Italy Ethiopian War 1935 1936 reports. Attack of fascist Italy on Ethiopia

Reservoirs 22.09.2019

Italo-Ethiopian Wars, the war of Italy against Abyssinia (Ethiopia) at the end of the 19th - 20th century for the purpose of its colonization.

Italian-Ethiopian War 1895-1896. Attempts to expand their possessions in Northeast Africa at the expense of Ethiopia Italy has taken from 1869. In February 1885, the Italians covered the port of Massaw and the coastal areas of the Red Sea, gradually moving deep into Ethiopia. However, in January 1887, Ethiopian troops near the city of Saati caused severe defeat by the Italian Expeditionary Corps. In January, 1890 Italy occupied the province of Tigre (now Typigay) and, using the discrepancies in the Study agreement 1889, who enshrine a number of territories for it, officially announced the establishment of a protectorate over all Ethiopia, which was the cause of the war of 1895-96. Ethiopian Emperor Menelik II has formed an army of over 90 thousand people, including about 30 thousand infantrymen and over 10 thousand cavalrymen with 32 tools in the imperial army itself and over 40 thousand infantry and 10 thousand cavaliers in the detachments of provincial rulers. In battle with Amba-Alaga (7.12.1895) and the battle at Atuua, Ethiopian troops defeated the Italian army (the commander - General O. Barearey; about 18 thousand people). Under the contract signed on 10/26/1896 in Addis Ababa (see the article Italo-Ethiopian treaties), Italy was forced to recognize the full sovereignty of Ethiopia.

Italian-Ethiopian War 1935-1936 and the occupation of Ethiopia. After the 1st World War I, Italy, dissatisfied with the height of the world, by the beginning of the 1930s, focused on Eritrea and Italian Somalia in his colonies, 300,000-year-old army, which had 700 guns, about 200 tanks and 170 aircraft. In 1934-1935, she provoked several border conflicts with Ethiopia [in the Waal-Wal-Walv (Waalual), Ouard, Afdub, Gerlogubi]. The Ethiopian government, seeking to avoid the war, has repeatedly appealed to the League of Nations and the troops are 30 km away in the country. Despite this, 10/13/1935 The Italian army under the command of General E. De Bono (from the end of November - Marshal P. Badolo) without declaring war invaded the territory of Ethiopia. She was opposed by an Ethiopian army with a number of about 400 thousand people under the command of Emperor Hail Selassi I, formed from poorly armed and untrained detachments of militia (the imperial guard numbered about 10 thousand people, about 50 thousand people earlier served in the Italian army). In December 1935, as a result of active counter-projective actions of the Ethiopian army, the promotion of Italian troops in the north of the country was suspended. However, at the beginning of 1936, after strengthening its grouping, the Italians renewed the offensive, maintaining its massive aviation raids and the use of poisoning substances. In the spring of 1936, in battles in May-Chio and at Lake Ashhangi, they defeated the most combat-ready part of the Ethiopian army, including the Imperial Guard. On May 5, the Italian troops occupied Addis Ababa. At the same time, Diedava, Harar and other important districts were captured in the south of the country. Emperor High Selessis I left Ethiopia. The Government of Italy was announced on the formation of the colony of Italian East Africa as part of Ethiopia, Eritrea and Italian Somalia. After the defeat of the Ethiopian army, the struggle with Italian troops continued by partisan detachments created from the former army parts and civilians. During the 2nd World War, British troops entered Ethiopia in January 1941, which, in collaboration with Ethiopian partisan compounds, released Addis Ababa, and by the end of 1941 - the whole territory of the country.

Lit.: Orlov N. A. Italians in Abyssinia. St. Petersburg, 1897; Lucnitsky K. N. Italo-Abyssinian War // Abyssinia (Ethiopia). Sat Articles. M.; L., 1936; Popov V. T. The defeat of Italians under Adua. M., 1938; The World History. M., 1960. T. 7; Voblikov D. R. Ethiopia in the struggle for maintaining independence. 1860-1960. M., 1961; Tsapkin G. V. Ethiopia in anticolonial wars. M., 1988.

The rapid strengthening of the German fascism, unceremoniously broken by the Versailles, and the feverish arms race of the Nazi state, which unfolded with the support of the United States, England and France, was created in the mid-30s the prejudgement atmosphere in Europe in the mid-30s led to a sharp change in the ratio of the forces of imperialist powers.

Germany compared to England and France quickly advanced in economic and especially militarily. Having created his armed forces and militarizing the whole life of Germany, the Nazis were increasingly insolently. They no longer cried in front of England and France, but talked with them "on equal fundamentals." But the first fascist Italy took advantage of the new furnishings.

Analyzing the trends in the development of Italian imperialism, V. I. Lenin in 1915, very accurately noticed that the former revolutionary bourgeois Italy "turns finally before our eyes in Italy, oppressing other peoples ... In Italy, the coarse, disgusting reaction, dirty bourgeoisie, Which whose salivation flows from the pleasure that it was allowed to secure production "(3).

The plans of the expansion of Italian fascism envisaged the seizure of extensive territories in Africa, in the Balkans and in the Danube basin, in the whole Mediterranean. Ethiopia is becoming the first object of fascist aggression - the only state in East Africa, which, due to a number of circumstances (rivalry of the great powers, an exceptionally favorable strategic position, patriotism and the courage of the people, complex geographic conditions) managed to preserve relative political independence. Located on the shortest paths of the Mediterranean and Red Seas in the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean, it was an important strategic position.

The preparation of Italy to seize Ethiopia began, according to Mussolini, in 1925, it was first assumed to annux her "peaceful way" with the help of a friendship agreement (1928). However, this was failed (4). Then, starting in the fall of 1932, the Italian imperialists began to carefully develop plans for the armed invasion and enslavement of the Ethiopian state.

Then the immediate preparation for the attack on Ethiopia followed. In Eritrea, Somalia and Libya (Italian colonies) focused troops, seaports, airfields, military bases were built and reconstructed, and highway roads were laid down to Ethiopian borders. For three years, armed forces of 1,300 thousand were deployed in the metropolis and colonies. For the transport of the expeditionary army was prepared, chartured and purchased more than 155 sea courts A common tonnage of about 1,250 thousand tons (5).

For warfare, Italy has increased procurement in the United States of weapons, airplanes, aircraft workers, spare parts, oil, raw materials and other military goods. England expanded the supply of Italy coal, nickel and other strategic materials. In the first nine months of 1935, Germany sold itals of coal to four, and cars are twice as large as the same period of 1934, the French Renault plants were supplied for the Italian army tanks; Importing cars in Italian colonies increased 20 times (6).

Having covered by the slogans of the "Civilizative Mission" and "Establishment of Order in Abyssinia", the Government of B.Musolini provoked military collisions on the Ethiopian borders, conducted subversive activities, seeking to cause internecraft in the country. On December 5, 1934, a serious incident occurred at 100 - 150 km from the border with Italian Somalia in the Wal-Uala area. The Italian garrison suddenly attacked the Ethiopian military detachment. As a result of armed provocations, both parties suffered large losses. Nehus Government High Selessis I appealed to the League of Nations with a request to prevent Italian aggression, to take a fatal threat to the country, which is a member of the League of Nations (7).

Only nine months after the events in the Waal-Waal, the League of Nations began to discuss the Italian-Ethiopian conflict. As always in such cases, the aggressor tried to prove the "legitimacy" of his robbing actions. In which sins did not accuse the country that he chose to capture, and even suggested excluding Ethiopia from the League of Nations. Representatives of capitalist states, in words of all members of the League for independence, who ratified all members of the League of Nations for independence, have not made any constructive proposals. Everything has been brought only to the creation of the "Committee of Five" (England, France, Spain, Poland and Turkey) in order to overall the study of Italian-Ethiopian relations and finding funds for peaceful permission.

Soviet Union Decisively defended the state sovereignty of Ethiopia, although he did not have diplomatic relations with it. On September 5, 1935, the People's Commissioner of Foreign Affairs of the USSR M. M. Litvinov at a meeting of the League Council drew attention to the fact that "there is a certain threat of war, the threat of aggression, which not only does not deny, but, on the contrary, confirms the representative of Italy himself. Can we pass by this threat? .. "(8). On behalf of the Soviet government, he invited the Council "Do not stop any efforts and means to prevent an armed conflict between two members of the League" (9). A few days later, at a meeting of the General Assembly of the League, the head of the Soviet delegation again called for States responsible for the preservation of the world, take all measures to the harm of the aggressor. However, this high international organization did nothing to protect Ethiopia. The inaction of the League of Nations untied the hands of Rome, who ended the last preparations for the war.

Fascist states have increasingly seized the initiative in international relations. This gave them significant advantages in the implementation of aggressive designs. Germany quite satisfied that the expansion of Italy is aimed at south and, therefore, its attention to Central and Southeast Europe, where German interests came across Italian, will be abolished for a long time. In addition, public opinion, the German government believed, will inevitably be riveted to Italian aggression in Africa.

