How to save spruce for a long time. How to keep a living New Year tree longer

Landscape design and layout 12.06.2019
Landscape design and layout

The full-fledged New Year holiday is difficult to imagine without the presence in the apartment tree. After the celebration, the forest beauty is not taken from home up to the old new year. During this time, it can start drying, and the needles will turn. To keep the New Year's Christmas tree as long as possible, it is important to explore some subtleties and secrets that will help save the tree.

How to choose a festive tree

It happens that unscrupulous vendors are trying to sell the tree is already far from the first freshness. Therefore, it is necessary to inspect the Christmas tree before buying. First of all, it is necessary to estimate its appearance. And if the fir at first glance looks normal, then you need to check its flexibility. Christmas branches should be easily stuffed, and do not break.

Transport the selected tree should also be carefully. You can overturn it to the burlap, and bandage with rope or twine.

It is much easier for business if a person lives in a private house, and his personal, a small Christmas tree grows in the garden. To put it home for the time of the holidays, you need to dig a live tree from the ground, transplant to the tub and pour over moss above. At the same time, it is necessary to take care of the roots that should be richly soaked with water, and to overturn with a polyethylene package.

It is impossible to immediately bring a tree into a warm room, since it can quickly dry and die. To avoid this, it is necessary to define a fir in a cool, bright room, and leave there before the holiday.

While the Christmas tree will be in the apartment, it must be watered every day, while spending 3-4 liters of water. After all holidays, the tree must be taken out on the street and put in such a place where it will be protected from the wind.

With the onset of spring, the Christmas tree should be transferred to the previous place, that is, in the ground so that it is preserved until next new year.

If the fact that the tree is far from the very better qualityIt was discovered after the purchase, it is necessary to store the fired Christmas tree in the cold. It should be released on the balcony enough place, and put a tree there. Already closer to holidays, it can be placed in the room, and establish, using tips.

Tip # 1. To the needles do not appear maximum amount time you need to select the correct installation container. Usually use:

  • bucket or sputum with wet sand;
  • a bucket or a small water barrel;
  • wet rags.

The first option is considered the most efficient, but it is hardly suitable for those who have cats live at home. It is necessary to pour a sufficient amount of sand in the tub, and prepare a solution of water and glycerin. If the glycerin was not in hand, it was possible to stir a single tablet aspirin in the water, and add 2 tbsp to it. Sahara. Next, you need to pour the solution into a tub, and every day water sand with water so that it is always wet.

The second option is also well helped to keep the New Year's Christmas tree longer. In a bucket with water, it is necessary to mix 1/2 C.L. citric acid, 1 tbsp. Gelatin and several grams of pushed chalk.

But here there is a minus, since the tree will be unstable, and have to come up with additional ways To secure it.

The third option is the easiest, but not too efficient. The location of the cut should be wound with a damp cloth, and periodically put the material into the water so that it is always raw.

Tip # 2. If the tree has to be installed on a cross or on a special stand, but it wants to save it before the new year, then the following actions algorithm should be followed:

  • prepare a solution of water and glycerin;
  • in the container put the Christmas tree for a day;
  • after 24 hours, it takes a tree, and make an incision at the bottom of the trunk;
  • in the excavation shook the rag from wool material.

The cloth will need to be made daily to water so that her spruce to receive the necessary moisture, and as long as you pleased the people with their appearance.

Tip No. 3. Christmas tree or pine, can stand a month, if you install it in a bucket with water, and do some manipulations. It is necessary to mix in the tank slightly salt, 1 tsp. Sugar and 1 Aspirin 1Tablet. Next, it should be updated on the trunk of the cut, and place the tree into the solution. The main thing is to monitor the water level, and periodically pour it out.

Tip No. 4. So that the Christmas tree does not appear longer, it is necessary to periodically spray the branches with clean water. It will be more convenient to do this with a pulverizer.

Tip № 5. If the tree still began to push and lose their needles, then you can take it out of the stand and knock on the floor on the floor. Then all the excess needles will be feather in one place, and will not roll around the house.

Tip number 6. The bottom of the trunk can be released from the bark, but not more than 10 centimeters. After that, the tree needs to be overtaken, as it will help open fresh pores.

Tip number 7. Extend the life of the Christmas tree with the help of ammonia nitrate, iron mood, or any complex fertilizer. To do this, you need to prepare a special solution in which the selected agent and water is mixed, in proportion: 5 gr. substances per 1 liter. liquids.

Christmas tree or fir - what to choose

Recently, under the New Year on the market you can find not only familiar ate, but also other types of coniferous trees. For example, the fir of Nordman's fir, as it is very beautiful, and its needles are long and air. The needles of this village do not protrude at all, and do not fall out than attract buyers.

