The most brutal torture in the history of mankind. Hellish torture comes from the east - count

Landscape design and layout 23.09.2019
Landscape design and layout

Let's start with torture, which can be directly attributed to the top twenty of the most inhuman bullying of people. Inquisition torture included this method of punishment of sinful people. In the Middle Ages, resorting to this cruel Torture, the church punished sinners, who were exposed in love for their own sex, for example, a woman with a woman or a man with a man. Such a type of love and relationship was considered the blasphemy and desecration of the Church of God, so the terrible punishment was waiting for these people.

The torture torture of this species had a rigid look. Accused female blasphemers were placed "Pear" in the vagina, and male sinners in the rear pass or mouth. After the weapon was introduced into the body of the victim, the executioner began the second stage of torture, which was to force a person terribly to suffer after gradually when the screw is promoting sharp leaves Pears revealed inside the flesh. Open, pear rushed internal women or men in part. Female outcome occurs because the victim was losing a large number of blood, or from the deformation of the internal organs formed during the disclosure of the deadly pear-killer.

2. Punishment of the guilty with rats

This is one of the most cruel torture in the history of mankind, which was invented in China, and was particularly popular among the inquisition in the XVI century. The victim experienced terrible torment. The main torture torture was rats. Man placed on the table large sizesIn the area of \u200b\u200bthe womb, there was a sufficiently heavy cage, naked with rats that had to be hungry. Of course, this is still not the end: then the bottom of the cell was removed, after which the rats were on the stomach of the victim, at the same time the hot coals were folded at the top of the cell, they were afraid of the heat and, trying to escape from the cage, broke the belly of a man, such way escape. People died in terrible flour.

3. Metal torture

The most terrible torture does not end. The next of the 20 most cruel torture of the world present the cruel punishment of victims by metal. The essence of torture is that a person in the body was placed a piece of lead or iron into a deep, but not very large incision, after which they sewed the wound on the body. After that, the metal began to poison the body of the victim, since its oxidation occurred. This type of torture was often used in the Middle Ages "pious" inquisition.

4. Summary from the air

Torture, who deprived of the victim of blood - an ancient kind of punishment, to which resorted in the territory Kievan Rus. The body of man was pumped by air with the help of fur through the rear pass. The victim was practically inflated as a ball, pre-closed the nose, mouth and ears with cotton. After the thief inflated (this type of punishment was often applied to the thieves), the anal hole was covered with tissue. After that, over the eyebrows, the skin was cut off, with blood flowing occurred from the victim in the area of \u200b\u200bincisions. Man died from blood loss.

5.Ad torture from the east - count

Torture, torture has always been cruel and brought many sufferings to the victim, but the count refer to the category of the wildest, cruel and painful punishments known in the world. The accused was put down the stomach down, while not giving any opportunity to move. Further through the anal hole, the victim was practically driven by a pointed stake inward, after which they were planted and under the weight of the body of a convictedly pointed spoofed body in the armpit area or Ryube. Death fell in terrible torment.

6. Spanish chair

The Inquisition served as a executioner in the Middle Ages, her fantasy created many terrible methods, one of which was the Spanish chair, which caused not one person to suffer. The torture instrument was made of metal, they were placed sentenced to him, the legs were fixed in the pads, which were attached to the legs of the chair himself. After fixing the prisoner on the chair under the feet lay a hot coal, on which the limbs had to grop slowly, while the executioner constantly irrigated the legs of the victim by oil. It is even scary to imagine what torment was made to experience people who visited the Spanish Chair of the Inquisition.

7. Witch Swimming Chair

Witch swimming chair - What is the essence of this torture?

The accused was fixed on the chair with the help of ropes, then the chair was clinging on a long stick and periodically lowered into the water for some time lapse. This torture was carried out not at all seasons of the year, but only in the cold season (autumn - winter). If it was in winter, then punched for a chair with a sinner, the inquisitors could have been inxisted for several days, tormenting it with such perch. Ultimately, the accused was underwing under water from the lack of oxygen.

8. Pila

The essence of torture was able to keep the victim in the consciousness and torture as long as possible so that the pain constantly felt, bringing hellish flour. Saw - a favorite way of conducting torture over sinners inquisition. The accused of the paid sins was practically saw into two parts, pre-placing the sinner in the head position down, thereby making it possible to saturate the brain with oxygen, not allowing the victim to lose consciousness during the discharge to the diaphragm region. It is terribly even to imagine what a person experienced when he was slowly sawn.

9. Gloomy Dyba

This torture is known in several types: horizontal and vertical. If the vertical option was used for the victim, then the sinner was clinging under the ceiling, while turning the joints, and the weight was constantly added to the feet, the maximum stretching the body. Using horizontal option Upda provided a gap of muscles and the joints of the convicted.


I draw the attention of readers to the fact that the historical heritage in no way is forgotten, as evidenced by many museums around the world.

Not only is not forgotten but continues to be improved on a new technological and psychological level. So it was not even evening. The freedom, still not at night.

In 1963, the CIA issued a manual Kubark Counterintelligence Interrogation for use during the War in Vietnam. Includes specialized interrogation forms, for example, interrogations with electric shock, threats / fear, sensory deprivation and isolation.

The second allowance for extended interrogation was Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual, an extended and supplemented, for special services in Latin America.

00. Propaganda

Perhaps the most subtle and cunning of all methods of "additional impact" was also propaganda. It can be considered as a form of psychological torture. The beginning of modern "psychological attacks" was found in the First World War. At the beginning, countries such as the United Kingdom and Germany began to use propaganda as one of the effective weapons. At that time, the British possessed one of the most authoritative world news systems - and controlled most Media.

Examples of British propaganda included the creation of brochures that spread from airplanes on the battlefields. In brochures contained information about various atrocities - both real and fake, - allegedly perfect german army against civilians. With drawings and caricatures.

