How to restore a fence. We reanimate an old wooden fence - tips for processing and caring for a wooden fence Repair and installation of fences

Site arrangement 03.03.2020
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Fence repair happens cosmetic and capital. The volume and cost of measures directly depend on the type of material and the degree of destruction or breakage. It's hard to argue with the statement that repairs are always cheaper than buying a new fence. In addition, restoring a fence built with skill is always easier than trying to raise an initially shaky structure from the ruins.

Among the main types of damage experienced craftsmen allocate:

  • traces of corrosion;
  • skewed pillars and, as a result, deformation of the fence;
  • breakage of the gate / wicket;
  • breakage / loss of individual parts.

The main reason for the partial destruction of enclosing structures is most often the impact natural factors: weather change, temperature difference, decay from increased dampness, hurricanes, winds, other natural disasters.

Photo No. 1: wooden fence repair

If you notice that the fence around the house is leaning on suburban area or in the village, then it's time to replace the support system of this fence.

Image #1: Why did the roll happen?

Wooden supports lean in case of decay or weak reinforcement. With prolonged contact of wood with moist soil in shaded places, a natural process of destruction inevitably starts. A list can also be given by healthy, but poorly fixed supports in the pits (if the base has not been cemented).

What do we have to do?

A rotten pole is best replaced with a new one, and a poorly reinforced one should be concreted. To do this, the insertion point of the support expands in depth and width by 20-50 cm, then the column is leveled / changed, and the base is covered with crushed stone and poured with liquid concrete.

You can prevent the roll of a wooden fence if you carefully consider the equipment of the base, as well as regularly coat the structural elements protective compounds against decay.

ADVICE. The replacement of one or more wooden fence posts is best handled by a team of specialists. When buying fences for a site, immediately ask the manufacturing company about the possibilities of repairing the structure.

Image number 2: repair of a corrugated fence

Work on the repair of fences from corrugated board in most cases boils down to:

  • replacement of individual sections;
  • restoration of the polymer coating.

If the coating of the profiled sheet is damaged, it is necessary to eliminate the breakthrough of the protective film in order to avoid damage to the bare metal by rust.

In case of deformation of the intake section, it is carefully removed from the transverse logs and a new one is fixed on them. The tariff table for the installation of a fence from a profiled sheet will help you navigate the cost of replacing the canvas. The company "Masterovit" provides services for the production and installation of fences in accordance with GOST and international standards.

brick fence repair

The two main reasons for requiring repair of brick fences are:

Brickwork crumbles under the influence of moisture, temperature changes, when the upper edge of the fence is not protected by a portico - it must be immediately equipped, and the surface of the brick must be plastered.

The question of how to restore a tilted brick fence is much more difficult to solve. The reason for the change in the position of the structure is initially weak or weakened under the influence groundwater or opened karst voids foundation.

  • If the fence is united by a single foundation tape, the conclusion is disappointing - you will have to rebuild the entire structure.
  • If the pillars are pointwise, you can try to align the individual supports. To do this, a thrust system is created, and then, with the help of a jack, the column returns to a vertical position. After the base is concreted again. The procedure is difficult for amateurs in the construction business. It is better to turn to specialists.

Photo No. 4: repair of concrete and reinforced concrete fence

Concrete fences require repair extremely rarely, only in case of exceptional circumstances that led to the direct destruction of the structure (hit by vehicles, explosion, collapse of heavy structures).

For repair work it is necessary to clean the place of the hole to the iron frame (all concrete parts of the fences have a metal frame base). Then the frame lattice must be primed with a special primer for metal for facade surfaces. Immediately after the layer has dried, you can begin to restore the surface by pouring liquid concrete mortar into the voids of the frame and forming the surface of the initial configuration of the intake section. This is a laborious job that requires at least skills in plastering.

A tilted concrete fence is leveled in the same way as a brick one.

Photo number 5: repair of the foundation of the fence

Mistakes made during the construction of the fence lead to the destruction of the foundation. Repair in such situations comes down to several procedures.

  1. Screed of a deformed or destroyed foundation base. On both sides of support system concrete screeds are being laid. Depth - below the broken foundation. The reason is the incorrect calculation of the depth when laying the fence.
  2. Creation of a drainage system. It is carried out when damage is detected by melt water or underground sources. The reason is the erosion of the foundation.
  3. Closing cracks. Produced by hand in stages. The reason is the lack of cement in the concrete mixture.

Many companies are engaged in the production and installation of fences in Moscow. However, only a few, like Masterovit, guarantee compliance with GOSTs and provide professional maintenance of their facilities.

Fence post repair

wooden poles fences are subject to rotting and drying out. Damaged supports cannot be repaired and must be replaced with new ones. Before installation, it is necessary to treat the material with impregnation against decay in several layers.

