Awarded with the Order of Lenin list 1953 The order of Lenin

reservoirs 25.09.2019
Poster by V.N. Denis and N.A. DolgorukovI.V. Stalin, L.M. Kaganovich, G.K. Ordzhlnikidze meet the heroic crew of V.P. Chkalov at the Schelkovo airfield near Moscow after returning from Udd Island.G.F.Baidukov, V.P.Chkalov and A.V.Belyakov. Photo 1936Heroes of the Soviet Union P. D. Osipenko, V. S. Grizozubova and M. M. Raskov at the Rodina plane. Photo 1938

Experiments to improve the sign of the Order of Lenin continued, the number of holders of this award grew. January 11, 1935, in connection with the 15th anniversary of Soviet cinema, M.I. Kalinin and A.S. Yenukidze signed the Decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR "On the awarding of workers of Soviet cinematography."
A total of 88 people were awarded various orders, honorary titles and personal pensions. The first paragraph of the resolution reported on the awarding of the Order of Lenin to the film factory "Lenfilm" - for the release "outstanding in its ideological and artistic and technical qualities movie (so in the text. -Aut.)”.
By this time, at Lenfilm (the film studio received this name in 1934), such films as Mother (1926, director V.I. Pudovkin), The Descendant of Genghis Khan (1928, director V. .I. Pudovkin), "Oncoming" (1932, directors F.M. Ermler and S.I. Yutkevich), "Chapaev" (1934, directors G.N. and S.D. Vasiliev), " New Babylon” (1929, directors G.M. Kozintsev and L.Z. Trauberg).
Director A.P. worked at the Kiev film studio. Dovzhenko (films "Arsenal", 1929, "Earth", 1930), in Tbilisi - M.E. Chiaureli (“Saba”, 1929, “Khabarda”, 1930 and the first Georgian sound film “The Last Masquerade”, 1934).
All these directors (with the exception of S.I. Yutkevich, who received the title of Honored Art Worker) were awarded the Orders of Lenin and are listed in the Resolution in the following order: V.I. Pudovkin (badge No. 864), F.M. Ermler (No. 865), G.N. Vasiliev (No. 866), S.D. Vasiliev (No. 867), A.P. Dovzhenko (No. 868), M. Chiaureli (the initial of his patronymic “Esherovich” is not given in the document, No. 869), G.M. Kozintsev (No. 870), L.Z. Trauberg (No. 871).
14 people, mostly the directors of the film headquarters, with the exception of one worker, were awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, five directors - the Order of the Red Star (including D.A. Vertov and G.V. Aleksandrov). V.A. Babochkin and the oldest actor and director V.R. Gardin received the title of People's Artist of the USSR. Among the 16 people who received the title of Honored Art Worker, in addition to the aforementioned S.I. Yutkevich, were S.M. Eisenstein, Ya.A. Protazanov. 26 people were awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Republic (so in the Resolution), among them - A.L. Ptushko, B.T. Chirkov, L.P. Orlov. Among the seven filmmakers who received a personal pension is Alexander Alekseevich Khanzhonkov (1877-1945), who stood at the origins of Russian cinematography: he made his first film in 1907.
December 8, 1935 M.I. Kalinin signed the Decree of the Central Executive Committee "On the awarding of the initiators of the Stakhanov movement in industry and transport." 43 Stakhanovites received the highest order of the USSR. There is no sequence in the numbers of their awards: Alexei Grigorievich Stakhanov has badge No. 1818; miner N.A. Izotov, who blocked the norms of the initiator of the movement, received a badge with number 704, the collective farmer M.S. Demchenko - No. 1079, blacksmith A.Kh. Busygin - No. 1652, etc. The Order of the Red Banner of Labor was received by 97 people, including one of the leaders of this movement in transport, the locomotive driver Pyotr Fedorovich Krivonos, who had previously been awarded the Order of Lenin.
In 1936, in a letter that came from Odessa addressed to M.I. Kalinin, it was proposed to award the mother of I.V. Stalin - Ekaterina Dzhugashvili.
We present this letter in a photographic original, preserving all the curious features of the document.
As a result, E.G. Dzhugashvili was not awarded the Order of Lenin.

Film director G.M. Kozintsev Cavalier of the Order of Lenin (badge # 870). GARFPortrait of the mother of I.V. Stalin - Ekaterina Georgievna Dzhugashvili. Hood. I. Brodsky. 1927. CMLLetter to the Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR M.I. Kalinin with a proposal to award the mother of I.V. Stalin - Ekaterina Georgievna Dzhugashvili with the Order of Lenin. 1936 GARF

On November 28, 1935, the Moscow Assay Office, after conducting an examination of the Order of Lenin, made of "silver gold", concluded that "to eliminate the tarnishing of the golden surface of the order and give it the color of pure gold, the order should be made from 990 gold."
In January 1936, a decision was made to make the Order of Lenin from 950 gold (95% gold, 2% silver and 3% copper).
Immediately after the approval of the type III badge (with a platinum bas-relief), the production of orders began, intended to replace the old ones. 304 copies were made from No. 1 to No. 696 with passes, 198 of them were defective - they were returned to the mint (Nos. 1,2,4-10, 12, 13, 15, etc.).

I.V. Stalin and N.S. Khrushchev (with the Order of Lenin III type) among children at the Tushino airfield. 1939 PhotoRegistration card of G.N. Kholostyakov with information about the awarding of the Order of Lenin (badge # 2695). GARF.Badge of the Order of Lenin # 439 Type III by NK Krupskaya (exchange). CML

