Projects for the improvement of yard areas. Project of landscaping and improvement of the school territory "Blossoming Yard"

Landscaping and planning 27.10.2018
Landscaping and planning


The schoolyard of our dreams

Ever since man learned how to plow,

He felt a desire to decorate the house and yard.

And he began to plant around himself for beauty

Trees and flowers to your liking.

In order not to break the spell of nature,

Intelligence and taste are needed, not expenditure at all.

After all, every garden is a landscape, and it is unique.

5. Active promotion of environmental knowledge among students, school staff, parents and school guests, involving a wide range of children and adults in the conservation and enhancement of natural resources.

Expected results.

Short term results:

Analysis of results sociological survey teachers, students, parents.

Landscaping and landscaping of the school area: laying out flower beds, etc. Maintaining cleanliness and order on the school territory.

Acquaintance of students with the basics of floriculture, mastering agrotechnical methods of growing plants.

Long term results:

Increasing the social activity of students and parents.

Formation of practical environmental work and research skills among project participants.

Improvement ecological state and aesthetic appearance of the school grounds.

Formation personal qualities students: purposefulness, diligence.

Increasing the motivation and self-esteem of students, the formation of the ability to make choices and comprehend how the consequences this choice as well as the results of their own activities.


Director of MBOU secondary school No. 6

the city of Lipetsk


landscaping work

educational institution

vacademic year

Name of events

Period of execution

Maintaining the sanitation of the school grounds

during a year


Training planting material- seeds of vegetables and flowers


Soil preparation for seedlings


Autumn tillage: digging, fertilizing the soil

Sanitary felling of old trees

Development of projects for the improvement of the school territory, landscaping and rational use school site

Review competition "Green decoration of the class"

Sowing seedlings of flower and vegetable crops to the greenhouse

Planting seedlings of fruit and berry and ornamental plants

Month for the improvement of the school territory and the area adjacent to it; conversations with students environmental topics

Preparation of fertile soil and natural stone for flower beds

Landscaping work on the territory of the school, implementation of projects for the improvement and landscaping of the school territory

Pavement repair

Planting care at the school site: watering, weeding, mowing lawns and shrubs

during the summer

Systematic harvesting and its implementation

during the summer

Review-competition of the implementation of landscape design projects

High school students were involved in drawing up the plan-scheme. A competition was held for "The Best School Yard" among 7th grade students. The most promising work was considered by teachers as a plan-scheme.

Plan - scheme of MBOU secondary school No. 6 of the city of Lipetsk." width="45" height="38 src=">lawn" width="45" height="40">stadium

Project stages

The first step is to identify the problem.

We have identified the relevance of our problem, the goals and objectives of the project, which we have to solve in the future. The relevance of this problem for our school is dictated by time, in the education of children's ethical taste, the formation of a sense of responsibility for their school and the desire to change the face of the school for the better. “The theater begins with a wardrobe, and a school with a school yard, because the yard is the face of the school.” We will do our best to make our school look aesthetic, and this is what instills in children a taste, a perception of beauty.

The value of this work lies in the following:

1. Acquisition of experience in the improvement of the school and adjacent territory by students and at the lowest financial cost.

2. Conducting consistent and purposeful work on environmental education and charitable activities.

3. Finding moments of cooperation between schoolchildren and management in solving the problem of social issues.


implementation of the work plan for the improvement of the territory in the academic year

Beauty is the fruit of constant inspiration,

born of hard work.


Starting to implement our plans and ideas for the improvement of the school yard, we thought through every detail, every little thing. As a result of the fruitful work of teachers, students and parents, several functional zones were created on the territory of the school. And now in more detail about the results that were achieved in the past academic year.

As the theater begins with a hanger, so does our school grounds with a beautiful new fence. He is the face of the school. Having replaced the old, obsolete one, he added a touch of novelty to the appearance of the school. What does he hide from our eyes?

We invite you to take a look inside.

The entire area of ​​the school yard is one continuous lawn of forbs, which serves as an excellent backdrop for flower beds, trees and decorative

shrubs growing in groups and alone. Shrubs (Cossack juniper, spirea, lilac) have been added to such habitual chestnuts, lindens, birches, spruces, weeping willows this year. So that the lawn does not lose its attractiveness, we constantly monitor its condition: regularly mow, water. Grassy cover improves the microclimate, and green color caresses the eyes and soothes.

