Capital of the Chuvash Republic. Chuvashia Map

reservoirs 25.09.2019

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Chuvashia - Wikipedia:

Date of formation of the Chuvash Republic: July 3, 1991
The population of Chuvashia: 1 236 247 people
Telephone code of Chuvashia: 835
Chuvashia area: 18,300 km²
Car code of Chuvashia: 21

Districts of Chuvashia:

Alatyrsky Alikovsky Batyrevsky Vurnarsky Ibresinsky Kanashsky Kozlovsky Komsomolsky Krasnoarmeysky Krasnochetaisky Mariinsky-Posadsky Morgaushsky Poretsky Urmarsky Tsivilsky Cheboksary Shemurshinsky Shumerlinsky Yadrinsky Yalchiksky Yantikovsky.

Cities of Chuvashia - a list of cities of the Chuvash Republic in alphabetical order:

City of Alatyr- Population of the city: 35298 people.
Kanash city- Population of the city: 45501 people.
City of Kozlovka- Population of the city: 9058 people.
City of Mariinsky Posad- Population of the city: 8755 people.
City of Novocheboksarsk- Population of the city: 126072 people.
City of Tsivilsk- Population of the city: 14328 people.
City of Cheboksary- Population of the city: 489498 people.
City of Shumerlya- Population of the city: 29553 people.
City of Yadrin- Population of the city: 8451 people.

Chuvash Republic occupies the central territory of Russia. The administrative center is the city Cheboksary. The capital of the republic is one of the most ancient cities in Russia, founded in the middle of the 15th century.

The history of the Chuvash Republic is inextricably linked with Christianity. That is why on the territory of this region of Russia today you can see numerous Christian monuments, represented by centuries-old churches and monasteries. One of the main such structures is the Holy Trinity Monastery, built in 1566.

You can learn more about the history and culture of Chuvashia in the museums of the republic. For example, in the Chuvash National Museum, which contains exhibits and relics from the beginning of the Stone Age. In total, the museum has more than 160 thousand exhibits.

Sights of Chuvashia: Monument of the Mother, White Lake, Syutkul, Cheboksary Bay, Holy Trinity Monastery, Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, Museum of V.I. Chapaev, Baideryakovsky spring, Vvedensky Cathedral in Cheboksary, Beer Museum in Cheboksary, Tikhvin Bogoroditsky Monastery in Tsivilsk, Church of the Archangel Michael in Togaevo, Chuvash State Opera and Ballet Theater, National Unique Park of the Chuvash Republic "Chavash Varmane", Sovereign Hill of Mariinsky Posad, Trinity Cathedral of Mariinsky Posad, Chuvash National Museum, "Prisursky" Reserve.

Chuvash Republic 1ika (Chavash Republic) as part of Russian Federation. The name of the republic is derived from Russian. the name of its indigenous population is Chuvash (the ethnonym has been mentioned in written sources since 1521). The self-name Chavash is used ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia

Chuvashia- Chuvashia. Chuvashia, Chuvash Republic The Chavash Republic is located in the east of the European part of Russia. Included in the Volga-Vyatka economic region. The area is 18.3 thousand km2. Population 1360.8 thousand people (1996). Capital of Cheboksary. Other big… Dictionary "Geography of Russia"

Modern Encyclopedia

- (Chuvash Republic Chavash Republic) in the Russian Federation. 18.3 thousand km². Population 1346 thousand people (1993), urban 58%; Chuvash (907.9 thousand people, 1992), Russians, Tatars, etc. 21 districts, 9 cities, 8 urban-type settlements (1992) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

CHUVASHIA, Chuvash Republic Chavash Republic, subject of the Russian Federation; located in the east of the European part of Russia. Included in the Volga-Vyatka economic region. Pl. 18.3 thousand km2. Population 1358.9 thousand people. (1998). Capital of Cheboksary. Dr ... Russian history

Chuvashia- (Republic of Chavash), in Russia. The area is 18.3 thousand km2. Population 1353 thousand people, urban 58%; Chuvash (67.8%), Russians (26.7%), Tatars, etc. The capital of Cheboksary. 21 districts, 9 cities, 8 urban-type settlements. Situated in the middle reaches... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Exist., number of synonyms: 1 republic (21) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