41 copies of "platinum" signs were issued instead of gold ones with numbers: 3, 11, 14, 16, 17, 38, 52, 58, 155, 156, 197, 314, 426, 433, 434, 444, 448, 451, 458 , 467, 468, 469, 485, 513, 531, 537, 545, 557, 558, 562, 564, 566, 627, 639, 640, 641, 643, 644, 652, 668, 696. Another one, #165 , prepared for the exchange of I. Michurin, remained in the Secretariat in connection with the death of the scientist. This sign and 64 more gold ones with old numbers were not issued, they were returned to the mint.
For new awards (starting with No. 701), 1992 gold badges with a silver-plated bas-relief (type II) were received from the mint to the Secretariat. The largest was number 2694.
It was awarded in 1650, the most recent - No. 2685. Signs with Nos. 2686-2694 were returned to the mint, as the production and presentation of signs of type III (with a platinum bas-relief) had already begun. These nine numbers were later awarded platinum marks. So, the "platinum" mark No. 2694 entered the Secretariat from the Mint on December 25, 1937 and was issued to the turner of the Leningrad Plant named after. Karl Marx Vasily Nilovich Storonkin - "for successful work and the initiative shown to strengthen the defense capability of our country.” The decree on his award was signed on April 17, 1940, but he received the sign only on May 12, 1940, when signs with significantly larger numbers were already issued.
The Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of June 11, 1936 approved a new sample of the badge of the Order of Lenin (Type III), of the same form and with the same image, but made of 950 gold. The bas-relief of Lenin, made of platinum, was fastened to the order with two rivets (see Appendix 2). Signs of this type, III, were issued from April 1936 (i.e. until the official approval of the new design) until January 1943.
The numbering of Type III orders began with No. 2695, although, as we already know, nine platinum signs with lower numbers (2686-2694), instead of the same gold ones returned to the mint, were made and presented much later.
The badge with number 2695, among others, was sent from LMD on April 6, 1936.
This order was issued to Georgy Nikitich Kholostyakov, the future vice admiral and for now the commander of the submarine brigade of the Pacific Fleet - "for outstanding services in organizing underwater and surface naval forces Red Army and for success in the combat and political training of the Red Navy." The decree on his award was signed on December 23, 1935, more than four years before the Decree on the award of V.N. Storonkin, and the award was presented on April 17, 1936.
The results of a statistical study conducted in 1936 showed that the commander of the Special Far Eastern Army V.I. Blucher was awarded 6 orders (4 Orders of the Red Banner, the Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Star), the Red Army cavalry inspector S.M. Budyonny - three orders of the Red Banner and the Order of the Red Banner of the Azerbaijan SSR. Four orders of the "Red Banner" and the Order of Lenin were awarded to the assistant commander of the Special Red Banner Far Eastern Army for Air Force commander A.Ya. Lapin (Lapinin). But the record for the “variety” of awards (5 orders) was broken by the aircraft designer A.N. Tupolev. His first was the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the RSFSR (Decree of December 13, 1932, badge without number), in 1933 he received 3 orders - Lenin (Decree of February 21, 1933, badge No. 520), Red Star ( Resolution of August 17, 1933, badge No. 159) and the Red Banner of Labor of the USSR (Decree of December 22, 1933, badge No. 394), in 1936 - the Order of the Badge of Honor (Decree of August 13, 1936, badge no. 3053).
Later, on December 27, 1940, in connection with the arrest of A.N. Tupolev, who, however, continued to work on a new aircraft in the Special Technical Bureau of the NKVD, was deprived of his awards by a special Decree of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee.
Decree of December 9, 1941, this Decree was canceled. The orders were returned to him even earlier, on November 28, 1941, but with different numbers: the Order of Lenin - No. 7339, the Order of the Red Star - No. 20119, the Red Banner of Labor - No. 5618 and the Badge of Honor - No. 15124.
Subsequently, Andrei Nikolaevich added seven more to his first Order of Lenin, as well as orders October revolution, Suvorov II degree and Patriotic War I degree (Decree of June 10, 1945, badge No. 187772).
According to the results of other statistical studies, the youngest order bearer was born in 1924, a pioneer from the Kolkhoz im. Lakhuti of the Shahmansur village council of the Stalinabad district Tajik SSR Mamlakat Nakhangova, awarded "for labor heroism and success in raising the yield of cotton" (Decree of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR of December 25, 1935, badge No. 1327). Another 12 students from different regions countries for success in agriculture were awarded the order, but less significant - the Badge of Honor.

I.V. Stalin and pioneer collective farmer Mamkalat Nakhangova - a participant in the meeting of advanced collective farmers and collective farmers of Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. December 1935 Photo.Mamkalat Nakhangova with the Order of Lenin (badge # 1327). GARF.The case of awarding A.N. Order of Lenin (badge # 520). 1933 GARFDocument on the deprivation of A.N. Tupolev orders. 1940 GARF.

By February 1936, 1,426 people were awarded the Orders of Lenin for production achievements, for success in the party leadership and social activities- 162, for scientific achievements and invention - 50, for merits in the field of arts - 19, for personal courage and courage - 68, for other military merits called "strengthening the defense" in documents - 203, for "other achievements" - 8. For sports success, the Order of Lenin then they didn’t give it yet, 6 athletes received the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
In 1936, the Minutes of the meeting of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR dated December 27 recorded the decision: “Deprive the Orders of Lenin involved in the cases of the counter-revolutionary Trotskyist organization Jikia V.G. and Matitaishvili G.G.” March 3, 1937 in the Secretariat received selected from V.G. Jikia badge of the Order of Lenin No. 2616 and an order book. This is the first, in time, known to us deprivation of the Order of Lenin.
Until October 1, 1936, the Secretariat received orders with numbers 2695-4001.
In September 1936, the simultaneous issuance of type III orders with engraved numbers of type II orders began for mass replacement.
On September 21, 1936, 100 orders of type III were sent from the Leningrad Mint to the Secretariat of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR (in the document they are called “Orders of Lenin 950 °”), including 95 to replace old types of signs. Only five characters (Nos. 3694, 3711, 3713,3718, 3739) were intended for primary issuance.
By October 1, 1937, the Secretariat received 3828 "platinum" signs from the mint. Of these, 257 were issued for exchange - instead of the old, solid gold ones, and 811 more according to the new Decrees on awards.
In the State Museum of Fine Arts, the badge of the Order of Lenin III type No. 90 is kept. This is an award for a firefighter of the Baku oil fields G.M. Mamikonyants. He received it on October 23, 1931, badge of the Order of Lenin I type No. 90, which he later exchanged for a badge of type III, but with the old number.

Type III badge of G.M. Mamikoyants # 90 (exchange, type I badge with this number issued on October 23, 1931). GIM.Photo by G. M. Mamikoyants from the order book of 1931 with the sign of the Order of Lenin of the 1st type on the chest. GIM.Photo by G. Mamikoyants and pages from the order book of 1941 with the badge of the Order of Lenin III type. GIM.Pages from the order book of G.M. Mamikoyants 1941 with a list of awards.

In the photo in the order book for the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the Azerbaijan SSR, received by G.M. Mamikonyants in 1931, on the chest of the recipient, in addition to the Azerbaijani order, we see the sign of the Order of Lenin I type.
But in the order book issued by G.M. Mamikonyants in 1941, in his photo the sign of the Order of Lenin has already been replaced with a new one, type III.
In 1937, a mass replacement of solid-forged gold orders of type II began with new ones, with platinum bas-reliefs by V.I. Lenin, but with the same numbers.
So, on April 14, 1937, L.M. Kaganovich was issued "the Order of Lenin of the last sample (platinum. - Auth.) for No. 1062 ... and the Order of Lenin for the same iomer of the previous sample was handed over." Another note reports that “the Order of Lenin No. 1275M.I. Kaliniiu and No. 2528 to Frinovsky were replaced with orders of a new type for the same numbers in the month of September (1937 - Auth.) ". There is also a postscript here: "The old order No. 1275 (M.I. Kalinina. - Auth.) Surrendered to Mondvor." Badge No. 2528 M.P. Frinovsky (in September 1937, during the replacement - 1st Deputy People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR) received by Decree of February 14, 1936, being Deputy People's Commissar. It was, judging by the number, a type II badge (gold with a silver-plated medallion).
At the same time, signs of the old types were exchanged for new ones, type III, to state, military and party leaders - K.E. Voroshilov (No. 880), S.M. Budyonny (No. 881), G.K. Ordzhonikidze (No. 888), N.S. Khrushchev (No. 1010), R.I. Eikhe (No. 1056), A.A. Zhdanov (No. 1061), V.P. Chkalov (No. 1134), L.P. Beria (No. 1236), Faizulla Khodzhaev (No. 1300), P.P. Postyshev (No. 1430) and others. This list also includes persons who once received the signs of the Order of Lenin of the I type: V.K. Blucher (No. 78), N.V. Krylenko (No. 426), Ya.B. Gamarnik (No. 433), G.G. Yagoda (No. 531), M.N. Tukhachevsky, who already, at least for the second time, changed (see above) his badge of the Order of Lenin No. 434.
In total, according to this list, 39 signs with a platinum bas-relief of Lenin were issued.
Type III badges of the Order of Lenin, approved on June 11, 1936, were issued, as we already know, from April 1936 to January 1943.
We have at our disposal the figures for the issue of signs of this award in 1935-1939, when they were made by LMD.

