1943 refer to the 21st century. Dates and events of the Great Patriotic War

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After a few days, the tankers and the infantrymen of the 3rd Tank Army (P. S. Fishing) of the Voronezh Front (F. I. Golikov) managed to break the opponent's resistance, and on the night of 9 to 10 February were taken by the storm of the city of Pecheneg and Chuguev to the eastern and southeastern approaches to Kharkov. Seversk Donets was forced, and to Kharkov remained in the straight pair of tens of kilometers. The 69th army took possession of Volchansky, nominated to the northern Donette, forced him on ice and to the end of February 10 came to the internal defensive circuit of Kharkov

Demya operation. (see the card Demyanskaya Operation (61 KB)) The Demyansky Offensive Operation of the North-3 Front Troops (S. K. Tymoshenko) began with the aim of eliminating the Demyansky Bridgehead, which focused the main forces of the 16th German army - only 12 divisions. The 11th and 53rd army passed on the offensive. The enemy solved the idea of \u200b\u200bthe front command and, fearing the "boiler", accelerated the removal of his troops from the Dymenska district, while at the same time increasing the forces, defended the "Ramyshev corridor". The main shock groups of the North-Western Front - the 27th and 1st percussion army, which were to cut the "Ramushevsky corridor" to the oncoming strikes, "did not have time to prepare for the offensive. The 27th Army was able to start fulfilling the task instead of 19 only on February 23, and the 1st impact army is only February 26.

Kharkiv offensive operation. On February 15, Soviet troops made their way to Kharkov simultaneously from three sides: from the West, the North and Southeast. The first broke into the city in the morning of February 15, 340th Rifle division of Major General S. S. Martirosyan of the 40th Army (K. S. Moskalenko) of the Voronezh Front (F. I. Golikov). Her shelves were captured by the South Station, penetrated the city center, cleared the square of Dzerzhinsky and Tevelev, as well as the building in which the ESSR CEC at one time was placed. A group of automatic gunners of the 1142th rifle regiment climbed the red banner. At 11.00, the shelves of the 183rd Rifle Division, General Kostitsyn, broke through the defense of the parts of the "Great Germany" in the Dergachy area and went out to the northern part of the city. By 17 o'clock on February 15, the troops of the 40th Army were cleaned by the southwestern, western and northwestern part of the city. From the east and south-east to Kharkov included parts of the 62nd Guards Rifle and the 160th Rifle Division of the 3rd Tank Army (P. S. Fishing) of the Voronezh Front (F. I. Golikov). At 14.00, despite the order of Hitler, to hold the city, the waste of parts "Great Germany" began to the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Lyubotina to the west of Kharkov. The commander of the group - Lantz, belonging to the mining troops, a few days later was replaced by Campf General Tank Forces.

Voroshilovgrad operation. Voroshilovgrad operation ended: the enemy troops were discarded 120-150 km, the Northern part of the Donbass was released, the task of the surrounding and defeat the 1st German Tank Army and the complete liberation of Donbass the South-Western Front forces was failed.

Army Group "Center". On February 27, the German command gave an order about the discharge of the troops of the 9th Army, the main forces of the 4th Army and the 3rd tank armies with Rzhev-Vyazemsky. The troops are sent to the strengthening of groups under the eagle and Kharkov.

Sovinformbüro. During February 27, our troops led offensive fights in previous directions.

February 28, 1943. 617th day of war

Demya operation. The dedication offensive operation of the North-3 FRONT forces (S. K. Tymoshenko) was completed. Pursuing the exhaust enemy, the connections of the North-Western Front by February 28 came to the river, eliminating the Demyansky bridgehead, which the enemy kept almost a year and a half. However, it was not possible to fully fulfill the plan to the North-Western front. The changed atmosphere on this section of the front, as well as the spring, the Spring Rasputle was forced to the Soviet command to abandon the intended deep blow of the mobile group in the north-west direction in the rear of the 18th German army.

