Roof for a bath rafters for a gable roof. Do-it-yourself installation work on the construction of the bath roof

Decor elements 25.06.2019
Decor elements

At the final stage of construction bath complex the roof is erected on the bath with their own hands. If we build a roof for a bathhouse with our own hands, then before carrying out all the work, you should study in detail the technology and nuances of installing roof structures. After completing the construction of the roof of the bath with your own hands, you can begin to finish the building both outside and inside.

In order for the ceiling of the bathhouse not to leak and retain heat well in the room, the process of installing the roof on the building should be given Special attention. Subject to all the requirements of the instructions for erecting the roof of the bath with your own hands, it will allow you to operate the structure long time without resorting to repairs.

In order to properly build the roof of the bath with your own hands, you must comply with all building codes and regulations. Such a roof must have high-quality steam, heat and waterproofing.

Before installation work the installation process should be studied in detail. This will avoid the occurrence of errors and will make it possible to reduce the cost of building a bath complex, since it will not be necessary to involve a construction specialist for the installation of the roof.

The roof of the bath complex is quite easy to mount on your own, for this purpose a person must have a certain level of knowledge in the field of construction and have skills in handling metalwork and carpentry tools.

To date, the most popular options for building a bath are the use of timber, logs and frame structures. Each of these types of buildings has features in the process of installing a roof structure.

Bath roofing

In order to properly build, you should study in detail the design options for this building element. The roof of any building, including the building of the bath complex, consists, depending on the type, of certain standard structural elements.

The composition of the structure of any roof includes the following structural elements:

  • rafter system;
  • crate;
  • heat, steam and vapor barrier systems;
  • roofing.

Depending on the design features, the following types of roofs are distinguished:

  • lean-to;
  • gable;
  • hip;
  • tent;
  • multi-forceps;
  • attic.

In addition, any of the types of roof construction may have its own characteristics, due to the preferences and desires of the building owner.

Most often used in the construction of baths. Experts recommend building this particular type of roof during the construction of baths, since it is the most convenient option. Availability free space under the erected roof allows you to equip a small attic. In this case, the attic space can be used to store bath and other equipment.

The advantage of a gable roof is the absence of precipitation accumulations that can accumulate on other types of roofs in winter period of the year. On a gable roof, snow slides off the surface under its own weight.

A shed type of roof is used very rarely in the construction of bath complexes.

Installation of a gable roof of the bath complex

Because gable roof is the most popular, so you should consider in more detail how to build a gable roof for a bath with your own hands.

To date, there are 2 installation systems for a gable roof:

  1. Hanging rafter system. Fastening truss system of this type is carried out with one side to the body of the building, and the second side is fixed between two opposite sections of the rafters.
  2. Inclined rafters. This type of structure is more stable, since the elements of the structure are additionally held by a post located in the center.

A gable roof is the most preferred option for creating a do-it-yourself roof for frame bath, since the design provides self-cleaning of the surface of the roof slopes from accumulating precipitation, which significantly reduces the pressure exerted on the building. This effect is achieved due to the fact that the gable roof has a large angle of inclination of the roofing planes.

By design, a gable roof represents several isosceles triangles of the same size and shape, which are evenly spaced along the entire building. The top of the structure is called the ridge. The transverse beam, to which the top of the rafters is fixed, is called the crossbar. The crossbar gives strength to the structure and fastens individual rafters into a single structure. The strength of the entire structure depends on the size of the step between the rafters.

The fastening of the rafters at the top of the walls of the building is carried out after the installation of the ceiling beams is completed.

Installation of load-bearing roof structures consists of the following steps:

  • fastening the Mauerlat to the wall of the building;
  • roof truss assembly;
  • installation of two farms at different ends of the building;
  • installation of the remaining roof trusses along a specially stretched cord.

After the completion of the installation work on the installation of the supporting structures of the roof, they begin to fix the lathing, the installation of layers of steam, hydro and heat insulating materials. Upon completion of these works, the installation of roofing material is carried out.