The situation was created to use both France, which intended at the expense of Ethiopia to strengthen relations with Italy, prevent its convergence with Germany and to achieve the weakening of the positions of England in the states of Asia and Africa. In early January 1935, Prime Minister of France P. Laval met with Mussolini. The Italian dictator confidently shared his plans with him. The result of the visit was published on January 7, the Declaration of Franco-Italian Cooperation. An agreement was reached on changing the Franco-Italian border in Africa. France went to significant concessions, passing italy 20 percent of the railway shares connected to the French port of Djibouti with Addis Ababa (the capital of Ethiopia), Dumayer Island, 800 square meters. km on the border of the Italian Eritrea opposite the Bab El Mandantry Strait and 125 thousand square meters. The km of the territory adjacent to the southern border with Libya, and also agreed to extend before 1965 by the benefits to Italian settlers in Tunisia (10). Later, Laval braidly stated that he "presented him (Mussolini. - Ed.) This Ethiopia" (11). The French prime minister explained his concessions to the Italian aggressor by the fact that France won from it, since he sewed the expansion of Italy to Africa instead Southeast EuropeIn which French capital had serious economic interests.

According to the testimony of the American ambassador in Germany, U. Dodda, in this transaction the French government recommended Italy to capture Ethiopia in parts. Dodd recorded in his diary: "I had an interesting conversation with a French diplomat Arman Berarr, who frankly said:" We have concluded a pact with Italy, although we are very unpleasant to Mussolini ... And we had to promise annexation of Abyssinia. I hope that Mussolini is smart enough to attach this country in parts, as we did in Morocco. We insisted on this before the Italians ... "(12)

The results of secret negotiations of Laval and Mussolini were brought to the attention of London. Forin Office (British Ministry of Foreign Affairs) made it clear that if the British interests against Lake Tana and the Blue Neal Lake, England does not intend to counteract Italian aggression. Her care, as reported by his king in February 1935, D. Simon Minister, to take such a position in the Italian-Ethiopian conflict, which will not be "unfavorable influence on English-Italian relations" (13).

According to the testimony of the English journalist, J. PRAIS, such a thought was expressed by R. McDonalds (former prime minister of two Laborian governments) in a conversation with Mussolini. Duchess asked how England would react to the invasion of his army to Ethiopia. The political leader of Great Britain replied cynically: "England - Lady. Women like an actively offensive actions of men, but subject to secrecy. Therefore, act tactfully, and we will not object "(14). This position was confirmed by the conference in Stresa (April 1935), at which representatives of England and France were given to understand the representatives of Italy, that their governments are not going to interfere with the graceful actions of Mussolini against Ethiopia, if this is not a shakebale of their positions in the colonies.

The policies of connivance Italian aggressor also conducted the United States of America. Back in 1934, the US government had evclusted from mediation in the question of Ethiopia and in every possible way that she "realized that no one in the world would help her", finally refused "exaggerated ideas about independence and agreed with the moderate demands of Italy" ( fifteen) . On August 31, 1935, when the invasion of Ethiopia was already predetermined, the US Congress adopted a law on neutrality, which prohibited the export of military materials into warring countries. This meant that the invader, not so depended on the import of military materials, received a real advantage over the victim of aggression. Thus, the ruling circles of France, England and the United States firmly took the course to promote the aggression of Italian fascism.

On the night of October 3, 1935, suddenly, without a declaration of war, the Italian troops invaded Ethiopia. Taking an attack at the same time from three destinations, the command of the Italian army was calculated to apply modern weapons, new methods of struggle and in short term Divide with your victim.

The Northern Front under the command of the elderly General de Bono, and then Marshal Badolo, having a majority of invasion troops, turned around the border of Ethiopia with Eritrea. He caused the main blow to the forces of three army buildings (ten divisions) in the direction of Assey, Addis Ababa. The offensive in the other two directions played a supporting role. Southern (Somali) Front, who had two operational groups (two divisions in each), should have been active actions towards Harar to sow as many Ethiopian forces as possible. The central group of troops (one division and auxiliary parts) served as a link between both fronts. She had a task to step from the Assab district under the deaths of Danakil's desert. Of great importance in operations against the Ethiopian army, the Italian command attached to the active actions of its air force.

Deploying a war in Africa, Italy cared for her position in Europe. To maintain the role of Italy as a guarantor of the Locarno Covenant Mussolini, instead of the compounds sent to Eritrea and Somalia immediately formed new divisions. As a result, the metropolis army not only has not decreased, but even increased. Mussolini brazily stated that he would hold the recruits under a gun 1911-1914 until it takes it necessary, and that "900 thousand soldiers fully ensure our safety ... they are equipped with the latest weapons released ... military factories", Which "for several months work in full swing" (16).

Fear for the fate of his colonies in India and Africa forced England to take precautions. She pulled into the area of \u200b\u200bthe Mediterranean and Red Seas from the Metropolis, Singapore and Hong Kong major naval and air forces. After regrouping, the English and air fleet had in the Mediterranean theater 7 of the battleship, 3 aircraft carriers, 25 cruisers, 65 destroyers, 15 submarines, 400 - 450 aircraft. Large powers of the fleet (battleships, cruisers, aircraft carriers) were in Alexandria (13 ships), in Gibraltar and Aden (6 combat units), in the ports of Malta - 7 submarines (17).

Fascist Italy began to urgently cover its naval databases and sea communications. Its main marine and air forces focused in the ports of the south of the Apennine Peninsula and Sicily (76 ships, including 2 lincars, 13 cruisers, 34 destroyers, 17 submarines). 4 destroyers, 27 submarines and torpedo boats, and the Red Sea - 4 cruisers, 5 destroyers, 6 submarines and 1 air transport (18) were put forward to the Eastern Mediterranean Area (Islands of Leros and Rhodes, Port Tobruk). To enhance the armed forces, a mobilization system, the training of military personnel, air defense, was carried out by centralization of military production.

Attack on Ethiopia, the Italian fascists carefully followed the world public opinion to respond to their actions, in particular, such as England and France. This imposed a certain imprint on the nature of the actions of the Italian troops.

The Italian General Headquarters focused on the command of his troops in Ethiopia so that they, capturing a certain area, carefully mastered the occupied territory, built roads, bridges, established the work of the rear. It should have created the conditions for subsequent operations.

The Italian army on the northern front acted massive, without dismembering individual columns. It was forced by the nature of the terrain and the heroic resistance of parts of the cover of the Ethiopian army. Despite the military-technical superiority, the Italian invaders moved slowly, carried large losses, and even left their positions in some sites. By the end of the year, they mastered only a small part of the country's territory, reaching adigrarate, Aduva, Aksum, in the south - Gerlogubi in the north of the frontier, and Dolo.

The experience of the first months of war showed that the capture of Ethiopia was required significantly more forces and funds than the Italians have. They put forward eight divisions and great amount Combat and auxiliary equipment. On the middle of February 1936, 14,500 officers were sent to East Africa, 350 thousand soldiers, up to 60 thousand auxiliary personnel (not counting 80 - 100 thousand people from the local population), 510 aircraft, 300 tanks, 800 guns , 11,500 machine guns, 450 thousand rifles, 15 thousand cars, 80 thousand riot animals, 1800 radio stations and a lot of other military property (19).

The concentration of the large mass of Italian troops, military equipment, weapons, equipment, food, fuel and lubricants delivered to Eastern Africa by marine throughout the months, became possible due to the connivance of the majority of the members of the League of Nations. To defend the territorial integrity and political independence of its members, the League of Nations did not listen to the proposal of the USSR to take decisive measures to stop hostilities. It was chained the attention of the whole world, it was not waiting for words from her, and the actions, but she did nothing to prevent war.

The struggle of the Soviet Union and other peace-loving forces in defense of Ethiopia forced the League of Nations to declare Italy by the aggressor and make a decision on the application of some economic sanctions to it. Prohibited the import of weapons and a number of other goods, the provision of loans and loans. However, the main measure - embargo on the supply of Italy oil and a number of other military-strategic materials - did not receive support for the League of Nations.

But such trimmed measures seemed to many states of West too severe. When discussing the issue of the application of economic sanctions to Italy, representatives of Austria and Hortiet Hungary opposed them, French Prime Minister announced the intention to "continue the search for a peaceful issue of the issue." British diplomat Applying sanctions to Italy has addressed its dependence on the position of Germany and the United States. As for the American government, it refused to participate in the implementation of the Decisions of the League of Nations adopted against Italian aggression. As soon as the discussion of this issue began, the US Ambassador to Rome Long immediately sent the Secretary-General Hell Telegram: "If the Geneva decides on the introduction of sanctions (against Italy. - Ed.), I sincerely hope that the US government will not join them. This will cause serious consequences in our states and unnecessary complications "(20). Long anxiety turned out to be superfluous. On October 9, HELL instructed the American Messenger in Geneva to notify all members of the League of Nations that "the United States will follow their own exchange rate" (21).

