Lavrentiev Mikhail Alekseevich: biography, scientific works, achievements and interesting facts. Lavrentiev Mikhail Alekseevich

Gardening 25.09.2019

In 1922 he graduated from the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow State University, in 1934 he was awarded a scientific degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, and in 1935 - Doctors of Physical and Mathematical Sciences without a defense of the dissertation. In 1939, MA Lavrentiev is elected by a valid member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and in 1946 - Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

During the Great Patriotic War, MA Lavrentiev developed the theory of cumulation during the explosion, which made it possible to create effective anti-tank shells and mines. This theory is classic and created for the first time in the world. Mikhail Alekseevich no less successfully solved a number of other problems for domestic artillery.

From 1935 to 1960, Mikhail Alekseevich launched the department of the theory of functions of the Mathematical Institute. Steklov and, as admitted, was the head of the Soviet school of the theory of functions.

The fundamental importance was the work of M.V. Keldysh and MA Lavrentiev "On the movement under the surface of a heavy liquid", which allowed the creation of ships on underwater wings.

Directional explosion, welded, hydropulse technique - All these works by Mikhail Alekseevich are firmly entered today in the arsenal of practical work.

Mikhail Alekseevich Lavrentiev belongs to the largest theoretical works in the field of mathematics and, in the first place, in the theory of functions, in the theory of conformal and quasiconformal mappings, in the theory of differential equations and its other directions that continue its numerous disciples.

One of Mikhail Alekseevich's largest merit is the active propaganda of the need for the fastest development in our country of computing technology. As director IMIVT Mikhail Alekseevich Cool changed the subject of the institute from differential analyzers to the computer. Over the years, the first samples of domestic computers were created in the shortest possible time and the basics of machine mathematics were laid.

Mikhail Alekseevich Lavrentiev actively participated in the organization of MFTI and taught at one of his departments.

In 1957, by the decision of the government, the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences was created, and Academician Mikhail Alekseevich Lavrentiev was appointed chairman.

Mikhail Alekseevich Lavrentiev - Hero of Socialist Labor, Laureate of Lenin and State Prizes, a member of a number of foreign academies and scientific societies, was awarded 5 Lenin orders, the Order of the October Revolution, the Order of the Patriotic War, 3 orders of the Red Banner and many medals, he was awarded the highest award of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Gold medal. M.V. Lomonosov.

Theory of explosions

The largest scientific merit M.A. Lavrterty during the Great Patriotic War was the creation of a Soviet school on the study of the processes of cumulation during an explosion. From the end of the last century, the phenomenon of strengthening the local action of the charge to the barrier in the presence in it on the side facing the barrier, notes, but there was no theoretical justification of this phenomenon. Mikhail Alekseevich proposed in the 40s of the XX century a completely original hydrodynamic interpretation of the cumulation phenomenon.

Based on this theory during the war years, it was developed to indicate the bet and delivered hundreds of thousands of bombs weighing only 1.5 kg. The famous attack aircraft Il-2 took on board 600 kg of such bombs. And one such "baby" turned out to be enough for the armor of enemy tanks being burned through. These were a bomb with a cumulative charge and, in particular, they determined the turning point in favor of the Soviet troops during the battle at the Orlovsk-Kursk arc.

The theory of explosions played a huge role in the postwar years.

In 1940, for this work MA Lavrentiev awarded the Stalin Prize.

Mikhail Lavrentiev was born on November 19, 1900 in the city of Kazan. He taught him at that time in a technical educational institution, and later became a professor of mechanics at first Kazan, and then Moscow University. Mikhail Alekseevich received secondary education in the Kazan Commercial School. After his end, he entered the Kazan University. He studied quite successfully, began to affect the noticeable addiction of Mikhail Alekseevich to mathematics.

In 1921, the Lavrentov family moved to Moscow. A year later, Mikhail Alekseevich graduated from the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow University. In Moscow University, Lavrentiev entered the "Lusitania" - the mathematical school of Professor Nikolai Nikolayevich Luzin was named. A characteristic feature of Nikolai Luzin as a scientist and the teacher was constant traction to formulate fundamentally new tasks, the ability to find new approaches to old tasks. During these years, the Moscow Mathematical School was formed under the leadership of N.N. Lusin, from which the whole Pleiad of the outstanding Soviet mathematicians was published, which belongs to Mikhail Alekseevich Lavrentyev. From 1923 to 1926, Mikhail Alekseevich was a graduate student N.N. Lusin on the theory of valid variable functions.

While still a student, Mikhail Lavrentiev began to teach in the Moscow Higher Technical School.

After defending the thesis in 1927, M.A. Lavrentyev was sent for half a year to France for scientific improvement. Communication with the prominent French mathematicians of Danzau, Adamar, Montel, the hearing of Gource lectures, Borel and Julia, participation in seminars on the theory of functions gave Mikhail Alekseevich. During his stay in Paris, Lavrentiev published two works on the theory of functions in the reports of the French Academy of Sciences.

At the end of 1927, Lavrentyeva elects the Privat-Association of Moscow University and a member of the Moscow Mathematical Society. At that time, Mikhail Alekseevich read the first course on the theory of conformal mappings in Moscow State University. By the same time, the beginning of its research on the theory of quasiconformal mappings.

In 1928, as part of the Soviet delegation, Mikhail Alekseevich participates in the International Mathematical Congress in Bologna, Italy. At about 29 years old, Lavrentiev began to establish the department and received the title of professor of the Moscow Chemical Technology Institute.

In 1934, Mikhail Alekseevich awarded a scientific degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, and in 1935 - Doctors of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. In the same year, he is invited to a senior researcher in the Mathematical Institute. V.A.Steklova Academy of Sciences of the USSR. At the Institute of Lavrentiev worked for more than 25 years. The influence of Mikhail Alekseevich on this scientific institution and now remains very tangible. Here he headed the department in which research was conducted in the field of functions theory, here he prepared a large number of outstanding scientists. By this time, Mikhail Alekseevich became the generally accepted head of the Soviet school of the theory of functions.

Since 1934, another, a peculiar period of life and activities of Lavrentyeva begins - a period of its immediate impact on the development of mathematics in various scientific centers of the Soviet Union. At this time, he is invited to Georgia to read lectures and leadership by graduate students.

In 1939, he was elected by a valid member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR and the director of the Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. Famous studies of M.A. Lavrentyeva in the field of explosion were launched in Ukraine, the school was created, which is fruitful and currently. From 1941 to 1945, Mikhail Alekseevich was the head of the Mathematical Department of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR.

In the Terrible years of the Great Patriotic War, when all the forces of the people and science were given to the front, Mikhail Alekseevich continued research in the field of explosions, successfully solving a number of military engineering tasks. In 1945, M.A. Lavrentev becomes the vice-president of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. In this post, marked the recognition of the scientific and organizational talent of Mikhail Alekseevich, he stayed until 1948.

In 1946, Lavrentiev was elected academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences and for research on the theory of integrated variable functions and the creation of the theory of quasiconformal mappings, he was awarded a state bonus. In 1949, he was awarded the second state prize for the theory of cumulative jet created by them.

