Intellectual game "finest hour" elementary grades. Scenario of the holiday "finest hour"

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SCENARIO OF THE GAME "THE FINEST HOUR" IN THE OSSETIAN LANGUAGE (NON-SPOKEN GROUP). PURPOSE OF THE GAME: - to identify students' school and general knowledge; development of cognitive activity, intelligence, broadening of horizons.

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Scenario of the game "Finest Hour"

Target:- identifying students’ school and general knowledge;development of cognitive activity, intelligence, broadening of horizons.

Educational: expand and deepen children’s knowledge about the world around them;
increase the general awareness and education of children;
Educational: develop intelligence, logical thinking; promote the development of memory, attention, speech;
Educational: cultivate interest in the Ossetian language; strengthen communicative
skills; cultivate friendly relations with each other; captivate children with play and evoke a joyful mood.

Rules of the game:

The game consists of 7 rounds. The game involves 5 players. Each participant must have signs with numbers from 0 to 6.

Players are offered a question and several answer options. The participant must find the correct answer and raise the corresponding number plate. A “star” is given for the correct answer. After each round, the participant with the fewest stars leaves the game. He is awarded a consolation prize. The participant who dialed nai large quantity stars become the winner of the game.

Today is an unusual day for us,
We are sincerely glad to welcome you!
For smart game friends gathered here
It's time for us to start it!

Leading: Hello guys and ours Dear guests! Today we gathered for the intellectual game Finest Hour. This is a game for those who read anything, hear anything, know anything! Meet the participants!

(PARTICIPANTS)Participants exit to the music.

Warm up.

The game begins with the introduction of the participants. Participants' stories about themselves - we award a star for the most interesting story.

1st round Literature and art

Participants are given a question and six answer options. The participant must find the correct answer and raise the corresponding number plate. If there is no correct answer, the participant raises a sign with the number “0”. Participants who answer correctly receive a star.

Presenter: - Here are 6 great people of Ossetia: 1. Vaso Abaev, 2 .Veronica Dudarova, 3 .Kosta Khetagurov, 4 .Albina Baeva, 5. Roza Kochisova, Kamal Khodov.


1 . Which of these great people are the founders of the Ossetian language and literature? (Costa H. №3)

2 . She is the first Ossetian writer and playwright? (Rosa K .№5)

4 .Her name is included in the Guinness Book of Records, is she the only female conductor in the world?( Veronica D.No.2)

6 . Which of these great people is a famous athlete?( 0 )

Round 2. Animal world

Here are the names of the animals:

1 . Birag-wolf, 2. uyzyn-hedgehog, 3. ruvas-fox, 4. zygarӕg-badger, 5. tӕrkhus-hare,

6. ars-bear, 7.mysyr-leopard


1 . Which of these words is not an animal?(0)

2. Thisa real mountain animal. He lives in rocky gorges, among very steep mountain slopes, next to glaciers.Currently it is included in Red Book(№7 ) Belongs to the cat family. Is a symbol of our Republic

3. This is a small animal, a mammal measuring 20–30 cm, weighing up to 800 grams.He is not afraid even of the bites of poisonous snakes.On the one hand, this is a useful animal, it eats harmful insects and mice, but on the other hand, it can also be a pest - ruining the nests of birds.(№2)

4 . She has a warm fur coat. Narrow, curious muzzle. Her ears and paws are black. And he is very proud of his tail - large and fluffy. ( №3 )

5 . The hero of many fairy tales. In them he is most often called a "robber". But sometimes he faithfully serves fairy-tale characters, for example, Ivan the Tsarevich ...(№1 )

6. He lives in the forest, he is big and strong, with a famous sweet tooth. Many children have a favorite toy...( №6 )

3rd round From these letters, you need to make the longest word in one minute.(in Ossetian language) B,T.DZ,GЪ,Y,Ӕ,I,D,R


4th round Cities

Here are 5 names of cities: 1. Alagir, 2. Muskuy, 3. Digora, 4. Ӕrydon, 5. Dzӕudzhykhӕu.