- (Chuvash Republic Chavash Republic), in the Russian Federation. 18.3 thousand km2. Population 1358.9 thousand people (1998), urban 60.9%; Chuvash 67.8%, Russians 26.7%, Tatars, etc. 21 districts, 9 cities, 8 urban-type settlements. The capital of Cheboksary... encyclopedic Dictionary

Chuvashia- Sp Čiuvãšija Ap Chuvashia/Chuvashiya rusiškai Ap Chavash/Chavash čiuvašiškai L RF respublika … Pasaulio vietovardziai. Internetinė duomenų bazė

CHUVASHIA- Chuvash Republic, part of the Russian Federation Area 18.3 thousand km2 Nasev 1.3 million people (1994), incl. Chuvash 67.8%, Russian 26.7% Capital Cheboksary Per 1000 population aged 15 years. older in 1994 accounted for 856 people with higher and cf. (complete and ... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia


  • Ivan Vasilievich of All Russia. Mystic on the throne, Otari Kandaurov. The book illuminates the figure of the Russian tsar from the side of the order culture, revealing the origins of his deep nature, which was not adequately understood either by his contemporaries or armchair historians and ...
  • Rulers of Russia, A. I. Kulyugin. This book provides a brief biography of all the Rulers of Russia (Grand Dukes, Tsars and Emperors) for the period from 862, the year the reign of Prince Rurik Varangian began, until ...

Chuvash region - in front of me,
And the proud voice is heard more and more.
I praise with a young song
Rise of his high days.

Chuvash region, with what love
You raised me from an early age
And the soul pleases the son
The span of your growing wings.

The Chuvash region is mine, under protection
Russia - your mother take off.
We are merged with her by fate and heart
For centuries and for centuries to come.
(Vasily Davydov-Anatri)

Chuvash Republic
"... Chuvashia! Chuvashia! - curly dark green forests and golden arable land; gentle hills gently descending into the valleys of shallow rivers and streams; mills on the horizon, waving their wings in the hot wind; churches still preserved in some places; villages with log huts from white, as if chiseled linden; wide and thorny streets from tall garden willows with soft, as if not trampled by anyone, carpet grass ... ".
"... in the evenings on quiet village streets - girls in white and women in silver monists on their heads and a surban brightly embroidered on their chests and backs, with white heavy bracelets on their swarthy hands ...".
"...So everything here has been preserved from a distant, untouched antiquity. And then you take a closer look and learn the history of the Chuvash people, you discover how insultingly little has been written and told about it: in documents it is mentioned only from the 16th century, and the people, of course, lived and many centuries before that.He lived where he lives now, in a triangle between Gorky, Kazan and Alatyr, lived in dense oak forests, was engaged in rutting fur-bearing animals and sowed bread on fertile land, and a plentiful harvest and furs down the Volga in Bulgaria, where Chuvash merchants met with merchants from the west and south, exchanged brought goods, learned about distant peoples living beyond the Itil (Volga) River and the Khozar (Caspian) Sea, told about themselves ... And one can guess what exactly Arabic language mentions about them traveler Ibn-Fadlan, who visited the Volga in the 10th century, as about the people of the Visu, living to the west of the Bulgarian kingdom of Bulgars ... ".
"... Soft and delicate old Chuvash tr, embroideries, resemble a winding golden-yellow stream, then a golden-green Christmas tree, then green frog legs, then black windmill wings ... And on a woman's surban, on a back towel, you can see a ram's horn of color moraines…
An amazing variety of drawings was carried by a Chuvash woman through the centuries, through the darkness and smoke of a chicken hut. She developed the art of embroidery, drawing motifs from the world of nature around him, home life."
(Kostarev N., Russian writer)


Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia, (Chuvash. Chăvash En, Chăvash Respublika) - a republic (subject of the federation) within Russia. It is located in the center of the European part of Russia. The distance from the capital of the republic, the city of Cheboksary, to the capital of the federation, Moscow, is about 630 km.
The Republic has its own constitution and legislation. Carries out its own legal regulation, including the adoption of laws and other normative legal acts regulating relations in the political, economic and cultural spheres of society, within the limits established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
Throughout the territory of the Chuvash Republic, outside the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the powers of the Russian Federation on subjects of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the Chuvash Republic, the Constitution of the Chuvash Republic has the highest legal force.
The official languages ​​of the Chuvash Republic are Chuvash and Russian.
The capital is the city of Cheboksary.

