What is burime and what is the use of a funny game? Burime - what is it? Description and features of the burime genre.

Engineering systems 24.09.2019
Engineering systems

Quoting the poems of your favorite poet, sometimes you involuntarily think: “And why didn’t I write this?”. But not everyone knows how to compose really talented poems. Do not worry about this and make graphomaniac attempts, it is better to play a poetic game! This literary phenomenon even came up with a special name - burime.

Invention of burime

"The game of poetry" appeared in France in the 17th century. The name was formed from two words: bout and rime, meaning "rhymed ends" (in this case- lines). The inventor was the little-known poet Dulot. The new game became widespread in salons, and later in the widest circles, along with solitaire and dominoes.

How to play Burim

The essence is simple: the participants are given certain rhymes - of course, not "stick - herring" - and the players must come up with a meaningful poem. It can be humorous or philosophical, the main thing is that logic can be traced in it. The game can be complicated: for example, you can set the condition to write in a sonnet or amphibrach, and virtuosos can combine words that are completely different in meaning, seemingly incompatible at all, into a rhyme!


There are some general rules for all burimes. Given rhymes cannot be interchanged. If you were offered the words "Ethnomir", "genius", "marshmallow", "various interpretations", then you can use them only in this order. The main thing is that the poem is complete and meaningful! The selection of rhymes should also be approached responsibly: from a pair of words “love” - “carrot” it is hardly possible to compose something travel. However, the great poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, a lover of this fun, somehow got the banal rhyme “frost” - “roses”, and he masterfully beat it:

"And now the frosts are cracking
And silver in the fields...
The reader is already waiting for the rhyme of "roses",
Here, take it quickly"

Where to practice

Practice in burime possible on the Internet. Forums and communities of poetry lovers are just the right places for both beginners and true lovers of this game. Another interesting one modern version burime - rap battles. The rivals quite emotionally converge in a rhymed duel, it seems that words are about to be replaced by actions, that a fight cannot be avoided. Sometimes passions run high, and it comes to obscene language, so it’s better not to take children to such competitions.

Similar games

If burime seems too difficult, then you can get carried away with similar fun: playing "Nonsense". She is especially loved by students, because the essence is to compose humorous rhymes. Here it is important that the poem is as meaningless as possible and therefore funny. One player writes a line on paper, after which he folds the sheet so that the main content is not visible, only the last word. The rest of the players are faced with the task of continuing the poem without knowing its meaning, only seeing final word. It turns out long funny poetic opuses.

Another literary game is monorhyme. The facilitator suggests a word, and the participants select rhymes for it, writing a poem. The team with the longest masterpiece wins.

- an exciting game with which you can have a nice evening in style in the company of friends and delicious drinks - for or with a teapot. At the party, bursts of laughter will be heard every now and then, since it is not so easy to compose a meaningful poem from the proposed rhymes. Don't give up, try it and have fun!

Kaluga region, Borovsky district, Petrovo village

On December 1, 2018, the results of the international will be summed up in the park. Applications for participation are accepted until November 25! On the this moment 55 applications were accepted, of which 15 were in the category "Prose", 32 - "Poetry", 8 participants - "Publicism". Writers from Russia, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland participate. Each literary work is special, like a ballad, it sings about love for one's people and one's land.

The awards ceremony will take place during the literary weekend "The Feast of the Word", organized jointly with the Union of Writers of Russia. The main prize in each nomination is a certificate for accommodation in the ETHNOMIR COTC.

In the holiday program:

  • acquaintance with famous writers,
  • literary ball,
  • meeting with the Muse of Literature,
  • impromptu competitions,
  • master classes in rhyming and calligraphy,
  • literary reading,
  • campfire gatherings.

It is very possible that these days spent in ETHNOMIR will be the beginning of a new literary hobby for some!