Kharkiv offensive operation. The 15th Tank Corps of the 3rd Tank Army (P. S. Fishing), together with the 219th Rifle Division of the Sokolov group captured the Leninsky factory, shuch. By evening, on February 28, the Soviet troops freed the Keychevka and took round a circular defense in it.

From 22.00 February 28, the 3rd tank army was transferred to the South-Western Front. To the end of February 28, the 3rd tank army received a task as part of the forces to go to the defense, and the shock group of the army, under the leadership of the commander of the 12th Tank Corps Zinkovich, from morning on March 2, go to the offensive from the Keychevka district in the direction of Mironovka and Lozoveniki.

Group of Army "South". Manstein: "After as a result of this victory between the Donette and the Dnieper, the initiative was again in our hands, the group according to the order, given on February 28, began an offensive on the NEFT Voronezh Front, that is, on his troops located in the Kharkov area. We intended to strike an enemy's southern flank to press it from the south, or - if it would be possible - later to hit him in the rear from the east. Our goal was not mastering Kharkov, but the defeat and, if possible, the destruction of the opponent's parts located there. "

Chronicle of the Great Patriotic War 1941: June · July · August · September · October · November · December · 1942: January · February · March ... Wikipedia

Chronicle of the Great Patriotic War 1941: June · July · August · September · October · November · December · 1942: January · February · March ... Wikipedia

Julius Fuchet made the last entry in the prison diary:
"People, I loved you! Be carefull!".
Those who heard at least something about this man are likely to remember that he was executed by the fascists and wrote a "report from the loop on her neck before the execution. Much less people will tell about his life. But it is your life that he deserved the right to such death.

"A bold turn of the head, restless purple eyes. Live, like mercury, smart, like a damn, flashamel as a spark. Risk leaning, love for adventure, contempt for danger and noble youthful willingness to rush into the fire in the name of the idea." So I remembered his Czech writer Maya Pumanov.

Julius Fucchik was born on February 23, 1903 in Prague, in the working-turner family. Later he never forgot to notice with pride, which was born on one day with the Red Army. When the first began world WarHis father was sent to work at the Skoda car factory in the city of Plzen. The war had the strongest influence on the younger Julius. He idle in the queues for the products, he listened to conversations, was a witness to demonstrations and strikes of the Skoda workers. He saw the Austrian soldiers fired in hungry children, as several hundred people died when a military plant was killed.

"I could not not understand that in the world where people against their own will kill each other, being full of thirst for life, something is wrong."

The October Revolution showed how to find a way out of a dead end. Her echo was separated throughout Europe. Soviet Russia has become an inspiring example. When the Communist Party was created in Czechoslovakia, 18-year-old Julius one of the first entered into its ranks. At the same age, Fuchik became a student at the University of Prague. He chose the Philosophy of the Faculty, because even in the gymnasium was interested in culture and art, I read a lot of Czech and world literature. In Prague, a student from the working family had to earn a living and study. He tried many professions - he was a teacher, a builder, a sports coach, but journalism became his vocation for life.

"Books and theater opened me the world. I was looking for the truth in them and realized that there are books that they say, there are licks, but there are generally dumbies. It seemed to me that it was necessary to say that there was no false, nor silent books. I considered it my duty in the struggle for best world. Therefore, I began to write about books and about the theater. "

Fuchell could well make a successful career in any solid print edition. But he chose the path of communist journalism with all its troubles - a small salary, a large amount of work, censored persecution and arrests. For many years, he edited the newspaper "Rude Law" and the magazine "Creative", collaborated in a number of other publications. Newspapers and magazines one after another were forbidden, and the Fukhik had to hide from the police and write under the pseudonyms.

For a long time in the Prague cafe "Rocks" near the billiard table, it was possible to meet some Pan Maresha. By appearance, he resembled a bank employee or a commercial agent, flawlessly dressed, in horny glasses, with a bright tie and flower in a loop. Nobody guessed that the decent Pan Maresh, talking to the people of the theater and the press, is the editor of the communist newspaper. Only in this way, Fuchech could meet with his comrades.

