Walk in in the second junior group. Synopsis of the plot walk in the second junior group "Fun Train

garden equipment 23.09.2019

Junior group.

Walk 17.

observation. "What does spruce have"

Target: show that the spruce has a trunk, the branches are covered with needles. There are many of them, they are small, green, prickly. The branches on the spruce are different: at the bottom - large sprawling, at the top - small, rare. Spruce - slender beautiful tree it looks like a pyramid.

Methodical methods: The teacher invites the children to find the trunk, touch it with their hands, show the branches, and depict their size with their hands. Children walk around the Christmas tree, admiring its harmony and beauty. Having put the children at a distance, the teacher himself depicts the triangular shape of the spruce with his hands, says that it looks like a toy pyramid (shows a specially prepared toy), invites the children to show the shape of the spruce with his hands.

Labor activity

Shoveling snow with a shovel.

Purpose: to teach to work together, to achieve the goal by common efforts.

Individual work Movement development.

Purpose: to teach to throw snowballs into the distance.

Outdoor games

Purpose: to teach the rules of turn in the game, requiring the same actions with one common object. "Who will run to the flag faster?". Purpose: to teach to perform actions strictly on the signal of the teacher.

Remote material

Shovels, scoops, panicles, buckets, molds for snow, oilcloths for skiing, red and blue flags.

An evening walk.

Weather monitoring

Expand your understanding of the signs of nature on a frosty day. Frost pinches cheeks, nose, draws patterns on glass.

Imitation game"Flew, circled like snowflakes"

Develop fantasy.

Independent games with remote material. To make a snowman.

Junior group.

Walk 18.

Observation"Let's help the Christmas tree - it's alive"

Target: To cultivate a caring attitude towards the tree using the example of spruce: to show how snow is shaken off when there is a lot of it, so that it does not break the branches with its weight; how they sprinkle the trunk with snow to make the roots warmer.

Methodical methods: Leading the children to the spruce, the teacher offers to greet her, admire not her beauty: “Spruce is not a person - she can’t speak, but we will say hello, say kind words to her: our beauty, we came to look at you and take care of you. Let's shake off the snow from your paws so that the roots do not freeze. ”The teacher himself carefully shakes off the snow, the children help to throw it under the Christmas tree.

Labor activity

Shoveling snow with shovels, clearing the path.

Purpose: to teach to work together, to achieve goals by common efforts

Individual work: drawings in the snow.

Goal: imagination, develop interest in drawing, develop fine motor skills of hands

Outdoor games

“I catch birds on the fly” (Russian folk). Goals:

    learn to act quickly on a signal;

    run without bumping into each other.
    "Hit the target"

Purpose: to exercise in throwing at the target, to develop dexterity.

Remote material

Shovels, brooms, scrapers, sleds.

An evening walk

Observation behind the freshly fallen snow. To develop in children the ability to notice the unusual in nature: freshly fallen snow, its whiteness, temperature. Arouse interest in snow as unusual material- traces remain in the snow, you can draw on it. Show the children how the snow scatters with a wave of the hand, teach them to find traces of people and their own, traces of a dog, a bird, not necessarily all at once - you can wait until the next observation. Learn how to use snow seals. Learn to notice the beauty in the environment. After observation, children can be offered non-sharp sticks and seals for self-drawing in the snow.

P/Game. « Snow targets »Make targets out of snow. Show the children how to make snowballs and throw them at targets.


Junior group.

Walk 19.

Observation"Comparison of a live and toy Christmas tree"

Target: Show the difference between a live spruce and an artificial Christmas tree (a live one grows, it stands in one place, its roots go deep into the ground, it smells good, it is beautiful from frost and snow; an artificial Christmas tree was made at the factory, it looks like live spruce- she also has a trunk, branches and needles, but she does not smell, does not grow, she can be carried and put in any place, dressed up with Christmas decorations - then she will become beautiful; An artificial Christmas tree, unlike a live one, does not crumble.

Methodical methods: The teacher for observation takes that artificial Christmas tree, which will then stand in the group. Putting it next to the live one, he invites the children to look at both Christmas trees, find a table, branches, touch it with their bare hands, stroke their paws and sniff the needles. He names the differences between them, asks to repeat after him, Draws attention to the beauty of a living spruce: it is green, clearly visible in the snow, it is decorated with frost and snow flakes; she sparkles in the sun, is very beautiful, it is pleasant to stand near her and look at her. artificial christmas tree can be grouped and decorated New Year's toys She will also be beautiful, but in a different way.

Labor activity

Construction of a snow bed.

Purpose: to teach to shovel snow with shovels in a certain place.

Individual work: acquaintance with a cat.

Purpose: to form ideas about pets, what benefits they bring to people, exercise in the pronunciation of onomatopoeia, develop memory, speech, form ideas about right ways interactions with animals.

Outdoor games

"Sparrows and the car".

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the rules traffic.

"Who will jump better?".

Objectives: to teach to correlate their own actions with the actions of the participants in the game;

    reinforce the ability to jump.

Remote material

Dolls dressed for the weather, emblem masks.

An evening walk

observation. Pay attention to the beauty of the winter landscape (it is white all around, the snow sparkles in the sun, the sky is blue). Note which sun (dim, bright, covered with clouds). Remember what it was like yesterday.

P/Game"My cheerful sonorous ball."

The goal is to teach children to jump on two legs, listen carefully to the text and run away only when the last words are spoken. Game progress:

My cheerful ringing ball

Where did you run off to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Don't chase you!

Work. Clean the feeders, fill the feed.

Junior group.

Walk 20.

Pine watching.

Target: to form an idea of ​​​​the features of a pine by which it can be distinguished from other trees, to develop observation, to cultivate a respect for nature.

Bring the children to the pine. Draw their attention to characteristics.

Instead of leaves, needles are always green, the branches are long at the bottom, short at the top. In winter, only the pine stands green. Offer to walk all over the territory orphanage and find a pine.

You can always find her in the forest

Go for a walk and meet.

It is prickly, like a hedgehog,

In winter in a summer dress

Labor activity

Clearing the area from snow.

    teach how to use a shovel correctly, carry snow for construction, help comrades in performing labor activities;

    bring the job to the end.

Individual work: onomatopoeia exercise “How does the car honk? »

Purpose: to teach to distinguish and name transport, to develop coherent speech skills, to cultivate activity in communication.

Outdoor games

"On a flat path."

Objectives: - - to learn to walk on a low beam;

    jump off by bending your knees.
    "Who will make fewer jumps?".
    Objectives: - to learn to jump with giant steps;

    start the game at the signal of the teacher.

Remote material

Shovels, whisks, stretchers, molds for snow, oilcloths for skiing, pencils.

An evening walk

observation. Note that the trees shed their leaves for the winter. Explain that on frosty days the branches of trees and bushes are very fragile, break easily, so they must be protected, not broken, not knocked on the trunk.


The goal is to teach children to run arcs behind each other, making difficult turns, maintain balance, not interfere with the arcs of a friend and not push ahead of the runner.

Game progress: Various winding lines are drawn on the playground, children run along them.

Work. Clean the feeders, fill the feed. Shovel the snow to the trunks of the bushes in the area.

natalia ivanova
Synopsis of a walk with children first junior group"Winter and frost"

Target. Introduce children to the new season - winter. form first coherent ideas about this season, its characteristic signs: It became cold, frosty, snowing.

Move. The teacher draws attention to the clothes of the children, and explains that everyone dressed warmly today, tied scarves, put on mittens, warm hats - this is because winter has come - winter, It became cold.

There is snow on the ground

Bunny running in the snow

Ears are cold, paws are cold

No mittens or hat. Ouch!

The birds hid from the cold. Only the wind walks, yes sing t: "W-w-w!

You are winter winter,

you with frost came.

The wind howls, the blizzard howls,

It's sweeping along the street.

Here's what winter!

Let's play the game "Yes-yes-yes; no-no-no!"

Rules: I'll tell you about winter, and if I'm right, you clap your hands and speak:Yes Yes Yes; and if I'm wrong, you threaten me with your finger and speak:No no no!

There is snow in the winter. (Yes Yes Yes).

In winter, you do not need to wear a hat and mittens. (No no no).

In winter, the birds are warm and they sing songs (no no no)

And who sings curls in winter? (Wind: V-v-v)

It's cold in winter frosty(Yes Yes Yes)

P / and " Freezing".

Target. Instill in children the ability to perform characteristic movements.

I- Freezing, Red nose.

I have grown a beard.

I'm looking for animals in the forest.

Come out quickly!

Come out, bunnies!

Children jump to meet the teacher like bunnies.


I will freeze! I will freeze!

The teacher is trying to catch the children. The children run away.

The game is repeated.

Every time "Grandfather Freezing"invites new animals to come out of the forest (bear cubs, foxes, etc.)

Guys, let's see what snow is today.

Children take shovels, collect snow and throw (snow or scattered light cloud)- loose, (or not crash)-wet.

Like on a hill - snow, snow.

And under slide - snow, snow.

And on the Christmas tree - snow, snow.

And under the tree - snow, snow.

A bear sleeps under the snow.

Hush, hush, don't make noise!

Come on, guys, we will clear the paths from the snow, our hill. (At the end, the children take the inventory to the place, shaking them off the snow.)

And let's turn into snowflakes and fly.

P / and "Snow is spinning" (based on a poem by A. Barto)

Target. Teach children to correlate their actions with the actions of the participants in the game.

Material. Headbands with snowflake emblems.

Game progress. The teacher reminds the children that the snow is light, it slowly falls to the ground, spins when the wind blows.

Snow, snow is spinning, the whole street is white (children run, fly)

We gathered in a circle, spun like a snowball (children spin and squat).

The teacher says: "A cold wind blew. How? V-v-v (V-v-v! the children say, Snowflakes scattered in different directions."

After the game, the children move on to independent activities.

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The theme of the walk: "Snowfall"

Target: To acquaint children with a seasonal phenomenon - snowfall.

Progress of the walk

Children go for a walk and see that it is snowing. "Snow! Snowing!" they tell the teacher. "Correctly! - says the teacher. - Snowing. There was a lot of snow all around. Look, the snow is already on the path, and on the bench, and on the table. And he keeps falling and falling. It's snowing!" Children repeat: "Snowfall!"

The teacher continues:“Snowflakes swirl slowly in the air. They circle and sit down, who goes where. Are they sitting on us? One snowflake has just landed on Tanya's fur coat, and the other on Sasha's hat. Children carefully examine themselves: “And I sat on my felt boots! And on my mitten!”

"Look like an asterisk!" - says the teacher and offers to look at a beautiful snowflake that has fallen on the sleeve of Olya's fur coat. The teacher offers to put your hand towards the falling snow, and when a large snowflake falls on the mitten, blow on it. “Flies? Let it fly on! The snowflake is light, fluffy, beautiful!”

Then he takes off his mitten and invites the children to watch what happens to the snowflake. He explains: “A snowflake sat on her hand and melted. It was, and now it's gone! That's what a little star";

Having prepared the perception of children for the bright characteristics of a snowflake (an asterisk, a baby, has melted in the palm of your hand), an adult reads a poem 3. Rozhdestvenskaya “Asterisk-baby”, repeating its ending twice:

Sat and melted on my palm.

Children repeat: "The snowflake is light, fluffy, beautiful, like an asterisk." “What color is she? - asks the teacher. - And who has the same fur coat white color? So we also have fluffy snowflakes! Katyusha, Kolya, Marisha - that's how many snowflakes! Blow on them. Let our white fluffy snowflakes fly!”

