Observations in the 2nd junior group in winter. Card index of winter walks in the second junior group

Site arrangement 23.09.2019

1. Observation of the snow, jumping into the snowdrift.

2. Outdoor game: "Snowflakes - fluffies."

3. Individual work.

4. Independent work.

5. Labor activity.

Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge of the seasons. Form ideas about snow (white, cold, fluffy, soft, clean, snowflake). To consolidate children's ideas about the properties of snowflakes (circling, flying, serving, melting). Cultivate the desire to play together. Teach children to draw a snowflake in the snow. To consolidate the ability to draw straight lines in different directions, crossing them at one point. Teach kids to do hard work. To consolidate the ability to hold a pencil correctly (felt-tip pen). Develop a desire to play together.

Region Integration: design, art.

Equipment: Paper snowflakes, felt-tip pens, rabbit plush toy, snow shovels.

Walk progress:

Fluffy snow creeps, the street is white,

And a blizzard is flying, it has come to us ... (winter).

Guys, today we will talk about the time of the year standing on the street. This is winter. It is cold outside, we are dressed in fur coats, jackets, warm hats, scarves, mittens.

And who will say what kind of white veil covered the earth? (snow).

What color is he? (white).

And let's take the snow in hand. What do you feel? (cold).

Is the snow clean or dirty? (clean).

Snow is falling and a large pile of snow is called a snowdrift. Does our playground have a snowdrift? (there is).

So let's play. We jump into the snowdrift. Who's next? (jumps).

Guys, pay attention, the snow in the snowdrift is fluffy, soft.

Falling from the sky in winter

And circle over me

Light fluff

White ... (snowflakes).

Let's try to catch a snowflake in the palm of your hand. Whoever caught it turns into a snowflake (the teacher distributes paper snowflakes). The players in a crowd move around the snow building, spinning around themselves. After some time, the direction of movement changes, the round dance is spinning in the other direction.

Snowflakes - fluffies got tired on the fly -

They stopped spinning, sat down to rest.

The players stop, sit down and resume the game again. We played a little, and now we will try to draw. I have magic felt-tip pens, they do not draw on a sheet of paper, but draw on the snow. Shall we try? The teacher shows how you can draw a snowflake in the snow (individual work). I drew one big snowflake, how many snowflakes did you draw? (a lot of).

Oh, look how many snowflakes fell on our playground, but a hare is sitting under a bush, he cannot get to our playground because there is a lot of snow here. I propose to take shovels and collect snow, make paths along which the bunny will find our playground and play with us. (Labor activity of children).

How well we have worked, and here is the bunny, let's put together working equipment and play with our friend on the site.

(Mobile game.)

"White Bunny sits"

Little white bunny sits

And wiggles his ears

Like this, like this.

It's cold for a bunny to sit

You need to warm up your paws.

Like this, like this.

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump.

Like this, like this.

It's time to say goodbye, it's time for us to gather in a group.


To promote the formation in children of ideas about the collection and benefits of vegetables. To develop search and research activities, observation and curiosity. Help create a good mood.


Cognitive research, perception fiction, musical, labor, motor, game.

Funds: a letter, attributes of a railway worker, a bullhorn, baskets according to the number of children, a large basket, a mirror, equipment for work, a watering can, attributes for role-playing game"Shop": a shop, models of vegetables, signs for counters, an apron and a hat for the seller, handbags for buyers; sports equipment for the police department.

Ways: art word, display, outdoor game, experimental activity, musical accompaniment, encouragement, individual work, reflection.

Reflection: outcome of the walk.

The structure of the walk:

The group receives a letter in which the children are invited to fun trip. The teacher opens it and reads to the children. Children, together with the teacher, gather and go outside.

On the street they hear an announcement from a bullhorn:

Attention! Attention!

Steam locomotive from "Romashkovo"

Departing from this path!

Please take your seats!

The teacher puts on the attributes of a railway worker and announces that there will be many stops. According to their name, we will perform tasks. Children line up like a train, depict the movement of the train. The teacher reads a poem

V. Musatov "Fun Train":

Noise and fun in the forest near the alley,

Panama hats turn white with a long chain.

The guys hold each other by the belt -

The train will leave in a minute.

The first in the chain was a locomotive -

He hummed and drove the wagons.

Ten wagons - ten guys.

The wagons rush and honk loudly.

Rushing forward along the hillocks, along the slopes,

Everyone wants to be a steam locomotive!

Everyone wants to be a steam locomotive,

The first to run along the hillocks, along the slopes,

I really want to, but I just can't:

Friends cannot leave their train.

Here he puffed - choo-choo-choo! - locomotive.

I drove ten wagons up the hill.

Ten wagons do not want to fall behind -

They also try, they also puff.

