Scenario of the holiday "Birthday" Around the World ". Game program "Fun Journey

Site arrangement 01.10.2019
Site arrangement

Competition script - cognitive game


Target: expand the horizons of children in the field of geography.


Introduce new facts (Legends and facts about the Christmas tree), as noted New Year in different countries Oh.

Teach kids to work in a team

It is interesting to lead leisure.

Equipment: projector, props for competitions

Leading :

Many different countries in the world

And over each the sun shines,

And children are laughing everywhere

Growing up day by day.

We are calling you with us

Travel around the world

Explore this planet.

Well, come on, let's go!

We invite you on a journey through countries and continents! Let's gather two tourist groups and hit the road!

(Each group 6-7 people)

The Christmas tree is an invariable attribute of Christmas and New Year. Do you know why the tree took this place of honor? In which country was this tree first installed on the square, how and when did they begin to decorate it in Russia, why is it customary to put a star on top, when did the tradition of putting an artificial fir tree appear, and where and when was the tallest New Year tree installed? We will try to find answers to all these questions in last days outgoing year.

In the hall, the lights go out on the screen slides about the Christmas tree

(Text see appendix 1.)

But to start the journey, we need to check if you are experienced travelers? Each group will now write down in the waybill all the countries they know.

Whose team will remember more countries, she will earn the first airplane. After 1 minute, the results of the first warm-up competition are summed up

The participants are in place, the audience is in the hall, it's time to take flight! In places!

Well, all the audience raise their hands up and applaud loudly.

Go! Let's try! Tr "Controller + aircraft takeoff"

And so they flew

1. Guess the riddle of the country

A boot floats in the sea

Thousands of years and not wet!

And people live on it -

Who will call us? right Italy

The lights go out in the hall on the screen the first country ITALY

There are slides of the Italian Republic, its capital, vegetation, main attractions, and animal world, new year traditions

Lights up in the hall. We have arrived in sunny Italy. Questions to the audience: What famous fruit grows in Italy?

What is the most famous Italian dish you know?

Contest: pick grapes, create pizza.

2. In the hall, the lights go out on the screen, the country of BRAZIL

There are slides about Brazil, its capital, vegetation, main attractions, and wildlife, New Year's traditions.

Lights up in the hall. We have arrived at hot country Brazil.

Let's play the popular Brazilian game "pig in a poke".

Game "Pig in a Poke"

The game is also known in almost all Latin American countries. She needs a wide bag. The bag contains: mops, rags, colored stones, sponges, old ropes, torn shoes, beaten cups. There are as many gifts as there are players. Players take turns approaching the bag and take out one item from it,

to the touch must determine what it is. The item guessed by the child brings the team one point.

3. I am the country where in the morning

Freely jumping kangaroo,

Koala sleeping in the trees

And the sun looks cheerful.


In the hall the lights go out on the screen the country AUSTRALIA

There are slides about Australia, its capital, vegetation, main attractions, and wildlife, New Year's traditions.

Lights up in the hall. We have arrived atAustralia

Only in a big, green country

Kangaroo lives smart.

He won't leave his children

He carries them with him in his bag.


kangaroo competition

Relay bring an ostrich egg. The first participant holds the ball with his feet and jumps a short distance with it, takes an ostrich egg from the common basket and carries it to his team. Passes the ball to another participant.

4 country

The warmest continent

Picturesque and great.

Lives here in the savannas

Lots of lions and monkeys. (Africa)

There are sharks scurrying around, gorillas jumping.

Scary big angry crocodiles

They will bite, beat and offend you.

Remember that place where you can not walk?

In the hall the lights go out on the screen Africa

There are slides about Africa, its capital, vegetation, main attractions, and wildlife, New Year's traditions

Lights up in the hall. We have arrived at Africa

Competition to come up with an animated dance by the “Dance of the Monkeys” team

Game with spectators Riddles about Africa.

5 country Finland

In the hall, the lights go out on the screen Finland. There are slides about Finland, its capital, vegetation, main attractions, and wildlife, New Year's traditions. The story of Santa Claus

Lights up in the hall. We have arrived at Finland

Competition - Santa.

The task of the participants is to help Santa, put the candy into the children's socks, but first you need to climb into the pipe, get out of it, put the candy in the sock, and then back into the pipe from the pipe and pass the bag with sweets to your team.


Competitive game program "Around the World" for students of a correctional schoolVIIIkind,(correspondents are students of grade 9, teams are formed from students of grade 4)
Target: Enrichment emotional world pupils and the formation of moral qualities.

Tasks: Activate cognitive activity. Show the importance of caring for the environment.

Expand your horizons, develop Creative skills students.

Cultivate team building skills. Cultivate respect and love for nature.
Event progress:

I. Organizing time.

Bring up.1. Hello guys!

Bring up.2. Hello! Today you are faced with the task of showing which of you is worthy of the title of an inhabitant of the planet Earth.

IN 1. In fact, today we would like to make sure that the future of our planet is secure.

IN 2. That endangered animal species will never become extinct species.

IN 1. That now existing will never become endangered.

II.Educate. 2. Young correspondents came to visit us.

1st correspondent. We love full-flowing rivers and quiet lakes, the endless forests of our native land, boundless sea expanses, high mountains and beautiful valleys. But it’s not enough just to admire nature, you need to make every effort to make it even more beautiful and richer for the joy of people.

2nd correspondent. Nature conservation is a national matter. Everyone is obliged to think about their personal responsibility for the ruined tree, the poisoned river, the destroyed lake. Rare and endangered species of plants and animals are taken under the protection of the state, they are listed in the Red Book.

3rd Correspondent. Prishvin wrote: “After all, my friends, I write about nature, but I myself think only about people. We are the masters of nature, and for us it is the pantry of the sun with the great treasures of life. Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest, steppe, mountains. And a person needs a Motherland, and to protect nature means to protect the Motherland.