Being the editor, Julius never sat down at the desktop, preferred to see the most important thing with his own eyes. He visited Austria in the days of the anti-fascist rebellion of workers and Germany after the arrival of the Nazis to power, both times without documents and with a considerable risk to life. When the Czech miners have used, Fucchik wrote reports from the scene of events, and if they did not pass censorship, he published an illegal newspaper for the workers. During one of such strikes, he became friends with the Guastine Kerzhichcheva, who was his faithful companion, comrade, first reader and critic.

"Life in the struggle and frequent separations retained our feeling of the first days: not once, and hundreds of times we experienced the ardent moments of the first hugs ... All the years we have struggled shoulder to shoulder, and all the years hand hit your favorite places all the years. Many We experienced deprivities, knew a lot of great joys, we were rich in the wealth of the poor, the fact that inside us. "

Julius Fuchech visited the Soviet Union twice. The first time he traveled in 1930 at the invitation of the Czechoslovak Cooperative "Intergelpo", which was in Kyrgyzstan. For the second time, Fuche lived in the USSR from 1934 to 1936, fleeing the threat of arrest in his homeland. In the Soviet Union, he did not feel like a foreigner. Yes, and few people took him for a foreigner, because at the construction projects of industrialization people worked people of various nationalities, and did not confuse the light accent. For many workers, Julius quickly became his own man, especially since he not only watched and recorded, but also worked with everyone. He became the Honorary Fighter of the Kyrgyz Equestrian Division and the Honorary Deputy of the Frunzen City Council.

In their reports, Fuche tried to write full truth. He saw in a naked steppe for short time There are factories and power plants, as the Earth is transformed in front of the will of a person, as in life of people enter unknowns before the benefits of civilization and culture. But I saw a shortage of nails, soap, sugar, long line in stores, ripped clothing workers, lack of housing. "All poor, because wealth is built," wrote a fur. And the most important conquest of the new world, he believed that workers know, for which they work, feel their own fate and their country.

"Girl, I never felt so free, like here. What I see in the USSR, surpasses the most bold my assumptions. Tell everyone hello and tell me that for what I saw here is worth fighting." (From the letter of Guste Fucikova, 1930)

His impressions of the Soviet Union fuchet outlined in two books and in huge quantities lectures. These lectures accelerate, and Fucchik for them was tried and spent in prison about eight months. And then, and later he was often reproached in the idealization of Soviet life. But it is necessary to take into account that its assessment of the USSR influenced and what is happening in his homeland. It was the time of the global economic crisis. Tons of products were destroyed, because they could not be beneficial to sell, and hungry people died on the streets. Mass demonstrations of unemployed were shot by the police. And only at military factories worked might and main, neglecting the safety and protection of labor. The Second World War approached everything closer. Fascist states gained strength and expanded their territories. It is not surprising that Fuchet was leaving Soviet Union With heavy and disturbing feelings.

In 1938, the danger triggered close to Czechoslovakia. Hitler stated his claims to the Sudechka region, the main industrial area of \u200b\u200bthe country. Fuchik tirelessly proved in the press that the USSR is the only reliable ally of Czechoslovakia and is ready to help her. But Czechoslovak ruling circles did not want to accept this help. They were more afraid of a red threat than brown. England and France also behaved. In September 1938, they concluded Munich agreements with Germany and Italy, which opened the way to dismember Czechoslovakia.

After Munich's capitulation, the Communist Party and its entire print was prohibited. When in 1940 the Nazis occupied all the Czechoslovaki already, Fucchik learned that he was looking for the Gestapo. Under the name of the teacher Yaroslav Moraka he hid in Prague on different apartments. He became one of their main figures of the underground Central Committee of the Communist Party, led by all publishing work.

