In which direction does the door to the apartment open. Where and how do the “correct” doors open according to fire safety standards

Landscaping and planning 03.03.2020
Landscaping and planning

There is no single answer to this seemingly simple question, because if you put together SNIPs, individual preferences and cultural and historical traditions, many of the most unexpected nuances open up.

Entrance door

Historical and esoteric traditions in this matter are contrary to modern building codes. Since ancient times, in the northern climate, the doors of houses opened only inward, because when snowdrifts sweep outside, otherwise it is simply impossible to open it. Only when a porch appeared, protecting the house from snow drifts, the doors began to open outward.
The ancient Chinese tradition of Feng Shui is in solidarity with the beliefs of our Slavic ancestors. The door is the most important part of the house through which good luck and positive energy penetrate, therefore it can only open inward so that this positive flow is not interrupted.
The huts are huts, and the specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and SNIPs in this matter have a completely different opinion: the doors at the evacuation exits should open exclusively in the direction of the exit from the building, so that in the event of an emergency it would be convenient to take out the wounded on a stretcher.
In addition, if the front door opens outward, it is almost impossible to knock it out, therefore, criminals trying to enter the house for the purpose of robbery will have to spend more time and effort to break in. So, the external opening of the door is considered more correct, from the point of view of rescuers and law enforcement officers.

Another thing is that it is not always possible to comply with this requirement on a cramped stairwell of an apartment building. In addition, it conflicts with another rule, which states that the direction of opening the door leaf must be coordinated with the nearest neighbors, since an open door should not interfere with the evacuation of people in case of fire, etc.

Interior doors

All these recommendations concern, basically, entrance doors of apartments. In a private space, hardly anyone will interfere with installing the door in the way that suits you. And what do experts advise about interior doors?
SNIPIs are more interested in the bathroom, kitchen and bathroom. In these rooms, the doors must open outward so that in an emergency you can get out by simply pushing the door. If the person inside becomes ill, it is easier to open such a door, since the probability of accidentally blocking it is extremely small.
These recommendations are worth listening to. True, if the door swings open into a narrow corridor, it can knock on the forehead of a passing family member - and then he will need medical help.

The conclusion is simple: in a cramped space it is better to equip the entrance as common sense dictates. In the end, if the space is sorely lacking, you can install a sliding door, which is especially true for small bathrooms, tiny kitchens and dressing rooms.

In the nursery, it is recommended to choose a door that opens inwards, since it is easier to knock it out in an emergency if the child is suddenly locked from the inside. However, the age of the children also matters. In rooms for the smallest, locks and locks are rarely installed, but with a door that opens inward, you can accidentally hit the baby.
In general, the decision is again yours.


What else needs to be considered when choosing the direction of opening interior doors?

If two doors are located close to each other, it is worth thinking about moving the doorway, if this is not possible, consider the option when one door opens into the room and the other into the corridor. In any case, the doors must not block or overlap each other. It's traumatic!
If the door is located in the corner of the room, it should swing open towards the nearest wall without blocking the view of the room. When the door is placed in the center of the wall, it is more correct to open it towards the window so that the light from it enters the corridor or the adjacent room.

Right or left?

It also matters whether the door opens to the right or to the left, and here again cultural and historical differences come into play. In Russia, the “right” is the door, in which the hinges are located on the right, and the handle is on the left. In European countries, the situation is exactly the opposite: the “right” door has a handle on the right, and the hinges on the left.

Portek, Legnoform
Therefore, if you are buying an imported door, not a Russian one, make sure you order exactly what you need.
By the way, if you are left-handed, take the opportunity to equip comfortable doors at least in your house, because in public places, opening doors, as a rule, is designed for the "right-handed" majority.

The choice of the direction of opening may seem like a trifle on the scale of the repair, however, improper installation of doors causes inconvenience and even injury. Therefore, solve the problem based on specific living conditions, security considerations and common sense. Also, keep folding, sliding, and roto doors in mind, as they can sometimes be a way out of a tricky situation – literally and figuratively.

