Another name for licorice herb. Licorice root, medicinal properties and contraindications

reservoirs 30.06.2020

In medicine

Licorice roots are used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, mainly in the presence of a poorly separated, thick and viscous secret - as an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and cough softening agent.

Also, plant preparations are used for peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, chronic inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract - as an anti-inflammatory agent (as part of complex therapy).

Licorice roots are part of many fees and dietary supplements.

In cooking

Licorice roots are widely used in cooking.

In the English city of Pontefract, Yorkshire, licorice was grown and licorice sweets were made from it, which glorified this city. Nowadays, various licorice sweets are also produced in Pontefract.

In cooking, root powder or root decoction is used. Often the broth is thickened and a syrup is prepared, which does not deteriorate for a long time during storage. Licorice root liquid extract is used to make non-alcoholic sweet drinks and to improve the taste of foods. Licorice root is used in the manufacture of juices, kvass, jelly, added to oriental sweets, halva, used to make sweets and confectionery.

In cosmetology

Plant extracts are a component of many creams, masks and other cosmetics.

Licorice is used to care for dry and sensitive skin. It moisturizes, soothes the skin, strengthens blood vessels. Licorice can be used to care for mature skin. The plant promotes regeneration, stimulates the synthesis of collagen, prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

When caring for oily skin, licorice root steam baths are often used, as well as plant-based cosmetics, which help to gently cleanse the skin and regulate the sebaceous glands.


The genus licorice (lat. Glycyrrhiza) includes perennial herbaceous plants of the legume family (lat. Fabaceae). Another name for these plants is licorice or licorice. There are about 15 species of licorice, widely distributed in the temperate and subtropical regions of Eurasia, North Africa, America and Australia.

For medical purposes, the following types of licorice are used:

    Licorice naked (lat. Glycyrrhiza glabra L.);

    Ural licorice (lat. Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch.).

Botanical description

Licorice naked- a perennial plant with erect, slightly branched stems, 50-100 (sometimes up to 200 cm) high. The underground organs of licorice consist of a tap root that penetrates the soil to a depth of 6-8 meters and a short thick multi-headed rhizome, from which underground shoots extend - stolons (from 5 to 20 pieces, 1-2 meters long). The daughter buds are on the stolons. Above-ground shoots are formed from them. The developed system of underground organs of the plant (roots, numerous stolons with daughter buds) forms a powerful network and helps to maintain the licorice population.

The leaves of the plant are alternate, compound, odd-pinnate, 5 to 20 cm long, with 9-17 dense elliptical or ovate, shiny leaflets, slightly sticky, with a large number of glands, especially on the underside. The edge of the leaves is slightly bent down.

The flowers are collected in loose racemose inflorescences 5-12 cm long, on long (3-7 cm) peduncles. Inflorescences are located in the axils of the upper leaves. The flowers are pink-violet or whitish-violet, irregular. The fruit is an oblong bean, elongated, slightly curved, brown, leathery. Licorice blooms in June-July. The fruits are formed in August-September.

At licorice Ural, unlike licorice, the edge of the leaves is strongly wavy, the inflorescences are dense, dense, located close to each other, the flowers are purple and white. Beans (fruits) of the plant are wavy, strongly curved.


Licorice naked distributed in Central Asia, Kazakhstan, the Caucasus, as well as in the southeast of the European part of Russia. Found in Southern and Eastern Europe. It grows along river banks, in steppe and semi-steppe regions, as well as in mountainous areas, if it can reach groundwater with its roots.

Ural licorice does not grow in the European part of Russia, but forms large thickets in Siberia, grows in Central Asia and Kazakhstan.

Distribution regions on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

For medicinal purposes, take the roots of licorice (Glycyrrhizae radices). The roots of the plant can be dug up at different times of the year. The collected raw materials are cleaned from the remnants of the earth and dried in the open air or in dryers at a temperature of 50-60ºС. The second time it is possible to harvest raw materials in the same area in 6-8 years.

Chemical composition

The beneficial properties of licorice depend on the biologically active substances contained in the plant.

Licorice roots and rhizomes contain saponin glycerrisin (up to 23%), bitter substances (up to 4%), traces of essential oil, resinous substances (3-4%), vitamins, proteins, lipids (up to 4%); polysaccharides (4-6%), consisting of pectins and starch), monosaccharides and disaccharides (up to 20% in total), flavonoids (3-4%).

Licorice grass contains essential oils, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, polysaccharides and pigments.

Pharmacological properties

A decoction of licorice roots has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect.

The expectorant properties of licorice are due to glycerrisin, which stimulates the activity of the ciliated epithelium in the trachea and bronchi, enhances the secretory activity of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. Glycyrrhizin, which is 50 times sweeter than sugar, also imparts a sugary-sweet taste to licorice root.

The anti-inflammatory property of licorice is due to a greater extent to glycyrrhizic acid, which is released during the hydrolysis of glycyrrhizin, and is expressed in a kind of relief of inflammatory reactions.