1 .Which of these cities is the main city North Ossetia?(№5 )

2 . Which river in North Ossetia has the same name as one of these cities?( №4 )

3. Which of these cities is not a city in North Ossetia? ( №2 )

4. In which of these cities is Kosta Khetagurov buried?( №5 )

5th round Fruits and yaods

On the screen the names of fruits and berries: 1. fӕtkuy - apple, 2. khӕlӕrdzy - currant,

3 .mӕnӕrgy-raspberry, 4 .chylaui-plum, 5 .kӕrdo-pear, 6. harbyz - watermelon.

1. One of these fruits or berries incredibly beneficial for the body, her called a storehouse of vitamins,it is black or red, sourish.(№2)

2. Thisthe most common fruit in our country. Extremely useful and necessary for our health. improve the condition of teeth. By chewing the juicy pulp, we cleanse the tooth enamel from unpleasant plaque, sanitizing the oral cavity.In Greek and Roman mythology it is a symbol of love and beauty..(№1)

3. It tastes sweet and is glorified in folklore. She is mentioned in numerous fairy tales, poems, songs, myths and legends. She is a symbol of the homeland, freedom, freedom, and a sweet, free life. The fruits and leaves are also used as a natural antipyretic. (№3)
4. They have beneficial properties, taste good and have different shape and color. “Gifts to the Gods” - that’s what they were called in Ancient Greece. In China, it was considered a symbol of immortality; it turns out that it is the “sister” of the rose, as a representative of the Rosaceae class. (№5)

5. From some Turkic languages ​​this word is literally translated as “donkey cucumber”. Donkeys really love to eat this fruit. She has her own professional holiday- August 3rd! And if you have a desire to celebrate it, stock up on larger fruits on this day... And they are not only round, but also square. The Japanese were the first to produce such an unusual fruit. (№6)

The final.Within 2 minutes, make up a wordSYRDDONTSIU-SPROBEI new words. The last player to say the word wins. Instead of a word, you can use stars earned in the game.

Summarizing. The loser receives a consolation prize. Awarding the winner.The winner has his “finest hour.”

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Rules of the game:

The game consists of 7 rounds. The game involves 5 players. Each participant must have signs with numbers from 0 to 6.

Players are offered a question and several answer options. The participant must find the correct answer and raise the corresponding number plate. A “star” is given for the correct answer. After each round, the participant with the fewest stars leaves the game. He is awarded a consolation prize. The participant with the most stars becomes the winner of the game .

Abaev V.

Dudarova V

Costa H.

Khodov K

Baeva A.

Kochisova R

1. Birӕg

2. Uyzyn

3. Rouvas

4. Zygarӕg

5. Tӕrkhous

6. Ars

7. Mysyr






4. Chilaui

1. Fӕtkuy

5. Kӕrdo

2. Khlӕrdzy

6. Harbyz

3. Mӕnӕrgy

Intellectual game

"Finest Hour".

for students of 1st – 4th grades

Prepared by: Debelaya Larisa Vladimirovna, teacher primary classes

Goals and objectives of the game:

To develop children's ingenuity, imagination, and flexibility of thinking through play; - improve children's speech culture; -broaden the horizons of younger schoolchildren; -develop attention and the ability to self-control;

Develop teamwork skills.

Progress of the event

Today we will spend our “finest hour”. To select participants in our game, we will conduct a selection using riddles. Those six people who are the first to give the correct answers will become participants in the “Finest Hour”.

