Scenario of musical and sports entertainment for children of senior preschool age "travel around the world". Scenario of the competitive - educational game "travel around the world, the history of the Christmas tree"

Decor elements 01.10.2019

(children's birthday)

According to this scenario, we spent a birthday 2 times:
first time: at home, for children 4-10 years old,
second time: in a cafe for first-graders 7-8 years old.
At home, in 1 room assigned to children, it was, of course, a bit crowded.

Room decoration: balloons, children's drawings, a world map or a globe, or home-made posters with the names and illustrations of the continents (from postcards and magazines), multi-colored foam rubber clouds, a wind rose, flags of different countries.

Equipment: balloons, ball, lotto "Beasts", a target with balls, a set of soft toys, masks, prizes.

Hang posters on the walls.

The inscription on the door of the children's room "Cabin-company".

Little travelers sit down at their children's table. The host says:
- Today is a holiday in our wardroom. famous traveler(name) turned ... years old! What do we wish him/her?

Everyone around the circle says their wishes and congratulations.

-And you know, guys, earlier in Russia they celebrated not a birthday, but a name day. The day of the saint after whom you got your name. Let's drive a loaf and call everyone full name: Ekaterina, Alexander, Xenia, Ilya. You have very beautiful and glorious names. Are you curious to know what your names mean, and what saints are you named after?

Children drive a loaf. With the help of knowledgeable adults, they recall the meaning of their names. Everyone is given colorful balloons.

Today we will make trip around the world on balloons.

Task for dads (moms). Who will inflate the balloon faster so that it does not burst.

Here you go. Aircraft are ready. Forward!
Everyone throws their balloons into the air, music plays.

- We will attend a music tournament in Europe, fly over the Atlantic, North America we will hold a compliment contest, dance at a Latin American carnival, hunt in Africa, and we will also have a green olympiad in Australia, a Santa Claus and Snow Maiden contest in Antarctica and a land of mysteries - Asia.

In the course of the game, we show the children on a map, globe or poster the mainland they hit. Focusing on age, we tell something interesting about him.

Music Tournament.

  • 1 version of the competition - home.
    -Guys, we invite adults to the musical tournament.
    Who will sing whom. Children sing 1 song, then adults, and so on in turn. The leader can give the theme of the songs. We had Catherine's birthday. There are many songs associated with this name. They sang songs about birthday, about winter. Friendship won.
  • Option 2. More dynamic. In the cafe.
    We play in the stream, and sing our favorite songs. A new song begins with the one who chooses a couple in a stream.

Host: And now we will take our places in the wardroom. And while we are flying over the Atlantic Ocean, we can refresh ourselves.

During flights, children play balloons and eat.

North America
Compliment contest.
Leading: We flew half the world, and ended up on another continent. When visiting, it is customary to be polite and good interlocutors. Let's see if you know how to give compliments.

Everyone takes turns sitting in a chair or a high chair. Everyone tries to say something nice to him. If children study in language school, you can hold a competition for English language. For the best compliment - a prize.

South America.
Latin American carnival.
We turn on the music. Children choose their own attributes of costumes - masks, scarves, hats. Everyone is dancing. For the best dance compositions - prizes.

We play loto "BEASTS". In a well-aimed shooter - we throw balls at the target. Name the animals and birds that live in Africa.

Competition of Father Frost and Snow Maiden.
We play in pairs. Two Santa Clauses (Snow Maidens) are quickly given light, safe gifts in turn: Stuffed Toys, balls, balls ... Their task is to hold in their hands as much as possible more items, do not drop. Those who dropped out of the game sing a song about in chorus. The main grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden give gifts and prizes to everyone. Dads can also participate in the competition.

Green Olympics.
Ostrich egg. We fill the other with one ball so that the egg ball does not fall and break. Kangaroo. We hold the ball with our feet and jump a short distance with it. Older children can jump with younger kangaroos. Or all together by a train. All Olympians - chocolate medals.

Land of mysteries
(at the end of the game, so that the children calm down and rest). We guess each riddle according to age. We are holding a competition for the most interesting riddle.

At the end of the evening, a birthday cake with candles for all brave travelers.

As a result of the trip, you can together make the magazine "Around the World" with the most interesting photos evenings, drawings and stories of participants.

Games on the playground, in the park or at home.

fun school
(relevant in late summer and early autumn)

For children from 3 to 10 years old.
The goal of the game is to "reconcile" the children with the school.

A class is being recruited - a team of students of all ages. Come up with a name. Teachers - an adult or older children give tasks to each student according to his age. You can choose a teacher of mathematics, natural history, geography, etc. When each student copes with his task, they all move together from grade 1 to grade 2, etc. Therefore, support and friendship are needed. Tasks are varied. Easy in class 1, then harder.

Toddlers love category assignments. For example, in grade 1, name the seasons, and who is older - months, days of the week. In grade 2, 1 student - name 5 pets. The second - 5 wild animals further - birds, trees, flowers, insects. In grade 3 - clothes, shoes, dishes, transport, etc.

But so that older children do not prompt. Unless the kids ask for it. Or an association game. The teacher says a word. For example, a city. Pupils, starting with toddlers, remember something related to the city:
House, car, street, smoke, shop.
Village - cow, well, hay, rooster
Autumn - leaves, rain, school.

Older girls can be given tasks: in grade 1 - make a lunch menu, in grade 2 - come up with names for their dishes, in grade 3 - tell how something is cooked. Boys - name 10 sports. Or car brands. Cities. Country In high school - tell how and from what a house is built, and draw your house with chalk.

At the end of each class there is a break.

Who does not want to be a student becomes a school director or head teacher. The head teacher importantly walks among the students and makes comments or praises them. The director runs back and forth and says: "Where can I get the paint? - Where can I get the brick? - Who would make the repairs?" And also prepares certificates and gold medals from improvised material. And gives them to all graduates at the end of the school.


  • Archaeologists are looking for ancient treasures.
  • Travelers - discover new lands.
For children from 3 to 12 years old
(at home or on the playground)
For children 3-8 years old.
The host before the start of the game hides the key for rescuers, ancient treasures or a note "New Earth".
Recruited a team of rescuers (archaeologists, travelers).
Everyone needs to stick together along the way. You can't lose anyone along the way. First, find out where north is. Let's face him. We remember that we have south behind us, east to the right, west to the left. The facilitator tells the team how many steps to take to the north, how many to the west. The main thing for them is not to confuse the side and not to lose count. The older ones help the younger ones navigate.
Rescuers have found the key, archaeologists - the ancient treasures of the new land is open. Well done - everyone is rolling down a hill or spinning on a carousel.
For children 8-12 years old.
A map is drawn. sites or apartments. Older children can draw. Each object has a number or a name. The host hides the note or key. We announce the start - from object 1. Children are looking for it on the map. There is a hidden note with a new direction "5 meters to the northeast". At the next object, a new note - where to go next. You can give tips and tricks.