Photo No. 6: wooden fences are prone to rotting

metal poles may be exposed to moisture, which will lead to corrosive manifestations - rust. Damaged places supports must be cleaned of paint and rust, carefully sanded and coated with 1-2 layers of anti-corrosion primer. Then paint again.

Photo #7: Rust on a metal pole

Remember that a careful approach to choosing a manufacturer, planning work and installing a fence can save you from having to repair a fence for many years.

This article will show you how to make Maintenance brick or stone fence. We will tell you what tools and materials you will need for this, give advice on repairing the foundation and masonry, list ways to eliminate cracks, seal and grout.

Analysis of the state of the foundation

As a result winter frosts, thaws and spring snowmelt, the foundation of a stone fence can be flooded, sag or swell. The appearance of such serious problems usually means that the following mistakes were initially made during the construction of the foundation:

  • ignoring the structural features of the soil and relief on the site;
  • insufficient depth of laying the foundation;
  • incorrect arrangement of the base (pillow);
  • lack of reinforcement;
  • lack of drainage;
  • low quality fill.

Visually, all this manifests itself in the form of through deep cracks along the entire width and height of the foundation, displacement of rows and noticeable deformations (deflections or swelling) of brick or masonry.

Attempts to repair such a section of the fence using piles, backfilling and compacting the soil or additional pouring of concrete, at best, will lead to the fact that further destruction of the foundation and masonry will only be delayed for several months, and at worst (which happens much more often) - to an uneven redistribution load and the beginning of the destruction of adjacent sections of the fence. Therefore, the only right decision usually it is a complete dismantling and replacement of the entire fence section with careful observance of the technology.

Repair of cracks in the foundation

If the foundation and masonry are not visually displaced, then to determine the nature of the crack (active, expanding or passive), it is necessary to examine this section of the fence using a level and plumb line, and also apply a thin layer of alabaster or cement mortar(lighthouse). If after a week the lighthouse remains intact, and the crack itself is short and not through, then it is enough to repair it with a mortar of the same brand as when pouring the foundation.

Attention! It is necessary to seal even the smallest and harmless-looking cracks in the foundation immediately after they are discovered, since the moisture that gets into the cracks and the roots of plants will work tirelessly to expand them.

Required tools:

  • chisel;
  • a hammer;
  • metal brush;
  • trowel;
  • device for washing cracks with water under pressure.

Work order:

  • we expand the cracks with a chisel, remove the crumbled pieces of cement along its edges;
  • remove cement and stone chips, clean cracks with a metal brush;
  • rinse with water under pressure, remove dust;
  • fill cracks with cement mortar.

Repair of supporting pillars

Due to the presence of a foundation, ordinary supports of a stone or brick fence mainly perform a decorative function, not a load-bearing one. The only exceptions are the supporting pillars to which gates and gates are attached. Being made of the same material as the main fence masonry, load-bearing posts must either have a support inside metal pipe, or be reinforced from the outside along the entire height with a welded frame of metal corners and strips. Gates are attached to such an internal or external frame.

If the stone or brick pillar has already cracked, unable to withstand the weight of an incorrectly installed gate, then any attempts to fix the fasteners back into the masonry will be useless. In this case, it is advisable to completely disassemble the post (including the dismantling of the foundation) and fold it again, installing a metal pipe inside it and welding the gate fasteners directly to it. Regardless of the depth of the foundation, the support pipe must be deepened into the ground by at least 70 cm.

A compromise option for repairing a supporting brick or stone pillar (without disassembly) includes the following steps:

  • complete removal of metal fasteners from the masonry;
  • replacement of destroyed bricks;
  • sealing cracks and holes in the masonry;
  • strengthening the pillar at all four corners with a frame of metal corners (they need to be interconnected using metal strips, welded or screwed every 40-50 cm).

Identification of cracks in masonry and their causes

Before proceeding with the repair of any crack in the fence masonry, it is necessary to find out and eliminate the cause of its occurrence, otherwise the repair will be useless. Cracks in brickwork occur for the following reasons:

  1. Combined exposure to moisture, frost and sun.
  2. Problems with the foundation of the fence (their elimination is described above).
  3. The use of unsuitable types of bricks.
  4. Poor foundation waterproofing.
  5. Use in one clutch different brands bricks and types of stone.

It is obvious that the problems caused by the use of materials that are completely unsuitable for masonry fences (for example, unfired, hollow, silicate or insufficiently frost-resistant bricks), as well as the use different types stone in one masonry, can only be solved by dismantling and replacing the entire problem area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe masonry. The same applies to cases where the waterproofing substrate between the foundation and the masonry was not initially properly arranged.