4th correspondent.

Oh people, I think

We all have the same mother.

Named Nature!

She has enough kindness for everyone,

And we live, capturing forever

In the soul of her beautiful features -

Fields, meadows, forests, seas and rivers.

Nature has three fruits:

Water, earth and air are the three foundations.

Whatever trouble comes

Everything will be reborn.

IN 1. Here's a story that once happened. Hordes of caterpillars attacked the forest, near which the children's camp was located. Children have been coming to these places for years, and nothing like this has ever happened before. The forest was dying before our eyes. Nobody knew how to help him. And most importantly, no one knew why it happened.

The children were very upset. But if they were told that it was they who were to blame for the destruction of the forest, they would probably be surprised, and perhaps indignant.

And here's what happened. Every year the guys picked flowers. And around the forest, and in the forest clearings. They tore and blossomed flowers, and those on which there were still buds. In a word, everything. And they lived on flowers, fed on nectar flower fliestahini. When the time came tahini laid eggs. Larvae emerged from the eggs, and it was these larvae that destroyed the caterpillars that were damaging the forest.

But the flowers disappeared, and there was no near the forest tahini. And there was no one to destroy the caterpillars. The caterpillars attacked the forest, and it began to die. And all because the children, without knowing it themselves, upset the balance in this corner of nature, violated environmental laws.

IN 2. Ecology is the science of how animals and plants, in general, all living organisms get along with each other, how they have adapted to each other and the surrounding nature.

All of us - people, animals, birds, plants, microorganisms - live on planet Earth. This is our common home. We all need to breathe, eat, drink, live somewhere, raise kids. For many thousands and even millions of years, all kinds of animals and plants have adapted to each other and the nature around them. And the balance has been established in nature. Like on the scales, when both bowls have the same weights. This balance is maintained as long as environmental laws are not violated. For example, this: there should always be more plants than animals that feed on them. And there should be more herbivorous animals than predators. Then there is enough food for everyone, and all kinds of plants and animals are preserved on Earth. If, however, one link in this chain is destroyed, for example, plants are destroyed, the entire chain will crumble. The balance will be broken. And even an ecological catastrophe can happen.

Correspondent1. People didn't know about it for a long time. And they recklessly cut down forests, drained swamps, plowed up steppes. They did not at all think that in doing so they grossly violated the laws of nature. We recently realized this. And in order to still preserve nature, and at the same time to survive (after all, man himself is a part of nature), people began to study the laws of wildlife very seriously. This is how ecology was born. By the way, this word is made up of two Greek words : oikos- home and logos- the science. So, we can say that ecology is the science of our common house and the laws by which we must live in it.

IN 1. The group is divided into two teams. And so the first task! Each task is worth 5 points. Points can be removed for inaccuracy, incomplete assignment, etc. and add for activity.

I. Competition "Living and inanimate nature".

Each team receives a set of identical objects and pictures, which are spread out on two tables. Children need to separate objects of animate and inanimate nature. The correctness of the answer and speed are evaluated.

Objects and pictures: sand, flower, water, stone, mushrooms, hare, clay, bird, tree, sun, etc.


  1. Live nature: flower, mushrooms, hare, bird, tree.

  2. Inanimate nature: sand, water, stone, clay, sun.
II. Competition "Animals".

From each team I ask for three people per stage. There are cards for you. Choose! The name of one animal is written on the card. This animal must be portrayed. And the teams must guess the name of this animal.

Cards: beaver, donkey, giraffe, tiger, horse, pig...

III. Competition "Erudite".

The teams showed their knowledge of animal habits. And now we will test your erudition. I will ask you questions, and your task is to give the correct answers. If the team finds it difficult to answer, then the opposing team helps it, which receives additional points for this.

  1. Name 10 pets.

  2. Name 10 animals starting with the letter A.

  3. Name 10 birds.

  4. Name 10 wild animals living in Russia.
IV. Mystery competition.


1. A thieving cheat.

Guilty before all

But he leaves trouble with a whole head.

Covers all traces with a golden broom. (A fox.)

2. Eight legs, like eight arms,

Embroider a circle with silk.

The master in silk knows a lot.

Buy, flies, silk. (Spider.)

3. What birds prepare food for the winter? (Jay, nutcracker, nuthatch, titmouse.)

4. What birds hibernate and spend the night, buried in the snow? (Black grouse, hazel grouse, partridge.)

5. Turkhan is flying, without a caftan and without buttons. (Snow.)

6. Hungry in winter and full in summer. (Wolf.)

7. What do hedgehogs and bears do in winter, how are they similar? (Both are sleeping.)

8. Who wears the forest? (Deer.).

V. Competition "Ecological".

Each team is given cards with questions.

  1. What can be done to stop air pollution?

  2. If I were president, what laws would I pass to stop poaching?

  3. Imagine some rules that people must follow to avoid pollution.

  4. What are you doing to help endangered animals or what would you like to do to help them?
VI. Association Competition.

Well done, you are doing a great job. Now I will say the words, and you will name the animal with which this word is associated. And what interesting things can you say about this animal?

  1. Mushroom. (Fox.)

  2. Slacker. (Sloth.)

  3. Minibus. (Gazelle.)

  4. The monetary unit of Bulgaria. (A lion.)

  5. Warship. (Battleship.)

  6. Automobile. (Jaguar.)

  7. Chess. (Horse, elephant.)

  8. Computer manipulator. (Mouse.)

  9. Stowaway. (Hare.)

  10. Crosswalk. (Zebra.)

  11. River. (Tiger.)

  12. Trademark. (Puma.)

  13. Defensive fence. (Hedgehog.)

  14. Spikes for climbing poles. (Cats.)

  15. Animal dwelling. (Mink.)

  16. Symbol of Russia. (Bear.)
VII. Contest "Guess the animal"

  1. These little inhabitants of forests, steppes and deserts can snort, sneeze, grumble, snore and gnash their teeth like people. Who are they? (Hedgehogs.)