In the kingdom of Berendey.

One child is chosen as Tsar Berendey.

He has forest gifts: leaves, cones, acorns, berries. He distributes a gift to each of his subjects and offers to tell about it: what tree this leaf is from or what kind of berry it is.

Or each participant chooses a forest animal or bird. And he tells Tsar Berendey about the habits of his beast and bird: what he eats, how he prepares for the winter, how he takes care of his cubs.


I draw on the faces of children and adults. Any mask. Experience
work in the USA. I have a lot of interesting costumes. Children especially like to change their looks. Perfect for any holiday.Natalia.

Comment on the article "Around the World"

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And how can the countryside interfere with a culinary master class or felting wool? because the children's Dr is something that absolutely all parents face. This is the scenario of the holiday and the necessary props.

I’ll write again: organize a private party to celebrate the birthday of one of your classmates in the name of the parents of this classmate. magical birthday script. maternity hospital 25 moscow cost of paid childbirth.

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And mine again asks for two shifts. I looked, this year there are no such people without leaving the camp. Everything is intermittent, you need to pick it up, and collect it again after a few days.

My eldest this year decided to go around the world, decided that summer holidays crowned with a trip to the camp. And the youngest, as usual, has seven Fridays a week :), and I want to go with my sister and meet my girlfriend

FIVE SHIFTS of 14 and 18 days for CHILDREN 6-16 years old at a new excellent base on the shore of a forest lake, with a variety of infrastructure and accommodation for 3 people with all amenities! Are you ready to climb the highest mountain peak in the world and descend below sea level to the deepest point of the Mariana Trench? See your hometown from a bird's eye view from a balloon basket and ride with a tailwind on a yacht with scarlet sails? An exciting African wildlife safari...

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And he has DR in the summer. What he bitterly regrets .. All sorts of Milk slices + apple juice were brought to the garden. Barney is also a good choice. I would bake cookies, but I'm not sure that it will be quoted in the team on the DR, but we wear charlotte for the holidays, too.


all children are different and everyone’s tastes are also different - mine loves sweets and chocolate - but not all sweets will be eaten, he will eat chemical marmalade (from sets), but he won’t eat simple chocolate, and he won’t eat fruit in chocolate, barney too he doesn’t eat and doesn’t like cookies - you can’t please everyone - and kinders are a good budget option.

I can’t have chocolate, so we have a gift - 3-4 marmalade candies in chocolate. The chocolate is purely symbolic. I buy in Auchan on a bill, I pack it in separate bags for breakfast (later my parents told me that I came up with a good idea). There would be a mat. an opportunity, would give fruits in chocolate - dried apricots, prunes. Barney just finishes off with his trashiness. Fat there 15%, tin!

All the best for the summer - the festival " Best City Earth”, September 7, 12.00-22.00 Akademika Sakharova Avenue The best participants, the brightest moments, the most delicious treats - everything that the townspeople remember this summer at the festival “The Best City of the Earth” will be collected on September 7 in one place - on Sakharov Avenue. From 12.00 to 22.00, you can see original graffiti from graffiti artists, watch the performances of the winners of city competitions in parkour, workout, skatepark and BMX...

11.02.2017 15:59:00, [email protected] [email protected]

Opening of the installation "Ship of Tolerance", September 7, 14.00 - Gorky Park
The project of Emilia and Ilya Kabakov has already managed to conquer Italian Venice, Swiss St. Moritz, Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates, Cuban Havana and Miami and New York in the USA. The opening in Moscow will take place at Pionersky Pond in Gorky Park on September 7 at 14.00. Teachers of the "open workshops" will talk with children about friendship and cultural diversity and together create drawing sails that will become one big sail for an 18-meter wooden ship.

Final of the Moscow Fireworks Festival, 7 September 21.45
On the day of the city on September 7, pyrotechnic shows will simultaneously take place throughout the city. This is how the fireworks festival, which lasted all summer as part of the festival "The Best City of the Earth", will end. Each pyrotechnic performance will be unique. They will be prepared by the best domestic and foreign teams, festival participants.
Venues: Muzeon Arts Park; Town named after Bauman; The intersection of Yurlovsky passage and Dezhnev passage; Dosaaf site along Zarechye street, vl. 9; Nagatinskaya floodplain; Square on Kadyrov Street; Sparrow Hills; Settlement of Moscow; Victory Park (Zelenograd); Bogdanov street; Friendship Park.

Festival of World Cultures "Around the World", September 7, 12.00-20.00 Friendship of Peoples Fountain Square at the All-Russian Exhibition Center
Together with the publishing house "Around the World" at the All-Russian Exhibition Center on the square of the fountain "Friendship of Peoples" from 12.00 to 20.00 on September 7, it will be possible to travel across countries, continents and even other planets. The program includes the Cuisines of the World gastronomic festival, master classes for schoolchildren from the Museum of Cosmonautics, a photography platform with live statues and reduced models of world attractions, as well as dances and an animation zone for the little ones.

City Day with the Moscow24 TV channel, September 7, 15.00-22.00 - Tverskaya Square
On September 7, Tverskaya Square will host a celebration organized by the Moskva24 TV channel from 15.00 to 22.00. Among the announced participants are Megapolis, Umaturman, the VasilievGroove show, Boombox, DJ MoscowFM Tim Kustoff. Guests will enjoy the presentation of the Circle of Light festival with a projection on the City Hall building and fireworks.

Moscow Press Festival, 7 September 10.00 - Pushkin Square On September 7, from 10 am to 10 pm, Muscovites will meet with the press on Pushkinskaya Square, which traditionally takes place on City Day. The action involves the publishing house "Izvestia / Life", "AiF", "Literaturnaya Gazeta", "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", children's publications ("Funny Pictures", "Misha3", "Murzilka2"), magazines - about 30 federal and city magazines publications. From 10.00 to 14.00 a preferential subscription will be organized on the square, at 14.00 a gala concert organized by the press will begin.

Experience Intel World Tour. look inside. September 7 from 12.00 to 00.00 and September 8 from 12.00 to 22.00 - Revolution Square
Intel has prepared a gift for Muscovites for the City Day. In the very center of Moscow, on Revolution Square, a unique Intel pavilion will open. Looking inside, you can learn more about how hi-tech is changing the world around us. The tour will also include performances by artists and a lecture by renowned European futurologist Ray Hammond.
A special demo space created inside the pavilion will allow guests to get acquainted with interesting gadgets based on Intel technologies. Headlining the tour are convertible Ultrabooks and 2-in-1s that fold and swivel to transform from a familiar laptop into a practical tablet thanks to their special form factor.
Inside the pavilion, in addition to gadgets, will take their place interactive games created at the intersection of art and technology.

