How to better install a live tree at home. How to choose a live tree

Garden technique 12.06.2019
Garden technique

In order for the living Christmas tree as long as possible to please you with its beauty and aroma, the choice of the chief symbol of the holiday should be taken seriously! Here are some tips how to do it right.

1. Best time

You can see the "Green Beauty" in all its glory only in daylight, so from buying a Christmas tree in the evening it is better to refuse. And you should not hurry. The optimal time for buying and installing the house of the New Year tree - December 27-29.

2. Present document!

Make sure you buy a New Year tree with a legal seller. And not only from ethical considerations, but also because of the care of health - your and loved ones. The seller should have a hygienic certificate and a bioserity for the sale of living firs (pines, cedars, fiht). This document will show where the trees were grown and how they were prepared. The fact is that trees can be treated with hazardous chemicals, or be infected with mold fungi, insects. All this is not only unparalleled, but also dangerous for allergies.

3. Warning to details

Even if the documents are in order, inspect the trades most closely. First make sure that there is no mold, fungi. Then, sniffy - the smell must be natural conifer, no "chemistry"! Then pay attention to the twigs - the recently fired healthy fir, they are elastic, in the "old" or frostbitten - dry, break with a crackle. The needles should be bright green, soft and fluffy. "Needle" should not be very crushed. Check the Christmas tree on freshness is very simple - slightly hit it with the base of the stem, or just slightly shake one of the branches. And it will not be superfluous to see the trunk. If the cut is dark wide kimea - So the tree spill for a long time, it is not worth buying it.

4. For a holiday came to us!

And so, you brought your New Year Trophy home. The temperature differences in the natural christmas tree will not like. So before installing the tree, it is better to hold a couple of hours on the balcony. But before this freed the fir from the packaging and straighten the branches. And then, in the apartment, put a Christmas tree away from heat sources - heating radiators, a fireplace or oven. This is important in terms of fire safety And in order not to drown a housing.

5. put in place

So that the Christmas tree lived in an apartment as long as possible, it must be put in a bucket with a nutrient mixture. The composition of the mixture may be different:

When you install the Christmas tree, spray it with water - after this needle procedure, it is better shining and the fragrance is enhanced. Give a car to dry and you can dress up!

Illustrations:,,,,, http: //,

New Year holidays are near and everyone has long been thinking about when the first lights on the festive Christmas tree will be lit in their apartments or homes. Indeed, it remains very long to wait, the markets are already crowded various species New Year trees of different sizes and from different materials. It seems that here is the case for small - to choose and install. But in fact, everything is not quite so. The Christmas tree is not only a beautiful, decorated tree, but also a big fall with improper use. Therefore, today we want to dwell on the question, how not to spoil your holiday: we put the Christmas tree correctly.

Sew fir: how to properly prepare a tree to installation

After you visited the Christmas market and purchased a fluffy beauty, do not hurry to put it in the apartment. Let it get a little accustomed to changing the temperature, and if possible, as long as possible, you will live on the balcony, in a cool passion or garage. We advise you to put a spruce just a few days before the holidays, so it will delight you with your freshness longer.

When you are ready for installing a festive tree, remove a couple of large lower branches (you can ask for this and seller in the market), just do not throw away, but set aside, they can still come in handy for additional decor. The location of the cut is to update, scaping several centimeters. It will help the tree easier to be soaked with water when you set it there. Before you put a spruce in the room, knock it out several times about the floor, it will help get rid of the already dried needles. In order to extend the life of a fired Christmas tree we advise you to add several aspirin tablets or a couple of glycerol spoons, they serve preservatives, which for a long time will retain a tree life.

Ways to install a festive Christmas tree

Despite the simplicity of the task, actually the main methods (methods) of the plant plant there are quite a lot. Let us dwell on each of them:

- installation in a bucket filled with sand or stones. This method was several years ago the most basic. Each apartment has always been a bucket waiting for its time. However, now it is used much less often;

- installation in a bucket with water bottles filled with water. Not every resident of the city may just find the sand, so the use of plastic or glass bottles will be more acceptable;

- installation with horses. Nowadays, it is quite freely possible to purchase fresh spruce already with a mounted cross. But, if such a thing did not come across, or you cut the tree on your own (only if there is an appropriate permission), then we briefly tell me how to make a cross. You will need two bars that will need to connect perpendicular to each other. Then the large self-tapping screw is first set at the intersection of bars, and then we screw it tightly into the tree trunk.

- installation with a leg from the office chair. It is the most original and even the most convenient way. If you have broken the chair, you should not be sad, his Trenoga can become an excellent basis for the festive ate. Yes, and the installation process itself will require no more than five minutes. Just in the hole "tripods" you need to insert a tree trunk and vua, you get a spruce that can ride.