BURIME1: Good evening, friends!
We are opening a new corner on our website.
It is dedicated to the game in burim.
Starting this game, I wanted you to have a place to take a break from mental storms, get away from adversity and have fun.
Or maybe someone will discover, thanks to this game, a new talent in himself, which will help him to strengthen his spirit, withstand a difficult situation, gain authority.
As I recently found out, it turns out that many companies have begun to include the game in burim in their trainings.
This game helps to develop resourcefulness, imagination and a sense of humor, allows you to create associative links between different, at first glance, words, develop a vocabulary (makes once again look in the dictionary).
I think this is also important for those of our members of the forum who live abroad and do not want to forget their native language.
Let this salon become a kind of help-room for everyone, and everyone who becomes its owner for the time of the next game will find in it everything that he likes and needs.
And now, friends, make yourself comfortable on your armchairs, chairs and sofas ...And, if possible, turn on the music - I think that in this case contemporary music won't fit we will talk about the 17th century. I advise you to put on a disc with Handel's concert "Music on the Water", which was written specifically for the English king, or rather, for his riding on the river.

This melody is truly royal, because we will talk about the king, but not the English one, James, but the French one, Louis XIV.
More precisely, about one court poet Dulot, a subject Louis XIV.
And this name would have been lost for centuries, among other names of not very successful courtiers. If not for HIS MAJESTY CASE! Then I will start to improvise, since history has preserved only the main milestones of the described event.
So, a reception at the court of the French king. On a warm June evening, filled with the scent of roses and jasmine, cicadas sing in the royal gardens. Versailles is full of lights. Lots of carriages in the driveway. Discharged courtiers rush to the reception. They talk quietly. Everyone has one topic on their tongue: today a new favorite of the king will be presented to the court.
Among this motley crowd stands out a group of young people who are exercising wit. And especially one of them, Dulot (and he loves to brag). He has a chance to excel today. Maybe the king, or his favorite, will notice the talent of the young poet and will not leave him with their favors. Oh, how necessary it is now! So many debts!
He announced to his friends that he had written 300 sonnets. "300? - this is an incredible wealth! friends exclaimed. Where is this wealth located? In your head? Friends laugh, knowing that Dulot is not so talented. Here! Dulos casually points to his left hand, or rather on the lapel of the sleeve.
When will they be heard? Aha, Dulot is going to read them only in the presence of the king and all the courtiers.
And now - a holiday at the court, music sounds, couples squat in a decorous minuet.
And, finally, the court poets perform. It comes to our hero.
Dulot goes to the middle of the hall, makes an exquisite bow to the reigning persons and with a slight movement of the hand, continuing to bow, tries to pull out his creative blanks from behind the lapel of the sleeve, embroidered with silver velvet black camisole...
And here, my friends, is a silent scene! There is nothing behind the opening!
Dulot blushes, but quickly finds himself. Unfortunately, he hastily has to compose some kind of poetic banality.
And he retreats before the next writer.
In the crowd, his friends surround him, laughing. Where are your sonnets?
Dulot is upset and quickly leaves the party. And so, when the friends are left alone, one of the young people takes out the ill-fated sonnets from somewhere. Or rather, not sonnets, but prepared pairs of rhymes. Our Dulot was not talented, but he was prudent and prepared rhymes in advance in order to quickly compose some kind of sonnet on them and present them to society in the form of a momentary improvisation.
Dulot's friends decide: we will divide these blanks equally and each will write poems to a given rhyme. As decided - so they did! Yes, and published them!
The courtiers liked this entertainment, which eventually turned into a game.
This was the birth of the new parlor game BURIME, which means "rhymed ends" in translation. For a long time she traveled through salons and living rooms. And gradually disappeared. A. Dumas tried to revive it by organizing a real competition for playing burim and publishing a collection of poems that were composed during the game.
At the beginning of the 20th century, there was a surge of interest in this game in Russia.
This wonderful game against all odds is alive and we are starting to play!

Rules of the game in Burim

1) Only 2 pairs of anyrhyming nouns in the nominative singular(including proper names):

Task 1 example:
official - bacteriosis
dancer - twitterer

Task 2 example:
Egor - tomato

Other parts of speech are not yet involved in the game - only nouns (and proper names) in the nominative singular.

