Speech therapy quiz for primary school students. Synopsis of the speech therapy quiz "clever and clever" for children and parents of the senior group of kindergarten

Landscaping 23.09.2019
Author details

Maksimova Elena Veniaminovna

Place of work, position:

MBOU SOSH № 9, Novy Urengoy, speech therapist teacher

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District

Resource characteristics

Education levels:

Preschool education

Education levels:

Primary general education

Education levels:

Special (correctional) education

Education levels:

Boarding schools, orphanages

Class (s):

Item (s):

Speech therapy

Item (s):


Item (s):

Russian language

The target audience:


The target audience:

Teacher (teacher)

The target audience:

Resource type:

Lesson summary (lessons)

Brief description of the resource:

Speech therapy quiz. "Learning by playing". Lesson summary and presentation to it in the attached file.


"Learning - by playing!"

Target: generalization of the knowledge gained.


  • improve phonemic processes, the skill of sound-letter analysis and synthesis.
  • prevent and overcome student failure due to various disorders in the development of oral and written speech,
  • develop memory, attention;
  • continue to work on improving self-control skills,
  • develop the ability to work in a team.

Equipment: a laptop, a multimedia projector, didactic handouts: circles of the same color for the team (according to the number of participants), cards with word chains, with syllables, colored pencils, sheets of paper, cut or magnetic alphabet.

Vocabulary words:

Quiz is a game of answering questions.

Horn - the name of various products, objects in the form of a horn (expanding tube).

The crown is the entire branched part of a tree with its foliage.


- Do you guys like to play? Today, we are holding a quiz. And, of course - let's play!

And one more thing - today we have a jury that will evaluate the work of the teams.

Each of you has a mug in your hands different color... Note! Difficult circles - on each face (emotion - emotional experience, feeling), which depicts a particular mood. Guys, please raise the circles with the expression on your face that matches your mood.

Dunno came to visit us, he did not come empty-handed - he brought games, tasks that he himself cannot cope with.

So let's put our breathing in order.

This is not the sea, not the forest,

We form a circle.

We squeeze the fists tighter,

We raise them higher,

Stretched out! Smiled!

Everyone smelled the flower, and then one more time

And now they have become a dog, they breathed again together.

So the hedgehog came to us, he barely reached it.

You need to breathe again and continue the activity

Breathing is normal! And we continue!

Raise your hands for the green circles. We sit down at this table. Who is the captain and what is the name of the team?


Likewise - with "yellow" and "red"

Well done!


1 slide


- And now - a game-task that Dunno brought us.

Listen to me carefully! Write down those letters in the word that I ask you to highlight. It is necessary to collect the word from the received letters.

Select 2 letter in a word:

roll, suddenly, rainbow, study, porridge - GOOD LUCK

3 letter in a word:

Circle, eraser, daddy, footprint, kitchen - SUCCESS

1 letter in a word:

Road, cancer, knot, beetle, bow, stork - FRIENDSHIP

Friendship, luck and success help you cope with difficulties, and the ability to work in a team unites you, i.e. unites



Again the game from Dunno "Who is faster?"

There are mugs on the chairs. Some circles have syllables. You need to find all the circles with syllables, then add the word.

Whoever finishes faster raises his hand.

Each participant goes out, takes any circle, takes it with him to the team. Then the next one comes out ... and so on - until all the circles are over.



Read the words. With numbers indicating new order letters, make up new words, put them out of letters.

1 4 3 2 1 2 3 5 4

Koninos and k

4 5 1 2 3 3 2 1 4 5

K a b a n ch u l about k

3 4 1 2 4 3 2 1 5

A and s t n o r k a

You guys are great! This concludes our game!

While the jury is calculating the results, we will play with you (riddles, crossword puzzle).


MBDOU Beloyarsk kindergarten "Teremok"

« Speech therapy quiz "Clever and clever men"

Age group: Children and parents senior group"B" combined direction

Prepared by:

Shalginova Maria Vyacheslavovna,

teacher speech therapist

Bely Yar, 2016

Speech therapy quiz for children

senior preschool age and their parents "Clever men and clever men"

Purpose: creating conditions for detecting the level of ZUN children on initial stage correctional and educational work.


Correctional educational : create conditions for s strengthening the acquired pronunciation skills, knowledge children about units of speech(sound, letter, sound analysis skills.

Correctional and developmental : create conditions for the development of self-control skills for correct pronunciation sounds in their own speech, observation, general and fine motor skills, orientation in space, phonemic hearing.