In order to create a holistic aesthetic picture of the school territory, exciting the soul with memories of the road leading to the school threshold, we wanted to improve the design of the central alley. They uprooted the undergrowth that randomly grew along it, planted an alley of ferns and flowering peonies, which attracted us with their external efficiency, splendor of flowering and at the same time - unpretentiousness. The rowan tree, which is especially attractive in autumn, served as a backdrop for the alley of peonies and ferns.

Among the many options for designing a garden, one of the most magnificent means of landscape design was chosen - the creation of an alpine slide.

This object was conceived near the facade of the school, which very successfully hid the area filled with concrete and various surface irregularities.

Alpine hill smoothly turns into a flower lawn. It is a good background for a flower bed.

When arranging the flower lawn, our teachers selected the plants so that they, in terms of their height, flowering time, color of flowers, leaves and picturesqueness, harmoniously combined with the rest of the plants growing on our site.

The slide attracts with its multicolored nature in spring, summer and autumn. Nearby successfully combined: crocuses, primroses, daffodils, tulips, ferns (forest and decorative), loosestrife, irises, peonies, lilies, Turkish cloves different colors and shades, chamomile, alpine mixture, stonecrop, saxifrage, viola, chrysanthemums, etc.

Azalea" href="/text/category/azaliya/" rel="bookmark">azalea.
The construction of the alpine slide has become a creative process, which is comparable in its significance to the work of a sculptor and an artist, and therefore requires knowledge and experience. Our teachers are constantly improving, finding new solutions. Yearly alpine slide changes and becomes even more beautiful.

big emotional impact children are affected by inclusion in decoration small sculptural forms (gnomes, turtles, snails, horses, ducks, swans, etc.), and textile products. Such decorative elements we used in the design of lawns, flower beds, rose gardens, etc.

Gazebos, benches, arches, flowerpots and urns have found their place in the improvement of our site.

And now to the playground!

Playground is an important part of the school grounds where students spend a lot of time.

We have two of them - large and small, which are equipped with structures that are diverse in shape and purpose. Painted with bright and durable enamels, they attract the eye, look good against the background of cut grass, sand or snow.

Would you like to enjoy the scent of flowers?" alt="(!LANG:New" align="left" width="356" height="265">Цветы – это идеальный и универсальный инструмент в ландшафтном дизайне. Они придали нашему школьному двору неповторимое очарование.!}

There was a need to have more and more new plants on our site, ideas were born for the design of new flower beds. The variety of flower beds is a wonderful decoration of the school grounds.
Flower beds have become decorative elements.

In winter, we calculate the number and type of plants that are needed for planting, grow seedlings and plant them according to the drawing and color scheme. We design flower gardens in such a way as to provide extraordinary in their splendor, as well as long flowering our garden.

Every year the flower gardens have various sizes, forms, compositional solutions, combinations of ornamental plants.

Their features are taken into account - the height and diameter of the bush, the timing

flowering, compatibility with other species, ecological parameters (tolerance of light and shade) and many other aspects.
Beauty is fleeting, most flower gardens look completely different in a month. However, our plantings are well planned and attractive throughout the year and are a "garden continuous flowering". From early spring to late autumn, we admire the flowering of tulips, daffodils, crocuses, primroses, lupins, irises, roses, petunias, geraniums, marigolds, zinnias, asters, and others. and many other plants.

Elements have been added to the design of the entrance to the main building vertical gardening(arches with clematis, decorative beans, hanging planters with petunias and pelargonium).

At school, everything should be permeated with the desire for beauty, therefore, at present, much attention is paid to the improvement of territories educational institutions. Children need to be taught to feel, understand, appreciate and, most importantly, create beauty. Everything must be done so that the very premises of the school, its territory are attractive and even somewhat magical.

Once gray flowers

Lifting their heads up

They prayed to give them beauty,

For them to be successful.

Came down to them at the call, from heaven,

Messenger of the Dawn

And, heeding the prayers, gave miracles,

And the scent of love.

Since then, growing all over the earth

Beautiful flowers,

Peace and joy live in them

On the petals of a dream

studying vegetable world, flower and ornamental plants, comprehending the laws of nature, children are not only enriched with knowledge, but also more easily and quickly develop a sense of love and respect for nature. Floriculture is a form of reasonable use of free time for the labor education of children.

