What a soothing tea. Calming Herbal Tea: The Best Recipes for Your Health

Decor elements 30.06.2020
Decor elements

The pace of life, lack of time, lack of sleep, problems in personal life lead to stress in people. Most often, in order to cope with this, you just need to relax and unwind. Soothing tea can help with this, which relieves tension and relieves stress. Even our grandmothers used recipes for such teas, which have survived to this day.

What herbs are used to make tea that calms the nervous system

Nature is ready to provide us with many plants that have a sedative effect. They, unlike medications, have a minimum of adverse reactions and contraindications.

Soothing teas are usually made from herbs that have calming properties. The following representatives are considered the most popular among consumers: mint, valerian, lemon balm, motherwort, and also. At the same time, tea can be prepared both using one type of herb, and combining several. The first of these representatives helps with insomnia, fights excitability, aggressiveness and fatigue, relaxes and calms the nerves.

And valerian oppose the stressful state of a person, they are effective antidepressants. Motherwort can be used for nervous overexcitability, depression. Linden makes the body resistant to stress, and calms the nervous system. These plants have a direct effect on the human nervous system, and due to their unique composition, they are able to calm the nervous system and relax the body.

Calming tea recipes that will relax your nerves and prevent stress

Chamomile tea

Chamomile relieves nervous tension and anxiety

The most common, simple and affordable recipe. This tea is not boiled during preparation. As a rule, chamomile flowers are simply poured with hot water and infused for 7-10 minutes. After filter and drink. For 200 ml. water needs 1-2 tsp. chamomile flowers. If a richer taste is required, then the infusion time is increased to 20 minutes. This tea perfectly calms, fights insomnia, aggressiveness, anxiety. You can take both during the day and in the evening.

Linden tea

Linden successfully fights confusion and nervousness, improves mood

Linden tea attracts not only with its composition, rich in vitamins and microelements necessary for the body, but also with a charming aroma. For cooking, it is necessary to pour boiling water over the linden inflorescence and cover with a lid. It is advisable to wrap with a towel or put the teapot in a warm place. It should infuse for 5-6 minutes. For 200 ml. need 2-3 tsp colors. This tea has a calming effect. If there is a desire to achieve such an effect, it should be consumed in small doses (about 100 ml per day). At high doses, the drink has the opposite effect, that is, it excites the nervous system.

Tea with valerian

Valerian officinalis has a relaxing and sedative effect, restores the heart rhythm

A drink with a pleasant taste and a slight sedative effect. In order to cook, you need to grind the valerian root so that you get 2 tsp. After that, pour the resulting mass of 0.5 liters. boiling water and close the lid tightly so that the essential oils do not evaporate. After 10 minutes, the tea is ready to drink. Such a drink has sedative properties, soothes headaches associated with nervous tension, and helps with insomnia.

Melissa tea at night

Melissa has a mild effect, increases stress resistance and relieves tension and fears

Popularly, lemon balm is called lemon mint, and tea from it has a wonderful taste, aroma and healing properties. For cooking, pour 30 g of chopped lemon balm with 1 liter of boiling water. Infuse the drink should be 30 minutes. After this time, 2 tsp are added to the tea. . You can drink this drink up to three times a day at different hours. Use it for insomnia, irritability, nervousness, depression.

With motherwort

Motherwort helps with depression, relieves muscle spasms

Motherwort has been familiar to mankind for a very long time. It doesn't take much effort to make tea out of it. 2 tsp 200 ml are poured. water. The container in which the drink is brewed is tightly closed. It is necessary to insist 10-15 minutes. After that, the tea must be filtered through gauze, and then consumed. In order for the drink to have a calming effect on the nervous system, you need to drink a whole course of 30 days. It is necessary to drink one cup a day, while you can drink it whole, or you can divide it into several doses.

Herbal decoctions

In order for sedative tea to really alleviate the painful condition and give pleasure with its aroma and taste, it is necessary to choose the right ingredients.

In decoctions, herbal complexes are very often used. These include yarrow, linden, chamomile, mint, and a number of others. As an additional additive, various berries are added, for example,. In order to prepare a decoction, you need to take 2 tablespoons of at least 6 herbs, mix them and grind until smooth. From the finished mixture, take 2 tbsp. and pour two cups of hot water over them. Then you need to boil everything for 5 minutes, and then insist in a thermos for about 1.5 hours. It is recommended to drink three times a day for half a glass. Such a decoction not only soothes, but also strengthens the immune system.

