"The gray-haired lady" is an amazingly beautiful aster with original colors. Presentation - ABC "Flowers

Garden equipment 19.05.2019
Garden equipment

Aster is rightfully called the queen autumn flower garden: she is beautiful, unpretentious and blooms for a long time. Luxurious bouquets of asters keep fresh for more than two weeks

"And large bright asters
In the autumn dry silence
So variegated and variegated,
That are visible even under the moon, "-
wrote the poet N. Aseev

"Astra" - in Greek - "star". Asters are white, pink, yellow, red, blue, purple, with many shades, light and dark. But asters differ not only in color.

There are terry asters with large quantity narrow petals sticking out in all directions. Some have straight petals, others are wavy, bent inward, like a peony, while others are narrow, pointed - needle-like.

The needle aster is especially similar to a star that has fallen from the sky: the middle is large, warm yellow, and the petals-rays extend from it. You look at them, admire them, and sadness creeps into your heart that this holiday of Nature will soon end. Merciless frosts "will say sternly:

"Enough" - and the earthly stars will go out.
Autumn over the shady park ...
Gold maples on the water of the pond.
Leaves are spinning ... The birds are silent ...
Looks into the chilled sky
Aster, the radiant aster star.

(R. Rozhdestvensky)

The first aster flowers were completely different and came to Europe 250 years ago from China. At that time, there was the most contradictory information about the plant and animal world of China. Only a few of the Europeans managed to visit there, because the entry into this country for foreigners was strictly prohibited.

Priests - itinerant preachers - were among the first to enter this unknown world. They not only tried to preach Christianity among the local residents, but also studied the customs and customs of the Chinese, the history and culture of the country, plant and animal world... It was not easy, and at times the missionary priests were forced to act by cunning and bribery.

So it was in 1728, when the French monk Nicola Incarville arrived in China. Unlike others, he had a special assignment from the director of the royal garden of Trianon at Versailles, Jussier. For six months, Jussier taught Incarville the basics of botany, the ability to recognize, describe and grow plants.

Secretly, hiding from the eyes of the officials of the Chinese emperor, Incarville exchanged and bought plants, which he then sent to France. In one of the parcels, seeds of the garden aster were also delivered to Versailles. This flower attracted the attention of French gardeners and, in particular, the owners of the well-known garden company Vilmorins. Very soon the first varieties appeared, and the aster rightfully began to be called garden. Flowers bred from aster seeds turned out to be large, bright colors, with a yellow center. It seemed that their inflorescences looked like an ordinary chamomile, then like peony or daisy flowers, then like baskets of chrysanthemums with fancifully curved petals.

In France they were called "the queen of daisies".

The gardeners were not very wrong: both the aster and the daisy are from one very large family of Compositae.

The peculiarity of plants of this family is that their so-called flowers are not flowers, but inflorescences-baskets, filled with small trident flowers closely pressed against each other. Only the marginal flowers have one large tongue, one petal.

Among the Chinese asters, there are about 4000 varieties, which botanists combine into 40 groups, 10 types and 3 classes. And the genus of asters has about 250 species.

Peony asters, bred by the Versailles gardener Pruffaut, are unusually beautiful, and the famous French company Velmorin has grown about 400 species and forms of plants, among which there are luxurious varieties of annual asters. They bloom from late summer until frost. Among asters, there are low and high ones with inflorescences of all kinds of colors - from snow-white, blue, cream, yellow, purple, dark red to two-color and even tricolor, with a varied structure of flowers: chrysanthemum, pink, peony. The diameter of the flower of some varieties reaches 17 centimeters.

Annual asters were even grown in Antarctica at the Novolazarevskaya scientific station: in a small heated extension under a transparent two-layer polyethylene roof with a five-centimeter air gap, as many as 6 bushes of pink asters bloomed amid white silence.

Aster flowers are one of the oldest plants. When a 2000-year-old royal tomb was opened near Simferopol, they saw an image of an aster flower among various garlands of aconite leaves, laurel and pine cones. Aster was considered an amulet by the ancient Greeks.

Interestingly, the images of aster flowers were on the caps of the soldiers of the Hungarian Red Army. It was worn by poets and writers Antaya Gidash, Iozhef-Fodor, Dola Yiesh, Mate Zalka.

In the language of flowers in Hungary, aster personifies autumn, it is called ostirose, which means "autumn rose" in Russian.

