A summary of the speech therapy occupation on the topic "Sound and Letter". Exercises for lips

Decor elements 23.09.2019
Decor elements

Science on the lack of speech, which studies the methods of their abolition, as well as special exercises for the language - speech therapy. Not only children are addressed to this science, but also adults to correctly and beautifully pronounce sounds and have success in any business where you need to persuade, inspire, share information with other people. To adjust speech defects, regular speech therapy exercises for children and adults are used.

Some parents face speech problems with their children

In our article you will find useful advice And for yourself to acquire the skills of proper articulation, as well as a lot of valuable techniques to adjust the pronunciation of sounds by your children.

In order to achieve high results in business and have the ability of belief, it is necessary not only to speak speech, but also clearly and choose their thoughts. Not everyone immediately managed to master this science, therefore various practices exist to improve skills.

Speech therapy exercises for adults

There is a fuzziness of speech and in adults, so ask you to ask if you have deficiencies in pronunciation. You can simply write several phrases to the voice recorder, and then carefully listen to your voice.

There are speech therapy exercises for adults, the main of which is to memorize and expand the patter. If for children it is better to offer in a game form, then adults are enough to give a job to test the skill.

Pronunciation problems in most cases are easily corrected after the course of regular classes

So, everyone must comply with the following rules during training:

  • read the patter 3-4 times;
  • slowly repeat it, clearly and clearly progressing;
  • when everything comes out correctly, you can speed up the pace;
  • it is important to qualitatively pronounce all the sounds, and not quickly;
  • short twigs need to pronounce in one breath.

For adults and the kids are approached by the same tasks:

  1. choking the language, to portray how the horse rides;
  2. smile, but tongue to try to get a palate;
  3. imagine that you lick honey from the lips, not touching the corners of the lips;
  4. press the tongue between the teeth and move it up and down.

To make sure that the tasks executed correctly, use the mirror. To track progress, read the excerpt from a story with an expression or poem, paying attention to all punctuation marks.

Speech therapy exercises for children

All speech therapy exercises for children should be performed unnoticed for the baby so that it is all serene pastime in a game form.

You can invent the comic name for each task, because the child loves the association, sometimes the most unexpected. So, the guys like such as the "horse", "chickens".

Identifying problem sounds You can choose certain exercises to correct the problem

Performing tasks contributes to the development of the articulation apparatus of the baby, allows you to remove the shortcomings of pronunciation, form the necessary speech skills.

  • "Gate": you need to open your mouth wide to relax lips, repeat 6 times.
  • "Shovel": you should put a tongue on the bottom lip.
  • VAZochka: Language to the upper lip, repeat 5 times.
  • "Ball": to inflate that one, then the other cheek, as if the ball rides in the mouth.

The pronunciation of the baby will be clear if to train words with large quantity Consults: Plate, girlfriend, intricist, karate, bunch, bed, mug, jumping. They need to dispel each day and train to hear every sound.

Spenting exercises for hissing sounds

Children often do not manage to pronounce the hissing right, sometimes you need to train until the school itself. Well, if the child's environment owns a speech and can adjust the pronunciation of the baby. Consider which speech therapy exercises for hissing sounds are most relevant. They are also suitable for adults, and for kids, if such problems exist.

Speech therapy exercises on the letter

It is important to know what to do with articulation. So, first round the lips and round them, the teeth are not closed, the edges of the tongue are pressed against the teeth, and it forms the bucket itself. I exhale air with the addition of voices when pronouncing a hissing g.

Here are the main speech therapy exercises on the letter w:

  • "Harmonica" to strengthen the muscles of the language in a vertical position: open the mouth, smile, and press the tongue to the neb. 5 times open and close your mouth.
  • "Pie": Open and smile, twist a tongue, raising the edges. Count up to 15, and then repeat.

Camerages for correcting the defect of the pronunciation of sound

They can be used in the training of other hissing pronunciation.

Speech therapy exercises for sound h

There are also speech therapy exercises on the sound of H:

  • "The fungus" for stretching the sub-band bridle: the mouth is open, stretch the lips, and touches the tongue to the nebu so that the edges are tightly pressed. Repeating, the mouth open is wider.
  • "Focus": Language, smiling, raise the tip, blow up a hut with a nose. Repeat 5-6 times.

Such classes help strengthen the muscles of the language and develop its mobility, which is useful when negligeting hissing.

Speech therapy exercises on the letter sh

There are also speech therapy exercises on the letter W:

  • "Cup": put a language on the bottom lip, and then lift it and hold for a few seconds. Repeat 8 times.
  • "Football": stretch the lips with a tube and blow on a mob in the shape of a ball, trying to get into the improvised gate.

Claims for correcting problems with sound

These tasks should be performed in the game process every day so that the child's articulation apparatus develops and the pronunciation is improved.

Speech therapy exercises for consonant sounds

Often both adults and children with difficulty negotiate certain consonants, so to adjust the speech you need speech therapy exercises for consonant sounds.

Speech therapy exercises on the letter l

Consider now speech therapy exercises on the letter L:

  • "Train beep": Tongue tongue and loud buzz "U-U-U".
  • "Song of the tongue": language you need to bite and run "Loek-Loek".
  • "Painting": you need to press the tongue tooth and move to them up and down, as if you paint the house.

Working movement for the correctness of the pronunciation of sound l

If the training is intended for children, you can come up with a game in which you will need to perform these tasks.

Speech therapy exercises on the letter with

We will now analyze the speech therapy exercises on the letter C:

  • show how pump pumped wheel;
  • depict the wind blowing;
  • pass how blowing the ball;
  • show what you can hear if you have a bottle with a narrow throat.

In order to bring the child to understand what they want from him, put the toothpick on his tongue and ask for her teeth, smile and blow air.

Speech therapy exercises on sound r

We find out the speech therapy exercises on the sound of P, which is the most problematic for all children:

  • "Clean the teeth": you need to led a tongue on the teeth inside in different directions.
  • "Musician": Opening the mouth, to raise the language in Alveola, uttering "D-d-d", resembling a drum fraction. You can check the correctness of the execution, bringing a sheet of paper to the mouth. He must move from air flow.
  • "Pigeon": the tongue needs to be led along the top lip back and forth, copy the bird "Bl-bl-bl".

Training for the language of the right pronunciation of sound r

These training tasks will help defeat the most difficult sound for kids, since the articulation device will be more mobile. Following this, you can start selecting words with the letter r.

Speech therapy exercises for sound t

Sometimes simple sounds of people are difficult to pronounce correctly when it is difficult to understand the meaning of the word or even statements. With such problems should be struggling. And these are the most efficient speech therapy exercises on the sound of T:

  • the tip of the language touches the upper teeth and pronounce "T-TT-T";
  • imitation of the hammer "Tuk-Tuk" or the clock "Tik-Tik";
  • we go with the baby along the road, repeating the "top top top";
  • arcuring the patter "From the topot of the hoof dust on the field flies."

How to do the exercises for the right pronunciation of sound t

It will also be useful to repeat these classes every day in order for training to be effective. Make sure that it is listening to your baby, as it is formed depending on how we perceive the sounds on the rumor. Take care that all family members do not "sysyukali" and did not use words in a decrease in the baby.

Speech therapy exercises when stuttering

All speech therapy exercises when stuttering are aimed at forming smoothness of speech. Try to relax the baby before classes, use game forms of work that is most acceptable in childhood.