Refusal of the United States, Germany, Austria, Hungary from participation in sanctions and unwillingness of England and France to work into practice for Italy favorable conditions, because in its imports these states played a major role. The United States of America supplied Italy 72 percent of paraffin, more than 60 percent of raw cotton, 40 percent of cast-iron scrap, 27 percent of machinery and steel scrap, 26 percent of nickel. Germany gave 40 percent of coal, 25 percent of rolled products, 11 percent of iron and steel, 7 percent of nickel. The share of Austria in Italian imports was 28 percent of the forest, 23 percent of special steel, 12 percent of iron and steel. Hungary was an important food supplier (22). Consequently, the measures taken by the Liga of Nations against Italian colonialists, as Churchill admitted, was "not real sanctions capable of paralyzing the aggressor, but only such contradictory activities that the aggressor could endure, because, despite its burdensiveness, they actually stimulated The warlike spirit of the Italians "(23).

The Soviet government sought to assist the Ethiopian people. Representatives of the USSR emphasized that the decision of the Nations on sanctions may be effective only if it is prohibited to the import of the most important types of military-strategic raw materials. However, this perfectly understood some of the leaders of the Western powers. "If total sanctions were applied," Halle wrote later, "the promotion of Mussolini would immediately be stopped" (24). But most of the members of the League only in words agreed with the need to break economic relations with Italy, and in fact continued to supply it with military-strategic materials, especially oil, which was of paramount importance for the outcome of the Ethiopian campaign. A large role in this belonged to the United States. Their exports of oil in November 1934 amounted to 447 thousand dollars in monetary terms, and in November 1935 - 1 million 252 thousand supplies of American oil to Italian possessions in Africa in terms of value for the same period were raised from 12 thousand. up to 451 thousand dollars (25).

In an effort to sanctions against the aggressor are most effective, the USSR spoke with a proposal to ban the import of oil into the country committed by aggression. This proposal was supported by nine Member States of the League of Nations (Argentina, Holland, India, Iraq, New Zealand, Romania, Siam, Finland, Czechoslovakia), who supplied 75 percent of oil consumed in Italy. Such measures could have a decisive impact on events in Ethiopia.

Rome scored alarm. Mussolini turned to Laval, to prevent the use of oil sanctions (26). The French Prime Minister entered into negotiations with the English government, which, in turn, expressed concern that, if the League of Nations decides to introduce the embargo on the export of oil to Italy, the United States, not believable with this decision, will increase the importation of oil into this country and English Oil companies will lose the Italian market.

The mercenary interests of a big business won: England and France not only abandoned the embargo, but also went further. Having entered into a secret conspiracy, they from the knowledge of Mussolini developed a plan of the Ethiopian section. On December 9, 1935, Laval and Foreign Minister of the United Kingdom S. Chorus signed a secret agreement on a "peaceful settlement" of the Ethiopian problem. Neubu was proposed to "give way" of Italy, two provinces - Ogaden and Tigre, as well as the Danakyl region. Ethiopia would receive a narrow band of eritrean territory from Italy with access to the sea in Assab. She had to be taken to the service of Italian advisors.

Ethiopia rejected the Anglo-French offer.

Using the situation, the Italian-fascist invaders focused large strengths against Ethiopia and created a decisive advantage in the means of struggle. They started active fighting with decisive goals. At this stage, the Italian command was striving to encourage the Ethiopian army to counteroffensive to then defeat it.

The new Commander-in-Chief of the Italian troops Badolo (he is the commander of the Northern Front), the transition of Ethiopia's patriots to the exhausting partisan war in addition to the defensive actions of the regular army was very concerned. One of the Italian magazines on this occasion wrote: "... For us, it was significantly important to prevent the maneuverable war, which we wanted to impose the enemy, turned into a war on exhaustion" (27).

To quickly break the resistance of Ethiopians, the Italian command went to a monstrous crime: decided to apply poisoning substances, flamethrower and discontinuous bullets prohibited by the International Convention. In mid-December 1935, Marshal Badolo and General Graziani appealed to Mussolini with a request to provide them with "complete freedom of action in the use of stumbled gases." "Application of gases is permissible" (28), "Ducheus answered immediately.

Over cities and even small settlements Ethiopia Italian aircraft began to spray in large quantities of Iprit. Couples and drops of Iprit hit the population, cattle, crops. Bombs with poisoning substances were discharged to the focus of the troops of the Nehus troops who did not have air covers. Bosy, easily dressed Ethiopian soldiers were especially vulnerable.

Hilee Selassi wrote later: "We attacked the enemy's machine-gun nests, his artillery, the tanks captured their bare hands, we transferred aerial bombing, but against the poisonous gases, which were imperceptibly sank to face and hands, we could not do anything." (29). The army carried large losses. Victims were huge and among civilians. As appears from the report of the Ethiopian government presented in 1946, more than 760 thousand soldiers and the inhabitants of Ethiopia (30) died during the war and occupation. "This is not a war," said one of the eyewitnesses, a worker of the Red Cross mission, is not even beating. This execution of tens of thousands of defenseless men, women and children with the help of bombs and poisoning gases "(31).

In Ethiopia, a critical situation was created. The policy of "neutrality", conducted by the United States, deprived Ethiopia opportunities to acquire armaments in which the Nekus army experienced sharp need. By the end of December 1935, Ethiopian troops received only 4 thousand rifles and 36 guns. Western powers with special discrequency observed "neutrality". Washington refused the Ethiopian government even in the request to sell two sanitary aircraft and at the same time opposed the closure for the Suez Channel's aggressor, through which the Italian military units, weapons, food, were brought to the front. Close the channel "I would mean," the choir said, "the end of collective actions", that is, attempts by England and France to negotiate with Italy. A similar position was adhered to Japan, who refused Ethiopia in the purchase of weapons and gas masks.

Relying on the numerical superiority, advantages in the technique and armament, using criminal methods of warfare, Italian invaders in February - April 1936. On the Northern Front, a number of hard blows in the Makalla regions, Tembien, Lake Ashhangia went to the city of Assey. On the southern front, the army of Graziani, pushing the Ethiopian troops, took Dagabur and Harar. On May 5, the Italians seized the capital of the country Addis Ababa.

Two weeks before capturing the capital of Ethiopia, the aggressor in the council of the League there was an agitated voice of the head of the delegation of the Ethiopian state, once again appealing about help: "The people of Ethiopia will never submit. Today, he asks a question of fifty to two states: What measures do they assume to accept to give him the opportunity to continue the struggle? " (32) In response, the Western powers one after another began to abandon the application of sanctions against Italy. The first did England. The League of Nations signed in its full impotence, and most importantly, in the reluctance to curb the aggressor. So Ethiopia was thrown to the legs of the fascist dictator.

On May 9, when the Italians seized no more than a third of the territory of Ethiopia, Mussolini announced its "final" conquest. The decree of the fascist government Ethiopia united with Eritrea and Italian Somalia into a single colony - Italian Eastern Africa. Duchie hypocritically stated: "The world with the population of Abyssinia is a faithful fact. The various tribes of the former empire clearly showed that they want to live peacefully and work under the three-color flag of Italy "(33). But the people of Ethiopia did not bow the head to the invader and turned the partisan movement.

The aggression of fascist Italy vs. Ethiopia was an important stage in the way of the unleashing of World War II. The capture of this country strengthened the position of Italian imperialism in Africa, the Red Sea and in the shortest paths from Europe to Asia. At the same time, the position of England and France here, in, one of the nodal regions of the world, deteriorated sharply. In the rear of Egypt, Italy created a bridgehead for subsequent seizures of other people's lands. As a result, further aggravation of imperialist contradictions in Africa occurred.

War against Ethiopia was a kind of general rehearsal of aggressors. She once again showed that the robber methods of warfare became the "norm" for imperialist invaders.

War in Ethiopia, and most importantly, the entire policy of condustion by the agressor from the United States, England and France marked the beginning of a new stage of pre-war history. According to the frank recognition of the English military historian and theorist B. Lidel Garth, the situation "prompted Hitler to a new causing step in March 1936" (34).

Improved aggression of Italy in Ethiopia, the results of the plebiscite in the Saaric region were given to Hitler's leaders the grounds to conclude that there was a convenient time for direct violation of the Versailles and Locarnas and the implementation of concrete plans in Europe. The first act was provided for an unexpected and simultaneous input by more than 30 thousandth German army to the Rhine demilitarized zone on the plan developed by the German Fascist General Staff, the Sulung Operation. A camouflage cover of a plotted adventure was to become an anti-Soviet thesis, as if the Franco-Soviet pact was incompatible with the spirit of Locarnian agreements and threatens Germany. Hitler scratchy said: "Moscow needs to be subjected to quarantine." The absurdity of the fabrication of the Nazis was obvious, since France and the USSR did not have any territorial claims to Germany, and their mutual assistance agreement provided for only response against aggression. The promotion conceived by the fascists was associated with a huge risk for them. Subsequently, one of the main girlfriend Hitler - General Yoodl acknowledged: "We had a hectic feeling of a player who put all his career on the card."