In conclusion, I would like to quote the words of an outstanding Russian teacher

“... A beautiful landscape has such a huge educational influence on the development of a young soul, with which it is difficult compete with the influence of the teacher. And this remark is true in relation to the landscape of the school site. We have done a great job of beautifying the school, making our yard beautiful, but we do not intend to stop there. We are at the beginning of an interesting creative way. There are many ideas and plans that are yet to be brought to life.


1. Illustrated Plant Encyclopedia. M., 2000

2. Catalog of flowers and shrubs. "Agro-industrial house" 2006

3. Catalog "World of Hobbies". Gardening center. 2008

4. Bochkareva of Russia: Geography Handbook. 8-9 grade. - Kaluga; Golden Alley, 2004

6., Suravegina education of schoolchildren in extracurricular activities. M: Enlightenment, 2007

7. Research activities of a teacher and a student in a modern school: Toolkit/ Ed. . - Omsk: OmGPU Publishing House, 2003

8. Kuznetsov and Additional materials to the lessons of ecology. M.: Bustard, 2002.

9. Lobzhanidze of Russia: environmental and economic aspects. M.: Enlightenment 2009

10. Novikov and man. Moscow: Enlightenment, 1991

11. Protasov, health and environmental protection in Russia. Educational and reference manual. - M.: Finance and statistics, 1999

12. O. Shklyarova. The study of the ecological state of the school. M.: Pedagogy. 2008

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Kurasovskaya secondary school"

School landscaping and beautification project

Chupakhina Julia 11th grade

Yudin Anton -10 cells.


Medvedeva Yulia Viktorovna

Kurasovka 2013

A beautiful landscape has such a huge educational influence on the development of a young soul that it is difficult to compete with the influence of an educator.

K. D. Ushinsky


School for us is not only a place where we acquire knowledge, but also a place where we learn to communicate, experience the sorrows and joys of the most beautiful period in a person's life - childhood. Best friends, first love, first successes and victories are known to us here, within the walls of our own school, at lessons and breaks.

The schoolyard is the face educational institution and a huge space for creating creative projects. How well-groomed and beautiful the territory of the school yard will be depends on us. If the school has many green spaces, flowering plants, it contributes to environmental education.

Properly selected trees, shrubs, flowers, which are placed in good taste, create a psychologically favorable environment, have a positive effect on people's moods, and give the yard a peculiar flavor. At the same time, this is a simple and affordable way to create your own unique environment.

Having examined the school territory, we noticed that our school yard does not look like we would like it to be: overgrown with shrubs, there is no stylistic unity in the design of flower beds. A survey of students and school employees showed that it is necessary to carry out a number of activities in order to create a corner with new beautiful flower beds, alpine slide, paths, fountain.

The solution to this problem became possible in the implementation of the social project "Blossoming Yard".


Changing the "landscape design" on the territory of the school and improving the environmental situation by planting trees and shrubs in this area.

To achieve this goal, we set the following


1. Form a sense of civic responsibility in the decision actual problems local community.

2. To introduce students to the basic skills and concepts of landscape design.

3. Master the skills of a communicative culture, work in a team.

4. Promote the development of independent practical activities.

5. To unite the efforts of students, teachers, parents, the public, aimed at the improvement, aesthetic design and landscaping of the school

6. To educate students about respect for wealth native land develop their environmental management skills
Expected results:

Improvement and gardening of the school territory;

Increasing the level of interest in the protection and conservation of the natural environment;

Expansion of species diversity of plants in the school area;

Improving the ecological culture of students;

Improving mental and physical health students;

Reducing the number of children at risk.

- cooperation of students, teachers, parents, aimed at the improvement and landscaping of the school territory

Project Implementation Work Plan

Stages of project implementation

Activity content

Intermediate result of activity

Stage 1

Preparatory Spring 2011
Target: to carry out organizational work, to identify the interest of all project participants in its implementation.

1.Study of the regulatory framework and scientific methodical literature on this issue.

2. Write an announcement about the project

3.Form students and parents through cool watch and parent meetings

4. Development of the project "Flowering Yard".

-Regulations and special literature, methodological developments;

Landscaping of plots by classes allocated by the initiative group.

Summing up the first results.

