pressure, and on the new moon, hypotensive patients experience rather unpleasant sensations). This affects the hypothalamus and which are the main leaders of hormonal processes in the body.

Under the influence of the moon, the work of the ovaries may be disrupted, and menstruation will begin earlier or later than the due date, may be more abundant or painful. It is important to note that the night luminary has such a radical effect only on a weakened body: chronic infections and accumulated fatigue make a woman vulnerable to cosmic forces. A healthy and happy lady does not care about lunar manipulations.

But it turns out that the Moon can also restore the female cycle. For example, so that menstruation begins on the same day, chronotherapists(specialists in biorhythms) - advise to conduct the following experiment.

During the month it is necessary to sleep in absolute darkness, and in the last 3 days of the menstrual cycle, artificially create the effect of a full moon - for this, turn on a weak nightlight or dim light in the corridor next to the bed, leaving the bedroom door ajar. In a few months, critical days will fall at the same time - on the days of an artificial full moon.

Another way to set up a cycle is to "irradiate" the Moon. Scientists conducted an experiment: women with different durations of menstrual cycles slept under the open sky and the direct rays of the night star. And, imagine, in two months their cycles began to equal the lunar one.

Dear blog readers, what do you think, does the Moon affect the female body or not, leave feedback or comments below. Someone will find this very useful!

In folk wisdom, there are a lot of all kinds of signs that can be associated with the most ordinary life conditions.

Even sneezing and scratching some part of the body necessarily means something. Girls have a lot of signs and beliefs associated with critical days. Every month they delight with their appearance, and every month they can reveal something new to you.

Popular signs associated with menstruation

The number of folk signs and beliefs associated specifically with menstruation is simply huge. So, it was previously believed that a girl whose critical days began early, in the future may become a mother of many children.

Another superstition says that if a girl has her first period, then her mother or other female relative should slap her. This should be a woman who does not have critical days at the moment.

It was believed that this way you can save the girl from all further problems associated with menstruation - abdominal pain, weakness, fainting.

It was also believed that a woman during menstruation should not look at naked people, otherwise the bodies of the latter will suffer from a rash. You can not visit places where you need to undress. Although this sign has a completely logical justification related to hygiene.

Since a woman who had her period was considered unclean in the old days, she was usually not allowed to any homework. So, it was impossible even to approach the place where some dish or drink is being prepared, since it was believed that everything would be spoiled.

Some signs associated with critical days are frankly frightening. So, it was believed that a woman who sprinkles the entrance to her house with menstrual blood with a broom or a bunch of hay will thereby provide the most reliable protection from the evil eye, damage and simply negative influence from those who enter your house. Another sign advised to sprinkle domestic animals with the same liquid. It was believed that in this case they would be protected from death as a result of the evil eye.

A lot of superstitions were associated with the "bloody" period in ancient times. And the old witches often made numerous spells and corruption. It is not known for certain whether they acted, as well as signs, but, of course, in our time we will not repeat these frightening rituals. As for signs, then if they are positive, why not believe in them?

Monthly by day of the week

It is believed that the day of the week on which the beginning of menstruation fell is a harbinger of what will await you in the coming month. So:

  • Monday is considered a difficult day among the people too, because it is believed that the critical days that began on this day can bring you a series of troubles. But not always these concerns will be negative. Perhaps the chores will just be pleasant. For example, preparing for a holiday.
  • Tuesday symbolizes the upcoming changes. If menstruation began on the second day of the week, then the next month will be a great time to make serious decisions a reality.
  • Menstruation that began in Wednesday. They portend trouble. It is worth being careful not to trust too much those whom you do not know well.
  • critical days in Thursday talking about what to you guests will come. And, perhaps, you yourself will become a guest with someone. But the nature of the meeting will already depend solely on you.
  • Girl who got her period at Friday, can prepare for the news. The sign does not say whether they will be good or bad. Well, it remains only to wait.
  • A good day to start critical days is Saturday. It tells you that everything you wish for will come true. The main thing is to sincerely believe in it.
  • AT Sunday is waiting for you fun and joy. In the coming month, your mood will be wonderful, and nothing can spoil it.