Aggressive Act of Hitler's Germany in Europe prepared in close contact with fascist Italy. On February 25, 1936, an agreement was concluded on measures to combat the Soviet-French Covenant and on the general policy of the Locarnas Agreement (35). The invasion of the German troops in the Rhine zone should have diverted the attention of England, France and the United States, to an indefinite time to postpone the issue of oil sanctions against Italy and allow it to complete the final operations in Ethiopia without interference. At the request of Mussolini Hitler suffered an occurrence scheduled for a week before.

On March 7, 1936, the German fascist battalions invaded the Rhine demilitarized zone and took it, without having repeated. An unexpected success was overwhelmed by the aggressor, the German troops came to the French border. Trying to justify your actions, the fascist refivisions assured that they only provide their rear for the organization of war against the USSR and in order for France, associated with the Soviet Union of Mutual Assistance Treaty, did not dare to fulfill its conditions. And oddly enough, in Paris, London and Washington, the statements of Hitler's leaders met with confidence, while obvious facts were ignored.

France in a vital issue of her traditional ally loosely betrayed. The Government of Great Britain refused to fulfill the obligations under the Locarnas Agreement, since the remilitarization of the Rhine zone as if not affected by the "vital British interests" (37). An English Foreign Minister Ideas claimed: "... Since the demilitarized zone was created mainly for the sake of security of France and Belgium, it was the governments of these two countries who should decide how important it is and what price they are willing to pay for its preservation ..." (38) The participation of England in joint actions The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Great Britain considered unwanted.

According to the testimony of the English historian, J. Hjuzing, the British more than willingly perceived the assurances of Lord Lotian about the fact that Hitler did not allow anything but the return of "his own preservation garden" (39). Thus, according to Hyuzing, comfort turned out to be above honor.

France did not receive support and from the League of Nations. After many words of the League of Nations, it was limited only to the recognition of the fact of violation of the Versailles and Locarnas contracts. So, due to the capitent policy of Western countries, the violator of international agreements again remained unpunished. The voice of the Soviet Union called to curb fascism turned out to be lonely.

The Rhine Zone captured by the fascist Germany became its bridgehead against France.

80 years ago, in May 1936, the second Italian-Ethiopian War was completed 1935-1936. (Second Italian-Abyssinian War) - War between the Italian Kingdom and Ethiopia. The result of the war was Annexia Ethiopia and the proclamation of it, along with the colonies Eritrea and the Italian Somalia, the colonies Italian East Africa. This war showed the failure of the League of Nations, whose members were and ITALY, and Ethiopia, in resolving international conflicts. The international community as a whole was indifferent to the occupation of Ethiopia. Although on June 30, 1936 at the emergency session of the League of Nations dedicated to Annexia Ethiopia, the last Emperor Ethiopia Heily Selussie spoke with a call to return independence and criticized the global community for inaction. He warned prophetically: "What happens to us today will happen to you tomorrow."

The world community (West) not only inactive, but contributed to Italian aggression. In fact, the Anglo-Saxons "rape" Ethiopia Italy. The United States immediately stated that they would not sell and equipment to both warring parties. For Italy, this ban did not matter, since she had his pretty developed military-industrial complex and support for the powerful industry in Germany. As a result, it was a blow to the defense capability of only Ethiopia. The United States also voted at a meeting of the League of Nations against the proposal to close the Suez Canal for Italy - the main communication of Italian forces, without which it could not effectively fight in East Africa. Britain, which de facto controlled Suez, also did not close the channel for Italian vessels. France also found itself in this camp when the French colonial authorities in Djibouti refused to transport to the border of Ethiopia and then detained the cargo with a weapon ordered by Addis Ababa. Britain and France suggested a "settlement" plan: Ethiopia was supposed to abandon the part of its territory and sovereignty in favor of Italy (adopt Italian advisors to provide exceptional economic benefits). It is clear that Ethiopia refused such a peace plan.

Only the Soviet Union strongly decided to defend the independence of Ethiopia, although he did not have diplomatic relations with it. However, the Offers of the USSR on the blockade of the aggressor in the League of Nations did not pass. League of Nations recognized Italy by the aggressor and introduced partial economic sanctions. But at the same time, the embargo did not apply to a number of strategic materials; Not all states joined the sanctions, and Italy could buy the necessary materials Third countries. Among the countries that refused to break economic ties with Italy and actively supported it economically, allocated to the volume of US supplies, Germany, Austria and Hungary. Thus, leading Western countries or reacted indifferently to the aggression of Italy or supported it.

In this war, prohibited chemical weapons were widely used by the Italian troops: Iprit and Phosgen. War in Ethiopia is considered the harbinger of World War II (along with Civil War In Spain and the invasion of Japan to China). The victory in the war made Mussolini one of the most prominent and significant figures of European politics and showed the strength of "Italian weapons." As a result, Italy overestimated his strength and tried to continue the conquest, bounce in a war with Greece, but the Greeks threw the Boca Italians. Greece was able to take only in April 1941, when Germany joined the war.

The occupation of Ethiopia lasted only a few years. Immediately began a guerrilla movement that brought big problems to the Italians. Separate divisions of the Ethiopian army also continued resistance. In response, the Italians unleashed mass terror. Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants of Ethiopia died. This struggle continued until 1941, which forced Italy to keep major military contingents (about 110 thousand people) in Italian East Africa. In January 1941, the British began an offensive: from Kenya through Italian Somalia, from South Yemen through British Somalia and from English-Egyptian Sudan. The British began to crowded Italians and took Harar in March 25 - the second largest city in the country. In the future, the British fell with the support of Ethiopian detachments. Ethiopian troops formed by the Italians also began to move onto the side of Emperor Selassi. In early April, battles began in the metropolitan area and April 6, Ethiopa beat Addis Ababa. The Italians began a retreat to the north, the Mountain Array of Aladzh. On May 5, 1941, the emperor returned to the capital. By the end of the year, the Italians finally left Ethiopia. True, the British remained in Abyssinia until 1954.


Abyssinian (Ethiopia) was an ancient state that different forms existed from the early Middle Ages. In the XII century, Christian principalities united. In XIII, Abyssinia was headed by Solomonov Dynasty, which, according to legend, began the beginning of King Solomon, Queen Sava and their son. This dynasty rules until 1974. During the heyday, the Ethiopian Empire united the territories of modern Ethiopia, Eritrea, East Sudan, South Egypt, part of Yemen and Saudi Arabia.

The Christian Abyssinian has withstood the period of Arab and Islamic aggression. Ethiopia was also the only state of Africa, which retained independence during the colonial expansion of European states. At first, Ethiopia stood under the onslaught of Portuguese and Jesuits, which were introduced Catholicism. Then Ethiopia successfully restrained the onslaught of Egypt and Sudan, survived the British invasion.

Abyssinia since ancient times occupied an important place on the way from Europe to Africa and further to India and China. With the construction of a Suez Channel, this value intensified. Especially for England - the imperial path to India and other colonies, as well as France - in Indochina. Therefore, Europeans captured the coastal lands of Ethiopia. England occupied the area of \u200b\u200bSucin, attaching them to Sudan, and British Somalia. France occupied French Somalia with the capital in Djibouti. Italy captured Eritrea and Italian Somalia. In the north and northeast, Abyssini bordered with Italian Eritrea; in the east - with French and British Somalia; In the south - with Italian Somalia and British East Africa (Kenya), in the West and the North-West - with English-Egyptian Sudan. Thus, the abissiization was cut off from the sea and clamped between European colonies.

The 1880s occurred first collisions with Italians. In 1889, the accompanying treaty was concluded between Italy and Ethiopia, according to which the Abyssins recognized the transition to the Italians of the coastal regions. In 1890, Italy joined all his possessions on the Red Sea to the colony of Eritrea and announced that Ethiopia was recognized by the Tectanor of Italy on himself. Almost all Africa during this period was already divided between European powers and Italy, which recently became a single state and was late for the section of the "African Cake", counted to seize Ethiopia rich resources and make it the core of his colonial possessions on the Black Continent. Ethiopia was in stage feudal fragmentationThe power of the emperor over the largest feudals was conditional. Also behind Italy was Britain, which supported the aggression of Italians. Therefore, the Italians underestimated the enemy and represented this colonial war with a light walk. And the Abyssins were inborn warriors, stubborn in battle and skillful in a hand-to-hand fight. For his centuries-old Abyssinia, the winner of heavy tests has repeatedly, without losing state and military traditions. In addition, the imperial throne before starting war took Meallik II, which manifested himself as a skillful statesman and commander. He made a great contribution to the association and economic development of the power, and also expanded the boundaries of Ethiopia in the south and south-west.

Ethiopian emperor Menelik II

The new war began in 1894. In this confrontation, Russia has provided diplomatic and partly military support for Abyssinia. Ethiopia made a good move by setting friendly relations with Russian Empire And breaking through the diplomatic blockade. As a result, Russia assisted in the modernization of Abyssinia. Ethiopia was visited by thousands of Russian volunteers. In particular, Alexander Bulatovich was a military adviser Meallica. Russia, like France, helped the Abyssinia weapon, ammunition, but unlike the French, free of charge.

