Who is Sergiy of Radonezh biography. Literary Reading Assignment (Grade 4): Report on Sergius of Radonezh

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The article tells about a short biography of Sergius of Radonezh, a famous Russian monk, reckoned Orthodox Church to the face of the saints.

Brief biography of Radonezh: young years

The exact date of birth of Radonezh is unknown. The official church believes that he was born in 1341 near Rostov. At baptism, the boy was named Bartholomew. Sergius's parents belonged to the boyar class and were very pious people. From the age of 10, the future monk was given to study literacy, which, however, was given to the boy with great difficulty.
In the entire biography of Radonezh, there is a lot that is unclear and indefinite. Real facts are intertwined with fictional legends and parables that emphasize the divine gift of a monk. One of them explains the boy's sudden gift for reading and writing by the fact that he met a wanderer who, in prayer, asked God to endow Radonezh with abilities.
Radonezhsky did not leave behind any written sources, therefore, his biography is known mainly in the life written by his student. The Life was subsequently revised. By church customs it is full biblical motives and is replete with miracles accompanying the life of the elder. However, critical analysis allows us to highlight historical facts and determine the main stages of the life of Radonezh.
The family of Bartholomew was forcibly resettled by Ivan Kalita to the village. Radonezh, from which the famous surname of the saint comes. As is clear from the testimonies, Bartholomew from childhood felt his chosenness of God and dreamed of becoming a monk. He was able to fulfill his dream as a result of the tragedy: Radonezhsky's parents died, and he settled in a monastery. He was not satisfied with the too free monastic life, he strove for a stricter service and reverence for God. After a short life in a monastery, Radonezhsky founds his own Church of the Holy Trinity in a deep forest.
After some time, he summons Abbot Mitrofan to him, who performs the ceremony of tonsure Bartholomew, who received the name of Sergius. The news of a new young monk, who, in difficult conditions, gives all of himself into the hands of the Lord, quickly spreads throughout the neighboring territories. Religious selfless service was very popular, so to speak, at the time. Flocks to the hermit a large number of people begging him to take them to him. At first, the monk limited himself to twelve Companions according to the number of Christ's apostles. However, he gradually began to accept other monks as well. This allowed Sergius in 1345 to rebuild a small church into a monastery, which became famous as the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Radonezh was made hegumen and was ordained a priest.

Brief biography of Radonezh: nationwide veneration

Villages began to appear around the monastery, to develop Agriculture... The former remote place has become a populous developed center.
The merit of Radonezh was the introduction of a "hostel" charter in his monastery, according to which all monks were absolutely equal in front of each other. In Russian monasteries of that time, a person who was tonsured a monk retained all his worldly rights and privileges. Sergius canceled this rule. His monastery became a kind of democratic community, united by a common and obligatory physical labor combined with service to God. Thanks to the activities of Radonezh, monasteries of a new type began to be created throughout Russia in uninhabited places, gradually becoming centers of spiritual and economic life. People liked the asceticism and simplicity of the monks' life. The veneration of Sergius of Radonezh grew.
The glory of Radonezh spread throughout Russia. In addition to the huge masses of the common people, noble people and princes began to turn to Sergius for blessing. The monk not only received visitors, but also went, disregarding danger, to various lands in order to call the princes to a righteous life. For Sergius, Christian mercy, love and compassion were the ideal. The great merit of the monk is that he called for an end to civil strife in Russia and did much to create a unified Russian state.
According to the widely known version, he blessed Dmitry Donskoy before the famous Battle of Kulikovo, which was one of the reasons great victory over the Tatar-Mongols. He even sent his monks to battle, violating canonical rules. Radonezhsky taught that even a person who has dedicated himself to God must take up arms if his homeland is threatened with destruction.
Sergius of Radonezh lived a long life and died in 1392. His remains are revered as the relics of a saint and serve as an object of religious worship. There are also disagreements about the canonization of Radonezh. His widespread veneration began long before the establishment of firm rules for canonization. Regardless of the official date, Sergius earned widespread popular love, which was then simply confirmed by the Orthodox Church.

Most of us know who Sergius of Radonezh is. His biography is interesting to many people, even to those who are far from the church. He founded the Trinity Monastery near Moscow (at present it is the Trinity-Sergius Lavra), did a lot for the Russian Church. The saint dearly loved his Fatherland and put a lot of energy into helping his people survive all the calamities. We learned about the life of the monk thanks to the manuscripts of his companions and disciples. The work of Epiphanius the Wise entitled "The Life of Sergius of Radonezh", written by him at the beginning of the 15th century, is a most valuable source of information about the life of the saint. All other manuscripts that appeared later are, in their bulk, processing of its materials.

Place and time of birth

It is not known for certain when and where the future saint was born. His disciple Epiphanius the Wise speaks of this in a very intricate way in the life of the monk. Historians are faced with the difficult problem of interpreting this information. As a result of studying church writings of the 19th century and dictionaries, it was established that the birthday of Sergius of Radonezh, most likely, is May 3, 1319. True, some scholars are leaning towards other dates. The exact place of the birth of the youth Bartholomew (that was the name of the saint in the world) is also unknown. Epiphanius the Wise points out that the father of the future monk was named Cyril, and his mother was Mary. Before moving to Radonezh, the family lived in the Rostov principality. It is believed that the Monk Sergius of Radonezh was born in the village of Varnitsa in the Rostov region. At baptism, the boy was given the name Bartholomew. His parents named him after the Apostle Bartholomew.

Childhood and first miracles

The family of Bartholomew's parents had three sons. Our hero was the second child. His two brothers, Stephen and Peter, were smart children. They quickly mastered literacy, learned to write and read. But Bartholomew's studies were not given in any way. No matter how much his parents scolded him, no matter how the teacher tried to reason, the youth could not learn to read, and the holy books were inaccessible to him. And then a miracle happened: suddenly Bartholomew, the future Saint Sergius of Radonezh, learned the letter. His biography is indicative of how faith in the Lord helps to overcome any difficulties in life. Epiphanius the Wise told about the miraculous teaching of the youth to read and write in his "Life". He says that Bartholomew prayed long and hard, asking God to help him learn to write and read in order to learn Holy Bible... And once, when father Cyril sent his son to look for grazing horses, Bartholomew saw an old man in a black robe under a tree. The boy with tears in his eyes told the saint about his inability to learn and asked him to pray for him before the Lord.