We will get acquainted with the most necessary tasks in such a situation:

  • Read the poem to calm music without words, first a little, and over time, complicate the task.
  • Chlo in your hands on vowels, which are found in the word.
  • "Conductor": Selling a few words, syllables, vowels, focusing on the crazy with their hands and observing the rhythm.
  • "Carousel": you need to walk in a circle, repeating the phrase "we are funny carousel opa-opa-pa-pa".

Remember that you must pay attention during speech breathing. Start each occupation gradually and smoothly, and then you can accelerate the pace, if everything turns out.

Problems with speech and articulation are solved over time and thanks to daily training, the power of will and motivation.

We wish you success!

The lack of pronunciation of all hissing (w, w, h, u) is called sigmatism, which is similar to Sigmatism of whistling (C, 3, C). This is explained by the fact that hissing and whistling general way Education, in which a directional jet of air passes through the gap, in a groove located along the middle of the language.

Types of sigmatism are the same as whistling.

Interdental Single Sigmatism - The tip of the tongue falls between the front teeth, and one edge of the language (right or left) leaves against the native teeth, which the whole language unfolds.

Side Sigmatism- Both edges of the language (or one) come off from the indigenous teeth, which is why the gap is formed between the edge (edges) of the tongue and the root teeth. The air is rushed into the resulting gap, and the tip of the tongue rests on the palate, which is why there is an unpleasant sweeping sound.

Long-Tooth Sigmatism - The lips are strongly pronounced. The upper cutters are pressed to the lower lip, forming a slot with it, where the air current rushes. The language in the formation of the audio of participation does not accept, the sound is heard close to F.

Brush Sigmatism- Language is passively lying at the bottom of the mouth. Air inflates both cheeks.

Softened sound sh- As a rule, the softened pronunciation of sound should be at the bottom of its articulation or as a result of too closely the position of the tip of the tongue to the front teeth.

Nasal sigmatism (or partial bench)- The defect arises, if, during pronouncing, the W soft packed is lowered and the air falls into the nasal pass.

Sound replacement W other sounds(for example, C, T, etc., both correctly, so incorrectly articulated) is called parasigmatism and refers to a specific defect.

Statution of sound Sh

If a child has the right articulation of sound with or waving it by pronunciation, the sound formulation of the sound is not difficult.

1. It is best to set the sound from S. S. To do this, offer learning to pronounce (long sound C-with) Or a syllable of sa and at the time of pronouncing, lift its tip of the tip with a spatula, probe or finger for the top teeth, on the alveoli. Instead of C or Ca, hears W or Sha. Focusing the child's attention on the upper position of the tip of the tongue (watch it not to stick the tongue in the palate!), Offer to listen to what happened: "Speaks, and what happened?"

2. Sound W Easy to put from sound P, stirring the vibration of the tip of the tongue with mechanical help (probe). You can stop the "rolls" of the sound of P, for example, the word "stop!", Suggest to keep the articulation and remember the place behind the upper cutters, where the sound of R. was uttered at the "this place", behind the upper teeth, say "sa" and listen to what happened . Sound W can also be delivered from the whisper sound R.

3. In exceptional cases, it is possible to put the lower sound of sh, moving the tip of the tip back at the time of the pronouncement of a long sound with - s - s. The supplied sound is fixed in syllables, words and automates in separate phrases, sentences and texts.

Normal installation of articulation organs when pronouncing the sound "sh".

  • The tip of the language in the form of "cup" is raised to the front of the nose (Alveol);
  • The side edges of the tongue are adjacent to the upper indigenous teeth;
  • Language muscles are not too tense;
  • The lips are rounded and advanced forward in the form of "horn";
  • Between teeth small slit;
  • Air exhaust evenly in the middle of the language;
  • On the palm of the mouth, a warm jet of air is felt.
  • Voice motor does not work.

Preparatory exercises for sound "sh".

Exercises for lips . Splesh teeth. Round the lips and stretch forward, as when pronouncing the sound "O". The corners of the lips should not come into contact. The lips do not close the teeth. Relax lips and repeat the exercise several times.

Note. The lips are too extended forward (as when pronouncing the sound "y"). At the same time, the corners of the lips come into contact and, therefore, are involved in the work, while they should be stationary. In addition, an additional obstacle is created for the emerging air.

Exercise for the development of exhalation . Round the lips and, inhaling, evenly, with force, exhale air. Hand palm exercise control - Feels a warm jet. To the position of the language not to pay attention. Repeated exercise to achieve the child the necessary air force.

Exercise for language . Raise the language to the front of the nose with a flat stick (flat end of a teaspoon), underlined under the tongue. The tip of the language is raised to the neba. Teeth open up the width of one and a half fingers. Lips round. Hold the language in the upper position for a while. Repeat the exercise many times.

Repeat the exercise without using the stick. At the same time, the language should freely rise and hold in the nose.

The exercise . Printing the long sound "sh". Raise the language to the front of the nose with a flat stick. Without taking out sticks, close teeth. Rain and pull the lips forward, the corners of the lips should not come into contact. Uniformly, with force, exhale air, controlling the hand with a stream of hand. Long sound is heard "Sh - Sh - W".

Preparatory stage

Lesson 1.

Spatial orientation
Cross orientation.
- Put the right hand on the left shoulder. Put left On the right knee. Touch the right hand to the left ear. Left hand touch the right cheek.
"Raised the mountain, go off the mountain." Slots pronounce in combination with the movements of the index finger.

"I melting the handles." Make a deep breath. Raw lips and exhale air with power with force. A warm air jet should be felt. Repeat 3-4 times.
Exercise for the lips
"Surprise". Round the lips and pull them forward. Try the sound [o].
Exercises for language
"The tongue is looking for a crack in the fence." Sukle a wide tongue into the gap between the teeth.
"Spatula". To smile, open the mouth, put a wide front edge of the language on the bottom lip. To hold in this position to the account up to 10.
Coordination of breathing, articulation and lamp
Gaming tasks
"The boat is swinging on the waves." Drawing wavy lines in a box with millet cereal.

The selection of sound [sh] from a number of distant acoustic and articulating signs of sounds. Sounds: [B], [sh], [l], [Ш], [П], [b], [φ], [Ш], [m], [n], [Ш]. Sound: La, Sha, Fu, Wu, By, Co., Gee. Words cap, lump, fur coat, bank, shirt, raspberry.

Lesson 2.

Exercise for the development of prolonged exhalation
"Football". Touch. To smile, put a wide front edge of the tongue on the bottom lip. Exhaled by the air jet drive a cotton lump in the "Gate".
"Machine a candle." Smooth and slow exhalation on the candle flame.
Print of vowels sounds a-and, A-U, E-s on one exhale with intertarized articulation.
Exercises for lips
"Wide tube." Splesh teeth. Round down lips elongated. The corners of the lips do not come into contact. The lips do not close the teeth. Hold the lips in such a position at the expense of up to 6.
Exercises for language
"Delicious jam." Slightly open the mouth. The wide front edge of the language lick the upper lip, making the movement of the tongue from above. Repeat 5-6 times.
"The tongue goes to visit the nose." Open your mouth, lift a wide front edge of the tongue to the nose. Hold it in such a bill to 5-6.
"Teeth with a tongue play hide and seek." Open your mouth, close the upper teeth into the tongue.