Back in 1894, an expedition of Eliseeva and Leontiev was organized in Abyssinia in order to establish diplomas and offer assistance in organizing the army. How Leontyev celebrated in the diary: the idea of \u200b\u200bthe campaign gave birth "From the desire to show the whole world that we, the Russians, we can serve the homeland, and moreover, without resorting to fire and sword, not worse than the British, French and Germans, who felt with the help of these two factors durable nests in Africa. " The sympathies of Russian society were on the side of the African country, where Orthodox Christians lived. Also, Russia, who did not have colonies, planned to get a reliable ally in Africa. In Ethiopia, the Russians met with joy and sent the response embassy. Thus, the friendly relations of the two Orthodox powers were established. Therefore, when the war began, Nikolay Leontyev was in Abyssinia with a group of volunteer officers. They occupied an exceptional position at the Ethiopian emperor. Ethiopian Negus ("King of Kings", the emperor) received all the data on the issues of modern European tactics and strategies from the Russians, and with their assistance corrected its policies with foreigners. Russia in 1895 secretly delivered Abyssinia firearms and cold weapons, cartridges. Already after the war, the efforts of Leontyev began the formation of a regular Ethiopian army. Russian volunteers and advisers continued to help Ethiopia until the First World War.

Italian troops seized a number of cities and occupied the Tigre region. Ethiopia mobilized 100 thousand. The army and in December 1895, Ethiopian troops broke the Italians. On March 1, 1896, the Ethiopses were made another major defeat of the Italians. The defeat was complete: the Italian army of 17.7 thousand people lost about 15 thousand soldiers killed and prisoners and all artillery. The victims serious defeat, the Italians went to negotiations. Russia supported peace negotiations. In October 1896, the world was signed in Addis Ababa. Italy, paying the contribution, recognized the independence of Ethiopia. The northern border of Ethiopia was installed. For the first time, the European Power paid the contribution of the African country. Therefore, in Europe, they still joked for a long time over "Meal's Danchets". It should be noted that the successes of Ethiopia (in many respects related to Russian support), stopped the British Promotion in this region and forced to choose British new object For aggression - the Borsk Republic.

Neub Menelik formally ruled until 1913 (in 1903, Ethiopian emperor fell ill and actually moved away from the country's management) and left Ethiopia the only independent state in Africa (if not considered Liberia). Emperor Isais during World War I retained the country's neutrality. But Ethiopia adhered to the proper orientation, hoping to benefit in the fight against the British, the French and Italians.

Map of the Ethiopian Empire of the early 1930s

On the way to the second Italian-Ethiopian war

After World War II, 1914-1918, in which Rome joined hoping on broad territorial increments, Italy had nothing to boast. The Italian colonial empire included deserts that do not possess obviously rich resources and weakly populated - Eritrea, Italian Somalia, taken away from Turkey Libya and Dodecanese Islands in the Aegean Sea. The dreams of the Italian leadership and large bourgeoisie about the broad acquisitions at the expense of the colonies of Germany and Austrian possessions in the Balkans did not come true. As a result, in 1935, France and England owned more than 70% of the territory of Africa, and Italy belonged to a little more than 5%.

Internal problems and economic crisis pushed Italy to further implement the colonial program. Italy had resources, land for colonization, were needed victories to sew the energy of dissatisfied masses. Therefore, Benito Mussolini, who came to power in 1922, and the Italian fascists retained the colonial program and theoretically developed it. Now Italy was considered the heiress of the Roman Empire and Her Spirit, and should have achieved domination in the Mediterranean, in North Africa, up to Abyssinia in the East and Cameroon in the west of the continent. Thus, not satisfied with the section of African colonies after the war 1914-1918, Italy joined the way to revise colonial section Africa. Rome planned to create an Italian colonial empire from Libya to Cameroon - the former German colony.

The first victim was to be Ethiopia. First, Abyssinia was the only independent state of Africa, that is, the war with Addis Ababa did not threaten a direct encounter with Paris or London. The British and French were not allies of Ethiopia and were not going to defend her. Moreover, Western countries blocked the supply of weapons in Abyssinia. Ethiopia itself was considered a weak opponent. A significant part of its army consisted of territorial and tribal militia, whose warriors were armed with spears and bows.

Secondly, the seizure of Ethiopia made it possible to combine Italian colonies Eritrea and Italian Somalia, which made it possible to create a strong bridgehead for further expansion in Africa. The Ethiopian bridgehead had strategic importance, as she had an impact on the struggle at the Mediterranean theater from the southeast and threatened the main British imperial pathway, going through Gibraltar, Suez, the Red Sea and further to Persia, India, Singapore, Hong Kong and Australia. Abyssinian bridgehead threatened by British Transfrican railway, waterways and air lines London - Cairo - Khartum - Capstadt and Cairo - Baghdad - Bahrain - Karachi. Italy, capturing Abyssinia, created a threat to the marine reports of France with its colonies in Indochita. Thus, Ethiopia occupied important strategic positions, and its seizure strengthened Italy's position as one of the world's leading powers and allowed expansion in Africa.

Thirdly, unlike other Italian colonies Abyssinia was rich, he had a serious resource potential. Abyssinia should have become an important raw material base and market for Italy, also a territory for colonization where it is possible to relocate Italian poor (especially from the south of the country). Italian bourgeoisie was required super-profits, and for this we needed war and colonial seizures. In addition, the Italians wanted to wash off the shame of the former defeat in the first Italian-Ethiopian war, when they became "Meal's Danchers."

The crowd on the Square of Venice in Rome during the performance of Mussolini about mobilization. 1935

Fourth, the international situation on the eve of Italian-Abyssinian war was beneficial for Italy. Italy in 1928 concluded an agreement on friendship and nonsense with Abyssinian, but he was a formality. When the "peaceful way" was not annexed, Italy took the course to war. Since 1932, the Italians began to plan a military invasion of Abyssinia. Examples of Japan, who seized Manchuria from China, and Germany, which in 1935 violated Versailles and took the course to create a full-fledged armed forces, were very close to Italy.

Ethiopian Emperor Hail Selassy (Rules since 1930), unlike Menelia, could not find reliable external allies. An attempt to establish friendly relations with Japan failed. Arm with modern weapons could not be due to the resistance of the Western powers.

England, which retained leading positions in the region, was tuned hostile to Ethiopia. On the one hand, London was unprofitable to strengthen Italy in the region due to Ethiopia. On the other hand, the Anglo-Saxon Elite took a course for inciting new world war. For this, even to the detriment of the strategic interests of the British Empire, three world focus of the war - Italy, Germany and Japan created. Damage to the vital interests of Britain in the present was to repeatedly pay off in the future. Therefore, Britain's policy was contradictory. Thus, the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs made it possible to understand Rome that if the interests of Britain regarding Lake Tana and the Blue Nile River will not be affected, England will not interfere with Italy. A similar idea was expressed by McDonalds (former head of government of Britain) in a conversation with Mussolini. Duchess asked London to the invasion of the Italian army to Ethiopia. The leader of the Laborists replied cynically: "England - Lady. Women like actively offensive men, but subject to secrecy. Therefore, act tactfully, and we will not object. " Italians made it clear that the capture of Ethiopia recognize.

At the same time, London began broad military preparations in the zone of its main communications on the Mediterranean and the Red Seas and distributed rumors about the possibility of closing the Suez Canal for Italy. In response, the Italian government stated that sanctions, especially for oil, mean the announcement of war. Benito Mussolini began to threaten England, having put forward the slogan of the revival of the "Great Roman Empire" on the corpse of the British Lion. As a result, the British threat was not implemented when the war began. Although the future events of the Second World War have shown at Britain, all the possibilities to stop the aggression of Italy.

France also untied the hands of the Italian aggressor, concluding an agreement with Rome on January 7, 1935. On him, in exchange for supporting the positions of France in Europe, Italy received several islands in the Red Sea and the right to use the French section of the Djibouti Railway - Addis Ababa to supply the Italian army. By concluding this agreement, Italy began the transfer of troops to Africa using the railway. On April 15, 1935, Mussolini and Laval signed a Franco-Italian Agreement on the correction of the French border in Africa: in exchange for the concessions of France on the issues of the citizenship of Italian settlers in Tunisia, France passed Italy 22 km of coastline against Bab El Mandeban Strait. After the start of the war, this seaside section was used by Italian troops as a bridgehead. Paris wanted to use the current situation to strengthen ties with Rome to tear italy from Germany. Also, the French were not averse to the weakening of Britain's position in the region, and wanted to direct the efforts of Italians to Africa, distracting them from Southeast Europe, where French capital had serious economic interests. Laval later she braked herself that he "presented him (Mussolini) this Ethiopia." At the same time, the French, according to the testimony of the American ambassador in Germany, recommended the Italians to capture Ethiopia in parts, as they Morocco, it will be easier to "digest".