After that, the adult says: “What a snowfall! A lot of snow piled up, everything fell asleep all around. Zimushka-winter tries, wraps the bushes with snow, puts on a hat on the Christmas tree. Look, what color is winter-winter? Children say: winter is white.

After completing the observation, the children play the outdoor game "Snow is spinning", and then proceed to independent activities.

After some time, the teacher offers those who wish to clear the area in front of the veranda from freshly fallen snow. Children choose shovels or engines at will and, together with adults, remove the snow: some move the snow to the snow shaft, others throw it up (the teacher shows the actions). Then, if desired, you can sweep the platform

Having finished clearing the site, the children can decorate it together with the teacher, placing multi-colored flags along the snow shaft, laying out multi-colored ribbons between them, laying out patterns of multi-colored ice floes along the slope. The teacher praises them, thanks for their diligence.

Some children play, others watch the actions of their comrades. The teacher can turn to a subgroup of 3-5 children and, holding out his hand towards the falling snow, offer to guess: “White, fluffy, fell on her hand and disappeared. What it is? Guessed?

The walk continues.

Synopsis of a walk in the second junior group "Winter joys".
Goal: Keep creating favorable conditions for the development of motor activity of children on a walk and interest in it.
Educational: Continue to acquaint children with the seasonal changes of nature; fix the names of winter clothes and shoes; To acquaint children with the meaning of snow in nature.
Developing: Continue to develop the ability to act on the signal of the educator and coordinate their movements with the movements of their peers; develop attention, memory, auditory perception and curiosity; continue to develop the ability to jump on two legs.
Educational: Raise interest in the diversity of the world around us; encourage children's interest in nature; to encourage children to direct communication with nature, the perception of its beauty and diversity.
Vocabulary work: snow blanket, wrapped up, frosty air, beautiful winter.
Integration educational areas: "Cognition", "Health", "Physical culture", "Communication", "Artistic word", "Labor", "Socialization".
Preliminary work with children: making a feeder; production of the album "Seasons"; viewing slides about seasonal changes; learning poems about winter and winter fun, learning games. Making handicrafts of parents together with children for the exhibition "New Year's Toy".
Equipment: a mask of a bear and a dog, a dog toy, shoulder blades, sultans, a large designer, strollers and sleds for dolls.
Walk progress:
Introductory part:
To be carried out in the locker room while dressing the children. The teacher draws attention to the need for warm clothes, fixes with the children the names of clothes, shoes, hats.
Main part:
Observation start with an emotional moment: Guys, look how beautiful it is outside! All around white white! And what a good breath! What season is it now?
-Do you like winter?
-What do you like most in winter? (children's answers)
-Well done!
Let's inhale winter, fresh, frosty air through the nose, and exhale through the mouth.
Listen to one very beautiful poem about winter:
White snow fluffy
Spin in the air
And the earth is quiet
Fall down, go to bed.
And in the morning with snow
The field is white
Like a veil
All dressed him up.
-Did you like this poem?
What is this poem about? (about snow, about winter) What does snow look like? (on a blanket that wraps the earth and all living things). That's right, kids!
As your mother covers you with a warm blanket before going to bed, so the snow wrapped plants, trees, shrubs. For them, fluffy snow in winter is a real salvation from frost and wind. The more snow in winter, the warmer all plants and trees.
- And in the forest under the snow in a den, a bear sleeps all winter long.
Let's wake up the bear so that he can admire the beauty in winter!
Game of low mobility "Bear".
Children stand in a circle. A bear is selected, he sits in a circle and closes his eyes.
- Like snow under the tree, snow,
- And on the Christmas tree snow, snow,
- And under the hill snow, snow,
- And on the hill there is snow, snow,
- A bear sleeps under the snow
- Hush, hush, don't make noise!
On lines 1 and 3, the children go into a circle, and on lines 2 and 4 - out of the circle, on line 5, children carefully approach the bear, line 6 is pronounced by one child at the direction of the teacher. The bear must recognize by voice who called.
During the game, the teacher monitors the strict observance of the rules, reminds that the game must be played fairly.
Well done boys! The bear really liked to play with you, and now it's time for the bear to go back to the forest. Let's take the shoulder blades, clear the paths from the snow so that the bear can get home along the clean paths. (Labor activity)
If not everyone has shoulder blades, then the teacher offers the rest strollers and sleds for dolls, as well as a designer and sultans.
During snow removal, children find a toy (dog).
-Guys, look who we found in the snow, who is it? The dog is cold. Let's warm our dog, take pity on it, pet it. The dog whispered in my ear that she felt warm and happy and she wants to play a game with you guys.
The teacher invites the children to play the outdoor game "Shaggy Dog" using a toy. The game "Shaggy dog" is played 3-4 times. During the game, the teacher teaches children to control their behavior, overcome fear and not give in to difficulties.
(during the game, a differentiated approach to the dosage of loads is necessary: ​​someone plays the whole game, and someone plays twice; it is necessary to enforce the rules of the game; encourage to come close to the dog, pronouncing the words to the end)
Individual work with children in physical education. parenting is carried out with a dog toy.
For example, the teacher invites the children to show the dog how they can jump on two legs in place; On two legs moving forward. You can also invite children to jump over sticks. Or throwing a ball over an obstacle.
Independent activity of children.

Target: to educate in children respect for the work of adults, to form a desire to help others.

Progress of the walk

The children went for a walk, looked around - winter-winter had covered high snowdrifts all around, they couldn’t get through, they couldn’t pass. Snow needs to be removed, otherwise it is difficult for people to walk, you can’t carry a stroller with a baby, cars slip.

Suddenly, everyone hears the sound of an engine approaching. A snowplow is moving along the sidewalk. She drove, and immediately it became cleaner, because her brushes are wide - the entire width of the sidewalk. Children are waiting for the car to turn around and go back, again watching her work. The driver sits in the cab, carefully looks around, drives the car smoothly. The brushes are spinning, brushing the snow off the sidewalk.

A janitor with a wide shovel comes out into the yard. He cleans the snow along the edges of the sidewalk, throws it aside. The teacher invites the children to help the janitor.

Children dismantle shovels, begin to remove snow at the entrance to Kindergarten. The janitor saw, approached, thanks for the help. He shows them how to properly hold a shovel, where to throw snow.

The guys return to the site, where they are met by a large crow (toy). The teacher offers to play the game "Crow and Dog".

The walk ends.

Winter walk for younger preschoolers on the topic: "The Snow Maiden is visiting us"

Target: to introduce children to a birch, a Christmas tree, with their distinctive outward signs; exercise in spatial orientation.

Progress of the walk

The fluffy greenery of the Christmas tree stands out against the background of snow. The teacher turns to the children: “Look, all the trees, bushes are bare, one Christmas tree is turning green, showing off. She to us New Year's celebration came to visit. Remember? How was she decorated? Look at her prickly needles, touch with your palm! How does the tree smell? (He slightly crushes the Christmas tree needles in his hands and gives the children a sniff.) Do you like it? The tree is fluffy. Its branches are called paws, they are thick, green. The Christmas tree is beautiful, the children love it!” Children repeat these words.

Everyone notes that winter loves the Christmas tree, wraps it in snowdrifts. High snowdrifts, the Christmas tree is barely visible.

Then the teacher draws the attention of the children to the white birch trunk, invites them to hug, stroke the birch, feel its smooth, silky surface and specifies: a white birch. Children wrap their arms around the birch, decide which trunk it has: thick or thin. Then they find other birch trees on the site, note which of them is the thickest (two clasp the trunk), the highest.

Dashing is carried out in order to clarify the names of the trees. "One, two, three - find the Christmas tree!" Everyone runs from tree to tree, waiting for the next command: “One, two, three, run to the birch!” The teacher asks how the children knew that it was a birch (tree); explains that trees and bushes must be treated with care, not to break their branches.

Running around the site, the children notice the Snow Maiden on the path (the teacher imperceptibly exposes a large Snow Maiden doll). The children rejoice, examine her outfit in detail, remember the New Year holiday, and then begin to build a house for her (cutting a cube from a snow shaft), decorate it with multi-colored ice floes, all the time turn to the Snow Maiden: “Do you like the house? Now you won’t leave us for the forest?”

After the construction is completed, the children begin to play with the Snow Maiden: carry on sleds, show their site, talk about the purpose of the structures. Then everyone goes to free play.

At the end of the walk, the game "Horned Goat" is played.

Winter walk for younger preschoolers on the topic: "Grey rabbit, white hare"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the structure of the body of animals, to clarify the names of the parts of the body of a rabbit (hare); to form a caring attitude towards animals, a desire to take care of them.

Progress of the walk

Children go for a walk. But a surprise awaits them: a rabbit is sitting in a cage on the veranda. The teacher is in no hurry, gives the children the opportunity to express their attitude towards the animal. Then he carefully takes the rabbit out of the cage, hugs him: "Kuzya does not know you, he is afraid." Children vying with each other reassure: “Do not be afraid, we are kind!”

After such statements, every (even timid) child is not afraid to stroke an animal, determines: gray, soft, fluffy; runs a finger along the ears (long), touches the tail (small, short). Children treat the rabbit, noting: sniffing, nibbling, chewing, sitting; show how he jumps. Older children, together with the teacher, count: two ears, one tail, four paws. You can continue the observation by telling the children that the Kuzi rabbit has a hare brother in the forest.

Everyone walks around the site, looking for a model of a hare, comparing whether the hare brother looks like his rabbit brother Kuzya. Children themselves note how the brothers move, what they like to feast on. The teacher clarifies: the hare wears a gray fur coat in summer, and white in winter. Why? What color is winter? What about the rabbit coat? The teacher leads the children to the correct conclusion: "A little white hare is sitting in the snow, it is not visible, no one will offend."

The teacher addresses the children: “Who has a white coat like a hare? Who has a gray one, like a rabbit brother? And now all jump together like hares and rabbits. Taking a toy hare and a cat, you can tell the kids the fairy tale "Long - short."

Then everyone switches to the construction of the tower, remembers the fairy tale, clarifies that the little animals in the winter in the tower will not freeze. A cube is cut out of a snowdrift (or shaft), and shelves are in it. The teacher offers the children one by one the characters of the fairy tale (soft toys prepared in advance). Children arrange them, deciding who will live high, who will live low. Only you can’t put a bear anywhere - it’s very big, it doesn’t fit! Let him sit next to him.

The teacher says: “Well done! They all found housing in the tower. Now no one gets cold. And the bear has a warm fur coat, it is not cold for him to sit by the tower. Which of you has a fur coat of the same color? Who is our teddy bear? Come on, Deniska, show me how the bear stomps, walks and rolls. And who else will show how the bear walks? And how does the cunning little fox-sister run? Her fur coat is elegant, red. Look, Tanya has the same hat. Come on, Tanya, run like a fox-sister.

At the end of the walk, the game “Hare, go out into the garden” or “Playful Bunnies” is played.

Winter walk for younger preschoolers on the topic: "Excursion along the street"

Target: reinforce children's knowledge of vehicles, behavior on the road, markings, traffic lights.

Progress of the walk

Children, together with the teacher, slowly walk along the sidewalk, noting what kind of transport is moving along the street: a bus, a trolleybus, a truck, a car, a covered van. With the help of questions, the teacher consolidates the knowledge of children about the purpose of each type of transport.

Then the game "My car" is played. Each child for own will chooses: "My car of blue color”, “My red”, “And I have an orange bus”, “And I have a truck.” Now everyone is waiting for which car will appear on the road. The teacher helps everyone: “This is Serezha’s red car passed”, “Oh, how many Sasha’s trucks drive here!”