The chain of stores "Moscow House of Books", the publishing house "Vokrug Sveta" and the network of coffee houses "Coffee House" presents the action "Flavours of the holiday!". From March 3 to March 31, buy one or more culinary books "Around the World" - get gifts: 1 book - apron 2 books - 1 kg of coffee from the Coffee House chain of coffee houses 3 books - coffee + apron

Today published the results of the photo contest "Around the World", which was held jointly with the tour operator "Labyrinth". The main prize is a family trip to Greece. According to the results of a closed voting, a very worthy photo won, which fully meets the theme of the contest: Congratulations to the winner and we really hope that nothing will prevent him from taking advantage of the prize!


As soon as a more expensive prize than usual is played on the 7th, dissatisfied people immediately appear in the Feedback, questioning the honesty of the vote.
This competition is no exception:

I will repeat once again that in my opinion, under the existing system of closed voting, participation in the jury does not affect the victory of a candidate.
Apparently, in the near future we will have to start a separate topic with an explanation of the mechanism of closed voting and discussion of the legality of participation in the jury of contenders for victory ...

User Poll Which of the following guides do you usually use? Poster Around the world Polyglot Dmitry Krylov Dorling Kindersley Thomas Cook The National Geographic Traveler Lonely Planet Le Petit Futé Berlitz Michelin Bradt golden book(The Golden Book) Orange guide, Red guide Through the eyes of an eyewitness Historical guide Your pocket guide Welcome (book series) Great Country Biographies Series Other None Current results Other polls...

I celebrated my 3rd grader daughter's DR at home in December. I climbed onto the Sun portal, there is a script for a pirate DR. I almost completely repeated it, everything went "Hurrah" For each round, the children received a part of the pirate letter.


I celebrated my 3rd grader daughter's DR at home in December.
I climbed onto the Sun portal, there is a script for a pirate DR.
I almost completely repeated it, everything went to "Hurrah"
For each round, the children received a piece of a pirate letter.
There were games: one hides, the rest join hands and get tangled, then the one hiding them unravels them.
They built a fortress from disposable glasses, it turned out super.
I printed puzzles for them, they solved them.
In balloons, they hid part of the letter and just unnecessary pieces of paper, they were looking for.
I printed out a "sea" dictionary, thought about the meaning of sea words.
I bought a map a la an old one, pasted a picture of a chest there, they stuck stickers blindly, whoever is closest is that captain.
When the letter was collected, it was necessary to decipher it and it was written there where treasures were hidden in the apartment (a bag with souvenirs).
In general, the daughter said no more animators needed.
And then all the parents called back and asked why I still hid my talents.
Link below. You don't need a lot of space. Only one room.
I prepared in 2 days.
If necessary, I can send puzzles, I still have them somewhere in my computer. Well, the children were reassured at the right time.
And the map is on the balcony, I can give it away, it’s true that our stickers are there, stick your own on top.

The game "Guess who hurt?"
One child is blindfolded and turned back to the others. Someone lightly touches him with his hand, you have to guess who it is? If you guessed right, then the offender is blindfolded and he becomes a "guesser".

The game "The Third Extra".
The undisputed leader of outdoor games at the holiday. Chairs are placed in the center, 1 less than the number of participants. Children walk or run around the chairs to the music. Suddenly the music stops, you have to have time to take a chair. Those who do not have enough are out of the game. We remove 1 chair and everything continues.
If there are a lot of children, at the beginning of the game you can put sheets of newspaper on the floor, but when 3-4 people remain, it is still better to put chairs.

Game "Guess the object".
Various items are put into a large cardboard box: cubes, pencils, small cars, mosaics ... The box is closed with a scarf from above. The child picks up an object and tries to guess what it is.

Chamomile game.
A chamomile is made from paper in advance - there are as many petals as there will be children. Funny tasks are written on the back of each petal. Children tear off the petals and begin to complete tasks: they walk in single file, crow, jump on one leg, sing a song, repeat a tongue twister ...

Ball game.
Lead toss Balloon. While he is flying, you can move, touched the floor - everyone should freeze and not smile. Those who do not comply are out of the game.

Clown game.
A poster was attached to the wall, on which a clown's head is drawn, without a nose. Everyone in turn, blindfolded, pins a "nose" (foam rubber ball) to the poster with a pin.

Treasure hunt game.
Kids love this birthday game. We are looking for a treasure according to riddle notes. The clue is where to look for the next note. The host reads the first riddle, guessing the word "TV", the children rushed there, on the TV a note with another riddle was already waiting for them. And so on: "Pillow" - "Window" - "Refrigerator" - "Table" ... In the last guessed place, of course, a "treasure" was already waiting: a box of chocolates. It is desirable that the "treasure" be easily divisible by all.

Prize cutting game.
Hanged on a rope different useful little things: bright pencils, erasers, sharpeners, sweets.
We cut the prizes with open eyes, but in turn. This is where the cards scored for winning the contests came in handy: whoever earned the most cards is the first to cut off. As an exception, the birthday boy can be the first to cut off - after all, this is his holiday.
Advice: it is better to tie the prizes to the rope just before the competition. Otherwise, having prepared everything in advance, you run the risk of unraveling the strings for a very long time, separating the prize from the prize ...

something like this .... I don’t envy you :) :) :) I myself remember my birthday at home :) but they are the most memorable!!! Good luck!
For adults to relax (children will definitely not be seen for an hour), I advise you to buy the game active * iv * iti or the like ....

when we were looking for an apartment, we wanted it in this area, but pioneer prices are prohibitive for us. as a result, they bought on the other side of Kutuzovsky, also synchronized swimming for children. DIY butterfly antennae bezel. New Year's script for students. View topics in other conferences


and we first filmed on G. Kurina - this is a Slavic boulevard 3 minutes and 7-10 minutes to pioneer. quite a decent street, kastanaevskaya -generally super (between two subways). while we lived, we liked the area around Pioneer Street more - there the girl before me described m. and b. filevskie - attacks, five, ponds, rivers, etc. I don’t know about kindergartens and schools, there are no children. For a walk, the park where the Moscow River is incomparable.

when we were looking for an apartment, we wanted it in this area, but pioneer prices are prohibitive for us. as a result, they bought on the other side of Kutuzovsky, also Fili-Davydkovo, near Kremenchug. another girl before me also described this neighborhood :) but we still don’t know anything here, so we can’t say praise either. the cycling season will begin, we will explore what's what, but for now repair-repair

