Romantic Tarot: The Vicissitudes of Love. Romantic Tarot, Lo Scarabeo Publishing - "The most beautiful deck in the collection of an experienced tarot reader!"

Encyclopedia of Plants 28.06.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

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10 tarot decks took root in my chest, before there were many more, but with the rest I did not find mutual understanding and, in general, a response in my soul.

The heroine of the review is an absolutely stunning deck of unprecedented beauty with the gentle girlish name Romantic Tarot. It seems to me that it was precisely because of the discreet name that I did not pay attention to this amazing deck of pictures.

It is quite obvious from the name that these cards are themed. It is unlikely that a question about business will be answered with the help of this gentle deck.

But the theme of love, relationships, friendship, family, intrigue and secrets is perhaps the most sought after in our lives. And nothing human is alien to us.

In my preferences, I strive only for high-quality Tarot manufacturers, to which I include the Italian publishing house Lo Scarabeo. All my favorites belong to the brush of this publisher, with the exception of Osho Zen Tarot.

Also, when choosing a deck, I pay attention to the back of the cards, I don’t know why, but for me the reverse side of the card plays the same important role - to bring aesthetic pleasure to my eyes.

Look what a beauty!

In general, to be honest, love moods blow from the deck, and not only love in a positive sense: there are a lot of rejected love on the cards, and love for money, and temptations, and cruel natures. The cards are very sociable, if I may say so.

I ordered them invariably on Ozone. And I'm lucky that my deck is made in Italy and not in our domestic branch "Avvalon". Often, the quality is vastly different.

The box was carefully soldered, everything came intact, inside, again, a sealed deck along with instructions in foreign languages. The Russian leadership was invested separately.

I really want to note the phenomenal quality of these cards! Amazing drawing of details, no even the slightest errors! The cards themselves are made of thick coated cardboard, very similar to plastic, smooth and resilient. And I can’t help but mention this famous flavor of Lo Scarabeo decks! The smell of printing ink, but it's something incredibly delicious, I really can't put it down. Over the years, the smell fades, leaving only a light aroma-reminder.

The edging of the cards is very delicately drawn.

The plots are very carefully worked out, every detail matters, you just need to learn see.

In this deck, the creator decided to break the suits into 4 great cities: Paris, Venice, Vienna, Rome.

The plots of Wands unfold in Paris, Cups - in Venice, Swords - in Vienna, Pentacles - in Rome.

This is the first time I see such an artistic technique, and I was completely delighted with it!

1. "In a top hat and with a bouquet at the ready"

2. Secrets of the Book of the Winged Lion

3. Walking through the ancient ruins of the "city on seven hills"

5. In the rhythm of the Danube: Viennese dance of love

6. Symbolism of the Romantic Tarot

7. How to work with a book

Chapter II. Description of the Major Arcana deck

Chapter III. Description of the Minor Arcana deck

Chapter IV. Practical work with the deck

Chapter V



What is this book about

The first part of the book is aimed at helping the reader understand the essence of the Romantic Tarot and be able to interpret materials on historical places, world-famous nostalgic events, the ancient history of art objects, mythological and heraldic images depicted in the deck.

In the second part, the reader will get acquainted with the prognostic meanings of the Romantic Tarot, and will also receive a description of the person of interest and his general condition, health, and financial well-being. However, the main line, both of the second part and the book as a whole, is aimed at the full use of this deck as an aid to the tarot reader in working with relationships of any kind, supplementing them with many different variations, with auxiliary tips / warnings where necessary.

The third part of the book will help the reader to choose the most correct practical approach with the deck, working both with the spreads described in the book and additional examples with good feedback.

Who is this book for?

The book is intended for those who want to find a common language with the Romantic Tarot, but, given the specific type of cards, do not fully understand how to put the beautiful nostalgic images of the arcana into an understandable scheme for working with the deck. It will be of interest to both professional tarologists and beginners in the field of tarot card predictions. However, this deck is not fully classical, despite the presence of a clear structure developed by the author of the deck, and images of arcana specially written for this structure. Therefore, for beginners who, in principle, have never dealt with Tarot, it will be quite difficult to use it as a first deck.

What is this book for?

The book is an auxiliary material for working with the Romantic Tarot deck, and, among other things, contains background information on the meanings of the arcana of the deck, both predictive and psychological, romantic. It will help you better navigate the images of the Romantic Tarot, see the versatility of the meaning of each card both separately and in layouts, and also be able to create a chain of interaction between the cards for the most harmonious receipt of information.


