Outline of a lesson in speech therapy (preparatory group) on the topic: Speech therapy quiz. Outline of a lesson in speech therapy on the topic: Speech therapy quiz

Landscaping and planning 23.09.2019
Landscaping and planning

Purpose: in a playful way to consolidate the knowledge gained by students in the classroom


  1. Consolidation and expansion of children's knowledge of proverbs;
  2. Development of attention, memory, thinking, speed, auditory perception, development of word formation skills, sound analysis of a word;
  3. Activation and verification of existing educational knowledge in children;
  4. General Comprehensive mental development students.

The quiz is a great opportunity to gain knowledge and at the same time, have fun with your friends. The rules are simple, it is easy to play, the main thing is to have a rich supply of information, and also be able to make decisions quickly, since the quiz participants also try to answer questions quickly. This type of work helps children to spend time usefully, which sometimes does not work. The quiz develops the creative activity of students, their ingenuity, ingenuity.

This type of work was carried out for the first time. The tasks were mainly selected according to the program passage of the material in the lessons. According to the results of the quiz check, all classes adequately answered the questions.

Based on a survey of teachers elementary school, it turned out that this species work is very interesting and useful, and most importantly needed! You can increase the number of tasks, complicate them, and somewhere on the contrary, make them easier. There were even proposals from high school teachers with a request to develop tasks for high school. In general, there is something to think about and something to work with. The main thing is that this type of work is needed. Therefore, next year, speech therapy quizzes will enter school life legally. See you!

Speech therapy quiz Grade 1

1 task. Answer the questions

✔ Home for tutorials.
✔ Letters that do not make up a sound.

✔ Apple, tangerine, pear - in one word.

✔ Wardrobe, bed, table - in a word.

✔ We ourselves with ears
✔ More to do fewer dreams

✔ Moose will not lead to good

3 task. "Freezes". It is necessary to form adjectives from nouns.
Example: Rook-Rook Nest

✔ Dog paw -
✔ Wolf head -
✔ Lion head -
✔ Wood grouse tail -
✔ Crow's Nest -

4 task. A letter from Grandfather Bookvoed (this is a grandfather who deliberately confuses letters in words). Listen to what is written here. Correct the "wrong" words.

He grabbed the tongs and tore out the oak.

2. The hunter shouted: Oh!
The doors are chasing me!

3. The cauldron gored me,
I am very angry with him.

4. Drags a mouse into a mink
Huge bread pile.

5. Didn't learn lessons
And he played football.
That's why in the notebook
There was a goal.

5 Task. Compose a "word-title" of the story according to the "addresses" of the letters in the alphabet.
The first letter of this word lives immediately after the letter "E", the second letter is in front of the letter "Z", the third letter is located between "Z" and "Y", last letter What is the word before the letter "L"?

6 Task. "Make a word."
Twilight, coolness, ice, school, gift, hook, jump

Speech therapy quiz Grade 2

✔ What part of speech answers the questions: What does it do? What do?, What will do?
✔ How many vowels are there in Russian?
✔ What is the most common punctuation mark at the end of a sentence?
✔ If yesterday was Tuesday, what day will be the day after tomorrow?
✔ A word opposite in meaning to the word "CURVE"?
✔ Notebook for writing homework.

✔ Is the word opposite in meaning to the word "FAST"?
✔ Name a letter consisting of two sounds.
✔ Very large - in one word.
✔ One of the twelve parts of the year.