Perhaps not many people wondered in which direction the door in the apartment should open? The answer seems obvious - outside. But is everything so clear or are there situations in which it is considered more convenient to open the front door inward? We will help you understand this topic, taking into account SNiPs and everyday practicality.

In which direction does the door open according to SNiP

There are technical regulations and SNiP, which are approved by the Federal Law and determine the location and option for opening doors. At the same time, they apply exclusively to industrial and public facilities. In such buildings, the opening of the front door in the apartment is carried out in the direction of movement towards the exit to the street. In addition, this applies only to those places located on the evacuation route.

As for apartment buildings, in the current fire safety regulations and any other there is no clear answer to the question of how the door to the apartment should be opened. Accordingly, everyone sets the design to their taste. Of course, most people order doors that open outward, that is, to the platform.

The location of the doors in the apartment and other factors

To choose the optimal opening of the front door to the apartment, you need to take into account a number of factors, so as not to regret the decision later. Architects, designers and interior designers recommend adhering to the following rules and recommendations:

  • Comfort and convenience. These factors should be decisive when choosing the door opening side.
  • Location and options for opening adjacent doors. An erroneous choice in this case can lead to a situation where two entrance doors simply will not open at the same time, colliding with each other. This state of affairs can lead to conflict situations.
  • Opening side of the second door in the opening. Often, apartment owners establish a second line of protection from the cold, extraneous sounds and intruders. In this case, two doors should open in different directions: one inward and the second outward.

Guided by these simple rules, the conclusion suggests itself: the direction of opening the doors is convenient - outward.

Why is it better to open the door outward?

The type of plowing outward has advantages. It is they who most often push people to choose the option of opening the doors in the apartment to the outside, that is, to the site. Let's see what exactly it is connected with:

  • Leaving the apartment, you do not have to step back 1-2 steps to open the door.
  • If the main door will open outward, you will be able to install another one with an inward opening on the inside of the opening.
  • Saving space is perhaps the main advantage. When the front door opens into the hallway, near it, at a distance of almost 1 meter, you will not put either a bedside table or a wardrobe.

How should apartment doors be opened for safety? For burglary resistance and ease of evacuation in case of fire, it is better to order an installation with an outward opening.

When are inward opening doors installed?

Despite all the advantages, many had to be in apartments in which the front door opens inwards. For example, door leafs open inward in apartments located in old houses. Previously, such a layout was used during construction so that the residents of neighboring apartments would not block access to each other and would not create mutual discomfort.

Opening the door inward is required in cases where there is an additional door that opens outward. It can not be in any other way. Another common situation is the presence of a narrow vestibule. Under such conditions, you simply cannot open the door normally to the outside, but there are exceptions.

Where should the interior door open? No matter how strange this question may seem to you and the obvious answer, there are whole standards according to which interior doors must open in a strictly defined direction.

Schemes for opening interior doors.

Moreover, it can open not only outside and inside the room, but also to the left and right. That is, there are as many as 4 ways to place an interior door.

According to the fire safety rules and SNIP, which must be observed by all building organizations without exception, in small-sized rooms (bath, toilet, kitchen), doors must open outwards. This arrangement is due to the fact that in case of an emergency it will be easier for a person to leave the room by opening it outside. In addition, if a person becomes ill and is unconscious in a small room, he will not be able to block the door that is opened to the outside. And this means that precious minutes will be saved, and help will come much faster.

So how are the doors supposed to open? The basic rule for installing interior doors is: they should open in the direction where the space is larger. Most often, with a standard layout, this rule implies that interior doors should open towards the room. But on the staircase, the situation is the opposite. That is, it should go outside, not inside. This requirement is dictated by security considerations. Outsiders will not be able to crack it with a simple physical effort, that is, such a door cannot be knocked out. However, if when you open your front door it takes up a lot of space in the stairwell and makes it difficult to move, it would make more sense to make it open in the opposite direction.

SNiP standards

Door installation diagram.