Germans were able to successfully use propaganda to force Sultan Ottoman Empire declare jihad, or "sacred war" against the West. By the beginning of World War II, Adolf Hitler adopted British propaganda methods and used them to influence the minds of the German people.

The Middle Ages brought us not only the legends about bold knights and beautiful devices. In those days, human life cost nothing, therefore the executioners were not particularly ceremony in the methods of knocking out the confessions. Tovit the master was a very popular specialist in the labor market of those times.

We do not know anything about modern methods cruel torture prisoners, but the chronicles have kept for us a lot interesting facts On the routine work of the Holy Inquisition and simple executioners around the world. Then thousands of ways were invented to force a person for many days and even weeks without giving him to die. Now, all museums are devoted to this "art", where there are exhibits of instruments and bizarre cars for cruel torture in those times.

1. Torture Bambouk

The Chinese definitely knew a sense in brutal torture. On the methods of their executioners are real legends over the course of many centuries. And China is the birthplace of bamboo, the fastest growing plant on our planet. The growth rate of some types of bamboo can reach up to 1 meter per day, which did not fail to take advantage of the cunning Chinese who wanted to knock out the applied testimony from their victims, or just punish someone for misdeed.

The sacrifice tied to the ground in a horizontal position so that she could not move. In the soil, the bamboo sprouts were located under the body of the prisoner, which continued to grow tirelessly up. In just a few hours, the stalks of the plant rose so much that they began to dug into the flesh of a person, causing unthinkable suffering. The growing pain was forced to tell about anything, if only the executioners stopped the suffering of poor fellows.

In one of the species of such cruel torture, sentenced not to the ground, but put on the table under which there were already thick stalks of the plant. They were sharpened to razor sharpness and waited until nature would do their job.

Modern researchers doubted that such torture could be effective, but "legends destroyers" checked this method of torture in their transfer, fully confirmed it.

2. Skafism or torture insects

The ancient Persians also knew a lot about entertainment. They invented a particularly cruel torture called Skafism. To "split" a person or simply execute it, only a small boat or trough and a little smelter was required.

The prisoner was undressed and tied to the bottom of the trough. To achieve the necessary effect of a person, fed a mixture of milk and honey, which caused a strong uncontrolled diarrhea. Honey was also failed and the body of the victim. Next, it was necessary only to release the boat with a prisoner in free swimming on some kind of stale pond or a swamp under the scorching sun, where the mass of every live life lives. A mixture of smells of fecal masses and honey attracted insects who merciless the body of the victim and postponed their larvae in it.

Such cruel torture could last a few days. The executioners were not allowed to die sacrifice, feeding her. According to some evidence, one of the prisoners who was subjected to Skafysma, died only after 17 days.

3. Torture rodents

From hot and exotic Persia, we are transferred to China again. Yes, Chinese executioners knew the lot in their business. It was they who invented another of the species of cruel torture in the history of mankind - torture rats.

The victim was taken out of his belly and drank the design in the form of a cell without the bottom, from top to which there was a roaster for coal. In the cage, rats were shuffled and began to put coals in the roasting. Concerned the heat of rodents had to look for a way out of the current situation, and the only way to escape was the belly of the victim, which rats began to break. It is difficult to imagine what torment experienced a person feeling how huge rats are crawling in his belly.

4. Iron Deva.

Without the Holy Inquisition, you can not do in any way. Unknown the number of people who gave their lives by the will of the Inquisitors, but the bill goes to tens of thousands.

One of the most famous guns for cruel torture is the iron virgin. On the this moment There are arguments of historians regarding whether such a mechanism really existed in the Middle Ages, or he was fabricated much later, in the Epoch of Enlightenment by some duty. However, this does not cancel the fact that the iron virgin was used for torture.

Iron Verva was a closet, the walls of which were littered with spikes different lengths. A prisoner was placed in the cabinet and the doors were closed, and sharp spikes only looked slightly in his flesh. The victim had to stand real estate not to cause themselves additional suffering. At this time, the executioner could conduct interrogation. In the end, the prisoner was tired, his limbs were crying and one convulsive movement of his hand could turn into a collision with spikes, the pain from which forced the prisoner to twitch more and stronger. In fact, man killed himself.

5. Bull Falaric

The history of this cruel torture and execution leaves in times even before our era, when Tyrant Falaris gave an order to his middle to make a statue of a bull in full growth from copper, which would be a hollow inside.

On the back of the bull opened the doors, through which the captive was pushed inside. Under the statue was bonfire, which slowly, but rightly heated the whole structure, causing incredible sacrifices. Special elegance attached the fact that the bull's nostrils were hollow and connected with the inner chamber, because of which the smoke that went from the captive, went through the nostrils, creating impressive effect For viewers of those times. In addition, the dying sacrifice very actively shouted inside, and the sound was obtained, like a roar of a bull.

25. Skafism

An ancient Persian way of execution, when a person undressed devogs and placed in a tree trunk so that only the head, hands and legs performed. Then they were fed only with milk and honey, while the victim did not begin a strong diarrhea. Thus, in all open areas of the body, honey fell, which should have attracted insects. Since the feces of man accumulated, it was more and more attracted insects and they began to eat and multiply in his / her skin, which would become more gangrenous. Death can take more than 2 weeks and most likely, as a result, he fell from hunger, dehydration and shock.

24. Guillotine

Created at the end of the 1700s, it was one of the first methods of execution, which urged to end the life, and not hurt. Although the guillotine was specifically invented as the form of a person's execution, it was banned in France, and was last used in 1977.

23. Republican marriage

A very strange execution method practiced in France. The man and a woman tied together, and then they threw them into the river to drown.

22. Cement shoes

The execution method preferred to use American mafia. Looks like a republican marriage because drowning is used, but instead of being associated with the opposite sex, the feet of the victim were placed in concrete blocks.