2 Task. Find in proverbs and sayings "naughty" letters that have fallen out of place.
Example: Care is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest (work)

✔ We ourselves with ears
✔ More business, less dreams
✔ Not the dough paints the person, but the person the dough
✔ Cow in the yard, milk on the pole
✔ Moose will not lead to good

3 task. "Freezes". Form adjectives from nouns. Example: Rook Nest - Rook

✔ Dog paw -
✔ Wolf head -
✔ Lion head -
✔ Wood grouse tail -
✔ Crow's Nest -

1. Didn't learn lessons
And he played football.
That's why in the notebook
There was a goal.

2. On the wolf - sour cream,
Curd, milk.
And I'd love to eat
Yeah, it's hard to get.

3. The doctor reminded Uncle Vita:
“Don't forget one thing:
Be sure to accept
10 herons before bed.”

4. Under the birches, where is the shade,
hid old day.

5. We did not write letters:
They searched for the cloud all day.

5 Task. Compose the "word-title" of the story by the "addresses" of the letters in the alphabet. The first letter of this word lives immediately after the letter "E", the second letter is in front of the letter "Z", the third letter is located between "Z" and "Y", the last letter is in front of the letter "L". what was the word?

6 Task. "Make a word."
Determine the 3rd letter in each word, make a new word out of them.
Twilight, coolness, ice, school, gift, hook, jump. What was the word???

Speech therapy quiz Grade 3

1 task. Answer the questions:
✔ How many vowels are there in Russian?
✔ What is the most common punctuation mark at the end of a sentence?
✔ What is the name of the main part of the word?
✔ If yesterday was Tuesday, what day will be the day after tomorrow?
✔ A word opposite in meaning to the word "CURVE"?
✔ Notebook for writing homework.
✔ What is the name of the part of the word that comes before the root?
✔ Always in the mouth, not swallowed.

✔ Is the word opposite in meaning to the word "FAST"?
✔ Name a letter consisting of two sounds.
✔ Very large - in one word.
✔ One of the twelve parts of the year.

2 Task. Find in proverbs and sayings "naughty" letters that have fallen out of place. Example: Care is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest (work)

✔ Forest is cut, caps fly
✔ Regiment in sheep's clothing
✔ Lies have short nails
✔ Found a goat on a stone

3 task. "Freezes". Form adjectives from nouns. Example: Rook nest - Grachinoe

✔ Crane nest -
✔ Goose feather -
✔ Chicken Feather -
✔ Fur coat -
✔ Leather gloves -

4 task. A letter from Grandfather Bookvoed (this is a grandfather who deliberately confuses letters in words). Listen to what is written here and correct the "wrong" words

1. There was a doctor on the movements stingy,
He grabbed the tongs and tore out the oak.

2. The hunter shouted: Oh!
The doors are chasing me!

3. On the wolf - sour cream,
Curd, milk.
And I'd love to eat
Yeah, it's hard to get.

4. The doctor reminded Uncle Vita:
“Don't forget one thing:
Be sure to accept
10 herons before bed.”

5. Under the birches, where is the shade,
The old day is gone.

6. We did not write letters:
They searched for the cloud all day.

6 task. "Make a word."
Determine the 3rd letter in each word, make a new word out of them.
Twilight, coolness, ice, school, gift, hook, jump. What was the word???

Speech therapy quiz Grade 4

1 task. Answer the questions
✔ How many vowels are there in Russian?
✔ What is the most common punctuation mark at the end of a sentence?
✔ What is the name of the main part of the word?
✔ If yesterday was Tuesday, what day will be the day after tomorrow?
✔ A word opposite in meaning to the word "CURVE"?
✔ Skating area?
✔ Notebook for writing homework.
✔ What is the name of the part of the word that comes before the root?
✔ Always in the mouth, not swallowed.
✔ What part of speech answers the questions Which one? Which? Which?
✔ What are the names of words formed from the same root?
✔ Is the word opposite in meaning to the word "FAST"?
✔ Name a letter consisting of two sounds.
✔ Very large - in one word.
✔ One of the twelve parts of the year.

2 Task. Find in proverbs and sayings "naughty" letters that have fallen out of place. Example: Care is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest (work)
✔ Forest is cut, caps fly
✔ Not knowing the ford, do not poke your head into fashion
✔ Regiment in sheep's clothing
✔ Lies have short nails
✔ Found a goat on a stone

3 task. "Freezes". Form adjectives from nouns. Example: Rook nest - Grachinoe
✔ Crane nest -
✔ Goose feather -
✔ Chicken Feather -
✔ Fur coat -
✔ Leather gloves -

4 task. A letter from Grandfather Bookvoed (this is a grandfather who deliberately confuses letters in words). Listen to what is written here and correct the "wrong" words.

