Black floor in a wooden house: we make a strong lag under the finish cover. Draft floor in a wooden house with their own hands: the device of draft floors on lags and methods of laying for what is needed a draft floor

Garden technique 25.06.2019
Garden technique

Lags are one of the most important components of the floors in the house. According to its destination - these are the supporting elements that the floorboards are stacked. Thanks to the lags, the rigidity of the entire floor design is ensured. Therefore, it is important to ensure their resistance to rotting and microorganisms. Moisture resistance can be achieved by special wood processing. About how and how to treat lags, will we are talking below.

Lags and external environment

Theoretically, the lags should not be directly influenced by aggressive factors. external environment. First of all, we are talking about dampness. The fact is if the lags are stacked on the foundation of the building, direct contact with environmental They do not occur, since the material is steam insulated and waterproof. However, in the subfield, due to temperature differences between the upper and lower levels, condensate accumulates anyway.

It should be understood that far from always builders clearly observe the technological process when laying the floors, and if it was so, the wooden design will also start rotting.

Wooden floor diagram on lags

Another enemy of wood is harmful microorganisms. By virtue of natural factors, Any unprotected wooden design is exposed to pests. Therefore, the processing of any wooden structures is an urgent need.

There is no one - the only correct way to process lags. In each particular case, a lot of circumstances should be taken into account, for example, a tree breed. After all, each variety of wood responds to moisture in its own way. Nevertheless, you can give a number general recommendationsthat will allow to get an idea of proper approach To handling lag floor.

The main way to protect wood from rotting and microorganisms is the processing of chemicals.

Classification of compositions for processing lag

Chemical preparations for wood protection at the floor device, according to construction standards and rules, are divided into several types:

  • surface antiseptic;
  • impregnations;
  • film-forming formulations.

According to the standards, SNIP, surface formulations are divided into three types:

  • water-soluble;
  • organic;
  • oil.

Fluorides, borates (washed antiseptic substances), as well as complex compositions with chromium, arsenic and copper (hard-leaked antiseptics) are counted for water-soluble compositions. Organic include compositions based on alkids, uretans and acrylics. IN large group oil compositions consists of substances based on coal, anthracene and other connections of this kind. Also, oil preparations include compositions based on vegetable oil, tar, rosin.

The lesing compositions are used for surface treatment. Under surface application, the depth of 1-3 millimeters is meant. The impregnations are able to penetrate the structure of the tree by 15-35 millimeters.

Note! The unbearable drugs are used to protect parts subject to heavy precipitation and regular wet cleaning.

According to the functionality, the antiseptic means are classified as follows:

  • preservative;
  • fireproof;
  • transport;
  • whitening.

Chemicals can be divided into factory production and folk remedies.

Branded formulations

They are divided into flaky healthy and biomatic equipment, as well as on the unbearable antiseptics.

Firebi-protected substances

This method of protection is among the most effective, since it allows to protect the wooden materials not only from microorganisms, putrid processes, but also protects against fire. Last quality, due to fire hazardous wood, has a considerable meaning.

Firebi-protected substances can be preserved the structure of the lag for many years: protection against fire is provided for 3 years, and the biological protection of the material is 25 years. Although if the product from the tree is not operated in extreme conditions, the actual duration of the drugs will be higher.

Firebi-protected compositions are distinguished by environmental friendliness, lack of unpleasant odors and complete safety in use. The environmental friendliness of drugs is ensured by their composition: there are no dangerous components, including allergens.

Any pre-sold drug must have a sanitary and epidemiological station, fire regulation and quality certificate.

Bioprotective compositions

Preparations of this group improve only bioprotective qualities wooden materials. Bioprositvented compositions protect wood from the formation, mold, rotting, destroying the material of fungi and tree beetles. Preparations provide biosis for 25-30 years.

Most often, antiseptic preparations are sold in the form of concentrates. In some cases, pigmented substances are added to the compositions. Pigment allows you to visually monitor the quality of the wooden surface coating.

Bioprotective agents are distinguished by a slight smell, ecology, do not contain allergens. They are easy to prepare - it is enough to dilute in water. Surface treatment can be carried out different ways, including roller, brush, pulverizer, dipping.

