Reading the online book "Opened Tuchka Golden.

Garden technique 29.09.2019
Garden technique

The main events of this story describes a summary. "The Tuchka Golden was overwhelmed" - a work with which, of course, should be met in the original. It raises important problems, relevant today. You will be sure to read the brief content.

"Tuchka Golden spent the night" begins as follows. The author says that from the orphanage was supposed to send two older guys in the Caucasus. However, they suddenly disappeared. But twins Kolka and Sasha Kuzminy (Kuzmenshi in orphanage) agreed to go. The fact is that the dope crashed under the bread cutter, made them a week before. The guys dreamed of food to eat at least once in life, but did not come out. Military sappers caused to inspect this dope. They said that without preparing and technology, it is impossible to persuade him, to the same children. However, just in case it was better to disappear from this razoring war near Moscow.

Arrival on Caucasian Waters

Caucasian water is the name of the station, where they arrived. It was written on the browsed to the telegraph pillar of the plywood coal. It is in the Caucasian waters that the work continues the work that anatoly pretashin ("Opened Tuchka Golden") continues. A brief content introduces the reader only in general terms with this place. The station building during battles held here recently burned down. For a crowded path made by the guys from the station to the village, in which there were benches, not a single supply, nor a car, nor a traveler caught. The circle was empty ... pushed the fields. Someone plowed them, sowed, fed. Who are these people? Why so deaf and deserted on such a beautiful land?

The guys visit Regina Petrovna, and then go to the boarding school

The guys who arrived at the place went to visit Regina Petrovna - the educators with which they met on the road and which they really liked. Then they headed to the village. It turned out that people in her still live, but secretly: they do not go outside, do not sit on Zavaling. Do not light in the huts at night lights. In the boarding school news: Peter Anisimovich, director, agreed to work at the canning plant. There and recorded Kuzmenysh Regina Petrovna, although they sent, actually, only the elders, students of the fifth-seventh classes.

Unexpected meeting

Regina Petrovna also showed the guys an ancient Chechen strap and dad found in the roadside. She gave the strap and sent to sleep Kuzmenzyssy, the very selected to sew the guys winter caps from dad. And Regina Petrovna from the work "Tuchka Golden", brief content on the heads of which we describe, did not notice how sash the window sash silently, and then it seemed in it a black blow.

Fire and work at the canning plant

At night there was a fire. Regina Petrovna was taken away somewhere in the morning. And Sasha Ring showed the sleeve and many traces of horse hoofs. Faith, cheerful Shoferitsa, began to carry the guys to the cannery. There was good: immigrants worked, they were not protected. The guys immediately scored apples, plums, pears, tomatoes. The "blissful" caviar gives aunt Zina (eggplant, but her name for her Sasha forgot). And once aunt Nina admitted that the locals were afraid of Chechens, who were sent to Siberia. Perhaps some of them managed to escape, and they were pumped in the mountains.

Relations with migrants of colonists

Relations with immigrants were very stretched, which notes the pretashin ("Tuchka Golden"). A summary continues in that the colonists, forever hungry, began to steal potatoes from the gardens, then the collective farmers caught on the Bahce of one colonist. Peter Anisimov has conceived to hold concert of amateur activities for a collective farm. The last number showed the focuses of Mitiz. Suddenly, the hooves were rooted near, the gentle cries and horse rzing were heard. Then she crashed, and silence reigned. Cry came from the street: "Blowed up the car! The house burns! There is our faith!"

Attack on the colony

The next morning it turned out that Regina Petrovna returned. She suggested the guys to go together to the subsidiary farm. The guys took up the case. They walked in turns to the springs, chased herd to the meadow, Molia Corn. Then Demyan arrived, a single-legged man, and Regina Petrovna managed to simplify him to throw up to the colony of Kuzmeni to get products. The guys fell asleep on the cart. Waking up at dusk, they could not understand where they were. For some reason, Demyan was sitting on Earth, he had a pale face. Noticing them, he told them not to noise. It turned out that the colony is ruined. Kuzmenshi passed on its territory. The courtyard of the colony was littered with junk, knocked out windows, ripped off the door loops. No people. Quiet and scary.

Death of Sasha

The guys rushed back to Demyan. They walked, bypassing, via corn. Demyan was ahead, and suddenly he disappeared, jumping suddenly somewhere aside. Sasha rushed after him, only a darken belt flashed. Ring, tormented by diarrhea, sat down. And at the side, over the corn, the horsepie muzzle appeared. The boy fell on the ground. He saw the opening of his eye, hoof right at his face. The horse suddenly squanded to the side. Kolka fled, then fell into the pit, after which I fell into infamousness.