21. execution elephant

Elephants B. South-East Asia Often learned to extend the death of the victim. Elephant Beast heavy, but easy to study. Teach him on the team to trample criminals - always was fascinating. Many times this method was used in order to show that the rulers are even in the world of nature.

20. Walk through the bar

Mostly practiced pirates and sailors. The victims often did not have time to drown, as they were attacked sharks, which as a rule followed the ships.

19. Bestiary - Wild Beasts

Bestiary is criminals in Ancient Romewho were given to the confusion of wild beasts. Although sometimes the act was voluntary and was carried out for money or recognition, often the Bestiaries were political prisoners who were sent to the arena naked and not able to protect themselves.

18. Mazatello

The method is named after the gun used during the execution, as a rule, it was a hammer. This method death penalty It was popular in the papal state in the 18th century. The convict was accompanied by the scaffold on the square and he remained alone with the executioner and the coffin. Then the executioner raised the hammer and hung over the sacrifice head. Since such a blow, as a rule, did not lead to death, immediately after hitting the victims cut the throat.

17. Vertical "Shashkin"

Once in the United States, this method of mortal execution is currently often used in countries such as Iran. Although it is very similar to hanging, in this caseto break spinal cord, Victims violently raised up the neck, as a rule, using a lifting crane.

16. Split

Allegedly used in some parts of Europe and Asia. The victim turned upside down and then saw in half, starting with a groin. Since the sacrifice was upside down, the brain received enough blood in order to preserve the victim in consciousness while large vessels of the abdominal cavity were torn.

15. Freshness

Act of skin removal from human body. This type of execution was often used to make the fear, as the execution, as a rule, was produced in a public place at all in sight.

14. Blood Orel

This type of execution was described in Scandinavian sahagas. The ribs of the victims broke so that they resemble the wings. Then, through the hole between the ribs pulled light victims. Wounds sprinkled salt.

13. Grill torture

Torture the victim on hot coals.

12. Redemption

Although you have already read about the refund method with an elephant, there is another similar method. The crushing was popular in Europe and America as a torture method. Every time the victim refused to fulfill the requirements, larger weight was put on their breasts, until the victim did not die from the lack of air.

11. Keeping

Also known as Catherine Wheel. The wheel was similar to the usual wheel from the cart, only large sizes with a large number of spokes. The sacrifice was undressed, the hands and legs were laid out and tied, then a big hammer Ball beat the victim, breaking the bones. At the same time, the executioner tried not to apply deadly blows.

So, the most cruel execution and torture Top 10:

10. Spanish tick

Also known as "cat paws". These devices used the executioner bursting and tearing the skin from the victim. Often, death did not occur immediately, but as a result of infection.

9. Burning on the fire

In history, the popular method of mortal execution. If the victim was lucky, he or she were executed with several others. It guaranteed that the flame will be great and death occurred from poisoning. carnant gas, not from combustion alive.

8. Bamboo

Extremely slow and painful punishment was used in Asia. Bamboo stalking stalks are sharpening. Then above the place where this bamboo grew, the accused was suspended. The rapid growth of the bamboo and the pointed tops allowed the plant to pierce the body of a person through one night.

7. Premature disposal

This technique was used by governments throughout the history of the deadly execution. One of the last documented cases was noted during a slaughter in Nanjing in 1937, when Japanese troops buried Chinese citizens alive.

6. Ling Chi.

Also known as "death from slow cutting" or "slow death", this form of execution was eventually announced outside the law in China at the beginning of the 20th century. The bodies of the victim were slowly and methodically removed while the executioner tried to keep it or her alive as long as possible.


The form of ritual suicide, which allowed the warrior to die with honor. She was used samurai.

4. Copper Bull

The design of this death aggregation was developed by the ancient Greeks, namely Mednick Perill, who sold the creepy bull to Sicilian Tirana Falaris so that he could execute criminals in a new way. Inside the copper statue, through the door, a living person was placed. And then ... Falaris first experienced an aggregate on his developer, unfortunate Alc Perilla. Subsequently, Falaris himself was roasted in a bull.

3. Colombian tie

The throat of man is cut with a knife, and the tongue is supervised through the hole. This method of murder talked about the fact that the police gave out some information.

2. Crucifixion on the cross

A particularly cruel way of execution, was used mainly by the Romans. It was so slow, painful and humiliating as possible. Usually after a long beat or torture, the victim was forced to carry his cross to the place of his death. Subsequently, it was either nailed, or tied to the cross, where hung for several weeks. Death, as a rule, occurred from the lack of air.

1. The most cruel execution: hanged, recessed and dismembered

Used mainly in England. The method is considered as one of the most severe ever created forms of execution. As follows from the name, the execution was performed in three parts. Part of the first - the victim was tied to a wooden frame. So she hung almost to death. Immediately after that, the stomach of the victims plowed, and the insides were removed and removed. Next, the insides were burned in the eyes of the victim. Then the sentenced was beheaded. After all this, his body was divided into four parts and scattered throughout England as a public ferment. This punishment was applied only to men, convicted women, as a rule, were burned at the fire.

What do you think it was the most terrible during the Middle Ages? Lack of toothpaste good soap Or shampoo? What medieval discos was conducted under the tedious music of Mandolin? And maybe the fact that medicine has not yet known vaccinations and antibiotics? Or endless wars? Yes, our ancestors did not visit cinemas and did not send each other. emails. But they were also inventors. And the worst thing that they invented are tools for torture, tools, with the help of which the Christian justice system was created - the Inquisition. And for those who lived in the Middle Ages, "Iron Maidn" is not the name of the hevie metal group, but one of the most disgusting gadgets of that time.

Iron Maidn. Iron Maiden. Nuremberg Deva.

