Choose a fence. Fence - Selection and Installation

The buildings 03.03.2020
The buildings

Let's figure it together:

  • what functions should perform a fence of a country site;
  • what rules exist with regard to the construction of fences;
  • what kind of hedges are preferred by owners of private houses;
  • what are the advantages of each type of fencing.

After that, your throwing between different options will stop, and you can consciously choose the best fence for your country house.

The main functions of the fence around the manor

In fact, the hedge performs only two functions - protective and aesthetic. The first allows you to secure:

  1. plot and buildings - from illegal encroachments;
  2. plantings - from pulling and overalls to other people's animals;
  3. the owners are from the unwanted attention of the neighbors and passersby, as well as from noise, dust and wind.

The second function lies in the fact that the enclosing structure should harmoniously fit into the overall architecture and style design of the house, giving the secession.

Official rules for the construction of fences in the private sector

The fences of country sites are erected taking into account the provisions of SNiP No. 30-02-97. The main principle, fixed in the SNiP - the fence should not interfere with the normal lighting of the street and shadow the neighboring sites. In particular, this document includes recommendations relating to:

  • Heights. From the side of the street or road part, the hedge must be no more than 2.5 meters, between neighboring sites - up to 1.5 m. At the same time, the neighbors may agree on the installation on the no higher fence. This agreement must be consolidated in writing to protect themselves from claims and disputes in the future.
  • Transparency. From the outside of the section, the fence may be deaf regardless of height. Between the adjacent posts, it is possible to build a solid fence tall up to 0.75 m. If you want to make it higher, then you need to use constructions with transparency more than 50% (grid, grid elements, etc.). As in the first case, the neighbors can compile a written agreement on the installation on the distance hedge of the desired height.
  • Distances. The fence must be removed from the road by 5 meters, from the passage - by 3 m. The distance between the fence and the house should also be at least 3 m.
Relying on the position of SNiP, the settlement of the settlement can take their own rules that will need to be taken into account.

What types of fences are chosen by owners of country houses

The owners of country sites are most popular with enclosing structures from:

  1. Professional flooring.
  2. Rabits grids.
  3. Brick or stone.
  4. 3D sections.
  5. Ershrester.

Let's estimate the advantages of each species to make the right choice with regard to all features and personal preferences.

Fence from professional flooring

If the most important thing for you is a feeling of privacy and security, the desire to hide from unnecessary views, as well as the protection of the plot from noise, dust and dirt - choose the fence from the corrugated floor. Qualitative designs from the profiled sheet are famous for other advantages:

  • Available cost. In the company "Prof-Fences" such an elevation can be ordered "turnkey" at a price of 935 rubles. For the temporon meter.
  • High-speed installation. The fence is erected from scratch for 1-2 days.
  • Color and textured manifold. The choice is 200 shades. In addition, it is possible to imitate stone, brick or wood. Such a fence looks the same as built of brick or natural stone, but costs about 10 times cheaper.
  • Duration of operation. The fence is 20-30 years old, while not changing the color, does not rust and does not need to be repaired and painted.

The popularity and practicality of this type of enclosing structures confirm the numbers: in the Moscow region, 80% of fences for country houses are built from the corrugated floor.

Hedge from Rabits Mesh

This option is choosing fans of savings, owners of sites with unlocked neighbors and connoisseurs of curly plants. Rabita is the fastest metal fence. It is often used to dispel the neighboring sites and cutting the rear of the territory, especially if the pretty landscape is spread. When strengthening the design of reinforcement, it acquires sufficient strength to withstand flowering vegetation.

The advantages of the fence from the chain grid, in addition to the low price:

  • does not overlap the review and sunlight;
  • allows you to ventilate the area with a natural way;
  • quickly and simply mounted;
  • serves 2-3 times longer than a wooden fence (15-20 years).

Not suitable to fans of privacy.

Brick or Stone Fencing

Such a fence allows owners to feel in the literal sense "as behind a stone wall." This is the most solid and, accordingly, an expensive fence, the construction of which lasts a few weeks. Therefore, the owners of country houses often choose the combined version - brick or stone poles in combination with professional flooring or welded metal sections.