What time of day did your period start?

Some signs are also associated with the time of day of the onset of menstruation. Here is what folk experts say about this:

  • If bleeding starts early morning They promise you pure and sincere love. It can be love not only for a man, but also for a child, family members, good friends. Be that as it may, you are provided with good and reverent relations with those whom you consider your family.
  • If menses started from 10 am to 5 pm, the sign promises that the next month will be joyful and pleasant. During it, you will forget about what sadness is.
  • If you have the beginning of menstruation fell on evening time, then the sign promises you tears and longing. Moreover, people say that the later they begin, the worse the coming month will be.
  • It is believed that if menstruation began at night, it's a sign forthcoming separation. You must be prepared to spend some time alone.

Divination by the number of the beginning

Even the number on which your critical days began, in accordance with the signs, says a lot.

  • 1. If your period started on the first day of the month oh, that's a sign promises you happiness throughout the next period.
  • 2. The second number is not so pleasant. It portends that this month you will learn what contempt is and will experience it for the next thirty days. It is worth being a little colder in your manifestations of emotions, otherwise a serious conflict is possible.
  • 3. A period is expected on this date quarrels and conflicts. You need to try to do everything to avoid them, or at least reduce them.
  • 4. If your critical days began on the fourth, the next month will be very fun and happy.
  • 5. Coming soon nice gifts. And for sure they will be unexpected.
  • 6. Sixth number says that you are mired in rumors and gossip. It is only important not to take them too close to heart, because envious people have always been and will be.
  • 7. Seven is a lucky number. Therefore, the beginning of menstruation during this period is a harbinger of sincere and pure love. It may be a feeling for a lifetime, so try to keep it.
  • 8. If you are jealous, try to control yourself, otherwise the consequences can be terrible.
  • 9. Beginning of the cycle on the ninth day warns you to keep calm. Troubles are possible in the near future, and if you do not panic, you can overcome them with dignity.
  • 10. Tenth number says that love is soon possible. And not necessarily new. Perhaps you will fall in love with your boyfriend or husband with renewed vigor.
  • 11. This number indicates that in your second half you can be sure. At any moment this person will set you up secure shoulder, because his devotion towards you is boundless.
  • 12. Life promises that you will be fascinated by some person.. It can be new in your life or someone you already know. But for sure it will only be a temporary hobby.
  • 13. Thirteenth number in accordance with popular beliefs says that in the near future will be very unfortunate. But don't worry. Such a period will soon be replaced by a white stripe.
  • 14. Good news is expected, which you will be very pleased to receive.
  • 15. But the fifteenth number is the opposite of the fourteenth. It just promises bad news.
  • 16. This date indicates that in the coming month your tongue will be your enemy.. It is worth holding back your desire to gossip a little and comment on your opinion about what is happening.
  • 17. Waiting for you separation from a person who is very dear to you. But don't worry, because it will most likely be short-lived.
  • 18. Soon you should fall in love. Only you yourself can understand whether your feeling will be real.
  • 19. If the beginning of menstruation fell on the nineteenth day, then do not doubt that soon you will be swallowed up by happy and mutual love.
  • 20. But the twentieth number is popularly associated with unrequited love. Dealing with it will be quite difficult, but you will have to do it.
  • 21. This number warns you that vigilance will not interfere with you soon.. Deception is possible from where you do not expect it, so be ready.
  • 22. The beginning of menstruation on the twenty-second number promises you financial success.. It can be a serious bonus or even winning the lottery.
  • 23. This number promises you happiness in all areas, which will accompany you for a month.
  • 24. And in this case, you should be ready for the arrival of guests at any time, and those that you did not expect to see on your doorstep.
  • 25. The twenty-fifth number speaks of new pleasant acquaintances.. Soon you will have to expand your social circle.
  • 26. Soon you will need help. But you can be sure that if necessary, you will receive it. If you need to be pitied, be sure that someone will do it.
  • 27. Twenty-seventh number promises you the fulfillment of all your desires.
  • 28. And in this case, a popular sign says that your whole life will seem exceptionally prosperous to those around you.
  • 29. Something soon may upset you even to tears.
  • 30. The thirtieth number promises mutual passion which will delight you for at least the next month.
  • 31. The beginning of menstruation on the last day month indicates that soon something awaits you that you did not expect. By the way, it could be long road to which to go.