Choose a place for the New Year tree

Thinking about the place for a festive tree, it is necessary to remember that you need to put the Christmas tree as well as for young children. The most appropriate place will be the distant corner of the room, where the movement movement is reduced to a minimum. In addition to security, it is worth worrying about the "well-being" of the most lighted beauty. Try to be installed as far as possible from batteries and other heating devices, it is desirable closer to natural lightingOtherwise, in a couple of days, it will turn into herbarium in a beautiful green tree.

Basic mistakes

The rules for using and installing the festive ate are quite simple, however, many meet anyway New Year In the company of stupid or spoiled wood. In this regard, we want to once again draw your attention to the most common mistakes:

- installation of firing spruce near heat sources will lead to the fact that it will quickly dry, even if it is in water;

- installation of the Christmas tree close to the wall. Someone may challenge this statement, because such a location will make it to make a spruce more sustainable and prevent a possible fall. Agree on the one hand, but on the other hand, tough branches and wood needles can damage the wallpaper and paint of the walls;

- installation of wood in the middle of the room. Driving away the dances around the Winter Beauty is undoubtedly fun, but very much increases the risk of its fall, and besides, spruce will simply interfere;

As for the artificial Christmas tree, it is worth avoided errors related to branches. After you pull the tree out of the box, you do not need to be ordered and clearly parallel to the branches, let it be chaotic and slightly slightly, because it will look much natural.

Where do you make a Christmas tree after the holidays?

When all merry festivities are completed and weekdays will begin, the question will sharply become, where to give the symbol of the holidays. Do not hurry to attack a fir on a landfill or burn. Needles can serve as a beautiful row indoor plantswill become excellent water in compost pit In the garden, or some of them can build houses small animals (hedgehogs, mice, frogs).

Could you imagine the most long-awaited celebration of the year without a Christmas tree at home? The conversation will do, naturally, about ate or forestry Christmas tree for the new 2020. Buy the beloved element of the holiday is not difficult. Since almost anywhere in a couple of weeks before the event, Christmas markets come, and you can choose any tree you like. But where to put it and how best to use in? After all, you should not miss the fact that not every room is sufficient to put such a tree, in addition, your favorite pets often pounce on the Christmas tree, trying it if not tipped up, then at least just shake. Are there special councilsWhere to put the Christmas tree on Feng Shui in 2020? Consider some points in this article.

Have you ever heard about the philosophy about the location of things in the house to attract money and happiness? The conversation goes naturally about Feng Shui. It is hard to believe in it - but this is really truth. Make sure that you can, at least placing new Year's fir in your home:

  • First, if you place a tree in the western part of your home, then in 2020, in 2020, you will have fun and well-being. If you put the New Year attribute in the opposite of the western part of the room, then you will certainly improve internal well-being.
  • Secondly, if you want financial stability per year, promotion at work - then put the tree south in your home.
  • Thirdly, placing the Christmas tree north in the apartment, you will certainly bring good guide to your home. But do not forget that it is necessary to establish that the living pine and fir should be installed, because it is not charged with such energy.

At the same time, even artificial tree, Also, do not install where it fell. If the attribute of your celebration is green, it should be put in east in the apartment, or southeast. It is that the arrangement of the Christmas tree will make a rat for you lucky, while the artificial Christmas tree north in the room will bring a lot of fuss and hassle.

Correct location of the Christmas tree

If your attribute is a brilliant color, then the correct solution will put it in the center of your room, on something high, like a chair or the couch. If you do that, then the atmosphere of universal well-being will appear in your home.

If your Christmas tree is high, more than one and a half meters, then its location is not particularly important, but such a plant will look harmoniously in the center of the room. While the tree is alive, it is not a very powerful energy charge, which will create a good mood in your home.

But do not forget that fading the Christmas tree will negatively affect the energy sector. That is why after graduating from holidays, the tree should be attributed to the angle of the room, or to throw away. If you come back to Feng-Shuy again, then constantly storing the fading tree of the house is harmful.

That is why, lazy owners who are tightened with the release of the plant, attract quarrels and troubles into their house, not knowing that.

If you count on positive emotions and pleasure, then what place is best to put a Christmas tree on Feng-Shui? In the event that your home is small, then there is no point in putting the plant into the center of the room. It will always interfere, and in the end you will answer it at all. But if you put the Christmas tree into the angle, then get a completely different look.

Convenient location

If you have a small dwelling, then the branches of ate and pine are a wonderful alternative. Some creative, and you will have a ikebana, decorated and different. If you do not like this option, then it is appropriate to buy a small artificial Christmas tree.

If you have big House, It is best to install your tree in the center of the room, because the kids will be able to drive away the dances and run around it. Although placing a tree in the corner of the room will also be an excellent option! If possible, buy a high and direct spruce in the best traditions.

