Projects of bath complexes made of bricks. How to build a brick bath with your own hands using the right technology

Site arrangement 14.06.2019
Site arrangement

Own bath is an indispensable tool for meeting friends and relaxing after a busy day at work. But for many people, turning to construction company for the construction of a turnkey bath - too expensive. And they prefer to build on their own.

This is enough difficult process, which must take into account great amount details. Already at the stage of designing and budgeting a future bath, many questions may arise. We hope that this article will help clarify many of them.

There are no ideal building materials. Brick baths have their pros and cons, which must be considered when choosing a project.


  • long service life. With a reliable foundation and proper operation, a brick bath will last much longer than similar buildings made of wood and other materials;
  • security. A brick building is much better protected from fires than wooden buildings;
  • variety of choice architectural forms. Strength of structural elements brick bath allows you to create buildings of complex configuration, original layouts and roof shapes.

Minuses brick baths also have. Among them:

  • relatively high cost. The construction of a building made of bricks will cost an order of magnitude more expensive than timber or concrete structures;
  • the need for additional thermal insulation.

Choose a project

foundation type

When building baths, three main types of foundation are most common.

foundation typeDescriptionIllustration
Monolithic or prefabricated strip baseUnder internal partitions and along the perimeter of the walls of the building, a reinforced concrete strip is poured, which is subsequently waterproofed and insulated. In the process of building the foundation, the vents necessary for the ventilation of the underground space of the bath are equipped.

ColumnarSupports are installed at points of increased loads - under heavily loaded girders, bearing walls, in the corners of the building. Supports can be made from various materials, namely:

Blocks (buried to the point of permafrost and surface);
concrete poured into a fixed formwork with a reinforced frame inside.

ScrewScrewed into the ground screw piles. Next, heads are installed on them, fit reinforcing cage, strapping from a bar or a concrete grillage is poured.

When building a brick bath, the best choice would be a deep strip foundation. Its construction takes more than one day and is quite expensive, but you can be sure that the foundation will not sag under the weight of massive walls.

Strip foundation under brick bath- a photo
The plan of the trench for the strip foundation - corresponds to the position of the future walls, partitions and the stove of the bath

Video - Strip foundation. Choice and ground rules

Video - Strip foundation - technology

The depth of the foundation and the width of the foundation also play an important role. When determining these parameters, it is necessary to build on the type of soil, climate and wall width. The foundation should be laid below the freezing level of the soil, and to determine its width, it is necessary to take the estimated thickness of the walls and add 10 centimeters on each side.

Downloads - approximate calculations strip foundations of various configurations and areas. The thickness of the tape, the amount of reinforcement, the estimated cost of materials are indicated in the documents.

Wall masonry type

It can be lightweight and solid. With continuous masonry, bricks are laid in at least two rows without voids between them. With a lightweight one, two walls are laid out of bricks, and voids are left between them, which are filled with heat-insulating material (fine slag, basalt wool, etc.).

During the construction of baths, as a rule, a lightweight type of masonry is used, since it allows you to reduce the weight of the walls and, accordingly, the load on the foundation. It is also important that with lightweight masonry, much less brick is consumed.

Tip: solid masonry should be used only in cases where increased structural strength is needed.

The best option for laying walls is silicate brick ( white color). You can also use clay (red). It is more durable, but also more expensive.

NamebrandSizeAppearanceRetail pricePicture
Single solid brickM100250x120x65Ceramic, solid, groovedRUB 10.11
M125250x120x65Ceramic, solid, single, groovedRUB 11.48
M100250x120x65Full bodied, smooth12.55 rub.
M175250x120x65Full bodied, smooth14.12 rub.
M100, M125, M150250x120x65mmFluted19.6 rubles

GOST 530-2012. CERAMIC BRICK AND STONE. General specifications. Download file

Calculation of the number of bricks

To avoid extra expenses, it is necessary to accurately calculate the amount of brick that will be needed for masonry. To do this, first calculate the area of ​​​​the outer and internal walls, then the area of ​​​​all door and window openings and the resulting figure is multiplied by the thickness of the walls.

