When Romanov rules. Romanov dynasty: brief history

Reservoirs 14.10.2019

The first emperor from the Romanov dynasty was Peter the Great. With the death of Peter II, the Romanov dynasty stopped in a literal male generation. Mikhail Fedorovich (1596-1645), King from 1613. Son Fedor (in Filaret Monastic) Nikitich Romanova. Thus, on the genealogical rules, the imperial race is referred to as Holstein-Gottorp-Romanovsky, which was reflected in the generic coat of arms of Romanov and the coat of arms of the Russian Empire.

She was inherited by the great-grandfather Ivan V - John Vi Antonovich, son of the Duke Brunshweigsky, the only representative in the Russian throne of the Mecklenburg-Braunschweig-Romanov dynasty.

Thus, during this period, the rule of five emperors, of which only three were novels. With the death of Elizabeth, the straight male line of inheritance stopped. In 1942, the Montenegrin throne was offered to the two representatives of the House of Romanov. There is an association of members of the genus Romanov. During the reign of Romanov, the Russian monarchy survived the heyday era, several periods of painful reforms and a sudden fall. The Moscow Kingdom, which was Vencedan to the kingdom of Mikhail Romanov, in the 19th century, joined the huge territories of Eastern Siberia and went on the border with China.

Results of the rule of Romanovs

In 1917, Nicholas II ran away from the throne and was arrested by a temporary government. Today, representatives of the two branches of the house of Romanov: Kirillovichi and Nikolayevichi - claim to be considered the location of the Russian throne.

Many bloody and bright episodes were preceded by climbing the throne of great Romanov. The first famous ancestor of Romanov was Andrei Ivanovich Mare. Before the beginning of the XVI century, Romanov was called cats, then with zakharia-cats and zakharia-yury. From the house of Romanov, Alexey Mikhailovich, Fedor Alekseevich, reigned; During the moms of the kings of Ivan V and Peter I, the government was their sister Sophia Alekseevna.

With the death of Elizabeth Petrovna, the Romanov dynasty stopped in a straight female line. However, the names of Romanov wore Peter III and his wife Ekaterina II, their son Paul I and his descendants.

In 1918, Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov and his family members were shot in Yekaterinburg, other Romanovs were killed in 1918-1919, some emigrated

In fact, the ruler with her was E.I.Biron. Ivan Vi Antonovich (1740-1764), emperor in 1740-1741. Pavel I Petrovich (1754-1801), Russian emperor with 1796. Son of Peter III and Catherine II. Introduced in the state a military-police regime, in the army - Prussian orders; Restricted noble privileges. Alexander I Pavlovich (1777-1825), Emperor with 1801. The Senior Son of Paul I. At the beginning of the Board, there was moderately liberal reforms developed by the unlawful committee and M.M. Speransky.

To understand how the first of the Romanov accepted the management of proud Russia, you need to start with the very Terrible

In the reign of Alexander III, the accession to Russia Central Asia (1885) was mainly completed, the Russian-French Union was concluded (1891-1893). Andrei Mare is considered the first reliable ancestor of the Romanov and a number of other noble birth - Boyar of Moscow Prince Simeon Proud. Because of the intrigue, the line of inheritance of children Peter the Great was frozen, and the imperial throne was given to the daughter of King Ivan V (Senior Brother Peter I) - Anna Ioannovna.

In the 1920s and 1930s, a significant part of the representatives of the dynasty continued to hope for the collapse of the Soviet power in Russia and the restoration of the monarchy. The Great Princess Olga Konstantinovna in November-December 1920 was the regent of Greece and took part of the refugees from Russia into the country.

Moscow nobles, supported by landed people, offered to elect a 16-year-old Mikhail Romanov

All coincided. Including genetic mutation. " As a result, the final conclusion was made: both burials really contain the remains of the entire royal family, shot in 1918. So, for example, Peter I tried to expand the territory of the country and like the Russian cities in Europe, and Catherine II invested the whole soul in promoting the ideas of enlightenment.