"Yes, we are underground, but not as the buried dead, but as live shoots that make your way throughout the world to the Spring Sun. The first of May announces this spring, about the spring of a free man, about the spring of the peoples and their fraternity, about the spring of all mankind . " (From leaflets by May 1, 1941)

On April 24, 1942, the Gestapovians broke into the apartment, where Fuchet met with party comrades. All the arrested were thrown into the jail of Pankrats. Despite the torture and bullying, which had to bear Julius, he did not break, did not give out nor names, nor the appearance or ciphers. Moreover, he, as a communist, did not stop his work, remaining in touch with comrades. In interrogations in Gestapo Fucchik led complex game, leading to the investigation to the side, trying to help the comrades who were at freedom.

The fuchet was persistent because it was firmly convinced of her right. And this conviction helped him write in the inhuman conditions chief Book - "Report from the loop on the neck", the reading of which gave the strength to the fighters with fascism in different countries. Before last day He remained full forces and love for life and to people.

"We lived for joy, for the joy went into battle, they die for her. Let therefore the sadness will never be associated with our name."

He was executed on September 8, 1943. Now this day is celebrated as the day of the international solidarity of journalists. Fucci books were widely known all over the world, and his name was immortalized in the names of streets, factories, parks and even mountain peak in Kyrgyzstan. After restoration of capitalism in Eastern Europe Most of these names were Stardo, and the fiber name was targeted to discredit. In his homeland, the new authorities accused him in cooperation with Gestapo and questioned the authenticity of the "report from the loop on the neck." Many scientists stood up for the protection of the good name of the fur, and the Independent Commission in 1995 proved the unreasonableness of these accusations.

No more peak of Julius Fuccu and in Kyrgyzstan. Where he saw the friendship of peoples and joint work for the common good, now backwarding, poverty, religious fanaticism and interethnic conflicts. Re-reading his books now, we understand that to keep the conquest is even more important than achieving them. And even more deep meaning is acquired by the famous words of the furious: "People, I loved you! Be vigilant!"


January 12-18, 1943. Blockada Leningrad was broken. The breakthrough was carried out by the armies of Volkhov and Leningrad fronts in the active assistance of the Baltic fleet. During the blockade, the city from hunger, cold and bombing killed 850000. The deaths could be much less if the city's leadership missed in advance and would have taken the necessary measures.

January 24 - February 2, 1943 Conducting the Voronezh-Kastornian operation. She was successfully implemented by the army of the Voronezh and Bryansky fronts, freeing the city of Voronezh.

July 5, 1943.battle under Kursk, which lasted for about two months and entered the story as the most large-scale tank military Battle From ever what happened.

July 12, 1943. The largest tank battle for the 2nd World War under the village of Prokhorovka. In a counter battle on both sides, approximately 1,200 tanks participated at the same time, as well as assault implements. Combat orders mixed with each other. Those cars who survived, wagon between the fires of burning tanks.

July 12 - August 23, 1943 The active offensive of the Soviet army under Kurk. Tiring the enemy, the Red Army began to actively advance. The battle took part Army of the Bryansky, Western, Central, Voronezh, as well as the steppe fronts. On August 5, our troops liberated Eagle and Belgorod, and on August 23 - the city of Kharkov. At this stage, the Kursk battle ended.

August 5, 1943.in Moscow, the first salute was given in honor of the victories of the Soviet Army. Salute was given over the liberation of the eagle, as well as Belgorod. September - December 1943 Fierce battle for the Dnipro River. In the course of this operation, the "East Shaft" was defeated - which is a powerful defensive line of the German troops. Most often, the climb or on the most common rafts, people tried to get to the other shore and gaining themselves there, making the basis for the subsequent offensive.

September 16, 1943. The city of Novorossiysk was released. In his liberation, the army of the North Caucasian Front was attended together with the Black Sea Fleet.

October 28, 1943. The Supreme Council of the USSR was adopted by a decree of fascism accomplices. In the period from October to June 1943-1944 to the districts of Altai and Krasnoyarsk Territoryas well as in Omsk and Novosibirsk region and B. Central Asia Kalmyki (140,000), Tatars (200,000), Chechens (400,000), Ingushy (100,000), Karachai (80,000), Balkarians (40,000) were resettled.

