Prince Prince Vsevolod Pskovsky. Vsevolod-Gabriel Pskovsky, Blessed Great Prince

The buildings 22.09.2019
The buildings

years of the Board: 1078-1093)

  Vsevolod Yaroslavich (in baptism - Andrei) (1030-13.04.1093) - kiev Prince In 1078-1093

Fourth Son of Kiev Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich Wise. After the death of the Father received G. Pereyaslav-South, Rostov, Suzdal, Beloozero and the Earth in the Upper Volga region. In 1055, Vsevolod Yaroslavich fought with Takes, reflected the attack of Polovtsy, having agreed with them about the world. In 1060, along with the brothers Izyaslav, Kiev, Svyatoslav Chernigov and Polotsky Prince, Broischivich, inflicted a tangible defeat of Topkov, who did not try to threaten Russia. But next year, Vsevolod suffered a defeat from Polovtsy. In 1067, he participated in the campaign of Yaroslavichi at Prince Polotsky Vsslav Bryachchivich, who seized Novgorod; The Allies ruined Minsk and defeated all the battle in the battle on Nemig, and then deceived him captured him. In September 1068, Vsevolod and his brothers were broken by Polovtsy in the battle on the river. Alta. Together with Izyaslav Yaroslavizh, he fled to Kiev, where he witnessed the uprising of citizens against Izyaslav and the approval on the Kiev table liberated by the rebels from the dungeon of Bryachchavivich. In 1069, Vsevolod and Svyatoslav performed intermediaries at the conversations of Kievans with Izyaslav.

Vsevolod was one of the compilers of "Truth Yaroslavichi". In 1072 he participated in the transfer of the relics of the Holy Princes Boris and Gleb in the stone church built in Vyshgorod. The union of the brothers was fragile. Already in March 1073, Vsevolod helped Svyatoslav expels Izyaslav from Kiev. Together with Svyatoslav, Vsevolod helped the Polish king Boleslav in his struggle against Chekhov. In January 1077, after the death of Svyatoslav, Vsevolod took Kiev, but in July of this year I gave way to Izyaslav Yaroslavich, describing the support of the Poles, and I took Chernigov. In 1078, he was expelled from Chernigov Son Svyatoslav Oleg and nephew Boris Vyriclavich. Vsevolod applied for help to Izyaslav. In the battle on an unclear Niva Oleg and Boris suffered defeat, and Vsevolod not only returned Chernigov, but also acquired Kiev, because in the same battle fell Faluslav. Becoming Kiev Prince, Vsevolod, gave Chernigov to his son Vladimir Monomakh. The prince him was not calm. Children and grandchildren of his deceased brothers Vladimir, Svyatoslav and Igor Yaroslavichi were deprived of his possessions and constantly fought with him, demanding the return of hereditary dots. In 1079, Vsevolod Yaroslavich reflected the invasion of the Polovtsy, who were led by Oleg and Roman Svyatoslavichi. The cunning Kiev prince bribed the nomads, and they changed the brothers, and the novel was killed. In the same year, Vsevolod managed to attach Tmutarakan to his possessions - asylum of princes - exile, but already in 1081, the young princes Davyd Igorevich and Volodar Rostislavich again took this remote region. In these years, his eldest son Vladimir Monomakh became an assistant to an aging Vsevolod. Vsevolod Yaroslavich had also had two daughters: Yanka (Anna) Vsevolodovna and the Euptraction of Vsevolodovna who left their mark in the history of Europe. Vsevolod Yaroslavich was a very educated person, knew five languages. In old age, he preferred to consult with young warriors, neglecting the advice of more experienced boyars. The pets of Vsevolod, having received important positions, began to create the abuses, about which the sick prince knew nothing, but who caused discontent with them among Kievans.