My review may also come in handy. Until the age of 16, she lived on the Studencheskaya metro station (it used to be good, now there is nowhere to go with children, nowhere to walk). Now I have been living on Pionerskaya for 20 years. There is a park near the metro, a pond (in winter there are huge ice slides). The pond is really overgrown with algae, but you can walk around. I live on the side of Bolshaya and Malaya Filevskaya streets, here more possibilities for children, as there is a park nearby, the Moscow River. Nearby there is a sports complex "Constructor", 4-5 bus stops Palace water sports"Fili", club "Seagull". Within walking distance are both an adult (horror-horror) and a children's clinic (so-so). There are different houses and 5-ki and 9-ki. It’s more difficult with kindergartens, since there are few regional ones, and the rest are departmental ones from the Khrunichesky plant (now there are unrealistically high prices - they are unjustified, because I had experience 9 years ago I took the elder there - the result was gone after 3 months). There are no normal schools in my opinion. There are good reviews from friends about school No. 72 (if I'm not mistaken) opposite the Fili Water Sports Palace. But I myself take the metro (12 min.) to Studencheskaya to school No. 710 (where I myself studied).
On the other side of the metro along Kastanaevskaya street there are many new buildings.
Ask if there's anything else you'd like to know.

And it is very important that you believe in it :)) Because now you are looking around, at the same scenarios, and do not see any way to influence the situation at all. Everything happens in the world and believe me.


IMHO - just initially you need to understand that a woman needs a family first of all. And build your behavior based on this. In a divorce, the wife and children will suffer first of all, while the husband will happily begin a new free life. So - who needs it, he tries. The methods of attracting a husband to household chores are different - someone has a scandal, someone has sex, someone has interesting conversations, someone has an awesome appearance, someone has a provocation of jealousy. But yes, the woman keeps the family, because. she needs it more. Accordingly, and change her if something does not suit her. There are exceptions, but generally this is the case.


My husband's parents divorced when he was 15 years old. Since then, his father has not shown himself in any way, although he left 3 children after 16 years of marriage. My husband was already married before me and has a child from his first marriage. But he does not leave his daughter, and he pays alimony as expected, and if necessary, gives money, and communicates with her, in general, does not disappear from her life. Relations with BZ are normal. You can, of course, say that you still got divorced, but you didn’t leave the child. So, I don’t think that everything repeats exactly the same, people are all different. In fact, much more depends on the woman. The husband of his father can not stand, and his mother still sighs about him, although it is not clear who to sigh about :-(((

I have the opposite. My parents have a wonderful family, and I have the devil knows what it is. If only I had a character like my mother! I have it like that - fighting, temperamental. But I’m not, even according to the horoscope and Aries, but in life - a sheep is a sheep, and, naturally, all men see this and joyfully use it - in short, they do what they want with me, but I’m poor, I endure, in extreme cases - I wash off. :(((
But if there is such an example, there is probably the opposite :)

Stanyukovich "Maximka", "Around the world on the "Kite" 134. 142.! Zh. Verne "Children of Captain Grant", "Mysterious Island", "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea", "Around the World in 80 Days", etc.


Can you add?

Maria Kruger "Blue Bead", "Hello Caroline".

Irina Pivovarova "Once Katya with Manechka", "Stories of Lucy Sinitsina"

Clarification about Lindgren and Tove Janson. In no case should you read in the translation of Lyudmila Braude. It's a perversion!!
Lindgren - translated by Liliana Lungina.
Tove Jansson - in the transfer of Smirnov.

My favorite book by Lindgren (and my brother, and my daughter, and everyone who knows her) is "We are all from Bullerby." Put her on the list please!

I. Coyne. "A girl. with whom the children were not allowed to hang out."

Mary Norton, "Getters"

Ekaterina Borisova, "Happy ending"

Vera Badalska, "Jendrek and others"

Maybe I missed - Selma Lagerlöf "Niels' Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese". Better translation of Transdanubian and Lyubarskaya (Tokmakova's is worse). This is the only children's book in my opinion. Nobel laureate. The book is amazing, really amazing.

Berestov's poems (also, perhaps, I missed it - then I'm sorry).

05/28/2002 02:08:03, malsa

That's lovely! Thank you Eden! I have already discovered several wonderful titles that somehow fell out of my memory, although they were read with great pleasure in childhood (for example, about dad, mom, eight children and a truck). The only question arose - we read "Plikh and Plyukh" at Kharms's. Is this a translation or just "inspired"?

Scenario of a competitive educational game


Target: expand the horizons of children in the field of geography.


Introduce new facts (Legends and facts about the Christmas tree), how the new year is celebrated in different countries.

Teach kids to work in a team

It is interesting to lead leisure.

Equipment: projector, props for competitions

Leading :

Many different countries in the world

And over each the sun shines,

And children are laughing everywhere

Growing up day by day.

We are calling you with us

Travel around the world

Explore this planet.

Well, come on, let's go!

We invite you on a journey through countries and continents! Let's gather two tourist groups and hit the road!

(Each group 6-7 people)

The Christmas tree is an invariable attribute of Christmas and New Year. Do you know why the tree took this place of honor? In which country was this tree first installed on the square, how and when did they begin to decorate it in Russia, why is it customary to put a star on top, when did the tradition of putting an artificial fir tree appear, and where and when was the tallest New Year tree installed? We will try to find answers to all these questions in the last days of the outgoing year.

In the hall, the lights go out on the screen slides about the Christmas tree

(Text see appendix 1.)

But to start the journey, we need to check if you are experienced travelers? Each group will now write down in the waybill all the countries they know.

Whose team will remember more countries will earn the first airplane. After 1 minute, the results of the first warm-up competition are summed up

The participants are in place, the audience is in the hall, it's time to take flight! In places!

Well, all the audience raise their hands up and applaud loudly.

Go! Let's try! Tr "Controller + aircraft takeoff"

And so they flew

1. Guess the riddle of the country

A boot floats in the sea

Thousands of years and not wet!

And people live on it -

Who will call us? right Italy

The lights go out in the hall on the screen the first country ITALY

There are slides of the Italian Republic, its capital, vegetation, main attractions, and animal world, new year traditions

Lights up in the hall. We have arrived in sunny Italy. Questions to the audience: What famous fruit grows in Italy?

What is the most famous Italian dish you know?

Contest: pick grapes, create pizza.

2. In the hall, the lights go out on the screen, the country of BRAZIL

There are slides about Brazil, its capital, vegetation, main attractions, and wildlife, New Year's traditions.

Lights up in the hall. We have arrived at hot country Brazil.