Fencing from stone or brick attract land owners by:

  • respectability and highlighting the high status of the owner;
  • protection reliability;
  • maximum privacy;
  • incomplication for vandals.

If you prefer open spaces and do not consider it necessary to spend a very substantial amount for the construction of the fence, choose another option.

3D fence

If you feel not very comfortable surrounded by a deaf fence and love to watch the nature of the first floor window, but at the same time worry about security, it is worth looking at the fence from 3D sections. Of these, it turns out a very durable and solid design, which aesthetically looks like and creates a feeling of freedom and space.

What is still good 3D fence? See for yourself:

  • built from ready-made sections for 1-2 days;
  • serves 50-60 years, without changing the appearance;
  • provides high-quality protection of the site;
  • not amenable to vandals.

Fence from EvroShnika

If you are with your second half, do not converge in views on what kind of fence for a country house to choose, the fencing from the metal stakenik will allow you to reconcile.

Ershtroker combines the advantages of professional flooring and the aesthetics of a wooden hedge. Therefore, it is happy to establish connoisseurs of privacy, and lovers of free review. Depending on the installation method, the staketin can create a deaf fence or design with lumets. In any case, you will receive a number of additional advantages inherent in the Ershtroker:

  • the rich palette of colors;
  • presentable view for 20-30 years without additional maintenance;
  • attractive looks from the inside and outside the site;
  • it does not break and protects the territory.

Now you know about the advantages of various types of fences for a country house and you can choose the best for your site. If you are thinking about a combination of several options - this is also possible. The most important thing is to purchase high-quality materials and correctly install the fence so that it serves the maximum period. Therefore, the construction of the fence is better to entrust professionals.

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Today, a person who decided to independently build a house should be ready for considerable costs. Most of all the money is most often consumed on the foundation and bookmark of the walls, but in most cases it has to be safely spent on things, which at first glance seem not obvious. We are talking about the fence.

The reasonable owner of the future housing is set to save on such details. In addition, this is a fully justified decision.

The key way to reduce the cost of the fence is to make it yourself. Do not underestimate the importance of this process, since the fence is not only a decorative structure that hides the territory from prying eyes, but also a protective fence designed to prevent suspicious persons.

In other words, the design should be reliable, durable and aesthetic. Only under such conditions, it will satisfy all the requirements for it. In our case, the list of installation should also be added to the list.

Materials for the construction of the fence

Several basic materials can be distinguished, allowing to build an inexpensive and functional design:

  • wood;
  • rabitz;
  • professional flooring;
  • plastic.

The main limiter in the technology of the construction and combination of materials is financial expenses. To begin with, you should choose the material that will be the basis for the fence, then find the appropriate economy building technology, and after - to produce basic calculations.

Wooden fence: pros and cons

Modern building stores offer a large number of wood options suitable for the construction of a reliable design. This material has some benefits compared to others, which makes it almost the most sought-after goods.

Advantages of wooden structures:


Materials for installing a wooden fence

To build a standard fence from wood, materials will be required such as: stakenat, transverse boards, support pillars, pegs, ropes, cement, sand, shovel, saw, fasteners, special means against wood rotting.

Best of all, if the entire set of tools will be assembled in one place within reach to facilitate access to the components.

Construction of wooden fence

Stage 1. We carry out the markup of the place for the design, we determine the location of the gate. Use pegs and rope. The distance between the columns is 2 meters. This is how the stability of the design to external influences is ensured.

Stage 2. We take the shovel and pockets of the pit for the support pillars.

Stage 3. Immerse the pillars in the ground about one fourth part of their length.

Stage 4. We put the struts for fixing the columns and pour the pit with a cement mixed with sand.

Stage 5. Drive the transverse boards.

Stage 6. Vertically fastened on the transverse boards.

Stage 7. Cray to the finished fence in the selected color.

On this work on the construction of a wooden fence is considered completed. This is a relatively simple option of the fence, which is usually installed as a temporary option.