Vsevolod i Yaroslavich (1030 1093), Old Russian Prince, Kiev grand Duke (C1078), Fourth Son Yaroslav Wise (see Yaroslav Wise). Was one of the most educated people in Russia; I knew five languages. After the death of the Father (1054) he received in the lot ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Prince Lutsky, son Yaroslav Iaslavich Lutsky. In 1180, Vsevolod Yaroslavich walked with Rürik Rostislavich, at his invitation, at the rival of his Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich, Prince Chernihivsky, and in 1182 with this last and other princes on ... ... Biographical Dictionary

- (1030 93), Grand Duke Kiev (from 1078). Son Yaroslav Wise. Married 1 m marriage on the daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Konstantin IX Monomakh (presumably, Mary). Knew 5 languages. The reign in the city of Pereyaslavl South (from 1054), in 1077 78 fought ... ... Modern encyclopedia

Vsevolod i Yaroslavich (1030 93) Prince Pereyaslavsky (from 1054), Chernigov (from 1077), Grand Duke Kiev (from 1078), son of Yaroslav Wise. Together with the brothers Izyaslav and Svyatoslav led the struggle with Polovtsy, participated in the compilation of the truth ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Prince Lutsky, son Ya. Iaslavich Lutsky. In 1180, V. Ya. Went with Rürik Rostislavich, at his invitation, on his opponent, Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich, Prince Chernigovsky, and in 1182 with this last and other princes on Polovtsy. "Full ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

- (1030 1093) Russian Prince, 4th son Yaroslav Wise (see Yaroslav Wise), after whose death (1054) received Pereyaslavl South, Earth along the Volga, Rostov, Suzdal and Belosero. V. Ya. Enclosed the Union with the older brothers Izyaslav and ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Prince Lutsky, son Ya. Iaslavich Lutsky. In 1180, V. Ya. Went with Rürik Rostislavich, at his invitation, on his opponent, Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich, Prince Chernigovsky, and in 1182 with this last and other princes on Polovtsy. Full ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

- (1030 93) Rus. Prince, 4th son Yaroslav Wise. After his death (1054), Pereyaslavl South, Earth along the Volga, Rostov, Suzdal and Beloozero. V. Ya. Enclosed the Union with the older brothers Izyaslav and Svyatoslav. They opposed the stuffed, ... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

Vsevolod Yaroslavich Son Yaroslav I was born in 1030 by the death of his father, as the third seniority, sat in Pereyaslavl. In 1073, together with Brother, Svyatoslav, he was driven out of Kiev Iaslav and moved to Chernihiv. By the death of Svyatoslav some time ... ... Biographical Dictionary

Vsevolod Svyatoslavich Cherma (mind 1212 or September 1215) Prince Novgorod Seversky (1202 1204), Prince Chernigov (1204 1210 (according to another version, 1202 1210), 1214 1215), Great Prince Kiev (1206 1207 and 1210 1214). In November 1178 ... ... Wikipedia


  • The history of the Russian state in 12 volumes (DVDMP3), Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich. The publication contains the famous "history of the Russian state", written by an outstanding Russian poet, Prosaik and a historian Member of the Russian Academy (1818), an honorary member of St. Petersburg ...

Rostislav Vladimirovich

After the death of Yaroslav Wise in 1052, the section of possessions between his sons took place.
Initially, Rostov-Suzdal Princess received to hold Prince Rostislav Vladimirovich.

Rostislav Vladimirovich (in Baptism Mikhail; 1038? - February 3, 1067) - Son Vladimir Yaroslavich, Prince Novgorodsky. N. A. Bumgarten considers the Mother of Prince's daughter Staden Count Leopold ODU. Although this version accepted some historians, but currently a hypothesis is more common that the ode was the wife of Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavich).

Prince Rostovsky - 1052 - 1057.

After the death of the Father (1052), Rostislav was excluded from among the applicants for the Grand Diction (becoming an outcast).
The first principality, where Rostislav rules was Rostov.

Prince Volynsky - 1057 - 1064.

