What kind of dish detergent. The best dishwashing detergents according to customer reviews

Encyclopedia of Plants 20.06.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

Reading 7 min. Published on 13.09.2018

According to statistics, every year one person drinks about 0.5 liters of detergent left on the dishes.

Ingestion of a large amount of a substance into the body can lead to adverse effects. It is not surprising that the composition of the detergent is of interest to the consumer.


A good detergent usually has the following positive properties:

  • Foams well.

This is the main property that allows you to thoroughly, economically wash off food particles, grease and dirt from dishes. The better the gel foams, the more surfactants (surfactants) are in its composition.

  • Does not cause allergies.

Some synthetic components can negatively affect the skin, causing allergenic irritations and redness. This property is usually not found in environmentally friendly dishwashing detergents that contain non-ionic surfactants.

  • Moisturize and care for the skin of the hands.

The composition of such gels for washing dishes includes nutrients, creams and aloe oils, which are contained in natural, plant extracts.

  • Safe packaging.

It prevents children from accidentally opening the bottle and pouring out or swallowing the harmful agent. The cap of such packages is airtight, and to open it, you need to pull the cap hard.

  • Nice smell.

Different types of detergents can have citrus, berry, fruity smells.


There are several types of detergents that differ in their degree of effectiveness in laundering grease:

  • The cheapest and oldest is laundry soap.

It can be purchased at a low price, but the quality of washing out the dirt is also very low. In addition, laundry soap contains alkalis that are not safe for the gastrointestinal tract, and overdry the skin, causing dermatitis.

  • Powder products perfectly wash hardened, hard-to-remove fat thanks to microscopic granules that scrape off contamination at the micro level.

But their minus lies in the same property: small particles can clog into cracks, which requires diligent rinsing of dishes. Another negative point of such funds is the toxic component that is part of the powders.

  • Water gels are the most common and commonly used type.

A small drop of the mixture forms a large amount of foam, which perfectly eliminates greasy deposits even in cold water.

The composition of the gels often includes special ingredients moisturizing the skin of the hands, as well as pleasantly smelling flavors. Methanal-based surfactant gives them the greatest effectiveness in eliminating traces of food.

Eco-friendly chlorine-free liquid dishwashing detergents do not corrode the skin of the hands, and the parts that can remain on the dishes with poor washing are less harmful to health than other products.

  • A safe and environmentally friendly way to wash dishes is to use baking soda.

Its only disadvantage is that it breaks down fat rather poorly. At the same time, soda is well removed by water and does not contain chemical compounds harmful to health.

Convenient packaging

Usually thick detergent liquid is packaged in plastic containers.

A transparent bottle helps to better assess the amount of gel, its thickness and viscosity, as well as the presence or absence of sediment at the bottom.

Convenient recesses on the sides allow the bottle to fit perfectly in the palm of your hand, and the roughness prevents slipping.

A special donator, which is present on some packages, helps save the product by squeezing a drop onto the sponge.

The donator can be a small opening cap or have a retractable cap. The second type of cover is more difficult to open.

The powder is often sold in a cylindrical package, the lid of which contains several large or small holes.

Small holes better help to estimate the amount of powder that is poured onto the sponge, while large holes can fall off an excessive amount of powder with a sharp movement.

Many products are sold in plastic bags, which help save on liquid packaging.


Let's talk about septic tanks. This is a wastewater treatment system, which is most often used in country houses.

Septic tanks use special bacteria that break down fats, prevent the appearance of sediment at the bottom of sewer pipes and remove unpleasant odors.

For home owners whose sewer system has this type of cleaning, it is important to choose dishwashing detergents that are not harmful to septic tanks.

The safest is Shpyul-S - a mild detergent that cleans greasy kitchen utensils well without leaving streaks. At the same time, it is completely safe for bacteria in the septic tank and economical.

Many housewives now trust household appliances to wash dishes and choose

Rinse aid is an additional agent for dishwashers that improves the drying of dishes and adds shine, as well as eliminating gel residues.

Rinse aid consumes approximately 0.5-0.7 liters per 10-12 cycles. It creates a harmless film on the surface of the dishes, which helps the dishes to be cleaned.