On your birthday

Many people perceive as a sign the beginning of menstruation, which coincided with their birthday. Someone considers this the happiest sign, someone, on the contrary, a harbinger of the fact that the whole year will be too unhappy.

For some, this is a reason to abandon the celebration altogether. In fact, among popular beliefs there is no sign associated with menstruation on a birthday. Folk sages pay more attention to the date, number and time of day of the beginning of this female phenomenon.

What can not be done these days?

In the old days, there were many signs about what a woman should not do during menstruation. Almost all of them were based on the fact that during the period of menstruation a woman is unclean before God, and one or another of her actions can provoke great trouble.

So, during the period of menstruation, a woman should not go to church, since this state and Faith did not combine in any way, according to folk healers. It was also forbidden to cook and do housework. Probably, many women are not averse to taking advantage of this sign today.

You can not plant a crop and harvest it, because in the future this will cause its complete absence. Some signs are even scary. So, if a woman's menstruation coincided with the full moon, she considered a witch, and she was forbidden to look at both people and livestock.

To believe or not to believe in omens - everyone's private matter. But do not forget about more serious things that you should not do on critical days, namely, swim in open water, do hard physical work, get cold and overheat. All this can also have negative consequences, but they will directly affect your health.

In the old days, people noted a variety of phenomena and associated them with subsequent events. They did not bypass their attention and women's cycles. Thus, folk omens for menstruation were born.

Signs associated with the onset of menstruation

The main part of the signs for menstruation is associated with the day they begin. If the bleeding began on Monday, it promised anxiety and trouble, which could be both pleasant and not too much. The beginning of menstruation on Tuesday - to changes in life, pleasant acquaintances or resumption of relationships. When the first day of the cycle is Wednesday, this is for unpleasant events, which, however, should end with the beginning of the next month. If the beginning of menstruation fell on Thursday, signs predicted a visit to visit. Menstruation began on Friday - this is to receive news, on Saturday - to the fulfillment of desires and love confessions, on Sunday - to fun and good luck throughout the month.

Folk superstitions and signs for menstruation

In the villages, menstruating women were considered "unclean". They were forbidden to go to church, bathe in the river, plant and water plants, and look at people who were undressed. this threatened various misfortunes for other residents of the village. A woman during menstruation was often freed from household chores, as household members noted that these days she cooked worse and was more absent-minded and sloppy. Although logically salted and peppered dishes can be explained by the fact that a woman's taste sensations change during menstruation.

If the bride began her period on the wedding day, it was a bad omen, since the children born in this marriage were doomed to a hard life and trouble. To eliminate the unfavorable influence, the bride had to go to the chicken coop in the evening, stand under the perch and say: “The chickens got married without blood, and I with blood. Go, trouble, not on my guys, but on the chickens. Let it be so".

The villagers were afraid of a woman whose menstruation began on the full moon, because the sign said that she had an "evil eye". Children, husbands, livestock and everything else that she could jinx were hidden from her eyes.

In some cases, menstrual blood served as a talisman for the villagers, for example, during a fire. If there was a threat of spreading fire from one house to another, they looked for a woman with menstruation and ordered her to run around the burning house three times. It was believed that evil forces after this rite could not fan the fire and transfer the fire to neighboring houses.

To protect her house from evil spells, the hostess was instructed to sprinkle the doorposts with menstrual blood. But one had to be careful if another woman with menstruation stepped on the blood of the hostess, the latter could experience severe bleeding.

Our ancestors were constantly gnawed by anxiety about tomorrow. Wars, robbers, wild beasts, plagues and the loss of livestock made life dangerous and unpredictable; almost every new day threatened to be a turning point, to destroy or plunge into poverty. Therefore, they tried to interpret any significant event as a warning, intensely wondering: what is it for? What does it promise? The appearance of menstruation seemed painfully mysterious to the ancestors, in order to attribute everything to a boring physiological feature of the female body.