The United States also conducted a similar policy. Back in 1934, the American government was evidenced by mediation in the Ethiopian issue. Washington in every way helped Ethiopia "realize that no one in the world will help her" and finally refused "exaggerated ideas about independence and agreed with the moderate demands of Italy. August 31, 1935, when the Italian invasion of Ethiopia was predetermined, the American Congress adopted a law on neutrality. This meant that the Italian aggressor received a complete advantage over the victim.

Thus, England, USA and France contributed to the aggression of Italian fascism, pursuing far-reaching goals for destabilizing the world order and unleashing world war, as well as solving personal tasks that were far from maintaining peace.

Germany supported Italy. Hitler was quite satisfied that Italy, which at that time had not yet been inferior to Germany in force and even exceeded (Reich only began to create full-fledged armed forces and translate the economy to the "military rails"), aimed south and distracted from Central and South-Eastern Europe . In particular, Germany and Italy had different goals in Austria. Hitler planned anchlus (reunion), and Mussolini wanted to keep independent Austria. In addition, world public opinion, he considered Berlin, will be attracted by the war of Italy and Ethiopia, this will allow Germany to arm more calmly.

Italy was preparing for war since 1933 and, provoking it, did not want to transfer controversial issues with Abyssinia to the international arbitrator. In Eritrea, Somalia and Libya prepared military infrastructure: seaports, airfields, military bases were built and reconstructed, roads were laid. For the transfer of the expeditionary army, more than 155 maritime courts were prepared and chartured by a total tonnage of about 1250 thousand tons. In order to conduct combat operations, Italy created reserves and sharply increased procurement in the United States weapons, airplanes, aircraft engines, spare parts, oil, various types of raw materials and goods. Other Western countries also actively arorated Italy. So, the French Renault plants supplied tanks. From February 1935, after spending a number of private mobilization, Italy began to transfer troops to Eritrea and Italian Somalia. At the same time, Rome led an active information war against Abyssinia, accusing Nekus in the slave trade, and demanded that Abyssion from among the members of the League of Nations. Italy offered to transfer to the absency to her "for correction." Thus, in Western traditions, preparations for aggression took place in the direction of the "Civilizative Mission" and "Establishment of Order in Abyssini".

colonial condocent wars of Italy against Ethiopia. War 1895-96. Began with the seizure at the end of 1895 Italian troops under the command of General Barearey Province of Tiger. For releasing colonizers, Emperor Menelik II has formed 120-thousand. army. December 7, 1895 In battle with Arab-Alagi, Ethiopian troops under the command of Race Mankonen caused the first major defeat by the Italian parts. On March 1, 1896 there was a battle with the city of Aduva (Adua), during which 20s The Italian army was crushed. Under the contract signed on October 26, 1896 in Addis Ababa, Italy was forced to recognize the full sovereignty of Ethiopia. War 1935-1936. At the beginning of the 30s. Italy focused in his colonies Eritrea and Italian Somalia large contingents of troops. In 1934-35, she provoked several border clashes with Ethiopia. October 3, 1935 Italian army under the command of Marshal P. Badolo, armed with tanks, airplanes, artillery, invaded the territory of Ethiopia. She was opposed by the Ethiopian Army (under the command of Hail Selassi 1), formed from poorly armed and untried militias of the militia (regular parts were only 10 thousand people.). Ethies were heroic resistance to Italian aggressors, but were forced to retreat. Only the Soviet Union in the League of Nations and outside it performed for the suppression of aggression and the assistance of Ethiopia. Western powers essentially conducted a policy of encouraging aggressor. In August 1935, the US Congress adopted a law on neutrality, which deprived Ethiopia opportunities to continue to buy weapons in the United States. Back in January 1935 under the contract concluded between France's Foreign Minister Lavaline and Mussolini, France provided Italy freedom of action in Ethiopia. In December 1935, the United Kingdom and France concluded an agreement, which was actually partitioned by the Ethiopian section (the Plan of the Choir - Laval). At the same time, the United Kingdom, France and the United States provided Italy weapons and strategic raw materials. On May 5, 1936, Italian troops occupied Addis Ababa. On June 1, 1936, the Government of Italy announced the formation of the Colony of Italian East Africa as part of Ethiopia, Eritrea and Italian Somalia. However, the partisan war in Ethiopia continued until the liberation of the country in May 1941.

LIT..: Popov V. T., defeat the Italians under Adoua, M., 1938; Lisovsky P. A., Abyssinian adventure of Italian fascism, M. - L., 1936; Voblikov D. R., Ethiopia in the struggle for maintaining independence. 1860-1960, M., 1961; Berkeley G. F.-H., The Campaign of Adowa and The Rise of Menelik, N. Y. ,; Battaglia R., La Prima Guerra D "Africa, 1958; Pignatelli L., La Guerra Dei Sette Mesi, Mil. ,; Barker A., \u200b\u200bThe Civilizing Mission. The Italo-Ethiopian War 1935-1936, L., 1968.

G. V. Tzapkin.

  • - Africristian sect group. Appeared at the beginning of the 20th century in East Africa and then spread to Central Africa, as well as to other continents. They are preached mainly by Ethiopian God ...

    Religious terms

  • - Agreement 1951 Oh Technich. cooperation - signed in Addis Ababa on June 16; Provides the rendering of amer. Technical. Aid of Ethiopia as part of the 4th point of the program Truman ...
  • - Contract 1897 - signed on May 15 in Addis Ababa. Detected the border between Ethiopia and Brit. Somalia. Treaty 1902 - signed on May 15 in Addis Ababa. Installed the border between Ethiopia and Anglo-Egypt. Sudan ...

    Soviet historical encyclopedia

  • - 1) Agreement on friendship and trade 1889 - an agreement imposed by Italy Ethiopia; It was signed on May 2 in the studied. Proclaimed the eternal world and friendship between both gosh ...

    Soviet historical encyclopedia

  • - 1843, 1897, 1908, 1945, 1959, 1965. Treaty on trade and friendship 1843 - concluded on June 7 between the ruler of Shoa and the king of France. Contributed to the strengthening of Franz. Influence in the center. Ethiopia ...

    Soviet historical encyclopedia

  • - Colonial condocent wars of Italy against Ethiopia. War 1895-96. Began with the seizure at the end of 1895 Italian troops under the command of General Barearey Province Tiger ...
  • - diplomatic relations from 21.4.1943. Agreements are concluded: trading ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Wars of Italy against Ethiopia. War 1895-96: ended with the defeat of the Italian army with Aduua and the recognition of Italy sovereignty of Ethiopia ...

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - ...
  • - ...

    Ply. Apart. Through a hyphen. Dictionary dictionary

  • - and Italo -... The first part of complex words with Italian, for example. Italy-speaking, Italian-Greek ...

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

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  • - ...

    Orphographic Dictionary

  • - ...

    Orphographic Dictionary

  • - IT "Alo-Austra" ...
  • - IT "Alo-America" \u200b\u200b...

    Russian spelling dictionary

"Italian-Ethiopian Wars" in books

Chapter 179. Ethiopian Jews

From the book Jewish world Author Telushkin Joseph

Chapter 179. Ethiopian Jews Black Jews Ethiopia for centuries are known as "Falashi" ("Aliens", "those that invaded" translated from Amharic), but the Jewish community considers this word humiliating. Ethiopian Jews themselves call themselves Beta Israel ("House

179. Ethiopian Jews

From the book of the Jewish world [the most important knowledge of the Jewish people, his history and religion (Litres)] Author Telushkin Joseph

179. Ethiopian Jews Black Jews Ethiopia for centuries are known as "Falashi" ("Aliens", "those that invaded" translated from Amharic), but the Jewish community considers this word humiliating. Ethiopian Jews themselves call themselves Beta Israel ("House of Israel"). By

Italian-Swiss hike Suvorov

From the book Imperial Russia Author Anisimov Evgeny Viktorovich

Italian-Swiss hike Suvorov with the arrival of Paul I to power The Russian policy has changed radically. In 1796, he interrupted long before this preparation of Russian troops to the opening of hostilities against revolutionary France. Austrians who asked about

Chapter 2 Italian-Ethiopian War

From the book of the Apocalypse of the XX century. From war to war Author Burovsky Andrey Mikhailovich

Chapter 2 Italian-Ethiopian War Liberal asks Fascist: - What would you do with us if used to power? The fascist thinks and shrugs: - And the same thing you are with us. Liberal: - Sadist! Executioner! Assassin! Political anecdote to the new "Roman Empire" is very

Ethiopian Jews

From the book in the footsteps of the ark of the covenant Author Sklyarov Andrei Yuryevich

Ethiopian Jews will not undertake to say that the ark of the covenant is located in the aksum. The fact that the ether holy in it believes is not proof. This is just a matter of faith. However, the facts indicate that it may well be true. As we have seen,

Chapter 13 Italian-German "Axis" breaks ...