The smell of late flowers is inimitable. Combining the main smells of autumn, they convey the freshness of rain, and wilting of foliage, and the bitter smell of pine needles.

There is a belief: if you stand among the asters at night and listen carefully, you can hear a subtle whispering - this is how asters communicate with their sisters - the stars.

Aster "Gray-haired lady" red

Translated from Greek, aster means "star". An ancient legend says that aster grew from a speck of dust that fell from a star.

According to Greek legend, from the constellation Virgo, which for the Greeks was associated with the goddess of love Aphrodite, a tear rolled down - stardust. In those places that were touched by the stardust that reached the ground, unprecedented flowers grew - asters, so reminiscent of heavenly stars by their inflorescences.
The aster flower is a symbol of women born under the astrological sign of Virgo.

Aster was brought to our country from China 200-250 years ago, where this flower was considered a symbol of beauty, modesty and charm. And now aster can be found in all natural zones.
The wild-growing annual aster is not very decorative, therefore many cultural hybrid varieties... Now in the world collection there are more than 600 varieties of asters. They are very diverse and differ in shape, size, structure and color of inflorescences, in the shape and size of the bush and flowering time.
Garden aster is an annual herb with a powerful, fibrous, widely branched root system. Stems are green, sometimes reddish, hard, erect, simple or branched.
The leaves are arranged in the next order, the lower ones are petioled, broadly oval or oval-rhombic, unevenly coarsely toothed, serrate or crenate along the edge; the upper ones are sedentary. The inflorescence is a basket of ligulate and tubular flowers.

My acquaintance with one-year-old asters began closely several years ago with the purchase of several different varieties. Among them were pompon, and needle asters, and peony asters. But most of all that summer I was conquered by the aster of the "Gray Lady" variety in red and pink tones, and since then she has been one of my favorites.

Aster "Gray-haired lady" red

"The gray-haired lady" is an unusually beautiful one-year-old aster. Its red-raspberry or pink-red tone from the center smoothly turns into white at the tips, creating the effect of gray hair, hence the name of the variety. There are asters of this variety with colors and in blue-violet tones.

The variety in question belongs to the large-flowered peony asters.
The bush of the "Gray Lady" is tall, compact, columnar, strong, can reach a height of 50-65 cm. During the growing season, forms up to 20 inflorescences on long, strong, leafy peduncles. Numerous shoots provide this variety with an unusually lush flowering.

Aster "Gray-haired lady" pink

Inflorescences of the "Gray Lady" are hemispherical, terry, 8-10 cm in diameter, not drooping. They consist of two-colored, red-crimson or pink-red with a white stripe, wide ligulate flowers that cover the inner tubular flowers. The flower stalks are strong.
The plant is light-loving, cold-resistant, tolerates frosts up to minus 4 degrees C.
The “gray-haired lady” can be grown both by seedlings and by sowing seeds in the ground.
Most often, the seedling method is used. Aster seedlings are planted in late March - early April, dive with the development of the first pair of true leaves according to the 5 × 5 cm scheme.

Crops are grown at a temperature of 15-18 degrees C. At a soil temperature of 15 degrees, shoots appear in 7-14 days.
Before planting seedlings in open ground at the end of May, it is hardened for 1-2 weeks, lowering the temperature to 10 degrees C.

In open ground, seeds are sown in late April - early May under a temporary shelter or in late May - early June, followed by thinning of the seedlings.
Sowing of asters in winter is also possible: at the end of October to a depth of 5-8 cm. From above, the crops are mulched with peat or sawdust to a height of 3-5 cm. In the spring, at the end of March-early April, the crops are opened. The seedlings that appear at the end of April will be hardened, and the grown plants will be strong, frost-resistant and bloom profusely.

Aster planting scheme 20 × 30 cm.
Aster seeds are lightly sprinkled with earth, watered only with warm water.
The "gray-haired lady" prefers a sunny, sheltered from the wind place, with fertile, limed, well-drained soils, but without fresh manure.
In one place, this aster variety, like all other varieties of annual asters, is grown for no more than one year.
Seeds from this variety are not harvested, since the color is not preserved.

Bush "Gray Lady" pink

The "gray-haired lady" looks very beautiful in band and group plantings on the lawn, like central plants in a mixed flower bed, in the background of a high curb. It can be used as a pot culture and for cutting. Bouquets with "Gray Lady" are amazingly beautiful! They do not fade in water for a long time and delight the eye with the splendor and bizarre color of the inflorescences.

