Sophia Paleologist. Biography

The buildings 22.09.2019
The buildings

In the family of the seasisian despot of the Paleologist († 1465), the brother of Emperor Konstantin Xi.

Early Osreen, Sofia was brought up with the brothers at the court of the Roman Pope.

Favorable marriage

« Was with her - says the chronicler, - and the lord of its own (Lev Anthony), not in our custom, dressed all in red, in gloves, which never removes and blesses in them, and carry the crucifix to the cast, highly scattered on the ancient; It is not suitable for icons and is not baptized, in the Trinity Cathedral was attached only to the most accurate, and then according to orders the princes».

Learning that the latin cross Metropolitan Philippressed the Great Prince: " I will allow the cross in the grather Moscow to carry the cross in front of the Latin bishop, he will bring into a single gate, and I, my father, I love with other grades».

According to legend, she brought with her a gift to her husband "bone throne" (now known as the "Trone of Ivan Grozny"): its wooden cozen was covered with plates from ivory and walrus with scenes cut on them on biblical topics.

Sofia brought with him a few orthodox icons, Including, as you suggest, the Rare Icon of the Mother of God "The Gracious Sky".

Fight for the throne

On April 18, Sofia gave birth to the first (rapidly deceased) daughter Anna, then another daughter (also the deceased so quickly that she did not have time to do).

The first son of Vasily was born in Sofia. During the years of its 30-year-old marriage, Sophia gave birth to 5 sons and 4 daughters.

in the year, the eldest son of Ivan III, Ivan the young, sobbed in the legs in his feet ("Kamchug") and died 32 years old. He last left the young son of Dimitria (+ 1509) from the marriage of his on Elena, the daughter of Stephen, the Lord of Moldavsky, and therefore the question arose who to inherit the Grand Diction - Son or Grandfather. The struggle for the throne began, the courtyard was divided into two sides.

Princes and boyars were supported by Elena, widow Ivan the young, and her son Dmitry; On the side of Sofia and the son of Vasily were only children boyars and devils. They began to advise the young prince Vasily to leave Moscow, capture the treasury in Vologda and on Beloozer and destroy Dimitri. But the plot was opened in December. In addition, the enemies talked to the great prince, as if Sofia wants to poison his grandson to put on the throne of his own son, which secretly attend the vigori, preparing a poisonous potion, and that Vasily himself participates in this plot. Ivan III accepted the side of the grandson and arrested Vasily.

However, Sofia managed to achieve the fall of Elena Voloshanka, accusing it in the commitment of heresy jigid. Then the Grand Duke imposed on the daughter-in-law and the grandson of Opalu and Vasily's legitimate heir to the throne.

Impact on politics and culture

Contemporaries noted that Ivan III after marriage on the niece of Emperor of Byzantine was a formidable sovereign at the Moscow Grand Dummy Table. Byzantine princess brought her husband to her own rights and, according to the historian-Visantist F.I. Assumption, the right to Trone Byzantium, with which the boyars had to be considered. Before Ivan III loved "against himself a meeting," that is, objections and disputes, but when Sofia changed the appeal with the courtesy, began to keep himself unavailable, demanded special respects and easily fell into anger, then imposing opal. These attacks also attributed to the destructive influence of Sofia Paleolog.

The attentive observer of the Moscow life Baron Herberstein, twice the ambassador of the German Emperor who came to Moscow in Moscow, hearing the boyars, notices about Sophia in his notes, that it was an unusually tricky, having big influence On the Grand Duke, who, according to her suggestion, did a lot. Finally, the chronicles confirm it, saying, for example, that, according to the suggestions of Sofia, Ivan III finally ripped with Ordo. As if she had picked up her husband: " I refused my hand to my rich, strong princes and kings, for the faith came out for you, and now you want me and my children to make dansts; Do you have little troops?»

As Tsarevna, Sofia, enjoyed the right to take foreign embassies in Moscow. According to the legend, not only by Russian annals, but also the English poet John Milton, Sofia was able to overcome Tatar Khan, declaring that he had a sign of more than the construction of the church of St. Nicholas on the place in the Kremlin, where the house of the Khan governors, who controlled Yasak's charges stood and the actions of the Kremlin. This story represents sophia decisive in nature (" put them out of the Kremlin, the house was demolished, although the temple did not build"). Ivan III really refused to pay tribute and trampled a khan dip right at the Orda yard in Zamoskvorechye, Russia actually ceased to pay the Horde.

Sophia managed to attract doctors to Moscow, cultural figures and especially architects. Creation of the latter could make Moscow equal to the beauty and majesty to the European capitals and support the prestige of the Moscow sovereign, and also to emphasize the continuity of Moscow not only the second, but also the first Rome. Architects Architects Aristotle Fiorewanti, Marco Ruffo, Aleviz Fryazin, Antonio and Petro Solary built a grain of the Chamber in the Kremlin and the Blagoveshchensky Cathedrals at the Kremlin's Cathedral Square; Construction ended

Ivan III and Sophia Paleolog

Ivan III Vasilyevich was the Grand Duke Moscow from 1462 to 1505. During the Board of Ivan Vasilievich, there was a consideration of a significant part of Russian lands around Moscow and its transformation into the center of the community state. The final liberation of the country from the power of the Horde Hanov was reached. Ivan Vasilyevich created a state that was the basis of Russia until modern times.

The first wife of the Grand Duke Ivan was Maria Borisovna, the daughter of the Tver Prince. On February 15, 1458, the son of Ivan was born in the family of the Grand Prince. The Great Princess, who had a meek character, died on April 22, 1467, without reaching the thirty-year-old age. The Great Princess was buried in the Kremlin, in the Ascension of the Women's Monastery. Ivan, who was at this time in Kolomna, did not come to the funeral of his wife.

