History of ancient Greece: Greco-Persian wars. Greco-Persian Wars

The buildings 14.10.2019
The buildings

1. Prerequisites of Greek-Persian Wars

Greek-Persian wars were a turning point in the history of Greece. A lot of small Greek cities, often hostile to each other, were able to rally in the face of danger and not only withstood the ones of the powerful Persian power, but managed, defending their independence, go to counter-project and put the limit of Persian aggression to the West. The fight against the Persia revealed positive results of social and political transformations that occurred in Greek policies during the VI century. BC e. For the first time in this struggle, the ideas of generallylline solidarity, unity, based, regardless of state borders on the community of lifestyle, culture, religion, as well as the language were sounded.

The decisive period of Greco-Persian wars (500-478) is being studied mainly on the basis of "history" of Herodota, who, although he was not a contemporary of the events described, but also had the opportunity to talk with their members together, to visit the places of battles, to get acquainted with a relatively fresh oral tradition , monuments in honor of the winners. Herodotus is extremely conscientious in presenting the facts available to him, alien to the tendentiousness in relation to Persians, does not silence about the Personal sentiments among the part of the Greeks, but, as any historian, illuminates the events of the past at an angle of view of his time, in some cases following the official Athenian tradition 50-30 years V c. BC e. The accuracy of his story is checked by other preserved testimonies, reporting and new data, in particular about the events after 478 BC. e.

From the historical work of the contemporary event of the events of Hekatey Miretsky, only fragments reached. A bright description of the sea battle at the O-Va Salamin is given by his participant of Eschil in the tragedies of "Persians". A number of inscriptions have been preserved in honor of the wins, dedications to the generallylline sanctuary, epitaphy to the fallen soldiers. Certificates of Greco-Persian wars are available from speakers, publicists, historians of the IV century. BC e. A number of information is contained at diodeor (I century. BC), who used the work of the historian of Euphor (IV century. BC). Many details are reported in biographies written by Plutarch (I-II centuries. N. E.); Valuable information can be found in the "Allala" description of PAsania (II century. n. e.). Reminiscesses about these so significant for destinies, the Greek and Roman tradition is abounding for fate.

The initial point of the Greek-Persian wars was the uprising of the Greek cities of the west coast of Malaya Asia and the adjacent islands against the Persian dominion. Creation of Kira, Cambiss and Darius led to the inclusion of the entire Middle East into the Persian Power. Greek cities of Malaya Asia, submitted to 546 BC. e. Lydia, after her defeat, passed under the rule of Persians. The amount of taxes levied by the new Lords was about the same as before, but during the domination of Lydia, the money was accounted for in appeal, and now they have seen dead capital in the treasures of the Persian kings. It caused harm to the developed trade and monetary relations and caused discontent with the trade trade in the Greek cities of the coast.

Lydia's power that did not have his own fleet, besides, directly did not affect the economic interests of small -sisary Greeks associated with maritime trade. Persia, who subordinated to its control of the Spirits, which connected the Mediterranean Sea with black, and had a great fleet of Phoneyan, seriously limited the commercial capabilities of the Greek policies of both Asia Minor and the Balkan Peninsula. There was a labor service for the Greeks. They were attracted to participate in the construction work, which the Persian kings were carried out on a large scale, sending even in the zais and Persepole. Bremen for the Greek cities of Malaya Asia was both obligatory participation in military campaigns of the Persian kings and their satrapses.

For dissatisfaction with the Greeks, political reasons existed with Persian dominion. During the period of Persian conquest in a number of Greek policies of Asia Minor and the adjacent islands, the sole rulers-tyranans were stood. Rannegreic tyranny VII-VI centuries. BC e. On the Balkan Peninsula, on the islands of the Aegean Sea and in Malaya Asia had, as shown above, is transient. The Persian government, skillfully used local traditions, retained the form of government in the Greek policies, turning the former tyrants in their depths or replacing them with new ones. The fatty tyranny began to be felt by the Greek population as the power imposed from the outside, and the struggle for the democratization of the political system was merged with the struggle against a foreign yoke.

Persia, subordinate to the coast of Malaya Asia and some adjacent islands, tried to promote his dominion north and the west. Hike Daria (OK 512), although it did not lead to the conquest of the Sudenha regions populated by Scythians, allowed Persians to gain a foothold on the Thracian coast, which opened the way for their expansion towards Balkan Greece. The Greeks of Malaya Asia are close economic and cultural bezami related to the polisins of the Balkan Peninsula's polishes. The latter supported antiperside sentiment in Ionia and the rest of the coast.

By the end of the VI century. BC e. Immissible contradictions were determined between the gigantic power grown in the east, which carried out the policy of non-restrained expansion, and the world of Greek policies. From here it does not follow that all Greek states were inclined to join the fight against the Persion. A number of policies preferred to stand aside, or not being interested in the fight against the Persion, or hoping to save his existence. It was sometimes dictated by fear of the military power of Persia, sometimes underestimated hazard threatened from her side. Economic and political factors played here. Representatives of the decisive fight against Persians were representatives of groups, blood interested in maritime trade with the eastern regions, which were under the control of Persia. The interests of the agricultural population and policies with the predominance of the agricultural nature of the economy were to a lesser extent were infringed with Persian conquests. Internal political contradictions in polishes affected. Separate groups and figures were looking for help from Persia in the struggle against their opponents, political extension were often found there. Against the struggle against the Persion, states who were tested by the claims of Sparta (Lakefemeon) and Athens for domination (ARGOS, EGINA).

In this complex setting, the anti-Persian speech of the Greeks of Malaya Asia occurred. Since his initiators were the policies of the central part of the west coast of Malaya Asia - first of all the mirst - the founded by Ionian Greeks, it was called by an ionic uprising. Temporarily ruled by Mileth Aristagor, a relative of Tirana Gistita, trying to serve Persians to conquer one island on the Aegean Sea, their unsuccessful actions caused their discontent and decided to head the speech against the achemenides. It began with the overthrow of the rules in the Greek policies. Some of them, after Aristagor, they themselves refused power, others were expelled or executed. Everywhere in the rebel cities established the republican form of government. The other Greek cities of Malaya Asia and some adjacent to the coast of the islands joined Milet. A public union organ was created. Stunned to the struggle of the city, who minted a coin of various weights, began to produce it according to the general standard.

Understanding the difficulty of the upcoming struggle, the mite turned to help in Balkan Greece. Sparta, not interested in economically in relations with the East and the Black Sea region, who feared far to take his troops, strongly rejected the request for help. Of the other Greek states, only Athens and Eretrius, interested in trade with the East and related cities, also responded, responded from the east. They sent 20 and 5 courts respectively to Ionia: the Athenian fleet of this period was still small (70-100 vessels), and in the neighborhood there was a hostile pin.

Upon arrival, reinforcements, the rebels took an active offensive operation, reached the SARD, the residence of the Persian Satrapa of Arteferna, and took the city except the citadel. Like the negligence soldiers, whether the fire has led to an evil intent to the fire and death is very revered by the local residents of the Kibella temple, which caused their disturbance to be disturbed. After that, the Greeks left the sardes and returned to the coast, and the Athenians soon sailed home.

The initial successes of the rebels, as a result of which they acquired some of some allies, explained to a large extent that Persia did not immediately adjust his troops. Later on the suppression of the uprising, land and sea forces were thrown, significantly superior to the army of the rebels.

Among the Greeks from the very beginning there was no unity. Not all cities and areas joined the uprising, and its participants did not speak at the same time, which allowed Persians to beat them in parts. Inside the Greek states participating in the uprising, the struggle of groupings did not stop. Some of the very beginning considered resistance to Persians hopeless, others because of economic or political reasons were interested in the preservation of Persian rule. As a result, when a decisive sea battle occurred at O, Ve Lada, not far from the Mileta, Samos and Lesbian ships went home. The battle ended in the full victory of the Persian fleet, and the fate of the Mileta was solved. The city was taken, looted, most of the population is interrupted, and the survivors are taken into the desires and then settled at the tiger's fall into the Persian Bay. Those who managed to escape went to Sicily.

The news of the defeat of the Ionian Greeks and the fate of Millet, shocked Balkan Greece, especially Athens, the inhabitants of which believed that the mirst of colon exchanged was once out of the attics and is associated with them by kinship. Soon on the stage of the Athenian theater, the tragedy of the freinich "Taking the Milette" was set: the audience was sobbed at the sight of misfortunes that fell on their tribesmen. The author was even fined on 1000 drachmas formally for a reminder of the misfortunes of misfortunes, in fact, for the fact that the play has strengthened antiperside moods, and this seemed dangerous. However, in Athens were supporters of further struggle. So, Miltiad, the ruler of Chersonese Thracian, the participant of the uprising, after his defeat, who fled to Athens, the birthplace of his ancestors, was right there for the trial for the tyranny rule, but justified. This meant the victory of the antiperside forces.

2. Hiking Martonia, Datis and Arteferna

After suppressing an uprising in Malaya Asia and punitive expeditions against the islands who took part in him, Persia began to prepare for the campaign to Balkan Greece. At the head of a large expedition, which included both land and sea forces, a nephew and the son-in-law Darius Mardonius were put. As part of his troops were the Greeks of the subordinate to the Persians, whom Persians tried to drop various concessions.