Children stop at the crossroads, remember the rules for crossing, why there is a traffic light here, what kind of lights it has, what they show; note how all the cars obediently move at his command. The turn signal lights up at the traffic light. Older children prompt: “Go to the left!” and hand show the direction. The adult invites them to think: “How will we get to kindergarten? Where should we turn, left or right? First point with your hand, then name the exact direction.

After returning to the site, children can first listen to the fairy tale "Three-Eyed Commander" (see appendix), and then play on their own.

At the end of the walk, the outdoor game "Train Engine" is held.

Winter walk for younger preschoolers on the topic: "Where does the bear sleep?"

Target: teach children to perform the necessary actions, getting the result; take care of others, do not disturb in vain.

Progress of the walk

The children went for a walk on a cold, windy, overcast day. The teacher says: " Skillful hands do not know boredom! And rightly so, there is no time to be bored. We need to build a labyrinth to make it more interesting for everyone to play.”

The labyrinth can be quickly built in a remote quiet corner of the site. The teacher lays the paths. Children clean them with shovels, engines, dump snow on the shafts. Then they decorate the snow ramparts on top and along the slopes with colorful cords, ribbons, multi-colored ice floes. At the end of the work, the children put the inventory in place. The teacher says: “I finished the job - walk boldly!”

Kids begin to play freely - run through the maze, catch up with each other.

But then the teacher calls the children to him and mysteriously asks: “What kind of snowdrift has grown so huge in the farthest corner of the plot under the tree? No one knows? Let's slowly approach and carefully look at him.

Approaching the Christmas tree, an adult reads a poem by I. Tokmakova “Like on a hill - snow, snow ...” The children are surprised, they look at the snowdrift. The teacher reminds: “When it was autumn, beautiful multi-colored leaves fell all around - there was leaf fall. You and I wandered through the leaves, listening to how they rustle underfoot. Then they collected the leaves, brought them here - here the bear chose a place to sleep. We helped build his house. Who remembers the name of the bear's house? Den. Where does the bear sleep in winter? That's right, in the den. And mother winter took care a warm blanket brought him out of the snow. He's warm."

The teacher reads the poem again and asks: “Why can’t you make noise? When you sleep, can you make noise? Do you make noise when grandma or grandpa is sleeping at home? Well done, you need to take care of everyone who wants to sleep - let him sleep, rest, gain strength. And the bear sleeps in the den all winter. Wake up strong, rested.

Then the teacher brings the children to the dummies of animals placed around the site (except for the bear, he is sleeping); says: “The animals in the forest are cold and hungry in winter. The ground is covered with snow: grass does not grow, there are no mushrooms and berries. Carrots and cabbage for a bunny do not grow in the snow. Wolves roam the forest (children show), foxes run (children show), hares jump (children jump hares) - everyone is looking for prey. And only around White snow and bitter cold. One smart bear lay down in his warm lair and sleeps. He is not afraid of frost or blizzard. He sleeps all winter in a warm lair!

Children bring carrots, cabbage for hares, cones for squirrels.

Returning with the children to the veranda, the teacher offers those who wish to fashion a room for dolls out of snow. If the children do not want to, then you can remember the fairy tale "Three Bears" and, according to its plot, expand the construction of the dining room.

During joint actions, the teacher clarifies: whose chair was built? Who has a larger chair: Mikhail Potapovich or Elizaveta Petrovna? Who has the smallest chair?

Children themselves put cups, spoons of various sizes on the table, willingly share their knowledge with others.

You can immediately make a bedroom for the entire bear family, if the children have a desire and interest, or you can continue construction the next day.

The children finish the building, show it to their dolls, and everyone together goes down the hill, sledding the dolls.

At the end of the walk, the game "Mice lead a round dance" is played.

Ekaterina Sycheva
Card file of walks “Winter. December. 1 week "2 junior group

1. Observation of the carriageway.

Target: Develop children's cognitive interest; familiarize yourself with the carriageway; give an idea of ​​the rules of the road.

Go to the carriageway and observe the traffic. Explain that the kindergarten is located next to the road. artistic word:

"Funny tires, rush along the roads

Cars, cars. And in the body are important

Urgent cargo: cement and iron

Raisins and watermelons»

K. Chaliev

Ask how cars drive, which side are pedestrians on, where do they cross the road, what cars are moving along the road? Have the children name familiar cars. Pay attention to the fact that a lot of cars and trucks are moving along the road, and no one interferes with each other. This is because drivers follow the rules of the road.

2. Outdoor games (cm. card index p / and in the group) :

"Tram"- general No. 14


"From bump to bump"- With subgroup of children No. 13


3. Labor activity.

Feeding winter birds.

Target: To form in children a desire to take care of wintering birds.

Pay attention to wintering birds and tell them that they are cold in winter, hungry: no midges, worms, only people can help them - feed them. Pour into the seed feeder.

December Monday 1 week #1

Evening stroll

1. Games with snow.

"We make a house for bunnies"

"Find What's Hidden"

Target: Encourage children to participate in joint games; help unite to play groups

"Rabbits"- With subgroup of children No. 12

Target: To teach children to jump on two legs, moving forward, crawl under the legs of chairs, develop dexterity, confidence.

December Tuesday 1 week #2

1. Monitoring of transport.

Target: Learn to distinguish between vehicles in appearance; to form the ability to focus attention on objects and phenomena of the subject-spatial developing environment; develop curiosity.

Observe the movement of the car with the children. Explain that the driver is driving the car, he is sitting in front, and everyone else is a passenger. It is impossible to talk to the driver while driving, so that the car does not collide with other cars.

art word:

"Car, car, car is mine,

I work deftly with pedals.

I drive the car in front of everyone

I ride it in the yard and in the garden"

Ya. Pishumov

2. Outdoor games (cm. card index p / and in the group) :

"Tram"- general No. 14

Target: To teach children to move in pairs, to coordinate their movements with the movements of other players; learn to recognize colors and change movements in accordance with them.

"From bump to bump"- With subgroup of children No. 13

Target: Teach children to step freely from hoop to hoop, develop balance.

3. Labor activity.

Snow removal from benches and tables on the site.

Target: Learn to use the tools for their intended purpose.

December Tuesday 1 week #2

Evening stroll

1. Games with snow.

Modeling from snow of various figures.

Target groups 2-3 people based on personal likes; develop the ability to interact and get along with each other in a short joint game.

"Rabbits"- With subgroup of children No. 12


December Wednesday 1 week #3

1. Getting to know the footpath in winter time.

Target: Enrich ideas about the world around; develop cognitive interest; form an idea of ​​the rules of behavior on the street; educate the skills of orientation on the ground.

Invite children to walk. Tell them about the rules of the road, pay attention to the path intended for pedestrians - this is the sidewalk. In winter, the sidewalks are covered with snow, so pedestrians walk slowly. Have a conversation with the children about the rules of behavior and movement on the sidewalk.

Arriving at kindergarten, remember with the children how they behaved, whether they were attentive. Once again, talk about the rules of behavior on the street.

art word:

"I'm driving my car

On a very long rope

I stand at a red light

I'm going to the green

And I decided that very soon

I'll be my uncle's driver"

T. Kazyrina

2. Outdoor games (cm. card index p / and in the group) :

"Tram"- general No. 14

Target: To teach children to move in pairs, to coordinate their movements with the movements of other players; learn to recognize colors and change movements in accordance with them.

"From bump to bump"- With subgroup of children No. 13

Target: Teach children to step freely from hoop to hoop, develop balance.

3. Labor activity.

Feeding birds, hanging feeders.

Target: To cultivate love, careful and caring attitude towards wintering birds.

December Wednesday 1 week #3

Evening stroll

1. Games with snow.

Modeling from snow of various shapes

.Target: Encourage children to participate in joint games; help unite to play groups 2-3 people based on personal likes; develop the ability to interact and get along with each other in a short joint game.

"Rabbits"- With subgroup of children No. 12

Target: To teach children to jump on two legs, moving forward, crawl under the legs of chairs, develop dexterity, confidence.

December Thursday 1 week #4

1. Acquaintance with the rules of behavior for pedestrians.

Target: Enrich ideas about the world around; develop cognitive interest; continue to consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street; develop attention and spatial orientation skills.

Invite children to walk around the kindergarten. Remember that they, as pedestrians, must strictly follow the rules of the road. movements: move only along the footpath (sidewalk, do not rush, be careful, walk on the right side, hold each other's hands tightly, do not shout, listen carefully to the teacher.

art word:

“The color is green – come on in!

Yellow - a little wait.

Well, what if it's red?

Stop, buddy! Dangerous!"

D. Ponomareva

Arriving at kindergarten, remember with the children how they behaved, whether they were attentive. Once again, remind the rules of pedestrians.

2. Outdoor games (cm. card index p / and in the group) :

"Tram"- general No. 14

Target: To teach children to move in pairs, to coordinate their movements with the movements of other players; learn to recognize colors and change movements in accordance with them.

"From bump to bump"- With subgroup of children No. 13

Target: Teach children to step freely from hoop to hoop, develop balance.

3. Labor activity.

Clear snow from bird feeders and feed them.

Target: Learn to use tools for their intended purpose; educate the desire to participate in the care of birds, feed them.

December Thursday 1 week #4

Evening stroll

"Rabbits"- With subgroup of children No. 12

Target: To teach children to jump on two legs, moving forward, crawl under the legs of chairs, develop dexterity, confidence.

December Friday 1 week #5

1. Observation of the bus.

Target: Introduce the names of the parts of the bus.

Walk with the children to the bus stop and watch the movement of the bus when it arrives at the stop. Observe how people approach the bus stop - passengers, how passengers get on and off the bus. Describe the main parts of the bus.

art word:

Smiling driver: - Come on! Come on!

There is a place by the window, would you like to sit down?

My bus has stripes like a globe!

We will travel the whole world! Are you sitting down or not?"

O. Sapozhnikova

2. Outdoor games (cm. card index p / and in the group) :

"Tram"- general No. 14

Target: To teach children to move in pairs, to coordinate their movements with the movements of other players; learn to recognize colors and change movements in accordance with them.

"From bump to bump"- With subgroup of children No. 13

Target: Teach children to step freely from hoop to hoop, develop balance.

3. Labor activity.

Snow removal from paths.

Target: Expand children's ideas about winter natural phenomena; teach children to perform the simplest labor assignments; learn how to use spatulas correctly.

Invite the children to silently walk through the snow and listen to how it creaks. Maybe he is "outraged" that we walk on it, trample it? Maybe he's talking about something? What can snow say? Listen to the children's stories.

December Friday 1 week #5

Evening stroll

"Rabbits"- With subgroup of children No. 12

Target: To teach children to jump on two legs, moving forward, crawl under the legs of chairs, develop dexterity, confidence.


To promote the formation in children of ideas about the collection and benefits of vegetables. To develop search and research activities, observation and curiosity. Help create a good mood.


Cognitive research, perception fiction, musical, labor, motor, game.

Funds: a letter, attributes of a railway worker, a mouthpiece, baskets according to the number of children, a large basket, a mirror, equipment for labor activity, watering can with water, attributes for role-playing game"Shop": a shop, models of vegetables, signs for counters, an apron and a hat for the seller, handbags for buyers; sports equipment for the police department.

Ways: art word, display, outdoor game, experimental activity, musical accompaniment, encouragement, individual work, reflection.

Reflection: outcome of the walk.

The structure of the walk:

The group receives a letter in which the children are invited to fun trip. The teacher opens it and reads to the children. Children, together with the teacher, gather and go outside.

On the street they hear an announcement from a bullhorn:

Attention! Attention!

Steam locomotive from "Romashkovo"

Departing from this path!

Please take your seats!