Used to protect structures operated in conditions high humidity. For example, unbearable antiseptics are relevant when high level precipitation, temperature differences, as well as in buildings where wood is often moistened by operating conditions (baths, saunas).

Working with unwatent antiseptics does not differ in difficulty, but requires a lot of time. Approximate consumption of substance on square meter - 350-400 grams. Surface application is achieved after 3-4 layers. If we are talking about dipping, you will need to withstand the material for 20-30 minutes.

Adhesive qualities this group Antiseptics is gaining after final drying. Wood color usually becomes pistashkovy, thanks to pigments added to the composition.

Folk remedies

Wooden lags of the floor can be processed not only by factory compositions, but also in all sorts of folk remedies.

Choosing a specific composition to protect the lag, you should be guided by the goals. Of all the options described above, the perfect choice is a flake-protein substance that has a maximum spectrum of action.

Every one is clear that it is impossible to live in a room without furnaceing. Whether it's a house or apartment, without it can not do. But you need a draft floor in wooden house, not everyone knows. Why do you need additional embezzlement on its arrangement? Is it impossible to do with a fixed coating? And what is meant by this title? This article for those who want to figure it out and make the draft floor on their own.

What is a draft floor?

The draft floor is a peculiar base for a clean coating that creates a horizontal flat plane for it. It serves to distribute the load on the floor covering.

The classic of the roughing is considered a draft floor on lags. This is exactly what is usually done in wooden buildings. For him, lags with a certain distance from each other are placed on the base base. On the large squares Provide a double frame system, the so-called crate.

In it between lags, jumpers from a bar (riglel) are installed. At the same time constantly monitor the horizontal leveling of the surface of the logs. To the lower part of the lag fasten the cranial bar. On it and styling the draft floor from plywood or woodstone. Subsequently, insulating material and waterproofing are paved between lags.

Upstairs on the draft floors laid insulation and vapor barrier. For the manufacture of roughing, use chickens or fibreboard or fibers or fibers

Stages of the black floor

And now more about how to make a draft floor with your own hands. There are two options for installing Lag: overlaid or based on. In any case, before the equipment of the draft floor, it is necessary to take care of the ventilation of the underground. For her, it is enough to drill a few round holes in the corners of the house. Subsequently, they are closed with lattices. Also before starting work, all underground space is processed by an antiseptic. These activities serve as a pledge of strength and durability wooden house.

Training Lag for construction

In essence, lagows are bars from which the frame is performed for the future floor. They use boards from the second or third grade wood. Since usually such logs have uneven surface Before use, they must be prepared.

To which the side, which will be attached to the clean floor must be aligned with an ax. It will not work perfectly to make the surface, but it is necessary to align a little. The horizontal of the final coating depends on this. On top of the lags are covered with antiseptics.

Before laying the lag in the upper vents of the walls, grooves are made. The outcast logs should lie exactly in these grooves, but with a distance from the end to the walls in 2-3 mm. Later between them set the gasket for sound insulation. In addition to the grooves in the beams, for long lags install an additional support in the form brick pillars. The distance between the lags depends on the thickness of the boards used for flooring. The thinner of the board, the more often the lags are located.

Under the boards with a thickness of 35 mm, the distance between lags is at least 50 cm, 35-40 mm - 80 cm, more than 40 - 100 cm

Note! After installing the lag, their ends must be copped. This is necessary so that they do not part in the process of laying the draft coating boards.

The surface of the base before performing work is spilled, falling asleep with rubble and tamper. Next, measurements and marking for supports are made. As a support can be either scolded by rubberoid, or bars lower strapping. In the first version, the mark put on the rubberoid, in the second on the bars.

The horizontal of the lag is checked not only relative to the Earth, but also relative to each other. They must lie on the same level. Maximum allowable deviation per 1 m² not more than 1 mm

The reference pillars are set to the foundation, the minimum dimensions of which are 40 × 40 cm for one element. The height of it should be at least 20 cm, and 5 of them above the soil. On the supports under lags are put waterproofing material. He will protect wood from mold. Lagged columns are fixed with the help of corners and tapes with dowels. The same device has a rough floor in a brick house.