In 492 BC e. Martonia's army, crushing through Gellespont, moved along the Thracian coast to the West. Nearby, along the coast, came the front. On the way, reference points were created with food reserves and forage, in a number of cities, the Persian garrisons remained. The resistance of the Martony Army had only some Thracian tribes. Macedonian Tsar Alexander took a friendly position and allowed them a passage. However, when the fleet went about the southern coast of Chalkidiki (Cape Athos), the rising strong storm caused such a huge damage to Persians that Mardonius returned to Asia: according to Herodotus, 300 ships were killed and more than 2,000 people.

The campaign of 492 was a serious signal for the states of Balkan Greece. It was obvious that this is not limited to this. Especially serious grounds for concern were at Athens and Eretria. Soon in various areas of Greece, the ambassadors of Darius were "to give land and water" to the king, that is, to recognize his supreme power. Many of the islands, including the enjoyment enjoyed with Athens, submitted to this requirement. Some states of mainland Greece were also accepted. But in Sparta and Athens Ambassador Daria were executed. This indicated readiness to fight for their independence. Since the Persian Fleet, which had a strong fleet, who had a strong fleet, who had a strong fleet gave "Earth and Water", at the insistence of Athens Sparta, subordinated to the egin to his influence, despite his own internal disagreements, forced her to give hostages to Athens, and the Egygnum was such It is neutralized.

In 490 BC e. Persia organizes a new campaign against Balkan Greece. This time the whole army was immersed on the ships. Build special vessels for the carriage of the cavalry. At the head of the expedition put Datisa and Arteferna, son Satrapa Sard. Flotily headed from the coast of Malaya Asia through the islands of Egeida to Evbee. On the O-ve Delic, where he was a particularly revered temple of Apollo, residents were guaranteed integrity; Persians strongly emphasized that the Greek shrine was honored. But Eurery was extremely severely punished on O-ve Evbay. Taking the city after the six-day siege, the Persians plundered him, burned the sanctuary, and the population turned into slavery. Athenians could not assist him.

From Evbey, the Persian fleet went to the Attika, but not in the Saronic Bay, but north, to the marathon. The marathon plain was convenient for the actions of the Persian cavalry. It is possible that the former Athenian Tiran, aged hypius, who accompanied Persians advised to land here.

Athenians immediately advocated towards and at the same time sent a messenger in Sparta with a request for help. Under the pretext of the fact that they cannot perform on their custom to the full moon, the Spartans delayed their speech and appeared in Athens after the Marathon battle.

The first encounter with the Persian army, who invaded the territory of Balkan Greece, the Athenians had to withstand one; They joined them only a small detachment of the border with the attic of the Boeoti city of Platei. The contingents of the Ten Athenian Phil were headed by strategists, the Supreme Commander was the Archont-Paulmarh Kallima. But a crucial role in organizing and holding a marathon battle was played by the post of Strategi Miltyadia. For a long time, he lived under the rule of Persians, participated in their campaigns and knew their military organization and tactics well.

For several days of the army stood against each other, not starting the battle. Persians may have waited for the signals of their supporters in Athens; Athenians were waiting for the promised Spartan reinforcements. The battle occurred on that day when the Spartans went down. Persian command, counting to caustize Athens by surprise and apply a decisive blow to the arrival of reinforcements, immersed a large part of his cavalry at night, in order to send them to Athens. The Greek team became known about this (through the intelligence or those who deserted the Greek Army), and it began the battle into an unfavorable moment for the enemy. As a result, the Persian cavalry, especially dangerous for the Greeks, did not participate in the battle. Given the numerical superiority of the Persians, Miltiada built a Greek army in such a way that he significantly increased the flanks at the expense of the center. Easy to break through the Greek Center Persians, imagining that they won, rushed deep into the Greek camp. But the Greeks who stood on the flanks were closed behind them, began to beat them, cutting off the way to retreat. Some Persians who fled to the coast managed to sit on their ships, others died along the way in the swamp. Athenians captured seven Persian courts and destroyed them. The rest of the trips were brought into the sea. According to Herodotus, 192 Athenian and 6,400 Persians died in this battle. The names of the fallen Athenians were listed on a commemorative stele, but the dots and slaves were not included in the marathon.

The surviving part of the Persians, sowing on the court, moved south around Cape Suni, counting on the aid of his supporters in Athens and in the absence of the Athenian army. However, Athenians, having committed the burial of the fallen, hastily moved to Athens. Persian fleet, going to the harbor Faler and making sure that Athens would not be able to take surprise, left back.

The victory of the Greeks in the marathon was not a military defeat for Persia, but only a failed attempt that could be resumed. But she had a huge moral and political importance for Greece, especially for Athens. The fact that the attack of Persians managed to beat off, destroyed the legend of their invincibility and instilled hope for the possibility of effective struggle with them in the future. The marathon victory created the prerequisites for the future unification of the Greeks, when the Persian threat again became a reality.

In honor of the victory at the Marathon, the monument was erected, on which there were inscriptions, famous for the courage of fallen, who saved their life freedom of Ellad. Later in Athenian portica, the so-called motley, the famous painter polygnot depicted the scene of the Marathon battle. In the total sanctuary - Olympia and Delphi - gifts were sent from the prey.

3. Greece in 490-480. BC.

Political complications in Egypt, Babylonia, intrigue associated with the throne, did not allow the Persian government to seek an immediate revenge, and the Greeks received a ten-year deferment. Not everything, however, understood that this is only a delay. The fellowship between Athens and Egina, the political struggle continued inside Athens again.

The Hero of Marathon Miltiadia almost paid the life for an unsuccessful attempt to subordinate to Paros, but they still took into account his merit, and political opponents achieved only the award of Miltiad to pay a huge fine in 505 talents. Miltiads soon died, and the penalty was paid by his son Kimon. The exacerbation of the internal political struggle in Athens found its expression and in the fact that from 487 BC. e. Increasingly began to resort to Ostracism, mainly, however, opponents of active foreign policy.

On the political arena, one of the most vivid and talented figures of Athens - Feminocles is put forward. The mother of feminocol was low, he belonged to a well-known priestly. The historian Fucdide, who wrote when political disputes regarding the feminoclon were in the past and became clearly visible by his political illness, gives him such a characteristic: "... feminist ... With the help of his intelligence inherent in him ... After the very brief reflection was the next judge of this The provisions and the best events of the most distant future guess all. He was able to manage every matter ... especially in advance provided for the best or worst outcome of the enterprise, hidden in the darkness of the future ... "

Apparently, it was not by chance that the tragedy of fripic "Taking a Mileta" was raised in the archontsmunity of feminocula (494-93 BC). In 487, perhaps, on his initiative, the Archonts began to be elected by lot, which deprived this position of its exclusive importance and in the future should have to lead to the democratization of the Areopagu, replenished by former archons. Themistocle was the first Athenian figure who realized that the future of Athens depends on the sea fleet. Although the trading ties of Athens to this period were very extensive and the Athenian ceramics widespread Corinthian, the fleet was still minor and import and export of goods were made on foreign courts. Harbor Faler was small to take a large number of ships and cargo. Themistokle belonged to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe equipment of the fortified port in Pirae, although somewhat removed from Athens, but much more convenient for the parking of ships. Economic and military role Piraea in the follow-up History of Athens showed the inspiration of the feminist. But such a port had a meaning only if there was an appropriate fleet. A happy occasion came to the help of feminist. In 483 BC e. In the Loverhian area in the south of attics, where the development of silvervitz ore was carried out, a new, extremely rich lived. Themistokla managed to spend the decree on the use of funds received from its development, for the construction of the fleet. Private funds were also attracted - the equipment of the ships was assigned to a group of rich citizens (this service was called a trioger). In order to convince the Athenians in the need for this measure, the feminocles referred to the faced distant Persian threat, but on the hostility of neighboring aegin, who had stronger than Athens, the fleet.

As a result of prudency and energetic actions of the feminine athens by 480 BC. e. The marine state has become the strongest in Greece. The measures carried out in this direction seemed to provide for only the strengthening of the naval power of Athens. But they had far-reaching domestic political consequences. Since the military service had to be with their weapons and armor, participation in the land army was determined by the property valuable, and the poor could only serve as frequently furnished. For service in the fleet, it was not required to be expensive equipment. Therefore, the creation of a large fleet meant attracting significantly broader sections of the population of Athens to the active military service. And this under the conditions of ancient Greece inevitably should have entail a democratization of the political system. Regardless of whether it understood the feminoclus and set himself such a task, his activities contributed to the further democratization of the Athenian state.

The political opponent of the feminoculation, actively opposed his maritime program, was a representative of the Athenian landowner nobility of Aristide, famous for incorruptible honesty and justice. Athenians supported the program of the feminist, more appropriate to their interests, and Aristide, despite its impeccable reputation, was urace.

Not quite calm in these years was in Sparta. The energetic and active king Kleomen, street in intrigue and deception, was forced to leave Sparta, then returned, but soon after that he was declared a madman and or even committed suicide, or he was killed.