The elder told him that from this day on, the lad would understand reading and writing better than his brothers. Bartholomew invited the saint to the house of his parents. Before visiting them, they entered the chapel, where the youth read a psalm without hesitation. Then he hurried with his guest to his parents to please them. Cyril and Mary, having learned about the miracle, began to praise the Lord. When asked the elder about what this amazing phenomenon meant, they learned from the guest that their son Bartholomew had been marked by God in the womb. So, when Mary came to church shortly before giving birth, the child in the mother's womb cried out three times when the saints sang the liturgy. This story of Epiphanius the Wise was reflected in the painting by the artist Nesterov "The Vision to the youth Bartholomew."

First feats

What else is noted in the childhood of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the stories of Epiphanius the Wise? The saint's disciple reports that even before the age of 12, Bartholomew observed strict fasts. On Wednesday and Friday he ate nothing, and on other days he ate only water and bread. At night, the youth often did not sleep, devoting time to prayer. All this was the subject of a dispute between the boy's parents. Mary was embarrassed by these first exploits of her son.

Resettlement to Radonezh

Soon the family of Cyril and Maria became impoverished. They were forced to move to housing in Radonezh. It happened around 1328-1330. The reason for the impoverishment of the family is also known. It was the hardest time in Russia, which was under the rule of the Golden Horde. But not only the Tatars then plundered the people of our long-suffering homeland, imposing an unbearable tribute on them and making regular raids on settlements. The Tatar-Mongol Khans themselves chose which of the Russian princes to rule in this or that principality. And this was no less a difficult test for the entire people than the invasion of the Golden Horde. After all, such "elections" were accompanied by violence against the population. Sergius of Radonezh himself often talked about this. His biography is a vivid example of the lawlessness that was happening at that time in Russia. The principality of Rostov went to the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan Danilovich. The father of the future saint got together and moved with his family from Rostov to Radonezh, wishing to protect himself and his loved ones from robbery and want.

Monastic life

It is not known when the birth of Sergius of Radonezh took place for certain. But exact historical information about his childhood and youth life has come down to us. It is known that, even as a child, he prayed fervently. When he was 12 years old, he decided to take monastic tonsure. Cyril and Maria did not mind this. However, they set a condition for their son: he should become a monk only after their death. After all, Bartholomew eventually became the only support and support for the elderly. By that time, brothers Peter and Stephen had already started their own families and lived separately from their elderly parents. The youth did not have to wait long: soon Cyril and Maria died. Before their death, according to the custom of that time in Russia, they first took monastic vows, and then the schema. After the death of his parents, Bartholomew went to the Khotkovo-Pokrovsky Monastery. There his brother Stephen took monastic vows, already a widow by that time. The brothers were not here for long. Striving for "the strictest monasticism", they founded deserts on the banks of the Konchura River. There, in the middle of the deaf Radonezh pine forest, in 1335 Bartholomew erected a small wooden church named after the Holy Trinity. Now in its place there is a cathedral church in the name of the Holy Trinity. Brother Stephen soon moved to the Epiphany Monastery, unable to withstand the ascetic and too harsh lifestyle in the forest. In a new place, he will then become abbot.

And Bartholomew, left completely alone, summoned Abbot Mitrofan and took tonsure. Now he was known as the monk Sergius. At that moment in his life he was 23 years old. Soon monks began to flock to Sergius. On the site of the church, a monastery was formed, which today is called the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Father Sergius became the second abbot here (the first was Mitrofan). The abbots showed their disciples an example of great diligence and humility. Monk Sergius of Radonezh himself never took alms from the parishioners and forbade the monks to do this, urging them to live only by the fruits of the labor of their hands. The fame of the monastery and its abbot grew and reached the city of Constantinople. The Ecumenical Patriarch Philotheus, with a special embassy, ​​sent the Monk Sergius a cross, a schema, a paraman and a letter in which he paid tribute to the abbot for his virtuous life and advised him to introduce cynovia in the monastery. Heeding these recommendations, the Radonezh abbot introduced a communal-nurturing charter in his monastery. Later he was received in many monasteries in Russia.

Serving the Fatherland

Sergiy of Radonezh did a lot of useful and good things for his homeland. The 700th anniversary of his birth is celebrated this year. Dmitry A. Medvedev, being the President of the Russian Federation, signed a decree on the celebration of this memorable and significant date for the whole of Russia. Why is the life of the saint given such importance at the state level? The main condition for the invincibility and inviolability of any country is the unity of its people. Father Sergius understood this very well in his time. This is also evident to our politicians today. It is well known about the peacemaking activities of the saint. So, eyewitnesses argued that Sergius, with meek, quiet words, could find a way to the heart of any person, influence the most bitter and coarse hearts, calling people to peace and obedience. Often the saint had to reconcile the warring parties. So, he called on the Russian princes to unite, casting aside all disagreements, and submit to the power of the Moscow prince. This later became the main condition for liberation from Tatar-Mongol yoke... Sergius of Radonezh made a significant contribution to the victory of the Russians in the Battle of Kulikovo. It is impossible to briefly talk about this. Grand Duke Dmitry, who later received the nickname Donskoy, went to the saint before the battle to pray and ask him for advice if the Russian army could oppose the godless. The Horde Khan Mamai gathered an utter army to enslave the people of Russia once and for all.

The people of our Fatherland were seized with great fear. After all, no one has yet managed to beat the enemy army. The Monk Sergius, to the prince's question, answered that defending the Motherland is a godly deed, and he blessed him for great battle... Possessing the gift of foresight, the holy father predicted to Dmitry a victory over the Tatar khan and return home safe and sound with the glory of a liberator. Even when the Grand Duke saw the innumerable enemy army, nothing trembled in him. He was confident in a future victory, for which Saint Sergius himself blessed him.

Saint's monasteries

The Year of Sergius of Radonezh is celebrated in 2014. Especially big celebrations on this occasion should be expected in the temples and monasteries founded by him. In addition to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the saint erected the following monasteries:

Annunciation in the city of Kirzhach in the Vladimir region;

Vysotsky monastery in the city of Serpukhov;

Staro-Golutvin near the town of Kolomna in the Moscow region;

St. George Monastery on the Klyazma River.