Classification and elimination of cracks, replacement of cracked bricks

Let's consider the repair of cracks in the fence masonry, not caused by problems with its foundation, that is, resulting from weathering and natural decay of brick and concrete.

Required tools:

  • chisel or scarpel;
  • a hammer;
  • perforator;
  • metal brush;
  • washing tool;
  • trowel;
  • injector tube and syringe for pumping the solution;
  • drill and hacksaw for metal.

Work order:

  • installation and subsequent verification of beacons (see above);
  • expansion of the crack with a chisel, its cleaning with a brush and washing with water under pressure;
  • manual filling mortar (for shallow cracks up to 8 mm wide);
  • drilling a hole with a perforator and pumping the mortar into the masonry (for deep cracks up to 20 mm wide);
  • removal of crumbled or split fragments of masonry and installation of a lock from new bricks (for cracks more than 20 mm wide);
  • installation on both sides of the fence of overlays made of metal strips or profile sections attached to the masonry with through bolts or anchors (in the case of especially long and deep cracks).

In the latter case, strip steel with a width of at least 50 mm and a thickness of at least 5 mm is used as overlays, and metal rods with a thickness of at least 20 mm are used as anchors. The distance between the anchor points should be equal to twice the thickness of the wall.

The final stage: cleaning, sealing and jointing masonry joints

Required tools:

  • for cleaning joints - the same as those used for cleaning and sealing cracks;
  • for filling joints with mortar - trowel, vertical and horizontal jointing, wooden lath, plaster falcon.

Work order:

  • cleaning damaged joints from dirt and residues of the old mortar to a depth of 15-20 mm;
  • wetting masonry with water;
  • filling the seams with mortar;
  • sealing the mortar and creating the desired shape of the seam using a joint of a suitable size (after the mortar sets a little to a plastic state);
  • removal of the remnants of the solution with a brush or rag.

How to revive an old fence - tips for updating a wooden fence

Wooden fence - a practical and reliable fence for adjoining territory based natural materials. It blends in perfectly with the landscape of the surrounding area, while being attractive at the same time. However, a wooden fence deteriorates much faster from climatic influences (wind, rain, snow), woodworms and fungus than fences made of metal or stone, so it should be reanimated from time to time. Minor repairs, washing and regular painting also keep it in perfect condition.

It is quite easy to extend the life of a wooden fence if you understand the reasons that cause its destruction. So what to do:

Boards heavily damaged by fungus will have to be replaced. They are removed with the help of a nail puller and a saw, replacing them with new pickets, adjusted to size. The appearance of a fungus on the bottom of the fence means that the soil in this place is excessively wet, therefore, when installing new boards, a gap of 5-10 cm is left between the soil surface and the lower edge of the fence. The width of this gap is enough to dry the soil and ventilate the wooden components.

In the case when the base of the wooden fence rests on the ground, then the lower part of the boards is insulated with roofing material or roofing felt to a height of 20-30 cm. All pickets are preliminarily treated with antiseptic impregnation. Also not recommended for wet soil plant along wooden fences bushy plants.

2. If fasteners on a wooden fence are rusted

First of all, fasteners are passed through with an anti-corrosion agent, although such treatment does not always help. With severe rust, it remains only to replace the fasteners and it is better to choose products made of galvanized steel.

3. If the base of the wooden fence is rotten

To change the rotten base of the fence to a new one, you need to carefully dig a small trench along it, cut out the damaged part and insert it into the vacant place concrete bar appropriate size. After that, treat the base with bitumen and an antiseptic. You can also install formwork and fill the vacant space with concrete.

4. If the paint has peeled off a wooden fence or the color has faded

Has its own stages. To restore the original appearance of the fence, it is necessary to clean old paint grinder, sandpaper or scraper. After that, apply a primer (impregnation) or drying oil to the treated surface, which improves the adhesion of paint to wood. Paint is best chosen for outdoor use, taking into account the composition applied before.

5. If the wooden fence is warped

The fence can be skewed in two cases - either the lumber was damp, and over time the boards led, or the support poles were installed incorrectly. Curved boards can no longer be leveled, they can only be replaced, as is done when the fence is damaged by a fungus. Incorrectly installed poles should be corrected or re-dug. It is important that all pillars must be installed strictly vertically, dug in to the same depth and firmly strengthened.

And just as we hang pictures, family photos, and colorful posters on the walls, we can decorate the fence with all kinds of art. Perhaps these decisions will prompt you to think about your own creativity.

The owner of this site bought metal flowers, spray-painted them with bright paint and placed them on the garden fence. Simple and effective.

