How to close the gap between the window and the frame. Outdoor and internal sealing of installed windows

Garden technique 17.06.2019
Garden technique

Since plastic windows are the most common due to their qualities, it is quite rare to meet at home where they are not. A very common problem that occurs after installation plastic windowsIs the appearance of cracks between the frame and slopes.

They may occur by different reasons And they can deliver both aesthetic problems, and through such slots can blow, dust, dirt, windows can flow. Of course, such a problem must be solved, otherwise the quality of life in such a room deteriorates significantly.

1. Causes of cracks between the frame and slope

Reasons for occurrence cracks between the frame of the plastic window and the slope There is no little, but the following can be called the following:

  • Poor-quality installation of plastic windows. The thing is that installing the windows, the slots between the frame and the wall are usually close to the mounting foam. It often happens that the installers save on this, as a result, due to lack of isolation, a gap may occur.
  • Over time mounting foam It has a property to crumble under the action various factors, eg, sun ray. For this reason, when the foam becomes not enough, the slot is formed between the window and the wall, and as a result begins strongly blowing out of the crack in the disappearance of the plastic window.
  • Plastered or plasterboard slopes Practically always give cracks between the frame and the window due to the properties of the material. It occurs due to the temperature difference on the street and indoors.

2. Elimination of cracks near the window frame

What to close the crack between the frame and slope? In some cases, if the cardinal solution does not suit or lack the tools and time, and you need to update the surface, then you need to do the following:

In the case of a cardinal and complete elimination of the crack, it is necessary to open the gap first first and see how qualitatively the slots were blown between the window and the wall with the help of a mounting foam. In most cases, it is not enough and therefore it is necessary to clean the gap from the residues of the old foam, and then blend it in a new one in sufficient quantities. When the mounting foam dried, the residues must be removed and proceeded with the breakdown of the slopes.

The global solution to the problem is best to perform in the warm season, when the walls of the house will be warm all the depth.

3. Options for performing slopes

There are several ways to finish slopes:

Thus, the most optimal option Dexte finishes is to use plastic panels. This is explained by:

  1. The surface of the slopes will be the same type, and they will harmoniously look with plastic windows.
  2. No risk occurrence cracks in the disappearance of the plastic windowthat after the occurrence of the gap and its repair is most important.
  3. Plastic panels allow you to further insulate the slope, which does not allow it to freeze. This prevents the formation of condensate and moisture accumulation, and as a result, mold and fungus will not be formed on the window.
  4. Plastic panels are easy to maintain and do not require painting. They are enough to wipe from dust, just like a plastic window.

4. Sealing cracks by plastic slopes

In order to complete the breakdown with plastic panels. You must do the following:

  • Prepare the surface to secure panels. For this, the extra foam after sealing cracks must be trimmed with the help of a stationery knife. After that, the surface of the slope should be cleaned of dust and dirt.
  • Installing the guide profile. To do this, it is best to use a P-shaped profile of the required width. It must be cut into the desired areas, after which the profile is fixed using the outer edge of the window frame using Klop screws with a gap of 20 cm. At the top, the profile must be fixed for the entire length, and on the sides of the windowsill to the upper rail.
  • Installation of crates. To do this is used wooden rails 20x40 mm. It is necessary to fasten them using a dowel-nail with a step of 30-50 cm on the distant corner window at the top and sides.
  • Installing the upper slope. You must measure the desired length of the panel and cut off. Then PVC Panel You need to insert into the upper guide profile and fasten with the help of screws.
  • Installing side panels. Setting the side panels is no different from installing the upper slope. The space between the panel and the wall can be filled using the mounting foam, just to do this need extremely gently so that the foam does not argue the panel. When the foam content is completed, the panel must be secured by self-drawing.
  • Installation of a platband. For this, the F-profile is usually used. They need to cut off the desired length, after which insert the panels along the edge. Where they are in contact with self-drawing, you need to make cuts on inner wall Corner.
  • Sealing joints of panels. The jokes are closed with a white sealant. To do this, it should be applied to all the joints and sell with your finger.

