We decide how to make a fence from the tree. The device of a beautiful fence made of wood than to cover the stakenat on the cottage

The buildings 17.06.2019
The buildings

Last year Fashion by wooden buildings leads to the fact that increasingly developers think that the metal fence may not best Solutions. From the point of view of durability, maybe yes, but from the point of view of aesthetics, it is inferior to wood. The wooden fence somewhat lost its popularity due to their short life: wood, with constant exposure to the sun and water, quickly destroys. To increase the service life, protective covering In the form of paint you have to repeat. With a lot of length, it takes a lot of time and requires a considerable amount of paint. This problem has become less acute, since the recently emerged new antiseptics make it possible to extend the service life of the fence, as well as ensure the durability of staining for several years. Different period - from 2-3 years, up to 5-7. It depends on the type of antisepting impregnation and the manufacturer, but it is not difficult to find "long-playing": in any more or less large store.

And these impregnations do not paint wood texture: All accommodation can be seen. They simply change the color, as a rule, to the darker. Such a fence of wood looks solid and rich. Even a simple stakenik, and not an easy, and suppressed.

What is important to put wooden fence You can alone in your own hands, if necessary, even without attracting assistants. It is also important: a significant part of the work is to prepare wood - it is not possible to spend on the spot, but, say, in the garage or workshop. And start it long before the start of construction. For example, from autumn to spring, and the construction itself starts already with the established warm weather.

The tree is a very plastic material and the simplest thing you can make it so that it will look like a work of art. This is true for fences. If you wish, you can make such a "candy", which is expensive to see. Constructs of wooden fences are several.


The most simple is a stakenik. This set edged board Or slats the same, as a rule, the widths that are nailed vertically to two or more transverse guides.

Wooden fence diagram from vertically nailed boards - stakenice

Different can the form of the top. Heat floor 90 ° is the easiest option, but not the best, and not only from the point of view of aesthetics. The top of such a stakeholdy, even painted, is subjected to intensely exposed moisture, as a result, the coating in this place is destroyed first. And wood pores in perpendicular sleep remain open. Rain, fog, melting snow / ice absorb them, which leads to the destruction of wood. To avoid this, the spill of the tops is not gender 90, but at 45 °. If you look at such a board in the profile, the top will be bevelled (see the picture below).

The distance between two neighboring stakes is chosen at your request. It is possible to make a solid fence that configuring one to the other close, it is possible - translucent, leaving the gap of 1-2 cm, and you can completely transparent - with a large distance equal to the width of the boards or even more. Such options are popular for internal fences that are more designed to separate zones and mark the boundaries than to protect something. For outdoor fences, which are usually selected, usually solid installation, can - with a very small distance so that the boards do not "bump into" wet weather.

Add diversity drunk tops. They can be sharpened in different ways - with rounded riding, in the form of peak, triangles, trapecies. All this is B. different versions and combinations.

Rounded top - the most popular thing is already the openwork fence, but decorative - exactly the tops in the form of lilies - beautiful will be the fence of peaks and triangles - in combination and independently

Some even do really works of art: a carved fence requires a big perfection. The work is painstaking, but the result is worth it.

Carved slats of the fence - Beauty beauty - a carved fence of wood

Make curly tops faster and easier using a template. Cut the sample from the plywood sheet, bring it to the perfect state. Then, on this templates cut all the others. You can cut with a jigsaw or on a milling machine.

Lobzik for such a case you can buy. All the same, even taking into account this article, the flow rate will be cheaper than buying ready-made carved stakes. The minus here is that time leaves a lot, and one and stakeholdy are different: it is a little right to go to the right, then a little left. The edges will still have to handle the sandpaper.

Buy the milling machine, if you do not plan to use it, unprofitable. And those who have he already have, can buy a floating head cutter and make a figured stakenik with its help. The height of the cutting part of the cutter is equal to the thickness of the board, which will be processed, and the head rests on the template.

In both cases, you will have to somehow fix the template on the workpiece. It can be done with thin nails or sticking the bilateral scotch on the template.

But if you approach the process creatively, you can even make a beautiful wooden fence from smooth thin slats: navigating at different angles.

