Camping inside Show. Bath interior: options, choice of style and materials based on type

Decor elements 25.06.2019
Decor elements

The bustle of the densely populated city makes us forget how much useful, at least occasionally get into ,. However, not every pair private sector boasts the aesthetics of internal and external view. And this is an important factor. It is unlikely to be able to relax in the soul and body in gray, sad building. Today, the conversation will go about the interior of the bath. We will understand which material is better to use for one or another room, consider the stages of the work that you need to produce. It makes sense to familiarize yourself with the photo of the bathrooms inside, which will be presented in today's article.

Interior decoration Bath begins with gender. It is poured by a concrete screed, on which lags subsequently laid, black coat, and after the steering of the first floors. The next step is the decoration of the walls. The ceiling is frozen last. But in order to fulfill finishing work, you should choose and purchase the material, the range of which is today building markets huge.

After completing the construction, the first thing must be thought out, which is performed from the inside. Although no one bothers and take the heat insulating layer of polyplex or other.

Materials used for steam finishing

Materials intended for such work are quite varied. Among them:

  • lining;
  • block house;
  • imitation of timber;
  • oriented chipboard (OSP).

If we talk about benefits, aesthetics and compare the complexity of installation different materials, I won on all articles lining. However, its cost, if you take quality products, quite high. Let's try to consider all the listed finishing materials. Only this can be understood, which one to give preference.

Lining: pluses and disadvantages of finishing material

The algorithm of work with the trap next. The guides are recorded on the wall - or the unintent fat board, with a step of 80-100 cm. Their location coincides with the planned direction of the lining.

Important! The lining is better to arrange vertically - it will not allow dripping moisture drops to linger in the connecting joints. If it is still decided to place the boards horizontally, then the spike of the compound is directed to the top, and the groove, respectively, down. It will not give moisture to get inside.

Fixing the guides, lay the layers of mineral wool between them (it is not necessary to break it) and the stereo vapor insulation material, whose seams are suture with the help of aluminum tape.

Good to know! When installing thermal insulation, special attention is paid to the corners. They are the "weak link" for drafts, cold from the street, and therefore heat leaks from the steam room.

We offer to familiarize yourself with the photo of the bathhouse inside with your own hands:

Nuances finishing baths with lining inside with their own hands

Like any work, the trimming of the bathroom has its own nuances. The main of them can be called fastening the finishing material to the crate. To do this, you can use nails (better "German" having a corrugated surface). However, it is optimal to use.

The microclimate in the steam room periodically changes, which leads to the expansion and drying of the wood. This will eventually lead to the fact that nails will stop performing their function - keep the lining on the crate. In this sense, Screw Screw is more reliable.

Important! Before starting finishing work, you need to handle the bracket with antiseptic and flame retardant and wait for complete drying. This processing is needed only once.

Block House: What is this material and how to work with it

Block House (from English Block House) is a kind of lining (according to the method of connecting parts). However, the appearance of the block house is different. The finished wall looks as if laid out of logs. The material is used for facades and interior finishing works.

Installation of block house does not differ from the lining, but there is one nuance in its application. The coating requires the treatment with antiseptics and antipirens no less than once in 2-3 years.

Important! When choosing such a finishing material, pay attention to the tree of the tree, from which the blockochus is made. Only deciduous breeds will suit the inner covering of the bath (Lipa is the best option). For the pre-banner, cheaper ash or white acacia wood is chosen. The outer finish is performed by coniferous rocks of trees - pine or spruce (the use of aspen is allowed).

The photo presented below the bath outside and inside will allow you to draw up the overall concept of the future project:

Imitation of timber: features, dignity, disadvantages

Again the wall cladding technology is similar to clapboard. However, the panels, imitate the timber, wider. In addition, they have a serious advantage - with drops of temperature, humidity, they do not crack. This is achieved by the grooves on the inside, serving to remove the voltage of wood.

The selection of the material is subject to the same rules as in the case of the choice of block house. Speaking of minuses, we note only unfair manufacturers, disorders of drying technology. In addition to the "human factor", the imitation of the timber flaws has no shortcomings. The average service life of such a finishing material is 10-20 years.

Helpful information! If there is no desire, time or ability to wash the bath inside yourself, you can contact professionals. But such services can punch a significant breach in the family budget. According to the most modest calculations, the cost of finishing 1 m 2 will be 2000-2500 rubles.

Laying tile - perform yourself or contact professionals?

Tile is used to finish the floor. It is less used for walls. Inexperienced homemade masters fear that they independently do this work, but this is a delusion. In order to dispel doubts, we suggest you familiarize yourself with step by step instructions Tile laying on the example of the flooring of the kitchen or hallway. The work algorithm is identical. The difference is only as part of the tiled glue - for the bath you need to choose a composition that is not afraid of high temperatures.

Article on the topic:

Photo examples of layout options, advantages and disadvantages of the coating, specifications And the size of the tile, the criteria of choice, the subtleties of laying, the recommendations of the specialists - read in the publication.

Some nuances are in choosing tiles. It should be paid attention to the surface - the glazed here is not suitable, the surface must be not smooth, preventing slipping. At all, flooring The steam room requires a special approach. Let's try to disassemble it in more detail.

Rules for laying flooring of the washer or steam room

The first thing to pay attention to is a screed. It is performed in the 3 stages. First poured the first layer. After complete drying, the thermal insulation, after which the finishing layer is poured. In this case, the flooring should be higher than the composite concrete by 5-20 cm.

When installing wooden floors, the "occurring" option is often used when water freely seeps through the slots in the floor. It will be necessary to install from the outside. Such a method of drainage is easier and does not require large costs time, forces and means.

The second option is not flowing, hermetic floors. It is more often used when finishing the floor. In this case, the slope of the floor is done in a certain direction, and at the bottom point the ladder is mounted - the hole for the drain. Under the floor from the ladder there is a sewer or.

However, in addition to drainage from the flooring in the bath there is another nuance - the use of tile requires heating. Ceramics - cold material. Given the fact that the temperature is always lower than top, you should consider the system.

Warm floor mounting options in the bath

Warm floor systems are quite useful not only in the apartment, but also in the bath. The main task here is the right choice of the species. They can be:

  • electrical (using a warm cable);
  • water - using a coolant heated with a boiler;
  • - Comparative the new kind Heating with infrared radiation.

If we talk about wooden floors, then the optimal (albeit rather labor) will be the use of water heating. The tiled floor covering is more compatible with electrical warm floors using the cable. Installation of infraredes in the systems "Warm floor" in the bath is rarely applied due to high cost. Although electricity savings in such a type of devices are significant, in comparison with the cord.

Bath interior options inside: photos of various rooms

As you know, the bath can be divided into several rooms, each of which is drawn up, based on the preferences of the wizard. It can be one style, and maybe each of the rooms will be framed in its own way. Now consider in detail how the interior of the bath can be performed with your own hands, depending on the purpose of the premises. But first you should familiarize yourself with the ideas of domestic masters. Below are the design projects of baths created not by professionals, but by ordinary people:

Design Parling in Ban: Multiple Photo Examples

Pair - Ban Heart. It should be light and cozy. Here, like in any other room, it takes special attention to pay the choice of finishing material. It must carry the drops of temperature, humidity, not to swell from steam. At the same time, the appearance is of great importance. For example, if we separate the pair inside the wood coniferous rocks (pine or spruce), then after several worshipers, the walls will darken, get gray, unsightly shade. Moreover, no matter what protective compositions they were processed. We offer to familiarize yourself with the photo of the trim of the bathrooms inside. Perhaps they will pump the reader for some thoughts:

Interior Waste in Ban: Features

The washing in the bath is a room, on the walls of which splashes or even jet of water constantly fall, and therefore it is necessary to take care of the choice of material with regard to this nuance. If we are talking about wood, then a larch or linden is used - these varieties are not better suited for such operating conditions. However, the best option will be the floor and wall finish tile. In order to be clearer, how the washing finish is performed, pay attention to the frequency of finished premises of this type:

Best photos of the bathrooms inside: shower room or cabin

Today, homemade masters prefer the shower cabins, which is not surprising. They can be installed in the washing room, the installation is easy, there will be no such devices such devices. The finish is made in the style of waters or not at all, if the shower cabin is purchased in the store, in factory execution. Below you can see how the shower may look in the interior:

Restroom in Ban - Interior Design Design

Such rooms are designed to relax from hot steam. The temperature in them is maintained, which contributes to good thermal insulation of the steam room and the location between it and the pre-equipment of the washer.