  2. There are 18 species of this bird, including: Brownie, Black-breasted, Saxaul, Field, Desert and even Red. Gorky and Yesenin, Prishvin and Bianki wrote about her. Who is this feathered resident of cities and villages? (Sparrow.)

  3. She is the namesake of some of the girls. It is often confused with another bird in the family to which it belongs. It cannot be said that she has a beautiful appearance, but therefore she does not complex about it at all. It can be found in the city, and in the forest, and in the gardens. And everywhere she behaves very confidently. What bird are you talking about? (Daw.).
VIII. Competition auction on the topic "Birds and animals".

The facilitator calls the first word, for example, "wolf". Then he points to a member of the team, and he says a word that begins with last letter the previous one - "Goat". The next one says "antelope", then "albatross", "owl", etc.

After each word, the host strikes with a musical mallet and says: "One, two, three." If after the word "three" none of the participants can offer a new word, then the team that was last wins.

Poem by N. Zabolotsky "Cranes".

Correspondent 1.

Departing from Africa in April.
To the shores of the fatherland,
Flying in a long triangle
Drowning in the sky, cranes.
Stretching silver wings.
across the wide sky,
Led the leader to the valley of abundance.
Your few people.

Correspondent 2.

But when under the wings flashed
Lake transparent through
Black shining muzzle.
It rose from the bushes.
A ray of fire hit the bird's heart,
A quick flame flared up and went out,
And a piece of marvelous grandeur.
It fell on us from above.

Correspondent 3. Two wings are like two huge sorrows,
Embraced the cold wave
And, echoing a sorrowful sob,
The cranes took off into the air.
Only where the lights move
In atonement for your own evil
Nature has given them back.
What death took with it:

Correspondent 4.

Proud spirit, high aspiration,
Will unbending to fight -
Everything from the past generation.
Passes, youth, to you.
And the leader in a metal shirt.
Slowly sinking to the bottom
And the dawn formed over him
Golden glow spot.

Bring up.1.

We sometimes avert our eyes with embarrassment,
Seeing a stray sad dog,
We convince ourselves that we are not to blame,
If kittens cry in our basement.
Just know: all animals dream,
About the good owner, about your corner,
They dream of waiting for you at the door in the evening,
Rub against the feet of his mistress.
Cold and blizzard await them outside,
And in the house there is always a place for a friend.
If you are cramped in huge apartments,
You feed the homeless animals.

III. Outcome. At the end of the lesson, the children share their impressions. The facilitator helps them with questions:

  1. Who is our biggest connoisseur today?

  2. What did you learn new?

  3. Why is it important to know a lot about nature?

  4. Whose performance did you like the most?

Housewarming in the style of "Voyage-Voyage" or "Around the World"

Use funny inscriptions as decoration. Print them in large print on A4 sheets. The inscriptions may be as follows. ~ There will be a wardrobe here, in which our baby will climb while playing hide and seek. ~ Pantry - for lovers who cannot live without each other for a second and burn with passion. ~ A place for philosophers and thinkers is a toilet. ~ The place for singers is the bathroom. ~ The wife's place is at the stove. ~ The place of the husband is on the sofa or at the TV. ~ Mother-in-law's place is by the phone. ~ The father-in-law's place is by the refrigerator. ~ The place of a pet is the marital bed.
on the front door- a meeting place for friends bar "three minnows"
The hut-reading room, the throne of Tsar Peas - a toilet, on the toilet - QUIET! The brain is working!
The kitchen is a protected area, the wife's zone.
Balcony - emergency exit for lovers

(Guests + hostess) 9 participants. 9 countries! Selecting a country and a participant using a roulette wheel or two urns. Selecting a country, names the most famous distinguishing features of the country, item of clothing, national food, national dance (ex: Russia (vodka, bears, ditties, etc.)

1. Russia
2. Turkey
3. Thailand
4. Egypt
5. Japan (China)
6. India
7. Mexico
8. Greece
9. Spain

Competition "Like at the festive table"
On whom the counting rhyme stops, he, at will, becomes the first contender for a role in the play.

Like at a holiday table
We'll start the counting!
Here's the fun:
Hug the neighbor on the right!
Here's another fun one:
You crow for everyone!
You don't waste time
Drink a glass of vodka!
You got a fan like this:
Stomp with your right foot!
Grab your neighbor's ear
And kiss him on the forehead!
Let the owner not be jealous:
The guest will kiss the hostess!
So that the neighbor does not get bored,
He needs to be tickled!
There is no place for a striptease here,
But take the item off!
Give us a service
Show goat face!
Show your flexibility
Picture a swallow!
Lots of good guests here.
Clap them hands!
Try for friends
Pour wine into their glasses!
Look at your neighbor
Kiss on the cheek three times!
You and your neighbor got a fine:
Have a drink on brotherhood!
Listen carefully:
Eat something soon!
Well, on to the program:
You moved your ears!
The neighbor on the right has a shock -
Scratch his side!
This guest is just a treasure
He is happy to drink with the hostess!
This look does not lag behind -
Drink with the owner goes!
It will be more fun for all of us -
Smile like in Hollywood.

1. Russia
Costumes: Russian folk (dress, kokoshnik, shirt and pants, cap with a flower)
Dance: Russian folk squatting (Song "Valenki")
Housewarming traditions. "Vlazyny"
Russian fairy tales, epics, ditties. Lapta.

