Names of animals of hot countries. Animals of hot countries - lions and elephants

garden equipment 30.06.2020
garden equipment

Goals: clarify with children the names of animals of hot countries and their cubs; clarify external signs, their structure, what they eat, characteristic habits; form possessive adjectives, compound words; to teach children to understand and explain the meaning of popular expressions; consolidate the vocabulary on this topic.

Equipment: demonstration material - pictures depicting animals from hot countries; handout - pictures depicting any part of the animal's body.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

In the jungle, the ringing flies everywhere,

If the elephant trumpets in full.

The giraffe has a long neck

And see everything around him.

A zebra has a horse's mane,

She is a good friend to everyone.

And in the desert in the morning

The kangaroo jumped lightly.

From the sun everything sparkles in the eyes.

A tigress lies with the cubs.

In distant Africa for all

The brave lion answers.

2. Conversation about animals of hot countries

Who do you think we are going to talk about today? (About animals.)

Where do you think they live? (In Africa.)

Close your eyes and imagine Africa. Desert ... Around - yellow, fine, delicate, like powder, sands, then gray, weathered stones. The sultry sky breathes heat. No water, no bush of greenery. This is Africa. And next to it is a solid wall of tropical forest: trees, bushes, lianas. The leaves are thick and juicy. Birds fly like on the magical flowers. It's always dark and humid here. The roar of predators and the squeal of monkeys are heard. This is also Africa.

In addition to Africa, there are other hot countries - Australia, India, South America, where these animals live.

There are two types of elephants: African - the largest animals. Indian - less. The elephant is a huge animal. His skin is wrinkled, naked, without wool. The trunk is long and elastic. Elephants use it to pluck plants and bring them to their mouths. From the trunk, elephants pour water on themselves or sprinkle dust. If you teach an elephant, he will be a good helper: uproot trees in the forest with fangs, drag large stones from place to place. The elephant is a very intelligent animal. The speech therapist makes a riddle:

Who has one horn? Guess... (Rhinoceros.)(The picture is exposed.)

Why is it called that?

Who's that? (Hippopotamus.)

Children compare two animals. (Differences: the rhinoceros spends most of its time on land, and the hippopotamus in the water. The color of the rhinoceros is black and white, while the hippopotamus is brown. The rhinoceros has horns or a horn, but the hippopotamus does not. Similarity: they are herbivores. They feed on foliage, grass, roots, feeding at night.)

The picture "Kangaroo" is exposed.

Children talk about this animal and the speech therapist summarizes:

Kangaroo is an Australian animal. It moves by jumping, it has powerful strong hind legs and a tail with which it maintains balance. On the stomach of a kangaroo is a bag with a small cub located there. Kangaroo is a herbivore.

The speech therapist makes riddles: This is some kind of strange beast, Neck, like an arrow at a crane. In order to reach the herbs with your mouth, it will add up in two ... (Giraffe.)(The picture is exposed.)

striped horses,

african horses,

It's good to play hide and seek

In the meadow among the grass.

lined horses,

Like school notebooks

Painted horses

From hooves to head. (Zebra.)(The picture is exposed.)

Children compare two animals. The picture "Camel" is exhibited.

Camels are of two types: one is two-humped. They live in hot loose sands. Camels can endure hunger and thirst the longest. On their backs they have humps filled with fat. They can live a week without food and drink - fat will feed them. Camels feed on dry grasses and leaves of desert plants.

What other animals of hot countries do you know?

What can you tell about them?

3. Didactic game "Who has whom?"

A lioness has a lion cub, cubs.

A tigress has a tiger cub, cubs.

The elephant has a baby elephant, baby elephants.

The giraffe has giraffes, giraffes.

A camel has a calf, a camel.

Kangaroos have kangaroos, kangaroos.

Zebras have zebras, zebras.

4. Physical education "Wonderful transformation"

Dily-dily-dily - crocodiles appeared, Children depict a dormant crocodile.

Motes-motes-motes - hippos appeared . They show how hippos walk, how wide they open their mouths.

Afa-afy-afy - giraffes chew leaves. Children stretch up, imitating giraffes.

We-we-we - elephants splash water. They puff out their cheeks, as if gainingwater, then, sprinkle.