"Cuckoo and Sovishki conversation." Pronounce symbols and sounds ku-ku, ku-ku, ku-ku; U-E, U-E, U-E with the change of intonation.
Development phonematics perception
The release of the sound [sh] among the sounds close to acoustic and articulation features, against the background of syllables and words. Sounds: [C], [Ш], [З], [C], [Ш], [C], [F], [C]. Sounds: sa, for, Ms, CO, Sha, Tso, Su, Shu, Shl, Shi, Sy. Words Cuckoo, Owl, Pupils, Fox, Beetle, Bumblebee, and others. The child raises his hand or claps in his palm, if hears the sound [sh].

Lesson 3.

Exercise for the development of prolonged exhalation
Close up to a wide language on the upper lip, bring a strip of paper (just above the nose). Dressing on a paper sulander (the air jet should go space up).
"The plane is buzzing." The pronunciation of sound [y] with a change in the height and power of votes.
Exercise for the lips
Alternation of the exercise "Smile" and "tube".
Exercises for language
"The tongue swings on the swing." Widely open your mouth, raise a wide tongue to the nose, then omit to the chin.
"Hiding teeth." Close up the top teeth with a wide language, then the bottom.
"Button candy". Put on the edge of the tongue of the candy's dried out of the mouth. Suggest glue it to the sky behind the upper teeth.
Development of switching of the organs of the articulation apparatus and the development of the agreed work of the lip and language
"Play on the drum." Slistening the syllable combinations Ta-yes, Ta-yes, Ta-yes, that yes, you, you, you, you, are you with the movement of the index fingers of both hands.
Development of phonderatic perception
Determining the sound [sh] in words. Finding toys in the title of which there is a sound [sh]. (Matryoshka, Rattle, Cheburashka, Bear, Machine, Ball.)
Determining the position of the sound [sh] in the words ball, teddy bear, baby.

Lesson 4.

Exercise for the development of prolonged exhalation
"Focus". Put a piece of wool on the tip of the nose. Smile, open the mouth. The wide front edge of the language put on the upper lip so that the side edges of it were pressed, and in the middle of the "groove". Flush cotton. The air should go through the middle of the language, then the wool will fly up.
Exercise for the lips
"Elephant's trunk". Round the lips and pull them forward. Hold lips in such a bill to 6.
Exercises for language
"Swing". Raise and lower the wide tongue behind the teeth, touching it with the tip of the upper gum, then the bottom.
The tip of the tongue is tied under the top of the lip, then with the click from the knife.
- Cook "Cup", I will treat you with juice. What kind of juice will you drink?
- open the mouth, put a wide tongue on the bottom lip, then lift the tip and side edges of the tongue up, in the middle of the language the recess should be formed.
Development of voice, switchability of the organs of the articulation apparatus and the development of agreed lip and language work
"The conversation of the piglets of NAF-NAF and NUF-NUFA." Slistening the syllables on-on-at, now, well, well, but no, but with the change of emphasis and intonation (fearful, confidently, angry, calmly).
Development of phonderatic perception
Find pictures on the topic "Clothing", in the title of which there is sound [sh]. Determination of the position of the sound [sh] in the words cap, scarf, shirt, pants, shower.
Set pictures on a set canvase. Items, in the name of which sound hears at the beginning of the word, put on the upper strip, on the middle - those in the names of which sound in the middle, on the bottom - those in the names of which sound at the end.

Lesson 5.

Exercise for the development of prolonged exhalation
"Strong wind drives leaves." Put a wide language ("lopa-that") on the bottom lip. Dressing with the formation of the middle line "Groove".
Exercise for the lips
"Trunk big Elephant and little elephant. " Alternation with a wide and narrow "tube".
Exercises for language

"We are going on the horse." Slotching language. The wide tip of the tongue is embrying to the sky and with the luggage, it takes off from it.
"Rose petal". Language "Cup" outside, then inside the mouth. The sideways of the tongue can be pressed to the upper indigenous teeth.
Development of switching of the organs of the articulation apparatus and the development of the agreed work of the lip and language
"Conversation of Hippo". Using the sludge combinations of BDA BDA, BDD BDO, BDU-BDU, DBDS; BDD BDO-BDA, BDA BDA BDU-BDA with a change of intonation.
Development of phonderatic perception
Determining the position of the sound [sh] in the words of Shura, Masha, Natasha, Cre-pyshch, a short, Sully, naked.

Lesson 6.

Exercise for the development of prolonged exhalation
"Wind noise." Install the bubble upside at the nose level. Raise a wide tongue to the upper lip and pour into the tongue. Noise is heard in the bubble.
"Elephant drinks a water." Make "trull". Inhale and exhale air through the mouth.
Exercises for lips
Repetition of exercises of previous activities.
Development of agreed lip and language movements. Lips pull out the "tube", and the tongue is "a cup" (outside of the mouth).
Exercises for language
Repetition of exercises of previous activities.
"Harmonic". Smile, open the mouth. Glue the tongue to the sky, then, not lowering the language, close and open your mouth. When repetition, the mouth does not open the mouth all wider, and the language is held all longer.
Development of switching of the organs of the articulation apparatus and the development of the agreed work of the lip and language
Hippo Bubi learns to pronounce Slabo BDI BDI BDI, BDI BDE, BDY-BDE, BDE-BDY-BDI.
Development of phonderatic perception
The choice of pictures, in the names of which there is a sound [sh], from other pictures, in the names of which - [s] and [F]. The teacher utters words, and the child chooses pictures, in the names of which there is a sound [sh].
Sound statement [sh]
The position of the organs of the articulation apparatus with properly pronouncement of the sound [sh]
The lips are slightly rounded and stretched forward with a tube. Teeth are brought closer to a distance of 1-2 mm. The tip of the language is raised by the "cup", but does not concern the sky. The side edges of the language are pressed to the upper indigenous teeth, and the middle of the front of the tongue forms a semi-short gap with the sky immediately behind alveoli. Soft heaven raised, voice ligaments open. The exhaled air jet is strong. If the back of the back side is attached to the mouth, then it feels warm.
Receptions of work on the layout [sh]
Hearing perception of sound. Creating an auditory image of sound "Skotkovochka". Sound-making
Wind noise in the forest; rustle leaves on trees; rustling of dry leaves; dry hay rustling or straw, paper; Hissing hussak, snakes; Rustling mice in mink, tires on the pavement; Noise of emerging air from a puncture ball, locomotive, descent steam.
Formation of the auditorium of sound [sh]
Show articulation profile. Refinement of the position of lips, teeth and language. Description of the position of the articulation bodies.
Formation of the sense of the position of the articulation authorities with the help of toys. Look at how a monkey raises the tongue "cup" for the top teeth.
Showing the correct arctication of sound [sh]. To draw the attention of the child to the position of the lips, teeth and language.
Plastic image of the form of the hands of hands
Right hand depict the form of the language "cup", and the left is the sky.
Sound formulation [Sh] by R.I. Levina (1965)
Sound statement [sh] imitation
Raise the tongue to the upper lip and evenly, with power to exhale air, controlling the air stream with the back of the palm.
Having achieved the release of a warm jet of air from the position of the tongue at the upper lip, to translate the tongue for the upper teeth to the sky with the open mouth. Lips round up and pull forward, bring the teeth to a distance of 1-2 mm and exhale. Must happen the sound [sh].
Sound setting [sh] on the basis of sound [t]
Several times to prone sound [t] with an interval of 2-3 seconds. In the fact, the installation is given: the tongue "knocks" is not on the teeth, but on the tuberculos (alveolum). The sound [t] is pronounced at first silence, with a weak and short hissing sound to the sound of the explosion.
Lips round up and pull forward, lift the tongue to the front of the sky. Side edges of the tongue press to the indigenous teeth. Transition from sound [t] to the sound [sh]: T-T-TSSHSHSH. In the future, the noise is lengthened and exempt from the preceding sound [T].
Stopping sound [sh] on the basis of sound [P]
Pronounce the sound of [P] without a voice or whisper, gradually reducing the power of the exhalation until the vibration stops and weak hiss will not appear. With repeated exercises, the sound [sh] is obtained without the preinfective pronunciation of deaf sound [P].
Hissing can be obtained if you touch the spatula to the lower surface of the tongue, slowing down the vibration of the language.
Sound setting [sh] based on sound [s]
Set the tongue for the lower teeth. Suggest the child to pronounce the sound [s]. At the same time with a spatula or probe to raise the tongue up. To the fingers of the right hand slightly press on the cheeks and push the lips forward. Instead of whistle should get hiss. You can offer a child to repeat the syllables of Ca, CO, Sy, Asa, Assa, AS, OS with the simultaneous linony with a probe or a spatula.
Stopping the sound [sh] on the basis of sound [h]
Try the sound [h] with the subsequent extell. There should be a warm jet of air on the hand brushed to the mouth.

