Scenario of the extra-curricular event "the history of the Komsomol in songs". Class hour (grade 9) on the topic: Scenario of a meeting of Komsomol veterans with school students

Landscaping and planning 01.10.2019

Scenario for the birthday of the Komsomol.

Dear Guys. Today we will tell you about the Komsomol, a youth organization of many generations.

In all cities and thousands of villages

Blow, autumn winds.

Glory to you, dear Komsomol (Slides 1,2)

On your birthday! The Komsomol was a reliable assistant to the Soviet people. Millions of active builders of society have grown up in its ranks. In a difficult moment for the country, the Komsomol members were in the forefront and provided all kinds of assistance and more than once received orders and medals.

Komsomol ticket! You warm the heart of the young,

Where a girl's portrait is hidden and a tender word from the mother.

All dreams, all that was, that will be, that is

Our youth is light, our youth is honor.

Everything merged into a Komsomol ticket.

Pioneer bonfires golden ash,

Our boundless spaces

Our school, where strong friendship grew,

Komsomol hot disputes.

Komsomol members are always and everywhere ahead, they do not take an oath in vain,

Like a shrine they cherish on their chest

The Komsomol book is simple. (Slides 3,4)

1918, the Civil War was going on in the country. At this time, organizations of working youth were springing up all over the country. To unite them into one organization, on October 29, the 1st Congress of Workers' and Peasants' Youth opened in Moscow. It was attended by 194 delegates. The opening day of the congress began to be considered the birthday of the Komsomol. It became known as RKSM.

Far away, your civil father went into the fire, not being afraid of anything.

And suddenly your childhood ended when a bullet hit him.

And then with a grown-up gait you came to the district committee at dawn

And he said in a businesslike and clear manner: “Record me in the Komsomol”

The country rose from ruin and how it needed air

And the hearts and hot hands of the most daring girls and guys.

And leaving your own gate, you left the house with a knapsack

And he said, rolling on Magnitogorsk "Record me in the Komsomol"

You were a cheerful and brave guy, you were not afraid of bombs or bayonets,

You fell behind a dashing crossing to victory in 10 steps.

The commander read a simple note to everyone, taking off his rumpled helmet

“If I fall in this battle, sign me up for the Komsomol”
How many times the steep Komsomol went on the offensive to the tops.

And again the young say, "Record me in the Komsomol"

Order of the Komsomol.

During the difficult period of the formation of Soviet power, when enemies were attacking the young republic, the Komsomol was always ahead, honorably fulfilling all the instructions of the Motherland.


The Komsomol was called upon to send boys and girls to restore the national economy. Together with cadres, they restored factories and factories, mines and mines. Industry revived (5-7 slides)

Speech by the pioneers and October-8 slide.

After the death of V.I. Lenin in 1924, the Komsomol was given the name of Lenin and it became known as the Komsomol.-9 slide.

In 1928, for the heroic struggle during the civil war, the Komsomol received its first order, the Order of the Red Banner of War. Entering the Komsomol, young men and women did not seek any benefits and benefits. They wanted only one thing - to fight for Soviet power. Now this time has become a legend.

The life of the first generations of Komsomol members was difficult. The country did not have enough coal, metal, machines - they built mines, factories, factories. There was not enough electricity and trains of Komsomol members went to build Dneproges and Volkhovstroy. Komsomol members participated in the creation of collective farms, brought the first tractors to the fields. The country needed literate, knowledgeable people, and Komsomol members studied and taught others. The words “Likbez”, “rabfak” remained in the history textbooks, reminding us of the cultural revolution that took place in our country. (10 slide)

In 1931, the Komsomol received the second award, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, for selfless work. (11 12 slides)

Year 1941. June began with warm dawns. Light mushroom rains irrigated the earth. Rain and sun - there is such a sign in Russia - portend happiness. Bread ripened, larks rang over them. The summer of 1941 was supposed to bring a rich harvest, but it brought blood and ashes. Ripe ears of corn will not become bread, plowmen mowed down by machine-gun fire will not rise from mass graves. Fields are scorched, dreams and hopes are torn off. WAR IS GOING ON. Not larks-bullets ring under the June sky, not mushroom-lead rains water the earth. The Soviet people knew what they were fighting for - for their ancient land and their young socialist state, for the right to live. Everywhere were the first members of the Komsomol. 7 thousand of them received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The names of young heroes will forever remain in the memory of people - Nikolai Gastelo, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Alexander Matrosov, Oleg Koshevoy.

A stern boy from Moscow fell on arable land near a skyscraper.

And quietly moved the cap with a bullet pierced head.

Without looking at the starless dome and sensing the breath of the end.

He carefully felt the arable land with the quick hands of a blind man.

And, leaving for a different country, not far from native places

He squeezed the warm, damp earth in his stagnant hand.

He wanted to take a handful of conquered Russia as a keepsake

And we, the living, did not manage to unclench those fingers of the dead.

So we buried him in his military beauty

In a large solemn grave on a height taken in the morning. (13 slide)

In 1945, for outstanding services to the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War Komsomol receives the third award - the ORDER of LENIN.

My friend, we remember again and again Korchagin Pavka and Lyuba Shevtsova.

And with them in the ranks, we meet the dawn, we go forward across the expanses of the planet.

Bullets burned us, the sun burned and frost,

To death, the guys stood by their native birches.

Went on a victorious march through fire and sorrow

In those hot years, steel was tempered like that. (15 slide)

Year 1948.

Komsomol members of the post-war years. It seemed that all the heroic was already behind. But it's not. Everyone began to restore everything that the war had destroyed. The Komsomol received the fourth award, the Order of Lenin, for heroic work during the restoration of thousands of cities and villages, the economy of the country destroyed by the war.

Everything that the world seemed ridiculous

In the unsolved letters of books.

We move, build and sculpt

Every day. Each hour. Every moment.

16 slide

In 1956, the Komsomol received the fifth award, the Third Order of Lenin, for the development of virgin and fallow lands. The song "New settlers are coming"

17-18 slides.

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 25, 1968: “For the outstanding services and great contribution of Komsomol members in the formation and strengthening of Soviet power, award the Komsomol with the sixth order - the Order of the October Revolution.

Since the time when the Budyonovites collected horses

And to our present cosmic days

There is a good tradition in the Komsomol family -

The time of fiery deeds will not go into oblivion.

We glorify our name with an honest and correct life.

There is a good tradition in the Komsomol family

First think about the Motherland, and then about yourself.

The song "Volunteer Komsomol"

Scenario of the event "What is the Komsomol?"

(Meeting of 3 generations)

Objectives: to acquaint students with the history of the Komsomol organization; instill a sense of respect for the historical past of the state; develop communication skills.


    Electronic presentation "What is Komsomol?"

    Thematic posters

    Event scenario.

Introductory word of the teacher: In 2014, 96 years have passed since the founding of the Komsomol. Today's youth knows little about the Komsomol. Perhaps dry lines from a school textbook that in 1918, on the initiative of the RCP (b), a youth organization was created, which should become an assistant to the party in the construction of communism. But the Komsomol is not just an organization, it is the life of three generations, it is a whole era in the history of our state. Today we will try to tell you about the history of the Komsomol, about how the Komsomol lived, how they worked, what they dreamed about. Our event is attended by Komsomol members of different years who will share their memories of the Komsomol youth. (Introduce guests).

Leading word.

1st presenter : What is Komsomol?

This is a strong will!

What is Komsomol?

This is a proud heart.