Correctional and educational : create conditions for upbringing in childrena sense of responsibility and mutual assistance.


Speech therapist:-Hello, dear guests!

Shout out loud and in chorus, friends,

Will you refuse to help me? (Yes or no)

Do you love children? Yes or no?

I have no strength at all,

Do you want to listen to lectures here? (No)

I understand you….

How to be gentlemen?

Do we need to solve children's problems? (Yes)

Give me an answer then

Will you refuse to help me? (No)

I'll ask you the last I:

Will you all be active? (Yes or no)

So with great mood and with enthusiasm we startspeech therapy quiz« Clever and clever » , which will be attended by four teams consisting ofchildren and their parents.

The purpose of our event is not only a desire to show who is better, but also to demonstrate what the guys have learned, how they can work in a team together withparents, confer, discuss, find the right solution.

Now I will remind you of the rules of a five-round game.

I will present to your attention the members of the jury, which will summarize the results of the quiz: ...

1 Round "Greetings". Teams, introduce yourself and state your motto.

A) The Pusiki team!Team, what's your motto?

- “Our pluses are kids

Very very good

Let's join hands together

And we'll figure it out! "

B) Team "Clever"!Team, what's your motto?

- “One mind is good,

And the team of minds is better! "

C) The Die Hard Team!Team, what's your motto?

- “We solve everything without unnecessary haste,

We are tough nuts! "

D) The Thinkers team!Team, what's your motto?

- “We will think, convince,

Going to the finals - to win! "

Round 2 "Warm-up"

1. What does any spoken word consist of?

2. Question for children: what is sound?

3. Question for children: what is a letter?

4. General question: what do we see when we read a book?

5. General question: what sounds are there?

6. What vowel sound cannot be at the beginning of a word?

7. The sheet shows articulation exercise... What is it called?

but) "Slide"

b) "Fungus" (+)

in) "Spatula"

Round 3 "Sound - Bukvograd"

1. General task: each team has sheets on which letters are depicted.Your task: circle all the vowels with a red marker.

2. Assignment for parents: pronounce the tongue twister presented on the board without hesitation.

3. Assignment for children: put in the basket only those pictures with the sound "A" at the beginning of the words.

4. Assignment for parents: Pinocchio made a riddle - mixed up the letters in the word. Arrange the letters in the correct order.

4 Round "Change"

Our break will show how well developed your articulatory motor skills are.

Articulating tale "At my grandparents." During the story, the participants must see themselves in the mirror.

Fat grandchildren came to visit

With them thin - only skin and bones

Grandparents smiled at everyone

They all reached out to kiss

In the morning we woke up - lips smile

We brushed our upper teeth

Right and left, inside and outside

We are friends with the lower teeth too

And we will puff on the samovar

We put the saucers - they will put us a pancake

We chew the pancake, wrap it up and bite it

Pancake with delicious raspberry jam.

We will put the cups so that they will pour tea

We blew on the nose and cooled the tea.

we puff out our cheeks,

pull in cheeks

lips in a wide smile

lips stretch forward

Broad smile

brush your upper teeth with your tongue

matching movements with a wide tongue

repetition of these movements with the tongue in the position of the lower teeth

simultaneous inflating of both cheeks with subsequent release of air through the lips

a wide tongue rests on the lower lip

chew a spread tongue, bite it, wrapping it by the lower teeth

lick the upper lip from front to back with a wide tongue

bend a wide tongue upward with a cup,

blow with "Cups" up

Round 5.

1. Assignment for parents: continue drawing by cells.

2. Task for children - for sleight of hand: on the count of "three" - wind the thread around the pencil, fingering with the fingers of both hands.

So our event has come to an end.

Today we listened to our children and parents. We saw how children try to be active and attentive, to do the right tasks. And now let's listen to the jury, which will sum up the results of the competitions.

The jury sums up the results of the competitions, awards the winners and participants.

Speech therapy quiz

(final lesson for 2nd grade)

In order to increase the effectiveness of correctional work, speech therapy classes can be carried out in the form of games, quizzes, etc. Such forms of activity not only increase the emotional mood of children, but also force them to activate all their knowledge and capabilities to achieve good results. To prepare for such events, students receive an assignment in advance. For example, coming up with a name for the teams, drawing emblems, choosing a captain, etc. This work evokes a lot of positive emotions, increases motivation and interest in classes. I would like to suggest an option for speech therapy quiz with students in grade 2. And although this is not the main form of speech therapy classes, I hope that this material will be of interest to specialists in the organization of non-traditional forms of conducting classes.