The teacher puts on the attributes of a railway worker and announces that there will be many stops. According to their name, we will perform tasks. Children line up like a train, depict the movement of the train. The teacher reads a poem

V. Musatov "Fun Train":

Noise and fun in the forest near the alley,

Panama hats turn white with a long chain.

The guys hold each other by the belt -

The train will leave in a minute.

The first in the chain was a locomotive -

He hummed and drove the wagons.

Ten wagons - ten guys.

The wagons rush and honk loudly.

Rushing forward along the hillocks, along the slopes,

Everyone wants to be a steam locomotive!

Everyone wants to be a steam locomotive,

The first to run along the hillocks, along the slopes,

I really want to, but I just can't:

Friends cannot leave their train.

Here he puffed - choo-choo-choo! - locomotive.

I drove ten wagons up the hill.

Ten wagons do not want to fall behind -

They also try, they also puff.

Past the trees, past the bushes...

Are they going to Saratov? Are they going to Rostov?

Or some other city?

"Whoo! .. - buzzed, - we're going home!"

Everyone works smartly with their feet,

We drove, we drove - stop! Stop.

Two-story house, blue house,

With a red roof and a yellow chimney...

The guys praise their steam locomotive,

Quickly drove to kindergarten!

The train has arrived, there is no train,

The train washed up and sat down for lunch.

As if in the depot the locomotives are silent,

You can hear the sound of spoons in the dining room.

The steam locomotive arrived at the site.

The teacher announces:

  1. "Attention! Stop "Berry". Children stop, "get out of the cars." The teacher offers to start a round dance:

"Let's go to the garden for raspberries."

Target : Exercise children to perform a variety of movements, forming a circle, exercise in the melodic pronunciation of the words of the song.

At the signal “Uuuu…”, the children line up again in a train and move on.

  1. The teacher sets the direction of the "train" to sports ground. The stop is announced Sunny».

Sun watching« The sun radiant appeared in the sky».

Target : Continue to introduce children to phenomena inanimate nature, changes that occur with the sun. Support good mood during a walk.

The sun scanned the earth

Each beam left a mark.

There is no more important thing in the world

How to give warmth and light.

He notes that on such a sunny day, the sun is not at all hot, it does not warm as much as at the beginning of summer.

Questions for children:"Where is the sun? What is it?”, “Is the sun warm?” - pay attention that the sun is shining, but it does not heat so much, it is not hot outside. The teacher asks the children to listen fairy tale Hippo and the sun»

One day Behemoth caught the sun and decided to give his friends a present. He divided the sun into pieces and gave them away. And immediately it became dark on the ground! The animals realized what a mistake they had made. They folded the sun and returned it to its place.

What mistake did the animals make?

Who needs the sun?

Can the sun hurt?

The teacher offers to play with the sun.

Held outdoor game "Sun Bunnies"

Target: Clarify directions, up, down, to the side, learn to perform a variety of movements. Develop motor activity of children.

Game progress: the teacher holds a small mirror in his hand and says: “Look, a cheerful sunny bunny has come to visit us. See how he rejoices, jumping up, then down, then to the side. And danced! Let's play with him!"

Runaways are jumping - sunbeams.

Jump! Skok! Up-down-sideways (children try to catch a sunbeam)

We call them, they don't come.

They were here and they are not here.

Jump! Skok! Up! Way down! To the side!

Jump, jump in the corners

They were there and they are not there.

Where are the runaways - sunbeams?

Children join the game and look for a sunny bunny. The game is repeated.

The signal “Uuuu…” is heard, the children are built by a train, the “train” goes on, the teacher leads the children to the garden.

  1. station is announced "Harvest"

The teacher reads the poem:

Eat fruits and vegetables

These are the best products.

You will be saved from all diseases.

There is nothing tastier and healthier.

Make friends with vegetables

And with salads and cabbage soup.

There are countless vitamins in them.

So you need to eat it!

Look at the harvest in our garden! It's time to collect it. But first we need to help the plants in the garden so that they have even more vitamins.

An experience " Vegetables breathe easier if the soil is watered and loosened»

Target: To form in children the ability to draw simple conclusions, develop memory and thinking.

Offer to examine the soil in the garden, touch it. What does she feel like? (Dry, hard.) Can you loosen it with a stick? Why did she become like this? Why is it so dry? (The sun dried up.) In such a land, vegetables do not breathe well. Now we will water their beds. After watering, feel the soil in the garden. What is she now? (Wet.) Does the stick go into the ground easily? Now we will loosen it, and the vegetables will begin to breathe.

Conclusion: What did we learn today? When do vegetables breathe easier? (It is easier to breathe if the soil is watered and loosened.)

Well, now we will collect vegetables from the beds. What do we need to take in order to harvest? (the necessary equipment is laid out)

Labor activity - work in the garden.

Target: Exercise children to work together, consolidate the ability to fulfill the instructions of the teacher when collecting vegetables. Cultivate industriousness.

Now everybody come

What you like - take it!

But before you take anything

The riddle must be solved.


The lady sat down in the garden,
Dressed in noisy silks.
We are preparing tubs for her
And coarse salt half a bag.
- cabbage -

For a curly tuft
Dragged a fox from a mink.
Feels very smooth to the touch
Tastes like sweet sugar.
- carrot -

Grows very long
And it occupies the floor of the garden.
This pumpkin vegetable brother,
Everyone eats it in the summer.
- zucchini -

Grow in the garden
green branches,
And on them
Red kids.
- tomatoes -

In summer, in the garden
fresh, green,
And in winter - in a barrel,
Strong, salty.
- cucumbers -

Harvested in baskets. The teacher praises the children. Reading a poem:

We have worked hard!

We have harvested!

Let's take it to the kitchen

The cook will make a salad.

Vitamins! Vitamins!

It's fun for the kids!

The signal to depart is given. Children line up one after another and go to the site with baskets.

  1. The teacher announces: Stop " gaming»

On the veranda there is a large basket for the harvest, the children put vegetables in it in order to take them to the cooks.

The teacher draws the attention of the children:

Look how beautiful our store is! Oh, but someone has been here and mixed all the products! How can we sell them now? Let's put the products on the shelves.

Children put everything in its place, when the store is in order, it opens.

Role-playing game Score»

Target: Formation of the correct behavior of relationships during the game. Cultivate a friendly relationship with each other.

The teacher takes on the role of a seller, the children are buyers. A role-playing game unfolds.

  1. Individual work on ATS with Misha, Sasha, Polina:

« Throw the ball to the sunbeam»

Target: Exercise in the ability to correctly take the starting position, perform a throw from below. Develop dexterity, coordination of movements, confidence.

The shop assistant sold the ball to Dasha. The teacher spends with her individual work by ATS. With the help of a mirror, an adult makes a sunbeam, the child throws the ball in his direction.

Independent play activity with outgoing material.

The railwayman signals:

- Attention! Attention!

Train from Romashkovo

going to kindergarten!

Children “get on” the train and go to kindergarten. On the way, the teacher and the children take the harvested crops to the kitchen.

Reflection : children talk about what they liked, what they learned new, what else they want to know.

Title: Synopsis of the plot walk in the second junior group "Merry Train"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lecture notes, GCD, ecology, Second junior group

Position: educator
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 102"
Location: Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region



Map number 1 Topic: "Observation of freshly fallen snow"

Goals: form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwinter;evoke an aesthetic experience from the beauty of winter nature, the joy of a walk.

Progress of observation

On fences and porches

Everything is shiny and everything is white.

No free space

There was snow everywhere.

Dressed up and mountain ash

In a white holiday dress

Only clusters at the top

Burning brighter than before

  1. What season is it now?(Winter.)
  2. Why? (There is snow all around, it's cold.)
  3. What color are snowflakes?(Colorless.)
  4. Did it get warmer during the snowfall?(If the air temperature changes during a snowfall, then the shape of the snowflakes also changes.)

mobile game

  1. "Let's make it snow."- develop physical activity.
  2. « Run to the flag" -to teach to perform actions strictly on the signal of the educator.

S.R.I "Family" -


Remote material: l opaka, scrapers, panicles.

Map #2 Theme: "Bird Watching in Winter"

Goals : to deepen knowledge about the life of birds in the winter;develop the ability and desire to help them.

Progress of observation

The bird's nests are empty

The birds flew south.

Turned out to be the bravest

Our yard sparrow.

Not afraid of the cold

Stayed with us for the winter.

Fidget, small

Almost all bird is yellow

Likes bacon, seeds...

The teacher asks the children questions.

  1. What do they have in common?
  2. Do they live alone?
  3. Where are they looking for food?
  4. Should we help the birds? Why?
  5. What will we feed them?
  6. What interesting things can be observed at the feeder?

Outdoor games

  1. « Mother hen and chickens»
  2. "Sparrows and a cat"

S.R.I "At the doctor's" - Familiarization of children with the activities of a doctor, fixing the names of medical instruments. Teaching children the implementation of the game plan. To form the ability to interact in plots with two actors(doctor - patient); in an individual. games with substitute toys to play a role for yourself and for a toy.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: l opaki, brooms, scrapers, sleds.

Map number 3 Theme: "Observation of vegetation"

Goals : develop respect for nature.
Progress of observation After a snowfall, bypass the trees and shrubs planted in autumn. Remind them how carefully they planted them, how thin and small they are. Ask the children if it is warmer to cover them with snow, because even the grass does not freeze under the snow. Show how to do it.

It immediately became quiet,

The snow lies like a blanket.

Outdoor games

  1. « Find your color -to form the ability to navigate in space, to distinguish the main colors of the spectrum.
  2. "From bump to bump"

S.R.I "Dolls" - s strengthening knowledge about different types dishes, the formation of the ability to use dishes for their intended purpose. Cultivating a culture of behavior while eating. Consolidation of knowledge about the names of clothes. Strengthening in children the skill to undress and fold their clothes correctly in a certain sequence.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: l spats, brooms, scrapers, snow molds, sleds.


Card number 4 Topic: "observation of the work of the janitor in winter"

Goals : expand knowledge about the work of adults;develop respect for their work.
Progress of observation The teacher asks the children questions.

  1. What tools are needed to work as a janitor in winter?(Broom, shovel,

Scraper, bucket.)

  1. What job does a janitor do in winter?(Cleans the paths to the entrances to the groups, collects garbage.)
  2. What is the job of a janitor?(To be clean on the territory of the nursery.)

Outdoor games

1 . "At the bear in the forest."- learn to run without bumping into each other.

2. Shaggy dog ​​"- develop skill at run trying

S.R.I "Chauffeurs" -

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: l opaki, brooms, scrapers, sleds, oilcloths for riding downhill.

Downhill sledding- educate respect for their health.

Map No. 5 Topic: "Observation of the carriageway"

Target : to acquaint with the carriageway - the highway, the rules of the road.

Observation course Go to the carriageway and watch the movement of cars. Explain that the kindergarten is located next to the main road - the highway.

Like a river, the avenue is wide,

There is a stream of cars here.

Ask what cars are moving on the highway. Have the children name the cars they know. Pay attention to the fact that a lot of cars and trucks are moving along the highway, and no one bothers anyone. This is because drivers follow the rules of the road. Cars are moving slowly because there is snow on the road.

Outdoor games

  1. "From bump to bump"- to develop in children the ability to jump on two legs with advancement in front. Act on a signal, exercise in deep jumps, from a place in length, in fast running.
  2. "Birds in nests" -

S.R.I "Train" -

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Snow games -

Map #6 Theme: "Snow Watching"

Target : to continue acquaintance with the natural phenomenon - snow.

Progress of observation Invite the children to silently walk through the snow and listen to how it creaks. Maybe he is “outraged” that we walk on him, trample him? Maybe he's talking about something? What can snow say? Listen to the children's stories.