Stage 2


Spring 2011 - 2012

Landscaping of the school and landscaping of the school grounds.

activity content



1. Questioning


Initiative group, class teachers, deputy director of VR

2. Landscaping of fixed areas of the territory

March, April

Classroom teachers

3. Analysis of the ecological state of the school territory

April May

Biology teacher

4. Drawing competition "Flower of my dreams"


Art teacher, parents, students

5. Classroom hour"I am the owner of the schoolyard."


Classroom teachers

6. Organization of work on digging a flower garden


Technology teacher, assistant business director

7. Breakdown of new flower beds, paths.


Teacher of technology and biology, deputy. business director

8. Planting trees and shrubs

May June

Deputy director of economic affairs, class teachers

Creation of an alpine slide and a fountain.

May June

Technology and biology teachers parents, students, class teachers

9. Acquiring seeds and growing seedlings

May June

Deputy director of economic affairs, biology teacher, administration of the Kurasovsky rural settlement

10. Labor landing "I can do anything myself - I will clean and save the school yard" for the improvement of the school territory


Deputy business directors, class teachers, parents

Project description

The project involves the creation of the following zones on the school grounds:

1.Flower-decorative zone "Rainbow Fantasy"
2. Rock garden:

Alpine slide

3. Zone of trees and shrubs
4. Play area
5. Household
Flower and decorative zone"Rainbow Fantasy"

There was a need to have more and more new plants on our site, ideas were born for the design of new flower beds. The variety of flower beds is a wonderful decoration of the school grounds.
Flowers are an ideal and versatile tool in landscape design. They gave our schoolyard a unique charm.

From early spring to late autumn, we admire the flowering of tulips, daffodils, crocuses, primroses, lupins, irises, roses, petunias, geraniums, marigolds, zinnias, asters, and others. other plants.

The flower beds were broken into the following types:

The regular flower bed is her hallmark, a strict geometric pattern of plants that is easily discernible when using simple, symmetrical forms, but much less obvious in the intricacies of abstract shapes. Two hallmarks:
a) All plants should bloom at the same time.
b) The presence of clear boundaries between plantings, emphasizing the absence of any traces of "naturalness" in a regular flower bed.

Irregular flower bed - plants are planted in small groups, like frost-resistant perennials in a grassy border. The flower bed looks more natural, often planting zones different plants overlap. The design of the flower bed is done in such a way that the flowering of one group followed the other. This allows for longer flowering.

Raised flower bed - best suited for planting, because. is part of the site in the full sense of the word and can be large enough to create an impressive arrangement of flowerbed plants.

Carpet bed is a way of planting dwarf plants with colored foliage, as a result of which complex patterns are formed, reminiscent of the ornament of an oriental carpet. Mono-flowers - the entire flower bed or border is planted with plants of the same species.

A vertical flower bed is a three-dimensional flower bed, often used in landscaping, as an exclusive element. Sometimes decorative flower beds are made in the form of a figure.

In the flowerbed-panel, a variety of undersized plants are used to create not an ornament, but a specific image, along with ornamental plants, flowering flowerbed plants are also used. What is a flower bed plant? Klumbov is called this ornamental plant, which in a leafy state is planted in a permanent, flowerbed-shaped place in open ground or in a container, where it is kept for a limited time.
rock garden

The rock garden was placed so that it organically fits into its environment. A sunny place with sufficiently aerated soil was chosen for it in a site that is clearly visible from a short distance. We tried to create conditions that are most characteristic of the habitats of most mountain plants.

The construction of the rock garden began with the layout and layout of the site. It was then cleared, the sod removed and weeded to remove all weeds. Having finished clearing, a layer of construction waste, slag or gravel was applied. It turned out a water-permeable layer that does not allow water to linger - after all, most mountain plants do not tolerate the constant presence of moisture. If the soil in the area is silty, dense, and water stagnates on it, then the drainage layer should be thicker, at least half a meter. This layer is created by backfilling with earth without fertilizers, best of all with turf compost with the addition of sand, peat and humus. Over-enriching the land leads to exactly the opposite results: plants grow too tall, form loose thickets, or do not appear at all. Majority alpine plants- ascetics, such they were created by Nature.
Having started the rock garden, they marked out paths, steps, and transitions in advance. The relief should be modeled on the model of a natural landscape, which means that it is necessary to mark “valleys”, “plateaus”, “tops” and “cliffs”, create zones of different illumination: a zone of full illumination, a zone with a slope away from the sun , shadow. Such conditions dictate the requirements of plants, their ecology.