Purpose of the lesson : summarize the results of the course of classes (summarize the knowledge and skills gained, evoke positive emotions and reflection in children, promote self-esteem, give an orientation to further success, get feedback on the effectiveness of the classes).

Course of the lesson:

Children enter the hall to music and sit on chairs. The speech therapist welcomes them, informs them about the purpose of this event.The teams greet each other. Further, the speech therapist offers several competitive tasks. When summing up the results after each test task, the results are entered into the protocol.

Exercise 1 . Warm up.

Grade.For each correct answer, the team is awarded 1 point.

    How many vowels are there in Russian? (Answer: 6 vowel sounds.)

    Which of the letters yo, e, yu, y consists of one sound? (Answer: letter Have.)

    Which of the syllables uh uh uh fa ha stands for a note? (Answer: F.)

    What is the name of the fairytale character that begins with a syllableBoo (Answer: Pinocchio.)

    What is the name of the girl, which is made up of the last sounds of the names of the following objects: rake, ball, aster. (Answer: Ira.)

    Which bird, having lost one letter, becomes the largest river in Europe?


    Rearrange the letters in the word GAME so that you get the capital of the state. (Answer: Riga.)

    How does summer end? (Answer: with the letter O.)

Assignment 2 . Guess the puzzles.

Grade. 1 point per everyone right guessed re beads .

(Answer: spring, bucket, wind, branch, broom.)

Assignment 3 ... The advice of a wise owl.

Grade. 1 point for a correctly composed expression.

Each wheel has one six-letter word written on it. Read them, and then arrange the words in such a way that you get the advice of a wise owl.

(Answer: Listen more, talk less.)

Task 4. We play hide and seek.

Findhidden names of insects among the lines.

Grade. 1 point for each insect name found.

Knowcoma p Ybam is the trick of the angler.

The kama died downNS , stranded cabins in the sky stars.

(Answer: mosquito, bumblebee)

Assignment 5 ... Name it in one word.Team captains competition.

Questions are asked to each captain in turn.

Grade. 1 point for each correct answer.

    Mom bought a table lamp for money.

(Answer: table lamp.)

    Vitya negligently lost metal fixture for locking and unlocking the lock.

(Answer: key)

    An elderly man discovered a red mushroom with white spots on its cap under an evergreen thorny tree.

(Answer: fly agaric.)

    A chirping, crow-like bird sat on the top of a pine tree that has been growing for a hundred years.

(Answer: forty.)

Task 6. Auction "Who is Bigger?"

Using the words "camel" and "newspaper" come up with as many sentences as you can. (For example: How many camels can you wrap in one newspaper? The camel chewed the newspaper and washed it down with a glass of Coca-Cola.)

Grade. 1 point for each sentence made.

Task 7. The letters fell apart.

Fold the elements together to form letters.

Grade. 1 point for each correctly folded letter.

(Answer: letters K, L, P).

Summarizing. Rewarding of participants.

List of used literature

Volina V.V. Learning by playing. - M .: New school, 1994.

Dmitriev S.D., Dmitriev V.S. Entertaining correction of written speech. -

M .: Knigolyub, 2005.

Klimanova L.F. My alphabet. - M .: Education, 2001.

Kireeva Elena Nikolaevna
Position: teacher speech therapist
Educational institution: GBOU "Special boarding school in Usman"
Locality: Usman city, Lipetsk region
Material name: methodical development
Topic: Speech therapy quiz for students of grades 5-7 "We will show what we can do".
Date of publication: 03.06.2017
Chapter: secondary vocational

GBOU "Special boarding school in Usman"

Speech therapy quiz

for students in grades 5-7

"We will show what we can do."

Target: to consolidate the knowledge gained in the lessons of the Russian language and reading.

Tasks: correctional educational: develop phonemic

perception, auditory speech memory, lexical and grammatical side of speech;

correctional and developmental: develop coherent speech, speech skills

communication, visual perception and attention, thinking, creative


correctional and educational: the formation of cooperation skills,

cognitive interest in teaching literacy, interaction,

independence, creating a positive emotional mood.

Dear jury and guests! Today we have an unusual game. Guys on

speech therapy classes learned correct and beautiful speech,

children have learned to conduct a speech therapy quiz.

Today the guys will compete in two teams. Them throughout

games must be attentive and friendly.

The work of the teams will be assessed by the jury (presentation of the jury members,

the protocol of the quiz).