With mint

Mint restores sleep, eliminates anxiety and irritability

Mint can be brewed both fresh and dried. For preparation, it is necessary to mix mint leaves and tea (black, green) in equal proportions. Pour boiling water and insist 5-10 minutes under the lid. You can add for taste. In small amounts, this tea will act as a sedative. If you drink more often and more, then the drink will, on the contrary, tone up the nervous system. Based on what result you need to get, the amount of tea consumed also depends.

with sage

Sage eliminates nerve pain and spasms, helps to fall asleep

Sage can be added as a seasoning to dishes, but it is considered especially valuable in tea. In order to cook, you need to pour 2 tsp. sage leaves 200 ml. hot water. The drink should be infused for 30 minutes under a tight lid. After you need to strain and, if desired, add honey. Drinking this tea is recommended for half a cup in the morning and at night. It strengthens the nervous system, makes it resistant to stress, and also helps with colds and viral diseases.

And so, in order to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, get rid of stress and depression, it is not always necessary to consult a doctor. In some cases, you just need to relax and unwind. And herbal teas and decoctions can perfectly help with this, the recipes of which are available in a wide range to choose from. At the same time, such drinks have a pleasant taste and aroma, which is rare for medicines.

Experiences, nervous tension, depression - these conditions very often haunt people. Not every adult, not to mention a child, can cope with a bad mood on their own, calm the nervous system. To normalize the psycho-emotional state, you do not need to immediately run to the doctor so that he prescribes sedatives in the form of tablets. After all, most pharmaceutical drugs have side effects, negatively affect the liver and other organs. At first, it is better to try a soothing tea, it is safe, and besides, it can be used in relation to children. Below we will consider effective recipes for soothing teas, plants that produce a sedative effect, improve sleep quality.

Herbs that positively affect the functioning of the nervous system

The most effective herbs against various neurotic disorders are:

  • Valerian. It produces a sedative effect, copes with insomnia, is an excellent antidepressant, lowers the excitability of the central nervous system.
  • St. John's wort. It has a relaxing effect, helps to cope with headaches, insomnia, neuroses, copes with fears and anxiety.
  • Motherwort. Effective for nervous overexcitability, depression.
  • Chamomile. Has a calming, anti-inflammatory effect; normalizes sleep; struggles with fatigue, aggressiveness, absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, anxiety.
  • Peppermint. Helps to relax and fall asleep quickly; eliminates headaches, makes the body resistant to stress, gives calm to the nervous system.
  • Hop. Has a calming, analgesic effect; helps to cope with insomnia, hysteria, neuroses, spasms, vegetovascular dystonia.
  • Lavender. Helps with melancholy, irritability, hysteria, poor sleep quality, neurasthenia; fights stress.
  • Green tea. Fresh green tea fights stress, depression, while it does not reduce performance, but rather, on the contrary, increases it.

Tea for irritability

The following recipe for herbal tea perfectly calms the nerves: you need to mix dry linden grass and lemon balm. Pour boiling water over the mixture (250 ml of water per 1 tablespoon). 20 minutes.

This tea drink helps to cope with stress, irritation. Within a few hours after drinking tea, the psycho-emotional state of a person will improve.

Collection of herbs to calm the nervous system

Medicinal tea made according to the following recipe can be taken throughout the day. To prepare it, you will need chamomile and motherwort (12 g each), as well as lemon balm, linden, mint, strawberries (20 g each). Combine all components, collect 3 tablespoons of the mixture and pour boiling water. It is better to brew in a thermos for at least 15 minutes. Drink warm, adding honey or any jam to the drink. This delicious tea improves sleep and calms the nervous system.

Soothing teas for babies

You can cook it yourself by collecting the necessary herbs or buy ready-made tea bags.

Soothing tea "Calm"

The product is sold in filter bags (20 pieces per pack). The composition of tea includes such herbs: chamomile, thyme, mint, motherwort, dog rose, yarrow, lemon balm, oregano, St. For better taste, add honey or jam. This tea can be drunk even chilled.

Homemade soothing tea for children

It is useful for restless, easily excitable children to give tea from chamomile, mint and fennel. You can buy these plants at any pharmacy. Mix herbs in equal amounts, take one tablespoon and pour boiling water over it. Hold in a water bath, strain. For small children, it is enough to give 1 teaspoon at a time.

Such teas help the child's body to calm down and fall asleep faster.