The decoration of the rest room provides for the use of various materials - harsh requirements, as in the steam room or washer finished, it is not presented to them, however, an aesthetic appearance is even more important here. Tones are used darker. The perfect wood for finishing the pre-banner will be a bog oak. For example, you can pay attention to the photo design photos, the finish of which was performed by domestic masters:

And a few more photos of the interiors of the bath and recreation rooms:

Looking at these photos of the inner design of a bath with recreation rooms, hardly believes that the finish was performed by masters without any experience and education of the designer, but this is a fact.

Decorating the locker room in the bath and its features

The locker room is the most dry room, which means that the finishing materials of high demands are not presented. Even the use of pine or ate is allowed - after all, the microclimate here will be similar to the residential premises.

Important information! If wood coniferous wood is chosen to finish the locker room, you should care external coating Lining, block house or simulation of timber. The defense is needed here not so much for wood as for clothes that will come into contact with the walls. Conifer boards can highlight drops of resin, which are quite problematic to cleaned from things. Below are the photo of the trim of the sauna inside, namely ideas for the locker room in the bath.

Outdoor finish with your own hands: Photos of beautiful bath

The trim of the facade of the bath is no less important. In addition to the aesthetic, it performs both protective functions. Consider examples of the design of the appearance of baths in the photo examples:


Summarizing the following information, we note that with the right and thoughtful approach to the trim, you can do without attracting professional masters. Additional savings are achieved by a thoughtful approach to the selection of material.

If all actions are performed in compliance with non-hard rules, the steam room will last for many years, will delight aesthetic appearance for a relatively small cost. But the main thing is nothing inclusive feeling of relaxation that gives a rustic bath drilled by birch lanes.

And finally, we offer to see a cognitive video on the topic of the insulation of the ceiling bath:

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To perform the interior trim, the baths are needed to know the properties of wood and stone, safety requirements and minimal wood skills. We will tell about the materials and types of finishes recommended for use in the bath, and the skills of the joiner and carpenter will have to acquire along the way.

Do you need a bath finish

Regardless of what your sauna is Russian, finnish sauna Or Turkish Hamam, the bath is a high temperature and a large humidity. Without completing the finishes, not isolating the walls, the floor and roof, you will be forced to pump the steam room for hours, and with it and the surrounding air, throwing money literally to the wind.

Due to the difference in the outer and internal temperature of moisture, there will be a condensate on the walls, which will lead to the formation of fungus, mold and rotting wooden structures. If the building is made of masonry material (brick or blocks), the pair without decoration threatens burns when contacting with a grilled wall. Only in the case when the bath is cut out of logs or composed of a bar, it is possible to leave it without additional finishes, if the wall thickness provides regulatory resistance to heat transfer. If this is not - we return to reading the first paragraph's proposal.

If the bath is composed of a log, you can not carry out the full internal finish

A lot of requirements for the bathroom decides:

Walls and floor baths most often insulate stone or basalt cotton wool, but this is not the best option: mats and stoves mineral insulation contain a small amount of bituminous binder, which evaporates under the action of high temperature as well the smallest particles Fibers causing irritation during sediment on the skin.

A safer and economical option - insulation of foam cell - avoids these shortcomings. Steam barrier is performed by aluminum foil or foil polyurethane foam, which refers to a group of non-combustible materials and will serve as an additional heat insulator.

Finishing materials for a bath - how not to be mistaken

The interior decoration of different premises in the bath performs different tasks, in accordance with them and choose the type of finish.

Table: Bani Finishing Requirements

RoomFeaturesType of finish
PairHigh temperature - Wood flame retardant required. Humidity - impregnation with antiseptic and fungicideCeramic tile or porcelain stoneware with waterproofing, running out of hardwood wood, drainageTesting wood hardwood, cladding with a stone or brick at KamenkaElevary ceiling of hardwood wood
WashHumidity - We need materials that allow periodic wash surfacesCeramic tile or porcelain stoneware with non-slip surface, drainageFacing tile or finishing with materials allowing wet cleaningmoisture-resistant coloring or suspended ceiling
RestroomNo requirementsWood or warm floor with tilesNo requirementsNo requirements

Steam finish

To cover the steam room, it is better to use wood hardwood, which does not secrete resin when heated. When choosing a material for taking walls, it is necessary to remember that the bath is not only pleasant, but also useful. Inhaling in a steaming phytoncide, highlighted by the heated tree, we increase the body's resistance to a cold, healing the respiratory tract.

Type of woodDignitydisadvantages
OakDurable wood, durability, excellent appearanceIn wet slips, high price
AshDurable wood with a beautiful pattern, resistant to rottingHigh price
BirchLight pleasant aromaSusceptible to rotting, poorly holds shape at high temperature
LindenIt has a pleasant color, heating, exudes a thin fragrance, resistant to rot and high temperatures, is available at a price.Not
AspenLow price, light pleasant aromaSusceptible to rotting, over time changes the color to the dirty gray
AlderBeautiful appearance, affordable price, does not smell, does not absorb smells, durableNot

If you are interested in a budget finish option - choose Olhu, if there is no restrictions on the cost, then the best option is ash.

Bath, decorated with clay from ash, will look prestigious and expensive

For fans of coniferous odors, a version of the combined finish can be offered: where it is possible to contact with the skin, we make a decoration of hardwood wood, and, for example, space under the shelves we are wearing a cedar, larch or pine.

For the facing of the wall of the wall near the Kamenka, it is necessary to choose a material with a high heat capacity and thermal conductivity that ensures maximum accumulation and uniform heat return. The structure of the stone should be homogeneous so that when it does not explode, it does not explode. Stones are selected round or oval shape with a smooth surface for free air circulation, optimal size - From 5 to 21 cm. Another requirement is ecological safety: when heated, they should not be distinguished by harmful substances.

Table: properties of stones for bath

Gabbro - DiabazGabbro - diabase is the most affordable and popular option. The stone is dark gray, almost black with low water absorption, excellent heat capacity and very durable. Unfortunately, with severe heating, it highlights an unpleasant smell, and when essential oil Forms a nagar on the surface.
Talco ChloriteTalco chlorite is durable, durable, has an excellent heat capacity, the colors from light gray to the cherry. In order to exclude dustiness, the first use of stones wash and calcinate. It has a pleasant, easy ferry with therapeutic effect: Reduces the pressure, heals the respiratory system and the skin. Negative characteristic - high price.
BasaltBasalt is the most durable stone of all volcanic rocks. He has only positive characteristics - durable, durable, has a greater heat capacity, perfectly transfers the temperature differences, does not emit harmful substances. I am pleased with the availability of even the price.
JadeJadeitis refers to semi-precious stones, so it should not be surprised at a high price for this mineral. Color from white through emerald-green to black makes it attractive outwardly, and his medical properties Evaluated in ancient China. Excellent choice for people taking care of their health.
Ranish quartziteRaspberry quartzite Just as Jadeitis, attractive outwardly with his bright color and has excellent performance - hardness, durability, heat resistance, small water absorption and environmental safety. Perfectly tolerates high temperature, it is possible to pour water on it without fear of the "explosion". When buying, it is necessary to avoid split stones, as they will continue to crumble.
White QuartsWhite quartz is not too durable and poorly tolerates high temperature, but due to a spectacular appearance refers to the most expensive stones: this translucent mineral consists of silicon and oxygen molecules, and when heated, ozone highlights, which makes the steam room with it especially useful.