This one is decorated with a pattern of colored glass balls. To repeat this project, first outline the outline of the drawing with a pencil, marking the location of the hole for each ball on it. The drill with which you will make holes in the fence should be just a little less than the diameter of the ball. Then the balls will sit tightly in the holes. Before drilling, test the drill on some scrap piece of wood.

The letters are made from small branches glued onto plywood templates. Probably, every family has its own important words that deserve a place of honor in the garden.

An old window from a country shed and two glass jars Together they create a work of contemporary art. In order for the jars to hold on to the fence more firmly, it is recommended to fill them halfway with clean small pebbles.

This, of course, is an option for those whose hands grow out of right place. On a white fence, a tree is skillfully painted with dark paint (we think it is

Text: Anastasia Dorofeeva

In late April - early May, public utilities dismantled yellow-green fences around front gardens and lawns between houses throughout Moscow. Attention was drawn to this social media users. The mayor's office explained the demolition of the fences by the fact that they were outdated: morally and physically. Urbanists rejoiced - in their opinion, low fences are useless, they take up space and in fact do not protect lawns from pedestrians and cars. If desired, they can be easily stepped over - for these reasons, in Western countries such structures are not used. But it turned out that it was too early to rejoice: judging by the documents, new ones will soon appear in place of the yellow-green fences.

The Village tried to find out why the fences were put back in place after the demonstration demolition and why the fences were painted right before the dismantling.

Why the fences were demolished and how the townspeople reacted to this

According to official statements, yellow-green fences have been removed throughout the city, except for places where they are functionally necessary, for example, blocking the yard from the passage of cars. According to the specialist of the Department of Territorial Development of the RANEPA Petr Ivanov, the officials "accidentally made a decision that unexpectedly led to an aesthetically good result."

The townspeople greeted the innovation ambiguously - almost immediately there were those who wanted to keep the fences in their yard. To do this, you need to create an initiative group and apply to the council or directly to the Zhilischnik. So, for example, residents of one of the houses in the area of ​​​​Teply Stan acted, drawing up a protocol general meeting apartment building owners.

But still, it was not even the very fact of the demolition that caused more questions among the townspeople, but the fact that a few days before that, almost all the fences had been painted.

The mayor's office and the city department of housing and communal services could not respond to inquiries about the reasons for such an illogical decision and about how much the painting cost the budget.

Shortly after the demolition of the fences, social media users also started to complain that cars began to park on the lawns. AT comments To such posts, the townspeople shared photos with cars left on the lawns:

What will appear in place of the fences

Prefect of the Central Administrative District Vladimir Goverdovsky in an interview said that in a good way fight against cars on lawns after the dismantling of fences would be hedge. According to him, in most cases it is planned to replace lawn fences during the spring-summer improvement period.

At the same time, judging by the documents on the public procurement website, new lawn fences will still appear. For example, Zhilischnik in the Danilovsky District has an open auction for the "supply of lawn fences for the needs of the State Budgetary Institution" in the amount of 5,854,679 rubles. The situation is the same with Zhilischnik in the Vykhino-Zhulebino district, only there they are ready to pay 1,352,932 rubles from the city budget for the “manufacture and installation of metal fences in courtyard areas” that are being demolished. And the “purchase of a lawn fence for the improvement of the courtyard areas of the Koptevo district” is among those completed in early May. As a result of the auction, a company was chosen that is ready to perform the work for 1,693,894 rubles. In the procurement documents, we managed to find images of fences that are planned to be installed at several addresses in different parts of the district.

The tender documentation contained a list of addresses where such fences would be installed: with the help of Google Street Views, it was possible to determine that they mainly enclose parking lots from lawns. Initially, the mayor's office did not plan to return fences to such places.

From the procurement documents from Zhilischnikov in other districts, it follows that lawn fences LGO-10 and Raduga will be installed there. They look like this:

To find out why new fences are being put up on the site of the demolished fences, including in areas where we are not talking about the separation of the roadway, we called Zhilischniki, which posted this documentation on the public procurement portal. We managed to contact only the organization in Koptev, where they could not answer the question. The district councils could not be reached for comment either.

old new fences

Meanwhile, new fences have already begun to appear on the sites of the demolished fences, corresponding to the image from the order of Koptev's Zhilischnik. These are all the same low fences, only not yellow-green, but black. Procurement documents for other districts also indicate that black, gray and pistachio paint is now being purchased for fences.

In the Zhilischnik of the Khoroshevo-Mnevniki district, they commented on this phenomenon as follows:

“We are putting up black new fences in the yards of complex improvement, we are enclosing playgrounds at the expense of the district administration. Residents are asking for the return of the fences, and we are trying to accommodate them. We do everything at the request of the residents, only we removed the fences not at their request».

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