These are not "three girls under the window." This is a huge sarcophagus in the form of an open empty female figure, inside which numerous blades and sharp spikes are strengthened. They are located in such a way that the victims of the victim's sarcophagus are not affected by the victims, so the agony of sentenced to execution was long and painful. For the first time, the "virgin" was used in 1515. Surrender died three days.


This device was inserted into the body holes - it is clear that not in the mouth or ears - and revealed so as to cause the victim a unthinkable pain, breaking these holes.

Copper Bull

This torture was developed in Greece, Athens. This was the form of a bull made of metal (brass) and a hollow inside, with a door side. The convict was placed inside the "bull". The fire was lit and heated to such an extent that the brass was becoming yellow, which eventually led to slow toasting. The bull was so arranged that when screaming and screaming from the inside - a roar bull roar was heard.

Torture rats

Torture rats were very popular in ancient China. Nevertheless, we will consider the technique of rat punishment, developed by the leader of the Netherlands revolution of the 16th century by Didrick Sonozh.

How it works?

  1. The martyr's dough is put on the table and tie;
  2. Large, heavy cells with hungry rats are placed arrestant on the stomach and chest. The bottom of the cells opens with the help of a special gate;
  3. On the cells on top there are hot coals to fool the rats;
  4. Trying to escape from the heat of hot coal, the rats tear off their way through the victim's flesh.

Victims or cradle of Judah

Know-how belongs to Martili Ippolit. At one time, this instrument of torture was considered loyal - the bones did not break, the ligaments did not rush. At first, the sinner was raised on the rope, and then sat on the cradle, and the top of the triangle was inserted into the same holes as a pear. It was painfully to such an extent that the sinner lost consciousness. He was lifted, "pumped out" and again embarked on the cradle. I do not think that in moments of enlightenment, sinners thanked Ippolita for his invention.

Taping elephants

During the several centuries, this penalty was practiced in India and Indochite. An elephant is very easy to train and teach him to hide his huge legs to the victim of a few days

How it works?

  1. The victim is tied to the floor;
  2. A trained elephant is given to the hall so that he crushed the head of the head;
  3. Sometimes in front of the "control in the head", the animals give away the victims of the arms and legs in order to enjoy the public.


This device is an oblong rectangle with a wooden frame. Hands were fixed on top and top His joints were pulled out.

Dead Man's Bed (Modern China)

Torture "Bed of the Dead Man" Chinese Communist Party applies mainly to those prisoners who are trying to protest against illegal conclusion with the help of a hunger strike. In most cases, these are prisoners of conscience in prison for their beliefs.

How it works?

  1. The hands and legs of the spreading devotee prisonered are tied to the corners of the bed, on which instead of a mattress wooden plank with cut hole. Under the hole is substituted with a bucket for feces. Often, the rods are tightly tied to the bed and the body of a person so that he could not move at all. In this position, the person is continuously from several days to weeks.
  2. In some prisons, for example, Prison No. 2 of the cities of Shenyang and the prison of the city of Jilin, the police officers under the sacrifice are still lining a solid subject to strengthen suffering.
  3. It also happens that the bed is vertically and 3-4 days a man hangs, stretched for limb.
  4. Even the violent feeding is added to these torments, which is carried out using a tube inserted through the nose into the esophagus, into which liquid food is poured.
  5. They do this procedure mainly prisoners on the orders of security, not health workers. They do it very roughly and not professionally, often appreciating the injuries to the internal organs of man.
  6. Those who passed through this torture say that the vertebrae, the joints of the arms and legs, as well as numbness and the blaracing of the limbs, are shifted to it, which often leads to disability.

Clamp (modern China)

One of the medieval torture used in modern Chinese prisons is wearing a wooden clamp. It is put on the prisoner, why he cannot normally go or stand. The clamp is a board from 50 to 80 cm. In length, from 30 to 50 cm. In width and 10 - 15 cm. Thick. In the middle of the clamp made two holes for the legs. The sacrifice on which the clamp will be put on, with difficulty moves, must drive into bed and should usually sit or lie, since the vertical position causes pain and leads to injury. Without assistance A man with a clamp can not go eat or go to the toilet. When a person gets up from the bed, the claw not only presses on his feet and on the heels, causing pain, but the edge clings him behind the bed and does not give a person to return to it. At night, the prisoner is unable to turn, but in winter time Short blanket does not cover legs. Another worst form of this torture is called "crawling with a wooden clamp." The guards put on the claw on a person and order him to crawl along the concrete floor. If he stops, he is beaten on his back by a police baton. An hour later, the fingers, nails on the legs and knees are very bleeding, while the back is covered with wounds from shocks.


A terrible wild execution that came from the east. The essence of this execution was that the man was put on his stomach, one sat down at him, so as not to let him move, the other kept him for her neck. A person was inserted into the rear pass the stake, which was then driven by a beater; Then she was chopped into the ground. The severity of the body was forced to login all deeper and finally he went under the arm or between the ribs.

Chinese torture water

Man sitting in very cold room, tied it, so that he could not move his head, and in full darkness on his forehead very slowly drip cold water. A few days later the person frozen either went crazy.

Spanish chair

This tool tool was widely used by the executioners of the Spanish Inquisition and was the chair made of iron, to which the prisoner was sitting, and the legs concluded in the pads attached to the legs of the chair. When he turned out to be in such a completely helpless position, it was terrible under his feet; With hot coal, so that the legs began to slowly roast, and in order to extend the suffering of the poor feet, the legs from time to time were watered with oil. Another version of the Spanish chair was often used, which is a metal throne, to which they tied the sacrifice and bred fire under the seat, frowning the buttocks. The famous poisoner of La Vuazen was subjected to torture on such a chair during the famous poisoning case in France.

Gridiron (grill torture with fire)

Torture of St. Lawrence on the Gridiron.