Also, glycyrrhizic acid, undergoing metabolic transformations in the body, has a corticosteroid-like effect. Preparations from licorice roots are prescribed to patients with chronic adrenal insufficiency, which contributes to the restoration of normal hormonal balance in the male body. The use of licorice, along with hormone replacement therapy with glucocorticoids, allows you to reduce the dose of hormonal drugs by 4-5 times. It is established that this plant has estrogenic activity. It is promising to use licorice herb to obtain drugs with hormonal activity: phytoestrogens, antiphytoestrogens and phytogonadotropins (P.A. Efremov et al.).

However, with prolonged use of licorice preparations in men, a weakening of sexual desire, an increase in the mammary glands, a limitation or disappearance of body hair is possible.

The flavone compounds of the plant have an antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles. The glycoside liquiricin contained in the plant has a softening and antispasmodic effect, relaxing the spasm of the sphincters of the digestive tract, which gives a good laxative effect and is suitable for complex therapy in the treatment of a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Essential and alcohol extracts of licorice roots exhibit antimicrobial activity. Flavonoids provide the diuretic effect of the plant. Plant β-sitosterol is an effective treatment for prostate adenoma.

Licorice root is part of a number of herbal teas that affect the function of the endocrine glands and metabolic processes, in particular, with menopause, impaired thyroid function, mainly with its hyperfunction.

Application in traditional medicine

In folk medicine, licorice roots are used to treat coughs, pains of various origins, fevers, and stomach ulcers. The plant is used for bronchitis, tuberculosis, shortness of breath.

Licorice is included in the fees for the treatment of rheumatism, impotence, nephritis, and for the elderly is considered a rejuvenating and life-prolonging agent, the plant is also often found in recipes for children.

In Tibetan medicine, the roots and rhizomes of Ural licorice are used as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic and expectorant and are used for stomach ulcers, vascular diseases, atherosclerosis, some diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, arthritis and rheumatism, poisonous snake bites, bronchial asthma, lobar pneumonia , cough. An aqueous decoction of licorice roots is used for food poisoning, especially mushrooms.

In India, licorice roots are widely used in the treatment of eye diseases, to improve vision.

In Korean medicine, licorice roots and rhizomes are also most commonly found in drug prescriptions. The plant is used in the treatment of tuberculosis, various nervous diseases and diabetes.

In Bulgarian folk medicine, a decoction of rhizomes and roots is used for difficult urination, manifested as a result of prostate adenoma.

History reference

In the countries of the East, licorice root was considered miraculous and almost legendary. In the Chinese medical "Book of Herbs", written more than 5 thousand years ago, the healing properties of the plant were described. Its roots were and still are a very famous and affordable ingredient for medicinal powders and collections.

Licorice has also been popular in India, Vietnam, Burma, Korea, the Caucasus, the Near and Middle East for many centuries. Since the 12th century, licorice root has been regularly exported by China to Japan, Singapore, Siam, Europe, Russia, and later to America.

The use of licorice from the Chinese was borrowed by the Assyrians and Sumerians, and from them knowledge about the plant came to Ancient Greece and Egypt. The Greeks acquired licorice root from the Scythians and called it the Scythian root. Dioscorides, Hippocrates and Galen widely used the plant in their practice. Licorice was mentioned by the medieval French physician Odo from Maine.

After the 17th century, Russia was a major exporter of raw materials to Europe. In the 19th century, Russia annually exported tens of tons of licorice root from Kazakhstan and Central Asia, mostly to France and Germany, and at the beginning of the 20th century, the amount of exported raw materials increased significantly.


1. State Pharmacopoeia of the USSR. Eleventh edition. Issue 1 (1987), issue 2 (1990).

2. State Register of Medicines. Moscow 2004.

3. Medicinal plants of the State Pharmacopoeia. Pharmacognosy. (Edited by I.A. Samylina, V.A. Severtsev). - M., "AMNI", 1999.

4. Mashkovsky M.D. "Medications". In 2 volumes - M., New Wave Publishing House LLC, 2000.

5. "Phytotherapy with the basics of clinical pharmacology", ed. V.G. Kukes. - M.: Medicine, 1999.

6. P.S. Chikov. "Medicinal plants" M.: Medicine, 2002.

7. Sokolov S.Ya., Zamotaev I.P. Handbook of medicinal plants (phytotherapy). - M.: VITA, 1993.

8. Mannfried Palov. "Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants". Ed. cand. biol. Sciences I.A. Gubanov. Moscow, Mir, 1998.

9. Turova A.D. "Medicinal plants of the USSR and their application". Moscow. "The medicine". 1974.

10. Lesiovskaya E.E., Pastushenkov L.V. "Pharmacotherapy with the basics of herbal medicine." Tutorial. - M.: GEOTAR-MED, 2003.

11. Hammerman A. F., The use of licorice in medicine of the peoples of the East // Questions of the study and use of licorice in the USSR. Moscow, Leningrad: Nauka, 1966. P. 15-18.

12. Ibragimov F. I., Ibragimova V. S. The main medicines of Chinese medicine. Moscow: Medgiz, 1960. 412 p.

13. Nazarov-Rygdylon V. E., Malakshinova M. M. Influence of multicomponent herbal medicines of Tibetan medicine on the blood coagulation system // Second Republican Conference on Medical Botany (Abstracts), Kyiv, 1988. — P. 387-388

14. Kitaeva R. I., Evteeva M. S., Bykova V. E. Secretory components of the mucous membrane of the small intestine with the introduction of bronchodilator preparations // Second Republican Conference on Medical Botany (Abstracts), Kyiv, 1988. — P. 359 -360

15. Kitaeva R. I., Neretina A. F., Ivannikova N. V. Treatment of bronchial asthma in children with oxygen bronchodilator cocktails using medicinal plant materials as a foaming factor // Second Republican Conference on Medical Botany (Abstracts) , Kyiv, 1988. - S. 360-361.