In calm weatherWe are nowhere to be foundThe wind blows -We run on water.(Waves)

He comes first in the count,The new year will begin with it.Open your calendar soonRead! Written -...(January)

Rustle, rustle the grass,The whip will crawl through alive.So he stood up and hissed:Come, if you are very brave.(Snake)

Bel, but not sugar.No legs, but walking. (snow)

It might breakIt might cookIf you want to kill meIt may turn.(Egg)

Carved, laceSpinning in the air.And how it sits on the palm of your hand,So right away - water. (snowflake)

He's tall and spottedWith a long, long neck,And he eats leaves -Tree leaves. (Giraffe)

I lived in the middle of the yardWhere the kids playBut from the sun's raysI turned into a stream.(snowman)

And no snow, and no ice,He will turn the trees into silver. (Frost)

Fish live warmly in winter:The roof is thick glass.(ice)

Low and pricklySweet and fragrantPick the berries -You'll rip off your whole hand.(Gooseberry)

Winter on gray roofsThrows seeds -Grows white carrotsShe's under the roofs. (icicle)

The participants have been selected - we move on to the game (the participants choose their assistants).


Our first tour is dedicated to fairy-tale heroes. I read, and you must raise the sign with the corresponding number. For the correct answer - a star. If the answers of the participant and his assistant match (if the answer is correct), then the participant receives 2 stars.

1.Cinderella 5.Little Red Riding Hood
2. Monkey 6. Sleeping Princess 3. Turnip 7. Frog Princess 4. Prince 8. Kolobok

First question. “ old age her eyes became weak, but in people she could hear. that this evil is not yet true big hands: You just have to get glasses. He turns his glasses this way and that: the glasses don’t work at all. Out of frustration and sadness, she hit them against the stone so hard that the splashes sparkled.” What hero are we talking about?(2)

Second question . “And the elder brother shot an arrow, and the arrow fell on the boyar’s courtyard, and the boyar’s daughter picked it up. The middle brother shot an arrow, and the arrow fell into the merchant’s yard, and the merchant’s daughter picked it up. The younger brother shot the arrow.” Who raised the arrow?(7)

Third question. This hero met a hare, a bear, a wolf and a fox on his way. And only the fox managed to outwit him. (8)

Fourth question. This heroine fell asleep after tasting a poisoned apple, and woke up from the kiss of her savior. Who is she?(6)

Fifth question . This girl had to hide in a basket to escape the bear. What is this girl's name?(0)

Summing up the results of the 1st round.After the first round, 1 participant with the fewest stars leaves the game (with an assistant). They are awarded consolation prizes.


The second round is about poultry and animals. Listen to the riddles and, at my command, raise the sign with the corresponding number.

1.Cow 5.Donkey

2.Duck 6.Goat

3.Camel 7.Cat

4. Chicken 8. Goose

Sir, not a wolf,long-eared, but not a hare,With hooves, but not a horse.(5)
There is a haystack in the middle of the yard:A pitchfork in front, a broom in the back.(1)
With horns, not a bull,Not a horse, but kicking,They milk, not the cow,With down, not a bird. Bast is tearing up,

but he doesn’t weave bast shoes. (6)
I swam in the water and remained dry. (8)
Eyes, mustache, tail,And he washes himself cleaner than anyone else. (7)
Small stature, long tail,Gray coat, sharp teeth. (0)
Summing up the results of the 2nd round.After the second round, 1 participant with the fewest stars leaves the game (with an assistant). They are awarded consolation prizes.


Letter cubes spill out of this box. You need to make a word from these letters. The word should be as long as possible.

k r o m a t e l s i

(Old man, forester, sailor, romantic, etc.)

Summing up the results of the 3rd round.After the third round, 1 participant who composed the shortest word is eliminated from the game (with an assistant). They are awarded consolation prizes.


Participants are offered “Logical chains”. They must determine correct sequence. If it is correct, the participant raises sign 0; if not, then two signs (in accordance with the answer numbers) that need to be swapped.

All these names refer to the fruits of the fruit. Remember which fruit is the smallest and which is the largest in size.Is our “chain” located correctly in the order of increasing fruit size or should the numbers be swapped?