Let's play the popular Brazilian game "pig in a poke".

Game "Pig in a bag"

The game is also known in almost all Latin American countries. She needs a wide bag. The bag contains: mops, rags, colored stones, sponges, old ropes, torn shoes, beaten cups. There are as many gifts as there are players. Players take turns approaching the bag and take out one item from it,

to the touch must determine what it is. The item guessed by the child brings the team one point.

3. I am the country where in the morning

Freely jumping kangaroo,

Koala sleeping in the trees

And the sun looks cheerful.


In the hall the lights go out on the screen the country AUSTRALIA

There are slides about Australia, its capital, vegetation, main attractions, and wildlife, New Year's traditions.

Lights up in the hall. We have arrived atAustralia

Only in a big, green country

Kangaroo lives smart.

He won't leave his children

He carries them with him in his bag.


kangaroo competition

Relay bring an ostrich egg. The first participant holds the ball with his feet and jumps a short distance with it, takes an ostrich egg from the common basket and carries it to his team. Passes the ball to another participant.

4 country

The warmest continent

Picturesque and great.

Lives here in the savannas

Lots of lions and monkeys. (Africa)

There are sharks scurrying around, gorillas jumping.

Scary big angry crocodiles

They will bite, beat and offend you.

Remember that place where you can not walk?

In the hall the lights go out on the screen Africa

There are slides about Africa, its capital, vegetation, main attractions, and wildlife, New Year's traditions

Lights up in the hall. We have arrived at Africa

Competition to come up with an animated dance by the “Dance of the Monkeys” team

Game with spectators Riddles about Africa.

5 country Finland

In the hall, the lights go out on the screen Finland. There are slides about Finland, its capital, vegetation, main attractions, and wildlife, New Year's traditions. The story of Santa Claus

Lights up in the hall. We have arrived at Finland

Competition - Santa.

The task of the participants is to help Santa, put the candy into the children's socks, but first you need to climb into the pipe, get out of it, put the candy in the sock, and then back into the pipe from the pipe and pass the bag with sweets to your team.


Department of Education of the Administration of Bratsk

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Open (replaceable) general education school No. 1"

municipality of the city of Bratsk

(MBOU "O (C) OSH No. 1")


extracurricular integrated event in geography and history

"Primus circumdedisti me"

Goals: Updating the knowledge of students in history and geography. Increasing cognitive activity. Increasing interest in history and geography. Development of communication skills. Raising respect for the history and culture of other peoples.

Members: students of 8-12 grades/groups.

Equipment: multimedia projector, screen, 2 sets of puzzles.

Game progress.


Question to the participants. Why do people travel?

Suggested answers: relax, in search of treasure.

Yes, indeed, these are the main goals for modern travelers. But for seafarers of past centuries, the main goal of any expedition was the discovery of new lands unknown to them or a new trade route between continents and countries.

Let's remember how it happened.

The story is accompanied by a display of changes on interactive map. Portraits of famous travelers, photographs of lands and sea routes discovered by them are replaced on the screen.

But a special place among them is occupied by Ferdinand Magellan - the first person to commit circumnavigation.

Ferdinand Magellan (1470-1521) was a Portuguese navigator. He was the first to circumnavigate the world and cross the ocean, which he called the Pacific. He proved the existence of a single World Ocean and provided practical evidence that the Earth is spherical.

Magellan's voyage is considered one of the greatest events 16th century: Expeditions that went west returned from the east and proved in this way that the Earth is spherical; For the first time, Europeans crossed the largest of the oceans - the Pacific, opening a passage from the Atlantic. In addition, the expedition found out that much of the earth's surface is occupied not by land, as Columbus and his contemporaries thought, but by oceans. Two star clusters (Large and Small Magellanic Clouds) and a strait are named after Magellan. All Magellan's travels were described by the historiographer and expedition member Antonio Pifachetta.

But not Magellan got the laurels of the discoverer, but a completely different person. And what is his name and what reward he received from the king of Spain, we have to find out at the end of our lesson.

2. Organizational moment.

Explanation of the rules of the game. The participants are divided into two teams. They will have to make a round-the-world trip during which they will visit five countries.

Rules of the game:

Guess 6 countries with the help of video prompts.

The team that guesses the country receives one piece of the puzzle. The team that quickly collects the image of the first cup from all 6 fragments and reads the motto on it wins.

When moving from one country to another, the teams will have to answer six blocks of questions in different sections of geography. Teams receive points for each correct answer.

For each additional hint about the country, the team is deducted one point.

3. Game.

The whole game is built on a video sequence of sights and symbols of guessable countries.

1 round.

How many oceans are on planet Earth?

What is the name of the ocean that includes all 4 oceans?

In which country are cats considered a sacred animal?

The capital of China is:

What do the stars on the US flag represent?

What is the beginning of the Russian national anthem?

Is it possible to get from Turkey to Egypt by land?

Name the state that includes:

England, Scotland, Northern Ireland?

Name the most famous architectural structure in India

1 country is a mystery

Island position.

Kingdom uniting 4 provinces.

Foggy Albion.

"Aging Nation"

National language - 2nd place in the world in terms of prevalence.

The inhabitants of the country are literally obsessed with dogs and roses

Video sequence: 4 sights of the country, coat of arms and flag of the state.

After the participants of the game have guessed the country (Great Britain), the teacher invites them to play a traditional English game. We need to find the answer to the next riddle. (The text of the riddle is reflected on the screen)


A gentleman and a lady are looking at a portrait. The gentleman says to the lady: “So, Daphne, what do you say about this portrait? I commissioned it from William Farmer himself! man was my father's son." What is the relationship between this art connoisseur and the person depicted in the portrait?

The team that gives the correct answer gets an extra point. The team receives the first fragment of the image of the cup.

Round 2

How many oceans wash Russia?

List sources fresh water

What ocean do you have to cross to get from Europe to the USA?

Why is the Pacific Ocean called "Pacific"?

Which language family most numerous?




The situation in which the birth rate prevails over the death rate is:

Population explosion or demographic crisis?

What language dictionaries will you need when traveling to Canada?

Which is more, continents or parts of the world?

Is the demographic policy of Russia aimed at increasing or decreasing the rate of population growth?

2 country - a mystery

« New World»

Until 1776 - a colony of Great Britain

Washed by 2 oceans

Ranks 4th in the world in terms of territory and 3rd in terms of population

The capital is located in the District of Columbia

Monetary unit - one of the reserve currencies of the world

Video sequence: 6 famous symbols of the country, coat of arms and flag of the state.

The team that guessed the country (USA) receives the second fragment of the image of the cup.

3 round.