Administrative-territorial division of Chuvashia
In the Chuvash Republic there are 21 administrative districts, 9 cities, 8 urban-type settlements, about 1700 rural settlements.

The capital of the republic is the city of Cheboksary with a population of about 500 thousand people. In 2001 he became the winner of the competition "The most comfortable city in Russia".

Geography of Chuvashia
The Chuvash Republic is located in the east of the East European Plain, mainly on the right bank of the Volga, between its tributaries the Sura and the Sviyaga. Territory - 18.3 thousand square meters. km.
The highest point above sea level is 286.6 meters.
Borders with Nizhny Novgorod region in the west, with the Republic of Mari El in the north, with Tatarstan in the east, and with Mordovia and the Ulyanovsk region in the south.


Valuable chernozem soils are located in the southeast along the border with the Republic of Tatarstan, in the southwest, west of the river. Sura and in the interfluve of the rivers Big and Small Tsivil.

Water resources
The hydroelectric potential of the Volga River in the republic is not fully realized at the Cheboksary HPP.

Phosphorite deposits with ore reserves of 148.7 million tons, oil shale with reserves of 199.1 million tons, peat deposits.

National Park "Chӑvash Varmane"
Prisursky Reserve


Climate in Chuvashia
Chuvashia is located in a zone with a temperate continental climate and is included in the forest-steppe and forest natural areas. Medium long-term temperature air in January is −13°С; in July +19°C. The average annual precipitation is 530-570 mm.

Main article: Population of Chuvashia
The population of the republic according to the State Statistics Committee of Russia is 1,243,431 people. (2013). The population density is 67.79 people/km2 (2013). Urban population — 59.81 % (2013).

Ethnic composition
According to the 2002 census, representatives of 106 ethnic groups lived on the territory of the republic, the number of Chuvash is more than two-thirds, Russians - more than a quarter:


Economy of the Chuvash Republic
The Chuvash Republic is part of the Volga-Vyatka economic region.
Economy of the Chuvash Republic by level economic development among the subjects of the Russian Federation is between the "middle peasants" and outsiders. Per capita GRP, adjusted for the cost of living in the region, is 54% of the Russian average. In the Volga District, only the indicators of the Penza and Kirov regions and the neighboring underdeveloped republics of the Volga-Vyatka region (Mordovia and Mari El) are worse.
In the economy of Chuvashia, the share of the rural sector in the structure of GRP is two times higher than the average for the Russian Federation (9.4 and 4.9%, respectively), 31% of the GRP is provided by industry (average for the Russian Federation is 33.2%).
Republican industry is mainly located in Cheboksary Novocheboksarsk (this agglomeration provides three-quarters industrial products). In Novocheboksarsk there is a center for the electric power industry - the Cheboksarskaya HPP, as well as the Khimprom plant - one of the largest in Russia in its industry (it poses a danger to the population due to environmental hazards). In 2007, Khimprom JSC was included in the Renova Orgsintez holding, and a technical innovation zone for the production of solar battery modules is being created on the basis of the chemical plant.
There are auto-aggregate and car-repair plants in Kanash, instrument-making plants in Alatyr, and the production of vans and special vehicles has been launched in Shumerla.
In the village of Vurnary, a military chemical plant used to operate, now a mixed preparations plant is operating in its place. The remaining 20 municipalities account for only 6% of industrial production.