Automation of sound [sh] in syllables

Lesson 1.

Automation of sound [sh] in open syllables

Note. In further work, articulation exercises are carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of the child's motility and the nature of his speech violation.
Memory development, attention
Memory and reproduction of the slope in combination with the movement of the fingers of the hands.
Gaming tasks "Fingers are walking on the table":
sha-Sha, Sha-Sha;
sha-Sha-Sha, Sha-Sha-Sha, Sha-Sha-Sha-Sha;
shi-Shi, Shi-Shi.
"Conversation mouse with a mouse". Slistening the syllables with the change of intonation:
shi-Shi-Shi, Shi-Shi-Shi, Shi-Shi-Shea;
sha-Shi-sho shu;
shi-Sha-sho shu.
- What syllable excess? Sha-Sha-Sha-Shea, Sha-Sha-Sha-Ca.
"Come invent the names of the doll." Ma ... (Sha), yes ... (Sha), Sa ... (Sha), Mi ... (Sha), Nata ... (Sha), Katya ... (Sha).
- add syllable. We ... (Shi), small ... (Shi), Kama ... (Shi), Pi ... (Shu).
- What syllable is missing? Ma ... on (shi).
Analysis and synthesis of syllables
What is the first sound in the syllable sha? Name the second sound.
Bored one sound [sh]. We invite the sound to him [y]. The sound [sh] "under-handed" with sound [y]. What syllable turned out?
- Find a picture, in the title of which there is a syl shit. (Fur coat, jester.)
Acquaintance with the letter sh

Lesson 2.

Automation of sound [sh] in reverse syllables
Development of articulation motility
Work on the voice
Slistening the symbols of Ish-Ish-Ish, Bysh-rich-rich, Ash-Ash-Ash, Osh-Osh-Osh, ears-ears on behalf of the heroes of the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" (with the change of intonation).
Memorization and reproduction of the Slagovy Rows of ISh-Ash, Yysh-Ish-Ash, Ish-Yish-Ash-ush, Yish-Ish-Ash-ears
Analysis and synthesis of syllables
- Repeat the Schi-Sho syl. Listen again. Sha-Shea. What syllable disappeared from the series? (Sho.) Sho Shu-Shi-Sha. Sho Shu-Shea? (Sha.)
- Listen and repeat the symbol of Ish-Ish. What new syllable appeared? Ish-Ish-Ash.
- Let's "Hand" two sounds - vowel [a] and consonant [sh]. Which syllable it turns out if the sound is first [a], and next to it - [sh].
Note the sounds with color symbols (circles of red and si-it colors).
- What is the first sound in the syllable of the rich? What is the second sound?
- What is the second sound in the syllable Osh?
Drawing up Slots IS, Bysh, Ash from the letters of a split alphabet.
Development of phonderatic perception
The game "Speech Lotto". Selection of pictures, in the names of which there is a sound [sh], from a number of others. The teacher calls words, and the child finds pictures with sound [sh].

Lesson 3.

Automation of sound [sh] in syllables (intervocal position)
Development of articulation motility
"Mice are shy". Slistening the sludge combinations of Sushi-Sushi, Asha-Asha, Usha-Usha-Usha, Ishi-Ishi-Ishi, Osho-Osho-Osho, Ashu-Ashu, Oshi-Ishi-Ashi on behalf of mice (with inclusion Mimic exercises).
Development of phonderatic perception
- Name the sound of the sound in the syllables of Sha, Ash, Asha. Where the sound is heard [sh] in the words shun (mouse nickname), mouse, mouse?.
Reading Slots Sha, Sho, Shi
The development of hearing memory and attention
Perform instructions from 2-3 actions.
- Come to the closet. Take a mouse. Put the mouse between the nesting and horse, and then sit down in place.

Lesson 4.

Development of articulation motility
Work on the voice
Memory and reproduction of the slope in combination with the movement. Gaming exercise "We are rods".
Strap, strap;
pieces-pieces-pieces (raise and put the barbell).
"The conversation of Cheburashka and Nevalyashki."
- SATO-SATO-STAT. (angrily)
- Shta-shti-shta? (Good-natured. Why are you so angry?)
- strap. (Affectionate. Let's be friends.)
- CHAT-STEC? (Questioning. I agree?)
- CHAT-SCO-STEC. (Affirmative. I agree.)
Development of phonderatic perception
- Find pictures, in the title of which there is a sound [sh], and put them to the letter sh.
The child is laid out pictures, in the title of which there are sounds [sh] and [F]. The teacher calls words, and the child finds the right picture. Determining the position of the sound in two or three words.
Reading syllables ears, shu; Osh, sho

Lesson 5.

Automation of sound [sh] in syllables with a crossing of consonant sounds
Development of articulation motility
Work on the voice
Gaming exercise "Talking Mozyk". Memorizing and reproducing a slope with the inclusion of mimic exercises.
- Shma-SMO. (sad)
- Shma-Isho-Shm (with a chate)
- Shma-shmo-shm-shm? (questioning)
- Shna-shna. (offended)
- Shni-shan. (approvingly)
- Shan-Schno-Shna! (joyful)
Gaming exercise "Monkey clean the bananas." Coordination of speech with the movements of the hands - imitation movements of monkeys.
Schua Scho;
schua-seam seams.
Development of phonderatic perception
- Find pictures, in the title of which there is a sound [sh], and put them to the letter sh. The child is laid out pictures, in the title of which there are sounds [sh] and [s]. The teacher calls words, and the child finds the right picture. Determining the position of the sound in two or three words.
Drawing up the syllables from the split alphabet. Reading syllables

Lesson number 6.