The ceiling in the steam room over the stone as well as the wall behind it and the floor around, requires the protection of the non-aggravated material. Above Kamenka can perform a plot suspended ceiling From talco chlorite plate. Talco chlorite is a versatile material for stones of Kamenka, cladding of floor walls and ceiling. More budget option - a metal sheet Over the stove, foundation and facing of walls from full-fledged well-burned brick.

Talco chlorite can be used not only as material for stones, but also as decoration of walls and ceiling after a healer

Paul in a steam room is performed from concrete or ceramic tile, with waterproofing and ladder for water drain. On top lay down the rooted flooring of hardwood.

Finishing materials for washing

Washing with open shower nets requires device channels, ladder and moisture resistant: cladding with ceramic tiles or other durable and moisture-resistant material withstanding increased temperature.

In the event that it is planned to install individual shower cabins, such a finish is not required, you can see the walls with clapboard, paint them or plaster with moisture-resistant decorative plaster.

In order for water to have an impact on a washing frame, it is trimmed with tiles

The floors are preferably heated. The tile must be with a rough surface, eliminating slipping. It is undesirable in wet rooms to make a floor of an oak, as it is very slippery in wet. The coating of coniferous wood, especially larch, as the most resistant to rotting is welcomed.

Section of the floor in the font, where significant water straits are possible, it is better to perform from ceramic tiles with a ladder.

The washing ceiling will have to be washed periodically, respectively, the material must withstand processing washing agents: Licensing of larch, metal roll or cassette suspended ceilings.


The rest room has no restrictions on the finish, with the exception of a warm floor - always nice bare feet to walk on a warm tree. Otherwise, the interior design depends on the taste and requirements of the owner of the bath.

Photo Gallery: Bathroom Room Finishing Options

In this steam road, serves as an interesting element of the interior Soft scattered light and heat from a brick Russian stove will create an unforgettable impressions of the bath visit Protective lampshades from the rails protect lamps from mechanical effects and create directed light streams
In a small steam room, take bath procedures very comfortable. Very decorate interior Parilov combined layout layout of wood different species A steam room for a large company should be heated by a heightened power

Ban trim with your own hands

In order to be beautiful in the bath, you need to choose reliable and high-quality finishing materials and mounted them in accordance with the specifics of the premises described in the previous sections.

Choosing finishing materials

Optimal for each bath owner will be the choice, taking into account the size of the structure, personal taste and financial component. To not be mistaken when buying a material, it is pre-necessary:

Calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bpremises

To determine the need for materials, it is necessary to know the area of \u200b\u200bthe separated surface. All calculations are made in meters.

For the floor and the ceiling, multiply the length of the room on its width. To get the walls of the walls, calculate the perimeter of the room: we fold the length and width and multiply on two. The product is multiplied by the height of the ceilings. From the result obtained, we subtract the area of \u200b\u200bthe doors and windows if they are.

In rooms with a complex combined finish, the area of \u200b\u200beach site is calculated separately.

How to buy high-quality materials and prepare them for installation

Choosing the material, it is necessary to pay attention primarily on the quality of the goods.

Material Calculation

  1. Find the area of \u200b\u200bone board. So, with a standard length of 6 m and a thickness of 90 mm, the board area will be equal to 6 ∙ 0.09 \u003d 0.54 m 2.
  2. Calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe separated surface. Suppose that it is necessary to hide the walls of the room with a size of 3 x 6 m with a ceiling height of 2.5 m. The surface area is equal to: (3 + 6) ∙ 2 ∙ 2.5 \u003d 45 m 2.
  3. Calculate the number of boards. To do this, the surface area is divided into one board area: 45 / 0.54 \u003d 83.3 boards.

For example, we present the specification of the pair of steam room:

In the same way, the need for wood needs for the rest of the rooms.

For calculation paintwork materials The surface area should be multiplied by paint consumption, which is usually driven on the package in liters per square meter. The work will show how many liters of paint need to buy.

All goods must be purchased with a reserve of 10%, taking into account the tolerance for waste and marriage in work.

Required tools

To fulfill the decoration of the bath with their own hands, you will need:

  1. Perforator.
  2. Sculpture.
  3. Building level.
  4. A hammer.
  5. Furniture stapler.
  6. Plane.
  7. Hacksaw or electrolybiz.
  8. Self-tapping screws, nails or cough.

Step-by-step instructions for the trim

Work is performed after laying wiring and ventilation boxes, starting from the floor. The floor of the steam room is lifted by 10-15 cm above the level of adjacent rooms. After the clean floor is laid, proceed to the walls of the walls. The last ceiling is performed.

  1. Making frame for insulation. The frame is assembled from a bar 100x40 mm impregnated with flame and fungicide. The bar is mounted with self-drawers or dowels to the wall with intervals equal to the width of the insulation plate minus 5 mm.

    On the walls and ceiling mounted frame from a wooden bar

  2. Installation of insulation. Between the bars of the frame stacked the plates or mats of the insulation on the heat-resistant glue with an additional fastening of dowels 5-6 pcs. on 1 m 2.
  3. Installation of heat transfer material. Aluminum foil or folgized fire-resistant film, for example, foil foam, pinned with brackets with construction stapler to the layer of thermal insulation.

    The heat-reflecting layer is mounted a counterfeit under the finish coating

  4. Wall sheath. The framework is fixed to the frame in accordance with the selected layout. Nails are clogged into the groove so that they are not visible on the decoration. Pinkets are naked.

    For decoration of premises in the bath, you can choose different types of wood with different colors

    Montage of frame cutting frame. The frame of a stroke ceiling is fixed to lags of overlapping or to the walls of a bar 100x50 with a vertical orientation. The distance between the bars must correspond to the width of the insulation plate minus 5 mm per spacer.

    The ceiling device is proceeded after the walls of the walls.

    Installation of heat transfer material. Foil or foil material is fixed in the same way as on the walls.

    Ceiling clapboard. It is performed similar to the upholstery of the walls. The ceiling site over a stove is protected by non-combustible material: stainless steel sheet or slab material. Ceiling plinth is attached.

    Fungal vapor barrier is fixed on the insulation, and then the carbon pane

Video: Furniture steam room

Having become acquainted with the requirements for the rooms of the bath and having studied the information about the right finish, you received the necessary theoretical knowledge. Performance does not require special professional skills and under the power to any homeowner.

The trim of the bath is largely different from such residential premises both used by materials and technology. The most important thing is that you need to know, taking for the trim of the bath inside - you can not build a turnkey bath, and then think how to finish. The decoration of the bath is made in a complex with insulation and insulation, and as for the floor, the composition of the work on its device. The reason is the special conditions of the microclimate of the bath and the stay of people in it.

Banne atmosphere

The cornerstone of insulation stones - vapor barrier is superimposed from a widest side, and the insulation with cold. In the bath one and the other regularly turn out to be inside, just, so to speak, in the working mode, during the wash. So you need to warm up from the inside? But in the winter, the bath occurs completely fully, and how then preventing the reinforcement of building structures?

The second point is a bath spirit. To build a "original" bath and in the old days I could afford not everyone, but in our time it is available to units. The bath is not breathing - just the thermocamera and health benefits from her, to put it mildly, is doubtful. So, then, after all, steamed in the structure of available materials, Evaluate and equip which is possible on your own?