1. The doctor reminded Uncle Vita:
“Don't forget one thing:
Be sure to accept
10 herons before bed.”

2. Under the birches, where is the shade,
The old day is gone.

3. We did not write letters:
They searched for the cloud all day.

4. There was a doctor on the movements stingy,
He grabbed the tongs and tore out the oak.

5. The hunter shouted: Oh!
The doors are chasing me!

5 Task. Compose the "word-title" of the story by the "addresses" of the letters in the alphabet. The first letter of this word lives immediately after the letter "E", the second letter is in front of the letter "Z", the third letter is located between "Z" and "Y", the last letter is before the letter "L". What was the word???

6 task. "Make a word."
Determine the 3rd letter in each word, make a new word out of them.
Twilight, coolness, ice, school, gift, hook, jump - what was the word???

Speech therapy quiz"Word Mosaic"

In order to increase the effectiveness of correctional work, speech therapy classes can be carried out in the form of games, quizzes, imitations of various television programs, etc. Such forms of classes not only increase the emotional mood of children, but also make them activate all their knowledge and abilities to achieve good results. To prepare for such events, students receive a task in advance. For example, come up with a name for teams, draw emblems, choose a captain, etc. This work causes a lot of positive emotions, increases motivation and interest in classes.So, to conduct a speech therapy quiz, we organized two teams of students. Each of them also received time to complete it, after which the team captain or one of the participants read out the answers. When summarizing the results after each competition, the results were recorded in the protocol.At the end of all competitions, the results were summed up and the winners were awarded.And, although the proposed version of the quiz is not the main form of speech therapy classes, given material will be of interest to specialists in organizing non-traditional forms of conducting classes. Such events greatly increase the desire of schoolchildren to attend speech therapy classes, as well as their desire for better results.

1. Guess the name of the fairy tale.

Description. There are 6 pictures in sequence on the card. Under each picture is a number. It is necessary to select from the name of the picture in order the sound corresponding to the number located under it. The name of the fairy tale (“Gingerbread Man”, “Teremok”) is compiled from the sounds selected sequentially.

2. Cross out the unnecessary letter.

Description. Each team is given several cards with words and spellings of one of the letters. An unnecessary letter must be crossed out.


For example: KROK ----- DIL SW ---- TOFORVELOS ---- PED


3. Find words.

Description. Rows in the table are filled with letters. It is necessary to cross out the unnecessary ones, and from the rest you get a word.

M H And AT b FROM T At L Kommersant
R And To R O AT BUT T b E
T At M B O H To BUT W Kommersant
S M E B E L b R G X

3. The letter is lost.

Description: fill in the missing vowel a into words. Write down the resulting words. “Words” without vowels are posted on the board.

We are ordinary words

Everyone knows us all.

We contain the letter A

Tonce or twice.

Sometimes just one

( Just not at the beginning)

But today ... - well, well! -

They all fled.



4. Auction.

Description. Balls are scattered on the floor, in which there are notes with letters. Children pop balloons and collect letters, which are later posted on the board. Then the children make words from the letters.


This material is recommended for teachers - speech therapists, educators kindergarten, teachers of the 1st grade of elementary school to work with children of senior preschool or junior school age. Such an event, held at the end of the school year, can become an indicator of the effectiveness of speech correction or a kind of outcome of an annual study in the first grade of a school. Such forms of classes not only increase the emotional mood of children, but also make them activate all their knowledge and abilities to achieve good results.

Purpose: generalization, in a playful way, of the knowledge gained by children on speech therapy classes.


  • Development of the skill of self-control over speech;
  • To consolidate the skills of phonemic analysis and synthesis;
  • Develop the ability to agree to form adjectives from nouns;
  • To form the skills of intonational expressiveness of speech;
  • Develop verbal logical thinking, auditory and visual attention, memory.
  • Develop the ability to work in a team;
  • Raise interest in the Russian language.