Automation of sound [sh] in syllables with a crossing of consonant sounds
Development of articulation motility
Work on voice and faith
Gaming task "Conversation with aliens".
- WATCH SCHKOP. (surprised)
- went-shred-slash. (with indignation)
- Spa-Shpo-Shpu-Shapa. (with sadness)
- Shel-shelter. (with fear)
- Sme Schni-Sp! (joyful)
Development of phonderatic perception
- pick pictures to the letters. To put pictures, in the names of which there is a sound [sh], to the letter w - pictures, in the names of which there is a sound [F], to the letter C - pictures, in the names of which there is sound [s].
The teacher calls pictures, and the child chooses the desired picture and puts next to the appropriate letter.
Drawing and reading syllables
Tasks used at the audio automation stages [sh]
in words, phrases, sentences and connected speech

sha, Sho, Shu, Shi, She
Say words correct
Ball, balls, hat, puck, niche, noodles, checkers, shalun, your, ours, porridge, roof, ishak, hanger, mice, horse, chess, champignons.
Chauffeur, rustling, bag, gun, pot, cockerel, strap, scallop, mouse.
Noise, jester, fur coat, joke, Mishutka, Screw, scales.
Ears, tire, spikes, sewers, sewing, mice, shirma, valley, reeds, kids, caloshs, car, fluffy, silence, bucket, jug, waterwear, driver, peas, rosehip.
Neck, pouch, target, millet, couch, collar, rustling, hornet, ka bags, mousetrap, mulberry.
Name items. Clear words. We define the sound of the sound in each word.
Divide on the syllables of the word ball, hat, hanger, champignons.
Guess the word conceived by me. In this word, the first syllable of the vessel, the last.
Collect the words from the scattered syllables. In the word there are such syllables: Sha, we, that.
Figure 10. (See CV. Plot.) Children: Misha, Masha, Dasha, Rusha, Ksyusha, Lesha, Pasha, Sasha, Alyosha, Andryusha.
What is the name of girls? Natasha above Masha. Katyusha in a hat. Ksyusha in a hat. Who is above - Misha or Pasha? Who is older - Lesha or Andryusha? Who is less - Dasha or Sasha? Who has a puck? Who has balls? Who has a hat on his head? Who has a scarf on her neck? Who has a machine? Who is worth? Who walks?
Picture Sewing machine, passenger car, washer. Name items in one word. How to turn the word machine into the word tire?
Tell the word step, steps, a chamber, walk. These words are called related.
Insert the missing letter and say clearly words.
... Ar.
... harp
... Ayba
Tell me the desired word.
Jumper jumps with ... (sixth).
The train leads ... (driver).
The hole can be pierced ... (shill).
We admire ... (pitiful, valley).
Milk nallem in ... (pitcher).
Water pour ... (bucket).
The chauffeur manages ... (machine).
What syllable is lost? Ty ... on (silence), ma ... on (car).
Name words with syllables Sha, Shi, Shu.
Why was the so-called bush and a tree - rosehip, mulberry? Shi-Pick has spiny spikes. On the trees of silky grown by silkworm caterpillars (silk worm). Silkware caterpillars feed on the leaves of mulberries. They curl cocoons from silk yarns, in which they turn into dolls. Cocoons are unraveling and tank silk fabrics.
Automation of sound [sh] in words with syllables
Say words correct
Tower, turret, cup, shirt, chamomile, bug, pencil.
Shower, mascara, gun, edge, cuckoo, toy, coil, feeder, shell, frog, pillow, row, grandfather, grandmother, fluff, tushkanchik.
Finish, Domishko.
Midge, cat, crumb, windows, peas, lukoshko, palm, potatoes, okroshka.
Mouse, mouse, baby, reed, paddy, tower, lid, baby, marty, tire.
Nuts, fastening, rattle.
Say gently. Cherry - Cherry, cat - kitty, mouse - mouse.
What letter I got lost in these words? Kotka, Moke, mad, bump.
Why did the first dish called the Okroshka?
Rebus. Kettle, bus, fur coat, bush, orange. Name items. Hold the first sound in the name of items. Make a word from these sounds. (A cup.)
Automation of sound [sh] in words with consonants
Say words correct
Headquarters, rod, pants, stack, stamp, duct, curtain, corkscrew, steering wheel, thing, bayonet.
Cabinet, box.
Hat, helmet, boat.
School, schoolboy.
Sleepers, twine.
Replace in the word spire sound [P "] on the sound [t"]. What word did it work? (Calm.)
Syllable chain. Mouse - the coil - a row.
Say gently. Hat - Hat, fur coat - fur coat, pants - pants, shirt - shirt, bump - shishk, hat - cap, mouse - mouse, ball - ball, coil - coil.
Pick rhymes. Pictures and words. Two columns drawings.
Mouse - Quiet, Cat - Moska, Baby - Cat - Catcher, Ka-Dusk - Coil - Pillow - Budget, Hut - Piggy, Toy - Cuckoo, Pillow - Frog, Bear - Mouse, Bryer - Tishka, Guns - Ears, Drying - Flies, old woman - Vatrushka, Window - Lukoshko, Okroshka - Potatoes, Cockerel - Gollop.
"Is it correct?" Shoot drying, bake guns. A cat grows on the swamp, a cloudberry sits under the table. On the tree - toys, and in the hands of children - cuckoo.
"Useless and useful tips old women Shapoklyak." Solit the frogs in the ridges. Put the cuckoo sleeping on the pillow. Throw the coils in the windows of the hut. Put the fur in Lukoshko. Do not touch the hut. Solit the waves in Kadushka. Treat the old woman with a cook. Do not ruin frogs! Take care of cuckoo!
Repeat the useful tips first. Why do the rest of the tips can be called useless?
What is superfluous?
Make up the name of the girl and the name of her clothes.
A, K, A, P, M, W, B, L, U, R, F.
- What is the letter lost? ... stranded rum ... ka, karto ... ka.
- What are the difference between these words? Moshka - Cat. Hat - boat. Shub - joke. Swamp - noodles. What are they like?
"What where?" Waves in ... (row), feathers in ... (pillow).
"What to whom?" The baby is a rattle, kids - toys, an old woman - Wathers, Masha - Cherry, Misha - pants, shirt, frog - midge, Cheburashka - Chamomile, Cockerel - Sex.
Sound automation [sh] in phrases
Complete word.
Woolen ..., woolen ..., woolen ..., woolen ..., fluffy ..., fluffy ..., fluffy ..., fluffy ..., big ..., fragrant ..., Wide ... good ....
Pick up the necessary words.
What are you doing? Tell me about yourself. I ... (Step, breathe, Masha); listening music); spoon soup ... (prevent); Tasks ... (I decide); needle ... (sis).
Tell me about Misha. Misha, you're your eyes ... (Look, blink, you look); ears ... (listen); feet ... (you go, walk, run, walk); Hands ... (Catch, Think, Mashech, do); Door ... (open, close); Ball ... (catch); with a doll (play); pencil ... (draw); by car ... (go); On the plane ... (Fly).
Imagine that Mom sent Masha to the store. We will guess what she does, and tell her about it. You are in the store ... (come in), products ... (choose), money ... (pay), foods in a bag ... (clay), home ... (bring), from the bag ... ( Lay out), in the refrigerator ... (clay).
Tell me about yourself. I am a letter ... (I will write), hole on the dress ... (cassette).
Automation of sound [sh] in sentences and in connected speech
Suggestions from two words
The guys are noisy. Mouse rustle. Natasha writes. Misha - Shalun. Ksyusha big.
Three words offers
Cat catches the mouse. Katyusha buys chess. Cockerel pecks cherries. Masha eats chocolate. Pasha repairs the hanger. The cat overturned a jug. Natasha found pebbles. Masha gave a scarf.
Make up the proposals from three words with the following words: bump, cuckoo, misha, car, top.
If you were an artist, what could I draw with the sound [sh]?
Suggestions from four-five and more words
Aunt Dasha sew a shirt. Grandmother sink mishina pants. Uncle Pasha plows a lot. Masha puts the teddy shirt and pants. The car rubber tires.
Sits bug on a big chamomile. Waves are solid in the pitch. On the forest edge kink frogs. A bump fell on the mouse. Polka dots scattered on the track.
Bear sits in the car. The mouse fell into a mousetrap. The frog jumped on the pit. Natasha plays with a teddy bear. Grandfather plays checkers with Misha. Grandfather lies on the couch. Masha hangs a fur coat in the closet. Lasha under the shower of soap neck and ears. Grandmother with alenushka sat on a breve.
Offers with alliances A and
Dasha and Pasha play chess. At Alyonushka Lukoshko, and Masha's mug. Pasha built a turret, and Misha is a house with a roof. The porridge eat a spoon, and the compote drink from the cup. Dasha plays with a matrychka, and Misha - with a typewriter. Alenushka took a wrestling and fed the cat. Yasha came to the edge and saw a cuckoo there.
Dissemination of proposals.
What does Dasha do? Dasha sews.
What sew Dasha? Dasha sew pants.
What is Dasha shy? Dasha sew pants on a sewing machine.
Who is Dasha sew pants? Dasha sews Mishke pants on a sewing machine.
Complete the sentences with.
Bunches are long ... (ears). Here sits a frog, green ... (abdomen). Kids walk in ... (school). Good patty, inside ... (cottword). Mushrooms in Kadushka, grandfather in ... (hut).
Nazova superfluous word in a sentence.
On the rose hiker spying spikes, bumblebees. A frog sits on a jug, a row. Cat rolls the coil, rattle.
Who can you contact? I ask you, make me ... I ask you, help, please .... Contact me with a request.
Nearby. Figure 14. (See CV. Plot.) Cuckoo in the hood. Cat manages the car. Frog in the air on hot-air balloon. Mouse in a hat. Horse in boots. Bear dancing with the mouse. The mouse catches a cat.
Invent the proposals of non-bass.
"We learn to reflect."
Development of cognitive processes.
Find differences.
Figure Masha-crawling and girl, dressed correctly. Clothes on girls. Scarf, cap, laces on shoes, fur coat, mittens.
Without which Masha will not be able to go for a walk in winter? To the beach? What will Masha put on to kindergarten?
Figure 16. (See CV. Plot.) Cats of different suit, mouse, wardrobe. Cat on the closet, under the closet, behind the cabinet.
Where is the striped cat sits? Where is the red cat? Where does the mouse come out?
Topics for making stories and fairy tales
"Birds". Why are they so called? Schoklovevka, Shilohvost, Welcome, Shirla, Retail, Mocking, Koshevka. Kamneshharka, Kamyshivka, Kamnia. What bird sits above others? What bird is on the left, what is the right?
"Visiting Cheburashka." Support words: Cheburashka, Mishutka, Marty, Nevashka, Matryoshka, Parsley, Lily of Lily, Chamomile.
"The adventures of the ball and gun." Supporting words: trolley, hut, grandfather, grandmother, cheeseushka, alenushka, salas, robust, shell.
"Mishutka is looking for friends." Supporting words: mouse, bump, frog, bumblebee, Long-term, Naughty Long.
"Like a teddy bear seized in children's garden" Supporting words: Natasha, Masha, Neva, Matryoshka, typewriter, ball, stitch, noise, wardrobe, books.
"Teremok". Sochine your fairy tale about teremok. Use the word frog-cake, a mouse-norushka, a cockerel - a gold scallop, a bunny-pantish.