It has come a peaceful blue morning. Ring headed to the village in order to find Sasha with Demyan. He saw his brother standing, leaning for a fence, at the end of the street. Ring ran to him. However, on the go, his step began to slow down by himself: something very unusual stood Sasha. The boy froze, coming closely.

It turned out that his brother was hung, and not stood, joined to the tip of the fence under the mouse. From the belly of the boy drank a beam of corn. Another pillage was shoved in the mouth. On the pants below the abdomen Sashkin Sashkin is required. Later it turned out that it does not have a silver strap.

Alguzur and Kolka.

Ring after a few hours dragged the cart. He took to the station's body of his brother and sent it to the composition: Sasha dreamed of going to the mountains. As you already probably guess, the work is approaching the final "Opened Tuchka Golden". Summary of final events Next.

On the ring a lot later came with a soldier rolling from the road. The boy slept in an embrace with another boy, Chechen by type. Only Alhuzur and Kolka knew how they wandered between the mountains, in which Chechens could easily kill the Russian boy, and the valley in which the Chechen had threatened danger, and how they saved each other's death. Children did not allow to separate themselves and were called brothers - Kola and Sasha Kuzmin.

The guys were transferred from the Children's Clinic of Grozny in a Children's. Here they held street children before sending them to different orphans and colonies.

These events ends short content. "The Tuchka Golden spent the night" is included in the list of references recommended by Russian schoolchildren for extracurricular reading. Nevertheless, it would be useful not only to familiarize themselves with the guys of school age. For a wide circle of readers, the work "Opened Tuchka Golden" was intended. The summary of this story was described only in general terms, and, by contacting the original, you will learn the details of the events.

Anatoly Ignatievich Plindowkin is a representative of the generation of "children of war". And not just living in their families among the military rules, but children from the orphanage, where everyone from the youngsters for himself. The writer has grown in conditions in which it was easier to die than survive.

This bitter child memory and gave rise to a number of tight-true works describing poverty, vagrancy, hunger and early growing children and adolescents of that cruel time. One of them came the story "Tuchka Golden", the analysis of which will be discussed below.

Prose A. I. Predtakin in world literature

The works of the pretashin in different years were published in Germany, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Poland, France, the Czech Republic, Finland. In December 2001, he became an adviser to the President of the Russian Federation. The writer is a laureate of the USSR State Prize, as well as a number of literary Russian and foreign awards. The pretashing was awarded the National German Prize for Youth Literature.

His autobiographical prose is close and understandable to the young reader. In modern schools with children, not only the analysis of the work "Tuchka Golden" was worked out. Other stories are included in the circle of youth reading: "Portrait of the Father", "Between Rows", "Stars", "Shard", "Rodin Baby", "Doctors", "Steps behind", "Shurka" and others. All of them Lyric, lyrical, revealing people with the deepest, sometimes the most unexpected side.

Theme of the work

In 1981, A. Predashin creates its most famous work, which came to the mass reader only in 1987. Analysis of the story "Night-night Tuchka Golden" is held in the lessons. Its study is included in many copyright literature programs for high school. Along with the general theme of war, the writer is talking about the harsh and severe childhood of the military generation, reflects on friendship and partnership, about love for his native land.

The most striking sense of life tragic and constant will to overcome it is viewed precisely in the story "Tuchka Golden" (Popitkin). The analysis of the work is carried out in the context of the drama of heavy orphanage, wartime, where, in spite of everything, the huge charge of optimism, faith in humans, its strength, resistance, reason, faith in good. The story included the development of the topic of the street orphan childhood, which subsequently brought a wide fame.

The main characters of the story

The main characters of the story, Sasha and Kuzmini Ring, pupils of the orphanage. They go to the North Caucasus, where they are subsequently drawn into terrible, even the tragic realities of the mass resettlement of North Caucasian peoples. It was undertaken in our country in 1943 - 1944. This is how the description of the boys begins in the story "Night-night Tuchka Golden" (Plittakin), the analysis of which should be lower: "... the brothers called Kuzmänoshi, they were eleven years old, and they lived in the orphanage near Moscow. There, the life of the guys spinning around the found murzly potatoes, rotten potato cleanings and, like the tops of the desire and dreams, breadcrumbs, so that only existence to pull out an extra war day from fate. "

The topic of moving and road

At the beginning of the story, the director of the orphanage offers brothers to go to the Caucasus, just freed from the Germans. Naturally, the guys maniled adventures, and they did not miss such an opportunity. And now the brothers go through the war, the completely destroyed and did not have time to rise after the fascist lads of the Earth at an amazing, insanely cheerful train.

