Interethnic conflicts of cause and effect. Types and examples of contemporary conflicts

Encyclopedia of Plants 20.09.2019

Almost all modern states are multinational. All capitals of the world, large cities, and even villages are multinational. And that's precisely why, today more than ever, you need to be correct and attentive both in words and in actions. Otherwise, you can be involved in completely unexpected and unreasonable ups and downs, and sometimes even in a clearly formed ethnic conflict.

Interethnic conflict - this is a complication of relations between nations and peoples up to direct hostilities. As a rule, interethnic conflicts can occur at two levels. interethnic relations. So one of them is connected with interpersonal and family relations, while the other is realized through the interaction of federal constitutional and legal bodies and subjects of the Federation, political parties and movements.


ethnic conflicts like social phenomenon there is a conflict of interest different levels and content, and is a manifestation of complex deep-seated processes in relations between individual ethnic communities, groups of people, occurring under the influence of many socio-economic, political, historical, psychological, territorial, separatist, linguistic, cultural, religious and other factors.

Factors influencing interethnic conflicts:

1. The ethnic composition of the conflict region (higher its probability in mixed regions);

2. Type of settlement (the probability is higher in a large city);

3. Age (extreme poles: "older-younger" give a higher probability of conflict);

4. Social status (higher likelihood of conflict in the presence of marginals);

5. Level of education (the roots of the conflict nestle in the mass of a low level of education, however, it should be remembered that its ideologists are always individual representatives of the intelligentsia);

6. Political views (conflicts are much higher among the radicals).

Whatever the reasons may be caused by interethnic conflicts, they lead to a massive violation of laws and the rights of citizens.

objective reasons exacerbation of interethnic tensions can be:

First, the consequences of serious deformations national policy dissatisfaction that has accumulated over many decades, splashed out in the conditions of glasnost and democratization;

Secondly, the result of a serious deterioration in the economic situation in the country, which also gives rise to discontent and hostility among various segments of the population, and these negative sentiments are channeled primarily in the sphere of interethnic relations;

Thirdly, a consequence of the ossified structure state structure weakening the foundations on which a free federation of Soviet peoples was created.

Subjective factors are also important.

Interethnic conflicts due to the reason and nature of origin can be:

Socio-economic (unemployment, delays and non-payment of salaries, social benefits that do not allow the majority of citizens to satisfy the necessary needs, the monopoly of representatives of one of the ethnic groups in any service sector or industry National economy, etc.);

Cultural and linguistic (associated with the protection, revival and development mother tongue, national culture and guaranteed rights of national minorities);

Ethno-demographic (relatively rapid change in the ratio of the population, i.e. an increase in the share of the alien, other ethnic population in connection with the migration of forced migrants, refugees);

Ethnoterritorial-status (non-coincidence of state or administrative borders with the boundaries of the settlement of peoples, the demand of small peoples to expand or acquire a new status);

Historical (relationships in the past - wars, former relations of the "domination - submission" policy, deportations and the negative aspects of historical memory associated with them, etc.);

Inter-religious and inter-confessional (including differences in the level of the modern religious population);

Separatist (requirement to create their own independent statehood or reunification with a neighboring "mother" or related state from a cultural and historical point of view).

Cause any rash or knowingly provocative statements by politicians, national leaders, representatives of the clergy, the media, domestic incidents, cases can also become interethnic conflicts.

Conflicts over national values, the most important attitudes in the sphere of interethnic relations are among the most difficult to resolve, it is here that the problem of ensuring and protecting the civil, socio-cultural rights of individuals, representatives of certain ethnic groups can be most acute.

According to A.G. Zdravomyslova, source of conflict is the measure and form of distribution of power and positions available in the hierarchy of power and management structures.


There are civilized and uncivilized forms of interethnic conflicts:

a) local wars (civil, separatist);

b) riots accompanied by violence, gross and numerous violations of the rights and freedoms of the individual;

c) religious fundamentalism.