Fastening bar

For support under the draft floor on the lags use a timing of 50 × 40 mm or 50 × 50 mm. Fasten it to the bottom of the lag on both sides. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the size of the future insulation, which will be laid on the draft coating. It is more economical to acquire ready-made bars, and buy a 150 × 40 board and dissolve it into three parts. As a result, three bruks of 50 × 40 mm will be from one board.

Laying of rough floors

Perform a rough floor of plywood or sheets of OSB, chipboard. It is advisable to use plates with t-shots with a thickness of about 20 mm. It is allowed sheet materials 12 mm thick in two layers. To secure them reliably throughout the perimeter, the lags are made a doomlet of additional transverse bars. Black floor boards are fixed using self-tapping screws with increments of 90-140 mm. If the floor is made from leafy joints should be on the central axis of extra beams.

Note! Some masters advise for rough floors to use not high-quality material, and a throwing board, a horn or a stakenik. This is due to the fact that the draft coating reacts to the differences of humidity and temperature. And such material is capable of deformation.

Having finished mounting work, proceed to laying thermal insulation material and waterproofing. It should be very neat. Black coating boards can break under heavy weight. Therefore, it is desirable to walk on lags or thumps thickened on them

Results and video with example

That's probably everything else in your hands. Unnecessary, it would seem, embarrassment of floors with time will pay off. The layer of insulation, laid on the draft coating, will help to save on heating. And this see an essential argument in favor of a draft floor. In addition, a qualitatively performed draft floor is the key to the durability of the finish coating.

Black floors have several types of appointment and installation method. Initially, their features and differences should be considered, and then talk in detail about the construction method. As always, on the example, we will consider the most difficult version, if it becomes clear, then make the draft floors easier will be much easier.

  1. On lags. Most often used as a base for finishing flooring with low supporting indicators: laminate floors, linoleum, parquet board or piece parquet. Black floors in these cases perceive the load and evenly distribute them along the floor area. Sometimes such floors are called the base, such names are used by inexperienced builders, but has the right to life.
  2. Under lagami. In the lower part of the lag, cranial bars are recorded, they serve as the basis for fastening the draft floor, insulation and steam and waterproofing.
  3. By carrier beams. In our opinion the most good optionBut it is necessary to think about it even at the design stage of a wooden house. Why do we think so?

    The distance between the overlap beams is ≈ 1-1.2 meters, specific values \u200b\u200band thickness values \u200b\u200bare calculated depending on the load. Then on the beams of the overlapping lags with a distance of 40-60 cm. Why make a double work, much more expedient to install the beams of overlapping a little more often, while reduce their dimensions. The same beams will perform the function of the lag. What will happen as a result? Significant material savings.

    If you calculate the number of timber on beams and lags in the traditional construction version, then the second option makes it possible to achieve economies of at least 40%. For modern prices On natural quality (and for these works, lumber is used only of the highest quality) in a monetary transfer savings is significant amounts. Another undoubted plus is an increase in height interior premises, with a lug height within ten centimeters, this is a noticeable increase.

For roughing, you can use any low-quality materials, except if it serves as the basis for mounting the finish flooring. It can be like cuts of boards, sheets of OSP, plywood or chipboard, and unedged boards. The thickness of the material value does not have, on the same floor, boards or slabs with a thickness of one to three centimeters can be used. It will be poisoned heat insulation materialsFor them, minor differences in the height of the foundation are not critical. Of course, the unedged boards should be defined, the pests of wood multiplied under the crust.

Second important moment for all draft floors - protection from negative influence moisture. Currently, there are fairly effective antiseptics in the implementation, which you need to heat up the boards at least twice.

Important. Before impregnating sawn timber must be dried. The lower the relative humidity, the more they absorb antiseptics, the more reliably protection.

No Antiseptic - not a problem. Just push the boards, the effect will be exactly the same. Especially thoroughly process ends for roughing boards. Inattentive attitude towards the end is one of the main mistakes of inexperienced builders. They first put the cropped boards on the bearing elements, and then the tassel process two surfaces, forget about the ends. Wood ends absorb the most a large number of Moisture, all capillaries of wood are open in this place.

And last. Keep in mind that no antiseptics will help if the underground of the wooden house will not have effective natural ventilation. The draft floor will soon lose its initial properties sooner or later. We will have to change not only it, but also all sexual coating.