Finally, the main rooms of the bathroom are washing and steam room. In addition to sharp leaks of temperature and humidity, there must be an abundant strait of water to the floor and walls. How to avoid antisanitarian in such conditions? All these tasks assumes the trim of a bath inside. Of course, it should perform their usual functions, decorative and ergonomic.

What else to finish?

Large public baths starting from ancient Rome, they were separated and now often cooked with mineral materials - stone, tiles. For a small bathhouse, they are definitely not suitable: with a decrease in the size of the structure per unit of its volume accounts for everything big square Outdoor surfaces, and with it and heat loss. Then, to make a stone bath to make it, it needs high, from 4-5 m, ceilings and well-thought-out ventilation and hot air supply systems; The device of the Roman term still admires engineers and builders.

And in Hammam? How many are there in height from the heels standing in a couple to the bottom point of the ceiling? If less than 4.2 m, then what equipment hides in the techniques? How much does it cost, consume fuel and electricity? In the conditions of private farm, the interior of the bath is non-alternative should be wooden. This makes it difficult to achieve proper hygienicity, but another way to put a beneficial bath with dimensions in terms of less approx. 12x16 m.

What to seek?

The structure of the bath can be brick, from foam and gas blocks, wooden bruschers, frame or log; Such exotic, as, say, an earthen bath, we do not touch. In addition to one of these cases (see Next), the structure of the bath is breathing, as the bath must, in itself is not capable. Builders Bath for the final finish of the 4x6 m turnkey box take order ... 500 thousand rubles, and there are no more than 20-25% of this amount for the materials! It follows that the trim of the bath with their own hands is justified at least economically. Now summarize that we should turn out technically:

  1. When heated to 70-90 degrees, the bath finishes should not be enhanced by evaporation harmful to health, but must keep the form and mechanical characteristics;
  2. Train safety (burns, slipposure, scratches / ounce) from the trim of the bath must be excluded;
  3. The internal trim of the bath must quickly chop and well hold warmth, gradually giving it to the room after the protest;
  4. The properties of the finish should be maintained for a long time under the influence of cyclic thermal impacts and 100% humidity;
  5. The decoration of the bath should be pleasant to the eye and to the touch of steaming skin.

About burns

Burns are the most serious of the simulatory factors in the baths. The degree of damage to the tissues of the body during thermal burn depends primarily from the heat transferred by it, and the one from the ratio of thermal conductivity and the heat capacity of the hot object. The combination of these parameters at the tree is favorable from the point of view of safety: the area heated to 90-120 degrees can be taken by hand and shifted from place to place, not affected any serious. Stone, or, let's say, the tile, under the same conditions, will cause at least the color of the skin with subsequent ulceration, and the blister immediately jumps from the metal. Therefore, metal in the baths should be avoided in every way, and the metal fastener is to put so that it is not available for touch.

Bath as a bath

The simplest finish of the Russian bath is just its absence, see fig. More precisely, the lack of solid finishes: the bath from the wildly selected in the size of the log breathes perfectly by itself thanks to primarily open end ends - on the fibers, the tree absorbs and gives a pair of water several times faster than across the layers, but heated from heat radiation and from contact With heated air uniformly. Therefore, in the original Russian bath, the desired ratio of temperature and humidity is maintained in a wide range of protood intensity.

The original Russian bath is 3 species - poorest, out of oak, mild, most often from pine, and light, lime. The latter is the most useful, but the construction of the lime forest is on sale if it appears, then prohibitive roads. A full-fledged replacement for sanitary and hygienic indicators, but only 5-7 years old - a poplar. Straighten in a poorest oak bath is not all healthy; She is definitely not recommended for women and children.

Pine sauna without interior decoration will be useful and enough gluture if the log house from ordinary business pine-sucks. Dear, but extremely resistant to moisture, rot and pests pine-resorcis goes 1-2 lower crowns. However, the pine bath must first be "littered", drive out of the logs of volatile substances, and the heavy fractions of the resin are to be bituminous. To do this, in the summer in dry hot weather in the new bath in the morning, all doors, input and interior, windows, upper products are opened in the morning (see below) and empty all the containers, including a waste hole if it is under the floor. Then weave the furnace at the maximum to lunch; Here, for the first time I need an eye yes Eye - suddenly in the fire cutting pipe (also see below) something is wrong. After lunch, the furnace is stopped, they give the bath until the next morning, and repeat this procedure 3-5 times. Suddenly the weather spoiled - nothing terrible, the break will not hurt.

However, it is possible to use a Russian log cabin without additional finishes only if the loghouse is correctly processed. Isxtari Baths caught moss, but now the best option is jute. In the process of construction, the crowns are caught by a stretch strip (see fig. Right), and after a dry shrinkage of a cut, the slots are clogged with a jute rope (the left top photo in fig. Above). If the bath is built in compliance with these requirements, the floor in it is also the chalk as it should be relying, see further, and as it should be drunk, only decorative functions remain for its finish; It is only necessary to leave more surfaces of the walls free and not to close the outer and internal ends of the logs.

About the finishing of the sauna

Northern Finland Forest, suitable for the construction of a bath, was never rich. Abundant there spruce in this case is not the best option: to drive out of the solid array of resin difficult and long. Therefore, Finns initially laid the medical and health functions of the bath on the less costly costly internal trim: the traditional conversion of the sauna is a farewell-cutting firboards, see fig.

Avoid fans of the baths from Finnov, shaking in their own and in the real Russian bath, say: your best. Not much, but still felt that it is better. However, the sauna is much simpler, cheaper, can be made compact at least in the dock of the city apartment and even the mobile, which has determined its widespread. The design of the sauna is very plastic, so if you want to get a sauna, then when finished according to the methods described below, take a weathered air-dry fir tree for the trim.

Baths thanks to decoration

So, a properly equipped bath from any other, except for a solid log, material, should breathe a bath thanks to mainly wall decoration. The ceiling is more necessary to be cutting the heat loss so that the air does not oversleep under it, but, slightly cool, immediately stack down, to the floor. The semi is most of all: it should be safe, i.e. Not slippery, hygienic, warm, especially persistent to rot, mold, pests, to ensure the flow of spilled water and with all this - do not prevent the ventilation of the underground, otherwise the entire structure will unsubscribe. And the base of the bath is known to be done above 200 mm is urgently not recommended.

Note: to finishing work In the bath you can start only after shrinkage of the foundation and boxes on it. The timing of techniques for shrinkage depend on the design of the foundation and structure of the bath.

It is necessary to learn from simple to difficult to learn, and in practice it is necessary to understand first of all with the most complex affairs. Therefore, let's go, firstly, as accepted in construction, from the bottom up, from the floor to the roof; Secondly, once in the bath stove, it will be necessary to attract the principle "from the stove". Those, the internal decoration of the baths will lead in such a manner, considering that the box with windows and doors is already on the foundation:

  1. If the furnace is brick - the bookmark of its foundation and the construction of the furnace;
  2. Barface device;
  3. Floor flooring separately by premises - a steam room, a washing, a pre-banker and a rest room (if it is provided);
  4. Decoration of walls and the device of the upper thoughts;
  5. Installation metal oven and the device of its chimney;
  6. Ceiling finish;
  7. Installation of partitions and a little about the equipment and lighting of the bath.

Note: About the upper products in the bath often forget, and in vain. Especially in the steam room, they may be vital to instantly lose steam, suddenly someone will feel bad. The abpentent bath holds necessarily with open upper products to avoid changing the walls.

Brick oven

Bath furnaces are separate, and brick bath furnaces are special in a separate one. Here we will dwell only on fire cutting chimney, because Without it, it is impossible to start further arrangement with her, and no one has come up with hanging without an oven.