Depending on the motives (reasons), characteristics of the subjective composition, interethnic conflicts can be represented as follows:

1) national-territorial conflicts. In many cases, these conflicts contain attempts to solve problems " historical homeland» (original territories of residence or reunification of different ethnic communities);

2) conflicts related to the desire of national minorities to exercise the right to self-determination;

3) conflicts, the source of which is the desire of the deported peoples to restore their rights;

4) conflicts based on the clash of the ruling national elites in the economic and political spheres;

5) conflicts related to discrimination of any nation, ethnic group, violation of its rights or rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of its representatives;

6) conflicts caused by belonging (on a national basis) to different religious communities, movements, i.e., on confessional grounds;

7) conflicts based on differences and clashes of national values ​​(legal, linguistic, cultural, etc.).

The following figures also testify to the importance of research and prevention of conflicts on an ethnic, interethnic basis: according to some unofficial sources, in the period from 1991 to 1999, the death toll in interethnic conflicts in the post-Soviet space amounted to more than one million people.


Interethnic conflicts are one of those types of conflicts for which it is impossible to find a standard approach or solution, since each of them has its own peculiarity, basis. World experience shows that such situations are best resolved only by peaceful means.

So the most famous of them are:

1. Deconsolidation (separation) of the forces involved in the conflict, which, as a rule, is achieved through a system of measures that allow cutting off (for example, by discrediting in the eyes of the public) the most radical elements or groups and supporting the forces prone to compromise, negotiations.

2. Interruption of the conflict - a way that allows you to expand the action of pragmatic approaches to its regulation, and as a result of which the emotional background of the conflict changes, the intensity of passions decreases.

3. The negotiation process is a method for which there are special rules. In order to succeed in it, the pragmatization of negotiations is necessary, which consists in dividing the global goal into a number of successive tasks. Usually, the parties are ready to conclude agreements on vital needs, about which a truce is established: for the burial of the dead, the exchange of prisoners. Then they move on to the most pressing economic and social issues. Political issues, especially those symbolic meaning postpone and decide last. Negotiations should be conducted in such a way that each side seeks to find satisfactory moves not only for itself, but also for the partner. As conflictologists say, it is necessary to change the "win-lose" model to the "win-win" model. Each step in the negotiation process should be documented.

4. Participation in negotiations of intermediaries or mediators. In particular difficult situations confirmation of the legitimacy of the agreements is given by the participation of representatives of international organizations.

Conflict resolution- it's always difficult process bordering on art. It is much more important to prevent the development of events leading to conflicts. The sum of efforts in this direction is defined as conflict prevention. In the process of their regulation, ethnosociologists and political scientists act as experts to identify and test hypotheses about the causes of the conflict, to assess " driving forces”, the mass participation of groups in one or another scenario, to assess the consequences of decisions made

Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution higher professional education

State University of Management

Department of State and Municipal Administration


by discipline « social anthropology »

on the topic: "Interethnic conflicts".


Student of the GIMU group 3–3

Stenina Maria


D.I.N., Professor Taysaev K.U.

Moscow 2009

1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………2

2. Causes and factors of interethnic conflicts………………...3

3. Forms of interethnic conflicts………………………………….5

4. Ways to resolve interethnic conflicts……………………….6

5. Conclusion……………………………………………………………...9

6. List of used literature……………………………………...11


Multinational environment - a typical feature and condition of life modern man. Peoples not only coexist, but also actively interact with each other. Almost all modern states are multinational. All capitals of the world, large cities, and even villages are multinational. And that's precisely why, today more than ever, you need to be correct and attentive both in words and in actions. Otherwise, you can be involved in completely unexpected and unreasonable ups and downs, and sometimes even in a clearly formed ethnic conflict.

Interethnic conflict- this is a complication of relations between nations and peoples up to direct hostilities. As a rule, interethnic conflicts can occur at two levels of interethnic relations. So one of them is connected with interpersonal and family relations, while the other is realized through the interaction of federal constitutional and legal bodies and subjects of the Federation, political parties and movements.



Interethnic conflicts as a social phenomenon there is a clash of interests of different levels and content, and is a manifestation of complex deep processes in relations between individual ethnic communities, groups of people, occurring under the influence of many socio-economic, political, historical, psychological, territorial, separatist, linguistic and cultural, religious and other factors.