Also, when calculating the required number of bricks, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the mortar joints and the thickness of the bricks. Beginners often do not take this into account and buy 30-40% more bricks than what is really needed for construction.

Tip: Trying to make these calculations yourself is not necessary at all. On the Internet, you can find building tables and services for calculating the required number of bricks for masonry, taking into account their size and seams.

Video - Building a brick bath with your own hands

Video - A good example of building a brick bath

Location and size of premises

In the most simple projects a bath can consist of just one room in which you can soar, wash, and change clothes. But such options are not very comfortable. Classical Russian baths provide for the presence of three rooms: a dressing room, a steam room and a washing room.

dressing room

This room plays the role of a dressing room. It can also store fuel for the stove (coal, firewood) and bath accessories. Often this room is used as a rest room and, in addition to wardrobes, armchairs, sofas, and a table are installed in it.

Dressing room - wardrobe

According to technical standards, each person in the dressing room should have at least 1.3 square meters of area. And this is not counting the area occupied by boxes with firewood, cabinets, hangers, etc. The recommended area of ​​the dressing room is up to 6 square meters. There should be a window here.

Tip: it is important that the door to the steam room opens towards the dressing room. If the door goes towards the dressing room, it will be easier to open it in an emergency, if someone becomes ill in the steam room.

In this room, according to technical standards, each person should have at least 1.2 square meters of area. As for the washing equipment, it depends on the financial capabilities of the owners of the bath and the total size of the room. Most budget options provide for washing in an ordinary trough or a bowl for dousing. With a large washing room and a sufficient budget, you can install a full-fledged bathtub, a shower cabin and even a small pool in this room. True, in these cases, you will have to bear the additional costs of conducting water supply.

Tip: with sufficient space in the washing room, you can install a special table or trestle bed for massage.

Video - The device of the Russian bath

steam room

This is the main room in the bath. And it is necessary to calculate its dimensions with special care.

HeightIt should not exceed 2.5 meters. Otherwise, the steam will be small and it will be unstable. It is also not recommended to make the ceiling very high, since in this case you will have to spend much more time on kindling.

AreaIt must be determined based on the type of stove and the number of people who will use the bath. If a metal stove is used in the bath, you need to make a steam room a little bigger size than at brick oven. Distance from shelf to metal furnace must be at least 1.25 meters, otherwise there is a risk of getting burned, since these types of stoves heat up the air a lot.

For each person in the steam room there must be at least one square meter of area. And this is without taking into account the area of ​​​​the stove (on average, the stove also occupies about 1 square meter) and the fire-prevention distance to the walls. It turns out that, for example, the area of ​​​​a comfortable steam room for three people should be at least 4.5-5 meters.

Tip: in order to save money, you can close up the spaces under the shelves and thereby reduce the heated volume of the steam room. This will reduce fuel costs. After all, in this case the heated volume of the heated area will decrease, but not to the detriment of the capacity of the room.

Construction and type of furnace

To begin with, it is worth deciding on the material of the future furnace. It can be both brick and metal. Each material has its own advantages.

  • environmentally friendly;
  • durable;
  • They warm up the room well and cool down for a long time.

Metal ovens:

  • heat up faster;
  • are cheaper;
  • have less mass.

Video - How the sauna stove works

It is calculated based on the area of ​​the steam room and its structural elements. First you need to measure the total volume of the heated room. When calculating, it is necessary to take into account heat losses, therefore each square meter surfaces not covered with thermal insulation will add 1.2 cubic meters to the total volume of the steam room, glass door- 1.5 cubic meters. If, for example, a volume of 8 cubic meters was obtained as a result, an 8 kW oven will be needed for the steam room.

Furnace type

The main thing is to decide on the type of heater. It can be either open or closed. Open-hearth stoves heat up very quickly, but cool down just as quickly. The stones in them heat up to 200-250 degrees.

Furnaces with a closed heater heat up for a long time - an average of 2-4 hours. However, they take a long time to cool down. The temperature of the stones in them reaches 400-500 degrees. Also, the advantage of such stoves is that the smoke from them does not penetrate from the steam room into other rooms of the bath.