To conduct a speech therapy quiz, two teams of six people are created. Team "Orange" wears orange ties, and "Wave" - blue. The rest of the children are spectators. For each competition, the team can receive:

3 points - for the correct complete answer

2 points - if there are minor flaws

1 point - for a correct, but incomplete and with shortcomings answer

0 points - wrong answer.

When summarizing the results after each competition, the results were recorded in the protocol. The viewer receives one point for each correct answer.

1 slide - Logo

Moderator: Welcome to the quiz "Logoflower" . The logo flower is the favorite flower of all speech therapists. The logo flower blooms when it hears a beautiful correct speech.

2 slide team symbols

Moderator: Today there are teams at our tournament "Oranges" and "Wave" , the fans of these teams and the competent jury (representation by a member of the jury).

Unfortunately, there was a nuisance with my logo flower, it lost its petals. To return the petals, it is necessary to complete tasks and show the knowledge and skills that the children received in speech therapy classes.

3 slide "Articulation Workout" .

Leading: In order to speak correctly and beautifully, it is necessary to do special gymnastics for the tongue.

Each team takes turns naming their favorite exercise. articulatory gymnastics and together we do it (teams call three movements).

4 slide "Fairy-tale heroes" .

Host: To get the first petal, we will check how you hear sounds.

Pictures with your favorite fairy tale characters will appear in front of you. Your task is to look carefully, pronounce the names of the heroes of fairy tales and say what is common, from the point of view of not fairy tales, but sounds.

5 slide fairy-tale heroes with sound "FROM" for the team "Oranges" .

6 slide fairy tale characters with sound "SH" for the team "Wave" .

7 slide fairy tale characters with sound "L" for spectators.

The host gives the first petal to the jury.

8 slide "Best Zvukoznaykin" .

Moderator: The second petal will give an opportunity to prove himself to one member of each team. Let's continue with sounds. These guys will need to do a sound analysis of words.

(one participant from the team receives cards for sound analysis, colored pencils).

Those who wish from the audience can also receive the title "Best Zvukoznaykin" .

9 slide "Juicer" .

Leading: The third petal brought us tasks with words. Let's see how you can form words.

I will name each member of the team a fruit or berry, and you will name the juices that will come out of them.

10 slide with pictures of fruits and berries for the first team.

Orange juice - (orange)

Pear juice - (pear)

Pineapple juice - (pineapple)

Carrot juice - (carrot)

Tomato juice - (tomato)

11 slide with pictures of fruits and berries for the second team.

Apple juice - (apple)

Plum juice - (plum)

Grape juice - (grape)

peach juice - (peach)

The host gives the second and third petals to the jury.

12slide "What is it made of" pictures with objects

Host: Let's check how the audience can form words. You need to name the properties of objects, in one word. For example: a crown of gold is golden.

Host: tree house - (wood)

brick house - (brick)

paper plane - (paper)

glass glass - (glass)

crystal vase - (crystal)

fur coat - (fur)

metal spoon - (metal)

iron grate - (iron)

cardboard box - (cardboard).

13 slide "Confusion" .

Leading: To help out the next petal, we need to rest and stretch a little.

We play "confusion" , do what I say, not show.

14 slide "We draw by cells" .

Host: To get the next petal, you need attention and a strong hand. Each participant needs to repeat the pattern in the cells "Flower" .

(Samples and simple pencils are distributed.)

15 slide "Which sound is heard most often" .

Moderator: While the participants are carefully drawing, we will listen carefully. What sound is heard most often in tongue twisters.

Zoya's bunny is called Zoznaika.

An owl sits on a pine tree, a fox sits under a pine tree.

Six mice rustle in the reeds.

The toad was sitting in a puddle, looking eagerly at the beetle.

Bull, bull, white side, ran with a bun to the meadow.

Goose Gog and goose Gaga, not a single step without each other.