Factors influencing interethnic conflicts:

1. National composition conflict region (higher probability in mixed regions);

2. type of settlement (the probability is higher in a big city);

3. age (extreme poles: "older-younger" give a higher probability of conflict);

4. social status (higher likelihood of conflict in the presence of marginals);

5. level of education (the roots of the conflict nestle in the mass of a low level of education, however, it should be remembered that its ideologists are always individual representatives of the intelligentsia);

6. political views (conflicts are much higher among the radicals).

Whatever the reasons may be caused by interethnic conflicts, they lead to a massive violation of laws and the rights of citizens. The objective reasons for the aggravation of interethnic tensions can be:

firstly, the consequences of serious deformations of the national policy, the dissatisfaction accumulated over many decades, which spilled out in the conditions of openness and democratization;

secondly, the result of a serious deterioration in the economic situation in the country, which also gives rise to discontent and hostility among various segments of the population, and these negative sentiments are channeled, primarily in the sphere of interethnic relations;

thirdly, a consequence of the ossified structure of the state system, the weakening of the foundations on which the free federation of the Soviet peoples was created.

Subjective factors are also important.

Interethnic conflicts due to the reason and nature of origin can be:

● socio-economic (unemployment, delays and non-payment of salaries, social benefits that do not allow the majority of citizens to meet the necessary needs, the monopoly of representatives of one of the ethnic groups in any service sector or sectors of the national economy, etc.);

● cultural and linguistic (associated with the protection, revival and development of the native language, national culture and guaranteed rights of national minorities);

● ethno-demographic (relatively rapid change in the population ratio, ie increase in the share of newcomers, other ethnic population due to the migration of internally displaced persons, refugees);

●Ethnoterritorial-status (non-coincidence of state or administrative borders with the boundaries of the settlement of peoples, the demand of small peoples to expand or acquire a new status);

● historical (relationships in the past wars, former relations of politics "domination submission”, deportations and related negative aspects of historical memory, etc.);

● interreligious and interconfessional (including differences in the level of today's religious population);

● separatist (requirement to create one's own independent statehood or reunification with a neighboring "parent" or culturally-historically related state).

Cause any rash or knowingly provocative statements by politicians, national leaders, representatives of the clergy, the media, domestic incidents, cases

Conflicts over national values, the most important attitudes in the sphere of interethnic relations are among the most difficult to resolve, it is here that the problem of ensuring and protecting the civil, socio-cultural rights of individuals, representatives of certain ethnic groups can be most acute.

According to A.G. Zdravomyslova, and source of conflict is the measure and form of distribution of power and positions available in the hierarchy of power and management structures.


There are civilized and uncivilized forms of interethnic conflicts:

a) local wars (civil, separatist);

b) riots accompanied by violence, gross and numerous violations of the rights and freedoms of the individual;

c) religious fundamentalism.

Depending on the motives (reasons), characteristics of the subjective composition, interethnic conflicts can be represented as follows:

1) national-territorial conflicts. In many cases, these conflicts contain attempts to solve the problems of the "historical homeland" (original territories of residence or reunification of different ethnic communities);

2) conflicts related to the desire of national minorities to exercise the right to self-determination;

3) conflicts, the source of which is the desire of the deported peoples to restore their rights;

4) conflicts based on the clash of the ruling national elites in the economic and political spheres;

5) conflicts related to discrimination of any nation, ethnic group, violation of its rights or rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of its representatives;

6) conflicts caused by belonging (on a national basis) to different religious communities, movements, i.e., on confessional grounds;

7) conflicts based on differences and clashes of national values ​​(legal, linguistic, cultural, etc.).

The following figures also testify to the importance of research and prevention of conflicts on an ethnic, interethnic basis: according to some unofficial sources, in the period from 1991 to 1999, the death toll in interethnic conflicts in the post-Soviet space amounted to more than one million people.