Video - All about sauna stoves

Where to install the oven

It can be installed both directly in the steam room itself (for example, in the center or in one of the corners), and in the adjacent room, namely the dressing room or shower room (in the latter case, the heater is located in the steam room, and the firebox door is located in another room or even on street). In the steam room, stoves with a shortened fuel channel are installed, in adjacent rooms - with an external fuel channel. It is also necessary to take into account the type of fuel for the furnace. If gas is used for kindling, it is impossible to put the stove in the steam room.

In the center of the steam room, only an electric stove with a wooden protective rim around can be installed, since the use of metal models is fraught with burns for people in the bath.

Location selection

The location of the bath depends on many factors.

The building is preferably located near a reservoir. This is especially true for baths, to which it is not planned to conduct plumbing. At the same time, they should be located so as not to be flooded during the flood, so it is best to place them on a hill.

It is better to place the window on the west side, since in the evening there is much more sun from this side.

The bath should be located on the leeward side of the rest of the buildings so that in the event of a fire the fire does not spread to it. True, for brick buildings this is not as relevant as for wooden ones, but if possible, it is still worth following. this rule. The distance to other buildings must be at least 5 meters. But this rule must be observed, since such a distance is directly indicated in the technical and sanitary standards.

The front door should be located on the south side, since snowdrifts in winter are much less on this side.

Tip: if the area of ​​the site is small, and the owner wants to place several buildings on it (for example, a tool shed, summer kitchen, bathroom), it is better to combine them with a bath. Otherwise, you may not meet the distances between buildings established by technical standards.

Each of the bath rooms is finished differently.

steam room

Of course, this room must be sheathed with wood. But not every breed is suitable. In order not to get burned when touching walls or shelves, preference should be given to species with a minimum wood density that heat up more slowly: maple, aspen, alder, linden, northern pine.

Tip: due to high humidity and temperature changes, the tree will quickly darken. This is quite normal, you do not need to think about repairs, noticing this.

In this room, by definition, there will be maximum humidity, so it is best to tile the floor. Of course, you can also choose wood (preference should also be given to rocks with a minimum density), but no matter how moisture resistant it is and no matter what compositions are processed, gradual darkening is still inevitable.

Advice: ceramic tile does not get damp, but cools quickly, so touching it with bare feet is not very pleasant. Can be installed over tiles wooden pallets, then using the sink will be much more comfortable.

dressing room

Any materials are suitable for finishing this room: lining, stone, tile.

Tip: With a limited budget, there is no need to choose the highest quality materials. The room will have low humidity, room temperature, so even if you decorate the walls with cheap pine clapboard, it will take a long time to make repairs in the room.

thermal insulation

This aspect is very important. After all, if the building does not heat up well, all the titanic work on its construction will be down the drain. It is necessary to start work on the thermal insulation of the bath from the very first stage - the construction of the foundation and the arrangement of the floor in the bath.

Particular attention should be paid to the vapor barrier of the steam room and washing room. Under wood paneling foil insulation is laid (for example, mineral wool) or foil up to 250 microns thick is attached to the insulation layer. Insulate in without fail You need both the walls and the ceiling of the room. To warm the dressing room, you can use not foil, but cheaper kraft paper.

To improve thermal insulation, it is necessary to place windows as low as possible and make high thresholds in the steam room. The area of ​​the window glass is also important. The larger it is, the greater the heat loss. Therefore, the project should not provide for large windows. Determining their size is very simple. The window area in the bath should not exceed 5% of the floor area. And of course, all the cracks in them should be caulked, and the frames should be tightly fitted to the bindings.

Advice. Double glazed windows will also help reduce heat loss.


In traditional baths in white, an equipped ventilation system is required. supply and exhaust type(with forced or natural circulation). It includes an outlet for air flow and exhaust holes. Air inlets are best placed under the bottom of the stove so that the air heats up faster. The exhaust duct is located just below the ceiling. If the stove is located in a steam room, the exhaust duct must be located at the maximum distance from it. In large steam rooms with powerful stoves, two exhaust channels can be made.