Folk signs on the time of the beginning of "critical days"

  • The beginning of menstruation, which fell in the morning hours, was considered a good sign and a sign of joy. This is explained simply: in the morning the sun rises, the rays of which drive away the night evil spirits, a new day begins and everything that is alive and pure awakens to life. Naturally, any event that happened at this time automatically fell into the category of favorable ones. In addition to a good mood, signs promised a new romantic hobby, a meeting with beloved relatives, or warm communication with a pleasant companion.
  • The time from noon to evening is neutral - it does not bring great joy, but it does not predict disasters either. Life will flow smoothly, calmly, in harmony with loved ones and without strife with neighbors. However, there is still a chance of minor troubles, so you should carefully listen to your intuition before making decisions.
  • Evenings, especially long and winter ones, were a rather dull time for our ancestors. The day's work is done, going to bed early, and all the entertainment - spinning, singing and annoying conversations with family or friends, because the peasant women did not know either books or TV. Therefore, belief did not indulge in a good prediction: the whole next month the woman had to be sad and languish with boredom.
  • Night darkness often inspires fear even in people with strong nerves. And menstruation, which fell on this gloomy time, carried the hostess bad news about separation from her beloved and loneliness. However, it does not have to become protracted and painful! You may have to go to another city for a few days or go through an emergency in the service, during which there will simply be no strength left for communication. Nevermind! In any case, after a month, the prediction will completely lose its validity.

If the “critical days” fell on the night of the full moon, the woman could well be suspected of a fortune teller and began to look at her with apprehension. Yes, and the very victim of superstitions had to look less at other people and cattle: the hour is not even, he will jinx it!

What day of the week is the beginning of menstruation

The attraction is also a kind of shake-up. But pleasant!

The hour of the beginning of menstruation is one thing, and the day is another. Those who wanted more accurate predictions checked the calendar: is it not a happy Saturday today or at least Thursday?

  • Monday. It is not known whether the proverb about “Monday is a hard day” was familiar to our ancestors, but it certainly did not cause delight even in the old days. A series of routine tasks, from which it was possible to distract so well on the weekend, seemed twice as difficult, the mood was somewhere in the underground area, and the signs did not please with good predictions. The young ladies, who managed to meet the onset of menstruation on the first day of the week, faced worries, worries and nervous shaking. True, there was a chance that the promised chores would be pleasant. For example, preparing for a wedding or a trip to a fair - why not joy?
  • Tuesday is the time for new beginnings. We decided to change our lives, it's time to turn our plans into reality. There is a chance to meet, do not refuse. And any purchase or new thing made during this period should be a successful acquisition.
  • Wednesday is one of the tricky days. Twenty times double-check any offer that comes to you this month, and do not rush to open your soul to new friends. Give yourself time to get to know them better.
  • Thursday is associated with a rich feast and fellowship. Either you will be invited somewhere, or you yourself will welcome guests in your house. But no matter how circumstances turn, for you they develop in a favorable way.
  • Friday predicts a month generous with a variety of incidents. One bad thing: they can be both happy and unpleasant. What will definitely not happen is boredom.
  • Saturday. Great omen, no matter how you look at it! And the wedding, and the engagement, and a declaration of love for those who have not yet acquired an admirer - all this is prophesied by menstruation, which reminded of itself on a day off. And if a worthy person has not yet met on your life path, take a moment and make a wish. They say it will definitely come true.
  • Sunday prediction is nebulous. There is no doubt that good events await you this month. But what they will be connected with is a mystery. The more interesting it is to wait!

By the date on which the menstrual cycle began

And that is not all! In order not to overlook the events of the future, the beginning of menstruation was associated not only with the hour and day of the week, but also with the number. And then they tried to combine the resulting predictions:

  • Do all three match? The probability of execution increases many times.
  • Are you promised different but not mutually exclusive events? This means that this, and the other, and the third can happen.
  • Got exactly the opposite predictions? Contrary to the strict laws of mathematics, "plus" by "minus" will add up to zero, and no special changes will happen this month. Or the promised events will happen one after the other within 30 days.