Interethnic conflicts are one of those types of conflicts for which it is impossible to find a standard approach or solution, since each of them has its own peculiarity, basis. World experience shows that such situations are best resolved only by peaceful means. So the most famous of them are:

1. deconsolidation (separation) of the forces involved in the conflict, which, as a rule, is achieved with the help of a system of measures that allow cutting off (for example, by discrediting in the eyes of the public) the most radical elements or groups and supporting forces prone to compromises and negotiations.

2. interruption of the conflict- a way that allows you to expand the action of pragmatic approaches to its regulation, and as a result of which the emotional background of the conflict changes, the intensity of passions decreases.

3. negotiation process- a method for which there are special rules. In order to succeed in it, the pragmatization of negotiations is necessary, which consists in dividing the global goal into a number of successive tasks. Usually, the parties are ready to conclude agreements on vital needs, about which a truce is established: for the burial of the dead, the exchange of prisoners. Then they move on to the most pressing economic and social issues. Political issues, especially those of symbolic significance, are put aside and decided last. Negotiations should be conducted in such a way that each side seeks to find satisfactory moves not only for itself, but also for the partner. As conflictologists say, it is necessary to change the "win-lose" model to the "win-win" model. Each step in the negotiation process should be documented.

4. participation in negotiations of intermediaries or mediators. In particularly difficult situations, the legitimacy of agreements is confirmed by the participation of representatives of international organizations.

Conflict resolution is always a complex process bordering on art. It is much more important to prevent the development of events leading to conflicts. The sum of efforts in this direction is defined as conflict prevention. In the process of their regulation, ethnosociologists and political scientists act as experts to identify and test hypotheses about the causes of the conflict, to assess the "driving forces", the mass participation of groups in one or another scenario, to assess the consequences of decisions made.


A conflict is always a confrontation between two (or more) parties, bringing with it nothing but discomfort. This phenomenon usually does not pass away, but with each subsequent time it acquires the character of a mass character. It is on the same principle that interethnic conflict operates. Of all the types of conflicts, it is truly one of the largest. Since after the expiration of time the people participating in it only increase, discontent increases, and the amount of damage and losses only becomes more impressive.

Having done a lot of work on the abstract, I once again convinced and concluded that:

1) interethnic conflict is an undesirable and extremely destructive phenomenon in the life of society, which is a kind of brake in solving the problems of public life of people of different nationalities.

2) The interethnic conflict is based on both objective and subjective contradictions.

3) It is extremely difficult to extinguish the outbreak of a conflict, it can last for months, years; fade, then flare up with renewed vigor.

4) The negative consequences of interethnic conflicts are not limited to direct losses. Since there are mass movements of migrants, which significantly changes quantitative composition population.

The consequences of conflicts also include youth unemployment, lack of land, lumpenization (a socially regressive phenomenon, which is typical, as a rule, for a society of a catastrophic type and consists in the complete loss of people from social life and the simultaneous formation of a vast "social bottom" consisting of the destitute, impoverished segments of the population.) a significant part of the population.

5) It is extremely difficult to avoid interethnic conflict, since within each nation there are always groups interested in establishing their nation and at the same time grossly violating the principles of justice, equality of rights, and the sovereignty of others. True, in some countries such groups often determine the main direction of interethnic relations; in others, they always receive a decisive rebuff. Now thinkers, progressive politicians are intensely searching for ways out of numerous contemporary ethnic crises. The advanced part of the world community has realized and recognized the value of a humanistic approach to ethnic problems. Its essence lies in the voluntary search for consent, in the rejection of national violence in all its forms and forms, and secondly, in the consistent development of democracy. Legal principles in the life of society. Ensuring the rights and freedoms of the individual, regardless of nationality, is a condition for the freedom of any people.


1. Babakov V.G. Interethnic Contradictions and Conflicts in Russia” // Socio-political magazine. 1994, No. 8, pp. 16-30

2. Zdravomyslov A.G. Sociology of conflict. M., 1997, pp. 90-92.

3. Tutinas E.V. Individual rights and interethnic conflicts. Monograph. Rostov-on-Don, RUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. 2000, p.20

4. Zdravomyslov A.G. Interethnic conflicts in Russia // Social sciences and modernity. 1996, No. 2, pp. 153-164


6. D. ist. n., prof., KU Taysaev: a course of lectures on social anthropology.

Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution of higher professional education

State University of Management

Department of State and Municipal Administration


by discipline « social anthropology »

on the topic: "Interethnic conflicts".