Carrying out the installation of the crate

After completion of installation work on the installation of roof rafters, the installation of the crate is carried out.

When installing this structural element, you should pay attention to a number of requirements that must be met during the work. These requirements are as follows:

  1. The boards that make up the crate are stuffed, starting from the ridge, and gradually move to the lower part of the structure.
  2. The crate can be solid or with gaps. The choice of type of construction depends on the roofing material used.
  3. The ends of the stuffed boards should protrude beyond the ends of the trusses that form the basis of the pediments by approximately 18-20 cm. Such a protrusion of the roof over the pediments protects the pediment from the adverse effects of atmospheric factors and is called the pediment cornice.

A solid crate is best used when using roll-type roofing materials. A solid crate is also recommended for use when covering the roof with metal tiles and slate. The gaps in such a crate should not exceed 10 mm.

When used as a roofing material sheet iron, asbestos-cement slate or bituminous sheet the distance between the boards of the crate can be 18-25 cm.

After fixing the crate to load-bearing structure roofs go to the installation of steam, hydro and thermal insulation.

Installation of steam and waterproofing insulation

Before erecting a roof, many owners think about questions about how to do it right and what building materials are best to use. For mounting roofing roofing material and membrane film can be used as a vapor and waterproofing material. The roofing material is mounted on the rafters in 2 layers, this provides a high degree of protection of the load-bearing structures from the effects of negative atmospheric factors.

If a membrane film is used, then it can perform the functions of both waterproofing and thermal insulation material because it has a low heat transfer rate.

For quality performance established material the film must be laid on the truss structure and fixed with construction tape.

The new strip must overlap the previous strip. It is forbidden to stretch the film on truss structures. The stretching of the film can contribute to the occurrence of damage during the deformation of the lumber from which the truss structures are assembled. Deformation of structures is possible when the rafter system is heated or cooled.

In the process of insulating the roof of the bath with your own hands, you should pay attention to some important nuances process.

These nuances are as follows:

  1. Insulation of the roof of the building is recommended to be carried out using mineral wool. This material is durable, non-flammable and retains heat well.
  2. When implementing roof insulation, it is not recommended to use foam. This building material is capable of releasing harmful volatile chemical compounds.
  3. The thickness of the insulation used must be at least 100 mm.
  4. A layer of waterproofing is laid on top of the insulation layer.

The last layer laid on roofing cake, is a finishing material. The choice of building material for finishing the attic space depends on financial condition homeowner and his preferences.

After the installation of heat, steam and waterproofing is completed, the installation of the roofing material is carried out directly.

For installation of a roof it is possible to use any roofing building material. The choice of roofing material depends entirely on the financial condition of the owner of the bath and the availability of this or that material in free sale.

Carrying out the finishing of the gables

After completing the installation work on the installation of roofing building materials, you can begin to finish the roof gables. load-bearing frame gables are the extreme truss trusses. To finish the plane of the gables on the roof trusses, wood bars with a size of 50x50 or 40x40 mm are stuffed. These bars form the crate of the pediment.

Closing the gable plane is carried out using finishing material. Lining can serve as a building material for finishing work. Sheathing of the frontal plane should be carried out with a margin, which provides a protrusion of the finishing material beyond the plane of the pediment at a distance of 20-25 mm.

Depending on the wishes of the owner of the bath, the pediments can be sewn up with finishing building materials both in the horizontal and vertical directions. Sheathing of the pediment with clapboard is carried out using self-tapping screws or nails.

Using clapboard made from wood offers some benefits to the homeowner. The fact is that wood is environmentally friendly. pure material, and when it is used, toxic chemical compounds are not released into the surrounding space.

However, it should be remembered that before using this material, it should be treated with special chemical compounds that prevent fire and damage to the material under the influence of negative atmospheric factors.

Being natural material, the lining may suffer from an excess of moisture, therefore, in order to prevent the destruction of the building material used for finishing, it is required, after installation, to treat the pediment with a paint and varnish composition that has water-repellent properties. The compositions used to create protective coating on the surface of the lining, are unstable, which requires regular processing of the surface of the gable. The regularity of processing should be 1 time in 2 years.