In all these monasteries, the disciples of St. Father Sergius became abbots. In turn, the followers of his teachings founded more than 40 monasteries.


The Life of Sergius of Radonezh, written by his disciple Epiphanius the Wise, tells that at one time the rector of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra performed many miracles. Unusual phenomena accompanied the saint throughout his entire life. The first of these was associated with his miraculous birth. This is the story of the wise man about how the child in the womb of Mary, the mother of the saint, shouted three times during the liturgy in the church. And all the people in it heard it. The second miracle is teaching the youth Bartholomew to read and write. It was described in detail above. It is also known about such a diva associated with the life of a saint: the resurrection of a youth through the prayers of Father Sergius. One righteous man lived near the monastery, who had a strong faith in the saint. His only son, a young boy, was terminally ill. The father in his arms brought the child to the holy monastery to Sergius, so that he would pray for his recovery. But the boy died while his parent was presenting his request to the abbot. The inconsolable father went to prepare the coffin in order to put the body of his son in it. And Saint Sergius began to pray fervently. And a miracle happened: the boy suddenly came to life. When the grief-stricken father found his child alive, he fell at the saint's feet, offering praise.

And the abbot ordered him to get up from his knees, explaining that there was no miracle here: the boy was just chilly and weakened when his father carried him to the monastery, and in a warm cell he warmed up and began to move. But the man could not be persuaded. He believed that Saint Sergius showed a miracle. Today there are many skeptics who doubt that the monk worked miracles. Their interpretation depends on the worldview position of the interpreter. It is likely that a person who is far from faith in God will prefer not to focus on such information about the miracles of the saint, finding a different, more logical explanation for it. But for many believers, the story of life and all the events associated with Sergius has a special, spiritual meaning. For example, many parishioners pray that their children learn to read and write and pass the transfer and entrance exams. After all, the youth Bartholomew, the future Saint Sergius, at first also could not master even the basics of study. And only fervent prayer to God led to the fact that a miracle happened when the boy miraculously learned to read and write.

Old age and death of the monk

The life of Sergius of Radonezh is for us an unparalleled feat of service to God and the Fatherland. It is known that he lived to a ripe old age. As he lay on his deathbed, anticipating that he would soon appear at the judgment of God, for the last time he called the brethren for instruction. He called his disciples first of all "to have the fear of God" and to bring people "spiritual purity and unhypocritical love." The abbot died on September 25, 1392. He was buried in the Trinity Cathedral.

Veneration of the reverend

There is no documented evidence of when and under what circumstances people began to perceive Sergius as a righteous man. Some scholars are inclined to believe that the abbot of the Trinity Monastery was canonized in the years 1449-1450. Then, in the letter of Metropolitan Jonah to Dmitry Shemyaka, the primate of the Russian Church calls Sergius a monk, counting him among the miracle workers and saints. But there are other versions of his canonization. Day of St. Sergius of Radonezh is celebrated on July 5 (18). This date is mentioned in the writings of Pachomius Logofet. In them, he narrates that on this day the relics of the great saint were found.

Throughout the history of the Trinity Cathedral, this shrine left its walls only in the event of a serious threat from outside. Thus, two fires that happened in 1709 and 1746 caused the removal of the saint's relics from the monastery. When the Russian troops left the capital during the invasion of the French led by Napoleon, the remains of Sergius were taken to the Kirillo-Belozersky monastery. In 1919, the atheist government of the USSR issued a decree on the autopsy of the saint's relics. After this not a godly deed was committed, the remains were transferred to the Sergievsky History and Art Museum as an exhibit. Currently, the relics of the saint are kept in the Trinity Cathedral. There are also other dates of memory of his abbot. September 25 (October 8) - the day of St. Sergius of Radonezh. This is the date of his passing. Sergius is also commemorated on July 6 (19), when all the holy monks of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra are glorified.

Temples in honor of the monk

Sergius of Radonezh has been considered one of the most revered saints in Russia since ancient times. His biography is replete with facts of selfless service to God. Many temples are dedicated to him. Only in Moscow there are 67 of them. Among them are such as the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh in Bibirev, the Cathedral of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Vysokopetrovsky monastery, the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh in Krapivniki and others. Many of them were built in the 17th-18th centuries. There are many churches and cathedrals in different areas our Motherland: Vladimir, Tula, Ryazan, Yaroslavl, Smolensk and so on. There are even abroad monasteries and sanctuaries founded in honor of this saint. Among them are the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the city of Johannesburg in South Africa and the monastery of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the city of Rumia, in Montenegro.

Images of the reverend

It is also worth remembering the many icons created in honor of the saint. The oldest image of it is an embroidered cover made in the 15th century. Now he is in the sacristy of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

One of the most famous works by Andrei Rublev is "The Icon of St. Sergius of Radonezh", which also contains 17 hallmarks of the life of the saint. They wrote about the events associated with the abbot of the Trinity Monastery, not only icons, but also paintings. Among the Soviet artists, one can distinguish M.V. Nesterov here. The following works are known: "Works of Sergius of Radonezh", "Youth of Sergius", "Vision to the youth Bartholomew." Sergius of Radonezh. His short biography is unlikely to be able to tell about what an extraordinary person he was, how much he did for his Fatherland. Therefore, we dwelled in detail on the biography of the saint, information about which is taken mainly from the works of his disciple Epiphanius the Wise.

Most of us know who Sergius of Radonezh is. His biography is interesting to many people, even to those who are far from the church. He founded the Trinity Monastery near Moscow (at the present time he did a lot for the Russian Church. The saint dearly loved his Motherland and put a lot of effort into helping his people survive all the disasters. We learned about the life of the monk thanks to the manuscripts of his companions and disciples. The work of Epiphanius the Wise entitled "The Life of Sergius of Radonezh", written by him at the beginning of the 15th century, is a valuable source of information about the life of the saint.