1.Plum 2.Cherry 3.Apple(1,2)

Walking to the Emerald City, Eli met on her way first the Scarecrow, then the Lion, and lastly the Woodcutter. Is it so? Or do you need to swap the numbers?

1. Scarecrow 2. Lion 3. Woodcutter(0)

All these fairy tales have a happy ending for the heroines. Whoever disagrees, raise a sign with the desired number.

1. The Little Mermaid 2. Snow White 3. Cinderella

Summing up the results of the 4th round. After the fourth round, 1 participant with the fewest stars leaves the game (with an assistant). They are awarded consolation prizes.

5th round

Two participants advanced to the fifth round. This round can be called a duel. You are given a word and in 2 minutes you must make as many nouns from it as possible.An assistant may come to the aid of the participant. This word:


(Snow, year, hell, leg, hay, nose, sleep, bliss, recession, foam, and so on).

Summing up the whole game.

Leading: Hello guys! Today our guests are athletes from Olympic Reserve School No. 1. Let's welcome them!

Today, the most resourceful athletes from our schools will take part in the “Star Hour” game. This is a game for those who read anything, hear anything, know anything! Meet the participants!

Exit of the participants (6 people) to the song “Finest Hour”. All participants wear blue T-shirts with the Finest Hour emblem.

Our game will be monitored by observers (4 people).

Rules of the game. The game involves 6 players. Each participant must have signs with numbers from 0 to 8. The game begins with the introduction of the participants.

Warm up.

Participants' stories about themselves - we award a star for the most interesting story.

1st round

Participants are given a question and eight answer options. The participant must find the correct answer and raise the corresponding number plate. If there is no correct answer, the participant raises a sign with the number “0”. Participants who answer correctly receive a star.

In the world of sports, as in the rest of the world, the territory has long been divided. Today, 2275 disciplines and 177 sports are registered in Russia.

Assignment for the first round. There are 8 sports in front of you:

  1. Capoeira(Brazilian national martial arts, combining elements of dance, acrobatics, games, and accompanied by national Brazilian music).
  2. Zorbing(an applied sport that involves lowering a person in a round transparent zorbe ball from a mountain or associated with crossing bodies of water inside a similar ball)
  3. Wakeboarding(Wakeboarding (wake - wake wave from a boat, board - board) is an extreme sport that combines elements of water skiing slalom, acrobatics and jumping. It is a combination of water skiing, snowboarding, skateboarding and surfing).
  4. Checkbox(a hybrid sport, a combination of chess and boxing in alternating rounds).
  5. Wingsuit(a wing suit made of fabric. Flights in a wingsuit are a type of parachute jumping).
  6. Sepaktakraw(represents team game played on a court divided by a low net, through which players of two opposing teams throw the ball with their feet and heads in order to land it in the opponent’s half and prevent the ball from falling on their half of the court).
  7. Slopstyle(a type of competition in such extreme sports as: freestyle, snowboarding, mountainboarding and mountain biking, consisting of performing a series of acrobatic jumps on springboards, pyramids, counter-slopes, drops, railings, etc., located sequentially along the entire length of the route).
  8. Skeleton (winter) olympic event sport, which is a descent down an ice chute on a two-runner sleigh on a reinforced frame, the winner of which is determined by the sum of two or four races).

Question 1: Which of these sports is an Olympic sport? (8)
Question 2: Which of these sports is a martial art? (1)
Question 3: Which of these sports uses a transparent ball? (2)
Question 4: In which of these sports is “checkmate” acceptable? (4)
Question 5: In which of these sports is sliding on the railing practiced? (7)
Question 6: Which of these sports requires a boat? (3)

Summarizing. For each correct answer, participants receive a star. At the end of the round, the participant with the fewest stars is eliminated from the game.

Musical pause.

2 round

Cubes (9 pieces) pour out of the box; there are letters on each side of the cubes. From the letters located on the upper faces of the cube, in one minute you need to create the longest word (a noun in the nominative case, singular).