In 1057, after the death of Vyacheslav Yaroslavich and the translation to Smolensk Igor Yaroslavich, received from Uncle Vladimir-Volyn Principality.

Prince Tmutarakan - 1064 - 1067.

Invalidated by his position, Rostislav in 1064 left Volyn and captured Tmutarakan, camping from there his cousin Gleb Svyatoslavich. In this he was helped by losses and sometimes, Novgorod approximate deceased father. However, the success of Rostislav was short-lived, and when the troops of the Father Gleb, Chernigov Prince Svyatoslav, he left Tmutarakan. But as soon as the troops of Svyatoslav left, Rostislav Vladimirovich again kicked Gleb from the city and began to edit in it, collecting tribute from neighboring peoples.
The enhancement of Rostislav was disturbed by the Chersoness Greeks, and soon Rostislav was poisoned by the salted Kotopan (military auditor).
According to V. N. Tatishchev, in the beginning. 1060s. Rostislav married the daughter of the Hungarian king (probably on Lanka, the daughter of King Bella I). Other sources do not confirm and do not refute this information. From this marriage Rostislav had three sons: Rurik (mind 1092) - Prince Peremyshlsky from 1085; Volodar (mind 1124) - Prince Pozlylsky from 1092; Vasilko (mind 1124) - Prince Terebovskiy from 1085

Vsevolod Yaroslavich

Vsevolod Yaroslavich is the fourth son of Yaroslav Wise and Ingegere Swedish. Favorite father's son; With his life did not have a lot of life and lived in Kiev under parents.

Prince Pereyaslavsky - 1054 - 1073.

Prince Rostov-Suzdalsky - 1057 - 1093.

From 1054 to 1073 - Prince Pereyaslavsky (Pereyaslavl-Russian) and Rostov land, a member of the so-called "Triumvirata Yaroslavichi" (together with the older brothers Izyaslav, Kiev and Svyatoslav Chernigov), took equal part with them in the management of the state (the new edition of the Russian Truth, hiking on nomadics , Fighting with Alslav Polotsk). Pereyaslavsky diocese (like Chernihiv) was raised during this period to Metropolis.
Apparently, the Zaleos ownership of Vsevolod was managed by princely enjoyment; He himself did not attend the Rostov land.

Prince Chernigov - 1073 - 1078.

In the beginning. 1070s. Triumvirate collapsed: Vsevolod entered into collusion with Svyatoslav against the elder brother Izyaslav, and he was forced to run to Europe. Svyatoslav occupied the Kiev table (1073), and Vsevolod during the redistribution between them the possessions expanded his lot.

Grand Duke Kiev - 1076 - 1077.

In December 1076, Svyatoslav suddenly died. Vsevolod became his heir.

Prince Chernigov - 1078

In six months, he returned the throne back to Kiev Izyaslav, and he himself received the ownership of the deceased Svyatoslav - Chernigov.

Grand Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavich. Portrait from the royal titular. 1672

14th Grand Duke Kiev - 1078 - 1093.