Herbal tea "Antistress"

The following tea recipe will quickly calm the nervous system, have a hypnotic effect, relieve headaches, migraines, and nervous tension. To prepare it, you will need thyme, valerian, St. John's wort, mint, rose hips, plantain, hawthorn. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture and pour it with a glass of hot water (no more than 85 degrees), leave for about 15 minutes. It is necessary to drink medicinal tea from herbs at night.

Teas for sound sleep

Recipe 1: make a mixture of herbs - heather, valerian, motherwort, cudweed. Pass the herbs through a meat grinder, take 1 teaspoon of the mixture, pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist, strain. Drink 80 ml during the day, drink 100 ml in the evening, or more. Take until the condition improves, but not more than a month.

Recipe 2: combine hops and valerian (50 g of each ingredient). Brew, drink 100 ml of medicinal drink at night. Such evening tea drinking will make the sleep strong, healthy, sound, a person will get up in the morning full of strength and energy.

Whatever medicinal tea you choose, you need to know the basic rules, thanks to which the herbal tea will have a calming effect.

Rule 1: take a soothing drink at the same time, without interruption - if the problem is pronounced. If an adult or a child periodically, inconsistently has problems, he has periodic outbursts of anger, irritability, then you can drink tea once, occasionally.

Rule 2: You can drink tea for no longer than 1 month. Then be sure to take a break of 2 weeks.

Rule 3: if the psycho-emotional state of a person has returned to normal, then there is no need to continue drinking soothing tea, as if to consolidate the results of treatment.

Rule 4: The composition of tea must change. You can not take the same sedative collection for more than six months, so as not to cause an addictive effect.

Rule 5: take for insomnia 1-2 hours before bedtime, no later; with irritability - just before bedtime.

Rule 6: You need to start taking soothing tea with small doses.

In what cases can soothing teas be harmful?

Soothing teas are not completely safe. For example, herbal drinks for the nervous system should not be taken if side effects occur. Therefore, the choice of a particular herb must be taken seriously.

The only plant that everyone can take is chamomile. It has no side effects, contraindications.

Women in position and children need to approach the choice of soothing teas very seriously. For example, pregnant women should drink teas based on motherwort and valerian very carefully. Children under 1 year old should be given teas only on the recommendation of a doctor.

It is forbidden to take sedative decoctions for brain tumors, patients suffering from epilepsy, as well as people who are being treated for alcoholism.

By choosing the right soothing tea, you can relieve stress, nervousness, high blood pressure, and normalize sleep. An herbal soothing drink will help anyone recover without resorting to pharmaceutical preparations. The main thing is to take it in the exact dosage, take into account possible contraindications.

The reality of our lives is such that stress awaits at every turn. The constantly accelerating rhythm of life, the flow of information, household and work problems - all this leads to increased excitability, nervousness and, as a result, insomnia and a breakdown. And here, calming tea will become an indispensable assistant, which will help relieve tension, get rid of irritability, and improve sleep.


Great for situations where you need to calm down, and it acts quickly and gives a good effect. Reduces the degree of anxiety, anxiety, strengthens the nervous system. With regular use, it significantly reduces stress levels and relieves insomnia.

It will take 2 tbsp. l. lemon balm in 0.5 liters of water. Put the grass in a thermos, pour boiling water over it. Infuse for at least 4 hours, then filter through a sieve. Drink half a cup before meals, but no more than 4 times a day.


Grass helps to make sleep more sound and calm, due to the fact that it has a calming effect, relieves anxiety, reduces irritability. An additional effect is an improvement in mood and a surge of energy.

  • 1-2 tsp dried lavender flowers;
  • 250 ml of boiling water.

Pour flowers into preheated dishes, pour hot water. Leave covered for 10-15 minutes, then filter. If desired, drink with the addition of honey and lemon.

The aroma of lavender also contributes a lot to improving the emotional state. A great option to regain lost calmness is to take a soothing bath.

  • 2 tbsp. l. lavender flowers;
  • 0.5 l of boiling water.

Pour the flowers with freshly boiled water, leave for 2 hours. Prepare a bath in which to pour the resulting infusion.

St. John's wort

Herbal remedy for use in crisis situations. Effective in depression, chronic fatigue syndrome. Natural antidepressant helps to avoid mental exhaustion, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system as a whole.

  • 5 g (1 tsp) St. John's wort;
  • 0.2 l of water.

Brew the herb in a glass of boiling water, hold for no more than 10 minutes to avoid an increased concentration of active substances. Strain and drink. The drink is bitter, a small amount of honey will help to cope with this. Another option is to add some boiled water.

pharmaceutical camomile

Another herbal assistant with a pronounced sedative effect. It is recommended to eliminate the consequences of a stressful situation, reduces anxiety.