Carrying out regular processing increases the cost of operating the facility. The service life of a pediment made from a lining that has not been processed is about 5 years, in contrast to a pediment treated with an antiseptic, flame retardant and paint, the normal service life of which can be 15-20 years. In addition to lining, siding can be used for finishing work.

Bath - an indispensable extension country houses. None of the most modern baths or showers cannot replace a bath, these are not only rooms for taking water procedures and improve health, but also a place for mental relaxation.

The rafter fastening algorithm is largely determined by the type of truss system. The bath in the vast majority of cases is small. Such parameters, on the one hand, simplify and reduce the cost of the truss system, and on the other hand, limit the choice various options her arrangement. Currently, the following types of roofs and truss systems are most often used for baths.

Table. Types of truss systems for a bath.

Type of truss systemBrief performance indicators

Such roofs are mounted on baths with a length of no more than 6 m, if the dimensions exceed these parameters, then the rafter legs have to be increased, and this has Negative influence on the strength and reliability of the system. The angle of inclination of the slopes is approximately 25 °, it is possible to equip a fairly spacious attic space. The farm is assembled from two rafter legs.

The simplest rafter system, the length of the bath does not exceed 4 m. Rafter at one end rests directly on the wall or Mauerlat, and the other on a specially constructed frame. The angle of inclination of the slope is not less than 12°. The disadvantage of a shed roof is the minimum amount of attic space.

There are quite a few ways to fasten rafters, each master determines the decision on the spot, while taking into account the features of the structure, the wishes of the developers and the qualifications of the performer. But the most important factor influencing the final decision is the chosen method of fixing the truss system should be as reliable as possible.

Ways of fastening rafters on a gable roof of a bath

Such a roof is a little more complicated than a single-pitched one, but it has undeniable advantages, in connection with this, gable options are used most often. The rafter system can be hanging (the ends of the legs rest against the beams ceiling) or layered (rafter legs rest against the upper crown of the log house or Mauerlat). In baths made of foam concrete blocks or other masonry materials, for a layered rafter system, it is necessary to make a reinforcing belt around the perimeter and install a Mauerlat. This greatly complicates the construction process, the method is used quite rarely. How are the rafters attached to the main nodes?

Professional builders in all cases recommend reinforcing the structures of truss systems with additional supports and braces.

What and how many reinforcing elements to use during the fixation of the rafters, the professional chooses on the spot. For example, consider several options for attaching rafters to the bath.

Video - Rafter fastening technology

Fixing rafter legs on a foam block bath

The rafter legs in such baths are attached to the Mauerlat installed on the reinforcing belt. Accordingly, you need to start work with pouring the reinforcing belt and installing the Mauerlat.

  1. Along the entire perimeter of the room on the walls, install the formwork for pouring concrete. For formwork, you can use edged boards about 20 mm thick, the boards are fixed to the foam blocks with ordinary nails. The force of the concrete is insignificant, there should be no deformation of the formwork. Align the upper edges of the formwork horizontally in level.

The construction of a roof for a bath is one of the last stages of construction, which is designed to protect the building from climatic influences. The roof of the bath can give the building a personality, but most often, it is simple design, which can be made with your own hands.

Finished project of a bath with a gable roof

For those who wondered how to build a bath roof, it is necessary to carefully study all the nuances of construction, and then the bath will not only become an ornament personal plot, but will also allow you not to be afraid for comfort when taking water procedures.

The bath roof consists of two main elements:

  1. The truss system, which is the power part of the roof.
  2. Flooring, which is intended for the installation of protective elements (insulating and roofing materials).

It is worth noting that some baths are built with an attic or attic. The presence of this element is optional, because there are options for the execution of baths with flat roofs without usable space under the roof. Whatever bath is planned on the site, it is most likely that it will have a shed or gable roof.