Traditions. In the center of the table is a loaf. At the entrance, throw a coin into the corridor.
A wreath on the door with the inscription "housewarming".
The participants are instructed to compose a kind of story from only the names of newspaper articles that have already been cut out and fixed on the cards.
Cutting from the names of newspaper articles.
Words for advertising are distributed. When advertising, the participant should not mention the chosen word, but only describe and advertise it. Using only pronouns (he, she, they) and not using cognates and descriptions. The remaining guests must guess what the participant advertised after all his advertising campaign.
We advertise: Mother-in-law, green onion, sausage stick, wooden toilet(rustic), mother-in-law pancakes, haystack, can of stew, rotten tomatoes. (Cards)

Test with subtext for the Hostess and guests (4-5 pieces)
Test texts (4-5 pieces)

Can you follow directions? Are you able to strictly follow the instructions? Pass this test with only three minutes at your disposal.

1. Before doing anything, read everything carefully.
2. Get up.
3. Sit down 2 times.
4. Jump up on your left foot.
5. Raise your arms up 2 times.
6. Shout your name out loud.
7. Turn around yourself.
8. Meow loudly twice.
9. Shake hands with the neighbor on the left.
10. Smile at the neighbor on the right.
11. Squat down.
12. Laugh.
13. After everyone has read carefully, complete only tasks 9 and 10.

Well, now, all the tests have already passed,
And the most executive found.
Everyone else is super artistic
So let's drink to the successes, to the excellent ones.

Fanta in verse:

Tasks for fans.

To get it
You must swim now

To take it with you
Stay on one leg

To have it
Gotta scream out loud

To take your stuff
Show us a bird

To have this thing
Show us how to whistle

To take it for you
You have to say 7 names.

To take it with you
All guests must be named.

To keep a thing
You have to bark like a dog.

To take this
Tell me, what is there besides summer?

You played well today
and, of course, tired!
Get on the window
Give us a little bite!

What, my friend, are you not cheerful?
Come on, sing us a song!

You got a glorious phantom:
Tie yourself a bow.
Turn around, turn around
And get on the chair!

Now it's your turn to play
Now you have to speak:
Praise your neighbor (neighbor)
And yet very accurate.

To have a good holiday
Dance in a squat!

Surprise with friendliness
Shake hands with everyone around!

In order not to get into trouble,
I had to look into everyone's eyes
Now, close your eyes
Crow a couple of times!

You got a job:
Draw us a kitten!

Do you like tea or not?
It doesn't matter to us!
Show us the samovar
We offer here bravely!

Sports hour for you:
You run around us!

To conquer everyone with beauty
You can draw a kangaroo!

All the people rejoice
Here comes your turn!
You choose a princess (prince)
And kiss her (him)!

To make the whole crowd laugh
Do a belly dance!
To be sad no more
Top model portray!

Well, dear friend,
You sit in a corner.
Don't be sad, don't cry
And lay down a little!

Put your ears on the tips!
Our friend will sing a ditty!

Looking out the bright window
Wash us a little!

2. Turkey.

Ataturk. Eastern sweetness. Hookah. Pareo. Belly dance. Shopping.

On the coast mediterranean sea widespread are the so-called zeybek dances, similar to Greek round dances, and oyun dances, for example, kilich kalkan oyunu (“dance with sabers and shields”) or kashik oyunlary (“dance with spoons”). But the most famous belly dance, which comes from Egypt

Turkish shopping.
We save things (Sheets of paper and pens by the number of players)
Participants receive two sheets of paper. The facilitator suggests imagining that each of them had a fire at home and they only need to save one thing from the fire. On one sheet, the players write the thing, and on the other - why he saved it. Then those and other sheets are collected and mixed in separate boxes. The host first pulls one sheet from one box, then another from the other and reads. For example:
TV - because it is pleasant to walk on it.
Before the game, the participants are told to treat the game with humor, otherwise everyone will save documents and money.

Wild beach. (discs by number of players)

The players get into pairs.
The host invites everyone to the “wild beach”, where dances are announced. The dancers are given records (one for men, three for women) - “in order to intimate parts did not excite vacationers on the beach.” Music sounds, dancing begins. During the dance, players need not to lose a single record, and for this they have to dance closely clinging to each other.

Limbo to incendiary music, through a ribbon.
3. Thailand. Thai massage. Thai boxing. (Ancient culture from China)

Comic Game - impromptu in the Chinese manner.

(Ved. reads, the guy and the girl show)

Imagine a warm summer evening, we are transported to Thailand, snot-kho people walk along the banks of the Hun-zhop-tse river, snot-kho khun named Sun-hun-wu chan and beautiful Vyn-sun-him around ni hu-si. The river breeze is blowing Sushchenenko ... Snot-kho people want to snuggle up to each other, hug each other, throw off their kimono (which is what you do)

And then Sun-hun-wu-chan notices bobluan floating by along the river. Joyful khulebka blooms on his ebluan, he points to a beautiful buma-but snot-kho color to a girl, but she does not notice her for a long time. He shows boom-but Take-sun-him she does not notice ... ..he shows, but she does not notice ...

Finally, Vyn-sun-him made out the snot-kho buma-no. She began to skip-sulfur and enthusiastically stomp her hands in laodo-shi.

Snot-zhu Sun ... tries to get a bobluan, stretches after him from the shore, but he is too far-like-saffron (in pi). Sun-hun-wu chan removes the topchi-qi and enters the water, lifting the bru-chi-qi, but even this is not enough.

... Take out-sun-him ... encourages snot-zhu Sun, and he rolls bru-chi-chi to his knees. One more step forward, and then Sun-hun-wu-chan stumbles, falls into the water and starts to choke on e-bluan.

Take out-sun-him rushes to save the kama-sutrego (i.e., beloved). Carries him to shore in her arms. She makes him a mouth-mouth-chi and, forgetting about the snot-tsu buma-no, presses his ebluan to her sisi-ko.

... Young people, please freeze in this position, do not move.

Dear guests, the participants of the competition for the most sacrificial female love and the most beautiful male legs have just appeared before you.