Bath brick oven is intensively, but not constantly and not long, so the danger of sage fire in it is small. Therefore, the cutting of its chimney is made not exhausted, but in 7 rows; For a friend, see pos. 1 Fig. IN anchor overlap Under the cutting of the hatch, pos. 2, and produce additional isolation by vermiculitis, pos. 3. In the case of applying the exhaust cutting, the hatch is respectively expanding and the additional insulation is no longer needed, to the right of pos. 3. Cutting a pass through the roof - normal, but this is another topic.

Chernovaya Pol

Barbell beams Baths should rely on concrete column columns from 200h200 mm or bricks from 380x380 mm. Under each column, an anti-high sand pillow is satisfied with at least 300 mm power (thickness) and with a removal of a batch from 150 mm. The setting step of the backup is not more than 1.2 m along the long side of the structure and not more than 2 m along the short one. If the black floor frame is a ridge or lattice (see below), then the arrangement scheme of the backup is designed so that the beams accounted for each crossroad. Because The base of the bath is low, then in all respects it is convenient to take ready-made concrete foundation blocks 200x200x400 mm without a tooth, with smooth ends. The columns are equalized to the horizon on the foundation by subfolding and the rubbing of sand pillows and before laying the floor beams are covered with 2 layers of waterproofing, as well as the foundation.

Material and impregnation

The ideal material for the floor beams and 1-2 of the lower crowns of the church - freshly served in the midst of spring. Healthy pine-resin. Coroes, wood and fungi do not touch this: they will choose in the resin. Abundant resin in it until the end of the summer is bituminized, and the tree will become resistant to moisture, rot, and pests are not worse than sea oak. In no preliminary processing of the resor, it does not need, but, unfortunately, this material is very expensive, and in many countries of logging in the period of spring intake are generally prohibited.

On the beams and boards of the draft floor it is better to take a larch: it is enough impregnation from flames and biocides inexpensive and safe solutions of borants and boric acid; Water larch is not afraid. Oak too, but it is more expensive, and the supplement of the battery is not needed. Other business wood for the floor should be soaked with also water-repellent compositions - hydrophobizers. Of these, only expensive refined mineral oils are suitable for the bath and no less expensive synthetic based on silicone. About bitumen mastic and especially about surrogates like working out, if it comes to the bath, it is better to forget.

Note: All without exception wood materials for finishing the bath before use are recorded in it and are left for 1-3 days for acclimatization. Otherwise, the finished design of them almost certainly will soon fade or it will fuse.

Frames and beams

If the width of the structure of the bath is more than 4 m, the black floor frame needs a ridge (pos. 1 in Fig.) Or a lattice of 150x150 bars. In this case, her beams are crashed into each other in the trip. The frame, as the entire floor of the bath, is performed floating with a deformation gap around the perimeter at 20-40 mm. The clearance is not tightly filled with jute rope or mineral cardboard.

In the bath wide up to 4 m, the base of the draft floor is made by the beam from BRUSEV 150x50. After trimming in the size of them at the bottom, the cranial bars 40x40 or 50x50 are stuffed, and the beams are laid out in places in 400-500 mm pose, pos. 2. The beams are fixed from shifting with pieces of the same bar, cropped by template, pos. 3. In the log structures, the floor beams are allowed in the lower crown of the log cabin freely, without cutting, pos. 4, with a gap along the contour of the groove 4-6 mm. Next cells boyflock design Filled with black floorboards, pos. 5. They are attached to cranial bars galvanized or phosphatized nails or self-drawing.

First and second features

Stop the black floor of the bath should be across the spans between the beams from segments of boards, sliced \u200b\u200bin size. As we see further, then at the flooring of the first floor, the cracks in it and in chernov semi It turns out perpendicular, which will make it easier very non-easy task Floor insulation baths.

The second feature - on the black floor of the bath, it is better to take a cheap ripped hill and lay it with convexers up. The outer dense and resistant layer of wood in the hill boards is not disturbed, which will give the floor of the resistance, and the bulk of the boards will exclude a strata stratum to the floor of the water. Mountains due to a decrease in the thickness of the trunk from the bottom up converge to one end, so the black floor is typed from the porridge, picking up the boards and laying them alternately with thin ends in the same side.


Finally, on the floor beams set lags of the finish floor with a width of 50 mm without cutting, pos. 6. Fasten them to beams are also galvanized or phosphatized steel corners from 30x30x2 and also resistant to corrosion by self-draws from 6x25. "From" in the first case refers primarily to the thickness of the metal of the corner, so that its in the bath conditions is enough for at least 15 years.

Third feature

The height of the lag under the purple floor in the bath is taken different for different rooms: 50 mm in the washing, 75-100 mm in the pre-tribbon and recreation room and 200 mm in the steam room. Why - see below.

Finishing floor

So why are the lags of the floors in the bath different? First of all because to apply conventional schema Floor insulation (see Fig. Right) In the bath is possible only for the pre-banner and relaxation room. In the steam room and the washer for the floor is obligatory hot water; Save its qualities and not to become a focus of rot under such conditions from insulation materials in principle, only extruded polystyrene foam (EPPS) is capable, but it, like other types of foam, according to the latest studies, is seriously discredited.

Not so long ago in several countries (Holland, Canada, Russia, etc.) were completed experiments, at the beginning of which foam plates of different species were superimposed on the walls of various building materials and are closed under the plaster of different composition. In the opening after 10 years it turned out that from the initial thickness of the foam 80-100 mm left ... 17-23 mm!

As it turned out during the analysis, foam plants are destroyed to liquid styrene, and he evaporates under the action of barely catchy traces in the air of the chemically active bat, right up to the components of the colors and smell of coniferous forest. Industrial emissions And the gasoline gale - by itself and still beast. Speed chemical reactions and diffusion vapors in solids Depend on temperature in power laws, so in the bath foam insulation is unlikely to last 10 years and under concrete, with which it seems, there are already a lot of users.

It follows that only one way remains for the insulation of the floor in the washing and pair bath: air-air, like a gas type in the housing furnaces. His essence is that the cushion of cold dense gases / air holds warm on itself, but for this you need to exclude convection, limiting the area of \u200b\u200bcontact of the cold and warm layers. The effect is stronger than the difference in temperature and, therefore, the density, cold and warm suction.

The design of the floor with cells from crossed with beams of lags and black and fingerty glasses is just hampered by convection, holding over the floor warm air. The elevation of the floor of the steam wage for 150 mm is necessary due to the difference in temperatures in them. In the steam room, less heated airbag in the floor is stable and warmer than in the washing. Lecting there below, it feeds the cooled air in the floor washing: there it is finally cooling, goes into the underground. The temperature difference at the top and bottom of the washer is much smaller, convection through the floor can go through the narrow slots and the room opens quickly.

With that before the elevation of the fees of the pre-banker and recreation room, it should be from 3 cm on sanitary standards. This value was obtained according to the statistics of accidents of pipelines in the bathrooms - by 1 square meter. M gender in such cases is poured up to 25 liters of water. Layer 3 cm per 1 square meter. m gives 30 l, i.e. With a margin, so as not to flow into the living rooms. For the bath, this calculation is invalid, but the norm is the norm, and there will be no exaltation from the elevation of more than 3 cm. Finally, the outflow of "cold" (which for other premises is warm) airbags from the floor of the steam room will warm up the floors of the pre-banner with a rest room.

Clean floor - washing

As you can see, the critical floor of the insulation of the floor of the bath is a floor washing. If you do it, as often advised, inclined with a point surface drain, is not the best option:

  • Non-pending wooden floors does not happen, and stagnation of water in the gaps between the boards contributes to the emergence of the foci of rot and mold.
  • The possibility of air-air insulation of the floor is excluded, because Air above and under floor flooring is physically separated.
  • The trauma of the floor increases, because He is at least a little, but inclined and all the time is wet.