Summarizing. The participant who composes the longest word receives a star, and the one who composes the shortest word or has fewer stars is eliminated from the game.

Musical pause.

3rd round

Participants are offered 4 images and statements for them. Participants must determine whether this statement is correct. If it is correct, the participant raises a sign with the number “0”; if it is incorrect, then a sign with a number that does not correspond to the truth. If the images need to be swapped, the participant shows two signs.

On the screen you see 4 comedies:

  1. "The Diamond Arm".
  2. “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession.”
  3. "Operation Y and other adventures of Shurik."
  4. "Gentlemen of Fortune".

Statement: I believe that all these comedies were filmed by director Leonid Gaidai. (4 is incorrect.)

On the screen you see 4 territories:

  1. America.
  2. Australia.
  3. Antarctica.
  4. New Zealand.

Statement: All these territories are located exactly in the sequence in which they were discovered by people (two tablets - 3 and 4). (Antarctica - 1820, Bellingshausen-Lazarev expedition; New Zealand - 1642; America, Columbus - 1492; Australia - 1522, first visit.)

On the screen you see 4 herb plants:

  1. Coriander.
  2. Thyme.
  3. Laurel.
  4. Mint.

Statement: IN Ancient Rome the aroma of this plant served as a good sign. Its smell was believed to lift the spirits and promote conversation. This plant is coriander. (4)

On the screen you see 4 types of gems:

  1. Sapphire.
  2. Ruby.
  3. Diamond.
  4. Emerald.

Statement: An entire city was made from this stone, ruled by the wizard Goodwin, great and terrible. This stone is a ruby. (4)

Summarizing. Participants who answer correctly receive a star. At the end of the 3rd round, two participants with the most stars remain. They reach the finals.

Musical pause.

The final.

The two remaining participants must form as many words as possible in 1 minute using the letters from the word "Applause". The one who composes the most words wins. The loser receives a consolation prize and a diploma for participating in the Finest Hour game.

Finest hour.

The winner has his finest hour. He makes a speech. He is awarded the main prize.

Scenario of an intellectual game for younger schoolchildren " Finest hour»

Target: Development of cognitive activity of students.
1. Summarize and systematize children’s knowledge of the world around them, literary reading, the Russian language in a playful way.
2. Broaden the horizons of students, develop memory, thinking, and speech.
3. Contribute to the cohesion of the team of parents and children.
Equipment: a set of stars and tokens for the qualifying round and a game with spectators, 6 sets of numbers from 0 to 5, cards with the letters of the word MAMMALS for the final game, a multimedia installation for viewing slides “Animals”, “Plants”.
Decor: The hall is conventionally divided into 3 zones - the spectator zone, the presenter zone (center) and six seats for players, decorated with balls, in the center with the inscription “Finest Hour” in stars.

Progress of the game:

(to the sounds of the song “Miracle” from the TV game “Finest Hour,” the game participants enter the hall)
- Hello guys, dear parents and guests!
Today we are playing with you a game called “Finest Hour”. In this game we have: ... (10 people)
Rules of the game: the game consists of 5 rounds.
1st round - qualifying (from total number 6 main players are selected)
Round 2 - out of 6 players, 2 are eliminated
Round 3 - out of 4 players, the 2 with the most points remain
Round 4 - a game with spectators, during which the word for the final game is determined
Round 5 - final game - making words from letters, a given word.
- If the answer is correct, the participant earns 1 star. After each round, the player with the fewest stars leaves the game and becomes a spectator. And so everyone is ready, we begin the game “Finest Hour”.
1st round- qualifying. I ask riddles, and for the correct answer I get a token. The six people with the most tokens advance to the next round. Participants with the same number of tokens are given a riddle; whoever answers wins.
Riddles for the first round.
What is higher than the forest,
More beautiful than the world
Does it burn without fire? (Sun)
On the high road
A steep-horned bull is walking,
He sleeps during the day
And at night he looks. (month)
In the evening it flies to the ground,
Night is coming on earth,
In the morning it flies away again. (dew)
Walking in the field, but not a horse,
It flies on water, but is not a bird. (wind)
There are no legs, but he walks
No eyes, but crying. (rain and cloud)
Across the blue sea
White geese are swimming. (clouds)
Knocking loudly
Screams loudly.
And what he says, no one can understand
And the wise men will not know. (thunder)
A lanky man walked
I got stuck in the cheese. (rain)
9. The golden bridge spreads
Seven villages, seven miles. (rainbow)
No arms, no legs,
And he can draw. (freezing)
Warms in winter
Smoldering in the spring
Dies in the summer
Comes to life in autumn. (snow)
What can't you roll up the mountain?
Can't be carried away in a sieve
And you can’t hold it in your hands? (water)
Not gem,
Does it glow? (ice)
When I'm black, I bite and I'm fervent,
And as soon as I blush, I become subdued. (cancer)