Do not forget that it is better not to put your tree near the batteries - it will quickly be fond of needles, and it will start. Most. optimal decision Will put the Christmas tree where cool, and moisturize the tree yourself.

Those owners who have their favorite fluffy and inspired pets, should think about how to put a tree, but about how to do it right on Feng. Naturally, it must be firmly consolidated! In addition, all the toys on the tree should be soft and not sharp, in the case that your baby does not hurt. Be sure to take into account the fact that children, as well as pets, can overturn wires or pull New Year's garlands.

Safe fastening of the Christmas tree

Therefore, pay attention to the fact that the wires from the garlands should be carefully hidden and good, and also to be in the place where no one will be touched.


After reading this post, you learned about where and how to install the Christmas tree to the new 2020, and if you want to refer to the recommendations of Feng Shui, then you should not neglect the security of you and your loved ones.

Fix securely green Tree, And the decorations will fully comply with the basic safety rules. Choose new Year tree With a soft cheese, so that your ripples do not shock, playing near.

Video Instructions for the correct installation:

Video master class of making Christmas tree toys do it yourself:

Christmas tree - chief symbol Holiday

New Year is the most favorite holiday, full of mysteries and waiting for change. This fabulous night has many characters, but the main of them is definitely a Christmas tree. This holiday creates a lot of hassle: how to choose how to install the Christmas tree? And her decoration is a real ritual, in which, as a rule, all family members take part. Today is a huge selection artificial Christmas treesallowing you to purchase any imitation of ate either pine, matte or brilliant, green or even white, different size for every taste. Still, most prefer to install a live tree. Fluffy forest guest brings the smell of winter forest, resin, needles, such a familiar since childhood, filling the house of the fabulous atmosphere of the approaching miracle.

Don't forget about unique properties Live needles. Essential oils that are contained in it have bactericidal properties. In addition, coniferous smell has a beneficial effect on nervous system. But unlike artificial beauties, a real Christmas tree requires proper care and reliable installation.

How to choose a Christmas tree?

You can talk about the beauty and benefits of living tree a lot, but you need to remember that the spruce needles quickly crept on and in our power to do everything possible so that the holiday lasted longer. Very much depends not only on how to put the Christmas tree, but also from right choice. What features of the Christmas tree should pay attention to:

    Fir should look fresh and healthy with a homogeneous colors of a cheese. The width should not exceed the height.

    Inspect the branches. At the recently fledged branch, the branches stretch up, they are elastic and flexible, it is difficult to break them.

    The needles should look bright and smooth. If doubts arise, drum down one needle between the fingers. Fresh spruce needle is easily rubbed and has a characteristic coniferous smell. Dry needle means that the tree has been cut off for a long time.

    Look carefully, shake slightly, and if needles are crumbled, then such a tree does not last long.

As for the appearance and size, it is completely dependent on the place in the apartment intended for the forest guest. So, if you position the Christmas tree in the corner, you can choose not very fluffy copy, and deploy more beautiful face. But if the center of the room is intended for her, then here you need special attention Turn to a smooth shape of the crown and spreadability.

How to prepare a Christmas tree to install?

The choice is made, and the fabulous beauty arrived at the destination. You can give a few recommendations How to correctly install a live tree, about its storage and installation location:

    If the tree is bought in advance, then it is necessary to keep it in a cold, such as the window, on the balcony, terrace.

    Before installing, it is impossible to immediately enter the Christmas tree into a warm room, and even more so, install and dress up, because the tree can die from the sharp temperature difference. You need to give her time to stand and refuse indoors with a small but positive temperature, such as in the entrance, in the tambour.

    Before installing the Christmas tree, it is necessary to prepare a trunk, clean it from the bark, you can slightly cut up the top.

    It is impossible to place the Christmas tree close to batteries, heaters and fireplace. It will very quickly begin to crumble, even if it was installed in a bucket with water or wet sand.

    The size of the New Year tree should be determined by the size of the room, where it will stand and the height of the ceilings. It must be taken into account in order not to create inconvenience, cluttering a small space. And so that it does not have to cut the top or lush lower rods of the branches, which will spoil significantly appearance Tree.

How to install a Christmas tree without a stand?

There are special devices - stands, crosses, with which you can install the Christmas tree in the apartment. The advantages of such an installation is its ease and reliability. However, frustrating the lack of opportunity to water the tree and feed.

Most easy way Remove the tree OT. fast drying - Before installing the Christmas tree in the cross, wrap from the bottom of the trunk of a wet matter, which is easy to wate in water.