From these shortcomings, sex is free with a dispersed drain and catcher in the subfield, pos. 1 in fig. In addition, this design makes it possible to additionally insulate the underground with a layer of clay under the concrete tie. It is best if the catcher captures the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe bath. If not, it should spread under the pair, and its wings go under the pre-tribades and a rest room for at least 60 cm.

Slush floor in the washer is filling from larch or oak boards with rounded edge, pos. 2. Gaps for pos. 3 shows the maximum allowable width so that you can catch your fingers, crocheted or tweezers / water-dropped small object; In fact, the cracks of 0.5-1 cm will be enough for the floor in the washing worker, as it should.

Pure floor - pair

In the steam room with a clean floor, it is easier - here the volley runaway only, if they are made of the gang, and the underground heats well. Therefore, the floor pair can be contacted from the same boards as in the washing, laid in bulk.


If, the flooring floors in the bath, had to think more about their own functionality, then on the walls it is impossible to ignore the features of the structure of the bath and decorative quality finishes. First you need to decide which better finish Tree: Molding from natural wood or more rack, but not excess useful substances (eg phytoncides) MDF. In any case, at the same stage, the appearance of the insulation material is determined. The choice depends on the properties of the bath structure of the bath - the bar / rounded log, frame / foam blocks, brick / fuel-concrete blocks. The structure of the bath from the monolithic foam concrete by the properties is the same as foam blocks.


Usually recommended to warm the battle of Minvata, as well as residential premises, which is not the best choice: Minvat hygroscopic, wet loses insulating quality and is irreversibly lung. According to the complex of properties, the best insulation material for the bath should be recognized by the cellulose insulation - EcoWhat. A lot of advantages are written about her merits; For the bath of them, the main thing - Equata for 72 hours in the atmosphere with 100% humidity practically does not lose insulation qualities. In addition, the eco-house with the help of a manual blowing plant, which can be leased, without particular difficulties in the cavity, see fig.

Warming Equata is more expensive than Minvata, about 25%, but we take into account that the area of \u200b\u200bthe insulated surface with a decrease in the size of the building falls along the square. If, let's say, with the insulation of the house of 100 square meters. Equocata Cash overruns 100 thousand rubles, then for a bath at 20 square meters. M (4x5 m) its absolute value will decrease by 25 times and will be 4 thousand rubles, which will not be visible at the bath.

In general, the eco-jobs as parted for insulation baths, but then we will be ever to focus on more popular Minvatu. We only have in mind that for eco-houses, almost always foil vaporizolation can be replaced by pergamine or kraft paper, and where it is impossible, it will be specified.

Foam blocks and gasoblocks

They are often confused or considered to be the same material, so I will clarify: foam concrete absorbs vapors and liquid water and quickly, but also easily gives moisture. Aerated concrete is vapor permanently like a tree. It pulls liquid water slowly and in a smaller volume, but, reference, it is not better than bricks.

Board and lining

Cup of the chopping board can be separated by the walls of the bath, but it will not cost without cracks. The walls of the walls of a washer and a paired simple sheet board can only be held the end: shelves and pockets of the tongue horizontally, the wet boards will become moisture trappers and foci of damage.

When the walls are trimmed in the bath, the value has not so much material as the blackboard profile. For the covering horizontal belts, the profile is more suitable, at the top in Fig. On the right or softline (with round chamfering) without a ventilation groove on the back side: the enclosure ventilation will be provided vertical location Reques of clamps, see below. For the trim, the end of the horizontal crate is needed profiles in a wide ventilation groove, in the center; Crossing the lamp in the bath is unsuitable, because Ventilation of the trim in any case will be bad. Also unsuitable profiles with narrow ventilation grooves, downstairs in Fig: they are designed to install without crate on smooth walls In dry rooms.

How to breathe and wet the walls of the bath

Baths of a rounded log and a timber compared to the original Russian breathe more often and deeper, because In the same case, the upper dense layer of wood cut and its pores are open over the entire surface of the material. Baths of foam concrete / foam blocks and frame breathe in the same way, but faster rewind and lose heat-insulating properties; Suffer also quickly. If you compare with a person, they are easily drunk and crowded, but it is easy to recover. The bath from the gasoblocks breathes easily and deep, but if he was caught up, i.e. I dumbbed, sick (dries) long and hard. The brick bath breathes shallow and heavier, and is sick just like a fuel-concrete.

Breed of wood

Deepen and slow down the breath of the bath is capable of internal oak or beech. To a lesser extent, from the ash and maple. Participating it and relieve - from Linden, Alder, Osins; The finishing of the steam tree of these breeds will be the best. Birch and Grab are easily affected by fungi and pests, as well as wet nut. From coniferous for the bath is very midnight, a weathered pine is suitable after "sticking", as described above. Other factors advertised for breed finishes are not yet checked on the expiration of non-healthy substances, in one exception.

This is an exception - Japanese cryptomeria; She is on sale under the name of Coto or Kote. From Coto, the Japanese make their baths, font, etc. Washing accessories. Finishing from cryptomeria itself is capable of giving a bath smooth deep breathing and a healthy mind. Cryptomy is resistant to diseases and pests, rather rapidly growing, it is quite renewed. Therefore, Her. technical culture Already quite widely spread, and the lining of the cryptomeria is cheaper than Lipova. Her color is light, slightly darker than that of maple; Small texture. In addition to the steam room, the tree is suitable for decoration. Keep in mind.

Cleaning board / clapboard

Schemes of the walls of the walls of the bath with wood strip materials are given to the left in fig. Immediately pay attention to the insert: a Christmas tree, like there, the walls of the bath is impossible to sow - from pockets under the trimming will go rot. On pos. 1 is a diagram of the inner covering of the walls of a bar from a bar, rounded logs and foam blocks. The thermal insulation properties of such a bath are good, the vapor permeability of the walls is close to optimal, therefore, under the trim, there is enough foil vapor barrier to protect the structure from the condensate winding during the adoption of the bath. For the trim, the lining of MDF is suitable. The foam block will additionally need to be protected outside of wetting without loss of vapor permeability, see at the end. The lining for its skin is needed wooden, driving a bath, see above. Vaporizolation is necessary with any insulation material.

On pos. 2 is a diagram of the inner plating of a bath from other materials, including gas blocks. Their heat-insulating qualities are high, but this material is necessary to protect in every way from entering liquid moisture on the wall even on a short time. To this end, finishing wash bath From gasoblocks, it will necessarily include in its structure waterproofing from a microporphorized membrane (underlined film): membrane waterproofing delays the smallest droplets of condensate, but passes the pairs of water, which then migrate through the wall outward. Breathing from this gas unit will be, of course, is bad.

The bath from a cluster of natural humidity (the cheapest) during the construction of a log must be cocked for stretching, see fig. on right. In the bath from brick and foam blocks, the crate under the trim is mounted on bare aligned walls, pos. 3 in fig. above. Then they put / spray insulation and apply metallized vaporizolation - pholoisol, etc., giving it the crates of the crate. Put the racks of the crate on top of insulation, as on the pos. 6 - serious error: on their moisture fastener will penetrate into isolation and wall; The fasteners of the sheat and the clamping layers of isolation are small, it does not pierce the crate through, see also Next.

Fasting strips (ribbons) of insulation give 15-20 cm; The joints are sampled special scotch. The top ribbon should lean on the lower, for the flow of possible condensation. If the roof of the bath is insulated, then the probability of condensate falling up along the wall contour is higher than on the ceiling. In this case, before the rolling of the last tape of the wall insulation, the ceiling is insulated (pos. 6), and the outlet of the last ribbon is given to the previous wall, and on the insulation of the ceiling.