Conclusion, output

In conclusion, it should be noted that performing slopes with the help of plaster or drywall, the chance of cracking is very large. To eliminate it, you can use the sealant, however that it does not appear again, it is necessary to solve the problem more dramatically, and it is best to remake the slopes using plastic panels.

Through plastic windows in the house, approximately 25% of heat. Did you think about it? It is impossible to refuse them, so you need to minimize losses. The gaps in plastic windows are an unacceptable luxury. Why do they appear and how to close them? We will talk about this in this article.

If you do not have time to study the question yourself, then you can always seek help from the company's specialists. We are engaged in the repair and maintenance of windows and are ready to solve your problem. Contact consultant.

Where do the gaps come from?

Why did the gap in the frame of the plastic window appear? From under the window sill blowing? Does the sash fly trickle? It all depends on what slots are about. If it concerns plastic windows, there are two most important and common reasons:

  • Mounting errors.
  • Breakdown or incorrect adjustment.

The first reason for the appearance of the gap is the wrong installation

If the window was installed in unreliable masters, then there is a high probability that the joints were blown incorrectly, and after they are also not protected sufficiently. As a result, thin layers of foam were departed, deteriorated under the action of UV, and from the window began to blow. Well, or, for example, quite often installers do not bloom the space under the windowsill. As a result, it blows from under it.

How to eliminate slits in plastic windows, if they appear between the frame and slope. You can try to smear them with putty, but most likely they will appear again. The window was installed incorrectly, as a result, it shifts, and the slots are formed. What to do? Contact Now with the specialists from the company's heat at home. They will help.

The second reason - incorrect adjustment or window requires repair

Many are forgotten about the fact that the slots can be formed due to improper adjustment or, for example, wear a sealing gum. For example, the sash can skew, the slot is formed, from which it will be through. If the seal fails, then again, the sash will not be able to fit tightly to the frame, and the slot is formed, from which it will blow. Read more about why blowing out of the window you can. Help Wanted? Sluts in plastic windows, need fittings adjustment? Call us.

What close up the gaps in plastic windows?

Mounting errors entail a large number of Problems. To avoid them, initially go to experienced specialists.

Why the gap appeared between the frame and slope? Most likely, the foam layer was not protected accordingly. What to do? To solve the problem.

  • Remove the layer of old foam.
  • Well clean the gap.
  • Play a new foam.
  • Wait until driving.
  • Cut surplus.
  • Prneap the joints.
  • Paint.
  • Additionally, close the gap acrylic frost-resistant sealant.

This is to the question than to livel the gaps in plastic windows outside. Of course, if you have no experience repair work, it is better to seek help from specialists.

What sealant to close the gaps in plastic windows? You can use acrylic sealant, bituminous or polyurethane. The main thing is not to use silicone sealant, under the action of temperatures, it can be rides and come into disrepair.

In order to get rid of the appearance of the gap forever, you should equip your plastic windows by external slopes from plastic.

How to get rid of the slots between the frame and sash? It will require correct timely adjustment, as well as replacing the sealing gum.

How to livel the gap in plastic windows inside? If the problem has shown yourself, it is easiest to make it a sealant. There are special sealants for windows and doors. This should take advantage.

Window repair in Moscow

If your windows require repairs, you can always ask for help in the company Heat Houses. Our experts will identify the problem and quickly decide. You can also do everything with your own hands, but for this you need certain knowledge, tools and materials. We still have it all. Contact a specialist and tell about the problem that has appeared.

Wooden windows are environmentally friendly structures, they create a comfortable indoor microclimate. For these qualities, many people do not want to part with them. But over time, the tightness indicators are reduced and the window becomes the conductor of the cold and draft.

You can solve the problem different ways. How to flip the window for the winter and insulate the slots between the frame, the box and slopes depends on how much the repair should be durable and how much time and money you are ready to spend on it. In varying degrees, both old insulation methods, which used our grandmothers and modern, produced using technological materials.