December 12, 1943.between the USSR and Czechoslovakia, an agreement on friendship and further cooperation after the war was signed.

December 24, 1943 - May 12, 1944 An operation was carried out on the release of the Right Bank of Ukraine, as well as the Crimea. December 1943 Successful reflection of the active onset of German troops.

USSR and allies

Germany and Allies

Breaking the blockade of Leningrad
Kursk Arc
Battle for Dnipro

network Mini Encyclopedia of the Young Patriot of Russia

Developed by the Research Institute ( military history) WAGSH of the Russian Federation within the framework of the scientific and methodological support of the All-Russian Military Historical Olympiad of Cadets and Students of 2013, dedicated to the events of 1943 during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, as well as for the purpose of information support and conduct other events of the patriotic orientation, The blockade of Leningrad, Kursk battle, air battles in the Kuban, the Battle of Dnipro, the end of the Battle of the Cucanis, the Battle of the Dnipro, the end of the Battle of the Caucasus, the founding of the Suvorian military and Nakhimov naval schools, the Tehran Conference, the creation of the European Consultative Commission, other events of the Great Patriotic and Second World War

By the second half of November 1942, the position of the USSR remained severe. The enemy stood at Voronezh, Stalingrad and the Fornings of the Caucasus, seized the most important economic areas of the country, was 150-200 km from Moscow, Leningrad blocked. Extension front Reached 6,200 km. The second front was not discovered, which allowed the German command to transfer to the east during the summer and autumn of 1942. OK. 80 divisions.

As a result, the Soviet troops opposed 258 divisions and 16 brigades (St. 6.2 million people., OK. 52 thousand guns and mortars, more than 5 thousand tanks and assault guns, 3.5 thousand combat aircraft and up to 200 warships ). Soviet existing army and fleet There were approx. 6 million people, 78 thousand guns and mortars, 7 thousand tanks, more than 3.2 thousand combat aircraft; Flots - 440 thousand people, sv. 300 warships and 757 aircraft. At the Baltic and Black Sea Theaters of War, Soviet fleets were numerically superior to the enemy, but the latter had a great advantage in basing and dominance in the air. In the Barents and Norwegian seas, the German fleet had a significant overall superiority.

The main objectives that stood before the Soviet Union in the second period of the war (November 19, 1942 - the end of 1943) were: seizure of the strategic initiative and the creation of a fracture in the war, the liberation of Soviet territory, political struggle For the opening of the second front, the activation of anti-fascist forces throughout the world. This period included winter campaign 1942/43., summer autumn campaign 1943 and an operational strategic pause (1.4 - 30.6.1943).

By the fall of 1942 due to the growth of technical equipment Red Army And the fleet, on the basis of summarizing the experience of the war, their organization was improved. A single state of the Rifle Division was established, the formation of the new state of tank and mechanized buildings and tank armies of the mixed composition began. Artillery divisions were created RVGK, Guards heavy mortar divisions, anti-aircraft artillery divisions. The formation of air armies was completed. IN Navy The number of aviation, torpedo boats increased, watchman, coastal defense and air defense facilities. Improved structure Troops Air defense Country. Successfully solved the task of creating strategic reserves. The radical reorganization was subjected engineering troops and signal Corps. New leading documents were commissioned.

One of the historical stages on the way to the victory of the Soviet Union over the fascist Germany appeared Stalingrad Battle of 1942-43The victory in which marked the beginning of a native fired in the course of the Great Patriotic War and Whole Second World War. The strategic initiative passed to the Soviet Sun. This victory had great international importance: thanks to her, the struggle of the peoples of Europe against the occupiers, Turkey and Japan refused to oppose the initial intention to oppose the USSR, the anti-Hitler coalition strengthened.