Actually, the walls of the walls of the baths of essential features does not have, except for one: the finish of the steam wagon in the bath can only be carried out only and only by regular fastenings - the chalter, see fig. Temperature races in the steam room can reach 80 degrees in the Moscow region and more than 100 degrees in Siberia; The thermal deformations will be the corresponding magnitude. Any adversaries allowed in residential premises, such as driven by an imparalclosion in the groove of chipping of small nails, in the steam room will soon lead to the stitching, spoilement of insulation and wall cling.

Top Throughout

Ventilation inventories under the ceiling of the bath - the upper produces are necessary, as it is mentioned above, to keep the temperature and humidity of a non-well bath along with outdoor and so that you can quickly reset the pairs in emergency cases. But to make them in the form of simple ventilation windows with deaf hatch-covers it is impossible: during thermal bath procedures in the ventilation course, condensate can fall out, which will immediately go into the wall and / or isolation. Therefore, the upper products and the bath are made with inserts from the material of the wall (see Fig. Right) or, say, foamflast, in this case it is quite applicable.

Stove and chimney

The simplest way to install a metal bath furnace is shown in pos. 1 Fig. But this is not the best: no look, and traumatic and fire hazard do not decrease, because Fencing fuel and permeable. Solid brick fence (pos. 2) more reliable, but takes more useful Square, excess of which is not observed in homemade baths. Brick oven, pos. 3, in addition, requires the establishment of a foundation for it and long-term techniques for the shrinkage of its and structure of the furnace. It is best to install a bath oven in a niche lined artificial stone (pos. 4) or porcelain stoneware; The other is firmly glued to the tree with appropriate mounting adhesives.

Currently, there is a wide range of chimneys for stoves based on pipe-sandwich. They look neatly, cutting down on the left at the background:

But, firstly, do not get rid of fitter and welding and construction work, as can be seen according to the scheme in the center in Fig; Other difficulties and subtleties when installing the chimney-sandwich also enough (see video).

Video: Installation chimney-sandwich

Secondly, a lot of lucky owners of "steep" chimneys in practice were aimed with cases like that, the consequences of which are shown on the cutting on the right above. Consumer manufacturers are not deceived here, but the latter, choosing cheaper, the chimneys-sandwiches for fireplaces are connected to the bathing furnaces for fireplaces, completely unsuitable to the bath conditions. And for a little less, a smoke-sandwich-suitable smoke-coaxing furnace is needed to post at least 30 thousand rubles.

Meanwhile, there is a way to make a simple and safe chimney A bath of furnace with her own hands, spending effort no more than on the installation of the corporate sandwich, and the money is multiple times less. This is a guilt of the usual steel chimney. How it is produced, shown on the pos. 1 Fig., And what looks like in real life - on the pos. 2 and 3. If the pipe under the bottom of the sleeve is hotken, the temperature of the mounting plate of the brick cutting plate at +60 in the room will not exceed the allowable for the +95 tree. The insulation of the support plate below is necessary so that at a weak furnace or at the beginning of the protest the cold room in the chimney, the deposition of soot and / or the acid condensate did not fall.


The task of the ceiling of the bath, as mentioned above, is quite simple: he must interfere with the heat loss through itself to convection and in the droplet, and in the cold bath occurred, without reaching the dew toxic premises. Therefore, the ceiling of the bath is performed by the usual shaft from the same board or lining as the walls, according to the standard diagram, shown in the left in Fig. Option of 2-speed ceiling insulation for bath with warm attic, inhabited attic or home bath Dan on the right there.

Partitions and other

The partitions of any bath in all respects are desirable to put light frames for clean floor. Their heat and sound insulation can be foam, because This design is quite maintainable. One restriction is: Testing - from the same materials as the walls; Plywood, DVP, and GLC, at least moisture-resistant, are unsuitable, they are not for bath conditions.

The second, which is relevant more than the trim of the bath, than to its equipment and furnishings - shelves. Schemes and sizes of bath regiments for parillas of different area and planning are given in Fig.:

As for their design, it is the easiest way to be a set of ordinary lattice lattice trains suitable for bathing breeds. deciduous tree (see above).

Such sun beds are stacked on wooden strips, installed on the walls in the order of their plating, see fig. on right. Such a solution makes it possible to configure the shelves for the need or completely removed for cleaning, sanitary processing or repair.

On the lighting of the bath

According to the rules of TB, the entire bath refers to the premises are particularly dangerous in the degree of damage to electrical and fire hazardous. In such conditions, the total power supply is permissible with a voltage of 12 V and lamps in moisture-proof. All would be good, but the wiring on the same power turns out to be a strong-ground, in a wet heated medium unreliable and unsafe, and the light bulbs quickly burn out. Therefore, in recent times, expensive, but completely safe lightwater illuminators are increasingly used to light up the washing and steam room. In them, the projector lamp illuminates the beam of the light guides, the branches of which are bred by the points of the arrangement of the illuminators. Among other things, the light-water lighting of the bath allows you to get beautiful lighting effects, see Fig.:

From contrary

Well, it turns out, the trim of the bath largely determines pleasure and benefit from it? Why, in this case, do not think for yourself a bathhouse, following the finishing out? True, many bath designers do that. Let's try and we think about yourself a small bathhouse, with a minimum of justified costs for it as much pleasant and beneficial. As a result, it turns out:

  • The foundation is a bandless or columnar with the basement. In terms of the size of the structure in terms of up to 6x6 m, frosty powder forces on ordinary soils practically do not lie down the structure, the bath will simply raise a little over a year and descend.
  • On weak, sedentary and severe soils - a ribbon foundation of a normal blowing.
  • Bath structure - foam blocks on a conventional masonry cement-sand solution.
  • Outdoor finish and thermal insulation - ventilated facade of the front brick of dry molding; Clipping clock, connection with the bearing wall - steel anchors with a deformation bending seam in the seam.
  • Floor - made of larchaeons on lags on the beams of it.
  • Stock made of washer and steambumps through a slit floor scattered into a concrete catcher.
  • Sewing pit - on distance from the structure.
  • Warming - Eco-eyed.
  • Finishing washer and steam room - simpled board Stage.
  • Wood for finishing steam room - linden, cryptomeria, alder, aspen, poplar.
  • Wood for finishing washer - larch, cryptomeria, pine, oak, ash, maple.
  • Finishing the pre-banker and recreation room - by means and desire.
  • (No ratings no)

For modern man The bath is a place of rest, communicating with friends, relaxation, and only then, although this is no less important - a place for hygiene procedures. Bath is great way Psychological unloading, it improves sleep, normalizes pressure, displays slags. Nor shower combined cabins nor jacuzzi And other plumbing delights with all technical progress is not able to shake the wide popularity of the bath.

Interior Design Options in Ban

The classic version of the bath is just three rooms: dressing room (pre-tribades), shower (washing) and a steam room, although in the traditional Russian bath and the steam room can be combined. Everything else - swimming pool (font), rest room, restroom, gaming rooms (Billiards), smoking, kitchen is a matter of personal preferences and financial capabilities of the owners. The interior of the modern bath is the flight of the designer's fantasy with amendment on the specifics and features of the bath.

But still the most popular is the finish in the traditional Russian style - concise, restrained, without obstacle, even a little puritan, utensil objects under ancient, massive table, laying and shops. A little modernity will add television or billiards.

Making the Bath "Under the Starin", in the pre-tribades (rest room) you can make focus on embroidery, wrought items, Wood household items and utensils to decorate carvings, wall decorate various brooms - birch, oak, fragrant herbs ligaments.