The project of a wooden bath with a pitched roof

In addition, there are options for roofs with four slopes, as well as more complex options with numerous fractures.

Surely those who are thinking about how to make a bathhouse roof with their own hands are tormented by a choice: which is better, shed roof for a bath or gable. We will figure out in which cases one or another option will be preferable.

Roof slope angle

As a rule, the angle of inclination of the slopes is in the range of 2.5 - 60 degrees. Steeper slopes contribute to better removal of precipitation from the roof surface. However, you should carefully consider the choice of high structures if construction is carried out in an area for which strong gusts of wind are the norm.

Scheme of the construction of a gable roof for a bath

For the steppe area, with a characteristic strong wind and little rainfall in winter, it is best to build flat roof frame bath. V northern regions, which are characterized by the loss of a large amount of snow, best for baths will do high roof with a slope angle of 45 degrees. It should be noted that with an increase in the height of the roof, the cost of the structure being built, as well as the complexity of its installation, also increases.

Roof base

The support for the gable roof structure is the top floor or mauerlat, fixed at the top of the building. Mauerlat is usually mounted on brick walls and walls of various blocks. When installing a roof wooden baths from a profiled beam or log house, recesses are provided in the upper crown of the structure for mounting floor beams.

An example of a roof base for a bath from a bar

It is worth noting that floor beams can go beyond the boundaries of the log house, however, there is a rule: a beam that extends more than half a meter must rest on a reinforcing structure or pillar.

The construction of baths with a shed type of roof suggests that the roof frame will be held on walls with different heights.

In order to fix the truss trusses on such a structure, it is necessary to use girders and rafters.

Methods for mounting rafters

The rafter is a link in the truss structure, which rests on the Mauerlat or the upper crown, depending on which bath is being built: from brick and aerated concrete blocks, or from profiled timber and a log house. Taking on the load of the roof, the rafters work on compression and bending.

In order to assemble the structure with your own hands, you can purchase finished parts or make them yourself from the following material:

Installation of a truss truss will be simple if you use ready-made parts or material from a bar or board. To fasten the elements, you can use self-tapping screws or nails.

Let's analyze what the rafters can be, and what fit better Total:

Gable roof truss

The farm is the same rafters installed at a certain distance. The resulting structure is necessary for the location of roofing material, insulation, as well as other types of insulation on it. insulating coatings(waterproofing, vapor barrier). Usually the roof is made in the form of an isosceles triangle. The presence of overlays, struts, beams and other parts necessary to strengthen the roof will depend on how complex the design of the future roof will be and what the pitch of the rafters will be.

It is possible to assemble a roof truss on the ground.

It should be noted that assembling the structure directly on the floor is not so convenient and carries a certain danger.

The disadvantage of assembling a roof truss on the ground is the need to transport it upstairs, which will entail unnecessary expenses in the form of renting special equipment.

Various truss designs for a bath roof

Will the choice be made in the direction of safety or in the direction of economy Money to decide for everyone. However, if the construction of a frame bath, exactly like the construction of other types of baths (from blocks, bricks), is done by hand, it is best to choose a safer option.

For the convenience of building a roof, it is recommended to make a template. In this case, all elements of the farm will be completely identical. The template is made as follows: two rafters are fastened at the top point, and their lower points are placed on a support and fixed with a crossbar.

After installing two roof trusses at opposite ends of the bath, a level is stretched between them. At this level, the rest of the elements are set with a certain step. It is very important to observe the vertical installation of the rafters, for this it is best to use plumb lines.

Installation of roofing material on the truss system

Shed roof truss

In cases where the distance between the supports of a shed roof is less than four and a half meters, additional support posts are not used. Rafters are recommended to be laid at a distance of half a meter from each other. For reliable fastening of truss trusses, in the Mauerlat, on the one hand, and in the beam on the other, a groove is cut out, with the expectation that the rafters go there tightly. Rafters can extend beyond the perimeter of the building by 500 mm, thereby creating cornices.