In 1947, Mikhail Alekseevich makes a report "Ways of Development of Soviet Mathematics" at the session of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Special attention is paid to computing mathematics and technique. He called for the speedy creation of the Institute of Computer Engineering. In 1950, Mikhail Alekseevich elected director of the Institute of Accurate Mechanics and Computer Engineering.

Here, in the shortest possible time, the first samples of Soviet electronic counting machines are created - the generals of modern Soviet computing equipment. This Institute M.A. Lavrentiev was led until 1953.

From 1951 to 1953, Lavrentiev was an academician secretary of the Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences. It attached great importance to this activity, exceptional attention paid to the development of the general directions of the science of the time, its relationship, with a completely concrete, with the most acute needs of the country.

From 1953 to 1955, Lavrentiev worked with the famous Russian academician Kurchatov.

In the late spring of 1957, a decision was made to create the Siberian branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and his chairman becomes academician M.A. Lavrentyev. Thanks to him, specialized physico-mathematical, and then chemical boarding schools, for children with design tenders, were created in Akademgorodok, and then chemical boarding schools. With the active participation of M.A. Lavrenteva, the University of Novosibirsk was created.

Lavrentiev was often abroad, where he learned the lecture and studied the state of mathematics and mechanics. Mikhail Alekseevich was elected in 1962-1966 by a member, and from 1966-1970 by the Vice-President of the Executive Committee of the International Mathematics Union. In addition, he is elected by a foreign member of the Academy of Sciences of Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Poland, German Acanities in Berlin (GDR), An Liopoldina (GDR), French Academy of Sciences, a member of the International Academy of Astronautics, as well as a member of a number of international and national scientific organizations.

In 1967, for outstanding services in the development of science and organization of the Siberian branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Mikhail Alekseevich was awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor.

In 1971, Lavrentiev was awarded the highest award of France - the Order of the Honorary Legion of the degree of the Commander. In 1977, a large gold medal was awarded for outstanding achievements in the field of mathematics and mechanics. M.V. Lomonosov.

The Great Soviet scientist died on October 15, 1980 in Moscow. He was buried in the South (Campzinsky) cemetery in Novosibirsk.

In honor of Lavrentiev, there is a prospect in Novosibirsk, the Institute of Hydrodynamics. M. A. Lavrentieva SB RAS, Physics and Mathematics School at NSU, Research Ship "Academician of Lavrentiev", Mountain peaks on the Pamirs and Altai. The international center for small planets was assigned the name of Lavrentin Planet No. 7322 (in honor of Academicians Mikhail Alekseevich and Mikhail Mikhailovich Lavrents).

Lavrentiev, Mikhail Alekseevich(1900-1980), Soviet scientist in the field of mathematics and mechanics, organizer of science.

6 (19 new style) was born November 1900 in Kazan in the family of a teacher of mathematics of a technical educational institution, (later Professor Mechanics at first Kazan, then Moscow University). In 1910-1911, together with his father, he was in Göttingen (Germany), where he went to school. The secondary education received in the Kazan Commercial School, after his ended entered Kazan University (1918). Professor of Mathematics E.A. Bolotov, D.N. Zeiliger and N.N. Perefenteyev were the greatest impact on Lavrentian in Kazan University. Already here is the beginning of a noticeable addiction of Lavrents to mathematics. Taught at Kazan University, worked as a mechanical cabinet laboratory.

In 1921, together with his family, he moved to Moscow and was transferred to the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow State University, in 1922 he graduated from Moscow State University.

Another student in 1921 lavrentev began teaching in the Moscow Higher Technical School (now MSTU. N.E. Bauman) continued to teach until 1929.

In Moscow, Lavrentiev entered the "Lusitania" - the mathematical school, created about 1914 by the outstanding domestic mathematician N.N. Lusin, was called (Historically Luisitania is the province of the Roman Empire, on the territory of modern Spain and Portugal, named by the inhabited of its ancient tribe - Lusitans). The scientific interests of Luzina belonged to the theory of sets and theory of functions intensively developing at the time. A characteristic feature of Luzin as a scientist and a teacher was a collective form of research, contributing to the formulation of fundamentally new tasks and finding new approaches to old tasks. Pleiada of outstanding domestic mathematicians (I.I. PRIVALOVAL, V.V.Stipanov, PS Alexandrov, M.Ya. Schinchin, S. S. Schinchin, S. Schinchin, P.S. Yuryson, V.N.Veniaminov, A.N. Kolmogorov, V.V. Meytsky, L.V. Keldysh (older sister M.V. Keldysh), P.S. Novikov, N.K. Bari Both others), to their number belongs to Lavrents. In 1923-1926, he - Luzin graduate student, was engaged in research on the theory of sets, topologies (science on the general properties of mathematical spaces that persist in continuous transformations), differential equations. First published work (in French) Contribution A La Theorie Des Ensembles Homeomorphes (On the study of homeomorphic sets) Released in France, 1924. The following seven of his work, performed in the period 1924-1927, were also published in French in Western European (mainly French) scientific publications - the usual practice of Soviet scientists. From 1928 published, mainly in domestic publications.

In 1927 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of physico-mathematical sciences and was sent for half a year to France for scientific improvement. Communication with visible French mathematicians of Danzaua, Adamar, Maetel, Gource lectures, Borel and Julia, participation in seminars on the theory of functions became a good school for him.

Upon returning to Moscow (the end of 1927) elected Privat-Association of Moscow State University and a member of the Moscow Mathematical Society. Began to read the Course on the theory of conformal mappings (transformations of space that retain the magnitude of the corners). Since 1927, it was important for applications to approximate the functions of a complex variable (simpler functions - polynomials), to the same time, the beginning of its research on the theory of quasiconformal (close to conformal) mappings, which was due to the pressing needs of the increased velocity aerodynamics: model of incompressible fluid, Used at low flight speeds, ceased to be fair.

In 1928, as part of the Soviet delegation, participated in the International Mathematical Congress in Bologna (Italy) with a report on quasiconformal mappings.

From 1929 he began to establish the department and received the title of professor of the Moscow Chemical Technology Institute. In the same year, it begins to work with the senior engineer of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute. Professor N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI). Here he was attracted by the head of the theoretical department of Tsagi S.A. Schaplegin. These were the years of the rapid heyday of aircraft construction and the formation of flight theory, aerodynamics of wings, which affected the further topics of the research work of Lavrentyev. It is from this period that the last six years, its activities began directly in the field of applied mathematics. He attracted to TsAGI and his students, and then colleagues M.V. Keldysh and L. Andov. In the circle of interests of Lavrentiev and his groups, such sections of hydro-aerodynamics were included as the theory of the oscillating wing, the movement of the wing under the surface of a heavy liquid, the blow of a solid water on water, the construction of a flow that flows around the arc of a given shape and a number of others. The results obtained were subsequently used, in particular, when solving the problem of flutter. A general method for solving the problem of streamlining fine wing profiles of arbitrary shape was found; It is shown that the highest lifting force has a wing in the form of an arc of the circle. Applied tasks stimulated further research on the theory of variational principles of conformal mappings. In 1935, Lavrentiev published (partially in collaboration) 16 articles and abstracts of reports, a monograph in 2 volumes, a training course program.