In January 1943, the Red Army moved to the offensive in the North Caucasus and advanced by 500-600 km, freeding most of this area (see Battle for the Caucasus 1942- 43). In January-February, defeating the Italian-German-Hungarian grouping on the top don, the compounds of the Soviet troops pursued the exhaust enemy in the Donbas. At the same time, their communications were overly stretched, they broke away from the supply bases, which was not taken into account in the Voronezh-Kharkov direction, where the onset of the Red Army developed to exit the Dnieper. As a result, having received superiority in the forces and attempting consistently counteroffensive in these directions, the enemy again mastered Kharkov and Belgorod.

The price of large losses Soviet troops stopped the enemy. With approach reserves The front rates stabilized by forming the South FAS Kursk Arc. By February 1943, part of the troops participating in the elimination of the enemy grouping under Stalingrad arrived in the North-West Kursk area. In the second half of March, an offensive began in the direction of Bryansk with the coverage of the right flank of the Central Group of Germans. As a result, the Northern FAS Kursk Arc was formed. Active military actions were carried out on other directions. In the period from January 12 to January 18 was carried out breaking the blockade of Leningrad. The enemy was forced to leave the Demyansky bridgehead and the Rzhev-Vyazemsky ledge. In February - March 1943, a Krasnodar surgery was held.

To replenish loss command wehrmacht transferred to the east of St. 34 divisions, part of aviation, a significant amount of weapons and combat technology. Active Soviet Actions Armed Forces Melted the Anglo-American troops offensive in North Africa, disembarking on Sicily and South Italy.

Coming in the spring of 1943, the operational-strategic pause was used by the Soviet command to prepare for the struggle for holding the initiative and the completion of the root fracture in the war.

The army received more and more military equipment and weapons. By July 1943 compared with April, the number of guns and mortars increased by almost 23 thousand, tanks and SAU - more than 5 thousand, combat aircraft - more than 4.3 thousand.

The reorganization of the army continued. Rifle forces Translated into a cabinet organization, tank armies were created, consisting only of tank and mechanized buildings. In the artillery of the RVGK, artillery corps of breakthrough, fighter anti-tank artillery brigades were formed. By the end of 1943, 12 RVGK Aviation Corps and 15 separate air traffic engines were additionally created. By the fly in the strategic reserve there were 8 General, 3 tank and 1 air army. At the same time, formations from representatives of the peoples of European countries were created on the territory of the USSR (see Foreign military formations).

The opponent by this time still possessed great power. Germany and its allies conducted total mobilization, sharply increased the release of military products. The overwhelming part of human and material resources was sent to soviet-German front. However, the ratio of forces has already been in favor of the USSR.

German command, seeking to re-seize the strategic initiative, decided to spend in the summer of 1943 a large offensive surgery in the Kursk area. It intended to defeat Soviet troops here, and then, pressing success in the northeast direction, to go into the deep rear of the central grouping of the Soviet troops and create a threat to Moscow.

Having the data on the opponent's advanced occurrence, Rate of vgk. In April, he adopted a preliminary, and in June the final decision on the transition to deliberate defense on the Kursk arc (see Kursk battle 1943.). Planned to break the tank group of the enemy, and then go to counteroffensive And defeat it. Then there was a general offensive in the Western and South-Western strategic directions. From April to June 1943, the active military operations were not conducted on the Soviet-German front. However, large air battles unfold on the southern section of the front (see Air battles in Kuban 1943). In May - June was held air operations In order to defeat German aviation at the central and southwestern directions, in which the enemy suffered significant losses. As a result, at the beginning of the summer of 1943, objective prerequisites were created for the conquest of strategic domination in the air.

Maintenance martialctions On the Kursk arc began the onset of the enemy on July 5th. Persistently defending it, Soviet troops stopped shock groups of the enemy and were transferred to the counteroffensive in Orlovsky on July 12-15, and on August 3 in Belgorod-Kharkov directions. As a result, the enemy was discarded to the West for 140-150 km. The last attempt of Germany fell out to seize the strategic initiative in the war against the Soviet Union. This victory had a huge political importance. If a Stalingrad battle He marked the beginning of a rooted pharmacy in the war, then the Kursk battle was his further development, marked the final collapse of the offensive strategy of the Wehrmacht. The Soviet command kept the strategic initiative and did not miss it until the end of the war.