But such a New Year's guest will be on the pocket not every person. Prices for fir, to put it mildly, bite, and it costs much more expensive than their modest "sisters." For a holiday, in addition to jewelry, there is enough other spending, but if you really want, you can just buy fir branches.

They can be twisted throughout the house, also decorate with Christmas trees and tinsel. Such decorations will create a festive and cozy atmosphere even in a modest home. The only thing, the fir does not have a pronounced smell, so to fill the house with the aroma corresponding to the new year, you can decompose several bundles of the spruce vegetable.

Ways to extend the life of the New Year tree.

  • How to save live christmas tree On the balcony to the new year?
  • Video: Save the Christmas tree

Many of us in December go to the market in search of evergreen beauties. Indeed, freshly stewed pine or spruce can significantly raise the mood and set up for a festive way. In this article we will tell you that you need to do that the Christmas tree pleased with the longest as possible.

Several options. They will help to extend the life of green beauty.

  • Sand. It is necessary to fill the punch with wet sand and immerse the trunk. At the same time you need sand daily water.
  • Water. IN this case The cross is filled with water and immersed the trunk of the Christmas tree. Water also needs to top up. So that she does not rot, put a piece on the bottom copper wire. It will prevent the rotting of water.
  • Wet fabric. You can simply wrap the bottom of the trunk with wet rags. Moisturize the fabric daily and do not allow it to dry.

What needs to be done, what to keep a live tree so that the Christmas tree stands longer and smelled?

There are ways to extend the life of the Christmas tree. For this, it is possible to use not ordinary water, but a special solution. Additives prevent the water rotting and improve the nutrition of the forest beauty.

Additives for the Christmas tree:

  • Aspirin. It is necessary to crush the tablet and throw it in 500 ml of water. This solution is poured into a crosst. Daily fasten the absorbent liquid.
  • Sugar and salt. It is necessary to dissolve in the liter of water 50 g of sugar and 20 g of salts. This solution needs to water the sand.
  • Special fertilizers. They can be purchased in flower shop. They are called "for coniferous plants."
  • Often, water for the Christmas tree is nourished with ammonium nither.
  • Gelatin. It is necessary in 3000 ml of water to dissolve the soulamine of the gelatin bag, a teaspoon of citric acid and 10 g of the pounding chalk.
  • Manganese. Now this reagent is quite difficult to purchase. But if you have a manganese daughtered somewhere, boldly use it for the preparation of a nutrient solution. Enter into water several crystals of manganese and immerse the barrel.
  • Acetic acid. It is necessary to cut the source of the trunk, updating the slice. Immerse the barrel to boiling vinegar. As a result, you get rid of bacteria and increase the freshness of the christmas trees.

In which solution you can put a live tree at home on New Year: Recipe solution

Unfortunately, not everything depends on you. There are a lot of factors that affect the safety of the Christmas tree. This and the time of the cut, as well as storage conditions and transportation. The fact is that forest beauties are cut back in October. That is, more than a month tree is waiting for its o'clock. It affects her appearance and freshness. For proper care And subject to the acquisition of fresh wood, there is a chance that it justs at home for about a month.

How long does it cost how much a live tree is stored at home?

There are several rules that will save the Christmas tree.


  • After the acquisition, do not hurry to bring a tree into the apartment or in a warm room. We recommend a couple of days to hold the forest beauty on the balcony.
  • This is due to the fact that the temperature increase should be smooth. After that you can enter the Christmas tree in the apartment.
  • Do not keep it near the heating devices. It will accelerate the process of drying the needles.
  • Preferably after purchasing a cut of a bark at a distance of 10 cm from the location of the cut. This will provide best food Tree.
  • The lower branches are desirable to cut. They can be used for weaving Christmas wreath.
  • It is desirable to wrap in paper. It will prevent the movement of the trunk.

Initially, the Christmas tree was a symbol of Christmas. BUT B. soviet time Everything has changed. In Russia, it is simply Soviet power at first, in the 20-30s, the Christmas tree has forbidden to the "Popovsky-bourgeois" relics, and then allowed, but already as a "New Year's Christmas tree" with Santa Claus instead of Christ. Most of Russia's inhabitants perceive the decoration of the tree that is precisely so, in Soviet and without Christmas sense, so far.

How long should the tree stand after christmas?

In the Vatican, the Christmas tree is cleaned on January 12. This is a kind of tradition. But in our country they used to remove the forest beauty after baptism and the old New Year, the RosRegistr website reports. That is, after January 19th.