Past the trees, past the bushes...

Are they going to Saratov? Are they going to Rostov?

Or some other city?

"Whoo! .. - buzzed, - we're going home!"

Everyone works smartly with their feet,

We drove, we drove - stop! Stop.

Two-story house, blue house,

With a red roof and a yellow chimney...

The guys praise their steam locomotive,

Quickly drove to kindergarten!

The train has arrived, there is no train,

The train washed up and sat down for lunch.

As if in the depot the locomotives are silent,

You can hear the sound of spoons in the dining room.

The steam locomotive arrived at the site.

The teacher announces:

  1. "Attention! Stop "Berry". Children stop, "get out of the cars." The teacher offers to start a round dance:

"Let's go to the garden for raspberries."

Target : Exercise children to perform a variety of movements, forming a circle, exercise in the melodic pronunciation of the words of the song.

At the signal “Uuuu…”, the children line up again in a train and move on.

  1. The teacher sets the direction of the "train" to sports ground. The stop is announced Sunny».

Sun watching« The sun radiant appeared in the sky».

Target : Continue to introduce children to phenomena inanimate nature, changes that occur with the sun. Support good mood during a walk.

The sun scanned the earth

Each beam left a mark.

There is no more important thing in the world

How to give warmth and light.

He notes that on such a sunny day, the sun is not at all hot, it does not warm as much as at the beginning of summer.

Questions for children:"Where is the sun? What is it?”, “Is the sun warm?” - pay attention that the sun is shining, but it does not heat so much, it is not hot outside. The teacher asks the children to listen fairy tale Hippo and the sun»

One day Behemoth caught the sun and decided to give his friends a present. He divided the sun into pieces and gave them away. And immediately it became dark on the ground! The animals realized what a mistake they had made. They folded the sun and returned it to its place.

What mistake did the animals make?

Who needs the sun?

Can the sun hurt?

The teacher offers to play with the sun.

Held outdoor game "Sun Bunnies"

Target: Clarify directions, up, down, to the side, learn to perform a variety of movements. Develop motor activity of children.

Game progress: the teacher holds a small mirror in his hand and says: “Look, a cheerful sunny bunny has come to visit us. See how he rejoices, jumping up, then down, then to the side. And danced! Let's play with him!"

Runaways are jumping - sunbeams.

Jump! Skok! Up-down-sideways (children try to catch a sunbeam)

We call them, they don't come.

They were here and they are not here.

Jump! Skok! Up! Way down! To the side!

Jump, jump in the corners

They were there and they are not there.

Where are the runaways - sunbeams?

Children join the game and look for a sunny bunny. The game is repeated.

The signal "Uuuuu..." is heard, the children are built by a train, the "train" goes on, the teacher leads the children to the garden.

  1. station is announced "Harvest"

The teacher reads the poem:

Eat fruits and vegetables

These are the best products.

You will be saved from all diseases.

There is nothing tastier and healthier.

Make friends with vegetables

And with salads and cabbage soup.

There are countless vitamins in them.

So you need to eat it!

Look at the harvest in our garden! It's time to collect it. But first we need to help the plants in the garden so that they have even more vitamins.

An experience " Vegetables breathe easier if the soil is watered and loosened»

Target: To form in children the ability to draw simple conclusions, develop memory and thinking.

Offer to examine the soil in the garden, touch it. What does she feel like? (Dry, hard.) Can you loosen it with a stick? Why did she become like this? Why is it so dry? (The sun dried up.) In such a land, vegetables do not breathe well. Now we will water their beds. After watering, feel the soil in the garden. What is she now? (Wet.) Does the stick go into the ground easily? Now we will loosen it, and the vegetables will begin to breathe.

Conclusion: What did we learn today? When do vegetables breathe easier? (It is easier to breathe if the soil is watered and loosened.)

Well, now we will collect vegetables from the beds. What do we need to take in order to harvest? (the necessary equipment is laid out)

Labor activity - work in the garden.

Target: Exercise children to work together, consolidate the ability to fulfill the instructions of the teacher when collecting vegetables. Cultivate industriousness.

Now everybody come

What you like - take it!

But before you take anything

The riddle must be solved.


The lady sat down in the garden,
Dressed in noisy silks.
We are preparing tubs for her
And coarse salt half a bag.
- cabbage -

For a curly tuft
Dragged a fox from a mink.
Feels very smooth to the touch
Tastes like sweet sugar.
- carrot -

Grows very long
And it occupies the floor of the garden.
This pumpkin vegetable brother,
Everyone eats it in the summer.
- zucchini -

Grow in the garden
green branches,
And on them
Red kids.
- tomatoes -

In summer, in the garden
fresh, green,
And in winter - in a barrel,
Strong, salty.
- cucumbers -

Harvested in baskets. The teacher praises the children. Reading a poem:

We have worked hard!