16. Nalepo L. F., Shakhina N. K. The use of medicinal plants in the secondary prevention of peptic ulcer // Second Republican Conference on Medical Botany (Abstracts), Kyiv, 1988. — P. 389.

17. Muravyov I. A., Krasova T. G., Storonozhko L. E. The use of licorice root preparations in dermatology // Second Republican Conference on Medical Botany (Abstracts), Kyiv, 1988. — P. 384.

18. Gladyshev A. I. Licorice naked - natural resources, their rational use and industrial culture // Second Republican Conference on Medical Botany (Abstracts), Kyiv, 1988. - P. 44.

19. A.P. Efremov, I.A. Schroeter, T.P. Osadchaya "Secret pantries of nature". - M.O. Publishing house "Overlay", 2001. - 160 p.

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) has been used to treat many ailments for centuries. Chinese and Tibetan healers used this medicinal herb to treat most diseases, many medicines were prepared from it.

In Asian countries, it was believed that decoctions and infusions of this herb rejuvenate the body, cleanse the internal organs and relieve stress. The pharaohs drank a special elixir in order to prolong life, and it also included licorice root.

Licorice has other names:

  • licorice root;
  • licorice;
  • liquorice;
  • licorice root.

Licorice is a perennial herbaceous medicinal plant that can grow up to 1.5 - 2 meters in height, and its root system is very powerful and strong. And in the Latin name of this medicinal plant there is the word "glabra", which means "smooth", "naked". Licorice belongs to the legume family.

Licorice has been used to treat many diseases for many centuries.

The root system of this plant is thick, consisting of several main roots growing vertically. Small roots extend from them in horizontal directions. The length of the main root can be up to 100 cm. Therefore licorice looks fresh and does not dry out even during a drought because the roots absorb moisture from the dry layers of the soil.

The foliage on the plant is arranged alternately, usually up to 7-8 pairs of leaves grow on one plant. The foliage is oval in shape, pinnate with short petioles. The underside of the leaves is sticky to the touch. The flowers are light purple in color, grow on tall peduncles, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences. The flowering period of licorice is the second half of the summer season. Licorice fruits are oblong beans (about 2.5 - 3 cm in length), inside which up to 5 - 6 peas ripen. The beans themselves are brown, straight, naked. Fruit ripening occurs in the third decade of August - mid-September.

Gallery: naked licorice (25 photos)

Medicinal properties of licorice (video)

This plant is common in the temperate and subtropical climates of Europe and Asia. In our country, licorice grows mainly on sandy soils near rivers in the middle and central black earth regions, in Eastern Siberia, in the Urals. This medicinal herb is found in the North Caucasus, in the south of Ukraine and in Asian countries.

The object of preparation for this plant are the roots. They are dug out of the soil, the aerial part and damaged pieces of roots (rotten or damaged) are removed, then laid out for drying. Dried raw materials are dried in the shade or in special dryers, the temperature in which should be about 50 ° C. Dried raw materials should break slightly. Properly dried roots are yellow with a gray tinge on the outside and light yellow on the inside. Dried roots are odorless and taste very sweet.

The rhizomes of this medicinal plant go deep into the soil, so it is extremely difficult to exterminate this medicinal plant. However, you should not re-collect the roots of this medicinal herb in one place for several years in a row. Usually, after collecting medicinal raw materials, this plant is allowed to grow, and the roots are harvested again in this place no earlier than after 4-5 years. Dried raw materials should be stored in plywood boxes. The powdered roots are put into glass jars, which are tightly sealed. Dried rhizomes can be stored for up to a decade.

The object of harvesting in licorice is the roots

Medicinal properties and uses of licorice

Licorice roots contain a number of flavonoids, vitamin C, gum, asparagine and some other substances. Any medicinal preparations, which include licorice root, have enveloping, expectorant and laxative properties.

Licorice contains glycyrrhizin, which contributes to the active work of the cilia in the respiratory tract, due to which there is an active expectoration of sputum. Therefore, licorice root preparations are used in diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs to alleviate cough. Licorice preparations also have antispasmodic and antiviral effects, and can fight tumors. Licorice roots are used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract a (including peptic ulcer and gastritis).

Medicines based on licorice root are used to treat various skin diseases, eye diseases, inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx and ears.

You can store dried licorice rhizomes for up to a decade.

Licorice root in folk medicine

In folk medicine, licorice root is used primarily as an excellent expectorant. On its basis, decoctions and infusions are prepared, which can be taken orally for bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by coughing fits. Besides, in folk medicine, with the help of licorice, it is advised to treat:

  • stress;
  • consequences of exposure;
  • take to restore strength after heavy operations;
  • in the form of ointments to use for the treatment of purulent wounds;
  • for the treatment of atherosclerosis;
  • with diabetes of any type;
  • in various thyroid diseases.