If you are afraid of penetration through the production of rodents - put on them metal lattices. If it seems to you that in the winter in the first floor rooms, the floor is very cold because of the bloodstream (and this can be), then close them on the cold period. But be sure to open all the products with warming. Ventilation, by the way, required condition Durability of the lower crowns of a church.

Practical advice. With the help of smoke or lighters, check the effectiveness of the production. Subcontalize open fire To the holes and watch how and with what force reacts the flame on the air flow. Weak air movement - take urgent measures to increase ventilation efficiency.

How to make a draft floor in a wooden house

Consider one of the most complex options - A device of draft floors for lags without beams overlap. Such a floor is often found in small rooms of the private house or in cases of the characteristics of the cutting technology, when the beams of the overlap were not used.

Important. All lumber must be soaked twice by antiseptic, before it is well dried.

Step 1. Marking. Around the perimeter of the room with a water or laser level Make a zero mark. It will be the level of the first floor. From this label you need to minus the thickness of the piston coating and lag. Make a repeated label, at this level there should be support for lags. You can make them from concrete, blocks or bricks. In Earth, there must be concrete, brick is allowed to upload only the above-ground part.

Step 2. Make any way of support, the distance between them should take into account the linear parameters of the lag and the total load on the floor.

Step 3.. Take all lags for the rope, do not forget to isolate them with two layers of rubberoid.

Practical advice. If there is an opportunity, then in the bottom of the lag over the entire length long boards, in width, they should 6-8 cm exceed the width of the lag. The draft floor will be laid on these protrusions. So do it much faster and easier than then in an inconvenient position and cramped conditions to fix in two sides of the lag cranial bars. Of course, the thickness of the boards should be taken into account during the markup of the position of the support columns.

Step 4.. Secure lags. To do this, you can use metal corners and fix them to the walls of the log.

Do not forget to do between the walls and ends of the lag gap about 1-2 cm, take metal corners with oblong slots to ensure free longitudinal slip. Screws twist with this calculation so that the lags can move in the slots. For reliability, it is recommended at least through one column to attach lags with a dowel, the side of the corner, fixed to the lag, should also be movable.

Step 5. Prepare material for roughing.

We have already mentioned that in our case all trimming are suitable, it can be part of the plywood or osp, and part of the sections of the boards or umbered materials. It is desirable that the sheets of plywood and osp are moisture-resistant, if there are no such, they feed them with a oliff or antiseptic.

Step 6.. Check the distance between lags. If it is the same, then you can cut down all blanks by standard length.

Practical advice. It is much faster to work with the template. Cut together one board in size, it should come to the gap between lags. With this template, go through the entire length of the lag. Dimensions are correct - use this segment as a template when cutting off the other blanks. Remember that the dimensions need to be removed only from the template, and not with cut fresh boards. If each time you use a new segment, then errors accumulate, and they will definitely, and the latest boards may differ significantly from the required sizes.

Step 7. Place the boards on the prepared shelves. We have already mentioned that it can be like a nailed lag wide boardsSo established later on both sides of the cranial bars. Do not try to make a rough floor with solid, small gaps do not affect anything. In order to save materials, it is recommended to specifically leave between individual boards a distance in the range of 5-8 centimeters. But this can be done only in cases where extruded will be used as insulation. mineral wool or foam plates.

Step 8.. Paro and waterproofing. If there is extra money and time, you can, in any cases, install hydro and vaporizolation.

If you do not want to do it thoughtlessly, then figure out what kind of protection is needed. Mineral wool has excellent heat-saving indicators, does not rot, does not contribute to the reproduction of microorganisms, including fungi. This is great, but she has two very significant drawbacks. The first - with increasing relative humidity, the thermal conductivity indicators increase dramatically. Water perfectly carries out warmth, no heat-protected functions have to speak. The second is to dry for a very long time. This means that all adjacent wooden elements will be constantly being in conditions high humidity. What is the result of such conditions to explain no need.

If you are warming on the first floor of mineral wool, then vaporizolation is required. It will not allow the penetration of moisture from the ground into thermal insulation. If materials based on foams are used as thermal insulation, then such vaporizolation without need, these materials do not absorb water.