Student of the GIMU group 3–3

Stenina Maria


D.I.N., Professor Taysaev K.U.

Moscow 2009

1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………2

2. Causes and factors of interethnic conflicts………………...3

3. Forms of interethnic conflicts………………………………….5

4. Ways to resolve interethnic conflicts……………………….6

5. Conclusion……………………………………………………………...9

6. List of used literature……………………………………...11


A multinational environment is a typical feature and condition of the life of a modern person. Peoples not only coexist, but also actively interact with each other. Almost all modern states are multinational. All capitals of the world, large cities, and even villages are multinational. And that's precisely why, today more than ever, you need to be correct and attentive both in words and in actions. Otherwise, you can be involved in completely unexpected and unreasonable ups and downs, and sometimes even in a clearly formed ethnic conflict.

Interethnic conflict- this is a complication of relations between nations and peoples up to direct hostilities. As a rule, interethnic conflicts can occur at two levels of interethnic relations. So one of them is connected with interpersonal and family relations, while the other is realized through the interaction of federal constitutional and legal bodies and subjects of the Federation, political parties and movements.



Interethnic conflicts as a social phenomenon there is a clash of interests of different levels and content, and is a manifestation of complex deep processes in relations between individual ethnic communities, groups of people, occurring under the influence of many socio-economic, political, historical, psychological, territorial, separatist, linguistic and cultural, religious and other factors.

Factors influencing interethnic conflicts:

1. ethnic composition of the conflict region (higher probability in mixed regions);

2. type of settlement (the probability is higher in a big city);

3. age (extreme poles: "older-younger" give a higher probability of conflict);

4. social status (higher likelihood of conflict in the presence of marginals);

5. level of education (the roots of the conflict nestle in the mass of a low level of education, however, it should be remembered that its ideologists are always individual representatives of the intelligentsia);

6. political views (conflicts are much higher among the radicals).

Whatever the reasons may be caused by interethnic conflicts, they lead to a massive violation of laws and the rights of citizens. The objective reasons for the aggravation of interethnic tensions can be:

firstly, the consequences of serious deformations of the national policy, the dissatisfaction accumulated over many decades, which spilled out in the conditions of openness and democratization;

secondly, the result of a serious deterioration in the economic situation in the country, which also gives rise to discontent and hostility among various segments of the population, and these negative sentiments are channeled, primarily in the sphere of interethnic relations;

thirdly, a consequence of the ossified structure of the state system, the weakening of the foundations on which the free federation of the Soviet peoples was created.

Subjective factors are also important.

Interethnic conflicts due to the reason and nature of origin can be:

● socio-economic (unemployment, delays and non-payment of salaries, social benefits that do not allow the majority of citizens to meet the necessary needs, the monopoly of representatives of one of the ethnic groups in any service sector or sectors of the national economy, etc.);

● cultural and linguistic (associated with the protection, revival and development of the native language, national culture and guaranteed rights of national minorities);

● ethno-demographic (relatively rapid change in the population ratio, ie increase in the share of newcomers, other ethnic population due to the migration of internally displaced persons, refugees);

●Ethnoterritorial-status (non-coincidence of state or administrative borders with the boundaries of the settlement of peoples, the demand of small peoples to expand or acquire a new status);

● historical (relationships in the past wars, former relations of politics "domination submission”, deportations and related negative aspects of historical memory, etc.);

● interreligious and interconfessional (including differences in the level of today's religious population);

● separatist (requirement to create one's own independent statehood or reunification with a neighboring "parent" or culturally-historically related state).

Cause any rash or knowingly provocative statements by politicians, national leaders, representatives of the clergy, the media, domestic incidents, cases

Conflicts over national values, the most important attitudes in the sphere of interethnic relations are among the most difficult to resolve, it is here that the problem of ensuring and protecting the civil, socio-cultural rights of individuals, representatives of certain ethnic groups can be most acute.