Monarchy in Russia was eliminated. After a year and a half, the last emperor and his whole family were shot by the decision of the Soviet government. It would be more correct to share activities within the framework of internal and foreign policy. I would like to see more complete information about Alexander II and Ekaterina Great - the most vivid representatives of the dynasty. In 1605, his body was betrayed by Earth, and the son of Fyodor and his spouse assumed the duty to manage the country.

During the reign of the Romanov Dynasty, Russia became the most powerful empire with which all countries were considered. Ivan V Alekseevich (1666-1696), the king from 1682. Son Alexei Mikhailovich from the first marriage with M.I. Miloslavskaya. Each ruler from the Romanov dynasty paid attention to the questions that seemed most relevant and important for him.

Virtual exhibition

400th anniversary of the house of Romanov

In 2013, the 400th anniversary of the house of Romanov. The celebration is timed to the joint of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova on the Moscow throne on June 11, 1613 (in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, by decision of the Zemstvo Cathedral). Measuring Mikhail Fedorovich became the beginning of the new romance romanian dynasty.

In the extensive literature dedicated to the history of the house of Romanovs and individual reigns, there is no unambiguous interpretation of the role of self-containers - the extreme, often polar points of view dominate. However, no matter how much to relate to the Dynasty of the Romanovs and its representatives, objectively assessing our historical path, it should be recognized that it was at Romanovs Russia became one of the great powers of the world, its victory and defeat, ups and downs, achievements and political and political Economic failures caused to a large extent to the growing inconsistency of the public system tasks of time. The house of Romanov is not a story of a private family, but in fact there is a history of Russia.

Romanovs are a Russian boyars genus, who called such a surname from the end of the XVI century; Since 1613 - Dynasty of Russian kings and from 1721 - emperors of All-Russian, and subsequently - the kings of Poland, the Grand Dukes of Lithuania and Finland, the Dukes of Oldenburg and Holstein-Gottorpa and the Great Master of Master of the Maltese Order. The direct branch of the genus Romanov in the All-Russian throne was pretended after the death of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna; From January 5, 1762, the imperial throne moved to the Golstein-Gottorp-Romanovskaya dynasty, the son of Anna Petrovna and the Duke of Karl-Friedrich Golstein-Gottorpsky, according to the dynastic agreement, their son Karl Peter Ulrich Golstein-Gottorpsky (the future emperor All-Russian Peter III) was recognized as a member of the Imperial House Romanovs. Thus, on the genealogical rules, the imperial genus (dynasty) is referred to as Golstein-Gottorp-Romanovskaya (Holstein-Gottorp-Romanovskaya dynasty), and the imperial house - Romanovs.


End of the XVI century. I brought our homeland a hard shock, which became the first step towards Smith. With the death of King Feodor, John (1598) was stopped by the Rurikovsky dynasty. Even earlier, in 1591, a junior representative of the Dynasty of St. Tsarevich Dimitri. However, his rights to inherit the throne were very controversial, because He was born from the fifth wedding (and actually from the seventh) marriage of Tsar John Grozny, and was considered illegitimate.

Over 700 years of Rurikovichi ruled Russia. And here they did not. It is difficult to describe the impression that made the end of the dynasty. The Russian people faced an unprecedented case and it was necessary to solve the question of which the fate of the state depended. The house of the Moscow Great Princes and Kings was to inherit a genus, having a complete legitimate right. From the descendants of Rurik, after the death of the princes of Staritsky, there was no one left, who would have such rights. The nearest relatives of the Moscow House were the princes of Shui, but their kinship was the 12th (!) Degree. In addition, in accordance with the rules of the Byzantine law taken at the time, the norms of the Byzantine law, the closest property (ie, the relationship through his wife) was preferred to be districted to be thoroughly.

Based on this (her husband and wife make up the "flesh one") Brother Irina Godunova, the wife of King Feodor John, Boris Godunov, was considered simultaneously and his brother. It was Godnova and called on the kingdom with the blessing of Patriarch Iova. The definition of this issue was issued for the Zemsky Cathedral of 1598.