Famous people born in Chuvashia:
In the city of Shumerlya, the drummer of the legendary group "Time Machine" was born and grew up - Valery Efremov !!!
Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev - Commander of the Red Army. Born in the village of Budaika, Cheboksary district.
Andrian Nikolaev is a pilot-cosmonaut, the third person on the planet who flew into space.
Makarov Mikhail Petrovich
(04.12.1906-18.12.1969) - statesman, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Honored School Teacher of the RSFSR (1960)
Ablyakimov Enver Azizovich
(04/02/1948) - from September 2005 to December 2007, head of the Administration of the President of the Chuvash Republic.
Aksakov Anatoly Gennadievich
(28.11.1957) - deputy State Duma Federal Assembly Russian Federation, candidate economic sciences, docent.
Alyunov Gavriil Fedorovich
(03/01/1876-07/12/1921) - leader of the Chuvash national liberation movement, deputy of the Constituent Assembly.
Andreev Valery Vitalievich
(09/30/1958) - statesman, candidate of historical sciences, honored worker of culture of the Chuvash Republic.
Andreev Mikhail Andreevich
(05/17/1908-04/12/1977) - statesman, candidate of economic sciences, participant in the Great Patriotic War.
Andreev Yakov Andreevich
(09.11.1888-10.04.1975) - party and statesman, participant in the First World and Civil Wars.
Arkhipov Vsevolod Arkhipovich
(02/03/1918 - 12/26/1979) - statesman, major general of militia.
Astapov Leonid Ignatievich
(03/02/1919-10/12/2000) - statesman, participant in the Great Patriotic War.
Akhazov Timofei Arkadievich
(06/02/1907-06/09/1979) - statesman and party leader.
Viktorov Valeryan Nikolaevich
(08/12/1951) - statesman, active state adviser of the Russian Federation of the 1st class, doctor of economic sciences, professor.
Volodina Natalya Ivanovna
(08/12/1958) - statesman, journalist, honored worker of culture of the Russian Federation.
Vorontsov Nikolay Vasilievich
(03/20/1933) - statesman, laureate of the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.
Gaplikov Sergey Anatolievich
(04/29/1970) - Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic (2004 - 2010)
Grigoriev Nikolai Alekseevich
(08/25/1948) - statesman, organizer of funds mass media.
Efimov Anatoly Grigorievich
(02/02/1908 - 03/21/2001) - statesman, production organizer, honored worker of industry of the Chuvash Republic, participant in the Great Patriotic War.
Zaitsev Mikhail Vasilievich
(10/24/1921-07/24/1985) - statesman and party leader, candidate of historical sciences, personal pensioner of union significance.
Zaitsev Nikolai Arkhipovich
(03/30/1943) - Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Chuvash ASSR, representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Chuvash Republic
Zakharov Dmitry Zakharovich
(12/16/1888-01/09/1952) - the chief arbitrator at the Council of People's Commissars (then the Council of Ministers) of the Chuvash Republic.
Ignatiev Mikhail Vasilievich
(01/08/1962) - statesman, since 2010 President of the Chuvash Republic
Krivov Timofey Stepanovich
(21.02.1886-16.08.1966) - party and government worker.
Kurakov Lev Panteleimonovich
(01/04/1943) - statesman, doctor of economic sciences.
Lebedev Leonid Leonidovich
(05/02/1956) - Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation - representative of the State Council of the Chuvash Republic.
Markelov Ivan Alekseevich
(02.10.1922-09.12.1991) - statesman, culturologist, candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor, honored worker of culture of the Chuvash ASSR (1980), honored worker of culture of the RSFSR (1988)
Matveev Anton Matveevich
(04.12.1903-19.10.1971) - Deputy People's Commissar of Finance of the ChASSR
Midukov Vladimir Petrovich
(04/05/1947) - Deputy of the State Council of the Chuvash Republic for a single constituency from the Chuvash regional branch political party United Russia, Deputy Chairman of the State Council of the Chuvash Republic.



Mikhailov Anany Mikhailovich
(09/22/1898-12/19/1942) - in 1927 he was appointed chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Chuvash ASSR.
Mikhailovsky Mikhail Alekseevich
(04/21/1947) - Deputy of the State Council of the Chuvash Republic for a single constituency from the Chuvash regional branch of the political party "United Russia", Chairman of the State Council of the Chuvash Republic.
Nikolaev Timofey Nikolaevich
(01/14/1878-06/10/1918) - revolutionary, leader of the Chuvash national liberation movement.
Petrov Alexander Petrovich
(13.12.1933) - in 1988-90 - First Secretary of the Chuvash Regional Committee of the CPSU.
Petrova Tatyana Ivanovna
(December 30, 1958) - statesman, candidate of economic sciences.
Prokopiev Ilya Pavlovich
(07/29/1926) - a prominent party and statesman.
Prokopiev Leonid Prokopevich
(04/07/1934-01/08/2006) - statesman and party leader.
Semenov Demyan Filippovich
(07/10/1938) - political and statesman, honored worker of culture of the Chuvash Republic.