It snowed, it snowed, and then I got tired ...

What is snow, snow-snow, on earth have you become?

For winter crops I became a warm feather bed,
For aspens - a lace cape,
For bunnies, it became a downy pillow,
For kids - their favorite game.

Outdoor games

1. "Run to the flag." Target:

educator. To develop in children attention, the ability to distinguish colors. Practice running and walking.

2. " Mother hen and chickens»- To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, exercise in running in different directions and in crawling.

S.R.I "Family" - encouraging children to creatively reproduce family life in the game.To form the ability to interact in stories with two characters (mother-daughter). Develop the ability to interact and get along with each other.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: l

Skating down the slopes- educate respect for their health.

Snow games -keep the kids upbeat

Map number 7 Topic: "Observation of the sky»

Goals : keep getting to know different natural phenomena; learn to distinguish the weather, linking it with the state of the sky (clear, cloudy, overcast, clouds, clouds).

Progress of observation Invite the children to look at the sky, note what it is.(Clean, blue.)

So the weather is clear and sunny. What if the sky is covered with clouds? Then it is gloomy, gray, not joyful. What's the weather like?(Cloudy.) And if the wind blows, what will happen to the clouds?(The wind will disperse them, the weather will change, and we will see the sun.)

The winds are blowing

The winds are violent.

The clouds are walking

The clouds are clear.

Outdoor games

  1. "Catch a mosquito" -
  2. « Sparrows and a cat»- To develop in children the ability to accommodate in space and move in a team without touching each other. Act on a signal, exercise in deep jumps, from a place in length, in fast running.

S.R.I "At the doctor's" -

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: l agglomerates, scoops, buckets, stretchers, paper plane

Snow games -keep the kids upbeat

Map number 8 Topic: "Observation of the birch"

Goals : expand the idea of ​​a tree;to form knowledge about the features of birch, by which it can be distinguished from other trees;instill a desire to protect and preserve nature.

Progress of observation Bring the children to the birch.

Santa Claus walks the street

Frost scatters on the branches of birches.

Admire the birch with the children. Examine her trunk.(White, with black stripes- looks like a sundress.)Tell that in winter the birch is at rest, resting, as it is very cold. Explain to the children that on frosty days the branches of trees and shrubs are very fragile, break easily, so they need to be restrained, not bent, not knocked on the trunk, not run into them with sleds.

Outdoor games:

  1. « On a flat path. ”- develop the skillwalk on a low beam, jump off, bending your knees.
  2. "From bump to bump"- to develop in children the ability to jump on two legs with advancement in front. Act on a signal, exercise in deep jumps, from a place in length, in fast running

S.R.I "Treat" -

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material : l opaki, brooms, stretchers, molds for snow, oilcloths for skiing downhill.

Skating down the slopes

Map number 9 Topic: "Observation of traffic lights"

Target : to consolidate the idea of ​​​​children about the purpose of the traffic light (crossroads near the building of the NGDU)

Progress of observation Lead the children to the intersection where the traffic light operates.

Once in a big and noisy city,

I'm lost, I'm lost...

I don't know the traffic lights

Nearly got hit by a car!

Give the children circles of yellow, red, green; draw the children's attention to how the traffic light works. Children show the circles corresponding to the traffic signal, the teacher tells about the purpose of the colors.

Even if you don't have the patience

Wait, red light!

Yellow light on the way

Get ready to go!

Green light ahead

Now move on!

Outdoor games

  1. "Tram" -
  2. "Get in the circle "- to develop in children the ability to throw at a target; dexterity; eye gauge.

S.R.I "Family" - encouraging children to creatively reproduce family life in the game.To form the ability to interact in stories with two characters (mother-daughter). Develop the ability to interact and get along with each other.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: l opaka, brooms, colored mugs, molds, seals

Card number 10 Topic: "Watching puppies"

Target : to consolidate the idea of ​​​​a baby dog: appearance, movements, sounds made.

Progress of observation

No, not just a gift

Very nice puppy

He's still tiny...

He goes funny, funny,

tangled in paws

My puppy will grow up -

he becomes a dog.

Why is the puppy funny?(Short legs and tail, thick body, weak, playful.)Although the puppy is small, weak, he has good hearing, it executes commands.

Outdoor games

  1. "Shaggy dog" - develop skill at children move according to the text,run tryingdo not get caught by the catching and not pushing.
  2. "Birds in the nests", "Find your house" -to form a skillrun freely without bumping into each other, respond to the signal, returning to the place.

S.R.I "Chauffeurs" - familiarization of children with the profession of a driver. Teach children to establish relationships in the game.To form the ability to interact in plots with two characters (driver-passenger). Encourage children to try to independently select attributes for a particular role.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: l

Skating down the slopes- educate respect for your health

Card number 11 Theme: "Observation of the spruce"

Goals: introduce the tree - spruce;enrich and activate children's vocabulary.

move observations Summing upchildren to spruce. Remember the song, poems about the Christmas tree. Ras say that spruce is a slender tree. Spruce looks especially beautiful in winter, when the rest of the trees are bare, and it is green and there is frost on its branches. Spruce can be constantly admired, it decorates the site.

Spruce is a very useful tree, as it cleans the air, helps us to be healthy.

A Christmas tree has grown in the forest on a hill.

She has needles in winter in silver.

She has ice on her cones,

A snow coat lies on the shoulders.

Outdoor games

  1. "Catch a mosquito" - To develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with a visual signal, to exercise children in jumping (jumping in place).
  2. "Guess who's screaming" -

S.R.I "At the doctor's" - Familiarization of children with the activities of a doctor, fixing the names of medical instruments. Teaching children the implementation of the game plan.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: l droplets, brooms, stretchers, molds for snow, oilcloths for skating, pencils.

Skating down the slopes- educate respect for your health

Card number 12 Topic: "Watching a tit"

Goals : to consolidate the idea of ​​​​the name of the bird, characteristic of the signs appearance; cultivate a desire to care for birds.

Progress of observation To draw the attention of children to a bird with a black cap on its head, white cheeks, a yellow breast - this is a titmouse. Watch how she pecks at bacon, bread crumbs.

Remind the children that it is difficult for birds to get food in winter, they need to be fed. Titmouse love fat, seeds. Think about other birds that have flown to the feeder. What are they called and what do they eat?

Small bird

yellow-breasted titmouse,

Walks around the yard

Collects crumbs

Outdoor games

  1. « Run to the flag"- learn to perform actions strictly on a signal

educator. To develop in children attention, the ability to distinguish colors. Practice running and walking.

  1. « Mother hen and chickens»- To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, exercise in running in different directions and in crawling.

S.R.I "Family" - encouraging children to creatively reproduce family life in the game.To form the ability to interact in stories with two characters (mother-daughter). Develop the ability to interact and get along with each other.

FROM self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: l pellets, buckets, molds for snow, dolls dressed according to the season, sleds for dolls, seals, oilcloths for skiing down the hill.

Snow games -keep the kids upbeat

Map No. 13 Topic: "Observation of transport"

Target : acquaint with the name of the parts of the machine.

Progress of observation Go with the children to the bus stop and look at the bus when it arrives at the stop.

What a miracle this house -

Windows glow all around

Wears rubber shoes

And it feeds on gasoline.

Riddles about transport - develop logical thinking, speech and memory.

Outdoor games

  1. "Tram" -
  2. "Train" -

S.R.I "Chauffeurs" - familiarization of children with the profession of a driver. Teach children to establish relationships in the game.To form the ability to interact in plots with two characters (driver-passenger). Encourage children to try to independently select attributes for a particular role.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: l shovels, buckets, molds for snow, dolls dressed according to the season, sleds for dolls, seals.

Downhill sledding- educate respect for your health

Card number 14 Topic: “Observation of the work of an instructor in physical culture»

Target : to give an idea of ​​what a physical education instructor teaches a variety of movements, dexterity, courage.

Progress of observation Observe with children the conduct of physical education classes in children senior group. Tell about the activities of a physical education instructor, his role in improving the health of children. Organize a joint game for children of the younger and older groups (sledding down the hill).

Outdoor games

  1. "Find your color." -
  2. « Birds and chicks "-develop skill

S.R.I "At the doctor's" - Familiarization of children with the activities of a doctor, fixing the names of medical instruments. Teaching children the implementation of the game plan. To form the ability to interact in plots with two characters (doctor - patient); in individual games with substitute toys, play a role for yourself and for the toy.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: l opaki, molds for snow, sleds.

Downhill sledding- educate respect for your health

Snow games -keep the kids upbeat

Experiment: "Melting Ice"-determine that ice melts from heat, from pressure; what in hot water it melts faster; that water freezes in the cold, and also takes the shape of the container in which it is located.

Map No. 15 Theme: "Excursion to the winter forest"

Goals: to form knowledge about the dependence of objects and phenomena in nature;improve visual-figurative thinking (the range of ideas expands, the ability to manipulate them, modify them appears).

Progress of observation

The magic winter is coming

Came, crumbled; shreds

Hanging on the branches of oaks,

She lay down with wavy carpets

Among the fields, around the hills...

A. Pushkin

How have trees and shrubs changed and why? It is important that children understand that the changes are caused by a decrease in sunlight and heat, the onset of cold weather. What trees do you know? Exercise in distinguishing trees by branches (2-3 pcs.).

Outdoor games

one." Mother hen and chickens»- To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, exercise in running in different directions and in crawling.

2. Sparrows and a cat "- To develop in children the ability to accommodate in space and move in a team without touching each other. Act on a signal, exercise in deep jumps, from a place in length, in fast running.

S.R.I "Chauffeurs" - familiarization of children with the profession of a driver. Teach children to establish relationships in the game.To form the ability to interact in plots with two characters (driver-passenger). Encourage children to try to independently select attributes for a particular role.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: to food for birds.

Skating down the slopes- educate respect for your health

Map No. 16 Topic: "Observation of the birch"

Goals : expand ideas about the tree;

Progress of observation Admire the birch. Tell her that in winter she is at rest, resting, because it is very cold, there is little light, instead of water there is snow. Explain to the children that on frosty days the branches of trees and shrubs are very fragile, break easily, so they must be protected, not broken, not knocked on the trunk with a shovel.

Outdoor games

  1. "Cat and Mice"
  2. "Catch a mosquito" - To develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with a visual signal, to exercise children in jumping (jumping in place).

S.R.I "Treat" -development of children's ability to implement a game plan.

Encourage children to independently select attributes for a particular role; supplement the game environment with missing items, toys.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: l opaki, a bucket, a box for a snowman, molds for snow, oilcloths.

Skating down the slopes- educate respect for your health

Map No. 17 Topic: "Introducing the walking path in winter"

Goals : form an idea of ​​the rules of behavior on the street;educate the skills of orientation on the ground.

Progress of the walk Invite the children for a walk. Tell them about the rules of the road, pay attention to the path intended for pedestrians - this is the sidewalk. Have a conversation with the children about the rules of Behavior and movement on the sidewalk.

When you come to kindergarten, remember with the children how they behaved, whether they were attentive. Once again, remember the rules of pedestrians. In winter, the sidewalks are covered with snow, so pedestrians walk slowly and should be especially careful.

Outdoor games

one." Find your color"- To develop in children attention, the ability to distinguish colors,

Act on a signal. Practice running and walking.

2. Shaggy dog ​​"-develop skill at children move according to the text, quickly change the direction of movement,run tryingdo not get caught by the catching and not pushing

S.R.I "At the doctor's" - Familiarization of children with the activities of a doctor, fixing the names of medical instruments. Teaching children the implementation of the game plan. To form the ability to interact in plots with two characters (doctor - patient); in individual games with substitute toys, play a role for yourself and for the toy.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Skating down the slopes- educate respect for your health

Snow games -keep the kids upbeat


Goals: to continue acquaintance with natural phenomena;give an idea of ​​the signs of winter.