4. Camxes campaign

In the late 1980s, the situation in Persia has stabilized, and the King Xerxes, who came to power after the death of Darius (486 BC), began to vigorously prepare for a new campaign against Greece. For several years, work was carried out on the construction of a channel through the experiencing on Chalkidik to avoid bypassing the Afonov Cape, where Martonia's fleet was killed. Numerous workers from Asia and the surrounding coast were driven into construction. Food warehouses were created along the shores of Frakia, pontoon bridges were deployed through Gellespont. Diplomatic preparation for the campaign was conducted: ambassadors and agents of the Kerks went to various states of Balkan Greece and even to Carthage, who was to be military actions to distract the Greeks of Sicily from participation in the war with the Persion; To prepare the campaign, Xerxi attracted the Greeks who were found asylum at his yard (among them there was a former Spartan king Demarat). Argos and Fessiona expressed the humility of Persia. In many Greek cities, not excluding Athens, there were strong propersidic groups. Delphic Oracle predicted defeat to Greek.

However, a number of Greek states were preparing to fight. Now, when the very existence of independent Greece was delivered to the card, not only Athens, but also Sparta was actively involved in it. In 481 BC e. The generallylline union is created with the center in Corinth, headed by Sparta: a union military council is formed, developing the plans of hostilities. Despite the sea superiority of Athens, the High Command and the Ground Forces, and the fleet is awarded Sparta.

When Greece arrived in Greece that the huge Persian army led by Xerxes spoke out of Asia Minor, in Athens, it was decided to return political exiles before the uritracuse. Aristide was even elected one of the ten strategists of 480. Initially, it was decided to meet the Persian army, which was moving the same way as the Mardonius in 492, in the north of Greece, on the border of Fessels with Macedonia, where in Tempeski gorge there was a convenient position for blockage Ways to the enemy. However, the avant-garde detachment of the Greeks, which was both feminocles, found out that the Greek forces were concentrated there: the predominant part of the Fessenian communities was not inclined to be involved in a dangerous struggle and counted with humiliaries to secure salvation from the robbery and violence of Persian troops. Neighboring Macedonia rendered friendly reception. Therefore, it was decided to meet the Persians on the border of Northern and Central Greece, in Fermopil. The mountains in this place were close to the seabed, and the narrow passage was easy to protect. Once the inhabitants of Fokhid, who suffered from Fesamese raids, built a defensive wall here, and the remnants of these fortifications of the Greeks intended to use now. Simultaneously with the actions of the land army, fleet operations were planned. Evbay so that Persians could not break through through the Strait of the Turrip and be in the rear of the Greeks.

Since the position in Fermopil was defensive, it was originally decided to send a small part of the United Greek Army - only about 7,000 people, including 300 Spartans headed by King Leonid. According to legend, Leonid, conscious of the danger of the upcoming case, took only those Spartans in his squad, who had sons. It was assumed that after this group, reinforcements will be sent. However, this was not done, although Leonid requested help. Sparta, as it often happened to her, late.

The position of Fermopil gave the opportunity for a long time to detain the coming enemy, who had nowhere to unfold his strength. And this delay could force the Persians to retreat due to the difficulty of supplying. But the trouble was that in addition to the passage through the Fermopyl gorge, another mountain road, known to local residents, was led to the south, and maybe Persian intelligence. Leonid just in case sent a detachment of 1000 fociden. When several attempts to break through the Farmopil Gorge was repelled, the selected squad, including the Persian Guard, moved around the mountain road; A traitor from local residents volunteered to be a guide. This movement remained not noticed by the Greeks; The fociden standing at the exit did not see the enemy until the last minute, since he was covered by the grown along the slopes of the mountain. They caught off by surprise, they did not resist, and Persians, striving for their goal - to go to the rear to the defenders of the Fermopyl gorge, allowed them to disperse.

When Leonid found out about what happened, he let go of his squad, and himself with Spartans, the Fivans and some other Greeks remained in place and accepted an enemy blow. The Greeks fought with the courage of despair, knowing that there is no way to retreat, and expensive sold their lives. Leonid and all the remaining killed with him. Holding the offensive of the enemy, they gave the opportunity to mobilize the Greek forces, tightening them to the East, and evacuate the attic.

Simultaneously with the battle of Fermopyl, the fleet of the Navy had active. The storm caused a significant damage to the Persian fleet, which was anchored by the poorly protected coast of Magnesia, and then the squadron who was trying to go south along the east coast of Eubey. The collisions of the sea forces were carried out with varying success, both sides suffered significant losses. Upon receipt of the lead about the death of Leonid's squad, the continued stay of the Greek fleet was lost here, and he moved to the south, to the Saromic Bay.

Now Persians could easily move into attic. Boeyi obeyed Persians, and in the future, the income provided them with active support. The land army of the Greeks was standing at the Istrome of East, and Sparta insisted on creating a fortified defensive line to protect the Peloponnese. Themistocles also believed that it was necessary to give Persian the sea battle off the coast of Attica. Protect the attic at that time, undoubtedly, it was not possible.

The Delphic Oracle, to which the Athenians appealed to the critical moment for them, gave the gloomy prediction, recommending to escape to the edge of the Earth. However, according to Herodotus, when the Athenian ambassadors stated that he would not leave the sanctuary until Pythia would tell them any more comforting, followed by another prophecy, which was said about the "wooden walls", which would bring salvation, and mentioned "Divine Salamin". In this prediction, it is possible to assume the effect of feminist, which it was necessary to convince its fellow citizens and other allies in the correctness of its position.

In 1960, a found part of the territory of ancient sober was published with the decret of the feminist. It is carved at the beginning of the III century. BC er, but its content refers to 480 g. It says about the mobilization of the entire combat-ready population of Attica in the fleet, about sending part of him to Artemias (Cape on O-Ve Evbay), about the evacuation of women, children and old people to Salamin and Salamore and On the return of the expelled Athenian citizens to participate in the overall struggle. This sensational find caused large disputes in the literature, as much here it disperses with the story of Herodotus, and some details do not correspond to the Athenian conditions of the beginning of the V c. BC e. However, it is not eliminated that the inscription transmits in the late editorial board of genuine content of not one, but several decrees adopted in Athens on the initiative of the feminocula in the most difficult period of their history. The most important decision on evacuation could be pre-delivered for discussion at the People's Assembly, which after conducting universal mobilization should have lost its main composition. Fukidid's words about the amazing ability of the feminist look far ahead and foresee the course of events in advance, may have been told under the impression and these actions.

A few days after the Fermopyl battle, the Persian army joined the almost empty territory of attic. Those athnamans, which for one reason or another could not leave, and the stubs who secretly interpreted the Oracle about the "wooden walls" as an indication of the ancient strengthening of the Acropolis, they took the desperate resistance to Persians. They, apparently, were not so little, as 500 people were captured by Persians. Athens were looted, all houses, except for those where Persian stopped, burned, destroyed the temples of the Acropolis, some monuments, such as the sculptural group, portraying tyranoubyts, were taken into Persia.

After a long debate at the Military Council of the Greeks, the feminine proposal was made to fight the Persian fleet in the Salaminian Strait. Despite the numerical superiority of the Persians, they did not consider it possible to divide their sea forces and send a squadron to action against Peloponnese. Herodotus and tragedographer Eckyl the story about the secret parcel of the feminist trusted slave to Kerksu with the Council to attack the United Greek Fleet until it dispels on individual states, it may reflect not so much the resourcefulness of the Athenian strategist who wanted to put his colleagues in front of the fact Greek command to implement an adopted action plan. Persians also important to achieve victory, they were dangerous to move on (to Peloponnese), leaving the main sea forces of the Greeks in the rear. For a long time to linger in attics they could not because of the difficulty with the supply. In addition, for the xerxes it was risky for a long time absent in Persia.

Be that as it may, the Persians took the challenge, and at the end of September 480 BC. e. There was a decisive battle in the Salaminian Strait. At night, Persian courts were surrounded by Salamin and blocked the Greek Fleet. At dawn began the battle. Persian vessels included in the strait did not have the opportunity to use their numerical superiority and maneuver, as their own vessels were closely close. The Greeks could have been introduced gradually into battle their reserves, stood in the bay from the north-west coast of Attica and at first not observed by the enemy. In addition, the wind was raised, unfavorable for the Persian fleet, moving in the northern direction. Xerxes, who personally watched the battle from a high seat on the coast of Attica, surrounded by the secretaries who had to record the names of the ships and commanders who had particularly distinguished themselves in the battle, she saw his courts not only from enemy strikes, but even encountering each other. The bright image of this catastrophic for the Persian situation gives a participant of Salamina fighting Eschyl in his tragedy "Persians":

First managed to restrain
Head. When in a narrow place set
Ships accumulated, no one to help anyone
Could not, and the beaks sent copper
Your own in your own, oars and rowers
... the sea was not visible
Due to fragments, due to the overturned
Ships and lifeless bodies ...
Find Safety Disorder
The whole surviving barbarian tried the fleet,
But the Greeks of Persians, like fishermen of tunats,
Who gotten, boards, fragments
Ships and cheerful beat ...