Now about waterproofing. At the bottom of the draft floor, in any case, do not need to be installed with such materials, in the underground there are no "fountaining" sources. But after thermal insulation is laid on the draft floor, protect it from the penetration of moisture on the side of the first floor is necessary. This applies to all types of materials, mineral wool and foam. Waterproofing protects from water not only them, but also blackboard boards and lags.

Insulating layer over Minvati

Black floor under the "soft" flooring

With it, not only uniformly distributed loads on the surface, but also lugs or concrete bases. Such floors are used under laminate, piece parquet and parquet board or linoleum. A sheet plywood is used as materials, OSP or Fiberboard plateAll materials must necessarily be waterproof.

The screed must be smooth, the difference in height cannot exceed ± 2 mm.

There are two ways to lay the draft floor on the screed: on the rail or immediately on the base. The first method is applied in cases where the base has significant irregularities, it is necessary to put under the floor network engineering Or make additional insulation.

Align concrete coating With the help of rivers much easier and faster than to re-tie using cement-sand solutions. A waterproofing is necessarily placed between the rails and the tie, the rack height is aligned with various lips, fixed with dowels. Black floor slabs are nailed with cloves, the sizes of the plates need to be customized under the distance between the rails. Side faces should be located in the middle of the rail, both two plates are fixed on it. Ensure that four angle in one place is not sharpened, such a position of sheets can cause the finishing of the finishing flooring.

The second version of the styling of the draft floor by the screed is applied on even bases that do not require additional insulation. To achieve an ideal surface, the use of construction glue is allowed. It is smeared by a comb under the plates and eliminates even the slightest irregularities, the black floor becomes one monolith with a screed. Next, the algorithm of the floor device depends on the materials used.

Hardware Heads need to completely draw, for this, special or homemade dobers are used. If in chernovoy semi It is planned to fit the linoleum, the entire surface is recommended to polish the electric machine.

Putlery floor putty

Do not forget to always leave the gap of 1-2 centimeters between the rough floors and the wall. So that the stroke bridges do not appear in these places, put pieces of any thermal insulators in them.

Video - construction of rough floors

Hello, I joined the wooden floor in the hallway. Opened the floor in the neighboring residential rooms. In the far from the hallway, the room is dry, in the next room, not only lags have fallen to the hallway, but also a pair of bearing crowns. Everyone was removed, all the lags under the house and the draft floor with an antiseptic were processed. The land under lags is dry somewhere, where is wet. Purpose is clearly not enough. The rotten timber is cut out with pieces and change to the brick. I decided to make ordinary wooden floors with laminate. Before that by wooden board There were plates of MDF and linoleum. Now all this was removed. Question: Do I need to put the film on the soil for moisture insulation, it is possible and whether the lags need to close (raw, because new), but impregnated with antiseptics, vaporizolation, will be able to dry in this case lags and what right sequence laying layers different materials And what is this materials. Thank you so much in advance for professional response and help.


No antiseptics will help, wooden designs Will be relevant until you provide a normal humidity regime in the subfield. The penetration of moisture through the soil and cracks in the outer walls should be excluded, efficient ventilation (ventilation) of the underground space is provided. To do this, perform several conditions:

Ventilation of the sample can be organized from the rooms (drawing from above) or through the holes in the foundation (bottom)

Floors in wooden houses should be reliable, warm, durable and beautiful. It is possible to achieve the desired result alone or with the involvement of professional builders. Information about the features of the flooring device in a wooden house is important in both cases. First, because it will be required for self-fulfillment works, secondly - to control the employees.

Features of the process

The floors in a wooden house consist of several layers. And to provide comfortable conditions Accommodation is important to correctly determine the components of the outdoor "cake".

The main element building construction For the floor is the strapping. For capital buildings, it is usually carried out from a powerful timber with a cross-sectional parameters of at least 150 x 80 millimeters.

Often the timber is replaced with several boards, securely connected. The binding from the boards is more stable. Boards are not subjected to the stresses that the timber is experiencing.

Products used for strapping are subject to pre-processing. antiseptic. As such often use waste oils. Oil treated wooden details Do not rot and do not absorb moisture, so they serve for many years. In the absence of oil apply special meansavailable in every construction store.