2) Words from one pair of rhymes can only rhyme with each other, i.e. noun "official" - only with the word "bacteriosis" , and not with any other.

3) A poem can consist of any number of lines. But rhymes from the task can only be at the end of any line of the poem and must rhyme with each other in pairs.

Job example:
Egor - tomato
mysticism - pessimism

Sitting in the yard Egor ,
Eating green remember d op .
And looking at the fence
Understands - bust:
That fence is too high
And the tubercle is not visible,
Where is the beautiful girl
Unraveled her braids.
And Yegor dreams
After all, the moon rose in the night:
Gentle voice of conversation
And reciprocity canvas.
This is his whole misticity ,
May be, pessimism .


Sitting in the yard Egor
That's all of it
misticity .
Will quit soon
remember d op
He is in my
pessimism .
After all, looking at the fence,
Understands - bust:
That fence is too high
And the tubercle is not visible,
Where is the beautiful girl
Unraveled her braids.
And Yegor dreams
After all, the moon rose in the night:
Gentle voice of conversation
And reciprocity canvas.

This is burime, a game, fun, so rhymes can be meaningless in content and written not only in trochee, but also in any other poetic size. For instance:


In the forests where the brave Yegor hunted,
He was suddenly seen by the signor-tomato.
Mysticism howled in the swamp,
And sad pessimism.

Also, it is allowed to change rhyming words in a pair of places:

On the garden bed, where the ripe tomato lay,
Our sleepy, sad Egor stumbled.
Howled in the swamp mysticism

And sad pessimism.
(The rules allow you to add to the verse or dilute it with any number of lines).

4) The winner of the previous game session becomes the Host for the next game session. The facilitator offers two new pairs of rhyming words and gives his example of a verse to the rhymes given to him. He also sets the dates for the next session of the game. At the end of the game, the host announces the winner - at his own discretion and taking into account the comments of readers. The facilitator does not proclaim himself the winner.

Sincerely, Burime1.

New changes in the rules of the game from June 30, 2011:
* It is allowed to decline the words proposed in the rhyme by cases, it is not necessary to decline in pairs.
*Verse size: from 4 to 12 lines maximum.

Burime (bouts rimes) in French - "rhymed ends." This is a literary game in which poetry is composed, more often comic character, to given thematically dissimilar, unexpected and unrelated rhymes. Sometimes a theme is given for the burime.

The French eccentric poet Dulot, who lived in the 17th century, during the reign of Louis XIV, is considered the inventor of burime. Once he told his friends that 300 sonnets had been stolen or lost from him. Such great amount works raised doubts. Then Dulot gave an explanation: they stole, in fact, not poems, but rhymes to future poems. Friends laughed at the poet and jokingly decided to write sonnets to the rhymes prepared by Dulot. They enjoyed this fun. From the sonnet burime, they then moved on to other types of it. Soon the game quickly began to spread and became fashionable. The poetess Antoinette Ligier (1638-1694) became especially famous at that time in writing sonnets to ready-made rhymes.

Over time, three were born regulations burime:

a) rhymes are chosen from words that are difficult to combine, unexpected;
b) rhymes should be varied;
c) rhymes can neither be changed in time and cases, nor rearranged.

The game in burim has survived to this day. It has been especially successful on the stage. This genre was first developed by Georgy Nemchinsky. Each viewer could tell him any word, another viewer immediately picked up a rhyme, the artist, based on the proposed set of words, composed a poem, always witty and on the topic of the day.

A follower of Nemchinsky - Yuri Gorny - to four pairs of rhymes given by the newspaper "Soviet Russia": air - rest, illness - leisure, the game- an ax, land - a ruble, - he immediately quoted:

The hut cannot be built without a circle-axe,
And sometimes work is just rest,
Work is my joy: a fun game,
When in the face - good luck fresh air.
I rejected illnesses, I don’t know illness.
I do not spend a single ruble on medicines.
Road under my feet the earth spreads:
Nature is medicine and leisure for me.