It's time to talk about the harmful substances that make up dishwashing detergents. These are surfactants. There are three types:

  • Anionic. The most harmful elements, which consist of petroleum products, due to which they perfectly remove fat and are very cheap at the same time. They have a negative impact on the environment and are harmful to health.

Ampholytic surfactants can be both hazardous and harmless. It depends on the type of chemical compound they enter into.

  • The safest surfactants for human health are non-ionic.

Environmentally friendly products exclude anionic surfactants from their composition. The chlorine in them can be replaced with organic acids and other components that are harmless to health, such as aloe and lemon extracts.

Harmful ingredients in detergents:

  • phosphates;
  • sodium hydrochloride;
  • chlorine;
  • petroleum distillates;
  • acids;
  • alkalis;
  • bleaching agents.

environmentally friendly

The solution to this problem was the emergence on the market of environmentally friendly dishwashing detergents, whose essence includes chamomile, whey and other natural plant and mineral components.

Benefits of using safe dishwashing detergents:

  • you can wash dishes without using seals and without worrying about getting liquid on your skin.
  • on the surface of the utensils there is no harmful film-plaque that could enter the body with food.
  • environmentally friendly gels do not pollute nature.

We offer you simple, everyday tips that will help you make the best use of dishwashing detergent:

  • It is better to change the sponge for washing dishes more often and, in addition to them, choose products with a strong bactericidal effect.
  • In order to prevent harmful surfactants from entering and corroding the skin, it is better to use rubber gloves.

To improve the washing properties and splitting of stagnant fat in a soapy solution, it is recommended to drop ammonia.

  • To clean the traces of tea leaves from the kettle, a soda solution is suitable, with which you can fill the kettle for a day, which will allow the scale to come off.
  • It is convenient to clean enameled dishes with a damp cloth with a small amount of salt added.
  • A thermos from an unpleasant smell will relieve washing with vinegar.

Dishwashing detergent, like, is in every home. Without its use, it is almost impossible to wash dishes, spoons, mugs and other things with high quality. The downside is that not all of these cleansing products are safe for humans. They come into contact with the skin, and their residues in the form of soap suds remain on the dishes. To avoid such negative consequences, it is necessary to choose really and safe detergents.

Natural and safe dishwashing detergents

When buying a product, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the information indicated by the manufacturer, but also to carefully study the composition. It should not indicate the presence of components harmful to humans or the environment, alkali, and the amount of surfactants should not exceed 5%.

Important! The maximum permissible value of surfactants in the composition applies to both liquid detergents and tablets for washing dishes and other types of cleaners.

Safe quality dishwashing detergent must meet the following criteria:

  • Quickly and effectively remove the most stubborn stains from any type of cookware.
  • Do not have a pronounced chemical aroma.
  • Do not provoke the occurrence of allergies.
  • Gently treats the skin on the hands, does not cause irritation.
  • Foaming agent should be medium.
  • Its residues should be completely easily washed off from kitchen utensils.
  • No odors should remain on the dishes.

Only dish detergent that meets all these requirements can be considered safe, high-quality and environmentally friendly. But finding such a product on store shelves is quite difficult, so many people prefer to make it on their own.

Cooking on our own

At home, you can prepare dishwashing gel, thick paste, and even loose cleaning powder. Each type perfectly removes all pollution, does not leave any marks on utensils and is completely safe for humans.

From mustard

Mustard powder not only perfectly removes even the most old grease, but also perfectly disinfects any surface, and it also has a slight whitening effect. Therefore, you can forget about the dark coating on the mugs.

You can use just dry mustard. Pour about 50 g of powder onto a damp sponge and thoroughly wipe all spoons, forks and plates. Then rinse well in water.

You can also make thick pasta. To do this, 100 g of mustard is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and mixed thoroughly. The resulting paste is placed in any plastic container with a lid. Use as a store gel for washing. That is, a small amount of paste is applied to the sponge and the dishes are washed as usual.

Attention! Such a dish detergent perfectly removes all kinds of dirt, but it is poorly washed off in hot water. Therefore, to achieve the best result, the water temperature should be at least 40 degrees.