The victory was complete. Although the commander-in-chief was not the feminist, but the Spartan of Euribad, the honor of victory unanimously attributed to the Athenian stratine. When visiting them, Sparta Femistocle was awarded such honors, which no expensive was redeemed before him.

However, although the Persian fleet led by Xerxes left the limits of Greece, but the land army was left on the Balkan Peninsula under the command of Mardonia. Without the opportunity to feed yourself and its Connection in Attica, the Persians went to the north. Athenians got the opportunity to temporarily return home. In the following, 479 BC. e. Persians again invaded the attic and devastated her fields. Mardonius, with the mediation of the Macedonian Tsar Alexander, tried in vain to incline Athens to the separated world. Sparta, which the Salaminian victory freed from the immediate danger, was slowed with the continuation of active hostilities against Mardonia, offering to annoy him with marine rods in Frakia and off the coast of Malaya Asia, and in the Balkan Peninsula, hold the defense line on East. Athens Sparta promised compensation for the loss of harvest, funds for the maintenance of women, children and old people, but not military assistance. However, in the Sparta itself there were supporters of more active actions (pavans, regent at the young king, son of Leonid), and when at the insistence of Athens it was decided to fight Mardonia, mobilizing troops in Peloponnese and their promotion to the East were held so quickly that Hostile Sparta Argos, who promised Martony to delay Spartans, could not take anything. On time the warned Mardonius, who was at this time at the attic, retreated north, in Besotia, leaving behind the smoking ruins behind him. Persians were needed for the battle of the plain, where it was possible to deploy their numerous and strong cone. In addition, the friendly dips provided the rear of their army.

In 479, the G. Platae, on the border of Attica and Besotia, held the last, decisive battle with the Persian army, who invaded the Balkan Peninsula. During the time, expired after the Salaminian battle, Persians lost a number of the islands of the Aegean Sea and we will throw in Chalkidik, but in the Balkan Greece, Mardonia was supported by part of the Fessenians, the hair, some Peloponnese policies. The Persians had an advantage in Connection, in the Greeks - in a heavy infantry. Preparing for battle, Mardonius built his army by non-payment from paying along the river. The Greek army ranked a defensive position on the slopes of the Kiferon Mountain, covering the path to the East, from where it was possible to receive food and, if necessary, military assistance. Persian cavalry, having completed a raid at night, caused great damage to the Greeks. However, the squad of the Athenian beat off the attack.

After that, the Greeks went down to the territory of payments and settled on the other side of the river face to the volatile. For more than a week, both army stood against each other without entering the battle. Reinforcements approached the Greeks. PAsaniov, who commanded the Allied Army of the Greeks, was not solved first to start the battle. Waiting was painful, especially for Athenian. According to Plutarch, the Athenian aristocrats who ruined because of the war decided to overthrow democracy, and in case of failure, to betray the Athens "Varvaram". Aristide, who received information about the conspiracy, so as not to induce the fight before the fight, jumped the case, arresting from a large number of only eight people from a large number, and then freed them, offering them in the battle to redeem his guilt. There was no investigation, so the genuine number of conspirators remained unknown.

In anticipation of the decisive collision, Pausanius made regrouping of troops, placing the Athenians on the right flank against Persians Martonia, and Spartans were on the left flank against the Greek allies of Persia. It was believed that the Athenians, who had already had the experience of the marathon battle, would be better cope with Persians. However, Martonius rebuilt his army, putting the best forces against Spartans. While the infantry was inactive, the Persian cavalry frequently disturbed the Greeks and finally captured and fell asleep the main source of their supply water. The Greek army on the orders of Pausania retreated. Mardonius, deciding that the Greeks of Stroyli, translated his army through a half-breed river, separated by opponents. Despite the crust of the river, a good fusion on it was not - the crossing of stones prevented the crossing. After crossing the Persians, I had to climb the mountain to meet the Spartans who were commanded by the Paution. The Athenians and Megaryan beat the onslaught of the Beotic and Fessalki Goplites (the Allies of Persia), supported by the Iranian Connection, and began to close the Persian shooters. They still kept, while Mardonius was alive, fighting on a white horse. But soon he was killed, and the Persians left the battlefield of the Spartans. The Greeks have achieved victory and collision with advanced flanks of the Persian army. The command of Her Center Artabas began a hasty retreat to the north and in the end of the boats crossed in Byzantine; Xerxes approved his behavior. The remaining Persians were trying to hide in their fortifications; Greeks burst there, plundered the camps of Persians, capturing huge prey. Captures did not take. According to the testimony of Greek sources, only 43,000 of them 40,000 who fled with Artabasom were resigned from 300,000 Persians. The data is probably exaggerated, and the information about the killed Greeks is clearly understood (91 Spartans, 52 Athenian, 16 tehyan, etc.). Apparently, only Goplites are taken into account, whose names were listed on monuments in honor of the fallen.

The victory with the payments made no less impression than Salaminskaya. Tents, full gold and silver, vases, drinking bowls, washbasins, wrists, necklaces, swords - all of gold and silver, - gilded and silver plated beds and tables, motley carpets - all this luxury, surrounding noble Persians even in a campaign, struck Greeks who are accustomed to simplicity in everyday life. Part of the production received by custom was given to the sanctuary of the Olympic Zeus, in Delphi and other temples, the rest was distributed between victory participants. PAVSOINS For its role in the organization of Victory, he was though more than the rest: women from harem, gold and silverware, precious metals, horses and camels. But later, Pausania was accused of trying to assign to himself one merit of victory and forced to replace the inscription on the monument in Delphi made according to his order: "From the Pavania-winner" another, where 31 Greek state was listed in Salamin and pay battles.

Payments, in the territory of which Victory was won, promised "eternal" thanks. Files for betrayal suffered a moderate punishment: the leaders of the Personal group issued by the deposited city were executed, but the threat to destroy the city was not fulfilled. The winners understood that now the main task is not to be revenge, but the restoration of the trusted war caused and the liberation of the Northern and Eastern regions.

According to legend, the feminocles suggested immediately after Salamina fighting to send the fleet to Gellpont to destroy the bridges built there and, thus cutting off the Persons to retreat, "capture Asia in Europe." This plan was rejected, but soon the Greek fleet began operations against the islands of the Cycladic Archipelago, who collaborated with Persians. The commander of the Greek fleet was secret ambassadors from the residents of Samos, who were left under the control of Persians, with a call to support the uprising uprising of the Ionian Greeks. The self-making released 500 Athenian prisoners taken by Persians.

The Greek Fleet approached Mikale's Miance Nevdibea from the Mileta (479 BC). The troops landed ashore, and part of them began to move into the depths of the country. Committed by Persian troops Tigran attacked half the Greek army, remaining on the shore, but was defeated. Ionian - Samsov and Mileyan, who were in the ranks of Persians, actively helped their tribesmen. Having won on land, the Greeks destroyed the Persian fleet nearby; All ships were burned, after prey, previously carried to the shore. Battle for Mikale, although it was not such a grand, as previously preceding her, freed the Aegean Sea for the actions of the Greek Fleet. From now on the war solved sea forces. Sparta, in the hands of which the High Command was still focused on the hands, was already needed to keep his troops away from Peloponnese; She proposed to make a compulsory resettlement of Persophiles from Balkan Greece to Ionia, and Jonyan - to Greece.

Against this resolutely objected by the Athenians. Restricted to the reception to the we general Union of Samos, Chios, Lesbos and other islands, whose residents brought an oath of loyalty to the general case.

After the victory in Mikale, the Greek fleet went to Gellespont. It turned out that the bridges built on the order of Xerx were already destroyed by the Persians themselves. The Spartans went home, and the Athenians and the Allied Greeks of Malaya Asia under the command of the Ksantippa commander were siege to the city of Sest, where the Persians had strengthened.

Herodotus on this end the presentation of the events of the Greek-Persian wars. Fukidide also considers 480-479. BC e. Decisive, and the military actions of the subsequent period are only an integral part of the whole chain of other events important for Greece.

5. Delo Sea Union.
Calliev Mir

After 479 BC e. Persia no longer threatened Balkan Greece. Greek states themselves switched to the offensive. By defending its independence, the policies, headed by the struggle, tried to use victory in self-supporting purposes. The declarations on the community of Ellinov, about the joint struggle for freedom, were very quickly forgotten. Further military successes blew up temporarily established unity, increasingly became contradictions, especially between Athens and Sparta, the temporarily muted struggle between political groups within individual states was aggravated. The effect of feminist after 480 BC. e. Weakens, although for some time he continues to play a role in political life. On his initiative, and with his direct participation, rebuilt the fortifications destroyed by Persians around Athens. This was done designed to protests Sparta, which did not see the manifestation of hostility in relation to her (the only force that the Athens with Sushi could now be Sparta).