In 1931 he became Professor of Moscow State University, tied his life with a university for many years.

Without the defense of the dissertation (for the aggregate of scientific papers), Lavrentiev in 1934 awarded a scientific degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, and in 1935 - Doctors of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. The same became a senior researcher in the Mathematical Institute. V.A.Steklova Academy of Sciences of the USSR, where she worked for more than 25 years. The influence of Lavrentiev on this scientific institution is still noticeable. Since 1934, he headed the part of the theory of functions and brought up a large number of students who later became an outstanding scientists, among them Academician A.Yu. I. Markushemich, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Academician of Georgia Academy of Sciences. Bitsadze. By the mid-1930s, Lavrentians became the generally accepted head of the Soviet school of the theory of complex variable functions.

In 1939 he was elected a valid member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR) and director of the Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, moved to Kiev. Here he was engaged in the theory of functions of integrated variable and its applications. In Ukraine, research of Lavrentiev, related to the mechanics of the explosion, was launched, and a scientific school was created. He taught at Kiev University, Professor (1939-1941 and 1945-1949), from 1941 to 1945 - Head of the Mathematical Department of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR.

During the Second World War, along with the USSR Academy of Sciences, Lavrentiev was evacuated to the Urals in Ufa. Continued research in the field of explosions. Suppose that at high temperatures, materials behave like a viscous fluid, developed a hydrodynamic theory of cumulation (cumulative effect - open in the second half of the 19th century ) A jet of powder gases and metal shell melt products burning off the barrier). Research results, including the most important - the depth of jet penetration into the barrier, are given in the article Cumulative charge and principles of his work, 1957. Successfully solved a number of military engineering tasks, participated in the creation of a domestic cumulative projectile. In the study of the features of the cumulation, the phenomenon of metal welding was discovered by an explosion that was widely used in the future.

The attention of Lavrentiev also attracted the theory of long waves on the surface of the liquid under the action of gravity. The first proof of the existence of an accurate solution of soliton spread equations (secluded surface wave) is given in the article To the theory of long waves, 1943, then in the article To Theormi Dovihih Cyvil (in Ukrainian), 1947 .

In February 1945 he returned from evacuation to Kiev, became the vice-president of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In this post stayed until 1948.

In 1946, he was elected academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences. For research in the field of the theory of complex variable functions and the creation of the theory of quasiconformal mappings, it was awarded to Stalin's (state) premium. In 1949, a second Stalinist premium was awarded for the theory of cumulative jets created by them.

In connection with the problem of flooding trophy sea courts, studied the impact of the underwater explosion. He conducted an experimental verification of the theory developed by him at the academic basis of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in the suburb of Kiev FEOfania. The formation of cumulative jets that are formed during collapse in water from the explosion products were found. Published work Experience in calculating the effect of the immersion depth of bombs into liquid on its destructive power, 1946. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe use of cord charges on the basis of "wet porch" appears to the same period, which turned out to be a suitable tool when laying trenches, for cutting metals, organization of directional explosions, etc.

From 1948 it works again in Moscow State University. During this period, a new higher education institution is created on the basis of Moscow State University - Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (IFTI), which has played an important role in the preparation of highly qualified personnel for new branches of science and technology that arose in the postwar years. In this institute, Lavrentiev founded a specialization in the theory of explosions, headed the department of physics of fast-trading processes (1955-1958). Engaged in directional explosions. Results are set forth in the work. On directional soil throwing with explosive, 1960.

Investigated the equations of mixed type, describing gas flows in the regions of the transition through the speed of sound, proposed to use the model linear equation of a mixed type instead of the known Trica equation. In 1950 published an article (in collaboration with A.V. Bitsadze) To the problem of mixed type equations.

In 1947 made a report at the sessions of the Academy of Sciences Ways of development of Soviet mathematics (Published in 1948). Special attention was paid to computing mathematics and technique. Calcated to the speedy creation of the Institute of Computer Engineering.

In 1950, he was elected director of the Institute of Accurate Mechanics and Computing Technology (created in 1948 in Moscow), whose chief designer became S.A. Lebedev, a specialist in the field of electrical engineering and computing equipment, subsequently academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In the Institute, in the shortest possible time, the first samples of the Soviet electronic counting machines are created - the generalists of domestic computing equipment. He led this institute until 1953.

From 1951 to 1953, an academician-secretary of the Department of Physical and Mathematics Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences attached great importance, exceptional attention paid to the development of the main directions of the then science, its specific connection with practice.

From 1953 to 1955, he worked together with the head of the Soviet Atomic Project by Academician I.V. Kurchatov, was the deputy chief designer of the Ministry of Middle Engineering. In 1958, one of the first received the Lenin Prize (according to special subjects).

In 1955, elected to the members of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, from 1955 to 1957 again - academician-secretary of the Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

In 1957, he put forward with academics S.A. Christryanovich and S.L. Sobolev, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating scientific complexes in Siberia, in places of particularly intensive development of industry and agriculture. This idea was supported by a number of major scientists. On May 18, 1957, a government decision was made to create the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and his chairman became Lavrentyev. He headed the Siberian branch until 1975 (then the honorary chairman). The Siberian branch has become widely known all over the world, has proven itself not only by a series of fundamental developments, but also by applying them to the most vital tasks of the development of Siberia, the Far East and the European part of the country.

The first in the Siberian department began the work of the Institute of Hydrodynamics (now. M.A. Lavrenteva, ISIL), the organizer and director of which began Lavrentiev. He owns the choice of the organizational structure of the institute, its scientific issues, giving it the nature and search, and applied, determining the expedient combination of fundamental studies with national economic tasks. He led the Institute until 1976.

With the support of Lavrentiev, B.V. Tepsovkhovsky, V.V. Mitrofanov, M.E. Topchyan and others. At the institute, the theory of spin detonation was developed at the institute (when the front of the detonation wave in the round tube describes the screw line on the tube walls).

In work On one principle of creating traction for movement (together with M.M. Lavrentiev, 1962) proposed a mechanical model (flexible rod in a channel with rigid walls) to study the movement of snakes, fish, etc. He explored the dynamics of the cloud of the nuclear explosion, developed the theory of the auto-forming movement of turbulent vortex rings. Built new models of broken flow of bodies with a feed circulation zone. He was also interested in other tasks: waves on water and quenching them rain; The emergence and development of giant sea waves (tsunami), struggle with forest fires, preventing pollution of rivers, ecology of construction, dignity of various electronic computing systems, organization of scientific research, teaching methods in higher and secondary school, etc.

With the active participation of Lavrentyev, the Novosibirsk State University was created (was organized in 1958, the first academic year began in September 1959 by the lecture of Academician S.L. Sobolev). Scientific institutes of the Novosibirsk Academgorodok became the basis for student practice. I read lectures at the University of Novosibirsk, Professor of the University of 1959-1966.

In Novosibirsk Academgorodok, the specialized physico-mathematical and mathematical, and then chemical boarding schools, the club of young technicians were created first. The official opening of the first specialized physico-mathematical boarding school (FMH) at the Novosibirsk State University was held in January 1963.

Got the title of Honorary Citizen Novosibirsk (1970).