Every practicing tarologist sooner or later notices one indisputable fact: most of the questions coming from querents at a tarologist’s appointment are in one way or another somehow connected with their personal lives - family relationships, the prospect of dating, love and sexual relationships, the psychology of relationships and etc. All the questions asked regarding this huge direction simply cannot be listed, just as it is not possible to list all the Tarot decks that have appeared over the past decades on the topic of love and relationships. Each of them has its own "zest", its strong side, the key that opens the mystical door to the world of answers to love questions. So what is the difference between the Romantic Tarot and all these undoubtedly noteworthy decks? First of all, incredible elegance and grace, sensuality and sophistication, luxury of images and a variety of themes, duality and intriguing plots... This deck presents us with images of the past that have survived to this day and contain the boundlessness of tenderness and passion, rage and destruction, love and forgiveness, embarrassment and shame. In general, the Romantic Tarot is as many-sided as love itself! As, however, many-sided and delightful "cities of love" depicted on the cards of this deck - Paris, Venice, Vienna, and Rome.

With the help of this book, I do not just invite you to walk with me through the romantic Europe of the Belle Epoque, captured in the cards by the Italian deck artist - Giulia Massaglia, but I invite you to plunge into the secrets of love with all its diversity of manifestations. However, do not think that this deck is only suitable for sorting out feelings or relationships. The Romantic Tarot is written according to the canons of the Tarot in principle, and although it is not fully classical, echoes of the classics are found every now and then in many arcana of the deck, both in similar images and additional inclusions of images of classic cards in the plot of the arcana.

Also, in addition to the beloved sphere of interpersonal relationships, work and business, the Romantic Tarot works excellently both in making predictions for the future and in analyzing the past, it will help you understand how people fit together at different levels of interaction, and reveal the causes of personal problems in the life of the questioner. Listening to the soft but persistent voice of the deck, the questioner will be able to find answers to many of his questions, and specially selected author's layouts with descriptions of real examples for working with the Romantic Tarot will help you most accurately understand what the deck wants to say to you.

4. Analysis of the Major and Minor Arcana


Your burden does not pull

Old Russian proverb


On a giant golden globe, lying like a heavy burden on the backs of a man and a woman, a smiling boy in a blue school uniform sits freely. Looking dreamily in front of him, enthusiastically admiring the blue skies with birds flying in fluffy clouds, with one hand he lightly holds a large red heart, like a toy in which he has already lost interest, and with the other he rests on the surface of a radiant sphere. The boy does not pay attention at all to the incredible efforts with which his parents hold the most valuable treasure for them, and takes his current position for granted.

Bending on opposite sides of a huge ball, a man and a woman, squatting down, are trying with all their might to keep it in a comfortable state for the child. The woman's hair is disheveled, the olive-colored dress has fallen from her shoulders, but she does not seem to notice external troubles. She, like her partner in a gray-blue suit, who put aside his top hat, knelt down and was completely immersed in an important action, does not care about appearance. Both of them see absolutely nothing and no one in front of them. And only while still holding each other's hands, the partners are sure that each of them is not alone in their hard work, and the inspiring laughter of their precious child gives the realization that all the difficulties have not been passed in vain.

Additional Information

The artist, in her own style, depicted on the lasso a Venetian sculpture by Bernardo Falcone, crowning the tower of the building of the old maritime customs - Punta della Dogana (di Mar), located on the island of Dorsoduro, where the Grand Canal of Venice meets sea water. Two faceless bronze Atlanteans hold a gilded globe on their shoulders, with Fortuna balancing on it with a gilded sail in her hands, playing the role of a weather vane and obeying only gusts of wind that are not subject to anyone, changeable, like the goddess of happiness herself.


1. General value. Inner satisfaction, freedom, lightness. Pleasure from life and the world around, receiving gifts, fulfilling the desired by any means. material success. Help and support from relatives / close people / powers that be, close family ties. Events that change lives for the better, make you expand your boundaries, look at the world from a different perspective, find yourself on top. "To enter paradise on someone else's hump." "Rise above problems."

2.Shadow value. A fixation on the super-goal. An unbearable burden. Unfreedom, stagnation, immobility, limitation, uncertainty, obstacles. The need to sacrifice yourself / your interests. Hyperresponsibility, self-torture. Lack of strength and energy, fatigue. A hard-to-finish job. Heartbreak. Endless difficulties, joylessness.