Even easier made the authors of this wooden stakenik: they didn't only make altitude, emphasizing the relief to the slate brought from above. This, by the way, is the second way to significantly increase the life of a wooden fence - the plank is overlapped with water to the most vulnerable open transverse sections). Also, the nonlinearity is attached to the barn of the frame in the form of a frame, and the wood inside is painted in more light color. Agree, original.

Fence of wood "Chess" or "Chess"

In fact, it is one of the subspecies of the stakeholder. The boards are stamped alternately with one, then on the other side of the transverse crossbar. It turns out an interesting volumetric look.

Installation principle Staketin in the "Chess" fence or chess

If you look at such a fence exactly on the contrary, it looks like a deaf if there is a sideline, then at a certain angle there will be some part of the courtyard is visible through the gap. The degree of transparency is regulated by the name of one plank, for another. It can be done so that the viewability will be zero. For example, with a strip width of 10 cm, the distance between them is not more than 6 cm. Here, no matter, nothing can be seen. Disadvantage - high wood consumption. But very beautiful fences are obtained, especially in combination with brick or stone pillars and figurine-made tops.

Chess on the base - Looks like a fence gorgeous

Make from checker and horizontal fences. But here you need to keep in mind that this fence is very convenient to climb: boards, like steps. True, any fence is not such a serious obstacle. Rather, he is protected from curious eyes than from serious attempts.

Wooden fence - horizontal chess

Watching such "chess" is decent and solid. Pillars can be any: metal, wooden, stone, concrete. If you put metal pillars, they are made from a profile thick-walled pipe (3 mm). Above the level of land with the front and back side is sewn by boards (to the columns with bolts or self-drawing), which are more profile width: they should perform 3-6 cm. Thus, we obtain the guides in which the boards are inserted. The boards are then fastened from the inside to the posters.

Fence "Fir-tree"

Another type of horizontal fence is called the Christmas tree. Named so because the boards are stacked on close one to the other, but with the nas' located below. The profile looks like a Christmas tree, as children paint it.

Wooden fences "Fir-tree" create a solid coating

For such a fence, climb is more complicated. Please note that there is a protective visor from above. It protects the most vulnerable part of the fence, much extended its life, as well as handling the time of the next painting. After all, usually at the top and bottom coverage is the most damaged. From below, this fence is protected by the base, on top - visor.

Wooden fences "Blinds"

From the above described above the fact that the boards do not fit one to another. They are fixed at an angle, but with some gap. This type of fence does not create a solid wall and the courtyard can be viewed, although it will be necessary to sit down or even lie down - depends on the angle of inclination.

Fence called "Blinds" - Looking at its device, you will understand why

This type of fence is very uneconomical - wood consumption is usually large. Complicated and assembly: Under each board, mount a bar (corner) or stamping in the post.

But with such a construction is ensured good ventilation Plot. This is important if the climate or the area is wet. We will not install a solid fence: there will be a puddle and dirt in the yard will never dry.

Playboard bracket - beautiful fence

Unusually looks like a fencing made of bends between the colls of the boards. They are intertwined between the columns by the type of traditional whites. Just make it from long boards.

Fence "Braided" from the board

Most often they are in horizontal performance. The junctions are smaller and bending long spans is easier.

There are also vertical braid. To give them a complete view, the planks are nourished at the top and below - they hold the edges of the boards, and protect them from bad weather.

How to make such beauty, look in the video. It is really easy, but the power is required decent.

Gold fences

From thin, and not very, slats make a variety of lattices: with different angles, the location of the planks, etc. These oscillate fences are more likely a decorative role and are used or for fencing inside - Water Thief, in the garden - or for the front entrance - to designate the boundaries, but not to close the beauty.

The fence from the wooden slats lattice "into the cage" the lattice fence from the boards - the double planks seriously looks - it is interesting to look like such a lattice fence

Photo of beautiful fences

Just the diva is given: what kind of beauty people can do from a piece of wood. Really beautiful. And some, while not very complex.

Maybe someone will inspire these photos of old wooden fences, they will be able to repeat ...

Adhesive beauty ...

Fence is reliable way Restrictions on free access to your territory. So that your fence served for a long time, you need to know how to paint it right.