Place and time of birth

It is not known for certain when and where the future saint was born. His disciple Epiphanius the Wise speaks of this in a very intricate way in the life of the monk. Historians are faced with the difficult problem of interpreting this information. As a result of studying church writings of the 19th century and dictionaries, it was established that the birthday of Sergius of Radonezh, most likely, is May 3, 1319. True, some scholars are leaning towards other dates. The exact place of the birth of the youth Bartholomew (that was the name of the saint in the world) is also unknown. Epiphanius the Wise points out that the father of the future monk was named Cyril, and his mother was Mary. Before moving to Radonezh, the family lived in the Rostov principality. It is believed that the Monk Sergius of Radonezh was born in the village of Varnitsa in the Rostov region. When the name was given Bartholomew. His parents named him after the Apostle Bartholomew.

Childhood and first miracles

The family of Bartholomew's parents had three sons. Our hero was the second child. His two brothers, Stephen and Peter, were smart children. They quickly mastered literacy, learned to write and read. But Bartholomew's studies were not given in any way. No matter how much his parents scolded him, no matter how the teacher tried to reason, the youth could not learn to read, and the holy books were inaccessible to him. And then a miracle happened: suddenly Bartholomew, the future Saint Sergius of Radonezh, learned the letter. His biography is indicative of how faith in the Lord helps to overcome any difficulties in life. Epiphanius the Wise told about the miraculous teaching of the youth to read and write in his "Life". He says that Bartholomew prayed long and hard, asking God to help him learn to write and read in order to know the Holy Scriptures. And once, when father Cyril sent his son to look for grazing horses, Bartholomew saw an old man in a black robe under a tree. With tears in his eyes, the boy told the saint about his inability to learn and asked him to pray for him before the Lord.

The elder told him that from this day on, the lad would understand reading and writing better than his brothers. Bartholomew invited the saint to the house of his parents. Before visiting them, they entered the chapel, where the youth read a psalm without hesitation. Then he hurried with his guest to his parents to please them. Cyril and Mary, having learned about the miracle, began to praise the Lord. When asked the elder about what this amazing phenomenon meant, they learned from the guest that their son Bartholomew had been marked by God in the womb. So, when Mary came to church shortly before giving birth, the child in the mother's womb cried out three times when the saints sang the liturgy. This story of Epiphanius the Wise was reflected in the painting by the artist Nesterov "The Vision to the youth Bartholomew."

First feats

What else is noted in the childhood of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the stories of Epiphanius the Wise? The saint's disciple reports that even before the age of 12, Bartholomew observed strict fasts. On Wednesday and Friday he ate nothing, and on other days he ate only water and bread. At night, the youth often did not sleep, devoting time to prayer. All this was the subject of a dispute between the boy's parents. Mary was embarrassed by these first exploits of her son.

Resettlement to Radonezh

Soon the family of Cyril and Maria became impoverished. They were forced to move to housing in Radonezh. It happened around 1328-1330. The reason for the impoverishment of the family is also known. It was the hardest time in Russia, which was under the rule of the Golden Horde. But not only the Tatars then plundered the people of our long-suffering homeland, imposing an unbearable tribute on them and making regular raids on settlements. The Tatar-Mongol Khans themselves chose which of the Russian princes to rule in this or that principality. And this was no less a difficult test for the entire people than the invasion of the Golden Horde. After all, such "elections" were accompanied by violence against the population. Sergius of Radonezh himself often talked about this. His biography is a vivid example of the lawlessness that was happening at that time in Russia. The principality of Rostov went to the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan Danilovich. The father of the future saint got together and moved with his family from Rostov to Radonezh, wishing to protect himself and his loved ones from robbery and want.

Monastic life

It is not known when the birth of Sergius of Radonezh took place for certain. But exact historical information about his childhood and youth life has come down to us. It is known that, even as a child, he prayed fervently. When he was 12 years old, he decided to accept Cyril and Maria did not mind this. However, they set a condition for their son: he should become a monk only after their death. After all, Bartholomew eventually became the only support and support for the elderly. By that time, brothers Peter and Stephen had already started their own families and lived separately from their elderly parents. The youth did not have to wait long: soon Cyril and Maria died. Before their death, according to the custom of that time in Russia, they first took monastic vows, and then the schema. After the death of his parents, Bartholomew went to There, his brother Stephen, who by that time was already a widow, took monastic vows. The brothers were not here for long. Striving for "the strictest monasticism", they founded deserts on the banks of the Konchura River. There, in the middle of the deaf Radonezh pine forest, in 1335 Bartholomew erected a small wooden church named after the Holy Trinity. Now in its place there is a cathedral church in the name of the Holy Trinity. Brother Stephen soon moved to the Epiphany Monastery, unable to withstand the ascetic and too harsh lifestyle in the forest. In a new place, he will then become abbot.

And Bartholomew, left completely alone, summoned Abbot Mitrofan and took tonsure. Now he was known as the monk Sergius. At that moment in his life he was 23 years old. Soon monks began to flock to Sergius. On the site of the church, a monastery was formed, which today is called the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Father Sergius became the second abbot here (the first was Mitrofan). The abbots showed their disciples an example of great diligence and humility. Monk Sergius of Radonezh himself never took alms from the parishioners and forbade the monks to do this, urging them to live only by the fruits of the labor of their hands. The fame of the monastery and its abbot grew and reached the city of Constantinople. The Ecumenical Patriarch Philotheus, with a special embassy, ​​sent the Monk Sergius a cross, a schema, a paraman and a letter in which he paid tribute to the abbot for his virtuous life and advised him to introduce cynovia in the monastery. Heeding these recommendations, the Radonezh abbot introduced a communal-nurturing charter in his monastery. Later he was received in many monasteries in Russia.

Serving the Fatherland

Sergiy of Radonezh did a lot of useful and good things for his homeland. The 700th anniversary of his birth is celebrated this year. Dmitry A. Medvedev, being the President of the Russian Federation, signed a decree on the celebration of this memorable and significant date for the whole of Russia. Why is the life of the saint given such importance at the state level? The main condition for the invincibility and inviolability of any country is the unity of its people. Father Sergius understood this very well in his time. This is also evident to our politicians today. It is well known about the peacemaking activities of the saint. So, eyewitnesses argued that Sergius, with meek, quiet words, could find a way to the heart of any person, influence the most bitter and coarse hearts, calling people to peace and obedience. Often the saint had to reconcile the warring parties. So, he called on the Russian princes to unite, casting aside all disagreements, and submit to the power of the Moscow prince. This later became the main condition for liberation from the Tatar-Mongol yoke. Sergius of Radonezh made a significant contribution to the victory of the Russians. It is impossible to briefly talk about this. Grand Duke Dmitry, who later received the nickname Donskoy, went to the saint before the battle to pray and ask him for advice if the Russian army could oppose the godless. The Horde Khan Mamai gathered an utter army to enslave the people of Russia once and for all.