We also welcome our fans, of whom, after

after the end of the quiz, we will choose the most active ones.

But before we start, let's choose the team captains.

We wish you guys success! So let's get started!

Task 1 warm-up: fold the puzzles, stick them on paper.

the task gets 1 point.

Task 2. Make words from these letters:

For each correct word, 1 point is given. For finding excess and

selection of generalizing one more.

AALTREK _______________

LEATHER _______________

WNO _______________

DMONCHEA _______________

SHKAACH ________________

ILVAK ________________

LDUECB ________________

IMAS K ________________

Find superfluous word and cross it out. To the remaining words

pick up a generalizing word.

Assignment 3 Finish the saying.

For each correctly named proverb, 1 point is awarded.

Don't have a hundred rubles, ……………………………… .. (but have a hundred friends).

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness).

Seven times measure cut once).

What goes around comes around).

Do not put off until tomorrow, ……………………………. (What can be done


Business time, ……………………………………………………. (Fun hour).

An old friend is better than two new ones).

Do not put off until tomorrow …………………………… .. (what you can do


They are greeted by clothes, ………………………………… .. (but they are escorted by the mind).

Bread for everything …………………………………………… .. (head).

Assignment 4. Complete the sentences with homogeneous terms:

1 point for each correctly completed sentence.

Grandmother _______________, ______________, ____________ eyes.

Nikita has a lot of __________________, ________________ toys.

Mom baked _________________, _____________, ___________

The road to the village went through ____________, _____________,

____________, ______________ and ______________ grow on the flowerbed.

At the holiday, children ________________, _________________,

______________, _______________, _______________ grew in the park.

Task 5. Teams are invited to solve puzzles.

For each guessed puzzle, 1 point.

Annex 1.

Exercise 6. Expand the brackets, write down the words in the desired column

tables. Remember that prepositions are written separately, and prefixes are


(about) echoing, (about) the war, (to) the city, (to) dawn, (at) galloping, (at) the garage,

(y) an elephant, (y) flew, (on) the ground, (on) rushed, (on) a laugh, (on) the garden.

Words with prepositions

Words with prefixes

Task 7. Teams are invited to answer the questions in turn:

1 point for each correct answer.

1 team 2 team

What part of the word is in front of the root

and serves to form new


a y t



What is the name of the notebook for writing



used at the end of a sentence?

How are prefixes with words spelled?

How are prepositions with words spelled?

What part of speech denotes a sign

subject and answers questions:

what?, what?, what?, what?

Which part of speech answers the questions

"who what?" and denotes an object?

Apple, tangerine, pear - one

Carrots, beets, zucchini - one

What letters do not indicate sound?

How many letters are in the Russian alphabet?

What are 5 nouns?


What are 5 nouns?


What falls from the trees in the fall?

What falls in winter?

Who picks apples with their backs?

Is the flower a fortune teller?

Task 8 Make and write down sentences from these words:

Evaluated by 1 point for each correctly composed sentence.

Summer holidays

the sea, in the summer, Borya, went, to, parents, with

everyone, on, walked, together, beach, in the morning


splashing in, guys, for a long time, warm, water


children, returned, with, adults, tanned, south, and


sea, and, shells, presented, Boris, pebbles, friends


Team captains read the text.

Task 9. Decrypt the sentence using the key:

The task is estimated at 5 points.

The team captains will perform a separate task at this time.

Appendix 2.

18 6 2 33 20 1, 3 29 23 16 18 16 26 16 17 16 20 18 21 5 10

14 16 13 16 5 24 29!





Jury marks for previous competitions.

Choosing the most active fan.

Annex 1.

Appendix 2.

Captains competition.

1. The speech we hear and pronounce is called:

A. oral.

B. writing.

V. internal.

2. Written speech includes ...

A. hearing.

B. letter.

B. speaking.

G. reading.

3. Make a word from the first syllables:

Owl jar porridge

Soda dew card

Turnip day water

Rose root jam

Bridge shovel goat

4. Guess riddles:

a) if it were not for him, I would not say anything.

b) a house for books.

5. Choose a synonym for the word joyful.

What do the students carry over their shoulders to school?