From 1976 he worked in Moscow again. In 1976-1980, Chairman of the National Committee of the USSR on theoretical and applied mathematics.

Often, there were abroad, where he read lectures and studied the state of mathematics and mechanics. He was elected in 1962-1966 member, and in 1966-1970 Vice-President of the Executive Committee of the International Mathematical Union. Elected by a foreign member of Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Poland, Finland, German en in Berlin (GDR), An Liopoldina (GDR), French en, member of the International Academy of Astronautics, as well as a member of a number of other international and national scientific organizations.

Posted a number of monographs and textbooks.

For outstanding services in the development of the science and organization of the Siberian branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the title Hero of Socialist Labor (1967) was awarded. Awarded five orders of Lenin (1953, 1956, 1960, 1967, 1975), the Order of the October Revolution (1970), four orders of the Red Banner (1945, 1948, 1953, 1954), the Order of the Patriotic War II (1944), the Order of the Honorary Legion Degree Commander (Higher Award of France, 1971), medals.

The 530 Lavrentyev works are known (scientific and journalistic articles, reviews, reviews, monographs, textbooks, essays, memories, etc.) Many of his students became outstanding scientists.

Works: Basics of variational calculus. In 2 parts. M. - L., Ondi, 1935 (et .: L.A.Listernik); Course of variational calculus. M. - L., Onti, 1938 (et .: L.A.Listernik); Conformal display with applications to some issues of mechanics. M. - L., GTTI, 1946; Variation method in boundary value problems for systems of equations of elliptic type. M., Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1962; Methods of the theory of complex variable functions, 4 ed., M., 1973 (et al.: B.V. Shabat); Hydrodynamic problems and their mathematical models. 2 ed., M., 1977 (et al.: B.V.Shabat); Selected Works. Mathematics and mechanics. M., Science, 1990.

Andrei Bogdanov

Mikhail Alekseevich Lavrentiev (6 (November 19) 1900, Kazan, Russian Empire - October 15, 1980, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR) - Soviet mathematician and mechanic, founder of the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (from the USSR Academy of Sciences) and Novosibirsk Academgorodok, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences () , Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences and Vice President (1957-1976) of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Candidate of the CPSU Central Committee (1961-1976). Hero of Socialist Labor.


Born in the family of a teacher of mathematics of a technical educational institution, later Professor Mechanics first Kazansky, then Moscow University, Alexey Lavrentievich Lavrentiev (1876-1953). Mom - Anisia Mikhailovna (1876-1953).

In 1910-1911, together with his father, he was in Gottingen (Germany), where he began to attend high school. The secondary education graduated from the Kazan Commercial School, in 1918 he entered the Kazan University, and in 1921 he turned to the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow University, which graduated in 1922. Was left in graduate school: in - - graduate student N. N. Luzin. In 1927 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of physico-mathematical sciences and was sent for half a year to France for scientific improvement.

Upon returning to Moscow at the end of 1927, the Privat-Association of Moscow State University was elected a member of the Moscow Mathematical Society. Began to read the Course on the theory of conformal mappings (transformations of space that retain the magnitude of the corners).

In Kiev, he continued its research on the theory of functions, which led to the creation of a new chapter of the theory of functions - the theory of quasiconformal mappings with its applications to gas dynamics and to other sections of solid media. In this area, he created in Ukraine the school of his students - mathematicians and mechanics of Kiev.

Lavrentiev and his students pay a lot of attention to the study of the resistance of the movement of solid bodies with liquid filling with an application to artillery tasks.

The post-president of the USSR Academy of Sciences of the USSR has made a significant contribution to the restoration of the scientific work of the institutes of the USSR Academy of Sciences after the Great Patriotic War. Being a deputy of the Supreme Council of the Ukrainian SSR, he was worried about the restoration of Donbass, about improving the work of scientific institutions of Ukraine.

He entered the initial composition of the National Committee of the USSR on theoretical and applied mechanics ().

One of the main organizers of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (at the time of the USSR Academy of Sciences). On May 18, 1957, it was decided to establish the Siberian branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and his chairman became MA Lavrentyev. He headed him until November 25, 1975. Since 1960, he read lectures at the Novosibirsk State University.

A family


In honor of M. A. Lavrentyeva called:

  • Street Academician Lavrentiev in Dolgoprudny (Moscow Region) and Street in Kazan;
  • Avenue Academician Lavrentiev in Novosibirsk, where his bronze bust is installed;
  • Physical and Mathematical School at NSU, Auditorium NSU and Lyceum No. 130;
  • Scientific research vessel "Academician of Lavrentiev";
  • Mountain peaks on the Pamir and Altai.

On the building of the Institute of Hydrodynamics in honor of M. A. Lavrentiev installed a memorial plaque. The international center for small planets was assigned the name of Lavrentin Planet No. 7322 (in honor of Academicians Mikhail Alekseevich and Mikhail Mikhailovich Lavrents).

Scientific interests

Academician Mikhail Alekseevich Lavrentiev is one of the largest specialists in the theory of functions of complex variable, variational analysis and mathematical physics. He was not only scientists with a world name, but also an outstanding organizer of science, teacher and an educator of young people.

They received brilliant results in mathematics and mechanics, much was done for the development of Soviet aircraft construction. He participated in the work on the creation of a domestic atomic weapon, founded school on the national economic use of the explosion, stood at the origins of the development of the first Soviet computers, participated in the organization - a new type university. But the main thing of life M. A. Lavrentiev is the creation of a new scientific center in the east of the country. This idea, together with Academicians, S. L. Sobolev and S. A. Khristianovich, received broad support from the country's scientists and government.

Main works

Titles and awards

  • Hero of Socialist Labor (04/29/1967) - for outstanding services in the development of science and organization of the Siberian branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR
  • 5 Order of Lenin (09/19/1953; 06/01/1956; 11/16/1960; 04/24/1967; 09/12/1975)
  • order of the October Revolution (11/18/1970)
  • Order of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree (01.10.1944)
  • 4 Orders of the Red Banner of the Red Banner (10.06.1945; 01/23/1948; 04.01.1954; 04/20/1956)
  • the Order of the Honorary Legion of the degree of Commander - - the highest award of France
  • Lenin Award (1958) - for the creation of an artillery atomic charge
  • (1946) - for the development of a variation-geometrical method for solving nonlinear problems in the theory of differential equations with private derivatives, which is important for hydromechanics and aeromechanics, set out in articles: "On some properties of single-olt functions with applications to jet theory", "To the theory of quasi -Conformal mappings "," On some of the approximated formulas in the Dirichlet problem "," to the theory of long waves "(1938-1943)
  • Stalin's first degree premium (1949) - for theoretical studies in the field of hydrodynamics (1948)
  • Big Gold Medal named after M. V. Lomonosov - - for outstanding achievements in the field of mathematics and mechanics
  • Honorary Citizen of the city of Novosibirsk

Scientific community membership

  • Since 1957, a full member of the CHHSR
  • C 1966 Honorary Member of An NRB
  • C 1969 Corresponding Member of the German Acan in Berlin
  • C 1971 Foreign member of the Parisian en
  • In -1970, Vice President of the International Mathematics Union