According to building codes and regulations (SNiP) "Fire safety of buildings and structures" dated 01/21/1997, doors at emergency exits and on escape routes should open towards the exit from the building. In all other cases, the direction for opening is not regulated, since it does not have standards. Below is a list of them:

  • apartment buildings;
  • private houses;
  • premises in which no more than 15 people can be at the same time;
  • pantries, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is not more than 200 m²;
  • bathrooms;
  • the outer walls of buildings that are located on the northern side of the climatic zone.

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Interior door fixing.

Also, the SNiP document dated 01/21/1997 states that at the design stage of the building it is necessary to position the doors in such a way that at the moment of simultaneous opening they should not block each other. That is why there are situations when, in the same room, the doors, although they open in one direction, but from a different hand. Today, there are "right" and "left" doors. In Russia, these standards differ significantly from European canons. For example, in the case of opening a door with the right hand, it is considered to be “right”. And if you need to use your left hand to open it, then such a door is considered “left”. Experts advise to be extremely careful when buying them and not to neglect the advice of consultants. If you need a "left" door, then be sure to describe it to the seller as the one in which the hinges are located on the left side when opened towards you.

Space Saving Design Solutions

Modern housing layout sometimes puts the owners of living space in front of a difficult choice: follow fire safety rules and install doors strictly according to the rules, or install according to the intended design, which, although it looks beautiful, does not always have a functional component.

We all know the fact that a full-fledged swing door is able to take up a sufficient amount of space at the time of opening and closing. Therefore, when you install it, try to find a "golden mean" in which the location will not only be beautiful, but also convenient and safe.

If your priority is saving every centimeter in the room, then the front door should open outward.

And if the corridor space is occupied by shelving or a wardrobe, then for greater convenience it will have to be mounted in such a way that it opens into the room.

The Importance of Building Regulations

Building codes determine all the nuances of the layout, including even such trifles as the direction in which interior doors should open. The requirements specified in SNiP are based on fire safety engineering.
They are observed when installing door frames for safety in emergency situations (fire, smoke, gas leakage, etc.), for quick evacuation of residents. The door should not be an obstacle on the way to the exit from the building.

On this basis, in all crowded places - shopping centers and office buildings, factories, hospitals, etc. - it is forbidden to install interior doors without observing fire safety standards.
The main thing is to follow the rule: the door should open in the direction from the room to the corridor leading to the main exit from the building.
With residential buildings, things are not so clear.

  • In apartment buildings, doors leading to a common corridor are installed in strict accordance with the project. If you want to change the opening direction, you should make sure that this does not prevent neighbors from leaving their apartments.
  • Building regulations do not apply on the territory of the apartment. Here the owner decides which side to put the interior door. It usually depends on preferences and layout features.

Available Models

When deciding on which side to put the extensions of interior doors, the owners of apartments and private houses are usually guided by considerations of convenience, which depend on the specific situation. There are several possible options depending on the model of door structures:
  • Swing single-leaf doors are a popular, familiar design. Tight closure around the perimeter eliminates drafts and provides good sound insulation. The installation is standard, and the direction for opening can be any - as it will be more convenient for the owners.
  • Double swing interior doors are also suitable for any type of premises, whether it is a residential building or an office of a large company. The best installation option is in spacious rooms with an area of ​​​​more than 15 squares.
  • An accordion door with a folding mechanism is recommended for small rooms and narrow corridors, where hinged models would occupy usable space, which is already lacking.
  • Sliding compartment doors are also suitable for rooms with little space, fit perfectly into large doorways.