Two years after her death, the Grand Duke decided to marry again. After a meeting with his mother, as well as with the boyars and Metropolitan, he decided to agree to the recently received from the Pope of the Roman proposal to marry with the Byzantine princess Sophia (in Byzantia, it was called Zoe). She was the daughter of the seaside despot of the Paleologist's foma and had a niece of Emperors Konstantin XI and John VIII.

The fall in the fate of Zoe was the fall of the Byzantine Empire. Emperor Konstantin XI died in 1453 during the capture of Constantinople. After 7 years, in 1460, the Sea was captured by Turkish Sultan Mehmed II, Thomas ran with his family to Corfu Island, then in Rome, where he soon died. To get support in last year Thomas moved to Catholicism. Zoya and her brothers - 7-year-old Andrei and 5-year-old Manuel - moved to Rome 5 years after the Father. There she received the name of Sofya. Paleologists entered the patronage of Cardinal Vissarion, who retained sympathy for the Greeks.

Zoe has become over the years in an attractive girl with dark shiny eyes and a gentle white skin. It was distinguished by a subtle mind and prudence in behavior. According to the unanimous assessment of the contemporaries Zoya was charming, and her mind, education and manners were immacular. Bologna chronicles in 1472 enthusiastically wrote about Zoe: "It is truly charming and beautiful ... low growth, it seemed from 24 years; The eastern flame sparkled in the eyes, the whiteness of the skin spoke about the meaninglessness of the sort of kind. "

In those years, the Vatican was looking for allies to organize a new anti-turk crusade, intending to involve all European soverees into it. Then, according to the advice of Cardinal Vissarion Dad and decided to give the Zoya for the Moscow sovereign Ivan III, knowing about his desire to become the heir of Byzantine Vasilevs. Konstantinople Patriarch and Cardinal Vissarion tried to resume the Ulya with Rusy with the help of marriage. It was then a great prince reported to stay in Rome by the devotees of Orthodoxy a noble bride - Sofia Paleologist. Dad promised Ivan's support if he wants to wander on her. The motives for the marriage of Sofye, Ivan III, of course, were associated with the status, the brilliance of her name and the glory of the ancestors played a role. Ivan III, who claimed the royal title, believed himself by the successor of the Roman and Byzantine emperors.

On January 16, 1472, Moscow ambassadors went to the distant path. In Rome, Muscovites were honored with a new Pope Sikst IV. As a gift from Ivan III ambassadors They presented the pontiff sixty selected sable skins. The case quickly went to complete. Pope Sikst IV reacted with deceic care to the bride: he gave Zoe in the dowry, except for gifts, about 6,000 ducats. Sikst IV in St. Peter's Cathedral made a solemn ceremony of absenteeism of Sophia with a Moscow state truck, which was represented by the Russian ambassador Ivan Fryazin.

June 24, 1472, having gone from the dad in the Gardens of the Vatican, Zoya went to the distant north. The future of the Great Moscow Princess, only only to find out in Russian land, while still on the way under the crown to Moscow, insidiously betrayed all the hopes of Pope, immediately forgetting all his Catholic upbringing. Sophia, apparently, who was encountered in childhood with the Athos elders, opponents of subordination of Orthodox Catholics, in the depths of the soul was deeply Orthodox. She immediately openly, brightly and demonstratively showed her devotion to Orthodoxy, to the delight of Russians, applying all the icons in all churches, impecably conducting themselves in the Orthodox service, in the Orthodox service. Vatican plans to make a princess conductor Catholicism on Russia suffered a failure, since Sophia immediately demonstrated a return to the faith of ancestors. The papal legat was deprived of the opportunity to enter Moscow, carrying a latin cross.

Early in the morning of November 21, 1472, Sophia Paleologist arrived in Moscow. On the same day, in the Kremlin in the temporary wooden church, set near the Uspensky Cathedral under construction, so as not to stop worship, the sovereign was married with her. Byzantine princess, for the first time, then saw her spouse. Grand Duke It was young - only 32 years old, is good, high and stitched. Especially wonderful were his eyes, "Terrible eyes." And before Ivan Vasilyevich was distinguished by a steep character, and now, he has breeding with the Byzantine monarchs, he turned into a Grozny and powerful sovereign. There was a considerable merit of his young wife.

Sophia has become a full-fledged great princess of Moscow. The very fact that she agreed to go looking for happiness from Rome to distant Moscow, says that she was a brave, energetic woman.

She brought a generous dowry on Russia. After the wedding, Ivan III adopted the coat of arms of the Byzantine double-headed eagle - the symbol of the royal power, placing him and on his press. Two heads of the eagle are facing west and east, Europe and Asia, symbolizing their unity, as well as unity ("symphony") of spiritual and secular power. Dudding Sophia was the legendary "Liberia" - a library (more known as the "library of Ivan Grozny"). It included Greek parchments, Latin chronographs, Ancient manuscripts, among which were unknown by the poems of Homer, the writings of Aristotle and Plato and even surviving books from the famous Alexandria library.

According to legend, she brought with her a gift to her husband "bone throne": his wooden cable was covered with plates from ivory and walrus with stories cut on them on biblical topics. Sophia brought with me a few Orthodox icons.

With a visit in 1472 to the capital of Russia, the Greek princess, the heiress of the former majority of Paleologists, at the Russian yard, formed a rather large group of immigrants from Greece and Italy. Many of them occupied significant with time state posts And more than once performed important diplomatic instructions of Ivan III. They all returned to Moscow with big groups Specialists, among whom were architects, doctors, jewelers, masters of the mint and armory masters.