1935 1191 pcs.
1936 3430pcs.
1937 2536pcs.
1938 505pcs
1939 1500pcs
Total 9162 pcs.

If we add to this figure 700 type I signs issued in the period 1931-1932, type II (1934) and III (1940) signs, we get more than 10,000 copies.
Meanwhile, the batch of signs of the Order of Lenin, which arrived on October 30, 1940 at the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, had numbers only 7198-7218. With a high degree of probability, the difference of about 3000 numbers can be explained by the fact that so many characters were exchanged for old ones, but new ones were issued with the same numbers. In addition, some of the signs were issued as a duplicate - in exchange for those lost or worn out.
Trial version of the diploma with the image of the sign of the Order of Lenin. GARFHero of the Soviet Union A.N. Khrenov awarded this title in 1940 wore " golden star"lower orders, because in the minds of many people, any order remained a higher award of the state.V.P. Chkalov with the Order of Lenin (# 1134)

On May 10, 1939, 4,642 people and teams were awarded the Order of Lenin, 4,069 badges were awarded and 573 were to be awarded. By November 4, the number of those awarded had increased to 4,877 people (4,759 badges had already been awarded, 118 had not been awarded).
In the second half of the 1930s. 13 theaters were awarded the Order of Lenin, including the State Academic Bolshoi Theater (June 7, 1937), the Academic Maly Theater (September 23, 1937), the Moscow Art Theater (April 27, 1937, sign No. 2715), the Leningrad State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre. CM. Kirov and the Leningrad State Academic Maly Opera Theater (both theaters received the award on the same day, March 11, 1939, sign numbers 4167 and 4168, respectively). Orders of Lenin were received not only by the leading theaters. So, on July 7, 1939, the Kyrgyz Musical Theater was awarded (badge No. 4689), and on October 31, 1940, the Buryat-Mongolian State Music and Drama Theater (badge No. 3691).
In 1937, the first theatrical figures appeared - holders of the Order of Lenin. In connection with the award on April 27 of this order of the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky - “for outstanding achievements in the field of theatrical and artistic creativity” - a few days later, on May 3, 1937, the Order of Lenin was received by: People's Artists of the USSR - directors K.S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, actors V.I. Kachalov, I.M. Moskvin and L.M. Leonidov; 18 actors received the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (including - N.P. Khmelev, A.K. Tarasova, N.P. Batalov, etc.) and 20 - the Order of the Badge of Honor (among them - V.L. Ershov , M. I. Prudkin, V. Ya. Yanshin and others).
On February 21, 1938, this award was received by the Leningrad State Conservatory (badge No. 3640), on April 17 of the same year - Kiev (badge No. 3691). The Moscow Conservatory received the first Order of Lenin on December 28, 1946 (badge No. 61133), and another one in 1966 for its 100th anniversary.
On January 11, 1935, the film studio "Lenfilm" (badge No. 860) was awarded with this order, on February 1, 1939 - the film studio "Mosfilm" (badge No. 3928), April 14, 1944 - the Tbilisi Film Studio of feature films (badge No. 18470) .
On November 17, 1939, the Moscow Circus was awarded this honor (badge No. 2375).
On the same day, June 22, 1937, the Dynamo and Spartak sports societies were awarded the Order of Lenin.

Before the start of the Great Patriotic War, 6608 awards were made by the Order of Lenin (according to other sources - 6455).
From the beginning of the war until July 1, 1943 (before the introduction of order blocks), another 5856 badges were issued, i.e. in total, 12464 badges were actually received by the awarded. Some of the orders intended for those awarded posthumously were not issued.

military oath Cavaliers of the three orders of Lenin, who received them before the start of the Great Patriotic War: Marshals of the Soviet Union K.E. Voroshilov, G.I. Kulik and General of the Army D.G. Pavlov.

The largest numbers of signs of the Order of Lenin issued before the start of World War II are those awarded on June 17, 1941 No. 6752-6757. Badge No. 6757 was received by I.P. Chokheli. The very first badges issued during the war (June 24, 1941) are Nos. 6758-6761. Order No. 6758 was awarded to A.I. Mgeladze in connection with the 20th anniversary of the Georgian SSR, badge No. 6760 from the hands of I.V. Stalin was received on June 20, 1941 by Caridad Mercader, the mother of Ramon Mercader, who killed L. Trotsky in Mexico on August 20, 1940 and was serving his sentence in a Mexican prison. She was one of the organizers of this operation. Later, by a closed Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 31, 1960, Ramon Mercader, who arrived in the USSR after 20 years in prison, was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin. and the sign of the Order of Lenin No. 332773 he received from L.I. Brezhnev on June 8, 1960 under the name of Ramon Ivanovich Lopez (this name, along with the image of the Golden Star, is engraved on his tombstone in the Moscow cemetery). The last pre-war receipt of the signs of the Order of Lenin from the mint to the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was on October 3, 1940 (signs No. 7201-7219), the first receipt since the beginning of the war - August 20, 1941 (signs No. 7220-7440).
During the war, the Order of Lenin for exploits at the front and in the rear was issued 41,259 times, including 35,691 times for military distinctions. In addition, from 1944 to 1947 for long service (25 years) in Soviet army The Order of Lenin was issued 28,821 more times.

Diploma to the Order of Lenin # 3813 of the 40th Rifle Division. CM NavyBadge of the Order of Lenin # 3813 received by the 40th Infantry Division for distinction in the battles near Lake Khasan in 1938. Central Navy CommandOrder of Lenin # 5939 captain N.G.Soloviev, commander of the battalion of the 295th light artillery regiment of the 138th rifle division. Received for distinction in the war with Finland in 1939-1940. TsMVS.
Fighting at Lake Khasan. Far Eastern warriors hoist a battle flag at the height of Zaozernaya. August 8, 1938 Photo.Secretary of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces A.F. Gorkin after awarding orders in the village of Akulovo, Ostashkovsky District, Kalinin Region. January 12, 1942 State Historical Museum.Presentation of awards in combat conditions.