This type of torture is often mentioned in the lives of saints - real and fictional, but there is no evidence that Gridiron "lived" to the Middle Ages and had at least a small walking in Europe. It is usually described as an ordinary metal grille 6 feet in length and two and a half - width, installed horizontally on legs, to be able to dilute under it a fire. Sometimes the gridiron was made in the form of a sill to be able to resort to the combined torture. The holy Lawrence was tortured on a similar lattice. This torture was resorted very rarely. First, it was easy to kill the interrogated, secondly, there was a lot of simpler, but no less brutal tortures.


The pectoral in ancient times was called the breastplate decoration in the form of a paired carved gold or silver bowl, often mowed with precious stones. She was put on, as a modern bra, and was attached to chains. At a mockery analogy with this decoration, a raw torture gun was called, applied by Venetian Inquisition. In 1985, the Pectoral was distilled and taking it with forceps, put on the chest of the hide and kept until it was confirmed. If the accused persevened, the executioners gave the pectoral newly cold and continued interrogation. Very often after this barbaric torture on the site of the woman's breasts, charred torn holes remained.

Torture tickle

This apparent harmless effect was a terrible torture. With long-term tickling, the person rises so increased nervous conductivity, that even the easiest touch caused at first twigs, laughter, and then turned into a terrible pain. If such torture continued for quite a long time, after some time the respiratory muscles were arisible and, in the end, the trembling died from choking. With the simplest version of the torture, the interrogated fictional places were addicted to either simply with hands or hair brushes, brushes. Hard bird feathers enjoyed popularity. Usually tickled under mouses, heels, nipples, inguinal folds, genitals, women also under the breasts. In addition, torture was often straamed using animals that lick any life with the heels of the questioned. Very often used the goat, because it is very tough language adapted for the eating herbs, caused very strong irritation. There was also a kind of torture tickling with the help of a beetle, most common in India. With her, a small bug was put on the head of the penis man or on the nipple woman and covered the half shell of the walnut. After some time, the ticking caused by the movement of the legs of the insect in a living body became so intolerable that the interrogated confess to anything ...


These tubular metal ticks "Crocodile" have grown hot and used to tear the penis torture. Initially, several caressing movements (often produced women), or a tight dressing was achieved by a resistant solid erection and then torture began

Gear crusher

These gear iron tips slowly crushed the testicles of the interrogated. Something similar was widely used in Stalin's and fascist prisons.

Creepy tradition

In fact, this is not torture, but an African rite, but, in my opinion, it is very cruel. Girls from 3-6 years old without anesthesia simply scraped outdoor genitals. Thus, the girl did not lose the ability to have children, but forever lost opportunities to experience sexual desire and pleasure. This rite is done "for the benefit of" women so that they have never had a temptation to change her husband ...

Bloody eagle

Part of the image engraved on Stors Hammers. The illustration shows a man lying on his stomach, an executor is standing over him, breaking the back of a man with an unusual weapon. One of the most ancient torture, during which the victim was tied to face down and opened his back, the ribs climbed the spine and spread out the wings. In the Scandinavian legends, it is argued that during such an execution of the victim's wounds sprinkled with salt.

Many historians argue that this torture was used by the pagans in relation to Christians, others are confident that in such a way, spouses appeared in treason, and the third argue that the bloody eagle is just a terrible legend.

Spanish tooth water

In order to best fulfill the procedure for this torture, the accused has been placed on one of the species of the punch or on a special big Table With the rising middle part. After the victim's hands and feet were tied to the edges of the table, the executioner started to work in one of several ways. One of these methods was that the sacrifice was forced with the help of a funnel to swallow a large amount of water, then beat on an inflated and arched stomach. Another form provided for the premises in the sacrifice of the rag tube, according to which water was slowly poured, which led to inflating and suffocation of the victim. If this was not enough, the tube was pulled out, causing internal damage, and then inserted again and the process was repeated. Sometimes used torture with cold water. In this case, the accused clock lay on the table naked under the jet icewater. It is interesting to note that this type of torment was considered as light, and the recognition obtained by this method, the court accepted how voluntary and these defendants without the use of torture. Most often, these torture was used by the Spanish Inquisition in order to beat recognition from heretics and witches.

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Bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants on Earth. Some of his Chinese varieties may grow for a whole meter. Some historians believe that the deadly bamboo torture was used not only by the ancient Chinese, and the Japanese military during World War II.
How it works?
1) the sprouts of the living bamboo are sharpened by a knife to get sharp "spears";
2) The victim is suspended horizontally, backing or belly over the garden of a young pointed bamboo;
3) Bamboo grow rapidly growing up, driven into the skin of the martyr and germinate through its abdominal cavity, the person dies very long and painfully.
2. Iron Deva.

Like torture bamboo, Iron Village, many researchers consider a terrible legend. Perhaps these metal sarcophagi with sharp spikes inside only frightening the treated, after which they were recognized in any way. Iron Verva was invented at the end of the 18th century, i.e. Already at sunset of the Catholic Inquisition.
How it works?
1) the victim is stuffed into the sarcophagus and close the door;
2) The spikes driven into the inner walls of the "Iron Virgin" are rather short and do not pierce the sacrifice through, but only cause pain. The investigator, as a rule, in a matter of minutes, receives the confessions that the arrested remains only to sign;
3) If the arrestant shows the resistance of the spirit and continues to be silent, through special holes in the sarcophagus long nails, knives and rapiers. Pain becomes simply unbearable;
4) The victim is not recognized in the deed, she was locked in the sarcophagus on for a long timewhere she died of blood loss;
5) In some models of "Iron Virgin", spikes at the level of the eye were provided to scatter them to be operatively.
3. Skafism
The name of this torture comes from the Greek "Skafium", which means "trough." Skafism was popular in ancient Persia. The victim, most often, prisoners of war, during the torture, devoured alive by various eapinant to human flesh and blood insects and their larvae.
How it works?
1) The prisoner is placed in a shallow chest and wrapped with chains.
2) it is forcibly fed large quantities Milk and honey, from which the sacrifice begins abundant diarrhea, attracting insects.
3) The prisoner, who was emolreded with honey, is allowed to swim around the swamp, where many hungry creatures are found.
4) Insects immediately proceed to the meal, as the main dish - live flesh of the martyr.
4. Terrible pear