The Great Greekin brought with him her ideas about the courtyard and power of power. Sophia Paleologist not only made changes at the courtyard - some Moscow monuments are obliged to her appearance. Much of the preserved now in the Kremlin was built precisely under the Great Princess Sophier.

In 1474, the Assumption Cathedral, which was erected by Pskov Masters, collapsed. Italians under the guidance of the architect Aristotle Phiorewanti were attracted to the restoration of it. With it, they built the church of the risosity, the grain ward, named so on the occasion of her finishes in Italian style - edges. The Kremlin himself is a fortress guarding the ancient center of the capital of Russia - grew and was created in her eyes. Twenty years later foreign travelers It was called the Moscow Kremlin in Europe "Castle", in view of the abundance of stone structures.

So by the efforts of Ivan III and Sofia Paleologist Renaissance bloomed on Russian land.

However, Sophia's arrival in Moscow did not like some of the court Ivan. By nature, Sophia was a reformer, participation in state affairs was the meaning of the life of the Moscow Princess, she was decisive and smart personAnd it really did not like the idea of \u200b\u200bthe nobility. In Moscow, it was accompanied not only by the honors rendered by the Grand Princess, but also hostility of the local clergy and the heir to the throne. At every step, she had to defend his rights.

The best way to approve yourself was, of course, childbearing. Grand Duke wanted to have sons. I wished this and Sophia herself. However, on joy of unfriendly, she gave birth to three daughters - Elena (1474), Elena (1475) and Feodosia (1475). Unfortunately, girls were short enough after birth. Then another girl was born, Elena (1476). Sophia praying God and all the saints about the gift of the Son. There is a legend associated with the birth of Sophia Son of Vasily, the future heir to the throne: as if during one of the manty campaigns to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, in Clementev, the Great Princess Sophie Paleologist was the vision of St. Sergius of Radonezh, who "whisper in the bowel Paul. On the night of March 25-26, 1479, a boy, named after Grandfather Vasily, appeared. For the mother, he always remained Gabriel - in honor of the Archangel Gabriel. Following Vasily, she had two more sons (Yuri and Dmitry), then two daughters (Elena and Feodosia), then three more sons (Semen, Andrei and Boris) and the last, in 1492, - Evdokia's daughter.

Ivan III loved his wife and took care of the family. Before the invasion of Khan Ahmat, 1480, for the sake of security, with children, the yard, haruves and the prince of Sophia was sent first in Dmitrov, and then on Belozero. Vladyka Vissarion warned the Grand Duke from the constant spirit and excessive attachment to his wife and children. In one of the chronicles it is noted that Ivan drank: "The horror of Nayd on Hy, and Buregati from Brega, and His great Princess Roman and the treasury with her Ambassador on Beloosero."

The main value of this marriage was that the marriage of Sophia Paleologist contributed to the conclusion of Russia by the successor of Byzantium and the proclamation of Moscow by the third Rome, the stronghold orthodox Christianity. After the marriage at Sofary Ivan III, for the first time, dared to show the European political world The new title of the sovereign of All Russia and forced him to admit it. Ivan was called "the state truck of All Russia."

The question of the future fate of the offspring Ivan III and Sophia was inevitably. The heir to the throne remained the son of Ivan III and Mary Borisovna Ivan Young, who, on October 10, 1483, in marriage with Elena Voloshka, the son of Dmitry was born. In the event of the death of the father, he would not slow down in one way or another way to get rid of Sofia and her family. The best thing they could hope is a link or expulsion. At the thought of this, Greek covered rage and impotent despair.

During all 1480s, the position of Ivan Ivanovich as a legitimate heir was quite strong. However, by 1490, the heir to the throne Ivan Ivanovich fell ill with "Kamchugu in the legs" (gout). Sophia wrote out from Venice of Lekary - "Most of Leon", which was self-administratively promised Ivan III to cure the heir to the throne. Nevertheless, all the efforts of the doctor were fruitless, and on March 7, 1490, Ivan the young died. The doctor was executed, and rumors of heir poisoning crawled in Moscow. Modern historians belong to the hypothesis about the poisoning of Ivan the young as unverified for the disadvantage of sources.

On February 4, 1498, the coronation of Prince Dmitry Ivanovich was held at the Assumption Cathedral in the situation of great pomp. Sophia and her son Vasily were invited.

Ivan III continued to painfully search for a dynastic dead end. How much pain, tears and misunderstandings had to experience his wife, this strong, wise woman who so sought to help her husband build new Russia, Third Rome. But the time passes, and the wall of the fierce, which, with such a zeal, was erected around the Grand Duke of his son and Snow, collapsed. Ivan Vasilyevich wiped his wife's tears and cried himself with her. Like ever before he felt that the light was white to him without this woman. Now the idea to give the throne Dmitry did not seem successful to him. Ivan Vasilyevich knew how voluntarily loved Sophia Son Vasily. He sometimes even jealous to this maternal loveUnderstanding that the Son is entirely reigning in the heart of the mother. The great princess was sorry for his young sons of Vasily, Yuri, Dmitry Vasil, Seeds, Andrei ... and with the princess Sofia, he lived together a quarter of a century. Ivan III understood that sooner or later sons of Sofia raise the rebellion. It was possible to prevent the speech only in two ways: either to destroy the second family, or to cope with the throne of Vasily and destroy the Ywan young family.

On April 11, 1502, the dynastic scratch approached its logical conclusion. According to the chronicles, Ivan III "put Opal on the grandson of his Grand Prince Dmitreya and his mother on his great Princess Elena." Three days later, Ivan III "He granted the Son of his Vasily, blessed and planted on the Grand Prince Volodymerene and Moskovskoye and All Rusi Self-adjustment."