Progress of the walk January is the coldest month of the year with snowfalls and severe frosts. On the rivers at this time the thickest ice. Branches on trees and shrubs are fragile. The day keeps waning.

Invite the children to watch the sun. Where does it rise in the morning? Mark whether today is a sunny or cloudy day? Does the sun hide behind clouds? How warm is the sun?

Outdoor games

  1. "Who will throw the next snowball?"

Target: teach the rules of turn in the game, requiring the same actions with one common object.

  1. « Run to the flaglearn to perform actions strictly on a signal

educator. To develop in children attention, the ability to distinguish colors. Practice running and walking.

S.R.I "Family" - encouraging children to creatively reproduce family life in the game.To form the ability to interact in stories with two characters (mother-daughter). Develop the ability to interact and get along with each other.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: l spats, scoops, panicles, buckets, molds for snow, oilcloths for skiing, red and blue flags

Card number 2 Topic: "How are passers-by dressed?"

Target : to learn to work together, to achieve the goal by common efforts.

Progress of the walk Draw the children's attention to how passers-by are dressed. Remember how they were dressed in the summer.

The snow is white today

It is light all around.

I put on gloves

I'm warm in my winter coat.

Pay attention to the guys that people hide their noses in coat collars from the cold, quickly walk down the street so as not to freeze. Together with the children, listen to how the snow creaks.

Outdoor games

  1. "From bump to bump"- to develop in children the ability to jump on two legs with advancement in front. Act on a signal, exercise in deep jumps, from a place in length, in fast running.
  2. "Birds in nests" -To teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act quickly on the signal of the teacher, to help each other

S.R.I "At the doctor's" - Familiarization of children with the activities of a doctor, fixing the names of medical instruments. Teaching children the implementation of the game plan. To form the ability to interact in plots with two characters (doctor - patient); in individual games with substitute toys, play a role for yourself and for the toy.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: l opaki, scoops, panicles, buckets, molds for snow, oilcloths for rolling down a hill, red and blue flags.

Skating down the slopes- educate respect for your health

Map number 3 Topic: "observation of the properties of snow"

Target : continue acquaintance with the properties of snow (cold, white, crispy).

Progress of the walk Invite the children to take the snow with their hands, conclude that it is cold, so you need to wear gloves. To tell that in cold weather it is impossible to mold from snow, as it crumbles. Invite the children to walk in the snow and ask what they hear. Note that the snow crunches underfoot.

One step, two steps

Snow under your feet.

Outdoor games

  1. « Mother hen and chickens»- To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, exercise in running in different directions and in crawling.
  2. "Sparrows and a cat"- To develop in children the ability to accommodate in space and move in a team without touching each other. Act on a signal, exercise in deep jumps, from a place in length, in fast running.

S.R.I "Chauffeurs" - familiarization of children with the profession of a driver. Teach children to establish relationships in the game.To form the ability to interact in plots with two characters (driver-passenger). Encourage children to try to independently select attributes for a particular role.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Take-out material: l opaki, molds for snow, sleds, seals, pencils, oilcloths for skiing downhill.

Skating down the slopes- educate respect for your health

Snow games -keep the kids upbeat

Map number 4 Topic: "Watching the snowfall"

Target : form an idea of ​​the state of water.

Progress walk Children go for a walk and see that it is snowing. "Snow! Snowing!" - they tell the teacher. "Correctly! - says the teacher. - Snowing. There was a lot of snow all around. Look, the snow is already on the path, and on the bench, and on the table. And he keeps falling and falling. It's snowfall!" Children repeat: "Snowfall!"

The teacher continues: “Snowflakes are slowly spinning in the air. They circle around and sit down, who goes where. Are they sitting on us? Just now one snowflake landed on Tanya's fur coat, and the other on Sasha's hat. Children carefully examine themselves: “And I sat on my felt boots! And on my mitten!”

"Look like an asterisk!" - the teacher says and offers to look at the beautiful snowflake that has fallen on the sleeve of Olya's fur coat. The teacher offers to put his hand towards the falling snow, and when a large snowflake falls on the mitten, blow on it. “Flies? Let it fly on! The snowflake is light, fluffy, beautiful!”

Then he takes off his mitten and invites the children to watch what happens to the snowflake. He explains: “A snowflake sat on her hand and melted. It was, and now it's gone! That's what a little star";

Having prepared the perception of children for the bright characteristics of a snowflake (an asterisk, a baby, has melted in the palm of your hand), an adult reads a poem 3. Rozhdestvenskaya “Asterisk-baby”, repeating its ending twice:

In January, in January

Lots of snow in the yard.

An asterisk circled

A little in the air

Sat and melted on my palm.

Children repeat: "The snowflake is light, fluffy, beautiful, like a star." “What color is she? - asks the teacher. - And who has a fur coat of the same white color? So we also have fluffy snowflakes! Katyusha, Kolya, Marisha - that's how many snowflakes! Blow on them. Let our white fluffy snowflakes fly!”

After that, the adult says: “What a snowfall! A lot of snow piled up, everything fell asleep all around. Zimushka-winter tries, wraps the bushes with snow, puts on a hat on the Christmas tree. Look, what color is winter-winter? De ti say: winter is white.

Outdoor games

  1. The snow is spinning (based on a poem by A. Barto) - to develop skills in childrencorrelate their own actions with the actions of the participants in the game. Material: headbands with snowflake emblems.
  2. "Tram" - to develop the ability of children to move in pairs, coordinating their movements with the movements of other players; teach them to recognize colors and change movement accordingly

S.R.I "Family" - encouraging children to creatively reproduce family life in the game.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: l opaki, molds for snow, sleds, seals, pencils, oilcloths for skiing downhill

Card No. 5 Theme: “Bird Watching”

Goals: reinforce the desire of children to take care of birds;study their habits and characteristics.
Progress of the walk Children go for a walk. The teacher draws their attention to the wintering birds and tells them that they are hungry in winter: there are no midges, worms, only people can help - feed them.

Children repeat after adults: “Hello, small birds! Have you come to visit us? Now we will treat you!” The teacher invites them to see how the birds will treat themselves, explains: they need to spread the food on the path so that the birds can see it, and move away and observe it themselves.

The teacher asks: “Who is so brave? Who flew first? Of course, a sparrow: jumping, pecking. Here come the sparrows. What do they eat grains with? Beak, not nose. The beak is sharp. They peck and fly to a new place in a flock. How do they communicate? Listen. Tweet? We are glad that we treat them, probably thank us. Other birds have arrived."

Children answer questions: what are the names of birds, what color are the feathers and legs of a dove, who has a larger beak - a dove or a sparrow.

Birds are shy. A little something - flutter and fly away. The teacher says: “Do not be afraid of us, we will not offend you. Right? We kind people. Tell them guys."

And now the noise and din began - these were sparrows fighting over crumbs. What fighters! They made a noise and everyone flew away. The teacher turns to the children, invites them to find on the site different birds(dummies). Children examine a crow, a magpie, note their plumage, show their beak, tail, paws, wings.

If possible, you can see the traces of bird feet in the snow where the birds were feeding. Large footprints are pigeons, small footprints are sparrows. Children imitate the movements of birds, their voices. Then the teacher offers to solve the riddle:

I’m sitting on a bitch, “Kar! Kar! - I scream.

Chick-chirp! Jump off the branch.

Peck, don't be shy! Who is it?

Children answer who is chirping, who is babbling, who is croaking.

The teacher invites the children to build a bird feeder to fill it with food every day, take care of the birds: “Who wants to help?”

Everyone together takes shovels, goes to a quiet corner of the site and, together with the teacher, cuts a cube out of the snow. The teacher teaches children to hold the shoulder blades correctly, when they all throw snow aside, clean the edges of the feeder. Children watch his actions, listen to explanations: “So that the wind does not blow away the crumbs, you need to make a side, like this!”

Outdoor games

  1. "Knock down the pins" (3-5 pins and 1 ball) -learn the rules of turn in the game.

S.R.I "Train" - Teaching children to use in games construction material(cubes, bars, plates). Complicate, enrich the subject-play environment through the use of multifunctional items and an increase in the number of toys. Cultivate friendliness.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: l opaki, buckets, molds, sledges, water, seals, oilcloths for riding down the hill.

Map number 6 Topic: "Watching the trees"

Goals: to form knowledge about plant life in winter;

Progress of the walk Explain to the children that on frosty days the branches of bushes and trees are very fragile, break easily, so they must be protected, not broken, not knocked on the trunk with a spatula, not run over by sleds.

Outdoor games

  1. "Tram" - to develop the ability of children to move in pairs, coordinating their movements with the movements of other players; teach them to recognize colors and change their movement in accordance with them.
  2. "Get in the circle

S.R.I "At the doctor's" - Familiarization of children with the activities of a doctor, fixing the names of medical instruments. Teaching children the implementation of the game plan. To form the ability to interact in plots with two characters (doctor - patient); in individual games with substitute toys, play a role for yourself and for the toy.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: l opaques, molds for snow, sleds, seals, oilcloths for skiing downhill.

Skating down the slopes- educate respect for your health

Snow games -keep the kids upbeat

Map number 7 Topic: "Observation of birch and pine"

Goals: expand children's understanding of trees;educate the desire to protect and protect nature.
The course of the walk (Trunk, branches.) (On a pine tree.)

Bewitched by the invisible

The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep.

Like a white scarf

The pine has tied up.

Outdoor games

  1. "Catch a mosquito" - To develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with a visual signal, to exercise children in jumping (jumping in place).
  2. "Guess who's screaming" -To develop in children observation, attention, activity and orientation in space

S.R.I "Chauffeurs" - familiarization of children with the profession of a driver. Teach children to establish relationships in the game.To form the ability to interact in plots with two characters (driver-passenger). Encourage children to try to independently select attributes for a particular role.
Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: l opaki, molds for snow, a bucket, sleds, seals, oilcloths for skiing downhill.

Snow games -keep the kids upbeat

Map number 8 Topic: " Acquaintance with the rules of behavior for pedestrians"

Goals: continue to consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street;develop attention and spatial orientation skills.

Progress of the walk Invite the children for a walk around the kindergarten. Remember that they, as pedestrians, must strictly observe the rules of the road: move only along the footpath (sidewalk), do not rush, be careful, walk on the right side, firmly Hold each other's hands, do not shout, listen carefully to the teacher.

Traffic rules, all without exception,

Little animals should know - badgers and pigs,

Hares and cubs, ponies and kittens.

You guys need to know all of them too

Arriving at the kindergarten, remember with the children how they behaved, whether they were attentive. Once again Remind about the rules of pedestrians.

Outdoor games

  1. Find your color. -develop physical activityorientation in space; to form the ability to distinguish the main colors of the spectrum.
  2. « Birds and chicks "-develop skillrun around without bumping into each other.

S.R.I "Family" - encouraging children to creatively reproduce family life in the game.To form the ability to interact in stories with two characters (mother-daughter). Develop the ability to interact and get along with each other

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Take-out material:puppets dressed for the weather, shoulder blades.

Skating down the slopes- educate respect for your health

Map number 9 Topic: "Observation of the bullfinch"

Goals:help to see the bullfinch;watch him sing, peck at sunflower seeds;draw the attention of children to beautiful feathers.

movewalksOn a walk near the feeder, look at the bullfinch: pay attention to the fact that the body of the bird is covered with feathers: the feathers are red on the breast, gray on the back, and black on the head. The bullfinch has two wings and it flies; there is a tail, a beak, legs with claws.