This is the conscience of the eye,

Like the sky is blue

This hands of masters,

Young, strong!

2 leading . These verses began many Komsomol events in the Soviet school. The youth of that time were proud of the achievements of their organization and glorified it in songs, poems, and films. But what is the Komsomol in reality?

3 leading : The word "Komsomol" is an abbreviation for the "Communist Union of Youth", the full name is the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union (VLKSM). This is a political youth organization in the USSR.

1st presenter : The Komsomol was established on October 29, 1918. Initially, it was called the Russian Communist Youth Union. In 1924, the RKSM was named after V. I. Lenin - the Russian Leninist Communist Youth Union (RLKSM), and in connection with the formation of the USSR, the Komsomol in March 1926 was renamed the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union (VLKSM).

2 leading . It was a mass organization, the number of which grew every year, as socialism was built in our country. In October 1918, the RKSM had 22,100 members. Two years later, by the III Congress of the Komsomol, - 482 thousand. In 1941, there were more than 10 million Komsomol members in the USSR. And in 1977, over 36 million citizens of the USSR aged 14-28 years were members of the Komsomol.

3 leading : What are the goals of this organization? The Komsomol was considered an "assistant and reserve" of the CPSU. Under the leadership of the Komsomol in 1922, a children's political organization was created: the All-Russian, and later the All-Union Pioneer Organization.

1st presenter : In 1930, the Komsomol took patronage over general education, fought against the illiteracy of young people, and initiated the creation of two-year evening schools for the semi-literate. “You can become a communist only when you enrich your memory with the knowledge of all the riches that humanity has developed,” Lenin addressed the delegates of the III Congress of the RKSM with these words. And the Komsomol tried to master any knowledge in order to build a communist society.

2 leading . Therefore, the main task of the Komsomol was to educate young people in the spirit of communist ideology. This was done through the organization of youth social and political events, the organization of youth leisure.

3 leading : Collectivization, industrialization with the construction of many giant enterprises and new cities, the cultural revolution. All this did not take place without the participation of the Komsomol members.

1st presenter : The Komsomol was based on primary organizations, which united into district, then regional (territorial, regional) and republican organizations. The main body of the Komsomol was the Central Committee, elected by the highest body - the congress. The formal leader was the first secretary of the Central Committee.

2 leading . Boys and girls from 14 to 28 years old were accepted into the Komsomol. Each member of the Komsomol had a badge with the image of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin against the background of a red flag and a Komsomol card.

3 leading : Komsomol ticket, Komsomol ticket,

You warm the heart of the young,

Where the treasured girl's portrait is hidden

Yes, a gentle word from the mother.

All dreams, all that was, that will be and is,

Everything that warms us in the world,

Our youth is the color, our Motherland's honor -

Everything merged into a Komsomol ticket.

1st presenter : Young people carefully kept this red book, being proud of their membership in the organization. The Komsomol ticket was especially reverent during the Great Patriotic War. The Nazis primarily destroyed the Communists and Komsomol members. Therefore, many boys and girls tried to hide their ticket. But if the enemy became aware that in front of him was a member of the Komsomol, as a rule, they steadfastly endured all the tortures and bullying.

2 leading . During the war, Komsomol members showed heroism and courage, showing their great love for the Motherland. One can cite many examples of manifestations of patriotism among young people at that terrible time for the country.

3 leading : Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, a member of the partisan detachment, together with a group of Komsomol members, entered the territory occupied by the enemy. She had to carry out a secret order, which set the task of burning settlements behind enemy lines in order to make the enemy freeze in the open. Zoya managed to set fire to 3 houses in the village of Petrishchevo, where the invaders were located. After some time, she tried to carry out a second arson, but was captured by the Nazis.

1st presenter : Zoya was tortured, but she did not betray her comrades. The girl did not even say her name, calling herself Tanya. The Nazis decided to hang Zoya in front of the whole village. The execution took place on November 29, 1941. Already with a noose around her neck, Zoya managed to shout to the enemies: “No matter how many of us you hang, you don’t outweigh everyone, we are 170 million. But our comrades will avenge you for me.” Zoya died on the gallows with the thought of the Motherland. In the hour of death, she glorified the coming victory.

2 leading . Infantry school cadet A. Matrosov voluntarily went to the front as a private. On February 23, 1943, in the battle for the village of Chernushki (Kalinin Front), he broke through to the enemy bunker and closed the embrasure with his body, sacrificing himself to ensure the success of his unit. Matrosov saved the lives of dozens of his comrades who found themselves under targeted enemy fire. Taking advantage of the confusion of the enemy, the Russian soldiers went on the attack and drove out the invaders.

3 leading : The very young patriots of the country did not lag behind their older comrades.

Valya Kotik, who was 14 years old, was an active member of a partisan detachment in the Khmelnytsky region. On his account 6 enemy echelons blown up on the way to the front. Valya was awarded the order Patriotic War I degree, medal "Partisan of the Patriotic War" II degree.

The list of young heroes can be continued for a long time. These are Lara Mikheenko, Marat Kazei, Zina Portnova, Arkady Kamanin and many others.

1st presenter : Three and a half thousand Komsomol members became Heroes of the Soviet Union, three and a half million were awarded orders and medals. Special units of Komsomol girls numbered in their ranks more than 200 thousand machine gunners, snipers and specialists in other specialties. For their military merits in the fight against the Nazi invaders, 100 thousand girls were awarded orders and medals, 58 of whom received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

2 leading . At the end of the war, Komsomol members participated in the restoration of the national economy, the development of virgin lands, shock Komsomol construction projects, such as KamAZ, BAM and many others. Military exploits were replaced by labor exploits.

3 leading : It is no coincidence that for the exploits committed during the years of the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, as well as successes in the socialist construction of the Komsomol in 1928-1968, he was awarded 6 orders.

1st presenter : 1928 - Order of the Red Banner - for military merit in the years civil war and foreign intervention.

2 leading . 1931 - Order of the Red Banner of Labor - for the initiative shown in shock work and socialist competition, which ensured the successful implementation of the first five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the country.

3 leading : 1945 - Order of Lenin - for outstanding services to the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union against Nazi Germany, for the great work in educating Soviet youth in the spirit of selfless devotion to the socialist Fatherland.

1st presenter : 1948 - Order of Lenin - for outstanding services to the Motherland in the communist education of Soviet youth and active participation in socialist construction, in connection with the 30th anniversary of the Komsomol.

2 leader. 1956 - Order of Lenin - for the great services of Komsomol members and Soviet youth in socialist construction, development of virgin and fallow lands.

3 leading : 1968 - Order of the October Revolution - for the outstanding services and great contribution of Komsomol members, Soviet youth to the formation and strengthening of Soviet power, courage and heroism shown in battles with the enemies of our Motherland, active participation in socialist and communist construction, for fruitful work in educating the younger generations in the spirit of devotion to the precepts of V. I. Lenin and in connection with the 50th anniversary of the Komsomol.

1st presenter : Lobast and broad-shouldered,

from congress to congress

dear communists

working Komsomol!

From that difficult road

from that beloved land

aside false prophets

he was not taken away.

He felt bad

but he is stubborn and angry,

did not gasp, and did not groan,

comrade Komsomol.

It was difficult for him

he fought evil

not quiet, not latent,

namely, labor.

Cheerful and cheeky

by itself its essence,

he liked it

Fatherland labor!

2 leading . It is no coincidence that in those years various slogans appeared that inspired young people for labor and military feats.

3 leading : If you have a Komsomol name, strengthen your name with your deeds!