Tip: It is necessary to place special dampers on the outlets in order to control the air flow in the steam room.

Video - Do-it-yourself ventilation in the bath

Starting the construction of a brick bath, first of all, you should choose a brick bath project to your liking. There are a lot of planning options, everyone can choose something in accordance with their financial capabilities and the size of the plot for construction.

Small brick bath 3x3

Material such as brick is used in construction quite often, because it allows you to save money, and the construction of a brick bath will turn out to be cheaper than from a solid bar, so brick bath projects are chosen as the cheapest option.

Small brick bath 3x3 (project)

The bath is small and suitable for a small suburban area where there are no high requirements for buildings. Such a project will be easy to implement on your own even for a person without serious experience in construction.

This low budget project includes:

  • Construction use strip foundation. Under the brick walls fit better Total.
  • One window in the washing room. In principle, you can do without it - then the construction will become even easier.
  • You can choose any bath roof device, but we recommend ondulin material - this is an inexpensive and modern material.

A small project of a 6x4 brick bath

This bath includes three rooms: a relaxation area, a steam room and a shower area.

Bath 6x4 - floor space

Each room has a window, which will save electricity during daylight hours. It is recommended to place window openings in the washing room and steam room at the level of a person’s head. When organizing the roof according to the project, you can provide for a small canopy, which will be very useful if you like to sit after a bath with friends.

In the photo - a 3D picture of the bath, designed in a special program

Choose finished projects from brick for your dacha

What is the most popular brick bath project today?

On the Internet today you can easily download any projects of baths for free, most of them good quality and made with care.

Currently, brick baths are built using three technologies:

  1. When erecting walls, air gaps from 4 to 6 cm are left in them for thermal insulation.
  2. First, a brick wall is erected, and only then it is sheathed with insulation from the inside.
  3. A wall of two brick rows is being erected - external and internal. Thermal insulation material is poured between them.

From the inside, in all projects, a lining for a bath is used - the walls are upholstered with it.

But the brick has a higher thermal conductivity, so the projects of brick baths should provide good thermal insulation in order to keep the generated heat as long as possible. It is necessary to insulate not only the walls, but also the ceiling in the bath, and the warm floor in the bath will also help save heat.

A significant proportion of heat loss often occurs in the window area. Experts do not recommend saving on the quality of these elements and, when designing, they advise to think over their installation in advance.

Another brick bath project can be viewed on the video:

Traditionally, it is considered that the best bath- from a classic tree, but today it is increasingly giving way to a more alternative option - a brick steam room. This trend is dictated by the many advantages of brick, which make it very attractive for building a bath. But, of course, there are also disadvantages that must be considered. That is why, if you decide to build a brick steam room with your own hands, it will definitely not be superfluous for you to find out the features of the material, as well as get acquainted with phased technology construction and photos - all this will help you most successfully implement your own bath project.

Pros and cons of a brick bath

You can’t decide in any way whether you should build a brick steam room or not? The advantages and disadvantages of this material will help to determine.

  • brick has a high fire resistance, therefore it is much more fireproof than classic materials for a bath;
  • using a brick, you can bring to life architectural project almost any configuration, so if you want to build a non-standard steam room, the material will allow you to realize your plan;
  • brick is very durable, so the bath will serve you for several decades.

Country bath made of bricks

  • a brick is characterized by a high heat capacity, which is why such a bath is melted longer than a wooden one;
  • the material has low vapor conductivity, therefore, if you do not take care of high-quality vapor barrier, it will absorb moisture and become damp;
  • a good brick is not cheap, so the construction of such a dacha will be more expensive than the construction of a traditional steam room made of wood.

If for you the advantages of a brick bath outweigh its disadvantages, we proceed to construction.

Foundation laying

The foundation for a brick bath is laid according to the following scheme:

  • Dig along the perimeter of the future pair of pegs - they will be your guides in your work.
  • Dig a pit at least 1 m deep.
  • Fill the hole with sand 20 cm and carefully tamp.
  • Lay a 10-15 cm layer of crushed stone on top of the sand.