Brew 1-1.5 tsp. dried flowers with a glass of boiling water. Insist 15-20 minutes. Strain. You can drink with honey or lemon.


It has a calming effect, helps to get rid of anxiety, anxiety, irritability.

  • 1 st. l. dried mint leaves (previously crushed);
  • 250 ml of water.

Pour the leaves with boiling water and leave for at least an hour. It is better to brew the infusion either in a thermo-ware, or by wrapping the teapot with a towel or scarf. Before use, pass through a sieve or gauze. Drink a little, 1 tbsp is enough. l. no more than 5 times a day.

This remedy must be used carefully, otherwise it may have the opposite effect, up to sleep disturbance.. A milder effect can be achieved by adding a small amount of herb (fresh or dried) to the tea. If possible, combine with green, which in itself has a calming effect.

Thyme (thyme)

Soothes, helps recovery during stressful situations, depression, migraine, mental stress and insomnia.

  • 1 tsp thyme;
  • 0.2 l of water.

Brew the herb with boiling water for 5-10 minutes, filter. Add honey if desired.


1 st. l. lime blossom pour 500 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 30 minutes, filter. Take 1 glass 2-3 times a day. It can be used at night as a sedative.


The aroma of oregano helps relieve accumulated tension and calm down. Decoctions of this plant are indicated for irritability, insomnia.

  • 1 st. l. oregano;
  • 250 ml of water.

Pour the herb with boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, filter. Soothing infusion to drink warm. The recommended dose is half a glass 3-4 times a day.


The berry can be used not only in vitamin decoctions and restorative teas, but also soothing ones.

Pour 1 tbsp. l. fruits of viburnum 250 ml of boiling water. Knead and insist hour. Strain. Sweeten with honey. Take half a glass during the day, but no more than 4 times.

Ivan tea (fireweed)

The plant has a calming effect with a slight hypnotic effect.

Pour 1 tsp. herbs 250 ml boiling water. Insist no more than 5 minutes, immediately strain. Take a glass for insomnia half an hour before bedtime.

The list can be supplemented with valerian, motherwort, sage, meadowsweet, yarrow, fennel and basil. All these plants help to calm down and relieve nervous strain.

Despite the fact that herbs have a much milder effect on the body than tablets, their intake must also be agreed with a specialist.

It is worth remembering that each plant has contraindications, so you can not use them without control. It is also worth avoiding taking the same remedy for a long time without interruption.

And mint goes well with chamomile, lime blossom, oregano, lemon balm or green tea. You just need to add a few leaves to one of the herbal infusions.

The effect of thyme (thyme) is enhanced in combination with lemon balm, oregano, motherwort. To prepare the collection of herbs, you need to take in equal proportions, for example, a tablespoon. Mix them and grind a little.

Measure out 1 tbsp. l. resulting collection. Pour 250 ml of boiling water. Brew for half an hour in a thermal dish or, covering the kettle with a scarf or towel, strain. Drink three times a day before meals in equal portions.

Other calming teas

Among the varieties of tea, there are those that have a pronounced relaxing effect. They will give a feeling of comfort, help relieve stress, control emotions and keep calm. These are Chinese teas:

  • milky oolong with creamy caramel notes;
  • Huang Shan Maofeng with the perfect balance of taste, aroma and aftertaste;
  • ginseng oolong, which combines the benefits of green tea with ginseng root;
  • Huang Jin Gui with a unique cinnamon flavor.

As well as refined white teas with a complete lack of heat treatment:

  • Bai Mu Dan with a mild taste;
  • Bai Hao Yin Zhen with exquisite aroma.

The list continues with Japanese tea Gekuro, exotic Brazilian Catuaba, South African rooibos (rooibos).

Soothing tea is a great way to make it easier to endure the complex pace of modern life, relieve accumulated stress and establish a good sleep, which is so necessary for health.

photo: depositphotos.com/alexraths, belchonock, MillaFedotova

The inexorable statistics of psychotherapists in all countries of the world shows that the number of registration of neurotic conditions is growing every year, not only among adults, but even among preschoolers.

In many ways, such sad data are associated with stresses that constantly affect people, which can lead to neurosis even with small but regular occurrences. Nevertheless, the main reason for all complexes and neurotic states lies in the need to meet the standards set by parents, bosses, and society.