We have harvested!

Let's take it to the kitchen

The cook will make a salad.

Vitamins! Vitamins!

It's fun for the kids!

The signal to depart is given. Children line up one after another and go to the site with baskets.

  1. The teacher announces: Stop " gaming»

On the veranda there is a large basket for the harvest, the children put vegetables in it in order to take them to the cooks.

The teacher draws the attention of the children:

Look how beautiful our store is! Oh, but someone has been here and mixed all the products! How can we sell them now? Let's put the products on the shelves.

Children put everything in its place, when the store is in order, it opens.

Role-playing game Score»

Target: Formation of the correct behavior of relationships during the game. Cultivate a friendly relationship with each other.

The teacher takes on the role of a seller, the children are buyers. A role-playing game unfolds.

  1. Individual work on ATS with Misha, Sasha, Polina:

« Throw the ball to the sunbeam»

Target: Exercise in the ability to correctly take the starting position, perform a throw from below. Develop dexterity, coordination of movements, confidence.

The shop assistant sold the ball to Dasha. The teacher conducts individual work with her on ATS. With the help of a mirror, an adult makes a sunbeam, the child throws the ball in his direction.

Independent play activity with outgoing material.

The railwayman signals:

- Attention! Attention!

Train from Romashkovo

goes to Kindergarten!

Children “get on” the train and go to kindergarten. On the way, the teacher and the children take the harvested crops to the kitchen.

Reflection : children talk about what they liked, what they learned new, what else they want to know.

Title: Synopsis of the story walk in the second junior group"Fun Train"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lecture notes, GCD, ecology, Second junior group

Position: educator
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 102"
Location: Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region

Ekaterina Sycheva
Card file of walks “Winter. December. 1 week "2 junior group

1. Observation of the carriageway.

Target: Develop children's cognitive interest; familiarize yourself with the carriageway; give an idea of ​​the rules traffic.

Go to the carriageway and observe the traffic. Explain that the kindergarten is located next to the road. artistic word:

"Funny tires, rush along the roads

Cars, cars. And in the body are important

Urgent cargo: cement and iron

Raisins and watermelons»

K. Chaliev

Ask how cars drive, which side are pedestrians on, where do they cross the road, what cars are moving along the road? Have the children name familiar cars. Pay attention to the fact that a lot of cars and trucks are moving along the road, and no one interferes with each other. This is because drivers follow the rules of the road.

2. Outdoor games (cm. card index p / and in the group) :

"Tram"- general No. 14


"From bump to bump"- With subgroup of children No. 13


3. Labor activity.

Feeding winter birds.

Target: To form in children a desire to take care of wintering birds.

Pay attention to wintering birds and tell them that they are cold in winter, hungry: no midges, worms, only people can help them - feed them. Pour into the seed feeder.

December Monday 1 week #1

Evening stroll

1. Games with snow.

"We make a house for bunnies"

"Find What's Hidden"

Target: Encourage children to participate in joint games; help unite to play groups

"Rabbits"- With subgroup of children No. 12

Target: To teach children to jump on two legs, moving forward, crawl under the legs of chairs, develop dexterity, confidence.

December Tuesday 1 week #2

1. Monitoring of transport.

Target: Learn to distinguish between vehicles in appearance; to form the ability to focus attention on objects and phenomena of the subject-spatial developing environment; develop curiosity.

Watch the kids move passenger car. Explain that the driver is driving the car, he is sitting in front, and everyone else is a passenger. It is impossible to talk to the driver while driving, so that the car does not collide with other cars.

art word:

"Car, car, car is mine,

I work deftly with pedals.

I drive the car in front of everyone

I ride it in the yard and in the garden"

Ya. Pishumov

2. Outdoor games (cm. card index p / and in the group) :

"Tram"- general No. 14

Target: To teach children to move in pairs, to coordinate their movements with the movements of other players; learn to recognize colors and change movements in accordance with them.

"From bump to bump"- With subgroup of children No. 13

Target: Teach children to step freely from hoop to hoop, develop balance.

3. Labor activity.

Snow removal from benches and tables on the site.

Target: Learn to use the tools for their intended purpose.

December Tuesday 1 week #2

Evening stroll

1. Games with snow.

Modeling from snow of various figures.

Target groups 2-3 people based on personal likes; develop the ability to interact and get along with each other in a short joint game.

"Rabbits"- With subgroup of children No. 12


December Wednesday 1 week #3

1. Getting to know the footpath in winter time.

Target: Enrich ideas about the world around; develop cognitive interest; form an idea of ​​the rules of behavior on the street; educate the skills of orientation on the ground.