And King Boris took the throne not on the "right" election, but by the right of heritage. The following in this order of inheritance was Romanov, the descendants of the first Shurin of John Grozny - Nikita Romanovich Zaharin-Yuryeva.

Boris Godunov reign relatively serene before the emergence of the first rumors about the impostor. The appearance of "Tsarevich Dimitri" forced the people to doubt the legality of the Tomatnia Godunov. As neither paradoxically, the phenomenon of impostor testifies to the spontaneous legitimism of the Russian people. In order to take the throne, it was necessary to have legitimate rights or to issue themselves for the owner. Otherwise, you can "choose", "designate" and "to proclaim" the king, to "appoint" and "to proclaim" any support. But "Tsarevich Dimitri" - allegedly a miraculously saved the son of John Grozny - could not not find a response in Russian hearts. And now Death takes the king Boris, his son Feodor killed, and the triumphant impostor drives accompanied by Poles to Moscow.

The breaking came not immediately. Maybe the process stretched even longer if it were not for the increasing behavior of lzhedimitri in relation to the Orthodox Church. The impostor daring to crown in the Assumption Cathedral his wife Marina Mnishek, not the cross of her, but limited to the world-making. The son of John of Grozny, according to a folk concept, never would have arrived in a similar way. Less than two weeks after, the blasphemous wedding, the impostor was killed. But the foundations of the Russian kingdom so lached so far that stopping the confusion with a simple elimination of liedmitria was already impossible.

King Vasily Shuisky in his own way he sought to benefit from Fatherland. But the throne of this one in the history of Russia of the elective king could not be durable. "Curved" on the Red Square of a random crowd, taking himself with obligations before boyars, the king of Vasily never felt a confident autocrat. And therefore he could not effectively withstand neither external nor inner enemies, and the narration of it - to a funny light - lowland tells us about the infertility of the introduction of alien traditions and laws. The end of the smoothie was not foreseen.

Save Russia was destined to be a militia, whose leaders managed to extract some lessons from previous mistakes and create a single popular movement. Inspired by the messages of the Patriarch of Hermogene Nizhny Novgorod citizen K. Minin and KN. D. Pozharsky united Russian people under the banner of the struggle for the liberation and restoration of the Orthodox kingdom. Later to them joined the book. D. Trubetskaya with the remnants of I militia. In October 1612, the Cossacks took the attack by China-city, and the Poles capitulated Poles were capitulated in the Kremlin. The liberated capital appeared conditions for the arrangement of public life.

At the beginning of 1613, the Messengers of "All Earth" came to Moscow to the Great Zemsky and Church Cathedral, whose most important task was to define the legitimate heir to the throne.

When the candidacy dispute broke out on the cathedral, a dispute about the candidacy, a certain Galician nobleman filed a note that Mikhail Feodorovich's robust with the king of Feodor Ioannovich (Mikhail's father Metropolitan Filaret was a cousin of King Feodor and inherited himself if it were not for the monastic stop, perfect Above him in the reign of Boris Godunov), with reference to the authority of the tortured Patriarch of Hermogene. He caused the anger of the Boyar, Grozko, who dared to bring such a Scripture. Then the Cossack Ataman performed and also put a written application. To the question of KN. Pozharskoy, what is the speech in whom, Ataman answered: "On the natural (allocated by me - A.Z.) Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich." "Tale of the Zemsky Cathedral of 1613" It leads to the speech of the Ataman, in which he determined, but indicated the illegality of the "elections" of the king and substantiated the rights to the throne of young Mikhail Romanova.

The final decision on the question of the prestolonia was made on February 21, 1613. The grades sent to all the ends of the Russian land that "a human-loving god by look at his own in the heart of all people of the Moscow state from Mala to Velika and to the Baby of Baby to turn to Vladimir, And to the Moscow, and on all the states of the Russian kingdom of the sovereign to the Mikhail Feodorovich Romanova-Yuryeva, the Russian kingdom of Russia. The approved gram of the cathedral was pinned the throne for the dynasty "in childbirth and childbirth" and betrayed anathema of any violator of the sacred oath of loyalty to the house of Romanov. The commodity of the Romanov's house was the victory of the order above the smutch, and at the beginning of the XVII century. In Russia, a new dynasty was approved, together with which the state functioned more than three hundred years, surviving ups and downs.