Yany-yany-yany - monkeys are jumping along the branches. Children imitate jumpingmonkeys.

5. Didactic game "Add a word"

In Africa live dexterous, tailed... (Monkeys.)

Africa is home to large, thick-skinned... (Hippos.)

In Africa live strong, maned ... (Lions.)

In Africa live shy, fast, striped... (Zebras.)

In Africa, spotted, long-necked ... (Giraffes.)

And also hardy, two-humped ... (Camels.)

And huge, strong... (Elephants.)

6. Didactic game "Whose is it?"

Children have pictures on the tables depicting any part of the animal's body. Whose mane? - lion. Whose neck? - giraffe. Whose tail? - monkey. Whose trunk? - elephant. Whose hump? - camel.

7. Didactic game "Make a word" Formation of compound words.

The giraffe has a long neck - what kind of giraffe?

The hippopotamus has thick legs - ... .

The lion has a thick mane - ... .

The monkey has a long tail - ... .

A camel has two humps - ... .

The elephant has big ears - ... .

Guys, very often people are compared with different animals or their behavior, appearance, to show what kind of person he is, what features of external resemblance he has with this animal, or it looks like he moves, behaves with others, eats. I will now give you such definitions, and you explain to what kind of person it suits.

"Lion's Mane". (About a man who has a magnificent, huge hairstyle on his head, a lot of hair.)

"Crocodile Tears" (So ​​you can say about a man, a straitshedding tears.)

"Stomps like an elephant." (This is a man with a heavy gait.)

"Skin like a hippo." (About a man who cannot be surprised by anythingvish.)

"Monkey antics". (So ​​they say about someone who likes to grimace.)

"Turtle step". (A person who walks very slowly.)

"Wolf Appetite" (A very hungry person.)

8. Summary of the lesson

Fixing material

I. Know the names of animals in hot countries, their structure, external signs, what they eat, characteristic habits. Clarify why animals are called "domestic" and "wild". Choose an epithet for each animal. Be able to name the family of animals.

For instance: tiger - tigress - tiger cub - cubs.

Write a story about an animal.

I. Grammatical structure of speech and word formation.

Plural formation of nouns in the nominative and genitive cases.

Formation of compound adjectives.

For instance: A giraffe has a long neck - a long-necked giraffe.

Formation of possessive adjectives. For instance: Camel hair - camel hair.

Forming nouns with a suffix -isch.For instance: The giraffe has a nose and the elephant has a nose.

5. Formation of nouns with a diminutive suffix.

For instance: giraffe - giraffe.

6. Agreement of numerals with nouns. Didactic game "Count".

For instance: one kangaroo, two - ..., three - ..., four - ..., five kangaroos.

The fauna of our planet, despite all the efforts of man, is still very rich. Many species of animals live at all latitudes, from the North Pole to Antarctica. And in hot climates, they are especially numerous. Take Africa and its Big Five. So called the five inhabitants of this continent: buffalo, rhinoceros, leopard, elephant and, of course, the lion. In our temperate climate, these animals of hot countries are found only in zoos. And Africa is their home and you can meet them there in the wild.

Everyone knows the "king of beasts" lion. Previously, these predators roamed the expanses of Eurasia, North America and throughout Africa. But people exterminated many representatives of this "royal" species. And in our time, these animals of hot countries are found only south of the Sahara desert and in India, where only a small population of these predators has survived.

The lion, unlike other cats, has pronounced sexual characteristics. The male is distinguished from the female by the presence of a large mane. And the saying that a cat walks by itself does not apply to these representatives of the cat world. These animals of hot countries live in prides, that is, peculiar social groups. At the head of the pride is the largest male. As the head of the clan, he is only concerned with protecting his territory and, of course, extending the clan. This group also includes several females and young offspring.

And on the "shoulders" of the females lie the difficult duties of obtaining food and educating the younger generation. The gestation period of a lioness lasts between 100-108 days. And each of them can bring 2-3 kittens. It happens, but rarely, that a lioness brings four or even five cubs. Immediately after lambing, she feeds the babies away from the pride, in some secluded place. But the lioness does not stop communicating with her group. Then, when the kittens get stronger, she brings them to the pride. And due to the fact that the cubs smell the same as their mother, they are freely accepted into the group.