On the advice of his wife, Ivan Vasilyevich released Elena from imprisonment and sent to his father to Valahia (they needed good relations with Moldova), but in 1509 Dmitry died in the Nighners, in Turma.

A year after these events, April 7, 1503, Sophia Paleologist died. The body of the Great Princess was buried in the Cathedral of the Kremlin Ascension Monastery. Ivan Vasilyevich followed by her death fell in spirit, seriously ill. Apparently, the Great Greek Sophia gave him the necessary energy for the construction of a new power, her mind helped in state affairs, her sensitivity warned about the dangers, her all-standing love gave him strength and courage. Leaving all the cases, he went on a trip along the monasteries, but the sins could not be ruined. He was broken by paralysis: "... he took his hand and leg and eye." On October 27, 1505, he died, "formerly at the Grand Due to 43 years and 7 months, and all years of his belly of 65 and 9 months."

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Sofia Fominichna Paleologist, she also Zoya Paleeological (Greek. Ζωή σοφία παλαιολογίνα). Born OK. 1455 - died on April 7, 1503. Great Princess Moscow, the second wife Ivan III, Mother Vasily III, Grandma Ivan Grozny. It came from the Byzantine Imperial Dynasty of Paleologists.

Sofia (Zoya) Paleologist was born around 1455.

Father - Foma Paleologist, brother the last emperor Byzantine Konstantin XI, the despot of sea (Peloponnese Peninsula).

Her grandfather on the maternal line was Centurion II Zakkaria, the last frank prince ahayi. Chenturion took place from the Genoese merchant race. His father was put to rule Aheyia Neapolitan King Karl III Anjou. Chenturion inherited power from his father and rules in the principality until 1430, when the despot of Sea Foma Paleolog began a large-scale offensive on his possessions. This forced the prince to retreat to his hereditary castle in the Messia, where he died in 1432, two years after a peace treaty, according to which Thomas married his daughter Catherine. After his death, the territory of the principality entered the despotat.

Senior Sister Sofia (Zoe) - Elena Paleeologica Maelais (1431 - November 7, 1473), from 1446 was the wife of the Serbian despot of Lazarus Brankovich, and after the seizure of Serbia Muslims in 1459 fled to the Greek Island Lefkas, where he had rushed into a nun.

She also had two surviving brothers - Andrei Paleologist (1453-1502) and Manuel Paleologist (1455-1512).

Decisive in the fate of Sofia (Zoe) was the fall in the Byzantine Empire. Emperor Konstantin died in 1453 during the capture of Constantinople, after 7 years, in 1460, the Sea was captured by Turkish Sultan Mehmed II, Thomas went to Corfu Island, then in Rome, where he soon died.

She with brothers - 7-year-old Andrei and 5-year-old Manuel moved to Rome 5 years after his father. There she received the name Sofia. Paleologists settled at the courtyard of Pope Siksta IV (Customer Sicstinskaya Capella). To get support, in the last year of his life, Thomas moved to Catholicism.

After the death of Foma on May 12, 1465 (his wife, Catherine, died in the same year a few earlier), the guardian of his children was engaged in the famous greek, Cardinal Vissarion Nicesky, a supporter of Ulya. The letter in which he gave instructions to the teacher of orphans was preserved. From this letter it follows that Dad will continue to be released on their contents of 3,600 ECU per year (200 ECU per month: for children, their clothes, horses and servants; Plus should be postponed on a black day, and spend 100 ecu on the content of a modest yard who included a doctor, professor of the Latin language, professor of Greek, translator and 1-2 priests).

After the death of Foma, the Korona Paleologists de-Yura inherited the son Andrei, who sold it to various European monarchs and died in poverty. The second son of the Foma Paleologist, Manuel, during the Board of Bayazid II returned to Istanbul and surrendered to the mercy of Sultan. According to some sources, he accepted Islam, started a family and served in the Turkish fleet.

In 1466, the Venetian Señoria offered to the Cypriot king Jacques II de Lusignan candidacy of Sofia as a bride, but he refused. According to. Piling, the brilliance of her behalf and the glory of the ancestors was a bad stronghold against the Ottoman ships, crucial in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Around 1467, Dad Paul II through Cardinal Vissarion offered her hand to the prince Karacholo, a well-known Italian rich. They were solemnly engaged, but marriage did not take place.

Wedding Sofia Paleolog and Ivan III

The role of Sofia Paleologist fulfilled the actress.

"My heroine is kind, strong princess. A person always tries to cope with adversities, so the series, rather, about the power than about women's weaknesses. He is about how a person copes with his passions, how he humbles, tolerates, about how love wins. It seems to me that this is a movie about hope for happiness, "Maria Andreeva talked about her heroine.

Also, the image of Sofia Paleologists is widely present in the fiction.

"Byzantine" - Roman Nikolai Spassky. The action takes place in Italy XV century amid the consequences of the fall of Constantinople. The main character Intrigates to issue a dear paleologist for the Russian king.

"Sofia Paleologist - from Byzantium to Russia" - Roman Georgios Leonardos.

"Basurman" - Roman Ivan Lazhchchnikova about the doctor of Sofia.

Nikolai Aksakov dedicated to the Venice doctor Leon Zhidovin the story, where he was talking about the friendship of a Jewish doctor with Humanist Pico della Mirandol, and about traveling from Italy, together with the brother of Queen Sophia, Andrei Paleologists, Russian envoys, Semen Tolbuisin, Manuil and Dmitry Ralev, and Italian masters, - architects , jewelers, guns. - invited to the service of the Moscow scene.

At the end of the 15th century, the concept of which the Russian state is the successor of the Byzantine Empire, begins to emerge in the Russian lands that united around Moscow. After a few decades, the thesis "Moscow - the Third Rome" will become a symbol of the state ideology of the Russian state.