1st presenter : The party and the Komsomol have one goal - communism!

2 leading . Step forward, Komsomol tribe!

3 leading : If the party says it is necessary, the Komsomol members will answer yes!

1st presenter : Young builders of communism, forward to new successes in work and study!

2 leading . In the 1960s and 1980s, the Komsomol directed and distributed them to work on the basis of Komsomol vouchers, implemented the Youth Housing Complex housing program for free housing for young people.

3 leading : In the later years of the USSR, membership in the Komsomol was actually a necessary attribute for a successful career of a young citizen in the USSR. The Komsomol became not just mass, but almost universal. Almost all students of secondary schools were admitted to the VLKSM. This almost inevitably led to organizational blurring, to the fact that membership in the Komsomol was no longer perceived as an honor and responsibility at the same time. In the last years of Soviet power, the Komsomol finally turned into a bureaucratic system, fully consistent with the general bureaucratic system. recent years THE USSR.

1st presenter : In 1985, perestroika began in the USSR, as a result of which serious transformations took place. Ultimately, the Soviet Union ceased to exist, the CPSU ceased its activities. On September 27-28, 1991, the XXII Extraordinary Congress of the Komsomol was held, announcing historical role VLKSM exhausted and disbanded the organization.

2 leading . In the 90s-2000s, revived youth organizations appeared in Russia, but these organizations do not have such a mass character as the Komsomol had. These are the Leninist Communist Youth Union of the Russian Federation, the Russian Communist Youth Union, Viktor Anpilov's Vanguard of the Red Youth, the Vperyod Socialist Movement of radical anarchists, the Nashi youth movement and others.

3 leading : In modern Russia, the overwhelming majority, both supporters and opponents of the Soviet system, recall with nostalgia their participation in the Komsomol and the Pioneer movement and speak in favor of the return of the Komsomol and Pioneer organizations to educational, industrial and departmental institutions at the state level. In October 2010, President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev said that he was not against the revival of the Komsomol and Pioneer movements, but at the level public organization, without its ideological component and without the participation of the state.

Teacher: Did you listen? short story about the Komsomol organization. Of course, it is impossible to convey the entire history of the Komsomol in a few minutes. I think it's better to listen to representatives of the living history of our country, those who were members of the Komsomol at different times.

Let the guests speak.

Questions from students.

Thanks for your participation.

Scenario of the evening - meetings of veterans of the Komsomol with the youth activists of the city

1. Start. Frames, song.
Leader exit. Introduction:
It was here!
In this century!
With these people!
It was with us!

With us - after all, every member of the older generation sitting in this hall has gone through an excellent, responsible school of the Komsomol. And we are all still proud of it.
With us - because we feel our involvement in the Komsomol even today. But let's all remember together our history, our biography. So: last name, first name, patronymic?

All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union.
Year and place of birth?
1918, Moscow, First Congress of the Komsomol.
Social background?
From workers and peasants.
Storm of the Winter, Kakhovka, Perekop, Great Patriotic War, Dneproges, Tselina, Cosmos, BAM.
Order of the Red Banner, Order of the Red Star, three Orders of Lenin, Order of the October Revolution.
This is for the courage and courage of the Komsomol members, their work and study,
Because the Komsomol members were always where the Motherland needed their youth and enthusiasm, their strength and vigor, devotion and dedication. The motherland needed to finish the Civil War, free itself from the interventionists - and the Komsomol - on the fronts.
The motherland needed metal - and the Komsomol built Magnitogorsk. The country needed electricity - and the expanses of the Dnieper were blocked by the dam of the Dnieper Hydroelectric Station. Fuel was needed - the Komsomol built new mines, penetrating into the pantry lands.
They brought steel horses to the grain expanses of the Motherland, the fires of Azovsteel lit dawns over the sea, uprooted the taiga, paved the avenues of Komsomolsk-on-Amur ... What motivated the Komsomol members then? Enthusiasm? Romance?

Footage with Mayakovsky (2.5 minutes)

Deeds, accomplishments, studies, but also the call of the Motherland: “ALL IN OSOAVIAKHIM!” - and the Komsomol went to learn to fly, drive ships, jump from a parachute, as if they felt that all this would be useful to them soon, soon.
War. How much has already been said - we talked about it. And poems are written, and songs are sung. But not all the words have been said to the end, the debt has not been paid to those who defended our country. The sons of those who, as young children, lay down in our land, protecting it from the enemy, have already become grandfathers. But there are still letters from the front - from those who have fulfilled their duty to the end as a man, a citizen, a Komsomol member.
Not so long ago I came across in a book a letter from one of the Komsomol workers of the army, addressed to his son.
“My dear Vladimir!
When you read this letter, many years will pass, the war will die down, and a peaceful, joyful life will flourish again on the liberated land. Know, my beloved, that my blood has irrigated the earth on which you are building a happy life. And if our land is threatened by the enemy, be worthy of a father.
I kiss you, my beloved son, tightly, tightly. Your father for life.
Berlin, May 1945."
There are people in the hall who were Komsomol members during the Great Patriotic War. This:

Veterans are given flowers.

For you, dear veterans, participants of the Mirage studio sing
x/s number.

Stills from the film The war is over, and the Komsomol members are again at the forefront. They restore cities and villages, factories and factories from the ashes.
And at the same time, they begin to build new ones - cities, towns, and factories.
10 years after the end of the war, the construction of our city begins. In 1956, a playground was laid out in the forest. And from all over the country, young, energetic people came to this construction site, determined to short term build necessary country enterprise, build a handsome young city.
The first organizational meeting of the Komsomol members of the plant was held on August 19, 1957, the first Komsomol group was created. The first group committee was Yury Mikhailovich Safronov.
A little more than a year later, the first city committee of the Komsomol was already created.
And Alexander Pavlovich Kireev became the first secretary. I invite him to the stage.

Speech by A.P. Kireeva

Years passed, generations changed. And all this time, Komsomol members were in the most critical areas of work, in the midst of the most interesting events. A recreation center is being built in the city and Komsomol members take control of construction and equipment. They themselves build the stadium, and then they themselves organize sports and festivals and holidays on it.
And what were the evenings, KVN, holidays! This could not be seen in the capital cities. And again, Komsomol members are ahead - they wrote the scripts themselves, played in the performances themselves, made the scenery themselves, very often right from the rehearsal, went to work. Let's remember together, look at the footage of the film shot 30 years ago. Komsomol members of the 16th and 20th departments were preparing for the competitive evening.