Astra "Gray Lady" red in a flower garden

Caring for the "Gray Lady" consists of rare but abundant watering. Frequent, gentle loosening is recommended. Aster must be fed with mineral fertilizers during the budding period.
The "Gray-haired Lady" blooms profusely and for a long time (from July to October). To extend the flowering period, faded inflorescences must be removed.

Bush "Gray Lady" red

The advantage of this variety is that it is relatively resistant to aster disease such as fusarium.

Aster is rightfully called the queen of the autumn flower garden: it is beautiful, unpretentious and blooms for a long time. Luxurious bouquets of asters keep their freshness for more than two weeks!

In my opinion, the gray-haired lady aster is one of the most beautiful asters! She is a decoration of my garden!
I think that the unique two-tone color of the inflorescences and the excellent cutting qualities of this variety will make it worthy of your attention.

Life is short: Break the rules - Goodbye quickly - Kiss slowly - Love sincerely - Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret what made you smile.

Astra (Latin Aster) - genus herbaceous plants family Asteraceae, or Asteraceae (Asteraceae), including more than 200 species, widespread in culture as ornamental plants With beautiful flowers(in fact it is not single flowers, and inflorescences).
"Aster" - Latin transcription of the Greek "asteros" - a star, the name is given for the shape of the inflorescences.
The homeland of the wild ancestors of the annual aster is the northern regions of Korea, Manchuria and China.
The genus numbers, according to various estimates, from 200 to 500 species, of which more than half grow wild in Central and North America.
Asters are annual and perennial rhizome herbs with simple leaves... Inflorescences - baskets, collected in complex complexes in the form of a shield or panicle; marginal flowers- reed, their color is very diverse; central - small, tubular, as a rule, yellow color... Inflorescences of asters are large, simple, double or semi-double, of various colors.
Plants have strong, well-branched roots. Most of the roots are located at a depth of 15-20 cm, some of them penetrate even deeper into the soil. And therefore, the aster is well supplied with water and nutrients.
Blooms from late July to late autumn.

Aster is rightfully called the queen of the autumn flower garden: it is beautiful, unpretentious and blooms for a long time. Luxurious bouquets of asters keep fresh for more than two weeks.
"Astra" - in Greek - "star". Asters are white, pink, yellow, red, blue, purple, with many shades, light and dark. But asters differ not only in color. There are terry asters with a large number of narrow petals sticking out in all directions. Some have straight petals, others are wavy, bent inward, like a peony, while others are narrow, pointed - needle-like.
The needle aster is especially similar to a star that has fallen from the sky: the middle is large, warm yellow, and the petals-rays extend from it.

The first aster flowers were completely different and came to Europe 250 years ago from China. At that time, there was the most contradictory information about the plant and animal world of China. Only a few of the Europeans managed to visit there, because the entry into this country for foreigners was strictly prohibited.
Priests - itinerant preachers - were among the first to enter this unknown world. They not only tried to preach Christianity among the local residents, but also studied the customs and customs of the Chinese, the history and culture of the country, flora and fauna. It was not easy, and at times the missionary priests were forced to act by cunning and bribery.
So it was in 1728, when the French monk Nicola Incarville arrived in China. Unlike others, he had a special assignment from the director of the royal garden of Trianon at Versailles, Jussier. For six months, Jussier taught Incarville the basics of botany, the ability to recognize, describe and grow plants.
Secretly, hiding from the eyes of the officials of the Chinese emperor, Incarville exchanged and bought plants, which he then sent to France. In one of the parcels, seeds of the garden aster were also delivered to Versailles. This flower attracted the attention of French gardeners and, in particular, the owners of the well-known garden company Vilmorins. Very soon the first varieties appeared, and the aster rightfully began to be called garden.
It seemed that their inflorescences looked like an ordinary chamomile, then like peony or daisy flowers, then like baskets of chrysanthemums with fancifully curved petals. In France they were called "the queen of daisies".
The gardeners were not very wrong: both the aster and the daisy are from one very large family of Compositae.
The peculiarity of plants of this family is that their so-called flowers are not flowers, but inflorescences-baskets, filled with small trident flowers closely pressed against each other. Only the marginal flowers have one large tongue, one petal.

Aster flowers are one of the oldest plants. When a 2000-year-old royal tomb was opened near Simferopol, they saw an image of an aster flower among various garlands of aconite leaves, laurel and pine cones.
Aster was considered an amulet by the ancient Greeks.
Interestingly, the images of aster flowers were on the caps of the soldiers of the Hungarian Red Army. It was worn by poets and writers Antaya Gidash, Iozhef-Fodor, Dola Yiesh, Mate Zalka.