Themistokla is also attributed to the plan for the construction of the so-called long walls, which were supposed to connect Athens with Piraem and, thus, to guarantee the unimpeded supply of the city by sea (where the Athenian fleet dominated) in the case of his siege from sushi. This foresight plan was carried out only later. But when the strategic talent of the feminoclon served his work, his political line came across opposition from the aristocrats led by the son of Miltiad Kimon. In difficult for Athens, the role of the Areopagu, who successfully led by the evacuation of attics in front of Salamina fights was again strengthened. Cohesion in the face of the deadly danger, who hung over the country, contributed to the revival of faith in tradition, conservative foundations. When a strong Athenian fleet became a fact, and hostilities were transferred to the East, no politician has already opposed active maritime operations. Moreover, the aristocratic group continued to be considered the main enemy of Persia and insisted on the preservation of any price of the Union with Sparta, in which she saw the stronghold of anti-democratic forces in Greece. It is characteristic that the feminocles was opposed to the proposal of Sparta to expel the IA of the Delphian state of the state, who spoke himself with the Justice with Persians. He feared that such a measure would give Sparta to a dominant role.

The bulk of the civilian population in the Greek policies, of course, was not able to overestimate the values \u200b\u200bas quickly as the feminocl made it, which was, from now on, the main opponent of Athens becomes Sparta. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe possibility of reconciliation with Persion could not become popular in the 70s V c. BC e.; Themistocle in 471 was urmitted. This, as you know, has not yet meant the end of political activities. Themistocle goes to Peloponnese, leads there active agitation against Sparta, trying to rally the power hostile to her. Sparta takes countermeasures: documents were sent to Athens, allegedly found during the search in the House of Pavania, who were overwhelmed feminocals in criminal relations with Persians. Themistocle was supposed to appear before the Athenian court on charges of state treason. He did not appear on the court, fled from Greece and, as many political emigrants, found asylum in the East (465/464 BC). Until the end of his days, he lived in Malaya Asia, having received the Persian Tsar of the ArcticSerks to control three Greek cities.

Ostracon prepared for oracterism of feminocula

Found in a well on the northern slope of the Acropolis.

Athens. Archaeological Museum of Athenian Agora

An even more tragic was the fate of another hero of the Greek-Persian wars - PAsania. Announced from the Eastern Theater of Military Activities at the request of the Allies, accused of excessive luxury and tyranny savages, the PAsania was attracted in Sparta to the answer for the exceeding power. Initially, he was justified. But then Pausania was presented with another, more serious accusation in relations with Persians and attempt to make a coup in collusion with Iloti. Here I could have only a death penalty. PAsanii tried to use the Greek custom, who gave the right to the criminal to resort to the defense of the Divine. He hid in the sanctuary of Athens Mednodomnaya. The Spartan rulers surrounded the temple from all sides and condemned the PAsania to death from hunger and thirst. When he, disassevial, fell and became obvious that the end was close, the precipitated burst into the inside and pulled out from there to the death that death did not occur in the sacred territory. Thus, Spartans, declining the inviolability of sacred asylum, committed blasphemy, similar to that, which was allowed by the Athenians when suppressing Kilon University. The fate, comprehended by two outstanding figures, who played such a large role in victory over the Persians, is very indicative for the political situation in Greece.

Meanwhile, maritime operations against Persia continued successfully. The spills of Gellespont and Bosporus were liberated and trading with the Northern Black Sea Trade was resumed. In 478-477 At the offer of allies, the Supreme Command was transferred to Athens. Since from now on, the war was carried out at sea, and the strongest fleet had the Athenians, it was quite natural. As already mentioned, Sparta reluctantly walked to keep his troops away from Peloponnese for a long time. In addition, the influx of Persian production and the contact of Spartan commander with oriental luxury was disastrous for the Spirit of Likurgign Laws. Therefore, Sparta did not object.

Formed Delo Sea Union. It includes the seaside and island Greek states who had to exhibit ships in the Allied Fleet, equipped and equipped, or paying monetary fees - foros. The dimensions of the formation were determined depending on the material possibilities of one or another city. Initially, the replacement of the foros of the obligation to supply the ships seemed to relief, but this deprived the allied allies of its own armed forces and put them in full dependence on Athens. The Allied treasury was kept on Delos O-ve, but the Athenian officials were headed. Membership in the Union was supposed voluntary. However, the city was discharged from Persian garrisons included in the Union forcibly. And the allies, who, under one or another pretext, tried to get out of the Union (like the islands of FASS and Naxos), were announced by the rebels, the punitive expeditions were sent against them, they were deprived of their own fortifications and translated into the category of formation payers. Sogemony Athens was found very quickly, the tendency to turn the allies to the subjects, and the Delos Union to the Athenian sea power. In 454 BC Under the pretext of strengthening the Persian threat in the Aegean Sea (the rebellion was suppressed by Athens in Egypt), the Allied treasury was translated into Athens. From now on, the Allied tools should be carelessly spent on the inner needs of Athens. But, despite the exploitation of the Athens of its allies, the latter also received a number of advantages on the existence of the Union (safety from the external threat, the activation of economic relations, the successful struggle against piracy in Egeid, support for the Athens of democratic groups).

After removing the Spartans from the command, hostilities continued - primarily on cleansing Frakia from Persians. In these years, Kimon is put forward, the son of Miltiad, who headed the actions of the Athenian and Union Fleet. It was an energetic and capable commander. Kimon belonged to the landowner nobility, committed to the idea of \u200b\u200bunshakable union with Sparta. In V c. BC e. Laconphilitia is a worship of Spartan orders - becomes a characteristic feature of the ideology of aristocrats in various states of Greece. Spartan orders appeared to ideal, which followed in every way to imitate.

The Athenian Demos, of course, did not sympathize with these ideas, but the popularity of Kimon as a lucky commander was great. Under his command, the Greeks took a fortress guarding strategically important bridges through r. Strimon, and a number of other items on the Thracian coast. Purified from Pirates O-in Skyros, which, under the pretext of finding, the remains of the legendary Athenian hero of the Tereus were announced by Athenian possession. All conquered areas included in the Delos Union. When Naxos, who has previously entered into the union, refused to fight under the Athens command, Cyon forces forced him to humility. It was the first precedent, followed by others.

After suppressing Naxos, the fleet of Kimon headed for the southern coast of Asia Minor. Here in 408 BC. e. There was a last major clash with the new Persian fleet. The Greeks won a double victory, defeating the strength of the Persians to the sea and on land, as in the battle of Mikale. After that, the Persian fleet was no longer drinned to swim in the Aegean Sea. The territory of the Delo Union, and therefore the scope of the influence of Athens spread to the Greek cities of the lowland coast. A huge number of prisoners were drawn by the Athenians into slavery.

Shortly thereafter, an attempt was suppressed from the Delos Union of the FASS, obviously dissatisfied with the attractions of Athens on the region of the Thracian coast belonging to the Fast and silver. FASOS has suffered the same car as a few years ago Naxos. It is characteristic that Sparta promised the help of FASSU against Athens. Although the promise, as often happened, was not able to fulfill Sparta, but it can be seen that the relationship between the two leading states of Greece, headed by the fight against the Persion, was spoiled.

In 465 BC. In Sparta, the strongest earthquake occurred. The most part of residential buildings was destroyed, all Efeba gymnasium exercises were killed. Panic spread among the population. Taking advantage of this, Ilota raised the uprising. They were not able to capture Sparta, but they strengthened on Mount Ifoma in the messenger and beat off all the spartists attempts to take it. Sparta asked for help in Athens. Despite opposition to democratic figures, Kimon managed to spend the decision to send a detachment to help Sparta through the National Assembly. Kimon himself was headed by this expedition. However, and with the arrival of Athenians, IFOM failed. Sparta accused the Athenians in collusion with the rebels and offered them to retire. This event was used by Kimon's political opponents: he was exposed to urastricism and left Athens.

The fall of Kimon meant the victory of democratic forces in the political life of Athens. In 462-461 BC e. Efialt reform was carried out, which reduced the political role of the Areopag. The ethert initially initially opened an accusation of immoral acts and abuse by his position against a number of aropagitis. After that, he was easily a resolution, according to which it remains only the right to judge for the forescript killing and some crimes against religion. The political functions taken from him were transferred to the Council of five hundred and helium. The significance of the reform of Efialt is evidenced by the reaction of his opponents; in 461 BC e. He was killed, obviously, their agent. This political murder did not led to the weakening of democratic forces. They were headed by the younger associate of Efialt, the pericles, in which the Athenian democracy reached its greatest heyday.

Military actions against Persia continued, but significantly less intense than before. Athens and Sparta were openly hostile. Only Athens with their allies fought in the east against Persia. In the late 60s V c. BC e. They sent the fleet to help the rebels against the Persian rule of Egypt. At the same time, an attempt was made to free the Greek cities of Cyprus. A stubborn and long struggle still ended with the defeat of the rebels, Athens lost a large number of ships and people. However, the sea power of Athens did not break it. In the late 50s, under the command of the kimeon returned after a decade, a new attempt was made to free Cyprus and at the same time to assist the rebel remnants in Egypt, which were still held in the Nile Delta. During the siege of the Phoenician city of Kitimia in Cyprus, Kimon was mortally wounded. On the way back the Greeks, they gave the battle off the coast of Cyprus on land and at sea and won a double victory. But it provided them with only a safe retreat.