Growing up, young males begin to "look closely" at the leader of the pride. Each of them wants to take this place. And when the young male is strong enough, he challenges the leader. There is a struggle for the "throne" and the winner takes everything, and the loser leaves the pride.

These wild animals of hot countries feed on hoofed inhabitants of African expanses. These are antelopes, zebras and gazelles. If there is a chance, then the lion can drag away the pet. Also, these predators can cope with young hippos, rhinos and even elephants. Lions have a very good appetite. For a sitting, he can overcome up to 30 kg of meat, and then sleep for almost a day. But the average daily diet of this predator is about 5 kg of meat.

There are also other animals of hot countries, which are quite noticeable on the African continent. These are the largest animals living on the surface of the earth - elephants. The weight of the females of these herbivores is within 2.8 tons. Males weigh about five tons. But there are record holders among them. The weight of the largest was 12.2 tons.

But not only by weight you can distinguish a female elephant from a male. The size of their tusks also differ significantly. In some males, they can reach four meters in length. And this is the curse of the whole “elephant family”. Some poachers find ivory hunting a lucrative business. Animals of hot countries, such as elephants, are on the verge of extinction because of this. And now they occupy not the last page in the International Red Book.

There are many more interesting features that African elephants possess. For example, the huge ears of these animals. And during the African heat, these parts of the body replace the fan for elephants.

The diet of African elephants consists only of plant foods. And for three-quarters of their lives, they are constantly chewing. But these giants sleep relatively little. They spend only 15% of their time on vacation. And this is two times less than in humans. And they only sleep standing up, leaning on each other. Also, African elephants have one feature that no one can explain. They feel the approach of their death and they themselves go to the "cemetery", which is not very easy to find. There are also many more animal species in Africa that make this continent so colorful and unique.

Julia Maldzigova
Synopsis of the GCD "Animals of hot countries" on familiarization with the outside world for children of the preparatory group

Synopsis of the GCD on familiarization with the outside world

Topic: « Animals of hot countries»

Compiled by the teacher Maldzigova Yulia Vladislavovna

Target: Consolidation and expansion of ideas about animals of hot countries and their features.


1. Clarify and broaden your horizons children about the life of animals in hot countries;

2. Talk about natural areas Africa: tropical equatorial forests, savannas, deserts;

3. Give an idea how hot animals areas of the earth are adapted to life at high temperatures and with a small amount of water;

4. Educate curiosity, interest in the world around;

5. Vocabulary Enrichment: jungle, savannah, oasis, lion pride;

6. Develop interest in representatives wildlife.

Equipment: the globe, presentation: images from animals of hot countries, images with natural areas (rainforest, savannah, desert).


1. Organizational moment

2. The teacher's story about the natural areas of Africa

3. Phys. minute

4. Acquaintance with the inhabitants of Africa. Puzzles. Little stories about animals

5. Game "Name the Family"

6. Game "Pick a Sign"

1. Organizational moment (creating an emotional background)

I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's hold hands together and smile at each other.

2. Educator: Guys today a girl came to our kindergarten- Curiosity for help. She loves the sun so much and would like to know where it shines all year round and where it is always warm. Someone told her, then it is with us that she can find out about this.

I know that all of you love to travel, learn and discover something new. I propose to go to warm countries, where it is always warm, there is never frost, where they don’t even know what snow is. Do you know which continent of the Earth is called the most hot? (answers children) .

That's right, Africa. Africa is a kingdom hot sun, sand, lush tropical vegetation. Do you know why? Here is the equator line, which divides the entire globe in half into the southern and northern hemispheres. And it turns out that the equator runs exactly in the middle of the African continent.

Natural areas in Africa three:

Rainforests (jungle)- this is a very special plant community, animals, birds and insects. Due to frequent heavy rains, a humid and warm climate, the vegetation in the rainforest is rich and diverse. (trees of great height, herbs, mushrooms, creepers, ferns).

There are so many plants in the rainforest and they grow so close to each other that their foliage forms a dense cover through which light barely penetrates.