To the same rhymes

– herbs
- pine
- oak forests
- in spring

Try to compose a poem with the given rhymes. Curious what you can do? Compare your creation with the stanza of the famous poem by S. Yesenin. What is this poem?

Only in rhyme

First player says any word that comes to his mind, preferably a short one. The second calls a word that rhymes with the first. The third adds another word to the rhyme. Etc. The first person who fails to name a word in rhyme gets a minus. Whoever scores three minuses leaves games. The winner is the one left alone.

Here is a short example of rhyming words:

board lord
court nord
port hell
sport grade
cake etching
fiord fort
cord record

Only nouns in the nominative case of the singular are used here, and if we agree and take all kinds of words, there will be even more rhymes, and the game more interesting and useful. The game will be even more intricate if you try to compose a poem for at least a few of the rhymes that have sounded.

Burime as a fun, exercise, competition in versification for more than three centuries. "Rhyming endings" is the name of this game in French. Love for poetry in the 17th-19th centuries was reflected in salon entertainment: it was fashionable not only to read poetry, write them in albums, but also to play burim.

Educated people of that time had to be good at drawing, dancing and writing poetry. Joking or lyrical poetic lines in different poetic sizes and forms written by several people are burime.

What is burime for an aspiring poet? A kind of training, a test of one's strength in versification, the basics of rhythmic stanzas. For schoolchildren, this is one of the active ways to memorize the rules of the Russian language in amusing verses.

History of Burime

It is said that the creator of this game was the Frenchman Dulot, a poet who believed that 300 rhymes prepared for sonnets had been stolen from him. It happened in the 17th century. Since then, it has become known to many what burime is.

And in 1762, this term was recorded in the French academic dictionary. In 1864, Alexandre Dumas organized a competition, which resulted in "Rhymed Ends" (compositions by 350 authors).

Writers were fond of Burime not only in France. The game was considered an enjoyable parlor pastime in many countries. And even if today funny rhymes are forgotten, how many wonderful poets the game in burim taught the basics of versification!

In Russia, V. L. Pushkin, A. A. Golenishchev-Kutuzov, D. D. Minaev were known for their love for rhymed endings. In 1914, the magazine "Spring" held mass competition for lovers of poetry of this type.

What is burime

This is a word game. Sometimes it is called literary, but in essence it is fun that can make you laugh, cheer, let you pass the time on a trip or when waiting for something boring. It can be played in a company, as well as with the whole family. It brings together several generations for great entertainment.

At right approach Burime will bring undoubted benefits to schoolchildren, since words that are difficult to pronounce, spell and remember can be rhymed. Even introducing children to a new word is easy with the help of such a game.

Burime is a collective composition of poetry, which is subject to certain laws. There are not so many basic rules: rhymes cannot be inclined, interchanged, and they must be varied, sometimes even unexpected.

Further, the conditions of the game vary from the wishes of the participants and their skills. Rhymes can be taken ready-made or composed by yourself. Each next player may read what was written before him, or may not know the contents of the previous line.

Set the shape of the poem, choose the size, determine the theme or suggest fantasizing in each line based on their own mood - the choice is up to the participants.

Rhymes are everywhere

Look up rhymes on the Internet - please. There are sites on which rhymes are selected for many words. And in parallel, there is a composition of poems with the words chosen for the end of the lines.

Someone well remembers the verses of the classics, their lines will be useful if the players are interested in ready-made rhymes to begin with.

Isn't it more interesting to come up with the end of the line yourself? Kids love Dunno Nikolai Nosov. How great he composed under the guidance of Tsvetik: "I am a poet, my name is Dunno. From me to you - a balalaika."

Examples of burime can be found on many forums. Participants in the game on the Web do this: they ask each other two pairs of rhymes. The next participant, with their help, composes a coherent quatrain.

For example, rhymes for burime "palette - music stands, wrist - happiness" are given. And the next player got sweet poem:

Outside the window of rain is a palette,

In the hall, notes on music stands,

Beam of light on the wrist

To music in bad weather,

Brought happiness to people.