  • Lavrentiev M. A., Shabat B. V. Methods of the theory of complex variable functions. - Edition of the 3rd. - m.: Science ,.
  • Lavrentiev M. A., Shabat B. V. Methods of the theory of complex variable functions. - Edition 4th. - m.: Science ,.
  • Lavrentiev M. A., Shabat B. V. Methods of the theory of complex variable functions. - Edition 5th, corrected. - m.: Science ,. - 688 p.
  • Lavrentiev M. A., Shabat B. V. Problems of hydrodynamics and their mathematical models. - m.: Science ,. - 416 p.
  • Lavrent "EV M. A. Variational Methods for Boundary Value Problems: for Systems of Elliptic Equations. - REPRINT. - USA: DOVER PUBLICATIONS ,. - 160 p. - ISBN 0486450783, 978-0486450780.
  • Lavrentiev M. A. The science. Technical progress. Frames: Sat. Articles and performances. 1957-1979 / Ed. G. I. Marchuk; Cost. N. A. Proves. Novosibirsk: Science, 1980. 88 c.
  • Lavrentiev M. A. ... will grow to Siberia / Sib. Deposit of the USSR Academy of Sciences; Lit. Record N. A. Proves. 2nd ed. M.: Young Guard, 1982. 175 p. (Eureka)

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Excerpt characterizing Lavrentiev, Mikhail Alekseevich

- E, E! kind! Look here, "she said to a quiet and subtle voice. - Look, courtesy ...
And she grunkly dried the sleeves even higher.
Pierre approached, naively looking at her through glasses.
- Come, come, kindly! I and my father, then one of your truth said, when he was in the case, and I would tell you too.
She was silent. Everyone was silent, waiting for what will happen, and feeling that there was only a preface.
- Good, nothing to say! A boy is good! ... Father on Odra lies, and he is amusing, the quarterly ride puts on the bear. Ashamed, the father, ashamed! It would be better to go to war.
She turned away and handed his hand to the count, which barely retainted from laughter.
- Well, what, to the table, am I tea, is it time? - said Marya Dmitrievna.
Ahead went the graph with Marya Dmitrievna; Then the Countess, which the Gusar Colonel believed, the necessary person, with whom Nikolai had to catch up with the regiment. Anna Mikhailovna - with chinchin. Berg gave hand faith. Smiling Julie Karagin went with Nikolai to the table. For them, there were still other couples, stretching throughout the hall, and from behind everyone children, governers and governess. The waiters stirred, the chairs trembled, the music began to play, and the guests were located. The sounds of homemade music collections were replaced by the sounds of knives and forks, a dialect of guests, quiet steps of waiters.
At one end of the table at the chapter sat countess. On the right of Marya Dmitrievna, on the left of Anna Mikhailovna and other guests. At the other end, a graph was sitting, on the left of the Gusar Colonel, to the right of the shins and other guests of the male. On one side of the long table, youth older: faith next to Berg, Pierre near Boris; On the other hand, children, governers and governess. The graph because of the crystal, bottles and vaz with fruit looked at his wife and her high cape with blue ribbons and diligently poured wine with his neighbors, not forgetting himself. Countess as well, because of the pineapples, not forgetting the duties of the hostess, threw significant views on her husband, whom Lysin and the face seemed to her, their redness sharply differed from gray hair. At the lady end there was a uniform leptan; On male, voices, especially the hussar colonel, who ate so many and drank, were heard louder and louder, which ate so much and more and more that the graph had already put it as an example to other guests. Berg with a gentle smile spoke with faith that love is feeling not earthly, but heavenly. Boris called the new friend to his friend of the guests at the guest table and looked around with Natasha sitting against him. Pierre said little, looking back new faces and ate a lot. Starting from two soups, from which he chose a la Tortue, [Turtle,] and Culebs and to Ryablikov, he did not miss a single dish and a single wine that the butler in a wrapped bottle was mysteriously torn out of the shoulder of a neighbor, sentencing or "Dray Madera, or "Hungarian", or "Reinwine". He substituted the first one of the four crystal, with the vensels of the graph, a glass that stood in front of each device, and drank with pleasure, everything with a more pleasant look at the guests. Natasha, who was sitting against him, looked at Boris, how the girls of the Thirteen years were looking at the boy, with whom they had just kissed the first time and in which they were in love. This very look at her sometimes appealed to Pierre, and he, under his look, this funny, lively girl wanted to laugh himself, not knowing what.
Nikolai sat away from Sony, closely Juli Karagina, and again with the same unwitting smile something told her. Sonya smiled sideways, but, apparently, tormented by jealousy: it was pale, he was shone and listened to all the might that Nikolai and Juli said. The governess looked around restlessly, as if preparing to the disintegration, if anyone would have thought to offend children. Gutener German tried to remember the birth of the eats, desserts and wines in order to describe everything in detail in a letter to homemade to Germany, and quite offended by the fact that the butler, with a bottle wrapped in a napkin, drew it. The German frowned, tried to show the appearance that he did not want to get this wine, but was offended because no one wanted to understand that the wine had to be not in order to quench her thirst, not from greed, but from conscientious curiosity.