Who carries his own house? (snail)
The carpenters walked without an axe,
They cut down the hut without corners. (snail)
I found a ball and broke it -
I saw silver and gold. (egg)
Silent during the day
At night he screams. (eagle owl, owl)
Blacksmiths are forging in the middle of the trees. (woodpeckers)
There is a haystack in the middle of the yard,
There is a pitchfork in front, a broom behind.
Doesn't spin, doesn't weave,
And he dresses people. (sheep)
- So, let's sum it up. We count the stars; whoever has fewer stars is eliminated from the game and becomes a spectator. (Children who are eliminated receive sweet prizes. There are 6 players left in the game).
2 round Animals.
If the players all answered the question correctly, no stars are given.
On the tables in front of the players are cards with numbers from 0 to 5.
Animals appear on the screen, each with its own number. After listening to the question, the players raise a card with the number of the correct answer. If there are several correct answers, several cards are raised. "0" means that there is no such answer available.
4. FOX
1. Who is considered the ancestor of dogs? (wolf - 1)
2.Who in the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin lived in a crystal palace? (squirrel -0)
3. About whom do they say “he sleeps in winter, stirs up the hives in summer”? (bear - 3)
4.What animals walk in packs? (wolves - 1)
5.Which of these animals is easier to go down the hill than to go up? (hare - 2)
6.Who do they say “his feet feed him”? (wolf-1)
7. Spins like... in a wheel. (squirrel - 0)
8. A fur coat and a caftan walk across the mountains and valleys (ram -0)
9. Who in the fairy tale caught fish with their tail? (wolf -1)
10. Characteristic feature This animal has a tail, which it uses as a rudder, making sharp turns during pursuit (fox - 4)
11. Are all these animals valuable fur animals (wolf and fox, 1 and 4).
- Let's sum it up. At the end of the round, 4 players remain.
3rd round Plants.
Images of plants appear on the screen with their numbers.
1. BOW
5. MAC
1. A red mouse with a white tail sits in a hole under a green bush. (radish - 2)
2. No one is scared, but everyone is trembling. (aspen - 0)
3. Little children are sitting under the leaf on each branch. The one who collects the children will smear his hands and mouth. (blueberry-3)
4. The head is on a stalk, and there are earrings in the head. (poppy - 5)
5. Doesn't hit, doesn't bite, but it makes them cry. (bow - 1)
6. You will find these berries in a large forest swamp - as if red peas were crushed there (cranberries - 4)
7. I grew from a tiny barrel,
It took roots and grew.
I have become tall and mighty -
I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.
I feed pigs and squirrels.
Don't look that my fruit is small. (oak - 0)
- Let's sum it up. At the end of the round, 2 players remain; they will form words from the letters of the big word. The audience will make up this word for them. In the meantime, "Black Box". Now you can still earn additional stars.
"Black box".
Tasks for the “black box”.
- I ask questions, and the answers to these questions are in a “black box”; whoever answers faster and correctly will receive a star. Let's listen carefully to the first question:
1. What is this? It is pounded in a mortar and carried with a sieve by those who are engaged in useless work; they take it into their mouth, not wanting to speak; dishonest people hide their ends in it; sometimes they come out of it dry. (Water)
2. Here is a thing that one fairy-tale crocodile “swallowed like a jackdaw.” What is this thing? (Washcloth) - the presenter demonstrates a washcloth.
3. Here is the object that made the old man and the old woman cry after the trick of the little gray mouse. They calmed down only when they received in return the same object, but of a different quality and color. What is this? (egg) - the presenter demonstrates the egg.