Created in the same area fountain.

First, with the help of a cord, a watering hose or just a trickle of sand, a contour of a reservoir was drawn on the surface of the earth, the outlines of which were chosen to your liking. After that, they dug a pit and formed a place where aquatic vegetation was later located. It was necessary to remove all sharp objects from the surface of the pit - stones, remnants of roots, in order to protect the film from possible damage. Then a layer of sand 5 cm thick was poured onto the bottom of the pit. For additional safety, the sand was covered with burlap. Then they laid the film, pressing it tightly against all the bends of the pit, and filled it with water to the level of the swampy zone. In this case, the wrinkles remaining on the film can be straightened. Since the elastic coating will still sag under the weight of water for some time, the design of the banks was postponed for two days.

The main rule when gardening a small pond is a careful selection of plants. From fast-growing species, such as, for example, reeds, cattails, long-leaved ranunculus, you will have to turn out, otherwise within a couple of years they will literally fill the entire reservoir.

The range of weakly growing plants for different depths is quite wide: plantain chastuha, river gravel, water mint, marsh forget-me-not. At a depth of 10 - 40 cm, calamus feels good. The deepest places in the reservoir belong to water lilies. Among them, you should also choose only dwarf, slow-growing species and varieties, for example, fragrant water lily or snow water lily, which are planted to a depth of 50 cm.

In order to create an unusual flower garden ( rockery), need to stock up on stones or flagstone beautiful shape, colors, sizes can be different - from small pebbles to solid blocks or boulders. Stones and tiles are placed on the site, trying to create beautiful composition, including paths paved with these stones, so as not to disturb the plants when you need to walk through the rockery.

In stony gardens, perennials are planted mainly, stunted and medium in height, and only occasionally, like tapeworms, tall. On the southern slopes or terraces, light-loving and drought resistant plants, in the north and northwest - shade-tolerant and relatively moisture-loving
Area of ​​trees and shrubs

Tree and shrub plantings are located along the perimeter of the school site. Small trees and tall shrubs (mountain ash, lilac, linden) are planted around the building, but no closer than 5 meters from the windows; tall trees (white locust, birch, oaks, maples, etc.) - 10 meters (to avoid darkening of classrooms). And at the entrance to elementary grades blue spruces are adorned.

Around the school territory, we began to create a dense multi-row hedge from shrubs (yellow acacia, black mountain ash). Trees such as chestnuts and pines were also planted here. These green spaces will well protect the school building from dust and wind, muffle street noise. If possible, it is better to take the trees out of the fence, this will increase the planting area.

The most suitable for the design of school areas are birch, linden, mountain ash, maple, spruce. It is advisable to select shrubs in such a way that most of them bloom in April-June and look attractive in autumn period when the color of the leaves changes. Yellow leaves plants look beautiful on green lawns.
Game Zone

The play area is designed for recreation and entertainment. This territory should carry a positive emotional charge, be bright, colorful and interesting, so that children can communicate and relax here with pleasure. Wooden sculptures ("Birch well"), decorative small sculptural forms ("Fairy of Flowers", Merry Gnomes) Unusual flowerbeds (“Blue Stream”, “Fragrant Glade”) delight the younger children of our school.

Economic zone

The school educational and experimental site is the material base for teaching biology and technology. It makes it possible to establish a connection between theory and practice and is intended for conducting theoretical and practical classes, organizing socially useful and productive labor, experimental, environmental work, and environmental education of students.

The educational and experimental site of the school is a site open ground divided into sectors. Each sector corresponds to a certain department: field, collection, flower and decorative, fruit and berry, vegetable. Work on it begins already in early spring: it is poured fertile soil and are brought organic fertilizers. Cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, and peppers are planted by high school students and teachers.

The site is surrounded by a hedge of trees and shrubs, which the students of our school systematically take care of: pruning trees, uprooting dead trees and shrubs, whitewashing tree trunks.

The results of the implementation of the project of landscaping and improvement of the school territory.