Semenov Pavel Vladimirovich
(07.12.1976) - Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
Slutsker Vladimir Iosifovich
(08/27/1956) - member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation - representative from the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic.
Spasov Luka Semyonovich
(02/19/1899-12/31/1955) - Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Chuvash ASSR,
Suslonova Nina Vladimirovna
(08/09/1960) - statesman, Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic (April 2010 - February 2011).
Fedorov Alexander Fedorovich
(19.08.1871-27.12.1938) - socio-political figure, deputy of the 2nd State Duma
Fedorov Arkhip Fedorovich
(02/17/1889-09/06/1968) - revolutionary, prominent statesman and public figure of Chuvashia.
Fedorov Nikolay Vasilievich
(05/09/1958) - professor, doctor of economics and candidate of legal sciences, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology.
Shevle Mikhail Vasilievich
(09/28/1887-04/24/1954) - Chairman of the Chuvash Representation at the People's Commissariat for Nationalities.
Shuikov Valery Averkievich
(06/23/1958) - statesman and public figure, state adviser of the Russian Federation of the 3rd class.
Shurchanov Valentin Sergeevich
(01/19/1947) - party and statesman, member of the faction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, first secretary of the Chuvash Republican Committee of the Communist Party.
Elmen (Semenov) Daniil Semenovich
(12/16/1885-09/03/1932) - statesman and party leader.

Chuvash State Academic Drama Theater named after K. V. Ivanov
Address: Cheboksary, Red Square, 7

Chuvash State Theater for Young Spectators M. Sespel

Chuvash State Opera and Ballet Theater
Address: Cheboksary, Moskovsky pr., 1
Chuvash State Puppet Theater
Address: Cheboksary, Egersky boulevard, 36
State Russian Drama Theater of the Chuvash Republic
Address: Cheboksary, st. Gagarina, 14
Chuvash State Experimental Drama Theater (Mime Theater "Rain")
Address: Novocheboksarsk, st. Soviet, 41

Chuvash National Museum
Address: Cheboksary, Red Square, 5

Museum and Exhibition Center
Departments of ethnographic and military glory, temporary exhibitions.
Address: Cheboksary, K. Efremov boulevard, 8
Chuvash State Art Museum
Address: Cheboksary, st. Kalinina, 60
Art Gallery (on the Volga)
Department of Russian and foreign art ChGHM
Address: Cheboksary, st. K. Ivanova, 4
Museum of V. I. Chapaev
Address: Cheboksary, Lenin Ave., 46A (Chapaev Square)
Contemporary Art Center
Address: Cheboksary, Presidential Boulevard, 1/15


Literary Museum. K. Ivanova
Address: Cheboksary, st. Dzerzhinsky, 20
Literary Museum. M.Sespelya
Address: Cheboksary, st. Sespelya, 8
Museum-apartment of Spiridonov M.S.
Address: Cheboksary, st. Spiridonova, 1
House of Folk Art
Address: Cheboksary, st. K. Marx, 32
Cultural and Exhibition Center "Raduga"
Address: Cheboksary, st. Elmenya, 4A-1
Art Gallery "Watercolor
Address: Cheboksary, st. Sverchkova, 6B
Republican Forest Museum
Address: Cheboksary, Lesnoy village, 10
Geological Museum
Address: Cheboksary, K. Efremov boulevard, 12
Museum P / o them. V. I. Chapaeva
Address: Cheboksary, st. Industrial-YUZR, 7D
Museum of the History of the Police of Chuvashia
Address: Cheboksary, st. Engels, 3
Fire and technical exhibition
Address: Cheboksary, st. K.Marksa, 37
Museum of the History of Novocheboksarsk
Not working yet. Interior work is underway.
Address: Novocheboksarsk, st. Vinokurova, 42A
Art Museum of Novocheboksarsk
Address: Novocheboksarsk, Gidrostroiteley boulevard, 4
Hydropower Museum
Address: Novocheboksarsk, st. Embankment, 34
Memorial complex of the pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR A. G. Nikolaev
Address: Chuvash Republic, s. Shorshely, st. Parkova 14


The mass media of Chuvashia are represented by printed newspapers and magazines, radio and TV channels, information websites.
"Hĕrlĕ yalav";
Tavan Atal;
New Face;
Ҫamrӑksen khaҫachӗ;
Khreschen sassi;
Chӑvash hӗrarӑmӗ;
News of Chuvashia;
MK in Cheboksary;
retirement environment;
Sports Bulletin;
Telesem in Cheboksary;
TV WEEK - Cheboksary;
Khreschen sassi Keel;
Home Newspaper;
For peace;
World Society;
Hunter and fisherman;
Springs of Chuvashia.