On July 8, 1941, 12 pilots, including three from the 158th Fighter Regiment, simultaneously received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. This is junior lieutenant M.P. Zhukov, who in an air battle on June 29, 1941, having exhausted all the ammunition, shot down a fascist bomber with a ramming blow and landed safely at his airfield (sign No. 7176); junior lieutenant S.I. Zdorovtsev - On June 28, 1941, in a battle with three enemy bombers, he, left without ammunition, rammed one of them and returned to his base (the award number could not be established); junior lieutenant P.T. Kharitonov, who at the end of June 1941 in an air battle over Leningrad also rammed an enemy aircraft and returned safely to his airfield (sign No. 7184). In the same year, by order of the troops of the Leningrad Front dated December 3, P.T. Kharitonov was awarded the second Order of Lenin (badge No. 7759).

It was not easy to earn the Order of Lenin in battle. The driver of the 20th tank regiment of the 10th tank division, senior sergeant Andrey Dudnik, crushed 10 anti-tank guns with caterpillars during one day during the attacks. In addition, on the same day, the crew of his car destroyed 7 enemy tanks. Uzhs July 22, 1941 A.G. Dudnik became one of the first holders of the Order of Lenin among the soldiers of the Southwestern Front (zshak No. 11982).
In a battle in the area of ​​​​the station Kletskaya (Don Front) in 1942, two officers of the 93rd rifle regiment of the 76th rifle division - junior lieutenant Alexander Pokalchuk and deputy political officer of the company Pyotr Gutchenko threw themselves on the embrasure of the enemy bunker and at the cost of their lives saved dozens of marching in the attack of comrades. By decree of February 4, 1943, 19 days before this feat was repeated by Aleksaidr Matrosov, A.A. Pokalchuk, Gurchenko were posthumously awarded the Order of Lenin (there is no information about the presentation to relatives).
During the Great Patriotic War, the number of issued awards will increase dramatically. Here, too, there are record holders. Mikhail Vasilyevich Khrunichev, whose name bears one of the main defense enterprises of Russia, on September 8, 1941, being a substitute for the "People's Commissar of the Aviation Industry, was awarded the Order of Lenin (badge No. 7315). On November 24, 1942, First Deputy People's Commissar of Ammunition M.V. Khrunichev received the second Order of Lenin (badge 12095).On August 5, 1944, he was awarded the third Order of Lenin (No. 19030), on September 16, 1945, Mikhail Vasilyevich receives, together with the star "Hammer and Sickle" of the Gsroy of Socialist Labor (No. 222), the fourth Order of Lenin (No. 54677).It is curious that on November 18, 1944, M. V. Khrunichev received the Order of Suvorov II degree (No. 1235), and on April 30, 1945 - the medal "For Military Merit" length of service in officer ranks, although already in 1944 he was a lieutenant general of the engineering and technical service).
A similar thing happened with Dmitry Nikolayevich Medvedev. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he was already a pensioner of the NKVD, but, despite this, from August 1941 to February 1942 he commanded a partisan detachment made up of Chekists and operating on the territory of the Smolensk, Oryol and Mogilev regions. From June 1942 to March 1944, he led the Pobediteli partisan formation (Rivne and Lvov regions).
"For valor and courage shown in the partisan struggle in the rear against the German invaders" February 16, 1942 State Security Captain D.N. Medvedev was awarded the first Order of Lenin (No. 7854), December 26, 1943 - the second (No. 17712), November 5, 1944, together with the Gold Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union (No. 4513), he received the third Order of Lenin (No. 20823) . In addition to these military awards, D.N. Medvedev was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for long service, medals (including the medal "Partisan of the Patriotic War, I degree") and another, fourth, Order of Lenin.
Among those awarded the Order of Lenin during the Great Patriotic War - 20 foreigners. By a decree of November 27, 1941, "for the exemplary performance of command assignments on the front of the fight against the German invaders and the valor and courage shown at the same time," the highest award of the USSR was received by British military personnel: Colonel of the Royal Air Fleet N.L. Isherwood (No. 7381), Major E.S. Rook (No. 7382), Major E.N. Miller (No. 7383) and Sgt. Ch.F. Howe (No. 7384).

British Air Force fighter pilot Sergeant Charlton Howe, holder of the Order of Lenin. November 1941. Photo by E. Chaldea. GIM.Colonel of the Royal Air Force N.L. Isherwood, Commander of the Order of Lenin (in the center)Order block of Colonel N.L. Isherwood.

By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, there were no award battle banners in the Red Army. However, in the course of hostilities, military units were awarded orders that were attached to their banners. Therefore, projects of special banners appeared, images and inscriptions on which reported that the unit was marked with one order or another. In addition, a special form of awarding was the assignment of a part of the rank of the guards. The first guards units appeared in the Red Army in September 1941; they were issued a special guards banner with a portrait of V.I. Lenin.
In July 1943, the head of the rear of the Red Army, General of the Army A.V. Khrulev sent to the Supreme Commander I.V. A report to Stalin, where he proposed to establish the awarding of regiments with special banners - "for a major combat episode in which the regiment excelled."
An award in the form of a special banner could only be given to a regiment. It was supposed to place images of Lenin, Suvorov, Kutuzov, Alexander Nevsky, Minin and Pozharsky, Dmitry Donskoy, or orders bearing the names of great commanders on the cloth.
The artists created design drawings of the banner for the Lenin Regiment. The main pictorial elements were the sign of the highest Soviet order and a wide sash of the colors of the Order of Lenin.
All these sketches remained only projects, and from the award banners during the Great Patriotic War, only guards were established - with a portrait of V.I. Lenin, samples of which were approved by Decree of June 11, 1943.
On the guards flags of ships and ship formations of the Navy of the USSR, established during the Great Patriotic War, a portrait of V.I. Lenin is not.
During the war with fascist Germany, 204 military units, formations and military educational institutions received the right to attach the Order of Lenin to the banner of the battle banner during the war with Nazi Germany.
The awards are broken down by year as follows:

1941 - 4;
1942 - 8;
1943 - 28;
1944 - 59;
1945 - 105.

In addition, during the war with militarist Japan in the autumn of 1945, this order was issued to military teams three more times.
On August 31, 1941, the 17th Motorized Rifle Regiment of the 17th Tank Division and the 335th Rifle Regiment of the 100th Rifle Division, the 1st Guards Chertkovskaya Tank the brigade is the only one of the military units that received two Orders of Lenin for military distinctions. Formed in September 1941 (its first commander was M.E. Katukov, the future marshal of the armored forces), the brigade began its combat path near Moscow and ended it in Berlin.