To extend the lifetime of the strapping on the foundation you need to lay waterproofing. Usually it is folded in two layers of rubberoid.

The strapping requires lags. These are wide powerful boards, strengthen which you need to rib. They are as well as the strapping, need to be processed by an antiseptic. Lags must be pre-examined, close cracks if available. Boards S. large disadvantages It is better to replace with better.

In the light buildings it is allowed to make lags teams. For fastening component parts Use special brackets or studs. Docking sites should be restarted for greater reliability.

If the load is planned substantial, it is better to strengthen the design in advance. For this, the cross section is lag, and their step is made small, from 60 centimeters.

Lagges are laid by boards for which the membrane is laid, preventing penetration of wind and moisture inside. In the resulting cells are stacked by the insulation. Depending on the selected method, this can be both clayzit and foam foam, foamed polyethylene or mineral wool. The insulation is covered with vapor barrier. Next steps Depend on the preferences of the owners of the house. As a fingerboard can be any available options, including water warm floors.

Construction structure

Wooden house to build a little, you need to properly sum up engineering communications, such as:

  • heating;
  • water supply;
  • sewage;
  • electric wiring.

The abundance of engineering structures in the premises does not look aesthetically, so it is customary to hide them under the floor. The space between lags allows you to cover most of the pipes. With underground or ground floor Under the draft floor can be installed electric water heaterAnd you can equip the gas boiler room. Especially relevant location under the floor of the water heater for a small shower.

When building a house it is worth remembering that the wooden floor should be secured from water vapor. Modern construction Materials Allow the designs to breathe and at the same time reliably protected from damage to moisture. Excellent insulation is obtained from Isyospan.

Izospan is used both when equipped with the first floor and second. It stacked under the mineral insulation and above it. Nonwoven material Produced by non-stroke rolls. Separate parts when laying should be placed in the brass and glue with a special bilateral scotch. In places of contact with lags, the isospan is attached to them by a construction stapler.

The insulating layer is covered with a solid flooring. Perhaps the OSB plates are suitable for this purpose.

Plates of OSB Widely used in housing construction. They are perfectly suitable for the arrangement of floors in wooden houses. Floors using oriented chipboard are good for the base under the boardwalk, parquet, linoleum, carpet and laminate. But the finish coating of the OSB is not worth doing.

For laying on lags, installed in 50 cm increments, a sufficient thickness of the plates is considered 18 mm. If the distance between adjacent lags is 10 cm more, a large thickness will be required - 20 mm. Plates OSB. Made by pressing using a special adhesive composition. They are durable, do not rot and do not lose weight. Floors laid on OSB sheets do not creak when walking.

Laying is performed quickly, as:

  • special skills do not require;
  • sheets have a proper geometric shape, and the time for fitting is not spent;
  • one standard plate (2500 x 1250 mm) covers an area of \u200b\u200b3.1 m2.

Types of floors

In private wooden houses, the floor view depends on the outlet way. Two options are possible: concrete ( reinforced concrete plate) or wooden. On the second floor, the overlaps are usually made by wooden, since heavier railway plates only enhance the load on the foundation.

Inside the house you can equip any of modern options Floors: laminate, parquet, cork, tile and others.

Concretethe floors are formed filling a screed. In some cases, this option saves construction time. Screed is completely ready for further processing a month later. Raw wood requires drying, it goes far more time.

Concrete floors in wooden houses reduce the costs of finishing floors. A qualitatively executed screed can serve as a basis for finish finish Without additional sucks and alignment of the surface.

If necessary, lift the floor to a certain height under the tie picked up lightweight clay. So the load is reduced on the base without increasing the thickness of the screed itself.

In a new house, the probability of cracking cement screed in connection with the shrinkage of the structure is large. There will be no serious destruction at the same time, however, heat losses are possible. Prevent negative consequences You can, putting a reliable insulation.

Concrete overlap Perhaps after the calculations. As a rule, a similar solution is taken if there is a ribbon foundation in the capital structure.

The wooden house is more suitable for the same wooden overlap . Wood eco-friendly, does not cause allergic reactions at residents: adults and children. Natural material still use owners country housespreferring his brick and various blocks.