Game Crocodile (with written words, expressions)
Phrases from movies (famous), speaking. For 9 people, 4-5 phrases.
You can describe not only the phrase, but also the title of the movie. Using the description of the word, but not cognates.

Example: A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation.
Film “Twelve chairs”
On fingers 12, the shape of a chair to sit down with your hands, the phrase: show the car, “not” negation, “luxury” - ..., “remedy” - washing, “movement” - show forward movement

And a Cossack! - sent!
Film “The Elusive Avengers”

Or maybe give you another key to the apartment where the money is?!!!
Film “Twelve chairs”

I will hit gently, but strongly
Film “Diamond Hand”

Do you see the gopher? - Not! “And I don't see. And he is! ..
Film "DMB"

A thief should sit in jail!
Feature film “The meeting place cannot be changed”

East is a delicate matter…
Film “White Sun of the Desert”

Here I go I am beautiful along the street, and the men around fall and fall and fall ... And they themselves stack in piles !!!
Film “Girls”

Here is an eccentric man, who will put him in jail ?! He's a monument!
Film “Gentlemen of Fortune”

Get in line, you sons of bitches... get in line!
Film “Heart of a Dog”

All! Keane will not be! Electricity is out!
Film “Gentlemen of Fortune”

Long live our court - the most humane court in the world!

If I get up, you will lie down with me ...

Get out of here boy, don't interfere!
Film “Diamond Hand”

What a filthy fish of yours!
Film “Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!”

Komsomol member, athlete and just a beauty!
Film “Prisoner of the Caucasus or Shurik's New Adventures”

The horses are drunk, the lads are harnessed!
Film “Wedding in Malinovka”

Whoever takes a pack of tickets will get a water pump!
Film “Diamond Hand”

Dinner is served. Sit down to eat, please!
Feature film “Gentlemen of Fortune”

Wait a minute! Please, slow down!.. I'm recording...
Film “Prisoner of the Caucasus or Shurik's New Adventures”

You must Fedya, you must!
Film “Operation Y or other adventures of Shurik”

I'm not guilty! He himself came!
Film “Diamond Hand”

Saw, Shura, saw!
Film “Golden Calf”

How much is opium for the people?
Film “Twelve chairs”

Stole, drank, in jail! Stole, drank, in jail! Romance…
Film “Gentlemen of Fortune”

4. Egypt. Egyptian dance. The Pyramid of Cheops. (2 SHEETS, HEAD COVER)
1. Pharaoh (use wet crumb instead of lettuce)
A girl is chosen and her eyes are tied. Bring her to the table on which someone is lying. Take her hands and put them on different parts lying body. At the same time, each time you say: “Here is the leg of the pharaoh, here is the belly of the pharaoh, here ...”, and at the end the hands fall into some kind of salad, and you say: “But the brains of the pharaoh.” The result is unpredictable.
2. A fairy tale in the Egyptian manner. Tell the story with only vowels.
Texts of fairy tales: Turnip, Gingerbread Man, Ryaba Hen, Teremok. (can choose)
Additionally: texts of fairy tales with changes in the text and highlighted vowels. Example: Gingerbread man was rolling…
5. Japan. Geisha. Sushi, sushi sticks (roll). Sabo. (WAR PAINT, TULLE BOW ON THE BACK, PINK SLIPPERS)

Feed with chopsticks (rice or noodles).

A victim (several people) is selected. She is forced to pick up a box of matches from the floor with the help of two matches. After he manages to do this, make him stomp on the floor with his right foot. If everything works out, the host loudly announces that this is how a motorcycle is started in a madhouse.

Or with the help of Chinese sticks, pick up something heavy, round from the floor.


For the Russian word, guests should choose a Japanese equivalent.
Mistress is a geisha.
Paper plastic - origami.
Suicide - kamikaze.
Knife - hara-kiri.
Robe - kimono.
Vodka - sake.
Hooray! - Banzai!
The letter is a hieroglyph.
The fat man is a sumo wrestler.
Pet - Tamagotchi.
Warrior is a samurai.
Vanka-vstanka - Daruma.
The poem is haiku.
Cartoon - anime.
Bouquet - ikebana.
Mat - tatami.
Crossword Sudoku.
Mustard is wasabi.

6. India. Sari. Indian cinema (with Russian voice acting impromptu)

Movie Jimmy (Acha-Acha) in Indian without translation.

Musical competition "Colorful Scarves".
The host invites all guests to take thin scarves different color. Someone will choose blue, someone pink, someone black, etc. Everyone leaves the table, stand in a circle. There are musical excerpts from different songs in which there is a mention of some color. For example: the words from the song “Black boomer, black boomer ...” are heard - that comrade comes out who has a black scarf and dances merrily to the rhythm of the song, everyone applauds. Then another passage sounds, for example: “The blue moon ...”, which means a comrade with a blue scarf comes to the center. And of course everyone applauds. Try it, it is very fun, noisy and easy.
Colors: White, blue, red, orange, pink, blue, black (3 scarves (ribbons each)
7. Mexico. (wild west) Cowboy dance. 2 hats, vests. Poncho. Cactus vodka (tequila)
Competition for the best drink. (program one "Good jokes") 2 participants 8-10 stacks with different tastes. Sing a song and drink one stack after another at the command of those present. Two texts of famous songs related to the house (apartment - housewarming) "A wonderful neighbor settled in our house" ...
8. Greece. White sheets. Laurels for the head, scepter. Greek dance. Greek gods. Ancient predictions (joke)
Competition "Clothes from the newspaper" (Theme: Greece (tunic and gamatia) for the 1st pair of women's suit, for the 2nd men's) Newspapers + staplers, adhesive tape.
Ballet tutu for the third pair.