Each host who is engaged in construction work In the country or in country house, the question will arise: how to paint an old wooden fence?

So that the coating was resistant and attached to the shine and gloss fence, you need to choose suitable compounds For staining of a wooden surface.

Selecting paint

What kind of paint is best suitable for staining of the hedge? If the question is relevant, the cheaper to paint the fence, then first of all it is worth seeking multicomponent or acrylic dyes.

Their advantages:

  • Acrylic dyes Resistant to high temperatures and severe frost. If you paint the fence of such paint, then you can be sure that in the bubble cold or in the heat at 40 ° C, the appearance of the fence will not deteriorate. In addition, acrylic paint will perfectly cope with such a task like painting a wooden fence from a stakenice;
  • Multicomponent dyes They boast high resistance to sediments. Rain, snow or hail - a fence painted by a multicomponent composition, stealing all weather phenomena;
  • Reliability and durability. The service life of acrylic paint is up to five years, multicomponent paint will serve a little less (three or four years). Thanks to this, you can for a long time and cheaply provide a presentable appearance of the site.

Important! If you regularly tint the surface of the fence, then the service life of acrylic paint can increase to 10 years!

It is very good if the painting of a wooden fence will be performed using a varnish. It is expensive, but it provides a high degree of wood protection and perfectly emphasizes its structure.

The varnish is resistant to temperature differences and precipitation, and due to its transparency, it will give the tree a beautiful shine.

If the question is that the better to paint the wooden fence does not tolerate deletions, then pay attention to the impregnation. She attaches very beautiful view Wood, and also protects it well from bugs, precipitation and other negative external influences.

Impregnation is easy to make yourself. Its simplest view is an ordinary engine or transformer oil.

Note! For painting the fence is better not to use oil paints, enamel and other, not intended for wood processing compositions. They will not protect the tree from external influence, in addition, after some time, such paint for painting will raise and the surface of the fence will not be too beautiful.

Preparation for painting

  • Before starting painting your fence, make sure that its surface is absolutely smooth, without roughness and jar. If there are traces of old paint on the surface, remove them. This will help you emery, warm water with soap, sponge and solvent.
  • After the entire surface of the fence is cleaned, proceed to additional grinding work. Grinding can be carried out in several ways.
  • With the help of a piece of paper specifically designed for this type. It will help remove the extra layers of paint, pollution, cope with irregularities on wood. And it will also help to clear the rusty metal details of the fence;
  • In the presence of chips, cracks, dents and other serious defects on the surface of the fence, then it will not work out without primer. Apply it to the entire surface of the fence, and after it hardens, you can start a putty.
  • After spending, it will be worth it again emery paper Wood to progress and ensure one hundred percent good result.

Painting of fence

Before you start painting the surface, take care of protection respiratory tract And skin. Many dyes when entering the skin can cause strong irritation, and inhalation of paint vapors can be dangerous to human health and life.

Therefore, when carrying out work, use gloves and a protective mask.

Also for carrying out work we will need:

  • Brush;
  • Paint;
  • Kraspopult;
  • Roller;
  • Putty knife;
  • Brush with metal hairs;
  • Ordinary brush.

Everything painting work It is advisable to spend on weakless clear weather. However, it is also undesirable to paint into a strong heat, since in this case, the coating can dry too quickly and do not fully show its properties.

When painting, follow the "top down" method. That is, first should be processed top Out of the fence, and then its lower part.

Tip! When painting the bottom of the fence, put under the boards thin wooden barber. Thanks to him, the brush will not get dark about the ground, and you can complete the work with comfort.

Having finished the entire fence of the first paint layer, leave the fence to dry on the day. After that, you can continue to work and apply the second layer if it is necessary. Also carefully read the surface of the fence on the subject of chips, painting defects, stains, etc.

Cost of painting

Any owner will be interested in the question: how much will it cost him painting a wooden fence with his own hands? And what will be the price of work, if you hire masters from the company offering your services.

There is no unambiguous answer to this question. It all depends on the region in which you live, the value of the materials necessary for painting and the volume of work. But approximately estimate.