Further continuation of hostilities did not promise anything or the other side. Athens accepted the proposal of Artaxerxa I on peace negotiations. The embassy led by Calliems went to the zaites. In 449 BC e. The so-called Callievie world was concluded. According to his conditions, Persia pledged not to send its vessels in propontide and the Aegean Sea, not to keep his troops closer than in three days the path to the path from the west coast of Malaya Asia. Athens promised to leave Cyprus, not to help more Egypt and remove garrisons from the cities of Malaya Asia, which remained as part of the Delos Union, but were formally recognized by the subjects of the Persian king.

Callieva conditions of the world are known to us only from later sources. He did not bring big honor to Athens: rumors spread that Callius exceeded his powers and was fined.

The formal end of the Greco-Persian wars was primarily for Athens and their allies, since Sparta and other states of Balkan Greece have long come out of the game. Now the Athenian state has the opportunity to draw all the energy to strengthening and expanding its hegemony in the Union and influence outside of its limits, to consume huge funds for domestic needs, public construction.

Although the victory in the Greek-Persian wars showed how much the union of the forces of the Greek policies can give, it did not eliminate inside and foreign policy contradictions. On the contrary, the rivalry of the two most powerful states in Greece - Athens and Sparta, which turns out to be drawn and other Greek policies. Only in IV century. BC e., in the period of an in-depth crisis of the polis system, the ideas of generallylline unity will again sound, but not for the sake of a defensive war, but for the onset of the "barbaric" east.

People fought from time immemorial. Some nations tried to conquer the other, weaker. This uncontrollable thirst for blood, profit, the authorities over others led to the appearance of entire eras that can only tell about wars. Each person knows that the real craftsmen of Western and Eastern civilization are Ellinskaya Greece and Persia, but not all know the fact that both of these cultural titans fought among themselves at the turn of the V - VI centuries to our era. In addition to the ruin and losses, the Greek-Persian war brought the world of heroes.

The conflict has become a truly critical moment in the entire history of the ancient world. Many facts are unclear to this day, but the tireless work of scientists will definitely bring their fruits. At this stage, we can only switch the curtain of the mystery over this truly terrifying, but at the same time a stunning mind of a historical event. All the sources known to date went to us "inheritance" from scientists and travelers who lived at the time. The authenticity of the Greek-Persian War is unconditionally, but the scale is simply impossible, since the two most powerful powers of the time fought.

Brief characteristic period

Greek-Persian wars are a prefabricular concept of one period, during which a military conflict took place between independent cities-states, Greece and Persia, with the Ahemenide dynasty. We are not talking about a single military skirmish of a long time, but about a number of wars, which were made from 500 to 449 to our era. The actions of this scale were caused primarily by conflict of the interests of Greece and the Persian state.

Greco-Persian wars include all the armed campaigns of Persians on the states of the Balkan Peninsula. As a result, large-scale expansion of Persia to the West was stopped. Many modern scientists call this period by fateful. It is difficult to present the further development of events if the East conquered the West.

It is impossible to describe the Greek-Persian wars briefly. This historical period needs a detailed study. To do this, contact the sources of that time.

main sources

The history of the Greek-Persian wars is rich in events and personalities. The information that reached us allows accuracy to recreate the picture of the events of those years. Almost everything that the historians of our days about the Greek-Persian War are known, comes from ancient Greek treatises. Without those statements that were taken from the works of scientists of ancient Greece, people would not be able to get even a small product of knowledge available to them today.

The most important source is the book for the name "History", written by Herodota Galicarnas. Its author traveled Polimyr, while collecting various data on the peoples and other historical events of the epoch in which he lived. Herodotus tells the story of the Greek-Persian war, ranging from the conquest of the Ionia and ending with a loss of the sess in 479 to our era. A description of all events makes it possible to literally see all the battles of Greco-Persian wars. However, this source has one weighty minus: the author was not a witness to all those events. He simply retell what other people narrated about. As we understand, with this approach, it is very difficult to distinguish a lie from the truth.

After the death of Herodotus, Fukikid Athens continues to work. He began to describe events from the moment he was stopped by his predecessor, and finished the completion of the Peloponess War. The historic brainchild Fukidid is called: "The History of the Peloponnes War." In addition to the presented scientists, other historians of antiquity can be distinguished: this is a diodor of Sicilian and Ktesi. Thanks to the memories and works of these people, we can analyze the main events of the Greek-Persian wars.

What promoted the beginning of the war

Today you can distinguish a large number of factors that literally brought an ancient Eldla Greco-Persian wars to Earth. The reasons for these events are perfectly described in the works of Herodotus, which is also called the "father of history". According to the data provided by him, colonies on the banks of Malaya Asia were formed during the dark centuries. These small cities mostly inhabited the tribes of the Aeolians, Ionians and Doriytsev. A number of formed colonies had complete independence. In addition, a special cultural union was concluded between them. Such a closed type cooperation right on the shores of Malaya Asia existed independently for long. The union was so shaky that after a few years the king Kröz won all the cities.

Conflict Persians and Greeks

The Board of the self-proclaimed king lasted long. Soon the founder of the Ahemenide dynasty, Kir II, won the state formed.

From this time the city falls under full control of Persians. But a series of military conflicts begins a little later, at least, so narrows Herodotus. Greek-Persian wars, in his opinion, begin in 513 to our era, when Darius I organizes his trip to Europe. By destroying the Greek Frace, his troops face the army of Scythians, which could not be defeated.

The strongest political conflict broke out between Persians and Athens. This center of ancient Greek culture was very long to attack Tirana Hippius. When he was finally expelled, a new threat came - Persians. Once upon their power, many of the Athenians showered discontent, supported by the order of the Persian commander, according to which hyppes returned back to Athens. From now on, the Greco-Persian wars begin.

Mardonia's campaign

The chronology of Greco-Persian wars originates from the moment Mardonius, the son-in-law Darius, moved straight to Greece, through Macedonia and Frace. However, the dreams of this ambitious commander was not destined to come true. The fleet consisting of more than 300 ships was completely broken about the cliff of the storm, and the land forces were attacked by the barbaric brigs. Of all the planned territories managed to win only Macedonia.

Company Arteferna

After the monstrous failure, Mardony, the command took the commanders of Artefern with the support of his relative friend of Datis. The main goal of the campaign was as follows:

1. Submission of Athens.

2. The defeat of Eraje on the island of Evie.

Darius also ordered to deliver the inhabitants of these cities to him as slaves, which would symbolize the complete conquest of Greece. The primary goals of the campaign were achieved. In addition to Eretria, Naxos was conquered. But the losses of the Persian army were colossal, because the Greeks resisted with all their might, thereby exhausting the enemy.

Marathon battle

Greek-Persian wars, the main battles of which were tested quite epic, entered the names of some commander in history. For example, Miltic - this talented commander and strategist could brilliantly use the small number of advantages that was at the Athenian during the marathon battle. Miltyada was the initiator of the battle between the Persians and the Greeks. Under his command, the Greek army caused a massive blow to the positions of the enemy. Most of the Persian army was reset in the sea, the rest is killed.

To finally not lose the campaign, the army of Arteferna begins to promote on the ships along the attic to conquer Athens, while there is no sufficient amount of power in the city. At the same time, the Greek army immediately took a march in the direction of the capital of all Greece. These actions brought their fruits. Miltiadia from the whole army managed to return to the city before Persians. The depleted Army of Arteferna retreated from the Greek land, because the further battle was meaningless. Prominny Athenian politicians propheted that the Greeks will lose all Greek-Persian wars. Marathon battle completely changed their opinion. Darius campaign ended with a complete failure.

Break War and Fleet Construction

Athenians understood that the results of Greco-Persian wars would depend on many factors. One of these was the presence of a fleet. The fact that Persians will continue the war, not even questioned. The famous political figure and skilled strategist Femistocle proposed to strengthen his fleet by increasing its number. The idea was accepted ambiguously, especially from Aristide and his adherents. Nevertheless, the threat of Persians had a much greater effect on the consciousness of people than the danger to lose a small amount of cash. Aristide was expelled, and the fleet increased from 50 to 200 ships. From this point on, the Greeks could count not only for survival, but also to win the war with the Persia.

Start Campania Xerxes

After the death of Darius I (in 486 to our era), his son dates back to the Persian throne - a cruel and reckless xerx. He was able to assemble a huge army, which was not yet analogues in Malaya Asia. In his historical Scriptures, Herodotus tells us about the number of this troops: about 5 million soldiers. Modern scientists belong to these figures skeptical, insisting that the number of the Xerch army did not exceed 300,000 soldiers. But the biggest danger proceeded not from the soldiers themselves, but from the fleet amounts in 1200 ships. Such marine force really carried the real horror for Athenians, who had nothing: 300 ships.

Fermopyl battle

The offensive of the Army of Cerks began in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Fermopyl Pass, which separated Northern Greece from the average. It is in this place that the famous story about the three hundred Spartans, led by King Leonid, has gained its beginning. These warriors bravely defended the passage, bringing large losses to the Persian army. The geography of the terrain was on the side of the Greeks. The sizes of the army of the Cerks did not matter, because the passage was quite small. But ultimately the Persians made their way, having previously interrupted all the Spartans. However, the power of the Persian army was irretrievably undermined.