The surname of Feofan the photographer is Fiftifufaykin.

The host gives the fourth petal to the jury.

16 slide. “You can’t repeat all the tongue twisters, you can’t pronounce” .

Moderator: Our previous competition prepared us for the next task.

Now two people from the teams will draw a card with "mood" and say their favorite tongue twister with this mood, and we will try to guess what their mood is.

The host gives the fifth petal to the jury.

Leading: You need to be able to speak tongue twisters very quickly, let's check our viewers, which of them will say their favorite tongue twister the fastest.

(those who wish say the tongue twister quickly, three times in a row)

17 slide. "Who is bigger" .

Host: To get the final petal, the teams will take turns naming objects that begin with a given letter.

18 slide Story picture with objects for the letter "P" .

19 slide Story picture with objects for the letter "B" .

20 slide plot picture with items starting with a letter "FROM" for spectators.

Moderator: While the jury is summing up the results of our tournament, we will consider the following picture.

21 slides with the image of a logo flower.

Moderator: Thank you, dear teams and spectators, for saving the logo flower. You have shown that you can speak beautifully and correctly and are ready to go to first grade (the jury gives the logo to the presenter).

We with the logo flower hope that you understand that our native Russian language is rich and interesting.

22 slide "Awards Ceremony" .

The jury summarizes the results of the quiz, awards the teams and individual spectators with diplomas.

One, two, three, four, five - we will now again

Watch, listen, think, but do not interfere with each other.

Clearly, clearly speak, do not spin, do not play pranks.

Today we have gathered with you for a speech therapy quiz called "Question for backfilling." What does "question for backfilling" mean? It means a difficult question, a question with meaning, a question that needs to be thought about before being answered. The purpose of our event is not to show who is better and who is worse, but to show what the guys have learned. We hope that the game will be interesting, exciting and educational.

We wish the guys not to be bored and not to yawn,

Answer the speech therapist's questions as soon as possible!



Speech therapy quiz in senior speech therapy

group number 4 "Question for backfilling."

Target : to consolidate the acquired pronunciation skills.

Tasks : 1) Develop phonemic perception, sound-letter analysis skills;

2) Develop observation, general and fine motor skills, orientation in space, self-control skills for correct pronunciation sounds in one's own speech;

3) Cultivate a sense of collectivism, a sense of responsibility, mutual assistance.

Equipment : bowls with fillers (decorative soil, soil for plants, stones, shells, beans, peas); small toys from kinder - surprises; two sets of pyramids; six sets of split pictures; medals for awarding; sweet prizes (candy).

Quiz progress.

One, two, three, four, five - we will now again

Watch, listen, think, but do not interfere with each other.

Clearly, clearly speak, do not spin, do not play pranks.

Today we have gathered with you for a speech therapy quiz called "Question for backfilling." What does "question for backfilling" mean? It means a difficult question, a question with meaning, a question that needs to be thought about before being answered. The purpose of our event is not to show who is better and who is worse, but to show what the guys have learned. We hope that the game will be interesting, exciting and educational.

We wish the guys not to be bored and not to yawn,

Answer the speech therapist's questions as soon as possible!

Round 1 - WARM-UP

Now I'm going to ask questions, it's not easy to answer them!

  1. A nocturnal bird that hunts mice and is nicknamed the "feathered cat"




2) Mom has a cat Fluff, a dog Druzhok and a daughter Dasha. How many children does the mother have?

3) Why did the sawfish get its name?

For bad character

Looks like a saw

She can cut anything

4) What always wins in fairy tales?

5) Who holds on to the granddaughter in the fairy tale "Turnip"?

A breeze is blowing, the leaves are spinning, (light movements of the arms to the sides)

Slowly but surely they sank to the ground. (squat down with light hand movements)

blew strong wind, snowflakes have arrived, (arm movements are stronger, more intense)

There will probably be blizzards soon. (quick movements of the hands above the head)

Again a breeze suddenly blew, a snowball lies on the ground. (move hands up and down)

Snow is everywhere, and on a tree, in a hollow, (point with your hands up to the right and up to the left)

On the ground and on the pavement, (hands point down to the right and down to the left)

After all, winter has come, imagine! (rub yourself with your hands, “shrinks” from the cold)


  1. What does every spoken word consist of?

From letters

From numbers

From the sounds

2) What do we see when we read a book?