Movie scenes

For all former participants in amateur performances, the choreographic ensemble "Elta"

x/s number. "Elta"

All these years, the Komsomol members of the city worked perfectly, studied, went on campaigns. And the secretaries of the committees of the Komsomol and the City Committee of the Komsomol were often the ringleaders.
For example, a glorious page in the history of the Komsomol of the city is the “Dear Fathers” motorcycle squad, headed by the secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the PPP Konstantin Brus.
The choir gathers in the Palace of Culture - and the secretary of the Komsomol City Committee, Viktor Dunaev, sings in it.
Tourism began to develop actively in the city - and there, in the forefront, the Komsomol leaders: Nikolai Vahurin, Vladimir Podobed, Dmitry Stupanevich, Vladimir Orekhov, Vladimir Shchepillo, Evgeny Shutov.
The Komsomol tribe in the city grew by leaps and bounds. And their glorious deeds grew. The first brigades of communist labor appeared - and the youth got involved in the work under the motto: "Not a single one lagging behind." A construction team is organized, which built houses, schools, kindergartens and clubs in the region. A mentoring system is being developed, competitions for the title of “Master with Golden Hands”, councils of young specialists and young workers are working. During the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Victory, the movement "For myself and for that guy" is organized, the winners of which were photographed at the banner of Victory.
Close friendship connects Komsomol members of city enterprises with Komsomol members of schools and military units. Behind these mean lines is the tireless work of hundreds of young people of the city.
Let's take a look at the footage of our city newsreel

Today we say thanks to all those who headed the Komsomol organization of the city, factory, construction site, military units, city organizations.
These are: Valentina Loginova, Raisa Zakharova, Vladimir and Sergey, the Kochedykovs Viktor Zhogol, Vyacheslav Pervushin, Viktor Ivanov, Oleg Yagnov, Georgy Sidorkin, Mikhail Filimonov, Igor Abramov and many, many others.
And on the stage I invite the secretary of the Komsomol committee of the PPP 79-83, deputy of the meeting of representatives of our city, chief accountant of the Start software. Nikolai Dmitrievich Vakhurin
- Nikolai Dmitrievich, what was the most remarkable thing about your Komsomol youth? ... Thank you. You Nikolay Dmitrievich and all Komsomol leaders are congratulated by the soloists of TSK "Zvezdopad"

X / s. "Starfall"

The city grew, its Komsomol organization grew, labor successes grew among the representatives of the Komsomol, and they were given the right to represent the city's youth at Komsomol forums. Today delegates of Komsomol congresses Aleksey Andreevich Efimov, Alexander Matveyevich Legoshin, Galina Alexandrovna Reznikova, Lyudmila Petrovna Sorokina, Anatoly Pavlovich Spiridonov, Gennady Razhev, Elena Zolotova live in the city. For them, the song "Birches" performed by the studio "Elon" of the House of Culture "Sovremennik" sounds

X / s. "Elon"

All representatives of the older generation present here have interesting, good memories associated with Komsomol youth. Each of them has something to talk about. Organization of circles and sections, propaganda teams and KVN teams, clubs for young professionals and young families. The Volga open spaces festival was held in Zarechny from 1987 to 1996.
I would like to ask questions to the people who are at the origins of the organization of youth festivals in the city: I appeal to SV Radyuk.
-What caused the organization of youth festivals in the city?
What are your very first impressions of festivals? Thank you

Participants of the festival "Volga open spaces" group "Povorot" sing for you
X / s.

The Komsomol members of our city lived interestingly and meaningfully, and a day would not be enough to list all the wonderful things they did. Today everyone understands how much the youth of today lacks such an organization. But, in spite of everything, the most active representatives of the younger generation in the city are trying to unite for good, necessary deeds. Nowadays, youth associations of volunteers, sports and fitness, a children's Duma, and the Children's Province Raduga work in the city. Their representatives came to greet those present in the hall.
1. City Children's Council
2. Sports and Fitness
3. Youth Association of Volunteers
As you can see, the youth worthily continues your, dear Komsomol veterans, your deeds, and I am pleased to invite Gennady Nikolayevich Lisavkin, deputy secretary of the Komsomol construction committee, first deputy head of the city, to this stage to present the award to the representative of the young generation of Zarechensk residents Roman Sitnikov.


G.N., what would you like to wish to all those present in the hall.

What is Komsomol?
This is the youth of the Motherland.
What is Komsomol?

This is the pride of the Motherland.
This is the wonder of the city
What are built in the taiga.
These are hard ways
That heroically passed.
These are the eyes of conscience
It's like the sky is blue.
These are the hands of the masters
Young, strong.
What is Komsomol?
This is a terrible memory.
What is Komsomol?
This tribe is stellar.
This is a friendly family.
This song is fine.
This is the glory of our days
Like a winged dream

Frames from f "Officers"

Komsomol! A word that warms the hearts of thousands and thousands of people in our city. Because the Komsomol is our youth, beautiful in itself; because the Komsomol is friends, faithful and devoted; because the Komsomol is a desire to make the world cleaner and happier. And it is very important that almost all the Komsomol members present in the hall did not lose all the listed qualities.

Good luck everyone, good luck!
And may the Komsomol enthusiasm never leave you!


1 District municipal state institution of culture "Kargapol inter-settlement central Library". Leading. Blow through all cities and thousands of villages, autumn winds: Glory to you, dear Komsomol, On your birthday! Scenario for the anniversary of the Komsomol "My Komsomol youth" October 29 Birthday of the Komsomol. Today we will tell you about the Komsomol and Komsomol members. You will learn how the Komsomol arose, about its role in those years, about the awards of the Komsomol, hear songs about the Komsomol. A song, a poem, a tribune, Hiding nothing from your neighbors, Repeat again, my chaotic, My Komsomol youth. So wrote one of the most inspired singers of the restless tribe, Mikhail Svetlov. The history of the Komsomol is a living and passionate document. Flipping through its pages, we feel the breath of the era, we see the unique connection of times and generations. Komsomol generations A lot of songs and poems have been composed about them, novels have been written, films have been made. Each of the generations has contributed its uniqueness, its biography, its courage to history. For one generation, it was a revolution, civil war and the first five-year plans, for others the Great Patriotic War, the youth of the third fell on the heroic labor years of post-war reconstruction. Someone raised virgin soil, discovered oil pantries in Tyumen, laid the Baikal-Amur Mainline, built Magnitka and Turksib, someone erected power plants in Siberia, conquered the heights of scientific and technological progress and space, and all this was created in completely unprecedented historical times only energy and labor of youth. one

2 At this time, organizations of working youth arose in many cities. In order to unite them into one organization, the 1st Congress of Workers' and Peasants' Youth (194 delegates) opened in Moscow on October 29. The opening day of the congress is considered the birthday of the Komsomol. It became known as the RKSM. The RKSM was an active participant in the Civil War; he spent three all-Russian mobilization to the front. The Komsomol organizations of the front line were fully mobilized into the Red Army. According to incomplete data, the Komsomol sent over 75 thousand of its members to the Red Army. In total, up to 200 thousand Komsomol members participated in the struggle of the Soviet people against the interventionists, White Guards and bandits. On the doors of district committees one could see announcements “The district committee is closed. Everyone went to the front." The song "An order was given to him to the west" summer youths became the head of the battalions. Regiments, divisions. In the rear, Komsomol members organized subbotniks, provided the front with weapons and food. The poem "Record me in the Komsomol" On a distant civilian, your father went into the fire, not being afraid of anything, and your childhood suddenly ended when a bullet struck him. And then, with a grown-up gait, you came to the district committee at dawn and said businesslike and clearly: “Record me in the Komsomol!” Created during a difficult period in the formation of Soviet power, when enemies attacked the young republic from all sides, the Komsomol always went ahead, honorably carried out all the instructions of the Motherland, no matter how difficult they were. Year Komsomol was called upon to direct the restoration of the national economy. Komsomol members, together with cadre workers, restored factories and plants, mines and mines. Industry revived. 2