In general, your business when you clean the Christmas tree. The main thing is that it does not creep, but gave happiness to households. Children are usually very difficult to part with the tree.

How long should the tree stand after christmas?

Everyone who would like to buy for the new year true live tree, wondered how much the New Year tree was just like a house, and for how many days before the holiday you need to purchase it?

We answer - the lifetime of the New Year's firings, the fir and pines are different, but none of them just gives you at home in warmth more than two weeks.

This concerns, of course, already unpacked and installed in the warm place of trees. However, it is possible to buy spruce long before the new year and save her fresh holiday up to month and more. We will tell how to do it.

How to keep the christmas tree fresh to installation

The first thing to do is to decide with the date when it will need it, already beautiful and dressed. We recommend installing,, for 5-7 days, and Russian Norwegian Christmas trees 3-5 days before the celebration.

All the time, up to this point, the Christmas tree is better to remain in a cool place, at a temperature not higher than 5-10 degrees of heat, with a minimum amount of light and, preferably, with high humidity.

The key to success is to reduce the amount of moisture evaporated from the plant. For this purpose, a garage or not heated balcony is perfect. In our experience there was a case when the tree remained green and fresh even six months after the purchase. And one of our employees installed new Year tree On March 8, as an unusual gift for loved ones.

By the way, live fish Framera comes to Russia from North Americawhere it is taken for 45 days in refrigerators Through the ocean, with a minimum amount of light and at one hundred percent humidity.

This does not affect its quality, since the freason fir is considered the most high-end New Year tree, which can be bought in our country for the New Year: it costs it very long, it does not appear at all, and the branches of this fir are so strong that even very heavy toys withstand Real candlesticks.

Installation of the New Year tree

The cut-off tree begins to dry out from the moment it falls into the heat and the process of "drying" begins, evaporation of moisture from the needles, so after installing the Christmas tree, it is necessary to provide it with regular water intake to the trunk, and cool, wet air.

Place for the Christmas tree will fit away from open fire, electrical heaters, radiators and other heat sources. Very good, if the room will sometimes be ventilated in order to slightly lower the temperature, and the air is regularly moistened.

After unpacking the Christmas tree, you need to smoke from dry needles. A certain amount of such needles should not scare you, it is quite normal, since the branches of ate during transportation and packaging will rub each other. The total mass will still remain green.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that if there is a strong frost on the street, less than 15 degrees, then needles and twigs become very fragile, and they can easily damage them. With such weather we do not recommend once again Anxious the branches of live spruce immediately after you brought her home. It is better to hold it for gradual adaptation of the tree to room temperature, and only then deploy.

Water flow to the trunk.

The next thing to do is to provide regular water intake to the trunk. To the tree better absorb water, the barrel is spilled by 2-3 cm from the log cabin or led by a knife for the formation of fresh cut and large Square absorption moisture.
When delivering a New Year tree from our online store it is done in obligatoryAnd on our Christmas markets - at the request of the buyer. If you do it yourself, then try not to cut the trunk at an angle, such a tree will be difficult to install, and also accidentally do not cut the bore above the water level - it will strongly reduce the amount of moisture absorbed.

You can use special with water tanks. The tree is securely and quickly fixed in the right position, and water is easy to pour as evaporation. We also recommend using hydrogel - special tool To save moisture.

Caring for the Christmas tree after installation.

All the Christmas trees are trembling in different ways. Russian Christmas tree, as well as european spruce (Norwegian), will start to lose the needles after a few days, the pine russian and Canadian stand a little longer, their needles can dry, but if they are not disturbed, they will not turn much, especially Canadian pine. And, for example, the Yel Danish (Nordman Fir) and the fir phrase - do not lose the needles, they dry right on the branches, only a little changing color. You can take them out on the street after the holidays, lost, perhaps percent of 10 needles.

The higher the air temperature in the room, the earlier will begin to turn your cut fir. At a temperature of 10 degrees above zero, the New Year tree will stand for a long time, up to a month. But in winter it is quite hot in our apartments, and the temperature rise for every 5 degrees reduces the life expectancy of ate for 1 day. That is, if you have 28-30 degrees at home, then with all the tricks, the tree will only justify a few days. We advise regularly to ventilate the room in which your Christmas tree stands, to reduce the air temperature at least several degrees. It should not also forget that the electrical electrical heaters dried are dryly, so they are better not to use where a live tree is installed.

As often as possible, spray the branches from the sprayer, but you need to do it, just making sure that the electric garland is turned off on it!