On the male end of the table, the conversation was more and more enlivened. Colonel said that the manifesto on the declaration of war was already released in St. Petersburg and that the specimen he himself was delivered by the courier commander-in-chief.
- And why is it not easy for us to fight with Bonaparte? - said Shinshin. - II A DEJA RABATTU LE CAQUET A L "AUTRICHE. JE CRAINS, QUE CETTE FOIS CE NE SOIT NOTRE TOUR. [He has already shot down fasting from Austria. I'm afraid I would not come now our turn.]
Colonel was a dense, high and Sanguine German, obviously, an servant and a patriot. He was offended by the words of Shinshin.
"And Zasta M, we are licks a state," he said, pronouncing e instead of E and Kommersant instead of. - Zateim that IMPE is a ramor, it is t. He in Manife Sta said that Na Mavel Toshima is indifferent to the dangers, threatening Russia, and that BE zherest the empire, the dignity of her and the holy of unions, - he said, for some reason he said especially "Unions", as if there was an entire essence of the case.
And with his peculiarity, he repeated the introductory words of Manifesta, officially: "And the desire, the only and indispensable goal of the sovereign is component: to make peace in Europe on solid grounds - decided to move it now part of the troops abroad and make to achieve" the intention of this new efforts ".
- Here is Zachem, we are licks a state, "he concluded, diverting a glass of wine and looking at the graph for promotion.
- Connaissez Vous Le Proverbe: [You know the proverb:] "Erema, Erema, I would sit at home, sharpened my spindle," said Shinshin, firing and smiling. - Cela No Convient A Merveille. [This is by the way.] It's so that Suvorov - and it was chosen, a Plate Couture, [on the head,] and where are we Suvorov now? Je Vous Demande Un PEU, [I ask you,] - incessantly jumping from Russian to French, he said.
"We have to fight the one before the post of Dune," said Colonel, hitting on the table, "and Uve R R RT for his IMPE RATER, and then Alto Budue T is good. And to argue as Mo about it (he especially pulled a voice on the word "you can"), as I can be about me, - he did, turning to the count again. - So old hussars judge, that's all. And how are you lying, young man and young hussar? "He added, turning to Nikolay, who, having taken away that the matter went about the war, left his interlocutor and looked at all his eyes and she listened to the colonel with all the ears.
- I agree with you, - answered Nikolai, all flashed, spoofing a plate and rearrange glasses with such a decisive and desperate view, as if he was at the present moment, he was convicted - I am convinced that the Russians should die or win, "he said, Himself feeling the same as others, after the word has already been said that it was too enthusiastic and pompous for the present case and therefore awkward.
- C "EST Bien Beau Ce Que Vous Venez de Dire, [Fine! Fine what you said," said the joy-sitting near him, sighing. Sonya trembled all and blushed to ears, behind her ears and shoulders, in While Nikolai said. Pierre listened to the speeches of the colonel and nodded his head approvingly.
"That's nice," he said.
"Really Gusar, a young man," the colonel shouted, hitting again on the table.
- What are you doing there? - suddenly he heard through the table a bass voice Mary Dmitrievna. - What are you knocking on the table? - She turned to Hussar, - who are you hot? True, do you think the French are here in front of you?
"I am true thangiving," Gusar said smiling.
"All about the war," the count shouted through the table. "After all, my son goes, Mary Dmitrievna, the son is coming."
- And I have four sons in the army, and I do not hook. For all the will of God: and in the ovens lying around, and in the battle, God raises, - sounded without any effort, from the end of the table the thick voice of Mary Dmitrievna.
- This is true.
And the conversation again focused - the ladies at his end of the table, male on his own.
"But you can't ask," said Natasha's little brother, "but you can't ask!"
"I ask," answered Natasha.
Her face suddenly flared up, expressing the desperate and cheerful determination. She brought, inviting Pierre's glance, sitting against her, listen, and turned to his mother:
- Mum! - It sounded throughout the table her childish breast voice.
- What do you want? - I asked the Countess frightened, but, in the face of the daughter, seeing that it was a prank, strictly snapped her with her hand, making a threatening and negative head gesture.
- Mum! What cupcake will be? - Even more decisive, without breaking, Natasha sounded sounded.
Countess wanted to frown, but could not. Mary Dmitrievna shook her thick finger.
"Cossack," she talked with a threat.
Most of the guests looked at the elders, not knowing how to take this output.
- Here I am! - said the Countess.
- Mum! What will the cupcake be? - Natasha shouted already boldly and capriciously fun, forward confident that it will be adopted well.
Sonya and thick Peter hid from laughter.
"So asked," Natasha whispered to a small brother and Pierre, on which she looked again.
"Ice cream, only you will not give you," said Marya Dmitrievna.
Natasha saw nothing to be afraid, and therefore was not afraid and Mary Dmitrievna.
- Mary Dmitrievna? What ice cream! I do not like creamy.
- Carrot.
- No, what? Mary Dmitrievna, what? - She almost screamed. - I want to know!
Mary Dmitrievna and Countess laughed, and all guests behind them. Everyone laughed without the answer of Marya Dmitrievna, but the incomprehensible courage and dexterity of this girl who was sacing and smishes so to contact Marya Dmitrievna.
Natasha lagged behind only when she was told that there would be a pineapple. Before ice cream filed champagne. Again, the music began to play, the graph kissed the countess, and the guests, getting up, congratulated the Countess, they were filled with a graph, children and each other. Again the waiters ran out, stools raised, and in the same order, but with more red faces, guests returned to the living room and the Count Cabinet.

The boston tables were part of the party, and guests of the graph are located in two living rooms, a sofa and library.
Count, dismissing the card by fan, with difficulty retained from the habit of afternoon sleep and laughed everything. Young people, incited graphics, gathered near the keycorder and harp. Juli the first, at the request of everyone, played a play with variations on the harp with variations and, together with other girls, began to ask Natasha and Nikolai, famous for their musicality, sing something. Natasha, to which they turned as big, was, apparently, this is very proud, but at the same time and Robel.
- What are we going to sing? She asked.
- "Key," - answered Nikolai.
- Well, let's rather. Boris, go here, "Natasha said. - Where is Sonya?
She looked around and, seeing that her friend was not in the room, ran after her.
Having rang in Sonin and not finding his girlfriend, Natasha ran into the nursery - and there was no Sony. Natasha realized that Sonya was in the corridor on the chest. The chest in the corridor was the place of the seafood of a female young generation of the house of growth. Indeed, Sonya in his air pink dresser, a friend, was lying on a dirty striped nanine period, on a chest and, closing her face with his fingers, a shock was crying, fogging with his bare shoulders. Natasha's face, lively, the whole day is the birthday, suddenly changed: her eyes stopped, then her wide neck shuddered, the corners of the lips fell.
- Sonya! What are you? ... What, what's wrong with you? U from y! ...
And Natasha, dismissed his big mouth and having done absolutely badly bad, roared like a child, not knowing the causes and only because Sonya cried. Sonya wanted to lift his head, I wanted to answer, but could not and even more hid. Natasha cried, cropped on the blue parine and hugging a friend. Having gathered with the forces, Sonya raised, began to wip tears and tell.
- Nikolyka rides a week later, his ... Paper ... came out ... He said to me ... Yes, I wouldn't cry everything ... (she showed a piece of paper in her hand: they were poems written by Nikolai) I wouldn't cry, but you didn't You can ... No one can understand ... What is his soul.
And she began to cry again about the fact that his soul was so good.
"You feel good ... I don't envy ... I love you, and Boris too," she said, gathering a little with their forces, "he is cute ... There are no obstacles for you. And Nikolai me Cousin ... It is necessary ... Metropolitan himself ... and then it is impossible. And then, if Mama ... (Sonya Countess thought and called the mother), she will say that I will damage the career of Nikolai, I have no heart that I am ungrateful, but the right ... here it is ... (she crossed him) I love her so much and all of you, only faith alone ... for what? What did I do to her? I am so grateful to you that I would be glad to donate to everyone, and I have nothing ...
Sonya could not say anymore and again hid his head in his hands and perine. Natasha began to calm down, but she was seen in her face that she understood the importance of grief of his friend.
- Sonya! She suddenly said, as if guessed about the real reason for the grievance of the cousin. "True, faith with you spoke after lunch?" Yes?
- Yes, these verses of Nikolai himself wrote, and I wrote more others; She also found them on the table and said that he would show them Mama, and also said that I was ungrateful that Mama would never allow him to marry me, and he marries Juli. You see how he is with her all day ... Natasha! For what?…
And again she cried the bitter former. Natasha lifted her, hugged and smiling through the tears, began to calm her down.
- Sonya, you do not believe her, donating, do not believe. Remember how we all threesome spoke with Nicholya in a sofa; Do you remember after dinner? After all, we decided everything would be. I no longer remember how, but, remember how everything was fine and everything is possible. Here the uncle Shinshin's brother is married on a cousin, and we are a secondary. And Boris said that it was very possible. You know, I said everything to him. And he is so smart and so good, - Natasha said ... - You, Sonya, do not cry, darling dear, darling, Sonya. "And she kissed her, laughing." - Faith evil, God with her! And everything will be fine, and I will not say Mama; Nicholya will say himself, and he did not think about Julie.
And she kissed her in the head. Sonya raised, and the kitten revived, the eyes broke out, and he was ready, it seemed, here I knew the tail, bother to soft legs and again to play with a ball as he was decent.
- You think? Right? Her God? She said, quickly adjusted the dress and hairstyle.
- Law, to her! - answered Natasha, recovering his friend under the oblique stood strand of hard hair.
And they both laughed.
- Well, let's go sing "key".
- Let's go to.
- And you know, this thick Pierre, which was sitting against me, so funny! Said Suddenly Natasha, stopping. - I am very fun!
And Natasha ran down the corridor.
Sonya, blocking down the fluff and hiding poems for the sinus, to the neck with the bones of the chest, lightweight, fun steps, with a painted face, ran after Natasha on the corridor to the sofa. At the request of the guests, young people sang the Quartet "Key", which everyone really liked; Then Nikolai sang the newly learned song.
It's nice night, under the lunar light,
Imagine happily
That someone is still in the world
Who thinks about you!
What she's hand is beautiful
On the harp Golden Stray,
His harmony of passionate
Calling to myself, calling you!
Another day, two, and the paradise will come ...
But ah! Your friend does not live!
And he did not spend the latter words, when young people prepared in the hall to dance and they lit up on the choirs and molded musicians.