For those who know how to enjoy life, "critical days" are not a hindrance

1 - there is a wide light strip ahead, on which you will succeed in any conceived projects.

2 - someone will cause negative feelings in you.

3 - discord and squabbles are on the heels! It is important not to allow yourself to be provoked into a showdown, as the consequences threaten to be extremely difficult. And if the number fell on Wednesday or Friday, there is a risk of “totally” quarreling with loved ones because of sheer nonsense.

4 - you are "threatened" with joy and a good pastime.

5 - expect a nice present from friends. Perhaps from life itself! Let's say a lottery ticket randomly bought at a bus stop turns out to be a winning one. Or a person will appear, the connection with which has long been lost. Or you will be unexpectedly approved for a new prestigious position.

6 - life will be complicated by human gossip. And here it is best to correlate the prediction with the day of the week. For example, menstruation, which came on a difficult and problem-rich Monday, can mean dirty gossip that will be spread about you and your loved ones, and on a frivolous Thursday, empty and gentle "scratching tongues" at gatherings.

7 - you should pay attention to the needs of your soulmate, or wait for problems in the relationship. Especially if menstruation began at night, in the hour of longing and loneliness.

8 - the number of jealous people who are inclined to see vile betrayal in every carelessly thrown word. The morning hour and days off mean a slight injection of jealousy, after which your feelings will only surge with renewed vigor. Evening, especially falling on one of the bad days, means the danger of a break. Don't provoke your pet Othello.

9 - problems and difficult decisions that you have to make all month. However, if the number fell on a favorable day of the week, there is nothing to be afraid of. Difficulties come and go.

10 - luck in love. If you already have a partner, fortune telling predicts that the relationship will develop easily and smoothly. If not, a new feeling is about to come.

11 - this day symbolizes fidelity. Business partners do not fail, friends and relatives are ready to lend a shoulder at any moment, and a loved one looks only at you, ignoring unlucky rivals.

12 - a new hobby. On a good day and hour, a sign means a slight surge of feelings, which will soon pass, leaving behind pleasant memories. And in a bad one, he predicts: passion will turn your head so much that you will allow an unworthy person to seduce yourself. Do not rush into the pool with your head, take a closer look at the admirer.

13 - it is easy to guess that this number of pleasant events does not promise. Continuous turmoil is not in one, so in another area of ​​life.

Check your mail - is there a letter there?

14 - lead from afar with a bold "+" sign. Something good is ahead!

15 - ... and vice versa. There will be news, but they are unlikely to please you.

16 - keep your mouth shut. One careless word that escapes your lips can destroy a long-standing friendship, love or affection. Especially if the date falls on Monday, Wednesday or Friday!

17 - parting. If menstruation began in the morning, the separation will be temporary. An unsuccessful hour prophesies a serious misunderstanding in a relationship: be careful that they do not destroy your union! But if the "critical days" fell on Saturday or Sunday, parting may be a harbinger of great change. For example, you both plunge into business to earn money for the upcoming wedding.

18 - a good combination of circumstances will make your personal life take a sharp turn towards happiness.

19 - love, passionate and mutual.

20 - alas, your feelings will remain unanswered. Maybe the one you like is not really what you need?

21 - deceit and betrayal. Double your caution, especially if that day falls on a Wednesday. Keep a tight grip on your purse on the subway, don't open the door to strangers, and don't make deals until you've read the text of the contract down to the smallest print.

22 - financial success. But it is unlikely to be associated with get-rich-quick schemes, casinos and the lottery. But if you have been cherishing a new project in your soul for a long time, are thinking of upgrading your skills, or are going to ask your boss for an increase in spirit, do it now.

23 - success, joy and general rejoicing! That's the only way to describe this day. Feel free to go forward in life and achieve your goals, luck favors you.

24 - unexpected but pleasant visits.

25 - meetings with interesting people and new, promising acquaintances. Both romantic and friendly. And even business.

26 - Tense times await you, but friends will always be there to provide support in case of need.