3) What did Cinderella lose in the famous fairy tale by Charles Perrault?




4) What sound do all these words begin with? Bus, shark, pineapple, orange, apricot.

Round 3 - TOYS HID

On the tables are bowls with various natural materials: beans, peas, soil, stones, shells, sand. Your task is to find SOMETHING and make a sentence, for example, I found a shell in the sand.


  1. Pyramid game. Quickly and correctly assemble the pyramids.
  2. The game "He - She".

I ask you not to yawn, add a word to my verse.

He is an elephant, she is ... (elephant), He is an elk, she is ... (moose cow)

He's a cat, she's... No, of course it's a cat! Well, you made a mistake.

Well, let's play again, I want to beat you.

He is a walrus, she is ... (walrus), He is a hedgehog, she is ... (hedgehog),

He is a hare, she is ... (hare), He is a bull, she is ...

Everyone knows this word, Yes, yes, yes! She is a cow!

  1. The game "Collect the picture." Quickly and correctly assemble a split picture.


  1. Listen carefully to the instructions: the mouth is open, raise a wide tongue to the upper lip, then to the lower, then to the upper, then to the lower. What is the name of this articulation exercise?




2) Missing letters.

Gray ox, hungry, angry, walks through the forest in winter (wolf)

The table is high, three meters, firmly holds the lanterns (pillar)

An old cat digs the earth, he lives underground (mole)

The crane lit up blue, we will watch any movie (screen)

I tied a ball around my neck and didn’t catch a sore throat (scarf)

Sloth with branched horns rushes towards me and my mother (deer)

From a cheerful sharp duck we laughed all day (jokes)

The fish are sitting in the boat, the eyes are riveted to the float (fishermen)

Round 6 - REVERSE

I will say the word HIGH, you answer - low,

I will say the word FAR, you answer - close.

Young - (old).

Fast - (slow).

Beginning - (end).

Ceiling - (floor).

Wet - (dry).

Quiet - (loudly).

White black).

Wide narrow).

Clean - (dirty).

Dark - (light).

Night Day).

Empty - (full).

Good bad).

Hard - (soft).

Cowardice - (courage).

Rich - (poor).

Hot Cold).

Thick - (thin).

Heaven - (earth).

Small big)

Summary of the quiz.

We thought and had fun, and even argued at times,

But they became very friends with our game,

The game is replaced by the game, the game ends,

But the friendship never ends! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Awarding medals to all participants of the quiz or distributing sweet prizes from a magic box (magic bag).

MBOU secondary school №45

Speech therapy quiz


3rd grade

Speech therapist: Usenko E.V.

Surgut 2016

Speech therapy quiz

Target: In a playful way, consolidate the knowledge gained by students in speech therapy classes and lessons of the Russian language, mathematics.



Check the knowledge of the rules learned by children in the classroom and the ability to apply them in writing


Develop logical thinking

Develop auditory and visual attention

Develop connected speech


Cultivate the ability to work in a team

Cultivate interest in the quiz

Equipment: cards with team names, rhymes with errors, presentation "Puzzles", sheets of 4 colors (red, yellow, green, blue), cards with riddles and tongue twisters, cards with logical tasks, cards with tasks in the Russian language, cards with words for the game "Understand me".

Event progress:

Good afternoon!

We are glad to welcome you to the intellectual and educational and entertaining show "Speech therapy quiz". Today our teams will have to show their knowledge, skills and erudition in the field of mathematical abilities, logic, thinking, development of speech and grammar. Based on the results of the competitions, we sum up all the points and determine which team will win.