Literally every person wants to present himself in the best possible way - slender, beautiful, smart, sociable ... But this is far from always possible, which becomes the direct cause of anxiety and neuroses. In this regard, we can say that almost every person needs sedatives, but first of all, purposeful, self-critical and painfully related to any kind of criticism.

In addition, soothing teas and baths play a significant role in the treatment of a number of diseases:

  • Autonomic dysfunction of the nervous system (neurocirculatory dystonia, neuroses of the first and second types);
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system, which are accompanied by arrhythmia, tachycardia and anxiety;
  • Hyperactivity in children;
  • insomnia and others.

Phytotherapy in the fight for peace

The most accessible and effective remedy for stress and neurotic conditions is tea made from soothing herbs and roots. It should be noted that nature turned out to be very generous with a sedative effect - similar properties are found in a number of cultivated and wild plants, so everyone can choose the composition according to their needs and taste preferences.

Valerian officinalis. Normalizes heart rate and blood pressure, has a high sedative effect, causing drowsiness and inability to concentrate. The most commonly used are valerian roots, which can be found in teas, tinctures and, of course, tablets.

Motherwort five-bladed. As part of teas, the leaves of a plant that has proven itself as an excellent sedative, antispasmodic and antidepressant are used.

St. John's wort, unlike its previous "colleagues", has a milder effect, increases resistance to stress and depression. Helps to get rid of feelings of anxiety fears. St. John's wort flowers are used, collected from the second half of June to mid-July.

Common hop also does not impose any restrictions on the activities of the consumer. It is actively used as a sedative, anticonvulsant, relieves symptoms of autonomic dysfunction of the nervous system, such as pain in the heart, "bear disease", stomach pain of nervous origin.

pharmaceutical camomile. Soothing, anti-inflammatory that can even be used for children.

Peppermint- a light antidepressant, contributes to the normalization of sleep, increases resistance to stress.

Lavender- the most popular remedy in the fight against insomnia and stress. The characteristic aroma and bitter taste of lilac flowers are not to everyone's taste, which is why it has not found wide distribution in the production of teas.

Green tea. It has a very peculiar effect on the body: thanks to antioxidants and flavonoids, it helps to overcome stress and depression, at the same time, it does not affect perception, it increases efficiency. Has a similar effect jasmine, bergamot, lime.

Indications for the preparation of fees

Due to the different effects of soothing herbs on the human body, fees for making tea must be compiled according to the desired result. If you have to work all day, and the nervous system has failed, then the most appropriate would be the use of chamomile, green tea, peppermint, bergamot.

If your goal is to fight insomnia, severe depression and anxiety, then hops, valerian, motherwort, lavender will be the most suitable. For the treatment of neurocirculatory dystonia, heart disease with symptoms of arrhythmia, the most significant are lavender, valerian, St. John's wort and hops.

Contraindications to the use of soothing tea

Contraindications largely depend on the composition of tea. First of all, it is necessary to take into account such a factor as an allergy to the plants that make up the proposed collection. In addition, almost all soothing herbs, with the possible exception of chamomile, have a number of side effects.

This spectrum is most widely represented in valerian - drowsiness, inability to concentrate, memory impairment, and sometimes blurred vision, have made this remedy banned in a number of states. When using it, it is forbidden to drive a car, work with dangerous mechanisms. In summer, you should not get carried away with St. John's wort, which increases the sensitivity of the skin and mucous membranes to ultraviolet rays, causing burns.

Soothing Tea Recipes

Each herb has not only the characteristics of the impact on the nervous system, but also certain taste qualities, which are quite difficult to assemble into a single fragrant concept. However, there are ready-made and proven recipes for generations.

Tea "Good sleep"

Take three tablespoons of mint and motherwort, two valerian roots and hop cones, mix and store in a cloth bag. If necessary, brew one tablespoon of the collection per 200 ml of boiling water.

Herbal tea "Lavender Rhapsody"

Brew one teaspoon of lavender, two green teas in 400 ml of water. Tea is best consumed before bed, but can also be used as a weapon against headaches and migraines.

Tea "Good mood"

Take one teaspoon of motherwort grass, green tea leaves and hop cones, pour two cups of boiling water and let it brew for an hour in a thermos. Honey can be added to the resulting aromatic drink.

Tea "Comfort and tranquility"

2 teaspoons of green tea, one of each of the herbs - mint, St. John's wort, linden, chamomile, mix and pour half a liter of boiling water. It is necessary to insist seven for at least ten minutes.