A big role in the formation of a new ideology and in the changes that took place at this time inside Russia was destined to play a woman whose name was heard almost everyone who at least once in contact with Russian history. Sofia Paleologist, wife of the Grand Duke Ivan III, contributed to the development of Russian architecture, medicine, culture and many other spheres of life.

There is also a different look at her, according to which she was the "Russian Catherine Medici", whose goats let the development of Russia in a completely different way and made the events of the state.

True, as usual, is somewhere in the middle. Sofia Paleologist did not choose Russia - Russia chose her, a girl from the last dynasty of Byzantine emperors, as a spouse for the Grand Duke Moskovsky.

Byzantine orphan at the papal courtyard

Foma Paleologist, Father Sofia. Photo:

Zoya Paleeological, daughter Despota (this title) Sea Foma PaleologistIt was born in tragic time. In 1453, the Byzantine Empire, Heiress Ancient Rome, after a thousand years of existence collapsed under the blows of Ottomans. The death symbol of the Empire was the fall of Constantinople, in which he died emperor Konstantin XI, Native Brother Foma Paleologist and Uncle Zoe.

The seasisian despotal, the province of Byzantium, which the rules of Foma Paleologist lasts up to 1460. These years, Zoya lived with his father and brothers in Mr., the capital of the Sea, the city, located near Ancient Sparta. After sultan Mehmed II. Captured and Sea, Thomas Paleolog went to Corfu Island, and then in Rome, where he died.

Children from the royal family of the deceased empire lived at the courtyard of Pope Roman. Shortly before the death of Foma Paleologist to get support, moved to Catholicism. Catholics were his children. Zoya after baptism in the Roman rite was unreasonable Sofia.

Vissarion Nicesky. Photo:

A 10-year-old girl taken on the care of a papal yard did not have the ability to solve anything on his own. Her mentor was appointed cardinal Vissarion Nicesky, one of the authors of Ulya, which was supposed to unite Catholics and Orthodox under the total authority of Pope Roman.

The fate of Sofia was going to arrange a way of marriage. In 1466, she was offered to Cypriot as a bride king Jacques II de Lusignan, But he refused. In 1467 she was offered to wives prince Karachcholo., noble italian rich. The prince agreed, after which a solemn gain took place.

Bride on Icon

But the wife of the Italian Sofye was not destined. In Rome, it became known that the Great Prince of Moscow Ivan III was widowed. The Russian Prince was young, at the time of the death of the first spouse he was only 27 years old, and it was expected that he would soon look for a new wife.

Cardinal Vissarion Nichesky saw in this chance to promote his idea of \u200b\u200bthe uniate into Russian lands. With his filing in 1469 Pope Paul II Ivan Ivan III letter, in which he offered a 14-year-old Sophia Paleologist as a bride. In a letter, it was discussed as "Orthodox Christian", without mentioning the transition to Catholicism.

Ivan III was not deprived of ambition, his wife will often be played on. After learning that the niece of the Byzantine Emperor was proposed in the bride, he answered agreement.

Victor Muuizhel. "Ambassador Ivan Fryazin hands Ivan III portrait of his bride Sofia Paleolog." Photo:

Negotiations, however, just began - it was necessary to discuss all the details. The Russian ambassador sent to Rome returned with a gift shocked and the groom, and his environment. In the chronicles, this fact was reflected by the words "Tsarevna on the icon wrote brought."

The fact is that in Russia by the time of secular painting did not exist at all, and the portrait of Sophia, sent to Ivan III, was perceived in Moscow as an "icon".

Sophia Paleologist. Reconstruction of the Skull S. Nikitin. Photo:

However, having understood what, what, Moscow Prince external appearance The bride was pleased. IN historical literature There are various descriptions of Sofia Paleolog - from beauty to urba. In the 1990s, studies of Ivan III wives were conducted in the course of which it was restored and her appearance. Sophia was a low woman (about 160 cm), prone to completeness, with the skill features of the face, which can be called if not beautiful, then quite pretty. Be that as it may, Ivan III liked it.

The failure of Vissarion Nicoysky

The formalities were settled by the spring of 1472, when the new Russian Embassy arrived in Rome, this time already for the bride.

On June 1, 1472, in the Basilica of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, there was a correspondence collapse. Deputy Grand Prince was Russian ambassador Ivan Fryazin. As guests were present the wife of the ruler of Florence Lorenzo magnificent Clarice Orsini and queen of Bosnia Katharina. Dad, except for gifts, gave the bride dowry to 6 thousand dukatov.

Sophia Paleologist enters Moscow. Miniature of the facial chronicle arch. Photo:

On June 24, 1472, a large tour of Sofia Paleologist, together with the Russian ambassador, left Rome. The bride was accompanied by the Roman retinue led by Cardinal Vissarion Nicene.

To get to Moscow accounted for through Germany Baltic Sea.And then through the Baltic States, Pskov and Novgorod. Such a complex route was caused by the fact that Russia has once again started during this period political problems With Poland.

For centuries, the Byzantines, the Byzantines were famous for their cunning and cunning. The fact that these qualities of Sophia Paleologica inherited to the fully, Vissarion Nicesky found out shortly after the bride's traffic was moving the border of Russia. A 17-year-old girl announced that from this pore no longer will perform Catholic rituals, but returns to the faith of ancestors, that is, to Orthodoxy. All ambitious cardinal plans collapsed. Attempts by Catholics to entrenched in Moscow and strengthen their influence failed.