The people of our Fatherland were seized with great fear. After all, no one has yet managed to beat the enemy army. The Monk Sergius, to the prince's question, replied that defending the Motherland is a godly deed, and blessed him for the great battle. Possessing the gift of foresight, he predicted to Dmitry a victory over the Tatar khan and return home safe and sound with the glory of a liberator. Even when the Grand Duke saw the innumerable enemy army, nothing trembled in him. He was confident in a future victory, for which Saint Sergius himself blessed him.

Saint's monasteries

The Year of Sergius of Radonezh is celebrated in 2014. Especially big celebrations on this occasion should be expected in the temples and monasteries founded by him. In addition to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the saint erected the following monasteries:

Annunciation in the city of Kirzhach in the Vladimir region;

Vysotsky monastery in the city of Serpukhov;

Staro-Golutvin near the town of Kolomna in the Moscow region;

St. George Monastery on the Klyazma River.

In all these monasteries, the disciples of St. Father Sergius became abbots. In turn, the followers of his teachings founded more than 40 monasteries.


The Life of Sergius of Radonezh, written by his disciple Epiphanius the Wise, tells that at one time the rector of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra performed many miracles. Unusual phenomena accompanied the saint throughout his entire life. The first of these was associated with his miraculous birth. This is the story of the wise man about how the child in the womb of Mary, the mother of the saint, shouted three times during the liturgy in the church. And all the people in it heard it. The second miracle is teaching the youth Bartholomew to read and write. It was described in detail above. It is also known about such a diva associated with the life of a saint: the resurrection of a youth through the prayers of Father Sergius. One righteous man lived near the monastery, who had a strong faith in the saint. His only son, a young boy, was terminally ill. The father in his arms brought the child to the holy monastery to Sergius, so that he would pray for his recovery. But the boy died while his parent was presenting his request to the abbot. The inconsolable father went to prepare the coffin in order to put the body of his son in it. And Saint Sergius began to pray fervently. And a miracle happened: the boy suddenly came to life. When the grief-stricken father found his child alive, he fell at the saint's feet, offering praise.

And the abbot ordered him to get up from his knees, explaining that there was no miracle here: the boy was just chilly and weakened when his father carried him to the monastery, and in a warm cell he warmed up and began to move. But the man could not be persuaded. He believed that Saint Sergius showed a miracle. Today there are many skeptics who doubt that the monk worked miracles. Their interpretation depends on the worldview position of the interpreter. It is likely that a person who is far from faith in God will prefer not to focus on such information about the miracles of the saint, finding a different, more logical explanation for it. But for many believers, the story of life and all the events associated with Sergius has a special, spiritual meaning. For example, many parishioners pray that their children learn to read and write and pass the transfer and entrance exams. After all, the youth Bartholomew, the future Saint Sergius, at first also could not master even the basics of study. And only fervent prayer to God led to the fact that a miracle happened when the boy miraculously learned to read and write.

Old age and death of the monk

The life of Sergius of Radonezh is for us an unparalleled feat of service to God and the Fatherland. It is known that he lived to a ripe old age. As he lay on his deathbed, anticipating that he would soon appear at the judgment of God, for the last time he called the brethren for instruction. He called his disciples first of all "to have the fear of God" and to bring people "spiritual purity and unhypocritical love." The abbot died on September 25, 1392. He was buried in the Trinity Cathedral.

Veneration of the reverend

There is no documented evidence of when and under what circumstances people began to perceive Sergius as a righteous man. Some scholars are inclined to believe that the abbot of the Trinity Monastery was canonized in the years 1449-1450. Then, in the letter of Metropolitan Jonah to Dmitry Shemyaka, the primate of the Russian Church calls Sergius a monk, counting him among the miracle workers and saints. But there are other versions of his canonization. Day of St. Sergius of Radonezh is celebrated on July 5 (18). This date is mentioned in the writings of Pachomius Logofet. In them, he narrates that on this day the relics of the great saint were found.

Throughout the history of the Trinity Cathedral, this shrine left its walls only in the event of a serious threat from outside. Thus, two fires that happened in 1709 and 1746 caused the removal of the saint's relics from the monastery. When the Russian troops left the capital during the invasion of the French led by Napoleon, the remains of Sergius were taken to the Kirillo-Belozersky monastery. In 1919, the atheist government of the USSR issued a decree on the autopsy of the saint's relics. After this not a godly deed was committed, the remains were transferred to the Sergievsky History and Art Museum as an exhibit. Currently, the relics of the saint are kept in the Trinity Cathedral. There are also other dates of memory of his abbot. September 25 (October 8) - the day of St. Sergius of Radonezh. This is the date of his passing. Sergius is also commemorated on July 6 (19), when all the holy monks of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra are glorified.

Temples in honor of the monk

Sergius of Radonezh has been considered one of the most revered saints in Russia since ancient times. His biography is replete with facts of selfless service to God. Many temples are dedicated to him. Only in Moscow there are 67 of them. Among them are such as the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh in Bibirev, the Cathedral of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Vysokopetrovsky monastery, the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh in Krapivniki and others. Many of them were built in the 17th-18th centuries. There are many churches and cathedrals in various regions of our Motherland: Vladimir, Tula, Ryazan, Yaroslavl, Smolensk and so on. There are even abroad monasteries and sanctuaries founded in honor of this saint. Among them are the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the city of Johannesburg in South Africa and the monastery of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the city of Rumia, in Montenegro.

Images of the reverend

It is also worth remembering the many icons created in honor of the saint. The oldest image of it is an embroidered cover made in the 15th century. Now he is in the sacristy of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

One of the most famous works by Andrei Rublev is "The Icon of St. Sergius of Radonezh", which also contains 17 hallmarks of the life of the saint. They wrote about the events associated with the abbot of the Trinity Monastery, not only icons, but also paintings. Among the Soviet artists, one can distinguish M.V. Nesterov here. The following works are known: "Works of Sergius of Radonezh", "Youth of Sergius", "Vision to the youth Bartholomew."