Lianas are one of the most common plant species in the tropical forest. Their roots are in the ground, but there is clearly not enough light below, so the flexible stem of the vine clings to the tree trunk, wraps itself around around it and gradually, as it were, crawls up it, towards the sun. At the same time, the vines do not harm the trees, since they receive food from the soil.

What do you think, what animals should live in tropical forests? (answer options)

They must move freely among the interweaving of branches, be able to climb trees well. And so the rainforest is the realm of monkeys. Many of them never descend to the ground, live on the branches of trees, find food here, and there they have cubs.

Various birds also live here.

And the leopard is a predator that deftly climbs trees.

Savannah is the African steppe. Summer in this area is very long, hot and dry. In winter, there is a short rainy season. The main vegetation of the savannah is various herbaceous plants, among which there are islands of trees. Baobab is a giant tree, it grows in width, because it has plenty of sun, but its growth is also not small.

Since there are many grasses in the savannah, a large number of herbivores are found here giraffe animals, antelopes, elephants and rhinos. Since there are herbivores, then there are predators that hunt them - lions, leopards, cheetahs. Also there live the largest birds that cannot fly- ostriches.

A desert is a place where there is nothing but sand. It is called the kingdom of the sands. Very little rain and lots of sun.

Plants and animals eat.

Desert plant - camel's thorn. In the middle of the desert you can see palm trees, succulent grasses and flowers. These islands of greenery are called oases and appear only where there is water, such as a small lake or a spring from the ground.

There are also insects - various beetles that live mainly in the ground.

There are also small animals that feed on insects - ground squirrels, mice, jerboas, lizards.

And also who hunts these small animals- desert fox fennec, camel.

3. Physical Minute


(children repeat everything that is said in the poem)

We are funny monkeys

We play too loud.

We all stomp our feet

We all clap our hands

We puff out cheeks

We jump on toes.

Together we jump to the ceiling,

Bring the finger to the temple

And even to each other

Let's show the tongues!

Let's open our mouth wide

We'll make all the grimaces.

When I say word three

All freeze with grimaces.

One two Three!

4. Story about animals

* He is tall and spotty,

With a long, long neck

And he eats leaves

Tree leaves.

Giraffes are the tallest in the world (about 7 meters). The spotted coloration of giraffes is completely unique, the location and size of the spots do not repeat. They live in the savannah with a sufficient number of trees. They feed on leaves and young branches. Drink widely apart and bending the front legs. They live in herds. They peacefully coexist with zebras, antelopes and ostriches. Among the enemies are predatory cats, lions and leopards. They defend themselves only with strong legs and hooves. They sleep only 2 hours a day, but when they decide to lie down for a very long time settle down laying the head on the back or back leg.

* There is a lot of power in it,

He is almost as tall as a house

He has a huge nose

As if the nose has grown for a thousand years.

Elephant. There are two kinds of elephants. African and Indian. African more than Indian. A distinctive feature of elephants is the trunk. It is boneless, muscular trunk is fused and greatly elongated upper lip and nose. With the help of a trunk, elephants eat, drink, shower themselves with dust, and pour themselves over. In addition, the trunk can become a weapon. Another powerful weapon and at the same time a working tool for an elephant are tusks, which grow throughout their lives. With them, elephants dig the ground, cut tree bark, crush trunks, and break thick branches. It was because of the tusks that the elephants were almost exterminated, there are not so many of them left in the wild.

Despite the fact that he looks clumsy and clumsy, he is a tireless walker, he can run quite fast and for a long time, he swims excellently. Taste and touch are well developed, they have a delicate ear and an excellent sense of smell - elephants smell dangerous smells for many miles, so no hunter can approach them from the windward side.

They feed on grass, branches, roots, fruits. They need a lot of food and water. Elephant skin is thick, wrinkled, with numerous folds. Requires constant care. To clean it, elephants use a dust shower, then scratch themselves on tree trunks. They also love to swim and splash in the water. They live as large families groups of 10-20 heads and sometimes several hundred. family group headed by an adult, experienced elephant.

They greet each other by shaking their trunks. Live up to 60 years.

The elephant is also the champion among animals in that that he is the biggest animal living on dry land. It weighs like seven cars.