On October 3, 1078, Izyaslav died in a battle on Niva Niva against the princes-exilets of Oleg Svyatoslavich and Boris Vyacheslavich, and Vsevolod again occupied the Kiev throne, now until the end of his life. In 1079, Oleg with Brother Roman again moved from Tmutarakani to Kiev, but Vsevolod bribed the Polovtsy, who killed Roman, and Oleg sent to Byzantia to Rhodes Island, where he stayed for another fifteen years; Tmutarakan passed under the control of Kiev.
His government was overshadowed by the raids of Polovtsy and permanent internecine wars between nephews and cousins \u200b\u200bof Vsevolod, caused by the imperfection of Yaroslavl inheritance laws. Special activity in his board showed Rostislavichi - the grandchildren of the eldest son Yaroslav Wise, Vladimir, who deceased in his father's life, because of which his descendants did not receive any devals (see otga) and constantly tried to grate the same one, then another city. Vsevolod did not always know how to put an end to these gravestones and led himself as a weak ruler who was on the junior warriors. However, compared with the large-scale crisis of the 1090s, which began after the death of Vsevolod, his times were still relatively stable, and he earned the chronicler's praise to the "Tale of Bygone Years", who wrote in the 1110th year.
Foreign policy with the Vsevoloda is marked by intense contacts with the Sacred Roman Empire, for the emperor of which Henry IV Prince married his daughter, Eupraction-Adelhaid, and later with the Roman dad Urban II, Heinrich's opponent. Probably, the transition of Russia to the enemy opponents camp was associated with the scandalous conflict of Eupraxia and Heinrich: the daughter of Vsevolod fled from Germany to Verona and appeared before the dad, accusing a husband in bullying over her, orgies and participation in Satanian rituals.
At the initiative of the prince (apparently, due to contacts with Rome), the holiday of the transfer of the relics of sv. Nikolai Mirlijsky in Bari ("Nichana Western"), unknown to the Greek Church (always regarding this transfer as a kidnapping).
Vsevolod Yaroslavich is one of the most educated people of their time. His son, Vladimir Monomakh, in "teaching" writes that his father, "sitting at home," owned five languages. Apparently, among these languages \u200b\u200bwere Swedish (Mother of Mother of Vsevolod), Greek (his wife's language), and maybe English (his daughter-in-law language, Vladimir's wife, Saxon's gita) and Polovtsy.

Since 1093, Rostov-Suzdal Earth owned Vladimir Monomakh. Vladimir often traveled to Rostov-Suzdal Earth.
Becoming in 1093 by the dominated by the Rostov land, Monomakh sent his son Mstislav here.

) in the holy baptism Gabriel, Saint Blessed Prince.

Prince Vsevolod was a valiant warrior,. Victoriously went to Yami (c) and on Chud, but never took the sword for the sake of the korear and power.

In the siege of Pskov Stefan Battoore in the year, when the fortress wall was already destroyed and the Poles were ready to break into the city, from Trinity Cathedral with procession The holy relics of Prince Vsevolod were brought to the place of battle, and the enemy retreated. With the phenomenon of the miraculous Pskov-Pokrovskaya icon of the Mother of God, the Holy Pravda Prince Vsevolod-Gabriel was among the heavenly defenders of Pskov.

April 22, on the first day of Easter, holy power were solemnly transferred to main church Cathedral.

He had the sons of Ivan, Mstislav and Vladimir, and the daughter of the Ususlav, issued in 1137 for one of the Polish princes.

Tropear, voice 4

From the mlanda came from the Bogomud. Prince Gabriel, the divine vessel, elected a borney, piciously pupil: faith is immaculate, and many hides of church arranged, the expulsion has undergone Esi from His, Jarks and Chastity Your Breaks. With them Holy Trinity pray, the powers of Roskovya by the head of the preserved Friend, and we all escape.

Kondak, voice 8

Multi-diverse lesing into the hagin of Pskov Blessed by Gavriel's prince, the fruit of good gods in the life of this was this, dictating the virtues, and Yakkin David is kind of child: the sake of the sake of the eternal life of heaven. Always in vain the holy Trinity, moths to get rid of us from all sorts of trouble, but call: Rejoice in the statement of our country.

Tropar (gaining relics)

It is not necessary for an all-way new holiday, gaining honest relevance of Blessed Prince Gabriel, the fun of the fairly all pious sets, the darkness, Wsy Renius, who came across in the holy temple of the Liberal Trinity, Rather: Blessed by Gavriel, having a bold to Christ God, moths to be enjoyed by your love.

Used materials

  • Encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron.

The exact date of birth of Vsevolod Mstislavich is unknown. Historians say that he was born about 1095. Prince Vsevolod was the eldest son of Mstislav Great and grandson Vladimir Monomakh. His grandfather Inge on the motherboard was the Swedish king.