Abstracts of speech therapy occupation

Automation of sound [sh] based on the plot

"Masha doll birthday"
Material: Toys (doll Masha, Bear, Matryoshka, Parsley, Cat, Mouse, Horse, Neva); Subject pictures (cherry, machine, coil, pillow, hat, wardrobe, etc.); Color symbols of sounds, sound accounting city, cash register, set of canvas.
Structure occupation
We brought you gifts.
Who will want, he will take.
Here you have a doll with a bright ribbon,
Neva, plane.

Picture the actions of the Wrinkie Toys: The doll walks, the bear is dancing, the nevosha swings, the horse jumps.
Message Topics Classes
Curl doll. This is Masha.
The sound [sh] is pronounced accented.
- Remember the names in which there is a sound [sh]. (Sasha, Natasha, Katyusha, Ksyusha.) Tell me Laskovo Masha's name. (Masha.) Today, Masha invites us to your birthday. We will visit her away and get acquainted with the new sound [sh].

Sound characteristic [sh] on articulation and acoustic features
- Masha still does not know how to pronounce the sound [sh], let's teach it. What do our lips do when they say this sound? (Pretty Tru-barrel.) Where is the tongue? What is it a narrow or wide? (Language is wide, "cup".) How do we pronounce the sound [sh] - with voice or without voice? Does it sound firmly or gently? Vowel or consonant sound [sh]? Cancele your fingers and repeat what sound [sh]. (Consonant, solid, deaf.)
Sound designation [sh] color symbol.

Sound pronunciation [sh] in syllables
- heard mice about the cars. Birthday and whispered: "Sha-Sho-Shi (questioningly - Whether Masha will invite their birthday). Shu-sho shu (asking). CHAT-SAT-BC (Affirmative). Schu-Schosheski (joyful).
Sound pronunciation [sh] in words. Determining the position of the sound. Conductal management
- Who did Masha invited Masha?
Toy (Cockerel, Parsley, Matryoshka, Numerical, Mouse with Mice, Misheutka, Cat, Dog Ball). Determining the position of the sound [sh].
- What gave guests to Mashenka? First, name the gifts, in the title of which the sound [sh] is heard at the beginning of the word. (Ball, happy, chocolate, scarf, fur coat, curtains.) And now - with the sound [sh] in the middle of the word. (Typewriter, frog, cup, cherries, rattle, coil, book.) And still name the gifts, in the name of which the sound [sh] is heard at the end of the word. (Bucket, pencil, brooch.)
Development of phonderatic perception. Soundless analysis of words Masha, porridge
"Masha invites us to play the game" The Sound is lost "," the sound is lost. " What kind of sound is lost in words we ... ka, ka ... ka, lying ... ka, mo ... ka?
Children call the missed sound and all the word.
- What kind of sound I got lost and did not get into my place, what kind of sound was lost in the following words: weaving, soyat, kata, mat? (The sound [t] lost and got to the sound of the sound [sh], which disappeared. "Right" words - a wardrobe, a mouse, porridge, Masha.) We will show Masha, as we indicate sounds with circles. And what do we indicate words, syllables?
Children lay out Masha's words schemes, porridge.
- What are the difference between these words? What are they like?
Children play the game "Cat and Mice".