According to A.G. Zdravomyslova, and source of conflict is the measure and form of distribution of power and positions available in the hierarchy of power and management structures.


There are civilized and uncivilized forms of interethnic conflicts:

a) local wars (civil, separatist);

b) riots accompanied by violence, gross and numerous violations of the rights and freedoms of the individual;

c) religious fundamentalism.

Depending on the motives (reasons), characteristics of the subjective composition, interethnic conflicts can be represented as follows:

1) national-territorial conflicts. In many cases, these conflicts contain attempts to solve the problems of the "historical homeland" (original territories of residence or reunification of different ethnic communities);

2) conflicts related to the desire of national minorities to exercise the right to self-determination;

3) conflicts, the source of which is the desire of the deported peoples to restore their rights;

4) conflicts based on the clash of the ruling national elites in the economic and political spheres;

5) conflicts related to discrimination of any nation, ethnic group, violation of its rights or rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of its representatives;

6) conflicts caused by belonging (on a national basis) to different religious communities, movements, i.e., on confessional grounds;

7) conflicts based on differences and clashes of national values ​​(legal, linguistic, cultural, etc.).

The following figures also testify to the importance of research and prevention of conflicts on an ethnic, interethnic basis: according to some unofficial sources, in the period from 1991 to 1999, the death toll in interethnic conflicts in the post-Soviet space amounted to more than one million people.


Interethnic conflicts are one of those types of conflicts for which it is impossible to find a standard approach or solution, since each of them has its own peculiarity, basis. World experience shows that such situations are best resolved only by peaceful means. So the most famous of them are:

1. deconsolidation (separation) of the forces involved in the conflict, which, as a rule, is achieved with the help of a system of measures that allow cutting off (for example, by discrediting in the eyes of the public) the most radical elements or groups and supporting forces prone to compromises and negotiations.

2. interruption of the conflict- a way that allows you to expand the action of pragmatic approaches to its regulation, and as a result of which the emotional background of the conflict changes, the intensity of passions decreases.

3. negotiation process- a method for which there are special rules. In order to succeed in it, the pragmatization of negotiations is necessary, which consists in dividing the global goal into a number of successive tasks. Usually, the parties are ready to conclude agreements on vital needs, about which a truce is established: for the burial of the dead, the exchange of prisoners. Then they move on to the most pressing economic and social issues. Political issues, especially those of symbolic significance, are put aside and decided last. Negotiations should be conducted in such a way that each side seeks to find satisfactory moves not only for itself, but also for the partner. As conflictologists say, it is necessary to change the "win-lose" model to the "win-win" model. Each step in the negotiation process should be documented.

There are several theories explaining the causes of interethnic conflicts based on the study of experience gained in various regions of the world. varying in scale, social value, origin, "age", tension, inter-ethnic conflicts have one "final nature" that contributes to ethnic mobilization. Their deep roots are violation of the rights of this or that ethnic group, ethnic group, lack of justice and equality in interethnic relations.

The immediate causes of an ethnic conflict may be territorial, economic, political, social, psychological and other contradictions. It is not uncommon for a conflict to arise - the presence of several reasons. It should also be noted that subjective factor plays an important role in the emergence of the conflict, significantly complicates its course and settlement. It is the subjective factor that makes the inter-ethnic conflict explosive and intense.

The inter-ethnic conflict, which is influenced by religious factor. An analysis of conflicts gives reason to believe that the role of the religious factor in ideological support is very large and quite often is a direct guide in the clashes of the conflicting parties.

The basis of interethnic conflicts are the problems and contradictions that arise in the process of relations between ethnic groups. In a multinational state, any issue, no matter what it concerns - economy, politics, culture - invariably acquires a national expression. The emergence of interethnic conflicts and their severity largely depend on the form of building a multinational state, its national policy.