Outdoor games

  1. “Bird in the nest”, “Find your house” - develop motor activity without bumping into each other, respond to signals, returning to the place.

S.R.I "At the doctor's" -Familiarization of children with the activities of a doctor, fixing the names of medical instruments. Teaching children the implementation of the game plan. To form the ability to interact in plots with two characters (doctor - patient); in individual games with substitute toys, play a role for yourself and for the toy.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Take-out material:shovels, seals, molds, sleds.

Skating down the slopes- educate respect for your health

Snow games -keep the kids upbeat

Map No. 10 Topic: “Observation of the work of the janitor”

Goals: to cultivate respect for the work of people; desire to helpsurrounding.
movewalksOn a walk, draw the attention of the children to the work of the janitor: “Look how he tries, removes the snow, clears the paths so that you have somewhere to play.” Clarify that the janitor does his job well, deftly uses a shovel and a broom. Go to the janitor and invite the children to tell what buildings they have on the site. The janitor explains that the buildings must be protected, not broken, and the site must always be kept in order. Teach children that thanks for work can be done not only with words, but also with deeds. Offer to help. The janitor shows how to work with shovels, praises the guys for their friendly good work.

Outdoor games

  1. Cat and mice »- To develop in children the ability to perform movement on a signal. Practice running in different directions.
  2. Shaggy dog ​​"-develop skillat

change direction quicklyrun tryingdo not get caught by the catching and not pushing

S.R.I "Family" - encouraging children to creatively reproduce family life in the game.To form the ability to interact in stories with two characters (mother-daughter). Develop the ability to interact and get along with each other

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: l

Sledging- nurture respect for one's own


Map number 11 Topic: "Monitoring the bus"

Target:introduce the names of the parts of the machine.

movewalksWalk with the children to the bus stop and look at the bus when it arrives at the stop.

What a miracle this house

- Windows light up all around,

Wears rubber shoes

And it feeds on gasoline.

Watch how people approach the bus stop - passengers. Describe the main parts of the bus.

Outdoor games

  1. "Tram" -to develop the ability of children to move in pairs, coordinating their movements with the movements of other players; teach them to recognize colors and change movement accordingly
  2. "Train" -Teach children to walk and run one after another in small groups, first holding on to each other, then not holding on; teach them to start moving and stop at the signal of the teacher. To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a sound signal, to consolidate the skill of building in a column.

S.R.I "Chauffeurs" - familiarization of children with the profession of a driver. Teach children to establish relationships in the game.To form the ability to interact in plots with two characters (driver-passenger). Encourage children to try to independently select attributes for a particular role.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: lopaka, buckets, molds, dolls, sleds for dolls, seals.

Snow games -keep the kids upbeat

Map number 12 Topic: "Watching the wind"

Goals: to form an idea of ​​​​one of the signs of winter - a blizzard; to learn to determine the direction of the wind.

Spinning and whining

Blizzard under New Year.

The snow wants to fall

And the wind does not.

And the trees have fun

And every bush

Snowflakes, like twigs

Dancing on the fly


Pay attention: the wind carries snow from one place to another, does not allow it to fall to the ground - this is a blizzard.

Outdoor games

  1. "Cat and Mice"- To develop in children the ability to perform movement on a signal. Practice running in different directions.
  2. « Catch a mosquito" -To develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with a visual signal, to exercise children in jumping (jumping in place).
    S.R.I "Train" - To teach children to use building material in games (cubes, bars, plates). Complicate, enrich the subject-play environment through the use of multifunctional items and an increase in the number of toys. Cultivate friendliness.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: l

Skating down the slopes- educate respect for your health

Card number 13 Topic: "Winter is cold"

Target: to form in children the first coherent ideas about this season.

Progress of the walkDuring the gathering for a walk, the teacher says to the children: “Pay attention to your clothes. We all dress warmly, because it is very cold, frosty, winter outside. I will tie Lena's belt tighter so that the cold wind does not blow, the frost does not get under her fur coat. Is everyone dressed up? Dima, look, are Yulia wearing mittens? Today we will take dolls with us, they also have warm clothes.”

During a walk, the teacher draws the attention of the children to the clothes of passers-by: “See? Grandfather is wearing felt boots and a fur hat. He dressed warmly so that the frost would not chill him. Here it is, winter-winter, fierce cold! But the boy runs, jumps up so that it is not cold. The birds hid from the cold. No one is visible, everyone was dispersed by the cold winter. Only one wind walks. Listen to him sing: "V-v-v! V-v-v!" Repeat how the angry winter wind sings and howls.

The teacher asks to check what kind of snow it is today. Children take shovels, collect snow, throw it up. The snow is scattered in a light cloud. The teacher clarifies: "Loose." You can’t sculpt - everyone decides and agrees to do snow slide for dolls.

Everyone approaches the snow bank and decides where it is better to build a hill: far or close to the veranda, above or below the snow bank - and begin to “work”.

The teacher cuts a hill out of the snow (height 40-60 cm). Children help: they clean the edges, shovel snow, trim the slope. Dolls sit right there, "watch" the work of children, rejoice.

As soon as the construction is completed, everyone takes the inventory to the place, collecting buckets, shovels, shaking them off the snow. Someone begins to roll the doll down the hill, someone decorates its edges with colored ice (patterns, flowers) together with an adult. The teacher makes sure that the children, rolling the dolls, follow the order, give in to each other.

Outdoor games

  1. "Train" -Teach children to walk and run one after another in small groups, first holding on to each other, then not holding on; teach them to start moving and stop at the signal of the teacher. To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a sound signal, to consolidate the skill of building in a column.

S.R.I "At the doctor's" -

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: lopaki, scoops, panicles, buckets, molds for snow, oilcloths for riding downhill.

Map number 1 Topic: "Observation of the sun"

Goals: continue to acquaint with natural phenomena (sunny weather or not);to form concepts about the signs of winter.

movewalksFebruary- the last month of winter. It is the snowiest and most blizzard. On the sunny side drops are formed.

Invite the children to watch the sun. Where does it get up in the morning? Mark what day it is today, sunny or cloudy? Does the sun hide behind the clouds and how does it warm?(The sun is shining, but it does not warm.)

Outdoor games

  1. "From bump to bump"- to develop in children the ability to jump on two legs with advancement in front. Act on a signal, exercise in deep jumps, from a place in length, in fast running.
  2. "Birds in nests" -To teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act quickly on the signal of the teacher, to help each other

S.R.I "Family" - encouraging children to creatively reproduce family life in the game.To form the ability to interact in stories with two characters (mother-daughter). Develop the ability to interact and get along with each other

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: lopaki, scoops, panicles, buckets, molds for snow, oilcloths for skiing, red and blue flags.

Sledging- educate respect for your health

Card number 2 Topic: "Watching a tit"

Target: to acquaint with the titmouse, its habits, habitat, features of appearance.

movewalksThe teacher asks the children a riddle and conducts a conversation.

Guess which bird

Lively, perky, dexterous, agile,

Loudly shadows: “Shadow-Shadow!

What a beautiful spring day!(Tit.)

  1. What is this bird?
  2. What does it look like and what color is it?
  3. What changes occur in the life of tits in winter?
  4. What do tits eat?
  5. How do people take care of them?

Outdoor games

  1. « Catch a mosquito" -To develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with a visual signal, to exercise children in jumping (jumping in place).
  2. "Guess who's screaming" -To develop in children observation, attention, activity and orientation in space

S.R.I "At the doctor's" -Familiarization of children with the activities of a doctor, fixing the names of medical instruments. Teaching children the implementation of the game plan. To form the ability to interact in plots with two characters (doctor - patient); in individual games with substitute toys, play a role for yourself and for the toy.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: lopaki, panicles, molds for snow, oilcloths for skiing.

Building games with snowmaintain a cheerful mood of children, develop imagination, fine motor skills of hands

Map No. 3 Topic: "Observation of a fixed-route taxi"

Target:to form an idea of ​​the role of a fixed-route taxi, its purpose for people.

movewalksThe teacher asks the children questions.

  1. What types cars you know?
  2. What are taxis for?

What is the difference fixed-route taxi from other cars?

Outdoor games

  1. "Bird in the nest", "Find your house" -: learn to run freely without bumping into each other, to respond to a signal, returning to the place.
  2. "Train" -Teach children to walk and run one after another in small groups, first holding on to each other, then not holding on; teach them to start moving and stop at the signal of the teacher.To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a sound signal, to consolidate the skill of building in a column.

S.R.I "Chauffeurs" - familiarization of children with the profession of a driver. Teach children to establish relationships in the game.To form the ability to interact in plots with two characters (driver-passenger). Encourage children to try to independently select attributes for a particular role.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: lopaka, brooms, colored mugs, molds, seals.

Skating down the slopes- educate respect for your health

Map No. 4 Topic: "Observation of birch and pine"

Goals: expand the idea of ​​trees;educate the desire to protect and protect nature.
movewalksInspect the site, find familiar trees: birch, pine. What do trees have?(trunk, branches.)Note that the pine is green, and take without leaves. Which tree has the most snow?(On the pine.)

Bewitched by the invisible

The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep.

Like a white scarf

The pine has tied.

Outdoor games

  1. "Tram" -to develop the ability of children to move in pairs, coordinating their movements with the movements of other players; teach them to recognize colors and change movement accordingly
  2. Cat and mice »- To develop in children the ability to perform movement on a signal. Practice running in different directions

S.R.I "Family" - encouraging children to creatively reproduce family life in the game.To form the ability to interact in stories with two characters (mother-daughter). Develop the ability to interact and get along with each other

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: lopaki, buckets, molds for snow, oilcloths for skiing downhill

Skating down the slopes- educate respect for your health

Map number 5 Topic: "Observation of wintering birds"

Goals: consolidate knowledge about wintering birds;to form an idea of ​​obtaining food by wintering birds.


The blizzard broke out again

Breaks snow caps.

The pichuga completely froze

He sits with his paws crossed.

The teacher asks the children questions.

  1. What birds are called wintering?
  2. What do they eat?
  3. What winter birds do you know?
  4. Why don't wintering birds fly to warmer climes for the winter?

Outdoor games:

  1. Sparrows and a cat»- To develop in children the ability to accommodate in space and move in a team without touching each other. Act on a signal, exercise in deep jumps, from a place in length, in fast running.
  2. "Birds in nests" -To teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act quickly on the signal of the teacher, to help each other

S.R.I "Train" - To teach children to use building material in games (cubes, bars, plates). Complicate, enrich the subject-play environment through the use of multifunctional items and an increase in the number of toys. Cultivate friendliness.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: toukly, dressed for the season, shoulder blades.

Building games with snowmaintain a cheerful mood of children, develop imagination, fine motor skills of hands

Card number 6 Topic: "Watching a crow"

Goals: to expand the representation of wintering birds, to learn to distinguish them in appearance;to cultivate love and respect for wintering birds.

movewalksBring up. asks children a riddle, offers to answer questions.

gray hat,

Vest, non-woven

Ruffled caftan,

And he walks barefoot.(Crow.)

  1. What is the name of this bird?
  2. Name the features of its appearance.
  1. What does she eat?
  2. Does she have enemies?

Outdoor games

  1. Find your color. -develop physical activityorientation in space; to form the ability to distinguish the main colors of the spectrum.
  2. « Birds and chicks "-develop skillrun around without bumping into each other.

S.R.I "Family" - encouraging children to creatively reproduce family life in the game.To form the ability to interact in stories with two characters (mother-daughter). Develop the ability to interact and get along with each other

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: lopaki, buckets, molds, seals.