Unapproved drawing of the Guards banner with the Order of Lenin. Front and back sides. Hood. N.I. Moskalev. Museum of uniforms of the Russian, Soviet and foreign armies of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Museum of uniforms).Design drawing of a sign for the regiment named after Lenin. Front and back sides. Hood. Dick. Museum of clothing.Marshal of the Soviet Union S.M. Budyonny. April 1943

The first collective award of the brigade was its renaming in November 1941 into the 1st Guards Tank. She especially distinguished herself during the liberation of the Left-Bank Ukraine, for which she was awarded the first Order of Lenin on October 23, 1943 (No. 15445).
For distinction during the liberation of the Ukrainian town of Chertkov on March 23, 1944, the brigade on April 3, 1944 was given the honorary name Chertkovskaya. For the liberation of the city of Kolomyia, by the Decree of April 8, 1944, the brigade was awarded the second order - Bogdan Khmelnitsky II degree (No. 147), for successful fighting in the Carpathian region, the third order appeared on the brigade banner - the Red Banner (Decree of April 18, 1944, badge No. 95115). Subsequently, the tank guardsmen earned the Order of Suvorov II degree (Decree of August 10, 1944, badge No. 1137), and in the final battles in Germany they were awarded the second Order of Lenin (Decree of April 5, 1945, badge No. 33088) and Order of Kutuzov II degree (Decree of April 26, 1945, badge No. 2338).
On June 28, 1942, a civilian ship was awarded the Order of Lenin "for the exemplary fulfillment of the Government's tasks for the delivery of military equipment from abroad and the heroic repulsion of an enemy attack at sea."
Before the war, the "Old Bollyshevik" was an ordinary timber carrier. After fascist attack anti-aircraft guns and machine guns were installed on the Soviet Union on a peaceful ship, and the crew began to study military affairs.
In May 1942, the Stary Bolshevik, as part of the allied convoy PQ-16, left the United States for the Soviet Union. In its holds were more than 4,000 tons of shells and explosives.
The "Old Bolshevik" was at the end of the convoy, and more often than other ships, he had to repulse the attacks of fascist aircraft. Only the skillful management of Captain I.I. Afanasiev and the fire of two anti-aircraft guns and several machine guns helped the former timber carrier in an unequal struggle.
But on May 27, 9 enemy aircraft attacked the Stary Bolshevik at once. As a result of several bomb hits, a fire broke out on the ship, threatening to explode ammunition. The commander of the approaching English destroyer offered the crew of the Soviet ship to leave the side, but our sailors refused. The convoy went ahead, and the burning "Old Bolshevik" was left alone. In total, 47 air attacks were repulsed that day. Our sailors not only put out the fire, but also shot down an enemy aircraft from the only surviving gun. The next day, the charred "Old Bolshevik", having lost even a pipe, was still able to catch up with the convoy.
For this feat, three members of the team, led by Captain I.I. Afanasyev became Heroes of the Soviet Union. All other sailors were awarded orders and medals. The ship "Old Bolshevik" itself was awarded the Order of Lenin. Badge No. 12430 was awarded to his crew in Vladivostok on March 16, 1943.

The Order of Lenin was the highest award of the USSR, they were awarded for especially outstanding services in the revolutionary movement, labor activity, the defense of the socialist fatherland, the establishment of friendship and cooperation between peoples, the strengthening of peace and other especially outstanding services to the state and society.

This award of the USSR is a portrait-medallion of V. I. Lenin made of platinum on a dark gray enamel background, placed in a circle framed by a gold wreath of ears of wheat. On the left side of the wreath there is a five-pointed star, below - a sickle and a hammer, on the right in the upper part of the wreath - a red banner. The star, the hammer and sickle, and the banner are covered with ruby-red enamel and bordered with gold rims. On the banner is the inscription in gold letters "LENIN".

The height of the order is 40.5 mm, the width of the order is 38 mm, the diameter of the portrait medallion is 25 mm.

This order of the USSR was made of gold, the laid on bas-relief of Lenin was made of platinum. Pure gold in the order is 28.604 ± 1.1 g, platinum - 2.75 g (as of September 18, 1975). Total weight orders - 33.6 ± 1.75 g.

The order, with the help of an eye and a ring, is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a moire ribbon 24 mm wide, in the middle of the ribbon there is a longitudinal red strip 16 mm wide, on the sides of the central strip there are two golden stripes 1.5 mm wide, then two red stripes 1.5 mm each , and two golden stripes 1 mm wide.

The Order of Lenin is worn on the left side of the chest and placed in front of others and.

The Order of Lenin was modified several times. Initially, this was proposed to be called the "Order of Ilyich". The artist I. Dubasov and the sculptor I. D. Shadr participated in the creation of the project for the order. The basis for creating the image of Lenin on the sign of the order was a photograph of 1921 from the III Congress of the Comintern. In 1934, medalist A. Vasyutinskiy carried out work on changing the design of the order.

Among the first awarded the Order of Lenin were major military leaders Blucher V.K., Budyonny S.M., Voroshilov K.E., Tukhachevsky M.N., also heroes of the first five-year plans - miner Alexei Stakhanov, locomotive driver Pyotr Krivonos, workers Agriculture Mamlakat Nakhangova, Mark Ozerny, Maria Demchenko and others.

On September 10, 1934, foreigners were awarded the Order of Lenin for the first time. For participation in the search and rescue of Chelyuskinites, this award was received by citizens of the United States, flight mechanics Levari Williams and Clyde Armistet.

In the summer of 1939, for participation in the defeat of the Japanese militarists on the Khalkhin Gol River, the Orders of Lenin were awarded to the 24th motorized rifle regiment of Colonel Fedyuninsky, the 36th motorized rifle division of brigade commander Petrov, the 11th tank brigade of brigade commander Yakovlev, the 7th motorized armored brigade of major Lesovoy, the 100th high-speed bomber aviation brigade of Colonel Shevchenko, the 175th artillery regiment of Colonel Polyansky, a separate anti-tank division of the 36th motorized rifle division and a separate tank company for special purposes.

In total, before the Great Patriotic War, about 6,500 people became holders of the Order of Lenin (including Heroes of the Soviet Union and Heroes of Socialist Labor).

On June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. The first to repulse the Nazis, for which they were awarded, were the border guards. Soldiers of the 98th border detachment, political instructor Babenko F.T. (8th outpost) and Lieutenant Gusev F.I. (commander of the 9th outpost) were among the first to accomplish feats, subsequently awarded the Orders of Lenin.

Foreman Surkov M.I. (1921-1953). The best Soviet sniper of the Great Patriotic War, the number of destroyed opponents - 702 people. Awarded with the Order Lenin, the Order of the Red Star and the medal "For Courage".

In August-September 1941, the crew of the Verny gunboat (Dneprovsky detachment of the Pinsk military flotilla) distinguished themselves in battles in the defense of Kiev. The crew of the gunboat destroyed the Pechkinsky bridge and disrupted the crossing of the German troops to the Okuninovsky bridgehead. During the mission, the commander of the ship, Senior Lieutenant Terekhin A.F., was killed. and boatswain foreman of the 1st article Shcherbina L.S. Both heroes were posthumously awarded the Order of Lenin.

During the war years, the Order of Lenin was also awarded to military educational institutions for the training of command personnel. For example, the 1st Kiev Red Banner Artillery School named after S.M. Kirov in May 1945 was awarded the Order of Lenin. During the years of the Great Patriotic War, the school trained over 6,000 officers.

In total, during the Great Patriotic War, about 41 thousand people were awarded this award (of which about 36 thousand were awarded for military merit), and 207 military units attached the Order of Lenin to their banners.