Sound pronunciation [sh] in sentences. Addition of proposals
- Mishutka offers to play the game "Tell me the word". He calls two words, and you add one more word to get an offer. Masha - porridge. (Loves. Masha loves porridge.) Misha - a fur coat. (Misha carries a fur coat.) Frog - midge. (The frog ate midge.) Cat is a mouse. (Cat caught a mouse.)
Determining the number of words in sentences.
Sound [Ш] in connected speech
- Guests started to tell different stories. Listen to Roshka Naverka about her girlfriend Natasha. Give Natasha Bear. Natasha walk with a teddy bear. She put on a teddy bear. Natasha Liuu-beat Bear.
Children restore, correct and retell text.
Reading Slots Sha, Shu, Sho, Shi
- Remember, the letter W is never friendly with the letter, but only with the letter and. "Letter w write with and!"
Work with a split alphabet. Make a word tire.
- What kind of syllable is missing in this word, so that the new word machine is it? (Slobe Ma.) Make the word Masha.

Automation of sound [sh] based on the plot of the fairy tale "The Adventures of Bunny-Panties"

Material: Toys (Teddy-chade, Bunny-panty, la-buzz-joggy, Mouse-Norushka); Skin pictures (cuckoo, bumblebee, cherries, chamomile, valley, pita, bash, waves, raw, cubes); Images of trees, hut, symbols of sounds and words, split alphabet.
Structure occupation
Psychophysical gymnastics.
Show toys.
- This is a bass-chade, bunny-panty, frog-cuckoo-padded, mouse-norushka. Pictures facialics and gestures of the characters.
Message Topics Classes. Sound characteristic [sh] on articulation and acoustic features
- What same sound did you hear in the names of our guests? (Sound [Ш].) Today we will repeat the sound together with them. What is the sound?
Children give a sound characteristic [sh].
Sound pronunciation [sh] in syllables. Analysis and synthesis of the word noise
- Bunny-panty fled to us and listened. And the forest was noisy: "Ash-Osh-e-shi! (Bunny was alerted.) CHAT-STO-STE-SPI! (The pantish was frightened.) "But here the leaves were whispering:" Shu-Shu-Shu ". And the bunny-panty calmed down. What sounds did you hear in the whisper of the leaves? (Sounds [sh], [y].) Complete them with sound [m]. What word did it work? (Noise.) "Scatter" sound sounds noise. How many sounds in it?
Sound pronunciation [Sh] in words
- Bunny-panty ran out of the forest and came ran away to us. Now we will find out who and what he saw on the road.
Pictures of a variety of colors are exhibited. On the edge grew ... (chamomiles, valley, bash), on the river ... (pita, cubes). Guess the sounds [sh], [m], [e], [l "], who sat on the chamomile? (Bumblebee) On the banks of the river, the bunny-panty saw ... (pebbles), on the pine - ... (bumps), on Osh, ... (nuts). Under the bush grew ... (waves, raw). What bird saw the bunny panty on the tree? (Cuckoo.)
Determining the position of the sound [sh] in words. Selection of rhymes
- Bunny-panty wants to play with you in words-rhymes. Choose my words with other words with similar endings: tire ... (machine), cat ... (midge), frog ... (pillow), fly ... (gun), mouse ... (Teddy bear). Where does the sound be heard [sh] in these words? (In the middle of the words.) And here is a bear-chalunca. It will read you "confused" poems, and you listen and immediately correct the errors.
With the other we played in the cups ... (in checkers).
Dried tea from white checkers ... (cups).
Slipped out of the mink ... (mouse).
Mouse fell on it ... (bump).
A bump was sitting under the bush ... (mice).
On the pine hung mouse ... (cones).
A cat flew in the air ... (midge).
Milk lacqual midge ... (Cat).
There was a cat on the table ... (Flash).
On the floor sat ace ... (cat).
Sound pronunciation [sh] in sentences. Analysis of the proposal composition
- Mishka-Shalunishka drew "confusion" not only in verses, but also in suggestions. "The rails lie on the noodle." What are the rails on? (Rails lie on the sleepers.) What are the words slesp, noodles look like? And now you will correct the rest of his confusion proposals. "Natasha wears a boat." (Natasha carries a hat.) "Grandfather plays by car." (Grandfather plays on the harmonica.) "Mouse catches a cat." (Cat catches the mouse.) Come up with the proposals yourself. Show Mishke-chalunishkka than we denote the proposal, words.
Analysis of the proposal.
Practical assimilation of submissive verbs
- Listen to the story of Mischi Shalunshki about how he walked to us.
The speech therapist speaks on behalf of the Mishi-chalunca, and the children help lead the story.
- I went through the forest and the wave ... (found). Further I'm in the forest ... (I went), in the thicket of the forest ... (I went) and to the hut ... (came up), then in the hut ... (I went), nothing there ... (found), Further ... (I went). I am ... (approached), there I am sweet honey ... (found). On the track ... (I went) and to you on the lesson ... (came).
- And now listen to the poem and perform actions.

We walked through the forest, went, went, just found a bump.
Children fonded and the frog met.
Pumpshushka frog - eye painting.
Spicy frogs, mosquitoes and flies!

Children depict a jumping frog, flying out frightened mosquitoes and midges, and then invite a frog-pull into a class.
Sound pronunciation [sh] in poems
"Pumpshush's frog decided to tell us that I recently happened to the Mishka-chalunishkoy.

Squirrel from a branch in his domicko.
Dragged the bump.
Squirrel bump dropped,
Right in the bear pleased.
Groaned, Bear stole:
On the nose jumped the bump!

Children repeat the poem together with the speech therapist.
Reading and converting words. Sound Accurate Analysis of the Word Bear
- What kind similar words Did you hear? (Bear, bump.) Indicate the word Bear with circles. How many syllables in it are sounds? Make this word from the letters of a split alphabet. And now make new words, replacing letters in the word Bear. (Mouse, fly, midge, cat.)
Reading the fairy tale Yudina "How Moke Shalil"
- And here is the mouse-norushka. Who is she? (With a mouse mouse.) She wants to tell a fairy tale about his naughty mouse. Listen to the attention and remember the words with sound [sh]. Reading a fairy tale.
Development of phondermatatic representations
- Who remembered the words with sound [sh]? Name them.
Responses of children.
Drawing up words from the letters of split alphabet at the request of children

The situation when children do not speak or do not negate the letters of the alphabet at all, very common. The letter "sh" is one of the most complex in pronunciation. And this applies to almost all hissing.

If the pronunciation of the child is constantly engaged, then it is very quick to learn to speak the letter "sh" without attracting a speech therapist. In this article, we will look at the main causes of the problem, as well as study the exercises, which will still help you in the future.

If you notice that your child does not speak this letter, it is desirable to survey the speech therapist. Perhaps the problem of incorrect pronunciation is caused by a hearing impairment. In this case, the help of specialists is necessary.

Check the level of pronunciation "sh" in a child

Before conducting audio correction classes, it is necessary to check whether the problem has a problem at all. Disruption of hissing pronunciations can occur in the form of sigmatism (this is a defect pronunciation of sound) or parasigmatism ( full replacement Its on another). The last case is common enough. For example, a child instead of the word "hat" says "Apka", etc.

Sound pronunciation "sh" may be several types:

  • Interdental. In this case, it becomes whispered, and the language during pronunciation, the child exhibits between the teeth;
  • Nasal sigmatism. The child says the letter "sh" into the nose, as a result of which a peculiar battle effect is created;
  • Lateral sigmatism. The sound has a pronounced crushing shade;
  • Sex parasigmatism. In this case, during pronunciation, the child rests a tongue into teeth, which is why the result becomes more like "T";
  • Lifting-tooth parasigmatism. In this case, "sh" is replaced by the sound "f". Such a phenomenon is often observed in disruption of bite;
  • Whistling parasigmatism. The child pronounces instead of "sh" whistling "C".