To organize a competition, you will need a stapler and several large newspapers. The stapler acts as a thread for sewing clothes from newspapers. Guests must be divided into 3 teams. The members of each team choose their own “model”, which they will dress up in an unusual and creative costume. Participants of the competition must imagine that their model is completely naked and first of all it is necessary to cover intimate places. The facilitator can set the theme of the costumes, for example, "ballet", "beach" or "fairy tale". At the command of the host, the participants of the competition begin to make the outfit, for this they are given no more than 5 minutes. After the costume is “tailored”, each model must walk down an imaginary runway and demonstrate their team's creation.
The winner is determined by voting.

Competition "Cicero", in a costume from the previous competition.
For the competition, you will need 2 large sheets or 2 pieces of fabric, as well as something similar to a laurel wreath. 2 participants are selected from the guests, preferably men. Future speakers wear sheets in the form of a toga. They are given the following tasks: the first one must tell the audience a lecture on the dangers of drunkenness as if they were sitting in front of foreigners who understand Russian very poorly and know only a few of the most important words. The second participant in the game must give a lecture on the dangers of smoking as if they were sitting in front of him primitive people. The best lecturer is awarded the title "Cicero". You can determine it by the strength of applause, which will be awarded to the lecturers by the participants of the holiday. A wreath or hoop made of colored paper is put on Cicero's head.

9. Spain. Spanish bullfight. Burning Spanish dance.
Mafia game. Bullfighting. Toy car racing - rope.

Reformulation of nursery rhymes. I distribute short poems to the participants, for example:

The goby is swinging,
Sighs as you go...
This is where the board ends.
Now I will fall.
The hostess threw the bunny -
A bunny remained in the rain;
I couldn't get off the bench.
Wet to the skin.
Dropped the bear on the floor
Tore off the paw of the bear ...
I won't leave him anyway
Because he's good.

Then I ask them to reformulate the verses so that not a single word is repeated. For example: "The fly sat on the jam" - "The insect landed in a jar of jam." And the group tries to guess what the poem was.

Competition "Portrait of a Lady"

Host: Now we will find out who is your muse, dear knights.
(There are two easels in front of the men. Ovals of a woman's face are drawn on them. They blindfold the men and bring them to the easels, giving a felt-tip pen in their hands)
Now you will draw portraits of your favorite women as prompted. We draw the eyes of your beloved, now eyebrows, nose, mouth, small tender ears, into which at night you whisper words of love. It remains to draw the curls of the beloved woman and attach the rose. Done. Submit your painting. You can remove the blindfold. Applause to the artists.

Event scenario for primary school

Game-journey through the stations "Round the World"

Litvinenko Olga Anatolyevna, primary school teacher, MBOU "Tashlin secondary school", Orenburg region Tulgansky district with. Tashla.
Material Description: the script is designed to organize summer holidays children at the school camp day stay. Age category - primary school students. The development can be useful for both primary school teachers and educators. additional education, counselors, educators. The kids love these activities.
Subject. The game is a journey through the Krugosvetka stations.
to develop the intellectual sphere of students, ingenuity, observation, speed of reaction, eye, courage; to cultivate comradely mutual assistance, tolerance, collectivism.
Features of the formation of teams: teams should have no more than 10 people (mandatory: boys and girls different ages); the team independently chooses a captain, comes up with a name.
Game conditions.
Each detachment receives its own itinerary, which indicates the travel plan for the stations, and an evaluation sheet. According to the route sheet, the children go to their stations. Arriving at the station, the units perform tasks that are evaluated in points.
At the end of the game, the results are summed up, a summary table of the journey through the stations is compiled.
Rewarding on the line of winners and participants.
1 station "Kozyavochka". (Schoolyard and garden) Students are given a glass jar with a lid. Within 5 minutes, the team needs to collect as much as possible more insects. How many insects are collected, so many points the team receives. Then the insects are sure to be released.
2 station "Tasty alphabet". The alphabet is printed on the sheet. For each letter of the alphabet, you need to write down a fruit, vegetable or berry. How many correct answers, how many points the team gets.
3 station "Puzzles in pictures". presentation is used. How many correct answers, how many points the team gets.

4 station "Humorous fairy tale quiz". How many correct answers, how many points the team gets.
1) Which of the heroes of the Russian folk tale was a bakery product? (Kolobok)
2) What kind of fish is the most valuable? (Gold fish)
3) What is the name of the heroine of the Russian folk tale, who was an agricultural product? (Turnip)
4) In what Russian folk tale did the brother not listen to his sister, violated the sanitary and hygienic rules and paid dearly for it? (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)
5) What is the name of the heroine of the French fairy tale, who got her name thanks to the headdress? ( Red Riding Hood)
6) The heroine of which French fairy tale did she clean the stoves and clean the house? (Cinderella)
7) What fairy tale hero sowed money, hoping that it will grow Money Tree? (Pinocchio)
8) What kind of poultry, the heroine of a Russian folk tale, carried items made of precious metals to the owners? (Hen Ryaba)
9) Which hero of the French fairy tale was very fond of shoes, and how was he called for this? (Puss in Boots)
10) What is the name of the fabulous female pilot (Baba Yaga)

5bowling station.(Gym)
7 pins are placed in a row. Each participant from a certain distance must knock down all the pins with the ball. Points are calculated by the number of pins knocked down by the whole team.
6 station "5 seconds to think." Questions must be answered quickly.
1) A girl's daughter. (Doll)
2) Not having bad weather. (Nature)
3) Green, from which the flies die. (Yearning)
4) Savrasov-style flyers and Nekrasov-style flyaways. (Rooks)
5) A jacket for a diaper. (Vest)
6) Letters lined up for roll call. (Alphabet)
7) The epicenter of the donut. (Hole)
8) Hunter to other people's furs. (Moth)
9) Fair fixture to turn your head. (Carousel)
10) Folklore test for ingenuity. (Mystery)
11) The latest trendy sound. (Squeak)
12) Part of the body, which is offered complete with a heart. (Hand)
13) A new building for a thoughtful ram. (Gates)
14) Pasta dumper. (Colander)
15) The reverse side of the back of the head. (Face)
16) An institution where the illiterate are admitted. (School)
17) Home porthole. (Window)
18) Part of the face, which is sometimes hung. (Nose)
19) Wise time of day. (Morning)
20) Light after the bath. (Steam)