The topic of the road in its work does not accidentally affect A. Predkin. "The Tuchka Golden" spent the night, the analysis of which includes the problems of the road and the life path of heroes, is a story-memory. The author complains: "We have been half a half! Hundreds then right on my eyes have already begun to disappear, simply die on that distant new land, where at that time they were brought. "

On the road, the twin brothers in the Caucasus took place a strange, ominous meeting - in the neighboring ways on one of the stations found Kuzmänysh wagons. Children's black-eyed faces were watched from the born winds, their hands were drawn, incomprehensible screams were heard. Kolka, without realizing the sense, they ask to drink, stretches to someone's thorns berries. On such a touching, sincere impulse is capable only abandoned by all the smoking worker. The description of the tagged to the children's soul passes through the entire story, complementing her literary analysis. "Tuchka Golden" (Popitankin) spent the night is a story-contradiction, where parallels were carried out between the opposite phenomena.

Survival science: Military realities by the eyes of children

In the war years, hunger nastal and children, and adults, but for people such as Kuzmeyshi, orphans, the food was the main dominant life. Hunger drives the actions of the brothers, pushes them to theft, for desperate and ingenious actions, exacerbates feelings and imagination.

Kuzmenyshi comprehend the science of survival, so the system of values \u200b\u200bare special - it is counted "from burning". And contact with adults begins with this: not taken away, but fed, it means good, you can trust. In the story "Opened Tuchka Golden", the analysis is built on the vision of the children's eyes of military reality and people in it.

Dramatic turn in the fate of heroes

Kuzmeysham was difficult to figure out what happened around, which they turned out to be witnesses. When it happened to the ridge the worst thing (he saw the brother of the murdered, hung over the arms to the tip of the fence, and from shocks fell ill), then Sasha's place, took the same eleven orphan alcohus - Chechen.

Kolka calls him with his brother first to save from Russian soldiers, and then in a deeper feeling when Alhuzor saved a ring from a Chechen rifle directed at him. This is the Brotherhood of Children and is assisted by A. Predkin.

"Tuchka Golden spent the night": Analysis

The main leitmotif of the work is the friendship of lonely children who are threatened with a danger from everywhere, but which by all the power of the souls protect their right to love and affection. Kolka and alcohuses were not alone and there were both in the Children's Children, where they were delivered, pickled in the mountains. The Crimean Tatar Musa was already lived there, and German Lida Gross "with a big river", and a Nogaena Balbecas. All they had a common bitter and terrible share.

Children-orphans, the Caucasian Territory abandoned from their native places, are tragically faced with the fact that they are still unable to understand, they are not able to try in a sense - with an attempt by the totalitarian system to destroy the lives of whole peoples. That's what the "red thread" passes through the story, complementing her analysis.

"Tuchka Golden" (Popitankin) spent the night - this is a story in which constantly hungry, torn off, who do not know the warmth and home coat of the boy on their own gross experience will know the price of tough social injustice. They will know the lessons of spiritual warmth, black human hatred and unspecified mercy, cruelty and great spiritual fraternity. The history of the Tomilsky orphanage is only a small part of this tragic and inhuman process. But in such violent conditions, the colonists received lessons of eternal values: morality, good, justice, compassion.

Time communication

The main characters of the story, Sasha and Kuzmin's ring, pass through many adventures and difficulties. In them - street children - manifests the features of early adults, so characterized by the entire generation of children of the 1940s, faced with at all childish problems. The story leaves a feeling of a non-painful unity of a child with an adult world.

If the work of the Golden Tuchka "(Popitkin) spent the night is more deeply touched, the note should be completed, indicating the main idea. In his story, Anatoly Podtashin tries to show that the war and everything that is connected with it does not make a better. "I do not hide," the author writes, "there has been such a thought more than once that everything is alive, that somewhere there are all these people who, without thought and fear of His (Stalin), created his will."


Expanding the truth, talking to her in all terrible guy, the writer, perhaps removed the part of the cargo with his soul his own, but the readers' soul definitely facilitated. Although this is the entire A. Predkind ("Tuchka Golden") - an analysis of his works for each of his own, this author and sought. According to the writer, the meaning of this literature is not to dare, not to "inspire the sleep of gold," and to think through the reader in every way, to feel, compassion and draw conclusions. The book encourages mental work, to the birth of doubts within himself, to the revaluation of the usual world. It serves as not just a description of the "present", but also a caution of the future.

Anatoly Pomapta

Opened tuchka golden

I dedicate this story to all her friends who accepted as his personal is a street-free child of literature and did not give it to the author to go into despair.