From the book Nazism. From triumph to scaffold by the author Bacho Janosh

Chapter 13 Italo-German "Axis" breaks ... What happened at a meeting of the Big Fascist Council to the uprising in Warsaw Ghetto, the fact that one of the Italian divisions on Eastern Front- secretly for big money -

Chapter III The problem of the opening of the Black Sea Straits during the Italian-Turkish war 1911-1912.

From the book Bosphorus and Dardanelles. Secret provocations on the eve of the First World War (1907-1914) Author Luneva Julia Viktorovna

Chapter III The problem of the opening of the Black Sea Straits during the Italian-Turkish war 1911-1912. Italian-Turkish war was one of the consequences of the Agadir crisis. After the joining the French troops in the capital, Morocco FES The German government stated that

Aging Italian-Ethiopian conflict

From the book Moscow - Washington: Diplomatic Relations, 1933 - 1936 of the author

The aging of the Italian-Ethiopian conflict of 1935 was restless. The era of pacifism went into the past. Another time has come. Politicians have not spoken more about disarmament, but about arms. A group of states (Germany, Japan and Italy) advocated a change in world order, demanded

Calvino ITALO

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (ka) author 6. Writer Italian Zovo from the book about Ilya Ehrenburg (books. People. Countries) [Selected Articles and Publications] Author Freesinsky Boris Yakovlevich

6. Writer Italo Zvovo and in the tenths, and in the twenties, the greatness of classical Italian art did not close the literary of Italy from Ilya Ehrenburg. Not to mention the Dante worship, it was also attracted by modernity - Prose Pyrandello, Philosophy Croce, "Prison

The second Italian-Ethiopian war (the second Italian-Abyssinian war, Italian-Ethiopian war (1935-1936)) - the war between the Italian kingdom and Ethiopia, the result of which annexation of Ethiopia and the proclamation of it, together with the colonies of Eritrea and the Italian Somalia, Colonies Italian East Africa. This war showed the failure of the League of Nations, whose members were and ITALY, and Ethiopia, in resolving international conflicts. In this war, prohibited chemical weapons were widely used by the Italian troops: Iprit and Phosgen.

It is considered the harbinger of World War II (along with the Civil War in Spain).

The victory in the war made Mussolini one of the most prominent and significant figures of European politics and showed the strength of "Italian weapons," she also prompted him to overestimate his strength and get into the war with Greece, ending crying.
photo and signature from here

+ 65 photo cards .... \u003e\u003e\u003e

Spearly Small Fort Werder (Werder) Italian Native Troops in the Italian Somalia. September 24, 1935.

Said Mohammed Abdilla Khasan was built in 1910, located about 12 km north-west of the Oala-Wal-Wal oasis, in 1933-34, the Italians built a way to him to perform vehicle movement from Italian Somalia.

In Italian Wikipedia is indicated as the Italian Fort Wal-Wal.

The Italian Fort Cassala at the border with Eritrea, abandoned by Italian troops after the defeat with Adua from the Ethiopian Army in 1896. Later, the fort was reconciled by the British after the conquest of Sudan by Lord Hoodie Herbert Kitchener. September 21, 1935.

Ethiopian Halle Hunter (Sovr. Oromo) Ready to fight for his homeland on the second day after the start of the Italian-Ethiopian war. October 8, 1935.

Galla's Hunter's Photo with decorations for killing giraffe and rhino on his neck, gold earrings for killing an elephant, bracelet on hand for murdering lion and various rings for other trophies. And in peaceful, and in wartime he sleeps with his gun on his side. It is a typical type of warrior, with which the Italians will face, if the dead will continue his movement in the wild lands of Ethiopia.

American Minister-Resident Cornelius Wang Hemert Engert with a weapon in his hands along with other members of the Mission for two days opposed the chaos and unrest in the capital of Ethiopia Addis Ababa. Understanding the plight of its position was forced to send an urgent call for help. He was sent to the British diplomatic mission in which there was a bomb shelter and 200 soldiers of security.
A rescue detachment was sent, which delivered Americans, among whom Ms. Van H. Engert was sent, to a safe place. This is the last photo of the Minister (in Addis Ababa). May 4, 1936.

Italian Fort Waal-Wal. Italian Somalia, October 19, 1935.

Eritrean warriors, probably the tribe of Tigeria, in traditional costumes, photographed just a few years before the Italian invasion of Ethiopia. These militant men made a backbone of the colonial troops of the Italian army in Africa. Their weapons were almost identical at the tribes of neighboring northern Ethiopia and included big number awards, shield and saber curve.

Local residents are watching the Italian fiat-ansaldo c.v.33 tanque and the Ansaldo IZ armor of the company Liancia overcome the water barrier.

In anticipation of aggression: Italian soldier says goodbye to his mother before shipping to the East African Front. Naples, Italy. September 23, 1935.

Marshal Badolo (left).

Italian artilleryrs.

Italian soldiers in Montiewaris before departing to Ethiopia. 1935 year.

Italian fiat-anxaldo fiat tanks CV-33.

Italian cavalry.

Abyssinian warriors in traditional clothes.

Savoia Marchetti bomber - SM.81 Pipistrello.

Italian aviation over Abyssinia.

Abyssinian Emperor High Sellasy is preparing to fire from the French Hotchkiss M1914 machine gun.
Another signature: Emperor High Selassy checks the weapon on the northern front.
The date of the picture is still localized from 1931 to 1935.

There is an assumption that a man standing on the left hand from the emperor, in a white robe and a hat, no one like Heruie Vella Selllas - "Great Shada Ja". French diplomats assessed the importance of this man with similar phrases: "Cheri was planted on the throne with the emperor under the name High Selessi", "Chieu - Abyssinsky Rasputin."

Abyssinian soldier encounters a gas mask during the teachings in Addis Ababa in the framework of preparation for a possible chemical attack by the Italians. October 26, 1935.

Personal Guard Hilee Seliassy - Kebur Zakanga on the parade.

Abyssinian soldiers.

Regular parts of the Ethiopian army (Kebur Zakanga - Guard of the Nekus), are token during his great campaign to the front in the northern front zone. The number of these parts was one and a half thousand people. December 23, 1935.

Kebur Zakanga - Guard of the Nekus, the only part of the Ethiopian army prepared in accordance with European military canons modern Army.
Her preparation and training was engaged in Belgian specialists invited by Hail Selassi. The choice fell on Belgium, since this country had no interest in enslaving Ethiopia, unlike those developed in militarily European countries as Italy, France and England.

Abyssinian Guard - Mahal Sefari (Center Army).

Abyssinian machine gunner.

Abyssinian mortars.

Two spy sentenced to death penalty were hanged on an improvised galloper at the venue of the Northern Front during the Italian-Abyssinian war. October 10, 1935.

The Leader of Bakal Aile with a rifle is aiming from shelter, October 1935.

Bakal Ayel (Bakala Ayele) Head (Fituari) in Ogada is the most important person in the district, whose house is 20 miles from the settlement of the Wal-Walway (dispute due to the formal reason to Italian aggression). Getting ready to fighten the invaders, he armed and taught to shoot his whole family: his wife, his children, and even servants.

Fituari - literally "attackering led." One of the oldest traditional military titles in Ethiopia introduced in the XIV century. The phytuari was either the commanding of the avant-garde, or the commander-in-chief of the emperor's troops or individual provincial rulers. In this case, this title can be compared with the Russian Governor Governor.

Abyssinian fighter, armed by a rifle, is covered in the grass in the front-line strip of Adua-Adigrat. 1935 year.

Abyssinian machine gunner on the front line Adua - Addi-Greet with Browning M1918 machine gun. 1935 year.

In total, the Abyssinian army had 200-300 machine guns of various systems with 10000 ammunition at the machine gun.

Four Italian soldiers in Ethiopia in 1935

Gugsa, the son-in-law of Emperor Hail Selassy, \u200b\u200bwho switched to the side of the invaders with a group of Italian officers, during a hike on Makale. December 12, 1935.

Ras Gugs (in the center of the group of officers with a scarf on the neck) was appointed governor of the province of Tiger Italians after he switched to the side of the invaders.

Dedjaszzhech High Seleussia Guksa - Ethiopian aristocrat, military. Belonged to the Tigray dynasty. The son-in-law of Emperor High Selassy. Traitor Ethiopia. Hail Selassi Gugsa was the son of Race Guks Araya Selussie and the great-director of Emperor Johannes iv.
In 1934, Hayle Seleussia Guks married the second daughter of Emperor High Selessia I - Zenba Work. Marriage between the Zeneb Work and Dedzzzzzzzzheh High Selessia Guksoy, as well as the marriage between the heir to the throne of Asfa Raine and the Dvarzaro worshi of the Seyama, the daughter of Sejuma Mangasha, was designed to breed both branches of the Tiggwie dynasty with the Imperial Dynasty of Shoa. The calculation of the emperor did not give the desired results. The marriage turned out to be impossible. Zenba Work constantly complained his father to a bad attitude on the part of her husband and his family, and Hilee Selussie Guks himself indisted that his three-riser and rival Mangasha Seyumu (the son of Race Seyuum Mangasha) had already wore the title of Race, then when he wore title himself Dedjazzcha. All this is despite the fact that the province of Tiger and was divided between the two branches of the Tigray dynasty of the heirs of Emperor Johannes iv. Western Tigraim ruled the races of Mangasha, and East - Ras Guks Araya Seliassi (Father High Selessi Guksi).
After the invasion of Italians in 1935, all the ruling circles of Ethiopia were shocked, Dedjaszch Hilee Seleussia Guksa moved to the side of Italians. The Italians gave him the title of Race, as well as recognized him as a senior heir to the Tigray dynasty. At the end of the war, Seyuumi Mangasha surrendered to Heily Selussie Guks and was imprisoned.
After the liberation of Ethiopia in 1941 and recovery on the throne, Hail Selassi I - High Seleussia Guksa was declared a traitor and thrown behind the bars. The title of Race, assigned to him by the Italians, was naturally not recognized and he stayed with the title of Dedzazzch. Hilee Selassi Guksa spent behind bars for more than 30 years, until the revolution of 1974, when he was released, but she died.