The roof sheathing can be made using timber or boards. Depending on what type of roofing material will be used, the section of the material for the crate and the step of its installation are selected. Soft roof involves the installation of crates with gaps of one centimeter.

Schemes of truss trusses of shed roofs for a bath

If applied sheet material, then you can save on the crate, because the gap between its individual parts can be up to half a meter. Installation of the lathing should begin with the roof ridge, followed by advancement to the cornices using self-tapping screws or screws.

The construction of baths involves the arrangement of the roof, the options for its creation may be different, but provided that one of them corresponds to this structure. The question of which bath roof design is preferable in this particular case worries many owners of private households, especially when the work is done on their own.

Bath usually on the backyard or suburban area they build it on their own, so you need to know not only how to make a roof, but also how to properly waterproof it and lay a heat-insulating layer, which roofing materials to prefer and other aspects of solving the problem. The fact is that the ceilings on this building have significant differences from the roofs on buildings for other purposes: the main load on its supporting structure is created from the inside of the room, and not from the outside.

As you know, humidity and temperature regime in the bath during the adoption of procedures are significantly increased and therefore a large number of couple gets into attic space, after which it settles on the elements of the roof structure.

What are the roofs for baths

To help make a decision on how to make a roof for a bath, a construction project and applicable domestic building codes can help. First of all, when choosing the type of roof, take into account technical specifications buildings.

An important factor is the type of area where construction works:

  • a simple bathhouse near a residential building is usually built with a gable roof, such as in the photo;
  • if in the region winter time significant precipitation is observed, then roofs with a large angle of inclination are chosen, but not more than 45 degrees. Such a structural solution allows the snow mass not to linger on the roof, and it rolls down;
  • in the steppe or forest-steppe natural area, where there are frequent gusts strong wind, the choice is stopped at minimum slope, thanks to which the roof structure has such aerodynamic properties that allow avoiding heavy loads on it;
  • in the case when the building is attached to a residential building, the problem of how to make the roof of the bath is simply solved - it is created shed in accordance with technical specifications at home (detailed: "").

The period of its operation without repair or restoration will depend on which roof arrangement option is chosen and the material for its creation, how reliably the installation work is performed. Multi-pitched roofs have the most presentable appearance, they have a more complex structure and they provide the building with an original look. But they are not always a reasonable solution, since they are expensive for the owners.

Features of creating bath roofs

Each of the options for how to make a roof in a bath has its own characteristics and advantages. So the presence of an attic space improves appearance buildings and ensures the creation of effective thermal insulation, and this factor is very important, since the bath is most often used in the cold season.

Regarding what material is best in the bath, it depends on its slope. Using metal roofing this parameter should be approximately 20 degrees, and if a slate is to be created, then about 30 degrees. Roll coating requires the roof slope to be within 5 degrees.

In the absence of an attic, the slope, regardless of the roofing material used, cannot be more than 10 degrees.

Rafter system for the roof of the bath

Before making the roof of the bath, it is necessary to equip a supporting truss structure for it, consisting of separate trusses. They also carry out the crate and select the material for laying on the roof.

In the upper part of the strapping there are floor beams. Before that, to support the legs of the truss system, a beam called a Mauerlat is mounted. At the same time, special nests are made in the walls of the building, which are necessary to comply with the strictly horizontal arrangement of the floor beams, which are produced outside the outer perimeter of the bath. The size of the release is regulated depending on the design solution, but if it is more than 50 centimeters, the installation of support poles will be required.

Before you put the roof on the bath, before fixing the rafter trusses to the required places, you need to make sure that they are fully consistent with each other. To do this, you can put them all in one pile, and if there are deviations, it is desirable to correct such elements, and, if necessary, redo them. Otherwise, if the imperfections are not eliminated, the reliability of the truss structure will be violated.

After that, on the overlapping beams or on the Mauerlat, the corresponding markup is performed. It is possible, to give greater reliability, to nail the trimmings of the bars in such a way that the supporting parts of the rafter legs are located in the space between the trimmings. This method of installing the truss system allows you to significantly speed up the work and prevent errors and miscalculations in the size and location of trusses.