7 station Pathfinder.(School yard and garden) In the school garden, wooden cubes (for team 1) and triangles (for team 2) are hidden in advance. Task: find the figures in 5 minutes. How many figures are found, so many points the team receives.
8 station "Auction of tea words". In 5 minutes, write words that include the word "tea", for example, case-tea. How many words are written, so many points the team gets.
9 station "Jumping rope".(Gym)
Each participant jumps on a rope. The total number of jumps is counted.
10 station "Guess the fairy tale on the subject." Students are shown objects, they must guess a fairy tale. How many correct answers, how many points the team gets.

11 station "Remember and draw."
Participants are shown a picture for 1 minute, they need to reproduce it on paper, you can schematically. How many items match, so many points the team receives.
12 station "Understand me". Each participant receives a piece of paper with a task. With the help of facial expressions and gestures, depict what is written, and the team must guess. How many situations are guessed, so many points the team receives.
Man eats ice cream.
Man eats long pasta.
Knead the dough and make pies.
Thread the needle and sew.
Fry fried eggs.
A man eats undercooked shish kebab.
Take money out of your wallet and count it.
Pack things in a suitcase.
Kindle Fire.
Man eats watermelon.

Games and entertainment, competitions for new year holiday on the topic of travel

How to entertain guests at the New Year's holiday?

The topic of travel is of interest to many, which is why the scenario of the new year “Around the World in One Night” is always relevant. Entertainment for guests and the scenario program can be implemented with the family or at a corporate New Year's holiday.

New Year's holiday invitation.

Invitation text for the New Year: Every year since childhood, on New Year's Eve, we believe in miracles and expect that magically everything around will change, our dreams will come true and magic predictions of happiness, good luck will come true! We invite you to the most mysterious evening, where the unknown awaits everyone, pleasant surprises and wish fulfillment! Don't forget to take with you good mood and faith in miracles!

An interesting decoration for a New Year's themed holiday.

For such a holiday, I propose to create something a little futuristic, magical. Let your evening be remembered by unusual decor and color combinations. Decorate the hall with stars, frost patterns, ice sculptures, outlandish treats and signs of the zodiac.

According to the scenario, the journey can be made on an air liner or it can be a sea voyage, as well as a fabulous journey with the help of stardust or an hourglass. Depending on the chosen method of movement, we choose the design of the hall. We like the theme of astrologers, magic, so we choose star dust for moving in space. Each movement will be accompanied by subdued light, a musical screensaver, and the leader from the magic vessel will pour "star dust" into the palm of his hand and blow it away in the spotlight, creating a mood of magic.
You can support the theme of travel with the accessories of a real traveler: maps, spyglass, compass, suitcases with stickers from different countries.

How to entertain guests on New Year's Eve.

Games and entertainment.

How to start New Year's Eve?
An original interesting New Year's greeting, a good New Year's toast, wishes and a musical and dance number are the best start.

New Year's greetings, wishes.

New Year is not just a tradition. New Year is a holiday where the impossible becomes possible! On New Year's Eve, we make our most cherished wishes and begin to believe in miracles! And something magical will definitely come true if you really want it! Believe in miracles! Strive for new heights! May the new year not only be a new turn in your life, may it bring you new happiness! Happy New Year!

How to introduce guests to the topic of traveling around the world?

The lights go out, mysterious music sounds, and an astrologer appears, who hands the host a mysterious vessel and a scroll. The host reads a message to the guests, which tells about a wonderful gift for everyone - the opportunity to make trip around the world overnight. "Stardust" - a magic powder that is enough to blow off from the palm of your hand - will help you move. The presenter opens a magical vessel, blows stardust from his palm, and a dance group appears on the stage, performing the dance of hot Hawaii - the guests were transported to the fabulous beaches of the island of Hawaii. At the end of the dance, leis are put on for the guests.

In the program of a corporate holiday, you can schedule a performance by a music or dance group. On the family New Year's Eve you can prepare a dance number on your own.

Travel to Hawaii on New Year's Eve.

Who has not dreamed of one day on a frosty winter day to be on the sunny beaches of a fabulous island? Your wish came true, we got to Hawaii.
The guests repeat the Hawaiian greeting and are invited to make a wish according to the Hawaiian custom while the sacred leaf of an ancient tree burns.

A bartending show with cocktail preparation will organically fit into this part of the festive evening. If this is not possible, you can arrange a song auction - which of the guest teams sitting at the tables will remember more songs about the sea.
Also, guests can be asked to perform the New Year's "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" using Hawaiian rhythms on impromptu exotic drums "tam-tam". Props - children's drums.

Prizes for participation in competitions - lottery tickets. New Year's lottery "Wonders of the World" will be held at the end of the evening. Everyone is waiting for interesting prizes and New Year's gifts.

Quiz for the title of honorary expert of the travel club.

To continue the journey, it is necessary to check the knowledge about the countries and continents.
Questions for the quiz:
What is Santa Claus called in Finland? (Joulupukki, and in Cyprus Santa Claus is called Vasily);
What is the name of the people living in Germany? (Germans);
Say hello in French, English and German(Bonjour, Guten Tag, Hello);
What creation of human hands can be seen from space? (Great Wall of China);
In which city can you see the Eiffel Tower? (In Paris);
Where is the Tower located? (In London);
In which country in the new year do they guess by filling in pies? (In Romania).