Advice. In order for the crushed stone to grab well, it can be pre-mixed with a small amount of cement mortar.

  • Place a layer of sand again, followed by another ball of rubble.
  • Lay the formwork on the resulting “pie” and fix it with a reinforcing cage.
  • Fill the pit with cement mortar and level it with a rule.
  • When the cement dries, lay out the plinth of two or three rows of bricks. In the very top row, leave two holes for ventilation: 15x15 cm in size from two opposite sides. You also need to leave holes for water supply and sewerage.

Foundation laying

Building walls and roofs

For the construction of walls, red brick should be used. It is easy to determine the required amount of material: divide the area of ​​​​the bath box (the total height and total width of the walls multiplied by each other) by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe selected brick.

Advice. When calculating, add 5% to the resulting indicator in case there are broken bricks in the batch.

There are two ways to lay bricks:

  1. The first one is single row. The so-called chain system, according to which the bricks are alternately laid across and along. This masonry is quite difficult to perform, but allows you to build very strong walls.
  2. The second is multi-row. Such a scheme provides for the alternation of one transverse brick with five longitudinal ones. Its main advantage is significant savings material. But in terms of strength, the multi-row method is inferior to the single-row method.

To bond the bricks, prepare a mortar of cement, lime, sand and water. It should be plastic, but not liquid. The optimal thickness of the solution layer is 10 mm.

The construction of the walls of the bath

After the walls, proceed to the construction of the roof:

  • lay rafters or logs on the brick walls - the base of the roof;
  • fill the crate on the base;
  • fix on the crate roofing material: corrugated board, metal tile, slate.

Waterproofing and vapor barrier

When the main construction work is completed, proceed to the hydro and vapor barrier. They can be carried out in two ways: painting and pasting.

The painting option involves covering all the internal surfaces of the bath with various coating materials: bituminous mastics, acrylic suspensions, epoxy resins, rubber gels - all these compounds are able to provide a brick building good protection from moisture.

The pasting method involves covering surfaces with roll or panel insulators. The most commonly used roofing material and foil polyethylene foam. They are either glued to the work surface, or fixed with wooden slats. Seams and corners are sealed with special aluminum tape.

Important! Before using roll or tile insulators, all the cracks of the bath must be covered with bituminous mastic.

You can also combine these two methods - stick roofing material or polyethylene foam directly on the coating material.

Bath insulation

After waterproofing, the bath needs to be insulated. Start with the walls:

  • fill the crate on the waterproofing layer;
  • fill the spans of the crate with thermal plates;
  • fix the fiberglass on the crate with a stapler, and then lay the foil on top.

Bath heater

Warming the floor of the bath can be done as follows:

  • lay foam or foam boards on top of the waterproofing;
  • fix a metal mesh on the plates;
  • pour a thin layer of concrete on top.

As for the insulation of the ceiling, here you can use both the already mentioned foam boards and mineral wool or foiled fiberglass:

  • fill the crate on the surface of the ceiling and fill it with insulation;
  • cover the insulation with foil and plywood.

Important! Before insulating the ceiling, the crate and plywood must be treated with antiseptics.

And now you can start interior decoration steam room.

Thus, building a brick bath with your own hands requires a lot of time and effort, but this is an absolutely feasible task. Follow the instructions, thinking through each stage of construction, and then you can get a full-fledged steam room even without professional help.

Do-it-yourself foundation for a bath: video

Brick bath: photo

There is an opinion that best material for the construction of a bath - a tree that has been used for these purposes for several hundred years. But in our time, its monopoly is absolutely unjustified, because there are a lot of no less worthy alternatives. And one of them is a brick, using which you can implement almost any design with your own hands. original project baths. Of course, this idea will be successful only if you familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of the material in advance, and also study the instructions for building a bath with a photo - this is what we propose to do next.