3. Personality type

Parent: Persistent, patient, persistent, but often too conscientious and correct, conservative personality, putting duty and moral duty above his own convictions. He has a tendency to take on the problems of others, as a result of which he may suffer from breakdowns and a temporary loss of faith in himself. Despite remarkable strength and honed self-control skills, such a person often feels morally tired, sick, lacking the strength and opportunity to develop internally, enjoy life - he is always absorbed in a never-ending stream of problems. Has a need for appeasement, emotional support, relaxation. Prefers persistence. The family (or people to whom a person treats like a family) is the basis for such a person, and she is ready to sacrifice herself, go through any trials and suffering, so long as loved ones do not know the need for anything. However, a constant lack of joy in life can eventually lead to a desire to quit and leave.

Child: Curious, erudite, natural, dreamy, sincere, but at the same time too naive, frivolous, irresponsible and often selfish person, prone to unpredictable actions. Strives to know himself and the world around him, has his own special, often different from others, revolutionary point of view. She may think that everything around exists solely to satisfy her personal needs. At the same time, sometimes such a person is too infantile, impractical, and is highly dependent on his own environment, which creates all the conditions for his development, helping, not suppressing, and giving him the right to choose. However, if a person is knocked out of the "hothouse conditions of existence" and / or gets into a hostile environment, then he can easily be plunged into a creative crisis, confusion and complete isolation from reality.

4.Condition. Internal balance, harmony, enjoyment of life, a sense of permissiveness. A person does not think about the material - he has everything, therefore his gaze is turned exclusively to the knowledge of both the external and internal worlds. He can afford to do whatever he pleases. Self-confidence, the search for new sensations.

Negative: The feeling of the whole weight of the world on the shoulders, fatigue, a stone on the soul, limited movement, both physical and mental, emotional. A state of indifference to everything. Immersion in earthly cares, life, spiritual degradation.

Health: Psychosomatic problems, diseases associated with a sedentary lifestyle, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, hernia, varicose veins. For a woman, the card can mean pregnancy - you should pay attention to the surrounding cards to confirm the forecast.

Improvement: through meditation, relaxation, knowing yourself and your needs. The need to learn to say “No” and take responsibility for your life.

5. Relationships


1) with the aim of conquering, conquering, achieving the desired, out of interest "what will come of it." You will probably notice a partner from afar, and he will seem to you higher (more interesting, smarter, more beautiful, richer, etc.) than others at first sight;

Advice A: Don't rely on first impressions;

2) for the purpose of creating a family.

Feelings: possessive; taking love for granted, frivolity, fickleness, emotional immaturity, manipulation and inability to love anyone but yourself. Interest that will last until someone who is more interested appears. Or non-reciprocal, with a feeling of heaviness in the soul, fears, an oppressed state. Excessive patience due to low self-esteem. Putting another on a pedestal.

Established relationships, family:

1) in this period, partners live with each other not for the sake of love, but for the sake of achieving a super-goal. Most often, we are talking about the impossibility to live separately / divorce, even in the absence of any warm feelings due to the presence of a common minor child. However, the conception / bearing of a child can also become a super-goal, depleting the material and moral side of a couple's life, killing romance and sexuality in a relationship, despite the possible support of each other. Or it may turn out to be a dream of buying your own home / car / summer house, etc., because of which the spouses can work several jobs, will not see each other, will deny themselves everything. When a super-goal is achieved, changes in relationships are inevitable. In which direction - the surrounding maps will show;

Corporate relations: team cohesion in order to achieve the desired, work for a common result, mutual assistance, support.

6. Work and finances.

1) demand, official recognition, rapid rise, reward for work, victory (winning a tender, receiving a grant, etc.), resting on our laurels before a new start. Creative non-trivial approach to work. Expansion of spheres of influence of international importance, improvement, advanced training;

2) significant financial investments, salary increase, bonus; work and / or financial expenses may involve international customs relations with different countries.

3) lack of work and unwillingness to work in principle - everything suits me so well. Temporary vacation, rest. Retirement;

7. Warning

"To a child": Do not go beyond what is permitted, the sun shines for everyone in this world. Respect not only yourself, but also those who help you in life.

"Parents" - You take on too much, do not overstrain. Try to alternate work and rest, do not drive yourself into a framework.

Six of Pentacles

I used to be a young muse

Met in the sublunar side,

And inspiration flew

From heaven, uninvited, to me ...

(c) V. Zhukovsky.