As a result of the Kursk battle, domestic military art has been enriched by the experience of the organization deep-euchelized intentional defense, as well as carrying out a major counteroffensive with its advance preparation. Due to the large losses incurred by the German fascist block, especially in aviation and tanks, the situation has changed dramatically and at all other theaters of World War II. Created favorable conditions To land up the Anglo-American troops in Italy and withdrawing it from the war.

After defeat B. Kursk battle The fascist leadership tried to give a war of protracted, positional forms. An important role in this was discharged by R. Dnipro, where it was assumed to create an insurmountable defense. Battle for Dnipro 1943 Started in August and consisted of several combined bid of the ACC operations. At the end of September, Soviet troops came to the Dnieper at the front from Dnepropetrovsk to Zaporizhia. Successfully developed an offensive in Gomel, Chernihiv, Kiev and Poltava-Kremenchug directions, where from September 21 to September 30, Soviet troops reached the Dnieper at the front of 700 km and it was forced with his go. In October, the main actions were transferred to the right bank of the Dnieper. On November 6, Soviet troops liberated Kiev, advanced to the west to 150 km, reflecting the counteroffensive enemy in the area of \u200b\u200bKorosten, Zhytomyr and Fastov. On the right bank of the Dnieper, a strategic bridgehead of St. 500 km on the front. Being advancing at the Kirovograd and Krivoy Rog destination and in the Northern Tavria, the Soviet troops were eliminated by Zaporizhia to the enemy, Dnepropetrovsk were released and blocked his grouping in the Crimea. The attempt of the Nazis to stabilize the front at the turn of the Dnieper fell.

Soviet troops successfully occurred: in October, the Taman Peninsula was liberated in October, they went to the Kerch Strait and mastered the bridgehead northeast to Kerch; in the western strategic direction (see Smolensk Operation 1943.) Soviet troops advanced to 200-250 km, freed Smolensk, part of the Kalinin region. And they launched battles for the liberation of the eastern regions of Belarus.

In the second period of war, the Red Army advanced to 500-1300 km during the offensive, forced Dnieper, freed about half the territory of the USSR occupied by the opponent, defeating 218 divisions. At the same time, the Soviet Sun lost approx. 8.5 million people. (Irrevocable losses were approx. 2.5 million, sanitary - approx. 6 million). The loss of military equipment amounted to: approx. 830 thousand units. small arms, sv. 16 thousand tanks and sau, more than 20 thousand guns and mortars, 4720 combat aircraft. A huge scope has gained a struggle in the enemy rear: 24 underground regional, 222 district, county, district, city committees, under the leadership of which by the end of 1943, fought approx. 250 thousand partisans and underground workers; Created partisan edges and areas (see Partisan traffic; Underground).

The victories of the Red Army demonstrated the increased military and economic possibilities of the Soviet Union. At the same time, Germany began to feel the lack of people and material resources. The USSR achieved by a radical fracture in economic confrontation became the material basis of the root fracture during the military operations (see Economy). Successes of Soviet Sun and national economy Countries have largely due to the dedicated labor of the Soviet people, the active activities of government bodies, partyWorking public organizationstrade unions, komsomol.

The inevitability of the collapse of the fascist block was becoming more apparent. In September 1943, Italy capitulated, many of the remaining allies of Germany were looking for ways to exit the war. Neutral countries (Turkey, Portugal, Sweden) were finally convinced that they should not bind fate with Germany. Received further development resistance movement. In Germany, he grew unbelief in the victory of the Reich, the anti-fascist struggle was wound. The actions of the USSR allies on other fronts of the Second World War were activated. At the same time, during the Great Patriotic War, the lack of a second front in Europe continued to affect.