Advantages and disadvantages of a brick bath

To have a complete picture of the features of a brick bath, it is important to know the fundamental pros and cons of this building material. Let's start with the benefits:

  • increased resistance to fire - brick is significantly superior to traditional materials for a bath in terms of fire safety;
  • durability - the service life of a brick bath can sometimes be above 50 years;
  • environmental friendliness - bricks are made from different types natural raw materials, so the material is absolutely safe for humans;

Brick - eco-friendly material, therefore suitable for the construction of a bath

  • wide architectural possibilities - brick allows you to build not only standard "boxes", but also baths of complex configurations.

Cons of brick baths:

  • increased heat capacity - it takes much more time to heat a brick steam room than to heat a wooden structure;
  • high hygroscopicity - the brick quickly absorbs moisture, so if you do not perform hydro and vapor barrier, the building will become damp;
  • high cost - brick is by no means a cheap material, so building a bath from it will be quite expensive.

Let's move on to considering the construction technology of a brick bath, conditionally dividing this process into three group stages.

Stage 1: Laying the foundation

The first thing you need to take care of is a high-quality deep foundation that can withstand a heavy brick structure:

  • Mark the future base and dig pegs around its perimeter to mark the working boundaries.
  • Dig a pit - its depth should not be less than 1 m.

Advice. If the site is located on clay soil, the foundation depth should be 1.5 m or more.

  • Arrange a pillow of sand and gravel at the bottom: first, pour 15 cm of sand, moisten the layer with water and compact it well, then pour a layer of rubble on top - no more than 15-20 cm, and then lay one ball of sand and gravel again. After that, perform the final tamping of the resulting "pie".
  • Mount wooden formwork, and then install a fixing frame of reinforcing bars on the base.
  • cook cement mortar and carefully fill the foundation with it, leveling the layers with the rule.

Bath foundation

After the cement has hardened, build a base - two or three rows of bricks will be enough. Next, the vapor barrier of the foundation is performed. To do this, lay two layers of roofing material on the cement base. The last step is the arrangement of holes for plumbing, ventilation and sewerage.

Stage 2: Construction of walls and roof

There are many ways to install brick walls but if you are doing construction work For the first time, pay attention to two more or less simple options:

  1. Single-row masonry: one brick is installed across, one - along. Such a masonry system is called a chain. It requires some skill, but the complexity of execution is fully justified by the solidity and strength of the walls being built.
  2. Multi-row masonry: one brick is installed across, five - along. Such a system makes it possible to significantly save on building materials and reduces laying time. But in terms of strength, it is somewhat inferior to the single-row version.

brick laying

Whatever method of laying you choose, to connect the bricks you will need to prepare a cement mortar with the addition of sand, lime and water. The mixture should be plastic, but not very liquid, so that it does not spread over the material.

Advice. For high-quality fixation of bricks, lay the cement mortar with a layer of 7-10 mm.

When you finish with the walls, proceed to the construction of the roof. First you need to lay logs or rafters on the upper trim of the walls - they will serve as the base of the roof. Then fill the crate on the installed base, and fix the roof on it with self-tapping screws: sheets of slate, metal tiles or corrugated board. Do not forget to leave a special hole for the chimney.

Stage 3: Waterproofing and insulation

In order for your brick bath to be complete and functional, it needs to be waterproofed and insulated with high quality.

Waterproofing can be carried out in two ways:

  • Painting - the internal surfaces of the structure are carefully treated with coating waterproofing compounds: bituminous mastic, rubber compounds or epoxy resins.
  • Pasting - surfaces are faced with panel or roll materials: sheets of roofing felt or foil polyethylene foam. As a fixative, either adhesives or adhesives can be used. wooden slats with self-tapping screws.

Internal arrangement of the bath

Warming is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Walls: a crate is stuffed onto the surface, its spans are filled with insulation, and then the structure is covered with fiberglass and foil.
  • Floors: insulation is laid on the surface, it is fixed on top with a metal mesh and poured with a thin layer of cent.
  • Ceiling: a crate is mounted on the surface, which is filled with insulation and covered with plywood sheets or foil.