Skating down the slopes- educate respect for your health

Map number 7 Topic: "Footprints in the snow"

Target: learn to identify traces: children's, adults, animal traces.

movewalksFreshly fallen snow is white and fluffy, any traces are clearly visible on it. From them you can find out who walked, rode, birds flew in or animals ran. Determine whose footprints the children see and invite them to leave their footprints in the snow. Compare the footprints of the adult logo with the footprint of the child.

The snow is embroidered with a beautiful line,

Like a white shirt.

I call dad to the yard:

Look what a pattern!

Dad looks down

- There's a letter for you, Denis!

Birds and animals write:

"Make us, Denis, feeders."

Discuss this poem with the children. How did dad find out who wrote the letter to Denis? Together with the children, pour food into the feeder.

Outdoor games

  1. "Cat and Mice"- To develop in children the ability to perform movement on a signal. Practice running in different directions.
  2. « Catch a mosquito" -To develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with a visual signal, to exercise children in jumping (jumping in place).
    S.R.I "At the doctor's" -To form the ability to interact in plots with two characters (doctor - patient); in individual games with substitute toys, play a role for yourself and for the toy.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: lpellets, emblems for outdoor games, ribbons, sleds for dolls, oilcloths for sliding downhill, molds.

Card number 8 Topic: "Birds in winter"

Goals: reinforce the desire to take care of birds;clarify knowledge about their habits.


Children go for a walk and immediately go to the bird feeder. Which birds were the first to fly to the feeder? What do they eat grains with?(Beak.)How do they scream? To tell that my birds are hungry in winter, there are no midges, worms, and they are very grateful to the Children for their care.

Jumping, jumping sparrow,

Calls of small children:

"Throw the crumbs to the sparrow,

I'll sing a song for you: chirp-chirp!

Outdoor games

  1. Sparrows and a cat»- To develop in children the ability to accommodate in space and move in a team without touching each other. Act on a signal, exercise in deep jumps, from a place in length, in fast running.
  2. "Birds in nests" -To teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act quickly on the signal of the teacher, to help each other

S.R.I "At the doctor's" -Familiarization of children with the activities of a doctor, fixing the names of medical instruments. Teaching children the implementation of the game plan.To form the ability to interact in plots with two characters (doctor - patient); in individual games with substitute toys, play a role for yourself and for the toy.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Take-out material:lshovels, buckets, molds for snow, dolls dressed according to the season, sleds for dolls, seals, maples for sliding down the hill.

Skating down the slopes- educate respect for your health

Map number 9 Topic: "Observation of vegetation on the site"

Goals: to form knowledge about plant life in winter;develop respect for nature.
movewalksDraw the attention of children to the abundance of snow. He is on the ground and in the trees, and it even seems that he is in the air. What trees grow on the site?(Christmas tree, birch, mountain ash.)Is it good for trees that there is a lot of snow on their branches? Good, because snow, like a fur coat, saves from severe frosts, bad - from heaviness, branches can break. Trees sleep in winter.

The trees are pierced by the wind in winter,

And the cold itself

And old pines, and sharp firs,

Stand up like soldiers

Against the blizzard.

Outdoor games

  1. Cat and mice »- To develop in children the ability to perform movement on a signal. Practice running in different directions.
  2. Shaggy dog ​​"-develop skillatchildren move according to the text,

change direction quicklyrun tryingdo not get caught by the catching and not pushing

S.R.I "Chauffeurs" - familiarization of children with the profession of a driver. Teach children to establish relationships in the game.To form the ability to interact in plots with two characters (driver-passenger). Encourage children to try to independently select attributes for a particular role.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: l

Building games with snowmaintain a cheerful mood of children, develop imagination, fine motor skills of hands

Map No. 10 Topic: “Watching the snowfall”

Target: form an idea of ​​the diversity of the state of water.

movewalksDuring a snowfall, invite the children to look at the snowflakes falling on their clothes. Pay attention to the beauty of snowflakes, to the fact that they are not similar to one another. Offer to find the largest snowflake, then the smallest, consider them. Invite the kids to stretch out their hand and catch a snowflake. The snowflake melted on my hand.

Invite the children to stretch out their hand in a mitten, and as soon as the snowflake sits down, blow on it: let it fly.

Outdoor games

  1. « Catch a mosquito" -To develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with a visual signal, to exercise children in jumping (jumping in place).
  2. « Get in the circle"- to develop in children the ability to throw at a target; dexterity; eye gauge

S.R.I "At the doctor's" -Familiarization of children with the activities of a doctor, fixing the names of medical instruments. Teaching children the implementation of the game plan. To form the ability to interact in plots with two characters (doctor - patient); in individual games with substitute toys, play a role for yourself and for the toy.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: lopaki, scoops, panicles, sleds for dolls, molds for snow, oilcloths for skiing downhill, pencils.

Skating down the slopes- educate respect for your health

Map number 11 Topic: "Watching the wind"

Target: continue to form knowledge about one of the signs of winter - snowstorms.

movewalksWatch how the wind lifts snow from the ground. Explain to the children that this is a blizzard.

Draw their attention to the fact that the wind carries the snow from one place of the site to another.

More mobile games

  1. "From bump to bump"- to develop in children the ability to jump on two legs with advancement in front. Act on a signal, exercise in deep jumps, from a place in length, in fast running.
  2. "Birds in nests" -To teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act quickly on the signal of the teacher, to help each other

S.R.I "Family" - encouraging children to creatively reproduce family life in the game.To form the ability to interact in stories with two characters (mother-daughter). Develop the ability to interact and get along with each other

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: lopaki, scoops, panicles, buckets, molds for snow, oilclothsforslides, colored mugs, bird emblems.

Sledging- educate respect for your health

Building games with snowmaintain a cheerful mood of children, develop imagination, fine motor skills of hands

Map number 12 Theme: "Observation of the sky"

Target: form an idea of ​​the sky.

movewalksInvite the children to watch the clouds, reminding them that clouds are made up of water droplets. Are clouds always the same? What is the difference between clouds in sunny weather and clouds before a snowfall? Are the clouds moving fast or slow? Invite everyone to choose a cloud they like and follow where it floats.

Clouds, white-winged horses,

Clouds, where do you rush without looking back?

Please don't look down on me

And roll us across the sky, clouds.

Outdoor games

  1. « Catch a mosquito" -To develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with a visual signal, to exercise children in jumping (jumping in place).
  2. "Guess who's screaming" -To develop in children observation, attention, activity and orientation in space

S.R.I "At the doctor's" -Familiarization of children with the activities of a doctor, fixing the names of medical instruments. Teaching children the implementation of the game plan.To form the ability to interact in plots with two characters (doctor - patient); in individual games with substitute toys, play a role for yourself and for the toy.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: lopaki, scoops, panicles, buckets, molds for snow, oilcloths for skiing downhill, colored mugs, bird emblems.

Building games with snowmaintain a cheerful mood of children, develop imagination, fine motor skills of hands

Card number 13 Topic: " Frosty sunny day»

Target:tell children about how animals live in winter; stimulate good feelings towards them.

Progress of the walkThe children went out for a walk, but it was quiet all around. The sun is shining, the snow is fluffy, white. The teacher helps them remember how a blizzard broke out last night, swept up, howled: “V-v-v! (children repeat after adults). And today it is quiet, calm. The New Year will come soon. The guys will have a holiday. Have you seen how people prepare for the holiday?

Children talk about decoration Christmas trees, with the help of a teacher, they recall brightly decorated shop windows. An adult reads the work of Y. Akim "The Christmas tree is dressing up."

Then everyone approaches the models of animals. The teacher offers: “Invite the animals to visit, tell them:“ Come visit, we will be very happy! ” Children repeat after the adult: “Come running, little fox! Jump quickly, jumping bunny! And you, teddy bear, come too. Take the wolf with you."

“See for yourself how snowy it is today? Can you mold from it?

Children know how to check this: they collect snow on shovels and slightly throw it up. The snow is scattered in a light cloud. Everyone unanimously decides that the snow is dry, it is impossible to sculpt. You can only rake. It was decided: a flower bed should be built in the center of the site. Everyone starts working - shoveling snow. The flower bed should be beautiful, large, but there is not enough snow, and the children go with buckets and shovels to a free area for snow. The teacher says: “Thank you, the frost that caused the snow!”

Having built a flower bed, everyone decorates it with "flowers" - multi-colored ice floes. After admiring the results of their work, children move on to free games.

Outdoor games

  1. . « Birds and chicks "-develop skillrun around without bumping into each other.

S.R.I "Train" - To teach children to use building material in games (cubes, bars, plates). Complicate, enrich the subject-play environment through the use of multifunctional items and an increase in the number of toys. Cultivate friendliness.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: lopaki, scoops, panicles, buckets, molds for snow, oilcloths for skiing downhill

Card number 14 Theme: "Winter fun"

Target:consolidate children's knowledge about the purpose of snow buildings; clarify knowledge about the names of birds, parts of their bodies, voice reactions.

Progress of the walkThe teacher on the alley informs the children that the older guys are waiting for them to visit; approaching the neighboring site, reminds you to say: “Good afternoon. We've come to visit you."

Older children greet the little ones warmly, lead them around their site, and stop near each structure. First, the kids should be told how to use such structures in the game. In case of difficulty, the children of the older group come to the rescue: “This is a bear with a net. It's winter now, not summer. There are no butterflies, and the bear catches the snowballs that we throw. And we sculpted a cat. You can climb up and sit on his lap.” Why the goose stretched out its neck, why the squirrel has a hoop in its paws, the kids guess for themselves.

There is a tree in the quietest corner of the site. More recently, she delighted children with colorful light bulbs, bright toys, and now bird feeders are hung on her different shapes, large cones are fixed in the branches (they have pieces of lard, boiled meat between the scales). Not only sparrows and doves, but also bullfinches, tits, and magpies willingly fly to the Christmas tree. This tree is a dining room for birds, a miracle tree. Birds feed here all the time.

The kids go around the Christmas tree, call familiar birds, say how many birds have paws, beaks, wings, tails, which of them sings how, willingly show how the birds move, how they peck. Older children and adults draw their attention to unfamiliar birds: bullfinches, tits, their plumage. The teacher reads a poem by P. Zolotov "Crow".

The younger children begin to play with the older ones. They climb buildings, crawl under them crouching; step over the tail of the "crocodile" and walk on its back, exercising in balance; run after older children through the maze, slide down the hill. The older ones ride the kids on a sled.

Then the kids invite everyone to their site. Here it turns out that the kids do not have a snowman, in the basket of which you can throw snowballs, balls. Older kids start rolling snow globes, kids help, push the biggest ones. Smaller clods are rolled up to the construction site, larger clods are brought on a sled (the older ones are being driven, the kids are pushing from behind). Adults are also included in the process of building a snowman. Everyone decides together how high and how deep the basket should be. Having built a snowman, all the children take turns throwing snowballs into the basket.

Outdoor games

  1. Sparrows and a cat»- To develop in children the ability to accommodate in space and move in a team without touching each other. Act on a signal, exercise in deep jumps, from a place in length, in fast running.
  2. "Train" -Teach children to walk and run one after another in small groups, first holding on to each other, then not holding on; teach them to start moving and stop at the signal of the teacher. To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a sound signal, to consolidate the skill of building in a column.

S.R.I "At the doctor's" -Familiarization of children with the activities of a doctor, fixing the names of medical instruments. Teaching children the implementation of the game plan. To form the ability to interact in plots with two characters (doctor - patient); in individual games with substitute toys, play a role for yourself and for the toy.

Self-playingactivity of children with portable material

Remote material: lopaki, buckets, molds for snow, oilcloths for skiing downhill

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