The fencing made from the grid is considered the most economical option available today. Among the advantages of such fences should be noted:

By specifying the last item, it should be noted that the installation will require tools that are easy to find in every home. In addition, modern stores present a wide range of nets of various colors and sizes, which allows you to move away from the banal appearance of the fence.

Materials for the construction of the fence:

For those who adhere to more original solutions, there are vinyl coatings, but they have a feature with time to lose color.

Construction of the fence from the chain grid

Step 1. We make markup.

Step 2. Pump the pins for support pillars.

Step 3. Place the pipes in the pits.

Mesh fence - Rabitsa

Step 4. Fill the pits prepared in advance by concrete solution. In some cases, builders are simply clogged into the ground with a sledgehammer. This is possible, subject to a sufficiently soft soil.

Step 5. Start fixing the grid. Rulon on the first pipe, which acts as the beginning of the future fence.

Step 6. We stretch the grid around the rest of the supports, gradually fixing it. It is important to monitor that the grid does not sag, otherwise all work will be useless.

Stages of work with sectional construction of the fence

Step 1. Put the foundation.

Step 2. Construct a frame for tension from metal corners.

Step 3. Fix the corners between the supports.

Step 4. Breep the mesh inside the corners using welding.

Fences from the chain grid are very easily erected without the help of specialists, which makes it possible to significantly save and try their strength.

Fencing from professional flooring

This type of fence can be deserved to be called the most common. Most often it is used to fen the country's country and private houses. To build such a fence, a welding machine will be required and a little patience. In general, the installation technology is very simple, which can be attributed to the advantages of the design.

Modern building markets offer professional sheets of various colors and sizes, so buyers should not limit themselves in fantasies.

As additional components, you should purchase anti-corrosion paint, supporting structures, lags, shovels, self-tapping screws, and to make a cement solution.

Installing the fence from the professional flooring

Step 1. We make markup for the future fence. It is important that the distance between neighboring supports does not exceed two and a half meters. Kens and twiners are used as auxiliary elements.

Step 2. We make recesses in the installed places. In the future, the reference elements will be inserted into these wells. This task can be carried out with the help of a special bora, or just dig a hole with a shovel. The depth of the pit standard is one hundred and thirty centimeters.

Step 3. Install the reference pillars at the corners of the territory, and then throughout the perimeter.

Step 4. Strengthen the cement of pillars base.

Step 5. Install the lags that are necessary for further attachment of the professional flooring.

Step 6. Fresh sheets to lags using self-tapping screws.

Step 7. Color the metal elements enamel. In some cases, primer is used.

Ultimately, the fence is obtained quite pleasant from the point of view of aesthetic characteristics, as well as durable and reliable. It looks much more solid than a fence from wood or chain grid, and therefore can be regarded as a full fence.

Plastic fence

Plastic deservedly be the title of one of the most affordable materials for the construction of the fence. This is a real salvation for dachas who do not want to build expensive designs in their sites.

The positive aspects of such fences are as follows:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • ease of installation;
  • low cost;
  • pleasant appearance.

Installation of plastic fence

Stage 1. We make marking on the territory where it is planned to put a fence.

Stage 2. We celebrate the place where the wicket and gate will be.

Stage 3. In the installed places, we drive the support pillars to the ground.

Stage 4. In the corners, fix the piles made of durable metal.

Stage 5. Extend piles around the perimeter of the site.

Stage 6. Fix the columns with spacers.

Step 7. Attach the sections between the supports.

Thus, due to non-good fraud, it turns out a beautiful and functional fence, which in its external qualities, although it cannot be sorted with structures from decorative stone or forged elements, but fully satisfies the owners of the territory.

This article covered the most simple ways of erection of fences, the choice of which is due only to your preferences. Now you can build a cheap fence with your own hands.

Video - construction of wooden fence

Video - construction of a fence from the grid

Video - Installation of the fence from corrugated

Video - installation of plastic fence

(Varieties, materials, appointment)

Fence, enclosing private ownership, can say a lot. At its height, the manufacturing material, the availability of automation and type of finishing is made to judge the consistency and even the hospitality of the hosts.