  • Suppose you decided to paint the fence yourself. In this case, you save on the services of employees and pay only for materials. Then the painting will cost you from 500 to 2000 rubles, depending on the cost of consumables..
  • When calling specialists, you pay in addition to their work also tool with consumables (If they provide them), as well as the cost of gasoline spent on the passage. Typically, payment is calculated on the basis of what the price is painting per M2. On average, the painting of the whole fence will cost you from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles. You can find out the final cost of work from a specialist who will come to you and appreciate the front of the upcoming work.

Fencing - important element any plot. With the help of the fence designated boundaries between land plots owned. In its type and type of fence, there are various from wooden to concrete, sheet and forged. Fencing built of stone and metal can stand for a long period.
Wooden fence weak and not resistant to different external natural factors. Under influence ambient In a short period of time, it may come into disrepair (losing your color, glance). Wooden fence from staketin needs additional protection, with the help of which it can be protected from the penetration of moisture, temperature fluctuations and ultraviolet sun ray Under the influence of which the wood begins to burn out, darken, and the fibers are breathing and cracking. In addition, additional protection against insects (coroed) will also need, pending bacteria due to which wood also loses its strength and destroys.

But how to be lovers of old traditions, those who love the fence from White Staketin and not only. Of course you should not give up such a pretty fence as wooden stakenik.

The technology of production of paint materials on the tree today has enough good tools Wood protection OT. external factors. But the manufacturers of paints have enough and the usual one is difficult to make right choice.

Select paint for wooden fence

Choosing paint for painting Stakenika It is necessary to take into account the physical characteristics, its toxicity is as safe, its consumption, requirements for the surface of the stainable material.

Paints for wooden fence are:

Oil paints Previously, it was sufficiently popular, but today is already irrelevant, since it has their rather mines. Basically, there is an oil that is unable to penetrate dry wood, and only forms a certain shell on top. But the paint justified himself only on short term Services for a maximum of 2-3 years. Since unstable to environmental impacts. After time, the paint loses his bright color, becomes flexible and cracks that it requires re-staining again.
Bituminous paints Designed for staining of those places that can come into contact with the Earth. For example, wooden pillars that are bought into the ground, their lower part must be covered with such paint.
In general for wooden fences coatings There are two types of paint - it stone and fastener. The differences between them are that the first fully hides the original color of the wood, and the second retains the texture and shade of the painted wood.
Very often for painting wooden fences apply acrylic paints especially for wooden surfaces.
To preserve the natural color of the tree. Then suitable construction glaze, or varnish on a tree.
Antiseptics Characterized by such a ability to penetrate into the wood a few millimeters. In its composition and physical characteristics Antiseptics perfectly protect the wooden stakenik from moisture and rot.

The most common coloring compositions are such as: Belinka Toplazure, Pinotex Ultra, Ticcurila Color, Olympus Omikron Max.

Preparation of the surface of a wooden fence to painting

Before as color wooden stakenik, It is necessary to prepare its surface. When updating the old stakenik, it is important to remove dirt, dust, along with them and old paint. What can be done with a scraper, grinders and sandpaper. When installing a new fence, it is also recommended to go through its surface with grinding or sandpaper, so that the surface becomes more even and smooth. When the irregularities are detected on the surface, to hide them, you can apply a putty after applying the primer, and sand up again. At the end of the stripping, the wooden fence to handle the antiseptic, it penetrates the structure of the wood and protects against moisture and rot.

How best to paint wooden stakenatnik

If a wooden fence Completely subject to replacement, then the stakenik is better to paint before installing in place. In a lying position paint Staketina Finished for installation will be easier, stakeholders ready to paint can be put on goats and start painting. Paint wooden fence better Tassel made of natural hair, with such a tassel, paint will fall smoothly without bands, if there is a pulp or roller, you can and them. Color wooden stakenik better From all sides so that with moisture precipitation does not penetrate the wood. Painting Staketina is recommended in two layers. The first layer is applied primer having an alkyd acrylic composition, and the second layer of paint. With this method of painting, the stakenik will last at least 15 years.