The host offers to taste magic pies and tell fortunes for the next year, as they do in Romania. Meat filling- a satisfying life, jam - a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bsweet pleasures, bean filling - for money, cabbage - profitable offers await you in the new year, raisins - replenishment in your family.

The light is dimmed, the leader uncorks the magic vessel and again blows star dust from the palm of his hand.

Travel to Italy in the New Year.

New Year's greetings scene.

Two guest-participants act as an Italian and an interpreter who come out to the song "Uno-uno-uno-momento", you can also use costumes from the same movie "Formula of Love". The Italian pronounces the phrase, the translator translates.

Respectatos puzatos mafia!
Ladies and gentlemen!

Bella di bitch squander!
Beautiful ladies!

Drunk parasite nationale!
Dear guests!

Bandito canaliento pasta
Warm hearts of the people of Italy

Otzhiganto e collected caballero del uno unexpectedly comediclabde!
Happy new year everyone!

Veselyanto sobranchito sacramente del adorantos
We sincerely wish everyone

Del crepciano degrees normate,

Le Fortuno unexpectedly goes to the house,

Every unnecessary junk,
House - a full bowl,

Umma mano, put a coin in a bankotresto, do not count the bablato in your pocket!

The host welcomes everyone to Italy, where, according to popular beliefs, the good Fairy Befana arrives on a magic broomstick on New Year's Eve. She opens the door with a small golden key and, entering the room where the children sleep, fills children's stockings, specially hung on the fireplace, with gifts. In Italy, there is a belief that the New Year must begin, freed from everything old. Therefore, on New Year's Eve, it is customary to throw old things out of the windows. It is dangerous to walk the streets of Italy on New Year's Eve!
Guests are also invited to get rid of everything bad by writing it on pieces of paper, crumpling the sheets into "snowballs". You need to have time to throw them into a bag, with which the host runs around all the tables to a cheerful Italian song.

What is Italy famous for? Pasta, pasta.

Spaghetti game.

Long spaghetti in Italy is a sign of longevity! Team game on the longest pasta that each team "sculpts" from cocktail tubes. The team with the longest spaghetti wins lottery tickets.

Which city is the capital of Italy? Rome.

Auction "Capitals of the world".

The guests at the tables are divided into teams, for example, according to the number of tables. Which team will name the most capitals of the world - receives a prize - a lottery ticket.

Where can you celebrate the most romantic new year? In Paris!

Travel to Paris in the New Year.

The host again takes out the magic vessel and the guests go to France. France is famous for spirits, wine, as well as the New Year tradition - a good owner-winemaker should certainly clink glasses with a barrel of wine, congratulate her on the holiday and drink for the future harvest.

Winemaker game.

Guests are divided into 2 teams. Which team will burst their "grapes" in the form of small balloons in children's inflatable pools.

Dance competition "Moulin Rouge".

In Paris, there is a world-famous attraction - the Moulin Rouge - the famous classic cabaret, where the best cancan is danced. Girls are invited to the stage to participate in the New Year's show in the famous performance at the Moulin Rouge. Each receives a prize - a lottery ticket.

The host invites everyone to a dance break - have fun at the Moulin Rouge!
Dance break.

The guests leave Europe and go to the East, to Japan.

Japan - country rising sun, origami and cherry blossoms. It is here, according to tradition, that the New Year is celebrated in new clothes. It is believed to bring health and good luck in the New Year. And also on New Year's Eve, children hide under the pillow a picture of a sailboat, on which seven fairy-tale wizards are sailing - the seven patrons of happiness.

Creative game "Sailboat of dreams".

Guests are divided into 2 teams of 2-4 people. One - draws blindfolded, the other - directs him. Then, the participants switch roles. Who will draw the best sailboat faster. Hall of applause decides who is the winner.

Creative game "Rake".

The most popular New Year's accessory in Japan is the rake. Every Japanese believes that it is necessary to have them so that for the New Year there is something to rake in happiness. The more the rake is decorated, the more fortune will be favorable to their owner. The guests are divided into 2 teams, who need to decorate the rake as quickly as possible from improvised materials that are offered in the bag (children's stickers, colored paper, markers, balloons, adhesive tape, ribbons, children's toys, etc.)

Also a symbol Eastern culture is a dragon - he patronizes all the dexterous, courageous, those who know how to work in a team. The stronger and larger the dragon, the more luck awaits you in the New Year. Let's build the biggest dragon and get into the Guinness Book of Records!

Competition team "Dragon".

2 participants - 2 captains, who must recruit their team to the music and build a dragon (build up a train). The captain is the head, the last one is the tail. The head of the dragon to the music should capture the tail of the second dragon. As soon as the enemy dragon disintegrates, it is considered defeated.
Dance break.

New Year's songs. Songs from different countries about the new year and Christmas.

The guests at the tables are divided into teams, for example, according to the number of tables. Which team will name more songs about the new year and Christmas - receives a prize - a lottery ticket.
The host again blows off the stardust and the guests return home - to Russia, where they are congratulated by Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Award "Minute of Glory".

Guests are awarded small diplomas with comic nominations. Rewarding occurs for 4-6 people. Nominees can be asked to perform something in their nomination.

New Year's lottery "Wonders of the World".

Various souvenirs from different countries are played in the lottery: France - wine, Lapland - fur mittens from Santa Claus, Italy - a book of Italian cuisine recipes, Spain - a disk with a Spanish guitar, England - tea and Shakespeare's book, Brazil - a soccer ball or coffee, China - dinner for two in a Chinese restaurant in the form of Doshirak and Chinese sticks, Japan - a figurine of the symbol of the year, America - a bottle of Coca Cola, Russia - a jar of caviar and Soviet champagne, Switzerland - chocolate, etc. New Year gifts should be decorated with bows and wishes.

Photographer: Frenzel Photographers

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