Meanwhile, the issue of improving good fence requires a serious and painstaking approach.

  1. Fences between summer cottages should not exceed 1.5 m. The prerequisite is transparency, so as not to create a shadow, but all this can be coordinated individually.
  2. The deaf fence can be not closer to 1 m from the border of the neighboring area.
  3. The height of the fence more than 2 m will have to be coordinated separately.
  4. The configuration of fences overlooking public highways also need to be designed and approved in administrative instances.

There are a number of important individual factors affecting the appearance and functionality of the land fence.

Geographic conditions. For smooth sites and inclined, mountainous landscapes, there are different technologies for installing and strengthening support pillars. When the fence is erected, it is worth considering its location relative to the sun, to accidentally not turn the plants from the light.

Material. It is necessary to choose between wood, metal, concrete, brick. Fencing from plastic, plexiglas, other polymeric materials are appropriate for small barrooms or flowers. Consider plastic as a reliable and durable fence for a private manor, experienced masters are not recommended.

Dimensions. The area of \u200b\u200bthe enclosed area, the desired height of the fence, the thickness of the web and the reference elements is taken into account.

Transparency. Whether you want the plot and house to be viewed through the fence or not - a significant question, to solve which is necessary before the design.

Cost. How much are you ready and can you spend on the arrangement of the fence? Focus on this amount when choosing a variety of fence.

Life time. The article is devoted to the constant type fences, which will be able to serve at least 10-15 years.

We describe the main types of materials for the production of fences with applications and features of operation to give you the opportunity to competently select the appropriate option.


Photo №1: fence from the colors of colors: Walnut

⦁ Professor. One of the most popular materials today for fences. A successful combination of low prices and resistance to corrosion makes professional flooring of the universal component of the fences of urban and country sites. These are galvanized sheets of metal rolling:

  1. thickness from 0.4 to 0.5 mm;
  2. with a polymer one-sided or double-sided coating;
  3. with a variety of hard ribs

The advantages of the fence from the professional flooring: a democratic appearance, unpretentiousness in operation, full protection against outsiders.

There are practically no shortcomings.

Picture №2: fence from the grid Rabitz

⦁ Rabita grid. The material is a wicker cloth made of galvanized steel wire (with a diameter of 1.8 to 2 mm). Mesh fences are often ascended around garden sites, as well as residential private houses.

The advantages of the material: ease of installation, lightness of repair, low cost, durability.

Disadvantages: The fence from the chain grid is transparent. To close from prying views, the owners are forced to plant an additional row of live branches from branching shrubs.

Picture №3: Ancient fence with brick columns

Picture №4: Forged fence with gate

⦁ Worn metal. Openwork profile or carved forged fence is the subject of special dacha luxury. Cast iron and steel curls and patterns look very stylish, but they are expensive. Production technology allows you to create both solid mounting panels with an overhead décor and parech sections that transmit light.

Advantages: Forged fences are very beautiful and durable (at least compared to the mesh).

Disadvantages: only the price.


Photo number 5: Wooden fence: view from the yard

⦁ Wooden stakenik. The wooden fence of the most presentable and reliable view is piled on the transverse rails of stakes from natural wood. Wooden stakes are nailed to each other on the guide axes with a variety of gap, you can also navigate odds close to each other, but this option is not recommended, since with the time of the board, an uneven gap will appear and will appear. In the company "Masterovit" you can order a wooden fence as vertical orientation and horizontal. We work with northern pine woods of wood from Arkhangelsk and the Great Ustyug.

Picture №6: Wooden shaking fence

Advantages: prestige and expressiveness of natural material.

Disadvantages: Wood of any type must be treated with antiseptic and anti-grapple compositions at less often once a year.

Picture №7: Wooden fence with gate

Brick and stone

Photo number 8: a fence with brick columns

⦁ Brick poles. Brick poles on a monolithic belt foundation one of the most reliable options for the fence. The monolithic tape protects the fence from the possible movement of the soil and your fence does not bother. Also, such a fence has not only a presentable appearance, but also shows the "status" of the owner, as the design, though dear, but rich.