* Very formidable and brave,

He waves his hairy mane:

And growls, as if in a chant -

It's brave, strong

Lion is the king of the animals. The legend says that the lion can look at the sun without blinking, as if challenging him. After all, his appearance seems to speak of his royal origin. The gaze seems to be directed somewhere into the distance. The shoulders of male lions are decorated with a luxurious royal mane. Female lionesses do not have manes. Lions also have tassels of hair at the end of their tails. In terms of size and weight, lions are not the largest of the wild cats. Lions live in pride families. At the head of a strong and experienced lion. Each pride has its own domain. There are several lionesses in the pride and children of different ages - cubs and young lions. They rest during the day and go hunting at dusk. Usually lionesses hunt, they are lighter and more mobile. Tactics hunting: one of the lions openly approaches the prey, even warns about itself with a growl to frighten the prey. While he scares, diverting attention, the lionesses lurk in ambush. When scared animals, fleeing, approach the ambush, the lionesses rush at them, knock down the prey with a powerful blow of the paw and instantly dig into it. But it also happens that the throw ends in a miss. Having missed, it does not pursue, but waits for new prey. Prey - zebra and antelope. A distinctive feature of lions is that they never kill excess prey, they get as much meat as they can eat.

In spite of "royal" rank, there are many animals, which lions fear, recognizing their strength. For example, rhinos, buffaloes, hippos, elephants and crocodiles. The latter attack young lions when they come to drink.

* He walks through the desert,

Carries a load, does not eat, does not drink.

Pass two or three dishes

For the unfortunate.

Camel is one of the most amazing desert animals. Camel caravans move across the sands, carrying goods and people. At the same time, camels do not really ask for water or food. Why:

The camel's hump (or the humps in which the camel stores fat reserves, in the absence of food and water under the influence of sunlight, the fat melts, supplying the camel's body with all the necessary nutrients. But it would not be more convenient if the fat were evenly distributed under the skin, then I wouldn’t have to carry a heavy hump on my back, but no. If the fat was located all over the body, the camel would die from overheating traveling in such "fur coat" from fat.

Camel wool is very dense, it does not allow moisture to evaporate.

On the feet of a camel are not hooves, but calluses made of thick skin. They protect the legs from burns and allow the camel's legs not to sink into the sand. The camel has corns on his knees, and even on stomach, so that he can lie quietly on the hot sand, resting.

The stomach of a camel is adapted to digest the most coarse food, for example, the same camel thorns or cacti, which he can eat in the desert.

* The beast rushes faster than the wind -

He was here, but where is he now?

Getting off to a great start,

Already at the finish line.

Cheetahs are the fastest members of the cat family. The cheetah is the only cat that does not retract its claws into the pads of its fingers. The fur is light, yellowish-gray with dark spots. The male has a small mane. Tactics hunting: from some elevated place or from behind dense bushes, a cheetah looks out for prey. Then it cautiously creeps up to the prey, falling to the ground and merging with the terrain. When 100-200m remains to the target, the cheetah rushes in pursuit, immediately developing a very high speed. Having caught up with the prey, it beats it with its front paws to knock it down, and immediately kills it with the help of sharp fangs. But the hunt does not always end well. Therefore, he rests, returns to the observation site and waits for the next prey. Lives in the open expanses of the savannah. The main prey is antelope and gazelle. In relation to the person is quite friendly, does not attack him.

* In Africa, far and wide,

Where around are swamps, rivers, silt,

Floats green and toothy

Who, guess?

Crocodiles - length reaches 4 meters or more. The crocodile hunts both in water and on land. It is completely immersed in water, so that only the brow ridges are visible above the surface. He imperceptibly approaches waterfowl or to animals, who came to the watering place, makes a swift throw and grabs the victim with sharp, inwardly bent teeth. Crocodile teeth are not strong enough to chew raw meat. He usually drowns his victim, hides it under some kind of snag at the bottom and waits for the meat to go rotten and soften. Crocodiles are oviparous animals, bury them in warm sand or liquid clay near the water.

* He is not a deer and not a bull,

V hot countries accustomed to live.

Has a horn on the nose.

Who is this?