Mounting options

In most cases, tenants move into apartments with a pre-finishing finish, but often housing is also purchased in a state of construction. This means that it does not even have partitions, not to mention doorways. In such situations, the owners have to organize the space on their own or involve a designer to solve the problem.
If you are developing the layout of the premises yourself, in the process of considering options for opening interior doors, consider several important points:
  • The door leading from a small room to a spacious one should open towards the large room.
  • The exit from the toilet or bathroom should also be directed outside. This recommendation is based not only on safety, but also on space-saving reasons for bathrooms.
  • The door leading from the kitchen should open into the corridor, but this is not necessary if the kitchen area is large, and the corridor, on the contrary, is narrow and cramped. Here you need to focus on the specific conditions of the situation.
  • If the opening is located next to the wall, then you do not have to think for a long time which side to install the interior door. The best choice is a hinged design, the canvas of which will be pressed against the wall when opened.
  • When designing, consider the location of switches and sockets: an open door leaf should not overlap them.
  • If the room has several windows, try to plan the space so that the door is opposite one of the window openings. This will add natural light to the corridor.
  • Doors leading from the corridor to neighboring rooms and located close to each other should open inward. Otherwise, with the simultaneous opening, you can interfere with other people passing by by blocking the corridor.
  • Usually the doors to the loggia open inside the living rooms. If the width of the balcony allows, you can install an interior door with inward opening. So you save useful living space by freeing up the area near the loggia for furniture.

Attention! Interior doors with opening to the side can be mounted as you like. Another thing is the transfer of the doorway. If you want to change the location, you will have to coordinate the redevelopment in the BTI.

If you have any doubts about the installation of interior doors, please contact Rada Doors employees. Consultants of branded salons will give detailed advice on this issue.

According to the rules of fire safety, interior doors in the apartment must open outwards. For country houses, this prescription does not apply: the choice of the direction of plowing depends on the desire of the owners. Another permitted option is a sliding design.

There are several types of interior doors.

The swing version is considered a classic. It is mounted on hinges on the rack, when closed it enters a special groove. Can open inward or outward. The door can be made of different types of material, equipped with a lock or a latch.

Sliding ride on special rollers. May have 1 or 2 doors. Used in small spaces. Their main advantage is safety.

Folding folded into an accordion. Often used in public institutions to create an interior.

Building codes and rules SNIP

By default, the front door opens outwards. This makes hacking more difficult. It is important to agree with the neighbors in the stairwell about the opening directions, so that in the event of a fire, do not prevent other people from leaving the burning building.

Doors that open inward are installed in the nursery. This is necessary to avoid a situation in which a minor is banned from the room. It is more convenient to break out the structure that opens into the room.

The design for exiting the bathroom should swing open into the corridor. This is due to the fact that in the event of a fire, it will be easier for a person to open the passage by pushing the door. In addition, such a measure will prevent a situation in which the unconscious person will support the door from the inside: the bathroom can be easily opened, help will arrive faster.

The kitchen is the most fire-prone part of the house. The interior door leading from it should open outward so that a person in case of fire could easily leave the space of the room. You can also install a sliding option. When opening the sash, there will be no additional difficulties with the exit.

All rooms with a small area, having a doorway leading into the corridor, open outwards in the apartment. This layout allows people to quickly get out of them. In addition, an inward-opening door can easily become blocked if the occupant passes out.

For a dressing room or pantry, it is better to choose folding or sliding doors. Since the installation option that opens inward is rarely obtained due to the small space of the room, often people choose structures that swing open into the corridor. In the event of a fire, they can become an unnecessary obstacle, detain people leaving the burning space.

How to plan a breakaway system

The location of interior doors must comply with fire safety requirements. A specialist should be consulted before installation in order not to encounter difficulties in case of danger.

The door to the room should open so as not to impede the exit from other rooms. If the doors collide, there is a risk that people will prevent each other from leaving the room during a fire.

There are right and left opening doors. To make the layout as safe and convenient as possible, it is recommended to use various combinations and alternations: you can arrange them so that when the doors are opened at the same time, they do not touch, people do not turn out to be locked.

Some people prefer feng shui layouts: Eastern philosophy says that the door should open inward so as not to let happiness out of the house. But this is dangerous: such a system can create an obstacle in a fire. In addition, internal opening doors are easier to crack. It will not be possible to install an additional door for better sound insulation and heat preservation with this option.

Sliding structures will be a good option for rooms that can be freely entered by all family members. They swing open easily, take up little space, and will not harm people with sudden opening and closing. In addition, such options have a pleasant appearance, can become an element of the interior.

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