In the language of flowers in Hungary, aster personifies autumn, it is called ostirose, which means "autumn rose" in Russian.
The smell of late flowers is inimitable. Combining the main smells of autumn, they convey the freshness of rain, and wilting of foliage, and the bitter smell of pine needles.
There is a belief: if you stand among the asters at night and listen carefully, you can hear a subtle whispering - this is how asters communicate with their sisters - the stars. And no wonder - according to legend, the aster grew out of a speck of dust that fell from a star. And the legend was generated by astronomers, more precisely, the Parisian astronomer Alexander-Henri-Gabriel Cassini. Cassini in his youth studied the science of celestial bodies, and devoted the rest of his life to botany. And he succeeded so much in the study of the Asteraceae family that at one time they even tried to rename them by his name.

Aster for the Chinese means beauty, charm, modesty, humility and elegance.
The ancient Greeks symbolizes love and is dedicated to Aphrodite.
Astra is a symbol of love, grace, sophistication, and also - memories.

An ancient legend says that aster grew from a speck of dust that fell from a star. Already in Ancient Greece people were familiar with the constellation Virgo, which was associated with the goddess of love, Aphrodite. According to ancient Greek myth, the aster arose from cosmic dust when the Virgo looked from the sky and cried.

There is another legend of the appearance of asters on earth: two Taoist monks decided to go to the stars. They walked for a long time through the thorny forest. We made our way through the juniper bushes. We climbed along barely noticeable mountain paths. We glided over snowy glaciers. Until we reached the summit itself high mountain Altai. But when they reached the top, they saw that the stars were still high in the sky and did not get closer. Long was the way back. The monks had no food or water left, they stripped their bodies into blood, tore their clothes. Almost exhausted, they descended from the mountains, and went out into a beautiful meadow, where a clear stream flowed and wonderful flowers grew. "Look," said one of the monks, "we have come such a hard way to see the beauty of the stars in the sky, and they, it turns out, live here on earth." They dug up and brought several plants to the monastery and began to plant these flowers, calling them asters, which in Latin means stars.

In China, asters symbolize beauty, precision, elegance, charm and modesty.

For Hungarians, this flower is associated with autumn, which is why in Hungary the aster is called the “autumn rose”. In ancient times, people believed that if a few aster leaves were thrown into a fire, then the smoke from this fire could drive out snakes.

The aster flower is a symbol of women born under the astrological sign of Virgo. Aster is a symbol of sadness. This flower was considered a gift to man from the gods, his amulet, amulet, a particle of his distant star. Therefore, the sadness symbolized by him is sadness for the lost paradise, for the impossibility of climbing into the sky.

MBK: a fateful meeting.
Love, sympathy, tenderness, infatuation, friendship, gallantry, unification, cooperation, fame, happiness.

Asters are known for their useful properties... Some varieties are excellent honey plants. Others have found applications in Tibetan medicine. There are even "geological assistants" who change the color of flowers depending on the presence of nearby ore deposits. New Belgian or Virginian aster is widely used to strengthen the banks of reservoirs.