Rhinos - there are five species rhinos: two African and three Asian. Asian rhinos, unlike African rhinos, have only one horn on their nose. African - white and black. The largest land mammal after elephants. The horn is a hard growth on the nose, because of which rhinos are subjected to ruthless extermination. The rhinoceros uses its horn both as a weapon and for digging holes in which it enjoys wallowing in the mud. They live either alone or in small groups. Despite its size and weight, fast and agile animal. Weak eyesight, but very well developed sense of smell and hearing. They feed on grass, branches of shrubs, sometimes they devastate cultivated fields.

An adult rhinoceros has no enemies other than humans. Large predators do not attack him, as the skin is thick and almost impervious to sharp claws. But the young are in danger and the enemies are predators.

* This beast looks like a wolf,

Only the muzzle is sharper,

Jackals are very cautious and smart animals. They follow lions and other larger predators at a respectful distance and feed on the remains of their prey. They like to settle near settlements and visit landfills at night, looking for garbage along roadsides. They often visit poultry houses in nearby villages. Hunt for small animals if you are confident that you can handle them. Having found the prey, it inaudibly sneaks up to it and deftly grabs it.

Going hunting after dark, jackals perform a certain ritual - they howl, notifying their fellows.

* In Africa, a fat man lives,

He has a huge mouth

In the heat all day sits in the water,

Thinks only about food

He chews tons of grass.


hippopotamus (Hippopotamus) They can reach 5m in length and weigh about 3 tons. They live in shallow rivers, clear lakes and sandbanks. They spend the whole day in water, often plunging into it up to their very nostrils, sometimes completely, and remain there for up to 6 minutes. In the evening, at sunset, when the heat subsides, the hippos come ashore to eat grass. Hippos live in herds of 10-40 individuals (several adult males, the rest are females with cubs and young). In general they are very peaceful, but if necessary, they can protect themselves and their offspring. Due to the size and very thick skin, there are also huge fangs of the lower jaw, which reach a length of 50-60 cm, and or can inflict serious wounds.

*This nimble animal

It's called...

The fennec or desert fox is very funny and cautious. During the day he sleeps in his hole. Burrows dig deep and branched. And at night, when it gets cooler, she hunts for insects, mice, which she finds thanks to her extremely subtle hearing. A distinctive feature is the large ears, the blood vessels with which the ears are supplied, allow the fox to release heat without losing moisture. The pads of the paws of the desert fox are covered with thick hair - this saves them from hot sand.

The education of offspring is carried out by a young fox-educator. Teaches foxes to distinguish between poisonous insects, look for edible chanterelles under stones, and escape from snakes. Parents hunt during this time, providing food for their offspring.

5. Game "Name the Family".

Lion-lioness-lion cub


hippopotamus hippopotamus


giraffe giraffe baby giraffe

Ostrich - ostrich - ostrich

turtle turtle

Zebra foal

Cheetah kitten

6. Game "Pick a Sign"

What elephant?

Huge, mighty, hefty, gigantic, strong, big, big-eared, long-nosed, calm, hardy, herbivorous.

What is a zebra?

Black and white fast, dexterous, beautiful, maned, short-haired, herbivorous.

What is a hippopotamus?

Big, fat, short-legged, sedentary, lazy, big-headed, herbivorous.

What giraffe?

Tall, spotted, long-legged, calm, long-necked, herbivorous.

What lion?

Strong, big-maned, evil, lazy, formidable, predatory.

caregiver: Well done! But our curiosity I didn’t quite understand who the herbivores are and why the lion is a predator?

Herbivores are those animals that feed only on plants.

Predators are those animals who eat meat, i.e. others animals.

7. The result of the lesson.

What have we learned about Africa?

What did you talk about in class today?

Thank you guys for your active participation.

In countries with a hot climate, the animal world is much richer and more diverse than in other parts of the planet (unless these territories belong to areas of hot tropical deserts).

Favorable natural conditions in warm countries

In countries with a warm climate, there are such advantages associated with weather conditions as the absence of cold seasons, the constancy of the flora (almost all plants are non-deciduous), and sufficiently high humidity. All this together creates ideal conditions for living organisms. Thus, animals have a food base in the form of plants all year round, may not hibernate and have no reason to migrate (as, for example, birds living in countries with cold seasons). For this reason, the largest number of species lives in those states that are located in the zone of equatorial forests. This is for example:

  • Brazil.
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • Republic of the Congo.
  • Colombia.
  • Papua New Guinea.
  • Australia.