The last Russian king Nicholas II, shot with his family in Yekaterinburg in 1918, so far one of the most controversial figures of domestic history. Despite the almost table, which passed from those tragic events, the attitude towards him in society is sharply polar. On the same side, the Russian Orthodox Church ranked him with his family to the face of the saints, on the other - the "master of the land of Russian" (his own definition) is perceived by public opinion as a talent head of the state who could not save from death not only the country, but even Own family.

It should be noted that legally members of the Tsarist, and then the imperial, family did not wear any names at all ("Tsarevich Ivan Alekseevich", "Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich", etc.). In addition, since 1761, the descendants of the son of Anna Petrovna and the Duke of Golstein-Gottorpsky Charles Friedrich, who were no longer from Romanov, and from Holstein-Gottorpov (the younger branch of the Oldenburg dynasty, known from the XII century on the men's line, reigned. In the genealogical literature, representatives of the dynasty starting from Peter III are the name of Hollytein-Gottorp-Romanov. Despite this, the names of Romanov and the "House of Romanov" were practically generally accepted for the informal designation of the Russian Imperial House, the coat of arms of the Romanov was incorporated into official legislation.

After 1917, the names of Romanov officially began to wear (according to the laws of the temporary government, and then in emigration) almost all members of the reign house. The exceptions are the descendants of the Grand Dmitry Dmitry Pavlovich. He was one of the Romanov, who recognized Kirill Vladimirovich the emperor in exile. Dmitry Pavlovich's marriage to Audrey Emery was recognized as a Cyril Morganotic marriage of a member of the reigning house, and the spouse and children received the title of the princes of Romanovskiy-Ilinsky (now it is two grandchildren of Dmitry Pavlovich - Dmitry and Michael / Mikhail, as well as their wives and daughters). The rest of the Romanov also entered the morganotic (from the point of view of the Russian law on the throne) marriage, but did not consider it necessary to change the surname. After creating the association of the princes of the house of Romanov in the late 1970s, Ilinskie became its members on the general basis.

The genealogical tree of Romanovs

Genealogical roots of Romanov's kind (XII-XIV centuries)

Exhibition materials:

Over the past 300, at a small years, autocracy in Russia was directly related to the Romanov dynasty. They managed to gain a foothold on the throne even during the times of the Troubles. A sudden appearance on the political chain of a new dynasty is the largest event in the life of any state. It is usually accompanied by a coup or revolution, but in any case the change of power is drawn by the removal of the old ruling elite by violent means.


In Russia, the emergence of a new dynasty was due to the fact that Rurikovich's branch was interrupted with the death of the descendants of Ivan IV Grozny. This state of affairs in the country gave rise to not only the deepest political, but also a social crisis. Ultimately, this led to the fact that inrage began to interfere with the states of the state.

It should be noted that the rulers who brought with them the new dynasties have never changed in the history of Russia, as after the death of King Ivan the Terrible. In those days, not only the representatives of the elite, but also other social layers claimed to the throne. Foreigners also tried to intervene in the struggle for power.

At the throne, one after another appeared descendants of Rurikovich in the face of Vasily Shuisky (1606-1610), representatives of nonetitular boyars, led by Boris Godunov (1597-1605), were and at all the impostors - Lhadmitriy I (1605-1606) and Lhadmitry II (1607- 1610). But any of them did not manage to stay in power for a long time. So it lasted until 1613, until the Russian kings of the Romanov dynasty came.


Immediately it should be noted that this race as such went from the Zagra. And Romanovs are not quite the right surname. It all started with the fact that that is, Zakhariev Fyodor Nikolayevich decided to change his surname. Guided by the fact that his father was Nikita Romanovich, and his grandfather - Roman Yurevich, he came up with his name "Romanov". Thus, the genus received a new name used and in our time.