Pierre was sitting in the living room, where Shinshin, as with a visit from abroad, started with him boring for Pierre a political conversation, to which others joined. When the music played, Natasha entered the living room and, coming straight to Pierre, laughing and blushing, said:
- Mom ordered you to ask you to dance.
"I'm afraid to confuse the figures," said Pierre, "but if you want to be my teacher ..."
And he submitted his thick hand, lowered her, thin girl.
While the couples were expressed and the musicians built, Pierre sat with her little lady. Natasha was completely happy; She danced with a big, with the border from abroad. She sat in sight of everyone and talked to him as big. She had a fan in her hand, which she gave her to hold one young lady. And, by accepting the most secular pose (God knows where and when she learned this), she, foaming the fan and smiling through the fan, spoke with her cavalier.
- What is what? Look, look, - said the old Countess, passing through the hall and pointing to Natasha.
Natasha blushed and laughed.
- Well, what are you, mom? Well, what is your hunt? What is amazing here?

In the middle of the third ecosis chairs in the living room, where the count and Mary Dmitrievna played, and most of the honored guests and old people, squeezing after a long seat and laying wallets and wallets into pockets, went out in the door of the halls. Mary Dmitrievna was in front with a graph - both with funny faces. Count with jangling politeness, like a ballet, filed a rounded hand Marya Dmitrievna. He straightened, and his face illuminated by a young man with a smile, and as soon as the last figure of Ecosure was drawn, he hit the musicians in his hands and shouted to the choir, turning to the first violin:
- Semen! Danilub know?
It was a favorite dance of the graph, dancing them in his youth. (Danilo Coump was actually one figure of Angleza.)
"Look at Dad," Natasha shouted at the entire hall (completely forgetting that she dances with great), bending his curly head to the knees and pouring her ringing laugh throughout the hall.

Memorial board in Kiev (on the house in which he lived)
Bust in Novosibirsk
Memorial Plank in Novosibirsk
Memorial board in Novosibirsk
Tombstone monument
Annotation sign in Novosibirsk (view 1)
Annotation sign in Novosibirsk (view 2)

L.avrentev Mikhail Alekseevich - Vice-President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Presidium of the Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Born 6 (19) November 1900 in the city of Kazan (Republic of Tatarstan) in the family of a teacher of mathematics of a technical educational institution (later Professor Mechanics at first Kazansky, then Moscow University). Russian.

In 1910-1911, along with his father was in the city of Göttingen (Germany), where he studied at school. In 1918 he graduated from the Kazan Commercial School and entered the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Kazan University. In 1920-1921, at the same time he worked at the University of Kazan University with a laboratory assistant mechanical office and a teacher.

In 1921 he moved to Moscow and turned to the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow State University, which graduated in 1922. In 1921-1929, he taught at the Moscow High Technical School (now MSTU named after N. E. Bauman).

In 1927 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of physico-mathematical sciences and was sent for half a year to France for scientific improvement. Upon returning to Moscow at the end of 1927, the Privat-Association of Moscow State University was elected a member of the Moscow Mathematical Society. Began to read the Course on the theory of conformal mappings (transformations of space that retain the magnitude of the corners). Since 1927, it has been important for applications to approximate the functions of a complex alternating (simpler functions - polynomials). By the same time, the beginning of its research on the theory of quasiconformal (close to conformal) mappings is also related, which was due to the pressing needs of the increased velocity aerodynamics: the model of incompressible fluid used at low flight speeds has ceased to be fair. In 1928, as part of the Soviet delegation, participated in the International Mathematical Congress in Bologna (Italy) with a report on quasiconformal mappings.

In 1929-1935 - Senior Engineer of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI). In terms of the interests of M.A. Lavrentyeva and his groups included such sections of hydro-aerodynamics, as the theory of the oscillating wing, the movement of the wing under the surface of a heavy liquid, the blow of a solid body about water, the construction of a flow that flows around the mold arc and a number of others. The results obtained were subsequently used, in particular, when solving the problem of flutter. A general method for solving the problem of streamlining fine wing profiles of arbitrary shape was found; It is shown that the greatest lifting force has a wing in the form of an arc of the circle. Applied tasks stimulated further research on the theory of variational principles of conformal mappings.

In 1929-1931 - Head of the Department, Professor of the Moscow Chemical Institute of Technology. Since 1931 - Professor of Moscow State University. Without the defense of the dissertation (for the aggregate of scientific papers) in 1934, he was awarded a scientific degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, and in 1935 - Doctors of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

Since 1935 - Senior Researcher of the Mathematical Institute named after V.A.Steklova Academy of Sciences of the USSR. He headed the department of the theory of functions and brought up a large number of students who later became outstanding scientists. By the mid-1930s, he became the generally accepted head of the Soviet school the theory of complex variable functions.

From 1939 - Director of the Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR in Kiev. Continued to occupy the theory of complex variable functions and its applications. In Ukraine, they were started by research related to the explosion mechanics. In 1939-1941 and 1945-1948 - Professor of the Physical and Mathematics Faculty of Kiev State University.

During the Great Patriotic War, together with the USSR Academy of Sciences was in evacuation in Ufa. In 1941-1944, he led the Department of Mathematics of the United Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. The scientists headed by them carried out mathematical calculations for the strength of the details of the structures of aviation motors and other mechanisms used for military purposes. He continued research in the field of the theory of functions of complex variable and theory of the explosion, paying special attention to cumulative explosions. Supposed that at high temperatures, materials behave like a viscous liquid, developed a hydrodynamic theory of cumulation. Successfully solved a number of military engineering tasks, participated in the creation of a domestic cumulative projectile. In the study of the features of the cumulation, the phenomenon of metal welding was discovered by an explosion that was widely used in the future.