The recipe for making a decoction based on licorice is simple: you need to take a tablespoon of crushed licorice roots, pour water (200 ml) and put in a water bath for ¾ hours. Then the broth is cooled, filtered, boiled water is added to it (to bring it to a volume of 200 ml) - and the broth is ready for use.

The use of licorice root (video)

Extract and syrup based on licorice

Licorice-based extract is a thick liquid that has a brown tint and a weak specific aroma, the taste is too sweet (even cloying). This preparation is prepared on the basis of licorice root with the addition of water and ammonia.(ten%). On the basis of such a thick elixir in the pharmacological industry, a breast elixir, licorice syrup is prepared.

All these drugs are prescribed as an enveloping and expectorant for colds, bronchitis and other diseases accompanied by coughing fits. Licorice Root is also available in capsules.

An extract based on licorice is prescribed as an enveloping and expectorant for colds, bronchitis and other diseases accompanied by coughing fits.

Features of the use of licorice during pregnancy

Although licorice has a number of positive properties, it is better not to use preparations based on it during pregnancy. After all, the substances that make up the licorice root have a number of side effects that can adversely affect the development of the fetus.

With prolonged treatment with drugs, which include licorice, A pregnant woman may experience the following problems:

  • blood pressure will rise;
  • hypokalemia will develop;
  • there may be interruptions in the work of the liver and kidneys;
  • an allergy to the components of the drugs will appear.

But the main problem that a future mother may have is the water-salt balance, which may be accompanied by edema, will be disturbed. This drug can affect the adrenal glands and their cortex, thereby provoking the production of a number of hormones.

This is a perennial plant of the legume family, translated from Latin as "sweet root". Other names are licorice, licorice root, licorice, licorice root. Licorice medicinal lime has been used since ancient times in Tibet as an antidote, in China it is considered the root of longevity and a means of cleansing and rejuvenating the body. In Russia, it is used as an effective remedy for the treatment of all types of cough in both folk and traditional medicine.

Description of licorice

More than 20 plant species are known - rough, Bukhara, bristly, Macedonian, three-leaved - the most common species are:

Licorice naked- this species has the greatest medical value.

What does licorice look like naked - plant photo

Her stem is naked (hence the name) reaches up to one and a half meters in height, erect, branching little. Licorice leaves are lanceolate, alternate up to 20 mm in diameter, covered with sticky glands, fall off before flowering. Flowers - purple color, collected in a brush. Blooms from early to late summer. Fruits - in the form of sickle-shaped beans with seeds, ripen in early autumn. The root is branched, powerful grows up to 4 meters. It is brown on the outside and yellow on the inside.

- grows throughout the Urals. The flowers are larger and flowering is more abundant.

Ural licorice - plant photo

Licorice Transbaikalian- a rare plant species, listed in the Red Book. It grows in the Trans-Baikal Territory in a few thickets near lakes, ravines, in the steppes and meadows. Blooms with yellow flowers with a purple center. The collection and harvesting of this plant species is prohibited.

Where does it grow

Licorice naked prefers areas of the steppe, semi-desert and desert zone. Grows in Central Asia, in the south of Russia (Caucasus, Crimea, Krasnodar Territory). It can be found in the coastal zone, in river valleys and floodplains, in steppes and semi-deserts, in meadows, along roads, among shrubs. It is not demanding on soils; it grows on chernozem, clay, sandy and alkaline soil. Artificially grown in China, Spain, Italy, Greece, Iran.

For medicinal purposes, only the root of the plant is used.


The collection of licorice root is carried out in spring or autumn. The roots of the plant are dug up, cleaned, washed, crushed and dried, spread out in a small layer in a well-ventilated and protected from direct sunlight place. The shelf life of dried raw materials is 10 years.

Licorice - medicinal properties and contraindications

Chemical composition

Licorice grass contains a lot of useful substances in its composition:

  • Saponins;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Asparagine;
  • Carbohydrates (glucose, sucrose, fructose, maltose);
  • Essential oils;
  • Organic acids (succinic, malic, citric, tartaric);
  • gums;
  • resins;
  • Polysaccharides (starch, pectin, cellulose);

What is good licorice - its medicinal properties

Licorice (licorice) has the following therapeutic effects:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • antipyretic;
  • Wound healing;
  • Antispasmodic;
  • Antiviral;
  • expectorant;
  • emollient;
  • Painkillers;
  • Stimulant;
  • Antioxidant;
  • Antitoxic.

Dry pharmaceutical raw materials have all the useful properties of a fresh root

What does licorice root help with?

  • Diseases of the upper respiratory tract (tonsillitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis, asthma, pneumonia);
  • Poisoning and food intoxication;
  • All types of cough;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Metabolic dysfunctions;
  • kidney disease;
  • Inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Failure of the liver;
  • Violations of the water-salt balance;
  • Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Infectious diseases - influenza, SARS, colds;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (helps strengthen blood vessels and capillaries);
  • Weakened immunity;
  • Gynecological problems;
  • Prostatitis and adenomas;
  • Skin ailments (eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis).

A powder is prepared from the roots of the plant, which is also used for medicinal purposes.