Based on peroxide and soda

Soda cleans dishes from plaque, dirt and grease, has a slight disinfectant property, and also perfectly softens hard water. Hydrogen peroxide is a real disinfectant and bleach. Together, they enhance each other's beneficial qualities.

Making your own cleansing paste from these ingredients is very simple. They must be mixed in equal proportions, left for five minutes, and after this time the paste is ready for use.

It is most effective during the first days after preparation. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare a new portion every day. You can wash with such a cleanser not only dishes, but also kitchen appliances, as well as silverware.

Other homemade recipes

Dry cleaning powder for dishes can be made by mixing baking soda with mustard powder in equal proportions. The loose mixture is applied either to a damp sponge or directly to the dishes, and washed in the usual way. There will be no dirt or foreign smells left on the kitchen utensils, and the skin of the hands will be soft and smooth.

Quite popular and homemade universal gel on an economic basis. To prepare it, you need to grind a piece of ordinary laundry soap on a grater and pour a liter of hot water. This liquid should be put on fire and with constant stirring, bring to a boil. 70 g of soda ash must be added to the resulting solution. must be thoroughly mixed until smooth.

Thick gel detergent is ready to use after cooling. It is suitable for cleaning not only kitchen utensils, but also any surfaces in the house, including washing mirrors.

Top eco-friendly dishwashing detergents, prices

If you have neither the time nor the desire to make cleaning products for kitchen utensils with your own hands, you can purchase ready-made ones:

  • Dishwashing gel ecodoo French production. Contains Aloe Vera extract. It has a thick homogeneous consistency. It lathers well and rinses off. Cost per 1 liter bottle approx. 450 rubles.
  • Ecover- gel cleanser Available in several versions with different scents. Perfectly deletes any kind of pollution from ware. It has a light, unobtrusive aroma, it is washed off easily and quickly. The 500 ml vial stands in the area 250 rubles.
  • Klar Hypoallergenic, biodegradable gel dishwashing liquid. Available in two types: with and without smell. Works great even on tough grease stains. Has an average level of foaming, does not leave a smell. Price for 500 ml from 270 rubles.
  • Bio Mio- a domestic eco-friendly product that does not have any smell, suitable not only for cleaning kitchen utensils, but also for washing vegetables, berries and fruits. Has antibacterial action. economically spent. Worth an average 150 rubles for 500 ml.
  • Almawin Bio- German dishwashing detergent with a natural composition. The consistency is thick and homogeneous, the consumption is economical. It has a slight smell that does not remain on the dishes. Foams well. Price from 550 rubles for 1 liter.
  • BIO-D- Plant-based, biodegradable. Economical gel with a light fragrance. Does not leave dirt and soap stains on the dishes, it is completely washed off. Removes impurities even in cold water. average price 148 rubles for 400 ml.
  • Sodasan, has a light citrus aroma, foams well, washes well. Compared to previous products, its consistency is more liquid. It protects the skin of the hands from drying out, does not contain any harmful additives. Price for 500 ml approx. 300 rubles.
  • organic people considered one of the best eco-friendly dishwashing detergents. It has a convenient dispenser, a safe composition and excellent foaming. Despite the liquid consistency, it is consumed economically. Can be used to wash dishes, fruits, vegetables and even children's toys. Price for 0.5 l approx. 150 rubles.
  • Japanese gels for dish washing: Zero and kaneyo, have a natural composition, good foaming and a convenient dispenser. The consumption of these gels is very economical - one bottle of 500 ml is enough for six months. The price of one package is approx. 300 rubles.

Any of these means will allow not only quickly and efficiently wash kitchen utensils, but will also make it possible to do it as safely and economically as possible.

The health of all family members depends on the quality of household chemicals. So that harmful substances do not enter our body and do not cause various diseases, you need to know the selection criteria. In addition to direct duties, the detergent should not harm the skin of the hands. If you do not have a dishwasher, it is better to buy detergents that contain natural substances. No matter how environmentally friendly a cleaning agent is, it has a negative effect on the skin of the hands, so it is better to wash dishes with gloves.