Tea "Antistress"

Mint, oregano, chamomile, St. John's wort and hops are taken in equal amounts, mixed and stored in cloth bags. If necessary, one tablespoon of the mixture is brewed with a glass of boiling water and infused for 10-15 minutes.

- a simple and effective means of dealing with depression and stress, anxiety and insomnia. Thanks to a wide range of herbs that have a sedative effect, everyone can develop their own formula for calm and self-confidence.

In our time, it is almost impossible to avoid any kind of emotional overwork, and no one is immune from stressful conditions, in this regard, each person should know how to prepare teas that calm the nervous system from herbs. Why from herbs? Yes, even if it's cheap. The intake of such drinks can restore strength, normalize mood, which will have a beneficial effect on overall well-being.

In addition, unlike drugs that calm the nerves, drinking herbal teas is not addictive, which is good. The use of natural herbs is safe, plants contain a wide range of various healing components that improve the activity of the whole organism. To do this, you can independently harvest plants in the spring and summer, or it will not be difficult to purchase dry raw materials in a pharmacy.

From the use of such teas, one should not expect the so-called instant result, as, for example, from tablet forms, they rather delicately solve the problem of nervous strain, but have a longer lasting effect with regular use. So, here are some common herbs that have a calming effect:

Valerian is considered the most common soothing plant, its herb contains substances that normalize blood pressure and heart rhythm, tea prepared on its basis relieves nervous tension, as well as irritability.
Chamomile is an excellent sedative, it is a relaxing herbal remedy, it helps to restore sleep, a person stops feeling anxious, and panic mood decreases.
Melissa relieves irritability, fatigue, prevents depression and headaches, but with prolonged use it can increase blood pressure, which is important for people with hypertension to know.
Motherwort herb reduces a person's susceptibility to external stimuli, and in general has a calming effect on the central nervous system.
Despite its many useful qualities, ginger contributes to stress resistance, quickly restores vitality, as well as strength lost during stress.
Lavender is great at fighting stress, as well as insomnia, despite its bitter aftertaste.
Linden helps with irritability, tea prepared on its basis improves the condition of the nervous system.
St. John's wort also gently affects the nervous system.

Of all the herbs listed, you can prepare not only fragrant, but also soothing drinks, while you need to learn the general rules for brewing tea.

General rules for brewing soothing tea

Dry raw herbs are usually used in the amount of a teaspoon, or fresh herbs are used in the amount of 3 tablespoons per cup of boiling water. After that, you need to let it brew for 5 to 10 minutes. Tea that calms the nervous system is then ready. If you wait longer, the delicate aroma may be disturbed. Drinks can be taken hot or cold.

It is worth noting that certain herbs have different preparation methods. For example, linden and chamomile are not recommended to be infused for more than 3 or 4 minutes. It is important to store dry herbs in airtight packages or containers and in a dark place.

There are herbal soothing teas from which you can make teas, they have a more pronounced sedative effect, and you should take such drinks before bedtime, I will list some combinations.

What ingredients are used to make a soothing herbal tea?

Melissa and linden, plus a small amount of honey. Herbs should be insisted for five minutes, then add the beekeeping product;
Motherwort, mint, chamomile, strawberries. Everything is poured with boiling water and infused for 15 minutes. Such a combined tea gently calms, does not suppress the nervous system, this collection can be consumed for quite a long time without risk to health;
For those patients who are anxious as a result of insomnia, such a herbal collection can be prepared as a sedative at night: lavender, fragrant violet, lemon balm, strawberries, barberry fruits. Such tea can be consumed cooled, as well as hot;
Another soothing drink will consist of the following herbs: valerian root, mint leaves, hop cones, trefoil watch. It is good to take such tea before breakfast, after insisting it;
Regularly before going to bed, you can drink a drink from such representatives of the flora: St. John's wort, thyme, chamomile flowers, lemon balm.

It is better to use the proven herbal formulations above, as they have a calming effect, than to experiment with plants on your own.

Before choosing herbs in a pharmacy, you should consult a pharmacist, he will advise what exactly should be purchased, because the range of products is quite large, the pharmacist will tell you which tea will have a calming effect.


To be in a balanced state, you can take soothing herbal teas. They normalize the emotional and psychological background, but in addition, it is important to observe the regime of work and rest, you should not overload the body, trying to do everything, everything is good in moderation. You need to eat right, you can master auto-training, in addition, accustom yourself to see the good in people, and not focus on the shortcomings, in general, there should be a positive attitude.

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