Analysis on the road N.Nekrasov Artistic means Idea theme Pooh size. "On the road", analysis of Nekrasov poem

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The bulk of the poetic works of Nikolai Alekseevich is dedicated to the life of a simple people, severe peasant fate. The author was familiar with the situation that reigned in the society of the lower layers of the population - hunger, unemployment, lack of housing, unreliability of tomorrow.

In the old days, the workers of the peasants were considered souls. They equated to K. cattle. There were very rarely situations when simple rustic girls became wives of the nobles. And that, such an alliance of Nekrasov considered not quite durable.

Also, Nikolay Alekseevich knows the cases where the owners of the estate did their peasants equal in rights, and then, again lowered them to the slave worship. Oh, and the fate of a simple person was serious!

In connection with such emotions and experiences, Nekrasov creates a poem "on the road".

A feature of this work is the presence of a dialogue in the text. It makes the rhymed lines dynamic, alive, life.

The poet itself appears as Barin. He asks Yamshika to tell him interesting story, cheer or sing a song. However, the excrement does not want to have fun. His thoughts are sheaven with experiences for their spouse. She became a sacrifice of boric condescension. Being a little, his wife was friends with the Barskaya daughter, grew in warmth, in care, led by a diploma, dressed neat, owned her needlework. However, when the girls grew up, the daughter of Barina went to St. Petersburg with a young fiance, and her father was the owner of the manor, died. So the inheritance passed to the calculating and sonless son-in-law. He sent a pear to the village. However, the girl was completely not familiar with a grave work in the field, she could not care for his cattle, could not keep her farm. And besides, the new barin told her to marry a peasant man. It was the thing that became a pump.

He told the cab driver, how hard his spouse will cope with those cases that are arguing on her shoulders. She is trying to raise a son like a little barrina. And letting it teaches him, and purely dresses, and makes it forcing it. Only this share awaits this Patzanenka? What is his future? From such experiences, the whole grimaced, stunned and pale pale. So it will reach the grave. After that, the yamper trying to disperse his boredom, felt the state of complete hopelessness.

With the help of this poem, Nikolai Alekseevich is trying to show the true position of the peasant, his essence. A simple man was only another toy for his master. And the owners of the serfs never thought about how hard it would be necessary for the usual people.

On the fate of serfs, the Russian poet of N.Nekrasov wrote talented on the share of Russian women. The greatness of Nekrasov is that his verses expressed the advanced, progressive ideas of their time, in the fact that he through the tragic reality of the oppressed Russia foresaw the best share for his people and felt him in exciting verses.

Not immediately reached the poet of vertices of creativity. In the early 1840s, Nekrasov joined the number of employees of the Journal of Domestic Notes. On his reviews published in the journal, VG Belinsky drew attention to V. G. Belinsky, who later personally met Nekrasov. In that period of time, the literary activity of Nekrasov was criticized, and Belinsky believed that Nekrasov would forever remain no more than a useful magazine employee. But when in 1845, Nekrasov brought his poem "on the road" in 1845, he enthusiastically accepted this work and called Nekrasov a true poet. The success of the poem "On the road" contributed to the creative bloom of Nekrasov and the formation of him as a popular poet.

The poem is built in the form of a dialogue of the yammer and its rich seed. The leading theme of the poem "On the Road" is the sub-million fate of a serf woman, whose life, by virtue of the changed circumstances, has become a solid torment.

Composite poem is divided into three unequal parts. In the first part of the work, a rich passenger asks the daisy to dispel boredom - sing a cheerful song or tell an employee. The second part contains the narrative of a yammer that responded to the request of a rich seed. The poem is ends with a replica of the saddle, interrupting the tale of the yammer and declaring that he was entertaining enough.

The main part of the literary work is a tale of a yammer about his wife named Pear, who, being serfs, was brought up from childhood in a balm house, along with the daughter of the owner. Pear received a good education, knew how to read and play on musical instruments. She dressed as a real young lady. But one day her life changed cool, and not in best side. The daughter of the landowner married and left for St. Petersburg. The owner of the estate soon died, and his son-in-law took possession of the estate. The new owner did not come down in character with a pear, still living in the Lordsk House. Using the fact that the girl in his position was serf, he sent her to the village, to the peasants. Soon, the pear was married to the yamchik.