We are looking for the cause of cold windows

So that work on insulation was not in vain, it is necessary to correctly define a weak point of the window that skips cold air. The reason may wage in different parts of the design:

  • Sucks (spoiled or lack insulation);
  • The windowsill (in the lower part of it can form slots or bridges of the cold, which, at first glance, invisible);
  • Glass (purging arises in places of glasses adjoining to the frame, the mask, which closes the joint, flows over several seasons and requires a regular update);
  • Rama and sash (tree shrinkage, sash sediments, soil movement under the house - all these circumstances lead to the formation of slots between the frame and the window box).
Wooden window box defects lead to heat loss in winter time

If the visual inspection failed to reveal the reason, some tricks can be used. For example, wet your hand with water and bring it to different parts window. An even more sensitive way is a lit candle or lighter. The flame reacts to any air fluctuations, they will also point to the places of heat loss.

Very old window requires comprehensive approach. To achieve good heat insulation, you need to eliminate all possible cold bridges. Constructions in good condition is enough to warm up the frame perimeter and open sash in any available way.

What to close the slit

The most frequent problem with which owners of houses with wooden windows are faced - the appearance of the gap between the parts of the structure. They are formed as a result of changing the geometry of the window and window opening. In some cases, it is enough to adjust the position of the sash by tightening the fastening loops. But most often the cracks have to be embedded. Use for this purpose you can have a lot of primary and specialized materials.


Cellulose fibers good insulation. Make it with your own hands can be made of toilet paper or newspapers. To do this, you need to grind paper and pour it with water. When the mass soften, it is necessary to remove it and squeeze it well. In order for the mamazka to be more durable, the same amount of clay is added to cellulose and twice the most crowded chalk.

Packing Windows Pack - One Most simple ways War down a house for the winter

The mixture must be immediately used for its intended purpose. It is possible to lay it in comfortable tool, for example, a knife or solid ruler. The sealed gaps are desirable to be sealed with a painted tape, bathtub or cloth.

In this way, you can warm the windows for the whole winter. But remove the composition with the slots and the frame will not be easy, and then traces will remain on the surface, which are eliminated only by staining.


This way how to insulate the wooden windows for the winter is cotton, is perhaps the fastest and cheapest. It is necessary to tear the shreds of wool and tightly lay them into the lumeks in the window design. For sealing small slots, it is recommended to use a screwdriver or knife.

Wat - the cheapest, but also the most short-lived insulation

The advantage of the method is that in the spring cotton it is easy to remove, while the window will not lose its appearance. Warming will be effectively for one season, as from time to time and under the influence of moisture wata is joined and compacted, so filling the cracks will have every year.


Warming older wooden windows You can produce using conventional pieces of foam rubber or special foam ribbon on a sticky basis. Due to the set of air chambers in the pores, this material provides good thermal insulation, but does not save from street noise.

Thermal insulation windows using foam rubber

The pieces of foam rubber can be scored in the slot between the frame and the box or lay around the perimeter of the working flap and close it tightly. If necessary, insulation is very easy to remove.

Gasket of adhesive foam ribbon around the perimeter of the window frame

To lay the adhesive tape around the perimeter of the window, you will need to remove the frame out of the box. If the slots are large, then you can apply a foam ribbon in several layers until a dense fit will be achieved. In the same way, flaps are insulated. The disadvantage of the method is that when removing the ribbon can remain traces of glue on the frame or retrieve paint slices.

Rubber compressor

The tape on the adhesive basis from rubber or polyurethane is capable of listening for more than one year. And to insulate the window very quickly. The only drawback is to be spent on the purchase of tape.

The insulation has a tube shape with an cavity inside - this ensures that it preserves its shape even if the sash is actively operated. The ripping of the cracks is not required - this is also a plus.

Thermal insulation window of PO swedish technology - Fast I. reliable method insulation but also checked

Similar materials Wood with wooden windows in Swedish technology. But before installing the tape around the perimeter, the frame and sash are made of recesses, in which the insulation is then inserted.

How to reduce heat loss through glass

Even double glazed metal plastic windows Winter is always cold. Through this part of the design and the main weight loss occurs. In the case of wooden windows, the position is especially complex - glass is simply inserted into the groove and adjacent.


This method of insulation windows partially solves the problem of adjacent glass to the frame. But it is enough for 1-2 seasons. After that, the procedure must be repeated.