In February 1945, he returned from evacuation to Kiev, until 1949 continued to lead the Institute of Mathematics by the USSR. In 1945-1948 - Vice President of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. In connection with the problem of flooding trophy sea courts, studied the impact of the underwater explosion. He conducted an experimental verification of the theory developed by them at the Academic Base of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the suburbs of Kiev. The formation of cumulative jets that are formed during collapse in water from the explosion products were found. By the same period, the appearance of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe use of cord charges based on the "wet porch", which turned out to be a suitable means for laying trenches, for cutting metals, organization of directional explosions. Investigated the equations of mixed type, describing gas flows in the regions of the transition through the speed of sound, proposed to use the model linear equation of a mixed type instead of the known Trica equation.

In 1947, he made a report on the development of Soviet mathematics at the session of the USSR Academy of Sciences (published in 1948). Special attention in it was given to computing mathematics and technology, called for the speedy creation of the Institute of Computer Engineering. In 1949, he moved from Kiev to Moscow and in 1950 he was elected director of the Institute of Accurate Mechanics and Computing Technology (created in 1948 in Moscow). In the Institute, in the shortest possible time, the first samples of domestic electronic county machines were created - the degree of domestic computing techniques. Then it was attracted to the work on the creation of atomic weapons in the USSR. He led this institution until 1953.

In 1951-1953, at the same time an academician-secretary of the Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences and Professor of the Moscow State University. During this period, a new higher education institution was created on the basis of Moscow State University - Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MFT), which played an important role in the preparation of highly qualified personnel for new branches of science and technology arising in the post-war years. In this institute, he founded a specialization in the theory of explosions, in 1955-1958 he was heading the department of physics of fast-tracting processes.

In 1953-1955 - Deputy Scientific Director of KB-11 (Nuclear Center in Arzamas-16), in 1955-1957 continued to work in KB-11 part-time. Together with N.N. Bogolyubov, headed work on numerical modeling of atomic weapons. Then, together with V.S.Vladimirov, L.V.Ovsyaikov and D.V. Shirkov developed atomic shells for artillery, which ensured the possibility of using atomic weapons on the battlefield.

In 1955, he was elected to the members of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, in 1955-1957, an academician-secretary of the Department of Physical and Mathematics Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

In 1957, he put forward (jointly with S.A. Chrystianovich and S.L. Sobolev) the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating scientific complexes in Siberia, in places of particularly intensive development of industry and agriculture. This idea was supported by a number of major scientists. On May 18, 1957, a government decision was made to create the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Novosibirsk and his chairman became M.A. Lavrentyev. He headed the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences until 1975 (then His Honor Chairman). The Siberian branch became widely known all over the world, has proven itself not only by a series of fundamental developments, but also by applying them to the most vital tasks of the development of Siberia, the Far East and the European part of the country.

The first in the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the same 1957 began the work of the Institute of Hydrodynamics, the organizer and director of which M.A. Lavrentyev became. He belongs to the choice of the organizational structure of the institute, its scientific issues, giving it the nature of both search and applied, determining the expedient combination of fundamental studies with national economic tasks. He led the institute until 1976.

With its active participation, the Novosibirsk State University was created (was organized in 1958, the first academic year began in September 1959). Scientific institutes of the Novosibirsk Academgorodok became the basis for student practice. Lectures in Novosibirsk State University, Professor of the University (1959-1966), headed by departments of mathematical analysis (1959-1962) and hydrodynamics (1962-1966).

In Novosibirsk Academgorodok, with the active participation of M.A. Lavrentyev, the specialized physico-mathematical, and then chemical boarding schools, a club of young technicians were created first. The official opening of the first specialized physico-mathematical boarding school (FMH) at the Novosibirsk State University was held in January 1963.

The organizer (in 1961) and the Chairman of the Scientific Council on the National Equipment of the Explosion at the Presidium of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1963-1964 - Chairman of the Science Council at the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

For outstanding achievements in the development of science and organization of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences of the USSR Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on April 29, 1967 Lavrentiev Mikhail Alekseevich Awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Medal "Sickle and Hammer".

Since 1976, he lived and worked in Moscow. In 1976-1980 - Chairman of the National Committee of the USSR on theoretical and applied mathematics.

Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences since 1946, academician of the Ukrainian SSR since 1939. In 1957-1975 - Vice-President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, in 1966-1970 - Vice-President of the International Mathematics Union. Valid Member of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (1957), Honorary Member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1966), Corresponding Member of the German Academy of Sciences in Berlin (1969), Member of the Academy of Sciences of Finland (1969), Foreign Member of the French Academy of Sciences (1971), Foreign Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences (1971) Academy of Sciences (1971).

He died on October 15, 1980 in Moscow. He was buried in the South (Campzinsky) cemetery in Novosibirsk.

Awarded 5 Order of Lenin (1953, 1.06.1956, 11/16/1960, 04/21/1967, 09/17/1975), orders of the October Revolution (11/18/1970), the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree (1.10.1944), 4 orders of the Red Banner (06/10/1945, 01/23/1948, 1953, 1954), medals, foreign awards - Commander Cross Order of the Honor Legion (France, 1971), Order of Cyril and Methodius of the 1st degree (Bulgaria, 1969), Medal "50 years of Mongolian People's Medal revolutions "(Mongolia, 1972).

Lenin Award (1958), two Stalin degree 1-degree premiums (1946, 1949). Awarded the Great Gold Medal named after M.V. Lomonosov Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1977). Honorary citizen of Novosibirsk (1970).

Candidate of the CPSU Central Committee in 1961-1976. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 5-9th conveners (in 1958-1979), deputy of the Supreme Council of the Ukrainian SSR in 1947-1951.

Its name is the prospectus in Novosibirsk, the streets in Kazan and the city of Dolgoprudny Moscow region, mountain peaks on the Pamirs and Altai. In Novosibirsk, Bust M.A. Lavrentyeva is installed on the Avenue. His name is the Institute of Hydrodynamics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a specialized educational and scientific center (former physico-mathematical school) at the Novosibirsk State University and the audience in Him, School-College №130 in Novosibirsk, Research Ship RAS. Memorial boards are installed: in Novosibirsk - on the building of the Institute of Hydrodynamics, in Moscow - on the building of the Institute of Accurate Mechanics and Computer Engineering, in Kiev - on the house in which he lived.

In 1982-1991, there was a gold medal named after M.A. Lavrentyeva Academy of Sciences of the USSR (since 1992 - award named after M.A. Lavrentyeva RAS). Established scholarships named after M.A. Lavrentyeva for students of Moscow State University and NSU, as well as the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

Basics of variational calculus. In 2 parts (in collaboration with L.A.Listernik). M.-L., 1935;
Course of variational calculation (in collaboration with L.A.Listernik). M.-L., 1938;
Conformal mappings with applications to some mechanics issues. M.-L., 1946;
Variation method in boundary value problems for systems of elliptic type equations. M., 1962;
Problems of hydrodynamics and their mathematical models (in collaboration with B.V.Shabat). 2nd ed., M., 1977;
... will grow to Siberia. 2nd ed. Novosibirsk, 1982;
Methods of the theory of complex variable functions (in collaboration with B.V.Shabat). 5th ed., M., 1987;
Selected Works. Mathematics and mechanics. M., 1990.

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