Novikova Lyudmila Vyacheslavovna, AMBOU Lyceum No. 9, speech therapist teacher, Sverdlovsk region.
Subject (focus): Speech therapy
Class: 1
Venue: class
Purpose: consolidation of knowledge, abilities, skills acquired by students
during the school year.
Educational: to consolidate the acquired pronunciation skills.
Developmental: develop phonemic hearing;
develop creative and logical thinking, memory, attention;
develop expressiveness, emotional coloring of speech
Educational: to form the ability to work in a team of peers;
educate self-control over speech, independence and activity;
foster interest in speech therapy classes
Equipment: laptop, projector, screen, emblems for team members (vowels, consonants), badges for team captains, "Jury" sign, form for scoring, 2 boxes for playing the order, tape recorder, CD with V. Shainsky's song "ABVGDKA" , task cards, ballpoint pens, medals for rewarding, prizes, incentive gifts.
H o d w and to r in s
Organizational moment: (slide 1). The song of V. Shainsky "ABVGDKA" is played.
Speech therapist: Dear guys, dear jury and guests! Today we have an unusual game. Children in speech therapy classes learn beautiful and correct speech, the ability to read quickly and write competently. In order to see what the children have learned, we will conduct a speech therapy quiz "Vowels and consonants". Today the guys will compete in two teams. The work of the teams will be evaluated by the jury (presentation of the jury members, the protocol of the quiz, Appendix No. 1). We also welcome our fans! We wish you guys success! So let's get started!
Command Representation
Team name Motto
Vowels Vowels stretch in a ringing song,
They can cry and scream
They can lull a child in the crib,
But they don't want to whistle and grumble. "