One of the main causes of interethnic conflicts is the territorial problem, territorial disputes. The essence of the problem usually lies in the fact that as a result of numerous migrations of the population, conquests and other geopolitical processes, the territory of the ethnic group's settlement in the past has repeatedly changed, and the borders of the state have changed. In this regard, territorial claims arise, and as arguments, a statement is put forward that a particular territory belonged to a certain ethnic group in the past. Moreover, the time from which the ethnicity is counted disputed territory, the parties choose arbitrarily, depending on the goals of the disputing parties. Due to their complexity and subjectivity, territorial disputes are the most complex and practically insoluble.

Ethnoterritorial issues are linked to political causes of conflicts. We are talking, first of all, about the problem of the creation by ethnic groups of independent territorial-state formations. Most of ethnic groups on the planet does not have its own independent national-state formations. With the development of the economy and culture of ethnic groups, the growth of their ethnic self-consciousness, movements arise among them, with the goal of creating an independent national state. Such a movement usually arises if an ethnos at some stage of its history already had statehood and subsequently lost it. Political reasons conflicts also arise when there is a restriction or deprivation of a part of a group (and even entire peoples) of political and personal rights and freedoms on the basis of national (ethnic) affiliation. The division of ethnic groups into “indigenous” and “non-indigenous”, “titular” and “non-titular” also gives rise to political and legal inequality, and, therefore, can be the cause of interethnic conflicts.

Diverse economic reasons ethnic conflicts. First of all, it is the struggle of ethnic groups for the possession material resources and property, among which the most valuable are land and subsoil. The essence of the conflict boils down to the fact that each of the conflicting parties seeks to justify its "natural" right to use land and natural resources. An interethnic conflict may be the result of the deprivation of ethnic peripheral groups, uneven development, uneven modernization of the "core" and ethno-national "periphery" in a multinational multi-ethnic state. In these cases, economic inequality between different ethnic groups, perceived as a collective ethno-national infringement, becomes the reason for the formation and manifestation of ethnic solidarity.

Ethnic conflicts can arise due to social reasons, social tension . More often this happens in a crisis state of society, when the prerequisites for socio-political confrontation and conflicts, including those based on ethnicity, are taking shape. Similar conflicts are observed in multi-ethnic states when social heterogeneity develops in an extraterritorial aspect. And then the problems of social insecurity, unemployment, ethno-demography and others acquire a visibly pronounced ethnic character. In prestigious activities, competition arises between titular and non-titular ethnic groups. It also happens when an ethnic conflict can become effective way"draining" of the social explosion into the mainstream of interethnic confrontation.

Another reason for ethnic conflicts can be ethno-cultural, including linguistic, problems.. When the ethno-cultural demands of a particular ethnic group are not met, conditions for learning and using the native language are not provided, or even linguistic chauvinism is clearly manifested, this leads to inter-ethnic tension and potential conflict. However, it should be noted that we are not talking about “purely” ethno-cultural problems; social interests are visible behind them. Yes, giving state status the language of only the titular nation in a multi-ethnic state infringes on the importance of the languages ​​of other ethnic groups and becomes a means to occupy key positions in society, i.e. provides representatives of the titular nation with certain privileges.

Socio-psychological factors play an important role in the formation of interethnic tension. Ethnic tension as a mass mental state is based on emotional contagion, mental suggestion and imitation. National grievances and injustices remain in historical memory for a particularly long time. Interethnic tension is also characterized by such a mental state as mass neuroticism. This state is characterized by increased emotional arousal, causing various negative experiences: anxiety, anxiety, irritability, confusion, despair. The “us/them” relations are polarized even more sharply: one's own ethnic group is evaluated more positively, while others' more negatively. Psychological tension can be created by ethnic problems - real and imaginary - based on rumors, false information, provocations.