Team Nomads.
Official portal of the authorities of the Chuvash Republic
Kostarev, N. Lesser Chuvashia: essay / N. Kostarev // Chuvash in Russian literature and journalism: in 2 volumes - Cheboksary: ​​Chuvash Publishing House. state un-ta, 2002. - T. 2. - S. 208.
Brief Chuvash Encyclopedia

Once upon a time, approximately at the beginning of the last century, the Soviet People's Commissar formed the Chuvash autonomous region. Then she began to call the Soviet Socialist Republic. A lot has changed in the intervening time. AT given time this ecologically clean place is called the Chuvash Republic.

It is located now on the East European Plain, in its eastern part between the Sviyaga and Sura rivers. The border passes near the republics of Tatarstan, Mari El, Mordovia, Ulyanovsk and Nizhny Novgorod regions.

From the capital of Russia to Chuvashia, the distance is about 700 kilometers. The territory covers more than 19,000 kilometers. On the map of Chuvashia with roads and villages, the designations of the highest and lowest points of the region are marked.

The President is the highest official. Its inhabitants are beautiful places elected for a term of five years. The Cabinet of Ministers is the executive body of power. Local population according to the latest census list is 1,500,000 million people.

The economy is provided by the electric power industry, agriculture, car repair, auto aggregate, military chemical plants. Enterprises of these industries are marked on the map of Chuvashia with villages.

Below you will find Republic of Chuvashia map with cities also in JPG format.

Below you can see what the map looks like in JPG format, so you can print it and hang it on the wall.

The capital of the Republic of Chuvashia is the city.

Chuvashia is considered the most anciently populated territory of Russia (about 80,000 years), where valuable historical monuments have been preserved, which is very attractive for tourists. This is where many people come famous people to visit the ancient health resorts (“the pearl” is the balneological clinic “Chuvashia”) or go on a river cruise along the Volga. By the way, the legendary captain was born in this republic Soviet army V. Chapaev, there is also a museum named after him. In general, the Chuvash occupy the 5th place in terms of the Russian population.

Chuvashia is part of Russia as a subject of the Federation, occupies the territory in the center of the European part of Russia. The capital of the region is Cheboksary. FROM map of the Chuvash Republic you will see the modern territorial division, the location of the main objects and the borders of the region. Neighbors of Chuvashia are Nizhny Novgorod, Ulyanovsk regions, Mari El, Tatarstan and Mordovia.

In the 1920s, the renaming of the Chuvash into Bulgarians, and the Chuvash ASSR into the Bulgarian was discussed. The proposal did not materialize. Currently being promoted again different variants renaming the republic. One of the options is to the Volga Bulgaria.

On the map of the Chuvash Republic its main administrative units are plotted, including 21 districts, 8 urban-type settlements, 9 cities. There are about 1700 rural settlements on the territory of Chuvashia. In total, more than 468 thousand people live in the republic. The capital of Cheboksary in 2001 won the competition for the title of the most comfortable city in Russia.

The geographical location of the republic is the east of the East European Plain, the right bank of the Volga, the size of the territory is more than 18 thousand square kilometers. The region's resources are water (hydro potential of the Volga), fishing - sterlet populations are found on the Sura River, from minerals - deposits of oil shale, peat, phosphorites. Rich chernozem soils in large areas determine the successful farming.

The economy of the republic is at a level of development below the average. Main industrial enterprises concentrated in Cheboksary. There is a center for the electric power industry - a hydroelectric power station, one of the largest chemical plants in Russia (environmentally unsafe for people). There are also large production facilities in Kanash, Alatyr, Shumerla, and the village of Vurnary. The remaining 20 municipalities have practically no industrial potential, here the volume of production is only 6% of the total.

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