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With the choice of paint for the fence sooner or later, you have to face all owners of cottages and country houses. It is necessary to approach it responsibly, since not only the appearance of the fence depends on the paint coating, but also its durability. To help in this matter, then we will look at what kinds of fences and which paintwork can be used.


First of all I must say that paint and varnish coatingswhich are equally well suited for materials of all types, does not exist. Therefore, it is impossible to recommend some one universal paint. In addition, when choosing, it is necessary to navigate on your own preferences, because the paints exist glossy, matte, translucent, preserving surface texture, etc.

Therefore, we consider the most common coloring compositions that can be painted the fences of the following types:

  • wooden;
  • metal;
  • brick, concrete and slate.

After reading all their species, everyone will be able to decide whether it is better to paint the fence in one way or another.

Wooden fence

Most often for wooden fences, the following types of coatings are used:

  • oil paints;
  • water dispersive;
  • fasteners.

Below will read the features of all these compositions.

Oil paints

Oil colors are enough universal coatings, which have not yet been used so long ago everywhere for external work and inland. True, with the advent of other paint and varnishes on the market, their popularity has decreased.

The main advantage of oil paints is low cost.

They are the cheapest paint and varnish coating, in addition, possess other some advantages:

  • good shelterness;
  • have a saturated color;
  • form a smooth glossy or matte film on the surface.

At the same time, possess many flaws:

  • are toxic and have a sharp unpleasant odor;
  • long dry;
  • dragless, prone to cracking and peeling. At best, the service life is several years;
  • fur in the sun.

Below are the prices of oil paints from some manufacturers:

Note! The durability of any paintwork depends not only on its characteristics, but also compliance with the technology of application. Painting instructions are usually on the package.

Alkyd enamel

Alkid enamels are a good choice for wooden fences. They provide its surface with a glossy or matte film with a saturated color.

The basis of these coatings is the pentafthalian varnish, so they have the following advantages:

  • high elasticity and strength;
  • durability;
  • resistance to temperature differences and frosts;
  • resistance to the effects of sun rays;
  • good shelterness;
  • when applied form smooth surfaceThanks to which such paint is easy to paint the fence with your own hands.

As for the shortcomings, it is possible to distinguish the presence of a sharp smell, since the White Spirit is most often used as a solvent. However, the painting of the fence is carried out on the street, so this process does not cause special discomfort.

The cost of alkyd enamel is higher:

Water dispersive

Recently, gained great popularity water-dispersion paints. In contrast to all the above compositions, they form a thinner film on the surface, as a result of which the texture of the tree does not hide. In this case, as a rule, form a matte surface.

These paints have a lot of advantages:

  • there are no smell and are environmentally friendly, since water is used as a solvent;
  • dried over a few hours;
  • are elastic and strong enough;
  • resistant to different negative factors ambient, such as frost, ultraviolet radiation, etc.;
  • corree, which allows you to get any color or shade.

Among the shortcomings of these colors, only their high cost can be distinguished. This is especially true of latex and silicone compounds that are the most durable. However, even acrylic coatings It is more expensive than the above paints and varnish coatings:

Note! When choosing paint, you should pay attention to the type of surface for which it is intended, as well as on the area of \u200b\u200bits use. The fact is that the coating intended for internal work, Quickly come into disrepair.


However, it is best to use coatings on a synthetic basis for outdoor work:

  • polyurethane;
  • alkyd;
  • alkyd-urethane.

They possess all the same properties as ordinary paints on a synthetic basis. As for the cost of these paints, some rates are given below:

Metal fence


Choosing than painting iron fenceFirst of all, attention should be paid to the soil, which protects the metal from corrosion, as well as external negative influences. These compositions are different types:

Type of soil Features
Insulating Provides on metal surface Protective film that protects moisture and oxygen.

The most common insulating primers in the metal are the following compositions:

  • alkyd GF-021. The cost of this soil is within 50 - 200 rubles per liter, depending on the manufacturer;
  • epoxy Soil EP. - The cost ranges from 70 to 250 rubles. for 1 L.
Passivating Lowings the electrochemical activity of the metal and slows down significantly corrosion.