On planet Earth, is most of the territory occupied by seas or land?

Which sea does not exist:

Name the saltiest sea in the world

What connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans?

Bering Strait, Gulf of Mexico, Panama Canal

What is the population of planet earth today?

What pole do penguins live on?

South or North?

What mountains is the boundary between Europe and Asia?




What is the name of the island on which, according to a children's song, life is easy and simple?

Which continent is by far the most undeveloped and uninhabited?

3rd country - ?

The oldest country in the world ancient culture

The demographic policy of the state is aimed at reducing the birth rate

The first to invent paper, compass, porcelain

Video sequence: 2 landmarks, 2 symbols of the country, flag and coat of arms of the country.

The team that guessed the country (China) receives the third fragment of the coat of arms.

After that, the teams are invited to unravel the encrypted word (Huang He - river), the cipher looks like hieroglyphs, and a "key" is given to it.

Round 4

Is Egypt located in Africa or Asia?

How many world religions exist today?

Is it true that 90% of the population of Indonesia are Muslims?

Rome - Constantinople - …… complete the chain

Remove excess:




Holy Book of Christians?

Which continent is divided into two parts of the world?

Who discovered America?

The founder of Islam is a prophet...? call his name

4 country - ?

Archipelago in pacific ocean

Technologically developed country With high level life


The national language belongs to the group of isolated languages

Video sequence: 5 sights and 2 symbols. Coat of arms and flag.

The team that guessed the country (Japan) receives the fourth fragment of the image of the coat of arms.

Then the teams are invited to play the Japanese game "Sticks". There are 12 sticks on the table between the representatives of the teams. Each player can take 1, 2 or 3 sticks for each move (take turns). Whoever gets the last wand loses. The winning team gets an extra point.

Round 5

The cult of inanimate objects is:


What is oecumene?

It is taken with a geologist, tourist, driver, archaeologist

Everyone knows that the Angara River originates in Lake Baikal, but where does it flow into?

What is solar energy?

Which African country hosted the 2010 FIFA World Cup?

Which building in China can be seen even from space?

5 country - ?

Plurinational State

Urdu, Bengali and 30 more languages ​​and 2000 dialects

First place in natural population growth

The invention of chess, the metric system

Video sequence: five sights and symbols of the country. Flag and coat of arms of the country.

The team that guessed the country (India) receives the fifth fragment of the coat of arms.

Round 6

Name two countries that are leaders in the presence of coniferous forests

What is not an exhaustible resource:

What is the difference between an Indian and an Indian?

What is the water in Lake Baikal: fresh or salty?

Is the main growth of the world's population due to developed or developing countries?

Which part of the world is larger Europe or Asia?

Which continent has no rivers?

Russia - a multinational country or one-national?

Who is the head of the Catholic Church?

6 country - ?

Most of country occupied by desert

It has unique representatives of flora and fauna

subcontinental climate

The natives of this country in 1779 ate the traveler James Cook

Video sequence: 4 sights and symbols of the country. Coat of arms and flag.

The team that guessed the country (Australia) receives the sixth fragment of the coat of arms.

After that, the teams are asked to guess the riddle.


Nikolai Gumilyov in the story “The Stradivarius Violin” puts the following words into the mouth of the devil: “... I even visited Australia. There, for long-armed ugly people, I invented a boomerang - a magnificent toy, at the thought of which I still want to laugh. He comes to life in the evil hand of the savage, flies, turns and, having broken the head of the enemy, returns to the feet of the owner, so smooth and innocent.

And in this little piece of the tempter's long monologue, the writer makes one mistake that you have to discover.

5. Summing up.

Having added all six fragments, the teams receive an image of the coat of arms, which Juan Sebastian del Cano received from the Spanish king as the first person to travel around the world. It was he who led the ships from the expedition, after the death of Magellan.

The inscription on the coat of arms reads "Primus circumdedisti me" - "You were the first to travel around me."

Team scores are calculated and the winner is declared.

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SCENARIO "Around the World"

Room decoration:


Hang posters on the walls.




SCENARIO "Around the World"
(Children's birthday from 7 years old)

Room decoration:

balloons, children's drawings, a world map or a globe or home-made posters with the names and illustrations of the continents (from postcards and magazines), multi-colored foam rubber clouds, a wind rose, flags of different countries.


balloons, ball, lotto "Beasts", a target with balls, a set of soft toys, masks, prizes.

Hang posters on the walls.

On the door of the children's room is the inscription "Cabin".
Little travelers sit down at their children's table.


Today is a holiday in our wardroom. The famous traveler (name) turned ... years old! What do we wish him/her?

Everyone around the circle says their wishes and congratulations.


And you know, guys, earlier in Russia they celebrated not a birthday, but a name day. The day of the saint after whom you got your name. Let's drive a loaf and call everyone by their full name: Ekaterina, Alexander, Xenia, Ilya. You have very beautiful and glorious names. Are you curious to know what your names mean and what saints you are named after?

Children drive a loaf (words and movements see here Child's birthday - 2 years. Scenarios, games and ideas). With the help of knowledgeable adults, they recall the meaning of their names. Everyone is given colorful balloons.

Today we will travel around the world in hot air balloons.

Task for dads (moms). Who will inflate the balloon faster so that it does not burst.

Here you go. Aircraft are ready. Forward!

Everyone throws their balloons into the air, music plays.


We will visit a music tournament in Europe, fly over the Atlantic, hold a compliment contest in North America, dance at a Latin American carnival, hunt in Africa, and we will also have a green olympiad in Australia, a Santa Claus and Snow Maiden contest in Antarctica and a land of mysteries - Asia.

In the course of the game, we show the children on a map, globe or poster the mainland they hit. Focusing on age, we tell something interesting about him.

1 holiday option


Music Tournament

1 version of the competition - home.

Guys, we invite adults to the musical tournament.

Who will sing whom.

Children sing 1 song, then adults, and so on in turn. The facilitator can give the theme of the song. For example, Catherine's birthday is in winter. There are many songs associated with this name. We sing songs about birthday, about winter. Friendship won.

Option 2. More dynamic.

In the cafe. We play in the stream and sing our favorite songs.
A new song begins with the one who chooses a couple in a stream.

Leading: And now we will take our places in the wardroom. And while we are flying over the Atlantic Ocean, we can refresh ourselves.

During flights, children play balloons and eat.

North America

Compliment Contest

Leading: You and I flew half the world and ended up on another continent. When visiting, it is customary to be polite and good interlocutors. Let's see if you know how to give compliments.

Everyone takes turns sitting in a chair or a high chair. Everyone tries to say something pleasant to the newborn. If the children study at a language school, you can hold a competition in English. For the best compliment - a prize.