Stands for fastening the Christmas tree can be made with your own hands. However, if there is no desire or ability to build such structures, turn to methods easier. Consider options like installing the Christmas tree at home without a stand, old people's way. And there may be several of them:

    Bucket with sand. The usual bucket is filled with a clean and wet sand. A nutrient solution is added, the recipes of which there are many. For example, dissolve in one liter of water a little food gelatin or glycerin. Another recipe: two tablespoons of sugar and a pair of aspirin tablets. Before installing a Christmas tree in the sand, you should definitely clean the location of the cutting on the trunk, and also remove the bore for about 10 cm below. Every two days the sand is recommended to water and the tree will flash for a long time.

    There is one more interesting way How to install a Christmas tree without sand. When in a bucket instead of sand, you can put gravel or plastic bottles With water that firmly fix the trunk, pre-wounded by wet matter.

    Vessel with water. Please note that water will need hot, it will help to wash wood pores from the resin, which will facilitate the flow of moisture. It is desirable to add an acid to the acid to the water or lemon, and you can replace it with aspirin tablet. There are many solution options, one of them: spoon gelatin, crushed chalk and half an acid spoon.

Twigs should be periodically sprayed with water, which will allow them to retain their freshness longer. After installing the Christmas tree, a bucket or container can be decorated with colored paper, cloth, cotton, New Year's tinsel and toys.

So you can save the Christmas tree fresh and beautiful not only during festive days, but also much later. These simple rules for the installation of the New Year tree in the room and care for her will allow you to save you along with the smell of the needle atmosphere of the holiday in the house. And it will also help to avoid unnecessary trouble when the time comes to remove the fallen chew.

Good luck and happiness in the new year!

We are looking forward to all new Year holidays, special atmosphere, sparkling shop windows, warm winter evenings with the aroma of Mandarin and, of course, real miracles in which adults believe and children. Everything around is transformed and dressed in anticipation of the holiday.

But the most important decoration is the huge New Year tree, installed on the main square of the city, near the shopping and entertainment centers and in the parks. The institution, at the entrance of which the green beauty is located, attracts more visitors to himself, creates a positive image. After all, near the Christmas tree, children's laughter is always heard, she fascinates with its beauty and inspires.

Few, who thinks, but the appearance of such a giant beauty is a kind of miracle, which creates a team of specialists responsible for the steady installation of wood, security and its luxurious design. Installation of street trees is a difficult and painstaking work that can be trusted only by professionals.

Installation of street trees - a responsible process in compliance with each little thing

Usually the fir assembly occurs at night. This immediately shows professionalism and responsible attitude to the work of the company on installing firing. After all, there is nothing less festive than left half-faced frame in a crowded place. That is why the installation is seriously prepared, use special techniqueMaximum optimize the process to cope in one night.

Service Installation of street trees includes:

    delivery of the Christmas tree details to installation site

    installation of metal carcass

    tree assembly, including high-altitude work using special equipment

    christmas decoration

    dismantling design at the end of the holidays

Artificial Christmas tree has a number of advantages over a living tree. It can be used by several seasons in a row, and this significantly saves the budget of the organization or city. Unfulfilled wood can be given the perfect shape, while the Christmas trees created by nature often have some errors in appearance. Using artificial New Year trees, we break the forests from cutting down, this is perhaps one of the main advantages.

Despite all the advantages, the installation of street trees has a number of features that must be considered. When transporting the structure, it is important to be as accurate as possible, not damage the parts and do not spoil their appearance. It is necessary to install the design correctly, considering all the nuances, because if it falls, it is an emergency not to avoid. Reliability and security in this case above all!

Do not forget that in all its beauty, the tree will take 2-3 months on the street. When it is installed, it is worth considering different weatherwhich can affect the appearance and strength of the structure.

Street Christmas tree decoration - the most pleasant stage of installation

Still S. kindergarten We remember the festive call: "Once, two, three Christmas trees burn." So that the street tree burned, sparkling and overflowing different colorsExperts use illumination, mostly garlands, which decorate the tree in the first place. In the evening, when the lights turn on, the Christmas tree looks amazing.

And so that the green beautiful woman looks beautiful and in the afternoon, the installation of street trees ends with decoration classical new Year's toys large sizes. Such a decor is made of special materials that maintain temperature differences are resistant to moisture and other adverse factors. Toys, like a Christmas tree, can be stored for several years.

Dismantling the Christmas tree is carried out carefully and neatly

After any holiday, beautiful outfits are hiding back into the closet, and expensive jewelry are located in the box. This happens with the Christmas tree, and it is no less difficult to disassemble it than to establish. Do not believe, but to hide the Christmas tree until next year takes the same time as it is on its installation.

If you approach the dismantling of the Christmas tree, irresponsible is unlikely to please you with your perfection. All design details must be carefully disassembled, package, transport and highlight it for storage. Garlands, decorations and toys are packaged in separate boxes to keep them in perfect condition.

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