4.With the help of the object that is inside the box, you can make a variety of things, or you can kill one fairy-tale character. What lies here? (Needle) - the presenter demonstrates the needle.
5. Was it used to poison the princess in “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”? (Apple)
6. What is this? Did Papa Carlo use it to make a hat for Pinocchio? (Sock).
- So, let's sum up this round.
We have 2 players left. Now they can rest a little and prepare for the final 5th round. In the meantime, round 4 is a game with spectators.
Round 4 - game with spectators, during which the word for the final game is determined.
There are cards on the board with letters on the back. Having opened all the letters, you get a word for a super game. Fans guess riddles; the first letter of the answer is in the word. Thus, the word is slowly revealed, and viewers earn tokens. There are 2 riddles per letter - difficult and easy.
Questions for playing with fans:
M.1. Medicinal plant blooms in early spring? (coltsfoot)
Even though I am as tall as a grain,
But he is strong as a bull,
Not a minute without doing anything
I'm not used to sitting.
Even without a broom -
I'm a janitor, always ready to watch
For cleanliness in the area,
May our forest be healthy. (ant)
L.1. What is the name of a flying squirrel (flying squirrel)
L.2. Who ruled the country where Chipolino lived? (Prince Lemon)
E.1. What tree seeds do woodpeckers, squirrels, voles (spruce) eat?
E.2. Whose wishes did the pike fulfill in the fairy tale? (Emeli)
K.1. What insect “hears” with its feet? (grasshopper)
K.2. What bird doesn't hatch eggs? (cuckoo)
O.1. The main occupation of the inhabitants of the tundra? (reindeer husbandry)
O.2.Who has eight legs? (octopus)
P.1. What bird doesn't fly? (penguin)
A thin stem by the path,
At the end of his earring.
There are leaves on the ground -
Small bursts.
To us he is like good friend
Treats wounds of legs and arms. (plantain)
I.1. What letter must be placed in front of the name of the river to make a bird? (and - oriole)
AND 2. Who got a tail for their birthday? (to Eeyore)
T.1. My skin is striped from mustache to tail,
I am a hunter, I attack prey from ambushes.
Silently I creep through the jungle, like a shadow.
I also like to swim on a hot day (tiger)
T.2. Who is called the "sea hare"? (seal)
A.1. Where does a kangaroo live? (Australia)
A.2. Longest snake in the world? (anaconda)
Yu.1. What is the name of a portable dwelling made of felt among the peoples of Asia and Siberia? (yurt)
Yu.2. The guys have fun with me
I'm spinning on my leg alone.
While I'm spinning, I'm not pushing.
Buzz-buzz, buzz-buzz. (spinster)
Shield 1. Lake predator (pike)
Shield 2. Capricious sandals
One day they told me:
"We are afraid of tickling
Strict shoemaker... (brushes)
The most active viewer will receive a prize.
I.1. Spreads its tail like a peacock,
He walks like an important gentleman,
Feet knock on the ground,
What is his name - ... (Turkey)
AND 2. One-eyed old lady
Embroiders patterns, dresses the whole world,
Whatever he sews, he doesn’t put on. (Needle)
E.1 There is a tubercle in the needles
The mouse was dragged into the hole. (Hedgehog)
E.2. Winter and summer the same color? (spruce)
It turns out the word
Round 5 - final game.
Before you is the word MAMMALS. From this word you need to make as many words as possible. You are given 1 minute, after the time runs out, you will read your words one by one; if the words run out, a Star can be used instead of a word. And so time passed.
- Summing up and rewarding (certificate for 1st place; gifts for players).
At the end of the intellectual game, the song “Miracle” from the TV game “Finest Hour” is played.