Beginning of the Board in Novgorod

If the old order of inheritance was still preserved in Russia, then Vsevolod could become the ruler of Kiev. However, in the XII century, the East Slavic state finally passed into the stage feudal fragmentationWhen there was no single power, but there were several centers of influence. One of them was it was the second largest city of Russia, his unofficial northern capital.

It was there in 1117 a young Vsevolod was sent. However, the citizens of Novgorod were distinguished by the most freedom-loving and restless character. There was still a lot of importance to the eve of the national assembly on the central square of the city, where the most important solutions. The princely power here competed with the authority of the Planting. It was personal position. Most often by landworkers became local merchants or boyars.

In the first year of the reign of Vsevolod, Novgorod began to make independent decisions without asking for this young governor. Such behavior led to the rage of Vladimir Monomakh, which rules in Kiev and was conditionally considered the most eldest and main prince. He called on B. southern capital Novgorod boyars, half of whom left hostages. The remaining returned to their city and convinced the fellow citizens to accept the landangen appointed by Monomakh.

Camping to Chud

In 1131, Vsevolod united with his younger brothers from other principalities (Izyaslav, Rostislav and Yaropolk) and went on a campaign to the Baltic Chud. These were the ancestors of modern Estonians. The first campaign was successful. Russian troops burned many villages, captured prisoners and prey. However, the second hike ended with defeat and death big number Novgorod soldier.

Prince Pereyaslavl

When the father of Vsevolod Mstislav died in 1132, Kiev moved to his uncle, while in his senior brother's life he promised that he would give his nephew his former possession - Pereyaslavl. Vsevolod briefly left Novgorod to get the southern city.

However, he could not start to edit there. Other his uncle, Yuri Dolgoruky, kicked the nephew from Pereyaslavl. He was afraid that Vsevolod would be the heir to Yaropolk in Kiev. According to a new order, the power in the "Mother of Russian cities" was transferred to seniority.

Explained Prince Vsevolod returned to Novgorod. However, the townspeople did not want to accept him, accusing in treason. The prince left them to rule in Pereyaslav, and therefore, violated the promise to die along with them.

Again Novgorod Prince

However, the Novgorod men appeared soon. They returned the prince to the city. However, now his power was limited by Posadanmi. They turned from servants and the Assistants of the Prince in his co-costers.

Meanwhile, Western limits Novgorod land continued to disturb the wildlife raids. Prince Vsevolod decided to put this end. On February 9, 1033, he captured the city of Yuriev. This fortress was founded by Yaroslav Wise. He called her in his christian namegiven to him with baptism. In 1061, local tribes returned control over this place, while the Russian rulers continued

The news of the return of Yuryeva was adopted by Novgorod with great joy. However, there was still no calm inside the city. People, continuing to worry, fought as well as local officials. One of them was even thrown away from the bridge in the wolch. This place was for Novgorod akin to the rock in Sparta, where they got rid of squeezed babies.

War with Yuri Dolgoruky

Therefore, the prince Vsevolod Mstislavich urgently needed something that could distract the restless people. Soon this reason was found. In South Rus, wars continued between the warring princes. The younger brother of Vsevolod Izyaslav Rules in Turov, from where he was excised uncle.

Fugitive found shelter in Novgorod. The brothers decided to oppose Yuri Dolgoruky, with whom they had old bills. In addition, the Suzdal Prince was dissatisfied with the Novgorod people. The bread that they bought in the earth of Yuri Dolgoruky was now addressed an additional duty, because of which his price jumped sharply.

The inhabitants themselves demanded a campaign from their prince. The army came out of the city on December 31, 1134. The path to the Enemy's land took about a month. The brothers agreed that in case of success, Izyaslav will become a Suzdal Prince.

The battle of the waist

January 26, 1135, opponents met. Novgorod residents stopped at the waist mountain. Suzdalians had to beat the enemy with a busy height. In order to do this, it was decided to highlight a detachment that went bypassing the enemy's rear.