Three teams will participate in the speech therapy quiz today. To start, each team will choose a captain. Captains come to me. On the table are cards with the names of the teams written on them. You need to choose one of three cards and read the name of your team. So, the first team is called "Dolphins", the second - "Sharks" and the third team - "Whales". Good. Guys, not a feather to you.

Teams, let's get started. The first contest is called "Blitz Poll". I will ask each team a question. Which of the teams will give the most answers will win this competition. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point.

1 team

    What is the name of the part of the word that comes before the root? (Console)

    How many sounds are in the word family? (5 sounds)

    He will bring to Kyiv. (Language)

    If yesterday was Tuesday, what day is the day after tomorrow? (Friday)

    A small nimble animal whose tail can come off and grow back. (Lizard)

    A word opposite in meaning to the word "CURVE"? (Straight)

2 team

    What is the name of the part of the word that comes after the root? (Suffix)

    How many sounds are in the word crucian? (5 sounds)

    What are the names of words formed from the same root? (single root)

    Is the word opposite in meaning to the word "FAST"?

    If the day before yesterday was Monday, what day will tomorrow be? (Thursday)

    One of the twelve parts of the year. (Month)

3 team

    Which tree does a crow land on when it rains? (on wet)

    Always in the mouth, not swallowed. (Language)

    How does summer end and autumn begin? (Letter O).

    What part of speech answers the questions: What does he do? What do?, What will do? (Verb)

    Letters that do not make up a sound. (b, b)

    How many sounds are in the word apple? (7 sounds)

Well done to the team as you quickly answered the questions and brought your team the first points. Let's count how many points each team has.

"Second Mission"

I received a letter from Bookvoed this morning. He wrote that he loves to compose rhyming rhymes very much, and the Book-eater sent his poems to you today so that you can read them beautifully. Look at the poems lying on your tables. I looked into these verses and noticed that the Letterhead mixed up the letters in the words. Your task is to find wrong words and fix them. The team that completes the task faster and correctly will win this competition.

    There was a doctor on the movements stingy,

He grabbed the tongs and tore out the oak.

2. The hunter shouted: Oh!
The doors are chasing me!

3. On the wolf - sour cream,
Curd, milk.
And I'd love to eat
Yeah, it's hard to get.

4. The doctor reminded Uncle Vita:
“Don't forget one thing:
Be sure to accept
10 herons before bed.”

5. Under the birches, where is the shade,
The old day is gone.

6. We did not write letters:
They searched for the cloud all day.

7. Didn't learn lessons
And he played football.
That's why in the notebook
There was a goal.

The next game is called "Color Categories". Look at the slide for the colors. Hidden under every color different categories. You need to choose a color and answer the question correctly. The team that answers the most questions will win the challenge. Each team receives 1 point for a correct answer.

The first team starts in this competition "Whales", then "Dolphins and Sharks".


Riddles and tongue twisters:

    Guess the riddle:

A citizen of advanced years lost two waterfowl, which she could dispose of on the basis of property rights and completely legal grounds. What is this property? (Two cheerful geese).

    Speak the phrase:

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry.

    Guess the riddle:

Having found the treasure, the lady buys a new one. household appliance and invites many guests. However, in difficult situation ungrateful guests did not want to help the hostess. (Fly Tsokotukha)

    Speak the phrase:

Greek rode across the river,
He sees the Greek - there is cancer in the river.
He put the Greek hand into the river,
Cancer for the hand of the Greek - tsap!

    Guess the riddle:

Three tried to catch the one who left two old people without food. But he left them three times. And the fourth pursuer, pretending to be deaf, caught (Kolobok).

    Speak the phrase:

Four turtles have four baby turtles.

Tell me about shopping
About what about purchases?
About shopping, about shopping
About my shopping.


Solve logical problems:

    The spider has 4 pairs of legs. How many legs does a spider have?

    On the rose bush 8 buds. By the middle of the day, all the buds have blossomed and become roses. How many buds are left unopened?

    Yura has 3 dice and Gena has 2 dice. On the table is a box that holds 4 cubes. Will the guys be able to fit all their cubes into this box?