This word arose in itself, as the wind is born in the field. It originated, whoreton, swept along the near and long-range curls of the orphanage: "Caucasus! Caucasus!" What kind of Caucasus? Where did he come from? Right, no one could really explain.

Yes, and what for a strange fantasy in a dirty suburbs to talk about some kind of Caucasus, about which only for school readings aloud (there was no textbooks!) It is known to the Dwydoman Shantrape that it exists, rather, existed in some distant incomprehensible times, When a black-born in the enemies, Murda Murat, Murides, when the leader of Murida Imam Shamil was defended in a deposited fortress, and Russian soldiers and Kostlin languished in a deep pit.

There was still Pechorin, from the unnecessary people, too, traveled through the Caucasus.

Yes, here are still cigarettes! One of the Kuzmenovyi them coal from the wounded lieutenant colonel from the sanitary train, stucking at the station in Tomiline.

Against the background of the broken snow-white mountains jumps, jumps in black turkey rider on a wild horse. Yes No, does not jump, but flies through the air. And under it uneven, angular title: "Kazbek".

The pretty lieutenant colonel with a bandaged head, a young handsome, glanced to watch the station, and tumbled a polynoungering nail to the cardboard cap, without noticing that nearby, opening his mouth and hopping his breath, looked at the precious box. Little wolf ring.

I was looking for a crust of bread, from the wounded to pick up, and I saw: "Kazbek"!

Well, what's the Caucasus? A rumor about him?

Not at all.

And it is not clear how it was born this pointed, flashed with a brilliant ice edge of the Slavs there, where he could not be born: among the orphans, cold, without wood levels, forever hungry. All the intense life of the guys folded around the frozen potatoes, potato cleanings and, like the top of the desire and dreams, - bread crusts to exist to survive one only an extra fear day.

The most cherished, and an unsinkable dream of any of them was at least once to penetrate the holy of saints of the orphanage: in the breadstand, - like the font and it was the font, for it stood before the eyes of the children above and inaccessible, than some kind of Kazbek!

And appointed there as the Lord God would appoint, say, to Paradise! The most elected, the most successful, and you can determine and so: happier on earth!

In their number of Kuzmenshi were not included.

And there was no thoughts that bring to enter. It was a blessing blessing, those who, who escaped from the police, reign during this period in an orphanage, and even in the village.

Peel into the breadless, but not like those chosen, - the owners, and the mouse, on a second, moment, that's what you dreamed about! Eye to reveal to look at all the great wealth of the world, in the form of a knitted loaf of Koriwood.

And - inhale, not breasts, stomach breathe intoxicating, durning bread smell ...

And that's it. Everything!

There are no tinsels there, which can not be left after the bucharikov's fragile rough sides, did not dreamed. Let them gather them, let them fit Favorites! This rightly belongs to them!

But no matter how to get to the upholstered iron of the doors of Harboring, it could not replace the phantasmagoric picture that arose in the heads of the Kuzmina brothers, the smell through the iron did not penetrate.

Scroll into the same way for this door and did not shine at all. It was from the area of \u200b\u200babstract fiction, the brothers were realists. Although the concrete dream they were not alien.

And so that this dream in the winter forty-fourth year brought the ring and Sasha: to penetrate the breadstand, in the kingdom of bread in any way ... anyone.

These, especially temporary, months, when frozen potatoes are not possible, is not the fact that bread crumbs, walk by the house, past the iron doors there was no strength. To walk and know, almost pictured, as there, behind the gray walls, for the dirty, but also the chosen window is the elected, with a knife and weights. And shout, and cut, and mnouted with a rugged damp breadfish, relying warm brassy crumbs in the mouth, and fatty fragments accracted by Pahan.

Saliva scumped in the mouth. Grabbed the stomach. In my head climbed. I wanted to howling, screaming and beat, beat into the iron door, so that they were open, discovered to understand, finally: We also want! Let then be in the Cake, anywhere ... will punish, will be willing, they will kill ... But let it be shown at first, even from the door, like he, bread, chest, mountain, Kazbek rises on a sparkled knife table ... how it smells!

That's how to live again will be possible. Then faith will be. Once the bumps lies the mountain, it means that the world exists ... and you can endure, and silent, and live on.

From the small bat, even with the addition, pinned to her chips, hunger did not decrease. He became stronger.

Guys, such a scene seemed very fantastic! Draw too! The wing did not go! Yes, they would immediately be bonely burned from that wing ran down anywhere! After such a loud reading, even more stomach twisted, and they forever lost faith in writers; If they do not eat chicken, it means that the writers themselves were lit!