For convenience, you can buy a special cover for the recycling of the Christmas trees. You can put a tree on it so as not to scratch the floor in the apartment, it is suitable as an element of the decor, covering the stand, it will be possible to hide especially valuable gifts, and after the holidays to complete the tree and take it to the street, without scattering dry needles.

If you do not want to think about what to do with the Christmas tree after the new year, or in your family popular question "Who will throw out a Christmas tree?" You can order a special service with us -, our staff will get rid of you from these troubles, and you will continue to relax peacefully.

The festive pre-New Year atmosphere in the house, which is remembered by childhood, create not only frosty patterns on glass and whirlwinds of snow-white snowflakes, but the unique fragrance of baking, citrus and needles. Not artificial, but a living forest beauty, which has unique abilities to give joy and vital energy, will decorate the long-awaited holiday. How to save the Christmas tree at home and what to do in order for the holiday to be able in all respects, let's tell.

By choosing a live tree, the New Year holiday is transformed into a fabulous and unforgettable celebration, it is necessary to be ready for a number of activities aimed at extending the life of guests, the brightness of the needles and the intensity of its fragrance. After all, I do not want to look at the bare branches and walk on the carpet of fallen needles.

Real, fragrant and bright needles are an unforgettable gift in the house for holidays not only for children, but also for adults. Eliminate the coniferous tree from death will allow the purchase of a Christmas tree planted with roots into a tank with an earthy mixture, hire. Numerous domestic firms specialize in this service for a wide range of consumers.

Forest beauty belongs to the category of evergreen coniferous trees, perfectly feeling in winter cold conditions. Moving the plant in the conditions of well-heated premises, without preliminary adaptation to changing conditions, is a process leading to the likely death of the Christmas tree. A few days spent by the purchased plant in the conditions of a not heated garage, a glazed, but not a warmed balcony and even a staircase span, will allow him to save his longer natural characteristics. During this period, the village is "bought" by wrapping paper or newspaper.

Another required condition The preservation of life live firing for the new year is its installation away from heating devices, in cool rooms. Hurry up with the removal of paper is not worth it: the plant should gradually warm and adapt to room temperatures.

When to put a Christmas tree at home - everyone decides itself, but it is better not to rush with the installation.

A few words about water

Water is a source of life for all living things. Extend life cycle A regular hydration of the sand mix, specially cooked for the Christmas tree, installed at home, will help the fledged forest beauty.

An alternative capacity with a sandy mixture can be a vessel with water. Another option requires winding the bottom with a loose cloth, folded in several layers, and constantly moisturize it with special nutritional mixtures.

Important: Water should be distorted or frosthed, that is, without chlorine.

Glycerin added to the liquid in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. on 10 liters of water, allow you to save green chew a long period time.

Refreshing slice

Living fir gets nutrients from the soil. Cutting plant to the same extent requires nutrition. Provide forest beauty sufficient volume nutrients You can use the cutoff update. To do this, it takes a couple of centimeters to bargain the bottom of the trunk, freeing it from the bark. Then make a new speaker, updating the available. The peculiarity of the process consists in the need for a cutting of an angle of 45º and its constant immersion into the liquid.

Save the christmas tree!

Water enriched with a pinch of salt and 1 tbsp. Sugar will help postpone the caption of the needles.

To combat bacteria leading to the death of wood, aspirin can be used. The drug antiseptic solution is created from 1 tablet and 4 liters of water.

In the water, along with aspirin, you can add sugar rafin and copper wire.

Christmas tree standing at homeWell will respond well to fertilizer.

To install the Christmas tree in conditions of the house it is worth choosing river sand. To extend the life of the forest guest, it is worth moisturizing a mixture with a weak solution of manganese-acting, acting as a fertilizer.

Alternative to Potassium permanganate can be made by specialized fertilizer for conifers.

The optimal variant of the nutrient mixture, daily 1 tbsp. l. Added to the vessel with a mounted conifer, is created from the following components:

Divide 10 liters. water.

Increase the intensity of the coniferous aroma will allow regular spraying of the needles.

So that the tree does not appear and for a long time I was pleased with your aroma and greens of needles, it is worth choosing a freshwater tree. On the freshness of the purchase will say:

  • barrel covered with needles;
  • the lack of a dark border on the edges of the cut;
  • elasticity of branches;
  • brightness of the color of the needles;
  • strong smell.

The Christmas tree, with which the needle, when buying, it is not worth it.

The life cycle of the cut tree will be longer if the tops and tips of the branches, during transportation, will remain integer.

A mixture of 3 liters can be used as a nutrient solution. Water with the addition of 5 gr. gelatin and citric acid, as well as pre-crushed chalk (0.5 art. l.).