Sergius of Radonezh. His short biography is unlikely to be able to tell about what an extraordinary person he was, how much he did for his Fatherland. Therefore, we dwelled in detail on the biography of the saint, information about which is taken mainly from the works of his disciple Epiphanius the Wise.

This is a real historical figure. True, the name of Sergius is this moment serves as a source of heated debate between believers and atheists, lovers of the national spirit and skeptical historians. Not everyone believes that he really blessed Dmitry Donskoy for the Battle of Kulikovo - for example, there is an opinion that this commander was extremely unpleasant to Sergius of Radonezh, and the holy fathers even condemned him to anathema ... In our article we will tell about the life of this Russian saint as it is tell in the church. We will try to present the facts briefly, but do not miss anything important.

Every nation needs its own heroes. But in addition, it is also inexpressibly important for any nation to have its own saints - pious ancestors, whom you can sincerely respect and whom you can equal. And especially - miracle workers, even after their earthly death, helping pious people who pray to their icons. When the church in Russia returned to its rights and the faith was finally started to speak openly, without criticism, it turned out that for many hundreds of years of veneration of Christ, many righteous and martyrs were born here, and their names are worth for future generations to remember them. The Monk Sergius is considered one of these righteous men. This saint is so popular that in the given time a cartoon about his life is being prepared for distribution, so that even children will know his name, deeds and miracles.

The family of Sergius and his childhood

The future saint was born on May 3 in the family of the Rostov boyars Cyril and Mary (later they were also canonized as saints). Although his father served the local princes, historians are sure: he lived modestly and modestly. Little Bartholomew (this is the name Sergius received at birth, it was chosen according to the calendar) looked after horses, that is, from childhood he was not a white-handed.

At the age of seven, the boy was sent to school. His older brother understood science well, and Bartholomew was not at all given it. He tried very hard, but the training remained alien and incomprehensible to him.

The first miracle

Once, looking for lost foals, little Bartholomew came across a god-like elder. The boy was upset, and the old man asked if he could help him. To which Bartholomew said that he would like the Lord to help him in his studies.

The old man prayed, after which he blessed the boy and treated him to prosphora.

The kind boy took the old man to his house, where his parents put him at the table (they were hospitable to strangers). After the meal, the guest took the child to the prayer room and asked him to read a psalm from the book. Bartholomew refused, explaining that he could not ... But then he took the book in his hands, and everyone gasped: his speech flowed so smoothly.

The founding of the holy monastery

When the boy's brother Stephen was widowed, he decided to become a monk. Soon the parents of the young men passed away. Bartholomew decided to go to his brother, to the Khotkovo-Pokrovsky monastery. But he did not stay there for long.

In 1335, he and his brother built a small wooden church.... Here, on the Makovets hill, on the bank of the Kochura river, in the once deaf Radonezh forest, there is still a sanctuary - however, today it is already the cathedral church of the Holy Trinity.

Life in the forest turned out to be too ascetic. Stephen eventually realized that service was not his lot, so he left the monastery, moving to Moscow, where he soon became hegumen of the Epiphany monastery.

23-year-old Bartholomew did not change his mind about becoming a monk, and, not fearing the complete deprivation of serving the Lord, he turned to Abbot Mitrofan and took tonsure. His church name became Sergius.

The young monk was left alone in his church. He prayed a lot and fasted constantly. Demons and even Satan the tempter sometimes appeared in his cell, but Sergius did not deviate from the intended path.

Once the most formidable forest animal - a bear - came out to his cell. But the monk was not frightened, he began to feed the beast from his hands, and soon the bear became tame.

Despite the desire to abandon everything worldly, messages about Sergius of Radonezh scattered across the country. People were reaching out to the forest. Some were just curious, while others asked to be saved together. So the church began to grow into a community.

  • Together, the future monks erected 12 cells, surrounded the territory with a high fence.
  • The brothers dug up a vegetable garden and began to grow vegetables for food.
  • Sergius was the first in the service and at work. And, although he wore the same clothes in winter and summer, he did not get sick at all.
  • The monastery grew, and it was time to elect an abbot. The brethren wanted Sergius to become one. This decision was also approved in Moscow.
  • Cells were already being built in two rows. The abbot of the monastery turned out to be strict: novices were forbidden to chat and beg. Everyone had to work or pray, and private property was prohibited. He himself was very modest, not chasing either worldly goods or power.
  • When the monastery grew into a Lavra, they had to choose a cellarer - the holy father, who was in charge of the economy and the treasury. They also chose a confessor (the brethren confessed to him) and an ecclesiarch (kept order in the church).

  • During his lifetime, Sergius became famous for his miracles. For example, one person came to him so that the elder would pray for the health of his son. But while Sergius was able to see the boy, he died. The father went to fetch the tomb, and the saint began to pray over the body. And the lad got up!
  • But this was not the only miracle of healing. Sergius cured blindness and insomnia. It is also known that he drove out demons from one nobleman.
  • In addition to the Trinity-Sergius, the monk founded more than five churches.

Sergiy and Dmitry Donskoy

Meanwhile, the era of the Horde, devastating the Russian lands, was drawing to a close. The division of power began in the Horde - several candidates for the role of khan killed each other, and the Russian princes, meanwhile, began to unite, gathering forces.

And on August 18, the Moscow prince, who will soon be called Donskoy, with the Serpukhov prince Vladimir arrived at the Lavra. There Sergius invited the princes to a meal, after which he blessed them to fight.

It is known that two schema monks left the holy monastery with the prince: Oslyabya and Peresvet (the latter, at the very beginning of the battle with the Tatars, met with the Tatar hero Chelubey, defeated him, but he himself fell dead). Were these people really monks, because history (or rather, legends) convey to us not monastic names at all? Some historians do not even believe in the existence of such heroes - however, the church believes both in their existence and in the fact that they were sent by the abbot himself.

The battle was terrible, since in addition to the hordes of Khan Mamai, the Lithuanians, as well as the Ryazan prince and his people, came out against Dmitry. But On September 8, 1380, the battle was won.

It is interesting that while praying on this day with the brethren in his Lavra, according to God's inspiration, Sergius called the names of Dmitry's fallen comrades-in-arms, and at the end said that he had won the battle.