With the appearance in the life of a simple man's man's wife, his worries has increased significantly. The wife, though not lazy, did not know the peasant work at all. She was very hard to master in a new reality. The jamper sang her and tried to console, buying nomudine new clothes. But his part of his participation helped little, she often cried. The jimmer sincerely worried about the fate of the Son, whom the pear grows as a barishonka - his soap, strengthened and combed, taught the boy of diploma. In all this, according to her husband, it was not worth doing at all. Combining the Sedoka, that the wife eats very little, the rummer expressed concerns that with this lifestyle she would not long be in white light.

The story of the yammer creates the mood of irreversible despondency, hopelessness of existence, but for its sediment, this story is a means of entertainment. His misunderstood and sorrow ordinary people, Fortress peasants.

The main thought of the poem "On the road" is that serfdomAs the shape of the enslavement of people, humiliates the dignity of a person and generates an innumerable lot of personal tragedies. So it happened in the case of a pear. Founded in the atmosphere of freedom, she suddenly turned out to be a slave, someone else's property. This change in her life caused a pear heavy mental injury from which she could not recover.

A characteristic feature of the poem "On the Road" is the lack of a composite-stylistic reception, called "Remarika" in the literature. This technique is to retreat the author from the immediate storyset. Remarks in the poem "On the road" is not. Another characteristic feature of the poem is that the essential part of the text is a monsologist of the yammer facing Barina, in essence it is a hidden dialogue: "I hear, you ...", "you understand-hundred ...".

When writing this poem of Nekrasov as a poetic size, a three-stranded anapest applied. The choice of this poetic size makes a poem similar to the song, increases the melodiousness of the work. At the same time, the author uses several rhyme schemes in the work - cross, adjacent and annular.

Based on the analysis of the work "On the road", it can be concluded that the text of the verse shows a song basis that is felt in the following: in the echoes of the jamschitsky songs, in the folklore epitheats "Belorichka", "Bellika", in the dialogue of the folk song, in Application of characteristic size.

Nekrasov actively used various means Artistic expressiveness when creating a poem "on the road". He applied such epithets as the "unwanted work", "removing the yamper", "Lyhai Babenka", as well as the metaphor "villain's wife", "drunk hand", "unearned boredom." When describing the appearance of the wizard's wife, the author gives such comparisons as "pale and thin, like a chips", "roars, as crazy." Poem is also present a large number of Prospecting expressions, with the help of which the author transmits a direct speech of the yammer: "You understand-hundred ...", "embarrassed ...", "Bait", "Sam-Ata", "hear", "Ali", "Tuchi" and others. These dialects attach reliability of the pumping, increase the realism of the work.

In the poem, I liked that the heroine of the tale of the yamchik, his wife Pear, does not surrender life situation. Yes, it is very difficult for her, but she continues to read the books and raises the Son as it considers it right - she tears a child to clean, accuracy and teaches a boy of diploma. This small episode in the tale of the yammer shows that a Russian woman will not break any life tragedies. It will be able to fulfill its maternal debt to the end.

"On the road" was created in 1845. Nekrasov at that time was only 25th year, and for his young age He showed a surprisingly subtle understanding of the Russian soul and knowledge of the characteristics of Russian life.

It is worth noting that 1845 is the most flourishing of the era of serfdom, when, on the one hand, rumors about "will" have already begun to wander among farmers, on the other - before the abolition of serfdom was even more than 15 years. The peasants suffered under the oppression of the landowners who appeal with them as with the property, and they themselves did not always realize it.

The main theme of the poem

The central theme of the work that has become one of the best samples of civil lyrics is serfdom, more precisely, its impairment. Not direct, of course, in the middle of the XIX century, writing directly, frankly and fully honestly could afford only the underground workers. But, nevertheless, in the history of the peasant, which is revealed in front of the reader, the horrors of serfdom appear to fully. Touched Nekrasov and intra-family relationships, and heavy work In the field, and domestic violence - then, however, that was considered a perfect norm.

The poem is written in the form of a dialogue. Barin, traveling somewhere with a yammer, asks a daughter to entertain him with a conversation, and he retells the story of his spouse, pears. She was a "companion" in the Barsky House, did not work in the field, was "Beller, Bellika". The pear was taught to read and play the piano, one teacher even woven her. But after the lady, whose companion was a pear, married, and a new owner appeared in the estate, he sent a pear back to the village.