Consonants A consonants agree
Whisper, whisper, creak,
Even snort and hiss,
But I don't want to sing to them.
1 competition "Rhyming" (slide 2)
Speech therapist:
Guys, each team has prepared a rhyme for their opponent, but at the same time we will not agree on the end of the sentences. You need to find a rhyme (participants take turns pronouncing their phrases to the other team).
1. Who will color our album? Well, of course ... .. (pencil).
2. With Snow White, cute and funny ... .. (gnome).
3. As soon as Ivan came home, he immediately lay down on… .. (sofa).
4. The horse has a child: playful ... .. (foal).
5. What kind of cactus are they ... (thorns).
6. Everyone in the forest knows her: red-tailed ... (fox).
7. A silvery flight takes place .... (airplane).
8. Spartak scored the winning goal. Handsome showed .... (football). 9. I changed my flashlight to air red ... (ball).
10. Wasp - wasp - wasp - on deck ... (sailor).
II. "S o g l a s n e"
The cow has a cute, affectionate child .... (calf).
June has come to an end. He is followed by ... (July).
It's chilly in the cold without it. Protect from the cold .... (hat).
The hippopotamus is saddened, stroking its big .... (belly).
A brother came out of the bathroom. He put on the bath ... (robe).
Invites all children to taste the harvest .... (garden).
This bird loves fat, yellow-breasted .... (tit).
Wasp-wasp-wasp - stings the nose ... (frost).
Gleb comes to the store, buys white ... (bread).
As - as - as - swimming in the pond ... (crucian carp).
The jury announces the results of the 1st competition. Score: for each correct answer, a team is awarded 1 point.
2nd competition "The Enchanted Word" (slides 3, 4)
Speech therapist:
Guys, we are continuing our quiz. The competition is unusual and is called "The Enchanted Word". Let's take a look at the screen, what kind of task you need to complete! (children guess 2 words by the first letters of the pictures). The competition is for speed. The first team to answer correctly earns 1 point.
rainbow friendship
The jury announces the results of the 2nd competition. Evaluation: for each correct answer, a team is awarded 1 point.
3rd competition "The Lost Letter" (slides 5, 6)
Speech therapist:
Children, by coincidence, letters disappeared from words. Dunno finds it difficult to do it himself. Let's help him! Work with handout cards (Appendix No. 2, 2.1). Insert the missing letters in the words and read them. A vet appears on the screen.
The jury announces the results of the 3rd competition. Evaluation: for each correct answer, a team is awarded 1 point.
Poetic pause. Reading poetry by children (slide 7)
The alphabet is our best friend
They know everything in the world.
There are many letters around,
All children teach them.
Books to read
Everyone should know the ABC.
2.Air flows freely through the mouth,
There are no different obstacles,
The voice participates, the voice calls,
Sound turns out ... vowel
3. It can be quiet, loud,
And also deaf and sonorous.
Can quickly slip through.
And if he wants, he will live.
As long as the call
Will not measure his term.
He always shivers everywhere
And runs through the air.
His mouth is like a home,
A wave flies out of it.
Loves to tease with an echo,
Get buried in the drum.
If you hear a knock somewhere,
So the sound has reached us.
The air tears down the barriers
The noise turns out
There is no air at all
But the sound breaks through.
What is the name of this sound? (consonant)
4. Stressed syllable, stressed syllable.
It is so named for a reason,
Hey invisible hammer
Mark it with a blow.
And the hammer knocks, knocks
And my speech sounds clear.
He is a joker, an invisible hammer.
Knock! - and struck an unstressed syllable .. And immediately the huge castle disappeared
And a small castle appeared ...
Listen hammer
Don't confuse the syllables.
Again, mischievous, do not lie.
We are in the word, the syllable is stressed
Find it elementary.
And when we find him,
Let's say the loudest.
4th competition “Experts What? Where? When?" (slide 8)
Speech therapist:
Each team needs to name as many words as possible for their interpretation in a minute. Let's determine which team will be the first (team captains pull badges with numbers 1 or 2 from the magic bag).
Questions number 1
What is the name of the place where planes arrive with passengers, luggage, mail? (the airport)
What is the name of the stick with a line and a hook at the end? Are they fishing with it? (fishing rod)
What is the name of fish soup? (ear)
What is the name of the circus where only dolphins perform? (dolphinarium)
Place where medicine is prepared and sold (pharmacy)
Summer months (June, July, August)
Baby Sheep (Lamb)
Organ of vision (eye)
Deciduous tree with white bark (birch)
For a snowman, they roll a snow (lump)
In the grass chirps and rings (grasshopper)
Gord, a humpback, lives in the desert. On himself, he carries water, cargo, people, food (camel)
Red-headed minxes, jumpers. They like to gnaw nuts (squirrels)
Front - piglet, back - hook (pig)
Mushroom is a buffoon! Red hat with peas (fly agaric)
Questions number 2
The tallest policeman (Uncle Styopa)
Three-eyed road assistant (traffic light)
Knocks, rattles, spins, fears no one, walks the whole century, and not a man (clock)
Winter months (December, January, February)
A cold sweet treat that looks like snow (ice cream)
Lantern threads on Christmas tree(Garland)
The person who guards, guards something (watchman)
Plant watering vessel (watering can)
Medicine cabinet (first aid kit)
Bag that students carry over their shoulders (satchel)
Long blunt knitting needle (knitting needle)
Sweet substance produced by bees (honey)
Frozen water (ice)
Slice of bread with sausage and butter (sandwich)
The place where mushrooms and berries grow (forest)
The jury announces the results of the 4th competition. Score: 1 point is awarded for each correct answer.
5 competition of team captains "Seven responses to one sound" (slide 9)
Speech therapist: Each of the team captains receives a box with a letter (T or D), to which there must be answers to 7 questions. The captains take turns answering.
The letter "T" at the beginning of the word.
One of the types of transport.
Baby cow.
The girl's name.
Educational thing.
A tree from which fluff flies.
Mobile phone)
With the help of this item, firewood is chopped.
The letter "D" at the beginning of the word.
Who heals people.
The boy's name.
Winter month.
Musical instrument.
They sit and sleep on it.
What does the snail wear?
Whoever beats on the roof all night, but knocks.
The jury announces the results of the 5th competition. Score: for each correct answer to the team captain 1 point is awarded.
6 competition "The Hidden Word" (slides 10, 11)
Speech therapist:
Each team is presented with a table with a set of letters, among which you need to find words. Working time 2 minutes (Appendix No. 3, 3.1).
The jury announces the results of the 6th competition. Score: 1 point for each word found.
7 competition "Editors" (slides 12, 13)
Speech therapist:
Team captains receive an assignment on the cards, where it is necessary to correct mistakes in sentences and pronounce them correctly. Working time 2 minutes (Appendix No. 4, 4.1).
Card for the command "Vowels"
The boy smashed the ball with glass.
After the mushrooms, it rains.
The brother has lost the library from the book.
The goat brought food for the girl.
Card for the command "Consonants"
In the spring, the meadows flooded the river.
The calf is leading the girl on a string.
Branches appeared on the thin leaves.
The children gathered a fire for the brushwood.
The jury announces the results of the 7th competition. Score: for each correct answer 1 point.
Summing up the results of the quiz (slide 14)
Summing up the results of the jury, rewarding the winning team, encouraging the participants with prizes.
Speech therapist:
While our respected jury is summing up the results, allow me to present medals to all the participants of the quiz.
Then the presentation of prizes to the winners of the quiz and incentive gifts.
I wish you all excellent health and academic success!

Recommended to read