How to insulate the ceiling in the bath, in detail on the video:

At the same time, front trusses are attached to the center of the roof at a very small angle, which gives the supporting structure the necessary rigidity and allows it to withstand significant wind loads. All other roof trusses are mounted at the same distance, which should be one meter, and fixed in place by stitching with a ridge board.

After the installation of the truss structure is completed, they begin to create a crate, which is made solid or sparse, depending on the roofing material that is decided to be used to cover the roof.

The choice of thermal insulation for the roof of the bath

The choice of the option of how to make a bath roof involves the purchase of high-quality heat-insulating material, since the reliability and strength of the roof is affected by fever from the wig. If not done proper insulation, in winter, the integrity of the roof will be threatened by the formation of condensate, which will certainly cause irreparable damage.

  • the insulation is fixed under the rafter system;
  • thermal insulation is laid on the roof structure;
  • thermal insulation products are placed in the gaps between the trusses. This option is the most preferable because it is easy to implement and requires a minimum of time.

The construction of a bath for permanent operation cannot be performed without roof insulation, because the safety over the course of time depends on this. long period wood materials used. The insulation is laid as close as possible to all planes of the truss structure. Even small holes and cracks are not allowed.

Most often used for insulation mineral wool, which is like construction material excellent thermal insulation characteristics, low price and environmental safety. Some property owners use foam as a heater, which is less often chosen due to its poor environmental friendliness.

In addition to thermal insulation, when creating a roof for a bath building, one must remember to provide hydro and vapor barriers, which provide interior opportunity to "breathe".

As a rule, a private bath in a suburban area is no different large sizes, so the roof for it has not the most complex design. However, despite the apparent simplicity, this design must still be reliable and durable. In addition, we do not forget about the planned functionality of the attic space - it may not be used at all, considered only as an auxiliary, for example, for storing bath utensils and brooms, or in the plans of the owners - to create a quite suitable one where you can fully relax.

Therefore, before deciding how to make a roof for a bath, you need to choose its design. Of course, this is done at the stage of drawing up a construction project. Well, then - you can proceed to the final calculations, and then - directly to the installation work.

There are quite a few roof designs, but gable and gable roofs are most often used to cover the bath. single slope options, less often - broken mansard type rafter system. To figure out which of the designs is more suitable for a particular case, it is necessary to consider their general characteristics.

gable roofs

The most popular design for covering baths is a gable version of the roof, as it has many pronounced advantages. Gable systems can be created with an "inhabited" attic or simply with a cold attic, depending on the desire of the owner of the building. It is worth dwelling on which of the options is more profitable.

  • The roof, under which the arrangement of the attic space is provided, can be called more profitable option structures for the following reasons:

- In the under-roof space, a living room can be equipped. If a bathhouse is being built in a country house, then a residential house and a bathhouse can be placed in the same building - a bathhouse and a bathroom on the first floor, and rest rooms on the second.

- If country house already built, then in the attic of the bath you can make a room for winter storage various garden tools and other necessary for summer holiday and work on the site items.

- If the bath will be used in the winter, then the attic will become additional air insulation layer, which retains heat inside the bath rooms.

- The presence of an equipped attic implies the location of the roof slopes at a large angle, so that the snow masses will not linger on the roof surface.

— On the steep slopes can be laid any roofing material, since there is practically no risk of leakage of such a design.

The disadvantages include the fact that such a project is somewhat more difficult to implement, however, not so much. There will certainly be more materials. Wind loads on the roof will play a much larger role. If it is decided to equip a veranda next to the bath, then, most likely, one of the slopes will have to be broken in order to move to this extension with an already lower angle of roof slope.

  • A gable roof without an attic space is usually chosen in three cases:

- If such a construction is predetermined by the chosen architectural style the buildings.

- If it is planned under one of the slopes, in addition to the bath itself, place a veranda or terrace, and at the same time leave the slope even from the ridge to the cornice, without a break.