3 After the death of V.I. Lenin in 1924, the Komsomol was named after Lenin and it became known as the VLKSM (All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union). The first order is the Order of the Battle Red Banner. Decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR of February 20, 1928: The Central Executive Committee of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in commemoration of the military merits of the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union on the fronts of the civil war during the years against Kolchak, Denikin, Yudenich, the White Poles and Wrangel, when all-Union mobilization of members of the Komsomol was introduced into the ranks of the Red Army, tens of thousands of revolutionary youth, who have proved their devotion to the cause of the proletariat by heroic deeds and who gave their lives for the victory of socialism, are awarding him the Order of the Red Banner, the symbol of the world socialist revolution. "The Song of the Elusive Avengers" The life of the first generations of Komsomol members was difficult. But romantic. The country did not have enough coal, metal, machines, they built mines, factories, plants. There was not enough electricity and trains of Komsomol members went to build Dneproges and Volkhovstroy. Komsomol members participated in the creation of collective farms, brought the first tractors to the fields. The country needed literate, knowledgeable people, and Komsomol members studied and taught others. The words “Likbez”, “rabfak” remained in the history textbooks, reminding us of the cultural revolution that took place in our country. Song "March of Enthusiasts" After the Civil War, the Komsomol faced the task of preparing the worker and peasant youth for peaceful, creative activity. The RKSM began to gradually reorganize its work, concentrating its activities on the tasks of building socialism and communist education of the youth. The Komsomol directed all its efforts to the restoration of the national economy destroyed during the war. Boys and girls participated in the restoration of factories in Petrograd, Moscow, the Urals, mines and factories in the Donbass, the country's railway. The energy and enthusiasm of the Komsomol members were also manifested in the implementation of the cultural revolution. They 3

4 fought for the elimination of illiteracy, for the eradication of remnants of the past in everyday life. In the countryside, Komsomol members organized clubs, distributed books, newspapers, magazines, posters, leaflets, and participated in political and cultural events. They taught the illiterate, created new educational programs, opened reading rooms and libraries. The Komsomol, without weakening its participation in economic and state construction, pays considerable attention to the ideological education of young people, the organization of their education, the physical development of young men and women, and their preparation for the defense of socialist gains. The Komsomol devotes much energy to the development of the defense industry and the branches connected with it, in particular, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, and oil extraction. The second order is the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. Decree of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR. The Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR decides: For the initiative shown in the cause of shock work and socialist emulation, which ensure the successful implementation of the five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR, to award the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union with the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. Moscow. Kremlin. January 21, 1931. “The dark mounds are sleeping” (in the background). Photos of Komsomol members during the Second World War. Harsh 41st year. A significant role in the victory during the Great Patriotic War belongs to the Komsomol members and youth. The Komsomol, considering itself mobilized to fight the enemy, gave most of its composition to the troops. Some of the Komsomol organizations of the front-line regions went into the army in full strength. 90 percent of the country's Komsomol members were at the front. During the war, 11 million Komsomol members fought in the ranks of the Armed Forces. Members of the Komsomol made up a quarter of the entire personnel of the Red Army and the Navy. A characteristic manifestation of youth patriotism during the war years was mass heroism. When the enemy occupied part of the Soviet 4

5 territories, the youth actively joined the partisan and underground movements. Separate detachments almost entirely consisted of Komsomol members and youth. Orders and medals were awarded to 50 thousand young partisans, over 100 people became Heroes of the Soviet Union. The selfless labor of Soviet people in the rear played an important role in defeating the enemy. 32,000 specialized Komsomol youth groups, brigades and detachments operated in the frontline zone, relocating equipment and people to the deep rear. Genuine patriotism was shown by rural Komsomol members in the struggle for high harvests during the war years. The men who went to the front were replaced by young collective farmers. The feat of the Komsomol during the war years was highly appreciated. Third Order - Order of Lenin Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. For outstanding services to the Motherland during the years of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union against Nazi Germany, for the great work in educating Soviet youth in the spirit of selfless devotion to the socialist Fatherland, award the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union with the Order of Lenin. Moscow. Kremlin. June 14, 1945. Komsomol Volunteers. Photos of Komsomol members during the years of post-war construction. In the fight against post-war difficulties during the period of restoration and further development of the national economy of the country, the Komsomol organization showed mass heroism in labor, performed new feats. Komsomol members and youth of the entire Soviet Union worked at the restoration work of Stalingrad and Donbass, Leningrad and Minsk, at the new buildings of the country's new five-year plans. In the vast expanses of virgin lands of Kazakhstan and Altai, young men and women worked tirelessly. In the years VLKSM helped build large hydraulic structures such as the Volga-Don Canal, the powerful hydroelectric power stations named after Volga. Lenin, Kuibyshevskaya, Kakhovskaya. 5

6 Fourth Order - Order of Lenin Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. For outstanding services to the Motherland in the communist education of Soviet youth and active participation in socialist construction, in connection with the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Komsomol, award the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union with the Order of Lenin. Moscow. Kremlin. October 28, 1948. “Song of Virgin Lands” or New Settlers Are Coming (a song sounds). Photos of Komsomol members on the virgin lands of the Komsomol. V Soviet time, after the country decided the primary task of eliminating the industrial gap from the leading countries of the world, hands reached the virgin lands. The fundamental decision on the development of virgin lands was made at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU in September 1953. Following this, a comprehensive plan of measures was developed for the development of virgin lands, providing not only, say, for the transfer of 120,000 tractors and 10,000 combines to virgin areas, but also for organizing medical care for virgin lands, supplying them with newspapers and magazines, and showing films by mobile cinema installations. Realizing that it is young people who are most capable of going to a distant land, where at first they will have to live in very difficult conditions, the Soviet leadership turned to the Komsomol. It was the district committees of the Komsomol that were engaged in the formation of virgin detachments. One of the five volunteers was selected as a competition for a prestigious university! More than 350,000 young people left on Komsomol vouchers to develop the virgin lands of Kazakhstan, Altai, and Siberia. Their work was a real feat. Fifth Order - Order of Lenin Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. For the great services of Komsomol members and Soviet youth in socialist construction, who always warmly respond to the calls of the Communist Party and the Soviet government, and especially 6

7 noting the selfless work of Komsomol members, Soviet boys and girls in the successful development of virgin and fallow lands, award the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union with the Order of Lenin. Moscow. Kremlin. November 5, 1956 “My address is the Soviet Union” Photos of Komsomol members at Komsomol construction sites in the country Komsomol declares itself the chief of the construction of the Bratsk, Kremenchug, Dneprodzerzhinsk hydroelectric power stations nuclear power plants. There were Komsomol vouchers with addresses: for the construction of the Kazakhstan Magnitka, Sokolovsko-Sarbaisky, Novo-Krivoy Rog enrichment plants, for the development of the Hungry Steppe. The construction of hydroelectric stations on the Volga and the Dnieper, thirty-seven mines in the Donbass was completed, the conquest of the giant rivers of Siberia, the development of new mineral deposits began. With the active participation of the Komsomol in 1962, the construction of the Central Siberian Railway was completed, the Moscow-Baikal railway was electrified. The contribution of the Komsomol to the development of the wealth of Siberia is enormous, Far East and Far North, in redistribution labor resources country. With the most active participation of young people, about 1,500 important facilities were built and put into operation, including the world's largest Bratsk hydroelectric power station, the Beloyarsk nuclear power plant, the Abakan Taishet railway, and the Druzhba oil pipeline. In 1970, the Komsomol patronized over 100 shock construction projects, including the development of the unique oil and gas resources of the Tyumen and Tomsk regions. Over the years, 245 major construction projects that determine the development of key sectors of the national economy have been declared All-Union shock Komsomol construction projects. The Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League took patronage over the West Siberian, Bratsk-Ust-Ilimsk, Ekibastuz, South-Yakutsk territorial production complexes, objects of the Kursk magnetic anomaly, the construction of coal mines in the Kuznetsk, Donetsk and Moscow region basins, gas pipelines Orenburg Western border of the USSR, Urengoy state border of the USSR and others. Over the construction of more than 3 thousand objects under construction patronized by district, city, regional, regional and republican Komsomol organizations. And patronage was not 7