Species diversity in countries with a hot climate

If in countries with a cold climate the main part of living organisms are mammals and birds (that is, warm-blooded animals), then in hot states there are also a large number of amphibians and reptiles. Also in the south you can find animal species such as primates and other herbivores that live in trees and feed on fruits and fresh leaves. By comparison, the herbivores in the Nordic countries are mostly terrestrial herbivores (such as deer or rodents).

The warm climate is home to a huge number of birds and insects. They are distinguished by their multi-colored color and large size. However, many of the insects are poisonous and pose a danger to human life.

Of the hot countries, some (especially island ones) are home to a huge number of endemics. This is, for example, Madagascar or Papua New Guinea, where more than half of the species are endemic. So, in Madagascar there are lemurs, fosses (relic animals from the viver family), etc.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

2 slide

Description of the slide:

Zebra: A zebra is actually black with white stripes, not the other way around, as some people think. Each zebra has a unique pattern of black and white stripes, similar to human fingerprints. A zebra cub recognizes its mother from a drawing. Tsetse flies attack any moving warm object, even a car. An exception is the zebra, which the fly perceives as just a flicker of black and white stripes. Zebras are deprived of horns and other means of protection, fleeing from predators. Once in the environment, they defend themselves with their teeth and blows of hooves. A pursued zebra can travel at 80 kilometers per hour, but not for long periods of time.

3 slide

Description of the slide:

Newborn elephants can stand immediately after birth, but they are blind and hold on to their mother with their trunks so as not to get lost. At first, elephants suckle milk and drink water with their mouths, not with their trunks. The oldest elephant lived to be 82 years old, although they usually live between 50 and 70 years. Elephants have poor eyesight but an amazing sense of smell. An elephant's trunk has over 40,000 receptors. Elephants can and love to swim! Elephant tusks are elongated incisor teeth, this is ivory, because of which poachers exterminate them. On hot days, they flap their ears to keep it cooler. While walking, elephants move their legs on one side of the body at the same time. The only mammal that can't jump is the elephant. The elephant is the national animal of Thailand.

4 slide

Description of the slide:

The hippopotamus is a heavy and clumsy animal. The skin is thick, almost naked, very hot in the sun. From the heat, he escapes in the water. He is great at swimming and diving. On his feet, between his toes, he has swimming membranes. This is a herbivore, he loves aquatic vegetation. Likes to graze at night. Hippos live in herds. They really like to travel along the rivers. Sometimes they reach the sea and swim away for many kilometers from the coast.

5 slide

Description of the slide:

A black rhino is not black, and a white rhino is not white at all. The color of the rhinoceros depends on the color of the ground in which they tend to wallow. The rhinoceros has 1-2 horns, but this is not the limit - there are animals with 3 and even 5 horns. Rhinos have poor eyesight but a keen sense of smell. Animals are active in the evening, at night and early in the morning. Rhinos can hardly swim. Rhinos eat plants.

6 slide

Description of the slide:

The giraffe is the tallest animal, loves plants, acacias, his tongue and lips do not feel thorns. They live in herds and are guarded by the male. They have a sensitive ear, they are very shy. For them, a person is dangerous (giraffe meat - for food, skin - for products). In captivity, they miss the open spaces. They love to run on the savannah.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

Lion LIONS live in large lion families in prides. The leader in the pride is an old experienced lion, he can be recognized by his thick and luxurious mane, lionesses do not have a mane. The lion and lioness can rightly be proud of their amazing tail. It looks so long and thin, and even at the end it is decorated with a brush. The tail has extraordinary strength: it can become hard as an iron rod or strike like a powerful whip. But, the most interesting thing in the brush, there is a spike, similar to a claw, hidden there. Lions hunt with the whole family and one zebra or antelope is enough for them for several days. They will never kill an animal just like that, they hunt only when they are hungry, and then they sleep sweetly and for a long time. Lions love their children very much, often play with them, caress, lick them.

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