Invite children to walk. Tell them about the rules of the road, pay attention to the path intended for pedestrians - this is the sidewalk. In winter, the sidewalks are covered with snow, so pedestrians walk slowly. Have a conversation with the children about the rules of behavior and movement on the sidewalk.

Arriving at kindergarten, remember with the children how they behaved, whether they were attentive. Once again, talk about the rules of behavior on the street.

art word:

"I'm driving my car

On a very long rope

I stand at a red light

I'm going to the green

And I decided that very soon

I'll be my uncle's driver"

T. Kazyrina

2. Outdoor games (cm. card index p / and in the group) :

"Tram"- general No. 14

Target: To teach children to move in pairs, to coordinate their movements with the movements of other players; learn to recognize colors and change movements in accordance with them.

"From bump to bump"- With subgroup of children No. 13

Target: Teach children to step freely from hoop to hoop, develop balance.

3. Labor activity.

Feeding birds, hanging feeders.

Target: To cultivate love, careful and caring attitude towards wintering birds.

December Wednesday 1 week #3

Evening stroll

1. Games with snow.

Modeling from snow of various shapes

.Target: Encourage children to participate in joint games; help unite to play groups 2-3 people based on personal likes; develop the ability to interact and get along with each other in a short joint game.

"Rabbits"- With subgroup of children No. 12

Target: To teach children to jump on two legs, moving forward, crawl under the legs of chairs, develop dexterity, confidence.

December Thursday 1 week #4

1. Acquaintance with the rules of behavior for pedestrians.

Target: Enrich ideas about the world around; develop cognitive interest; continue to consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street; develop attention and spatial orientation skills.

Invite children to walk around the kindergarten. Remember that they, as pedestrians, must strictly follow the rules of the road. movements: move only along the footpath (sidewalk, do not rush, be careful, walk on the right side, hold each other's hands tightly, do not shout, listen carefully to the teacher.

art word:

“The color is green – come on in!

Yellow - a little wait.

Well, what if it's red?

Stop, buddy! Dangerous!"

D. Ponomareva

Arriving at kindergarten, remember with the children how they behaved, whether they were attentive. Once again, remind the rules of pedestrians.

2. Outdoor games (cm. card index p / and in the group) :

"Tram"- general No. 14

Target: To teach children to move in pairs, to coordinate their movements with the movements of other players; learn to recognize colors and change movements in accordance with them.

"From bump to bump"- With subgroup of children No. 13

Target: Teach children to step freely from hoop to hoop, develop balance.

3. Labor activity.

Clear snow from bird feeders and feed them.

Target: Learn to use tools for their intended purpose; educate the desire to participate in the care of birds, feed them.

December Thursday 1 week #4

Evening stroll

"Rabbits"- With subgroup of children No. 12

Target: To teach children to jump on two legs, moving forward, crawl under the legs of chairs, develop dexterity, confidence.

December Friday 1 week #5

1. Observation of the bus.

Target: Introduce the names of the parts of the bus.

Walk with the children to the bus stop and watch the movement of the bus when it arrives at the stop. Observe how people approach the bus stop - passengers, how passengers get on and off the bus. Describe the main parts of the bus.

art word:

Smiling driver: - Come on! Come on!

There is a place by the window, would you like to sit down?

My bus has stripes like a globe!

We will travel the whole world! Are you sitting down or not?"

O. Sapozhnikova

2. Outdoor games (cm. card index p / and in the group) :

"Tram"- general No. 14

Target: To teach children to move in pairs, to coordinate their movements with the movements of other players; learn to recognize colors and change movements in accordance with them.

"From bump to bump"- With subgroup of children No. 13

Target: Teach children to step freely from hoop to hoop, develop balance.

3. Labor activity.

Snow removal from paths.

Target: Expand children's ideas about winter natural phenomena; teach children to perform the simplest labor assignments; learn how to use spatulas correctly.

Invite the children to silently walk through the snow and listen to how it creaks. Maybe he is "outraged" that we walk on it, trample it? Maybe he's talking about something? What can snow say? Listen to the children's stories.

December Friday 1 week #5

Evening stroll

"Rabbits"- With subgroup of children No. 12

Target: To teach children to jump on two legs, moving forward, crawl under the legs of chairs, develop dexterity, confidence.

Junior group.

Walk 17.

observation. "What does spruce have"

Target: show that the spruce has a trunk, the branches are covered with needles. There are many of them, they are small, green, prickly. The branches on the spruce are different: at the bottom - large sprawling, at the top - small, rare. Spruce - slender beautiful tree it looks like a pyramid.