The most common primers of this species are the following compositions:

  • FL-03K. - the price begins from 20 rubles. per 1 l;
  • GF-0119. - also from 20 rubles. for 1 L.
Corrosion inhibitors They are rather complex substances that suspend metal corrosion. The most common primer this type is EP-0180. Its value is ~ 100 rubles. for 1 L.
Rust converters Designed to apply to the surface affected by corrosion. As part of such primers, an orthophosphoric acid is contained, which, entering into a rust reaction, converts it to iron phosphates. In addition, a polymer protective coating is formed on the surface.

Tip! Often, homemade masters are interested in painting pillars for the fence? The lower part of them must be covered with bitumen mastics. The paint for the upper part is selected depending on the material from which the pillar is made.

Each of these primers has its own advantages, so you should choose with regard to the features of the surface of the fence.

If the soil enamel will be chosen as a primer composition, then the further painting of the fence is required. If the surface is covered with just soil, then for subsequent painting can be used polyurethane compositionswith whom we will read below. In addition, the metal fence can be covered alkyd enamels or oil paints.

Tip! Choosing than painting forged fence, You can stay on the soil of black color, on top of which the bronze paint with a semi-dry tassel is applied, which creates a scrap effect.

Polyurethane enamel

These paints and varnishes are made on the basis of polyurethane resins and diisocyanate hardeners.

The operational qualities of them are very high, in particular, the following advantages can be distinguished:

  • high resistance to mechanical effects;
  • durability;
  • resistance to atmospheric influences;
  • easily applied and form a uniform glossy film on the surface.

The disadvantages include toxicity in the process of applying and drying. In addition, the cost of these paints is quite high. Below are the prices of formulations from some manufacturers who are often found on the market:

Concrete and Brick Fences

Among the owners of country sites are popular with concrete eurofesters, which are most often sold unpainted. Therefore, after their acquisition of many people interests - how to paint eurosis? Excellent solution In this case, the facade water paints are.

These compositions have all the advantages as water-dispersive paintwork coatings intended for wood. Moreover, they can be used not only for concrete, but also for suther painting or even bricks.

As already mentioned above, the disadvantage of these compositions is the high cost. Therefore, you can take advantage of cheaper paints, for example, alkyd or epoxy. The latter serve as excellent protection for concrete surfaces, as for their value, it is within 150 to 550 rubles per 1 liter.

Note! Before painting a slate fence or concrete / brick fence, the surface should be treated with adhesive primer.

Here, in fact, all the most common types of coloring compositions that can be used for painting fences.


The choice of paint for the fence depends, above all, from the material from which it is made. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the cost of the coating, as well as its decorative and operational qualities with which we got acquainted above.

Additional information contains video in this article. If after reading the material you have any questions, ask them in the comments, and we will answer them with joy.

Wooden fences perfect option For those who prefer natural, environmentally friendly things and materials. Such fender structures are performed as a protective and decorative function.

The high demand for wooden fences is due to a wide selection of layout options for stakeniks, drawings on a tree fence, ease of installation, unpretentious when leaving and nevable price. Wooden fences give the site a special flavor and create a wide scope for design solutions.

Advantages and disadvantages

The following advantages of wooden fence structures are distinguished:

  1. Naturalness. Tree is an eco-friendly and natural material. It has a beautiful and neat appearance.
  2. Availability. All materials needed to build a fence from wood are presented in a wide range of low cost.
  3. Simple repair. Wooden fences Very easy to repair. The reason is that damaged items can be easily removed and replaced with new ones.

Disadvantages of wooden fences:

  1. Permanent care. Despite the preliminary treatment of wood with special impregnations, it is impossible to achieve its constant preservation. Such a fence from time to time will have to handle and tint.
  2. Tree, material suspended. Therefore, the owner must be closely following his fire safety. In order to reduce flammability, wood can be treated with special chemical compositions.

Types of wood fences

Depending on the material used, wooden fences are divided into:

  • fence;
  • chess;
  • network;
  • lattice;
  • palcol and woven.

Types of wooden fences

Fence from the stakenik

There are two column options: double-sided and one-sided. For the first still invented the name of the chess. The difference between them consists in the method of installation of rails. For bilateral, they are installed on both sides on the principle of a chessboard, and for one-sided - on one side of the carrier bar.