8 formal. With the active participation of the Komsomol, 760 industrial facilities were put into operation, including 9 blast and steel furnaces, 14 rolling and pipe mills, capacities for the production of 12 million kilowatts of electricity, 23 million tons of mineral fertilizers, 41 thousand kilometers of gas and oil pipelines were laid, 2850 kilometers of new railways were built. During these four years, more than 500,000 volunteers were sent to the construction sites of the country on Komsomol vouchers. 27,000 young builders received Komsomol vouchers for the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline. Railway stretched for 1100 kilometers, more than 1000 various structures were built, including 432 bridges, 46 settlements were erected. The work of Komsomol members and youth of BAM was highly appreciated. Many of them received government awards. "Furious construction team" Photos of Komsomol members in the MTR. The real school of life for many young people was student construction teams. For the first time, the idea of ​​creating such a detachment was born among students of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University during the harvesting of virgin crops in the summer of 1958 at the Bulaevsky state farm in the North Kazakhstan region. Student construction teams, formed in 1959 from Komsomol members of higher educational institutions and technical schools of the capital, were qualitatively different from the form of association of boys and girls for cleaning work. This, first of all, concerned the issues of organizational structure, relations with economic organizations, preparation and organization of production activities, ideological and educational and socio-political work. Future specialists united in a single team consciously and strictly. In 1961, 1,260 young men and women from the universities of Moscow and Leningrad worked for two months at the construction sites of the virgin region. The Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, having studied the experience of organizing student groups, in June 1962 adopted the first resolution in the history of the Youth Union “On the participation of Komsomol organizations of universities in the years. Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev in construction on the Virgin Lands. The Central Committee approved the initiative of the Komsomol members to form the SSO, considered the existing forms of preparing detachments for summer work, managing them, and recommended that the Komsomol committees more widely involve students in participating in the further rise 8

9 agriculture. This contributed to the growth in the number of detachments, the strengthening of their organizational principles, and the normative consolidation of the principles of the student labor movement. Construction teams have received rapid and mass development. This movement took over the whole country. Youth labor detachments operated in many sectors of the national economy. The number of students leaving as part of student groups increased annually. Voluntary formation and self-government, a combination of economic activity with ideological and political work among the local population, strict conscious discipline and responsibility without allowance for youth were the foundations of detachment life. The fighters of construction teams were brought up with a sense of duty, respect for their own and other people's work, independence. And how to forget the pride that young people felt for a job well done? Sixth Order - Order of the October Revolution Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. For the outstanding services and great contribution of Komsomol members, Soviet youth to the formation and strengthening of Soviet power, courage and heroism shown in battles with the enemies of our Motherland, active participation in socialist and communist construction, for fruitful work in educating the younger generations in the spirit of devotion to the precepts of V.I. AND. Lenin and in connection with the 50th anniversary of the Komsomol to award the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union with the Order of the October Revolution. Moscow. Kremlin. October 25, 1968 There is no sphere of life where Komsomol members would not participate. Organization of competitions of Komsomol youth brigades, competitions of professional skills, subbotniks and Sundays, outings of propaganda brigades with concerts for village workers, collecting scrap metal and waste paper, organizing concerts and sporting events - this is far from complete list forms of patronage of the Komsomol. Celebrating the 95th anniversary, thousands of former Komsomol members kind word they remember the years devoted to the organization, which not only united young men and women, but also brought them up in the spirit of devotion to the Motherland, introduced young people to work, sports, culture, and gave them a start in life. But do not think that the history of the Komsomol has ended its existence. In our country, the successor of the Komsomol can be called the RSM - the Russian Youth Union. 9

10 (RSM) is one of the mass non-state, non-profit, non-political youth associations in Russia, unites young and active people aged 14 to 30 years. Created May 31, 1990. The headquarters is located in Moscow. The main goal of the Russian Youth Union is to create conditions for the comprehensive development of a young person in various areas of public life, to reveal his potential, to protect the interests and rights of the members of the Union. Every year, about 4 million young people participate in RSM programs and projects. Territorial organizations and public representations of the Central Committee of the RSM work in 73 subjects of the Russian Federation, RSM organizations are created in universities, colleges, lyceums, schools, and enterprises. The RSM includes the Association of Students of the RSM “Sodruzhestvo”. The Russian Youth Union implements more than 20 all-Russian and more than 200 interregional programs and projects for working, studying and student youth. These are educational, developing, patriotic, career guidance, leisure, cultural and sports programs and projects, such as "Russian Student Spring", "Student Self-Government", "Student Self-Government", "Russian Intellectual Resources", "All-Russian Junior League KVN", "Art-Profi Forum", the All-Russian action "We are citizens of Russia!", the international camp "Be-La-Rus", the program "Personnel". RSM programs are supported by federal, regional and local authorities. Representatives of the RSM work in regional public chambers, represent the interests of the RSM in the public councils of various authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Pavel Krasnorutsky Chairman (since 2012)" Andrey Platonov Chairman (since 1999) Oleg Rozhnov Chairman (since 1999) The RSM wishes that in addition to problems and interests, young people have ideals, honor and honesty, dignity and generosity, diligence and love for the Motherland. We once again congratulate you on the holiday, the 95th anniversary of the Komsomol! The main thing, guys, is not to grow old with your heart 10

11 11

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HAPPY HOLIDAY OF THE GREAT VICTORY! Congratulations and wishes on Victory Day Dear war veterans and home front workers, teachers and students! I congratulate you on the upcoming Victory Day! For many decades