On November 12, 1472, Sophia entered Moscow. Here, too, there were many those who treated her with alertness, seeing the "Roman agent" in it. According to some information, Metropolitan Philipp, displeased bride, refused to hold the wedding ceremony, because of which the ceremonial spent kolomna Protopop Asia.

But, be that as it may, Sophia Paleologist became Ivan III.

Fedor Bronnikov. "Meeting Tsarevna Sofia Paleolog Pskov's possessions and boyars at the mouth of the Embach on the Lake Church." Photo:

How Sophia saved Russia from yoke

Their marriage lasted 30 years old, she gave birth to her husband 12 children, of which five sons and four daughters lived to adult age. Judging by the historical documents, the Grand Duke was tied to his wife and children, for which he even received reproaches from high-ranking servants of the Church, who believed that this was harmful to government interests.

Sophia never forgot about his origin and behaved as, in her opinion, it was believed to conduct a niece of the emperor. Under its influence of the reception, the Grand Duke, especially the appeals of the ambassadors, were furnished with a complex and colorful ceremonial, similar to Byzantine. Thanks to her, the Byzantine double-headed eagle twisted in Russian heraldry. Thanks to its influence, Grand Duke Ivan III started Name himself "Russian king." With the son and grandson of Sofia Paleolog, this naming of the Russian lord will become official.

Judging by the actions and deeds of Sophia, she, having lost his native Byzantium, seriously took up its construction in another Orthodox country. To help, she was ambition of her husband, on which she successfully played.

When Ordyshsky khan Akhmat. He prepared the invasion of Russian lands and in Moscow discussed the question of the amount of Dani, with the help of which you can pay off from misfortune, Sophia intervened. Pouring tears, she began to blame her husband in the fact that the country is still forced to pay tribute and that it's time to end with this shameful position. Ivan III was not a man who was warlike, but his wife retained him for living. He decided to collect an army and advocate Akhmat.

At the same time, his wife with children, the Grand Duke sent first to Dmitrov, and then on Beloozero, fearing military failure.

But failures did not happen - on the River of Ugra, where the troops of Ahmat and Ivan III met, the battles did not happen. After what is known entitled "Standing in Ugra", Ahmat was retracted without a fight, and the dependence on the Horde ended finally.

Perestroika XV century

Sophia inspired her husband that the sovereign such a great power, as he could not live in the capital with wooden temples and chambers. Under the influence of the wife, Ivan III began restructuring the Kremlin. For the construction of the Assumption Cathedral from Italy was invited architect Aristotle Phioravati. A white stone was actively used at the construction site, which is why the expression "Belokamenaya Moscow" appeared in the centuries.

Invitation of foreign specialists in different areas It became a widespread phenomenon at Sophie Paleologist. Italians and the Greeks, who took by Ivan III posts of ambassadors, will begin to actively appeal to Russia of their countrymen: architects, jewelers, masters of the monetary case and gunsmiths. Among visitors were a large number of professional doctors.

Sophia came to Moscow with a big dowry, part of which occupied the library, which included Greek parchments, Latin chronographs, Ancient manuscripts, among whom were poems GomeraWorks Aristotle and Plato And even books from the Alexandria Library.

These books have compiled the basis of the legendary missing library of Ivan the Terrible, which enthusiasts are trying to seek to this day. Skeptics, however, believe that such a library did not really exist.

Speaking of hostile and wary of attitude to Sophia of Russians, it must be said that they were embarrassed by her independent behavior, active interference in public affairs. Such behavior for sofya predecessors as great princesses, and just for Russian women was uncharacteristic.

Battle of heirs

By the time of the second marriage Ivan III, he already had a son from the first spouse - Ivan Youngwhich was declared the heir to the throne. But with the birth of children, Sofia began to increase tensions. Russian know split into two groups, one of which supported the Ivan the young, and the second is sophia.

The relationship between the stepmother and the stepmother did not work out, so so that Ivan III had to exhort the Son to behave decently.

Ivan the young was just three years of the younger Sophia and the reverence did not experience it, apparently, counting new marriage Father betrayal towards the deceased mother.

In 1479, Sophia, who gave birth to this only girls, made a son of the son Vasilya. As a true representative of the Byzantine imperial kind, she was ready to provide the son of the throne at any cost.

By this time, Ivan was already mentioned in Russian documents as a companion of his father. And in 1483 the heir married daughters of the Lord of Moldavia Stephen Great Elena Voloshanka.

The relations of Sofia and Elena immediately became hostile. When in 1483, Elena gave birth to a son Dmitry, Perspectives of Vasily to inherit the father's throne became completely ghost.

Women's rivalry at the court of Ivan III was fierce. And Elena, and Sophia burned the desire to get rid of not only from the rival, but also from her offspring.

In 1484, Ivan III decided to give daughter-in-law by pearl dowry left from the first wife. But it turned out that Sophia had already presented him with his relative. The Grand Duke, angry with the self-government of his wife, forced her to return presented, and the most relative, together with her husband from fear, had to flee from Russian lands before the punishment.

Death and burial of the Great Princess Sofia Paleolog. Photo:

The loser loses everything

In 1490, the heir to the throne, Ivan, the young fell ill "scobs in the legs." Especially for his treatment from Venice was called Lebel Leby ZhidovinBut he could not help, and on March 7, 1490, the heir died. The doctor on the orders of Ivan III was executed, and in Moscow, rumors were wandering that Ivan the young died as a result of poisoning, which is the business of Sophia Paleolog.

Evidence of this, however, no. After the death of Ivan the young, his son became a new heir, in Russian historiography known as Dmitry Ivanovich grandson.

Officially, Dmitry grandson was not proclaimed the heir, and therefore Sophia Paleologist continued attempts to achieve a throne for Vasily.