Methodical methods: The teacher invites the children to find the trunk, touch it with their hands, show the branches, and depict their size with their hands. Children walk around the Christmas tree, admiring its harmony and beauty. Having placed the children at a distance, the teacher himself depicts the triangular shape of the spruce with his hands, says that it looks like a toy pyramid (shows a specially prepared toy), invites the children to show the shape of the spruce with his hands.

Labor activity

Shoveling snow with a shovel.

Purpose: to teach to work together, to achieve the goal by common efforts.

Individual work Movement development.

Purpose: to teach to throw snowballs into the distance.

Outdoor games

Purpose: to teach the rules of turn in the game, requiring the same actions with one common object. "Who will run to the flag faster?". Purpose: to teach to perform actions strictly on the signal of the teacher.

Remote material

Shovels, scoops, panicles, buckets, molds for snow, oilcloths for skiing, red and blue flags.

An evening walk.

Weather monitoring

Expand your understanding of the signs of nature on a frosty day. Frost pinches cheeks, nose, draws patterns on glass.

Imitation game"Flew, circled like snowflakes"

Develop fantasy.

Independent games with remote material. To make a snowman.

Junior group.

Walk 18.

Observation"Let's help the Christmas tree - it's alive"

Target: To cultivate a caring attitude towards a tree using the example of spruce: to show how snow is shaken off when there is a lot of it, so that it does not break the branches with its weight; how they sprinkle the trunk with snow to make the roots warmer.

Methodical methods: Leading the children to the spruce, the teacher offers to greet her, admire not her beauty: “Spruce is not a person - she cannot speak, but we will say hello, say kind words to her: our beauty, we came to look at you and take care of you. Let's shake off the snow from your paws so that the roots do not freeze. ”The teacher himself carefully shakes off the snow, the children help to throw it under the Christmas tree.

Labor activity

Shoveling snow with shovels, clearing the path.

Purpose: to teach to work together, to achieve goals by common efforts

Individual work: drawings in the snow.

Goal: imagination, develop interest in drawing, develop fine motor skills of hands

Outdoor games

“I catch birds on the fly” (Russian folk). Goals:

    learn to act quickly on a signal;

    run without bumping into each other.
    "Hit the target"

Purpose: to exercise in throwing at the target, to develop dexterity.

Remote material

Shovels, brooms, scrapers, sleds.

An evening walk

Observation behind the freshly fallen snow. To develop in children the ability to notice the unusual in nature: freshly fallen snow, its whiteness, temperature. Arouse interest in snow as unusual material- traces remain in the snow, you can draw on it. Show the children how the snow scatters with a wave of the hand, teach them to find traces of people and their own, traces of a dog, a bird, not necessarily all at once - you can wait until the next observation. Learn how to use snow seals. Learn to notice the beauty in the environment. After observation, children can be offered non-sharp sticks and seals for self-drawing in the snow.

P/Game. « Snow targets »Make targets out of snow. Show the children how to make snowballs and throw them at targets.


Junior group.

Walk 19.

Observation"Comparison of a live and toy Christmas tree"

Target: Show the difference between a live spruce and an artificial Christmas tree (a live one grows, it stands in one place, its roots go deep into the ground, it smells good, it is beautiful from frost and snow; an artificial Christmas tree was made at the factory, it looks like live spruce- she also has a trunk, branches and needles, but she does not smell, does not grow, she can be carried and put in any place, dressed up with Christmas decorations - then she will become beautiful; An artificial Christmas tree, unlike a live one, does not crumble.

Methodical methods: The teacher for observation takes that artificial Christmas tree, which will then stand in the group. Putting it next to the live one, he invites the children to look at both Christmas trees, find a table, branches, touch it with their bare hands, stroke their paws and sniff the needles. He names the differences between them, asks to repeat after him, Draws attention to the beauty of a living spruce: it is green, clearly visible in the snow, it is decorated with frost and snow flakes; she sparkles in the sun, is very beautiful, it is pleasant to stand near her and look at her. artificial christmas tree can be grouped and decorated New Year's toys She will also be beautiful, but in a different way.

Labor activity

Construction of a snow bed.

Purpose: to teach to shovel snow with shovels in a certain place.

Individual work: acquaintance with a cat.

Purpose: to form ideas about pets, what benefits they bring to people, exercise in the pronunciation of onomatopoeia, develop memory, speech, form ideas about right ways interactions with animals.

Outdoor games

"Sparrows and the car".

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the rules of the road.

"Who will jump better?".

Objectives: to teach to correlate their own actions with the actions of the participants in the game;

    reinforce the ability to jump.

Remote material

Dolls dressed for the weather, emblem masks.

An evening walk

observation. Pay attention to the beauty of the winter landscape (it is white all around, the snow sparkles in the sun, the sky is blue). Note which sun (dim, bright, covered with clouds). Remember what it was like yesterday.