From June 4, 1944 to September 14, 1957, the Order of Lenin was awarded to officers for 25 years of impeccable service. Among other things, from the beginning of the 50s, civilians could also receive the Order of Lenin for long-term and constructive work. Almost all Soviet leaders were awarded the Order of Lenin highest rank. This state of affairs contributed to the fact that over the last 40 years of the existence of the USSR, the Order of Lenin was awarded more than 360 thousand times.

A number of Soviet military personnel of the highest rank were awarded the Order of Lenin several times. So, Marshals of the Soviet Union Bagramyan I.Kh., Brezhnev L.I., Budyonny S.M., Vasilevsky A.M., Sokolovsky V.D., General of the Army Batov P.I., academicians Tupolev A. .N., Lysenko T.D., Ilyushin S.V., Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers Tikhonov N.A.

Marshal of the Soviet Union Chuikov V.I., polar explorer Papanin I.D., colonel-general-engineers Dementyev P.V. had 9 orders of Lenin. (Minister of the Aviation Industry) and Ryabikov V.M. (1st Deputy Chairman of the State Planning Committee of the USSR).

Academician Alexandrov A.P. had 10 Orders of Lenin. and aircraft designer Yakovlev A.S.
Eleven times awarded the Order of Lenin Marshal of the Russian Union Ustinov D.F.
Twelve Orders of Lenin had a minister foreign trade USSR Patolichev N.S.

The Order of Lenin was awarded to all Soviet republics, some of them several times. The Azerbaijan SSR (1935, 1964, 1980), the Armenian SSR (1958, 1968, 1978), the Kazakh SSR (1956, 1979, 1982), the Uzbek SSR (1939, 1956, 1980) had 3 Orders of Lenin. ).

20 autonomous republics, 8 autonomous regions, 6 territories, more than 100 regions and some cities were awarded the Order of Lenin. Moscow (1947, 1965), Leningrad (1945, 1957), Kiev (1954, 1961) each have two Orders of Lenin. The Moscow region has 3 orders of Lenin (1934, 1956, 1966).

More than 380 industrial and construction enterprises and about 180 agricultural enterprises and organizations have received this award. Many enterprises were awarded the Order of Lenin several times. For example, 3 orders of Lenin were awarded to the Moscow Automobile Plant. Likhachev - "ZIL" (1942, 1949, 1971).
Lenin Komsomol (VLKSM) was awarded 3 Orders of Lenin.

The last recipient of the Order of Lenin in the history of the USSR was the director of the Maslyaninsky brick factory Novosibirsk region Yakov Yakovlevich Mul. He was awarded this award by Decree of the President of the USSR No. UP-3143 of December 21, 1991 "for great personal contribution in the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the enterprise and the achievement of high performance in labor.

The life of the Soviet people is full of mysteries and interesting facts, especially bright were the years of formation and development of the young Soviet republic, as well as the years of the Great Patriotic War. For personal contribution to the development of the country, courage and feats in battle soviet man was deserving of the greatest honors. One of them was the Order of Lenin, which was worn with a sense of incredible pride in their homeland.

2 years after the death of V. I. Lenin, the leader of all proletarians, in 1926, in early July, V. N. Levichev, the first deputy chief of the General Staff of the Red Army, proposed introducing a new insignia. It was assumed that it would be awarded to persons who by that time already had at least 4 awards of national importance. For example, 4 orders of the Red Banner in a row.

The government award of the highest rank for personal military merit was supposed to be called the Order of Ilyich. However, it was never approved due to the end civil war. Despite this, the Council of People's Commissars supported his colleague and recognized the need to introduce the highest state insignia, which could be awarded to Soviet citizens not only for military prowess, but also for personal achievements.

On April 6, 1930, the Central Executive Committee approved the highest insignia of the Soviet state ─ the Order of Lenin, which was awarded to people for labor services to the Fatherland and personal contribution to its development, in addition to heroic achievements in battles. Soon the artistic team of the Moscow factory that produces state signs received an order of state importance, which consisted in developing a layout of the order. As planned by the artists, it was the portrait of Lenin ─ the Great Leader of the world proletariat - that was to become his head image.

The first sketch of the state award was made by "gosznakovtsy" - sculptor I. Shadr and his colleague, artist S. Dmitriev. The sketch featured a portrait of Lenin, and in the background of the award were images of a factory and a tractor, which symbolized industrialization and the cohesive collective work of the Soviet people.

How the image of the order was improved

The sample of the award, which in 1930 was the Order of Lenin (photo above), was issued in the amount of 700 units. It was approved on May 23 and was a medallion with wheat ears around the edges, a bas-relief of the leader and gold letters "USSR", each of which was soldered separately to the order, and a hammer and sickle made of gilding framed the top of the award. The diameter of the medallion was 38 mm, and the badge itself was made of pure silver. This pattern survived until mid-February 1932.

There were 2 main reasons why the main award of all-Union significance soon underwent major changes. First, it lacked the main symbols of the young Soviet state. In addition, along with this flaw, some breast insignia and orders looked richer than the Order of Lenin. The photo shows how much the reward has changed over time.

Now, in accordance with the decree of the Central Executive Committee of September 27, 1934, the new statute of the award was approved, which made it possible to correct the significant shortcomings of the previous model. The order contained a ruby ​​star and a red banner with the word "Lenin" instead of "USSR" above his portrait. The main order of the Soviet country began to be cast from gold of the 650th test. The frame with golden ears remained, and the sickle and hammer were shifted under the image of the portrait of Ilyich. Due to the stock of the banner, the size of the order increased by 0.5 mm.

Starting from mid-June 1936, the order underwent some modifications and remained in this form until June 1943. Now only 950 gold was used for its manufacture. This is one of the reasons why many "collectors" are interested in the question of how much the Order of Lenin costs. On this version of the award, the bas-relief of V. I. Lenin in the center was laid on and fastened with special rivets. From June 19, 1943, until the end of the existence of the Soviet Union as a state, the highest award of the country did not change externally.

Description of the final design of the award

The order is attached to a block with moire ribbons, which are framed by a gold border on both sides. Despite the changes, the alternation of numbers continued to be observed in order books. The portrait of Lenin was made of platinum, and his image was attached to the center of the medallion. The total weight of the platinum portrait of Ilyich is 2.7 g and 28.7 g of gold, from which the Order of Lenin was made. The price of this award today is about 1,000 US dollars on the "black market".

The diameter of the central image of the leader is 25 mm. On the left side of the order there is a ruby ​​five-pointed star, and on the right - a banner with the inscription "Lenin", which is made of gold letters. The badge is 38 mm wide and 44 mm high.

Who was awarded first

After reading the published decree that a new main award of the Soviet state had been established, the Komsomol members of many Leningrad plants and factories offered to award the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. This was due to the active assistance of the staff of the publishing house in the promotion of socialist construction and the holding of socialist competitions of workers' collectives.