During the implementation of the "Flowering Yard" project, following works:

1. Organized joint activities of students, parents, teachers, villagers to carry out the main activities of the project (formed creative teams in different areas of activity, preparatory stage the landscape organization of the school territory was carried out, plants for gardening were selected);
2. Trees were pruned, dead trees and shrubs were uprooted, tree trunks were whitewashed;

3. New trees and shrubs planted
4. Cleaning of the school territory from household waste

5. Broken new flower beds, paths

6. Alpine slide and fountain created

7. Seeds purchased, seedlings grown

Our project is the result joint activities children and adults, proof of children's ability to offer ideas and options for solving important environmental issues. The school territory has become an effective continuation and addition of the educational process.

On the fresh air massive extracurricular activities: general school gatherings and lines, graduation parties, fairs, sports competitions.

At any time of the year, environmental work is carried out in the school yard: in the fall, feeding troughs are hung, environmental clean-ups are held; in winter, the guys feed the birds; in the spring, the species composition of vegetation is updated, environmental propaganda is carried out among students and the adult population of our village. V summer period on school grounds, students walk labor practice(cleaning the territory, caring for plants).

Green spaces improve the microclimate, trap dust, gases, and have a beneficial effect on the mental state of a person. Plants, including flowers, are of great aesthetic and decorative value.

In addition to the aesthetic function, the practical function is very important. modern school It is focused on ensuring that the child receives not only theoretical knowledge, but also directly practical skills. Therefore, what the student learns during the design will be useful to him in life.


  1. Avadyaeva E.N., Russian landscape design/ OLMA-PRESS, 2000.

  2. Alekseev S.V., Gruzdeva N.V. Workshop on ecology: textbook. Allowance-M.: AO MDS, 1996

  3. Akimushkin I. / Whims of nature.M. 1992.

  4. Anisenkova / Ecological education of schoolchildren, I.M. Shvets. - N. Novgorod, 1993.

  5. Vinokurova, V.V. Nikolina. / In-depth study of ecology at school - N. Novgorod, 1991.

  6. Decorative landscaping of the school territory: Guidelines. Belgorod, 2003 - 20 p.

  7. Dobbs L., Wood S., Garden culture: design, plant selection, gardening / A practical guide / Per. from English. - M .: Publishing house "Niola 21st century", 2002.

  8. Petrov V.V. From the life of the green world. M. : Education, 1982.

  9. Remezova G.L., Eratova M.E. Enter the green world. M. : Education, 1996.

  10. Directory of a florist (floral and ornamental plants of open ground) / I. E. Botyanovsky, E. A. Burova and others /; Ed. A. T. Fedoruk. - Minsk.: Urajay, 1985. - 208 p., ill., 16 p. Il.

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"Baikal State University economics and law"

Department of Economics and Management


in the discipline "Project Management"

« landscaping and bcamp developmentcourtyards of the Central District of Chita»

Artist: Group GMU-12

Evchenko Ivan

Demidov Nikita

Tsyrendorzhiev Erdem

Head: Ph.D. Kuznetsov V.S.

Project Summary

Section 1. Goals and criteria for achieving the result

Section 2. Project Work Tree

Section 3. Project Team

Section 4. Project Schedule

Section 5. Need for resources

Section 6 Cost Calculation

Section 7. Funding Sources and Project Risk Analysis



Project name:

Objective of the project: Landscaping and landscaping of courtyards in the Central District of Chita


Asphalted area of ​​yards;

Installed benches in the yards;

Duration: 35 days

Main stages:

Formation of the organizational structure

· Creating a budget

· Project planning

· Recruitment and recruitment

Purchase and delivery of materials

Execution of work


Sources of financing:

Project Manager: Demidov Nikita

Project team (developers): Evchenko I., Tsyrendorzhiev. E.

Parties concerned:

- Administration Trans-Baikal Territory

Target group: Residents of court houses (central district)

Project development period: spring - summer 2015

Company name:

Mission and key goals:

Landscaping and landscaping of courtyards in the Central District

Section 1. Goals and criteria for achieving the result

Nameproject: Landscaping and landscaping of courtyards in the Central District of Chita.

Targetproject: Landscaping and landscaping of courtyards in the Central District of Chita. project resource budget risk

Final expected results of the project:

Asphalted yard area;

Installed fence around plantings;

Installed benches on the territory of the school yards;

Planted annual and perennial plants in the yards.