Asters are the last smile of autumn, beautiful and unpretentious, evoke various associations. Some, seeing them, rejoice; others are sad; still others think about the eternity of beauty, and still others shrug their shoulders: winter is outside, and they bloom, withstanding frosts up to seven degrees.
For past memories
For the fleetingness of beauty,
For the hot ashes of withering
I love autumn flowers.
They, absorbing the coolness of the dawn
And the clouds are rolling in years,
In a hurry to bloom, afraid that joy
The unexpected cold will cut short.
A doomed hope of hope
Autumn flowers are burning
And with inspiration, passion
They keep the last love.
Asters blooming near a pool or pond are very spectacular. Reflecting in clear water, they compete with the whiteness of the clouds, shading and highlighting them. The smell of late flowers is inimitable. Combining the main smells of autumn, they convey the dampness of the rain, and the wilting of foliage, and the bitter smell of pine needles.
Gray-haired asters smell of autumn
A wet linen canopy.
Gray-haired asters smell of winter,
Rancid forest hoarfrost.
The faded cold of fading
Like whitewashed glass
Reminds me of parting
With the one that laughed and bloomed.
There is a belief: if you stand among the asters at night and listen carefully, then you can hear a subtle whispering as the asters communicate with their sisters-stars. And no wonder, according to legend, the aster grew out of a speck of dust that fell from a star. And the legend was generated by astronomers, more precisely, the Parisian astronomer Alexander-Henri-Gabriel Cassini. Cassini studied the science of celestial bodies in his youth, and devoted the rest of his life to botany. And he succeeded so much in the study of the Asteraceae family that at one time they even tried to rename them by his name.
In 1826, he isolated a new genus Callistephus from the aster family, which means beautiful flower... This is what the Jesuit Inkerville called the asters brought from China a hundred years before him; Cassini also discovered this name in the old records of the botanist Antoine Jussier.
In botanical taxonomy, two different genera of these plants in everyday life and in floriculture are called asters alike: callistephuses are annual asters, or Chinese, and real asters are perennial.
Twenty-six species of true asters grow in our country, and six of them are endemic to the Soviet Of the Far East... The most interesting of these are the spring blooming aster fori one and a half meter in height and the luxurious-leaved aster with unique leathery palm-sized leaves.
Karel Chapek wrote in the Gardener's Mountain: But it happens that you plant some aster in the spring, and by October she will give you a two-meter virgin forest which you are afraid to enter, because you are not sure that you will find your way back.
Chapek was not mistaken: the New England aster reaches two meters in height, and the New Belgian aster, or Virginian one hundred and eighty centimeters in height, with numerous branched woody shoots, on each of which up to two hundred flower baskets bloom so brightly and densely that leaves are not visible at all behind them.
It is very difficult for a person who enters their thickets to go back.
Noticing root system Virginia asters, gardeners began to plant them to strengthen the banks, and now the aster brings not only practical benefits, but, blossoming and more than once reflected in the water, enhances the aesthetic impact. Her variety Blue Jewel is also a good honey plant.
Altai and Tatar asters are used in Tibetan folk medicine... And asters shaggy and Tatar are living indicators for geologists: on soils rich in nickel, they change color, as if prompting geologists where to look for deposits of this metal.
I would like to finish the story about the aster with poetry.
Why are these late asters
In a transparent end-to-end silence
So sweet and beautiful to my heart
Like star snow on the moon?
Why in the autumn palisade
Over the chilliness of the extinct ridges
Their pale white shadows Silently and sadly float?
Probably, then, to give us joy.

Aster is rightfully called the queen of the autumn flower garden: it is beautiful, unpretentious and blooms for a long time. Luxurious bouquets of asters keep fresh for more than two weeks. "Astra" - in Greek - "star". Asters are white, pink, yellow, red, blue, purple, with many shades, light and dark. But asters differ not only in color. There are terry asters with a large number of narrow petals sticking out in all directions. Some have straight petals, others are wavy, bent inward, like a peony, while others are narrow, pointed - needle-like. The needle aster is especially similar to a star that has fallen from the sky. The first aster flowers were completely different and came to Europe 250 years ago from China.

At that time, there was the most contradictory information about the plant and animal world of China. Only a few of the Europeans managed to visit there, because the entry into this country for foreigners was strictly prohibited.

Priests - itinerant preachers - were among the first to enter this unknown world. They not only tried to preach Christianity among the local residents, but also studied the customs and customs of the Chinese, the history and culture of the country, flora and fauna. It was not easy, and at times the missionary priests were forced to act by cunning and bribery.

So it was in 1728, when the French monk Nicola Incarville arrived in China. Unlike others, he had a special assignment from the director of the royal garden of Trianon at Versailles, Jussier. For six months, Jussier taught Incarville the basics of botany, the ability to recognize, describe and grow plants.

Secretly, hiding from the eyes of the officials of the Chinese emperor, Incarville exchanged and bought plants, which he then sent to France. In one of the parcels, seeds of the garden aster were also delivered to Versailles. This flower attracted the attention of French gardeners and, in particular, the owners of the well-known garden company Vilmorins.

Very soon the first varieties appeared, and the aster rightfully began to be called garden. Flowers bred from aster seeds turned out to be large, bright colors, with a yellow center. It seemed that their inflorescences looked like an ordinary chamomile, then like peony or daisy flowers, then like baskets of chrysanthemums with fancifully curved petals.

In France, they were called "the queen of daisies."

The peculiarity of plants of this family is that their so-called flowers are not flowers, but inflorescences-baskets, filled with small trident flowers closely pressed to each other. Only the marginal flowers have one large tongue, one petal.