Since the owl of the main orphanage urka was driven, many different large and small blades passed through Tomilino, across the orphans, a fought away from the Militia Military here for the winter.

In immutability, one thing remained: strong devoured everything, leaving weak crumbs, dreams of crumbs, taking the littleness in reliable slavery networks.

For the crust fell into slavery for a month, two.

The front crust, the one, that plizers, blacks, thicker, sweeter, cost two months, she would be top on the loaf, but it's about the soldering, tiny piece, which looks plafhous transparent leaf on the table; rear

Baby, Victory, Foyshe - the month of slavery.

And who did not remember that Vaska Smork, the peer of Kuzmenysh, was also eleven, before the arrival of a relative-soldier, he was somehow for the rear crust for half a year. I gave all the edible, but fed by the kidneys from the trees, so as not to get into at all.

Kuzmenshi in grave times were also sold. But they always sold together.

If, of course, folded two Kuzmenysh in one person, it would not be in all the Tomilician orphans of them equal in age, and maybe in force.

But Kuzmenshi knew their advantage.

Four hands drag more easily than in two; Four legs will be faster. And four eyes are somewhat seen when you need to grab where it lies badly!

While two eyes are busy business, other two watchdis for both. Yes, you still have to follow, so that you don't have something like, clothes, the mattress is pleased when you sleep, you see your pictures from the life of Harboring! They said: what, they say, the bread cutting, if you have pulled out!

And there are no combinations of all of the two Kuzmennyi not to read! I caught, let's say, one of them on the market, dragged into the cut. One of the brothers Net, screams, on pity beats, and the other distracts. You look, while turned around on the second, the first is Smyg, and there is no it. And the second one! Both brothers as a bind of sophisticated, slippery, once missed, you will no longer take back in your hands.

Eyes will see, hands scum, feet will take ...

But somewhere, in some bowler, all this should be welded in advance ... Without a reliable plan: how, where and what to eat, it's hard to live!

Two heads of Kuzmenzyssi cooked differently.

Two twin brothers - Sasha and Kuzmina Kuzmina, nicknamed Kuzmänshi - live in an orphanage in Tomilino near Moscow. The director of the orphanage - the thief (bread, intended for orphans and streets, falls towards the relatives of the director and his dogs; clothing, which he is obliged to supply children, also sends to his relatives and acquaintances). Kuzmenyshi dream to get into the "Breadboard" (the room where the loaf of bread is lying), for several months they make a subpople under it. When the subpople is accidentally discovering, the guys understand that they will have to be bad, and agree to go to the Caucasus (where they send several children from each orphanage to the orphanage). The only association with the concept of "Caucasus" has them - a picture from the bunch of Cigarettes "Kazbek", as well as a pair of lines from the poem M. Lermontov "Rock". HO hungry children promise fruits (whom they never seen) and a lot of bread, which is a decisive argument in favor of departure. On the road, the hungry Kuzmänyshi touchily care about each other (Kolka gives his brother a tiny scraper of bread, he himself goes to sleep hungry), at the stations run to the market to steal products (they eaten the poles of a stolen baton and then ask the merchants to pour sour cream or varets; without having money, The brothers pour dairy back, and what absorbed, embarrass the spoons). Together with all the oral streets (five hundred orphanage rides the train) Kuzmyunashi flies on young crops (when the train enters the chernozemie), and then "suffer from the abdomen", relieving fresh vegetables. They get acquainted with the educator Regina Petrovna, who travels on the same train along with the little sons of Zhores and Marat (she calls them "peasants"), and the new director - an intelligent former supplier Peter Anisimovich. At one of the stations, the brothers will watch the strange train - the windows are burned, children's hands, black-haired and black-eyed children are drawn to them, black-haired and black-eyed children on a non-clear language about something asking for someone. Armed soldier pushes them from the train., Calls strange passengers "Chechemki". Sasha strongly weakened (from the stomach disorder), they want to hospitalize it. Kolka appeals for help to Regina Petrovna, so as not to part with his brother (it suits so that both brothers go with the same train).