Melting provides dense glass adjacent to the frame

Special window melting or plasticine is suitable for sealing. These materials are equally plastic and adhered to wood and glass. Apply them from the outside of the window to the jack between the glass and the frame. Before using a small piece of material, you need to smother and a uniform layer, slightly indulging, lining the slot. The key disadvantage of the method is the destruction of maps during freezing and melting plasticine in the sun.


The method of sealing the joint with the help of silicone or acrylic sealant is more reliable and durable than the first. But at the same time troublesome and expensive.

To work it is recommended to acquire a transparent color composition. The sealant is applied by planting place Glass, that is, in the groove. Therefore, the glasses will have to be removed. The composition should be squeezed with a uniform strip around the perimeter and immediately install the glass into place and once again go through the sealant along the seam.

Climbing the junction between glass and frame with sealant

Small featurewhich should be remembered when choosing this method of insulation, the sealant is frozen, therefore it is easy to pull the glass from the frame if necessary it will not work.


The heat transfer film, according to manufacturers, reduces heat loss through glass by 30%. She glues directly on the glass.

Cellular film can be glued on the glass

In order to ensure the protection of windows for winter in this way, you need to clean the surface from dirt and degrease, then cut the flap of the film with a 2 cm reserve on each side. Take off the bottom layer and attach to the glass. Smoothing movements glue it all over the area. If folds were formed, you can warm them a little hair with a hairdryer, excess cut off the stationery knife.

Warming of the windowsill, waterproof and slopes

If there are no gaps on the frame, and heat from the room still disappears, perhaps the problem is in the presence of cold bridges in space under the submap board or inside the slopes. IN this case It will take repair and insulation of wooden windows at the same time.

Mounting foam

Universal insulation for windows - mounting foam. It can be used for sealing slots and mounting slopes.

To exclude the loss of heat from under the windowsill, it is necessary to clean out of the space under it oldly falling out the plaster, scattered foam, a swelled cotton wool or another type of insulation that came into disrepair. Then install a cylinder with foam into a gun and blew insulation into the gap. It is important to remember that the composition is expanding several times. Surplus foam is easily cut by a knife after drying.

For sealing large gaps under the windowsill, it is better to use a mounting foam

Also, the foam is blown in the seam between the frame and the wall and along the edges of the slope, then any insulation is paved and the slopes from drywall, plastic or sandwich plate are installed. It is temporarily needed to fix on the wall with painting scotch. All joints need to be marked with sealant.

Polyethylene film

Warming of windows B. wooden house You can produce other methods. New and still not enough proven way - the jamming of the window opening is completely transparent polyethylene film . The method is not quite aesthetic, since it is absolutely accompanied by a film. It can only be partially dissolved with a hairdryer. But, judging by the reviews, the method allows to reduce the heat loss windows to the level of the deaf wall, which is much more efficient than to take or dress the gap.

The baking of the window opening film significantly reduces heat loss, although it looks not quite aesthetic

Fix filled with different ways:

  • Bilateral scotch;
  • Furniture stapler;
  • Painting ribbon.

Such a protection from the cold is easy to install and dismantle. You can use the same film repeatedly.

Since insulation of old wooden windows for the winter can be in different ways, it is best to use several at once to eliminate not only obvious problems, but also those that may occur in the cold.

The appearance of the gaps in the structures of wooden windows - the phenomenon is frequent. Even a new window can skip cold air if it was established incorrectly. You can check the quality of the window mounting the old proven method using a light from a lighter. After holding it next to all the docking seams, you can make sure that the master installer did everything right and did not leave the gap anywhere. However, this method does not allow one hundred percent warranty, because some defects may not show themselves immediately.

Do not be upset in advance if you install wooden windows. The risk that the frames will be mounted incorrectly, quite low. It is enough to contact a specialized company with a good reputation, their help will cost you much cheaper than the windows repair a few months after installation. But the formation of the cracks due to the drying and drying of the wood is the reason more common. Even under the condition of high-quality installation, use as a material of good wood and proper operation, the windows have a property of changing their start to pass the air from the street.