The royal dynasty of the Romanov (the years of the Board 1613-1917) began with Mikhail Fedorovich. After him climbed the throne Alexey Mikhailovich, nicknamed "Quiet". Next was then the rules of Alekseevna and Ivan V Alekseevich.

During the Board - in 1721 - the state was finally reaffined and became the Russian Empire. Tsari Kanulu in the fly. Now the sovereign became the emperor. In total, Romanovs gave Russia 19 rulers. Among them are 5 women. Here is a table where the entire Dynasty of the Romanov, the years of the Board and Title is clearly shown.

As mentioned above, the Russian throne sometimes occupied women. But the government of Paul I adopted the law that the title of Emperor can now carry only a direct heir among men. Since then, no woman has no longer at the throne.

The Romanov Dynasty, the years of the reign of which were not always in calm times, in 1856 he received her official coat of arms. It depicts a vulture holding Tarch and a golden sword in his paws. The edges of the coat of arms are decorated with eight severed heads of lions.

The last Emperor

In 1917, the government in the country seized the Bolsheviks, who overthrew the government of the country. The emperor Nicholas II was the last of the Romanov dynasty. He was given a nickname "Bloody" for the fact that during the two revolutions of 1905 and 1917, thousands of people were killed by his order.

Historians believe that the last emperor was a soft ruler, therefore allowed several unforgivable mistakes in both internal and foreign policy. They led to the fact that the situation in the country was raised to the limit. Failures in Japanese, and then the authority of the emperor himself and the entire royal family strongly undermined the first world wars.

In 1918, on the night of July 17, the royal family, which included, except the emperor himself and his wife, also five children, was shot by the Bolsheviks. Then the only heir to the Russian throne was also killed - the little son of Nikolai, Alexey.


Romanovs are ancient boyars, who gave Russia the great dynasty of the kings, and then emperors. They ruled the state a little more than three hundred years since the XVI century. The Romanov Dynasty, the years of the reign of which ended with the arrival of the Bolsheviks, was interrupted, but several branches of this kind exist now. All of them live abroad. Approximately 200 of them have different titles, but none will be able to take the Russian throne, even in the case of the restoration of the monarchy.

Rus and her self-containers Anishkin Valery Georgievich

Appendix 3. Genealogical tree of the genus Romanov

From the book medieval France Author Polo de pain Marie Ann

The genealogical tree of Cappetian and Valua dynasties (987 - 1350) The Genealogy of Valua (1328-1589) is partially represented. Branch of Valua Rules in France from 1328 to 1589. Direct descendants of Valua were in power from 1328 to 1498, from 1498 to 1515. The throne was occupied by Orleans Valua, and from 1515 to 1589

From the book Torcwemada Author Nechaev Sergey Yuryevich

Genealogical tree Thomas de Torkwemad

by the author of orbini mavro.

Genealogical tree of the kind of nemunica

From the book Slavic kingdom (historiography) by the author of orbini mavro.

Genealogical tree Vukashin, King Serbia

From the book Slavic kingdom (historiography) by the author of orbini mavro.

Genealogical tree Nikola Altomanovich, Prince

From the book Slavic kingdom (historiography) by the author of orbini mavro.

Genealogical Tree Bowls, Sovereign Zeta

From the book Slavic kingdom (historiography) by the author of orbini mavro.

The genealogical tree of Lazarus, Prince Serbia

From the book Slavic kingdom (historiography) by the author of orbini mavro.

The genealogical tree of Kotroman, the ruler of Bosnia

From the book Slavic kingdom (historiography) by the author of orbini mavro.