Like any other woman of the childbearing age, she was married to the first one who turned out to be more or less suitable candidate - for a teller yamchik. He, in turn, appears to the reader with a man kindly, in his own way compassionate, it is a pity to his wife, although she turned out to be almost useless in peasant labor. The pear is not lazy, not at all - it simply does not have physical forces to "go for a cow", to carry out unusual work on the house. According to the yamchik, she reads the book for all day and is trying to raise his son as a small barchonka.

The jimmer does not understand the sorrows and the problems of the pear, he tells Barina - and it is on this that he interrupts him - that even beat his wife only drunk. Between him and pear - the abyss, they are completely different people In terms of education, according to worldview. But in the formation lies and the thunder is trouble. She knows that he could live in a different way, but her life does not belong to her. The owner of the estate is managed by a pear, for him she is a property that can be kept with you, but you can redirect somewhere else.

The pronounced anti-refresh character of the verse is noticeable from the very first lines. The history of the yammer, told even without complaints, only with surprise, they say: you see, Barin, and so, it turns out, in life it happens, stunning the modern reader. It is impossible to even imagine such a distinguished position of women - and men, too, who were pulled out of the usual life, got married, rearranged, as if dolls on the game board. With its poetry, Nekrasov protests against serfdom and inhuman treatment of people.

Structural analysis of the poem

For greater similarity with the traditional songs-complaints of the Russian people, Nekrasov used 3-hustheld anapest. Alternating rhyme types (female - with male, cross, ring and steam room replace each other) emphasize the liveliness of speech.

A large number of sponsored expressions were used in the work - it makes the speech of the yammer of the real, not artificial. The condition of the peasant and sadness, longing, displaced his wife, is transmitted by epithets and comparisons.

In the work of "on the road", Nekrasov raises a difficult question about serfdom, emphasizes that possession of people, like things, often breaks their fate.

Analysis of the poem

1. History of creating a work.

2. Characteristic of the work lyrical genre (type of lyrics, art method, genre).

3. Analysis of the content of the work (analysis of the plot, characteristic of the lyrical character, motifs and tonality).

4. Features of the composition of the work.

5. Analysis of the means of artistic expressiveness and versification (the presence of trails and stylistic figures, rhythmics, size, rhyme, strategic).

6. The value of the poem for the entire creativity of the poet.

The poem "On the road" was written by N.A. Nekrasov in 1845. This is the first poem shown by the poet V.G. Belinsky. The critic appeared very highly appreciated this work. When Nekrasov read the poem, Belinsky hugged him and exclaimed: "Do you know that you are a poet, and the poet is true!" A.I. Herzen also loved this poem and called it "excellent".

By its genre form, the work in a certain sense dates back to the Yamchchiki songs. However, it has both genre traits of the story. It is built in the form of a dialogue of the saddle, the Russian Barin, with a yammer. The main theme of the poem is the tragic fate of a woman from the people.

The poem of the replica of the Barin begins. Full imperfect pondays, he turns to the grocer with a request to disperse him bored. And the rocket tells sad story own Life. At first he complains Barina to "crushed the villain's wife." However, gradually drama in this story increases: we will learn about the difficult fate of pears. She grew up in the Lordsk House, along with the young lady, got a good education. She was taught to reading, music (she knows how to play the organ) and "different sciences". However, after the death of the old Barina, the pear was returned to the village: "Known de place you are, a peasant!" Without asking her consent, she was married. But the pear can not get used to the new life:

Sin say so that lazy was,
Yes, you see, the thing in the hands did not argue!
How firewood or water carried,
How on the barbecue went - became
Indy is sorry sometimes ... yes Kuda! -
Do not comfort her and new clothes:
Then finally her leg cats,
That hear, she is awkward in sundress.
With strangers and there and here
And stealing roars as crazy ...
Wanted her gentlemen
And there would be a Babenka Lyhaya!

She suffers from not so much from the unbearable work, how much from a subalkal life, from the inability to dispose of its fate itself. The box can not fully realize the entire tragedy of the position of his wife. He believes that he treated her well:

God sees, not Tomil
I am her fast work ...
Dressed and fed, without the way I did not scold,
Respired, Tui, that's how, with hunting ...

The recent words of the yamchik are culminating in its full internal drama story:

And, hear, beat - almost never beat,
Unless under drunken hand ...

Full of bitter irony and final sequence replica:

Well, pretty, rod! Dispersed
You are my unearned boredom!