In this case, you need to think about how to smell the gaps in the wooden windows. There are several methods of getting rid of the gaps. The old, proven decades of the Soviet reality way - to close the gap of the carnate in the zhgut newspaper - is not suitable if you have installed modern windows. Neither from aesthetic point of view or functional.

This can also include the lawships of the cracks of cotton, rag, sizing them paper stripes and other methods involving the use of infringement materials. The effectiveness of them is extremely small.

More modern output is to use a sealing cord from foam rubber, rubber or polyvinyl chloride. But when they choose, it is necessary to take into account the mass of the nuances like climate, the frequency of opening-closing windows and much more. And to ensure one hundred percent protection against heat loss of such a cord, even wide, can not. Without an extra smearing, he will still allow warm air From the room to go outside.

If you are still looking for budget wayThe role of sealant for windows can be ordinary paraffin. It is necessary to warm up in a metal dishes, preferably in a water bath, then warm the plastic syringe in warm water, removing the needle from him, to gain liquid paraffin into it and process the problem areas, for example, where the sash is easily adjacent to the glass. Such processing of problem areas is quite effective, but only with inner. In addition, after her window will require painting. Although paraffin does not leave a trace on the glass, nor on the tree, but it can get out in winter or pull out in summer from the gaps.

Large gaps, especially if the outer side needs in the processing, can be smeared with a homemade mixture. To do this, take one part of the plaster and two - chalk, pour them with water, stir up to a homogeneous consistency and apply a spatula. The location treated in this way will not be distinguished too much against the background of spam or painted walls, much less than the window-stamped foam.

Warming technology

The sealing of the slots in the windows is the task that is often remembered only with the onset of cold weather. And this is a big mistake. It is best to do this in the warm season, then the materials are enhanced better, and it will be possible to fully repair without risk to freeze all the inhabitants of housing.

Ideally, before proceeding to making the gap, you need to remove the sash, wash them out and dry. The old mamazka is to be removed, like the strokes. Steklo also follows from the RAM. If the window is old, you should remove the paint, align the surface, carefully sharpen the irregularities, use the smelter to remove particularly large cracks in the wood.

Before applying, the smelter should be rolled out in the palms in thin sausages with a pencil thickness. Then the tip of the spatula must be pressed into the gap and smooth, solid movements to be lost in the cavity. It is important to ensure that the lunch evenly filled the entire space between the glass and the sash. After you can remove the surplus until the maman is frozen. By the ratio of quality and price, the insulation of the windows of the jazes is the most economical and practical, even if you buy it in the store, and do not do it yourself.

Then follows the stage of painting frame and new staps. After that can be installed in place after that, and the connection places are spilled with sealant. When the paint and sealant are dried, you can install flaps in place.
The slots under the slopes can be sealed and without these procedures, but it is important to remember that mounting foam and silicone sealant are ineffective in conditions of minus temperatures.

Little to install high-quality windows of wood and put a good seal. They still need to maintain correctly. For an aggressive environment outside the window with her minus temperatures and humidity, any gap in the window, whether it is a crack in a tree or poorly sealed seam under the window box, it's like a hole in the fence on a protected object. Only a good putty and properly performed procedure for insulation will help you keep warm in the house even in the coldest winter.

September 18, 2016
Specialization: Master in the construction plasterboard structures, finishing works and styling outdoor coatings. Installation of door and window blocks, finishing of facades, installation of electricians, plumbing and heating - for all types of work I can give detailed consultation.

Even the best and most reliable windows without proper sealing will not provide warmth in the house, because the cold will penetrate through the adjoining of the design to the wall. That is why you need to take care and close all the slots and joints with the help of special compositions. You can find a different sealant for the windows for external work, for use indoors, for embedding damage, and then we will understand the basic types of compositions and the scope of their application.

Types of compositions and their features

I will not talk about specialized variants for gluing double-glazed, sealing window profile etc. We will analyze the available compounds that any person can use and who will not be difficult to buy in the trading network, several options, and all of them are intended for different purposes.