Sea battles

Losyas Leonid forced Athenians to leave his city. All residents crossed on Peloponnese and Enigma. The forces of the Persian army were on the outcome, so she did not imagine much danger. Plus, the Spartans have greatly strengthened on the Istros, the rather blocked the way to Xerks. But the Persian fleet was still threatened by the Greek army.

The end of this threat put the previously mentioned Femistokl strategist. He literally forced Xerxes to take a fight to the sea with all his bulky fleet. This solution has become fatal. Salamina battle put an end to the Persian expansion.

All further action on the part of the Greek army were aimed at the complete destruction of Persians. The Greeks slowly disappointed the enemies from the expanses of Thrace, took away half of Cyprus, as well as cities like Chersonese, Rhodes, Gellespont.

Greek-Persian wars ended with the signing of the Kalievive World in 449 to our era.


Thanks to the tactics, the power of the Spirit and the courage of the Greeks, the Persians lost all possessions in the Aegean Sea, as well as on the coasts of Bosphorus and Gellespont. After the events of the war, the Spirit and self-awareness of the Greeks increased markedly. The fact that Athenian democracy contributed largely to victories, caused mass democratic movements throughout Greece. From this point on, the culture of the East has become little to flicker against the background of the Great West.

Greco-Persian Wars: Event Table


So, the article covered Greco-Persian wars. The summary of all events allows you to familiarize yourself with this difficult period in the history of ancient Greece. This turning point shows the power and irregularity of Western culture. A new era began when Greek-Persidskiene was completed. Causes, basic events, person and other facts still cause many disputes among scientists. Who knows what other incredible information is tait the period of the Great War between the West and East.

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Wars (conflicts), which occurred from 500 to 449. BC, between the Agemenid (dynasty) of Persia and the ancient Greek cities-states (polishers), defending their independence. That fell, they resumed, they were not constant. One of the longest collisions.

Raise to war

1. Assistance to the military ships provided by Athens and Eretria (on O. Evie) for 500 rebel cities, against Persian domination, Greek policies in Malaya Asia. Sparta refused assistance, and Athens sent a small fleet in 20 martial vessels of them 5 from Eretria.

Causes of war

1. Unlucky Aggression of Persian Power, thought that the Greeks were weak

2. Natural need for the protection of Greeks

Main steps

1. 500 - 494. BC. - the uprising of the city of Mileta and other Greek cities on the west coast in Ionia in M. Asia against Persian yoke

2. 492 - 490 - the first invasions of the Persian troops under the guidance DariusI. On the territory of Balkan Greece (Peninsula). Ended with damage lesion at Marathon (492 - 490)

3. 480 - 479 - Hike XerxesI. On Greece - the climax of Greco-Persian wars

4. 478 - 459 - actions Delossky Military Union Athens against Persians (Delos - Greek island in the Aegean Sea). Changing the nature of hostilities, the transition of strategic initiatives to the Greeks, the exemption from the Persians of the Greek cities of the Aegean Islands and M. Asia, the strengthening of the Athenian Military Power

5. 459 - 449 - Military expansion (expedition) Athens and their allies in Egypt and the completion of Greco-Persian wars.

1. The uprising of the city of Millet (500 - 494)

The reasons

1. Tightening Persian politics in Daria 1 to the Greek cities

2. Interference in the internal affairs of the Greeks. Desire to centralize management

3. Greek cities are taxed by taxes and obligations

4. Plans of the Persian Top to conquer Greek cities

5. Darius 1 preferred to trade with the Phoenicians, which led to the damage of the interests of the Greeks

The Persian goldenman Aristagor, has multiplied the powers of Tirana, restored the Polis Institutions, called on the inhabitants to the uprising, asked for help from Sparta and Athens.

Causes of defeat

1. Very small forces in the rebels. Little military economic potential of 2 dozen cities. Persia was a global power. Incommensurable power

2. There was no help from the Balkan policies

What gave an uprising

1. From Persians it took a large voltage of strength and time

2. Greeks for 6 years have applied tangible blows

2. Invasion DariusI. (492 - 490)

1st hike

1. Equipment of the expedition building in 30 thousand people and 600 vessels. The chapter stood the sounds of the king, a diplomat of Mardonius. The seizure of the northern coast of the Aegean Sea began, subordination of some Greek cities, about. FASS and Macedonian Tsar Alexander.

2. Courts fell into the storm, the destruction of troops to 20 thousand people. Distribution of the residues of the army in M. Asia. Martonia's removal from command.

2nd hike

1. Formation of the army to 20 thousand people and ships. The head was the nephew Darius and an experienced warlord.

2. Diplomatic preparation of Persians before going around. The requirement of Persians to the submission of Greek cities, everyone agreed, and Athens and Sparta refused. Preparation for the war Athens and Sparta.

3. Capturing the Persians of the Island Evbey, the destruction of the city of Eretria. Lookage for troops near the place of the marathon 42 km from Athens.

4. Athens did not initially initially agree in the war. Some wanted to step, others - defend Athens. Advance of the talented commanders Miltyada, strategist.

Clashing two different military systems: Greek phalanx of the folk militia with heavy goplitis and Persian scattering, archers and cavalry.

The value of the marathon victory

1. Moral - political, showed:

Superiority of the Greek Military Organization

Power of small Greek policies

2. Persia became clear that the Greeks would simply be able to conquer so much, it is necessary to mobilize all the forces of the Persian state.

3. Camxes campaignI. (480 - 479) (son of Darius. Darius died in 486)

1. Preparation for war. Staging the army from all over the country, the construction of the fleet. Maintaining diplomatic negotiations, bribing of dishonest Greeks and chiefs. Blank of equipment and supplies, creating warehouses. Development of war management plan and route laying.

The composition of the Persian Army: 120 - 150 thousand people and 1200 vessels.

How the Greeks were preparing to reflect

1. The exacerbation of the internal political struggle in each policy.

Education of two political groups


polit-th lead, commander


member of the Marathon Battle

What they wanted

1. Foreign policy was offensive and active. Called to the strengthening of the sea power of Athens. Construction of a modern, high-speed fleet in the amount of 200 ships. Construction of port buildings. Conducting trainings of marine teams.

2. I wanted the 4th estate of citizens fethe., the poor (by section, Solon reform), politically rose, because They had no money for weapons to become goplitis, but they could serve on the fleet.

3. Winned

1. The wealthy Athenian landowners were against the feminocula program.

2. It sought to strengthen the Goplitsky troops.

3. Construction of defensive fortifications around Athens.

4. Conduct passive policy.

5. Excanion Ostrakism, but later allowed to return


Common. A good fleet appeared and Spartan heavy infantry

480 year - Start of the invasion of Xerxes in Ellad




Defense Fermopil

Assortment of defensive positions of the Greeks Persians within 4 days

Introduction to Persians in the guard

The Greeks used well maneuvering, false waste, the use of local defense conditions.

Addition of the paradoxical situation: the Persians have a large army, and I could not take strengthening of 7.2 thousand goplites

Betrayal for the award of one of the Fessenian

Bypass in the rear of the Greeks, the departure of the Greeks, except for Spartans

The death of Spartans, because They did not have the right to retreat with the king by Leonid and 300 Spartans (later, they put a monument for heroism and self-sacrifice)

The battle entered the world history as a symbol of military loyalty

Battle of Cape Artemisius

3 days last battle

Success no one had

Greek fleet departed to Salain Island near Athens

The plundering of the Persians of Central Greece. Evacuation of the city of Athens and its looting

Battle in the narrow Salaminian Strait

The defeat of the Persian Fleet

Changing the Military Situation in favor of the Greeks

Xerxes answered troops in M. Asia. In Central Greece, left the corps with the chief of the Martony. The second time the capture of Athens and its looting. Preparation of the reserve army and fleet near Cape Mikale Persame.

Battle with payments

Became a sample of military art of ancient Greece

From both sides about 70 thousand people

Pausania, head of the Greeks troops at night, starred and falsely retreated 20 km closer to payments

Persian army rushed after, the Greeks turned back and gave battle

Defeat Persians

Attack of the reserve database of Persians near Cape Mikale

On the same day, as the battle for payments

Destruction of the combined attack of the fleet and the army of Persians, on the sea and on land

The strategic initiative passed to the Greeks. The Greeks set the goal: exemption from the Persian domination of the Greek cities in the western part M. Asia and Straits. The military power of Persia is broken, began to think only about keeping power within their country.

4. Actions by the Delos Military Union Athens against Persians(478 - 459) (Delos - Greek Island in the Aegean Sea)

Union of Greek cities and islands under the leadership of Athens. Meetings occurred on the island of Delos in the sanctuary of Apollo, where the total treasury was kept, in the future, the authors, the Athenian political leader, a strategist, was kept. Sparta did not participate, moved away from them. The union was directed to fight for Persia.

Athens made an impregnable fortress, came with walls, 5 km long. Themistocle was popular in Athens, but the aristocracy was unhappy with them and they were exposed to urastrakim. Themistocle found shelter in Persia at King Cerks.