27 - there is a high probability of the implementation of plans and hopes that you have been considering for a long time and reverently. If the day falls on Saturday, it is better not to waste time, but to immediately begin to act.

28 - no significant changes are expected, but new financial receipts in your wallet are possible.

29 is a difficult date. On bad days, it promises adversity, on good days - a decline in strength and mood. Don't give in!

30 - a new friendship or love will be struck up with a worthy person.

31 - soon something very good will enter your life.

In addition to the usual "solar" calendar, it would be nice to check with the lunar one. It is believed that predictions made on the 1st, 12th, 13th, 14th, 19th, 23rd, 26th and 29th days of the night star are not very accurate and do not need to be trusted.

What superstitions can not do during menstruation

Even looking at a cherry meant risking the future harvest!

In Russia, a woman during menstruation was tried to be removed from most household chores. The “bleeding” young lady was supposed to spend time in the female half, for unhurried and not too significant work for the well-being of the family, and it was undesirable to even communicate with her without urgent need. But not because the lady was considered unclean, as they came up with later! The Slavs believed: during menstruation, a special, incredibly powerful energy passes through a woman, which can harm an outsider. Especially the representatives of the stronger sex. In addition, the lady herself these days was considered less protected from the attacks of evil spirits, therefore she was forced to exercise increased caution. Funny? And you look at this belief with a modern look, supported by the data of science and medicine! It turns out that the wise ancestors did the right thing, giving their friends the opportunity to relax during this difficult period.

  • Both young girls and married women were strictly forbidden to climb trees for fruit and work in the garden, so that the fruits would not dry out and rot from an unknown force raging in the young ladies. Agree, while everything is reasonable: physical activity with pain in the abdomen is contraindicated.
  • It was not worth taking on the preparation of food; it still tastes bad. Which is also due to physiological reasons: on the one hand, absent-mindedness and fatigue, on the other hand, a change in taste sensations that women sometimes notice during menstruation.
  • It was impossible to cut chickens and cattle - the blood would not stop for a whole month. The promised consequences, of course, now cause a smile. But in general, the ban is correct. Why put yourself under extra stress?
  • It was not worth kneading the dough, baking bread and appearing next to a barrel in which wine is fermenting or vinegar is stored: everything will go rancid, run out of steam and deteriorate. Here, as they say, no comment. Pure superstition.
  • The prohibition to look at a naked person can also be attributed to superstition. It was believed that the skin of the one on whom the gaze of a woman falls during menstruation will be covered with ulcers and rashes. However, it may turn out that this is how the ancestors tried to justify the ban on intimate relationships at the wrong time. And only later it spread to the whole family as a whole: for example, a woman tried to entrust even bathing a child to someone else, less “dangerous”.
  • With the advent of Christianity in Russia, one more prohibition was added to the numerous prohibitions - to attend church. And again, this is not at all connected with the alleged “impurity” of the young lady, but with the general prohibition to shed blood in the temple, regardless of its origin. Ideally, even if you cut your finger on the edge of the candle holder, you should try to get outside as soon as possible. And even more so, a woman should not be present in the church in the midst of “critical days”.

With a rather careful attitude towards the girl during menstruation, the ancestors invented a very strange way to save her from malaise. The mother or another married woman, who herself at that time "did not bleed", had to seize the moment and unexpectedly give the young lady a resounding slap in the face. It was believed that the pain should immediately subside, and the state of health would improve ... Oh, and our ancestors got it from such a “treatment”!

Of course, not to use the mysterious power that boils around a relative would be an irreparable omission for the ancestors! Monthly blood smeared the threshold of the house to protect the family from illness and accidents. She sprinkled cattle - from the evil eye. And if a woman walked around the house three times during her menstruation, there was no danger of a fire, even if the whole village flared up. It is doubtful that the sign worked, but they actively used it.

Some signs of menstruation successfully echo modern ideas - such as the ban on hard work during menstruation. Some look ridiculous to the extreme. And some are just neutral. If you are also inclined to believe that everything in this world and in the human body happens for a reason, try to memorize the hour and day of a “significant” event several times in a row. In practice, see how much you can trust the observations of ancestors.

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