The Presidium of the Central Executive Committee unanimously supported the idea of ​​young Komsomol members, and already on May 23, 1930, a Resolution was signed, according to which the first Order of Lenin was given to the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda. The presentation of the highest award of the USSR to the staff of the newspaper was timed to coincide with the five-year anniversary since the release of the first issue, which took place on May 24, 1930.

First on the list of awardees

The question of who was the first to receive the Order of Lenin is quite relevant and interesting from the point of view of history. After the "Komsomolskaya Pravda" the second order was received by the Moscow enterprise "Electrozavod", the resolution of the Central Executive Committee was signed on October 3, 1930, but the award was presented only in July 1931.

But the first person who was awarded the highest award of the state was the Secretary of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR Yenukidze A.S. He received the award on December 17, 1932. The Order of Lenin was awarded by the number, which was recorded in the order book. Yenukidze is number 3 on the list of awardees. After him, the pilots of the GSS Molokov V.S., Gribakin G.V. and Shelyganov M.P. were awarded the highest award, who received the Order of Lenin. The list of awarded people who were awarded the aforementioned order, among the first continues the names of Soviet soldiers Evsikov N. I., Kalugin K. S. and Emelyanov V. S.

About famous commanders and ordinary workers

Among the people who distinguished themselves in the battles of the Civil War, there are many generals who, thanks to personal courage and competent conduct of hostilities, received the Order of Lenin. The following names continue the list of the awarded: Blyukher V.K., Budyonny S.M., Voroshilov K.V., Tukhachevsky M.N. By the way, these were the first commanders - holders of the Order of Lenin. More than one street in the cities of the USSR was named after these heroes of that time. Among the first order bearers were the famous miner A. Stakhanov, who personal example showed how a simple worker can work, as well as the machinist P. Krivonos and the worker of the state farm M. Ozerny.

First awarded foreigners

It is no secret that foreign specialists helped the development of the young Soviet country. For their contribution to various sectors of the economy, they were also awarded high awards. Among them are I. G. Liebhard (mining industry, Germany), L. Svazhian, F. Honay, M. Kadarian (agricultural engineering, USA) and D. McDowell (agronomy, USA).

Among the foreigners who also contributed to the building of international socialism, the Order of Lenin was given to Dolores Ibaruri, Fidel Castro, Ho Chi Minh, Janos Kadar, Georgy Dimitrov, Walter Ulbricht and many others.

First posthumous award

At the end of January 1934, the Soviet crew of the Osoaviakhim 1 balloon managed to reach an unprecedented height at that time, which exceeded 22 thousand meters. However, as a result of bad weather and sub-zero temperature the balloon iced up and crashed. None of the crew members survived. The commander was Fedosenko P.F., and the crew members were the designers Vasenko A.D. and Usyskin I.D. All of them received the Order of Lenin posthumously. The price of this award was too expensive ─ own life scientists.

A little about the Knights of the Order

For outstanding services to the Fatherland, many Soviet citizens were repeatedly awarded the Order of Lenin, so they became full cavaliers of this sign. Among them, marshals of the USSR should be distinguished: Zhukov K. V., who was the owner of 6 orders of Lenin, Vasilevsky A. M., Bagramyan I. Kh., Budyonny S. M., Sokolovsky V. D. and Secretary General of the Central Committee of the Communist Party L. And Brezhnev, who had 8 orders each.

Marshal V.I. Chuikov and Admiral I.D. Papanin had one more award. 10 orders were awarded to the famous aircraft designer A.S. Yakovlev, 11 to Marshal of the USSR Ustinov D.F. and 12 were to N.S. Patolichev. Republics of the Soviet Union, cities and even some enterprises were also awarded the title of holders of the Order of Lenin. For example, the Moscow region was awarded this badge three times, as well as the famous Likhachev Plant.

What did the statute of the order say

The Order of Lenin could be awarded both to individual citizens of the Soviet Union and foreign powers, republics and cities that were part of the USSR, enterprises and organizations, educational institutions and other institutions for merits in the construction of socialism, as well as military units that distinguished themselves in battles for Motherland. It could be obtained for:

  • Achieving unprecedented success in collective farm, cooperative or state farm construction.
  • Achievement of quantitative and qualitative indicators in various industries housekeeping.
  • The introduction of technical innovations in agriculture and industry that make it possible to significantly facilitate human labor and increase production volumes, as well as for various inventions in all branches of human activity.
  • Carrying out research and development in the field of the structure of socialism.
  • Outstanding construction of buildings and architectural structures that benefited the Soviet state.
  • Personal contribution to the socialist construction of the Soviet Union and strengthening its significance on the world stage.

Wartime period

Before the start of the fascist occupation, by June 1941, more than 6.3 thousand orders had been awarded in the USSR. During the war Soviet people received the Order of Lenin over 40 thousand times, and many received this award more than once. Only in the first days of hostilities, more than 40 military educational institutions and military units were awarded this high rank. Among them are military academies named after Frunze and Zhukovsky. Over the years of resisting fascism, more than 200 military units have received this award. In addition, plants, factories and other institutions were not left without attention, the full potential of which was thrown to the defense of the Fatherland.

The Order of Lenin was considered the most valuable award in the USSR. During its existence, this award has changed its appearance more than once. What did Ilyich's award originally look like? Order of Lenin - photo:

The order of Lenin

The Order of Lenin was established in April 1930 and had the status of the highest award of the USSR. Back in 1926, the country's leadership discussed the idea: to establish a new award - the Order of Ilyich, which was to be awarded to persons who had four orders of the Red Banner. However, the project for a new award was put on hold.

At the beginning of 1930, work on the design of the award, called the "Order of Lenin", was resumed. The drawing of the order was created at the Gosznak in Moscow. The main condition of the competition was the creation of a regalia with the image of the leader of the world proletariat. From a variety of sketches, the work of the medalist Ivan Dubasov was chosen. He took as a basis a photograph of Lenin, which was taken by photographer Viktor Bulla in the summer of 1920.

The image of the famous profile was subsequently replicated and appeared on other awards, posters and even money.

In 1930, Ivan Shadr and Pyotr Tayozhny developed a layout for the future award. The first signs of the Order of Lenin were made at the Goznak factory. The stamp for the trial sample of the award was engraved by Alexei Pugachev.


The award has changed four times during its existence.

  • The first type of reward. It differed from the rest in that it was made of silver. Only some elements - a gold rim and the USSR inscription - are made of gold and covered with enamel. Under the bas-relief of Lenin one can see the image of a plant and an industrial facility. From 1930 to 1934, about 400 persons were awarded. On the award of the first type there were no symbols of the young state: the red star and the red banner.
  • The second type of award. In 1934, the idea arose to modify the order. It is made of 750 gold. A red banner and a red star appeared. The sickle and hammer from the top of the order moved down. The red banner, the red star, the hammer and sickle on the badge are covered with ruby ​​enamel. The central round portrait-medallion with the image of the leader is silver-plated. The spikes around the medallion are golden. All awards of the first type were replaced with a new order, retaining the numbering. This type of award was given until June 1936.
  • In the third type of award, an applied platinum bas-relief appeared. The fineness of gold was also increased: now it is 950. In this form, the award lasted until June 1943.
  • The need to modify the award for the fourth time arose due to the fact that strips with moire ribbons were introduced instead of blocks. All previously issued orders were subject to replacement with the preservation of the number. The Order of Lenin was made of gold, but the applied bas-relief remained platinum. The gold content in the order exceeded 28 grams, the amount of platinum was 2.75 grams. The total weight of the order is 33.6 grams. Order height - 4.5 cm. Width - 3.8 cm.