A triple battle occurred at the mouth of the river Eurymedont (469(468)):

1. Athenians attacked the fleet of Persia. 150 ships destroyed and 200 are captured.

2. Extruding infantry (goplites) ashore and battle with Persians. Athenians won the battle.

3. Battle with 80 ships of the Phoenicians in the sea. Athenians won the battle.

All of this was led by Kimon, the son of Miltyada, the winner of the Persians in the marathon.

5. Military expansion (expedition) Athens and their allies in Egypt and the completion of Greco-Persianwars (459 - 449)

1. 455 - 454 years - Battle of Athenians at the capital of Egypt Memphis. Support for the rebels of Egyptians against Iga Persia. Athenians lost.

2. 454 - the transfer of the allied treasury from about. Delos in Athens. Athens become a power from the Delos Union.

3. 450 - 449 - the battle of the fleet of Athenian with the fleet of Persians near the Cypriot city of Salamin, seizing a number of cities.

4. Suddenly, Kimon dies and Aristocrat Calley enters into an alliance with the Persia. Persia was deprived of his own possessions in the Aegean Sea, Gellespont and Bosporge, and recognized political independence for the political Asian policies.

Output: As a result of Greco-Persian wars, the territorial expansion of the Achmenidov empire was stopped, the ancient Greek civilization entered into a strip of heyday and its higher cultural achievements.

In Europe, part of the Greek cities was ready to recognize the power, but the largest and most significant cities-states - Athens and Sparta decided to resist. In 490 BC e. The Athenian army under the command of the Miltiad strategist defeated the Army of Persians from Marathon. This victory, first, showed the Greeks that allegedly "invincible" the Persian army still can overcome, and secondly, prevented possible capture. The marathon battle, however, became not the end, but only the beginning of the Greek-Persian wars.

The following, the largest collision between the Greek states and the Persian power broke out of the years later. King Persia Xerxes in 480 BC. e. Not only crossed a huge army to Greece, but also built a giant fleet, quite capable of competing with united fleets of all Greek cities-states. The Persian king was opposed by the Union of Hellenic Policy, as the last time, headed by Athens and Sparta. The Spartan Tsar Leonid decided to meet the land army of the Xerxes on the narrowestrian Fermopily in Central, but Persians managed to detect a workaround. During the ensuing battle, Tsar Leonid and all his soldiers (according to legend, there were exactly 300), they were killed, but managed to suspend the March of the Persian army. Meanwhile, the femistokl strategist, who led the Defense of Athens, decided to evacuate the population of the city, crouching him to the island of Salamin. Greek fleet is located here.

The land of the Persian army captured and burned Athens, but the Persians suffered a crushing defeat. Greeks at the end of September 480 BC. e. Almost completely destroyed the fleet of the enemy in the battle of Salamin. Seeing the further futility of the struggle, Xerxes ordered his army to move away.

The last major battle in the history of Greco-Persian wars was the battle of payment in 479 BC. e. The Persian army under the command of Mardonia was the head of the United Greek Army, headed by Spartan with Pavania. Finally, the Greek-Persian wars ended in 449 BC. e. By signing the so-called Callieva of the world (by the name of the Athenian ambassador, which has concluded a peace agreement). According to his conditions, it did not have the right to send their vessels to the Aegean Sea and keep the land forces closer than in three days of the path from the west coast of Malaya Asia. Athens was also obliged to bring their troops from those Greek cities whose inhabitants were recognized by the subjects of Persian Vladyk. From this point on, the Persians tried to interfere in Greek cases only secret, money and weapons, supporting the Allied Persian powers of the Ellen cities-states.

Greco-Persian Wars briefly

Conquering Persians of Malaya Asia

At the end of the VI century. BC e. Persia subjugated the Greek cities of Malaya Asia and captured some of the islands of the Aegean Sea. In the cities of Malaya Asia, crafts and trade were strongly developed. Persians robbed these richest cities, forced the population to pay huge petas, who lurked by the whole severity on the masses.
In 500 BC e. Against the Persian Iean rebelled the population of the millet and other Greek cities of Malaya Asia.

The rebels requested assistance to the Greeks of the Balkan Peninsula. Of the major states of Greece, only Athens sent twenty ships. Unfinished support for European Greeks, the rebels were divided by the surpassing forces of Persians. Millet was destroyed to the ground, and its population was sold to slavery.

Marathon battle

Racing with the Greeks of Malaya Asia, the Persians decided to capture all Greece. Little, fragmented to individual states, the country seemed to them easy prey. The pretext for an attack on Greece was the help provided by Athens to the rebel residents of the Mileta. King Darius 1 sent ambassadors to the Greek cities with the requirement of "land and water", which according to the Persian customer meant the requirement of humility.
The fear of Persian power was so great that most of the Greek cities agreed to submit. But Sparta and Athens refused.
In 490 BC e. Persians gathered a big fleet and, putting their warriors on the ships, headed through the Aegean Sea to the Attics.
Conquer a number of islands, Persians landed in Attica at the Marathon Valley, forty kilometers from Athens. Narrow Marathon Valley was unprofitable for numerous Persian cavalry. Athenian heavy warriors headed by an experienced commander of Miltyadia, rushed to Persians from heights, fought the Valley. The Greeks were inspired by the desire to defend their homeland, tackle her freedom and independence. And they fought desperately. Not to withstand the Natius of the Greeks, Persians in disarray retreated to the ships and left Greece.

Camxes campaign

Persians, victims defeat under the marathon, did not leave hope to conquer Greece. Soon the king Darius died. His son Xerxes who joined the throne began to collect strength for a new campaign against dismissed Greeks.
The Greeks, who well represented the military power of the Persian state, were preparing to protect against new invasion. The landowners-aristocrats who were afraid that they would suffer their lands, demanded the defense of the Athens from the Sushi. For the strengthening of the fleet, representatives of trade and craft circles of the Athenian society were stood. Their leader Femistbli believed that his homeland could only save "wooden walls", that is, ships.
Thanks to the inferidal feminist, the Athenians decided to consume the income from silver mines,
we were previously divided between citizens, to build 100 warships and to strengthen the Athenian harbors. In addition, Athenians prompted other Greek states to unite into the union to combat Persians. The military forces of this Union took on Sparta.

In 480 BC e. Xerxes with a huge army, held from the warriors of all countries subordinate to Persians, moved Gellespont (now Dardanelles) and headed for south of land and along the shore
on ships. One after another surrendered to Persians Greek cities, giving way to the huge force of the invaders.

The small army of the Spartans and their allies under the leadership of the king Leonid took the Farmopil Passage. Double peards switched to the offensive. The Spartans fought with unparalleled courage and applied a heavy damage to the enemy. However, Persians managed with the help of a traitor to find a coating path and go to the Grekam in the rear. Upon learning about the environment, Leonid decided to let go most of his army to preserve the forces for the future struggle. Three hundred Spartans and Leonid fell in unequal battle., Subsequently, a monument to the deceased heroes with a sculpture of Leo and the inscription were raised at this place: "Travelers, tell Spartans about our death. They are faithful to the country's covenants, here we have fallen. "
After the battle of Fermopils, the road to middle Greece was opened. Persians went to Athens and burned them. Women, old people and children managed to send in advance to Peloponnese and on the island of Salamin, separated from Attica by a narrow strait.
The fleet of the Greeks stopped in the Salaminian Strait. Spartans, seeking to protect the Persian invasion of Peloponnese, insisted on the retreat of the fleet. But the feminist was not agreed with them.

He understood that among the rocks and shames of the Salaminian Strait, the huge Persian fleet would not be able to quickly and freely and the Persians will lose their superiority.
Left alone among the commanders of ships that insisted on the discharge of the fleet, the feminocles went to the trick. He secretly sent the messenger to the Persian king with the news that frightened him
the power of the Greeks is preparing to retreat and, if Xerxes want to prevent this, let him block the road. Taking the feminist, Xerxes ordered his ships to enter the Salamisian Strait. The fleet of the Greeks began to move back, and the Persian ships entered the very narrow place of the strait. When the wind from the sea raised the waves in the strait, the feminist gave sign to the offensive. Small Greek ships broke the oars from the Persian ships, pierced their boards with sharp metal beaws, brightened to the nose at the water level. The big and smooth tribes of Persians could not turn around in a close space, sat down on the melels and broke about the rocks.

Causes of victory Greek

The next year after this victory, the troops of Cerks left Greece. The war still lasted thirty years and ended with the victory of the Greeks. Persians recognized the independence of Greek cities and refused their claims in the Aegean Sea and in the Balkan Peninsula.

The Greeks won because they combined their strength and led a fair, liberation war. In addition, their military order was perfect than the Stroy of the Persian troops. Lot-
Numerical, but unstable masses of the Persian arrows from Luke retreated in front of a heavy Greek infantry.
The warriors who made up the army of the invaders, the Persians, the Egyptians, Babylonians - fought from under the stick for an alien to them the case of the Persian Tsar-despot. Finally, the inner weakness of the Persian state was one of the reasons for his defeat.

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