"Pears lies - it is impossible to eat," it is said about the medieval European tool "Education" of blasphemers, liars, women who gave birth out of marriage, and men non-traditional orientation. Depending on the crime, the tormentman shoved the pear to the sinner (CE) in the mouth, anal hole or vagina.
How it works?
1) a tool consisting of pear-shaped staircase segments is sticking to the client into the desired body opening;
2) the executioner twist twisters on the top of pears, with the "leaves" -segments bloom inside the martyr, causing hellish pain;
3) After the pear is revealed fully guided receiving internal damage incompatible with life and dies in terrible flourIf before that did not fall into infamousness.
5. Copper Bull

The design of this death aggregation was developed by the ancient Greeks, and to be more accurate, then Medica Stirill, who sold his creepy bull to Sicilian Tirana Falaris, who just adored to torment and kill people with unusual ways.
Inside the copper statue, through a special door, pushed a living person.
So what is next
Falaris first experienced an aggregate on his creator - Alc Perilla. Subsequently, Falaris himself was roasted in a bull.
How it works?
1) the victim is closed in the hollow copper statue of the bull;
2) under the belly bull divorces fire;
3) the sacrifice is roasting alive as a ham in a frying pan;
4) the structure of the bull is such that the screaming of the martyr comes from the mouth of the statue, as if a bullish roar;
5) From the bones of the executed, they made decorations and charms that were sold in the bazaars and enjoyed tremendous demand ..
6. Torture rats

Torture rats were very popular in ancient China. Nevertheless, we will consider the technique of rat punishment, developed by the leader of the Netherlands revolution of the 16th century by Didrick Sonozh.
How it works?
1) the dishes the martyr's doggings are put on the table and tie;
2) Large, heavy cells with hungry rats are placed arrestant on the stomach and chest. The bottom of the cells opens with the help of a special gate;
3) the cells are placed on the cells from above, to produce rats;
4) Trying to escape from the heat of hot coal, rats tear off their way through the victim's flesh.
7. Cradle Judah

The cradle of Judas was one of the most painful cars for the torture in the Arsenal of Suprey - Spanish Inquisition. The victims usually died against infection, as a consequence that the Ostrich Suspension of the torture car was never disinfected. The cradle of Judas, as an instrument of torture, was considered "loyal", because the bones did not break and the bundle did not ride.
How it works?
1) the sacrifice with the hands and legs are sitting on the top of the pointed pyramid;
2) The peak of the pyramid lies in the anus or vagina;
3) With the help of ropes, the victim gradually lowers and below;
4) torture continues several hours or even days until the victim dies from powerlessness and pain, or from blood loss, as a result of a soft tissue break.
8. Hatapting elephants

During the several centuries, this penalty was practiced in India and Indochite. An elephant is very easy to train and teach him to hide his huge legs to the victim of a few days
How it works?
1. The victim is tied to the floor;
2. The trained elephant is filled into the hall so that he crushed the head of the head;
3. Sometimes in front of the "control in the head", the animals give away the victims of the arms and legs in order to enhance the public.
9. Dyba