Family tree of the genus of Koschacha

From the book 1612 Author

From the book Attila. Beach God Author Buvier-Azhan Maurice

The genealogical tree of the royal family Attila * Royal Family "Huns had its own characteristics. It consisted of not all numerous Attila wives and his countless offspring. It is limited only by those sons that Attica proclaimed

From the book Vasily Shui Author Skynnikov Ruslan Grigorievich

The genealogical tree of Moscow subjugated the Nizhny Novgorod Great Principality in 1392, but a lot of time passed before the Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod princes finally recognized their dependence on the Moscow Prince. Among those who are the first to voluntarily moved to Moscow

From the book Vasily Shui Author Skynnikov Ruslan Grigorievich

The genealogical tree of Moscow subjugated the Nizhny Novgorod Great Principality in 1392, but a lot of time passed before the Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod princes finally recognized their dependence on the Moscow Prince. Among those who are the first to voluntarily moved to Moscow

From the book Honor and loyalty. Leibstandard. History of the 1st Tank Division of the SS Labishtandard SS Adolf Hitler Author Akunov Wolfgang Viktorovich

Applications Appendix 1 "Genealogical Tree" of the 1st Tank Division of the SS Labishtandard SS Adolf Hitler in the immediate subordination of the CA (Sturmabtaylungen) - semi-universal assault units of the National Socialist German Workers Party

From the book of the era of Rurikovich. From the ancient princes to Ivan the Terrible Author Denichenko Peter Gennadevich

Family Tree Dynasty Rurikovich Table 1Rryurikovichi in 862 - 1054 Table 2Polotskaya Dynasty Rurikovichy Table 3galitsky Dynasty Rurikovichy Table 4Turovo-Pin Branch Rurikovichy Table 5Chernigovskaya Branch Rurikovichi Table 6 Mountain

From the book Rus and her autocrat Author Anishkin Valery Georgievich

Appendix 2. Family tree of kind


What for?


Main events


What attached / lost

XVI in.


Livonian War

(Poland, Sweden)

exit to Baltic


1558-1563 - Taking a number of Polish Mountains ODO, the victory of the Russian troops.

1561 - Decay of the Livonian Order
1563 - Taking Polotsk.

1582 - Yam-Zapolsky truce for 10 years

1583 g. - Plus world with Sweden

ExchangeLivonia on captured Russian cities (exceptPolotsk ). For Sweden -the coast of the Baltic, GG. Korela, pit, Narva, Coporye.


1563-1583 - a protracted character of war.

1569 - Lublin Sania, Commonwealth

1581 - Pskov Situation


Russian-Swedish war

Return of territories

1595 - Tiazinsky Mir

Return: Yam, Coporye, Ivangorod. Corels

XVII in.


Intervention and War with Poland and Sweden

fighting ingenic invaders


1605-1608 gg - Hidden Intervention of Poland

1605- 1609 - Hidden Intervention of Sweden

1605-1606 gg - Lhadmitry I.

1606-1610 - Vasily Shui

1608-1609. - Lhadmitry II.

Treaty of VS with Sweden on the destruction of LDII in exchange for refusal of claims to Baltic


1609-1611. - Liberation of Russia from Iga Intervents

Summer 1610 - Defense of the Trinity Sergiev Monastery

1611, Spring, Autumn - militia


1613-1617 - Exile of the Swedish troops.

1617 - Deulin armistice

Sweden returns Novgorod lands, but leaves the Baltic

1613-1618.- Exile Polish troops

1617-1618.- Hiking Vladislav to Moscow

1618 - Stolbovsky Mir

For RP - Smolensk and Chernihiv lands. Exchange prisoners. Vladislav did not refuse the throne


Smolensk war

return Smolensk (Zemsk. Cathedral)

Siege Smolensk for 8 months (Voivode B.Shein )

1634 - Polyanovsky world.

Russia's refusal OT. Smolensk, Chernigovskyand Novgorod Land. Vladislav - Refusal to the throne, MF - King.


Azov taking (Crimea, OSM. IMT.)

holding Azov Kazaka

Cossacks on their own initiative seized Azov. Appeal to the king.

1642 - Zemsky Cathedral. No unity in opinions.

Cossacks are forced to leave Azov.

1 648-1654 gg

Liberation war Bogdan Khmelnitsky (Poland)

liberation of Ukraine and Belarus from Polish negle


1648-1649- Supreme actions bh; Victory, Taking Kiev

December 1648 - The attack of troops bh in Kiev.