Advantages: Impeccable reliability, a variety of filling options between pillars, will last much longer.

Disadvantages: more expensive than "simple" options for the fence, the installation time of such a fence is greater.

Reliable supports - an important detail of any fence

The choice of the main material does not solve all the issues on the arrangement of a good fence. To get a truly reliable and durable fence, you need to competently arrange the supports that the design sections will be attached.

⦁ Brick fences are customary to install on a ribbon foundation.

⦁ For a cheaper option with a straightener and wood technology, it provides for the installation of a chain of the poles, and they can also be reincurated (depending on the soil)

Picture №9: Scheme of fence

Photo number 10: Scheme of the fence with brick columns

"Master Master" guarantees quality

Our company exacts skills in the construction of fences for more than 17 years. We give a feeling of calm as a bonus to each order and are ready for any non-standard customer ideas.

If it is difficult for you to decide on the material and style of your fence, we will tell you how to optimize expenses without disturbing the overall style of private possessions. Expressive and economical projects are most often combined fences, where the facade part is made of more expensive and beautiful materials.

The first question that arises in front of the owner who decided to upset their plot - which material for the fence to choose. Indeed, there are many options, it is difficult to choose the best for yourself. We have gathered the most popular materials for the fence of the plots today.


If the task is to make a deaf fence and reliably hide a plot from an extraneous eye, then the professional floor has no competitors. An explanation is simply explained - this material is the cheapest. Yes, and mount the fence from the professional flooring with your own hands.

There are minuses of this material, do not argue. The professional flooring can be intermitted when he hit, if it is fixed on the self-tapping screw, they can break out over time, there is a risk that the sheets will be lost and stole, and during the wind, the metal sheet can make unpleasant sounds.

However, a large selection of colors, the ability to choose a professional flooring under a tree or stone, simplicity of installation and care, durability and acceptable price make this material by the leader in the construction of deaf fences.


The main competitor of the professional flooring, until they are completely unsurpassed. A tree is an affordable material that allows you to experiment with fences. You can make a wooden fence in any way - low and high, deaf and with lumen, carved and massive, paint into any color. In addition, if the house on the wooden site, the same fence will create a harmonious picture.

Of the minuses - the treatment with antipirens is desirable, because the tree is perfectly burning, you will have to regularly care, update the paint, and it serves as a wood as long as the metal. However, the wooden fence is not so difficult to repair.


Concrete fences attract the owners of household plots with their reliability, durability, a variety of forms. A simple gray fence can be painted, choose a fence to your liking. It is not particularly necessary to care for a concrete fence, but when installing will need to make more efforts - the fence is hard.


Inexpensive fence, which is often used in country areas. The main minus - does not hide anything, simply denotes the borders and does not allow the neighbors to get into the stretch of animals. Esple the challenge grid due to the ease of installation and low cost.


More expensive, but popular material for the fence. Brick fences possess a number of advantages, including the area of \u200b\u200bwell-groomed species, look attractive, can be said elito, differ in variety of colors and shapes.

Build a brick fence is more difficult than mounting professional flooring or ready-made sections from concrete. But it will also serve a fence for a long time, if necessary is subject to repair.


Forged fences are always beautiful, gracefully, openwork. Yes, they do not hide the plot, but they look very elitely and attractive. In addition, mount ready-made factory sections simply. Minus - there are forged fences a lot, especially if they are characterized by a complex form. But serve long.


Polycarbonate fences themselves may look unreliable, too simple and unattractive. But if the polycarbonate is combined into a fence with a forging or grid Rabita - another thing! This embodiment is now quite popular thanks to an excellent result, durability and simplicity of installation.

Repeat - we have chosen only the most popular materials for fences today. The choice is actually wider. You can use gabions, alive hedges, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which is only gaining popularity, braid from branches, natural stone, even plastic bottles.