Italian soldiers and officers at the opening of Stel's fence in the Battle of Atmu in 1896. In the center on horseback, the commander of Italian troops General Emilio de Bono.

"The dead in Aduu are reminiscent of 6. X. 1935." - So says the inscription on this monument, officially open here on October 13, 1935 by General Emilio de Bono - the commercial Italian colonial troops, who seized the ADU on October 6, 1935, thereby having a 39-year-old pain for a humiliating defeat of Ethiopians in 1896.

The Italian priest holds a service in the Black-General division. Makale, December 11, 1935.

Raising the flag by the Italian troops over Makalla. 1935 year.

Black workers in Makale, December 11, 1935.

The Orthodox priest blesses Abyssinian warriors leaving to the front from the city of Harar. November 16, 1935.

Collect humanitarian aid for the front in Addis Ababa.

Italian medium bomber Savoia-Marchetti SM.81 inflicts a bomb strike in Ethiopia.

The Italian Middle Bomber Savoia-Marchetti SM.81 is adopted by Regia Aeronautica in the spring of 1935. The first combat application in December 1935 in Ethiopia.

Nehus High Selessiya watches the "Orlam" by the dead from the balcony of his palace. 1935 year.

Italian soldiers inspect the caves of the Amba-Alagy Mountain in which Ethiopian fighters were hidden.

Abyssinian soldiers in the attack. 1936.

Italian alpine arrows fight for Arab Aradam. 1936.

Italian soldiers are watching the bombardment of Ethiopian troops in the battle of Amba Aradam (AMBA Aradam). February 15, 1936.

Battle of Battle of Arab-Aradam (Mountain) (otherwise Battle of Enderta (Enderta) (province)) - Battle on the northern front against Ras Maluget Yuggazi, commanded Army of the Center (Mahal Sefari)
This fight consisted of attacks and counterattacks of the Italian troops under the command of Marshal Italy Pietro Badolo and Ethiopian troops under the command of Race Mulugeet Yeggazi.

Ethiopian fighters killed on their position on the top of the mountain in the battle of Amber-Aradam. February 1936.

Battle of Amba-Aradam (Mountain) (otherwise Battle of Enderta (Enderta) (province)) Battle on the Northern Front against Race Mulugeet Yuggazi Commanded Army of the Center (Mahal Sefari)
The number of Italian troops participating in the battle of 70,000.
The number of Ethiopian troops participating in the battle of 80,000.
Italians lost only 590 killed (modern estimates of about 500)
Ethiopia lost 5,000 killed (modern estimates up to 6000).

Major Giuseppe Bottai and Colonel Pelosi in the area of \u200b\u200bArab Aradam on February 16, 1936, in the background, the Roman Standard depicting the Capitol Wolf.

Giuseppe Bottai (Giuseppe Bottai) (September 3, 1895 - January 9, 1959)
italian statesman, lawyer, economist, journalist, Governor Rome, First Italian Governor Addis Ababa, Minister of Corporations and Minister of National Education. At the end of 1942, he discovered his disappointment in B. Mussolini and the rejection of war. Member of the Big Fascist Council. On February 5, 1943, among other opponents of rapprochement with Germany, Mussolini was replaced, but remained a member of the Big Fascist Council. In 1943, together with D. Grandi became one of the main organizers of the conspiracy inside the fascist party, which ended at the meeting on July 25, 1943 by the overthrow of Mussolini. On January 10, 1944, he was sentenced to the fascist tribunal in Verona to the death penalty. After the end of the war, it was sentenced by the Italian court in 1945 to imprisonment. In 1947, amnestied and returned to Italy. Until the end of the life kept the commitment of nationalism.

The column of the Italian troops drives past the cannons of Maria Teresa near the hole-Dowa. 1936.

The city of Dowea was founded in 1902, when the construction of the French Railway Djibouti - Addis Ababa reached this place. Busy no battle for the Italian troops on May 6, 1936.

Italian soldiers during work in Ethiopia.

Stop artillery tractors. The column of General Staracha moves from the West bypassing Oz. Tana, the southern tip of which he reached April 29, 1936.

The Italian bomber Caproni Ca.101 flies over Italian troops in the Gondar area.

The commander of the Italian troops Marshal Badolo (Pietro badoglio) in the positions in Abyssinia. 1936.

On November 30, 1935, Badolo was sent to Massaw as the commander of the Expeditionary Corps in Ethiopia in connection with the failures of General de Bono in the Italian-Ethiopian war, which Dueu removes from the post, and the commander-in-chief of Italian forces in Ethiopia appoints Pietro Badolo.

The inability of Badolo for a long time to spend a successful final attack caused rage among Mussolini. He threatened that he would replace Badolo by General Rodolfo Graziani. But still, it was under the command of Badolo "Italian troops managed on May 5, 1936 to borrow the capital of Ethiopia Addis Ababa and win the war. Marshal Badolo was appointed vice-king of a new colony and received the title of Duke Addis Ababsky.

In 1937, Badolo returns to Rome, where he continues to work in the General Staff. Its new task was to coordinate the actions of the Italian corps in Spain sent by Mussolini to the help of General Franco.

Houses of residents of Dash (Akhmar region) after the bombing of Italian aircraft. 1936.

Dassa is one of the largest cities of Ethiopia.

Italians demolish Me Meblem II in Addis Ababa. 1936.

Photo from the archive of the Italian Brigadier General of the Air Force ITALY ENRIKO PETSI.

Generatorriko Pezzi was liquidated by the Soviet troops during the operation of the Small Saturn operation on December 29, 1942 during the general attempt to assist (on the Savoia Marchetti SM81 aircraft) with fascist troops surrounded in the village area. Chertkovo

Arrival after the defeat in the war of Nehus High Selessi with his family in Haifa on the British Light Cruiser "Enterprise" (Enterprise) on May 8, 1936.

Stolen by Italian Fascists from Addis Ababa "Jewish Lion" - symbol ruling dynasty Nehusov Ethiopia. It was delivered to Italians in Rome as a trophy, on the ship and by train. The picture shows the moment of unpacking the container with trophy. Rome, Italy, February 22, 1937.

The memorial was established by the ruler of Ethiopia Heily Selussie in 1930, shortly before his coronation. In 1935, he was stolen by the Italians and was delivered to Rome, where he was installed on Obelisk Dogal heroes near the monument to Vittorio Emanuele II. The monument returned to Ethiopia after long negotiations in the 60s of the 20th century and was installed in place in the presence of Emperor Hail Selassi. After the coup in Ethiopia in 1974, the military junta wanted to remove the monument as a symbol of the empire. But the resistance of veterans - servicemen led to the abolition of the decision and the lion remained in place.

Italian obelisk Heroes "doggy" (Dogali) in Rome with the "Lion Juda". May 10, 1937.

Obelisk dogue (or Obelisk Term) is one of the composition of two obelisk, the second of which is located in the Gardens of Boboli in Florence. It was built from red granite on the direction of Ramses II in Heliopolis. Obelisk height - 6.34 meters, width - 77 centimeters. A century, Obelisk was found by the Archaeologist Rodolfo Lanchiani during excavations on June 17, 1883 and was transported to Rome to decorate the temple of Isis. Obelisk was left in the current state.

After 4 years, 548 Italian soldiers died from the hands of the Ethiopian army in January 1887 in battle when they dogue during the first Ethiopian war of 1885-1896. For Memorial Memory of Italian soldiers was decided to use this obelisk. Therefore, he was called Obelisk cared and put on the "Piazza of Chinkvice" (Area 500), opposite the main railway station. On the pedestal, the names of the Italian soldiers who died at the battle. Obelisk opening ceremony took place on June 5, 1887. When redeveloping Square in 1925, Obelisk moved a bit north, to the terms of Diocletian.

In 1937, after the conquest of Ethiopia, he was decorated with a bronze "lion Jewish", brought from Addis Ababa, but after the fall of the fascist regime, the bronze lion was returned to Ethiopia Negus High Selassi.

The attachment area and building of the hole-Dowa station during the Italian occupation period.

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