The orphanages are discharged at the Caucasian Water Station. Children bathe in sulfur sources. A close friendship is tied between Kuzmänyshi and Regina Petrovna: despite the fact that she is engaged in girls, the teacher often invites the brothers to himself, treats tea with saccharine, but Kuzmenyshi do not abuse her with hospitality: they are accustomed to take care of themselves, and Regina Petrovna also Like all the arrivals, starving. The brothers are slowly suspended in the village of Berezovskaya. The village looks strange: the brothers cannot understand certainly, people live there or not. The crop is sleeping, but the doors are clipped, only at times the muffled whisper and cough are heard. In one of the houses of Kuzmyunashi, the conductor is found to Ilya, who tells them that the village is actually a Chechen Aul Dei Churt. People are evicted from it, and the dedication should become her new "population." Ilya treats the guys moonshine. According to his press, Kuzmenyshi is beginning to carry "junk" from the warehouse, which Ilya deceit takes away from them, and then sells. Ilya himself, according to the nickname "Zvek", and in childhood and the colony, and logging, and vagranting, and stunned, and sat in prison, where he learned that there was a lot of "cast" land in the Caucasus. At home give refugees for "free" with the Skarban. Kuzmeysham shame to go back to the colony. In the example of some colonists, they decide to leave "even further", but, remembering Regina Petrovna with "peasants", remain to support it. She realized that the brothers had stolen things from the warehouse, but did not give out Kuzmey to the director, however, from the Sala (from Ilya) refused them. Regina Petrovna arranges a ring with a sash to work together with high school students at a tiny plant (where they can "feed"). Having found a Chechen shaggy dad in the direction, the teacher is accepted to draw two winter hats from it for the guys.

At night, Chechens set fire to the building (several people on horseback arrange the explosion nearby), in which the warehouse is located and, accordingly, winter things intended for the colonist.

At the Canned Winter Tatque, the Tattop Zina regrets Kuzmeysh and allows you to take fresh fruits and berries, as well as eggplant caviar, jumped, plum jam. She is the only one knows how to distinguish between the brothers, they can not be deceived by their resemblance. Zina's aunt is also a migrant; She is afraid of the Chechens to death, who "for treason" were forcibly hid out from here to Siberia, but could not force everyone "TE who stayed and hid in the mountains, merge Russian. Kuzmenyshi spare banks with a jam on the winter on the old orphanage - go through the passage in an embrace, so banks are compressed under the clothes, they fure banks behind the plant in a rubber galosome. The brothers do not forget about the sons of Petrovna's sons in her absence (after the Chechens attack on the warehouse, she "got sick"), feed Marat and Zhores by jam from their stocks. However, their ideas reveal the senior colonists and steal banks Kuzmeysh. Theft of the elders is found, and the colonists are removed from work at the factory. On the territory of the colony they make a search and find a cache - five hundred cans canned. At this time, the colonists give a concert of amateur amateur in front of immigrants. One of the guys shows the focuses and takes out the director's portfolio document - a search protocol. The colonists rush away from the hall - save stocks, but at this moment the horse ending hears. Chechens blew up the car on which Merry Shoferitsa Vera traveled, friendly with the colonists, and the house in which Ilya lived. Kuzmenyshi decide to escape from the colony. Regina Petrovna returns from the hospital, tells the brothers that the warehouse was burning, three Chechens fired into it. Ho boy, son of one of them, jerked his father's rifle at the moment of a shot, and the bullet flew past. The educator is sent to the subsidiary farming, get better. She calls Kuzmeny to him, dissuade them while running, and then promises to leave all together. Kuzmenyshi for the first time think about the causes of the hate of the Chechens to the Russians, they do not believe that all Caucasians like one, - Motherland's traitors. The brothers decide that Ilya was killed for the work - he enjoyed a stranger home and good as his own, never even worked in the garden. Kuzmenyshi actively help Regina Petrovna in the farm, graze cows, gather a brushwood and kizyaki, flour in millstones. Once, according to old memory, they are trying to make a snack, but Regina Petrovna talks to them that it is impossible to steal themselves: after all, they live like one family. The brothers return products, and no one remembers more about what happened. Regina Petrovna comes up with a holiday - appoints a birthday (October 17) to Kuzmeyshai (October 17), prepares a treat (sweet cake). The Demyan settlearer is cared for her, persuades to live together. Regina Petrovna says that she is a pilot widow that went to work in a children's home to make it easier to raise their own children. Kuzmenyshi are jealous, both want to marry Regina Petrovna, despite the small age (it is likely to be 11 years old). Regina Petrovna gives brothers gifts - shirts, jackets, boots, scarves. The next morning Regina Petrovna asks Demiana to take a colony with a colony. Colony empty. The windows are knocked out, the director's briefcase is lying on the ground, the yard is littered with things, as if "in evacuation". Demyan explains that they need to save themselves: so the Chechens, who spat around the district, will be harder to catch them. The boys rushes a swarming, hiding in the corn. Kolka, after some time, it crushes into the village and finds a dead brother there. Kolka bury Sasha, feeling that "bury himself." He sees the soldiers' travel and understands from conversations that those. They go "Chechens to kill", and began to be distorted for Sasha. Kolka pleases the body of the brother to the railway, attracts it to the iron bunker under one of the wagons and says goodbye to Sasha. Sasha dreamed of leaving; Kolka can not quit Regina Petrovna. Ring sicks, loses consciousness. Having discovered his eyes, he notices that Sasha would like it with water from the iron mug and says at the incomprehensible language. On broken Russian, an unfamiliar boy explains the ring that his name is Alhuzur, that he saved Kuzmeysh from his relatives-Chechens, and at the same time from Russian soldiers. Alhuzur agrees that Kolka call him a sash. When the boys find Russian soldiers, Kolka says that his twin brother with him. Boys are started in a distant path; Meeting Chechens, they are saved due to Alhuzur's Molubam, when a collision with Russians, the ring with tears convinces the soldiers so that they are not touched, and as a result fall into a children's degree. There they find Regina Petrovna. She was saved with the help of Demyan, but did not leave the hopes to find Kuzmänich. She decides to pick up boys and adopt them. Regina Petrovna declares that he remembers the Kuzmin brothers on the colony and Alhuzur - and there is that Sasha. However, the permits do not give it. Ring and Alguzur are sent to a new settlement. The boys lie on the same shelf, hugging how the real Kuzmänyshi was started in the way to the Caucasus from the Kazan station. Regina Petrovna slowly asks Kolka, where his real brother. He replies that Sasha left far.