In 1497, the conspiracy of Vasily and Sophia was revealed. The angry Ivan III sent his participants on the fell, but his wife and son did not touch. However, they found themselves in the opal, actually under house arrest. On February 4, 1498, Dmitry grandson was officially proclaimed by the heir to the throne.

The struggle, however, was not completed. Soon the parties of Sofia managed to achieve Revenge - this time in the hands of the executioner gave the supporters of Dmitry and Elena Voloshanki. The junction was occurring on April 11, 1502. New accusations of conspiracy to Dmitry Grandschik and his mother Ivan III found convincing, sending them to home arrest. After a few days, Vasily was proclaimed by the companion of the Father and the heir to the throne, and Dmitry grandson with his mother was put in prison.

Birth of the Empire

Sophia Paleologist actually erected his son into Russian throne, he did not live up to this moment. She died on April 7, 1503 and was buried in a massive Whiten Sarcophage in the tomb of the Ascension Cathedral in the Kremlin next to the grave Mary Borisovna, first spouse Ivan III.

The Grand Duke, widowed the second time, survived his favorite sophia for two years, leaving life in October 1505. Elena Voloshanka died in prison.

Vasily III, going to the throne, the first thing tightened the conditions of detention for a competitor - Dmitry Grandchildly challenged into the iron shackles and placed in a small chamber. In 1509, a 25-year-old hoodoral prisoner died.

In 1514 in the contract with the emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire Maximilian I Vasily III for the first time in the history of Russia is named Emperor Rus. This certificate then uses Peter proof of their rights to coronation as an emperor.

The efforts of Sofia Paleologist, proud Byzantine, who took place for building new empire Instead, lost, did not disappear.

This woman was attributed to many important state deeds. What was the difference between Sophia Paleologist? Interesting facts about her, as well as biographical information collected in this article.

Cardinal offer

In February, 1469, Ambassador of Cardinal Vissarion arrived in Moscow. He conveyed a letter to the Great Prince with a proposal to be married to the Sofia, the daughter of Theodore I, the despot of the Maisis. By the way, in this letter it was said that Sofia Paleologist (the real name is Zoya, he decided to replace the Orthodox from diplomatic considerations) had already refused to two venance grooms woven her. These were the duke of the Median and French king. The fact is that Sofya did not want to marry the Catholics.

Sofia Paleologist (photo of it, of course, not to find, but portraits are presented in the article), according to the ideas of the distant time, was already elderly. However, she was still very attractive. She had expressive, surprisingly beautiful eyes, as well as matte tender skin, which was considered a sign of excellent health in Russia. In addition, the bride was distinguished by an article and a sharp mind.

Who is Sofia Fominichna Paleologist?

Sophia Fominichna is the niece of Konstantin XI Paleologist, the last emperor of Byzantium. From 1472, she was the wife of Ivan III Vasilyevich. She was Foma Paleologist, who fled to Rome with his family after the Turks captured Constantinople. Sophia Paleologist lived after the death of his father on the care of the Great Pope. For a number of considerations, he wished to marry Ivan III, widowed in 1467. He answered consent.

Sofia Paleologist gave birth to a son in 1479, who later became Vasily III Ivanovich. In addition, she achieved the announcement of Vasily the Grand Prince, the place of which was to take Dmitry, the grandson of Ivan III, weddowed to the kingdom. Ivan III used Marriage with Sofia to strengthen Russia in the international arena.

Icon "Feacious Sky" and Image of Mikhail III

Sofia Paleologist, great Princess Moscow, brought several Orthodox icons. Suggest that among them there was a rare image God's Mother. She was in the Kremlin Arkhangelsk Cathedral. However, according to another legend, the relic was transported from Constantinople to Smolensk, and when the last captured Lithuania, this icon was blessed by Sophia Vitovtnu, Princess, when she married Vasily I, Moscow Prince. The image that today is in the cathedral is a list with an ancient icon, made at the end of the 17th century on request (in the photo below). Muscovites on tradition brought lamp oil and water to this icon. It was believed that they were filled medical properties, After all, the image had a healing force. This icon today is one of the most revered in our country.

In the Arkhangelsk Cathedral after the wedding of Ivan III, the image of Mikhail III, the Byzantine Emperor, who was a density of the Paleologist's dynasty appeared. Thus, it was argued that Moscow is the successor of the Byzantine Empire, and the sizes of Russia - the heirs of the Byzantine emperors.

Birth of the long-awaited heir

After Sofia Paleologist, the second wife of Ivan III, married him in the Assumption Cathedral and became his wife, she began to think about how to gain influence and become a real queen. Paleologist understood that for this should be presented to the prince a gift that only she could do: give birth to his son who will be the heir to the throne. To the chagrin of Sofia, the firstborn was a daughter, who deceased almost immediately after birth. A year later, a girl was born again, he also died suddenly. Sofia Paleologist was crying, praying to God to give her an heir, distributed to the grief to the gracious of poor, sacrificed to the temples. After some time, the Mother of God heard her prayers - Sofia Paleologist again became pregnant.

Her biography was finally marked by a long-awaited event. It took place on March 25, 1479 at 8 pm, as stated in one of the Moscow chronicles. Son was born. He was unarked by Vasily Parisian. Boy baptized Vasyan, Rostov archbishop, in the Sergiev Monastery.

What brought Sophia

Sofier managed to inspire what was expensive to her, and what was appreciated and understood in Moscow. She brought with her customs and legends of the Byzantine court, pride of their own origin, as well as the annoyance for the fact that she had to marry the Danistan Mongol-Tatars. Hardly Sofye liked the simplicity of the situation in Moscow, as well as the unceremoniousness of relations who reigned at the time at the court. Ivan III himself was forced to listen to urchorized speeches from the ploring boyars. However, in the capital and without it, many had a desire to change the old order, which did not meet the position of the Moscow sovereign. And the wife of Ivan III with the Greeks brought by her who saw the Roman, and Byzantine life could give Russian valuable instructions for which samples and how to carry out those desired by all changes.