  • High pressure;
  • Adrenal hypersensitivity;
  • heart failure;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • Tendency to thrombosis;
  • Pregnancy and lactation period;
  • Individual intolerance to the components.

Licorice - methods of application: benefits and harms

On the basis of the plant, decoctions, infusions, alcoholic tinctures, teas are prepared, and licorice root syrup is widely used as an effective remedy for any kind of cough. These drugs can be purchased ready-made, and it is possible to cook at home.

For the preparation of medicines, the crushed root is used.

Tea - put raw licorice (crushed root) in the amount of 10 g into the teapot, pour boiling water, cover and infuse. Strain and consume warm throughout the day. The drink has an antioxidant effect and increases the stamina of the body. Licorice root powder can be used to make tea.

Licorice root tincture - crushed roots (half) are placed in a glass jar and poured with vodka (76% alcohol can be used), cleaned in a dark place for two weeks to infuse (the container must be shaken periodically). Then filtered and used for treatment.

Licorice tincture: instructions for use - indicated for adults to take 20-25 drops, diluted with water twice a day. The antiviral effect of licorice root activates the production of interferon, which is effective for influenza, SARS, herpes and even AIDS.

Decoction of licorice - chopped root (2 tablespoons) and 300 ml. boiling water is placed in a water bath for infusion for 1/3 hour. Filter, bring the volume of liquid to its original value and use for medicinal purposes.

The drink has a lot of beneficial properties on the body.

Licorice root: instructions for use- take for ten days, dosage for adults - a tablespoon 4 times a day, for children - a teaspoon 2-3 times a day. Helps fight chronic fatigue, overwork, normalizes the action of the nervous system, stabilizes sleep, has an antidepressant effect, lowers cholesterol, normalizes the endocrine system. A decoction of the roots in milk is effective for children with whooping cough.

Infusion - crushed licorice root (a tablespoon) is placed in a glass of boiling water, covered and kept in a warm place for half an hour. It is filtered and taken three times a day, 20 ml. before eating.

The juice Licorice roots can be used to make juice. To do this, they are crushed in a meat grinder and squeezed through gauze. The product is highly concentrated and to reduce the concentration of one gram of juice, dilute 1/2 cup of boiled water and drink it during the day in three doses. Used to accelerate the healing of stomach ulcers and gastritis.

Benefit and harm

If you follow the instructions and doses of taking licorice preparations, they will bring a lot of benefits and no harm. In case of an overdose, side effects are possible in the form of an allergic reaction, itching, rash and diarrhea.

Licorice root syrup - instructions for use

Licorice syrup is an effective cough remedy. Indications for use are diseases of the respiratory system, lungs and bronchi.

How to prepare and take licorice syrup

Recipe- take a liquid extract of licorice root (a teaspoon), 1/3 cup of sugar syrup and a tablespoon of alcohol. Used for dry cough, colds, gastritis, stomach ulcers. It has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects, helps in wound healing, fights staphylococci.

In the pharmacy you can buy ready-made syrup from licorice roots

Instructions for use for adults

Adults take a tablespoon with water, three times a day after meals. Treatment is carried out for ten days, a longer intake can increase blood pressure, reduce the concentration of potassium in the body.

Instructions for use for children

Licorice syrup is given to children as a medicine against all types of coughs (dry and wet). It helps to soften sputum and its removal, stimulates the immune system and the body's defenses.

The potion is sweet in taste and will be pleasant and healthy for babies.

How to give licorice to children- taking licorice for children under one year old in the form of syrup is allowed 2 drops per day. From 2 to 12 years - half a teaspoon three times a day. A child from 12 years old can drink a teaspoon three times a day. Take within 10 days.

Licorice is an effective cough remedy for both children and adults

How to take licorice for cough

What cough helps- the plant is an effective anti-inflammatory and expectorant. Used for dry and wet coughs. When dry - softens sputum and mucus formed in the bronchi. When wet - helps to facilitate expectoration and accelerate the excretion of microbes.

Licorice contains phytoestrogens, which will help regulate the menstrual cycle and alleviate the condition during menopause.

The antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, whitening and anti-aging properties of the plant are widely used for cosmetic purposes. Licorice is used as an additive in shampoos, tonics, creams, gels, soaps and toothpastes for body care. Due to its ability to produce collagen, the root is included in cosmetics - anti-aging creams for the face and skin.

The plant has a beneficial effect on women's health

Licorice for weight loss

The root normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, activates digestion and metabolism, cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, removes excess fluid. All these actions help to quickly and painlessly get rid of extra pounds.

Licorice during pregnancy

Treatment with licorice during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended. The components of the plant change the water-salt balance and can cause swelling, increased blood pressure and hormonal activity.

Ready-made medicines in a pharmacy

Licorice extract - is a thick brown mass of sweet taste. It is used as an antiviral agent for the treatment of dermatitis, eczema, herpes and staphylococcus aureus. As well as an expectorant and antispasmodic. The extract calms the nervous system and cleanses the body. When used externally, it reduces age spots, activates collagen production.

Instructions for use - used as an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and expectorant for coughs and gastrointestinal diseases.

Licorice in tablets - the pills are an extract of the root. They have anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, expectorant and laxative effects.
Indications - asthma, dermatitis, adrenal dysfunction, asthenic syndrome.