The death of the saint

He left no scriptures behind. However, the example of his hardworking, righteous life still inspires many: some - for a modest, quiet life pleasing to God, others - for monasticism.

However, Sergius had a student - Epiphanius. He felt hurt that there was almost no memory of the elder, and 50 years after his death, Epiphanius began to write the life of this bright man.

In which Russian churches can you pray to Sergius of Radonezh?

About 700 churches are dedicated to this saint, not only in our country, but all over the world. Still: the canonization of Sergius of Radonezh took place as early as 1452. Moreover, he is revered by both Orthodox and Catholics.

  • Icons of Sergius can be found in any temple. But the best thing, of course, is to come on a pilgrimage to the Lavra itself. His cell has been preserved here. Also, a spring beats from under the ground, which came to life thanks to the prayer of this abbot (he took pity on the brothers who went far to fetch water, and asked the Lord to make the water closer to the church). Believers claim that the water in it is healing: it cleanses both diseases and sins.

Where are the relics of the saint kept? At the moment, where they should be - in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra... Although before that they have come a long way. The grave of Sergius was first opened 40 years after his death. Eyewitnesses wrote that the body of the saint remained incorrupt. Later, the relics were transported to protect them from fire, as well as to save them from enemy soldiers during the war with Napoleon. Soviet scientists also touched the coffin, placing the relics of Sergius in the museum. And during the Second World War, the body of Sergius was evacuated, but then returned to the Lavra.

What are they praying to him for?

  • About helping children in their studies. And besides, students who are afraid of bad marks at the session pray to the saint.
  • It is also easy to guess that requests for the health of children are being raised to him.
  • People with many debts also pray to Sergius. It is believed that during his lifetime this man helped poor debtors.
  • Finally, he is a good helper in reconciliation.
  • And since Sergius of Radonezh provided considerable support in the formation of the Moscow state, it is to him that high-ranking officials often pray.

But with what words is it customary to address this holy miracle worker? All prayers to Sergius of Radonezh are collected in this video:

On May 3, 1314, a son was born to Cyril and Maria in the Rostov region. The first miracle happened before the boy was born. One day Mary, being pregnant, went to the temple. During the service, the baby in the mother's belly screamed three times. Forty days after birth, he was christened and named Bartholomew. Mother and father told the priest about the cry of their son from the womb. To which the confessor replied that in the future the youth would serve the Holy Trinity.

When the boy grew up, he began to learn to read and write, but learning was given to him with difficulty. One day Bartholomew met a priest and told his confessor about the difficulties with training and asked for his help. The priest gave him a piece of prosphora and said that now Bartholomew would read well. The priest went to the temple and began to pray, and told Bartholomew to read a hymn. Miraculously, he began to read much better than before. After a while, Bartholomew began to fast and read prayers.

After some time, Bartholomew's family moved to the city of Radonezh. The lad expressed a desire to become a monk, but his parents asked him to wait until they die. Cyril and Maria went to monasteries and died there. The inheritance inherited from his father, Bartholomew handed over to his younger brother Peter, and his older brother Stephen went to the monks. Bartholomew decided to go into the forest and build a church there and called his brother Stephen with him. They found a deserted place in a thicket, erected a small hut and built a temple there, which was consecrated by the Metropolitan of Kiev in the name of the Holy Trinity. Hegumen Mitrofan tonsured Bartholomew a monk and named him Sergius. At this time he was about 20 years old.

Once during prayer, a miracle happened, the walls in the church parted, and Satan himself stepped into it, he told Sergius to leave the temple and frightened him. But Sergius drove him out with his prayer. After a while, other monks settled near Sergius. Everyone erected a hut. When there were 12 monks, a fence was built around the huts. When hegumen Mitrofan died, Sergius and the monks went to the bishop for a new mentor. The bishop ordered Sergius himself to be hegumen. Sergius gave his consent.

At first there was no good road to the church. After a while, people began to build their houses in the vicinity, which grew into villages. The monks were dissatisfied that there was no water nearby. Saint Sergius prayed for a long time and a spring appeared nearby, the water of which healed. Near the Volga River lived a dignitary who was tortured by a demon. The Monk Sergius drove out the devil. Since that time, a large number of laity began to visit the saint. Before the battle with the Horde prince Mamai, prince Dmitry asked for blessing from Sergius and won. Subsequently, in honor of this, the Assumption Monastery was erected.

Saint Sergius predicted his death in 6 months and transferred the abbess to his disciple Nikon. Sergius of Radonezh passed away on September 25, 1392, having lived for 78 years. Sergius wanted to be buried outside the church, next to the rest of the monks. But Metropolitan Cyprian gave his blessing to put Sergius on the right side of the church. Great amount people came to say goodbye to Saint Sergius of Radonezh on the day of the funeral.

Biography and life of Sergius of Radonezh briefly for children 2, 4 grades

Sergius' parents, Cyril and Maria, were pious people. They lived in Tver. There the future saint was born, approximately in 1314, during the reign of Prince Dmitry. The metropolitan of the Russian land was Peter.

Mary, carrying the baby in her womb, led a righteous life. She strictly observed all the fasts and prayed. Even then, she decided that if a boy was born, she would devote him to the service of the Lord. And, as an omen of the unborn child, a miracle happened one day in the temple during the prayer of Mary. The child cried out three times from the mother's womb. The priest interpreted this in such a way that he would grow up to be a minister of the Holy Trinity.

After birth, on the fortieth day, the baby was baptized. The name was given to him by Bartholomew. He also had two brothers - Peter and Stephen.

The boy grew up. It's time for him to learn to read and write. This science was easy for his brothers, but with great difficulty for Bartholomew. He was very worried about this.

Once, at the request of his father, Bartholomew went in search of horses. And on the way the boy met the holy elder in the field. He told him about his learning difficulties and asked him to pray for him. In response, the elder gave the youth a piece of prosphora and said that from now on he would know the letter very well.

Bartholomew invited the elder to his parents' house. He didn't refuse. And since then, all sciences have become easy for the boy.

Several years passed and Bartholomew began to strictly observe all fasts and read prayers, preparing himself for the service of the Almighty. He read many books of the saints.