P/Game"My cheerful sonorous ball."

The goal is to teach children to jump on two legs, listen carefully to the text and run away only when the last words are spoken. Game progress:

My cheerful ringing ball

Where did you run off to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Don't chase you!

Work. Clean the feeders, fill the feed.

Junior group.

Walk 20.

Pine watching.

Target: to form an idea of ​​​​the features of a pine by which it can be distinguished from other trees, to develop observation, to cultivate a respect for nature.

Bring the children to the pine. Draw their attention to characteristics.

Instead of leaves, needles are always green, the branches are long at the bottom, short at the top. In winter, only the pine stands green. Offer to walk all over the territory orphanage and find a pine.

You can always find her in the forest

Go for a walk and meet.

It is prickly, like a hedgehog,

In winter in a summer dress

Labor activity

Clearing the area from snow.

    teach how to use a shovel correctly, carry snow for construction, help comrades in performing labor activities;

    bring the job to the end.

Individual work: onomatopoeia exercise “How does the car honk? »

Purpose: to teach to distinguish and name transport, to develop coherent speech skills, to cultivate activity in communication.

Outdoor games

"On a flat path."

Objectives: - - to learn to walk on a low beam;

    jump off by bending your knees.
    "Who will make fewer jumps?".
    Objectives: - to learn to jump with giant steps;

    start the game at the signal of the teacher.

Remote material

Shovels, whisks, stretchers, molds for snow, oilcloths for skiing, pencils.

An evening walk

observation. Note that the trees shed their leaves for the winter. Explain that on frosty days the branches of trees and bushes are very fragile, break easily, so they must be protected, not broken, not knocked on the trunk.


The goal is to teach children to run arcs behind each other, making complex turns, maintain balance, not interfere with the arcs of a friend and not push the runner in front.

Game progress: Various winding lines are drawn on the playground, children run along them.

Work. Clean the feeders, fill the feed. Shovel the snow to the trunks of the bushes in the area.

Walk No. 1 "Watching the snow"

Target: continue to acquaint children with a natural phenomenon - snow.

Progress of observation

Take the kids out for a walk and take a good look around. What did you notice? Everything is covered in white snow. The snow sparkles in the sun, even the eyes hurt. Invite the children to walk in the snow and listen to how it creaks. Maybe he is “outraged” that we walk on him and trample him? Or maybe he "tells" us about something? Listen to the children's stories.

It snowed, it snowed, and then I got tired ...

- What, snow, snow-snowball, on earth have you become?

- For winter crops I became a feather bed,

For pines - lace feather bed,

For bunnies it became - a downy pillow,

For kids - their favorite game.

Labor activity

Clearing a path covered with snow.

Target: to learn how to use a spatula correctly, to bring the work started to the end.

Outdoor games

"One is two."

Target: when moving in pairs, learn to balance your movements with the movements of your partner.

"Who will run to the flag faster?".

Target: learn to overcome obstacles while running.

Remote material

Shovels, sledges, oilcloths for skiing.

Walk No. 2 "Observation of the sky"


- to continue acquaintance with various natural phenomena;

- to teach to distinguish the states of the sky (clear, cloudy, overcast, clouds, clouds).

Progress of observation

Invite the children to look at the sky. Note how it is (clean, blue), which means that the weather is clear, sunny. And if the sky is covered with clouds, what is it like? (Gloomy, grey, joyless.) What's the weather like? (Cloudy.) And if the wind blows, what will happen to the clouds? (The wind will disperse them, the weather will change, and we will see the sun.)

The winds are blowing, the winds are violent,

The clouds are moving, the clouds are clear.

Labor activity

Shoveling snow with shovels, clearing the playground.

Target: to learn to work together, to achieve the goal by common efforts.

mobile game

"Catch the plane."

Target: learn to run fast at the signal of the teacher, without looking back.

Remote material

Shovels, scoops, buckets, stretchers, paper plane.

Walk No. 3 "Observation of passing vehicles"


- fix the names of the parts of the car (body, cab, wheels, steering wheel);

- note a wide variety of machines, their purpose;

- educate respect for work.

Progress of observation

When going for a walk, pay attention to the food truck standing near the kitchen, note its main parts and purpose - it brings food to the kindergarten. Next, watch the passing vehicles. What cars? Cars and trucks. Trucks, their purpose. What goods are transported by trucks? What cars do you know? Their purpose. Why do we need buses? (To transport passengers around the city.) And there are also special cars. Invite the children to name them. (“Ambulance”, fire, police, street watering machine.) Tell about their purpose. Ask whose dad works as a driver.

On the street of our car, car -

Small cars, big cars.

Trucks rush, trucks snort,

Hurry, rush, as if alive.

Every car has things to do and worries

Cars go to work in the morning.