Summer 1649- Bx finally broke the Poles.

1649- Zborovsky Mir

Khmelnitsky - Hetman Ukraine. 3 Voivodeship. Kiev Metropolitan - in the Commonwealth

Polish landowners return to their lands


1650-1652 gg - Removal of war (peasant discontent)

1651 - Berestechko ("Distener under Berecher").

Spring 1652 - Battle on r. South. Bug Poles are broken.

1651 - Belotserkovsky Mir

3 voivodeship;
peasants - in Yummo, Shutchiki - Returns.


1653-1654 - Reunion of Ukraine with Russia

1653-Zs: Hetman's help.

Ukraine He volured in Russia.


Russian-Polish War

Poland against unification.

Russian victories. Poland on the verge of death. Poland vs Sweden.

The success of Russian troops. Took: Smolensk, Belorussia, Lithuania. Khmelnitsky - Victory.

1656- truce with Poland. War with Sweden.

New Hetman Level Bank - I. Bryuchovetsky. Successful separation from Russia. Killed Cossacks B. 1668

Hetman Right Bank - P.Doroshenko: I am ready to submit to Turkish Sultan, just to get rid of Russia, and from Poland.

1667 - Andrusovsky world.

Russia: - Belarus, but + Smolensk, Left Bank and Kiev.

Zaporizhia - under the joint control of Ukraine and Poland.


Russian-Swedish war

Fight for lost territories

Derpt (Tartu), Dinaburg (Riga), Gdov.But the predator/ Hetman I.Vigov- (secret agreement with Poland)

1658 Cardis truce

1661 - Cardis world.

All captured lands are returned. Baltika It remains for Sweden.

1667-1681 gg

Russian-Turkish War

Turkey claims part of the Ukrainian territories

Chigirin trips (1677 and1681 ), Russian and Ukrainian Cossacks

1681 g. - Bakhchisarai Mir

Prize. . Levobr. Ukr. with Russia.

Dnipro \u003d Pogrr. River. (Russia<-> Crimea)


Azov hiking Peter I (Turkey)

send a fortress of azov.

1695 - Siege of Azov, did not take (no fleet).

The beginning of the construction of the fleet.

1696 - Azov blocked from the sea and taken

Taking Azov  The end of the war with Turkey.



Great Northern War

(Sweden, later - Sweden + Turkey)

oD to Baltic

1701-1709 - Russia VS Sweden

1702 - The offensive of the Russians, mastered the fortress of nuts

1704 - We took Narva ( Dorpte  Tartu)

Karl XII and Mazepa fled to Turkey.

1710- 1711 - Protian hike

1710 - Turkey (where Karl XII and Mazup flew) - in the war.

1711 - on r. Prut 130-thousand Turkish army surrounded Russians. Looked down.

Shafirov bought the army, but had to break the military fortifications in Taganrog and return the Azov

1711-1721 - Battle of the sea

1714- m. Gangeut ("Russian eagle flies does not catch!")

1720 - m. Greengam

1721- Nesteadt Mir

From Vyborg to Riga, Karelia, Estlandia.

Finland returned to Sweden.



Caspian (Persian) Camping Peter I (Iran, Tour.)

1722 - Hiking in the Caucasus and Iran.

1723- Turkey entered the war.

1724 - Constantine-Polish world.

Mutual territorial recognition

1733-1735 gg

Russian-Polish War

power control in Poland

Taking Gdansk. Leshchinsky runs on a French ship

King - Russian Miller August III


Russian-Turkish War

Azov, access to the sea, etc.

1736 - Look Bakhchisarai, Azov.

1737 - Taking Oral

1739 - Osmans are broken under the stands ..

1739 - Belgrade Mir

Russia - Azov (b / ukr) + small territory between the Northern Donets and Bug.


Russian-Swedish war

confirmation of the outcome of the Northern War

1743 - Abossky Peace (Turku)

Sweden: + Sitting. War.

Russia: S to R. Kyumen.






1756-1763 gg


1757 -D. Gross-Jersdorf.