Finally, Novgorod rushed down, seeking to break the enemy. At first, the Suzdals were in a very difficult position, even the princely banner was captured. However, at the most crucial moment, a detachment sent to the rear came to revenue. Novgorodians were between two lights. Many people were killed, including urban landanner and a thousand cut.

Prince Vsevolod Novgorod escaped from the battlefield. In honor of those killed, he ordered to build a church of Assumption. Even on the eve of the campaign to the city, Kiev Metropolitan Mikhail arrived, who urged Novgorod residents not to start bloodshed. He was detained. After the defeat, the Novgorod residents with the honors were released the minister of the Church. IN Suzdal Prince In memory of the battle of a waist mountain, a monastery was built in her place. Fearing the Western neighbors, after a few years he founded Moscow.

Exile from Novgorod

However, Prince Vsevolod, short biography Which already knew the ups and downs, could not recover from defeat. Citizens were unhappy with his flight from the battlefield. In 1136, they declared Vsevolod, which deprive His power. Causes were also named: dislike to the people, care to Pereyaslavl a few years ago, flight during the battle of the waist mountain, a non-permanent policy at which he supported Kiev, then Chernihiv princes.

Vsevolod, together with his family, was sent to conclusion, where he stayed 7 weeks, expecting his fate. At this time, Novgorod decided to call the princes by decision of the evening. This became the end of the classic monarchy in this city. Novgorod became the first republic in Russia - later this system will appear in Pskov.

The first was called Svyatoslav Olgovich - the son of the Chernigov Prince. Only after he arrived in the city, Vsevolod, by decision, was released and forever expelled.

Prince Vyshgorod and Pskov

He arrived in Kiev to his uncle Yaropolk. He gave him a small Vyshgorod. However, the rule of Prince Vsevolod in Novgorod did not pass without a trace. There he had a lot of supporters, including the local landangen. At first, they almost killed the new prince Svyatoslav Olgovich, but in the end they themselves went to Vyshgorod to their ruler.

Among them were Pskovian. They called Vsevolod to rule in their city, which was in a semi-dependent position from Novgorod. The prince loved the Russian north, in the south he was uncomfortable among endless stripping areas of local dots. He gladly went to Pskov, on the way he watched the support of Polotsk Prince Vasilko. That in 1129 was exiled by the father of Vsevolod to Constantinople. Therefore, Vasilko even had a serious reason to take revenge on the guest. However, he generously forgotten offended by Mstislava and even spent Vsevolod with his army to Pskov.

He was happy to be accepted in the city, which since that moment became an independent principality. However, in Novgorod, these news led the people into rage. Residents of the city plundered the houses of the remaining goodwhelters of Vsevolod. In addition, they collected money to buy the necessary weapons needed in a hike on Pskov. Svyatoslav called for help her brother, Kursk Prince Gleb. Nomads went to the north, who were allies of Chernihiv rulers. They have never robbed Russia's northern frontiers and now happily waited for this campaign.

However, the Pskovsians did not fell in spirit. They armed and blocked all the roads to the city. For this, trees were pulled and built fortifications. Finally, Svyatoslav reached Dubrovna and turned back, not deciding to bloodshed.

The conflict remained, but the biography of Prince Vsevolod was interrupted. He died from health problems in 1138. His place was taken by the younger brother Svyatopolk. Thus, Vsevolod managed to be a Pskov Prince exactly year. He had a son Vladimir and the daughter of Supervas, who married the Polish ruler of Bolesca IV Curly.


It is known that Vsevolod Mstislavovich, Prince Novgorod, actively investing funds in construction orthodox churches. In 1127, he laid the Church of John the Forerunner in honor of the birth of the son of Ivan, who soon died in infancy. Also known another temple - Assumption Blessed Virgin Mary. Both buildings are preserved to this day. For was canonized by Russian Orthodox Church In the XVI century.

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