Overview of dish cleaners

Among the huge variety of dishwashing detergents, it is worth highlighting:
- gels
- conditioners
- liquids
- soluble powders
- ready concentrates

This is not a complete list. There are two important parameters that determine the quality of the detergent. The first is washability. After conducting various tests for rinsability, it turned out that the standard among all is Pril. It is followed by Fairy, Dosia, AOC, Bingo. The next parameter is to determine the amount of washed dishes with the same amount of detergent. Abundant foam and Fairy has the highest rate. Among the natural means to combat pollution, housewives distinguish ordinary baking soda. Experts do not recommend using powders or laundry soap as cleaning products.

Liquids, gels and solutions: advantages and disadvantages

According to the results of surveys of housewives, liquids are recognized as the most convenient means for washing dishes. With their help, you can wash the dishes with high quality, but it is very difficult to completely wash off the composition. The surfactant substance, which is part of liquid products, can cause many serious diseases. Affordable price, safety for health and high-quality laundering of fat is a combination that should be inherent in an effective cleaning agent. When buying detergents, you should pay attention to the smell, it should be mild; on the minimum amount of surfactants in the composition of the product and on the presence of special additives that neutralize bacteria and chemistry. In terms of security, Frosch is the best. The surfactant included in its composition is of natural origin. There is another great dishwashing detergent - Amway Dish Drops. This tool has a dense consistency, so it should be diluted before use. It practically does not irritate the skin and is considered a hypoallergenic product. Due to its high quality, the concentrate can also be used in cold water.

An impressive amount of time of a modern person is spent on washing dishes. On the shelves in stores, an abundance of bottles of liquid products that facilitate this work. To great joy, housewives are now concerned not only with the smell and price category of such products, but also with the impact on health: human and our planet.

Why are dishwashing detergents dangerous?

The main component of household chemicals for washing dishes is a variety of surface-active substances (surfactants), which determine their washing properties. Surfactants are divided into:

  • cationic (CSAV)
  • anionic (AS)
  • amphoteric (amphoteric)
  • non-ionic (nonionic surfactants)

These chemical compounds are extremely difficult to wash off from the surface of the dishes: one plate must be rinsed at least 15 times, completely immersed in clean water. Can you imagine how much water you need? (After all, even in nature studies classes at school, we were told how important it is to save water resources!) Even if the plate creaks after rinsing, this does not mean at all that the substances have been removed from the surface.

There are dissolved surfactants in the water droplets on the dishes. After drying, these substances still remain, forming a film on the surface. When we put food in this dish, the surfactants join the food and are safely eaten by us. There is a saying that a person consumes half a liter of dishwashing liquid in a year!

What consequences? Unpredictable. Synthetic surfactants in dishwashing detergents. When ingested, they cause gradual poisoning. It all starts with allergic reactions, and can end with the development of tumors in the gastrointestinal tract - the fact is that the decay products of many surfactants are carcinogens.

Not only that, when the surfactant comes into contact with the skin, the protective barrier is destroyed, the compounds are absorbed into the blood and are carried throughout the body.

Damage to the body is caused not only by the surfactants of detergents, but also by chemical flavorings and preservatives. When washing dishes, a person actively inhales fragrances, which, according to scientists, leads to many diseases of the respiratory system, including asthma.

Waste waters with surfactants dissolved in them cause great damage to the environment. Detergents with surfactants with a long decay period are more harmful. While the compounds decompose, they contribute to the waterlogging of water bodies, oxygen starvation of their inhabitants, and subsequently to the death of the latter. Therefore, the shorter the decay period of the surfactant, the safer the product for the environment. The trouble is, manufacturers do not write the names of surfactants in the composition.

The most aggressive are anionic surfactants, although some of them have good biodegradability (up to 90%). Non-ionic completely decompose, that is, they turn into carbon dioxide and water, so they do less harm to the environment.

How to protect yourself from the harmful effects of dishwashing detergents

Of course, the less chemistry comes into contact with the human body, the better for his health. No one encourages readers to completely abandon detergents, but some tips can help reduce the harmful effect.

When washing dishes, it would be great to take care of the environment. To do this, choose safe means.

And also let's notice how much water we spend in the process of cleaning the kitchen? Using a special basin for washing and rinsing dishes will not only save you money on paying for water supply. This is one way to take care of what we have been given.

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