Parties concerned:

Administration of the Trans-Baikal Territory

Administration of GO "City of Chita"

Associations of co-owners of an apartment building (OSMD)

Project nature:

By class: monoproject

By type: mixed (construction, environmental)

duration: short term

Scale: large project

Section 2. Project Work Tree

Initiation phase:

1. Approval of the organizational structure:

1.1. Determination of the composition of the project participants

1.2. Definition of a project manager

1.3. Appointment of responsible persons for certain operations

2. Time:

2.1. Determination of the project implementation period

2.2. Drawing up a work schedule

Planning phase:

3. Budget:

3.1. Determining the size of the budget

3.2. Definition of budget sources

4. Project planning:

4.1. Development of a plan for placing benches and horizontal bars

4.2. Development of estimates for laying asphalt tiles and installing fences

4.3. Development of a plan for planting plants on school grounds

Implementation phase:

5. Materials:

5.1. Supplier selection

5.2. Conclusion of contracts

5.3. Purchase of materials

6. Staff:

6.1. Looking for workers to lay asphalt tiles and install fences

6.2. Search for workers to install benches and horizontal bars

6.3. Search for workers for planting plants

6.4. Involvement of school students in the implementation of the project

7. Implementation of the planned work:

7.1. Asphalt tile laying

7.2. Fence Installation

7.3. Installation of benches and horizontal bars

7.4. Planting annuals and perennials

Completion phase:

8. Drawing up a report on the work carried out

9. Summing up

Section 3. The project team

Organizational structure project teams

Type of organizational structure: linear.

Project Manager: Demidov Nikita

Project Manager Assistants: Evchenko Ivan, Tsyrendorzhiev Erdem.

The matrix of distribution of administrative tasks between project participants:

Section 4. Project timeline

List of works:

1 - project start

1-2 development of laying estimates paving slabs and installation of fences

2-3 planning the installation of benches and horizontal bars

3-4 planting plan development

1-5 determining the timing of the project

5-6 scheduling work

1-7 determining the size of the budget

7-8 identification of sources of financial resources

8-9 search for sponsors

9-10 conclusion of contracts

10-11 transfer of funds

1-12 definition of the composition of the project participants

12-13 choosing a project manager

13-14 distribution of responsibility between the participants

14-15 involvement of associations of residents of apartment buildings

1-16 selection of suppliers

16-17 conclusion of supply contracts

17-18 purchase of materials

18-19 delivery of materials

1-20 search for performers

20-21 search for workers to lay paving slabs

21-22 conclusion of contracts with tile installers

20-23 search for workers to install benches

23-24 conclusion of contracts with installers of benches

19-25 search for workers for planting

25-26 conclusion of contracts

22-27 laying paving slabs

22-28 installation of a fence

28-29 payment for the services of builders

24-30 installation of benches

30-31 payment for the services of installers

26-32 planting

32-33 gardeners' fees

33-34 compilation and submission of final project documentation

Section 5. Resource requirement

Section 6. Cost calculation

For the purchase of materials, 957,000 rubles are required.


· purchase of paving slabs -1000 m 2 (1 tile - 25x25 cm)

4000 tiles * 150 rubles * 70 =400 000

· hedge installation

1200 m * 210 rubles =252 000

· purchase of benches

100 * 2000 rub =200 000

· purchase of seedlings

700 * 150 rub. =105 000

For remuneration, 182,000 rubles are required.


· wage builders

2 0 * 15 000 rub. =30 0 000

· auxiliary workers wages

8 * 7500 rub. = 60,000

Section 7. Funding sources and project risk analysis

Project need for funding- 1,317,000 rubles.

Sources of financing:

1. OSMD funds - 800,000 rubles

2. Administration of the GO "Chita" - 300,000 rubles

3. Administration of the Trans-Baikal Territory - 217,000 rubles

Project risks:

Possible shifts in the timing of the project due to deterioration weather conditions(rainy, windy weather).


The implementation of this project contributes to the implementation social activities citizens. Landscaping and gardening of courtyards in the Central District plays an important sanitary-hygienic, educational, moral and patriotic role. Also, the practical function of the project is implemented. Residents' rest areas have been established.

Involvement of condominiums in the project is effective tool formation of an active civic position of residents and their environmental culture.

For the financial support of the project, funds were attracted from the budgets of the administration of the GO "Chita", the Trans-Baikal Territory and the AJOAH funds.

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