Sovetskaya foreign policy In the second period of war, it was aimed at solving important international problems. At the Moscow Conference in October 1943, the Declaration of Four States (USSR, USA, England and China) was developed on the issue of universal security, the determination of warfare was proclaimed to the unconditional surrender of the Fascist-Military Block countries, continue after the war joint actions to maintain a universal world and establish for this purpose an international organization. An important stage in the development of international and intersportal relations Tehran Conference 1943.. In the course of its holding with our main allies of the United States and the United Kingdom, an agreement was reached on the opening second Front In May 1944, the USSR declared the readiness to fulfill its allied obligations and join the war with Japan after the defeat of Germany. Antihytler coalition increased from 26 to 33 states.

Despite the major military successes and a change in the overall strategic situation on the Soviet-German front in the second period of the war, the enemy was still strong. The occupation remained a significant part of the territory of the USSR.

Research Institute (Military History) Wagsh Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

1. After the defeat of the main part of the German army in Kursk battle, exile began german fascist invaders from the territory of the USSR.

The Germany's almost devoid of the army could no longer come and moved to defense.

By order of Hitler in the fall of 1943, the construction began " Eastern Vala"- Systems of powerful echelonized defensive fortifications through the Baltic Sea - Belarus - Dnipro. According to Hitler's plan, East Shaft was to exist in Germany from the upcoming Soviet troops, give time to collect forces.

The most powerful defensive structures were erected in Ukraine along the line Kiev - Dnepropetrovsk - Melitopol. On the one hand, it was a system of dollars, other powerful reinforced concrete structures, mineral fields, artillery along the entire right bank of the Dnieper, on the other - there was a powerful natural barrier - Dnipro. By virtue of these circumstances, the German command believed the Dnieper border of the Eastern Shaft with impassable. Hitler gave an order at any cost to keep the "East Shaft" and stand up. During this time, by-left 1944, it was planned to restore the German army and start a new offensive to the East.

In order to prevent Germany to recover from defeat, the Soviet command decides to storm the East Shaft.

- lasted for 4 months - from August to December 1943;

- was carried out in very heavy for the Soviet army conditions - with a "low" (flat) left shore, it was necessary to force the Dnieper on the rafts and storm the "high" (mountainous) right shore, stocked by German defensive structures;

Soviet army carried colossal human losses because german troops, strengthened at the heights of the right bank of the Dnieper, intensively fired on the Soviet army at the low left bank, the rafts with soldiers and technician, swimming through the Dnieper, destroyed pontoon bridges;

- the forcing of the Dnieper took place in the conditions of very bad weather of October - November, icewater, rain and snow;

- Each bridgehead on the West Bank of the Dnieper, every challenged kilometer was paid for hundreds and thousands of dead. In spite of this. The Soviet army in stubborn battles forced the Dnieper. In October 1943, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporizhia and Melitopol were liberated, and on November 6, 1943 - Kiev.

By December 1943, the East Shaft was always broken - the path to the right bank of Ukraine, Moldova, and further to Europe opened.

3. November 28 - December 1, 1943 in Tehran, the capital of Iran, the first meeting of the "Big Troika" - I. Stalin, W. Churchill, F. Roosevelt - Officers of the Main Allied States (USSR, Great Britain and the United States ). During this meeting:

- The basic principles were developed post-war settlement;

- A fundamental decision was made to open in May - June 1944 of the second front - landing of the Anglo-American troops in Normandy (France) and their offensive to Germany from the West.

4. In the spring - in the summer of 1944, the final stage of the USSR release occurred - the Soviet army began three powerful offensive:

- In the north, during which the remnants of the North Army Group were broken, the blockade of Leningrad was lifted and released most of Baltic States;

- in Belarus (Operation "Bagration"), during which the backbone of the Center for the Center "Center" and liberated Belarus;

- on South ( YASSKO-Kishinev operation), during which the group of the "South" armies were surrounded and divided, Moldova, most of the Right Bank of Ukraine, Northern Romania were released.

As a result of these operations, the remains of the three mains were defeated by the fall of 1944. german armiesinvaded in the USSR in 1941; Most of the territory of the USSR was released. The final stage of the war began - the liberation of Europe.

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