    There are four children in the family: there are as many sisters as there are brothers. How many sisters are in the family?

    From the barrel they took 2 times 2 full buckets of water. How many buckets of water were taken from the barrel?

    How many whole loaves of bread can be made from 6 halves?

Russian language:

    Exercise: Find and underline all words with the root "snow" / "snow"
    Our snow-covered yard shines brightly,
    The snow fortress in it rings with laughter.
    Sculpts snowballs kids day-to-day.
    The roofs boast of a border of snow.
    With a new whisk stands a dream G ovik.
    The excess snow was hauled away by a truck.
    We prepare snowflakes, figurines for the Christmas tree,
    We put on a play, a cheerful Snow Maiden.
    We don't miss spring yet
    But here we see snowdrops in a dream.
    (Total 9 words with root"snow" / "snow" )

    Insert the desired letters.
    1st - Participants take turns reading words with inserted letters!
    Ski .., hedgehog .., mouse .., sh .. lo, puddles ..
    Thicket .., food .., candle .., h..y, h..ynik.
    Shch..ka, drag.., scream.., h..dak, hot..

    Choose the correct answer:

What sentences make up the text?

A. Children often went to the grove. Fragrant lilies of the valley bloomed there. They made the forest very beautiful.

B. Squirrels live in the thicket of the forest. A doctor was called for Misha. Rooks squeak in the nest.

B. Rosehip blooms in the garden. Behind the house is a wide river. Lived under the tree little hedgehog.

G. Winter has come. The mouse is running. And Klava has skis.

4. In which group of phrases is b written at the place of gaps?

A. with ... edible mushroom, build a starling ... nickname

B. get into the arms ... hugs, stock up with ... natural

V. noble Kushan .. e, friendly family .. I

G. birch buds .. ki, from .. rides of deputies

5. Indicate how many words in the text with a prefix:

In the golden autumn days, the cranes were going to fly away. They circled over

river, over the native swamp. Slender shoals stretched into the distant

warm countries.

A. 4; B. 5; AT 6; G. different answer.

6. Specify a group of single-root words:

A. school, class, school; B. rain, rainy, raincoat,

B. whiten, squirrel, squirrel; G. sleep, sleepy, sleep.

Now let's calculate the scores for each team. For each

A completed task will receive 1 point.

4 True or False Game

Now we will play the next game "True or False". Answer “true” or “no” to each of my questions and explain why you disagree.

1 team:

The wolf lives in his hole
And the bugs live in the bark.

Ducks sleep at night
In a kennel or a booth.

In the spring from the den
Rhinos come out.

For those who are unwell
Doctors are called.

The wolf cub has a scary dad -
This is a teddy bear.

For math, my friend,
Need a notebook in a circle.

The bee rushes with a bullet
In the home of a dear - a beehive.

Bunny coat all white color
So, summer is already managing in the forest.

Here are five berries in the grass.
Ate one, left two.

2 team:

Is there a labor lesson at school?
Borsch - healthy food?
After breakfast lunch?
Do rockets have wheels?
With a smile to the dentist go to the office?
Candy holes in teeth?
Do we need light in the evening?
Is the bike eating gasoline?
Are you always cheerful?

3 team:

Is there a vest with sleeves?
Are there cities on the moon?

Two is not a problem?
Do women have beards?
Will it be sunrise tonight?
There is in the rainbow purple?
The shape of the circle on the coins?
Wednesday after Friday?
Skis go without a trace?

Now let's count how many times the teams answered the questions correctly. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. Now we sum up these scores and get these scores.

5 contest "Understand me"

And our last competition is called « Understand me":

Conditions of the competition:

– The task is performed by teams in turn for a while;
- The playing team leaves the office, then each team member enters to complete the task.

The words: tongue, pointer, board

Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

Outcome: Great, now let's count all the points and determine the winner! So, in our speech therapy quiz, the winner is the team ... ... Congratulations to all teams. Our quiz is coming to an end.

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