Labor activity

Building a road from snow, playing with cars in compliance with the rules of the road.


mobile game

"We are chauffeurs."


- to consolidate knowledge about the work of the driver;

- learn to navigate the terrain.

Remote material

Shovels, buckets, molds, cars.

Walk number 4. Observation "Footprints in the snow"

Target: continue training in identifying footprints in the snow: children's, adults, bird and animal footprints.

Progress of observation

All around lies white, fluffy snow, walking on which you leave footprints. In the footsteps you can find out who walked, rode, there were birds or animals here. Consider the traces with the children on the site, determine whose they are. Invite the children to leave their footprints in the snow, compare the footprints of an adult and a child.

Labor activity

Decoration of the site with snow cakes.

Target: learn to tightly fill a form with snow, knock snow out of it, decorate snow ramparts.

Outdoor games


Target: teach jumping on two legs with advancement forward by 2-3 m.

"Fox in the chicken coop"

Target: exercise in running, the ability to act on the signal of the teacher.

Remote material

Shovels, emblems for games, molds, oilcloths for skiing.

Walk number 5 "Observation of the bullfinch"


- to consolidate children's knowledge about bird habits, their appearance;

- make you want to take care of birds.

Progress of observation

Go out with the children for a walk, go up to the mountain ash, show the bullfinch.

He does not suffer from colds, he is not afraid of winter blizzards.

And by winter it does not fly away to the distant sultry south.

Let snow cover piles and hillocks and wasteland,

Glad handsome red-breasted - a resident of the North - a bullfinch.

Mark what a beautiful bullfinch. (Black head, red breast.) Put rowan berries in the feeder. Watch how it deals with berries: it pecks out the seeds, and throws the pulp to the ground. Birds are cold and hungry in winter, so you need to take care of them, protect them.

Labor activity

Clearing the area from snow.

Target: learn to work together, help each other.

Outdoor games

"Find us."


- fix the names of objects on the site;

- learn to navigate the terrain.

"Giants are dwarfs."


- improve walking technique, achieve a clear wide step;

- learn to navigate in space.

Remote material

Shovels, molds, scoops.

Walk No. 6 "Observation of the roadway"


- to consolidate knowledge about the carriageway of the road - highway;

- mark a wide variety of cars, their names;

- to form an idea of ​​the rules of the road.

Progress of observation

Together with the children, make an excursion to the carriageway and watch the movement of cars. Explain that the kindergarten and houses can be located next to the main road. This is a highway.

Like a river, the avenue is wide,

There is a stream of cars here.

Ask the children what cars are on the highway. Trucks and cars - their purpose. To draw the attention of children to the fact that drivers strictly follow the rules of the road. On ice, vehicles move slowly for safety reasons.

Labor activity

Shoveling snow in a certain place, cleaning paths on the site, feeding birds.


- to teach cleanliness and order;

- Strengthen the ability to work in a team.

Outdoor games



- exercise in loose running;

- learn to navigate in space.

"Obstacle Track"


- learn to coordinate movements with each other;

- develop an eye.

Remote material

Shovels, traffic light model, cars, dolls.

Walk No. 7 "Watching icicles"


- to acquaint with various natural phenomena;

- show the variety of water conditions in environment.

Progress of observation

What grows upside down? (Icicle.) Pay attention that icicles form on sunny side. Why? On the south side, the snow melts and flows down in droplets, the icicles do not have time to fall and freeze. An icicle grows in frosty weather, and decreases in warm weather. The icicles begin to cry. Find a place where droplets drip. How is it different from neighboring areas? Where did the word "drop" come from?

An icicle is a frozen drop of water that has turned into ice. Offer to look around through the icicle.

Did the children sit on the ledge and grow all the time down? (Icicles.) Why do icicles "grow" with their tip down? When a droplet flows down the icicle, falls down, it seems to stretch out, and the tip becomes thin.

Playful icicles sat on the ledge,

Playful icicles looked down.

Tired of them hanging down, they began to throw droplets.

The whole day goes ringing: “Drip-drip-drip! Don-don-don!"

Labor activity

Snow removal from paths.

Target: learn to work together, help each other.

Target: improve coordination of movements.

Remote material

Shovels, molds, buckets.

Walk No. 8 "Observation of the mountain ash"

Target: expand knowledge about wildlife.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions.

What is this tree? (Rowan.)

What is the tree worth? (Beautiful, the leaves fell off, clusters of red berries remained hanging.)

What are the benefits of rowan? (Birds are fed with its fruits in winter.)

These stones are ruby

And rowan berries

On the hills and on the plains

Dress brushes on mountain ash.

Labor activity

Garbage collection on site.


- teach to keep the area clean and tidy;

- Encourage adults to help.