For all cities
and thousands of villages
trumpet, autumn winds:
Glory to you
native Komsomol,
On your birthday!
October 29 Birthday of the Komsomol.
Today we will tell you about the Komsomol and Komsomol members.
You will learn how the Komsomol arose, about its role in those years, about awards
Komsomol, hear songs about the Komsomol.
Song, poem, tribune,
Don't hide anything from your neighbors
Repeat again, my chaotic,
My Komsomol youth.
Thus wrote one of the most inspired singers of the restless tribe,
Mikhail Svetlov.
The history of the Komsomol is a living and passionate document. flipping through it
pages, we feel the breath of the era, we see the unique connection of times and
Komsomol generations ... A lot of songs and poems have been composed about them,
novels were written, films were made. Each generation has contributed
history, its uniqueness, its biography, its courage.
For one generation, it was a revolution, a civil war, and the first
five-year plans, for others the Great Patriotic War, the youth of the third fell
for the heroic labor years of post-war reconstruction. Someone
raised virgin soil, opened oil pantries in Tyumen, laid
Baikal-Amur Mainline, built Magnitka and Turksib, someone
erected power plants in Siberia, conquered the heights of scientific and technical
progress and space, and all this was created in completely unprecedented
historical dates only with the energy and labor of youth.
At this time, organizations of working youth arose in many cities.
To unite them into one organization, on October 29, the 1st
Congress of Workers' and Peasants' Youth (194 delegates)
The opening day of the congress is considered the birthday of the Komsomol. He became
be called RKSM.
The RKSM was an active participant in the Civil War; he spent three
all-Russian mobilization to the front. Komsomol organizations
the front line was entirely mobilized into the Red Army. By
incomplete data, the Komsomol sent in 1918-20 to the Red Army over
75 thousand of its members. In total, in the struggle of the Soviet people against the interventionists,
up to 200 thousand Komsomol members participated in the White Guards and bandits.
On the doors of district committees one could see announcements “The district committee is closed. Everything
gone to the front."
The song "The order was given to him to the west"
17-20-year-old boys became the head of battalions. Regiments, divisions.
In the rear, the Komsomol organized subbotniks, provided the front with weapons,
The poem "Record me in the Komsomol"
On a distant civil
your father
went into the fire, not afraid of anything,
and yours suddenly ended
when the bullet hit him.
And then grown up
you are in the district committee at dawn
and said in a businesslike and clear manner:
"Sign me up for the Komsomol!"
Created during the difficult period of the formation of Soviet power, when
the young republic was attacked from all sides by enemies, the Komsomol always went
ahead, with honor carried out all the instructions of the Motherland, whatever they may be
Year 1921. The Komsomol was called upon to direct the restoration of the national
Komsomol members, together with cadres, restored factories and
factories, mines and mines.
Industry revived.
After the death of V.I. Lenin in 1924, the Komsomol was named after
Lenin and it became known as the VLKSM (All-Union Lenin
Communist Union of Youth).
The first order is the Order of the Battle Red Banner.
Decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR of February 20, 1928: Central
Executive Committee of the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics in commemoration of the military merits of the All-Union Lenin
Communist Union of Youth on the fronts of the civil war in
period 1919-1920 against Kolchak, Denikin, Yudenich, White Poles
and Wrangel, when the all-Union mobilization of members of the Komsomol was introduced into the ranks
Red Army tens of thousands of revolutionary youth who have proved
his devotion to the cause of the proletariat by heroic deeds and
who gave their lives for the victory of socialism awards him with the Order
Red Banner - a symbol of the world socialist revolution.
"Song of the Elusive Avengers"
The life of the first generations of Komsomol members was difficult. But romantic.
The country did not have enough coal, metal, machines - they built mines, factories
factories. There was not enough electricity - and the echelons of the Komsomol went
build Dneproges and Volkhovstroy. Komsomol members participated in the creation
collective farms, brought the first tractors to the fields. The country needed
literate, knowledgeable people, and Komsomol members studied and taught others. V
history textbooks left the words "Likbez", "rabfak", reminding us of
cultural revolution in our country.
Song "March of Enthusiasts"
After the Civil War, the Komsomol faced the task of preparing
worker and peasant youth to peaceful, creative activity.
The RKSM began to gradually restructure its work, concentrating its
activity on the tasks of socialist construction and
communist education of the youth. Komsomol directed all efforts to
restoration of the national economy destroyed during the war. Boys and
girls participated in the restoration of factories in Petrograd, Moscow, the Urals,
mines and factories of Donbass, the country's railway. Energy and enthusiasm
Komsomol manifested itself in the implementation of the cultural revolution. They
fought for the eradication of illiteracy, for the eradication of the vestiges
past in life. Komsomol members organized clubs in the countryside,
distributed books, newspapers, magazines, posters, leaflets, participated in
holding political and cultural events. They taught
illiterates, created new schools of educational program, opened reading rooms and
Komsomol, without weakening participation in the economic and state
construction, pays considerable attention to ideological education
youth, the organization of their education, the physical development of young men and
girls, preparing her for the defense of socialist gains. Lots of strength
gives the Young Communist League to the development of the defense industry and industries,
associated with it, in particular ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, oil production.
The second order is the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
Resolution of the Presidium of the Central Executive
Committee of the USSR. Presidium of the Central Executive
Committee of the USSR decides: For the initiative shown in
the cause of shock work and socialist emulation,
ensuring the successful implementation of the five-year development plan
of the national economy of the USSR, to award the All-Union Lenin
Communist Youth Union with the Order of the Red Labor
Banner. Moscow. Kremlin. January 21, 1931.
“The dark mounds are sleeping” (in the background).
Photos of Komsomol members during the Second World War.
Harsh 41st year. A significant role in the victory during the Great
Patriotic War belongs to the Komsomol members and
youth. Komsomol, considering itself mobilized to fight against
enemy, most
gave his composition to the troops. Some Komsomol
front-line organizations in full force went to
active army. 90 percent of the Komsomol members of the country were on
front. During the war, 11
million members of the Komsomol. Komsomol members made up a quarter of all
personnel of the Red Army and the Navy.
A characteristic manifestation of youth patriotism during the war years was
mass heroism. When the enemy occupied part of the Soviet
territory, young people are actively involved in the partisan and
underground movement. Separate detachments almost entirely consisted
from Komsomol members and youth. Orders and medals were
50 thousand young partisans were awarded, over 100 people became
Heroes of the Soviet Union. played an important role in defeating the enemy
selfless labor of Soviet people in the rear. In the frontline
zone operated 32 thousand specialized Komsomol
youth groups, brigades and detachments engaged in
relocation of equipment and people to the deep rear. Authentic
patriotism was shown by rural Komsomol members in the struggle for high
wartime crops. Men who went to the front were replaced
young collective farmers. The feat of the Komsomol during the war years was high
Third Order - Order of Lenin