In the Roman marketplace of Piazza Navona, under the seething Fountain of the Four Rivers, the city artist passes a roll of an album sheet to a girl posing for him. In front of the artist himself, dressed in a suit and hat in shades of green and brown, another unfinished sketch of a portrait lies on an easel, and next to it are a sketchbook with brushes and paints and a small stool. He himself is staring at a smiling girl in a simple light green, with shades of pink and white, dress, frozen in front of him in a specific pose. Apparently, having come to the market for groceries, the girl could not resist the artist’s attractive offer to receive a portrait for agreeing to pose for a bit and fulfills her “duty” with pleasure, lifting her thick brown hair with one hand and revealing the seductive forms of the face and neck to the painter’s gaze, and with the other − holding a basket of tomatoes and pasta.

Ignoring this unusual couple, the “market life” of Rome continues to go on as usual: next to it, on the one hand, there is a tray with kitchen utensils, with a smiling saleswoman bustling inside it. On the other side, there are boxes of fruits that look like apples. An endless stream of buyers and onlookers moves through the crowded Piazza Navona, each with its own purpose, but nothing prevents the newly minted model and experienced artist from immersing themselves in the creation of a new beautiful masterpiece.

Additional Information

The plot of the map is inspired by the sculpture Fountain of the Four Rivers (also called Aesop's Marble Tale), created in the mid-17th century by the Italian architect and sculptor Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini. This unique composition is located in the center of the Roman Piazza Navona, which, since the 15th century, has been the site of the city market, festive fairs, carnival processions, meetings of artists and musicians.

The fountain is a large round pool filled with healing water; the rock growing out of the pool sheltered in its bosom the deities of the four great world rivers of the Danube, Ganges, Nile and Rio de la Plata, symbolizing Europe, Asia, Africa and America. The sculptures serve as the basis for a sixteen-meter Egyptian obelisk, which is in the center of the composition and plays a dominant role in this ingenious masterpiece by Bernini, embodying the principle of balance.

Giulia Massaglia, in her own style, depicted on the map a part of the Fountain of the Four Rivers, where the god of the La Plata river, with a grimace of horror on his face, covers many coins with his body, thus symbolizing the wealth of America that she could give to Europe (translated from Spanish, La Plata means "Silver River").


1. General value. Inspiration, creativity, spontaneity. Fast result. Mutually beneficial agreement, energy exchange, market/barter relations. Time well spent and enjoyed. Getting positive emotions through visiting crowded places, having a good time, shopping.

2.Shadow value. Actions with intent. Consumerism, mercantile interests, flattery. Attractive factor. Time spent aimlessly, wasted energy, time-consuming processes, impatience. False receipt of information, embellishment. victim of circumstance. Greed, greed, unhealthy ambitions; fear of loss.

3.Condition. Complete control over oneself, one's reactions, actions, the desire to demonstrate oneself in all its glory. Inspiration, creativity, enjoyment of the process, attraction, creativity. Sublimation of sexual energy through creativity.

Health: left-sided problems with the neck, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, facial neuralgia. Degenerative / inflammatory diseases of the joints of the hands.

4.Characteristics of personality.

Model: A practical, economic, inquisitive, experiment-loving personality, often prone to narcissism, posturing. Strives to please, to make a favorable impression on others. Attractive to the opposite sex, well able to adapt to others. Capable of little tricks to secure the desired image. Not prone to loneliness, seeks more contact with people, but at the same time knows how to wait for the right moment for the most favorable actions. He is curious about everything new, unusual and interesting, not afraid to take risks in order to achieve the desired result.

Painter. Attentive, intuitive, possessing creative abilities, imagination and figurative memory, but suspicious, prone to illusory perception of reality, imposing one's point of view, self-deception and embellishment, a person who draws strength from her own internal resources. The feelings of such a person invariably affect the mind and thinking, which is why he is subject to sudden changes in mood and periodic energy declines. Needs to gain stability and confidence in the future. Most often not understood by others. A pronounced individualist.

5. Relationships.


1) in order to implement a short-term creative idea. If the results of such interaction suit both parties, then acquaintance can develop into long-term mutually beneficial cooperation, friendship, personal relationships;

2) with a bright sexual color. Non-committal flirting. May indicate a casual relationship with an unexpected outcome, a one-night stand relationship, love for money.

Feelings: interest, charm, falling in love with an idealized image; delight, desire to please, feel attractive, satisfaction of the need for recognition, love game.