Licorice Root Syrup - used as an anti-inflammatory and expectorant to facilitate coughing up a viscous thick secret. The combined use of "Pertussin" with licorice accelerates the process of cleansing the respiratory system.

Pertussin, like licorice, is available as a syrup

Thermopsis syrup with licorice - is produced on the basis of vegetable raw materials in the form of a liquid medicine for adults and children. An effective expectorant drug for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis, tracheitis and cough with viscous mucus that is difficult to separate. Thermopsis with licorice has an exciting and irritating effect and accelerates the coughing process. By its action, the drug can replace other cough medicines.

Thermopsis syrup with licorice is an analogue of such drugs as Coldrex and Codelac Broncho

"Glycyram" - a preparation based on licorice roots, the form of release is tablets and granules. Indications for use - the presence of bronchial asthma, dysfunction of the adrenal cortex, dermatitis, eczema, Addison's disease.

Traditional medicine recipes

Cleaning the lymph with licorice - violation of the function of the lymphatic system entails clogging of its metabolic products, as a result, bile stagnates, constipation appears, the bladder becomes inflamed, rashes, psoriasis, neurodermatitis and so on form on the skin.

How to clean- to eliminate these unpleasant processes, it is necessary to cleanse the lymph nodes with licorice root. To do this, dilute a tablespoon of syrup with a glass of hot water and drink three times a day before meals.

Cleansing the lymphatic system with enterosgel with licorice - Enterosgel is a sorbent that collects and removes waste and decay products. Licorice increases the efficiency and speed of removing toxins and waste from the lymphatic system.

Mode of application- a decoction with licorice root is drunk on an empty stomach twice a day for 1/4 cup. Enterosgel is taken after taking licorice in half an hour. They do not eat for an hour and a half, the cleaning course is 14 days.

Cleansing the lymphatic system with activated charcoal and licorice - this procedure will cleanse not only the lymphatic system, but the whole body as a whole. To do this, taking licorice should alternate with taking activated charcoal, its dose is a 10 kg tablet. weight.

The combined use of drugs has a powerful cleansing effect

For respiratory diseases - for treatment, it is necessary to use the roots of licorice, elecampane and marshmallow (all in equal amounts) and 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture brew 400 ml. boiling water. Insist and take 1/2 cup every three hours.

Licorice for gastritis - It is good to take licorice juice diluted in a third of a glass of water. Take three doses per day. The drink will also help with stomach and duodenal ulcers.

With weakened immunity - well helps infusion of licorice root. It should be taken for a long time with short breaks.

For vascular disease - the root has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, makes them more elastic, and normalizes lipid metabolism.

With impotence - the plant is an aphrodisiac, increases blood flow in the erogenous zone and excites sexual desire.

With age spots on the face - it is good to wipe the skin with alcohol infusion or decoction of licorice root twice a day until the desired result is obtained.

With adenoma and prostatitis - the crushed root in the amount of two tablespoons is placed in a container with 400 ml. boiling water and simmer for 15 minutes on low heat. Leave for a couple of hours to infuse, then strain and drink every four hours, 1 tbsp. spoon before eating. Licorice as part of complex therapy increases the effectiveness of the drug and alleviates the symptoms of the disease.

For diseases of the stomach - take a herbal collection with licorice root, mint, lemon balm and centaury (raw materials are taken in proportions of 4: 1: 1: 1) and a tablespoon of the mixture is placed in a teapot, insisted and drunk during the day. Relieves inflammation, pain, spasms, treats gastritis and ulcers.

This is a perennial herbaceous plant of the legume family, which can reach a height of 2 meters. This is not surprising, since it has a powerful root system, reaching a depth of up to 5 meters, and branching near the soil surface into several long stolon roots. The plant has several stems, they are slightly branched.

Photo of licorice in the wild

Licorice blooms all summer with pale purple moth flowers about 1 cm in diameter. Flowers are collected in brushes of several pieces. The seeds are greenish or brown, ripen in pods up to 3 cm long. The leaves are oblong, oval, arranged in 3-10 pairs. They are covered with sticky glands.

How Licorice Blooms

Where does the plant grow?

Licorice prefers countries with a temperate climate. Found wild in Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Italy, France. It is also grown as a cultivated plant. In nature, it can be found everywhere - along the road and in bushes, in the steppes, in meadows, in semi-deserts, floodplains, in the coastal zone.

The plant is not demanding on the soil; it grows on alkaline soils rich in sodium, hard clayey chernozems and sandstone. Often forms dense thickets.

Photo source

If not for the beneficial properties of licorice, it would be considered an aggressive weed. Its plantings in nature spread quickly thanks to seeds and shoots growing from the rhizome. Each stolon root has a bud from which a young plant develops. If you plant such a plant on a personal plot, it will completely take over it, so the root system underground is limited in growth. To do this, sheets of slate or other material are buried around the licorice to a depth of 40 cm.

How and from what spices are made

Dried licorice roots are made into a spice by grinding them into a powder. It is used in cooking for the preparation of sweet products, baking, processing fish and pickling vegetables. Licorice powder is added to drinks and sweets.

You can make this condiment at home by purchasing dried licorice rhizomes and grinding them in a coffee grinder. Dried roots are stored for 3 years or more from the date of harvesting.