- If you plan to install a solar water heating system on the roof -

If we talk about this design, then its characteristics will be directly opposite to the previous version:

- If the bath is being built in a region with snowy winters, then the applied snowdrifts will linger on slopes located at a slight angle.

- For such a roof with pronouncedly small slope angles, there are already quite serious restrictions on the choice of roofing. So, for example, it is not recommended to use as a roofing material soft tiles. Its pronounced rough surface will help retain moisture and wind-blown dirt, which becomes precondition for the appearance of moss colonies, and this will sooner or later lead to leaks. There may be problems with other coatings - each of them has its own limits of use on slopes of small steepness.

- Under a low roof it is impossible to equip either a residential or a normal utility room. At best, you can only fold medium-sized garden tools.

- If leaks occur, it will be much more difficult to find the exact location of damage to the roofing material.

- When using a bath in winter, heat will leave the premises much faster through the ceiling, even if it is insulated, since the "cold" attic in common system thermal insulation cannot take any part.

If the bath is planned to be used only in the warm season, then a low roof is also suitable for it. However, it is necessary to provide a reliable rafter system, since under the pressure of large masses of snow, its elements may not withstand the load.

shed roof

The shed roof has the simplest design, so its truss system is easy to mount. Mainly due to the fact that you don’t have to equip its ridge area - the rafters usually rely on opposite walls different height.

The features of such a design include the following:

- The absence of a warm attic will require effective thermal insulation of the ceiling if the bath is to be used all year round.

- It is convenient to install a solar collector or a tank for natural water heating on a pitched roof.

So, if the bath is small, and there is a special need for attic the owners do not experience, then a shed roof may well become the best option.

Broken mansard roof

A mansard roof is usually made if it is planned to place both a bathhouse and the living quarters of a summer house in the same building. This option, of course, is more difficult in calculations and practical implementation, but in the end it helps to save a lot of money.

It is clear that the attic in without fail needs effective thermal insulation. And this is important even if the cottage is considered only for summer use. Otherwise, in the summer it will be unbearably hot in the upper part of the house, and there will be no comfort of living on attic floor out of the question.

The mansard roof has the most complex construction of all the above truss systems. And yet, very often it can be called the best option, since this approach allows you to save not only money, but also save more free space on the site.

Any roofing material can be used for the attic truss system, since snow can only linger on its upper part, which has small area stingrays. And yet they are best placed at an angle of at least 20 ÷ 25 degrees.

Of course, no one bothers to build over the bath and more complex system roofs - hip, half-hip, hipped. But in this case, this is rather an excess, which, however, can be justified. common style design of this country "estate".

What should be considered when drafting a truss system?

Though There are several suitable designs for the bath roof, the most popular of which is the gable version. Therefore, using the example of this design, it is worth considering those design features that must be taken into account when calculating the truss system.

If a gable roof is chosen, then you need to know that there are two options for arranging it - these are systems with layered and hanging rafters. The choice of one of them depends on the presence of capital partitions inside the structure. If any are present in the project, then a layered version of the truss system is selected. However, given that the structure of the bath usually has a fairly compact size, then hanging can be used to cover it. roof structure, in which the main load from its weight of the entire system falls on the external main walls of the building.

The rafters in the bath, built of timber or logs, are fixed to the upper strapping row. If the walls are raised from bricks or blocks, then along the upper end of the walls, on which the rafters will rest, is fixed wooden beam- Mauerlat.

Due to, in addition to the weight of the roofing with the crate, other, more serious loads will fall on the rafter legs, before ordering or making them yourself, it is necessary to make some calculations of their parameters. And for this, you first need to decide on the angle of the slope of the roof slopes. A lot depends on this parameter - both the length of the future rafter legs, and the loads that fall on the roof, and the tap of the roofing.

It is quite obvious that the angle of inclination of the slopes directly depends on the height of the ridge line, if we assume that the width of the building along the gable wall is known. To make it easier to determine this parameter, you can use the proposed calculator.

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