Better sooner

When can I start playing Burim? The sooner the better. Three to five year olds have a wonderful sense of humor. They love to memorize new words, to invent them. For starters, suggest the simplest rhymes: "goal - football", "city - cold", "general - won." Give an example of how to write a simple poem.

Kids remember rhymes instantly. One sure way to teach children to memorize poetry is to ask them to suggest rhymes. This is available even to very small ones. What is burime, children will understand easily.

After three or four years, it is worth connecting the child to writing poetry. Children love to imitate everything: dolls, guns, ships and cars - everything from the world of adults. Books and poetry too.

Benefit and entertainment

Isn't the benefit of burime for young minds obvious? Trying your hand at versification (even comic) is a step towards creativity.

There is also a more utilitarian approach: memorizing words, their spelling and stress. Here such examples of rhymes for burime may come in handy: "more beautiful - happier", "Fekla - beets", "cakes - courts", "disputes - contracts" and so on.

Reading the classics of poetry, I want to write something similar myself. To do this, you need to be proficient in versification. For a beginner, it seems too complicated. V initial period children are taught ordinary literacy in a playful way. Something similar exists in poetry. This game is called burime. What's this?

Rules of the game

The essence of the game is that 3-4 participants are given several completely disparate rhymes, according to which they should alternately come up with a poem related in meaning. Usually they take two pairs of rhymes and compose a quatrain. They can follow in order or cross, for example: sang/rich/swing/sunset. With these strange combinations, a complete and coherent burime was invented in France. In translation, "burime" means rhyming line endings.

If it is not possible to gather a suitable company, then the game in burim is actively going on the Internet. For this, entire competitions are held. You can simply take ready-made poems and offer your own options for them.

The task can get more difficult. For example, the 3rd participant may only know the previous line and the last word of the first line. He should roughly guess what is being said, and continue the lines. The 4th participant must complete the quatrain by reading the last word of the 2nd line and the entire 3rd line. This requires great ingenuity. Not possessing complete information you have to compose quickly. Such is the style of burime.

In addition, you should compose a line so that the next player has a fantasy. The whole process must be dynamic, on which the result largely depends.

Let's look at examples of the basic principles of writing burime.

First line

You started the game in burim. That it is not so simple, it becomes clear from the first line. It must be clear and precise. After reading it, the next player should have a desire to write something similar.



The unbreakable power of the word...

Acute beginning, which has a multi-valued interpretation. It is easy to think of a continuation for this phrase, since it will have an impact on the following lines.

Nothing is clear...

The author carefully begins to reveal the topic, forcing to think about the continuation. There are no problems yet, but also images. We can say that the introduction is somewhat weak. If the next line does not give the necessary development, then the verse will wither in the bud.

Going through all the details...

It's already interesting! Sounds somewhat intriguing, and a start has already been made. There is room for action to continue.

Everything went smoothly at first...

Here the beginning sounds optimistic, but already in the first line there is an assumption that not everything will go well. The dynamics remain the same.

The fogs are here...

Also a biting pitch that is waiting to be continued.

Second line

The next participant, the author of the 2nd line, has a great responsibility, since he knows all the initial content and rhyme. However, he must give meaning to both lines, linking them into one whole, and determine the main essence of the whole poem. At the same time, there should be chances for the third participant to begin to develop an understanding of this meaning. On the other hand, if you end the first line with a couplet, then you can start a new thought with the third line.

Indestructible power of the word!

They call back from behind the scenes ...

You can guess that the artist is called by the audience. Here is still ahead.

Going through all the details

Running away from lies...

Here you can add intrigue, assuming an honest solution to the problem.

Nothing is clear

Even a wise hedgehog...

There is complete ambiguity here. You can aggravate the situation even more by adding a "wise man" who also cannot figure it out. Humor must be present in this game.

Everything was ironclad in the beginning,

In a fairy tale with a white veil...

There are fogs here

I float to the mirage...

The situation is similar to the previous one, where nothing is still clear.