There is nothing more beautiful than bright, fragrant, green needles of the forest guest, decorating with cozy house, Giving joy and festive atmosphere until the end of official festive events. The question of how to save the Christmas tree in the house is simple, the main thing is to have a desire to preserve the New Year's guest an attractive view for a long time.

Now people are divided into those who prefer natural ate and those who put artificial. If you feel about lovers of freshly serrated softwood, then you should stock appropriate knowledge to keep the Christmas tree or pine as long as possible.

  1. The fir aroma has a more rich, in pine he may seem sharp.
  2. Fir when transporting is more convenient.
  3. Pine has stronger branches than the Christmas tree, so it is possible to dress it without problems.
  4. A fir throws a lot of needles, much more than pine. Shooting starts quickly. It can deliver inconvenience in the form of daily cleaning.
  5. Pine has more available price than the Christmas tree, it's more difficult to grow fir.
  6. Pine has a very abundant resin, which is difficult to launder from the floor.
  7. Pine can stand longer without water, spruce needed regularly to water and moisturize the branches.

Separately allocate what is better, difficult. It is more often for the new year to purchase pine, as it is more resistant, needles are softer and smell saturated. You need to weigh all the pros and cons and, thus, decide on the choice of yourself.

What is the difference between spruce from pine, how to distinguish

  1. The pine needles are longer than the ate, up to fifteen centimeters. Theirs had a needle to grow up to two centimeters.
  2. The elder the form is cone-shaped, the branches down are lowered. Pine branches are raised up.
  3. Pine trunk is open, since the branches begin are slightly higher than from the middle of the trunk. The fir branches are closed.
  4. Pine has a more rich smell than the Christmas tree.
  1. Buy a fir need at least five days before the holiday.
  2. A healthy tree has a fat trunk.
  3. If there is a lot of resin on the cut, then spruce cut down recently.
  4. Inspect the trunk, it should not have fungus, dark spots, damage.
  5. Needles should be rich green, in no case they should not be gray or yellow. Needles should not crumble.

That longer is a spruce or pine

Pine is just longer than a fir, since she must have a needle not so quickly. Also, pine is more worn and can stay without water longer, which you can't tell about the Christmas tree.

  1. Purchased Christmas tree on the balcony or in the barn for a day (the temperature should be 5-11 degrees), it is acclimatized. If you immediately bring the New Year tree home, it can quickly turn the needles from a sharp drop of temperatures.
  2. The base of the trunk for several centimeters shorten.
  3. To save a fir feed it with a solution. Solutions are shown below.
  4. Do not put the Christmas tree near heat sources to eliminate drying. A draft is also undesirable.
  5. Needle spray with warm water once a day.
  6. The branch that began to fade, you need to cut as quickly as possible. Vaseline Lubricate the location of the cut.
  7. When heated, the Garlands of the Old Sample also heats up the needles. Use only new garlands.
  8. Limit the optimal set of toys, you should not hang a lot on the branch. Such an overload lowers efficient needles nutrition.

What to do so that the pine does not appear longer, recommendations

  1. Council with acclimation of ate can be applied to the pine, leave it for a day in a cool place.
  2. Slide the pine trunk and wrap the cloth moistened with dissolved aspirin.
  3. Install the pine into the container, falling back there wet sand. You can add glycerin. The sand should cover the trunk for fifteen centimeters.
  4. Water the sand in which pine stands, follows once every two days.
  5. Pine should not stand near the battery, fireplace or television.
  6. Avoid overloading toy branches.

Solution for the Christmas tree

  • In a liter of water, dissolve the teaspoon of glycerol. Such a solution prevents the process of rotting.
  • IN hot water Add acetic acid.
  • In water, in which there is a fir, dissolve aspirin tablets or a little citric acid.
  • Little portion of manganese, added to the water, will save your Christmas tree.

When to disassemble the New Year tree

  • If you stick to Feng Shui, the tree should stand up to the Chinese New Year, that is, until February.
  • In ancient times they believed that the Christmas tree gives the Energy to the old New Year and get rid of it until the fourteenth of January was not worth it.
  • Common sense suggests that with the Christmas tree it is enough to meet New Year and Christmas, and then everyone itself is waited to decide when it is getting rid of it. If the fir has an unsuitable appearance before the expiration of all winter holidays, it is better to get rid of it right away.

This New Year tree revives the atmosphere, and coniferous aroma is useful for health. Do not dilute with the number of toys and tinsel on branches, follow the tips and take care of the fir. With this situation, it will not turn to turn and will delight you longer.

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