Soon, he and his whole family moved to the Rostov lands, to Radonezh. The move was associated with the atrocities in Tver of the Moscow governor. The family settled near the local church.

Bartholomew's brothers found wives for themselves. And he strove for worship. He asked his father and mother to bless him for this. To which the parents asked him to wait until they finish their earthly journey, and then to devote themselves to the Lord.

After some time, they went to monasteries. And there death overtook them. By this time, Stephen's wife had died and he also found himself shelter in the monastery cell. Bartholomew gave the inheritance of his parents everything to his other brother - Peter.

He called Stephen to find a suitable place for the construction of the monastery. And they built a small church with him on a vacant lot, consecrating it in the name of the Holy Trinity. After some time, the brother left Bartholomew. Life in the bosom of nature turned out to be difficult for him. He went to a Moscow monastery. There he became abbot.

And Bartholomew asked Elder Mitrofan to tonsure him a monk. When he was tonsured, he took the name Sergius. He was at that time a little over 20 years old.

And he began to live in his hut, praying fervently. Demons tempted him in every possible way, but Sergius was steadfast. I did not succumb to their temptations, but drove them out. Once Satan himself visited him, but the saint also drove him out.

Monks sometimes visited Sergius. And over time, some began to settle there with him. The church began to get upset.

After the death of the hegumen, at the insistence of Bishop Athanasius, Sergius took this holy order.

The saint performed many different miracles. Through the prayer of Sergius, a spring arose not far from the church he founded. He could both heal the sick and resurrect the dead. And suffering people began to come to him for help.

Once, Sergius had a vision that his church would be a shelter for the poor and strangers and it would be full of people.

Brother Stefan also returned to the church. But, one day, Sergius, offended by him, left the monastery. He built himself a cell on the Kirzhach River. But monks from the Church of the Holy Trinity came there to him.

After some time, the saint returned back, leaving one of his disciples as hegumen in the new monastery.

Sergius continued his life there. He continued to work miracles, heal the sick. They came to him for advice and blessings. Myself Grand Duke Moscow Dmitry visited the saint before going to the battle with the Horde, which took place on the Kulikovo field. Having received the blessing of Sergius for her, the prince calmly led his army into battle.

Sergius not only prayed and healed people. He worked a lot for the benefit of his monastery. Gradually, it became his abode and a shelter for the suffering, which was predicted to him in a vision.

September 25, 1392 Sergius of Radonezh died. He left behind his disciple Nikon as hegumen. Sergius laid the foundation for a desert monastic life.

Biography of Sergius of Radonezh

Sergius of Radonezh was born in the village of Varnitsy near Rostov on May 3, 1319, He is called Bartholomew. Cyril and Maria, the parents of the future saint, belonged to the boyars. In addition to Bartholomew, they had two more boys, Peter and Stephen.

According to legend, Mary went to church and during the prayer her child utters a loud cry from the womb. Being in infancy he surprises everyone by the fact that on Wednesday and Friday he does not drink his mother's milk, and if Mary ate meat on other days, he also did not consume milk from her breast that day. And Bartholomew's mother subsequently had to not eat meat.

At the age of seven, together with his brothers, he was sent to study, but the diploma is difficult for him. Bartholomew really wanted to learn how to write and read. After his incessant prayers for the granting of him an understanding of literacy, he meets an elder, whom he asks to help in his trouble. The elder blesses the boy and says that from now on you will understand everything, even better than your brothers. And from that day on, Bartholomew began to understand literacy in an amazing way.

The boy was interested in books about the life of the saints. After reading them, Bartholomew gets inspiration on the set days to keep the strictest fast with refusal of food, and on the remaining days to eat only bread and water, and also devotes all nights to fervent prayer.

In 1328 Bartholomew and his family moved to Radonezh. And at the age of 12, he decides to take the vow of monasticism, but his parents make the condition that this will happen only after they die, since Peter and Stephen got families, and he remains their remaining support. Cyril and Mary did not have to wait long for this, and before their death, according to tradition, they were tonsured as monks and monasticism.

After their death, Bartholomew went to the Khotkovo-Pokrovsky Monastery, where brother Stephen, after the death of his wife, was tonsured. Wishing to carry out the strictest monastic deed, the brothers founded a monastery near the Konchura River. And Bartholomew erects a church in honor of the Holy Trinity right in the Radonezh pine forest. His brother could not withstand the strictest hermit discipline and leaves.

In 1337, Bartholomew was ordained a monk from Father Superior Mitrofan and was named after the Great Martyr Sergius. Time passed and other monks and monks began to come to him, forming a monastery that later became the Trinity-Sergeev Lavra. The community grew - and workers and peasants began to settle around it.

Father Sergius was distinguished by his special love for work and erected some cells with his own hands, and also did all the household work in the monastery. He combined labor with unceasing prayer and fasting. Monks often wondered how their monk was working hard and fasting all the time, but his health did not deteriorate, but on the contrary.

In the years 1354, the Monk Sergius was elevated to the rank of Jegumen. The fame of him spreads and Philotheus, being the patriarch, gives him some gifts with the wish of further spiritual exploits. According to the patriarchal instruction, a community-based system was introduced in the monastery. He assumed equality in property, wear the same clothes and shoes as everyone else, eat from a common pot and obey the Jegumen and recognized elders.

In addition to the Trinity-Sergius monastery, the monk also founded other monasteries, where he introduced the communal rule. Here are some of them:

  • Vysotsky monastery in Serpukhov
  • Annunciation Monastery in the town of Kerzhach
  • St. George Monastery, located on the Klyazma River
  • Staro-Golutvin near Kolomna

And the followers of St. Sergius found in the future about 40 monasteries in their native land.

Sergius of Radonezh also acquired the glory of a peacemaker, which was of great importance in the Battle of Kulikovo. Dmitry Donskoy receives the blessing of the elder before the battles. Sergius predicts an unprecedented defeat of the Tatar army. And violating the accepted canons, he strains together with the prince two monks. And on the holy day of the Nativity of the Virgin Russian army wins.

Throughout its life path The Monk Sergius saw various mystical visions.

And close to his death, he transfers Jegumency and instructions to his close disciple Nikon and renounces the earthly. Saint Sergius of Radonezh died in the fall of 1392.

4th grade for children

Biography by dates and Interesting Facts... The most important thing.

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