Probably the most famous, and unsurpassed in kind of death of death called "Dyba". It was first tested by about 300 AD. On the Christian martyr Vincent from Zaragoza.
Anyone who survived after a sill could no longer use their muscles and turned into a helpless vegetable.
How it works?
1. It is a torture torture is a special bed with rollers at both ends, on which ropes that hold the wrists and ankle of the victim are wounded. When rolling rope rope stretched in opposite directions, stretching the body;
2. Bundles in the hands and feet of the victims stretch and rush, the bones pop out from the joints.
3. Another different option was applied, called Strappado: it consisted of 2 pillars covered in the ground and the connected crossbar. The interrogated knitted hands behind his back and raised the rope tied to the hands. Sometimes log or other cargoes were attached to his knitted legs. At the same time, the hands of a person raised on the pouquer turned back and often came out of the joints, so that the convicted person had to hang on his hands twisted. On the rap was from a few minutes to an hour and more. Such a type of dust was used most often in applied in Western Europe
4. In Russia, the suspect raised to the pouch was beaten on his back, and "attached to the fire", that is, drove by the body burning brooms.
5. In some cases, the executioner broke into a ribbed tick on a man hanging on the punch.
10. Paraffin in the bladder
Isaite view of torture, which is not installed for the estate.
How it works?
1. The candle paraffin was rolled with hands into a thin sausage, which was administered through the urethra inside;
2. Paraffin slipped into bladderwhere the precipitation of solid salts began on it, etc. Nasty.
3. Soon the victims began to problems with the kidneys and she died from acute renal failure. On average, death fell in 3-4 days.
11. Shiri (camel cap)
The monstrous fate waited for those whom Juanjuana (the Union of Nomoca Turkic Peoples) took them to slavery. They destroyed the memory of the slave to terrible torture - the width of the victim's head. Usually this fate has suffered young guys captured in battles.
How it works?
1. At first, the slaves chopped heads, carefully scrolled every hair under the root.
2. Executors scored a camel and lit by his carcass, first debt, separating it the most severe, dense outdoor.
3. Sharing out the slices, it was immediately tensioned on the wrapped heads of the prisoners. These pieces like a plaster stuck slaves heads. This meant to wear width.
4. After putting on the breadth of the neck of the doomed, they were sharpened in a special wooden deck so that the subject could not touch the head to the ground. In this kind, they were taken away from crowded places so that no one would hear their heartbreaking cries, and threw there in open Field, with knitted hands and legs, on the sun, without water and without food.
5. Torture lasted 5 days.
6. Unites remained units, and the rest died not from hunger and not even from thirst, but from unbearable, inhuman flour, caused by a drying, compressing on the head of rawed camel skin. It is inexorable squeezing under the rays of the scorching sun, she squeezed wide, squeezed the slave shaved head like an iron hoop. Already on the second day they began to germinated the hair of martyrs. Rigid and straight Asian hair sometimes grew into the raw materials, in most cases, not finding out, the hair was bent and again went into the ends into the skin of the head, causing even greater suffering. After a day, a man was loyal. Only on the fifth days of JouuaƱuuana came to check if some of the prisoners survived. If you were alive at least one of the tortured, it was believed that the goal was achieved. .
7. The one who has been subjected to such a procedure, or died, not to withstand the torture, or devoured for the whole life of the memory, turned into a mankurt - a slave without remembering his past.
8. One camel came up to five or six widths.
12. Metal impairment
A very strange means of torture execution was used in the Middle Ages.
How it works?
1. On the legs of a person was given a deep incision, which was placed a piece of metal (iron, lead, etc.), after which the wound was sewn.
2. Over time, the metal oxidized, poisoning the body and causing terrible pain.
3. Most often, the poor swapped the skin in the place where the metal was sewn and died from blood loss.
13. Separation of a person into two parts
This terrible execution originated in Thailand. She was subjected to the most harmonious criminals - mostly killers.
How it works?
1. The accused is placed in a woven from Lian Balahon, and acute objects knock it;
2. After that, it is quickly destroyed by his body into two parts, the upper half immediately put the copper lattice on the hotken hot; This operation stops blood and prolongs the life of the right part of the person.
A small addition: this torture is described in the book of Marquis de Garda "Justine, or the progress succeed." This is a small excerpt from a large piece of text where de Garden allegedly describes the torture of the peoples of the world. But why allegedly? According to many critics, Marquis loved to leo. He possessed an extraordinary fantasy and a pair of mania, so that this torture, like some others, could be the fruit of his imagination. But it is not worth the field of this applies to Donasien Alfons as to the Baron Munhausen. This torture, in my opinion, if it did not exist before, is quite realistic. If, of course, pump up a person before this painkillers (opiates, alcohol, etc.), whatever he died before, than his body would touch the lattice.
14. Inflating air through anal hole
Horrible torture at which a person is pumped by air through an anal pass.
There are evidence that in Russia, even Peter first sinned.
Most often, the thieves were executed.
How it works?
1. Sacrifted by hand and legs.
2. Then they took cotton and stuck their ears, the nose and mouth of the poor.
3. In the back pass, it was inserted by a bellow, with which they were injured in a person great amount The air, as a result of which he became similar to the balloon.
3. After that, I stuck the back pass of a piece of cotton.
4. Then he opened two veins above the eyebrows, of which all the blood flowed under huge pressure.
5. Sometimes the knitted person was put on the roof of the palace and shot the arrows until he died.
6. Until 1970, this method was often used in Jordan prisons.
15. Paullyro
Neapolitan executioners were lovingly called this torture "Polilaro" - "foal" (Polledro) and were proud that it was first applied in their native, city. Although the story did not save the name of her inventor, they said that he was an expert in connotation and an unusual device came up to pacify his horses.
Only after a few decades, fans matting over people turned the device of a horse breaker to a real torture machine for people.
The machine was present wooden framelike a staircase, whose transverse crossbars were very sharp cornersSo that when a person put back on them, they crashed into the body from the nape to heels. The staircase ended with a huge wooden spoon, in which, as if in the cape, was invested their heads.
How it works?
1. On both sides of the frame and in the "Chepet" holes were drilled, ropes were told in each of them. The first of them was delayed on the forehead of the tricted, the latter tied thumbs feet. As a rule, the rope was thirteen, but for particularly persistent numbers increased them.
2. Special devices Ropes stretched more and more and stronger - the victims seemed that, crushing the muscles, they dug into the bones.
16. Dead Man's Bed (Modern China)

Torture "Bed of the Dead Man" Chinese Communist Party applies mainly to those prisoners who are trying to protest against illegal conclusion with the help of a hunger strike. In most cases, these are prisoners of conscience in prison for their beliefs.
How it works?
1. The hands and feet of the spreading devotee prisonered are tied to the corners of the bed, on which instead of a mattress wooden board with a cut hole. Under the hole is substituted with a bucket for feces. Often, the rods are tightly tied to the bed and the body of a person so that he could not move at all. In this position, the person is continuously from several days to weeks.
2. In some prisons, for example, prison No. 2 of the cities of Shenyang and the prison of Jilin, police under the back of the victims still put a solid subject to strengthen suffering.
3. It also happens that the bed is vertically and 3-4 days a person hangs, stretched for limb.
4. The violent feeding is added to these torments, which is carried out using a tube inserted through the nose in the esophagus, into which liquid food is poured.
5. Do this procedure mainly prisonered by order of protection, not health workers. They do it very roughly and not professionally, often appreciating the injuries to the internal organs of man.
6. Those who passed through this torture say that with it there is a shift of the vertebrae, the joints of the arms and legs, as well as numbness and blaming limbs, which often leads to disability.
17. Homest (modern China)

One of the medieval torture used in modern Chinese prisons is wearing a wooden clamp. It is put on the prisoner, why he cannot normally go or stand.
The clamp is a board from 50 to 80 cm. In length, from 30 to 50 cm. In width and 10 - 15 cm. Thick. In the middle of the clamp made two holes for the legs.
The sacrifice on which the clamp will be put on, with difficulty moves, must drive into bed and should usually sit or lie, since the vertical position causes pain and leads to injury. Without assistance, a person with a clamp cannot go to eat or go to the toilet. When a person gets up from the bed, the claw not only presses on his feet and on the heels, causing pain, but the edge clings him behind the bed and does not give a person to return to it. At night, the prisoner is unable to turn, but in winter, a short blanket does not cover legs.
Another worst form of this torture is called "crawling with a wooden clamp." The guards put on the claw on a person and order him to crawl along the concrete floor. If he stops, he is beaten on his back by a police baton. An hour later, the fingers, nails on the legs and knees are very bleeding, while the back is covered with wounds from shocks.
18. Sitting on count