South America

latin american carnival

We turn on the music. Children choose their own attributes of costumes - masks, scarves, hats. Everyone is dancing. For the best dance compositions - prizes.



We play the loto "BEASTS". In a well-aimed shooter - we throw balls at the target. Name the animals and birds that live in Africa.


Santa Claus and Snow Maiden Competition

We play in pairs. Two Santa Clauses (Snow Maidens) in turn are quickly given light safe gifts: soft toys, balls, balls ... Their task is to hold as many objects in their hands as possible, not to drop them. Dropped out of the game in chorus sing a song about New Year. The main Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden give gifts and prizes to everyone. Dads can also participate in the competition.


Green Olympics

Ostrich egg. We fill the other with one ball so that the egg ball does not fall and break.

Kangaroo. We hold the ball with our feet and jump a short distance with it. Older children can jump with younger kangaroos. Or all together by a train. All Olympians - chocolate medals.


Land of mysteries

At the end of the game, so that the children calm down and rest. We guess each riddle according to age. We are holding a competition for the most interesting riddle.
At the end of the evening, a birthday cake with candles for all brave travelers.
As a result of the trip, you can together make a magazine "Around the World" with the most interesting photographs of the evening, drawings and stories of the participants.

holiday option 2


Europe is the birthplace of football, and now we will have a very small football tournament.

You can play in a spacious room, in a corridor or on a playground.

Two chairs are placed at a distance of 5-6 m from one another, with their backs inward. Two guys sit on chairs astride, facing each other. The space between the legs of the chairs is the gate.

Two players have their legs tied with a rope. Moving around the court with tied legs, everyone tries to intercept the ball and drive it into the opponent's goal. The one who does it first wins. Spectators prevent the ball from rolling away from the players.

V small room You can play with one goal.

Everyone tries to prevent the opponent from scoring the ball into the goal, while he himself tries to do it. The safest (apartment) option is not to play with the ball, but balloon. Friendship wins.


And now we will take our places in the wardroom and, while we are flying over the Atlantic Ocean, we can refresh ourselves.

During this and subsequent "flights" children play balls and help themselves.


You and I flew half the world, and ended up on another continent, in North America! And this is the birthplace of jazz and generally cheerful music. Let's show the Americans our orchestra!

It is required to perform some popular song, but to accompany on the material at hand found in the room: on a mop, pots, a drum, pipes, whistles, a comb, etc. Preparation time is 5 minutes.

Option: perform one or two verses of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" as it would be sung by the warriors of an Indian tribe.


Attention! We are in South America. And if in North America the inhabitants are very fond of playing various musical instruments, then Latin Americans love carnivals. And now we will arrange one such small carnival!

The music turns on. Children choose their costume details - masks, scarves, hats. Everyone is dancing. For the best dance numbers - prizes.

The dance competition can be somewhat expanded and diversified with fun tasks.

Picture the dance:

  • with a mop;
  • with chair;
  • with a suitcase;
  • with a kettle;
  • with pillow.

Picture the dance:

  • small kittens;
  • puppies;
  • foals;
  • piglets;
  • monkeys.

Show with gestures, body movements, dances the meaning of the proverb (this is for older children):

  • The well-fed does not understand the hungry.
  • Small in body, but great in deed.
  • You love to take, love and give.
  • You love to ride, love to carry sleds.
  • Softly spread, but hard to sleep.
  • You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without effort.
  • Do not open your mouth at someone else's loaf.
  • If you chase two hares, you won't catch one.
  • Don't look at a gift horse's teeth.
  • A kind word and a cat is pleased.


We've arrived in Africa! Around - the jungle, at every step - dangers and, of course, wild animals that are found in these African mysteries. Try to guess them!

Who alone has a horn?
Guess!... (Rhinoceros)

Lots of power in it.
He is almost as tall as a house.
He has a huge nose
Like a nose
Years a thousand grew. (Elephant)

Who walks in the world
In a stone shirt?
In a stone shirt
They go... (Turtles)

The horses put on sea vests. (Zebras)

The rope lies
Hissing cheat.
It's dangerous to take her
Will bite.
It's clear? (Snake)

He's tall and spotty
With a long, long neck
And he eats leaves -
Tree leaves. (Giraffe)

They have a very strange look:
Dad has curls in a wave,
And my mother has a haircut.
What is she offended by? (Lioness)

After guessing the riddles and rewarding the most active with prizes, the children play the "Beasts" lotto. Then you can arrange a "animal" game-competition.

Ten to fifteen people participate at once. Everyone becomes in a circle, the leader is inside the circle. Walking in a circle, he points to each one in a row, saying: “fish, beast, bird, fish, beast ...”, etc.

On whom the leader stops, he must quickly answer the name of the required living being. Those who do not answer or answer incorrectly are out. The rest is the winner, he is awarded a prize.

It goes without saying that not only African birds and animals can be named in this game.


Overboard - Antarctica! Let's hold a competition of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

They play in pairs.

Two Santa Clauses (Snow Maidens) in turn are quickly given light safe "gifts": soft toys, balls, balls ... Their task is to hold as many objects in their hands as possible, not to drop them. When everyone has played, the team of those who have dropped out of the game sings a song about the New Year in unison. The main grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden give gifts and prizes to everyone. Dads can also participate in the competition.


The next continent is Australia. By the way, the Green Olympiad is being held here. I invite you to participate!


Two players sit on chairs with their backs to each other, at a distance of 2-3 m. A rope is stretched under the chairs (it lies on the floor). On a signal, you need to jump up, run around both chairs, making three full circles around them, then sit on your chair, bend over, grab and pull the rope towards you. Whoever grabs the rope faster wins. Everyone should run to the right side. Do not touch chairs while running.

First, it is recommended to conduct a rehearsal. In order for the players not to make a mistake and grab the rope ahead of time, the host counts the turns aloud: "One, two, three." After counting "three" you can sit on a chair and try to pull the rope.

The game can be modified: do not run around the chairs, but jump on one leg (only one turn), then sit down and try to pull the rope.

There is another fun version of this game. Both participants are blindfolded. On command, they must stand up, reach the opponent's chair, feeling it, sit down and pull out the rope.

And a very fun option. Two players sit on chairs with their backs to each other at a distance of three steps. The leader of each ties a rope 2 m long to the ankle of the right leg, passes it under a chair, blindfolds each one and offers to try, by pulling on the heather, to tear the opponent’s leg off the floor. The leader at the last moment changes the ends of the ropes, and it turns out that each player tries to tear his own leg off the floor.


At a distance of 2 - 3 m, two stools are placed one from the other. Blindfolded players sit on them. At the command of the leader, they stand up, take 6-8 steps forward. After that, everyone should make three full turns in place and return to their stool.