Among the Chinese asters, there are about 4000 varieties, which botanists combine into 40 groups, 10 types and 3 classes. And the genus of asters has about 250 species. Peony asters, bred by the Versailles gardener Pruffaut, are unusually beautiful, and the famous French company Velmorin has grown about 400 species and forms of plants, among which there are luxurious varieties of annual asters.

They bloom from late summer until frost. Among asters, there are low and high ones with inflorescences of all kinds of colors - from snow-white, blue, cream, yellow, purple, dark red to two-color and even tricolor, with a varied structure of flowers: chrysanthemum, pink, peony. The diameter of the flower of some varieties reaches 17 centimeters.

Annual asters were even grown in Antarctica at the Novolazarevskaya scientific station: in a small heated extension under a transparent two-layer polyethylene roof with a five-centimeter air gap, as many as 6 bushes of pink asters bloomed amid white silence.

Aster flowers are one of the oldest plants. When a 2000-year-old royal tomb was opened near Simferopol, they saw an image of an aster flower among various garlands of aconite leaves, laurel and pine cones. Aster was considered an amulet by the ancient Greeks.

Interestingly, the images of aster flowers were on the caps of the soldiers of the Hungarian Red Army. It was worn by poets and writers Antaya Gidash, Iozhef-Fodor, Dola Yiesh, Mate Zalka. In the language of flowers in Hungary, aster personifies autumn, it is called ostiroza, which means "autumn rose" in Russian.

The smell of late flowers is inimitable. Combining the main smells of autumn, they convey the freshness of rain, and wilting of foliage, and the bitter smell of pine needles. There is a belief: if you stand among the asters at night and listen carefully, you can hear a subtle whispering - this is how asters communicate with their sisters - the stars.

And no wonder - according to legend, the aster grew out of a speck of dust that fell from a star. And the legend was generated by astronomers, more precisely, the Parisian astronomer Alexander-Henri-Gabriel Cassini. Cassini studied the science of celestial bodies in his youth, and devoted the rest of his life to botany. And he succeeded so much in the study of the Asteraceae family that at one time they even tried to rename them by his name.

In 1826, he isolated a new genus of Callistephus from the aster family, which in Greek means "beautiful flower". So, 100 years before him, the monk Incarville called the asters brought from China, while Cassini discovered this name in the old records of the botanist Jussier.

In the botanical system, two different genera of these plants in everyday life and in floriculture are called asters in the same way: callistephuses are annual or Chinese asters, and real asters are perennial.

There are 26 species of true asters growing in our country, and 6 of them are endemic to the Far East (that is, they grow only in this region). The most interesting of them are the spring-blooming aster fori, 1.5 meters in height, and the luxurious-leaved aster with unique leathery leaves the size of a palm.

Karel Chapek wrote in his book "The Year of the Gardener": "But it happens that you plant some aster in the spring, and by October it will give you a two-meter virgin forest, into which you are afraid to enter, because you are not sure that you will find your way back." ...

Chapek was not mistaken: the New England aster reaches two meters in height, and the New Belgian aster, or Virginia, becomes eighty centimeters high, with numerous branched woody shoots, on each of which up to 200 flower baskets bloom so brightly and densely that leaves are not visible behind them. It is very difficult for a person who enters their thickets to go back.

Noticing beautiful system Virginia asters, gardeners began to plant them to strengthen the banks, and now the aster brings not only practical benefits, but, blossoming, and more than once, reflected in the water, enhances the aesthetic effect. Her variety Blue Jewel is also a good honey plant.

Altai and Tatar asters are used in Tibetan folk medicine. And asters shaggy and Tatar are living indicators for geologists: on soils rich in nickel, they change color, as if prompting people where to look for deposits of this metal.

What forms have not breeders brought out over these 200 years and more! Here and undersized branchy small-flowered - for border plantings, and tall terry - for bouquets.

Now in the world collection there are more than 600 varieties of asters. They are very diverse. Bushes are pyramidal, columnar, oval or spreading in shape. Plant height - from 15 to 100 centimeters, flowers - from 2 to 16 centimeters in diameter - have a wide variety of colors and shapes. Duration of flowering - from 40 days - at early varieties, up to 85 - in late ones.

To understand this variety, a classification was created that divided the varieties into 10 types, the names of which very figuratively describe appearance inflorescences: tubular, simple, semi-double, coronal, curly, radial, acicular, hemispherical, spherical and tiled.

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