It looks like dried licorice root

Photograph of ground spice

Chemical composition

Licorice is a versatile plant in which all parts are used: roots, leaves, stems. Their chemical composition is well studied. So, the roots contain:

  • polysaccharides;
  • organic acids;
  • triterpenoids;
  • carbohydrates;
  • steroids;
  • coumarins;
  • flavonoids;
  • higher fatty acids;
  • alkaloids;
  • cellulose;
  • essential oil;
  • resins;
  • tannins.

The leaves and stems, in addition to carbohydrates, polysaccharides, essential oils and flavonoids, contain vitamins, saponins, lipids, minerals. Glycyrrhizic acid gives the rhizome its sweet taste. It has a corticosteroid-like effect, so it should not be consumed in large quantities.


Licorice root is a rather high-calorie product, 100 g contains 375 kcal. It contains no proteins at all, almost no fat (0.05 g), a small amount of fiber (0.2 g) and a lot of carbohydrates (94 g).

In order to burn the calories contained in 100 g of licorice root, you need to ride a bike for 1 hour, do homework for two hours or swim for half an hour.


Benefits and beneficial properties

Licorice is an excellent honey plant, it is used in medicine and cooking, various industries. This is a valuable plant that has many useful properties. In industry, the foaming properties of licorice root powder are used; in cooking, the rhizome acts as a spice and the basis for sweet syrup. In medicine, the following beneficial properties of the plant are used:

  • wound healing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • laxatives;
  • mucolytic;
  • enhancing immunity.

In addition, licorice inhibits fermentation processes, is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, asthma, as a sugar substitute for diabetes.

Harm and contraindications

Some people may experience allergic reactions, irritation of the gastric mucosa, hormonal disruptions, and increased fatigue. Therefore, products and medicines containing licorice should be used with caution.

The plant is contraindicated in such cases:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergy;
  • kidney disease;
  • hypertension;
  • the use of diuretics;
  • low blood glucose.

Constant long-term use of licorice can lead to increased pressure and the appearance of edema.


Licorice essential oil contains alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, fatty acid esters and aromatic compounds. It is obtained from the roots of the plant. The color of licorice oil is yellow, with a characteristic taste and smell. It is used to treat the gastrointestinal tract, skin diseases and wounds.

Taste and smell

Licorice root extracts have a characteristic sweet taste and delicate aroma. This plant is familiar to many from childhood on sweet cough mixtures - Licorice or Pectusin.

The smell of licorice is somewhat reminiscent of anise and fennel. The spice made from it goes well with meat, game, fish, vegetable marinades, pickled apples. Due to its sweet taste, licorice is used in the confectionery industry.

Fragrant zucchini and licorice soup


Licorice has found application in many areas of economic activity. It is planted on sandy soils as an ornamental plant and to fix the soil. In industry, licorice powder is used for the preparation of mixtures, filling fire extinguishers, and as a foaming agent in metallurgy.

A decoction of licorice roots in Asia is used to dye felt carpets and wool, and in the textile industry this plant is used to fix dyes. The production of ink, ink and shoe polish is not complete without licorice. It is added to flavor tobacco in the manufacture of cigarettes. The most widely used licorice is in medicine and cooking.

In cooking

Licorice is used to make various sweets and is used as a foaming agent in soft drinks and whipped protein creams. It is used in the production of many food products:

  • chocolate
  • cocoa;
  • coffee;
  • halvah;
  • marinades;
  • sweet pastries;
  • caramel;
  • compotes and kissels.

licorice sweets

This plant is highly valued as a flavoring additive for sauerkraut and urinating apples, and for making tea. Licorice is part of the spices for fish. In some countries (Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland) sugar-free licorice candies are very popular.

natural candy

Sweets with raspberries

apple sherbet recipe

You can make a delicious sherbet at home from licorice powder. You will need the following products:

  • apple puree - 300 g:
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • egg whites - 2 pcs.;
  • licorice root powder - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cream on the couscous.

apple sherbet


  1. Beat egg whites with licorice powder with a mixer.
  2. Mix apple puree with lemon juice.
  3. Gently combine the puree with the protein cream and place in the freezer for several hours.

Serve the sherbet on the table, garnished with whipped cream and nuts.

In traditional and folk medicine

Cough preparations are made from licorice, their effect is provided by saponins contained in the roots. These substances have an enveloping, expectorant and softening effect on the inflamed bronchi. In addition, licorice is part of diuretics and laxatives. The list of diseases for the treatment of which the plant is used:

  • gastritis;
  • gout;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • asthma;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • rheumatism.

In folk medicine, decoctions of licorice are used to heal wounds and ulcers, in the diet of diabetics - as a sugar substitute. The list of diseases for the treatment of which the plant is used in traditional medicine:

  • impotence;
  • whooping cough;
  • angina;
  • prostatitis;
  • nephritis.

The aroma of licorice is considered a strong aphrodisiac, it is second only to pumpkin pie, increases sexual desire and activity.

For medicinal purposes, licorice root is used, which is harvested in autumn or early spring. It is dug up, washed, dried in the sun or in dryers.

When losing weight

For those who want to lose weight, licorice helps to remove toxins from the body. It acts as a mild laxative, cleanses the lymph.