Of course, ethnic conflicts are caused not only by the reasons noted above. Analyzing ethnic conflicts in the post-Soviet space, one can single out the causes of the most diverse nature. If we combine these reasons into several groups, we get the following picture:

socio-economic- inequality in the standard of living, unemployment, different quantitative representation in prestigious professions;

administrative and political- the hierarchy of peoples (union, autonomous republics, autonomous regions and districts), representation in government bodies, the entry of one form of national statehood into another;

cultural and linguistic
- insufficient attention to national culture and language from the point of view of non-Russian peoples, the displacement of national languages ​​by the Russian language from public life;

ethnodemographic and ethnomigratory- a rapid change in the ratio of the number of contacting ethnic groups due to migration and differences in the level of natural population growth;

ethnoterritorial- non-coincidence of state or administrative borders with the borders of the settlement of peoples, arbitrary redrawing of inter-republican borders, unjustified transfer of territories;

confessional- not only the multi-ethnicity of the national republics and regions, but also the multi-confessionalism of the population, overlapping and intertwining with each other;

historical- the influence of past relationships between peoples (not only peaceful, but also conflict, unequal, wars, etc.).

AT conflict situations the contradictions that exist between communities of people consolidated on an ethnic basis are exposed. However, not every conflict involves the entire ethnic group, it may be part of it, a group that feels the contradictions leading to conflict. Thus, most ethno-territorial disputes are on behalf of political elites, governments, movements. And far from always such disputes capture significant groups of some ethnic group.

Speaking about the causes of interethnic conflicts, first of all, it should be noted that the most severe consequences are arbitrariness and violence against any nation, the prohibition and persecution of religion, culture, language, and traditions. National feelings are very vulnerable, and any kind of arbitrariness in relation to any nation gives rise to hatred towards those who allowed violence. The bloody events in Azerbaijan, the North Caucasus, Georgia, Moldova, as well as in the former Yugoslavia show that interethnic conflicts have turned into interethnic wars. BUT civil wars that have arisen on national soil last a very long time. The war goes on to the last Serb, Croat, Albanian, Chechen, Georgian.

The cause of interethnic conflicts can also be national prejudice towards representatives of any nation. According to sociological surveys in Russia, more than 1/3 of respondents said that they feel hostility towards representatives of a certain nationality. At the same time, the absolute majority named persons of “Caucasian nationality”. Some political forces and parties are deliberately inciting ethnic hatred, declaring that Jews, Russians, Armenians, Chechens, etc. are to blame for all the current troubles and problems in our lives. Thus, the “image of the enemy”, the culprit of all troubles, is formed. And this is very dangerous phenomenon, as fertile ground is being created for strengthening the ideology of nationalism, chauvinism, and often fascism.

That's why main reason the aggravation of interethnic conflicts is connected with the attempts of various political forces to deliberately kindle national hatred in order to acquire a certain political capital in this way. By fomenting nationalism, it is very easy to gain power. But in order to stay in power, such a regime will continue to have to build its policy on inciting national hatred. This is where the main reason for the sharp aggravation of interethnic conflicts on the territory of the former Soviet Union lies. According to sociological survey conducted in the North Caucasus, 2/3 of the respondents said that the main reason for interethnic conflicts in the region is the struggle for power. Simple people they begin to understand that politicians in the struggle for power are capable of quarreling people of different nationalities who have lived peacefully on the same land for centuries.

After the nationalists come to power, as a rule, an ethnocracy regime is established, when all real power passes into the hands of only one indigenous nationality, the principle applies: one state - one nation. At the same time, methods of ethnic cleansing are actively used. Serbs, Albanians, Chechens, Georgians, Estonians, Latvians are trying to clear their territories of unwanted national minorities. Thus, in Estonia and Latvia, discriminatory measures against representatives of non-indigenous nationality are legislatively fixed. They are deprived of voting rights, citizenship, they are not admitted to public service etc. All these measures are designed to achieve the expulsion of the Russian-speaking population from these states. This situation is typical for almost all former Soviet republics. Today the entire former Soviet Union is an arena of inter-ethnic conflicts between representatives of indigenous and non-indigenous nationalities. It is no coincidence that the number of refugees in the former Soviet Union has reached tens of millions and is constantly growing.

To prevent interethnic conflicts, the state, not in words, but in deeds, must ensure the equality of all nations. It is necessary to resolutely renounce attempts to create any benefits, advantages for one indigenous nationality, to take into account the interests of all peoples living in this state. This is the most important principle of preventing interethnic conflicts.

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