As a heater in a brick bath, you can use: thermal plates, polystyrene, mineral wool, fiberglass, foam.

After these two procedures, go to interior arrangement and finishing of the steam room.

As you can see, the brick a good option for those who want to get a bath, but are not eager to deal with familiar tree. Of course, given material it is not easy to work, so you will have to work hard during the construction process, but if you strictly follow the above instructions, you will be provided with a successful result in the form of a functional and comfortable steam room.

Construction of a brick bath: video

Brick bath: photo

With all the love of sauna lovers for wood as a traditional material for its construction, this material has a number of disadvantages, the main of which are fire hazard and relatively low durability. From this point of view, brick, being the second most popular structural material, has a number of advantages:

  • durability - brick buildings last up to 150 years.
  • Fire safety- the walls of the brick bath do not burn and do not support combustion;
  • external attractiveness - brick buildings have an excellent appearance and easily fit into any landscape design;
  • good thermal insulation properties.

Of course, bricks have disadvantages that somewhat reduce its attractiveness and complicate the construction of a bathhouse:

  • poor vapor conductivity of bricks - the walls and ceiling of the steam room and other rooms with high humidity must be protected with a vapor barrier and equipped with good ventilation to prevent dampness;
  • high thermal capacity, due to which a brick bath needs to be heated much longer than from wood;

The main disadvantage of a high-quality brick bath is its higher cost compared to wood, so we can say that it is usually built by non-poor and demanding people. Moreover, the brick is piece material small size, which means that you can build a bath from it according to any, the most unusual projects.

Let's look at a few photo projects of brick baths.

A small bath, which has a size of 9 sq.m., which makes it ideal for small summer cottages. It is quite capable of being built by any owner on their own, without the involvement of specialist masons.

The bath project involves pouring a strip foundation with a depth of 50-60 cm (for non-rocky soils) or to a freezing depth - for heaving ones. The wall can be uniform in 1.5 bricks. truss system roofs are simple, gable, roofing- slate, shingles or metal profile.

Inside there is a rest room and a combined washing-steam room of the same size - about 4 sq.m. - area. The dimensions of the steam room imply the simultaneous presence of 2-3 people in it.

Bath 5 x 4

A more spacious and comfortable bath on one floor made of bricks with an area of ​​20 sq.m. Here we see a separate washing and steam room, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich allows 3-4 people to take bath procedures at the same time. Spacious lounge area accommodates required amount furniture for a good rest and recovery. Each room, including the steam room, has windows, natural light from which will save energy, and rest in a room with windows is more complete from a psychological point of view. In addition, the windows allow you to ventilate all rooms after using the bath in order to prevent the walls from getting wet.

This brick bath project is quite complicated - the owner will need to attract a professional bricklayer, as well as roofing craftsmen, to build the walls. It is enough to make such a volume on your own hard work almost impossible for a non-specialist.

If there is free space and a great desire, this project can be implemented with a terrace instead of a porch, where summer time it will be possible to carry out most relaxation, combining bath procedures with cooking, for example, barbecue. Naturally, for this, a stationary or portable barbecue grill can be provided on the terrace.

Bath 10 x 14

This bath project is a real masterpiece of architecture, available for implementation to very few homeowners. It would be more accurate to call such a building a guest house with a swimming pool and a bath - there is everything for a full life in the summer; if the owner provides for normal heating, you can live year-round.

Through the vestibule of the first floor we get into a spacious and well-lit lounge of 22 sq.m. From here you can go to the wardrobe and, undressing, go to the shower (next to which there is a bathroom) and to the steam room. After having taken a steam bath, through the rest room we get into spacious room where the pool is located.

In such a bath complex, one cannot do without a powerful supply and exhaust ventilation system, which, of course, must be designed by a specialist engineer, taking into account all the features of the location of the rooms and their purpose.

The bath project provides for the presence of an attic, while the entrance to the attic is located separately from the street. We climb the compact stairs to the second floor, from the platform of which we get through the door to living room large area with windows. A family of two can perfectly accommodate here, especially since the attic is equipped with a bathroom and a small kitchen.

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