The rules for organizing an intellectual game are given in detail in the scenario itself. By expanding the horizons of students, the quiz material also allows them to cultivate a culture of communication and instill the skills of healthy competition. Fascinating questions related to various school subjects:, and. In addition to the ten-day or subject week, you can conduct this quiz in form in grades 8-11.

Description of the game progress Finest Hour

At the first stage of the game, of course, the teacher welcomes the participants of the event and reminds them of the rules. He voices the motto of the meeting and begins organizing the qualifying round, which will allow electing 7 participants who correctly answered the proposed questions:

What letter of the Greek alphabet is usually used when denoting " change» any parameter? ( Answer: delta.)
How much is created by man? ( Answer: list the famous seven wonders of the world.)
What Latin letter is usually used to denote “ unknown"in mathematics? ( Answer: x.)
What gas is most abundant in the Universe? ( Answer: hydrogen.)
Which of the seven famous Wonders of the World can still be seen today? ( Answer: pyramids of Egyptian pharaohs.)
Name smallest number, divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 without a remainder? ( Answer: 60.)
What unites the toadstool, the buffoon, the gape, the piglet, the laughing one, the fulmar and the screamer? ( Answer: they are all birds.)
What lives in Sochi, to which the city owes its resort status, having gotten rid of malaria mosquitoes? ( Answer: Gambusia fish that destroyed the larvae of malaria mosquitoes.)
What was the name of the abacus in and? ( Answer: abacus.)
Where were fractions of the following type used: even, half, half? ( Answer to.)
In which country did they first use zero one and a half thousand years ago ( «0») ? (Answer: India.)

First round of the game Finest Hour

Having decided on the results of the qualifying round with seven participants in the game, the teacher informs about the rules of the first round. On this tour possible options answers can be numbers from one to five. The following questions are asked:

How many corners will a rectangle have if one corner is cut off? ( Answer: 5.)
This number was called " sunya" Translated into their own language, the Arabs began to call the number “ sifra" What number are we talking about? ( Answer: 0.)
In many Russians folk tales, as well as in fairy tales of other peoples, this number is most often found. What is this number? ( Answer: 3.)
Which number was taken in ancient times as a symbol of strength and stability? ( Answer: 4.)
What number was considered lucky and magical? And even in more ancient times, this number meant “ All" What number are you talking about? ( Answer: 3.)
What number is taken to symbolize a woman? ( Answer: 2.)
What number is the symbol of a man? ( Answer: 1.)

Second round of the game Finest Hour

In the second round, the answer options will be: pigeon, mosquito, louse, herring, hyena, sea wasp, kangaroo. The following questions are proposed:
What animals were imported from the Pasteur Institute in the last decades of the 19th century for research? ( Answer: lice.)
What animal had a reputation in Europe during the Middle Ages as a unit of exchange due to its uniform size? ( Answer: herring.)
Which of the following animals is not capable of moving backwards, and for this reason is depicted on the state emblem? ( Answer: kangaroo.)
What animals did a naturalist named Alfred Brehm call " citizens of the world", although in Germany they are often compared to rats? ( Answer: pigeons.)
Which animal can be classified as serial killers, from whose bite many more people die in the world than from the bites of snakes, elephants and scorpions? ( Answer: mosquito.)

Very exciting questions of this kind are offered to schoolchildren in this intellectual game. Detailed scenario extracurricular activity « " can be downloaded at the beginning of the publication, as well as the accompanying quiz, presentation, and below you can view the contents of the slides ↓

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