Psychologists argue that what is the person, such and the fence around his house. That is, how many people, so many solutions! But the choice is still limited. Let's see what options for fences are available to us today.

Additional means of protection (installation of special sensors, barbed wire, etc.).

Properly selected fence for the country area unites its territory into a harmonious and stylish architectural ensemble. No matter how beautiful the house is, he remains just a separate building. If the fence is added to it, performed in the same style, in the same color scheme, the house begins to be perceived differently. Combining the fence, its design and material should be linked to the facade of the main building and other buildings on the site.

It is necessary to decide what kind of fences are most important for home owners: comfort, style, sensation of space or closetness of space.

The right fence must provide:

  • protection against uninvited guests, including animals (cats, dogs, hares and others);
  • air ventilation, non-weather resistance (strong wind, rain, snow, temperature drops);
  • normal insolation of the site.

At the same time, the fence must have an attractive, architecturally verified appearance with the correct proportions. It is advisable in advance to take into account the cost of service (repair, painting, washing, surface protection).

Special requirements:

  • protection against prying views;
  • noise protection;
  • night and decorative lighting;
  • cCTV.

Types of fences for giving

There are various types of fences. It is the opinion that their construction needs to be trusted exclusively to professionals. But if you are used to doing everything in your site, it's easy to cope with the construction of a fence. If the site is part of the protected cottage village, you can build a lightweight fence that performs more decorative function. Consider some common options for fences.

Fence from the grid

If you need a cheap, quite reliable and attractive fence, then you can stay on the fence from the grid. Today we produce many grids from different materials suitable for the fencing of the plots.

Those who wish to hide from prying views can decorate the fence from the grid with live flowers, curly plants, which will only give the area of \u200b\u200bdecorative.

The most commonly distributed grid-chain grid, consisting of wire spirals, where each helix is \u200b\u200bskiing into the neighboring. She received her name named German Charles Rabita. Today, a mesh braided in this way can have a special polymer coating that improves its operational properties. The coating can be different color. Such a fence skips the sun rays necessary for the growth of vegetables, fruits and colors and provides good purgeness.

The integrity of the chain grid is easy to break even without using the tool - the wire segment is easily fluttered from the total canvas with a circular rotation, and the canvas breaks into pieces. But it is possible to connect parts of the canvas again, repeating this operation in the reverse order.

Disadvantages. The grid without coating rust and looks sloppy. The top of the grid saves, for its fixation it is necessary to install a horizontal bar (in the earl) or stretch the wire. At the same time, the strong tension of the wire can tilt the pillars, and the weak does not compensate for the proviscial grid.

The cost of a square meter of such a fence - from 300 rubles.

Fence from bar

Recently, the finished panels from a galvanized rod with a polymer coating are widely distributed. High strength, reliability and manufacturability of products are combined with modern appearance, easy perception, transparency and good protective qualities. Pillard of the fence - from the pipe of the rectangular section 60 * 40 mm with a thickness of the wall of 2 mm. The column is galvanized and covered with a polymer coating.

The fence panel is a welded lattice of a rod with a thickness of 4-5 mm, having spatial ribs of rigidity. The grid cell has dimensions from 100 x 50 mm to 200 x 50 mm.

The pillar's height is selected depending on the depth of concreting and the height of the metal section.

Two components

Monolithic base under the fence of 510 mm wide depth of 400 mm - from 3900 rubles / p. m.

The cost of a square meter of the fence - from 400 rubles.

Disadvantages. Browsing - Requires additional measures to protect against views. Not everywhere available, the price may depend highly on delivery.

Not everyone is hiding beauty for a high fence.

Fence from the professionalist

This is a budget version of the land fence. The advantages of fences from the proflist are high speed and simplicity of installation.

Sheets produce different colors, they cost inexpensively, lungs, durable and functional. The material does not give in corrosion, it is well withstanding frost and heat, the height of such a fence can be any, because this material is cutting on the size of the customer. The best is a sheet of 0.5 mm domestic production.

An example of a neatly made fence from the proflist. It is harmony with architecture at home. It is installed only on the part of the site overlooking the road.

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