Third line

Burim game is in full swing. With the 3rd line, everything is very difficult. There is no information here, besides, we must already begin preparing the end for the last participant. We need an analysis of the situation, a rich imagination and the ability to read between the lines.

(Unbreakable power) words!

They call back from behind the scenes ...

The artist came out to the people again ...

There is nothing complicated here. If you are called, then you have to go out. The ending is left to the last participant.

(Picking up all) the details

Running away from lies

We called for a quorum...

Here it is clear that there is a search for truth. The situation must be somehow resolved, for example, to find an arbitrator who can judge.

(unclear) nothing

Even a wise hedgehog.

It's all probably from...

There is complete ambiguity here, if even a wise hedgehog is unable to figure it out. The remaining participants have a chance to finish the poem and clarify.

(Everything was ironclad) at first,

In a fairy tale with a white veil,

And now I'm sad...

Obviously, we are talking about a wedding. But something was supposed in the beginning? So there must be an end. You can try to go from the opposite, upsetting the groom with something.

(Run here) fogs,

I float to the mirage...

Neither sober nor drunk...

Here, too, there is still complete uncertainty. But it's time to look for its causes.

Fourth line

The fourth line should not be a generalization of all the previous ones. The player will not succeed anyway, since he does not have all the information. Therefore, he must roll everything in his own way.

The difficulty lies in the fact that this should be done in an original way. Not so easy to play in burim. That it would be so interesting, the players did not even imagine. The verse is almost ready, and it remains to make the last effort.

(Indestructible power of the word!

They call back from behind the scenes ...

The artist came out to the people again,

Hitting the dirt face for an encore.

Traditional bows to the audience will only spoil the verse. Here you need to get out somehow. One line can be a good helper. Here it came in very handy. The poet Vladimir Vishnevsky has many such one-liners in his verses. He also lists them separately.

(Picking up all the details,

Running away from) lies,

We called for a quorum

For free, the third "I".

Here the arbiter appears, but from a somewhat strange perspective. Usually I don't go beyond the 2nd. But the player's fantasy found the 3rd self, which made up a company for three.

(I don't understand anything

Even the wise) eat.

All probably from

That I'm sitting on a slut.

This is just a play on words. The ending did not add much meaning, but it turned out funny if you imagine a fool sitting on a “nixie”.

(Everything was ironclad at the beginning,

In a fairy tale with a white) veil,

And now I walk in sorrow:

We did not match the thread.

The wedding was upset and you need to refer to the reason for this. "Mismatch thread" has already become a common expression, and the fact that the theme of iron appeared at the beginning turned out to be just a coincidence.

(The fogs came here,

I'm sailing away to) a mirage...

Neither sober nor drunk

- I'm walking all "googled".

The player found very modern solution. Now many spend time in the company with the Internet, and this situation is quite real.

Let us now give unsuccessful examples that will show how the principles of the game are violated in burim.

On the roof, the toad sings like a nightingale,

A dry puddle shakes the fish.

The beginning seems to be starting to develop some kind of event, but everything happens rather sluggishly. Each player tries to turn out in his own way, but further development does not work. Everyone plays their own game.

The pouring rain pours lazily,

And the snow falls on the grass.

Homeless people dig a hole under the moon

Wearily dropping flies from the mustache.

There is also no dynamics here. The first author starts weakly, and the second tries to play on the opposite. But the third player nullifies these efforts, and the fourth finishes at the same pace.

The burime genre is very useful not only for beginners, but also for professionals. It is especially popular among entertainers and colloquial artists. Poetic improvisations contribute to the development creativity through burime. Cinema also touched on this topic. Young directors come up with new plots based on given fragments of the film.


Burim game - which is pretty hard work several participants to compose poetry in turn, in which one should maintain dynamics, rhythm and show ingenuity without having complete information.

Each subsequent line should develop imagination and help the next player. The ultimate goal is for the poem to acquire a certain meaning. Preliminary preparation based on the study of the basic rules for composing poems and the analysis of previous games will be useful.

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