Outdoor games



- exercise in running, actions at the signal of the educator;

- to cultivate dexterity.

"Find where it's hidden."


- learn to navigate in space;

- educate attention.

Remote material

Balls, cars, buckets, hoops, scooters, reins.

Walk number 9 "Signs of early spring"


- to consolidate knowledge about the time of year;

- to study the signs of early spring.

Progress of observation

On a sunny March day, pay attention to the signs of spring: the bright dazzling sun, sky high, light white clouds. On the south side, in the sun, the snow melts, and icicles appear. The snow has become loose and wet - you can sculpt from it. Sparrows chirp merrily and jump in the snow.

Soon, soon to be warm -

This news is the first

Drumming on glass

Willow with a gray paw.

We are tired of winter, leave the winter itself!

In March the sun bakes, in March water flows from the roofs,

And the snowdrop blossomed on time - our very first flower.

Good March, warm the whole world, you are sweeter of all months!

Labor activity

Clearing paths from snow on the site, snow removal on the veranda.


Outdoor games

Target: to consolidate repulsion skills when jumping on two legs.

"Jump - turn around."

Target: learn to quickly perform actions at the signal of the teacher.

Remote material

Shovels, molds, buckets.

Walk No. 10 "Observation of birch and spruce"


- expand children's ideas about trees;

- educate the desire to protect and protect nature.

Progress of observation

Thin birch, small in stature,

Like a teenager, she has pigtails!

The tree has grown remarkably in a year!

How curly, how white!

A beauty lives in the forest, green, prickly.

Under New Year smartly come into our room.

You will always find me in the forest

You go for a walk and you will meet:

I stand prickly like a hedgehog

In winter in a summer dress.

Labor activity

Shoveling snow, clearing the playground.


- continue to teach how to properly carry snow for construction;

- to form a desire to help comrades in the performance of labor activities.

Outdoor games

"Who will run faster to the birch?".


- learn to run without bumping into each other;

- act quickly on the signal of the teacher.

"On a flat path."


— learn to walk on a low boom;

- jump, bending your knees.

Remote material

Shovels, stretchers, scrapers, snow molds, sleds.

Walk number 11 "Observation of the work of the janitor"


- continue to educate respect for the work of adults;

- Learn to help others.

Progress of observation

Draw the attention of children to the cleaned area. Tell them about the features of the janitor's work, its need for people. Encourage children to keep clean.

Labor activity

Clearing sites from freshly fallen snow.


- teach children to help adults;

- teach the correct skills of working with the shoulder blades;

- to consolidate the ability to clean up inventory after work to its original place.

Outdoor games

"Horses", "Find yourself a mate."

Target: exercise in running, develop endurance and agility.

Remote material

Shovels, scrapers, sleds, reins, seals, pencils, flags, panicles.

Walk No. 12 "Observation of nature"

Target: when meeting trees, learn to gradually memorize them, find features name the individual parts.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children a riddle, offers to answer questions. Girlfriends fled along the edge In white dresses. (Birches.)

Why do you think that these are birches?

What color is the birch trunk?

How do branches hang from a birch?

What are the benefits of birch?

Labor activity

Tidying up the site.

Target: teach to be careful.

Outdoor games

"Catch up with a couple."

Target: to train children in fast running.


Target: practice throwing at a distance.

Remote material

Panicles, shovels, scrapers, sleds, oilcloths.

Walk No. 13 "Observation of bullfinches and waxwings"


- to deepen and replenish knowledge about the life of birds in winter period;

- make you want to take care of them.

Progress of observation

Red-breasted bullfinches and waxwings appeared on the trees. They fly in flocks. Taiga residents, they leisurely peel ash seeds, rowan fruits. Consider and find the difference in birds. (Males of bullfinches are bright, females are gray, inconspicuous.)

Black-winged, clear-breasted

And find shelter in the winter.

He is not afraid of a cold,

With the first snow right there.

Labor activity

Construction of a snow rampart.

Target: learn to shovel snow with shovels in a certain place.

Outdoor games

"Bird flight".


- exercise in climbing;

- develop motor activity.

"Find where it's hidden."

Target: learn to navigate in space.

Remote material

Shovels, panicles, buckets, stretchers.

Walk No. 14 "Watching the trees on a frosty day"


- expand knowledge about flora;

- cultivate love for nature.

Progress of observation

Come to the willow tree. Explain to the children that on frosty days the branches of bushes and trees are very fragile, break easily, so they must be protected: do not hit the trunk with a shovel, do not run into the sled, do not play close to the trunk. Invite the children to see if there is green grass under the snow? Dig up the snow. Remind that if there is a lot of snow on the branches of trees, it must be shaken off, otherwise the branches may break off.

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