Anatoly Pomapta

Opened tuchka golden

I dedicate this story to all her friends who accepted as his personal is a street-free child of literature and did not give it to the author to go into despair.

This word arose in itself, as the wind is born in the field. It originated, whoreton, swept along the near and long-range curls of the orphanage: "Caucasus! Caucasus!" What kind of Caucasus? Where did he come from? Right, no one could really explain.

Yes, and what for a strange fantasy in a dirty suburbs to talk about some kind of Caucasus, about which only for school readings aloud (there was no textbooks!) It is known to the Dwydoman Shantrape that it exists, rather, existed in some distant incomprehensible times, When a black-born in the enemies, Murda Murat, Murides, when the leader of Murida Imam Shamil was defended in a deposited fortress, and Russian soldiers and Kostlin languished in a deep pit.

There was still Pechorin, from the unnecessary people, too, traveled through the Caucasus.

Yes, here are still cigarettes! One of the Kuzmenovyi them coal from the wounded lieutenant colonel from the sanitary train, stucking at the station in Tomiline.

Against the background of the broken snow-white mountains jumps, jumps in black turkey rider on a wild horse. Yes No, does not jump, but flies through the air. And under it uneven, angular title: "Kazbek".

The pretty lieutenant colonel with a bandaged head, a young handsome, glanced to watch the station, and tumbled a polynoungering nail to the cardboard cap, without noticing that nearby, opening his mouth and hopping his breath, looked at the precious box. Little wolf ring.

I was looking for a crust of bread, from the wounded to pick up, and I saw: "Kazbek"!

Well, what's the Caucasus? A rumor about him?

Not at all.

And it is not clear how it was born this pointed, flashed with a brilliant ice edge of the Slavs there, where he could not be born: among the orphans, cold, without wood levels, forever hungry. All the intense life of the guys folded around the frozen potatoes, potato cleanings and, like the top of the desire and dreams, - bread crusts to exist to survive one only an extra fear day.

The most cherished, and an unsinkable dream of any of them was at least once to penetrate the holy of saints of the orphanage: in the breadstand, - like the font and it was the font, for it stood before the eyes of the children above and inaccessible, than some kind of Kazbek!

And appointed there as the Lord God would appoint, say, to Paradise! The most elected, the most successful, and you can determine and so: happier on earth!

In their number of Kuzmenshi were not included.

And there was no thoughts that bring to enter. It was a blessing blessing, those who, who escaped from the police, reign during this period in an orphanage, and even in the village.

Peel into the breadless, but not like those chosen, - the owners, and the mouse, on a second, moment, that's what you dreamed about! Eye to reveal to look at all the great wealth of the world, in the form of a knitted loaf of Koriwood.

And - inhale, not breasts, stomach breathe intoxicating, durning bread smell ...

And that's it. Everything!

There are no tinsels there, which can not be left after the bucharikov's fragile rough sides, did not dreamed. Let them gather them, let them fit Favorites! This rightly belongs to them!

But no matter how to get to the upholstered iron of the doors of Harboring, it could not replace the phantasmagoric picture that arose in the heads of the Kuzmina brothers, the smell through the iron did not penetrate.