A terrible wild execution that came from the east.
The essence of this execution was that the man was put on his stomach, one sat down at him, so as not to let him move, the other kept him for her neck. A person was inserted into the rear pass the stake, which was then driven by a beater; Then she was chopped into the ground. The severity of the body was forced to login all deeper and finally he went under the arm or between the ribs.
19. Spanish torture water

In order to best fulfill the procedure for this torture, the accused was located on one of the species of the hole or on a special large table with a rising middle part. After the victim's hands and feet were tied to the edges of the table, the executioner started to work in one of several ways. One of these methods was that the sacrifice was forced with the help of a funnel to swallow a large amount of water, then beat on an inflated and arched stomach. Another form provided for the premises in the sacrifice of the rag tube, according to which water was slowly poured, which led to inflating and suffocation of the victim. If this was not enough, the tube was pulled out, causing internal damage, and then inserted again and the process was repeated. Sometimes used torture with cold water. In this case, the accused clock lay on the table naked under the jet of icy water. It is interesting to note that this type of torment was considered as light, and the recognition obtained by this method, the court accepted how voluntary and these defendants without the use of torture. Most often, these torture was used by the Spanish Inquisition in order to beat recognition from heretics and witches.
20. Chinese torture water
The man was sitting in a very cold room, tied him, so that he could not move his head, and in full darkness to his forehead very slowly drilled with cold water. A few days later the person frozen either went crazy.
21. Spanish chair

This tool tool was widely used by the executioners of the Spanish Inquisition and was the chair made of iron, to which the prisoner was sitting, and the legs concluded in the pads attached to the legs of the chair. When he turned out to be in such a completely helpless position, it was terrible under his feet; With hot coal, so that the legs began to slowly roast, and in order to extend the suffering of the poor feet, the legs from time to time were watered with oil.
Another version of the Spanish chair was often used, which is a metal throne, to which they tied the sacrifice and bred fire under the seat, frowning the buttocks. The famous poisoner of La Vuazen was subjected to torture on such a chair during the famous poisoning case in France.
22. Gridiron (grill torture with fire)

Torture of St. Lawrence on the Gridiron.
This type of torture is often mentioned in the lives of saints - real and fictional, but there is no evidence that Gridiron "lived" to the Middle Ages and had at least a small walking in Europe. It is usually described as an ordinary metal lattice 6 feet in length and two and a half - wide, installed horizontally on legs to be able to dilute under it.
Sometimes the gridiron was made in the form of a sill to be able to resort to the combined torture.
The holy Lawrence was tortured on a similar lattice.
This torture was resorted very rarely. First, it was easy to kill the interrogated, secondly, there was a lot of simpler, but no less brutal tortures.
23. Pectoral

The pectoral in ancient times was called the breastplate decoration in the form of a paired carved gold or silver bowl, often mowed with precious stones. She was put on, as a modern bra, and was attached to chains.
At a mockery analogy with this decoration, a raw torture gun was called, applied by Venetian Inquisition.
In 1985, the Pectoral was distilled and taking it with forceps, put on the chest of the hide and kept until it was confirmed. If the accused persevened, the executioners gave the pectoral newly cold and continued interrogation.
Very often after this barbaric torture on the site of the woman's breasts, charred torn holes remained.
24. Torture tickle

This apparent harmless effect was a terrible torture. With long-term tickling, the person rises so increased nervous conductivity, that even the easiest touch caused at first twigs, laughter, and then turned into a terrible pain. If such torture continued for quite a long time, after some time the respiratory muscles were arisible and, in the end, the trembling died from choking.
With the simplest version of the torture, the interrogated fictional places were addicted to either simply with hands or hair brushes, brushes. Hard bird feathers enjoyed popularity. Usually tickled under mouses, heels, nipples, inguinal folds, genitals, women also under the breasts.
In addition, torture was often straamed using animals that lick any life with the heels of the questioned. Very often used the goat, because it is very tough language adapted for the eating herbs, caused very strong irritation.
There was also a kind of torture tickling with the help of a beetle, most common in India. With her, a small bug was put on the head of the penis man or on the nipple woman and covered the half shell of the walnut. After some time, the tickness caused by the movement of the legs of the insect in a living body became so intolerable that the interrogated recognized in anywhere
25. Crocodile

These tubular metal ticks "Crocodile" have grown hot and used to tear the penis torture. Initially, several caressing movements (often produced women), or a tight dressing was achieved by a resistant solid erection and then torture began
26. Running crusher

These gear iron tips slowly crushed the testicles of the interrogated.
Something similar was widely used in Stalin's and fascist prisons.
27. Terrible tradition.

In fact, this is not torture, but an African rite, but, in my opinion, it is very cruel. Girls from 3-6 years old without anesthesia simply scraped outdoor genitals.
Thus, the girl did not lose the ability to have children, but forever lost opportunities to experience sexual desire and pleasure. This rite is done "for the benefit of" women so that they have never had a temptation to change her husband
28. Blood Orel

One of the most ancient torture, during which the victim was tied to face down and opened his back, the ribs climbed the spine and spread out the wings. In the Scandinavian legends, it is argued that during such an execution of the victim's wounds sprinkled with salt.
Many historians argue that this torture was used by the pagans in relation to Christians, others are confident that in such a way, spouses appeared in treason, and the third argue that the bloody eagle is just a terrible legend.

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