Order of Lenin: types

There was a legend that there was another type of award with a golden image of the leader of the proletariat. In fact, the silver plating on some medallions was erased from wearing awards. The image of Ilyich became golden.

On the first types of awards, the image of Lenin differs from the fourth type. His beard is pointed, his eyes are stern. On the orders of the later period, on the contrary, facial features are softened, the beard is soft. In the jargon of the falerists, these types of awards were called: "Evil Ilyich" and "Good Ilyich". The new bas-relief was made by the medalist Anton Vasyutinsky.

When there was a need for orders with a ribbon, on mint there was still a considerable number of orders with screw fastening. Then an eyelet was welded to the old-style awards. This version of the award was called the "Dovetail".

Cavaliers of the Order of Lenin were people whose names the whole country knew. These were miner Alexei Stakhanov, machinist Pyotr Krivonos, beet grower Maria Demchenko, writers Maxim Gorky, Nikolai Ostrovsky and Mikhail Sholokhov.

Among the first recipients were Nadezhda Krupskaya, Kliment Voroshilov, Ivan Papanin and many others.

Since the Order of the Red Banner appeared only in 1939, the Order of Lenin was awarded to the Heroes of the Soviet Union. In total, there were not so many awarded before 1941: 6.5 thousand people.

Also, before the war, 360 military units and divisions were awarded the Order of Lenin.

In 1944, the Order of Lenin began to be awarded to officers for long service. In the post-war years, the order was awarded to people who received it for long-term service. As a result, for forty years, before the collapse of the USSR, the Order of Lenin was awarded more than 360,000 times.

The Order of Lenin was awarded to almost all Soviet leaders of the highest rank. Many of the foreign leaders of the socialist countries and those who were friends with the Soviet Union received this order. Among the holders of the order are Georgy Dimitrov (Bulgaria), Gustav Husak (Czechoslovakia), Janos Kadar (Hungary), Dolores Ibarruri (Spain), Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), Walter Ulbricht (GDR), Fidel Castro (Cuba) and others.

The award was also given posthumously. The first to be awarded were the pilots whose balloon rose to a height of 22 km. All members of the Osoaviakhim crew were killed. They became knights of the order in 1934.

The last award took place in December 1991.

record holders

The award was given not only to people, but also to divisions, enterprises, warships, teams, universities, cities and republics. The Order of Lenin was awarded to 20 autonomous republics and 100 regions. All republics in different time were awarded an honorary award, but the Armenian, Azerbaijan, Uzbek and Kazakh republics were awarded three times.

The Lenin Komsomol was awarded a high award three times. Three times was awarded the Moscow Automobile Plant. Likhachev.

Many Soviet servicemen of the highest rank were repeatedly awarded the Order of Lenin. So, Ivan Bagramyan, Leonid Brezhnev, Semyon Budyonny, Mikhail Vasilevsky, academicians Andrei Tupolev, agronomist Trofim Lysenko, chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers Nikolai Tikhonov had eight Orders of Lenin.

Marshal of the Soviet Union Viktor Chuikov, polar explorer Ivan Papanin, Minister of Aviation Industry Pyotr Dementyev and 1st Deputy Chairman of the State Planning Committee of the USSR Viktor Ryabikov also had nine Orders of Lenin.

Nine Orders of Lenin adorned the chest of Academician A. Aleksandrov and aircraft designer A. Yakovlev.

Marshal of the Soviet Union Dmitry Ustinov was awarded the Order of Lenin eleven times.

The record holder for the number of awards was Nikolai Patolichev (Minister of Foreign Trade of the USSR), who had twelve Orders of Lenin.

The youngest holder of the Order of Lenin was the noble cotton grower Mamlakat Nakhangova - she received the award when she was only 11 years old.

The first Order of Lenin was awarded to the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda. And the first person in the top ten awarded was the secretary of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR Abel Yenukidze. He was awarded on December 17, 1932, and exactly five years later, on December 16, 1937, the newspapers reported that Yenukidze had been sentenced to death and shot.

During Stalin's purges, the award did not save many military leaders from arrest and execution. So, Vasily Blucher was awarded the order twice. The second time he was awarded on February 22, 1938 "For outstanding successes and achievements in military, political and technical training units and divisions of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. Six months later, the marshal was arrested and died in prison during interrogation.

Mikhail Tukhachevsky, Stanislav Kosior and many others awarded the Order of Lenin were repressed.

Many of the awardees went down in history due to the fact that they were deprived of their awards. There are few such people - only 51 people. The list includes Lavrenty Beria, Nikolai Yezhov, Heinrich Yagoda, Nikolai Shchelokov, Nicolae Ceausescu. But most often they were deprived of orders for criminal offenses: murder or robbery.

There were also unfair sentences. For example, Lev Gitman, a front-line soldier, worked as a labor teacher at a school after the war; he allowed his students to take home crafts made from scrap metal. He was accused of embezzlement in the amount of 86 rubles, sentenced to 10 years in prison and deprived of all titles and awards.

Marshal of Artillery Sergei Varentsov suffered because his relative was the spy Oleg Penkovsky, to whom he allegedly could pass on secrets. The marshal was not under investigation. But he was deprived of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and the last received Order of Lenin. In total, the marshal received four awards.

Lidia Timashuk, a person involved in the Doctors' Case, was the least holder of the Order of Lenin - a little more than two months; she was awarded on January 20, 1953, and deprived of the order on April 3.


How much is the order of Lenin? You can only buy it illegally, since in Russia the sale and sale of state awards is prohibited. But in other countries it is allowed to sell. Although Rosokhrankultura has repeatedly applied to the Sotheby auction with a request to remove state awards from sale.

Although there were precedents when awards were freely sold. An order was put up at an auction in London, which was awarded to the commander of the British unit of the Royal Air Force of Great Britain for helping the USSR in the Great Patriotic War. The lot went for 63 thousand 250 pounds. The initial cost of the regalia was 18 thousand pounds.

The average cost depends on the country where the award is sold, the availability of documents for it.

If the order is rare, for example, a screw order, which was subject to replacement, but was not replaced, such an award can cost 10-15 dollars.

In Latvia, an order from heirs in antique shops costs 1,800-2,000 euros.

In Belarus, they offer to purchase an order for one and a half to two thousand dollars.

In Russia, orders are also often openly traded on Internet sites. If there are documents for the order, it is sold by the heirs or the owner, then the price is 4-6 thousand dollars.

Many unscrupulous collectors offer to buy the award for the price of gold plus a 20 percent markup. It is hardly worth giving away a family heirloom for a penny. After all, this award is a symbol that our grandfathers were proud of.

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