Influence of Sofia

The prince's wife can not refuse the effect on the backstage life of the yard and his decorative situation. She skillfully arranged personal relationships, the court intrigues were perfectly successful. However, the political paleeologist could only respond to suggestions that were erected by the vague and secret thoughts of Ivan III. In particular, it was clear that the idea was that the township of Tsarevna makes Moscow rulers by receivers of the emperors of Byzantium with the interests of the Orthodox East, who were kept behind the latter. Therefore, Sophia Paleologist in the capital of the Russian state was valued mainly as Tsarevna Byzantine, and not as the Great Moscow Princess. It understood she herself. As I used the right to take foreign embassies in Moscow. Therefore, her marriage with Ivan was a kind of political demonstration. All the world was announced that the heiress of the Byzantine home, who fell shortly before, suffered the holding rights of it to Moscow, which became the new Tsargrad. Here it shares these rights with his spouse.

Reconstruction of the Kremlin, the overthrow of the Tatar yoke

Ivan, feeling his new position in the international arena, found the ugly and cramped former decoration of the Kremlin. From Italy, after the princess, masters were discharged. They built an Assumption Cathedral on the spot Wooden chorus (Blessed), as well as a new stone palace. In the Kremlin, at this time began to start at the courtyard of a strict and complex ceremonial, reporting the Moscow life, arrogantly and reference. Just like in my palace, Ivan III began to perform in external relationship A more solemn act. Especially when tatar Igo Without battle, as if by itself, fell from the shoulders. And it has almost two centuries over the whole northeast Rus (from 1238 to 1480). New Language, more solemn, appears at this time in government securities, especially diplomatic. There is a lush terminology.

The role of Sophia in the overthrow of the Tatar yoke

Paleologist in Moscow did not like the influence provided by her on the Grand Duke, as well as for change in Moscow, "non-confessions are great" (according to the expression of Berin Bessen-Beklemishev). Sophia intervened not only in domestic, but also in foreign policy affairs. She demanded that Ivan III refuse to pay to the Horde Hanu tribute and was finally released from his power. Skilled tips Paleologist, as evidenced by VO. Klyuchevsky, always answered the intentions of her husband. Therefore, he refused to pay tribute. Ivan III trampled a khan dip in the seasack, at the Orda yard. Later, the Transfiguration Temple was built in this place. However, the people and then "said" to the Paleologist. Before Ivan III came out in 1480, he sent a wife to Beloozero with children. For this, the subjects attributed to the sovereign intention to quit power if Moscow takes and run along with his wife.

"Duma" and changing the handling of subordinates

Ivan III, freed from Yega, finally felt a full-fledged state truck. Palace etiquette by the efforts of Sofia began to resemble the Byzantine. Prince made his wife "Gift": Ivan III allowed a Paleologist to collect from the members of the Sweet his own "Duma" and arrange on his half " diplomatic techniques". Tsarevna received foreign ambassadors and talked to them. It was an unprecedented innovation for Russia. The appeal at the courtyard of the sovereign also changed.

Sofia Paleologist brought the spouse to the Holding Rights, as well as the right to the Byzantine throne, as noted by F. I. Uspensky, the historian who studied this period. Boyars had to reckon with this. Ivan III first loved disputes and objections, however, during Sofye, he drastically changed the appeal with his court. Ivan began to keep inaccessible, easily fell into anger, often assumed opal, demanded special reverence to himself. All these attacks of Solva also attributed the influence of Sofia Paleolog.

Fight for the throne

She was accused of violating the throne. The enemies in 1497 said the prince that Sofia Paleologist was planning to poison his grandson in order to land his own son for the throne, that her secretly visiting the preparing poisonous potion, Vasily himself participates in this plot. Ivan III in this matter accepted the side of his grandson. He ordered to drown in the Moscow River Breeding, was arrested by Vasily, and the spouse deleted from himself, executed demonstratively several members of the "Duma" Paleologist. In 1498, Ivan III walked Dmitry in the Assumption Cathedral as the heir to the throne.

However, sofa in the blood had the ability to courtish intrigues. She accused Elena Voloshanka in the commitment of heresy and was able to achieve her fall. The Grand Duke imposed opal to the grandson and daughter-in-law and Narek Vasily in 1500 by the legitimate heir to the throne.

Sophia Paleologist: role in history

The marriage of Sofia Paleolog and Ivan III, definitely strengthened the Moscow State. He contributed to the transformation of it into the third Rome. Sofia Paleologist lived for more than 30 years in Russia, giving birth to 12 children to her husband. However, she never managed to understand another country, its laws and traditions. Even in official chronicles there are records that condemn its behavior in some situations complex for the country.

Sofia attracted architects and other cultural figures to the Russian capital, as well as doctors. Creations of Italian architects made Moscow not inferior to the magnifications and beauty of the capital of Europe. This contributed to the strengthening of the prestige of the Moscow sovereign, emphasized the continuity of the Russian capital to second Rome.

Death of Sofia

Sophia died in Moscow on August 7, 1503. She was buried in the Voznesensky Major Monastery of the Moscow Kremlin. In December 1994, due to the transfer to the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the remains of the royal and prince, S. A. Nikitin on the preserved Sofia skull restored her sculptural portrait (in the photo above). Now we can at least approximately imagine how Sophia Paleologist looked like. Interesting facts and biographical information about it are numerous. We tried to select the most important, making up this article.

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