before the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union
against Nazi Germany, for a great job of educating
Soviet youth in the spirit of selfless devotion
socialist Fatherland to award the All-Union Lenin
Communist Youth Union with the Order of Lenin. Moscow. Kremlin.
June 1945.
"Komsomol volunteers"
Photos of Komsomol members during the years of post-war construction.
In the fight against post-war difficulties during the period of reconstruction and
further development of the national economy of the country Komsomol
organization showed mass heroism in work, made new
exploits. At the restoration work of Stalingrad and Donbass,
Leningrad and Minsk, on new buildings of the new five-year plans of the country
Komsomol members and youth of the entire Soviet Union worked. On the
boundless expanses of virgin lands of Kazakhstan and Altai, tirelessly,
boys and girls worked. In the 40-50s. VLKSM helped build
large hydraulic structures such as the Volga-Don Canal,
powerful hydroelectric stations - Volzhskaya them. Lenin, Kuibyshevskaya,
Fourth Order - Order of Lenin
Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. For outstanding
services to the motherland in the cause of communist education
Soviet youth and active participation in the socialist
construction, in connection with the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Komsomol
to award the All-Union Leninist Communist Union
Youth with the Order of Lenin. Moscow. Kremlin. October 28, 1948.
“Song of Virgin Lands” or “New Settlers Are Coming” (a song sounds).
Photos of Komsomol members on the virgin lands of the Komsomol.
In Soviet times, after the country had solved the primary task
elimination of industrial backwardness from the leading countries of the world,
reached the hands of the virgin. The fundamental decision on the development of virgin
land was adopted at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU in September 1953. Following
followed by the development of a comprehensive action plan for the development
virgin lands, providing not only, say, for the transfer to virgin
areas of 120 thousand tractors and 10 thousand combines, but also the organization
medical care for virgin lands, supplying them with newspapers and
magazines, screening of films by mobile cinema installations.
Realizing that it is young people who are most capable of traveling to a distant
a land where at first one will have to live in very difficult conditions,
The Soviet leadership turned to the Komsomol. It is the district committees
Komsomol were engaged in the formation of virgin detachments. selected
one of the five volunteers - a competition like in a prestigious university!
In 1954-55, on Komsomol vouchers for the development of virgin lands
More than 350 thousand young people left Kazakhstan, Altai, Siberia. Their labor
was a real feat.
Fifth Order - Order of Lenin
Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. For great merit
Komsomol members and Soviet youth in the socialist
construction, always warmly responding to calls
Communist Party and Soviet Government, and especially
noting the selfless work of Komsomol members, Soviet youths and
girls in the successful development of virgin and fallow lands to award
All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union
Lenin. Moscow. Kremlin. November 5, 1956
"My address is the Soviet Union"
Photos of Komsomol members at Komsomol construction sites in the country
The Komsomol declares itself the chief of the construction of the Bratsk, Kremenchug,
Dneprodzerzhinsk hydroelectric power station, nuclear power plants. Appeared
Komsomol vouchers with addresses: for the construction of the Kazakhstan
Magnitogorsk, Sokolovsko-Sarbaisky, Novo-Krivoy Rog
processing plants, for the development of the Hungry Steppe. ended
construction of hydroelectric power stations on the Volga and Dnieper, thirty-seven mines in
Donbass, the conquest of the giant rivers of Siberia began, the development of new
mineral deposits. With the active participation of the Komsomol
in 1962, the construction of the Central Siberian
railway, electrified railway
The contribution of the Komsomol to the development of the wealth of Siberia, the Far East and
Far North, in the redistribution of the country's labor resources. At
the most active participation of young people built and put into operation about
1500 important facilities, including the world's largest - the Bratsk hydroelectric power station,
Beloyarsk nuclear power plant, Abakan-Taishet railway,
oil pipeline "Druzhba". In 1970, the Komsomol patronized 100 drums
construction projects, including the development of unique oil and gas
wealth of the Tyumen and Tomsk regions. For 1974-1977 245
the most important construction projects that determine the development of key industries
national economy, were declared all-Union shock
Komsomol. The Central Committee of the Komsomol took patronage over the West Siberian,
Bratsko-Ust-Ilimsk, Ekibastuz, South Yakutsk
territorial production complexes, facilities of the Kursk
magnetic anomaly, construction of Kuznetsky coal mines,
Donetsk and Moscow region basins, main gas pipelines
Orenburg is the Western border of the USSR, Urengoy is the state border of the USSR and
others. More than 3 thousand objects under construction above the construction
patronized by district, city, regional, regional and
republican Komsomol organizations. And it was not patronage
formal. With the active participation of the Komsomol, it was introduced into
operation of 760 industrial facilities, including 9 blast-furnace and
steel-smelting furnaces, 14 rolling and pipe mills,
capacity to produce 12 million kilowatts of electricity, 23
million tons of mineral fertilizers, 41 thousand
kilometers of gas and oil pipelines, 2,850 kilometers of new
railways. During these four years, the country's construction sites according to the Komsomol
more than 500 thousand volunteers were sent to vouchers. 27 thousand
young builders received Komsomol permits for construction
Baikal-Amur Mainline. The railway stretched for 1100
kilometers, more than 1000 different structures were built, including
including 432 bridges, 46 settlements were built. Labor of Komsomol members and youth
BAM was highly commended. Many of them received
government awards.
"Furious construction team"
Photos of Komsomol members in the MTR.
The real school of life for many young people was student
construction teams. For the first time, the idea of ​​​​creating such a detachment was born
among students of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University during the harvesting of virgin
harvest in the summer of 1958 at the Bulaevsky state farm in the North Kazakhstan
areas. Student construction teams formed in 1959
year from the Komsomol universities and technical schools of the capital, qualitatively
differed from the form of association of boys and girls for harvesting
works. This, first of all, concerned the issues of organizational structure,
relations with economic organizations, preparation and
organization of production activities, ideological and educational and
social and political work. Future professionals united
into a single team consciously and strictly on In 1961, at construction sites
virgin land for two months, 1260 boys and girls worked
from universities in Moscow and Leningrad. Central Committee of the Komsomol, having studied the experience of the organization
student detachments, in June 1962 adopted the first in the history of the Union
Youth Decree "On the participation of Komsomol organizations of universities
gg. Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev in construction on the Virgin Lands.
The Central Committee approved the initiative of the Komsomol members to
the formation of the MTR, considered the existing forms of training
detachments for summer work, managing them and recommended to committees
Komsomol to involve students more widely in the further rise
Agriculture. This contributed to the growth in the number of units,
strengthening their organizational principles, normative consolidation
principles of the student labor movement. Construction teams received
rapid and massive development. This movement took over the whole country.
Youth labor groups operated in many sectors
National economy. Number of students traveling as part of
student teams, increased annually. Voluntariness
formation and self-government, combination of economic activities
with ideological and political work among the local population, strict
conscious discipline and responsibility without discounts for youth -
such were the foundations of detachment life. The soldiers of the construction teams
a sense of duty was brought up, respect for one's own and others' work,
independence. And how to forget the pride experienced by the young
people for a job well done?
Sixth Order - Order of the October Revolution
Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. For outstanding service
and the great contribution of Komsomol members, Soviet youth to the formation and
strengthening of Soviet power, courage and heroism shown in battles with
enemies of our Motherland, active participation in the socialist and
communist construction, for fruitful work on
education of the younger generations in the spirit of devotion to the precepts of V.I.
Lenin and in connection with the 50th anniversary of the Komsomol to award the All-Union Lenin
Communist Youth Union with the Order of the October Revolution.
Moscow. Kremlin. October 25, 1968
There is no sphere of life where Komsomol members would not participate.
Organization of competitions of Komsomol youth brigades, competitions
professional skills, Saturdays and Sundays, field trips
propaganda teams with concerts for village workers, collected scrap metal and
waste paper, organized concerts and sporting events - here
far from a complete list of forms of patronage of the Komsomol.
Celebrating the 95th anniversary, thousands of former Komsomol members with a kind word
remember the years devoted to an organization that not only rallied
boys and girls, but also brought them up in the spirit of devotion to the Motherland,
introduced young people to work, sports, culture, gave a start in life.
But do not think that the history of the Komsomol has ended its existence. V
RSM can be called the successor of the Komsomol in our country - Russian Union
(RSM) is one of the mass non-state, non-profit,
non-political youth associations of Russia, unites young and
active people aged 14 to 30. Created May 31, 1990. Headquarters-
The apartment is located in Moscow. The main goal of the Russian Union of Youth is
creating conditions for the all-round development of a young person in
various spheres of public life, unlocking its potential, protecting
interests and rights of the members of the Union.
Every year, about 4 million young people participate in programs and projects
RSM. Territorial organizations and Public representations of the Central Committee
RSM work in 73 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, RSM organizations are created in universities,
colleges, lyceums, schools, enterprises. The RSM includes
Association of student youth RSM "Commonwealth".
The Russian Youth Union implements more than 20 all-Russian and more than 200
interregional programs and projects for working, studying and
student youth. These are educational, developing,
patriotic, career guidance, leisure, cultural and sports
programs and projects such as the Russian Student Spring,
"Student self-government", "Student
self-government”, “Russian intellectual resources”, “All-Russian
Junior League KVN”, “Art-Profi Forum”,
All-Russian campaign “We are citizens of Russia!”, international camp “Be-
La-Rus”, program “Personnel”.
RSM programs are supported by federal, regional and local
authorities. RSM representatives work in regional
public chambers, represent the interests of the RSM in public
councils of various authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation.
Pavel Krasnorutsky - Chairman (since 2012 - present)"
Andrey Platonov - Chairman (from 2008-2012)
Oleg Rozhnov - Chairman (from 1998-2007)
RSM wishes that in addition to problems and interests, young people have ideals,
Honor and honesty, dignity and sincere generosity, diligence and love
to the Motherland.
We once again congratulate you on the holiday, the 95th anniversary of
“The main thing, guys, is not to grow old with your heart”

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