Acrylic sealants

This type of compositions is used very widely, as it is distinguished low price and simplicity. We will deal with its main features:

Suitable for wood This option is used for wooden windows, it is good because it has excellent adhesion to the material and is easy to apply. The composition you can close both new and old window designs, which is important, because with time the wood dissipates and additional sealing is required.
Universal in use With the help of acrylic composition, it is possible not only to close the joints between the frame and the wall, but also to fill the cracks in the tree, that is, it can be used as a putty, because it is well grouped. Also, this option can be used as a putty, they can be selected by glass and frames and provide excellent protection from both cold and moisture
Reliable An important advantage of acrylic compositions is their resistance to temperature differences. This allows it to be used both from the inside and outside, because the composition perfectly withstands all adverse weather effects.
Safe The composition almost does not smell and does not negative impact on human health. If you get on the skin you just need to wash it off with pure warm water

As for the shortcomings, they are also present:

  • The frozen layer is not very elastic, so when the elements move it, it may simply crack. It is only necessary to use it in stable structures;
  • When the sealant is frozen, it gives a shrinkage, it is not so significant as the putty and putty on the tree, however, this factor must be taken into account;
  • If you use it for glass of window frames as a mascake or to align the large slots, it is easier to apply two layers, so the shrinkage indicators are minimized, but the workflow is complicated.

Instructions for applying sealant with their own hands looks like this:

  • First you need to prepare the basis. For this, the surface is cleared of any contamination, if the surface is wet, then they must be dried, as it is unacceptable to apply acrylic on wet bases. The composition is suitable for seams, and for frames, the preparation is made equally, the main thing is the purity of the grounds;

If the paint layer on wood is damaged, then you can use acrylic composition As putty. With it, to align the surface and close all the irregularities, and after painting it, because all the paints and varnishes are perfect for the sealant.

  • The composition is most often sold in special tubes that are designed to be installed in a gun, it can be bought in the same place, where the composition, it greatly simplifies the work and stands a little. The tube is inserted into the gun and fixed in it, after which the cover twists with it and the cap is cut into the composition so that the composition can go out. Next, the cover with the nap is screwed, the cover and sealant can be used with it;
  • Application - the process is simple, carefully presses the pistol handle, while the composition does not go out of the nose, and distribute it in the right layers in the right places. It is important not to press the handle too much, and then the composition will climb very quickly and the result of the work will be inactive;

  • If you need to align the seams made by us or fill the gap sealant, then a small rubber spatula is used, it can be used and removed from it, and remove its excess;
  • After drying, the surface can be aligned to the perfect state. To do this, you can first cut out all the large glands and divorces, and take the final finishing with the sandpaper.

Silicone sealants

If I say that this is the most popular and demanded group of products, it is unlikely to be mistaken. Silicone sealant It can be used for a wide variety of work, as it has a number of undoubted advantages:

  • The composition is not afraid of moisture and can withstand its long-term impact without any problems. This allows you to use it in the most responsible places, for example, when you seal the attic window;
  • A huge range allows you to pick up optimal solution For any conditions, there are special weather-resistant compounds that are used outside, there are resistant to fungus and mold, they are ideal for slopes, and there is silicone for windows and glasses, they can be reliably close all the joints and slots;

  • there is various options You can buy as standard white or transparent composition and color composition. It is especially convenient if your windows are painted in a specific color and you need to seal the joints as careful as possible;

  • After the frozen, the elastic layer is obtained, which is able to withstand the design of the design without compromising integrity. This advantage makes similar sealants indispensable for the most different conditions, because the issue of reliability is primitive when installing window structures;
  • Silicone compositions have excellent adhesion to most materials, so if you have a question, which sealants close the cracks in plastic windows, then this solution will become optimal in terms of simplicity and accessibility.

As for the minuses, they are as follows:

  • The composition is not painted, so if you apply colorless or white option, then paint it will not work. You need to immediately select the sealant of the shade you need;
  • After the frozen, the layer does not miss moisture and evaporation, which makes this type of compositions unsuitable for sealing of junctions between the window box and the wall, because in these places vapor permeability is very important;
  • The composition is harmful to human health components that are not recommended to inhale, they will destroy after drying, but while working it is better to ventilate the room.