Speaking about the aesthetic side of these two options, two-way stakenik has a more attractive appearance than one-sided. In addition, for the latter, the chess is not viewed through.

Installation process:

  1. Set wooden supports at a distance of 1.5-2 m.
  2. Process part of the pillars immersed in the ground, bitumen mastic. Thus, it will be possible to extend the protection of the tree in the soil from rotting.
  3. Collect the fencing sections. Lay on a flat surface parallel to each other two vessels and nail the nails across them. Screw staketins using screws.
  4. Assembling Staketin provides for the use of bars, the dimensions of which are 20x40 mm. When installing, you need to monitor that the distance between them has always been the same. When installing double-sided staketin, the step between them must correspond to the width of the rail.
  5. The final stage of the construction of hedges from Staketin is installation of sections and fasteners between supports. The fastening process occurs by fixing them using odaketin. To do this, you need to fill bars on the columns strictly horizontally, and to the bars to nail stakes located at the edges.

You can use this design as a line of distinction between the plots. The wicket in such fences is made of those materials and serves as a common element of the design of the fence. Repair of the fence from the stakenant does not require special efforts, so all the work can be performed independently. By reference you can read.

Braided fence

The presented type of wooden fence in the design has significant differences compared with the previous one. In appearance, such a fence is similar to the wicker tight, which was actively used in ancient times for the fence of houses. Today, such a hedge has a form braided around the columns of the edged board.

Braided wooden fence

Choosing a wooden fence

As you have time to notice, there are many options for the wooden fence. Sometimes it is very difficult to determine which one is suitable for a particular case. If you rely on statistics, then most often, people resort to the construction of fence from the stakenik. For such a hedge, a particularly expensive tree breed is required. Painting of the fence can occur in any favorite color.

The process of applying paint

Before you go buying materials for painting wooden hedge, you need to perform a visual inspection of the fence. If multicolored spots are present on its surface, then this indicates the process of rotting. It is not necessary to do without processing with an antiseptic. Before this, the surface of the fence must be polished special machine. P a dialing of all pollution can be applied antiseptic (2 layers).

The process of applying paints on a wooden fence can be carried out by various paint compositions:

    1. On an oil basis. This option is in great demand today, but at the first frost, the coverage will give detachment.
    2. On acrylic basis. You can apply directly to the antiseptic.
    3. Transparent glaze and varnishes. This option is more suitable for natural connoisseurs.

Preparatory work

In order to increase the adhesion and material savings, the surface of the fence must be covered with primer. It is applied with a brush from a natural pile of small size.

After you can apply a lacquer coating. It is applied strictly in one direction of the varnishes thoroughly rubs. Then you can obtain a minimum thickness layer on the surface. As a result, the varnish will dry faster.

When the first layer is applied, you need to wait a day so that it is finally drying. Due to the lacquer coating, the surface of the fence has a natural shine and retains its color for a long time. Today, manufacturers offer the following variants of varnishes:

  • nitrocellulosic;
  • urethane;
  • dispersion;
  • polyurethane;
  • alkyd.

Most often painting of fences from wood is performed using alkyd varnishes. Such a wide demand for this product is associated with its high-quality characteristics. And in terms of environmental friendliness, such varnishes occupy a leading position.

Nitrolakes can also boast of their excellent qualities, but their substantial minus is high toxicity. It is not recommended to use them in the room. When working with nitrolacs, you need to wear a respirator.

For polyurethane varnish Characteristic high strength and resistance to mechanical exposure. For this reason, they can be applied even when processing musical equipment. For decoration can be installed. Also read about. Very good look.

Video with options for beautiful wooden fences.

If you want your wooden fence to please you with your beautiful external species, then go very responsible for the choice of paintwork and strictly follow painting technology. After all, paint in this case does not only perform a decorative, but also a protective function. If a high-quality painting composition was used for work, and the process of applying paint was carried out during the warm period of the year, then such a fence will delight its owners for a long time. Perhaps you will also be interested in. If you need to install a fence from a professional flooring, information. Also read the posts for the fence with their own hands. Also how much it costs metal profile for a fence.

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