Scroll into the same way for this door and did not shine at all. It was from the area of \u200b\u200babstract fiction, the brothers were realists. Although the concrete dream they were not alien.

And so that this dream in the winter forty-fourth year brought the ring and Sasha: to penetrate the breadstand, in the kingdom of bread in any way ... anyone.

These, especially temporary, months, when frozen potatoes are not possible, is not the fact that bread crumbs, walk by the house, past the iron doors there was no strength. To walk and know, almost pictured, as there, behind the gray walls, for the dirty, but also the chosen window is the elected, with a knife and weights. And shout, and cut, and mnouted with a rugged damp breadfish, relying warm brassy crumbs in the mouth, and fatty fragments accracted by Pahan.

Saliva scumped in the mouth. Grabbed the stomach. In my head climbed. I wanted to howling, screaming and beat, beat into the iron door, so that they were open, discovered to understand, finally: We also want! Let then be in the Cake, anywhere ... will punish, will be willing, they will kill ... But let it be shown at first, even from the door, like he, bread, chest, mountain, Kazbek rises on a sparkled knife table ... how it smells!

That's how to live again will be possible. Then faith will be. Once the bumps lies the mountain, it means that the world exists ... and you can endure, and silent, and live on.

From the small bat, even with the addition, pinned to her chips, hunger did not decrease. He became stronger.

Guys, such a scene seemed very fantastic! Draw too! The wing did not go! Yes, they would immediately be bonely burned from that wing ran down anywhere! After such a loud reading, even more stomach twisted, and they forever lost faith in writers; If they do not eat chicken, it means that the writers themselves were lit!

Since the owl of the main orphanage urka was driven, many different large and small blades passed through Tomilino, across the orphans, a fought away from the Militia Military here for the winter.

In immutability, one thing remained: strong devoured everything, leaving weak crumbs, dreams of crumbs, taking the littleness in reliable slavery networks.

For the crust fell into slavery for a month, two.

The front crust, the one, that plizers, blacks, thicker, sweeter, cost two months, she would be top on the loaf, but it's about the soldering, tiny piece, which looks plafhous transparent leaf on the table; The back - pale, victory, the fantasy month of slavery.

And who did not remember that Vaska Smork, the peer of Kuzmenysh, was also eleven, before the arrival of a relative-soldier, he was somehow for the rear crust for half a year. I gave all the edible, but fed by the kidneys from the trees, so as not to get into at all.

Kuzmenshi in grave times were also sold. But they always sold together.

If, of course, folded two Kuzmenysh in one person, it would not be in all the Tomilician orphans of them equal in age, and maybe in force.

But Kuzmenshi knew their advantage.

Four hands drag more easily than in two; Four legs will be faster. And four eyes are somewhat seen when you need to grab where it lies badly!

While two eyes are busy business, other two watchdis for both. Yes, you still have to follow, so that you don't have something like, clothes, the mattress is pleased when you sleep, you see your pictures from the life of Harboring! They said: what, they say, the bread cutting, if you have pulled out!

And there are no combinations of all of the two Kuzmennyi not to read! I caught, let's say, one of them on the market, dragged into the cut. One of the brothers Net, screams, on pity beats, and the other distracts. You look, while turned around on the second, the first is Smyg, and there is no it. And the second one! Both brothers as a bind of sophisticated, slippery, once missed, you will no longer take back in your hands.

Eyes will see, hands scum, feet will take ...

But somewhere, in some bowler, all this should be welded in advance ... Without a reliable plan: how, where and what to eat, it's hard to live!

Two heads of Kuzmenzyssi cooked differently.

Sasha as a man-coal man, calm, quietly learned ideas. How, how did they arise in him, he himself did not know.

Kolka, turning, grip, practical, with a speed of lightning, thought how to bring these ideas into life. Extract, you mean, income. And more accurately: take frighten.

If Sasha, for example, said, scratching a white-minded top, and whether to fly to them, say, on the moon, there would be full of cake, the ring would not say at once: "No." He first looked like this Delta with Moon, on which airship to fly there, and then asked: "Why? You can smoke and closer ... "But, it happened, Sasha will dream up to the ring, and the one as the radio will catch the thought on the air. And immediately sells how to implement it.

Golden Sasha Baška, not a Baska, and the Palace of Soviets! Seen the brothers are so in the picture. All sorts of day American skyscrapers in a hundred floors below should be swallowed. We are the very first, the highest!

And Kuzmenshi are the first in the other. They first understood how to live in the winter forty-fourth year and do not break.

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