Changing the trim of the bath with their own hands, you can consider such an option as banya House. More precisely, the use of a bath as a guest house, when a rest room (pre-tribades) turns into a sleeping. At the same time, guests receive their own, albeit temporary, living space, not constraining the owners and feeling at the same time greasy and more comfortable. And the owners do not have to sacrifice their own habits and comfortable accommodation. To do this, it is worth providing the installation of a sofa that can be transformed into a full-fledged bed.

Bath trim inside: We select materials

For interior decoration, materials must meet the following conditions:

  • resistance to temperature drops, immunity to high temperatures, high humidity and water intake
  • safety - do not cause allergies and burns when contacting human skin, the absence of toxins released from materials under heat
  • hygienic and material should be easily soaked, without joining a reaction with household chemicals
  • durability and durability
  • aesthetics and decorativeness, the finish must not be annoying, pleasant eye.

In this regard, it is practically ideal (especially for the Russian bath) a tree that meets all the specified requirements, an absolutely eco-friendly plus has the properties of aromotherapy. The main thing is to choose to choose a tree grade for each room.


For decoration, the steam fits exclusively wood hardwood wood. Such wood is not late (you can not burn), does not emit resin, as well as, which is very important, even with a small ventilation quickly enhances, without giving the fungus to develop:

  • lipa - attractive outwardly, does not darken over time, it is characterized by low heat capacity and density: it is quickly warming up, but when touched it is impossible to burn. When heated, unobtrusive gentle pleasant fragrance is quite common, therefore it has an affordable price, especially in the southern regions
  • aspen is a traditional material for steam room in the northern regions. Durable wood, it is difficult to split or split, has bactericidal properties
  • alder - aesthetically attractive, it is pleasant to be tactile, resistant to hot and cold water, a pair and condensate, detergent (acidic, alkaline), is easily processed
  • abash - just begins to gain popularity, a tree from African tropics. Especially good such wood for the manufacture of shelves - even with a very large heat, it practically does not heat up, keeping the temperature close to the temperature of the human body. Does not darken under the influence of steam, water and temperatures

The tree can not be painted or lacquered, no matter how high-quality they were - when heated, they will give an unpleasant chemical smell. When installing the self-tapping screw (nails) should be deeply recessed and closed from above - otherwise, heating, they can cause a burn. The lining should be swollen vertically - the water drops formed during condensation will be flown faster. To protect the junction floor And the walls set high plinths from the waterproof material.

A tree, like the material, is perfect in itself, which puts it with the number one in the ware list

"In the bath is frozen - what is born," said in the old days. However, a good oven, shelves from spheres of wood and the opportunity to plunge in cold water is not all. Internal pair design has an important value for comfort. Having attached a little effort and giving will imagination, you will create a bright and cozy bath interior!

How to arrange a steam room and pebbles

Lindenza lining is perhaps the most popular material for the interior decoration of rooms with high temperatures. Pleasant body, fragrant, with a healing effect - it can be better, except, lining with a chasing that imitates various types decorative coatings: Drawing of snake skin, bamboo, etc.

Design wage in eco-style - walls and ceiling, lined with board, and shops - in the "set" to them. Interesting idea For this style bath - wall woodwood indoors. Firewood for the furnace is placed in the form of a panel.

Decorate the room and wall lined with pebbles. It can be separated by the floor in the washing. And if you do not bother, then the design for a bath or hamam can be decorated with a floor of coins.

You wish to save space - it will help the lifting decorated floor: they wanted to wash under the shower - they lay down, they decided to swim - raised.

Design for bath

The feeling of freshness will create a washing design in a beautiful natural style. Wildlife has a powerful soothing effect. Therefore, in one case, the designers used large logs with untreated granite, in the other - tipped from the inside the wall with stone and tiles.

In the rooms of the baths will be appropriate, such design elements like waterfalls from walls. It is possible to monitor them with large seashells instead of traditional mixers.

Fans of minimalism and new life of old things in design for Bani will have to soul shower from a large garden leak.

If there is no place for the pool, you can cool after the steam room. Fortunately, it is easy to make it with your own hands, from an ordinary barrel.

Will help "stand out the style" of a simple barrel

And comfortable furniture from them - in the pre-banker.

The original can be the floor. The cork coating with a "straw" pattern is more suitable for the bathroom interior in the style of Country. In addition to this floor, you should take the bale of straw as a coffee table (the idea of \u200b\u200bthe transfer of Fazenda). Another interesting solution for the floor is a drawing of boards and refractory bricks.

For unusual bath - The same doors made of natural materials - wooden, in style rustic house. And here are the windows of the portholes will prompt how to use spare parts from the old washing machine.

Lighting and accessories

The best lamp for the interior inside the bath is created with your own hands. The chandelier in the form of a stork nest, excess in the house, looks unusually and original. Materials: Bouquet Frame, Folded Decorative Straw Rafia With Wire. Natural horns decorated under the luminaire - too suitable option For natural style.

If you prefer something more timely, you need to choose such lamps hidden under the "cut-off" tables of interior decoration. Old Tazik as a chandelier in the shower - another innovative solution.

Romantic mood we create with the help of the use of candles. But for the bathrooms it is necessary to make a special design. Something again basic or trough and midnight.

In general, the basin in the bath is a universal subject. It is worth making such "shelves" for storing bath brooms, towels and other bath accessories. There is a steaming application and wooden pallets is a good solution for the main house.

Wicker baskets are also gorgeous to design a bath: big usually go to the floor in the camp of the tables, small on the wall.

From "warm" natural materials You can make the most different decor, which will be appropriate in the bath and sauna: boxes woven with grass, cane, rattan, ferns, corn, lapties and other items that hang along the walls and are packed.

The best hanger for bathrobes will be products from branches or small stones as hooks.

Bath: The interior in Russian style

The interior of the Russian-style steam will look over, if you add it with decorative accessories. The room can be placed by bathing brooms, embroidered curtains, wood products - statuette, spoons, mirrors, wood-free clocks that are not afraid of humidity and help allocate enough time for important procedures.

Quickly decorate the walls, look great and fill the placement of tapestries from the aromas medical herbs, moss and root. They can weaken using the device for manual weaving - Birdish.

In addition to aesthetic value, herbal mats and tapestries perform an important healing function. The bathing rug from the ventricular bark not only decorates, but also helps from skin diseases and sweating of legs, relieves inflammatory processes. Pijmas towel as a compress in the bath is the main folk remedy With pain in the joints. Applied to the head, it removes pain and helps get rid of dandruff. Cloths from nettles increase vitality. Tapestries from several types of herbs (wormwood, peppermint, yarrow, St. John's wort, a donor drug, etc.) are not only the magnificent elements of the bath design, but also purify the human body from harmful microbes and have a tonic or soothing effect.

How to issue a bath

Herbal products woven on Birdish, durable and durable. The only condition - they should not fall on them sunlight. The natural aroma of tapestries can be strengthened by sprinkling them with water. With the same purpose they are hanging in the pair.

Useful decoration for baths and saunas - decorative design jars with sea salt and colored sand. If you look at, then you can see the drawing of mountains, sky and deserted beaches. And when you nourind this decor, you can use it as a scrub.

The more shades of salt and sand you will have, the more interesting the "landscapes" will look. From large salt and sand painting in banks are worse.

Ideas for bath

They will make the interior of the bath or sauna and the little things,: a portrait doll on a wire frame, houses that protect hosts, humorous hats in which so nice to steam.

Suitable for the decor of the bathhouse toys from a scroll or straw. We propose to make a symbol of the upcoming year - goat. And even with each visit to the steam room, she gives you a new portion of good luck, health and a lot of happiness! Lung to you a couple!

At Forumhouse, you will find the ideas of the participants of our portal that will help you create. You can also find out what the real bath looks like: to get acquainted with a virtual excursion on one of the outstanding baths of Moscow in RUS's style and its surroundings and an invaluable material on theory and in our video you will find more ideas

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