Composite work is divided into three parts. The first part is the request of the saddle. The second part is the tale of the yammer. The third part is the final replica Barin. At the beginning and finals of the poem, the topic of boredom, longing, invariably present in Russian life arises. In this regard, we can talk about the annular composition.

The poem is written by a three-rescue anapest, rhymes - cross, steam room and ring. The poet uses various means of artistic expressiveness: epithet ("dismissance", "Babenka Lyhaya"), the metaphor ("crushed the villain's wife"), AnaFor ("That finished the cat's leg, then hear it is awkwardly"), comparison ("Roars as crazy ..."). We note the presence in the poem of peasant dialect expressions: "you understand,", "Tuchi", "hear", "Kuda".

The poem "on the road" marked new stage In the work of Nekrasov. It was written after the release of his romantic collection "Dreams and Sounds", which did not enjoy the public and critics. After the first failure of Nekrasov for five years, not returned to creativity. He was aware that it was necessary to write otherwise, the subject of poetry should be the life of ordinary people. "Before me, I never shown millions of living beings! They asked a loving look! And that neither a person, then the martyr, that neither life, then tragedy! " - recalled the poet subsequently. " So it was born "on the road", discovered in the work of Nekrasov the topic of Russian peasant life. Then such poems were created as "Troika", "Ogorodnik", " Forgotten village", Orina - Soldiers' Mother", "Katerina", "Calistrath".

You are my unearned boredom! .. "

N. A. Nekrasov

Nikolay Alekseevich Nekrasov is a singer of a folk lobe. There was no such life situation, dramatic turning in the fate of the people, to which the poet would not respond, did not capture in his lyrics. Already in the early poem of 1845, "on the road" reflected the main features of Nekrasov poetry, later acquired characteristics His creativity: closer attention to the needs of progress, lyricism and bitter humor, sometimes turning into satire and even in sarcasm.

The poem "On the Road" opens with a non-slip dialogue of the catcassk with a yammer.

"Bored! Boring! .. Dressman removed,

Accelerate with my boredom!

Song, or a friend, filing

About the recruit set and separation ... "

"I gave me weightless, Barin ..."

And there was a bitter speech of the poor man telling a familiar to tears history ...

Crushed the villain-wife! ..

Hear you, frown, sir, she

There was a scientist in the ballest house

Together with the young ladies in different sciences,

Understand-hundred, sew and knit,

All noble manners and things.

The poem is not distinguished by unfolded characteristics, this situation was frequent, so the author only outlines the foundation of the conflict, the rest of the readers knew perfectly on what was happening around.

Lord's daughter married

Yes, and in St. Petersburg ... her "benefactor" -

Saw, and on the trinity in the night

Gave God the Lord's soul

Lessonka leaving a pear ...

A month later came the zyatki ...

In the very lexical selection of words, the author's attitude to the narration is felt: "Sirotinka", "Pear", "Zyatk". The new landowner is not interested in the feelings of the subjects of the peasants, it is guided by momentous moods and solutions.

He matured her in the village -

Known-de place you are, a peasant! ..

Like a sin, nineteenth year

I happen at that time ... planted

On the burden - yes on it and married ...

Here the poet has not yet departed from naturalistic techniques - a lot of sponsore words and revolutions, later he will avoid it in his works. In the meantime, it is a style, a unique language of his Nekrasov's works. The tale of a yammer who does not understand what he was punished, and his wife, and his wife, in general, is not guilty, except that only the birth and the bitter share of serfs.

Wanted her gentlemen

And there would be a Babenka Lyhaya!

The real dramatic story opens in front of the "Barin" and the reader. Yamchika Nevdeks, and we understand why his wife dies. The reason is not in severe and unusual peasant work, but in the burning of human dignity, which tried to trample in it.

Hear like a sliver of thin and pale,

Walks, Tui, completely through force,

On the day of two spoons, it does not eat tool, -

Tea, counted a month later in the grave ...

And the bitter irony sounds the words of the saddle, allegorically explaining the author's position. He is completely on the side of his disadvantaged heroes. So far, only he listens to them to recognize the troubles and the aspirations of the native people, but will soon see the path to folk happiness, albeit very long and thorny, but the only true one. And now only bitter smile, barely hiding the tears of compassion, sounds in the last line of the poem.

"Well, pretty, rod! Dispersed

You are my unearned boredom! .. "

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