How to check the pronunciation of the letter "sh" without a speech therapist

The speech therapists use the capacious examination procedure, allowing to identify the problem and its level. But you can check the child on your own. Checking pronunciation is carried out isolated, in syllables, words, phrases and suggestions, i.e. increasingly.

Checking the pronunciation of insulated sound is carried out by repeating the child different sounds behind mom or dad. The same way Check pronunciation in syllables. For a more comprehensive assessment, it is necessary that the letter "sh" was in different positions (Sha, Osh, Wushu, Osho, etc.)

It is important to take into account that the problem may be with pronunciation and other hissing. Therefore, if you decide to teach a child to speak the letter "sh", then you should be ready for the fact that you will have to adjust other sounds.

To check the pronunciation of "sh" in words, it is advisable to prepare or purchase cards with drawings. This will turn the procedure in funny game. The speech therapy words on the letter "sh" are selected so that the sound you need is in different positions. When choosing proposals and phrases, one preference should be preferred in which it is found in different places.

Why problems arise with the pronunciation of the letter "sh" hissing

Several main causes of incorrect pronunciation:

  • Physiology, i.e. Incorrect bite, too large, high sky etc.;
  • The child uses the pacifier for a long time. In this case, the bite is spoiled, because of which many sounds suffer, especially hissing and whistling;
  • "Syushukny" with the baby. The child imites the elder, a carpet speech;
  • Violation of speech in adults. The kid can copy parents speech if they say wrong;
  • Heavy demands of parents. Often parents require too much without showing the correct articulation;
  • Development lag. If not fully formed thinking, memory and attention, then speech development will also suffer;
  • A hearing impairment or baby poorly recognizes hearing sounds.

Only a specialist can identify the exact cause of the problem. Therefore, if you have no longer time for a long time to teach the child to pronounce the letter "sh", then you should contact a specialist.

We train the correct pronunciation of the letter "sh"

Before moving directly to the exercises by "Sh", it is necessary to hold articulating gymnasticswhich helps strengthen the mobility of speech organs.

We smear the language

For the warm-up language, you can use the following exercises:

  • "Pancake." The child must put a melt language on the lower lip and delay at least 10 seconds on it;
  • "Cup". You need to spread the tongue on the bottom lip, raising its edges and the tip. As a result, a peculiar cup is formed;
  • "Boltushka". Similarly, with the previous exercise, but the cup tongue rises and lowers;
  • "Horce". One of the most favorite exercises for the child, because he must be ticked by the language, removing the sound, similar to the horsepie hoofs.

To the "student" were not bored, accompany the exercises with cheerful stories. It is also advisable to do exercises before the mirror.

1), what it consists of and why it is so necessary for your baby.
2) whether to use mango during pregnancy ,.

We smear the lip

The following exercises will be suitable for the lips warm-up:

  • "Thefts of Slonikov". The child must alternately make a wide "tube" (lips are in the position for the pronunciation of the letter O), and then narrow (lips are in the position for the pronunciation of the letter y);
  • Alternation of a narrow "tube" and smiles. Watch that the smile is wide;
  • "Surprise". The lips of the child occupy the position as with the sound of O.

The main methods of the sound of the sound "sh"

The speech therapy classes on the letter "sh" begin with the development of pronunciation of an isolated sound. One of the most effective ways - This is the statement of sound from other sounds.

If the child sounds "T" speaks well, then this is one of the most simple ways. For this, the child must utter "TS-C-C" until the normal pronunciation is achieved. After that, ask him to do the same procedure, but "hiding" the language behind the teeth. As a result, it turns out the sound "sh".

If you doubt, you can do it yourself. For consolidation, the exercise "Hissing Snake" is suitable. For a variety, make the associations of this sound with the sound of a shredded ball or a hiss of a cat.

Hissing always cause difficulties in children. And the sound "sh" is one of the most complex. The recommendations presented in this article will help you to identify the problem as soon as possible and achieve getting rid of it. It is enough just to attach a little effort, and your child will be easier to communicate in the future.

Abstract of individual speech therapy occupation. Topic: Sound "Sh"

Software content:

Automate sound (w) in syllables, words, text.
Teach coordinate nouns with numeral.
Fasten the names of wild animals and their young.
Develop a shallow motorcy (learning to accompany the speech with the movement of the hands).


Flangegraph: wild animals on magnets; two sheets of paper; Two markers; Two frogs (toys).

Travel course:

Speech therapist:

Hello. Today we will continue to learn beautifully, pronounce the sound (W). First you need to prepare a language for the lesson and perform articulation exercises: a fence, tube, a wide tongue, blow on a wide tongue, horse, fungus, harmonica, a cup, a cup on the top teeth, the sewing as a snake.

Finger game "Playing on Piano"

When pronouncing the syllasses Sha - Sho - Shi - Shea, the child imitates the game on the piano, pressed alternately to the surface of the table every finger, starting with the big and vice versa.

Fingering "Hello Finger"

(Left Hand - Ashka - Oshka - Ear - Oshka -, right hand - Obsht - Avto - Ishta - Astes), each finger is touching the thumb.

Speech therapist:

Tell a word for me: wardrobe, school, casket, corkscrew, pants, bayonet, headquarters, curtain, bumblebee. Finished the word equally: Baby - WALL; grandfather -; mi -; PU -; Katu -; PE -; ko -; mo -; PO -; Op - ....

Speech therapist:

Teddy bear mother sinks pants.
Game: "I am - you - he - we are - you are"
Pancaus Flycot
Teddy Mishke.

Speech therapist:

Guess a riddle.
Rides a little animal
Not a mouth, but a trap.
Fuck trap
And Mosquito and Mushka.
Who is it?

Speech therapist:

Right frog.
Calculate how many are they in the swamp?
And now tell about two frogs.

In the swamp live -
We saw -
Children approached -
They admired -
Heron burst to -
She wanted to eat -
Children told about -
Teacher speech therapist.
And let's go and we will play with our frogs.

The dialogue between the child and the teacher is played.

Where are you going from
Frog cuckoo?
- from the bazaar home,
Dear girlfriend!
- What did you buy?
- Mute:
I bought quadst, kvasol and quarts.

Speech therapist:

Imagine that it is a swamp in the forest. Look, a trouble happened to the forest in the forest. They confused their young. Help the cubs to find their parents.

Didactic game "Animals and their young"

Held didactic game. Well done. Now we will make a gift with you. Take a marker and sheet of paper. Repeat everything I say, and draw just like me (right hand).

Speech therapist:

Lived, there were two brothers. One called Bear, another Timoshka. They pulled the well. Laid straw so that not frozen. Recovered him with a fence. Due to the fence sticking two pipes. There is a stove, nothing to drown. Tear rides in the forest for firewood. Rides, rides, booze in a hole, rides, rides, boo in a hole. Borrowed. Up to the tree. Watching: Two pipes are visible. Tears from the tree and drove home. Hello, Timoshka. Here is a cat.


Tell me what you did in class? Thank you very much today, you are well done!

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film "The Rogue Song) came out in American rental about the abduction of the girl in the Caucasus Mountains. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played in this film of local zhulikov. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the heroes ...

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