This task is not easy to complete. Very often, players lose their direction and, returning, go in a completely different direction from where they came.


In the middle of the site, 8-10 pins are placed in disorder at a distance of 70-80 cm from one another. Skittles are trees in the forest. The players are blindfolded (night forest - nothing is visible). They must pass to the other side of the site between the trees without hitting them. The one who hits the pin and drops it gets a penalty point.

At the end of the game, when several players pass through the imaginary forest, the winner is determined. They will be the one who received less penalty points. He is awarded the prize.


Two or three pairs of players, standing side by side, join hands, put a large inflatable ball on their shoulders and, pressing it with their heads on each side, run to the indicated place and back, trying not to drop the ball. The winner is the pair that successfully completed the task and returned first.

All Olympians are awarded chocolate medals at the end.


And now we are flying to Asia - the land of mysteries! Today we will create a mysterious picture!

Each of the players on a piece of paper draws the head of a person, animal or bird on top. Then the sheet is folded so that the drawing is not visible - only the tip of the neck. Next, the drawing is transferred to a neighbor. Thus, each participant in the game has new leaf with an image he didn't see. Everyone draws the upper part of the torso, again "hides" the drawing and passes it on to a neighbor in order to finish drawing the limbs on the new sheet received. And now everyone unfolds the drawings and looks at what mysterious creatures are depicted on them.

In conclusion, the game "Guess it!" is played.

All participants are divided into two teams. The first team comes up with some tricky word, and then says it to one of the players on the opposite team. The task of the chosen one is to depict the hidden word without making a sound, only with gestures and facial expressions so that his team can guess what was intended. After a successful guess, the teams switch roles.

Words for this game can be as follows: Christmas tree; snowman; an injection; ice cream.

At the end of the party - a birthday cake with candles for all brave travelers.

As a result of the trip, you can together make a magazine "Around the World" with the most interesting photographs of the evening, drawings and stories of the participants.

See also:

Abstract of the integrated leisure scenario for children of the preparatory school group "Around the World in One Day"

Compiled and hosted by:

Musical director

Rakovets Natalya Alexandrovna

Target: introduce children to successful interaction with society through the solution of the following tasks:

1. To introduce children to Russian culture, its traditions, customs, folk dances and games.

2. To introduce children to the traditions, language, culture of people of other nationalities.

3. Develop personal qualities children.

4. To cultivate feelings of love and respect for their nation, self-esteem as a representative of their people.

5. To develop in children a positive attitude and a sense of sympathy for all races and peoples.

6. Teach children to live in peace with themselves and other people.

7. Cultivate a tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities.

Priority educational area: "Music".

Integrating educational areas:

  1. Cognition
  2. Communication
  3. Socialization
  4. Hood. creation
  5. Phys. culture
  6. Health

Attributes: seven-color flower, costumes different peoples of peace, 3 fans, castanets, fake fire, Russian flag.

Registration: the hall is decorated with children's drawings on the theme, on the central wall - Earth, flags of different countries.

Entertainment progress.

Introduction: Dear guests, we are starting our unusual trip “Around the World in One Day”. Today we will visit different continents, as well as different countries. A very exciting journey awaits you, where you will learn about the traditions and customs of other countries, about national characteristics and you will have unique opportunity visit different parts of the world in 1 day! Are you ready for this journey? Then we start! Meet our foreign guests!

The song “You, me, he, she ...” sounds, the children enter the hall and sit on chairs .

Leading: Good day, Dear friends! We are very glad to see you in this hall, at this hour!

Our planet is generous and rich:
Mountains, forests and fields,
All our guys are familiar with it,
This planet is Earth.
She is the most beautiful among the planets - sisters,
We will talk about her today.
Her forests, gardens are like a miracle,
Seas and rivers - it's hard to count
And wherever we are, we meet everywhere
People who can create!

A girl enters the hall with a globe in her hands.

Girl:(twirls the globe) There are many different, wonderful countries in the world, it would be interesting for me to see them!

Leading: Here's the TV, turn it on and watch.

Girl: Your TV is not interesting to me.

I want to learn crafts
Learn the customs of the game and dances.
Can't wait until I'm an adult.
Now I want to make my dream come true.


And it's not worth the wait
You only need on holiday
Ours now to visit
And I promise you can really
Learn everything and learn a lot.

Girl: I agree, I agree! And it won't be dangerous?

Leading: Not!

Girl: Then let's not waste time. It's time for us to start the holiday!



Sound, the rhythms are louder, more fun,
It's time for us to start our carnival!
Be brave, friends, get up in a circle faster-
We will have fun and dance!


Hold hands tightly
And go to countries.
Good luck, friends, go ahead!
On an exciting trip!

Children stand in a semicircle and "Friendly Song" is performed

The children sit down.

Guys, I invite you all to go on a trip around the world! I have a flower with multi-colored petals in my hands,

Don't worry, Alice! I will help you. Is in our garden amazing flower. And his name is Tsvetik-semitsvetik. He is magical!

Children surround the Seven-Flower Flower and sing the song "Flower-Semitsvetik"

Children sit in their seats (except for the Girl and the leader)

Girl: Why different color each shining petal?

Leading: Seven flowers, seven petals
rainbow colors,
But to find such a flower
Only possible in a fairy tale.
May my flower be with you
He will fulfill all desires.

We'll tear off the first leaf, let's start the journey!

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
in Japan!

Japanese girls come out, recite poems and perform "Japanese dance", take their seats.

The leader and the girl come out.

Girl: Ah, what beautiful Japanese women, what a wonderful dance! But I want to go somewhere else!

Leading: We tear off the second sheet, we reveal our secret to you.

(the girl tears off the petal, pronounces the words).

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led. Tell me to be right now in Scotland!

The Scots come out, recite poems, perform "Scottish Dance" sit down.

The leader and the girl come out.

Girl: That's lovely!…..

Leading: We tear off the third sheet, and continue our concert.

(the girl tears off the petal, pronounces the words).

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led. Tell me to be right now in Spain!

The Spaniards come out, recite poems, perform "Spanish Dance - Paso Doble", sit down.

The leader and the girl come out.

Girl: That's lovely!…..

Leading: We open the fourth sheet, we start a quick dance.

(the girl tears off the petal, pronounces the words).

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led. Tell me to be right now in Africa!

Papuans come out, recite poems, perform "African dance - Chumba E", sit down.

The leader and the girl come out.

Girl: …..

Leading: The fifth leaf flew through the west to the east.

(the girl tears off the petal, pronounces the words).

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led. Tell me to be right now in England!

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