The boardwalk is easy to sew on boards on both sides. Reliable fastening Allows you to equip "pie" from the insulation, steam and waterproofing. The multilayer design can be performed in the form of a floating floor. In this case, it will not have direct contact with the base and walls of the house.

Preparatory work

Regardless of the foundation, land, screw piles Or simply on brick columns is a building, the arrangement of the floor begins with the preparatory work.

First, you prepare the walls, equipping the ventilation holes in them. The lack of air access underground will lead to the rapid destruction of the wooden components.

The materials necessary for the arrangement of overlapping materials must be correctly calculated. It will not be superfluous and the stock of wood is 10-15 percent.

Installation can be started when bars and boards will be sufficient. When the humidity becomes normal, the material is inspected, sorted and treated with the means against rot and fungus.

Black two-layer floors are doing where it is necessary to fit the base directly to open soil.

There are several ways to lay the floor on the soil. If you lower the floor to a minimum, then you can catch the ground, laying a pillow from sand, gravel or clay, and then pour it with concrete. True, this option is more suitable for the garage, and not for places intended for permanent residence of people.

In light cottage houseUsed for seasonal stay, take the floor otherwise. First you need to set brick columns throughout the perimeter. It is very important to provide the surfaces of the supports of a single height (output to one horizon). On each support you need to lay a gasket from the rubberoid or roofing. On the waterproofing layer it is necessary to put a wooden lining with a thickness of 3 cm with an antiseptic.

All this design closes with bars, for which lagows are exhibited with constant adjustment horizontally. The design is finally fixed by fasteners. On the lags there is a floor if the manufacture is performed by a single flooring.

The double floor suggests the presence of styling between the draft and the finishing floor of the insulation, hydro and vapor barrier, and if necessary, other components.

Methods of laying

The rooms in a wooden house will acquire a presentable species, and the stay in them will become truly comfortable if the flooring will be harmonized with the walls. Uniform material will make the interior of the room holistic.

The choice of wood for the floor depends on:

  • material opportunities;
  • purpose of the room;
  • planned loads.

With an unlimited budget, choose the most beautiful, durable and dense materials from foreign countries. Exotic trees growing in tropical forests possess unique properties. They withstand strong moisture, easily processed, resistant to abrasion. In addition, the boards of such trees are distinguished beautiful colors. For example, Merbau wood can be golden orange or red-brown. Floor purple color You can do if you use a rosewood. And the striped flooring is obtained when they buy very expensive wood zebrano.

Do not require big expenses of the board from coniferous rocks Trees, including pine and ate. From such floors, the room is filled with substances and pleasant aroma for humans. The tree always remains warm, so it is nice to walk with bare feet by the floor.

For shower, baths and saunas are required aspen and lime boards. They do not emit resin, they have resistant to water and high temperature.

On the veranda, open for precipitation, the floor is best made from corrugated oak or larch boards.

The thickness of the genital boards must be selected taking into account the distance between adjacent lags. At a distance of 600 - 700 mm, a thickness of 40 mm is sufficient. If the spans more specified size, you need to prefer boards with a thickness of 50 mm. As for the width, it is installed design project or owners preferences.

If you decide to hold the device of floors with your own hands, remember that wide boards are uncomfortable. In addition, the more the cloth, the more his shrinkage. The results of this inevitable process may affect the quality of the wooden outdoor coating. For this reason, it is better to take non-screens and not too long boards.

One of the way to install the floor is the laying of the rotor, with the method of joints of the ends of the boards should not coincide in the neighboring series.

If plywood is used as a base, parquet boards glued with mastic or glue and additionally fastened with self-draws, as in the case of massive board. It is necessary to glue throughout the area, without voids.

In addition to the traditional direct form of laying, use diagonal. Especially exquisite B. spacious room Looking at an angle of 45 ° to the wall.

Floor arrangement requires a thorough preparation, quite a lot of time and physical effort. Despite this, many believe that it is possible independent installation Without attracting specialists and additional costs. Indeed, showing perseverance, observing step by step guide, you can do without assistance and significantly save money.

If you want to rebuild the floor, the worn finish coating is removed, the state of the substrate is checked and, if necessary, repaired. Lags having flaws are subject to replacement, as well as other components of the base affected by rot or fungus. During overhaul The floors change the wet or blind insulation, as well as isolation.

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