Helps to manage excess weight without harm

The problem of excess weight is almost always accompanied by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or hormonal disorders. The uniqueness of licorice is that it normalizes the processes of digestion and regulates the work of the endocrine system. Improvement of the body as a result of taking licorice root helps to maintain weight within the required limits and not gain excess kilograms.

In cosmetology

In home cosmetology, liquorice roots can be used to make a decoction for silkiness and hair growth. It also helps to get rid of dandruff and strengthen the roots.

For cooking:

  1. 1 st. l licorice should be poured with 500 ml of boiling water and boiled in a water bath for 10 minutes;
  2. When the decoction has cooled to room temperature, rub it into the scalp, moisten the hair abundantly and wrap;
  3. Wash off the mask after 1 hour.

It is useful to do this procedure every 3 days for 2 months.

Licorice root powder is used in the preparation of face masks. Such masks have an anti-inflammatory effect, relieve irritation. They nourish and cleanse, have a rejuvenating effect, slightly whiten the skin.

Licorice naked - Glycyrrhiza glabra. Other names: Licorice, Licorice, Smooth Licorice, Licorice. Legume family (Fabaceae).

Botanical characteristic

Perennial herbaceous plant. Grows on coastal pebbles, outcrops, foothills, old fallows, in small groups or singly.

The root is powerful, woody, sweet in taste. Stem up to 1.2 m tall, slightly branched, glabrous. The leaves are petiolate, pinnate, with early falling lanceolate stipules and with 4-6 pairs of oblong-ovate leaflets with a wedge-shaped base and a short pointed tip. Moth-like flowers, up to 1 cm long, with a purple corolla and a calyx covered with dotted glands and scattered hairs, are collected in an oblong, up to 4 cm long inflorescence in the axils of the leaves. The fruit is a flat, elliptical shape with straight thin spikes, a bean twisted into a dense spherical head, self-cracking when ripe. Flowering in July-August, fruiting in September-October. Several species grow. All species have healing properties, with a therapeutic purpose can be used similarly.


It grows wild in the southeast of the European part of the country, in the Caucasus and in Central Asia on the banks of rivers, along roads, on the sands, like a weed in fields and gardens. Cultivated as a medicinal plant.

plant parts used

Medicinal raw materials are rhizomes, aerial part of the plant, leaves, seeds. Roots are harvested at any time of the year, preferably in spring or autumn. They are cut off to a depth of 30-40 cm, crushed and dried at a temperature not exceeding 50 ° C in dryers. The aerial part is harvested during flowering, the fruits as they ripen.

All parts of the plant contain organic acids (glycyrrhizic acid and its potassium and calcium salts), flavone compounds, glycosides (liquirinite, liquiritigenin, liquirithoside), vitamins, essential oil, bitterness, coumarins, etc. Saponin, glycyrrhizin (up to 23 %).

The roots of different types of licorice are included in all domestic pharmacopoeias and many countries of the world.

Application and medicinal properties

Licorice preparations have expectorant, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, laxative, diuretic, antihistamine, antitumor properties.

Herbal preparations of licorice are widely used in medical practice as an expectorant, enveloping, cough softening agent for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, with advanced inflammatory manifestations, especially in children and the elderly. They are used as adjuvant therapy for Addison's disease, decreased function of the adrenal cortex, lupus, allergic dermatitis, pemphigus.

Preparations of various types of licorice "Liquiriton" and "Flakarbin" are recommended as an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic agent for gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. "Glyciram" has a stimulating effect on the function of the adrenal cortex, changes the ratio of sodium and potassium ions in the blood, and has anti-allergic properties. It is used for bronchial asthma, hypotonic syndrome of various origins, eczema, dermatitis. In France, Great Britain, the USA patented ointments, powders, preparations for injections of all types of licorice are used to treat rheumatism, asthma, dermatitis, diseases of the skin, eyes, ears, nose, and oral cavity.

Licorice preparations have antiviral, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory properties, exhibit hypotensive, capillary-strengthening, antibacterial, expectorant, antitumor effects; enveloping, mild laxative. It is used for various diseases: influenza, tuberculosis, diabetes, peptic ulcer, malignant tumors, diseases of the genitourinary system, as an antiviral; externally - for the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, lupus erythematosus, in cosmetics, to strengthen and grow hair.


  • Infusion of licorice root naked: 1 st. l. dry crushed raw materials are poured with 1 cup of boiling water and infused at room temperature for 1 hour. Filter and take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day as an expectorant for colds, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia.
  • Licorice rhizome decoction: 1 st. l. crushed rhizome pour 1 glass of water and boil for 10 minutes, defend. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day or applied externally for irrigation of wounds, applying lotions and pustular wounds.
  • A decoction of the rhizome of licorice and horsetail, goat's rue herb officinalis: 2 tbsp. l. mixtures of plants taken in equal quantities, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. Insist 30 minutes, filter. Drink a third cup 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals with diabetes.

Ready preparations are used according to the instructions attached to the preparations.


Licorice is contraindicated during pregnancy, hypertension, heart failure, obesity.

Nutritional use. Licorice root extract is used in the food industry for the preparation of beer, lemonade, kvass. Licorice is also used when urinating apples, preparing marshmallows.

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