Sealing windows is carried out as follows:

  • Initially, you need to carefully clear the base and if necessary to degrease it. If slopes or window sills are sealed, it is important that all elements are securely secured. With PVC windows you need to remove the protective oilcloth when it is presented;
  • Then the pistol takes the same type, as above, and the tube is put in it. The composition is applied evenly and is distributed in the required places as careful as possible;

  • To align the layer and make a joint as close as possible, it is necessary immediately after applying to go through the junction with a rubber spatula. It will evenly distribute the composition and will fit it well, allowing you to fill all empties if available. All surplus are immediately deleted while they are fresh.

This is the perfect sealant for plastic windows, if it comes to the joints with the windowsill, inner slopes And glass adjoins. He is reliable and durable, the main thing is to properly apply it and thoroughly align.

If you want to make perfectly smooth seams, then use this technology: the painting tape is glued to both sides of the joint, so that only the seam width remains. Then the rubber spatula is taken, it is put on the edge and exactly moving to the very end with a uniform pressure, it is impossible to tear it in any case, after that it is necessary to wait for the drying of the composition and remove the painting tape.

Acrylate sealants

This product group is ideal for sealing the outer joint of the window design and wall. According to the manufacturers of windows, the durability of products by 70-80% depends on the quality of outer sealing, therefore only special sealants that have a number of important properties have to be used for these works.

  • They have excellent resistance to atmospheric precipitation and ultraviolet radiation, which allows to guarantee the reliability of sealing over 20 years, this is the most durable option;

  • The compositions have good adhesion with most building materials And they can withstand deformation effects without damage to the integrity of the layer. You can easily close uneven joints with different widths;
  • An acrylate-based sealant can be applied at temperatures up to -10 degrees.. But, before using the composition in the winter, it is recommended to hold it at room temperature so that it goes better and was not so tough. On the reliability of sealing low air temperature does not affect, and it is very important;
  • After drying, the surface can be or painted, it is quite significant, because most often the composition is used on slopes, which are subsequently separated;
  • A very important feature of this product group is the possibility of applying, both on dry and on a wet surface. That is, you do not need to wait until the bases are dry, you can easily work with wet structures without fear for the result of the work;

Despite the fact that the sealant falls on wet foundations, it is impossible to work at rain and snow, as well as it is impossible to apply the composition to the surface at which water flows.

  • Sealant is sold in different packages and can be applied in different ways depending on the nature of the work. It also improves the convenience of using it;

  • The minimum layer thickness is 3 mm, the consumption of composition with a width of a seam in 20 mm is approximately 120 grams per mesmering meter.

As for use, the process is simple enough:

  • The composition is fully ready for use, if it is very thick - it needs to be simply put in a warm place, the plasticity will increase. In any case, it is impossible to dilute with water, it will worsen the characteristics of the mixture;
  • The bases are thoroughly cleaned by contamination, influx of the solution and other parts that interfere with operation. If necessary, degreasing;
  • Before starting to work, the width of the seam is glued with a painting ribbon, this will make the joints smooth and neat and significantly speeds the work, because you will not need to constantly control the seam;
  • Application can be made in different ways, if the width of the seam is small, you can use a tuba and a gun if the joint is wide, then you can apply a spatula that the opening is absorbed around the perimeter. It is important that the layer is at least 3 mm and went on the wall and window Rama no less than 3 mm, so maximum reliability is ensured;

  • The surface must be completely closed with the composition, there should be no passage. After applying the painting tape is immediately removed, and we have a smooth neat seam, the drying time depends on the temperature and is about 12 hours, although in an hour or two the surface will be sufficiently strong.

Work follows in gloves. If the composition is hit on the skin, it is fluttered with warm water with soap.


When bringing different joints and slots on window structures, it is important to pick up optimal composition To perform work, because a vapor-permeable sealant for windows will not replace silicone, as well as the opposite. The video in this article will reveal some important aspects affected in the article still more and help to deal with the topic even better, and if you suddenly not clear something, then you definitely write all questions in the comments below.

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