Established relationships, family:

1) built on the mutual attraction of opposites, sincere interest in each other, friendship and mutual understanding. Here, each of the participants in the relationship performs its well-understood role. Such relationships develop well outside of everyday life, but when faced with everyday life, it turns out that one of the partners is extremely impractical. How much this fact will interfere with the relationship depends on the other partner;

2) in such a relationship, everything is not at all what it seems at first glance. There is enticement, manipulation and lack of a sober choice. Partners have many secrets from each other, they can only observe the outer limits of decency, covering up their own impartial actions, commercialism, envy, jealousy.

6. Work and finance.

1) investment of material resources in creative processes, advertising, participation in fairs, demonstration events that significantly increase the profit of the organization; small earnings with the help of creativity, additional part-time work, self-sufficiency;

2) encouragement for work, but most often not of a monetary nature (awarding with a diploma, presentation of a memorable gift, etc.);

3) mutually beneficial exchange (experience, employees, knowledge, bases, etc.);

4) temporary agreements, seasonal hiring of employees, however, if you are hired with the help of such an agreement, you should carefully read the papers in terms of profit / salary.

Warning: not everything is calculated in money, but cooperation cannot be successful if certain norms and rules are not followed, which, among other things, also include appropriate remuneration for work. And if you cannot adequately evaluate the work, it is better to entrust this matter to an appropriate specialist (accountant, economist, lawyer, etc.).

Fortune- the Roman goddess of the embodiment of changeable human happiness, most often depicted with a weather vane / steering wheel / cornucopia in her hands, standing / balancing on a ball or wheel (wheel of Fortune), with a sail or wings, driven back and forth by changeable winds.

- this is financial the state of your affairs. The spread describes the cause of income complications and how to solve this problem. The result of the efforts made to improve the situation, if you follow the advice of the Romantic Victorian tarot deck.

Alignment for a loved one- this alignment, like no other, corresponds to the deck of the Romantic Victorian tarot. The deck is imbued with romanticism and is best suited for love divination. The alignment makes it possible to learn a lot about the person you are interested in, as well as her attitude towards you.

The significator (the card around which the Tarot layout is built) should be chosen by the person on whom the fortune-telling is done, and not yourself.

- the alignment describes the turn of life, change course of the whole fate, and is used when you expect serious change in life or you have faced the fact of their necessity. The alignment will help clarify what kind of changes await you, and how you should behave in order to get the most out of rapidly changing events. You can also find out whether it is worth changing your life, whether you will not lose by making a decision about a global change in your life. Maybe it's better to leave it as is?

- a layout that can be used both for the analysis of some personalities, and for the analysis situations when you want to know someone's attitude towards you. The alignment describes the emotional state and problems of a person, his relationship with a wide range of people or individual relationships with a particular person. To use this layout, you must be personally familiar with the object of divination.

The significator (the card around which the Tarot layout is built) is chosen by the person whose attitude you want to know about yourself.

- a layout that is universal and simple at the same time, despite the large number of cards participating in it (there are 36 of them). Each of the cards personifies one or another area of ​​our life in the interpretations of the Romantic Victorian tarot deck. The cards will give answers to all the questions you may have.

- this alignment can help make an important decision. You are predicted two solutions Your problem and the results of each solution. You just have to choose which of the two proposed to accept (or not to accept both - it's up to you). The prediction does not choose the best option for you, it only shows the results of one and the other decision. The choice is yours.

Wish Fulfillment- this is a classic layout NOT REALLY, although it also gives a full interpretation of events important to you and can be read in detail. The alignment gives an idea of ​​​​what awaits you in the near future and shows what is available in the present.

- schedule showing past incarnation. Sometimes it happens that you are not interested, neither the past, nor the future, nor the present - you want to know at least something about your previous incarnation. You are interested in what kind of karma you came into this life with, what you have to work out, what to pay special attention to. In this case, the Infinity alignment will help you.

When cards are laid out by hand, this is done with the left hand. In the case of online mode, it is recommended to click on the cards with your left hand.

Seven pearls of Isis- the alignment is applied when a problem has already arisen or something worries you greatly, and you need to carefully analyze the reasons what is happening. To get as much information as possible on the issue that concerns you, this alignment is used.

The alignment can be useful if you feel that you are not in control of the situation, and something important is constantly eluding you.

- the layout helps to better understand yourself, shows what it is Your Soul, what are you like in real life and how do you behave, how your actions should change and how your life will change if you follow the advice of the Romantic tarot cards.

The task of a lifetime- this layout is used to understand what you have to do in this life, what to learn, what main lesson for your personality must be assimilated in this incarnation. What hinders the solution of this problem and what helps will show the cards of the Romantic Victorian tarot.

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