1758 -D. Tsorendorf.

1759 -D. Cunesdorf.

1760 -Berlin

1762 - Russia concludes peace with Prussia.

All the tailed lands are back. Prussia Oslable .. The authority of Russia is strengthened. In England, in France in the struggle for the colony.


Russian-Turkish War


rich southern lands, entering the sea

1770 Kagul and kagul.

1770 - Chesme Bay. 1771 g. - Crimea.

1774 - D. Kozlugi;

1774 - Kychuk-Kainardzhiy world.

P: Exit to the World Cup, Stephet Black Sea - Novorossia, the right to have a fleet on the World Cup,

Law of the passage through Bosphorus and Dardanelles

Azov, Kerch, Kuban, Kabarda - Russia

protection of the rights of Christians of the Ottoman Empire

Crimea: NEOV from Turkey

T: Contribution of 4 million rubles.


Russian-Turkish War

Turkey's attempt to return the Crimea.

1783 - Georgievsky Treaty

1788 - Taking Oral

1789 - Fokshans and Rymniki

1790 - Izmail

1791 - Caliac Market

1791 -Yasky world.

T: Crimea - to Russia. Protectorate over Georgia; Border - Dniester

P: Territory between Bug and Dniester



Russian-Swedish war

1790 - - Relief Mir

Preserved previous boundaries.


2nd I antifranzuz coalition

1799- Ushakov - Naples and Rome

1799 - Transition Suvorov through the Alps

Russia came out of the Anti-Manzu coalition and concluded the world.

XIX. in.


3rd and 4th antifranzuz coalition

November 1805 - Austerlitz, DEF.

1806 - 4th antifra. to the Oalia. Ros, Pruss., England, Sweden.

June 1807 -Fridland, DEF.

1807 - Tilzit Mir

Duchy of Warsaw under Napoleon Protector.

Cont. Blocade of England


Russian-Turkish War

1812 - Bakhchisarai Mir

confirmation of conquest + Bessarabia.


Russian-Iranian war

1813 g.- Gulistan Mir

+ < Transcaucasia, east. Chernomy west Caspian Sea, Dagestan,sowing. Azerbaijan


Russian-Swedish war

1809 - Friedrichsgam Mir

Finland and Aland Islands


Patriotic War (France)

National Liberation War

Two periodization option: up / after Borodino or Tarutina

Aug. 1812 - Siege Smolensk

September 1815
- Sacred Soyuz

Russia is the winner and liberator.

Russia for a long time became one of the most influential states of Europe.


Jun. b 1812
October 1812 . - offensive


October 1812 - December 1812 - Exile of the French from the limits of Russia


1813-1814. - Stamp of the Russian Army

July 1815- Waterloo.


Russian-Iranian war

1827 g. - Turkmanchai Mir

confirmed Russia's conquest in Transcaucasia


Russian-Turkish War

Russia + Greece after the uprising of Iseland

October 1827 -
Navarrian Sea Battle

1829 - Andrianopol Mir

1833. - Uncar-Iskelias

Russia+ Turkeyi \u003dall Mil. Conflicts Support

Straits closed DDA all except Russia


Crimean War (Turkey; England; France)


October 1853 - Apr. 1854. ggrUS. ski-Turkish campaign

February 1856
Paris Mirny Congress

March 1856
Paris world.

- part Besarabia
- Protectorate of Serbia, Danube Principles Black Sea \u003d neutral

Sevastopol - on kars


Spring 1854 - 1856 butnGL.-Fran. Intervention in the Crimea, the Caucasus.


Russian-Turkish War

Help Serbia and others. Christian peoples; extra. territory

July-December 1877 - Taking and holding a chip

December 1877 - transition through the Balkans; Shainian.

January 1878-Andrianopol

Winter 1878
San Stefan Peace Treaty

Sovereignty of the Balkan peoples.

South Bessarabia, Batum, Kars, Ardagan, Bayazet

1878 - Berlin Congress

Change C-from the contract. The beginning of the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire. Reducing autonomous territories

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